Krystal River Mantra Psonn 373
Krystal River Mantra Psonn 373
Krystal River Mantra Psonn 373
The MCEO "12 Tribes of Aquafereion" private-class program began in Phoenix, Arizona, in January 2007, as a series
of twelve private Experiential Spiritual Development Classes hosted by MCEO Speakers A'sha and A'san Deane. (In the
transcripts, A'san is referred to as A'zah, an earlier form of his spiritual name.) This private-class program emerged from
the MeEO Freedom TeachingS®, an ongoing collection of over 80 public live workshops presented by MCEO Speakers
A'sha and A'san Deane between 1999 and 2010, which total more than a thousand hours of DVD recordings featuring a
progressively and continually expanding body of advanced, non-denominational "Law of One" Spiritual-science
Teachings and related historical record. All MCEO teachings are translated verbatim from live Keylontic Transmissions
from "Holy Order of the Yunasai Kryst Councils," collectively known as the Krystics. (The Krystics' Yunasai Order Kryst
Councils include the "Guardian Alliance" [GA], "Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds" [IAFW], "Melchizedek
Cloister Emerald Order' [MCEO], Elohei-Seraphei-Braharama and BudhAea-Budhaliah-Budhrama "Founders Councils,"
Priests of Ur and Priests of MU "Eieyani Councils," EyanA and AdonA "Ecka Councils," Aquafereion Na-VA-Ho and
Aquareion Adashi "Krystar Ascension Councils," and many other sub-councils and collectives in service to organic First
Creation and the Eternal Life Ascension Path of the Krystos.)
All information contained within the MCEO Freedom Teachings® paradigm-and thus within the "12 Tribes of
Aquafereion" classes-has been provided to assist humanity in reaching greater heights within the frontiers of personal
consciousness, and to facilitate a more in-depth, collective, practical understanding of the greater evolutionary issues
that directly impact our global reality, planetary environment, and evolutionary potentials today and in the future.
In 2006, on behalf of a request put forth by the Krystics, the MCEO 12 Tribes of Aquafereion class program was initiated
by extending an invitation (via Internet and public workshops) to those interested in MCEO works, to participate in
smaller, more personalized, direct experiential private classes featuring MCEO advanced spiritual development
teachings referred to as "RashaLAe Body Training." (MCEO public workshops average 200-300 people, leaving little
resource for MCEO Speakers to have personal interactions with audience members or for more personally experiential
spiritual participation.) The Krystics briefed the MCEO Speakers on the "12 Tribes" program in 2006, at which time the
"Krystics' invitation" for class enrollment was offered. At this point the Speakers were told only that there would be" two
installments" of twelve sequential classes (a total of twenty-four classes-twelve per each of the "two installments")
comprising the "12 Tribes" class program. The first installment of twelve two-day classes, titled "12 Tribes-1," was to
initiate in January 2007 and, "IF the planetary drama allowed," a second twelve-class installment, titled "12 Tribes-2,"
would initiate in 2008 follOWingcompletion of the 12 Tribes-1 twelve-class installment of 2007. Each of the twelve
individual "Tribes" classes in the 12 Tribes-1 twelve-class installment were to include only twenty-four people, and the
twelve "Tribes-1" classes were to be held approximately one per month (with leeway given for public workshop & travel
The fact that the MCEO Speakers commit to doing public workshops when no one aside from the Beloved Krystic
transmitters-not even we the MCEO teachers/Speakers-consciously knows WHAT the detail of the "next-level
teaching" is going to be until we all gather for the next live workshop, is not a condition unique to the 12 Tribes of
Aquafereion private classes. This dynamic has been inherent to all aD-pius live MCEO public workshops since 1999; this
approach is not chosen or preferred by the MCEO Speakers, it is an "occupational hazard" that is required to enable the
Krystics to continue the gift of their teachings. The MCEO Speakers extend our heartfelt thanks to the people who have
"suffered this inconvenience" in workshops with us over the years, and we hope people can appreciate this "inconvenient
fact" of the MCEO work-process for the degree of" absolute trust in the Divine"-as well as personal spiritual
commitment-that it requires from the Speakers to continually work in such a highly stressful manner. One of the
benefits of this inconvenient dynamic is that it "dissolves the platform of hierarchical structure" that is often associated
with the teacher/student relationship, allowing both the audience and the Speakers to "learn together at the same time."
Throughout our ten years of workshops, this" inconvenient facf' has necessitated what is now known as "Guardian
Time"-an "inconvenient schedule" of workshop "free-form time" revolving around on-site new-data translation of live
transmissions from the Krystics, which often requires workshop times to run through the night and into the early morning
hours. MCED class and workshop audiences, as well as the MCED Speakers, have learned over time to cultivate a
necessary degree of personal flexibility in order to adapt to the frequently "inconvenient nature" of acquiring the MCED
Reflecting the nature of the classes, the transcripts (even without the multitude of still-rough technical diagrams that
were shown in the classes) "go much further" than this introduction in terms of technical details, and most especially in
terms of the greater planetary, galactic, and universal "Contemporary Big Picture Drama" that is presently unfolding,
which is the literal context within which the personal spiritual development teachings are environmentally couched. There
IS concept repetition within these unedited, verbatim class transcripts-especially within the early classes featured in
Volume 1-reflecting the need to inform each new class group of" what the others before them had learned." But despite
the early necessity of repeating primary concepts, each class still introduced new, next-level information that was not
contained within earlier classes. As the classes progressed, this need for concept repetition dwindled as each new class
group came prepared for the next level of information, thanks to the transcripts of previous classes that they were able to
study, and also to the formal introduction of new multiclass material that was periodically presented in the larger public
workshops held several times per year between 12 Tribes-1 classes. We hope this introduction, with its focus on the
personal teachings and its restraint of technical detail, will create a more rewarding reader experience in relation to the
broader material and detail covered in the "The 12 Tribes Transcripts."
Compared to Rasha Body projection, Light Body projection has a vel}' limited territorial range that is confined to the
surface-radiation light fields of a single Domain. In Rasha Body projection, the territorial range is unlimited and allows for
passage between the Four Domain space-time-matter layers, as well as into any of the surface-radiation light fields
manifesting upon and within the Four Domains. But more importantly, unlike Light Body projection, Rasha Body
projection initiates within both the Light Body and physical-matter atomic body anatomy the organic processes of
TRANSFIGURATION. Transmutation (re-enlightenment of the atomic structure) and Transfiguration (re-
spiritualization of the atomic structure) are the interrelated processes by which organic Transmigration, or biological
-, Star-Gate Ascension Passage, occurs. The First Stage of Ascension, the Rasha Body Glide projection, expedites Rasha
Body activation and initiates the DNNRNA and related activations within the atomic structure that are required to engage
the processes of atomic Cellular Transmutation and Transfiguration by which the biological Second Stage and then Final
Stage of Ascension take place.
The Second Stage of Ascension is called the "Slide," which corresponds to Starfire Ascension Cycle Stage-2
Phases 1and 2-the KaLA-Krvsta Cvcle (Bharda Phase-1 and Ma-Sha Phase-2) of Eiradonis Integration. A "Slide"
is also a projection journey, but unlike a Rasha Body Glide projection, a Slide is a Rasha Body projection that is
undertaken by one who has reached the "one-quarter to one-half quantum point" of atomic Transmutationl
Transfiguration, which begins halfway through Bharda Phase-1 of the Starfire Ascension Stage-2 KaLA-Kl}'sta Cycle. A
Slide involves a temporary condition of either physical-atomic Bi-Iocation or Translocation. In a Glide, a portion of the
conscious awareness transfers into the Rasha Body for projection journeying; in a Slide, a portion of the physical-atomic
body quantum literally changes state and transfers, with a corresponding portion of the conscious awareness, to the
Rasha Body for projection travel.
At the "one-quarter quantum point," which begins at the halfway point in Bharda Phase-1 of the Stage-2 KaLA-Kl}'sta
Cycle, the physical body becomes able to enter a temporary state of atomic Bi-Iocation, in which the already
Transmuted atomic quantum temporarily contracts as a spark of light into the Rasha Body, and the "waking
consciousness" (and Light Body) divides its awareness and quantum between its "journeying" Rasha Body" Bi-Iocate"
and its usual station within the physical body. The not-yet- Transmuted atomic quantum of the physical-atomic body
remains in its "home" physical station, as the Bi-Iocate Body (comprised of the already Transmuted atomic quantum)
"rides" within the Rasha Body in a projection, temporarily "Slides" out of its "home station," and projects "at the speed of
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series
Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc.
Copyright A&A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved
thought' to its desired destination, where the Bi-Iocate Body remanifests as a "less-dense replica" of the physical body;
the personal awareness experiences the two "stations of consciousness" and their inherent realities simultaneously. At
journey's end, the Rasha Body and its Bi-Iocate Slide back into the physical-atomic body, and the already Transmuted
atomic quantum expands back outward from the Rasha Body and into the physical body; the conscious awareness
reunifies and the "cellular memorY' records "both sets" of simultaneous events as having physically occurred.
At the "one-half quantum point," which begins at the start of Ma-Sha Phase-2 of the Stage-2 KaLA-Krysta Cycle, the
physical body becomes able to enter a temporary state of atomic Translocation, in which the already Transmuted
atomic quantum temporarily Transfigures into an infrasound radiation pattern; the Transfigured portion of the atomic
quantum transfers into the Spirit Body, which draws the remaining physical-atomic quantum into a state of temporary
atomic Transmutation, in which the physical-atomic quantum temporarily merges with the Light Body anatomy. The
temporarily Transmuted physical-atomic quantum and Light Body contract as a spark of light into the Rasha Body, and
the "physical body" literally "disappears" or Translocates from its "home" physical station. The Rasha Body, with
"physical-body-as-light" and Light Body quantum in tow, joins with the Spirit Body (within which the Transfigured atomic
quantum is held as an infrasound pattern) and the full identity then Slides out of its "home" station, projecting "at the
speed of thought" to its desired destination, where the entire identity temporarily remanifests as the fully intact physical-
atomic body. If the projection destination exists in a state of matter density less dense, or of smaller quantum, than that
from which the identity projected, the remanifesting physical-atomic body will automatically adjust the oscillation and
vibration rates (BPR-Base Pulse Rhythm) of its atomic quantum to a "BPR" co-resonant with that of the matter field to
which it has projected, temporarily storing any quantum excess within the Light Body contracted within the Rasha Body.
At journey's end, the Rasha Body (with the Light Body and temporarily Transmuted physical-atomic quantum), and the
Spirit Body (carrying the Transfigured atomic quantum), Slide back to the "home" station from which the Translocation
initiated. Upon return to the "home" station, the temporarily Transfigured atomic quantum (held as an infrasound pattern
within the Spirit Body) "down-steps" its BPR, returning to its original state of physical-atomic quantum Transmuted to
light, and the Light Body and the temporarily Transmuted physical-atomic quantum down-step their BPR and expand
back outward from the Rasha Body, remanifesting the not-yet- Transmuted quantum of the physical-atomic form-with
its surrounding Light Body-within the "home" station. As the physical-atomic body and conscious awareness "Return
Slide" to their "home" station, the cellular memory records "one set" of events as having physically occurred-the events
of the physical Slide Translocation.
The Final Stage of Ascension is called the "Span," which corresponds to Starfire Ascension Cycle Stage-3, the
HaRA-Krvsta Cycle of atomic Transfiguration. Like the Stage-1 Glide and Stage-2 Slide, the Span is also a Rasha Body
projection journey, but unlike a Glide or Slide projection, the Span is a Rasha Body projection that is undertaken by one
who has reached the "full quantum point" of atomic Transmutation/Transfiguration to enter the Krystar State of full
Ascension, from which one can return to manifestation within the personal eternal-life "Mashayanic Body." A Span
involves a permanent condition of physical-atomic Transmigration, unlike the temporary Bi-Iocation or Translocation
conditions characteristic to Slide. Rasha Body Glide and Slide projection share in common, as a "necessity" of
interdimensional physics laws, the requirement of return journey to the Domain of the biological "home" station. In
both Glide and Slide, the journeying identity can "visit" other space-time worlds, but as long as the physical-atomic
structure of the biological body has not yet completed full Cellular Transfiguration, the atomic body and consciousness
of the identity will remain genetically "phase-locked" into the BPR and "Planetary Shield" (morphogenetic field) of the
space-time coordinates into which the atomic body had birthed. Before full biological Cellular Transfiguration is
complete, physical Translocation for "temporary off-planet visits" is the height to which the atomic biology can reach.
A being that completes this Final Stage of Ascension is called a "Mashayah," and in its Mashayanic Body it now has the
ability to instantaneously Transmigrate at will, in any form it chooses, to anywhere in the Cosmos-or to many places
simultaneously. The Mashayanic Body has the ability to SPAN, and it is through the process of "Spanning" that the
Mashayah identity engages the process of Transmigration for "inter-Cosmos trans-time" journeying. Spanning is a
function of the Rasha Body, by which the" 15 crystalline geleziac-radiation" bands or "Spans" of the Rasha Body
anatomy activate and depolarize, allowing the Rasha Body, Light Body, and atomic Mashayanic Body to instantaneously
Transfigure into the "infrasound radiation substance" of which the Spirit Body is made. AS the" substance of spirit," the
Mashayah identity can "travel the Cosmos" through the Eternal Na-VA-Ho Core Flow Gates, often referred to as
"Spanner Core Flow Gates," which span the Cosmos and eternally link all space-time-matter coordinates through the
structures of the Cosmic Spirit Body. Mashayah identities are frequently referred to as "SPANNERS," as they use the
Rasha Body process of "Spanning" to traverse the Cosmos at will through the Cosmic Spanner Gates.
The fully Transfigured Mashayanic Body, composed of the PaTa-Ur "Iight-matter-spirit substance," is freed from the
physical-atomic "genetic birth-coordinate biochemical phase-lock" inherent to finite-life atomic structures that have not
yet fulfilled the bio-spiritual interdimensional physics process of Transfiguration. Thus the Mashayah "Spanner" identity,
in its manifest biological freedom, has the eternal ability to not only "temporarily physically visit" regions of the Cosmos
far from the birth place of its original "Ascension Body," for it may also choose, unlike Sliders or Gliders, to literally
"permanently physically relocate" to other cosmic regions, leaving the "original birth place of its physical body" behind
forever, if desired, as it continues on its eternal-life path of Mashayanic evolution toward fulfillment of the "Adashi Return"
Krystic Ascension Cycles. To better understand the Final Stage of Ascension-the Span-it is helpful to explore the
processes ofTransmutation and Transfiguration in their relationship to the Krystar State and the associated process of
Transgenesis. As the 12 Tribes classes continued, we were taught more about these and related subjects.
In simple terms, Transfiguration of atomic matter back into its "virgin state" of pure consciousness, or spirit, occurs
through a very specific, complex organic process in which first the dark-matter radiation of the Rasha Body
progressively merges with the atomic ManE Body (physical body) through activation of the Rasha Body; next, the Rasha
Body draws the prana radiation of the Eiradonis, a part of the Spirit Body, progressively into merger with the unified
Rasha and ManE Bodies. When the Eiradonis of the Spirit Body fully embodies within the merged Rasha-ManE Body,
achieving what is called the" KaLE-Hara state," the KaLA-Krysta "Bharda" Cycle begins, initiating the process of
atomic Cellular Transmutation within the physical body as the Eiradonis prana radiation Transmutes a portion of the
atomic ManE Body back into "lighf' (the electromagnetic mana radiation substance of which the Light Body is made).
When half of the atomic quantum has been Transmuted into "light," the KaLA-Krysta "Ma-Sha" Cycle begins, initiating
the process of atomic Transfiguration, in which the greater radiation of the Spirit Body (prana and eirA) progressively
enters the mana- Transmuted portions of the atomic structure, Transfiguring the Transmuted atoms-and the
corresponding aspects of the Light Body and Rasha Body-from "light" radiation into the "vibrating infrasound
radiation" (manU) of which the Spirit Body is made.
Transmutation is the "re-enlightenment of matter" that occurs when the atomic-matter manE substance ("frozen
light") of the physical ManE Body merges with the Eiradonis prana substance of the Spirit Body and, while remaining
embodied within their existing atomic lattice, portions of the atomic structure" heat up" and Transmute from manE
matter-substance into embodied mana "light"-the electromagnetic vapor-radiation substance of the Light Body.
Transfiguration is the "re-spiritualization of matter" that occurs when the "light-Transmuted" embodied mana portions
of the physical-matter ManE Body merge with the prana and eirA substance of the Spirit Body, and then the mana light
of the light-Transmuted physical-atomic ManE Body, and the corresponding aspects of mana light of the Light Body and
dark matter of the Rasha Body, together Transfigure back into manU-the conscious, eternal, vibrating-infrasound-
radiation geleziac-ether substance of the Spirit Body.
At the end of the KaLA-Krysta "Bharda" Cycle, when the first half of the physical-atomic ManE Body quantum has been
"re-enlightened" or Transmuted into mana "light" electromagnetic radiation-vapor, and the atomic body has reached
"half density" to become biologically" Slide-able," the second half of the physical-atomic quantum next engages the
KaLA-Krysta "Ma-Sha" Cycle of simultaneous Transmutation and Transfiguration. During the Ma-Sha Cycle, the
remaining manE quantum of the atomic ManE Body progressively Transmutes into mana light, forming the temporary,
half-quantum, physical-atomic "re-enlightened Mana Body" -as simultaneously the previously light-Transmuted ManE
Body mana quantum and the Light Body mana quantum progressively "re-spiritualize" and Transfigure into manU
infrasound-radiation "spirit." At the end of the Ma-Sha Cycle, as the Rasha PaTa-Ur ("Rapture") point approaches
(mentioned above in context of the Final Stage of Ascension-Span), the remaining quantum of the temporary physical-
atomic Mana Body engages Transfiguration of its mana light into manU spirit, until only the" last atom" of atomic mana
The Zhyrah super atom carries the entire quantum of the manU-Transfigured Light Body and the entire quantum-minus-
one-atom of the manU-Transfigured physical ManE Body as its manU core, and is surrounded by a "mana sheath"
composed of the "one-atom quantum" of mana from the "last mana-atom" of the physical body. The Zhyrah next
contracts into the core of the Rasha Dark-matter Body, where the "one-atom quantum" mana sheath surrounding the
manU core of the Zhyrah draws to itself a proportional quantum of prana from the Spirit Body, and converts to the
larger-quantum manA radiation. Following this "manA conversion," the converted manA sheath of the Zhyrah next
draws in a proportional quantum of eirA radiation from the Spirit Body and again converts-this time to the manU
infrasound-radiation geleziac-ether of the Spirit Body. Following the" manU conversion" of the Zhyrah's "one-atom-
quantum" sheath, the entire original quantum of the Ascending identity, as the Zhyrah super atom, now exists as
manU infrasound-radiation spirit and has "picked up" the additional quantum of prana and eirA from the Spirit Body
through the "mana-manU conversions." This additional quantum of Spirit Body radiation "thrust' (which is equal to the
quantum provided by the biological parents at conception of the physical-atomic body) allows the Zhyrah to "break free"
from the organic atomic-genetic space-time phase-lock-the "biochemical tether" or "birth-/ock"-that links the
physical-atomic body to the space-time coordinates into which the identity was born.
As the Zhyrah releases from its birth-lock, it engages the process of Returning to the Mashayanic Fold, through which
the structures of the identity's entire Spirit Body and Rasha Body temporarily "fold up," forming a sheath of Spirit Body
manU plus Rasha dark-matter radiation around the Zhyrah. As the identity "returns to the fold," the Zhyrah releases the
original "parental conception quantum," part of which returns to the Spirit Body of each biological parent, wherever
they may be incarnate. Once the "parental quantum" is released, the Zhyrah engages Transmigration as it is drawn
through the "local" Spanner Core Flow Gates and into the Reishaic Record of the Cosmic Spirit Body.
Transgenesis, the Ema'jhi, the Zhyon, Um-Ma-TA-pa-DA-on, and the Mashayah Spanner
Within the Reishaic Record, the Zhyrah undergoes its final stage of conversion, as the Reishaic Record provides to the
Zhyrah a gift of equal-quantum manU radiation from the Cosmic Spirit Body in which the Zhyrah is enveloped. As the
Zhyrah enters this "manU envelope," and enters the "HaRA-Krysta State," the specific individual cellular encryption
(core structural program) of the personal biological physical-atomic ManE Body and personal Light Body, Rasha Body,
and Spirit Body (which are held within the Zhyrah as a specific infrasound-radiation-pattern encryption) replicates, and
the Zhyrah, now with its "double cellular encryption," engages the process of Transgenesis. Transgenesis is the
dynamic of interdimensional Ascension physics by which finite-life radiation converts to eternal-life radiation by
momentarily fully demanifesting and returning to union with the Eternal God-Source Consciousness Field beyond
manifest Creation, then "returning anew" into manifestation as the PaTa-Ur, the eternal-life Iight-matter-spirit Rasha
Body dark-matter radiation substance. Transgenesis is also the process of Cellular Transfiguration of the physical-
atomic finite "mortal body" into the eternal-life Mashayah "Spanner Body."
The original encryption set manifests as a condensed '1dentity In-picture" composed of "ma-tA-Ur," the unified
(depolarized) infrasound-radiation geleziac-ether of the Ascended Eternal Spirit Body, the LUma-Eturna, which
carries at its core, as a point of eternal manA light radiation, the "Eternal Krystar Flame," known as the "Um Flame."
This infrasound aspect of the Ascended Eternal Spirit Body, born of the original cellular encryption set, is called the" Um'
Ma-TA Body." From the Transgenesis point onward until completion of the "Adashi Return" Krystar Ascension Cycles,
the eternal Um' Ma- TA Body resides within the eternal Cosmic Halls of REisha- TA, which surround the Reishaic
Record at the center of the Cosmic Spirit Body. The Reishaic replica encryption set of the Mashayanic Body manifests
as an expanded "Identity Out-picture" composed of "pa-dA-Ur," the unified mana-light electromagnetic radiation of the
Ascended Eternal Light-matter Body, the Eukatharaista Body, which carries at its core, as a point of eternal eirA
infrasound radiation, the "Eternal Krystar Tone" of "silent sound vibration," known as the "Yon" or "On Tone." This
mana-light aspect of the Ascended Eternal Light-matter Body, born of the Reishaic replica encryption set, is called the
"Pa-DA On Body."
From the Transgenesis point onward until completion of the Adashi Return Krystar Ascension Cycles, the eternal Pa-DA
On Body can reside where it chooses within the Cosmos, and can temporarily adopt any form, "manifesting and
demanifesting" its physical-atomic cellular structure at will, through the organic eternal-life process of Spanning
(mentioned in previous section). The Pa-DA On Body can temporarily Transfigure its manifest physical-atomic cellular
structure into any form desired, but due to the permanent original encryption held in the Um Ma-TA Body, the Pa-DA On
Body will always return to its Eternal Form-the perfect, eternal-life "Out-picture" of the atomic structure of the original
body form from which it completed the Final Stage of Ascension to become a Spanner. (Note: for the Human, Indigo,
and Aquari races, this Eternal Form will manifest as the pure original form of the Ascension Body at the age-33 peak of
its Spirit Body BPR-a "perfect form perpetually at age 33.")
Together, the infrasound-radiation Ascended Eternal Spirit "Um' Ma-TA" Body and the mana-light-radiation Ascended
Eternal Light-matter "Pa-DA On" Body comprise the "Cosmos-spanning" interdimensional "Krysted Mashayanic Body,"
the eternal-life "vehicle of light-sound-matter' in which the Ascended Mashayah Spanner identity resides in a
"Krysted" state of consciousness, a perpetual state of individualized, personal "walking At-ONE-ment" with the
Eternal God-Source Consciousness Field beyond manifestation. The Mashayah "travels" through the Rasha Body
process of Spanning (previously described), which occurs through entering the Krystar State, in which the dark-matter
Zhyon Krystar Seed Atom activates within the Cosmic Reishaic Record and "calls the two aspects of the Mashayah
As the 12 Tribes-1 installment came to its end upon completion of Class 12 (March 29-30, 2008), with its inherent
transmission-text readings pertaining to the details of personal Ascension, Transfiguration, and the processes of
"Bhardoah Transition," we were all better able to appreciate the scope of training that the Tribes classes had actually
provided. Not only had the classes progressively educated us in the intricacies of REAL Ascension (which is an organic,
complex process of both "spirit and physics"), but, as the Krystics' transmission-text readings of Class 12 continued, we
were brought to a greater comprehension of the mechanics involved with "some of the Greatest Mysteries of
Existence": the processes inherent to "birth," "death," and the GIFT of organic "Mashayanic Evolution."
The personal state of becoming a Mashayah is the organic process by which a "mortally manifesf' being engages
return-evolution-through-Ascension to the God-Source State, to regain the eternal-life potential of spirit from
which it was originally born into individuation. The core meaning of the word Mashayah is "One who has returned to
the Fold of Creation" (Eternal Life First Creation) and it represents the true meaning of a genuinely "Ascended Master."
Achievement of the "Mashayanic State" is not the "end of evolution," but rather the point of embodied God
Realization, the "beginning of thejourney" by which a being enters the eternal-life Krystar Adashi Ascension Cycles
to engage its ultimate self-chosen destiny of complete reunion with the God-Source Consciousness Field and
achievement of the state of personal embodied God Actualization in eternal synergetic At-ONE-ment with Source.
Ascended beings that have achieved the Krystar State of Mashayah, and the Krystar States beyond, do not refer to
themselves as "Ascended Masters," but simply as "KRYSTICS" or "Adashi Adepts."
The term "Ascended Master," like the word "Mashayah," has been highly misrepresented and misunderstood on Earth
since portions of these original teachings were last available on Earth over 20,000 years ago. "Mashayah" was last
mistranslated into contemporary languages as the word "messiah," and its meaning was misrepresented to imply an
"external savior outside of the self" that stood between you and your personal, private relationship with "God"; this
misinterpretation is the LITERAL OPPOSITE MEANING of what the word "Mashayah" means and implies. The
Mashayah identity that resides within the Mashayanic Body is the part of our own PERSONAL INTERNAL ETERNAL
spiritual identity and interdimensional ANATOMY, the VEHICLE by and through which we were intended to "save
ourselves from the ravage of finite mortal illusion," and through which we can begin to remember ourselves as the
eternal beings that we ARE.
Reclamation of this precious Gift will require us to become willing to grow, to remember (sometimes joyful or painful
personal and collective memories and historical truths), and to become better educated (fast!) in the REAL bio-
spiritual processes involved with achievement of genuine personal AND planetary organic Mashayanic Evolution. The
Krystics (meaning in simple terms, "those that alreadv made it to Mashavanic fulfil/menf' and beyond) have perceived
the "blindingly stark reality" that the peoples of contemporary Earth are in "absolute need" (before it is too late to
reclaim the Gift) of this "better education" pertaining to "the real bio-spiritual processes" involved with eternal-life
Mashayanic Evolution-and so they have made this "final attempt to reach us" with that knowledge. And in "reaching
us," the Krystics are doing their best to "educate us quickly" regarding the REAL spiritual and scientific processes
(personal, planetary, and beyond) that are involved with anyone on this planet retaining the ability to "reclaim the Original
Gift" of organic Mashayanic Evolution. The Beloved Krystic Adashi Adepts (and the many eternal-life Krystic Councils
that work with them) UNDERSTAND the "Bigger Picture" of what is REALLY occurring on our planet Earth-
everything from WHY the ozone hole, global warming, ice-shelf melt, and related planetary events such as progressively
devastating "local" storms, fires, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are REALL Y occurring, to WHAT is the REAL
"underlving cause" that UNITESALL of these "seemingly divergent and unrelated planetary phenomena." The Adashi
Adepts also understand how this "Bigger Picture Earth Drama" fits into a MUCH larger. extremely long-term
interdimensional drama that involves not only understanding "Galactic evolution" (regarding our "local" Milky Wayl
"Procyak" Galaxy with scientifically identified black-hole core), but also LOCAL Universal Evolution involving the
"scientifically identified" M31-Andromeda Galaxy (the actually named "Aquinos Universe"), the literal "home
Universe" from which our local Milky Way/Procyak Galaxy "Fell" (entered unnatural separation and resultant black-hole
finite evolution).
Our Earth is changing before our eyes, yet the degree to which this change is unfolding is barely recognized by
Earth's populations; perhaps this lack of recognition stems from the fact that so far this change has been "slow, gentle,
and progressive," and the ancient records of similar "end cycle" changes have been destroyed, so we have no "Iong-
term data," other than the geologic record, to which the contemporary "behaviors" of Earth can be compared. Or perhaps
our failure to "recognize the pattern" of a changing Earth is simply that most of us are too preoccupied with other things
to give the issue much attention. Regardless of the reason for humanity's present inattention, the "slow change"
progresses, and before too long the rate of change in our planet's body will demand our attention-and we will be
globally faced with not only challenges to our evolution, but potentially with circumstances that may very well result in
our collective extinction. How many "dead misquoted prophets" from ancient or contemporary times do we NEED in
order to "get the message" in its most rudimentary of forms? Fortunately the Gift of Maehayanic Evolution ~till remtlin3
for humanity, but it will remain as an evolutionary option on Earth for only a brief time: the maximum 223 years that the
The message that the Krystics bring us today is not one of "doom and gloom," but quite the opposite -a joyful
message of hope, empowerment, and eternal promise, which simply asks us to "pull ourselves together" and take
some responsibility for our personal and planetary evolution while we still have the chance to engage this option. As long
as the Gift of Mashayanic Evolution is still ours to reclaim, the options of the Path of the Dhani and the Path of the
DhaLA remain open to us and provide us with a joyful option, and those who choose to enter these paths of Krystic
conscious evolution can help the "Krystics from elsewhere" to extend the Gift to many others who are presently "too
busy, fearful, confused, or arrogant to pay attention." Explained simply, the Path of the Dhani is the Mashayanic Path in
which the full atomic re-spiritualization of the Mashayanic Rasha PaTa-Ur Cellular Transfiguration is completed
during the biological life of the mortal body. The Path of the DhaLA is the Mashayanic Path in which the identity
engages a (properly orchestrated) Bhardoah Transition out of the biological mortal body. In the Bhardoah Transition,
the atomic body "temporarily dies" before completing the Rasha PaTa-Ur Cellular Transfiguration, and the atomic
quantum is returned to the Akashic Record of the personal Spirit Body, simultaneously with the "Bhardoahing"
conscious identity. From the position of the personal Spirit Body, any remaining Transfiguration that was not completed
"in the life of the atomic body" will be rapidly completed in the personal Spirit Body, following which the Rasha PaTa-Ur
Cellular Transfiguration and passage into the Mashayanic State will rapidly occur from the location of the personal Spirit
The organic First Creation Mashayanic Path of Krystar Evolution does not include the necessity of reincarnation, or
"successive linear incarnation through cycles of many lives" -it is rather based on the eternal First Creation FACT of the
"Stair-step Creation" process, in which simultaneous incarnation into multiple space-time-vectors that "all exist NOW"
is an inherent characteristic. Each of the many simultaneous selves that emerge "at once" into space-time incarnation
from a single "spirit identity" are imbued with the organic birthright of Mashayanic Evolution. But this organic evolutionary
state can become compromised, and the eternal Gift lost, if an incarnate becomes "lost within the illusions and
confusions of mortal perception," and either enters an environment that causes-or uses its Free Will to make choices
that result in-the loss of the original personal energy quantum, the "Birth Quantum" with which the incarnate was
imbued at the point of fetal integration before birth of the mortal atomic body. Due to long-term damage of the planetary
and galactic multidimensional anatomy, and the DNAIRNA genetic de-evolutionary mutations that have occurred as a
result, incarnation into the Earth environment inorganically initiates the process of "Birth Quantum Depletion."
However, the inorganic mutation of the earthly mortal body CAN be healed through restoration and activation of the
Mashayanic Blueprint or "Divine Blueprint." The extensive body of MCEO teachings and "energy techniques" that the
Krystics have shared with us over the past eleven years have ALL been provided to progressively and sequentially
assist us in healing ourselves so that we may reclaim our long-lost birthright of the Mashayanic potential.
As the Divine Blueprint becomes progressively restored and activated within the mortal body and Light Body, the
Mashayanic potential of the mortal body awakens; the re-enlightenment (Transmutation) and re-spiritualization
(Transfiguration) of the mortal body atomic structure is set in motion at the point where the Light Body structure has
achieved sufficient restoration of the Divine Blueprint. It is at this "Point of Atomic Awakening" that it becomes
important for the incarnate identity to become educated in the dynamics of the Rasha PaTa-Ur Cellular Transfiguration,
the Three Stages of Ascension (Glide, Slide, and Span), AND the processes involved with the related organic Bhardoah
The Bhardoah Cycle is also an event of significance for our planet and our Solar System, for on March 25, 2007, our
SUN entered this phase (much longer than the personal equivalent) of its "cosmic evolution" -and THIS is what the
Mayans, with their "End Times" calendar, and the Biblical prophecies of Revelation were trying to tell us about. Our
Earth is changing because our Sun is changing, and our Sun is changing because events have recently occurred
within the multidimensional anatomy of our Milky Way Galaxy that have culminated in our Sun's recent entry into its
Bhardoah Cycle; and this "cycle of completion and renewal," called a Starfire Ascension Cycle, has only just begun.
As our Sun begins to demonstrate its changes, and our Earth begins to environmentally respond in kind, the DNAIRNA
of the life-forms on this planet will ALSO engage a cycle of change in response to changes in solar light radiation-we
are literally now evolving before our own eyes. These changes that are now just beginning will result in a joyful
reclamation of the Mashayanic eternal-life potential for some species, and for others it will lead to an acceleration of
mortal challenges that, for those who cannot genetically adapt to the changing environment, will culminate in species
extinction. Humanity is not "exempt" from this environmentally orchestrated "process of natural selection," but
humanity does have the ability to genetically adapt and "evolve with the planet," through restoration of its
Mashayanic Blueprint.
Restoration of the Mashayanic Blueprint within the human gene code for reclamation of Path of the Dhani "Living-Body
Ascension" is not a process that "happens automatically for all"; the "Aquari-Human" and most "Indigo-Human"
Cloister races of Earth (as well as certain Earth plants and animals) carry the minimum-24-strand-DNA potential needed
for Dhani evolution. The "Angelic Human" Root Races of Earth carry a 12-strand-DNA potential (with a percentage
currently upgrading to 24) and have a Mashayanic Blueprint encoded to the Path of the DhaLA-or Mashayanic
Ascension that is achieved through proper fulfillment of the physics mechanics inherent to the Organic Bhardoah
Transition. Earth's environmental condition of severely damaged geomagnetic fields creates evolutionary obstacles
and DNA mutations (stemming from Light Body damage) that genetically interfere with fulfillment of organic
Mashayanic Evolution, regardless of the "strand potential." If left unaltered, the genetic mutations carried by Earth's
current life-field would culminate in permanent loss of the Gift of Mashayanic Evolution, placing Earth-life on a final
cycle within an inorganic de-evolutionary path of repeated earthly reincarnation until it reaches the point of
quantum depletion and resultant eventual Milky Way Galaxy Black Hole Fall and Space-dust Return. This "Path of
Fall" is called the "Path of KaLE-DEma"-it is the path that the majority of Earth's collective life-field is currently on, but
it is a path from which some of Earth's life-field can break free to reclaim the organic eternal-life path of Mashayanic
The self-directed "inner energy technologies" taught in the MCEO Freedom Teachings® and in the 12 Tribes classes
have been provided specifically to assist in this reclamation of personal evolutionary freedom. Although the body of
MCEO teachings is quite extensive and complex in detail. the Krystic methodology behind the MCEO "techniques" is
quite simple. The eternal-life Mashayanic Divine Blueprint that is permanently held within the eternal Spirit Body and
Once the long-dormant but still-present organic eternal-life biochemical processes are restored within the physical-
atomic body, the embodied identity can then "break free from the mortal body's inorganic chemical-atomic chains"
that bind the identity-in both "life" AND "death"-to the finite-life de-evolution of the Path of KalE-DEma. Freed from
the "inorganic mortal chains," the identity can then reenter the organic eternal-life path of Mashayanic Evolution,
engaging the Ascension Path to which the potentials of its restored organic genetic code apply. The identity will enter
either the Living-Body Ascension Path of the Dhani or the Organic Bhardoah Transition Ascension Path of the DhalA. In
both the "Dhani Path" and the "DhalA Path," the identity will reclaim and Transfigure into spirit-substance the
entirety of its original Birth Quantum, including the quantum of the physical-atomic body. In organic Mashayanic
Evolution the identity "leaves no dead body behind," for it is the "Quantum Reclamation" of the atomic quantum that
allows the identity sufficient energetic "quantum thrust" to complete Mashayanic Transfiguration into the eternal-life
Mashayah Body, thus freeing the identity from the inorganic cycles of "reincarnation" that are inherent to the De-
evolutionary Space-dust Return Path of KalE-DEma.
In that both the Dhani Path and the DhalA Path of Mashayanic Evolution lead to the same place of Mashayanic
Ascension, comprehension of the mechanics of the genuine Dhani Path of Living-Body Ascension would be far from
complete without a reciprocal understanding of the processes pertaining to the DhalA Path of "Organic Bhardoah
Death Transition." Understanding of the Bhardoah Transition of organic mortal-body death, by which an identity leaves
a physical incarnation to immediate Ascension, also necessitates a rudimentary understanding of the "Ba-TE'
Transition" (commonly known as the "fetal integration process"), by which an identity enters a physical incarnation
following "fertilization and conception" of the "mortal-body vehicle" at the onset of a singular incarnate lifetime.
Upon incarnation into material density, an individual identity becomes "temporarily biochemically bound" to the planetary
space-time coordinates into which the mortal body, or pre-Transfiguration physical-atomic body, is born. Freedom of
the identity from the confines of that space-time location does not automatically come through "death" of the mortal body
(but can if the very specific and specialized organic processes inherent to what is called the "Backflow Rite" or
"Bhardoah Rite" are orchestrated appropriately). When a mortally incarnate identity does not complete the Rasha PaTa-
Ur Transfiguration of the Final Stage of Ascension to become a Mashayah in its current lifetime, and the mortal body
"dies," both the Light Body and Spirit Body anatomy, and conscious awareness of the identity, remain biochemically
tethered (via the atomic radiation encryption of the deceased mortal body "left behind") to the planet upon which -and
the space-time-cycle coordinates into which-the mortal body was born. The conscious awareness that had embodied
within the "deceased" mortal body will" Transition" into a specific part of the Spirit Body called the Gha-fa (was
translated as "Guff' in Hebrew). If the organic Bhardoah Rite unfolds properly, the Transitioning identity will return its
entire quantum to the Spirit Body Gha-fa (including the quantum of the atomic mortal body), and the identity will
temporarily Transfigure its quantum into the form of infrasound radiation characteristic to the Spirit Body. From the Gha-
"Death" of the atomic mortal body occurs when the mortal body has reached a point of expending its Birth Quantum, or
"ZhEon"-a quantum spark of conscious eirA Spirit Body energy entered into the Light Body Seed Atom during the
"Ba-TE' Transition ," the pre-birth fetal integration process that occurs 33-56 days after conception of the physical-
atomic body. The ZhEon connects the eternal Spirit Body and Rasha Body, and the finite Light Body, to the atomic body
through an etheric duct, the AzurA, within the base of the physical thymus gland. The point at which the ZhEon
enters during the fetal integration process is called the "fetal integration point," which is the point of "incarnational
commitment." At the fetal integration point, the ZhEon draws the incoming "individuated spirit identity," called the
GharE', outward from the Spirit Body (which develops from the point of conception, but is not yet "tethered" to the
fertilized egg) and into the Light Body (which progressively "grows" following birth of the Spirit Body Elum'Eir-adhona).
From the fetal integration point till either Ascension or Bhardoah Death Transition of the physical body occurs, the ZhEon
tethers the Ghar£' spirit identity to the physical body. The GharE' remains in the dimensionalized Light Body structure as
a pattern of infrasound-radiation geleziac-ether that IS the conscious identity of the incarnate and that is "held
embodied" through the "tether point" of the ZhEon. Once tethered, the GharE' conscious identity is biochemically and
genetically phase-locked into the mortal body atomic structure (and its inherent space-time birth coordinates), and if
the GharE' is to retain the eternal-life potential of its original spirit form, it must either Transfigure the atomic body in
Ascension, OR "make its way safely back to the Spirit Body Gha-fa" and then "recall" the physical-atomic and Light
Body quantum into the Spirit Body through genuine Bhardoah Transition.
The ZhEon, within the Light Body Seed Atom, holds the "quantum instructions" that regulate the biorhythms and space-
time relationships of the mortal body; these "quantum instructions" of the ZhEon are biochemically encoded as the
"genetic master instruction" within the DNAIRNA and within the Epigenetic Overlay (controlling chemical sheath
around the chemical DNAlRNA). The ZhEon "infrasound spark of spirit" fuels the growth of the mortal body through
time, as the GharE' identity progressively circulates Light Body mana into the physical body through the ZhEon, within
which "ManE Conversion" takes place. ManE Conversion is the process by which Light Body mana converts to the
frozen-light geleziac radiation of manE, the substance that makes atomic matter; this conversion begins in the ZhEon.
Organic evolution of the mortal body unfolds through specific cycles of atomic biological growth that result from the
progressive transformation of "four Densities" of Light Body mana into "physical body" manE matter-substance;
immediately following completion of these "Light Body Density Integration Cycles" the Starfire Ascension Stage-1
KaLE-Hara Cycle of Eiradonis Engagement should unfold as the next step in the organic evolutionary progression.
In life-forms with a minimum of 24 DNA strands (Aquari, Indigo Types 1 and 2, and upgraded Angelic Humans), the
Ascension Stage-1 KaLE-Hara Cycle would be followed by the Stage-2 KaLA-Krysta Cycle, culminating in the Stage-3
Rasha PaTa-Ur Cellular Transfiguration and the "Mashayanic Fold" Transgenesis of the mortal body into an eternal
"Krysted" Body. Upon entering the KaLA-Krysta Stage-2 Phase-2 Ma-Sha Cycle, and progressing past the "half-
quantum atomic Transfiguration point" and opening of the Bhardoah Chamber, the "aging process" of the minimum-
24-strand physical-atomic body would first cease, THEN begin to reverse to the "age-33" encryption as Cellular
Transfiguration continued. The identity "in Ma-Sha state" would possess the biological ability to engage "Phase-2 Slide"
Translocation in a progressively "de-aging-to-33" body until the Stage-3 Rasha PaTa-Ur Cellular Transfiguration
automatically engaged.
In life-forms with less than a 24-DNA-strand Template (such as 12-strand Angelic Humans before the currently
ongoing "24-strand upgrade"), "biologically embodied" evolution would continue up to the "halfway point" of the Stage-2
KaLA-Krysta Cycle-the completion point of the Stage-2 Phase-1 Bharda Eiradonis Integration Cycle, or the half-
At the Bhardoah Point, the 24-strand identity would consciously engage the Backflow Cycle, or "Bhardoah Cycle,"
whereby the remaining "mortal" portions of the atomic body and Light Body, and the GharE' consciousness, would draw
back into the Spirit Body through the Rasha Body, to complete the remaining Transfiguration of the eternal
Mashayanic Body from the location ofthe Spirit Body. In this ORGANIC Bhardoah Transition, the remaining
physical-atomic structure of the mortal body is literally turned to thermoplasmic Elemental Vapor (Within 3 to 6
days) once the GharE' consciousness has returned to the Spirit Body, and there IS no "dead body left behind." The
ENTIRE QUANTUM of the identity is "returned to spirit substance"; this is the quantum required to fulfill the Mashayah
Transgenesis that releases the biochemical genetic-atomic space-time tether phase-lock that holds the GharE'
conscious identity to the space-time coordinates into which its mortal body was born.
In the human body, the Ascension Stage-1 KaLE-Hara Cycle-by which the atomic body initiates its Ascension Cycle
leading to the Mashayah Transfiguration-should naturally initiate at age 33; during the Rasha PaTa-Ur Cellular
Transfiguration of the Mashayanic Fold that initiates Starfire Ascension Cycle Stage-3 (whether Stage-3 is entered from
living biological embodiment or from the Spirit Body following an organic Bhardoah Cycle), the ZhEon bonds with the
"last atom" as the last atom Transfigures, forming the Zhyrah super atom, which Transgenifies to become the
perpetual-life ZHYON Eternal Atom (Krystar Seed Atom composed of PaTa-Ur Rasha Body dark matter). If the first
opportunity for KalE-Hara at age 33 does not meet with success, the ZhEon will "fuel" continued cellular process
through anywhere between eight to fifteen more B-year cycles, each a-year cycle presenting one further
opportunity to fulfill the KaLE-Hara. In time periods other than those of planetary Starfire Ascension Cycles (when the
pace of the planetary cycle or its Host governs mass KaLE-Hara entry and Ascension timing), subsequent opportunities
for personal, individual human KalE-Hara fulfillment occur at ages 41, 49, 57, 65, 73, 81, 89, 97, 105, and so forth-
once every 8 years-until the ZhEon Depletion Point is reached.