Capital Budgetin
Capital Budgetin
Capital Budgetin
Q2. Despite its weaknesses, the payback period method is popular in practice? What
are the reasons for its popularity?
A2 Payback is considered to have the following virtues, which makes it popular in
1. Simplicity. Payback is simple to understand and easy to calculate. The
business executives consider the simplicity of method as a virtue. This is
evident from their heavy reliance on it for appraising investment proposals in
2. Cost effective. Payback method costs less than most of the sophisticated
techniques that require a lot of the analysts’ time and the use of computers.
3. Short-term effects. A company can have more favourable short-run effects on
earnings per share by setting up a shorter standard payback period. It should,
however, be remembered that this may not be a wise long-term policy as the
company may have to sacrifice its future growth for current earnings.
4. Risk shield. The risk of the project can be tackled by having a shorter standard
payback period as it may ensure guarantee against loss. A company has to
invest in many projects where the cash inflows and life expectancies are
highly uncertain. Under such circumstances, payback may become important,
not so much as a measure of profitability but as a means of establishing an
upper bound on the acceptable degree of risk.
5. Liquidity The emphasis in payback is on the early recovery of the investment.
Thus, it gives an insight into the liquidity of the project. The funds so released
can be put to other uses.
Q3. How do you calculate the accounting rate of return? What are its limitations?
A3 The accounting rate of return (or return on investment, ROI) is the ratio of the
average net operating after-tax profit (NOPAT) divided by the average
investment. The average investment would be equal to half of the original
investment if it were depreciated constantly. Alternatively, it can be found out by
dividing the total of the investment’s book values after depreciation by the life of
the project. Generally, a higher ROI is considered better. For making a decision, a
cut-off rate is needed.
As a decision criterion, however, it has serious shortcoming.
1. Cash flows ignored The ARR method uses accounting profits, not cash flows,
in appraising the projects. Accounting profits are based on arbitrary
assumptions and choices and also include non-cash items. It is, therefore,
inappropriate to rely on them for measuring the acceptability of the
investment projects.
2. Time value ignored. The averaging of income ignores the time value of
money. In fact, this procedure gives more weightage to the distant receipts.
3. Arbitrary cut-off. The firm employing the ARR rule uses an arbitrary cut-off
yardstick. Generally, the yardstick is the firm’s current return on its assets
(book-value). Because of this, the growth companies earning very high rates
on their existing assets may reject profitable projects (i.e., with positive
NPVs) and the less profitable companies may accept bad projects (i.e., with
negative NPVs).
Q4. Explain the merits and demerits of the time-adjusted methods of evaluating the
investment projects.
A4 Merits:
Time value of money: Time-adjusted or discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques
recognise the time value of money—a rupee received today is worth more than a
rupee received tomorrow.
Risk: DCF techniques use the cost of capital as the discount rate, which includes a
premium for risk of the project under evaluation.
Measure of true profitability: They use all cash flows occurring over the entire life
of the project in calculating its worth. Hence, it is a measure of the project’s true
In practice, it is quite difficult to obtain the estimates of cash flows due to
uncertainty. It is also difficult in practice to precisely measure the discount rate.
Q5. What is meant by the term time value of money? Which capital budgeting
methods take into consideration this concept? How is it possible for the capital
budgeting methods that do not consider the time value of money to lead to wrong
capital budgeting decisions?
A5 The time value of money is based on the premise that the value of money vhanges
because of investment opportunities available to investors. Hence, Rs 100 today is
not same as Rs 100 after one year. The capital budgeting methods that are based
on the time value of money are called discounted cash flow (DCF) Criteria. They
include two methods: (1) Net Present Value (NPV) and (2) Internal Rate of
Return (IRR). Profitability Index (PI), a variant of NPV method, also a DCF
Non-DCF techniques are not able to differentiate between cash flows occurring in
different time periods. They not focus on value, and hence, they violate the
principle of the shareholder wealth maximisation.
Q6. Under what circumstances do the net present value and internal rate of return
methods differ? Which method would you prefer and why?
A6 The NPV and IRR methods can give conflicting ranking to mutually exclusive
projects. In the case of independent projects ranking is not important since all
profitable projects will be accepted. Ranking of projects, however, becomes
crucial in the case of mutually exclusive projects. Since the NPV and IRR rules
can give conflicting ranking to projects, one cannot remain indifferent as to the
choice of the rule. NPV method is consistent with the shareholder wealth
maximisation; hence, it should be preferred over IRR method.
Q7. What are the mutually exclusive projects? Explain the conditions when
conflicting ranking would be given by the internal rate of return and net present
value methods to such projects.
A7 Investment projects are said to be mutually exclusive when only one investment
could be accepted and others would have to be excluded. The NPV and IRR
methods can give conflicting ranking to mutually exclusive projects under the
following conditions:1
1. The cash flow pattern of the projects may differ. That is, the cash flows of one
project may increase over time, while those of others may decrease or vice-
2. The cash outlays (initial investments) of the projects may differ.
3. The projects may have different expected lives.
The NPV method and PI yield same accept-or-reject rules, because PI can be
greater than one only when the project’s net present value is positive. In case of
marginal projects, NPV will be zero and PI will be equal to one. But a conflict
may arise between the two methods if a choice between mutually exclusive
projects has to be made The NPV method should be preferred, except under
capital rationing. Between two mutually exclusive projects with same NPV, the
one with lower initial cost (or higher PI) will be selected
Q9. Under what conditions would the internal rate of return be a reciprocal of the
payback period?
A9 The reciprocal of payback will be a close approximation of the internal rate of
return if the following two conditions are satisfied:
1. The life of the project is large or at least twice the payback period.
2. The project generates equal annual cash inflows.
(b) “The virtue of the IRR rule is that it does not require the computation of the
required rate of return.”
The required rate of return does not enter in the computation of IRR. But this
information is needed in making the investment decision. The accept-or-reject
rule, using the IRR method, is to accept the project if its internal rate of return is
higher than the required rate of return or opportunity cost of capital (r > k). The
project shall be rejected if its internal rate of return is lower than the opportunity
cost of capital (r < k). The decision maker may remain indifferent if the internal
rate of return is equal to the opportunity cost of capital. So even in case of IRR
rule we require the computation of the required rate of return.”
(c) “The average accounting rate of return fails to give weight to the later cash
The ARR method uses accounting profits, not cash flows, in appraising the
projects. Accounting profits are based on arbitrary assumptions and choices and
also include non-cash items. It is, therefore, inappropriate to rely on them for
measuring the acceptability of the investment projects. The averaging of income
ignores the time value of money. In fact, this procedure gives more weightage to
the distant receipts.
Q12. “Discounted payback ensures that you don’t accept an investment with negative
NPV, but it can’t stop you from rejecting projects with a positive NPV.” Illustrate
why this can happen.
A12 The discounted payback period is the number of periods taken in recovering the
investment outlay on the present value basis. The discounted payback period still
fails to consider the cash flows occurring after the payback period. Thus, it may
reject positive NPV projects.
Discounted payback illustrated: Project A involves a cash outlay of Rs 10,000 and
its discounted cash flows over its life of five years are: Rs 5,000; Rs 4,000; Rs
1,000; Rs 0 and Rs 0. The discounted payback period is 3 years. Project B also
involves a cash outlay of Rs 10,000 and its discounted cash flows over its life of
five years are: Rs 5,000; Rs 3,000; Rs 1,000; Rs 1,000 and Rs 5,000. The
discounted payback period is 4 years. On the basis of the discounted payback
period, Project A will be preferred. However, Project B generates positive NPV.