A Review On Natural Fibre Based Composites - Structure, Processing and Properties of Vegetable Fibres
A Review On Natural Fibre Based Composites - Structure, Processing and Properties of Vegetable Fibres
A Review On Natural Fibre Based Composites - Structure, Processing and Properties of Vegetable Fibres
artwork, such as charts, photographs, etc. Pagination in this version will differ from the published version.
A Review
on Natural Fibre Based Composites–
Part I:
Structure, Processing and Properties
of Vegetable Fibres
J. Biagiotti
D. Puglia
José M. Kenny
On the other hand, some disadvantages may limit their application on an in-
dustrial level:
FIGURE 1. Global fibre crops primary among the last forty years.
3 107
2.5 10
Fibre crops primary (Mt)
2 107
1.5 107
1 107
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Most of the available information published over the last few years on natu-
ral fibre/wood composites dealt with several topics like identification and
classification of fibres, treatments and adaptation of natural fibres, study of
compatibility between fibre and matrix in composites, determination of fibre
and composite mechanical properties, humidity effects and, finally, potential
applications as substitutes for other materials. However, more extensive re-
search is necessary to assess the standard quality of the fibres that is a function
of raw material optimisation, growth-maturity-retting-decortication processes
and the use of advanced methods for the preparation and processing of fibres.
Moreover, in the case of their utilization as reinforcements in composite tech-
nology, it is also fundamental to improve the compatibility between the (hydro-
phobic-thermoplastic or hydrophilic-thermoset) matrix and the hydrophilic
cellulose-based natural fibres (Rowell 1995; George, Sreekala and Thomas
2001; Joseph et al. 1996). The purpose of composite materials development is,
in fact, to obtain a product able to combine the positive properties of each con-
stituent component. In this sense, lignocellulosic reinforcements have been of
growing interest in the last few years due to their environmentally friendly as-
pect (Rowell 1998). In fact, environment legislation as well as consumer de-
mands are all increasing the manufacturing requirements of these materials
and final products to consider the virtual impact of the products at all stages of
their life cycle. The latter aspect validates the renewed interest that natural re-
inforcements have gained, especially as a glass fibre substitute in the automo-
tive industries (Brouwer 2000, Kenny 2001). Furthermore, the development
of specific manufacturing technologies has to be addressed in order to obtain
reliable products based on these materials.
Natural bio-based fibres may be classified in two main categories: non-
wood fibres and wood fibres (see Figure 2). Even so, the basic chemical struc-
tures of these kinds of fibres are similar in terms of the constituents varying
their composition fibre-to-fibre (Mohanty, Misra and Drzal 2002). Most natu-
ral leaf, bast and seed fibres are actually used as reinforcements in the composite
industry. Bast fibres (flax, jute, hemp) are typically the bests for improve-
ments in tensile and bending strength and modulus. Instead, coarse fibres such
as sisal and coir (coconut husk fibre) are better for toughness. In addition,
other kinds of fibres and fillers, obtained from the processing of wood, coir,
agave, hemp, jute, etc. as well as rice and nut hulls, cereal straws (oat, rye,
wheat, etc.) and corn cobs can be used to improve dimensional stability and
The objective of this first part is to introduce the main aspects of vegetable
fibres used for composite materials by means of a general overview of the re-
sults presented in literature concerning this new typology of reinforcements,
focusing the attention on the fibre properties in terms of chemical and physical
structure, and on their thermal and mechanical characteristics. The second
parting will be devoted to the final utilization of vegetable fibres as reinforce-
ment of polymeric matrices (thermoplastics, thermosets and biodegradables),
and to the review the most used methods for the improvement of fibre-matrix
compatibility (physical and chemical treatments) with particular attention to
the application of natural fibre composites in the automotive industry.
Cellulose based fillers are simple materials, both chemically and physi-
cally. If one ignores the absorbed water, the main constituents of cellu-
lose-based reinforcements consist of three types of chemicals: approximately
half thereof is cellulose and approximately a quarter thereof is hemicellulose
and lignin. Other extractives present in plant-sources include pectin and waxes
(Hon 1991; Bledski and Gassan 1996). The compositions of some plant-fibres
are shown in Table A.
The existence of cellulose as a common material in plant cell walls was first
discovered by Anselm Payen in 1838 (Payen 1838a, 1838b). A natural poly-
mer consisting of D-glucose (C6H12O6) monomer units, cellulose contains
glucose units which link together to form long unbranched chains. A schema-
tisation of cellulose structure is reported in Figure 3 (Nevell and Zeronian
1985). There are roughly 4,000 to 8,000 glucose molecules strung together.
The polymer chains in cellulose have a linear structure due to the 1,4-b
glycosidic linkages. The repeating unit in cellulose is actually made up of two
glucose units with each glucose unit in the linear chain being “turned over”
when compared with its preceding unit. Due to the positioning of the three
hydroxyl groups in each glucose monomer, strong hydrogen bonds are formed
between these groups and the hydroxyl groups on adjacent chains. Cellulose is
largely crystalline, organised into microfibrils and is very stable in normal en-
vironments. The H-bonding of many cellulose molecules to each other results
in the formation of microfibres that can interact to form fibres. Cellulose fibres
42 TABLE A. Chemical composition of some vegetable fibres.
HO O 3⬘ 1⬘ CH2OH
HO 5 2 5⬘ 2⬘ O
3 4⬘ O HO
6⬘ n-2 O
Non-Reducing Anhydroglucose unit, AGU Reducing
End-Group (n = value of DP) End-Group
ble for practical purposes today (Figure 4). The dimensions of the cell are
reported in Table B.
 = 84°
a = 8.35 Å
Peer Reviewed Papers 45
D - glucose D - glucuronic acid D - mannose
D - arabinose D - xylose
mers of lignin and the types and proportions depend on the source in nature.
Some typical monomers are shown in Figure 6a and an early stage in the con-
densation process of these monomers to form lignin is shown in Figure 6b. In
this last figure several chemical groups that may react further are highlighted.
Large lignin molecules are three-dimensional and are heavily cross-linked.
Sometimes lignin is isolated as a brown powder, but more often it is a gummy
mixture of lignins with a wide range of molecular weights. Lignin resists at-
tack by most microorganisms and anaerobic processes tend not to attack the
aromatic rings at all. The aerobic breakdown of lignin is slow and may take
months. Lignin together with hemicellulose is nature’s cement in the exploita-
tion of the strength of cellulose while conferring flexibility.
Physical Structure
FIGURE 6. Some typical monomers of the lignin (a) and early stage in their
condensation (b).
FIGURE 7. Scheme of the morphological architecture of a cotton fibre (a) and a delignified spruce wood (b).
Secondary wall
Lumen Secondary wall
Inner layer (S1)
Inner layer (S1)
Primary wall
Middle lamella
(a) (b)
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Fibre Production
After the planting and growing phase, which takes about one year, depend-
ing on the variety of the plant and the final desired quality, the fibres are har-
vested. In general, the harvesting should tend to preserve the maximum final
length of the fibre. In fact, as in the case of their application as composite rein-
forcements, the greater the aspect ratio (length/diameter) of the fibre, the
better the improvement of the final mechanical properties.
A simple process, named decortication, is also normally used to extract leaf
fibres. Leaves are crushed and beaten by a rotating wheel set with blunt
knives, so that only the fibres remain. All the other parts of the leaf are washed
away by water. Decorticated fibres are then washed before drying them in the
sun or with hot air. The dry fibres are machine combed and sorted into various
grades, largely on the basis of the previous in-field separation of leaves into
size groups (Yayock, Lombin and Owonubi, 1988).
The extraction of bast fibres from the stems of the plant-fibres is in general
accomplished through retting processes, described hereunder.
Retting is a microbial process that breaks the chemical bonds that hold the
stem together and allows separation of the bast fibres from the woody core.
The two traditional types of retting are field retting and water retting. With
field or dew retting, plant stems are cut or pulled up and left in the field to rot.
Farmers monitor the process closely to ensure that the bast fibres separate
from the inner core without much deterioration in quality. Moisture is needed
for the microbial breakdown to occur, but then the weather must be dry
enough for the stalks to dry for bailing. Although varying weather conditions
affect the quality of the fibre, field retting has been used extensively because it
is inexpensive, mechanized and does not use water. Currently, dew-retting,
which depends on indigenous, aerobic fungi to colonize pulled plants in the
fields, is the accepted practice in European countries and accounts for much of
the fibres used in textiles. However, the disadvantages of dew retting include:
(1) the dependence on particular geographical regions that have the appropri-
ate moisture and temperature ranges for retting, (2) coarser and lower quality
fibres than those produced with water-retting, (3) less consistency in fibre
characteristics and (4) the occupation of agricultural fields for several weeks
(Van Sumere 1992). Dew-retting further results in a heavily contaminated fi-
bre that is particularly disadvantageous in cotton textile mills. On the other
hand, water retting produces more uniform and high-quality fibre but the pro-
cess is very labour and capital intensive. In this case, stems are immersed in
water (rivers, ponds or tanks) and monitored frequently. Not only is this labour
intensive, but farmers and/or workers must also have the necessary knowledge
regarding fibre quality. Furthermore, the process uses large volumes of clean
water that must be treated before being discharged. Water retting, which was
formerly the method of choice because of high quality fibre, produces envi-
ronmentally unacceptable fermentation waste (Sharma and Van Sumere, 1992a;
Sharma and Van Sumere, 1992b). This practice was mostly discontinued in
western countries several decades ago because of the pollution from fermenta-
tion products and the high cost of drying (Brown, 1984).
An alternative that has had long-term consideration is the use of enzymes in
controlled reactors. Scientists speculate that improved microorganisms or di-
rect use of enzymes may allow countries in Europe and North America to pro-
duce textile-quality bast fibres. The cost of the enzymes, and perhaps other
less obvious reasons, have prevented a further development of a commercial
enzyme-retting process and dew-retting remains the most widely used practice
in Europe to obtain fibres commercially for industrial use, despite continuing
research on other methods. In this scenery, the work performed by the Finnish
factory Finflax, as a partner of the European Project ECOFINA (Ecoefficient
Technologies and Products based on Natural Fibre Composites) as a provider
of flax fibre can be mentioned as they uses a controlled enzymatic retting of
flax fibre to obtain a higher quality fibre for composite materials (Kenny
2003). In this process, the anatomy of the fibres and fibre bundles determines
on a large extent the final fibre quality and yield and it is also dependent on the
flax cultivation and growth conditions within the stem. The quality of the
fibres is also largely determined by the shape of the bundles; oval or kid-
ney-shaped fibre bundles being characteristics of good quality flax, while ir-
regular bundles are indicative of poor quality flax. Furthermore, both fibre
yield and quality are strongly dependent on the characteristics of the cell
walls, for example, better fibre quality and higher yields correspond with
thicker cell walls, while fibre strength is mainly determined by the cell shape
and the characteristics of the middle lamellae.
In order to achieve good quality fibre, it is important to focus on all the
steps in the refining process. The selection of flax, to be retted industrially,
must start already at beginning of the production of the raw material, in partic-
ular microbiological and microscopical (light and electron microscopy) exam-
inations should be taken into account. Microbiological tests are performed
using standard plate culture methods in order to investigate the quality of the
fibre. This was examined with an optical microscope (Figures 8a-b). A well
formed fibre bundle, oval cross section form of fibres and well packed fibre
cells are signs of good quality fibres. The number of fibre bundles vary from
stem to stem and depend on which part of the stem is used. For example, bun-
dles are less numerous at the top of the plant than at the root, while most bun-
dles are found in the middle part of the stem. The number of fibre bundles
varies from 15 to 35. A fibre bundle usually contains from 10 to 40 fibre cells
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FIGURE 8. Before retting cross-section, of (a) portion of the flax stem and
(b) flax fibre bundle with surrounding tissue.
having a diameter of 20 to 30 µm. The amount of fibre cells differ from bundle
to bundle, the largest amount being found in the middle part of the stem. The
primary wall of the flax fibre cell contains pectic substances, occasionally
with traces of lignin, whereas the secondary layers consist mainly of cellulose.
The retting time may easily vary (12-24 hours) depending on the enzyme con-
centration, the type of fibres to be retted and the final quality of fibres required
for different technical applications. Figures 9a-b show the quality of the flax
fibres retted enzymatically by the Arctic-Flax Process used by Finflax. The
enzymes break the pectin substances of the flax fibre cell walls. The retting
time is over 22 hours, because the aim is to break off the fibre bundle and pro-
duce elementary fibres.
Fibre Separation
Once the stalks are retted, dried and baled, they are processed by mechani-
cal separation, in a process called scutching that include two operations:
breaking and swingling. In the breaking, stalks are passed between fluted roll-
ers to crush and break the woody core into short pieces of less than 1 cm
length, called shives. Swingling is the removal of the shives and is achieved by
tangential scraping of the broken stems. The process of long fibre scutching
produces two kinds of fibres, scutched flax (long fibre) and tow (short fibre).
Although partially mechanized, these procedures are functionally identical to
traditional methods by hand of preparing line fibre and tow for twisting into
twine or rope or for spinning into yarn. Not only are these methods time con-
suming but they also require skilled workers and a considerable investment in
capital equipment.
It is also possible to mechanically convert virtually all of the bast fibre di-
rectly into tow using flax breaking and tow processing machinery. This elimi-
nates traditional scutching and allows the processing of randomly-oriented
baled straw. Compared to scutching machinery, tow-processing equipment
usually has a higher throughput, requires fewer and less skilled workers and
costs less. However, a tow processing system cuts all of the bast fibre into
short lengths, making it appropriate only for lower value uses, such as pulp
and paper, instead of textiles or composites.
This is the final process before spinning. It is the removal of all bits of fibre
straw and all short fibres (tow). There are three to four sets of hackles, starting
with the very coarse set and continuing on to the very fine toothed set. The
fibres are flicked over the coarsest hackle first until no coarse fibres can be re-
moved from the fibres held in hand. This process is repeated with the second
coarsest hackle, using only the fibre remaining in the hand. Flicking and draw-
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FIGURE 9. The end-point of the enzymatic retting (a), followed by the breaking
of pectic substances of the flax fibre cell (b).
ing continues through the various hackles until the fibre remaining in the hand
is of a smooth and consistent length.
The fibre remaining in the hand is called a line, strick, hank or lint. The fi-
bre remaining in the hackles is removed and the hackling process is repeated.
This fibre is called tow and is used for sacking, candle wicks, tow ropes and
other similar coarse materials. The straw remaining is used in bedding and is
considered to repel fleas and lice.
In spinning, the fine fibres are twisted together to obtain a yarn. Finer yarns
are generally spun with water (wet spun) and the coarser yarns are dry spun.
The weaver will generally use wet spun yarns for nicer apparel and household
fabrics and dry spun (tow) for coarser upholstery items. The basic principles of
weaving have not changed since linen was first invented. However, technol-
ogy has changed considerably over the centuries, and today weaving is a very
sophisticated operation. The non-wovens were manufactured by a full-scale
scutching, opening, carding and needle-punch process. The technological pa-
rameters have an extended influence on the fabric and the later composite
properties; needle penetration and stitch density in needling can change the
tensile strength, the flexing resistance and the E-modulus. The objective of
carding is to open the processed fibre without damaging its technical proper-
ties. The carding functions are:
• opening the fibre bundles into single fibres and cleaning of the fibres
• unidirectionaling and straightening of the fibres
• removal of very short fibres
The fibres can be processed with the non-woven carding process. After
carding, the fibres can be also processed into different square-weighted mats
by needle-punching.
Steam Explosion
Research in Europe has sought methods for separating bast fibre that by-
pass traditional retting and scutching. Steam explosion and ultrasound are un-
der investigation in Germany, but the processes produce short fibres only
(D’Agostino, Richard and Taylor 1996; Kessler et al. 1998). In the early
1930’s, Charles V. Rowell published a patent, which used the technique of
steam explosion to extract fibres from agricultural wastes (Rowell 1932). In
the 1970’s and 1980’s, several commercial and academic organizations began
conducting research and development that explored other applications for
steam explosion, including the production of cattle-feed, ethanol and specialty
Peer Reviewed Papers 55
chemicals from wood fibres. Certain heat transfer limitations which hinder
process optimisation are associated with batch steam explosion. In 1986, an
experimental station that uses steam explosion (STEX) started in Germany to
produce short staple linen fibres and can be processed on a highly productive
cotton line in mixtures. The processing of flax by STEX can be adjusted to
variable raw material quality and provides short fibres of high purity and
free-ness due to a chemical treatment during steaming and a mechanical action
when the material is expelled from the reaction chamber.
Steam explosion generally refers to the process of exposing fibres to
high-pressure steam (typically 200-450 psi) for a period of 1-10 minutes and
then explosively discharging the product to atmospheric pressure. The process
has, in the past, been mistakenly described as a physical treatment. However,
it is now well accepted that the process is chemical in nature and is controlled
by temperature and time. In order to utilize the fibres, it is necessary to sepa-
rate the lignin from the cellulose. In the past, it was only possible to break the
bonding between the cellulose and the lignin through very expensive and high
polluting chemical pulping processes. Continuous steam explosion pulping
uses high-pressure steam, under controlled conditions of time and tempera-
ture, to alter the natural structure of lignocellulosic materials and achieves sig-
nificant reductions in chemical requirements and refining energy. The strength
characteristics of the resulting pulps are improved and respond well to bleach-
ing with hydrogen peroxide. In Figure 10, a schematic diagram of the steam
explosion treatment of decorticated flax fibre is shown (Kessler et al. 1998).
The decorticated fibre bundles are impregnated with NaOH at a concentration
range of 0.1-0.5% wt at different temperatures (20-120°C) in the reaction
chamber. After releasing the surplus base, the material is subjected to satu-
rated steam. According to the specified steam treatment, the material is ex-
truded into a cyclone by suddenly opening the extrusion valve at the defined
release pressure. The degraded materials, like pectin and hemicellulose are
then extracted by alkaline scouring. Following the wash cycle, the fibres are
dried at room temperature, opened on a standard opener and carded.
In conclusion, natural fibres processed by steam explosion offer the oppor-
tunity for high-tech applications in textiles as well as in technical applications
which may balance farming and productions costs, for its better spinnability in
comparison to mechanically cottonized flax, due to a higher degree of free-
ness, homogeneity and purity.
Thermal Properties
(Chemicals, temperature, time, etc.)
Steam Explosion
(Temperature, time, extrusion speed)
(Procedure, chemicals, etc.)
Hemicellulose, Hemicellulose,
Pectin, Lignin Pectin, Lignin,
Knots, fibre Opening, Carding Fibre fragments,
bundles trash
parison with synthetic fibres. Regarding thermal expansion only few data are
available in the scientific literature with values of the corresponding coeffi-
cient ranging in the order of 3⭈10⫺5, while glass fibres are in the order of
5⭈10⫺6. On the other hand, thermogravimetric and differential scanning calo-
rimetric analysis demonstrate that noticeable mass loss in natural fibres start at
about 200-220°C; above this temperature irreversible degradation of the fibres
occurs (Wielage et al. 1999). The relative low degradation temperatures of
vegetable reinforcements, in comparison with the process temperatures of
polymeric matrices, represents the most important limit for their use in plastics
with the conventional processing equipments (extruder, injection moulding,
etc). However, the thermal stability of the cellulose-based fibres can be im-
proved with several physical and chemical treatments as described in the sec-
ond part of this work. Therefore, an intense research activity on the thermal
degradation of vegetable fibres for composites has been reported in the scien-
tific literature. Only some results, related to the effects of chemical treatments
on the thermal stability of natural fibres are reported here as examples. Rana et
al. investigated the thermal behaviour of untreated and acetylated jute fibres,
characterizing the hemicellulose and α-cellulose decomposition temperatures
Peer Reviewed Papers 57
(found also in DSC tests) and showing the missing of the first peak and the in-
crease of the second peak temperature for treated fibres, due to higher thermal
stability (Rana et al. 1997). Albano et al. studied the effect of acetylated and
non-acetylated sisal fibres on the thermal degradation of blends of PP and
polyolefins, especially PP/HDPE/functionalized EPR and PP/HDPE/non-
functionalized EPR (Albano et al. 1999). The studies have shown that the
starting temperature of the decomposition of the fibre, whether treated or not,
was maintained almost at the same level and acetylated fibre stability was also
found to increase with a higher activation energy value (for acetylated fibre).
A change in the degradation mechanisms with two stages degradation for the
treated fibres was also observed.
Thermogravimetric analysis, TGA, of untreated and different surface mod-
ified jute fibres was also performed by Mohanty et al. (Mohanty, Khan and
Hinrichsen 2000) for the realization of composites based on a Biopol matrix;
all surface modified fabrics show the same or better thermal stability com-
pared to untreated fabrics. Typical TGA curves of some untreated vegetable
fibres are illustrate in Figure 11. In any case processing and service tempera-
tures for vegetable fibres cannot exceed 200-200°C limiting the availability of
suitable polymeric matrix. These aspects will be specifically addressed in the
second part of this review.
Although many research reports indicate that natural fibres exhibit a com-
plicated anisotropic structure, unfortunately the anisotropy property of most
natural fibres has been left undetermined. For example, the jute fibres investi-
gated by Cichocki and Thomason exhibited considerable elastic and thermal
expansion anisotropy (Cichocki and Thomason 2002). The longitudinal Young’s
modulus of the fibre was determined to exceed the transverse fibre modulus by
as much as an order of magnitude in certain temperature regimes. The fibres
exhibited negative thermal expansion coefficients along their lengths; how-
ever, large positive thermal expansion coefficients, similar in magnitude to
many polymeric materials, have been estimated in the transverse directions.
Mechanical Properties
The properties of the fibres are determined by the physical, mechanical and
chemical properties of the morphological constituents and their interfaces.
Main physical characteristics found in literature regarding the most widely
known natural fibres are reported in Table C. Natural fibre consists of highly
crystalline cellulose fibrils spirally wound in a matrix of amorphous hemi-
cellulose, lignin and, eventually, pectin. Lignin and pectin act mainly as bond-
ing agents. The characteristic values of the structural parameters vary from
one fibre to another. In the case of flax fibre, they are oriented with a tilt angle
of 10° to the axis of the fibre and hence display a unidirectional structure (Bos
100 0.16
80 flax
sisal 0.12
0 0
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Temperature (°C)
and Donald 1999). In a recent research the Young’s modulus of a flax fibre
was estimated by taking into account the composition of the fibre and the evo-
lution of the orientation of the fibrils during a tensile test, using micro-me-
chanical equations well compared with experimental results (Baley 2002).
The calculation of the elastic properties of cellulose based natural fibres
was performed by Gassan et al. (Gassan, Chate and Bledzki 2001) by means of
different mechanical models. The results shown how the modulus in fibre axis
decreases with an increasing spiral angle and degree of anisotropy, while shear
modulus reached a maximum value at a spiral angle of 45°. Moreover, the de-
gree of anisotropy was only affected by the cellulose content in the range be-
tween 35 and 90%, which is the typical content for most natural fibres.
Eichhorn et al. (Eichhorn, Sirichaist and Young 2001) utilized Raman spec-
troscopy in order to probe the deformation mechanism of cellulose fibres.
During tensile deformation, the 1095 cm⫺1 Raman band, corresponding to the
TABLE C. Main physical properties of cellulose based fibres compared with conventional synthetic fibres.
E a
( )
F Ef = 1 − exp −
FIGURE 12. Comparison between Weibull distributions of flax and glass fibres.
(Biagiotti et al. 2003).
Flax fibre
Glass fibre
Weibull model
Probability of failture
101 102 103 104 105
Tensile strength (MPa)
Peer Reviewed Papers 61
in general, close or lower than plastic and high fibre loading can result in sig-
nificant material cost savings. Other advantages can be found in their non-
abrasive nature. In fact, reduced equipments abrasion and the subsequent re-
duction of re-tooling costs through the use of natural fibres is a factor that will
be considered by the plastics industry when evaluating the use natural fibres.
On the other hand, despite the numerous advantages that vegetable fibres
present in a first approach, the series of drawbacks discussed in previous para-
graphs (scattered mechanical properties, low process temperatures, easy mois-
ture absorption, etc) can limit their utilisation in industrial scale. Then, although
extensive research efforts have been dedicated to the production of industrial
vegetable fibres suitable for composite materials several aspects still require
attention before this industrial sector can be considered as mature.
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