EST Problem Set 3 Answer Key
EST Problem Set 3 Answer Key
EST Problem Set 3 Answer Key
d = vpt
1. The moon orbits the earth with a
For flat terrain analysis, tan i = d / 2hv d = cv f t
period of approximately 28 days. How
i = tan−1 [d / 2hv ]
far away is it? Assume circular orbit.
= tan ⎣⎡500 / 2 (110 )⎦⎤
35m = 3x108 m
( s ) v ⎛⎜⎝ 250ns
2 ⎟⎠
d = 2πR = vt
= tan−1 [2.273 ] = 66.25° v f = 0.933
2π ( 6371km + dkm ) 4x1011 m
= ⎛ f ⎞
86400s ( 6371km + dkm ) s OWF = 0.85 x MUF = 0.85 ⎜ c ⎟ 11. The input square wave to an
1day ⎝ cos θ ⎠ oscilloscope has a rise time of 15ns.
What is the rise time of the displayed
dkm = 383,584km ⎛ 4MHz ⎞
= 0.85 ⎜ o ⎟
8.4422 MHz square wave if the bandwidth of the
⎝ cos66.25 ⎠ oscilloscope is 60 MHz?
2. What is the length of the path to a
geostationary satellite from an Earth 7. What is the total radio horizon distance
station if the angle of elevation is 300? t r = 1.1 t ri2 + t ra 2
between an 80 ft transmitting station
and a 20 ft receiving station? 0.35 0.35
t ra = =
(r + h ) − (r cos θ )
− r sin θ BW 60MHz
dmi = 2h t(ft ) + 2hr(ft ) t ra = 5.83ns
= ( 6371 km
+ 36000km ) − ( 6371cos300 ) 2 2
= 2 (80 ) + 2 ( 20 ) t r = 1.1 (15ns ) + (5.83ns )
− 6371sin300
dmi = 18.97mi t r = 17.7ns
d = 38,824km
fc = 12.73 MHz or 13 MHz approx. 10. TDR equipment receives the signal 15. Given a mark frequency of 49 kHz and
250ns after the test signal had been space frequency of 51 kHz, and an
6. A radio communication link is to be transmitted. If the discontinuity of the input bit rate of 2 kbps. Determine (a)
established via the ionosphere. The line is found 35 meter from the test peak frequency deviation (b) minimum
maximum virtual height of the layer is point, what is the velocity factor of the bandwidth (c) baud for the binary FSK
110 km. at the midpoint of the path line?
and the critical frequency is 4 MHz. If
the distance between the radio
stations is 500 km, what is the suitable
value for the optimum working
frequency? Use flat terrain analysis.
fm − fs 49kHz − 51kHz SOLUTION δ = mfm
a. δ = =
2 2 (a ) δN = mN fm
δ = 1kHz Lƒs = 32.44 + 20 log d + 20 log ƒ ⎛S⎞
m = φ = sin−1 ⎜ ⎟
= 32.44 + 20 log 10 + 20 log 800 ⎝N⎠
b.BW = 2 ( δ + fb ) = 2 (1kHz + 2kbps ) = 6kHz = 110.5 dB ⎛N⎞
mN = φN = sin−1 ⎜ ⎟
fb 2kbps (b ) ⎝S⎠
c.fbaud = = = 2kbaud
n 1 Lp = 68.75 + 26.16 log ƒ − 13.82 log h ⎛ 1 ⎞
mN = sin−1 ⎜ ⎟
+ ( 44.9 − 6.55 log h ) log d ⎝ 2.8 ⎠
16. Determine the minimum bandwidth
required for an information data rate of = 68.75 + 26.16 log 800 − 13.82 log 30 mN = 20.92 o
12 kbps for QPSK, 8-PSK, 8-QAM, 16- + ( 44.9 − 6.55 log 30 ) log 10 πrad
PSK and 16-QAM δN = 20.92o x x1.5kHz
= 159.5 dB 180
δN = 547.81Hz
M=2 n
⎡ Z + jZ o tan θ ⎤ average synchronization time for DS-1
Zin = Zo ⎢ L ⎥ signal using T1 carrier?
⎣ Z o + jZL tan θ ⎦
360 360f 33. In a microwave communications sync time = 2NT
θ= =
λ cVf system, what is the multipath effect for
= 2 (193 )(125µs ) = 48.25ms
a distance of 5 km, if the fade margin
360 ( 30MHz ) is to be estimated for this particular link N = number bits per frame
θ= = 45 o
(3x10 ) (0.8 )
using 4 GHz operating frequency and = 193 bits / frame for DS − 1 ( T1)
objective of 99.995%?
⎡ 100 + j50 tan 45 ⎤ T = frame period = 125 us
Zin = 50 ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 50 + j100 tan 45 ⎦ L = 30logdkm
Zin = 40 − j30Ω = 30log5 = 20.97dB
28. In tropospheric scatter propagation, if 34. From the previous problem, what is the 38. The reverberation time of a 184 cubic
the surface refractivity of the loss associated with the given meters broadcast studio is 0.84 sec.
transmitter section is 204 and the reliability objective? Find the absorption of the materials
receiver section is 202, what is the used in metric Sabines.
actual surface refractivity? L = −10log (1 − R )
nts + nrs = −10log (1 − 0.99995 ) t 60 =
n= α
2 L = 43dB
0.161(184 )
204 + 202 0.84s =
= = 203 35. A hexagonal cell within a four-cell α
system has a radius of 1.378 km. α = 35.26m2
29. An ITU-R Recommendation 930-1 is
There are a total number of 60
defined by Residual Bit Error Ratio.
What is the RBER if it has a length of channels within the system. If the load 39. Calculate the approximate resonant
5000 km? per user is 0.029 E and the holding call frequency for a panel absorber of a
is 1 call/hour, compute the number of mass of 60kg/sq. meters and in a
users per square kilometre to be depth of 0.2 meters.
! km + 5x10 −9 provided by the system when the
5000 system to be used is an Erlang C with
5000 + 5x10 −9 a probability of 5% delayed call and 60 60
= traffic of 9.0E. fr = = = 17.3Hz
5000 md 60 ( 0.2 )
RBER = 5x10 −9
N= 40. A helical antenna with eight turns is to
30. A two-port network is characterize by traffic / users
be constructed for a frequency of 1.2
its noise figure of 0.5 dBm and a gain 9E GHz. Calculate the antenna gain in dBi
power of 1010. What is the noise power
0.029E / user assuming optimum spacing and
of the two-port if the input noise is 0.1 N = 311 diameter.
N 311 311
= = 2 15NS ( πD2 )
N = GNi (NF − 1) A 3.464r 2 3.464 (1.378km ) G=
NF users
FdBm = 10log = 48 optimumquantities
1x10−3 km2
λ λ
NF S= D=
0.5dBm = 10log 36. Determine the chromatic dispersion of 4 π
a fiber with zero-dispersion at a 15N 15 ( 8 )
NF = 1.12x10 −3 wavelength of 1310 nm and S0 of 0.05 G= = = 14.8dBi
ps/(nm2-km), Source wavelength is 4 4
N = 1010 ( 0.1µW ) (1.12x10 −3 − 1)
1550 nm.
N = −998.88W 41. A network with a bandwidth of 10
Mbps can pass only an average of
31. A splitter divides the original signal 12000 frames per minute with each
supplying each two out ports with one frame carrying an average of 10 000
half of the input voltage level. Each bits. What is the throughput of this
port will have how many dB loss? network?
Assume no insertion loss.
throughput = 12000x10000x
⎛ 1⎞ 60s
L = 20log ⎜ ⎟
⎝2⎠ so
⎡ λo 4 ⎤
= 2Mbps
L = −6.02dB Do = ⎢λ − 3 ⎥
4⎣ λ ⎦ 42. In an antenna, determine the
32. You are asked to determine the 0.5 ⎡ 13104 ⎤ polarization mismatch loss in dB for
= ⎢1550 − 15° misalignment angle between two
communication link parameter at 2000 4 ⎣ 15503 ⎥⎦
bps wireless satellite system. If the antennas.
received power is 7.2 x 10-15W, Do = 9.49
determine the symbol time if QPSK nm − km Polarization Mismatch Loss (dB)
modulation is used. ⎛ 1 ⎞
37. The North American Bell System T- L = 20log ⎜ ⎟
carrier TDM is using added-digit ⎝ cos θ ⎠
2 2
ts = = = 1ms framing to achieve frame ⎛ 1 ⎞
fb 2000bps L = 20log ⎜ o ⎟
= 0.3dB
synchronization. What is the maximum ⎝ cos15 ⎠
43. When electromagnetic waves are
reflected at an angle from a wall, their
wavelength along the wall is
a. the same as in free space
b. the same as the wavelength
perpendicular to the wall
c. shortened because of the Doppler
d. greater than in the actual
direction of propagation