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[napa 32 Subaru Conep>xanve "Yano ono na RoR a MOU MTIRTED mm ‘Cononnarvocnmca cncnomaoaaietew 4mumarenn Fol 5 Tlopaaox aunomsannpoUopoe. nner ‘TaGrvan xoRoe woxenpestiocrai Monant Devrarent Tonw Cxcrema 1.8 Turbo Coupe Ona eee 1995-1989 Suber MPR + Turbo impreza 1.8'S0HC 16V : 19031997 Siberu Mert ingress LESOHCIEY : 1993-1997 Subaru MPF inpresa 20 Turbo DOM 16V a 19941997 Sibu MPF impresa 20,46 5 1995-1897 Sibu Mert Justy(J12)1 2icat 1992-1997 ‘Subaru MPF logocy 1.818086 16 ayers 991-198 Sioousen {ogee} 20 SONG 16 cat BY/E.200N 4991-1998 Subaru MPR tegeey204CamTurboDOHC 16V AY/EJ20GN Year-t99 SibauMerl Legocy 22 Scat Eizo 11803:1897 Subaru MPF USeres Coupe 18 case 8081800, Stour eres Toba eee yoas.1989 SibaruNPH + Turbo SVKDOHC 28 : 19801937 Sioa MP Vwesoncay : 1992-1596 Sthau Nee XT Texto Coupe ese2 985-1989 Sida uPA «Turbo XtTsto Coupe eee 1980-1991 Sioa uMPA + Turbo CamoguarHoctuKka Crparerna orpannienion 2 oivon parsem pacroroxen pazom ¢ 1 Baenenne pccnanoar B53Y, non pynesoa kano” aoxpur wor aoe oGnuosoHovinaHentan {css prc. 32.1). Pasvew HoosromobinmaSuberuycraveunmanron __Crerem Subaru orveaeen esr note vcronyrpeenoweanvrarenon SuoaruMert 1'SPRL Sr cnstent yrpmonnar nepaeto leno cycTeM. soxnraven, rommaanne ‘Sopopacern cxCTewOR rOnDcTOrO 7000 2 Ganero. Gnoce. GneTeua MPF ranmeren wetewod € pastpeaenernn anpucton Terie, cera SPH npenevarme C260 {ee uosTpanesea anpuccnt Oyrauna camonnardocTuKn (cress jppasnesus ngararenen (CYR) oBranaorebyscinecawanvarrOcrmK ROTOR enpepuo® ekanvonpjer crrvans naTaAce MertonnTeniwx yeTpOACTD AaWTaTenR, w ‘anextporero yrpasnerwm (63Y] sarwicieeTcr ‘nye wn NecKonexo cooTSeTCTEyOUIN Kone ewenpesrocres. Kon He NonBRTER @ Tex nya, ROrka HeWenpseKn aneweN He atonmrésranentponew CY DwcorascSoRon Subaru revepnpyer 2-onoseme ons HewenpasnocTe®, KOTOpHe MOXHO [poNecTa KOx BpyyO, TOK NEM nOMOUD wont poomi orparwaren yoaeTreMon! (yeaa, wasecryo, xox “limp home” wnt ‘xpomai owoi]. Sto caHawaer, 470 fps scarnooneienvexoToparencrpatocTen be sce neverpanHocTABuassa0T oO! TOTO emia) cwcrena yrpsanerwh asnr arene Favweor pyosoncrboeaTucr ne nocd baraia, a ero svancesiy aeriervent. Taxol CaeTos0a curnan HencnpasHocTH ‘Asrootvim conectea Subaru obopyRo- sore cxreorsvol naunoseon MpeEIROOKAee ‘HevcnpamocTe< pachonaxel+OH ro Nene orgopon Kore eo, open Groxa 69Y MoxeT Ours yeranosnencaeronwon, ‘oasonnoub rposecrs kon waucnpaarocTen 2 PacnonoxeHne mwarHocTwyecKoro, pastema 1. HoseTowoGunn Subsruycraroorm@anron smarvocTivecte pasveN DEY TATE. 3 Onnvowwh Suurupurosul paovew ‘acronoxeroanaverso revtopoe co cTopOr oawrenn pao BOY. Svar pagwew pemveakave ann nOnKOe WE CNT Pac. 92.1. Sener » weprsh swarnocre ‘yectne peavemu pacnonoxeru non [PynosoA KonoracoA, panoM © EGY32¢2 Subaru 3 Visnevenne konos Geanomoww cunTuBaTenA ((mmreoune” kon) 1 Kons HewenpemocTeA MAcAEOTER KOK curvararoll famosncn, Tax H coeToRManoN, acnonoxeiewn va ropnjee 697. CacTems Subaru MPR wucer 4 pexiwa mvarwocnn 6 Koropin ara ovo6 panera paar Cooma ‘Ciayaur noonscyoTEROM MH Moe BOLE nawrovrn caeronvone. Neperoacpexana re poxit ocyulserenseren - axnvehien Raxuranén np wepagoraeulen wn paoraoine navrarene, Pexum npoBepKe KOMNoHeHTOB nycka W oGacreverna paboTs: aayrarena (U-nposepxa) 2 Bxnowre sanirasive. Eon nnanatn BOY ser Kono HewcnpaswocTel, carnansian ‘ennowks aaropnren 0 ne Gye sana, 2 Saeronon Hower ecru nopenasare Kak eromoGwna [oror Kon pasnwven ana aTowoGune cKaTanusaTopoM Gea etc} 3° Ecna p navsta BOY wneurea KOnM “encrpanocrel CrrvarniannorowcaHavee arate, oka coeTonMo nepenaeT Kon eTowobuna B atom pexnme nepenacTer rpaivereoe acne 2 mis*4eKON08,xTOR [HOCRTEA K cHCTEMGM Exe h ecneveHHe ators apwrotene 5) Leweuxons enerpaavocrunepeaanTea ‘ans nay copwe cre. 2) Tepaas cop ecraiwex oGossevaer‘cn0 agenrcon, “Topas "cope “scnaee encnpasnocm. 1] Mlecare# nepeasercn somauxamn ani Tensnocroo 12 conway ¢ naysoM anwrensnocroo 0.3 cerywaw. Exwvey ‘nepenaercnscrunxanmannTonsocrse02 cognac ayaa 0.3 conn. 2) Koa c wowepon “12° nopeaacrea v onto soruauncnararensiocran 12 coxa aja aurarwnocro0 1. compat a0yc Bree ‘gnwrenssoctse 0.2 compas 2) Taysonnarerevocroo 1 Bconnaworzenser 7 Eon Sogpacraren nowopa xona Hovorposiacrs 4 “Tonowratre wero acruior 8 KaXa0R _epiwaerte onsite, ‘pusenenvon @ Kowue rhage, onpemennTe ‘oTeeerroune stv ronmreneT HORT 5° “Banycrare aewrarens w ocravsre ero Jasorare wa xonocroM xony. Eona ewcreMa Prauotwyer 9 pexome ¢ odparil como, Sironunan hawnowa PoracHeT, @ ebeTORMOR ICRaUKAMM NOKaNCT BEMOYeLNE RETHAKS ‘wenopona, Ecrm a cwcreme mecron fewerpaanocte, cHrManWNan naMno-xe deraneen xnoverion. Mpopepka namaru (menkne H HenocToRHHive HeHCNpEBHOCTA) © Coeamure nae nonosmiin sepnoro _Brarvocnmectore penewa, 7” Bunwsrte saxnraue. & Eero nowmrn BOY ver HoNerpaaoctE, eseroavon nepoaacr Kon avTowoGnna, 8 arvanavan nannowea Byner nepvonvNecsn feraacieare nace 8” Ecru 8 nomAtn BSY wieorce xoaw enenpasvocTel, curnankiaR MaMo%Ka ceeTonwon Haver nepeaaeaTe wx HoMepS (ropanox wcrepensrarcM. ave 6 3). 10" Cocaraae scno tcrauex seraubre onyeereiexons rencrpasacrek No reGrme, pwbenenon 8 kone rnasy, onpenennre ‘boreereTeyouse stm nam HoncnpearocT 1" Garyetere aparatens, a xorocToM 200. "om ctopena smvcrpmoares canon annowns Gyner neproanecks nraTe, & perenvonnepenacr non sroMoGune {12 EonmnoverpasoctuimooTca coronas anova w cabTaavoa hopenaayr x HeMopa. 13 Cocwraite cro aerax w aermusTe anyone ons Hevcrpaprocred fo rab, "pmoonerion s Kone Faas, oNpeReTnTe ChoTeeTerayouye somtxoaaM HeMrpaBAOCTA 4a) Buxnovwre sexiratve W paskeRvewre sepeustpastem, ‘D-nponepra (cepbesnue HeHcnpasHoCTA H NpoBepKE ‘eucTemed) 415. Sarycrire anwrarer wnperpatre ero no above Ttesmeparyau Ocravbavie nave arene 4B Youmrech, wo nonce wepHoro Bwarvocraveckoro pasvema pasvenmers, Coenarre nema CoG0A nanooma DererOro 18. Coeronwon nepeaecr kon aaroMotuna, 2 ‘curvareson namo 26rOpTCR 19 Haxware no ynopa wa nenans ‘axceneparopa. Mano OMyeTHTe nexaN HO ‘onoams x0n8 venepaTe ce 0 TOM forexcrin to 2 conpins Omycrerenenan. 20. Banoviere SkorOMIEAR PEIN, SETEM 21 Saryerure amerarere, 22 Eon» nauarw B3Y weorcn Kon eNeNPaBNOCTeN, CHrHaMRNaR MaMNONKS aeromwon way wx nepenary. B njate 3 (rvconerpanana annette con00 23 Cocwnralive weno scnawex 8 xaxaoH ‘copia onpenerane HeNCTpSOHOCTE TO 8° KON) (ie TaGnayy tone HonCApSRHOCTEA & KOH ‘roa rao 24 Conepwwre —mpoiyo _naeaaxy [nwrerarocructe wore nuasyrurp cxopoct# Serease 10 n/c, noovpenre BeTaR ace ‘epensetnepenvero xon3 rOpotKa py epermoveruem nepeass). OcranosnTe cnonTe HeRTpAML, HO HE cravesaneaaire nuoraver, 25, Dosenwre ectoryepauseneararenmao 2000 06/vwere wevoe, veatna 40 conn 26 Ecru namata BOY wwenren Kons ewcnpasrocTel, crrHanian nawnowa 4 caeromvon roweyr wx nopeaary. B rye 3 (cans npcawra a wnraauyeeKone ‘Scrmacane pw oreyrctann reverpanracred curvansion nownoks Oyner nepuonmec ‘opin onpenenvrenererpanccreno ee Kany (om any xon08 HencnpaavocTeA B KOH 3104 rea) 2G Burnowrre saxnronme w paavenmare Deneve pane 4 Yasneune konos wanamaTn Ges nomowm cunTuBaTena Pex o4ncTKH naMaTH 1 Sarycrare suwravens weporpaite ero no aGoven remneparyps, Ocravtte nearsrer 2 Coenmasr veprust wseneve parents, 3 Benowre saxwravwe 4 Cpetonwon nepenacr xan esrowobsna, ‘orrvanmon naw sropuToR 5 _Hoxnrre no rope reser akcenepsrops, ‘hash omycrare neniare fo nanowes x02 saaeproe bes arom neonaxerantna 2 cx Onyernterenors axconeparops. 5 Bxnowre acovonvash poxven, sareM 7 Baryerwe nsurarens Eons nowera BSY weorea Koay HexenpseHocTeR, cArHansion ‘avanoca wcovTonon awe vx nepenay & Cosepuwrenposrye -nocaaky -tersrocroo ne mewae nieiyrunpn cxopocT# Soreiue 10 04/ac, oowepenho scam Be epenavin nepenver xona (oped pyn epexnoverimen nepenav). Ocranoane ‘sToMOGuns, pKnowATe HeBTpAME, HONE ‘cranoanveatire nsw aterm. 2 Toveayreactoryepaurnsaravenaa £2000 6/na ve wesiee, vem Wa 40 Cony. Eon © nawarm GGY wueorce «Ons ewcrpaBnocred, cHrHanHen aMmodke caeronvon nasty vx nepenars Now oroyrraan erenpansocrod carvanavon naMeO-K® eT opwonyecan Br NOuTs MFHT ece KOR ererpeosocrei corpyrea va neat BOY 40 Octanoewre aswrarens w ouxno‘wre saxwranne. Pasvenire marrocTaecHe pasvena 5 CamonarnocraKa NpMNOMoWM CMMTUBATenA konos Npnmevanne: 8 npouecce nposenerns exoTopw nposepoK 803MOX}O NonBenHe AanorvTenaattROO HOH OBHOCTER BYEBTE ‘vere BrmTersrd np rpoeene i NooBepoK. ‘rogu 3 roa ve on0rM Bac 6 200mypaore Tocne recrrposarem sce on vererpeniacres eobxawo crepers Aina cex moneneit Subaru 1 Monxnowwre cwrusarens x naar Hocrmecxomy — paavemy. Monanwayare Garmaarene ra cnenyouns weet (Gx onc TeTecs weetpjpabiman sar otonnrere 2) Carraroe xanoe 1b) Crapavre ranoe nenerpawnoc7e 2 _Mocnerposepiot wnu peworraxouncHeNa cere CMpafre Kon VonpaRIOcTH, a cde& Mopanox sunonienna nposepox 1. Tipw nomowm currusarenn (ane npw RoMotie SensUiEK CATHARKNOM RawnOse) ‘reanecre vanesen63Y ansnencnpeerocTeR (om reparpads 35) Bramata Gnoka ynpasnenun wmentca Konw HeNcnpaBHOCTeA 2 Ecmonawmutinocarpasrenncoxpanon ‘yet wi HecxOMKD KORE HoNCrHaDOCTER, ‘onpemenate wx avaNen no TeOnMLe, pmaenood eave 308 Tram. 2. Een sootmano cpeny weckorsKo xonoe encnpashoctea, nposepere obuse An tne Kownonenny, 8 nepeyo ovepene enw 4 Bunonierte nposepKs 8 coorseTcTeMm © oxoneraaurener nao 4, no Oncor TOT na Gomumicraa cvcrem yapasneni 5” Mlocne’ yorpanenua wewcnpasnoct vybenirece, fo HenerpoueTs He Boose ‘oa He sotx pensar ora owrovene. 18 Eve pox nponepore rarmre xonoe, Ec oma onkts ORBNWTMCe, NOBTOpHTE. BC mawerprocnstmse role. 7-38. nonanworrereiiun ceeneHusin 0 ‘sunomerin rposepor CHCTEM YRPoRNEHI Subaru 3202 Bnamam Gnoxe ynpasnennn Her ‘onoe HevcnpasHocTeA 8 Een someuaer comerae a nenpaavoct> [Aeveatenm. a 8 ent Goce YrpaAnwe Het ono Wencnpasrocrel, wepoRT}O, Npwvise aoxnevaetcn # TOM, to HencnpaRHooT. bxonyroanaoveexoIrponpjeNoCHcTeMOF Ypoaner ashrarenew. 33 nonoreeTensa Eon xapaxtep paGoru aturavens yxaoaaeT Ha heverpanhocTe cpenenentiore owner, oparitacorrnaved rae one Tecra ane Gorauumcrea crctem yrpacnoioe ‘owrsreren. ‘uvesTeneM odparwrecs x ate 3 TaGnvua konoe HeucnpaBHocTen Guctema Subaru MPF Kon Hewcnpannocrs z 31 loverumowerp apoccensHod sacha wi ero uae peed 32 —_Daramcnnonopona twist ero uere. 11 Rasrancnonaxesemtoneieverero! 83 Dora cmtowerpa ww erouen 12 Buammsetens craprepa 85 Shocrpoarvemaal wnanon yeoretoro wnstpa wna eroUuers 13 flava ronoxarue pocrpenonsronsoro uana wet ero uers 37 —_Daramtcnopoas M2 wna ero uers 14 ‘Kanan dopapaun ttt wet eros 38 Cucrama ynpasnonmn xpyTRUIMM MOMeHTOM ABHraTeAR 15 Kana GopeprorNt2 wet ero were owes uere 18 Kanan dopoyaor Nw ero wen 41 Dirac nenopona, nacrposka cicreM yrpaanetone 17 Kanan bopepn Nt wero vers 42 Konan aati saxpuroro nonoxevm npoccensnor 18 Kronen GopopanltS wero were socnovm wn eFO.UEr 19 Kranovidoponen 6 mriero uere 43 Buacnonarens rire ww ero ua 21 Daramcrewepanypu omnaxmaousn xvmocrawmeroucr | 4d eanerenon CHCTeN ynavrmerousre 28 Berm seromumrtl merous 45 Srecbowernimad cine neve cocTems eEIMONE mc Maccon0ro pacxona eoan\ya Hn ro uer NOMI Wr erOUETS 23° lar s6conoTHore naanenn bo anjcevoM xonnerrope | 7 Bladwnisrens oxowouinetrO pexieka WM ero ww erouane 49 Dagan paceona vaaayra wero ers 24 Khana yipeaner xonocrun oom ww ero ure 51 Buxnevavers seuanvorte nn era ere 28 Danan roupepenp sama nero ure 52 Buanowaons napxomor vn oro 2 se Tovar 2 WH Orr 52 necrpveocan narpyexe 29 flarwecronoxeren xoneiaror9 ear Ww erat 163 BixnunaTor wotopa wr mnsTope ororuTons wn ero usr
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4.5/5 (1934)
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
From Everand
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (831)