2019 - Chapter 31F Marine Oil Terminals 47
2019 - Chapter 31F Marine Oil Terminals 47
2019 - Chapter 31F Marine Oil Terminals 47
and fender system as indicated in Figure 31F-5-5. Fender 3105F.4.3.2 Discrete fender system. For discrete
piles may be included in the lateral analysis to establish the fender systems (i.e., not continuous), one fender unit or
total force-deflection curve for the berthing system. Load- breasting dolphin shall be able to absorb the entire
deflection curves for other fender types shall be obtained berthing energy.
from manufacturer’s data. The condition of fenders shall be 3105F.4.4 Longitudinal and vertical berthing forces. The
taken into account when performing the analysis. longitudinal and vertical components of the horizontal
When batter piles are present, the fender system typi- berthing force shall be calculated using appropriate coef-
cally absorbs most of the berthing energy. This can be ficients of friction between the vessel and the fender. In
established by comparing the force-deflection curves for lieu of as-built data, the values in Table 31F-5-2 may be
the fender system and batter piles. In this case only the used for typical fender/vessel materials:
fender system energy absorption shall be considered.
TABLE 31F-5-2