Webdev-Research (Revised)

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Republic of the Philippines

Technological University of the Philippines



A Project Proposal for Web Development Subject

Hotel Reservation Website


Cardona, Lara Frizabelle

Fulgar, Marjorie F.

Lucas, Lyka

Morcoso, Sheena Dominica

Zuniega, Joshua

(January 2022)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction

Background of the Study

This kind of business helps the people to have an easy access of looking where to stay for

a while, have peace of mind, and enjoy from the stress they have been through. The website we

have made is to gain and attract travelers and customers to see the wonderful location our hotel

has, and even experience amazing inclusions. This kind of business is important because

businesses are the frontiers of innovation that helped make peoples’ lives easier, as it will do so

for the next generations since hotel businesses continuously progress as years pass on.

Businesses grow stronger as it plants their roots within our society, making more people depend

on businesses to satisfy their needs and wants. According to Guru guy (2006), It has Advantages

for Hotel Reservation of updating data quickly so reservation changes can be made quickly and

easily. You can also summarize data to see how many spots you have left. You can also analyze

past data to see where you are being most efficient and where you may be losing money or can at

least maximize profit. In some studies, 22.8% of hotels are do not have their website it is more

complicated for travelers and customers to book reservations for their preferred schedules. It is a

responsibility for hotels to make websites for their customers to be convenient in booking

because it will give convenience to both parties.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this project is to determine the effectiveness of the hotel reservation

website to its target clients. If the clients will be satisfying to this kind of reservation through

website application.

1. Does the website application achieve its main goal?

2. Does this website application has suitable or convenient to use?

3. Does the website have an easy access to explore all features of the application?

Objective or Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this website application is to serve as the guide and help the customers to

have convenient reservation and lessen their stressed for coming to physical venue especially in

this time of pandemic. It will also lessen the crowd of people and the manpower for listing the

client reservation.

Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literature

In exploration, we find new knowledge, processes or procedures, imagination and skill

are employed by the researcher. The commodities, new devices, services, in technology are
needs of man for a better fuller life which is the concern of the research. These useful arts are the

products of the technological environment and the end-user is society in general. The fast-

growing trend and innovation in technologies today prompts researchers to conduct studies about

the hotel and resort reservation web application to patronize their services and explore the

modern technologies in every aspect of our daily living. This chapter presents a brief and

contains related literature and studies about online information and resort reservation system.

2.1 Foreign Literature

Maxwell (2002) stated that "Information system are designed and implement within an

organization to support adequate action such that value addition may be achieved. Another, all

medium to large organizations depend on information technology for their continued survival."

Gerard (2002) stated that "the flexible online information system was created as a tool

with the two main purposes the reservation theory and its application.

Computers are more efficient, precise, and faster than manual or traditional systems.  of

laboring". Furthermore, according to Max (2001) in his book, "The fundamental issue in

controlling and establishing and delivering accurate and timely reports for each section of the

business showing outlining issues or concern. In every business, having an immediate and

accurate work exists. The need of a computer is critical in today's world.  They can trade and get

data information more easily and quickly in the realm of business.

The application of modern information technology dominated so far by the use of

Internet websites and online reservation systems, gives competitive advantage to other with same

However, the potential competitive advantage can be transformed into real advantage if

only the websites have proper design. As a result, the advocator conducted research on the facts

related to the system that might be helpful to its development.

Jeong et al. (2005) discusses the role of website quality in attracting online bookings and

empirically test their proposed model with potential lodging customers. Authors indicate that

information completeness and ease of use are important determinants of website quality.

Schegg et al. (2002) analyze Swiss hotel websites over different criteria and conclude that

they provide static information and limited transactional functions. Law and Leung (2002)

examine airfare reservation systems over attributes like information quality, system use, system

quality, services

quality, and customer loyalty. Their results show that North American-based websites

perform Asian-based ones.

Land Vogt (2004) evaluates several online booking engines over 23 different criteria, like

overall user friendliness, payment method, instant confirmation, reliability, and invoicing

function among others.

These criteria present some of system's functions and design principles discussed further

in current paper. Law and Wong (2003) find the three most important factors that contribute to a

successful website, according to the on-line purchasers, are secure payment methods, different

price ranges for products/services, and user-friendly system.

According to one of a study in University Sultan Zainal Abidin (2020), their research

study examined the web system between mobile apps towards the effectiveness of end-users.

The objectives of the study are to determine the relationship between web systems towards the

effectiveness of the end-user and to determine the relationship between mobile applications

towards the effectiveness of the end-user. This study collected by using primary data and the

population is 200 students from Faculty Informatics and Computing. With the different

objectives, this study has to use only one method of data analysis, which is a Pearson

Correlation. Based on the outputs, there is a moderate relationship between the web system and

the effectiveness of the end-user. Besides, there is a strong relationship between mobile

applications towards the effectiveness of end-user. The result shows that mobile application is

more effective towards the effectiveness of end-user than web systems. The Web application

system is being employed by an increasing number of businesses and institutions as technology

advances, a s the number of users increases, the number of concurrent visits grows as well,

resulting in poor Web system service quality. There were several high-concurrency systems

available, but they only addressed one component of the performance issue, and small and

medium businesses must also consider pricing.

The Internet accelerates the communication and understandings between people, which

make information unprecedented important. Furthermore, it changes the way that people book

rooms, which makes rooms-booking diversified, convenient, and individualized.

2.2 Local Literature

A dynamic website is one that has frequently changing information or interacts with the

user from various methods or direct interaction. When the Web server receives a request for a

given page, the page is automatically retrieved from storage by the software in response to the

page request. A site can display the current state of a dialogue between users, monitor a changing

situation, or provide information in some way personalized to the requirements of the individual

user. [(WikiPedia]

A dynamic website is one in which the content of the website and the design are separate,

meaning that the content is shown to the user as he asks for it, within the design of the site. The

content itself is inserted by way of a Content Management System (CMS). A CMS is designed to

enable a non-programmer to easily add new content to his/her dynamic website FASTER than a

designer could add a page to a static one inserted by way of a Content Management System

(CMS). A CMS is designed to enable a non- programmer to easily add new content to his/her

dynamic website FASTER than a designer could add a page to a static one.

This means that you could stick with a single website for years without needing to pay a

designer a dime for updates! Another big advantage that dynamic sites have over static ones is

the ability to have advanced e-commerce solutions that are 100% integrated with your website.

This is because all of the pages are generated from the content that already exists on the site, so

every time you add an article, product, or news to your site, it will automatically appear in the

places it is supposed to.

According to Mary Grace R. Canlas et al. (2012) in their unpublished material entitled

"Online Information and Reservation for MB Dream Resort and Function Hall. "The application

of modern information technology dominated so far by the use of Internet websites and online

reservation systems, gives competitive advantage to other with same establishment. However,

the potential competitive advantage can be transformed into real advantage if only the websites

have proper design. As a result, the researchers conducted research on the facts related to the

system that might be helpful to each development.

2.3 Foreign Studies

Unlike traditional advertising, which many resorts use, the Internet is a high-intensity

medium. Because the customer chooses to receive a resort's message, they have the opportunity

to be completely engaged when they are exposed to an online message. There is a fundamental

shift in the internet world from "push" strategies where communications are pushed to "pull"

approaches where messages are pulled.  customers to a "pull" strategy in which they choose

which communications to receive. As a marketer, you must grasp this shift in order to capitalize

on new opportunities in a consumer-driven, rather than supplier-driven, economy. This message

is becoming more evident as mobile gadgets such as MP3 players, PDAs, and cell phones

become more common.

• When a resort launches a website, it effectively joins the global market.

Addressing international issues like language, relationships with international carriers,

the role of third-party intermediaries in breaking into emerging markets, and finding cost-

effective ways to raise resort awareness in markets with a high level of online travel research and
booking are just a few of the global implications. Portfolio variety is used to smooth seasonal

patterns, fill group gaps, and compensate for market fluctuations during periods of economic


Creating a level playing field for chains and independents. There's a client base for a

resort, and then there's the universe of potential consumers who haven't yet heard of it, no matter

how well-known the resort is in its region or even in the United States.  Prior to the widespread

adoption of the Internet by the general public, it was impractical to imagine marketing to a large

audience of people who had never heard of a particular brand name resort. It is no longer simply

practicable, but it would also be irresponsible for a marketing team to ignore this larger market.

lar to software engineering but at a

much more rapid pace.
Early Web applications consisted of
many scripts scattered
over many files and lacked a
systematic structure. Content,
formatting instructions, processing
instructions (referred to
as application or business logic) were
mixed together in
the same file. Perhaps because Web
applications are nat-
urally distributed, however, they
accepted and incorporated
the concept of individual components
that can be composed
to build applications much more
easily. Web applications
commonly use standard components
such as payment or
registration modules. In this section,
we look at several as-
pects of Web applications that are
closely related to soft-
ware engineering issues.
3.1. Static to dynamic
The early Web consisted of a set of
documents which
could freely link to each other. These
were simple text
files, which had static content and
static links connecting
to pages. Very early on, software
engineers realized that the
client-server architecture of the Web
provided a powerful
platform in which the browser could
be a universal user-
interface to applications that may run
locally or remotely
on a server. To maintain the browser-
sever relationships,
the server always returns a Web page
to the browser, but
this Web page could be generated
programmatically as the
result of processing on the server. For
example, the server
could retrieve data from a database,
format them into an
HTML page, and send the page to the
The idea of processing on the server
and dynamically
generated pages led to CGI (common
gateway interface) ap-
plications, where the URL provided
by the client referred
to a “script” on the server. The script
could be written in
some specialized interpretive language
such as PERL or
even large compiled programs that
would be run on the
server to dynamically generate Web
pages. This became
cumbersome for many applications,
because putting all of
the content and formatting for a Web
site into the code of
an application, as software engineers
know well, can be-
come tedious and hard to manage.
This realization led to a
sort of hybrid model, where the
language PHP was an early
influence. With PHP, the typical
structure is to create Web
pages that have small bits of code
directly in the text of the
pages. At the time of a request, the
code would be executed
and its results inserted into the current
document. This led
to much more flexibility and easier
reuse of page compo-
nents, but over time people realized
that it was often hard
to make changes to code when it was
spread out over all of
the pages in a Web site. This led to a
further refinement of
the model, into what is typical in
today’s Web applications,
where a central component in the
application manages ac-
cess to data, while the code which is
dispersed in the HTML
pages is limited to just what is
displayed to the user (See
next subsection).
The typical structure of a Web
application consists of
HTML data displayed to the user,
client-side scripts that
run on the client and may interact with
the user, and server-
side scripts that perform processing on
the server and typi-
cally interact with databases.
ECMAScript is the standards
specification of an object-based
scripting language intended
for client-side scripting (ECMA-262
and the equivalent
ISO/IEC 16262). JavaScript (from
Netscape) and JScript
(from Microsoft) are implementations
of ECMAScript.
There are many languages for server-
side scripts, includ-
ing PERL, PHP, Python, and Ruby.
Client-side Web scripts
are embedded in HTML pages, run in
the browser envi-
ronment, and may provide interaction
with the user. The
objects in the script refer to user-
interface entities such as
windows and menus, or cookies.
Scripts also react to user
events such as mouse movements and
clicks. Server-side
scripts deal with other types of objects
such as clients and
files. The combination of client and
server scripts provides a
distributed computation that helps to
build customised user
interfaces for Web applications
Web application development
followed a history simi-
lar to software engineering but at a
much more rapid pace.
Early Web applications consisted of
many scripts scattered
over many files and lacked a
systematic structure. Content,
formatting instructions, processing
instructions (referred to
as application or business logic) were
mixed together in
the same file. Perhaps because Web
applications are nat-
urally distributed, however, they
accepted and incorporated
the concept of individual components
that can be composed
to build applications much more
easily. Web applications
commonly use standard components
such as payment or
registration modules. In this section,
we look at several as-
pects of Web applications that are
closely related to soft-
ware engineering issues.
3.1. Static to dynamic
The early Web consisted of a set of
documents which
could freely link to each other. These
were simple text
files, which had static content and
static links connecting
to pages. Very early on, software
engineers realized that the
client-server architecture of the Web
provided a powerful
platform in which the browser could
be a universal user-
interface to applications that may run
locally or remotely
on a server. To maintain the browser-
sever relationships,
the server always returns a Web page
to the browser, but
this Web page could be generated
programmatically as the
result of processing on the server. For
example, the server
could retrieve data from a database,
format them into an
HTML page, and send the page to the
The idea of processing on the server
and dynamically
generated pages led to CGI (common
gateway interface) ap-
plications, where the URL provided
by the client referred
to a “script” on the server. The script
could be written in
some specialized interpretive language
such as PERL or
even large compiled programs that
would be run on the
server to dynamically generate Web
pages. This became
cumbersome for many applications,
because putting all of
the content and formatting for a Web
site into the code of
an application, as software engineers
know well, can be-
come tedious and hard to manage.
This realization led to a
sort of hybrid model, where the
language PHP was an early
influence. With PHP, the typical
structure is to create Web
pages that have small bits of code
directly in the text of the
pages. At the time of a request, the
code would be executed
and its results inserted into the current
document. This led
to much more flexibility and easier
reuse of page compo-
nents, but over time people realized
that it was often hard
to make changes to code when it was
spread out over all of
the pages in a Web site. This led to a
further refinement of
the model, into what is typical in
today’s Web applications,
where a central component in the
application manages ac-
cess to data, while the code which is
dispersed in the HTML
pages is limited to just what is
displayed to the user (See
next subsection).
The typical structure of a Web
application consists of
HTML data displayed to the user,
client-side scripts that
run on the client and may interact with
the user, and server-
side scripts that perform processing on
the server and typi-
cally interact with databases.
ECMAScript is the standards
specification of an object-based
scripting language intended
for client-side scripting (ECMA-262
and the equivalent
ISO/IEC 16262). JavaScript (from
Netscape) and JScript
(from Microsoft) are implementations
of ECMAScript.
There are many languages for server-
side scripts, includ-
ing PERL, PHP, Python, and Ruby.
Client-side Web scripts
are embedded in HTML pages, run in
the browser envi-
ronment, and may provide interaction
with the user. The
objects in the script refer to user-
interface entities such as
windows and menus, or cookies.
Scripts also react to user
events such as mouse movements and
clicks. Server-side
scripts deal with other types of objects
such as clients and
files. The combination of client and
server scripts provides a
distributed computation that helps to
build customised user
interfaces for Web applications
Web application development
followed a history simi-
lar to software engineering but at a
much more rapid pace.
Early Web applications consisted of
many scripts scattered
over many files and lacked a
systematic structure. Content,
formatting instructions, processing
instructions (referred to
as application or business logic) were
mixed together in
the same file. Perhaps because Web
applications are nat-
urally distributed, however, they
accepted and incorporated
the concept of individual components
that can be composed
to build applications much more
easily. Web applications
commonly use standard components
such as payment or
registration modules. In this section,
we look at several as-
pects of Web applications that are
closely related to soft-
ware engineering issues.
3.1. Static to dynamic
The early Web consisted of a set of
documents which
could freely link to each other. These
were simple text
files, which had static content and
static links connecting
to pages. Very early on, software
engineers realized that the
client-server architecture of the Web
provided a powerful
platform in which the browser could
be a universal user-
interface to applications that may run
locally or remotely
on a server. To maintain the browser-
sever relationships,
the server always returns a Web page
to the browser, but
this Web page could be generated
programmatically as the
result of processing on the server. For
example, the server
could retrieve data from a database,
format them into an
HTML page, and send the page to the
The idea of processing on the server
and dynamically
generated pages led to CGI (common
gateway interface) ap-
plications, where the URL provided
by the client referred
to a “script” on the server. The script
could be written in
some specialized interpretive language
such as PERL or
even large compiled programs that
would be run on the
server to dynamically generate Web
pages. This became
cumbersome for many applications,
because putting all of
the content and formatting for a Web
site into the code of
an application, as software engineers
know well, can be-
come tedious and hard to manage.
This realization led to a
sort of hybrid model, where the
language PHP was an early
influence. With PHP, the typical
structure is to create Web
pages that have small bits of code
directly in the text of the
pages. At the time of a request, the
code would be executed
and its results inserted into the current
document. This led
to much more flexibility and easier
reuse of page compo-
nents, but over time people realized
that it was often hard
to make changes to code when it was
spread out over all of
the pages in a Web site. This led to a
further refinement of
the model, into what is typical in
today’s Web applications,
where a central component in the
application manages ac-
cess to data, while the code which is
dispersed in the HTML
pages is limited to just what is
displayed to the user (See
next subsection).
The typical structure of a Web
application consists of
HTML data displayed to the user,
client-side scripts that
run on the client and may interact with
the user, and server-
side scripts that perform processing on
the server and typi-
cally interact with databases.
ECMAScript is the standards
specification of an object-based
scripting language intended
for client-side scripting (ECMA-262
and the equivalent
ISO/IEC 16262). JavaScript (from
Netscape) and JScript
(from Microsoft) are implementations
of ECMAScript.
There are many languages for server-
side scripts, includ-
ing PERL, PHP, Python, and Ruby.
Client-side Web scripts
are embedded in HTML pages, run in
the browser envi-
ronment, and may provide interaction
with the user. The
objects in the script refer to user-
interface entities such as
windows and menus, or cookies.
Scripts also react to user
events such as mouse movements and
clicks. Server-side
scripts deal with other types of objects
such as clients and
files. The combination of client and
server scripts provides a
distributed computation that helps to
build customised user
interfaces for Web applications.
There are a number of frameworks for
generating Web
applications based on Web-based
languages. We will dis-
cuss these in the next subsecti
Chapter 3 – Research Design and Methodology

Systems Requirements:

About Webpage
- This contains the information about the webpage

Navigation Bar
- The display section where the users can see when clicked

Chat boot
- The aspirant customers can message anytime and there will be someone to answer the
questions provided by the customers

Setting Photos
- This contains the pictures of the facilities

Social Media
- It has link social medias that customers may visit as well for inquiries

-It allows the customers to see the requirements as shown in the website application

- The location has shown to the website application
Systems Design

The website application we have created is to be a guide and help the hotel management to gain

and attract customers that wanted to escape for a while in the reality. This will serve them to see

the location of the hotel where in Batangas, this place is known as to have more beautiful hotels

and resorts that anyone wanted to visit. They can see on our website application the beautiful

facilities that no one can resist from booking their reservations, will experience wonderful things

that they could never experience before. The facilities will give them comfortable ambiance that

they will not think stress things aside from doing things they wanted.

This website application has used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes to be the website

application will be visible and attractive. (screenshot na lang siguro codes dito?)

Project Plan

Illustrate your recommended implementation and management strategies




References - List of all sources identified in your proposal (AP Format)
(PDF) Online Hotel Booking Systems in Romania (researchgate.net)
Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature A major problem encountered by Balai Ha BukSU is its
current manual based system - Best Free Essays Examples (northandsouthdigital.com)
ch:2 Literature Review of hotel reservation system - PDFCOFFEE.COM
Zengyu Cai1, a, Jingxiao Li1, b, Jianwei zhang2, 2019 2nd International Symposium on Big Data
and Applied Statistics
Review of related literature and studies about online information and resort reservation system.
(2016, Apr 21). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/review-of-related-literature-and-studies-

Appendix (if necessary)

Project Site Output

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