June FP 2021
June FP 2021
June FP 2021
will not cause division. be upon your work and future, in the name of the
Pray for the oneness ministry in Jesus’ name. Lord.
of the Father & Son Pray that those ordained Take authority over the
to manifest in your to favour you begin to things that have filled you
fellowship making you manifest in Jesus name. with worry and fear, in the
one with Him. Prophesy that goodness name of Jesus.
and mercy follows you all
Pray that you will fulfil the days of your life.
your vision & maintain OVERCOMING FEAR
the unity of the body of 2 Timothy 1:7 PULLING DOWN
Christ. Matthew 17:7 STRONGHOLDS
Mark 6:50 & THE SPIRIT OF
Samuel 5:17-20 Luke 10:19
Job 14:14 Boldly confess that Jeremiah 1:10
Psalm 1:3 you shall not be held in Isaiah 54:14-17
Romans 8:31-32 bondage to the spirit of Corinthians 10:4-5
Declare that the seed Pray to cancel the curse Thank God because He
you have sown will bring of restlessness and the always causes us to have
forth a bumper harvest in bondage of fear in your victory in the Lord Jesus
the name of Jesus. life. Christ.
Prophesy that your vision Pray to break yourself Thank the Lord for the
will come pass. free from the fear of an redemptive and protective
Ask the Lord to open economic downturn in power in His blood.
your eyes so you can see the future Give God the praise
the programme and plan Come against the spirit because the Holy Spirit
He has for your life. of fear and confusion of dwells in me.
Pray for strength to the mind, in the Jesus’ Take authority over every
withstand any attack of name. activity of the enemy in
the enemy as you wait for Thank Him because He your life & destroy it in
your breakthrough. has promised not to leave the name of Jesus.
Prophesy to your time you nor forsake you. Pull down every
of adversity, that your Praise Him, that stronghold which
turnaround will come according to Him, the exalts itself against the
soundly. knowledge of Christ.
Call forth your favour and weapons of the enemy
shall not overcome you. Declare by faith that
blessing to come from the every lie of Satan put
four corners of the earth Declare to yourself that
you have not received together for your life shall
Thank God because not stand.
everything will work the spirit of fear, but of
together for good because boldness and of a sound Ask God to permanently
the Lord loves you. mind. silence every tongue
Pray that God’s mighty Pray to break the hold of contrary to your peace.
hand of approval will the spirit of fear over your Command every
satanic embargo on your
person he has already confidence to trust in the advance for helping you
prepared for you, who Lord’s ability to supply all finish your race with joy.
compliments you in every your needs. Thank God because He
area of life. Pray for the wisdom has begun a good work in
Ask the Lord to build a to be a wise steward of you, He will complete it.
wall of fire around you God’s provision. Pray for a breakthrough
and your family in the Prophesy a lifestyle of that will bless your future
name of Jesus. continuous blessing & generations.
Pray for breakthrough favour into your future. Take authority over any
ideas that will bless your Take authority over every negatives in your life that
generation. kind of devourer the want to cloud your future.
Pray that the foundation enemy is using against Pray for the wisdom to
of your home will be your finances. plan & implement God’s
built or replaced with the Ask the Lord to teach you programme for your
Word, the Blood and the how to profit in the things future.
fear of the Lord. you have set your mind Pray for all the members
Pray for God’s kingdom to do. of your family that
and His will be done in Pray that God will give their future will be in
every life in your home. you your own divine agreement with God’s
Ask the Lord to fill your basket programme for their lives.
house with laughter, love Pray that in the face of Pronounce the blessing
and unity. financial set back, declare of the Lord on the future
Pray for God’s provision to yourself that God’s of everything that has to
for your family. plan and covenant of do with your life.
blessing shall stand. By faith, confess that you
FINANCE: Receive the creativity for will enter in and possess
Genesis 26:12 the creation of wealth in your future in Christ.
Deuteronomy 8:18 the name of the Lord Commit your work into
Job 42:12 Pray that every step you God’s hand and pray
Psalms 35:27 take will result in blessing that the years to come
Isaiah 45:3 and increase. will carry His manifest
Haggai 2:8 blessing.
Philippians 4:19 FUTURE:
Jeremiah 29:11 FAITH:
Pray that God’s promise Matthew 6:30 2 Corinthians 5:7
of financial breakthrough Romans 8:28 Romans 10:17
will be a reality in your life. Philippians 3:14 1 John 5:4 2
Pray that harvest would 1 Peter 2:9 Corinthians 4:18
meet harvest in your Hebrews 11:1
life. Pray for the divine Pray that you will finish
ability to be a kingdom the Christian race & Thank the Lord for
promoter, using your service well in Jesus’ causing you to have
finances for the ministry. name. victory through the Lord
Pray for the faith & Thank the Lord in Jesus Christ.
the Name of Jesus. will bring glory to God. the Lord upon every
Pronounce your freedom Destroy the yoke of sorrowful heart and
from the spirit of financial barrenness in command God’s peace to
restlessness and starting a your life. Take authority be their portion in Jesus
course without finishing over the area of name.
in the Name of Jesus. continuous barrenness in May the joy of the Lord
Reverse every your life and command remain and abide with
generational curse on your that it turns around for every believer in KICC
body, mind, children and fruitfulness. and with our loved ones
labour in the Name of Stand on the Word of in Jesus name.
Jesus. God and declare the You foul spirit of sadness
Cancel every seed number of children you and heaviness, we put a
which the enemy may desire. stop to your influence in
have planted in your life If you want twins or the life of God’s people in
through previous sexual more, the Lord will grant Jesus name.
entanglements. your desire. In the authority that is in
Thank God for taking the name of Jesus Christ,
BARRENNESS away every form of we release the joy of the
Genesis 20:17-18, 25:21 sickness and disease Lord upon those that are
Exodus 23:25-26 causing a hindrance to bereaved and sorrowful at
Deuteronomy 7:13-14 childbirth in your family. this time in Jesus name.
Psalm 113:9 Thank you Lord, for
Isaiah 54:1 JOY taking from us the
Psalm 30:5 garment of sorrow and
Thank the Lord for His John 16:22 sadness, and for giving us
promise to make you John15:11 the garment of joy and
fruitful in all things. 1 Peter:8 – 9 praise in Jesus name.
Curse every root of Psalm 32:11
barrenness in your life Philippians 4:4 DIVINE
and that of your loved TURNAROUND
ones. Pray that you will Thank you, heavenly Psalm 126:1 and 4
experience fruitfulness Father, for granting us joy Job 42:10
in all areas where there is unspeakable and making Psalm 126:4
barrenness in your life. us to be full of your glory. John 10:10
Pray that the promotion Thank you, Lord, for Proverbs 23:18
of the Lord in your life giving us joy that no man
will move you from can take away from us. Father in heaven we
barrenness to fruitfulness. Heavenly father, we thank you for giving us
Confess by faith that the decree and declare that divine turnaround in every
Lord gave you your womb your joy will replace area of our lives.
and you will use it to carry sorrow in our lives and in Heavenly father, like Job,
your own child. the lives of our loved ones we trust you to turn our
Pray that your wife will in Jesus name. captivity into liberation in
give birth to children who We release the joy of the name of Jesus.
Lord, we pray that you of the Lord that leads you from life’s challenges.
bless us and give us twice to continued spiritual Pray that you will be used
as much as we had before, growth. to direct people to the
in Jesus name. Pray that your life will path of salvation.
Father, we pray for the please God and lead to Command every area
release and restoration of fruitfulness in good works of captivity in your life
everything stolen from and the knowledge of to change into a place of
us today in the name of God. restoration.
Jesus. Confess by faith that the Take back every blessing
Heavenly father we pray fruit of your confession that the enemy has taken
that you bring an end to shall surround you. through deception.
our captivity and bring a Pray that even in your Prophesy life to every
divine turnaround to our old age you will still be dead situation you are
situation in the name of bearing fruit that brings facing, in the Name of
Jesus. glory to God. Jesus.
Father in heaven, we Pray that you will enjoy Pray for the restoration
decree that every door the fruit of serving the of the fruit of your labour
shut against our blessings Lord. stolen by the enemy.
be opened in Jesus’ name. Ask the Lord to prune Pray for your church that
Father, fill our mouths every area of your life that it will experience a new
with laughter and our does not glorify God. move of the Holy Spirit.
tongues with singing as Pray that you will Thank the Lord for
you turn our captivity experience fruitfulness in restoring the joy of the
around in Jesus’ name. the area where there has Holy Spirit in your church,
Thank you Lord for been barrenness in your ministry, and home.
doing great things for us life.
and causing us to be glad Thank the Lord for JUNE 22ND – 30TH
in Jesus’ mighty name. transforming your life (9 Days)
from one degree of
FRUITFULNESS fruitfulness to another. BUSINESS
Genesis 1:28 Deuteronomy 28:4,8,
Exodus 1:7 DIVINE 11-12
Psalm 1:3 RESTORATION Proverbs 21:5; 22:29
Jeremiah 23:3 Genesis 40:13 James 1:5
Mark 4:20 & 28 Ruth 4:15
Colossians 1:10 Psalms 23:3; 51:12 Praise God for anointing
Isaiah 58:11-12 you to be a creator of
Bless the Name of the Jeremiah 30:17 wealth.
Lord for His faithfulness. Thank the Lord in
Thank the Lord for His Thank the Lord because advance for sending you
promise to make you His glory in the latter part profitable, sustainable &
fruitful in all things. of your life will be greater viable customers.
Ask God for the grace to than in the former part. Decree the blessings of
accept the chastisement Cry to the Lord to restore God over every plan &
goal for your business. Psalm 32:8 He has great plans for
Confess & declare by Proverbs 3:5-6; 16:3 your life, which no one
faith that through your can hinder.
business, souls will be won Pray to receive wisdom Confess by faith that
in the Name of Jesus. from God on how to you will get the job you
Ask the Lord to use your make each day to be full desire that suits your
business & skill to bless of God-glorifying results. qualifications.
the body of Christ. Bless the name of the Thank God for
Pray that the Lord will Lord because He will divine direction, career
lead you & expose every cause you to always have success and uncommon
investment that will harm favour. breakthrough.
you in Jesus’ name. Thank the Lord
Ask the Lord to because what He has in FAVOUR
strengthen your spouse store is beyond human Psalm 102:13
to be a source of comprehension. Psalm 8:5
encouragement when Ask the Lord to fill your Luke 6:38
you are going through heart with wisdom & clear Luke 2:40, 52
personal trouble. direction.
Reject every form of Thank God because Pray that your life will
discouragement & stress every negative expectation always manifest the
even when things do not of those who hate you Shekinah glory of God.
seem to be going right. will not be fulfilled. Pray that you will
Ask the Lord to open Take authority over the continually walk in favour
your eyes to every false spirit of fear, by declaring with God & man.
business brought to you. your freedom from the Pray that God’s eternal
Receive winning, money fear of man. smile & favour will be
making & profitable ideas Pray for your steps to always on you.
from the Lord in Jesus be ordered to the people Declare that everything
name. who will give you the right you lay your hands on will
Ask God to give you a counsel related to your carry the mark of God’s
teachable spirit, willing field. approval.
to learn & change where Hand over every career Pray that the Lord will
need be. battle to the Lord & ask bless your life with an
Confess that the Lord Him to fight for you. overflowing measure of
will promote & bless you Pray to receive wisdom His abundance.
as competitors engage in from God on how to Pray to receive the
illegal activities. make each day to be full favour of understanding
Ask the Lord to make of results. & supernatural learning
your business one that is a Reject the syndrome ability, in the name of
testimony of godliness & of “good beginner, bad Jesus.
integrity. finisher” & declare that Pray that you will receive
it will not operate in your a new baptism of the
CAREER life in Jesus’ name. spirit of favour & grace.
Deuteronomy 28:13 Give God praise because Pray for the favour of
because Heaven & earth he will cause your vision Receive the anointing
may pass away but His to produce. of the Holy Spirit for
plans for your life will be Bless Him because He carrying out the vision
fulfilled. began a good work in you He has given you in Jesus’
Thank the Lord because & He will complete it. name.
His joy is your strength. Thank the Lord because Give praises to God for
Thank God for sending He will far exceed what the vision that speaks and
Jesus Christ to bear you ask or think you can will never lie.
the burden and pay the do for Him. TRIUMPHING &
penalty for our sins and WINNING
infirmities. VISION Exodus 15:1 & 21
Declare that Christ Numbers 23:19 Joshua 1:3
has already healed you Habakkuk 2:2-3 Psalms 25:2; 98:1
regardless of what you see Proverbs 29:18 Isaiah 54:17
in the natural. Jeremiah 29:11 Zechariah 10:5
Thank God because He Luke 10:19
will sustain you & give you Thank God for His Acts 5:38-39
the grace to persevere in faithfulness concerning 1 John 4:4; 5:4
the face of any challenge. your life and destiny. Revelation 2:7, 11 & 17;
Thank the Lord for Thank the Lord in 12:11; 21:7
counting you worthy to advance because He will
be a carrier of His divine lead you into His purpose Thank the Lord for
power. for your life. counting you among the
Bless the name of the Receive the faith, victorious, in the Name
Lord because He has strength, and patience to of Jesus.
called you to glory & see your God-given vision Ask the Lord to help
virtue. become a reality in the you be a good finisher of
Praise the Lord for name of Jesus Christ. what you start.
always honouring His Pray for a heart to pursue Thank the Lord for
word in your life. the vision of God for the strength to face &
Pray that God’s eternal your life even if it exceeds overcome each storm in
smile & favour will be your expectation. life.
always on you. Pray that you will not Confess that your
Thank God because His build your destiny on children will possess the
presence will daily radiate other people’s principles gates of their enemies, as
joy in your life. but on the Word of God. was spoken into the life
Thank God because He Pray to receive the heart of Rebecca.
is the unseen partner in of humility to run with Pray to receive a
your business & His Word the vision which the Lord breakthrough that will
is final. gives you. cause a triumphant shout
Thank God for the daily Pray for the grace in the house of God.
and eternal victory He of a single-minded Declare that the enemy
gives through Jesus Christ. commitment to the call of shall fall for your sake, in
Bless the Lord because God on your life. Jesus’ Name.
Pray that the Lord will of heavens cannot contain constant overflow of
expose the plans of the Him. blessings through the
enemy & show you how Confess by faith that the windows of Heaven.
to overcome. windows of Heaven are Pray that God would
Thank the Lord because open over your life & open the heavens and
He has given you victory that wisdom, creativity & establish His presence
over sin. blessings are flowing into in your life, church and
Take authority over the your life. family.
plans, pronouncements, Declare that the heavens Ask God to open the
and arrows of the enemy shall give their dew on Heaven over your church
– they will not prevail your family and church bringing divine revelation,
against you, in the name bringing fruitfulness, understanding and unity
of Jesus Christ. increase and prosperity. of the faith.
Confess that those who Ask that your ceaseless
fight against you will not prayer life would provoke
win, in the Name of Jesus. the opening of Heaven
Stand against any Goliath onto your life, home, and
in your life & believe that ministry in the name of
the Lord will give you the Jesus Christ.
victory. Pray that your submission
Pray that the Lord will to the thoughts and ways
link you with those who of God would open the
He has ordained to help blessings of Heaven to
you win in life. you.
Ask the Lord to help Decree that you will
you to always place the build and edify the church
kingdom above everything of Jesus Christ and that
else, in the Name of Jesus. God would neither let
Thank God for making the sky withhold its dew
your life like a fortified nor the earth withhold its
wall against the enemy. produce.
Pray that your diligent
OPEN HEAVEN obedience will cause the
Genesis 28:12-15 blessings of open Heaven
Deuteronomy 28:1-2, 12 to be poured out on you,
1 Kings 8:27 your family and your
Isaiah 64:1-2 church.
Haggai 1:10 Pray that your life deeds
Zechariah 8:12 will please God causing
Malachi 3:10 Him to open His good
Acts 10:9-11 treasure unto you.
Pray that you will develop
Praise the Lord for the appetite for sacrificial
Heaven and the Heaven giving that causes a