Presentation of The Lesson:: (Self / Subject ..)
Presentation of The Lesson:: (Self / Subject ..)
Presentation of The Lesson:: (Self / Subject ..)
- Show pictures.
- Ask: What is force? (give the meaning)
- Read: Force is a push or a pull acting on an object. We use force to perform various activities.
(when we push and pull objects, we uses force. whatever activities we do everyday,
we uses force) insert push pull image sa presentation
- Read: Push a force to move something or someone away from one self.
insert images sa presentation of using push according to examples given
(example: rolling a ball, writing something, putting books inside the box, kicking a ball,
throwing something) We also have the opposite of push which is pull.
- Read: The effects of force on the shape and size of an object are:
1. bending
2. stretching or compressing
3. pounding
4. pressing
5. tearing
6. squeezing
(insert image of 1. empty can nga nay martilyo sa taas ug 2. Napisat nga empty can)
- Read: 3. Pounding.
An empty tin can change its size and shape when pound using a hammer. (what
happened to its shape and size as it is hammered? Yes! It shrunk, became flat, etc..
that is what we called pounding.) (insert image of 1. Pounded stone) The same effect
will happen to a big stone that when hammered, different shapes and sizes are
produced. (therefore, the force changes the shape and size of an object through
(insert video clip of stress reliever ball.. kana gung murag goma nga mapislit.. hehehe)
- Read: 4. Pressing.
Applying force like pressing a ball made of plastic materials could produce a
change in shape and size. (insert video clip nga nag masa ug dough) Another example
is pressing a dough to shape it into a pizza.
(insert video clip nga naghulma ug vase) Other solid materials may also change
their texture when pressed. However, no new material is formed because only the
physical appearance of the material is changed. (when pressing only the physical
appearance will change such as, shape, size, and texture. No new material is formed)
(insert video clip nga nag gisi ug papel kamot lang ang gamit)
- Read: 5. Tearing.
is the act of breaking apart a material by force, without the aid of a cutting
tool. (tearing is different from cutting. We uses only our hand force as we tear
something, no cutting tools are used while cutting on the other hand, uses scissors,
knife, and other cutting tools.) (so as we tear a piece of paper, a whole paper, it will
change in shape and size. It becomes smaller as how many times we tear it.)
It could be:
And all of these processes can change the shape and size of an object.
- Look at the pictures. Identify what force is being applied in each picture. Choose the word/s from
the box below. Write your answer in your notebook.
“What I Become”
What to do:
1. Observe each of the material given in column A.
2. Change the shape of the materials by applying force on it.
3. Fill out column B with what you did to change the shape of the materials.
4. Fill out column C with changes that took place after you have applied force
on the materials.
Materials What I did to change What changes took
the shape of the place after I have
materials applied force on the
Modeling clay
Plastic bottle
Rubber band