Optimization in Engineering Design
Optimization in Engineering Design
Optimization in Engineering Design
The results include, in additionto the economic load- “Digitalcalculation of three-phaseshortcircuits by matrixmethod,”
Trans. AZEE (Power Apparatus andSystems), vol. 74, pp. 1394-1 397,1955.
ing of each generating unit, complete voltage and 15] A. F. Glimn and G. W. Stagg, “Automatic calculation of load
power flow information associated with the genera- flows,” Trans. AZEE (Power Apparatusand Systems), vol. 76, pp. 817-823,
tion schedule. 1957.
16’ R. Courant, Differential and Integral Calculus, vol. 2. New York:
The method presented can be used in planning studies to Interscience, 1949.
[’I H. A. Spang, 111, “A review of minimization techniques for non-
determine operating costs for both present and proposed linear functions,” SZAM Rev., vol. 4, pp. 34S363,October 1962.
generation and transmission facilities. The method can be [*I L. P. Smith, Mathematical Methodr for Scientists and Engineers.
adapted also to on-line control of generation.[”] This would NewYork: Dover, 1953.
[’I G. W.Stagg and E. L. Wizemann, “Computer program for load
provide the opportunity to check voltage and line loadings flow study handles ten-system interconnection,”Electrical World, August
before initiating generation changes. Security analyses can 1, 1960.
be performed also by simulating generator and line outages. [‘‘I G. W. Stagg, J. F. Dopazo, M. Watson, J. M. Crawley, G. R.
Bailey and E. F. Alderink, “A time-sharing on-line control system for
In addition, the elements of the coefficient matrices a economic operationof a power system,”Proc. Znstrum. SOC. Am., October
and /3 can be used to determine a transmission loss formula 1966.
area in which computers have not yet found wide usage. vector of design parameters andz an independentvariable.
This paper deals with the use ofa computer systematically
to For example, in filter design, F is the insertion loss, e the
modify the parameters of a givendesign, generating a element values,and z the frequency ;in array design, F is the
sequence of new,improved designs at each step. directivity, e includes the transducer module driving volt-
If the computer is to aid in the assignment of design ages and parametersspecifying module location, and z is an
variables then it must be provided with somemathematical angular coordinate. In control system design, F could be
criterion, a measure of “goodness,” by which to evaluate the step response, e the variable gains, time constants, etc.,
alternate designs. Usually this measure is a scalar valued and z a time coordinate. It is assumed that f i e , z ) is con-
function of the design variables and one realistic design tinuous for all (e, z ) of interest.
goal for the computer is to maximize, or minimize, this For all of these systems,the design speafications require
measure subject to whatever constraints the variables must the response function to be above, or below, speciiied levels
satisfy. In many practical problems these constraints are for various ranges of z. For example, in the bandpass filter
simply upper and lower bounds, imposed by economic or design case, the insertion loss must lie above certain stop-
realizability criteria, on the parameter values. The com- band specifications and below other passband levels.
puter must also be provided with a method of generating Fortunately, it is not necessary to consider all values of z
new and superior designs. Mathematicalprogramming in theseranges. Since f i e , z ) is continuous in z, it is sufficient
algorithms can be readily used to accomplish this, given to consider a discrete set of values for z, {zi}, such that
the design criterion and the constraints. For example, it was satisfaction of the speafications at these points implies
shown by Lasdon and Warent41 that filters with bounded, satisfaction everywhere.
lossy elements could be designed by solving a nonlinear, Define
inequality constrained, optimization problem.
The purposes of this paper are twofold. The first is to F i e ) = F(e, zi)
extend the nonlinear programming formulation givenby
and define indexsets I, and I,, not necessarily disjoint, such
Lasdon and Wared4] toa wider class of designproblems. that I, contains those values of i for which Fi(c) must be
In particular, the designof planar electromagnetic and above specdied levelsai, and I, those for whichFi(e)is to lie
acoustic transducer arrays to meet, or exceed,speclfica- below other levels pi. Then the design problem becomes
tions on directivity is treated in detail. The second isto show that of finding a vector e satisfying
that the iterative use of optimization techniques can sigmfi-
cantly speed the design process. Most previous work on Fi(e) 2 ai i E I, (1)
optimization in engineering design has viewed its applica- Fi(e) I pi i E I, (2)
tion as a single-stage process culminating in an “optimal”
design. The viewpoint taken here is that optimization theory and
and practice is mostvaluable to design when used iteratively l j I ej Iuj j = l,...,n (3)
in much the same way as analysis programs are presently
used. Applied in this way a number of optimization prob- where the l j and uj are the lower and upper bounds on the
lems are solved, each of which may have different objective jth parameter. More complex forms of constraints can also
functions, constraints, or designvariables.Such anap- be handled. Again, for filter design, I, could be the index set
proach is necessaryfor a variety of reasons. It is usuallynot for stopband frequencies, ai the stopband specifications,
obvious how to formulate an optimization problem whose and I , and pi the corresponding passband quantities. In
solution will satisfy all the design goals. Exact designspeci- this case, the lower and upper element value bounds are
fications are seldom given; instead, there are conflicting chosen to guarantee physical realizability.
requirements and tradeoffs are usually necessary.Moreover, Of course, selecting values forthe ai and pi and the sets
the structure selected for the system may be inadequate or I, and I, may be difficult sincethe capabilities of the design
overlycomplex and costly; in either case, the structure structure maybe unknown and the design specifications
must be modified, new designvariables selected, and anew will probably not be phrased precisely as above. One way to
optimization problem solved. overcome these difficulties is as follows. An initial set of
This paper is divided into three main sections. Section points ( z i } is selected and specifications assigned at these
I1 formulates a class of engineering design problems as points. This determines an initial set of values for {ai, pi, I,,
inequality constrained optimization problems. Section 111 I B } .The correspondingoptimization problem is then solved.
discusses solution techniques for suchproblems. In Section The performanceof this optimal design is compared to the
IV two examples are presented. The first example gives a actual goals, and then a new set (ai, pi, I,, I,} is determined
detailed discussion of the design of a planar hydroacoustic so that the solution of the modified optimization problem
transducer array for a target-seeking system. The second will come closer to meeting the systemobjectives. This
deals with lossy, bounded element value filter design. approach leads again to an iterative procedure with the
designer closingthe loop, i.e., providing from his experience
and intuition the new {ai,pi, I,, I,}.
A . Inequalities In some cases, more than one response function may be
Often, the adequacy of a design is determined by the required in order to adequately describe the system. An
behavior of a “response function,” f i e , z ) where e is the example of such a system is presented in Section IV-A.
B. OptimalDesign
There may be many vectors e satisfying inequalities
(1H3) (i.e., many satisfactory designs), or there may be
none at all. In either case a “best” design can be meaning-
fully definedas one which maximizesthe minimum amount
by which the specifications are exceeded or, if it failsto meet
the specifications,minimizes the maximum amount by ,
whichtheyfail to be met. The solution to the following
nonlinear programming problem represents such an opti-
mal design.
Determine (e, [) to
minimize [ (4)
Fi(e) + 5 2 ai i EI,
F,(e) - [ Ipi iEZB (5)
l j I ej I u j j = l,...,n (6)
Fig. 2.
i>0 and one constraint binding.
constraints ( 5 ) must be binding ; otherwise, [ could be re-
duced without violating any of the constraints. Thus, if
C. i7me Domain Example
min 5 <0, the solution to (4H6) defies an optimal design
which maximizesthe minimum amount by whichthe s p e d - Many design problems require that, for some s p e d e d
cations are exceeded. Similarly, if min [> 0, the specifica- input, the output of a system approximate a desired output
tions cannot be met at all points and the resulting design over some time interval. For linear systems the impulse
minimizes the maximum amount by whichthe specifications or step response is often specified. Such problems can be
are not met. Of couse, in either case, the parameter value readily converted to the form (4)-(6) if the approximation
constraints aresatisfied. is carried out in the discrete Chebyshev sense.[’]
More flexibility can be obtained by replacing the con- Let the impulse response of a system, with parameters e,
straints ( 5 ) by at time ti be Fi(c) and the specifiedresponse at ti be fi,
i= 1, . . ,m. If, in ( 5 )
Fi(e) wi[ 2 ai iEI,
Fi(e) - w i t I pi i EIB
m i
minimization algorithm may converge slowly, if at all. Stage 2: Evaluate g(a) at the points a=O, 1, 2, 4, . . . ,
However, if it is relatively easy to generate a “good” but a, b, c, where c is the first of these values at which g has in-
infeasibledesign, then the following approach may be creased over its previous value. Then,
adopted. Replace the constraints (lo), due tothe bounds, by
a < a* < c.
e, - Sic I ui
If g ( 1)>g ( 0 ) divide the components of s by some factor, e.g.,
e, Sic 2 I , 2 or 3, and repeat.
where 6 , are non-negative constants whichscale the [ Stage 3: A quadratic polynomial is now fittedto the three
variable for each element.As soon as any of these constraints values g(a),g(b),and g(c),and its minimum a, is
is satisfied,the corresponding 6, is setto zero.
If an initial feasible design is available, the parameter
bounds (6) need not necessarily be incorporated in the P-
function. Since these are simple linear constraints itis
possible to minimize the P-function subject to them, often If
with substantial savings in time.[61The recent development
of an efficient method for linearly constrained minimiza-
tion[’] makes this approach an attractive possibility.
then a, is accepted as the estimate of a*. Otherwise b is
B. Unconstrained Minimization taken as a*.
In order for this penalty approach to beeffective, the In the particular application discussedhere, the finite
unconstrained minimization must be done efficiently. step size maycause a constraint to be violatedat some stage.
Recommended methods come from a class of recently de- The linear minimizer must incorporate logic to cut back the
veloped quadratically convergent procedures. The tech- step size in this case. Since the P-function is so constructed
nique used depends on whether first derivatives of F,(e) that a minimum, within the constraint set, always exists,
exist and can be easilycomputed from analytic expressions. then cutting the step back will eventually lead to a success-
If so, then the method of Fletcher and Powell seems to be ful one-dimensional minimization.
the best not, If then either Powell’s
method[”] or Stewart’s[’31 extension of the Fletcher-Powell
technique, using finite differences, is preferred.[l41 A . Design of Planar Transducer Arrays
Acoustic and electromagnetic target seekingsystems
C . One-Dimensional Minimization
generally have two conflicting requirements placed upon
Each of the above minimizers reduces an unconstrained their directional characteristics. Let the system be a planar
minimization problem to a sequence of onedimensional transducer array which must fit within a specified area;
minimizations which proceed in the directions chosen by for example, the hull of a torpedo. First, in order that the
the method. More than90 percent of the computing time is array look only at the target, it is desired that its three-
spent solving these single-variable problems, so the effec- dimensional beam pattern have the narrowest possible
tiveness of the technique used is critical. The authors have main lobe. Second, all points off this main lobe must lie
used twointerpolative techniques, one requiring derivatives, below a specdied threshold level, defined by the type of
the other not. The former, using cubic interpolation, is signalprocessingused,which willdifferforeachcross-
described elsewhere[41J91 and the latteris described below. sectional plane. Unfortunately for the designer, these two
Quadratic Interpolation :This technique solves the prob- primary requirements are at odds with one another. It is
lem of finding a= a* to minimize g(a)=f(e+as), where e a relatively simple matter to decrease the level of minor
is the current parameter vector and s a direction provided lobes. One simply radiates a greater portion of the total
by the unconstrained minimization algorithm. Initially, input power from elements located at the arraycenter. This
the variables e,, * . . ,e, are scaled so that a unit change in technique, called amplitude shading, effectively shortens the
any variable is a significant but not too large percentage array, moving the first moment (or dipole equivalent) in
change in that variable. For example, if a capacitor is ex- toward the center. However, this also produces a broader
pected to have a value around 500 pF then a 1-pF change beam, thereby violating the first requirement.
wouldbe considered significantwhereas a 10-pF change Until recently, work in this field has been concerned only
would be too large. The method proceeds in three stages. with the special case where the element spacings in both
The first stage normalizes the s-vector so that a step size planes are linear multiples of one another. This is primarily
a= 1 is acceptable ; the second stage establishes bounds because the simplitications which result in the equations
on a* ; and the third stage interpolates its value. describing the array serve to ease the calculations consider-
Stage I :Calculate ably. Indeed, until the recent advent of high-speed digital
computers, no other approach was practical. Some work
A = max I s j /
j has been done on arrayswith a variable interelement spac-
ing,[’51*[’61 but the results obtained are more applicable to
and divide each component of s by A. This insures that s is electromagnetic arrays, where grating lobes are significant,
a reasonable change in e. than to acoustic ones.
before reaching the phase center of the array, whichis Fig. 4. Planar array variables.
defined at the origin. Therefore, the phase of this element is
To construct the response functions, the directivity E ,
A,($, 4) = - -cos
(ei - 4) sin $. (12)
is firstnormalized by dividing by
Hori- Shading
r e X Y zontal
Sum Vertical
Diff. Diff.
K 3 P
1 Parameters of Initial Array i.= 4 inches
k= 1 j = 1 p = 1 Fk,j,p(e) + @k,j,pi - bk,j,p 4.37 22" 4.052 1.637 0.980 1.660 0.950
0 15 30 45
Fig. 7. Initial response function in vertical plane.
- 75 90
-25 -
-30 -
-35 .
c6 dB
o dB
-200 -100 0 100 200 -200 -100 0 100 200
Fig. 1 1 . Response of lossless single-sectionfilter. Fig. 13. Response of filter after one optimization cycle.
I I I I I -- I I I I I
70 - 70 ~
60 - 60-
50- c
\ In
4z 40-
0 0
0: K
z 30- 30-
20 - 20 -
M I N 6 dB
10- 4 10-
0 I I I I I 0, I 1 I 1 I
-200 -100 0 too 200 -200 -100 0 100 200
Fig. 12. Response of cascade of two lossy filter sections. Fig. 14. Finalfilterresponse.
Cs = 1.0PF
R. Fletcher and M. J. D. Powell, “A rapidly convergent descent [I6] Y. T. Lo and S. W. Lee, “A study of space-tapered arrays,” IEEE
method for minimization,” Computer J., vol. 6, pp. 16S168, June 1963. Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-14, pp. 22-30, January 1966.
[ 1 1 ] W. C . Davidon, “Variable metric method for minimization,” l1 ’I C. L. Dolph, “A current distribution for broadside arrays which
AEC Research Development Rept. ANL-5990 (Rev.), 1959. optimizes the relationbetween beam width and side lobe level,” Proc. IRE,
M. J. D. Powell, “An efficient method for finding the minimum of vol. 34, pp. 33S348, June 1946.
a function of several variables without calculating derivatives,” Computer [ 1 8 ] L. S. Lasdon, D. F. Suchman, and A. D. Waren, “Nonlinear pro-
J., V O ~ .7, pp. 155-162, 1964. gramming applied to linear array design,” J. Acoust. SOC. Am., pp. 1197-
[131G. W. Stewart, “A modification of Davidon’s minimization 1200, November 1966.
method to accept difference approximations of derivatives,” J. ACM, [”I T.R.OMeara, “The cascade synthesis of crystal filters with trans-
vol. 14, pp. 72-83, January 1967. mission zeros at infinity,” IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-10, pp.
[14] R. Fletcher, “Function minimization without evaluating deriva- 533-534, December 1963.
tives-A review,” Computer J.,vol. 8, pp. 3341, 1965. J.D. Schoeffler, “Insertion loss design of symmetrical lattice
[ I s 1 M. G. Andreasen, “Linear arrays with variable interelement spac- piezoelectric resonator filters with symmetrical or unsymmetrical pass-
ings,” IRE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-IO, pp. 137-143, bands,” I R E Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-9, pp. 251-259, September
March 1962. 1962.
Abstract-A systematic and general method of computing ac and dc total area of the emitter junction
characteristics of doublediiiused juacth tramistors oiap major process area of a given sectional emitter diode
parameters d as dimemiom of the device, d a c e concentralion, jmction collector effective area
depth, difbion time, temperature, and difiasioo coel%cii as a hmtion of
temperature and impurity concentration is dgcribed. ’zbese parameters can impurity gradient at the collector junction
be checked dming the process and, therefore, can aid the process control impurity gradient at the emitter junction
proMembypredictingtheexpectedvalwsofjrmctioedepthnndsbeetresis- collector-base breakdown voltage with the emitter
tivity.If the specified cwtrol parameters are met dnringthe fabrication,the open
ac and dc characteristics of the device w l
li be realized. ’Tbe time and/or
emitter-base breakdown voltage with the collector
frequency respome of a circuit can be computed d u g the ac and dc char-
acteristicsofthedifhseddevicesofthecircaitoa~b4fisofadistribotedor open
an equivalent lumped model. The measurement of imporhut ac parameters impurity distribution
oathebPsisoftheSemodetshnsnlsobeensimnlatedoathecomputer,thm spatial derivative of C(x)
aidirtg the cbaracterizatioa problem of the device in the integrated circuit background doping of the collector
environment. A b , the switching speed of a loaded logic net can be computed total collector capacitance
and optimized by trading & interacting parametersand relaling them back
to theoriginal difhsiooprocessparameters and dimensions of tee compweotr base region capacitance
Finally, experimental verification of the computed resalts has been acMw- emitter region capacitance
@bedand f d to be satisfactory. emitter junction capacitance
initial surface concentrationprior to drive-in
( j = 1, 2)’
NOTATION final surface concentration [see (6)] ( j = 1, 2)’
A, collector area + +
C , C j , Cd [see (22a)I
A, bottomarea of the emitter junction for the whole impurity diffusion constant ( j = 1,2)’
device electron diffusion constant
average electron diffusion constant
Manuscript received September 18, 1967. This paper is reprinted from hole diffusion constant
Solid State Electronics, vol. 10, pp. 70s-726, 1967. see Fig. 3(a)
H. N. Ghosh is with the Components Division, IBM Corporation,
Hopewell Junction, N. Y.12533. gain-bandwidth product
F. H.De La Moneda is with the Components Division, IBM Corpora- emitter half-width
tion, Hopewell Junction, N. Y. He is currently on an educational leave inverse voltage gain
of absence at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.
N. R.Dono is with the Systems Development Division, IBM Corpora-
tion, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. j takes on values of 1 and 2 to denoteemitter and base diffusion cycles.