(a) This question paper contains seven questions of equal weightage.
(b) Attempt any five questions. Attempting individual sub parts from different questions
will not be evaluated.
(c) Notations used have their usual meanings. Assume and state suitable data, if
Ql. (a) Obtain the value of current I for the circuit shown in Fig.1 151
.. 2A
Ix in a
Vx 10V
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
(b) Find the Norton's equivalent of the circuit shown in Fig. 2. across the terminals ab. [5]
Q2. (a) For the circuit shown in Fig. 3, the switch Si is closed at t=0. The switch S2 is opened at 151
t=4ms. Obtain the expression for i for t>0.
Si 500
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
(b) Obtain the value of current in 100 resistor in Fig. 4 by Thevenin's Theorem. 151
Q3. (a) An AC parallel circuit is formed by connecting two series branches of resistors and 151
inductors having impedances as (4+j4) 0 and (12+j6) 0 respectively. The total reactive
power consumed by the circuit is 2500 VAR. Find the value of active power consumed in
each of the parallel branches.
(b) Explain the phenomenon of resonance in AC series circuit. A series RLC circuit has [51
following parameters: R=100, L=0.01H, C=100p.F. Compute the resonant frequency in
radians per second, quality factor of the circuit and bandwidth of the circuit.
Q4. (a) A three phase balanced star connected load has an impedance per phase of Zy=8-Fj6 [51
Two wattmeter are connected for measurement of power in the three-phase load. If the
load is connected to 208V lines, Find the readings of the two wattmeter and power factor
of the load.
(b) What do you understand by rectification? With the help of a neat diagram, explain the 151
operation of full wave bridge rectifier using PN junction diode.
Q5. (a) A parallel circuits comprise two branches of (i) resistance of 200 and an inductance of [51
0.07H, and (ii) a condenser of capacitance 60 µF in series with a resistance of 500. Calculate
the current in the mains and the power factor of the arrangement when connected across a
200V, 50Hz mains supply. 0
(b) For the AC series circuit shown in Fig. 5, Find the value of (i) current (ii) VI and V2 (iii) [51
power factor (iv) Draw the phasor diagram.
100 0.05H 200 0.1H 5011F
Vi V2
200V, 50Hz
Fig. 5
' Explain the working of BJT in common Emitter mode in detail. Draw input and output [10]
characteristic of BJT in common emitter mode.
(a) Find the value of output voltage for the Operational Amplifier circuit shown in Fig. 6, if
Q7. [51
VI=5V, V2=1V.
100 kr:
Fig. 6
(b) What is an Operational Amp? What are the characteristics of an Ideal Operational
Amplifier? List five applications of an Op-Amp.