Air Conditioning Notes (Psychrometric)
Air Conditioning Notes (Psychrometric)
Air Conditioning Notes (Psychrometric)
Air conditioning is the simultaneous control of temperature, humidity, air movement, and the
quality of air in a space. Controlling the properties of air so that the air will be suitable for its intended use
Psychrometry – study of the properties of air and its water vapor content.
Saturated Air – air whose condition is such that any decrease in temperature will result
in condensation of the water vapor into liquid.
1. Pressure , KPa
P = total pressure of air-water vapor mixture
Pa = Partial pressure of dry air
Pv = partial pressure of water vapor
2. Temperature, °C
Dry Bulb Temperature (DB) – the actual temperature of the air or the temperature of air
as registered by an ordinary thermometer.
Wet Bulb Temperature (WB) – temperature of air if it is saturated or temperature of air
as registered in a wetted wick thermometer.
Wet Bulb Depression – difference between wet bulb and dry bulb thermometers
kg water vapor
3. Humidity Ratio, W, kg dry air
; grams w.v./m3 of dry air ; grains wv/lb d.a.
Absolute Humidity(Humidity Ratio) – measure of the amount of moisture(water
vapor) present in a volume of air.
Pv Pv
0 .622 =0. 6222
W= Pa P−Pv where: P = atmospheric pressure
Pv = partial pressure of water vapor
4. Specific Volume
From PV = mRT
Va RaT RaT m
v= = = =
m Pa P−Pa kg dry air
1 kg
= 3
Density,ρ = v m dry air
5. Enthalpy, h, kg dry air
H = Cpt + Whg
6. Relative Humidity, RH, % - measure the amount of water vapor present divided by the
maximum amount of water vapor that would be present if the air were totally saturated or ratio of
the pressure of water vapor to the pressure of saturated water vapor at same dry bulb temperature
Actual partial Pressure of watervapor
Saturation Pr essure of pure water vapor at same tempertaure
Pv = RH x Psat
Psat – saturation pressure can be found at steam table at dry bulb temperature)
7. Dew Point – the temperature at which the water vapor in the air condenses when the air is cooled
at constant pressure or the temperature at which the air becomes saturated at constant pressure.
8. Percent Saturation, %
Actual Humidity Ratio
Humidity Ratio of saturated air at the dry bulb temp
W sat
Psychrometric Chart
Humidity Ratio
Saturation Line
h RH
Dew Point
7 6
1 2
5 8
0-1 Cooling
0-2 Heating
0-3 Humidifying (Isothermal Dryer)
0-4 Dehumidifying
0-5 Cooling and Dehumidifying (Air Conditioner)
0-6 Heating and Humidifying (Cooling Tower)
0-7 Cooling and Humidifying (Adiabatic Dryer)
0-8 Heating and Dehumidifying (Chemical Dehumidifying)