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Module 1 Assessment of Learning

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Assessment of Learning 1

Florence T. Caceres
Faculty, College of Education

Module 1


Assessment is said to be the core of learning process. It is used to determine

students’ learning needs, monitor their progress and examine their performance
through identified student learning outcomes. It is therefore very important for future
teachers to understand what assessment is all about, why it is needed, and how it is
connected to measurement, testing and evaluation.

Assessment, measurement and evaluation mean many different things and

most often used interchangeably in the field of education. In this module, you will
learn the fundamental differences of these terms and its purpose.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
Distinguish among measurement, assessment, and evaluation
Explain the nature of assessment
Identify the various approaches to assessment
Discuss the relevance of assessment

1.1 Measurement, Assessment & Evaluation

In view of learning, the purpose of measurement is to numerically describe

learning attributes or quality. It answers the question, “how much?” Assessment
seeks information to inform instructional practice and further student learning.
Evaluation involves ranking and interpretation. The question, “how good?” served as

n Task 1 t h e g i v e n s
Discuss the concept of measurement, assessment and evaluation in
the given situation.

Ms. Mendoza measured the size of her classroom

and found out that the floor area is 20 square
meters. She reported to the principal that the
classroom is too small for a class of 40 students.
(measurement) gives Ms. Mendoza a fact that the room is small (assessment)
therefore not suitable (evaluation) for a class with 40 students. Did you able to
analyze the situation the same way? Let us discuss further the differences of these
Assessment of Learning 1

Measurement is the process of determining or describing the attributes or characteristics

of physical objects generally in terms of quantity. In science, measurement is a
comparison of an unknown quantity to a standard. There are appropriate measuring
tools to gather numerical data on attributes like height, mass, time, temperature and

In the field of education, however, the quantities and qualities of interest are
abstract, unseen and cannot be touched and so the measurement process becomes
difficult; hence, the need to specify the learning outcomes to be measured.

An example, knowledge of the subject matter is often measured through

standardized test results. In this case, the measurement procedure is testing. The
same concept can be measured in another way, like asking a group of experts to
rate a student’s (or a teacher’s) knowledge of the subject matter in a scale of 1
(being the lowest) to 5 (the highest). In this procedure, knowledge of the subject
matter is measured through perceptions.

Types of Measurement
Measurement can be objective or subjective. In the example cited above,
which procedure produces objective measurement? subjective measurement?

Did you choose testing for objective measurement while expert ratings as
subjective measurements? Great!

Objective measurements are more stable than subjective measurements

because repeated measurements of the same quantity or quality of interest will
produce more or less the same outcome. With this, many people prefer objective
measurements over subjective measurements whenever possible.

However, not all facets of interest can be successfully captured by objective

procedures but which can be done by subjective methods, e.g. project of a student,
student’s performance in drama, etc. It follows that it may be best to use both
methods whenever the constraints of time and resources permit.

Assessment is the process of gathering evidences of students’ performance over a

period of time to determine learning and mastery of skills. It is a general term that
includes different ways that the teachers used to gather information in the classroom.
Information that helps teachers understand their students, information that is used to
plan and monitor their classroom instruction, information that is used to a worthwhile
classroom culture and information that is used for testing and grading.

This means that assessment data direct teaching in order to meet the needs
of the students. However, you should remember that assessment is not just about
collecting data. These data are processed, interpreted and acted upon. They aid
teachers to make informed decision and judgment to improve teaching and learning.

Evaluation is a process designed to provide information that will help us to make

judgment about a particular situation. When we evaluate, we compare the data to a
set standard or learning criteria for the purpose of judging the worth or quality.
Assessment of Learning 1

Evaluation comes in after the data had been collected from an assessment
task. It entails to find the value of an educational task. The end result of evaluation is
to adopt, reject, or revise what has been evaluated.

Categories of Evaluation
Evaluations are often divided into two broad categories:

Formative evaluation is a method of judging the worth of a program while the

program activities are in progress. This evaluation focuses on the process.
Summative evaluation is a method of judging the worth of a program at the end of
the program activities. This evaluation focuses on the result.

Assessment Task 1

Each statement refers either to (a) measurement. (b)

assessment, or (c) evaluation. On the blank provided, write the
letter corresponding to your answer as to what is being
described in the given situation.

________ 1. Over-all goal is to provide information regarding

the extent of attainment of student learning outcomes.

________ 2. Can help educators determine the success

factors of academic programs and projects.

________ 3. Uses such instruments as ruler, scale, or


________ 4. Used to determine the distance of location.

________ 5. Process designed to aid educators make

judgement and indicate solutions to academic situations.

________ 6. Can determine skill attainment easier than

attainment of understanding.

________ 7. Process of gathering evidence of student

competencies/skills over a period of time.

________ 8. Results show the more permanent learning and

clear picture of student’s ability.

________ 9. Objects of study may be instructional programs,

school projects, teachers, students or test results.
Assessment of Learning 1

1.2 Nature of Assessment

The nature of assessment has two categories: measures of maximum

performance and measures of typical performance.

Learning Task 2
Classify the following assessments by writing them in the
appropriate column.

Periodical Test Quizzes Rubrics Portfolio

Maximum Performance Typical Performance

1. ________________ 1. _______________

2. ________________ 2. _______________

For sure you are familiar with the different assessment terms presented. You
were engaged to this many time as a student. Let us find out the correct answer to
the previous task given as you learn more about the two categories of the nature of

Maximum performance is achieved when learners are motivated to perform well.

Assessment results from maximum performance manifest what students can do at
their best – their abilities and achievements. In this category, students are
encouraged to aim for a high score.

Contrastingly, a measure of typical performance shows what students will do or

choose to do. It assesses how a learner’s ability is evident if demonstrated on a
regular basis. It gives more focused on the learner’s motivation rather than his
optimal ability.

Examples of measure of maximum performance are achievement test and

aptitude test. So, if you categorize periodical test and quizzes in the previous task
under this category, you are CORRECT.

As for measures of typical performance, these include attitude, interest and

personality inventories, observation techniques, and peer appraisals. Therefore, in
the given learning task earlier, rubrics and portfolio fall in this category.

Assessment Task 2
Give 2 more specific examples of measures under each category
of the nature of assessment. (Note: Examples other than those
mention in this module.)
Assessment of Learning 1

1.3 Approaches to Assessment

There are three interrelated approaches of assessment. Knowledge of these

approaches and how they fit in the learning process can result to a more effective
classroom assessment.

Learning Task 3

Group three words that are common and write it in the

balloon. One balloon for one group of words.


In the learning task given, for sure you group the words pretest, before and start.
Also, the words after, posttest, and end. These words will best describe the first
approach of assessment, that is,
Assessment FOR Learning. It pertains to diagnostic and formative assessment
tasks which are used to determine learning needs, monitor academic progress of
students during a unit of instruction and guide instruction. The result from this
assessment is use to inform or adjust teaching to ensure that learning is going on
while the teacher is in the process of teaching.

The second approach is Assessment AS Learning, it employs tasks or

activities that provide students with an opportunity to monitor and further their own
learning – to think of their personal learning habits and how they can adjust their
learning strategies to achieve their goals. Simply stated, assessment AS learning is
associated to self-assessment. Just like in the famous hashtag line, me, myself and

While the third approach is referred to as Assessment OF Learning, is a

summative assessment and done at the end of a unit, task, process or period. It is
meant to assess learning for grading purposes.

Assessment Task 3
Formative assessment is “when the cook tastes the soup while
summative assessment is when the guest tastes the soup.” Do
you agree? Why or why not?
Assessment of Learning 1

1.4 Relevance of Assessment

Assessment is needed for continued improvement and accountability in all

aspects of the education system. With this, all who are part of it must understand
what assessment provides and how it is used to explain the dynamics of student

Learning Task 4

Describe what is in the picture. Give your interpretation about it.

The different hands in the clipart portrays the different sectors involved in a
school system. In this part of the module you will find out the relevance of
assessment in their dynamic role in the educational system.

Students. Through varied learner-centered and constructive assessment tasks,

students become actively engaged in the learning process. They take responsibility
of their own learning. With the guidance of the teacher, they become aware of how
they think, how they learn, how they accomplish tasks and how they feel about their
own work.

Teachers. Assessment informs instructional practice. It gives teachers information

about student’s knowledge and performance base. It tells how students are currently
doing. With this, the result will help teachers identify teaching methods and
approaches that are most effective.

Parents. Education is shared partnership hence parents should be involved in the

assessment process. They are valued source of assessment information on the
educational history and learning habits of their children, especially for preschoolers.
Assessment of Learning 1

Administrators and Program Staff. They use assessment to identify strengths and
weaknesses of a program. It gives them data about program priorities, options
assessments, and plans for improvement. Also, assessment data are used to make
decisions on promotion or retention of students and arrangements of faculty
development programs.

Policymakers. Assessment provides information about students’ achievements which

in turn reflect the quality of education. With this information, government agencies
can set or modify standards, reward or sanction schools and direct educational
Assessment results also serve as basis for formulation of new laws.

Assessment Task 4
Below are questions which assessment can be address.
Determine to which group (students, teachers, parents,
administrators, curriculum supervisor/coordinator, and policy
makers) the question is coming from. Explain briefly how
assessment can be used to answer the question.

1. What should I do to succeed?

2. Is my teaching strategy effective?
3. Are students optimally achieving to become global and
productive citizen?
4. Are we doing enough at home to support the teacher?


How are you now upon reading the important terms about assessment found
in this module? I hope this will not confuse you most when using the right term for
the right situation. As future teacher you will encounter and use it frequently.

Also, I do hope that upon reading the module, you able to realize the many
roles of a teacher. Teaching is just one side of the story. A good assessment skill is
also needed to become a better teacher.

If you are still confused, you can always go back and read what is needed to
learn. Additional learning materials found in the suggested reading section in this
module will help you further understand the topic. Please read it too.


To summarize the discussion in this module, the three important terms involve
on assessment of learning are: measurement, assessment and evaluation.
Assessment is a concept that also describe the role expected from the teacher. To
be able to assess learning, data of student’s performance must be gathered and
Assessment of Learning 1

measured either objectively or subjectively, depending on its appropriateness on the

given task. The result then will be evaluated to match to a certain standard. This
process can be done during and/or after to further find out if learning really occurs.
Assessment as a process, entails three approaches: AS, OF, & FOR. The first
is formative in nature, the second is more on self-checking and the third is done
usually at the end. Also, this process, plays a vital role not only for students and
teachers, who are in frontlines of the educational system, but to parents,
administrators, curriculum planners and up to the policy makers as well. The success
of the students is the success of all.

Suggested Readings

Corpuz, Brenda B. “Assessment in the K to 12 Curriculum.” The Professional

Teacher. Volume 3, No. 1

Salandanan, Gloria G. “Assessment of Teaching and Learning.” The Professional

Teacher. Volume 3, No. 1


De Guzman, Estefania S. & Joel L. Adamos. (2015) Assessment of Learning 1.

Manila: Adriana Publishing Co. Inc.
Gabuyo, Yonardo A. (2012) Assessment of Learning 1. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.,

Navarro, Rosita L. et al. (2017) Assessment of Learning 1. Manila: Lorimar

Publishing, Inc.,

Key Answers to Learning Assessment Tasks

Task 1

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. B
7. B 8. B 9. A

Task 2

Maximum Performance: National Achievement Test (NAT); Mastery Test

Typical Performance: Anecdotal Records; Personality Inventories

Task 3


Task 4

1. Student 2. Teacher 3. Policy Makers 4. Parents

Assessment of Learning 1

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