ns26 - 5 Connection Design Handout - 4per
ns26 - 5 Connection Design Handout - 4per
ns26 - 5 Connection Design Handout - 4per
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Session 5 – Welds
August 10, 2021 | Larry Muir
© Copyright 2021
American Institute of Steel Construction 1
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
© Copyright 2021
American Institute of Steel Construction 2
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Basics Basics
Specifying Welds
Welds generally are not required to develop the strength of the
parts they join.
Common Types of Welds
Do not over-specify welds. Give the fabricator the freedom to
choose between fillet welds or groove welds based on economy.
Longer single pass fillet welds are usually more economical than
shorter multi-pass welds.
9 10
Basics Basics
Complete Joint Penetration Groove Complete Joint Penetration Groove
Complete joint penetration (CJP) groove welds provide complete CJP groove welds are simple to design, but expensive.
fusion through the joint that develops the strength of the welded
parts. High heat input and restraint can lead to weld cracking and/or
distortion of the assembly.
CJP groove welds require backing or backgouging. 11 12
© Copyright 2021
American Institute of Steel Construction 3
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Basics Basics
Partial Joint Penetration Groove Partial Joint Penetration Groove
Partial joint penetration (PJP) groove welds do not provide PJP groove welds do require a groove which involves additional
complete fusion through the joint. labor compared to a fillet weld.
PJP groove welds do not require backing or backgouging. PJP groove welds have considerably less available strength when
subjected to tension. 14
Basics Basics
Flare-Bevel Groove Fillet
Flare-bevel groove welds are a type of PJP groove weld most Fillet welds are the most common and generally the most
commonly used to connect to HSS. economical welds used.
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American Institute of Steel Construction 4
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Basics Basics
Skewed “Fillet”
Basics Basics
Use Single Pass Welds Use Single Pass Welds
3/16 – 5/16
1 1
3 3
1 2 1 2
6 6
3 5 3 5
1 2 4 1 2 4
19 20
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American Institute of Steel Construction 5
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Basics 9
# of Passes
Relative Strength
3 3
1 2 5/8 2
6 1
3 5
1 2 4 0
3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4
21 22
9 9
Fillet Welds Fillet Welds
8 8
# of Passes Diminishing Returns
# of Passes 2 x the Strength
6 Relative to Cost 6
at 6 x the Cost
Relative Strength 5
Relative Strength
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4
23 24
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American Institute of Steel Construction 6
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Basics Basics
Weld Positions
• Welds are more easily made in the flat or horizontal positions.
Welding Positions • Material can usually be rotated into the flat or horizontal position in
the shop.
25 26
Horizontal Horizontal
Vertical 27
Vertical 28
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Basics Basics
Single Sided Welds
• It is usually preferable to use two-sided partial penetration or fillet
Use of Single Sided Welds welds whenever possible.
29 30
Basics Basics
Single Sided Welds
Appropriate Uses of Single Sided Welds
Contractors must weigh the benefits
against the risks of incidental loading.
31 32
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Basics Basics
One-Sided Welds Partially Single Sided Welds
Both typical design loads and The flexibility of the rectangular
accidental or incidental loading HSS wall only partially prevents
(erection, should be considered. rotation about the root of the
handling, etc.) weld.
The weld cannot tell the difference.
Therefore, the directional strength
Failure to consider all implications increase is not fully realized.
can get someone killed.
Rectangular HSS are the only
shapes explicitly addressed in the
33 Specification. 34
35 36
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Behavior Behavior
Manual Figure 8-5
37 38
Behavior Behavior
Manual Figure 8-5 Manual Figure 8-5
m 0 .2 0 9 θ 2 0 .3 2 w u 1 .0 8 7 θ 6 0 .6 5 w
39 40
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American Institute of Steel Construction 10
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Behavior Behavior
Manual Figure 8-5
Assume we have a weld group with both
longitudinally and transversely loaded
Strain Compatibility 0.825 Strain compatibility requires us to limit the
strength of the more ductile element based
on the deformation consistent (compatible)
with ultimate deformation of the less ductile
41 42
Behavior Behavior
Strain Compatibility Strain Compatibility
Though requiring a lot of calculation, the simplest way to ensure The instantaneous center of rotation method is in most cases
strain compatibility is to use the instantaneous center of rotation iterative and onerous to apply manually.
It is not true that the instantaneous center of rotation
The method satisfies equilibrium, strain method is only applicable to eccentrically loaded
compatibility, and the available strength. weld groups.
The instantaneous center of rotation method is finite The instantaneous center of rotation is located infinitely
element analysis on whatever the opposite of far from the center of gravity when the load is applied concentrically.
steroids is.
The instantaneous center of rotation is located at the center of
43 gravity when the weld group is subjected to pure moment. 44
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American Institute of Steel Construction 11
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Behavior Behavior
Manual Figure 8-5 Manual Figure 8-5
A larger weld requires
more deformation to
u 1 .0 8 7 θ 6 0 .6 5 w 1.36
develop its full strength
than a smaller weld.
The weld size
is a variable. Larry S. Muir. "Deformational The directional strength
Compatibility in Weld increase is simple to
Groups." ECCS / AISC
Workshop Connections in implement for many
Steel Structures VI. 2008. common conditions, but
care is required.
45 46
Behavior Behavior
Behavior of CJP Groove Welds
CJP groove welds will develop the strength of the parts joined, so the
behavior of the joint is largely governed by the behavior of the base
Behavior of CJP Groove Welds CJP groove welds are strong enough. The question then becomes are
they tough enough.
© Copyright 2021
American Institute of Steel Construction 12
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Behavior Behavior
Behavior of CJP Groove Welds Behavior of CJP Groove Welds
Toughness is the ability of a material to absorb energy and plastically There are lots of things that can cause welds to crack.
deform without fracturing.
Design Guide 21 addresses many of them.
Toughness is related to the area under the stress–strain curve.
centerline cracking, segregation-induced
cracking, beadshape-induced cracking,
In order to be tough, a material must be both strong and ductile – like surface-profile-induced cracking, weld pool
steel. length cracking, heat affected zone cracking,
underbead cracking, toe cracking, delayed
cracking, cold cracking, hydrogen cracking,
Fracture toughness is a measure of the amount of energy required to transverse cracking, cross cracking, chevron
cracking, reheat cracking, and…
propagate a preexisting flaw. All steel and all welds have preexisting
49 50
Behavior Behavior
Behavior of CJP Groove Welds Lamellar Tearing
Like Forrest below many engineers seem to focus too much on one From Design Guide 21:
aspect of weld cracking and perhaps too little on the other aspects.
centerline cracking, segregation-induced • “Current steel-making practices have helped to minimize lamellar
cracking, beadshape-induced cracking, tearing tendencies.”
surface-profile-induced cracking, weld pool
length cracking, heat affected zone cracking,
underbead cracking, toe cracking, delayed • “Unlike hydrogen-related cracking which is typically delayed,
cracking, cold cracking, hydrogen cracking,
transverse cracking, cross cracking, chevron lamellar tearing usually occurs while the weld is cooling and
cracking, reheat cracking, and… shrinking.”
51 52
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American Institute of Steel Construction 13
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Behavior Behavior
Lamellar Tearing Behavior of Welds
It is often possible to modify a specific weld joint detail to minimize From Design Guide 21: “larger than necessary welds result in more
lamellar tearing tendencies. shrinkage, which in turn leads to more distortion and higher residual
stresses, along with increased cracking and tearing tendencies.”
plate strained in the
through-thickness direction.
Welding is not quite as simple as bolting, but your goal should still be
to not screw things up.
Behavior Behavior
Behavior of Welds Behavior of Welds
Fourteen Principles of (Welded) Connection Design – Design Guide 21
1. A good welded connection is strong enough to transfer all the
applied loads through the connection in an efficient manner. My mama always said, “If you
2. A good welded connection has a clear and direct load path. want to know more about
3. A good welded connection places welds in regions of low stress. welds, then you have to read
4. A good welded connection does not introduce stress raisers. AISC Design Guide 21.”
5. A good welded connection is not constrained.
6. A good welded connection does not subject the weld to bending.
7. A good welded connection protects the toes and roots of the
8. A good welded connection has a clearly defined throat.
55 56
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American Institute of Steel Construction 14
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Design Design
Design of Fillet Welds
The AISC Specification provides two options for designing fillet
welds and fillet weld groups.
Design of Fillet Welds
1. ‘Widout’ the directional strength increase
57 58
Design Design
Design of Fillet Welds – Option 1- Without Design of Fillet Welds – Option 1- Without
This is derived from:
Section J2.4(a) allows the strength of the weld to be Aw = (weld size)(sin 45o)(weld length)
calculated as Rn=FwAw. = (D/16)(sin 45o)(L)
This is commonly rewritten for E70 electrodes as: = 0.0442 DL
Rn /W = 0.928 DL (ASD) D = weld size expressed in 1/16 of an inch
Fw = 0.6FEXX = 0.6(70) = 42 ksi
fRn = 1.392 DL (LRFD)
Rn = Fw Aw = (42) (0.0442)DL= 1.8564DL
59 60
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
61 θ = 0o θ = 90o 62
Design Design
Design of Fillet Welds – Option 2 - With Design of Fillet Welds – Option 2 - With
Again this is more commonly written: A User Note to Section J2.4(b) states:
For ASD: Rn /W = 0.928(1.0+0.5sin1.5)DL “The instantaneous center method is a valid way to calculate the
For LRFD: fRn = 1.392(1.0+0.5sin1.5)DL strength of weld groups consisting of weld elements in various
directions based on strain compatibility.”
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American Institute of Steel Construction 16
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Design Design
Design of Groove Welds
• The design of partial-joint-penetration (PJP) groove welds is very
similar to the design of fillet welds. Except:
Design of Groove Welds – The directional strength increase does not apply.
– The available tension stress is reduced.
• The available strength is given in Table J2.5 and the effective throat is
given in Table J2.1.
65 66
Design Economy
Design of Groove Welds
• Complete-Joint-Penetration (CJP) welds, also sometimes referred to
as Full Pen. Welds, are intended to develop the strength of the base
metal. Economy of Welded Details
• The filler metal must meet the requirements shown in Table J2.5.
67 68
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Economy Economy
Economy of Welded Details Economy of Welded Details
• Do not over-specify welds. • Favor the horizontal and flat positions.
– allow fabricator to choose the weld best suited to the • Avoid welding galvanized material.
shop. • Welds do not in general need to develop the strength
• Use single pass fillets where possible. of the base metal.
• Excess welding can result in distortion.
• Utilize the directional strength increase.
• Select a preparation that minimizes weld volume for
• Use PJP instead of CJP where possible. groove welds.
• Avoid indiscriminate use of all-around symbol. • In most cases backing for CJP can be left in place.
69 70
Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can the strength of an existing fillet weld be increased by adding Q: Is the strength of a PJP reinforced with a fillet weld calculated by
passes? simply adding the strength of the two welds?
A: Yes. A: NO.
71 72
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American Institute of Steel Construction 18
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can the strength of an existing CJP groove weld be increased by Q: Is there a way to address a CJP root opening that is too large?
adding weld (i.e. a reinforcing fillet)?
A: Yes. Buttering passes can be applied to achieve prequalified
A: No. The strength of a CJP groove weld is limited by the base metal. geometry.
The only way to increase the strength of the joint is to add material
(base metal).
73 opening 74
Bolts vs. Welds Sharing Load Between Bolts & Welds
A rule of thumb is that welding should be done in the shop. Bolting can Sharing of load between bolts and welds is
be done in either the shop or the field. not prohibited. It is addressed in
Specification Section J1.8.
Obviously this is only a general rule, and exceptions are commonly
encountered. My advice is DON’T DO IT. I can count on
one hand the number of times I have shared
Fabricator preference should be considered. Note that a normally load between bolts and welds. Problematic bolted/welded
“welded” shop may prefer bolted connections if there is a lot of other member connections.
welding already in the shop. It is a complex topic and a bad idea. It is Fig. C-D2.2 – Commentary
sometimes the only viable option for to Seismic Provisions.
75 76
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American Institute of Steel Construction 19
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Attendee-based Content
We have received quite a few questions and comments up to this point.
Thank you for participating in our experiment.
Welds By the very nature of this process I have had limited time to produce
this discussion. The broad ideas are sound.
77 78
At the AISC Steel Solution Center we receive many more questions At the AISC Steel Solution Center we receive many more questions
about bolts than about welds. about bolts than about welds.
I suspect that if you could eliminate fit-up issues, one could train I suspect that if you could eliminate fit-up issues, one could train
monkeys to install bolts in snug-tight joints. monkeys to install bolts in snug-tight joints.
KEEP BOLTING SIMPLE!!! KEEP BOLTING SIMPLE!!! I have a tremendous amount of respect
for skilled ironworkers. Put their skills
79 to work where it really matters.
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American Institute of Steel Construction 20
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
81 82
The thickness of the material represents the weld size. The effective throat is
0.707 times the thickness of the material.
83 84
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
85 86
Answer (cont.):The vast majority of bolted connections that must Answer (cont.): If the connection must be pretensioned but can
be painted but still fall within the scope of the Specification can be still be designed as a bearing-type connection, then the only effect
installed as snug-tight and designed as bearing-type connections. of the paint might be an inability to achieve or maintain the
In such cases the presence of the paint is immaterial. pretension.
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Loss of pretension (in rare cases where When slip critical connections are required or a qualified faying
required) can lead to: surface is required the faying surfaces should be masked and left
• Fatigue uncoated or a qualified coating must be used.
• Loosening
• Slip 89 90
Answer: When slip critical connections are required the faying • Answer (cont.): “Where conditions are not covered by this
surfaces must be qualified: Specification, designs are permitted to be based on tests or
analysis, subject to the approval of the authority having
• Unpainted clean mill scale steel jurisdiction. Alternative methods of analysis and design are
• Hot-dipped galvanized permitted, provided such alternative methods or criteria are
• Paint tested in accordance with Appendix A of RCSC acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.”
Use engineering judgment. 92
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American Institute of Steel Construction 23
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
Attendee concerns related to FEA of bolted connections. My tips:
• Interpretation of high stresses around bolt holes
• Modeling of bolts as beams • Bolted connections are intended to be simple and easy.
• Constraint equations • Keep them simple.
• If you are even thinking about using FEA to design bolted connections
• Location of bolt attachment: At bearing at hole, under head or
– might consider whether your application should be designed using
• Should bolt loads and stresses from finite element models be the Specification at all.
used at all? – must really love FEA
• Would it be better to use traditional bolted joint analysis
calculations? FEA is not simple and easy. There are just as many assumptions to be
made and just as much judgement involved in FEA. 94
Answer: Bolted connections incorporating materials other than steel and typical Answer: As a minimum I would consider:
coatings are NOT addressed in either the AISC or RCSC specifications.
• Bending in the bolt (similar to anchor rods in shear)
To my knowledge there are no standards. • The possibility of loss of pretension and its effect on loosening and fatigue
• Fire
Thermal breaks may be okay for “minor” connections. • Rationality of increasing uncertainty relative to safety vs gain in thermal
performance – stainless steel?
The 2020 RCSC Specification
www.aisc.org/technical-resources/research/ contains some Commentary.
“Thermal break joints are not
intended for primary load
95 resisting systems.” 96
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August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
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American Institute of Steel Construction 25
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
© Copyright 2021
American Institute of Steel Construction 26
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
© Copyright 2021
American Institute of Steel Construction 27
AISC Night School 26 Developing an Eye for Connection Design
August 10, 2021 Session 5: Welds
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