Quarter 1 Week 2 2: Electrical Installation and Maintenance Grade 12
Quarter 1 Week 2 2: Electrical Installation and Maintenance Grade 12
Quarter 1 Week 2 2: Electrical Installation and Maintenance Grade 12
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila
Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other tasks
or activities that might disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple
instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning which is an important factor for your improvement.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!
Parts of the Module
• Expectations - These are the lessons which you will be informed after
completing the lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back - This section will measure topics and skills you have learned
from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Activities - These are activities designed to develop critical thinking and other
competencies. This can be done with or without a partner depending on the
nature of the activity.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Checking your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire
Lesson 2:
Direction: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Metal raceways that was classified into four; rigid steel conduit (RSC), intermediate
metallic conduit or tubing (IMC or IMT), electrical metallic conduit or tubing (EMC or
EMT) and the flexible metallic conduit (FMC)
a. non-metallic conduits c. flexible non-metallic conduits
b. metallic conduits d. flexible metallic conduits
3. It is used for cutting and holding fine wires. This can reach tight space or small
opening where other pliers cannot reach and also used in making terminal loops of
copper wires.
a. long-nose plier c. philips screw driver
b. hammer d. wire stripper
4. A tool used for removing insulation of medium sized wires ranging from gauge #10
to gauge #16.
a. long-nose plier c. philips screw driver
b. hammer d. wire stripper
5. It is a __________ that uses pressurized fluid oil to accomplish the work
a. pneumatic c. hydraulic
b. electric d. none of these
6. Comes in either Standard or Philips screw driver with short shank or blade and
shorted handle used to turn screws in tight space where standard screw driver
cannot be used.
a. allen wrench c. stub screw driver
b. hammer d. wire stripper
7. This could be in the shape of a screw driver or a wrench. Its function is to drive screw
with hexagonal slot head.
a. allen wrench c. stub screw driver
b. hammer d. wire stripper
8. It is a tool used to bend rigid metallic conduits more than 1’’ in diameter
a. hydraulic pump c. hydraulic pipe bender
b. hydraulic knockout d. none of these
9. An instrument used to measure the amount electrical current intensity in a circuit
a. ammeter c. ohmmeter
b. voltmeter d. micrometer
10. Accessories that are used to connect from boxes to conduits or raceways to the
other boxes in the electrical system
a. connectors and adapters c. junction boxes
b. wires and cables d. none of these
Looking Back to Your Lesson
Identification: Read the statement carefully and identify what is being described or
defined. Write your answer on the space provided.
Brief Introduction
Learning Content:
Pliers. They could be with insulated or uninsulated handles. The handle insulation is
not considered sufficient protection alone. Other safety precaution must be observed.
The common types of pliers are:
Screw drivers are used to drive and pull out screws. They come in various sizes and shapes
and with either sharp or square tips. The width of the screw driver should match the width of
the screw slot. Common types of screw drivers are :
Wire puller (fish wire) is used to pull EMT bender is a tool used to
wires into the conduit or raceway. end electrical metal tubing.
Drilling Equipment is needed to make holes in building structure for passage of wires and
conduit in both new and old installation, indoor or outdoor wiring. Common types of drilling
tools and equipment are:
Gimlet Drill Bits Masonry Bits
Hammers are used to drive and pull out nails. They are made of either hard steel or plastic. A claw
hammer with fiberglass insulated handle is specially designed for electricians.Common examples of
hammer are:
Measuring tools and instrument. The electrician uses the following measuring tools and
devices to measure value of voltage, current and resistance, wire length, opening sizes of wire,
conduit and other items.
Multitester Voltmeter Ammeter
Sawing and cutting tool. Two of the commonly used types of saw are:
Electrical tools are used to multiply manual work of humans. Tools can be
considered as extension of the human hand thereby increasing its speed, power and
Portable Electric Drill is a small drilling machine with a chuck of ¼” and 3/8”. It is used to bore
holes on lighter metal work.
1. Always put the punch at the center or make a starting indentation in the material
being drilled to get an accurate starting point for the drill bit.
2. Tighten the drill bit by rotating the chuck key to all three holes in the chuck. This will
help you to keep the drill bit centered.
3. Use only straight shank or silver and deming drill bits in portable electric drills.
4. Apply moderate pressure to the drill during the drilling operation. If excessive
pressure is required to make the bit cut, it means that the bit needs to be sharpened.
5. Maintain good balance at all times when drilling.
6. Use slow drill speed for drilling metal and fast speeds for drilling wood.
7. To obtain holes that are placed accurately, drill a small pilot first. Then, drill the final
Portable Grinder is a hand-held rotating machine used for grinding and cutting
processes depending on the type of disc fitted to the machine. For cutting concrete, a
“diamond” cutting disc is used.
1. Wear safety glasses, or face shield at all times when using the portable disc grinder.
2. Wear hearing protection when grinding operating the portable disc grinder.
3. Position the grinder so that sparks and grits thrown during grinding will not hit you
or the other people working in the area.
4. Make sure the material being ground is well secured.
5. Never grind with the portable disc grinder in an area with flammable materials or
combustible gases.
6. Replace the grinding disk when half its original diameter worns out.
7. Wear long sleeve leather gloves when grinding to protect hands and forearms from
8. Hold the portable disk grinder with both hands when grinding.
9. Never lay the portable disc grinder down until the disk stopped rotating.
10. Keep the electrical cords and extension cords out of the way work when grinding.
11. When using the wire brush attachment on the portable disc grinder, hold the
grinder firmly to prevent it from being thrown away and from causing an accident.
12. Caution others in the work area to wear safety glasses, hearing protection and to
watch out for any thrown sparks and grits.
1. Tighten the grinding disk snuggly when mounting it on the portable disc grinder. The
disk will tighten itself during normal operation.
2. Be sure to hold the portable disc grinder firmly when the switch is turned on. The
centrifugal force created by the rotating disk will cause the portable disc grinder to
move or jump.
3. For extended periods of grinding, the operator may lock the switch on position to
avoid fatigue from holding the switch on manually.
4. When an extension cord is used with the portable disc grinder, make sure that the
cord is sufficiently large in size for the grinder. A #14 (2.0mm2) gauge extension cord
is minimum and #12 (3.5mm2) gauge is preferred.
5. Keep the electrical and extension cords away from the grinding area. Cords can be
damaged by the portable disc grinder.
6. When laying the portable disc grinder down, always position it on the tool rest.
7. Before using the switch lock on the portable disc grinder, always check to make
sure the lock is functioning properly.
8. Hold the portable disc grinder so that sparks and grit are thrown away from the from
others who are working in the area.
9. Operating the portable disc grinder is a hard work and causes fatigue. Take rest
and don’t be exhausted.
Parts of a hammer drill
Parts of a power drill
Power Threader
Safety Precautions in Using Power Threader
If you spend your day operating a drill press thinking that your hand drill may not
cause any danger, think again. It is estimated that about 8% of industrial accidents
involve the unsafe use of hand tools (both manual and power). These accidents result
from using the wrong tool for the job, or using the right tool incorrectly, failure to wear
personal protective equipment, or failure to follow approved safety guidelines. The
following checklist provides some basic rules for the safe use of portable power tools.
Take a moment to review this list and use the tips here whenever you use a portable
power tool.
Safety rules in using hydraulic knockout sets
-Never substitute brake fluid for hydraulic oil.
- Do not come near to live electrical parts.
- Never force the pump handle.
- Always wear eye protection.
- Keep die flooded with cutting oil during operation.
- Keep hands, clothings, and hair away from rotating parts.
- Always wear eye protection.
Direction: Watch a video on youtube or any site about bending a 90-degree metallic
pipe. Observe the process and record your data below.
Electric tools and equipment help us to easily perform tasks that otherwise
would be difficult or impossible. However, these simple tools can be hazardous , and
have potential for causing severe injuries when used.
Checking Your Understanding
Direction: Identify the tool that is being described. Write your answer on the space
Post Test
I. Directions: Match the tools in column A with their classifications in column B. Write
only the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.
Tools Classification
II. Direction: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
Reflective Learning
Direction: Write your reflection about the lesson on the space provided.
I learned that ….
EIM NCII Curriculum Guide - (LE_IAEI9-12ET-Ia-e-1)
Technology & Livelihood Education – Grade 9
Industrial Arts: Electricity - (Preparing Electric and Hydraulic Tools)
Learner’s Material
First Edition, 2014
TLE Learning Module
First Edition 2020
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Borrowed materials (i.e. songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these
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Development Team of the Module
Writer: Christopher T. Castulo, ERVHS, Master Teacher II