Background Story About Her Product
Background Story About Her Product
Background Story About Her Product
Entrepreneur Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu was born and raised in Zenebework, a small,
impoverished rural community in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia. As a child, she discovered
that people of her community were living in abject squalor because there were very
few jobs available.
While the most of the locals were unemployed, Bethlehem discovered that several of
them possessed remarkable artisan skills which remained largely unexploited. This
observation drove her to brainstorm on ways through which she could transform the
skills of her community members into a sustainable enterprise that could generate
livelihoods for them, and create wealth over the long term.
By 2004, armed with startup capital sourced from her husband and members of her
immediate family, Bethlehem mobilized artistically-gifted members of her community
and founded SoleRebels– which has become one of Africa’s most recognizable
footwear manufacturers.
Today, shoes under the SoleRebels brand are sold in over 30 countries around the
world and through various e-commerce sites like Amazon and Endless. Prices vary,
between $20 to $100.
Bethlehem’s interview
You see, I grew up in two worlds. The world that I knew of - one of
rich culture, creativity and skill, and the world that society told me I
was part of - one of poverty, incompetence and hopelessness.
With all the incredible culture, history and talent around me, how was it
that we were receiving charity instead of benefitting from our own
talent and resources?
But why is our story so important? I believe that the best road to true
and lasting prosperity lies in communities that produce world class
products that leverage local talents and resources. Ethiopia, and Africa
in general, desperately needs more trade and not aid or charity. Only
then, with sufficient financial resources evenly spread, can we begin to
bask in the self-satisfaction that comes from financing the solutions to
our own problems and not having them financed from outside.
So here we are. They laughed and we scaled our brand. Pair by pair we
became the first ever direct to consumer brand to emerge from a
developing nation – selling our brand via ecommerce before ecommerce
was huge, and opening branded retail stores around the world.
When people tell you to stop dreaming big, stop and remember that girl
from a small neighborhood no one ever heard or cared about. Then
smile, turn around and dream EVEN BIGGER than before. Then go and
make that dream real.