Instruction Manual: Installation Operation Maintenance

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Instruction Manual


Over/Under Voltage Protective Relay

351-05003-00 (05/11/2005)

Kato Engineering, Inc. | P.O. Box 8447 | Mankato, MN USA 56002-8447 | Tel: 507-625-4011
[email protected] | | Fax: 507-345-2798
Note: Because of rapid changes in designs
and processes and the variability of Kato Introduction
Engineering’s products, information in this
manual must not be regarded as binding Foreword
and is subject to change without notice. This manual contains instructions for installing, operating and
maintaining Kato Engineering over/under voltage protective relays.
Warning: Dangerous voltages are present
at the voltage sensor terminal board when
monitoring a generator or utility. Accidental
Safety instructions
contact with live conductors could result in In order to prevent injury or equipment damage, everyone involved
serious electrical shock or electrocution. in installation, operating and maintenance of the equipment described
Disconnect the power source before making in this manual must be qualified and informed of the current safety
repairs, connecting test instruments, or standards that govern his or her work.
removing or making connections to the
voltage sensor. While “common-sense” prevention of injury or equipment damage
cannot be completely defined by any manual (nor built into any piece
of equipment), the following paragraphs define warnings, cautions, and
notes as they are used in this manual:

Warning: Warnings identify an installation, operating or maintenance

procedure, practice, condition, or statement that, if not strictly followed,
could result in death or serious injury to personnel.

Caution: Cautions identify an installation, operating or maintenance

procedure, practice, condition, or statement that, if not strictly followed,
could result in destruction of or damage to equipment or serious
impairment of system operation.

Note: Notes highlight an installation, operating or maintenance

procedure, condition, or statement and are essential or helpful but are not
of known hazardous nature as indicated by warnings and cautions.

Operating principles
General Description
The voltage sensor provides generator-set under or over voltage
protection. All components are mounted on a printed circuit board. The
assembly includes a relay, RY1, which has two form “C” contacts (a
normally open and a normally closed connected to a terminal common to
both). A potentiometer, R7, permits adjustment of the trip voltage.

Sensing voltage from the generator is applied to the voltage sensor

assembly: terminals 1 and 3 for single phase, terminals 1, 2, and 3 for
three phase without neutral, or terminals 1, 2, 3, and 4 for three phase
with neutral. This voltage is rectified by a full wave rectifier comprised
of diodes D1 through D6. The rectified voltage is applied across a
voltage divider comprised of resistors R5, R6, R8, R14, and set point
adjust potentiometer R7. This voltage is filtered by capacitor C1, which
determines the response time. A portion of the voltage across the voltage

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divider, taken at the wiper of R7, provides the base voltage to transistor
Q1 through resistor R15.

Resistor R13 and Zener diode Z1 in the Q1 emitter circuit provides the
reference voltage for the circuit. When the base voltage of Q1 exceeds
the voltage across Z1 by approximately 0.6 V, Q1 will conduct turning on
Q2 due to the voltage drop across R10, and RY1 will energize. When the
base voltage of Q1 drops below the voltage across Z1 plus approximately
0.6 V, Q1 will stop conducting and, due to the absence of a voltage drop
across R10, Q2 will also stop conducting, and RY1 will de-energize.
However, depending on the application, the sensing relay may be
electrically connected to actuate controls such as a slave over voltage
relay, a circuit breaker, or other devices that must be manually reset.

Make electrical connections to a terminal board on the voltage sensor
assembly. When connecting the sensor assembly, follow the wiring
diagram provided with the controls and the voltage sensor assembly

Operation Note: If a utility voltage or some other

voltage is being monitored, disconnect
the voltage sensor from this source, and
To check present set-point: connect a variable-voltage supply of the
correct phase and voltage.
1. Connect an AC voltmeter across terminals 1 & 3.
Caution: Any other wires connected to
2. Connect an ohmmeter or self-powered test light across terminal 5 terminals 5, 6, & 7 must be disconnected
to terminal 7 of the voltage sensor assembly. Continuity should be and insulated.

3. Adjust the generator voltage to minimum before starting it. Start

the generator. While observing the voltmeter, slowly increase the
generator voltage until the ohmmeter or test light indicates a loss of

4. Reduce voltage until continuity is again indicated. While observing

the voltmeter, again slowly decrease the generator voltage until the
ohmmeter or test light indicates a loss of continuity.

5. If necessary to obtain accurate voltmeter readings, repeat steps 3 and

4 while observing the voltmeter . Step 3 will provide you with the trip
setting as an over voltage sensor; step 4 as an under voltage sensor.

6. Reconnect any wiring disconnected in step 1.

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To change volage set point:

1. Connect an AC voltmeter across terminals 1 & 3.

Caution: Any other wires connected to
terminals 5, 6, & 7 must be disconnected 2. Connect an ohmmeter or self-powered test light across terminal 5
and insulated. to terminal 7 of the voltage sensor assembly. Continuity should be

3. Start the generator, and adjust the voltage to the desired set point of
the voltage sensor.

To set the voltage sensor to trip on an under-voltage condition, turn

R7 fully clockwise, and then turn R7 counterclockwise until the
ohmmeter or test light indicates a loss of continuity, and then then
turn it slowly clockwise until continuity is again indicated.

To set the voltage sensor to trip on an over-voltage condition, turn

R7 to its fully counterclockwise position, and then turn R7 clockwise
until the ohmmeter or test light indicates continuity, and then turn it
slowly counterclockwise until a loss of continuity is indicated.

4. Check the set-point by slowly varying the generator voltage while

observing the ohmmeter or test light,as detailed above. Readjust as
necessary to obtain the desired set-point.

5. Reconnect any wiring disconnected in step 1.

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Asssembly part Trip adjust range
Volts ac Response
number Phase/Wire Hertz (Vac)
511-00922-00 1/2 12 50-400 Fast 9-15
511-00022-02 1/2 12 50-400 Fast 9-15
511-00010-00 1/2 120 50-400 Slow 90-150
511-00020-00 1/2 120 50-400 Fast 110-190
511-00020-01 1/2 120 50-400 Slow 110-190
511-00020-30 1/2 120 50-400 Slow 120-200 (CB output)
511-00022-00 1/2 208 50-400 Fast 160-310
511-00011-00 1/2 240 50-400 Slow 150-210
511-00021-00 1/2 240 50-400 Slow 250-350
511-00021-01 1/2 240 50-400 Fast 250-350
511-00018-00 3/3 95 50-400 Fast 67-95
511-00018-01 3/3 95 50-400 Slow 67-95
511-00028-00 3/3 95 50-400 Fast 95-142
511-00028-01 3/3 95 50-400 Slow 95-142
511-00016-00 3/3 120 50-400 Fast 70-120
511-00016-01 3/3 120 50-400 Slow 70-20
511-00026-00 3/3 120 50-400 Slow 110-190
511-00026-02 3/3 120 50-400 Fast 110-190
511-00017-00 3/3 208 50-400 Fast 125-165
511-00027-00 3/3 220 50-400 Slow 160-350
511-00015-00 3/3 240 50-400 Slow 130-380
511-00014-00 3/4 120/208 50-400 Fast 145-220
511-00014-01 3/4 120/208 50-400 Slow 145-220
511-00024-00 3/4 120/208 50-400 Fast 200-300
511-00024-01 3/4 120/208 50-400 Slow 200-300
511-01019-00 1/2 28 Vdc - - 18-31 Vdc

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Kato Engineering Support
The brand you trust, the power you depend on. Include the serial number
and model number for your machine in the email subject line.
Field Service [email protected]
Parts [email protected]
Remanufacturing [email protected]
Warranty/Quality Assurance [email protected]

Kato Engineering, Inc. | P.O. Box 8447 | Mankato, MN USA 56002-8447 | Tel: 507-625-4011
[email protected] | | Fax: 507-345-2798

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