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MT6317Lec/Lab - Topic
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MT6317Lec/Lab - Topic
Pipette B S CN CP U
Standar - 0.025 - - -
d ml
Control - - 0.025 - -
Normal ml
Control - - - 0.025 -
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MT6317Lec/Lab - Topic
Top: Concentration of Uric Acid In Urine (SI o 📖 Affected individuals have pain and
Unit) inflammation of the joints caused by
Bottom: Concentration of Uric Acid in Urine precipitation of sodium urates.
o In 25-30% of patients, hyperuricemia
Notes: is a result of overproduction of uric
Legend: May be exacerbated by a purine
B = Blank rich diet, drugs, and alcohol
S = Standard o 📖 Plasma uric acid concentration in
CN = Control Normal affected individuals is usually greater
CP = Control Pathologic than 6.0 mg/dL.
U = Unknown o 📖 Patients with gout are susceptible to
C = Concentration the formation of renal calculi, although
A = Absorbance not all persons with abnormally high
(Conventional Unit) serum urate concentrations develop
this complication.
o 📖 In women, urate concentration rises
after menopause.
o 📖 Postmenopausal women may
Males:3.5-7.2 mg/dL
develop hyperuricemia and gout.
Females: 2.6-6.0 mg/dL
o 📖 In severe cases, deposits of
crystalline uric acid and urates called
Males: 206-428 umol/ /L tophi form in tissue, causing
Females: 155-357 umol/ /L
o Treatment of myeloproliferative disease with
📖 Reference Intervals
cytotoxic drugs
Uric Acid (Uricase Method) o Increased metabolism of cell nuclei
Adult Plasma or Serum
📖 Another common cause of
Male 3.5 – 7.2 mg/dL 0.21 – 0.43 mmol/L elevated plasma uric acid
Female 2.6 – 6.0 mg/dL 0.16 – 0.36 mmol/L Occurs in patients on
Child 2.0 – 5.5 mg/dL 0.12 – 0.33 mmol/L
Urine, 24 h chemotherapy for such
Adult 250 – 750 mg/dL 1.5 – 4.4 mmol/L proliferative diseases such as
leukemia, lymphoma, multiple
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE myeloma, and polycythemia.
Increased Concentration 📖 Monitoring uric acid
o Gout concentration in these patients
o Abnormally increased plasma uric acid is important to avoid
concentration nephrotoxicity.
o Increased catabolism of nucleic acids 📖 Allopurinol, which inhibits
in renal disease xanthine oxidase, an enzyme in
o Found primarily in men and is usually the uric acid synthesis pathway,
first diagnosed between 30 and 50 is used for treatment.
years of age. o Hemolytic and proliferative processes
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MT6317Lec/Lab - Topic
Table 12.5 Causes of Abnormal Plasma Uric Acid (Sir Ron) BASIC PHYSIOLOGY
Concentration Major end-product of purine catabolism
primarily in the liver
o (Sir Ron) We don’t say that the food we eat is
high in uric acid, rather we say that it is
purine-rich; once purine is metabolized, that’s
the time it becomes uric acid
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MT6317Lec/Lab - Topic
o Final breakdown of nucleic acids, catabolism Confirm diagnosis and monitor treatment of gout
in humans is found by the action of xanthine o Pag nagmemeasure ng uric acid sa blood,
oxidase in the liver and intestines either to establish diagnosis of arthritis related
After the blood is filtered at the glomerulus, the to uric acid
resulting fluid enters the tubules of the kidneys to o If may arthritis na, minomonitor natin yung
be secreted as urine Uric acid to manage formation of gouty
Uric acid is considered a weak acid at pH 7.4 and arthritis
more than 95% of it will be existing as a Diagnosis of renal calculi
monosodium urate o Pag nalabas na kidney stones, stone analysis
o There are many types of uric acid, but majority
ang test
is monosodium urate o What type of stone does this patient have?
o 📖 Nearly all of the uric acid in plasma is
o Most of the time is uric acid
present as monosodium urate.
o Kahit walang stone analysis, naprepredict
The concentrations of uric acid is greater than 6.8
mg/dL and if the plasma is saturated at that level
Prevent uric acid nephropathy during
as a result, when there is too much uric acid in the
circulation, it will crystalize/precipitate in tissues chemotherapy
📖 At the pH of plasma (pH ~ 7), urate is Detect kidney dysfunction
relatively insoluble; at concentrations greater than o When it comes to kidney function, urea and
6.8 mg/dL, the plasma is saturated. creatinine have more bearing and better
📖 As a result, urate crystals may form and assessment of kidney performance among
precipitate in the tissues. In acidic urine (pH <
NPNs unlike uric acid.
5.75), uric acid is the predominant species and uric
acid crystals may form.
o May sometimes flock/accumulate in our joints
o Either ilalabas sa urine or kung saan siya may
affinity sa mga joints
o Pag nasa blood, most likely lalabas din sa
o Pag mataas uric acid sa blood, lalabas siya sa
urine, most likely mag crycrystalize
o Stone forming kaya nagkakakidney stone in
the form of uric acid crystals
o Purine rich foods: lamang loob
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