Health Teachnology Assessment Prelim
Health Teachnology Assessment Prelim
Health Teachnology Assessment Prelim
as Covid-19
• Improves the quality of lives and health
---- January 29, 2022 -----
outcomes, example the vaccines, evaluate
Moving Together Towards Universal Health and assed if it does work and the intention of
Care why it made it in the first place (which is
made to prevent the severity of the disease
Session Objectives
and minimize the hospitalization)
• Describe the organizational structure and
• Hospital should be the last line of defense,
functional of HTA Philippines
so we must go into the prevention way first
• Describe how HTA helps national and regional (prevention such as health care protocols,
health system achieve UHC social distancing, wearing mask and
• Describe how different stakeholder can
participate in HTA • Researchers of HTA must assessed the
vaccine first before distribute it to the
Stakeholders: (public health offices, healthcare
public. They must report it first to the
professional and any related industries; patients,
government officials that this vaccine is
public and government)
worked and can minimize the severity of
Overview of HTA Philippines disease and hospitalization)
What are health technologies? • And if it works, they must also see to it if
kaya ba sa budget and benefits must be
➢ Any healthcare intervention used to promote
bigger than the risk.
health to prevent, diagnose or treat disease or
for rehabilitation or long-term care Dimension of HTA
• Intervention can be devices, certain • Clinical
healthcare services, software or certain
• Economic
program, medicines, etc
• Patient Related
• Because of the pandemic, the function of
HTA was recognized more that’s why they • Organizational
assessed the vaccine (basically they assessed
• Above mentioned are the aspects that the HTA
the vaccine if it is worth it for the
will assessed. They also do systematic related
government to fund it for us)
review of literature. They also do meta analysis.
Health Technology Assessment They are looking of existing and current
evidences of whatever health technology so that
➢ HTA refers to the systematic evaluation of
they can assess if it work.
properties, effects or impacts of health
technologies developed to address a health • Vaccine in Europe, USA, South America,
problem and improve quality of lives and health Southeast Asia and other part of Asia, how’s
outcomes. their effectivity, real world data, was it positive
for them, was it negative for them. Its like
• Evaluating the intervention (mentioned
comparisons, if it worked for them that’s why
they find it its worth to spend certain kind of So FDA is marketing approval. And also they’re
health technology. the one who does test for safety ang efficacy.
• HTA look for the existing literature and going to • HTA – looking for the existing evidences and do
look for data such as for: economic analysis (cost-effective analysis) so
that they can make recommendation whether or
• Clinical
not the “product”/health technology is good to
• Efficacy, Safety, Effectiveness, Indications, fund the government)
Populations affected
• Economic • DOH – Pharmaceutical Development
• Efficiency, Costs, Cost-effectiveness, Cost
o Essential Medicine List
utility, Cost benefit
o Purpose
• Patient Related
▪ Comparative effectiveness
• Social Impact, Ethics, Acceptability,
Psychological Reactions ▪ Costs/Cost-effectiveness
• Organizational ▪ Budget impact
• Diffusion, De/centralization, Accessibility, ▪ Health service impact
Skill-Routines, Education-training
▪ Equity/ethical/social implications
• (Patient-Related: Acceptability) HTA looking • During lockdown, a lot of business was closed.
for data that the public will be open minded and
Some jobs are loss due to certain position and
accept the vaccine. Because the Government
jobs are not consider as essentials. The analysis
don’t want to buy a vaccine that will not utilized
of HTA with the help of other sectors such as
the private and public stakeholder, if they invest
the vaccine which is given to everyone for free
Who does HTA in the Philippines?
will the country get the returned of investment
No structured and well-coordinated HTA framework na if we increase the vaccine uptake, more
for health interventions and technologies beyond people will then be employed, more business
drugs reopened or they are new business recognized
that they can profit in the good way from this
pandemic. Also, small and medium business and
o Marketing Approval big enterprises will be open as the vaccination
uptake will goes up. And HTA looking this kind
o Purpose:
of effect. HTA seeing budget given for this
▪ Safety, efficacy and quality vaccines and what’s going on with our revenue.
They’re looking at that
• registering the product, provide a certificate for
EUA (emergency use authorization) so that it
can be used to the Filipino public (nothing
should be used without the knowledge of FDA).
Economic Evaluation in the national formulary Some laws that aligned to UHC and priority to HTA
• HTA check what’s on the formulary. Checked • Rare disease Act – R.A 10747
the evidences, the literature, economic impact • Mental health Law – R.A 11036
and these medicine in the formulary has.
• Cancer control Act
• It is important what’s in the formulary is being
utilized and that we’re getting our money worth • Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Magnanay Act (First
on it 1000 days) – R.A 11148
Key Stipulations
• Institutionalizing HTA as prerequisite for public
financing and coverage decisions of DOH and
• If UHC wasn’t sign, HTA couldn’t take action
• Creation of the Health Technology Assessment
Council (HTAC) supported by a unit with
technical secretariat and policy planning and
evaluation teams
• To do the evaluation they have to create a
council (HTAC)
HTA as a priority setting mechanism to guide HTA supports the health system in achieving
coverage decisions UHC through:
• Market approval • Priority setting
o Regulatory review for product quality, • Transparency and accountability
efficacy and safety • Better resource allocation
• Priority setting • Price negotiation
The HTA System
▪ CPG development
Who are involved:
o Which can be included?
• Multidisciplinary Researchers and Experts
▪ PhilHealth benefit packages • Stakeholders – Healthcare providers, patients
▪ DOH Public Health Programs and public, industry
1. Bioterrorism 2. Recommendation
HTAC Subcommittee
• Drugs
o Noel Juban, MD, MSc
o Lizette Kristine Lopez, MD
They do this work
o Imelda G. Peña, RPh, DrPH
• HTA Unit <-> HTA Research Network
• Vaccines
o Evidence generation
o Mediadora Saniel, MD, MBA-H
o Policy and planning
o Jose Enrico Lazaro, PhD
o Technical secretariat support
8. Decision by SOH
Investigational drug – drugs that don’t have yet • Guides researchers in conducting HTA
registration or certificate to the FDA but being • Reports generated inform how DOH and
given to the public due to public emergency
PhilHealth allocate public funding and
• AI-assisted diagnosis for COVID-19 (Mar, Apr resource
c. Superior
• Economic Assessment (Cost-
effectiveness/Utility Analysis +
Budget Impact Analysis)
• Ethical, Legal, Social, and Health
System Implications Analysis
4. Protocol Development
5. Clinical Assessment
a. Inferior