Sensory Evaluation of Horse Gram (Macrotyloma: Uniflorum) Fortified Cow Milk
Sensory Evaluation of Horse Gram (Macrotyloma: Uniflorum) Fortified Cow Milk
Sensory Evaluation of Horse Gram (Macrotyloma: Uniflorum) Fortified Cow Milk
Abstract: A study was conducted to develop horse gram fortified cow milk using horse gram
extract. Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) occupies an important place in human nutrition
and has rich source of protein, minerals, and vitamins. Besides nutritional importance, it has
been linked to reduced risk of various diseases due to presence of non-nutritive bioactive
substances. Proximate composition of horse gram extract was found to be fat 0.25 grams %,
fibre 0.80 grams %, protein 3.64 grams % and carbohydrate 3.19 grams %. Pasteurised cow
milk was blended with horse gram extract at 30,40,50,60, 70 percent levels and subjected to
sensory evaluation. On sensory evaluation it was found that milk with horse gram extract at
40 percent level was found to be acceptable based on colour and appearance, flavour, taste
and consistency scores.
Keywords: Horse gram, fortified milk, sensory evaluation.
Horse gram is an underutilized pulse crop grown in wide range of adverse climatic
conditions. It occupies an important place in human nutrition and has rich source of protein,
minerals, and vitamins. Besides nutritional importance, it has been linked to reduced risk of
various diseases due to presence of non-nutritive bioactive substances. Raw horse gram seeds
have been used by economically disadvantaged people in tropical countries as cheap source
of protein. Raw horse gram seed is a rich source of polyphenols, flavonoids and protein. It
also possesses potent properties to scavenge free radicals and the ability to reduce starch-
induced postprandial glycaemic excursions by virtue of potent intestinal α-glucosidase
inhibitory activity (Ashok kumar et al.,2013). Furthermore, consumption of raw horse gram
seeds can also reduce insulin resistance by inhibiting protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1 beta
enzyme. The antioxidant activities were found to be concentrated more in the seed coat of the
seeds. In addition, sprouting significantly decreased intestinal α-glucosidase and protein-
tyrosine phosphatase 1 beta inhibitory activities. These observations suggest that
consumption of food items prepared with unprocessed raw horse gram seeds may have more
Received April 10, 2020 * Published June 2, 2020 *
381 G.M. Sivakumar
health benefits than their sprouts for hyperglycaemic individuals. Some research have proven
horse gram extracts has a antiobesity ability (Bhuveneshwari et al., 2014).
Milk is the largest consumed liquid dairy product all over the world due to its palatability,
nutritious value and easy availability (Praveen Kumar and Shakeel, 2017). Fortification of
milk with horse gram extracts increase the nutritional value and has more health benefits.
Horse gram fortified milk will have more commercial reach to people all over the world. In
the present study cow milk was fortified with horse gram extract and sensory analysis carried
Materials and methods
The present work was carried out in the Model Dairy Plant, Department of Livestock
Products Technology (Dairy Science), Madras Veterinary College, Tamil Nadu Veterinary
and Animal Sciences University, Chennai - 600 007. Pasteurized cow milk was obtained
from the Model Dairy Plant, Department of Dairy Science, Madras Veterinary College. The
milk from dairy plant was used for the preparation of horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum)
extract fortified milk. Fresh and clean horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) seeds were
purchased from local market; Chennai was used as a source of horse gram extract in this
study. Horse gram extract was prepared according to the procedure described by Preeti verma
et al., (2014) as shown in Fig.-1
Figure -1 Schematic representation of steps in preparation of Horse gram extract
25 g of horse gram
Soaked in water for 16 hours
Blanched for 15 minutes
Dehulled manually
Ground for 5-7 minutes
Sieved through muslin cloth
Blended with 300 ml of water
Boiled for 10 minutes
Cooled at room temperature
Horse gram extract (180 ml)
Sensory Evaluation of Horse Gram (Macrotyloma Uniflorum) Fortified Cow Milk 382
The horse gram extract was analysed for moisture, fat, protein, carbohydrate, ash, crude fibre
and tannin. Carbohydrate was determined by the difference. All determination was carried
out using standard procedures (AOAC, 2000). The analytical values were evaluated from the
mean of three determination of the sample.
Fortification of cow milk with horse gram extract
The cow milk was fortified with horse gram extract at 30,40,50,60, 70 percent levels as
shown in Table -1, therefore the best proportion was selected from based on the sensory test.
The cow milk was kept as control whose fat content was 3.5 percent and Solids not fat was
8.5 percent.
Table -1 Fortification of cow milk with horse gram extract
Samples Milk % Horse gram extract %
Control 100 -
S1 70 30
S2 60 40
S3 50 50
S4 40 60
S5 30 70
The sensory evaluation for the different proportions of the horse gram extract fortified milk
were carried out by a semi trained panel of judges using 9 point hedonic scale as described by
(Hue,1993). The values were then tabulated and the results were interpreted accordingly.
Based on the sensory evaluation, the best proportion of horse gram extract fortified milk was
selected for the analysis.
Results and Discussion
Table -1 shows the proximate composition of horse gram extract in which the fat percent was
0.25 grams percent, fibre 0.80 grams percent and protein and carbohydrate was 3.64 and 3.19
grams percent respectively.
Table -2 shows the sensory evaluation scores of the control and horse gram fortified milk
samples (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5) using 9 – point hedonic scale
The colour and appearance of Control, S2, S3 and S4 was almost similar and they gained a
score of 8.08±0.27, 8.33±0.17, 8.33±0.17 and 8.08±0.27 of which S2 and S3 were ranked
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highest among the variations. S1 and S5 gained a score of 7.08±0.27 and 7.00±0.37 for
colour and appearance which was ranked lowest among the variations. Highly significant
difference (P≤ 0.01) was found between the treatments. The colour and appearance of the
samples S2 and S3 was more liked by the panellists.
The control and sample S2 had gained a similar score of 8.58±0.20 and 8.58±0.15 for its taste
which was ranked the highest among the variations. This was due to addition of 40 percent
horse gram extract to the milk which blended completely with the milk.
The flavour score of S2 was 8.50±0.18 and it was ranked the highest among the variations.
Highly significant difference (P≤ 0.01) was found between the treatments. The flavor of
sample S2 was more liked than the flavours of other samples among the panelists because of
the light odour and taste of horse gram. Jothylingam and Pugazhenthi (2013) reported that
low calorie herbal flavoured milk with 5 percent of aloevera extract was most acceptable
based on sensory evaluation.
The consistency score of the samples S1, S2, S3, S4 was almost similar and obtained a score
of 7 and above among the variations. The control sample has a score of 8.00±0.29. The
consistency scores of 70 percent horse gram extract fortified milk was lowest at 6.42±0.20.
This shows that higher level of addition of horse gram extract in milk showed a lower
consistency score. This is in accordance with the observations made by Riberio et al 2014
that mango and papaya flavour formulation containing 62.7 percent soy extract based
beverage was found to be good at consistency. Hence sample S2of 40 percent addition of
horse gram extract was found to be acceptable.
The overall acceptability score for control and sample S2 was similar when compared to the
other variations. The score for other samples were lower when compared to control and S2.
This showed horse gram extract fortified milk with 40 percent level was liked by the panelist
than the other samples
In this study cow milk was fortified with the horse gram extract and subjected to sensory
evaluation. Based on the sensory evaluation it was found that horse gram fortified milk with
40 percent horse gram extract (S2) was found to be more acceptable by the panellist than the
Sensory Evaluation of Horse Gram (Macrotyloma Uniflorum) Fortified Cow Milk 384
other samples. The milk developed can be used as diet for obese and fat conscious people
because horse gram exerts antiobesity properties.
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