Reading Assignment 7.2
Reading Assignment 7.2
Reading Assignment 7.2
7.2 Types of Reactions
Key Concepts Vocabulary Reading Strategy 7.2.1 Classify chemical reactions as
What are the general types N synthesis reaction Previewing Skim the section and begin a synthesis, decomposition,
of chemical reactions? N decomposition concept map like the one below that identifies
reaction types of reactions with a general form. As you single-replacement, double-
How did the discovery of
subatomic particles affect N single-replacement read, add the general form of each type replacement, or combustion
the classification of reaction of reaction. reactions.
reactions? N double-replacement 7.2.2 Describe oxidation-reduction
reaction Types of Reactions
N combustion
reactions, and relate them to
reaction other classifications of chemical
N oxidation-reduction Single reactions.
reaction Synthesis a. ? b. ?
Build Vocabulary L2
Word Forms Ask students to write
200 Chapter 7
Automobile Safety:
Automobile Air Bags L2
Safety: Air Bags The force of the reaction that inflates an
air bag causes the air bag to break out
Air bags are inflatable cushions built into a car’s steering
of the steering wheel at up to 200 miles
wheel or dashboard. In a crash, the bags inflate, Testing air bags per hour. One way that manufacturers
protecting both the driver and the passenger. The whole Air bags have been shown to
reduce the risk of serious injury in
help the bag withstand the friction of
process takes 0.04 second. Interpreting Diagrams What is this fast movement is by lubricating the
a head-on collision by 30 percent.
the source of the gas that fills an air bag? New cars have air bags on both bag with powders, such as talcum
the driver and passenger sides. powder or cornstarch.
Interpreting Diagrams The source
Collision A collision triggers of the nitrogen gas that fills an air bag is
the car’s crash sensors, which Ignition unit
send an electrical signal to the reacting sodium azide contained in
Igniter the ignition unit. When the sodium azide
the igniter in the
steering wheel. pellets are heated, they decompose into
Sodium azide pellets
sodium metal and nitrogen gas.
Crash sensor
Air bag folded Visual
into steering wheel
Nitrogen L3
gas leaks Steering wheel
For Enrichment
Have students research the benefits and
Air bag inflates The igniter sets off drawbacks of including air bags in
a combustion reaction that heats up automobiles. They may want to find out
the sodium azide (NaN3) contained in the about the types of injuries caused and
ignition unit. When it is heated, the sodium
azide decomposes into metallic sodium (Na)
prevented by air bags as well as the
and nitrogen gas (N2). The nitrogen gas types of injuries that air bags cannot
inflates the air bag. The decomposition prevent. Verbal
reaction is 2NaN3 → 2Na + 3N2.
residue of L2
reactions Many students incorrectly think that the
reactants are still present after a reaction
has gone to completion. Challenge this
air bag misconception by discussing the
reaction that takes place when an air
Air bag bag inflates. After the class has read the
deflates The
nitrogen escapes
feature on air bags, ask students where
Igniter through tiny holes in the the nitrogen gas comes from when an
Sodium azide bag, causing immediate deflation air bag inflates. Explain that the nitrogen
of the air bag. Because sodium is
Electrical signal
pellets decomposing
dangerous (due to its high reactivity), the
gas produced from the decomposition
from crash sensor ignition unit also contains other chemicals that of solid sodium azide is exactly like the
react with sodium to form a nontoxic material. nitrogen gas in air. Apply this concept
later when the class reads about single-
replacement reactions that have solid
Chemical Reactions 201 reactants and products.
Answer to . . .
Figure 10 The formation of a cloudy
substance and the release of energy
(seen in the photo as light) are
evidence that a chemical reaction is
taking place.
A synthesis reaction is a
reaction in which two or
more substances react to form a single
202 Chapter 7
chemists can compile an activity series, a list of silver in a single-replacement reaction, as in Calcium (Ca)
elements arranged in decreasing activity. The the reaction described in the text. Using the Magnesium (Mg)
elements at the top of the list are the most activity series, you could correctly predict that Zinc (Zn)
reactive and will replace those elements at the the following single-replacement reaction
Iron (Fe)
bottom of the list when they are in would take place.
Lead (Pb)
compounds. For example, according to the Fe CuSO4 h FeSO4 Cu
Hydrogen (H)
Copper (Cu)
Silver (Ag)
202 Chapter 7
Double Replacement A double-replacement reaction is one in
which two different compounds exchange positive ions and form two
new compounds. The general form of a double replacement reaction is Identifying a Type
AB CD h AD CB of Reaction L2
Notice that two replacements take place in this reaction. Not only is A Objective
replacing C, but C is also replacing A. After completing this activity, students
Solutions of lead(II) nitrate, Pb(NO3)2, and potassium iodide, KI, will be able to
are both colorless. However, when these solutions are mixed, as shown • determine whether a chemical
in Figure 13, a yellow precipitate forms as a result of a double- reaction has occurred.
replacement reaction. The equation for this reaction is • identify a single-replacement reaction.
Skills Focus Observing, Predicting
Pb(NO3)2 2KI h PbI2 2KNO3
The lead ions in Pb(NO3)2, trade places with the potassium ions in Prep Time 10 minutes
KI. The products are lead(II) iodide, PbI2, which precipitates out of Advance Prep Purchase zinc strips or
Figure 13 When potassium
solution, and potassium nitrate, KNO3, which remains in solution. iodide solution is poured into a cut a zinc sheet into 1" 2" pieces.
When geologists test the calcium carbonate content in a rock, they solution of lead(II) nitrate, a While wearing safety goggles and heavy
double-replacement reaction
make use of the following double-replacement reaction. gloves, file down all rough edges. To
takes place. Lead(II) iodide forms
CaCO3 2HCl h CaCl2 H2CO3 as a yellow precipitate. prepare 0.1 M CuSO4: Dissolve 2.5 g
Comparing and Contrasting CuSO4•5H2O in enough water to
One of the products of this reaction is calcium chloride, CaCl2. The How does a double-replacement
reaction differ from a single-
make 100 mL of solution. Be sure to
other product is carbonic acid, H2CO3, which decomposes into carbon replacement reaction? take proper safety precautions.
dioxide gas and water.
Class Time 15 minutes
H2CO3 h CO2 H2O Safety Students should wear safety
goggles, lab aprons, and disposable
plastic gloves. They should tie back long
hair and secure any loose clothing.
Expected Outcome The section of
the zinc strip exposed to the CuSO4
Identifying a Type of Reaction solution will have a distinct copper
Materials metal coating and the copper(II) sulfate
solution will become darker and less
piece of zinc, copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4) solution,
250-mL beaker, tongs, paper towel blue in color.
Analyze and Conclude
1. The CuSO4 solution turned less blue
1. Place the zinc in the beaker and add enough
and the zinc became coated with
CuSO4 solution to cover the zinc as shown.
Analyze and Conclude reddish copper.
CAUTION Be careful when using chemicals.
Copper sulfate is toxic. 1. Observing What clues indicate that a 2. Zn and CuSO4; Cu and ZnSO4;
2. After 5 minutes, carefully remove the zinc
chemical reaction has taken place? Zn CuSO4 h Cu ZnSO4
from the solution using the tongs and place 2. Applying Concepts What were the
reactants in this reaction? What were the
3. This is a single-replacement reaction
the zinc on the paper towel to dry. Observe
any changes that have occurred to the zinc products? Write a balanced chemical equation because one element replaces another
and the solution of CuSO4. CAUTION Follow for the reaction. element in a compound. Visual
your teacher’s instructions for disposal of used 3. Classifying Is this a single-replacement or
chemicals. Wash your hands with soap or double-replacement reaction? Explain.
detergent before leaving the laboratory. For Enrichment L2
Have students examine other single
Chemical Reactions 203 metal replacement reactions by placing
copper and magnesium in AgNO3,
CuSO4, MgSO4, and ZnSO4 solutions.
The copper strip will react with AgNO3,
and the magnesium strip will react with
AgNO3, CuSO4, and ZnSO4. Kinesthetic
Answer to . . .
Figure 13 In a double-replacement
reaction, two different compounds
exchange positive ions and form two
new compounds.
A reaction in which one
element takes the place
of another element in a compound
204 Chapter 7
204 Chapter 7
Any process in which an element loses electrons during a chemi-
cal reaction is called oxidation. A reactant is oxidized if it loses Evaluate
electrons. Note that the modern definition of oxidation is much Understanding L2
broader than the original meaning. Oxygen doesn’t always have to be Have students draw and label illustrations
For: Links on oxidation and
present in order for an element to lose electrons. For example, when reduction of different reactions on index cards. Have
sodium reacts with chlorine, each neutral sodium atom loses one elec- Visit: them exchange the cards and practice
tron and becomes a sodium ion, Na+. Web Code: ccn-1072 identifying each type of reaction.
Section 7.2 Assessment down into its elements, according to the 7. MgI2. In ionic compounds, magnesium has
equation 2H2O h 2H2 O2. a charge of 2 and iodine has a charge of 1.
1. Synthesis reaction, decomposition 4. In a single-replacement reaction, an 8. a. Double replacement
reaction, single-replacement reaction, element replaces another element in one b. Combustion
double-replacement reaction, and compound. In a double-replacement c. Single replacement
combustion reaction reaction, two elements replace each other in d. Synthesis
2. The discovery of subatomic particles two different compounds.
allowed scientists to classify certain reactions 5. Carbon dioxide and water
as transfers of electrons between atoms. 6. Yes, this is a redox reaction because electron
3. In the reaction 2H2 O2 h 2H2O, transfer takes place. The charge of mercury
water is formed from its elements. During the changes from 0 to 2 (oxidation). The charge
decomposition of water, water is broken of oxygen changes from 0 to 2 (reduction).