The Strange World of NSA Mind Control 050111
The Strange World of NSA Mind Control 050111
The Strange World of NSA Mind Control 050111 5/3/2011
The Strange World of NSA Mind Control Page 2 of 8 5/3/2011
The Strange World of NSA Mind Control Page 3 of 8
world’s most prolific satanic institution and a former disciple of Anton LaVey (founder
of First Church of Satan), is reportedly a master psychic, good at psionics, and
rumored the highest ranking member of the NSA. The NSA site lists former Directors
and has General Keith B. Alexander, United States Army as the current head of the
Are we supposed to believe that a devil worshipper can serve at the highest levels of
the military industrial security complex? Can such claims be credible?
Michael Aquino, Satanic Mind-Control Aquino- NSA Devil Worshiper Long Range
Cults Takeover & Satellite Mind Control
View the video Michael Aquino, Satanic Mind-Control Cults and the Aquino NSA
connection to enrich your confidence in the work of the intelligence communities.
Bizarre at the least, but Jeffrey Steinberg of Executive Intelligence Review sheds light
on From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory in How Military PsyOps Plan
to Control your Mind.
"The "MindWar" paper was disturbing, for reasons beyond its fascistic and
occultist content. For one thing, Colonel Vallely's co-author was a PSYOP
Research & Analysis Team Leader named Maj. Michael A. Aquino. 5/3/2011
The Strange World of NSA Mind Control Page 4 of 8
Watch the video about this military Mind War paper and then EDUCATE YOURSELF:
PROJECT BLUEBEAM for the application of the tenants of these projects.Aquino
writes in November 2003 in the introduction addendum to his original Mind War paper
the following:
"With the arising of the Internet in the 1980s, however, Mind War received
an entirely unexpected - and somewhat comic - resurrection. Allusions to it
gradually proliferated, with its "sinister" title quickly winning it the most
lurid, conspiracy-theory reputation. The rumor mill soon had it transformed
into an Orwellian blueprint for Manchurian Candidate mind control and
world domination. My own image as an occult personality added fuel to
the wildfire: Mind War was now touted by the lunatic fringe as conclusive
proof that the Pentagon was awash in Black Magic and Devil-worship.
Now that this absurdly comic opera has at least somewhat subsided, I
thought that it might be interesting to make a complete and accurate copy
of the paper available, together with an Introduction and some historical-
hindsight annotations to place it in reasonable context. After all it did - and
perhaps still does - have something worthwhile to say.
Within the U.S. military, PSYOP has habitually been relegated to a back-
seat as a "force multiplier". The principal strategic decisions are made in
consideration of traditional political and military interests and goals. Only
then is PSYOP invited to the table, to help achieve already-agreed-upon
missions more efficiently. 5/3/2011
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The funnel effect of protecting favored covert projects and sharing denial of
information among agencies continues. But, what never ceases is the onward march
for greater control over the minds and behavior of citizens, since they are seen as the
enemy of the totalitarian Pentagon structure that obeys the unlawful orders of their
oligarchic masters. If this system of false patriotism is not Devil-worship, then what
would you call devotion to a technocratic regime that directs their surveillance
apparatus as a means to deceive and subjugate the local population?
The NSA is more dangerous to the ordinary citizen than the clandestine operatives
that play their spy games. PSYOP is more pervasive domestically than internationally.
The target of the black art that NSA electronics employ is designed to read your
email, listen to your phones and monitor your travel activities. Cyberspace databases
are core functions that the National Security Agency uses to create achieves on
individuals. Just who are the lunatics when a government routinely monitors every
aspect of behavior? 5/3/2011
The Strange World of NSA Mind Control Page 6 of 8
"Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map
out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject's brain and show
images from the subject's brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see
what the surveillance subject's eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also
be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the
eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put
images in a surveillance subject's brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for
brain-programming purposes."
The NSA Ft. Meade complex is more imposing than the CIA Langley operation. The
illicit skullduggery and Sub Rosa elements that dominate your lives are occult
disciples. Aquino may just be idolizing what other NSA practitioners are hiding
beyond closed doors. Thomas Reynolds, played by Jon Voight in Enemy of the State
said: "The only privacy that's left is the inside of your head", may have been asleep at
the switch during his RNM sessions.
"The uncanny attraction of the Third Reich – Nazi Germany – lies in the fact that it endorsed
and practiced both dynamism and life-worship without end and to a world-shaking degree of
success." — Michael Aquino 5/3/2011
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Raymond Joe
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