2013 J Fragility Functions For Geotechnical Constructions - SDEE
2013 J Fragility Functions For Geotechnical Constructions - SDEE
2013 J Fragility Functions For Geotechnical Constructions - SDEE
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Fragility curves constitute an emerging tool for the seismic risk assessment of all constructions at risk.
Received 5 November 2012 They describe the probability of a structure being damaged beyond a specific damage state for various
Received in revised form levels of ground shaking. They are usually represented as two-parameter (median and log-standard
15 February 2013
deviation) cumulative lognormal distributions. In this paper a numerical approach is proposed for the
Accepted 18 February 2013
construction of fragility curves for geotechnical constructions. The methodology is applied to cantilever
Available online 9 April 2013
bridge abutments on surface foundation often used in road and railway networks. The response of the
Keywords: abutment to increasing levels of seismic intensity is evaluated using a 2D nonlinear FE model, with an
Fragility curves elasto-plastic criterion to simulate the soil behavior. A calibration procedure is followed in order to
account for the dependency of both the stiffness and the damping on the soil strain level. The effect of
Retaining walls
soil conditions and ground motion characteristics on the global soil and structural response is taken
Bridge abutments
Site effects into account considering different typical soil profiles and seismic input motions. The objective is to
Numerical modeling assess the vulnerability of the road network as regards the performance of the bridge abutments;
therefore, the level of damage, is described in terms of the range of settlement that is observed on the
backfill. The effect of backfill material to the overall response of the abutment wall is also examined.
The fragility curves are estimated based on the evolution of damage with increasing earthquake
intensity. The proposed approach allows the evaluation of new fragility curves considering the
distinctive features of the structure geometry, the input motion and the soil properties as well as the
associated uncertainties. The proposed fragility curves are verified based on observed damage during
the 2007 Niigata-Chuetsu Oki earthquake.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction as lifeline systems (e.g. [32,35]). They relate the seismic intensity
to the probability of reaching or exceeding a damage state (e.g.
The experience of past earthquakes worldwide reveals that minor, moderate, extensive, collapse) for each element at risk.
geotechnical structures are quite vulnerable to earthquake shaking. Different approaches can be used to develop the fragility curves,
In addition to life and material losses, damage to roadway and including empirical, judgmental, analytical and hybrid methods.
railway elements (tunnels, embankments, trenches, levees, slopes, Analytical fragility curves adopt damage distributions simulated
retaining walls and others) can seriously affect the transportation from the analyses of structural models under increasing earth-
of people and products in both short-term (emergency actions) and quake loads as their statistical basis [40]. Recently, fragility curve
long-term periods. The examples of recent devastating earthquakes methodologies using numerical approaches have become widely
in Japan and New Zealand indicate that even in developed areas, adopted as they are more readily applicable to different structural
damage to geotechnical structures is often as visible and important types and geographical regions where damage records are insuf-
as the structural damage. Therefore, the vulnerability of earth ficient. Although such approaches are commonly used to describe
structures is of great interest in the seismic risk assessment of the seismic response of structures such as buildings (e.g. [1]) or
transportation networks and infrastructures. bridges (e.g. [33]), their use for the fragility analysis of geotech-
Fragility curves constitute one of the key elements of seismic nical structures is limited (e.g. [6], for tunnels; [4] for bridge
probabilistic risk assessment of the built-up environment as well abutments; [24], for waterfront structures). Fragility curves for
most of the lifeline elements and transportation infrastructures
are provided in HAZUS [32], however, retaining walls or bridge
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ 30 2310 995842. abutments are not included. Similarly, the REDARS methodology
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Argyroudis). [44] that was developed for seismic risk analysis of highway
0267-7261/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Argyroudis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 50 (2013) 106–116 107
systems proposes damage threshold and repair costs for bridge soil dynamic properties and stratigraphy, can significantly affect
approach fills but not in the form of fragility curves. the response of the structure under consideration [15]. The
Generally, earthquake effects on geotechnical structures such selection of seismic input motion is an important step of the
as tunnels, retaining walls, bridge abutments, trenches or analysis. Among other procedures, the selection of accelerograms
embankments can be grouped into two categories: (1) ground is often performed on the basis of compatibility between their
shaking; and (2) ground failure such as liquefaction, fault dis- response spectra and a corresponding ‘target’ spectrum as defined
placement, and slope instability. The major factors determining by code provisions or computed directly through seismic hazard
the seismic performance of geotechnical structures include the analysis [25]. In the present application, different typical soil
geometry (shape, dimensions) and material properties of the profiles and seismic input motions are used to account for the
structure, the properties of the surrounding soil or rock and the effect of soil and backfill conditions and ground motion charac-
severity of the ground shaking or ground failure. Typical damage teristics in the global soil-structure response. The stiffness and
modes of bridge abutments include the lateral movements, tilting damping parameters are defined based on the results of 1D
and settlements of the wall as well as lateral movements and equivalent linear analysis, in order to be compatible with the
settlements of the backfill (Fig. 1). Although approach fill settle- expected strain levels during the earthquake. By defining the
ment does not typically result in extensive repair costs and traffic damage level through an appropriate damage index, the fragility
delay, it has been the most commonly occurring type of failure in curves are constructed as a function of the level and the type of
highway and railway systems during recent earthquakes. seismic excitation considering the primary sources of uncertain-
The objective of the present paper is to develop fragility curves ties as it is described later. This approach allows evaluating the
for bridge abutments of retaining cantilever wall type with fragility curves of geotechnical structures such as the type that is
surface foundation under seismic shaking. The effect of different considered herein, respecting the distinctive features of their
parameters on the overall performance of the backfill-abutment geometries, input motion characteristics and soil properties.
under seismic excitation is examined. In particular, the soil
conditions underneath the abutment, the geometry of the abut- 2.1. Definition of damage states
ment, as well as the properties of the backfill material are studied.
Fragility curves are derived for different soil types and abutment Different damage levels have been proposed for the vari-
heights. ous elements of the roadway system infrastructures based on
damage description, functionality criteria or repair costs (e.g.
[32,44,29,5]). The damage states (ds) that have been defined in
2. Methodology the European project SYNER-G [27] are used in this paper
(Table 1). These states are described in terms of induced perma-
The proposed procedure for the derivation of analytical fragi- nent vertical ground displacement (PVGD) of the backfill, which
lity curves for geotechnical structures is described in Fig. 2. The represents the damage index (DI) of the bridge abutment. In
procedure is similar to the one used by Argyroudis and Pitilakis particular, a mean value of PVGD is estimated for minor, moder-
[6] where numerical fragility curves were derived for shallow ate and extensive/complete damage based on a range of values
tunnels in alluvial deposits. In the aforementioned study the (min, max). These definitions are based on expert judgment and
response of the tunnel was calculated under quasi static condi- they are consistent with the existing ones (e.g. [32,44]).
tions, while in the present one the response of the coupled system
wall–soil, backfill is calculated through a 2D nonlinear dynamic Geotechnical Soil type Seismic input motion
numerical analysis. For a given seismic hazard intensity, the structure typology Typical soil profiles Accelerograms, intensity levels
Basic models
typology of the exposed structure is a key factor. The geometry,
material properties, soil and topography conditions, code design
level and structure details are important parameters which Damage index (DI), 2D dynamic analysis 1D equivalent linear analysis of
describe the typology of the element at risk as well as its capacity damage states (ds), of geotechnical the soil profiles - input motions
thresholds values of structures - soil models
to withstand seismic loads. For earth structures, the main typo- DI for each ds models
logical feature is the soil type which characterizes either a
construction (e.g. embankment, backfill, slope) or its foundation Soil stiffness
Evolution of damage with intensity and damping parameters
and surrounding material. Different soil classification systems are
measure (IM), definition of median
available based on various soil properties. A widely used classi-
threshold value of IM for each ds
fication scheme is the one provided by Eurocode 8 [13], which is (seismic demand, element
based on the soil’s shear wave velocity, Vs30. Therefore, represen- capacity, definition of DI and ds)
Fragility curves for each structure
tative models should be selected for the development of adequate trypology and soil type
fragility curves.
The characteristics of the earthquake ground motion in terms Fig. 2. General procedure for deriving numerical fragility curves for geotechnical
of amplitude, frequency content and duration, in relation to the structures.
Fig. 1. Settlement of backfill behind a bridge abutment (left) and example of bridge performance during 2007 Niigata-Chuetsu Oki, Japan earthquake (right).
108 S. Argyroudis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 50 (2013) 106–116
Table 1
Definition of damage states.
ds1: Minor 0.02 0.08 0.05 Open reduced speeds or partially closed during repair
ds2: Moderate 0.08 0.22 0.15 Closed or partially closed during repair works
ds3: Extensive/complete 0.22 0.58 0.40 Closed during repair works
Damage Index
The selected thresholds are also related with the serviceability of
the road in terms of traffic conditions. The closure duration
depends on the length of the damage as well as on the number
of traffic lanes.
ln DI (dsi)
ferent limit states given a level of ground shaking. The level of
shaking can be defined using numerous earthquake parameters
depending on the structure under consideration. These include βD
peak ground acceleration, velocity, displacement, spectral accel-
eration, velocity, displacement or permanent ground displace-
ment. Fragility curves are usually described by a lognormal
probability distribution function, as follows:
1 IM
P f ðdsZ dsi 9SÞ ¼ F Uln ð1Þ
btot IM mi
where Pf( ) is the probability of exceeding a particular damage ln IMmi Intensity Measure
state, ds, for a given seismic intensity level defined by the
Fig. 3. Example of evolution of damage with earthquake intensity measure (IM)
earthquake intensity measure, IM (e.g. Peak Ground Accelera- and definition of threshold median value (IMmi) for the damage state i (dsi).
tion-PGA), F is the standard cumulative probability function, IMmi Definition of standard deviation (bD) due to variability of input motion (demand).
is the median threshold value of the earthquake intensity mea-
sure, required to cause the ith damage state, and btot is the total
3. Application to cantilever retaining walls
lognormal standard deviation. Therefore, the development of
fragility curves according to Eq. (1) requires the definition of
A bridge abutment with a simplified model as a cantilever
two parameters, IMmi and btot.
retaining wall on surface foundation is considered for the appli-
The level of abutment-backfill damage is described by a
cation (Fig. 4). Two different heights (h), commonly used in
damage index (DI) expressing the exceedance of certain limit
practice are considered, equal to 6.0 and 7.5 m. It is assumed
states (Table 1) and the fragility curves are estimated based on
that the bridge deck is supported by bearings on the wall and that
the evolution of damage index with increasing earthquake inten-
it does not receive horizontal forces. A vertical load equal to
sity considering the associated uncertainties. An example is given
200 kN/m is applied on top of the wall in order to simulate the
in Fig. 3, where the different points indicate the results of analysis
total load of the deck. The deck lateral reaction is assumed
in terms of damage index for different levels of earthquake
intensity. The solid line is produced based on a regression analysis
and the median threshold value of the intensity measure (IMmi)
required to cause the ith damage state (dsi) is estimated based on 3.1. Input motions
the definition of this damage state through the damage index. A
lognormal standard deviation (btot) that describes the total Five real acceleration time histories from different earth-
variability associated with each fragility curve has to be esti- quakes, recorded on soil similar to class A (rock) or B (stiff soil)
mated. Three primary sources of uncertainty are considered [32], of Eurocode 8 [13], were selected as outcrop motion for both the
namely the definition of damage states (bds), the response and 1D ground response and the 2D coupled soil-backfill-abutment
resistance (capacity) of the element (bC) and the earthquake input analyses. The earthquakes are:
motion (demand) (bD). The total variability is modeled by the
combination of the three contributors, assuming that they are
Kocaeli (Gebze), Turkey, M ¼7.4, 1999;
statistically independent and lognormally distributed random
Hector Mine (Hector), USA, M¼7.1, 1999;
Parnitha (Kypseli), Greece, M¼6.0, 1999;
Loma Prieta (Diamond Height), USA, M ¼6.9, 1989;
btot ¼ b2DS þ b2C þ b2D ð2Þ
Umbria Marche (Gubbio-Piana), Italy, M¼4.8, 1998.
Due to the lack of a more rigorous estimation, the uncertainty
parameters can be obtained from the literature (e.g. HAZUS, [32]). The records are selected to cover the inherent uncertainties
However, the last source of uncertainty, associated with seismic related to the seismic motion such as the seismotectonic envir-
demand, can be described by the standard deviation of the DIs onment, amplitude, frequency content and significant duration.
that have been calculated for the different input motions at each No specific soil amplification factors are applied, as this is
level of PGA. explicitly taken into consideration through the numerical
S. Argyroudis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 50 (2013) 106–116 109
Bridge deck
t1 h
H Soil
Bedrock EQ
4.0 care is needed for fault characteristic except of course the case
that the potential seismic fault is crossing the bridge abutment,
which is a rather different problem.
3.2. Soil profiles and geometry
20 20
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
30 30
40 40
50 50
Depth (m)
6 backfill 1
backfill 2
Fig. 6. Variation of shear wave velocities (Vs) and initial shear modulus (Gmax) with depth for the soil profiles underneath the abutment (a) and the backfills (b).
out to derive realistic parameters for the soil modulus and As an example, Fig. 7 shows the variations with depth of
damping at the expected shear strain levels during the increasing maximum shear strain (gmax), normalized shear modulus
levels of seismic excitation. The resulting average stiffness and (G/Gmax), damping ratio (D) and maximum acceleration (PGA)
damping parameters were adopted in the finite element analyses for the input motion Kypseli scaled at 0.1 g.
in order to be compatible with the shear deformation level A calibration procedure was followed in order to account for
expected during each utilized earthquake. Similar approach was the dependency of both the stiffness and the damping on the
adopted by Gil et al. [18], Hashash et al. [19], Gazetas et al. [16], strain level. In this context, the results from the 1D analyses for all
Amorosi and Boldini [2] for the analysis of buried structures. the input motions scaled at 0.1 g were employed. This assumption
The 1D ground response analyses were performed using the was made because the equivalent linear methods are more
code EERA [8], which is based on the assumption of equivalent reliable only for lower strain levels. For higher strain levels the
linear soil behavior. The variation of the shear modulus G/Gmax effect of nonlinearity is captured through the Mohr–Coulomb
and damping ratio D with the shear strain level g was defined yield criterion used for the soil behavior in the 2D model.
according to the typical results available in the literature. In For each layer of the numerical FE model a single value of G
particular, the curves provided by Darendeli [11] as a function of was used based on the average computed G/Gmax ratio, equal to
plasticity index (PI) and effective stress were used. Curves with an 0.68 for soil type C and 0.55 for soil type D (Fig. 8). The reduction
average PI ¼30% were selected in this study. For the bedrock, the of the Gmax value for the backfill material was estimated in a
curves proposed by Schnabel et al. [41] were applied. A total similar way. The average aR and bR Rayleigh coefficients were
number of 14 layers were assumed to model the 50 m soil profile. computed based on the average value of damping for all layers.
S. Argyroudis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 50 (2013) 106–116 111
Maximum Shear strain (%) Maximum Acceleration (g) G/Gmax Damping Ratio (%)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 5 10 15
0 0.05 0.1
0 0 0 0
5 5 5 5
10 10 10 10
15 15 15 15
20 20 20 20
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
25 25 25 25
30 30 30 30
35 35 35 35
40 40 40 40
45 45 45 45
50 50 50 50
Maximum Shear strain (%) Maximum Acceleration (g) G/Gmax Damping Ratio (%)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 10 20 30
0 0.5 1
0 0 0
5 5 5
10 10 10 10
15 15 15 15
20 20 20 20
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
25 25 25 25
30 30 30 30
35 35 35 35
40 40 40 40
45 45 45 45
50 50 50 50
Fig. 7. Results of the 1D ground response analysis performed with EERA for soil profile type C (a) and D (b). Input motion: Kypseli—0.1 g.
G (MPa)
10 Soil D
Soil C
Fig. 9. FEM employed in the analyses with detail of the finite element mesh near
the structure.
Depth (m)
The total width of the model is 500 m, which is sufficient to avoid input motions. It is clear that in all the cases of soil types and
boundary effects. The domain was discretized in a total of 2702 abutment geometry the response of the abutment-approach fill is
15-node plain strain triangular elements. In the area around the improved when the friction angle of the backfill material is
abutment wall the mesh was refined as shown in Fig. 9. Con- increased. In particular, the maximum settlement of the backfill
sistently with the 1D ground response analyses, the foundation is reduced on average by 25% for the soil type C, while the
soil domain was modeled with 14 horizontal layers to account for reduction in soil type D is approximately 20%. Consequently, the
the variable stiffness with depth. The backfill was modeled in backfill material influences the overall vulnerability of the abut-
4 horizontal layers. ment as it is expressed in the present work.
All analyses were started by performing a set of initial stage
analyses to simulate initial geostatic stresses as well as the
construction of the wall and the backfill. Then the dynamic 5. Fragility curves
analyses followed where the seismic input is applied uniformly
at the basis of the model. To ensure proper parameters selection The derivation of fragility curves (i.e. definition of the median
for the soil and wall, an evaluation of the static safety factor was threshold value of PGA for each damage state) is based on the
made. All phases of the analysis were characterized by the construction of a curve for the computed damage indices in terms
assumption of elasto-plastic soil behavior (i.e. Mohr–Coulomb of permanent vertical ground displacement (i.e. settlements of
criterion). Proper interface elements with a realistic friction the backfill, PVGD), versus increasing seismic intensity in terms of
coefficient of Rinter ¼0.70 were used to model the interface PGA at the ground surface under free field conditions. The curves
between the backfill and foundation soil with the wall. A constructed in that way represent the evolution of damage with
representative example of the analysis output is given in Fig. 10 increasing earthquake intensity. The curves are established by a
where the vertical displacements in the backfill and the deformed regression analysis, considering PVGD as the dependent variable
mesh are illustrated. and PGA as the independent variable. Similar approaches are used
for the derivation of the fragility functions in other studies (e.g.
[33,34,6,15]). The median threshold value of PGA can be obtained
4. Effect of backfill material for each damage state using this curve and the definitions of
damage states given in Table 1. When the computational results
The influence of backfill strength properties on the perfor- do not reach complete damage threshold, the fragility curves for
mance of retaining walls and bridge abutments under seismic this damage state are derived based on extrapolation of the
conditions has been recently addressed in a number of studies available results.
based on numerical models (e.g. [7,31,39]), shaking table and A lognormal standard deviation (b) that describes the total
centrifuge tests results (e.g. [42,28,14,43]). The reference case for variability associated with each fragility curve has to be estimated
the backfill in this study is the case of backfill 2 in Fig. 6b. To (see Eq. (2)). Due to the lack of a rigorous estimation, the
investigate the influence of the backfill material on the results, a uncertainty associated with the definition of damage states (bds)
different backfill with lower strength and stiffness was considered is set equal to 0.4 following the approach of HAZUS [32] for
(backfill 1, Fig. 6b). buildings. The uncertainty due to the capacity (bC) is assigned
Fig. 11 shows the variation of the maximum vertical ground equal to 0.3 based on engineering judgment. The last source of
displacements in the two backfill cases under different seismic uncertainty, associated with the seismic demand, is described by
Fig. 10. Distribution of the backfill permanent vertical displacements (max 0.16 m) (a) and deformed mesh (b). Case: h ¼ 6 m, soil type C, input motion Gebze—0.4 g,
backfill 2.
S. Argyroudis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 50 (2013) 106–116 113
backfill 1
Vertical Displacement -Backfill (m)
backfill 2
Average (backfill 1)
Average (backfill 2)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
PGA free field (g)
0.5 backfill 2
Average (backfill 1)
0.4 Average (backfill 2)
Table 2
Parameters of numerical fragility curves for cantilever retaining walls.
Soil Wall Median peak ground acceleration (g) Lognormal
0.2 type height standard
(m) ds1: ds2: ds3: Extensive/ deviation (b)
Minor moderate complete
C 6.0 0.38 0.64 1.02 0.70
7.5 0.26 0.52 0.97 0.70
D 6.0 0.20 0.45 0.93 0.90
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 7.5 0.18 0.39 0.78 0.90
PGA free field (g)
Fig. 11. Variation of vertical ground displacement for different backfill materials.
Tsurugi 37.39212 43 Minor 158 (D) 89.47 0.68 0.15
138.60075 Minor
Heishi Hashi 37.38940 22 Moderate 195 (C) 84.79 0.64 0.10 Moderate
Heishi O-Hashi 37.38896 118 Extensive 195 (C) 84.79 0.64 Extensive
138.57581 0.05
Rinko Yasaka 37.36774 81 Moderate 230 (C) 72.15 0.71
Yasaka 37.36575 62 Minor 230 (C) 72.15 0.71
138.54353 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ukawa 37.36405 67 None 195 (C) 84.79 0.64 number of damaged bridges
Osu 37.36350 66 Extensive 195 (C) 87.10 0.66 Soil D
138.5478 0.45
Hokuriku 37.42252 130 Unknown 406 (B) 32.21 0.32
Expway 138.64122 0.40
Nishiura 37.42478 19 Extensive 195 (C) 66.56 0.50 0.35
(Route 352) 138.60757
Hachisaki 37.3150 185 Minor 260 (C) 26.68 0.26 0.30
P(n ds=x)
138.4370 Minor
Omigawa 37.343 300 None 420 (B) 24.61 0.24 Moderate
138.482 0.20 Extensive
Yoshiigawa 37.399 200 Extensive 161 (D) 78.22 0.59
Route 522 37.364 10 Moderate 196 (C) 91.91 0.70 0.10
Ugawa river 37.3605 60 Minor 195 (C) 84.79 0.64 0.05
138.5490 0.00
Yoneyama 37.346 280 None 456 (B) 23.96 0.23
0 1 2 3 4 5
Yonahime 37.31680 120 None 260 (C) 26.68 0.26 number of damaged bridges
Highway 116 37.446 20 Minor 289 (C) 41.02 0.40 Fig. 15. Distribution of estimated damage through the proposed numerical
138.638 fragility curves for abutments in soil type C and D for the 2007 Niigata-Chuetsu
Oki earthquake.
S. Argyroudis et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 50 (2013) 106–116 115
Table 4
Comparison between observed and estimated by the proposed fragility curves damage for the 2007 Niigata-Chuetsu Oki earthquake.
Soil C Soil D
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