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Area Practical Importance Example

Arts and Designs This will help to measure the arts The Level of IMPACTS OF ARTS
and designs researches qualities Designs to students’ learnings.
whether it is relevant, meaningful
and shows precision.
Humanities and Social science The purpose of quantitative The level of awareness of G-12
research is to generate knowledge STUDENTS OF DARIAO
and create understanding about the NATIOANAL HIGHSCHOOL TO
social world. Quantitative research TEENAGE PREGNANCIES.
is used by social scientists,
including communication
researchers, to observe phenomena
or occurrences affecting
individuals. Social scientists are
concerned with the study of people.
Education Education research often relies on THE EFFECTIVENESS OF
the quantitative methodology. GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS IN
Quantitative research in education TEACHING SCIENCE
provides numerical data that can CONCEPTS TO GRADE 4
prove or disprove a theory, and STUDENTS.
administrators can easily share the
number-based results with other
schools and districts. And while the
research may speak to a relatively
small sample size, educators and
researchers can scale the results
from quantifiable data to predict
outcomes in larger student
populations and groups.
Sports It can measure every level of THE LEVEL OF ACADEMIC
awareness in athletes or coaches in ACHIEVEMENT OF
sports. For example, quantitative VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS
data is obtained in the physical DESPITE THE HECTIC
factor when carrying out a SCHEDULE THEY ARE IN.
standardized fitness test. Here, it is
about how you perform on the day
and a numerical score is attached.
This is seen as reliable because it is
factual and can be trusted.
Business and accounting For example, quantitative data is THE ECONOMIC STATUS OF
obtained in the physical factor BRGY DARIAO IN THIS TIME
when carrying out a standardized ODF PANDEMIC.
fitness test. Here, it is about how
you perform on the day and a
numerical score is attached. This is
seen as reliable because it is factual
and can be trusted.
Information and communication In the field of ICT, quantitative THE IMPACT OF ICT TO
technology methods often deal with results STUDENTS ACADEMIC
computation and system analysis ACHIEVEMENT.
using a scientific approach. The
objective of the quantitative method
is to develop and employ models
based on mathematical approach,
hypotheses and theories pertaining
to the nature of an ICT
Social Inquiry Quantitative research can measure THE level of awareness of youths
and describe whole societies, or about cyberbullying as a crime.
institutions, organizations or groups
of individuals that are part of them.
The strength of quantitative
methods is that they can provide
vital information about a society or
community, through surveys,
examination or records or censuses
that no individual could obtain by



EFFECTIVENESS OF EXPERIMENTAL Experimental research is An advantage Results are
JOURNAL WRITING IN RESEARCH research conducted with is that highly
SUPPORTING SKILLS DESIGN a scientific approach experiments subjective due
IN WRITING AN using two sets of should be to the
ENGLISH ESSAY variables. objective. The possibility of
(Cahyono, B.Y, 1997) Any research conducted views and human error. ...
under scientifically opinions of Experimental
acceptable conditions the researcher research can
uses experimental should not create situations
methods. The success of affect the that are not
experimental studies results of a realistic. ...
hinges on researchers study. This is It is a time-
confirming the change of good as it consuming
a variable is based solely makes the process. ...
on the manipulation of data more There may be
the constant variable. valid, and less ethical or
The research should biased. practical
establish a notable cause problems with
and effect. variable control.
LEVEL OF PHYSICIAN Evaluation research is research OF
ASSISSTANT FACULTY conducted in the real offers several LEGITIMACY
IN THE UNITED world; that is, within the benefits: AND COSTLY.
STATES (GRAEFF, EC., context of an scientific
et al.,2014) organization. formulation
Research Focus: of a policy
Evaluation research is problem,
primarily concerned with measurement
measuring the outcomes of key
of a process rather than variables,
the process itself. and-a signal
Research Outcome: whether
Evaluation research is important
employed for strategic social
decision making in changes are
organizations. occurring.
Research Goal: The goal
of program evaluation is
to determine whether a
process has yielded the
desired result(s).
This type of research
protects the interests of
stakeholders in the
It often represents a
middle-ground between
pure and applied
Evaluation research is
both detailed and
continuous. It pays
attention to performative
processes rather than
Research Process: This
research design utilizes
qualitative and
quantitative research
methods to gather
relevant data about a
product or action-based
strategy. These methods
include observation,
tests, and surveys.
EFFECTIVENESS OF TRUE- True experimental design The results of True
INQUIRY TRAINING EXPERIMENTAL is regarded as the most a true experiments can
MODEL OVER DESI accurate form of experimental be too
CONVENTIONAL N experimental research, in design can be accurate and it
TEACHING METHOD that it tries to prove or statistically is very difficult
ON ACADEMIC disprove a hypothesis analyzed and to obtain a
ACHIEVEMENT OF mathematically, with so there can complete
SCIENCE STUDENTS IN statistical analysis. be little rejection or
INDIA(PANDEY,A.,2016 argument acceptance of a
) about hypothesis
the results. because the
It is also standards of
much easier proof required
for other are so difficult
researchers to to reach. True
replicate the experiments are
experiment also difficult
and validate and expensive
the results. to set up. They
can also be very


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