AP Computer Science Principles: Course Planning and Pacing Guide
AP Computer Science Principles: Course Planning and Pacing Guide
AP Computer Science Principles: Course Planning and Pacing Guide
Science Principles
Course Planning and Pacing Guide
Richard Kick
Newbury Park High School ▶ Newbury Park, CA
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About the College Board Welcome to the AP Computer Science
The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that Principles Course Planning and Pacing Guides
connects students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900,
This guide is one of several course planning and pacing guides
the College Board was created to expand access to higher education.
designed for AP Computer Science Principles teachers. Each provides
Today, the membership association is made up of over 6,000 of the
an example of how to design instruction for the AP course based on
world’s leading educational institutions and is dedicated to promoting
the author’s teaching context (e.g., demographics, schedule, school
excellence and equity in education. Each year, the College Board helps
type, setting). These course planning and pacing guides highlight how
more than seven million students prepare for a successful transition to
the components of the AP Computer Science Principles Curriculum
college through programs and services in college readiness and college
Framework — including the learning objectives, essential knowledge
success — including the SAT® and the Advanced Placement Program®.
statements, and computational thinking practices — are addressed in
The organization also serves the education community through research
the course. Each guide also provides valuable suggestions for teaching
and advocacy on behalf of students, educators, and schools. For further
the course, including the selection of resources, instructional activities,
information, visit www.collegeboard.org.
and classroom assessments. The authors have offered insight into the
why and how behind their instructional choices — displayed along the
AP® Equity and Access Policy right side of the individual unit plans — to aid in course planning for
AP Computer Science Principles teachers.
The College Board strongly encourages educators to make equitable
access a guiding principle for their AP® programs by giving all willing The primary purpose of these comprehensive guides is to model
and academically prepared students the opportunity to participate approaches for planning and pacing curriculum throughout the
in AP. We encourage the elimination of barriers that restrict access school year. However, they can also help with syllabus development
to AP for students from ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups that when used in conjunction with the resources created to support
have been traditionally underrepresented. Schools should make every the AP Course Audit: the Syllabus Development Guide and the four
effort to ensure their AP classes reflect the diversity of their student Annotated Sample Syllabi. These resources include samples of evidence
population. The College Board also believes that all students should and illustrate a variety of strategies for meeting curricular requirements.
have access to academically challenging course work before they enroll
in AP classes, which can prepare them for AP success. It is only through
a commitment to equitable preparation and access that true equity and
excellence can be achieved.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. i
1 Instructional Setting
6 Pacing Overview
50 Resources
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. ii
Instructional Setting
Newbury Park High School ▶ Newbury Park, CA
School Newbury Park High School is in the Conejo Valley Unified School District, which has 18 elementary
schools, six middle schools, and five high schools. The high school is a suburban school
approximately 50 miles northwest of Los Angeles, CA. It is commonly known among community
members as “Nice People High School.”
Student There are 2,550 students at Newbury Park High School with the following demographics:
population 2 percent African American, 8 percent Asian, 21 percent Hispanic, and 68 percent Caucasian.
Each year, approximately 95 percent of the school’s graduates enter colleges or universities.
Instructional The high school offers an intensive block schedule that includes three 95-minute class periods
time plus two 50-minute class periods, one at the beginning and one at the end of the school day.
Classes that meet each school day complete a traditional full-year class in one semester (90 days).
Classes that meet every other school day on the alternating block cycle complete a traditional
year-long class in one school year (180 days). Computer Science Principles meets every other
school day, beginning in August and ending the second week of June.
Student Students at Newbury Park High School enter Computer Science Principles with a wide variety of
preparation backgrounds. Some students have had no formal computer science training. Other students have
taken an introduction to HTML and CSS or an introduction to BASIC programming in one of the
introductory courses offered at the school. Some students have experienced summer programs
that included introductory programming using one of several possible programming languages.
We also have a small number of students who have completed AP Computer Science A before
entering Computer Science Principles. It is expected that all students entering Computer Science
Principles will be knowledgeable about the topics taught in Algebra I, including functions,
variables, and expressions.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 1
Instructional Setting (continued)
Primary planning Abelson, Hal, Ken Ledeen, and Harry Lewis. Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After
resources the Digital Explosion. New York: Addison-Wesley, 2008. Accessed June 15, 2015.
Blown to Bits provides engaging readings about the digital world and its effects on our society. It is available
free as a PDF online and for purchase in print.
Kick, Richard. “Webpage Programming with JavaScript.” Accessed July 22, 2015.
I often use this instructor site to display JavaScript programming examples.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 2
Overview of the Course
Computer Science Principles is designed to encourage a diverse group The primary programming language used in this course is JavaScript.
of students to explore computer science. Rather than limiting this However students are exposed to other programming options in the
introductory study to just two traditional topics — algorithms and form of block languages and languages that illustrate the connection
programming — this course introduces students to a broad set of big between blocks and text-based syntax.
ideas. These big ideas, which include algorithms and programming,
As the instructor, I guide students toward personal discoveries and
are often summarized using the terms creativity, abstraction, data,
introduce them to computer science topics that are related to current
Internet, and impact. In addition, this course emphasizes the use of
events and their own experiences. I often draw students to these
computational thinking practices for effective learning experiences
topics through the use of storytelling. The stories shared originate from
and problem solving. These practices include connecting, creating,
community experiences, current and former student experiences, and
abstracting, analyzing, communicating, and collaborating.
my own experiences. The stories derive from topics related to popular
At Newbury Park High School, Computer Science Principles uses an culture, historical events, or any other areas of student interest. Rather
integrated learning approach. Students build their knowledge and than limiting studies to materials I present, I encourage students to
understanding through participation in a wide variety of activities and pursue personal interests related to presented materials, which often
explorations. These experiences are not broken into contiguous blocks leads to explorations in unanticipated directions. Student-initiated
of common content. Instead, they are integrated throughout the school explorations are among the most valuable for both students and the
year. Before, during, and after explorations, connections are made to the instructor. After each exploration, I organize discussions to facilitate
seven big ideas at the core of the course. Activities encourage students student reflections about what they have learned, what they have yet
to regularly apply the six computational thinking practices to their work. to learn, and what they wish to further explore in future studies. Both
students and the instructor influence the final activities and related
Although explorations may primarily focus on a single big idea, there
requirements associated with final assessments. This method requires
is a conscious effort to have students make connections to each of the
me to be familiar with a wide variety of possible destinations to which
seven big ideas during each exploration. For example, explorations that
each exploration can lead.
are primarily focused on programming are distributed throughout the
course as a means to support students in their search for enhanced Explorations for Computer Science Principles are designed to spark
understanding of all seven big ideas. Exploration themes do not occur interest, curiosity, enthusiasm, and enjoyment. These ambitious goals
at just one time in the course but at various times throughout it. are usually accomplished through adjustments made because of
Students revisit themes and build on previous knowledge by exploring student contributions to classroom discussions, online posts using the
the themes at a deeper conceptual level. While working within the classroom management system, and student journals.
introductory theme, students become familiar with terminology,
content, and computational tools. Later explorations require students
to communicate about their explorations using new terms, content, and
tools in addition to the terms, content, and tools previously introduced.
By the end of the course, students have been encouraged to seek new
resources and share them with their peers to more deeply and rapidly
repeat the learning cycle experienced during earlier introductions.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 3
Computational Thinking Practices
P1: Connecting Computing ▶▶Identify abstractions.
▶▶Describe modeling in a computational context.
Developments in computing have far-reaching effects on society and
have led to significant innovations. The developments have implications
for individuals, society, commercial markets, and innovation. Students
P4: Analyzing Problems and Artifacts
in this course study these effects, and they learn to draw connections The results and artifacts of computation and the computational
between different computing concepts. Students are expected to: techniques and strategies that generate them can be understood
both intrinsically for what they are as well as for what they produce.
impacts of computing.
They can also be analyzed and evaluated by applying aesthetic,
▶▶Describe connections between people and computing. mathematical, pragmatic, and other criteria. Students in this course
▶▶Explain connections between computing concepts. design and produce solutions, models, and artifacts, and they evaluate
and analyze their own computational work as well as the computational
P2: Creating Computational Artifacts work others have produced. Students are expected to:
Computing is a creative discipline in which creation takes many forms, ▶▶Evaluate a proposed solution to a problem.
such as remixing digital music, generating animations, developing ▶▶Locate and correct errors.
websites and writing programs. Students in this course engage in the ▶▶Explain how an artifact functions.
creative aspects of computing by designing and developing interesting
▶▶Justify appropriateness and correctness of a solution, model,
computational artifacts as well as by applying computing techniques to
or artifact.
creatively solve problems. Students are expected to:
▶▶Create an artifact with a practical, personal, or societal intent. P5: Communicating
▶▶Select appropriate techniques to develop a computational artifact.
Students in this course describe computation and the impact of
▶▶Use appropriate algorithmic and information management principles. technology and computation, explain and justify the design and
appropriateness of their computational choices, and analyze and
P3: Abstracting describe both computational artifacts and the results or behaviors of
Computational thinking requires understanding and applying such artifacts. Communication includes written and oral descriptions
abstraction at multiple levels, such as privacy in social networking supported by graphs, visualizations, and computational analysis.
applications, logic gates and bits, and the human genome project. Students are expected to:
Students in this course use abstraction to develop models and ▶▶Explain the meaning of a result in context.
simulations of natural and artificial phenomena, use them to make ▶▶Describe computation with accurate and precise language, notations,
predictions about the world, and analyze their efficacy and validity. or visualizations.
Students are expected to:
▶▶Summarize the purpose of a computational artifact.
how data, information, or knowledge is represented for
computational use.
▶▶Explain how abstractions are used in computation or modeling.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 4
Computational Thinking Practices (continued)
P6: Collaborating
Innovation can occur when people work together or independently.
People working collaboratively can often achieve more than individuals
working alone. Learning to collaborate effectively includes drawing on
diverse perspectives, skills, and the backgrounds of peers to address
complex and open-ended problems. Students in this course collaborate
on a number of activities, including investigation of questions using
data sets and in the production of computational artifacts. Students are
expected to:
▶▶Collaborate with another student in solving a computational problem.
▶▶Collaborate with another student in producing an artifact.
▶▶Share the workload by providing individual contributions to an overall
collaborative effort.
▶▶Foster a constructive, collaborative climate by resolving conflicts and
facilitating the contributions of a partner or team member.
▶▶Exchange knowledge and feedback with a partner or team member.
▶▶Review and revise their work as needed to create a high-quality artifact.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 5
Pacing Overview
Hours of
Exploration Theme Exploration Exploration Theme Summary
0: Introduction to CSP 15 Computer science is introduced as a study of the seven big ideas facilitated by the application
of the six computational thinking practices. Websites inspire discussions and document creation
related to current topics. Students read and discuss articles, respond in journal entries, and create
artifacts that summarize their interests and knowledge.
1: Creativity and 25 Students write program code, primarily in JavaScript, throughout the school year. Much of this
Computing programming focuses on creating artifacts of interest to individual students. Manipulations range
from modifying all pixels in an image to performing algorithmic computations associated with
changes in selected collections of pixels. Students write programs to merge images using pixel
selection algorithms, create patterns, and combine multiple techniques into a new, higher-level
technique. Students analyze and visualize data sets, explore JavaScript application programming
interfaces, and create a dynamic website that facilitates the exploration of topics of personal
2: Identifying and 10 Students are introduced to abstractions used to efficiently create effective programs. Everything
Using Abstractions that a student says or does involves the use of abstractions. It is important to help students
become aware of abstractions and how they affect their ability to understand and navigate the
world in which they live. In particular, Computer Science Principles involves abstractions whose
application enhances computational capabilities.
3: Using Data 10 Programming is used to help students effectively process and summarize data. Publicly available
data sources are used for exploration, the discovery of information, and the creation of new
knowledge. Students identify topics that interest them and search the Web for data associated
with those topics. Early in the course, students are provided data sources that are stored on the
server used for their programming. This method allows students to more easily process data in
an effort to discover new information and knowledge. Later in the course, data sources must
be entered into the programming environment in an acceptable format. Doing so often requires
computational manipulation of the data using text editors, spreadsheets, JavaScript programs, or
statistics software packages.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 6
Pacing Overview (continued)
Hours of
Exploration Theme Exploration Exploration Theme Summary
4: Exploring 10 Students present, analyze, and implement algorithms that are designed to accomplish specific
Algorithms tasks related to solving problems of personal interest and motivational artifact creation. While
exploring image manipulations, students learn how to create gray scale images, produce
enhanced color schemes based on original image color schemes, merge images, and transform
images using reflections, rotations, and dilations. Students also generate row, column, diagonal,
and checkerboard patterns. They use their knowledge and experience to create new algorithms
that accomplish their image manipulation goals. Students also apply their knowledge of
algorithms to process data and gain new information and knowledge.
5: Problem Solving 20 Students use programming to efficiently solve problems. Relatively simple problems that require
With Programming programming to efficiently obtain a solution are presented to students early in the course. For
example, students are asked questions about images in terms of their color properties. Because
the images contain thousands of pixels, the students must use computational thinking to answer
the questions in a reasonable amount of time. Students are required to write programs that
efficiently answer the questions, and they are challenged to pose questions that they and their
peers can further explore.
6: Guided Internet 15 Students explore the characteristics and uses of the Internet. They examine and discuss security
Explorations and privacy issues related to the Internet. For example, students simulate a binary transmission
using paper clips. They create and use Huffman coding trees to encode text messages into binary
form and then model the messages using chains or packets of connected paper clips. Students
also explore encryption and decryption techniques.
7: Identifying 20 Students select areas of interest that are affected by computing. They research and report on
Innovations those areas in written and oral reports and present computational artifacts. Past activities have
included a debate about the impact of computing on society, the creation of videos on computing
in a variety of fields, and the development of infographics that illustrate computing information
that is personally relevant.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 7
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 7.1, EU 7.3 ▶▶Creating and Using Piazza Accounts ▶ Using Google Accounts
to Create Course Journals ▶ Reading and Summarizing Articles
About Computing
Guiding Questions
▶ What is computer science? ▶ How can information be efficiently communicated between small and large groups
of people? ▶ How can productive collaboration be effectively facilitated? ▶ How has cloud computing affected
our education?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 8
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 7.1, EU 7.3 ▶▶Creating and Using Piazza Accounts ▶ Using Google Accounts
to Create Course Journals ▶ Reading and Summarizing Articles
About Computing
Guiding Questions
▶ What is computer science? ▶ How can information be efficiently communicated between small and large groups
of people? ▶ How can productive collaboration be effectively facilitated? ▶ How has cloud computing affected
our education?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 9
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 7.1, EU 7.3 ▶▶Creating and Using Piazza Accounts ▶ Using Google Accounts
to Create Course Journals ▶ Reading and Summarizing Articles
About Computing
Guiding Questions
▶ What is computer science? ▶ How can information be efficiently communicated between small and large groups
of people? ▶ How can productive collaboration be effectively facilitated? ▶ How has cloud computing affected
our education?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 10
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 7.1, EU 7.3 ▶▶Creating and Using Piazza Accounts ▶ Using Google Accounts
to Create Course Journals ▶ Reading and Summarizing Articles
About Computing
Guiding Questions
▶ What is computer science? ▶ How can information be efficiently communicated between small and large groups
of people? ▶ How can productive collaboration be effectively facilitated? ▶ How has cloud computing affected
our education?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 11
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 7.1, EU 7.3 ▶▶Creating and Using Piazza Accounts ▶ Using Google Accounts
to Create Course Journals ▶ Reading and Summarizing Articles
About Computing
Guiding Questions
▶ What is computer science? ▶ How can information be efficiently communicated between small and large groups
of people? ▶ How can productive collaboration be effectively facilitated? ▶ How has cloud computing affected
our education?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 12
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 1.3, EU 2.1, EU 2.2, EU 4.1, EU 5.1, ▶▶Introduction to Programming ▶ The Chaos Game ▶ Using
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms EU 5.5, EU 7.2 Online Tools to Generate Art ▶ All-School Art Show
BIG IDEA 5 Programming
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact
Guiding Questions
▶ What are digital images, and how can they be created and manipulated? ▶ How can mathematics be used
to generate images that are artistically appealing? ▶ How can computational artifacts be used to affect a
community? ▶ What is recursion, and how can its use enhance the creation of computational artifacts?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 13
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 1.3, EU 2.1, EU 2.2, EU 4.1, EU 5.1, ▶▶Introduction to Programming ▶ The Chaos Game ▶ Using
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms EU 5.5, EU 7.2 Online Tools to Generate Art ▶ All-School Art Show
BIG IDEA 5 Programming
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact
Guiding Questions
▶ What are digital images, and how can they be created and manipulated? ▶ How can mathematics be used
to generate images that are artistically appealing? ▶ How can computational artifacts be used to affect a
community? ▶ What is recursion, and how can its use enhance the creation of computational artifacts?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 14
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 1.3, EU 2.1, EU 2.2, EU 4.1, EU 5.1, ▶▶Introduction to Programming ▶ The Chaos Game ▶ Using
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms EU 5.5, EU 7.2 Online Tools to Generate Art ▶ All-School Art Show
BIG IDEA 5 Programming
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact
Guiding Questions
▶ What are digital images, and how can they be created and manipulated? ▶ How can mathematics be used
to generate images that are artistically appealing? ▶ How can computational artifacts be used to affect a
community? ▶ What is recursion, and how can its use enhance the creation of computational artifacts?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 15
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 1.3, EU 2.1, EU 2.2, EU 4.1, EU 5.1, ▶▶Introduction to Programming ▶ The Chaos Game ▶ Using
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms EU 5.5, EU 7.2 Online Tools to Generate Art ▶ All-School Art Show
BIG IDEA 5 Programming
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact
Guiding Questions
▶ What are digital images, and how can they be created and manipulated? ▶ How can mathematics be used
to generate images that are artistically appealing? ▶ How can computational artifacts be used to affect a
community? ▶ What is recursion, and how can its use enhance the creation of computational artifacts?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 16
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 1.3, EU 2.1, EU 2.2, EU 4.1, EU 5.1, ▶▶Introduction to Programming ▶ The Chaos Game ▶ Using
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms EU 5.5, EU 7.2 Online Tools to Generate Art ▶ All-School Art Show
BIG IDEA 5 Programming
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact
Guiding Questions
▶ What are digital images, and how can they be created and manipulated? ▶ How can mathematics be used
to generate images that are artistically appealing? ▶ How can computational artifacts be used to affect a
community? ▶ What is recursion, and how can its use enhance the creation of computational artifacts?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 17
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 1.3, EU 2.1, EU 2.2, EU 4.1, EU 5.1, ▶▶Introduction to Programming ▶ The Chaos Game ▶ Using
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms EU 5.5, EU 7.2 Online Tools to Generate Art ▶ All-School Art Show
BIG IDEA 5 Programming
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact
Guiding Questions
▶ What are digital images, and how can they be created and manipulated? ▶ How can mathematics be used
to generate images that are artistically appealing? ▶ How can computational artifacts be used to affect a
community? ▶ What is recursion, and how can its use enhance the creation of computational artifacts?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 18
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 1.3, EU 2.1, EU 2.2, EU 4.1, EU 5.1, ▶▶Introduction to Programming ▶ The Chaos Game ▶ Using
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms EU 5.5, EU 7.2 Online Tools to Generate Art ▶ All-School Art Show
BIG IDEA 5 Programming
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact
Guiding Questions
▶ What are digital images, and how can they be created and manipulated? ▶ How can mathematics be used
to generate images that are artistically appealing? ▶ How can computational artifacts be used to affect a
community? ▶ What is recursion, and how can its use enhance the creation of computational artifacts?
Formative Assessment: Exploring Creativity Associated with Digital Artifacts ◀◀ After each presentation I
Student groups present their discoveries to the class using artifacts, encourage students to ask
styles, and techniques of their choosing. Each group has the questions about and share
flexibility to present in a way that best aligns with its members’ personal experiences with
talents and interests. Some groups create videos using video the types of artifacts that
recording and editing tools, some create songs with digital recording were presented.
and editing software, and others use graphics software. In the past,
presentations have included skits, song performances, videos, and
program demonstrations. I encourage students to be creative and
build on personal interests and experiences. I assess presentations
based on the extent (high, medium, or low) to which they address
each of the requirements listed in the preceding instructional activity.
I also offer potential bonus points for creativity and originality.
Essential knowledge addressed: 1.3.1 A-E
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 19
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 1.3, EU 2.1, EU 2.2, EU 4.1, EU 5.1, ▶▶Introduction to Programming ▶ The Chaos Game ▶ Using
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms EU 5.5, EU 7.2 Online Tools to Generate Art ▶ All-School Art Show
BIG IDEA 5 Programming
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact
Guiding Questions
▶ What are digital images, and how can they be created and manipulated? ▶ How can mathematics be used
to generate images that are artistically appealing? ▶ How can computational artifacts be used to affect a
community? ▶ What is recursion, and how can its use enhance the creation of computational artifacts?
All of the learning objectives from Web Summative Assessment: Creativity and Computing ◀◀ This summative assessment
this exploration are addressed. Piazza I give students instructions outlining the characteristics of an image addresses all of the guiding
they are to create. The image creation process begins with an image questions for this exploration.
that I provide. Students write code to generate image modifications
in the form of regular pixel patterns, color modifications, and fractals.
To submit their final image, students must take a screenshot of the
image and submit both the screenshot and the code used to generate
the final image. Students submit their summative assessments in
the form of Piazza posts that are private and can only be seen by the
instructor or as additions to their student journal.
All of the exploration’s essential knowledge statements are addressed.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 20
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 2.2, EU 5.1, EU 5.3, EU 5.4 ▶▶Identifying and Describing Abstractions in Daily Life
▶ Identifying and Describing Abstractions in Programming
▶ Using Abstractions to Write Programs
Guiding Questions
▶ What is an abstraction? ▶ How does the use of abstractions affect the program development process?
▶ What abstractions are provided in professional application programming interfaces (APIs)?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 21
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 2.2, EU 5.1, EU 5.3, EU 5.4 ▶▶Identifying and Describing Abstractions in Daily Life
▶ Identifying and Describing Abstractions in Programming
▶ Using Abstractions to Write Programs
Guiding Questions
▶ What is an abstraction? ▶ How does the use of abstractions affect the program development process?
▶ What abstractions are provided in professional application programming interfaces (APIs)?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 22
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 2.2, EU 5.1, EU 5.3, EU 5.4 ▶▶Identifying and Describing Abstractions in Daily Life
▶ Identifying and Describing Abstractions in Programming
▶ Using Abstractions to Write Programs
Guiding Questions
▶ What is an abstraction? ▶ How does the use of abstractions affect the program development process?
▶ What abstractions are provided in professional application programming interfaces (APIs)?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 23
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 2.2, EU 5.1, EU 5.3, EU 5.4 ▶▶Identifying and Describing Abstractions in Daily Life
▶ Identifying and Describing Abstractions in Programming
▶ Using Abstractions to Write Programs
Guiding Questions
▶ What is an abstraction? ▶ How does the use of abstractions affect the program development process?
▶ What abstractions are provided in professional application programming interfaces (APIs)?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 24
EXPLORATION 3: USING DATA Estimated Time: 10 Hours
BIG IDEA 3 Data and Information Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 3.1, EU 3.2, EU 3.3, EU 5.5 ▶▶Finding Appropriate Online Data Sources ▶ Collecting, Cleaning,
and Formatting Data ▶ Visualizing Data ▶ “You Can’t Say That on
the Internet”
Guiding Questions
▶ Which data sets that are associated with topics of personal interest are freely available online? ▶ What is the
difference between data, information, and knowledge? ▶ How can data be cleaned and formatted to facilitate the
effective extraction of information?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 25
EXPLORATION 3: USING DATA Estimated Time: 10 Hours
BIG IDEA 3 Data and Information Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 3.1, EU 3.2, EU 3.3, EU 5.5 ▶▶Finding Appropriate Online Data Sources ▶ Collecting, Cleaning,
and Formatting Data ▶ Visualizing Data ▶ “You Can’t Say That on
the Internet”
Guiding Questions
▶ Which data sets that are associated with topics of personal interest are freely available online? ▶ What is the
difference between data, information, and knowledge? ▶ How can data be cleaned and formatted to facilitate the
effective extraction of information?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 26
EXPLORATION 3: USING DATA Estimated Time: 10 Hours
BIG IDEA 3 Data and Information Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 3.1, EU 3.2, EU 3.3, EU 5.5 ▶▶Finding Appropriate Online Data Sources ▶ Collecting, Cleaning,
and Formatting Data ▶ Visualizing Data ▶ “You Can’t Say That on
the Internet”
Guiding Questions
▶ Which data sets that are associated with topics of personal interest are freely available online? ▶ What is the
difference between data, information, and knowledge? ▶ How can data be cleaned and formatted to facilitate the
effective extraction of information?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 27
EXPLORATION 3: USING DATA Estimated Time: 10 Hours
BIG IDEA 3 Data and Information Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 3.1, EU 3.2, EU 3.3, EU 5.5 ▶▶Finding Appropriate Online Data Sources ▶ Collecting, Cleaning,
and Formatting Data ▶ Visualizing Data ▶ “You Can’t Say That on
the Internet”
Guiding Questions
▶ Which data sets that are associated with topics of personal interest are freely available online? ▶ What is the
difference between data, information, and knowledge? ▶ How can data be cleaned and formatted to facilitate the
effective extraction of information?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 28
EXPLORATION 3: USING DATA Estimated Time: 10 Hours
BIG IDEA 3 Data and Information Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 3.1, EU 3.2, EU 3.3, EU 5.5 ▶▶Finding Appropriate Online Data Sources ▶ Collecting, Cleaning,
and Formatting Data ▶ Visualizing Data ▶ “You Can’t Say That on
the Internet”
Guiding Questions
▶ Which data sets that are associated with topics of personal interest are freely available online? ▶ What is the
difference between data, information, and knowledge? ▶ How can data be cleaned and formatted to facilitate the
effective extraction of information?
All of the learning objectives from Local Software Summative Assessment: Using Data ◀◀ This summative assessment
this exploration are addressed. Fathom I give students a large data set that I distribute as a shared Google addresses all of the guiding
Dynamic Data Doc. They must independently clean, filter, format, and visualize the questions for this exploration.
Software data to answer specific questions about the data and the processes This assessment can
Spreadsheet they used to manipulate the data. The questions are provided in a significantly vary in difficulty
software Google Form, which students use to submit their answers. based on the size and format
Web All of the exploration’s essential knowledge statements are addressed. of the data provided to the
Google Docs students. The validity of the
assessment can be improved
Google Forms
by sharing different versions
of the data set that lead to
different correct answers for
each set.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 29
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 4.1, EU 4.2 ▶▶Creating Algorithms to Manipulate Images ▶ Huffman
Coding Trees ▶ Comparing Algorithms for Image File
Creation ▶ Designing Algorithms for Map Creation
Guiding Questions
▶ What is an algorithm? ▶ What are common algorithms used for digital image manipulation? ▶ How can
algorithms be evaluated for correctness and efficiency? ▶ How can messages be translated between multiple
representations? ▶ How is map location data used to obtain practical information?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 30
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 4.1, EU 4.2 ▶▶Creating Algorithms to Manipulate Images ▶ Huffman
Coding Trees ▶ Comparing Algorithms for Image File
Creation ▶ Designing Algorithms for Map Creation
Guiding Questions
▶ What is an algorithm? ▶ What are common algorithms used for digital image manipulation? ▶ How can
algorithms be evaluated for correctness and efficiency? ▶ How can messages be translated between multiple
representations? ▶ How is map location data used to obtain practical information?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 31
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 4.1, EU 4.2 ▶▶Creating Algorithms to Manipulate Images ▶ Huffman
Coding Trees ▶ Comparing Algorithms for Image File
Creation ▶ Designing Algorithms for Map Creation
Guiding Questions
▶ What is an algorithm? ▶ What are common algorithms used for digital image manipulation? ▶ How can
algorithms be evaluated for correctness and efficiency? ▶ How can messages be translated between multiple
representations? ▶ How is map location data used to obtain practical information?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 32
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 4.1, EU 4.2 ▶▶Creating Algorithms to Manipulate Images ▶ Huffman
Coding Trees ▶ Comparing Algorithms for Image File
Creation ▶ Designing Algorithms for Map Creation
Guiding Questions
▶ What is an algorithm? ▶ What are common algorithms used for digital image manipulation? ▶ How can
algorithms be evaluated for correctness and efficiency? ▶ How can messages be translated between multiple
representations? ▶ How is map location data used to obtain practical information?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 33
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 4 Algorithms ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 4.1, EU 4.2 ▶▶Creating Algorithms to Manipulate Images ▶ Huffman
Coding Trees ▶ Comparing Algorithms for Image File
Creation ▶ Designing Algorithms for Map Creation
Guiding Questions
▶ What is an algorithm? ▶ What are common algorithms used for digital image manipulation? ▶ How can
algorithms be evaluated for correctness and efficiency? ▶ How can messages be translated between multiple
representations? ▶ How is map location data used to obtain practical information?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 34
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 2.2, EU 5.1, EU 5.2, EU 5.3, EU 5.4, EU 5.5 ▶▶Baby Name Analysis ▶ Mad Libs
▶ Using Maps for Problem Solving
Guiding Questions
▶ How can programming be used to process data and obtain new information and knowledge? ▶ How can programs
process user input to create amusing results? ▶ How can the Google Maps API be used to generate maps and solve
map-related questions?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 35
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 2.2, EU 5.1, EU 5.2, EU 5.3, EU 5.4, EU 5.5 ▶▶Baby Name Analysis ▶ Mad Libs
▶ Using Maps for Problem Solving
Guiding Questions
▶ How can programming be used to process data and obtain new information and knowledge? ▶ How can programs
process user input to create amusing results? ▶ How can the Google Maps API be used to generate maps and solve
map-related questions?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 36
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 2.2, EU 5.1, EU 5.2, EU 5.3, EU 5.4, EU 5.5 ▶▶Baby Name Analysis ▶ Mad Libs
▶ Using Maps for Problem Solving
Guiding Questions
▶ How can programming be used to process data and obtain new information and knowledge? ▶ How can programs
process user input to create amusing results? ▶ How can the Google Maps API be used to generate maps and solve
map-related questions?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 37
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 2.2, EU 5.1, EU 5.2, EU 5.3, EU 5.4, EU 5.5 ▶▶Baby Name Analysis ▶ Mad Libs
▶ Using Maps for Problem Solving
Guiding Questions
▶ How can programming be used to process data and obtain new information and knowledge? ▶ How can programs
process user input to create amusing results? ▶ How can the Google Maps API be used to generate maps and solve
map-related questions?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 38
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 5 Programming ▶▶EU 2.2, EU 5.1, EU 5.2, EU 5.3, EU 5.4, EU 5.5 ▶▶Baby Name Analysis ▶ Mad Libs
▶ Using Maps for Problem Solving
Guiding Questions
▶ How can programming be used to process data and obtain new information and knowledge? ▶ How can programs
process user input to create amusing results? ▶ How can the Google Maps API be used to generate maps and solve
map-related questions?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 39
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 2.1, EU, 2.2, EU 2.3, EU 6.1, EU 6.2, ▶▶Simulating Internet Communications
BIG IDEA 6 The Internet EU 6.3 ▶ Understanding the Internet
▶ The Hardware and Binary Connection
▶ Creating Videos Explaining Characteristics of the Internet
Guiding Questions
▶ How does communication over the Internet occur? ▶ What resources are available for better understanding the
▶ What are the hardware components associated with the Internet and its functionality? ▶ What are the
characteristics of the Internet that make it so powerful and flexible?
Web Formative Assessment: Simulating Internet Communications ◀◀ The student journals must
Google Docs Students work in small table groups to create their own messages. include an example of a
journals They create, on paper, a Huffman coding tree for their messages message that was sent, the
using the character frequencies for all of their messages combined. tree used for encoding and
Each group uses its tree to encode its message into binary form, decoding, and a summary of
breaks the messages into packets, and sends its packets through the difficulties and successes
designated “routers” to an intended destination. If the receiving experienced during the
group, when given the coding tree, decodes the message, the entire process.
transmission is considered a success. Students summarize their
experiences in their weekly journal on Google Docs, where I can
review and provide feedback as needed.
Essential knowledge addressed: 2.1.1 A-E; 2.1.2 D-F; 2.3.1 A-D; 2.3.2 A-H;
6.1.1 A-I; 6.2.1 A-D
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 40
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 2.1, EU, 2.2, EU 2.3, EU 6.1, EU 6.2, ▶▶Simulating Internet Communications
BIG IDEA 6 The Internet EU 6.3 ▶ Understanding the Internet
▶ The Hardware and Binary Connection
▶ Creating Videos Explaining Characteristics of the Internet
Guiding Questions
▶ How does communication over the Internet occur? ▶ What resources are available for better understanding the
▶ What are the hardware components associated with the Internet and its functionality? ▶ What are the
characteristics of the Internet that make it so powerful and flexible?
LO 2.2.3: Identify multiple levels of Web Instructional Activity: The Hardware and Binary Connection
abstractions that are used when IntroComputing Students read the “Computer Hardware” page on IntroComputing.
writing programs. [P3] .org, “Computer org and explore the concepts (e.g., hardware, chip, CPU, transistor)
Hardware” and images (pictures of hardware) presented while examining
American actual hardware in the classroom (I use an Apple II1 computer).
Computer Students discuss the topics in table groups and answer questions
Science about the hardware I present to them. I introduce competition-style
League, questions similar to those found on the “Sample Problems” page on
“Sample the American Computer Science League site on the topics of Boolean
Problems” algebra and logic gates. Sample problems are presented, discussed,
and solved in large groups, small groups, and individually. Students
make connections between the hardware used to create computing
technology and binary systems.
Essential knowledge addressed: 2.2.3 E-K
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 41
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 2.1, EU, 2.2, EU 2.3, EU 6.1, EU 6.2, ▶▶Simulating Internet Communications
BIG IDEA 6 The Internet EU 6.3 ▶ Understanding the Internet
▶ The Hardware and Binary Connection
▶ Creating Videos Explaining Characteristics of the Internet
Guiding Questions
▶ How does communication over the Internet occur? ▶ What resources are available for better understanding the
▶ What are the hardware components associated with the Internet and its functionality? ▶ What are the
characteristics of the Internet that make it so powerful and flexible?
LO 1.1.1: Apply a creative Web Instructional Activity: Creating Videos Explaining Characteristics ◀◀ Effective collaboration
development process when Piazza of the Internet is essential for success in
creating computational artifacts. I list the major characteristics of the Internet on the board this project. I may make
[P2] (hierarchical, redundant, fault tolerant, standardized through adjustments in team numbers
LO 1.2.1: Create a computational
protocols, packet-switched, and scalable), and students vote using after initial voting takes
artifact for creative expression. a Piazza poll for the characteristic that is most interesting to them. place to ensure equity in the
[P2] After participating in the poll, students move to a location in the workload for each student.
room designated as representing the characteristic they selected and Video production done well
LO 1.2.2: Create a computational divide into teams. I instruct students to create a video of no longer is a big job and requires
artifact using computing tools and than one minute that illustrates the characteristic of the Internet planning, scripting, staging,
techniques to solve a problem. [P2] that they voted for. When each team has completed its video, I (or a video capturing, editing,
LO 1.2.3: Create a new student volunteer) edit all submissions into a single video illustrating sound management, and so
computational artifact by the major characteristics of the Internet. on. Each of these tasks can
combining or modifying existing be a large job. Encourage
Essential knowledge addressed: 1.1.1 A, B; 1.2.1 A, B, E; 1.2.2 A; 1.2.3 A;
artifacts. [P2] 1.2.4 A, B, F students to divide up the
LO 1.2.4: Collaborate in the creation work when possible to ensure
of computational artifacts. [P6] higher-quality work in a
relatively short time.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 42
BIG IDEA 1 Creativity Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
BIG IDEA 2 Abstraction ▶▶EU 1.1, EU 1.2, EU 2.1, EU, 2.2, EU 2.3, EU 6.1, EU 6.2, ▶▶Simulating Internet Communications
BIG IDEA 6 The Internet EU 6.3 ▶ Understanding the Internet
▶ The Hardware and Binary Connection
▶ Creating Videos Explaining Characteristics of the Internet
Guiding Questions
▶ How does communication over the Internet occur? ▶ What resources are available for better understanding the
▶ What are the hardware components associated with the Internet and its functionality? ▶ What are the
characteristics of the Internet that make it so powerful and flexible?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 43
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
▶▶EU 7.1, EU 7.2, EU 7.3, EU 7.4, EU 7.5 ▶▶Identifying and Summarizing Articles About Computing
Innovations and Impacts ▶ Wharton Top 30 Innovations
List ▶ Debating the Beneficial and Harmful Impacts of Computing
on Our Society
Guiding Questions
▶ What computing innovations have the greatest impact on your life? ▶ What recent computing innovations are on
the Wharton Top 30 Innovations list? ▶ What are the beneficial and harmful effects of computing on your life?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 44
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
▶▶EU 7.1, EU 7.2, EU 7.3, EU 7.4, EU 7.5 ▶▶Identifying and Summarizing Articles About Computing
Innovations and Impacts ▶ Wharton Top 30 Innovations
List ▶ Debating the Beneficial and Harmful Impacts of Computing
on Our Society
Guiding Questions
▶ What computing innovations have the greatest impact on your life? ▶ What recent computing innovations are on
the Wharton Top 30 Innovations list? ▶ What are the beneficial and harmful effects of computing on your life?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 45
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
▶▶EU 7.1, EU 7.2, EU 7.3, EU 7.4, EU 7.5 ▶▶Identifying and Summarizing Articles About Computing
Innovations and Impacts ▶ Wharton Top 30 Innovations
List ▶ Debating the Beneficial and Harmful Impacts of Computing
on Our Society
Guiding Questions
▶ What computing innovations have the greatest impact on your life? ▶ What recent computing innovations are on
the Wharton Top 30 Innovations list? ▶ What are the beneficial and harmful effects of computing on your life?
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 46
BIG IDEA 7 Global Impact Essential Understandings: Projects and Major Assignments:
▶▶EU 7.1, EU 7.2, EU 7.3, EU 7.4, EU 7.5 ▶▶Identifying and Summarizing Articles About Computing
Innovations and Impacts ▶ Wharton Top 30 Innovations
List ▶ Debating the Beneficial and Harmful Impacts of Computing
on Our Society
Guiding Questions
▶ What computing innovations have the greatest impact on your life? ▶ What recent computing innovations are on
the Wharton Top 30 Innovations list? ▶ What are the beneficial and harmful effects of computing on your life?
All of the learning objectives from Web Summative Assessment: Identifying Innovations ◀◀ This summative assessment
this exploration are addressed. Google Forms I give students questions in a Google Form that are related to addresses all of the guiding
innovations and how they are connected to people and society. questions for this exploration.
Students submit their answers to these multiple-choice and free-
response questions to me within the form.
All of the exploration’s essential knowledge statements are addressed.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 47
AP Performance Task ESTIMATED TIME: 8 hours
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 48
AP Performance Task ESTIMATED TIME: 12 hours
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 49
Resources All links to online resources were verified before publication. In cases where links are no longer
working, we suggest that you try to find the resource by doing a keyword Web search.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 50
Resources (continued)
“Newbury Park High School — July 22, 2001.” Internet Archive Way Back Machine.
Accessed July 14, 2015. http://web.archive.org/web/20010722013253/http://nphs.org.
“Newbury Park High School — October 1, 2003.” Internet Archive Way Back Machine.
Accessed July 14, 2015. http://web.archive.org/web/20031001133739/
“Newbury Park High School — December 14, 2007.” Internet Archive Way Back
Machine. Accessed July 14, 2015. http://web.archive.org/web/20071214154949/
“Newbury Park High School — October 6, 2008.” Internet Archive Way Back Machine.
Accessed July 14, 2015. http://web.archive.org/web/20081006040719/
“Sample Problems.” American Computer Science League. Accessed August 11, 2015.
YouTube. Accessed July 21, 2015. http://www.youtube.com.
AP Computer Science Principles ■ Course Planning and Pacing Guide ■ Richard Kick © 2015 The College Board. 51