Syllabus IntAcc 2&3

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Accountancy Department

JRU will be a market leader in the use of technology for innovation in teaching and learning to produce graduates of social importance.
The University aims to develop its students to become useful and responsible citizens through the effective transfer of relevant knowledge and
desirable values.
A JRU graduate has the competencies and values in the disciplinal area completed such that he/she is a useful and responsible citizen of the country.

Course Title: Intermediate Accounting 2 & 3
Course Code: ACC C206
Credit Units: 6 units
Course Description: This course is designed to cover the financial accounting principles relative to recognition, measurement and valuation of liabilities
and shareholders’ equity. It also deals with the preparation of a properly classified balance sheet, income statement, statement of
changes in equity, and statement of cash flows, including the required disclosures and notes to the financial statements. It also
covers reconstruction of accounts from incomplete records, change from cash basis to accrual basis of accounting, correction of
errors, accounting changes, discontinued operations, earnings per share, accounting for changing prices, interim reporting, segment
reporting, and other current related items.

Pre-Requisite: ACC C205

Placement: Second Year, 2nd semester

Program Educational Objectives (PEO):

Three to five years after completing the BSBA Major in Accounting, the graduate will:

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department

1. excel in their profession/career utilizing the knowledge acquired in the Business Administration program;
2. become effective collaborators and innovators in Business Administration, applying professional/technical skills and competencies to make a
positive impact on society; and
3. be engaged in life-long learning and professional development through self-study, continuing education, or graduate and professional studies.

Student Outcomes (SO):

After the completion of the program, the graduates of the BSBA Major in Accounting program shall be able to:
a. exhibit specialized knowledge and skills in the application of accounting concepts and principles and reporting practice;
b. select the proper decision making tools to critically, analytically and creatively solve accounting problems and drive results on specific environmental
and global issues;
c. express oneself clearly and effectively with stakeholders in oral or written form using information and communication technology (ICT) skills;
d. demonstrate social responsibility with high personal, moral and ethical standard.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

At the end of this course, the students shall be able to:
CLO1: describe specific IFRS and IAS applicable to the recognition, measurement, and valuation of trade, other current liabilities; long – term
obligations such as loans and bonds; leases, deferred income taxes, and employment benefits; shareholders’ equity and its major
CLO2: apply IFRS and IAS through problem – solving, construct appropriate journal entries, related adjustments and proper presentation and
disclosures trade, other current liabilities; long – term obligations such as loans and bonds; leases, deferred income taxes, and employment
benefits; shareholders’ equity and its major components.
CLO3: develop an attitude of diligence, due care and conceptual strategies in applying the Financial Reporting and Accounting
Standards in preparing Financial Statements.

CLO Grid: Each CLO vis-à-vis SO and PEO:

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department

CLO1 A 1
CLO2 a, b 1, 2
CLO3 a, b, c 1, 2

Course Outline:

Course Teaching
Time Frame Topic/Content Learning Learning Assessment Evaluation
Outcomes Activities
Weeks 1 Orientation of JRU vision/mission, core values, PEO, SO,
course outcomes, grading system and course policies. CLO 1 Asynchronous:
12 hours 1. Definitions, nature and underlying standards CLO 2 (page html file): Asynchronous 50% of the
pertaining to liabilities. CLO 3 module 1 assignments - students got a
2. Accounting for Current liabilities and Contingent CANVAS rating of ≥ 2.5 on
liabilities Synchronous: 150 (PT1) a 5-point scale.
2.1 Actual liabilities - Trade and Other Liabilities minutes webinar
2.2 Estimated liabilities – Premiums, Warranties,
Gift Certificates, etc.
Week 2 1. Accounting for Non-current liabilities Asynchronous:
6 hours 1.1. Notes payable CLO 1 (page html file): Asynchronous 50% of the
1.1.1.Interest bearing, and CLO 2 module 2 assignments - students got a
1.1.2.Non-interest bearing; CLO 3 CANVAS rating of ≥ 2.5 on
1.2. Bonds payable Synchronous: 150 (PT2) a 5-point scale.
1.2.1.Issued on interest date, minutes webinar
1.2.2.Issued between interest dates,

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department

1.2.3.Issued with warrants,

1.2.4.Amortization of premium and discounts, and
1.2.5.Derecognition of bonds payable.
Week 3 1. Accounting for Income Taxes CLO 1 Asynchronous: Asynchronous 50% of the
1.1. Intra-period tax allocations, (page html file): Term Paper: students got a
1.2. Inter-period tax allocations CLO 2 module 3 Challenging rating of ≥ 2.5 on
1.2.1. Permanent difference, and Problems (P1) a 5-point scale.
1.2.2. Temporary differences CLO 3 Synchronous: 150
minutes webinar
Week 4 1. Accounting for Employee Benefits Asynchronous: Asynchronous
6 hours 1.1 Current/short term employment benefits CLO 1 (page html file): assignments – 50% of the
1.2 Post employment benefits CLO 2 module 4 CANVAS students got a
CLO 3 rating of ≥ 2.5 on
Synchronous: 150 Synchronous a 5-point scale.
minutes webinar activity (WW1) -
Week 5 1. Accounting for Leases Asynchronous: Asynchronous 50% of the
6 hours 1.1. Operating (books of lessor and lessee) CLO 1 (page html file): assignments - students got a
1.1.1.Regular, CLO 2 module 5 CANVAS rating of ≥ 2.5 on
1.1.2.Sale and lease back, and CLO 3 a 5-point scale.
1.1.3.Sales-type lease; Synchronous: 150 Synchronous
1.2. Finance (books of lessor and lessee) minutes webinar activity (WW2) -
1.2.1.Financing, CANVAS
1.2.2.Sale and lease back, &
1.2.3.Sales-type lease

Week 6 Day 1: Review of liabilities CLO 1 Synchronous: 60 50% of the

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Accountancy Department

6 hours CLO 2 minutes webinar Synchronous students got a

Day 2: Preliminary exam CLO 3 Synchronous activity rating of ≥ 2.5 on
Preliminary exam a 5-point scale.
Week 7-8 1. Accounting for Shareholders’ equity Synchronous
12 hours 1.1. Ordinary shares, CLO 1 Asynchronous: activity (WW 3)
1.2. Preference shares, (page html file): - CANVAS) 50% of the
1.3. Treasury shares, module 5 students got a
1.4. Rights and warrants, and Asynchronous: rating of ≥ 2.5 on
1.5. Share-based compensations Synchronous: 150 Challenging a 5-point scale.
1.5.1.Stock appreciation rights, and minutes webinar Problems (P2)
1.5.2.Stock options.
Weeks 9 1. Retained earnings Asynchronous: Asynchronous
6 hours 1.1. appropriations CLO 1 (page html file): assignments - 50% of the
1.1.1. funds, and CLO 2 module 5 CANVAS students got a
1.1.2. Dividends; CLO 3 rating of ≥ 2.5 on
1.2. prior period error affecting retained earnings. Synchronous: 150 Synchronous a 5-point scale.
2. Book value per share and earnings per share minutes webinar activity (WW 4)
2.1. Basic earnings per share, and - CANVAS
2.2. Diluted earnings per share.
Weeks 3. Retained earnings Asynchronous: Asynchronous
10-11 3.1. appropriations CLO 1 (page html file): assignments - 50% of the
12 hours 3.1.1. funds, and module 5 CANVAS students got a
3.1.2. Dividends; CLO 2 (PT3) rating of ≥ 2.5 on
3.2. prior period error affecting retained earnings. Synchronous: 150 a 5-point scale.
4. Book value per share and earnings per share CLO 3 minutes webinar
4.1. Basic earnings per share, and
4.2. Diluted earnings per share.

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department

Week 12 Day 1: Review of SHE CLO 1 Synchronous: 60 50% of the

CLO 2 minutes webinar Synchronous students got a
CLO 3 activity rating of ≥ 2.5 on
Day 2: MIDTERM exam Synchronous a 5-point scale.
Midterm exam
Week 13-14 1. The Statement of Financial Position and Notes to Asynchronous: Asynchronous
12 hours Financial Statements CLO 1 (page html file): assignments –
2. Statement of Comprehensive Income and Statement CLO 2 module 5 CANVAS 50% of the
of Changes in Capital CLO 3 students got a
Synchronous: 150 Synchronous rating of ≥ 2.5 on
minutes webinar activity (WW5) - a 5-point scale.
Week 15 The Statement of Cash Flows Asynchronous: Asynchronous
6 hours CLO 1 (page html file): assignments - 50% of the
CLO 2 module 5 CANVAS students got a
CLO 3 rating of ≥ 2.5 on
Synchronous: 150 Synchronous a 5-point scale.
minutes webinar activity (PT 4) -
Week 16-17 1. Errors and their Correction Asynchronous:
12 hours 2. Interim Reporting and Operating Segments CLO 1 (page html file): Synchronous 50% of the
module 5 activity (WW6) - students got a
CLO 2 CANVAS) rating of ≥ 2.5 on
Synchronous: 150 a 5-point scale.
CLO 3 minutes webinar Problems (P 4)
Week 18 Day 1: Review of FS Error Correction CLO 1 Synchronous: 60 Synchronous 50% of the
CLO 2 minutes webinar activity students got a

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department

Day 2: FINAL exam CLO 3 Synchronous Final rating of ≥ 2.5 on

exam: If Face-2face a 5-point scale.
is possible or open

Course Requirements: Summative tests, Written Case analysis, Major Exams

Grading System:
First Prelim Grade 30%
Class Standing 70%
Prelim Exam 30%
Second Prelim Grade 30%
Class Standing 70%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Term Grade 40%
Class Standing 70%
Final Exam 30%
Final Grade 100%
Class Standing Includes:
Written Works 40%
Performance Tasks 20%
Product 10%

Textbook Adopted: Spiceland and Nelson, Intermediate Accounting-Global Edition 2, c2019 McGraw Hill/C&E Pub.

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Accountancy Department

References: 1. Robles, Nenita, Intermediate Accounting Vol. 3, Millenium Enterprises c2016 Call#657.044/R666 2017 v.3
2. Uberita, Conrado, Practical Accounting I, DomDane Publishers, c2015 Call#657.Ub14 2015 c.2
3. Millan, Zeus Vernon B., Conceptual framework & accounting standards, Bandolin Enterprise, c2018 Call#657.3.M645
4.Empleo, Patricia Notes & quizzers: financial reporting framework and accounting standards, Millennium Books Inc. c2018
Call#657.3.Em55 2018
5.Kimmel, Paul Financial Accounting, Wiley c2019 Call#657.48.K49 2019
6.Valix, Conrado T. Intermediate Accounting vol.2, GIC Enterprises & Co., c2019 Call#657.044.V173 2019 v.2
7.Valix, Conrado T. Intermediate Accounting vol.3, GIC Enterprises & Co., c2019 Call#657.044.V173 2019 v.3
8.Wiley CPA excel exam review practice questions c2019 Call#657.076.B625 2019 v.2
9 Kieso, Donald E. Intermediate accounting, IFRS edition, Wiley, c2018 Call#657.044.K47 2018

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Date of Effectivity:


Faculty Members Department Chair Dean

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