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International Carriers



Definition Our solution

The Hubbing voice transit service a catalogue of exhaustive destinations (more than 800)
provides telecom operators with A destination can be a country (fixed or mobile), a mobile
international voice traffic network or a city and is always defined by a numbering plan.
termination. Operators may use a choice of solutions
transit carriers, either to convey Adapt the quality/price ratio in accordance with the needs per
their traffic to destinations with destination.
which they do not have a direct a price per minute / destination
route or where they lack capacity, Prices are set for a maximum period of 1 month. Changes
or to optimize the cost/quality require a 7-day prior notice. Monthly invoice in USD, EUR or
factors according to their needs. SDR.
a specific Customer Care
access to the service Customer Support Centre (CSC international Wholesale)
general case available 24/7/365, through a single contact number.
An interconnection between
routing tables Access to more than 800 destinations
Orange and the customer is
created to support the Hubbing
service. This interconnection can
be implemented either via PSTN
or VoIP* and may also be used to
route other voice/data solutions.

based in France
Various options are available to
connect to our International
Switching Centres.

*Depending on the service




Using our Hubbing service enables a customer to terminate their

international voice traffic at any destination worldwide, without requiring
interconnections or business agreements with those destinations.

Mobile to Mobile: growth in end-user loyalty and increased ARPU

With this service dedicated to mobile operators, the customer benefits
from top-level voice quality with a 100 % direct routing (or through a
strategic partner) to mobile destinations, QoS guarantees, CLI (Calling
Line Identification), OCN (Original Called Number) and RDN (Redirecting
Number) transmission transparency. The mobile to mobile customer also
benefits from an enhanced customer care, with a proactive monitoring
process, short-time repair process and regular updates. He receives a
customized monthly QoS report, with, amongst other QoS data related to
its own traffic, details per mobile network for the major destinations.

Premium: reliable Quality of Service

The Hubbing Premium service addresses operators looking for stability for
their retail traffic. It offers them quality routing towards the main mobile
and fixed destinations, with steady answer-to-seizure ratio levels and CLI
transfer. The Hubbing Premium customer benefits as well from an
enhanced fault management and from a monthly customized and detailed
QoS reporting, with key indicators for its specific traffic.

Optimum: balanced price and quality

The Hubbing Optimum service addresses operators looking for cost
optimization to terminate their international voice traffic. They can find the
flexibility they need to steer the best course for their business, benefiting
from a global and dynamic coverage as well as competitive prices.
International Carriers


Bilateral Migration to VoIP

Definition Our solution

Bilateral Migration is the Our direct routes connect more than 250
migration of TDM bilateral operators worldwide and 900 destinations. These
interconnection to VoIP destinations are either fixed or mobile networks,
bilateral interconnection. providing premium quality termination.
Access to Orange’s Bilateral
Migration offer is established by The bilateral migration solution provides
the signature of a VoIP ! reliability : a private redundant IP access
amendment to the existing dedicated to VoIP
TDM bilateral agreement ! scalability : VoIP allows to manage easily the
between Orange and the network capacity
international partner. ! an operational cost reduction thanks to VoIP
technology and bandwidth consumption optimization
Bilateral agreements define the ! an opportunity to develop new services based on
Settlement Rates which VoIP technology
correspond to the routing and
termination costs of the calls
terminating on each party’s

A VoIP bilateral route is a

gateway opening access to
Orange’s full range of Voice
Over IP Wholesale Solutions.

Bilateral Migration to VoIP

As a telecommunications carrier, voice over IP allows you to:

the consolidation of your networks and operate only one

easily the scalability of your network

your operational costs

new applications & services based on Voice over IP

And you are still keeping advantage of a bilateral commitment, dedicated to

voice traffic:

high quality of our network

with top ASR (Answer Seizure Ratio) levels and reactivity on incident solving

a long-term profitable relationship

with an incumbent carrier, which opens on big volumes of traffic to exchange

an increase of generated revenue

(roaming opportunities, improved call duration…)

a comprehensive access to any destination in France

with coverage of all networks and value added services
International Carriers



Definition Our solution

International Direct Dialling is We have direct routes with more than 250
Orange’s French termination operators worldwide. These destinations are
service for international fixed either fixed or mobile networks, providing
and mobile voice operators. premium quality termination.
Access to Orange’s IDD offer is
established by the signature of The IDD solution provides
a bilateral agreement between
Orange and the international ! flexible ways to interconnect: IDD is based on
partner. terrestrial, submarine, satellite or IP supports
! a seamless network based on TDM and VoIP
Bilateral agreements define the proven technologies
Settlement Rates which ! a skill based on management of more than 250
correspond to the routing and direct interconnections
termination costs of the calls ! a 24/7 customer support centre, relying on a
terminating on each party’s centralized network supervision.

A bilateral route is a gateway

opening access to Orange’s full
range of Voice Wholesale



high quality of our network with top ASR (Answer Seizure Ratio) levels and
reactivity on incident solving

a long-term profitable relationship with an incumbent carrier, which opens on

big volumes of traffic to exchange

an increase of generated revenue (roaming opportunities, improved call


a comprehensive access to any destination in France, with coverage of all

networks and value added services
International Carriers



Definition Our solution

The SS7 service enables the World leader in roaming signaling with 15 years’
transit and management of experience and the widest roaming coverage (over 750
international signaling. It ITU and ANSI destinations), our SS7 offer meets mobile
allows mobile operators to operators’ needs for quality, security and international
exchange international coverage.
roaming and SMS traffic.
With a customized connection to our network, and our legacy
* TDM SS7 or Sigtran (SS7 over IP) connectivity, mobile
* operators benefit from a high quality network and a rapid
development of roaming.

We offer the most complete signaling solution with its

SS7 Standard and ITU/ANSI conversion offers,
completed by a set of options (Migration, Securization) and
value added optional services ( Alliage- Short Code, SMS
* Control anti fraud anti Spam, Optimum Roaming,…).

Our SS7 standard offer consists in the exchange

STP: routing of the signaling of signaling over its SS7 network, which enables mobile
messages operators to implement open-ended and quality-rich
SCCP: analysis and roaming for their subscribers and helps them generate
translation of the signaling extra revenues thanks to “Roaming-in”.
messages’ addresses

*Roaming partner of the

customer GSM operator (ITU
or ANSI destination)

SS7 options
Via our smooth and dedicated migration process, we make usually stressful and
time-consuming tasks easier and quicker, with an expert coordinating the mobile
operator’s connection to our network.

The mobile operator having to link its network to France Telecom Orange’s SS7
equipment can, thanks to the securization option, benefit from a redundant link to
a second set of equipment. This allows it to enhance the roaming service
availability (in case of link outage) and to benefit from a sharing tool to load traffic.

detailed traffic report via Extranet access

This report which breaks down by origin and by destination, on billing items (SS7
traffic, Conversion traffic,…) and on service elements (Roaming, International
SMS, USSD and Camel services) enables mobile operators to improve their
knowledge of their SS7 traffic. It is available on Orange’s Wholesale Solutions

Valued Added optional Services

lliage Short Codes is a service which translates short numbers into long
numbers with an international format, enabling the end-users of your roaming
partners to “feel at home”, when wishing to access value-added services (such
as voice mail) in a roaming situation
Optimum Roaming enables you to implement roaming network preference and
enhance roaming traffic management. Through a remote access it will be
possible for you to upload your parameters to steer the traffic on your preferred
SMS Control anti fraud anti SPAM which will protect your incoming international
SMS traffic from spam & fraud
Anti Spoofing Solution enables you to be protected from fraudulent incoming
international SMS MO traffic, whatever the origin of the message
Prepaid SMS Roaming solution enables you to manage and control in real-time
SMS MO prepaid sent by your outbound roamers via the SS7 network
SMS Control option
Definition Our solution
Types of spam and fraud: We are the World leader in roaming signaling with 15
years’ experience and the widest roaming coverage (over 750
SMS Spamming: is an ITU and ANSI destinations) worldwide.
unsolicited SMS. The spam SMS Our SS7 offer meets mobile operators’ needs for quality,
may take on various forms of security and international coverage.
content generally intended to invite
a response from the receiver. That is why we have developed a new service: the
Important: the SMS could be sent SMS Control Solution, which will protect your incoming
from a valid originator and may be international SMS traffic from spam & fraud.
correctly billed to the sender. The SMS Control platform is located within our SS7 network. All
your international SMS traffic will be routed through the SMS
SMS Flooding The act of flooding is Control platform which will then verify the sequence of the
when a large number of messages signaling message and check the parameters contained in the
are sent to one or more message.
destinations. These messages may
be either valid or invalid. Our SMS Control solution enables you to:
! Proactively analyze your international SMS traffic
SMS Faking: This is a specific ! Discard fraudulent SMS in real time
case when SCCP or MAP
! Implement and manage in real time your own filtering rules,
addresses are manipulated. The
SCCP or MAP originator is reporting and alerts
wrong or is taken from a valid Our SMS Control solution is compatible with other
originator. anti-spam solutions.

SMS Spoofing related to an illegal

use of the HPLMN SMS-C by a
third party. In this case, a SMS MO
with a manipulated A-MSISDN (real
or wrong) is coming into the
HPLMN network from a foreign
VLR (real or wrong SCCP

SMS Control option

•A turnkey service
•With a simple takeover thanks to France Telecom guidance, providing you with a specific
2 days training
•Avoiding the development and the integration of a standalone platform in your network
•Integrated in our SS7’s service in terms of billing and contract
•Cash saving
•No CAPEX investment
•Avoids loss of revenue from disruption to international SMS traffic (estimated impact 300
k€ per day)
•SMS inter-working cost from recipient networks (could represent more than 150 k€ lost)
•Improvement of the service provided to your end-users
•Avoid MSISN usurpation and prevent from billing conflicts
•Protect from Configuration SMS
•Prevents end users from receiving unsolicited messages

•Improvement of the service provided to your end-users

•Avoid MSISN usurpation and prevent from billing conflicts
•Protect from Configuration SMS
•Prevents end users from receiving unsolicited messages
International Carriers

Prepaid SMS Roaming option

Definition Our solution

SMS MO prepaid in roaming: We are the world leader in roaming signaling with 15 years’
SMS sent by a MNO’s prepaid experience and the widest roaming coverage (over 750 ITU
subscriber in roaming out and ANSI destinations).
And of course, our SS7 offer meets mobile operators’ needs for
quality, security and international coverage.
We have developed a new service: the Prepaid SMS Roaming option,
which will provide a centralized solution to manage and control in real-
time SMS MO prepaid sent by outbound roamers via the SS7 network.
Our SMS Prepaid SMS Roaming solution is located within our
network. SMS MO traffic from mobile network operator’s all outbound
roamers (prepaid and postpaid) will be routed by France Telecom
Orange to the Prepaid SMS Roaming platform.
For prepaid customers having sufficient credit (or for postpaid
customers), the Prepaid SMS Roaming platform will forward the MO to
SMS-Center, whereas for prepaid customers without sufficient credit,
the Prepaid SMS Roaming platform will block the MO message.
[1] Query the HLR to get the IMSI of the ! you must send the totality of your SS7 traffic through our network.
SMS originator
[2] Trigger the MNO SCP to check if the
! you must be CAMEL V2 / CAMEL v3 (under condition deactivate the
account exists CAMEL V3 label “MO-SMS-CSI” in Roaming).
In case of prepaid subscriber:
- If there is enough credit, the SCP will ! you need to implement a new service logic in your SCP (Service
send a “continue” message to the Prepaid
SMS platform which will [3] relay the SMS
Control Platform) based on CAMEL Phase 2/3 and a new rating plan
MO to the SMS Center. specific to SMS MO in roaming.
- If there is not enough credit, the SCP will
send a “release” message to the Prepaid
SMS platform which will block the SMS MO.
In case of postpaid subscriber:
the SCP will send a “continue” message to
the Prepaid SMS platform which will relay
the SMS MO to the SMS Center.

Prepaid SMS Roaming option


a turnkey solution
! no CAPEX investment. You pay monthly fixed fees.
! no need to develop your own platform.
! a totally integrated solution: it is integrated in SS7 service (in terms of billing and
! a simple takeover: maintenance, provisioning and monitoring of the platform will
be under the responsibility of France Telecom Orange.

creating additional revenue

! you manage and bill in real-time your outbound prepaid roamers sending SMS
and increase your income.
! you ensure revenue protection by preventing bad debt through real-time credit
! you get protection of your network from unpaid SMS MO in a roaming situation.

improving image
! you will increase your subscribers satisfaction and customer loyalty.
International Carriers

Anti-spoofing solution option

Definition Our solution

spoofing: the operator is World leader in roaming signalling with 15 years’
spammed by a ”pirate’s” experience and the widest roaming coverage (over 750
engine simulating mobile ITU and ANSI destinations), our SS7 offer meets mobile
phones in roaming situation. operators’ needs for quality, security and international
The customer who has his coverage.
MSISDN faked will be
charged for undue fees. Our Anti-spoofing solution has been developed as a response to
the spoofing fraud case defined by the GSMA and which is the
most impacting and frequent attack for a mobile operator.

Our Anti-spoofing solution enables you to protect yourselves from

fraudulent incoming international SMS MO traffic, whatever the
origin of the message.

We verify that the MSISDN originating the SMS MO is in a real

roaming situation.

If fraud is detected, the SMS is blocked.


technical prerequisites:
! We need to manage the SCCP function
! You provide one Virtual Signalling Point Code,
a dedicated Global Title and dedicated IMSI

Anti-spoofing solution option


a turnkey service
! you avoid the development and the integration of a standalone platform in your
! a simple takeover of the new tool: maintenance, provisioning and monitoring of
the platform is under the responsibility of France Telecom Orange.
! a totally integrated solution: the Anti-spoofing solution is integrated in your SS7
service (in terms of billing and contract).
! a detailed reporting is available via WSE (access to personalized, centralized
and secured information through the dedicated Wholesale Solutions Extranet

cash saving
! you can decrease revenue loss, induced by costs of fraudulent SMS.
! you benefit from monthly fixed fee instead of CAPEX investment.
! you get the insurance that traffic carried can be charged.

an increase of end users satisfaction

! you increase customer loyalty by preventing billing conflicts.
! you protect your image and reputation.

good relationships with your roaming partners

Our Anti-spoofing solution saves you from disputes with your roaming partners.
International Carriers


VPN sigtran

Definition Our solution

SIGTRAN stands for World leader in roaming signaling with 15 years’
SIGnalling TRANsport. It is a experience and the widest roaming coverage (over 750
standardized IP protocol ITU and ANSI destinations), our SS7 offer meets mobile
developed by the IETF operators’ needs for quality, security and international
(Internet Engineering Task coverage.
Force) work group and Besides the traditional connectivity via TDM, we offer Mobile Operators
enables the transport of with high-volume traffic a Sigtran connectivity as an option to the SS7
signaling over IP. offer: SS7 VPN Sigtran. The SS7 SIGTRAN connection consists in
providing our customers with IP connectivity from our PE (Provider’s End
This protocol was developed Routers) to our PTS equipments.
to face the SS7 overload Thanks to the SCTP protocol (Stream Control Transfer
issue because of the Protocol) and Multi-Homing mechanisms, SS7 VPN SIGTRAN provides:
limitation to only 16 channels
for TDM. • high level of quality of service, similar to that of SS7
over TDM (traditional SS7 network), using 2 different
• same security level and connection availability
• more bandwidth
The introduction of SIGTRAN in the SS7 offer will improve the quality of
transport for the SS7 signaling over IP and will allow our customers to
face the network overload issue. Positioned as a follow-up to the
traditional SS7 offer, SS7 VPN SIGTRAN will replace the existing
narrowband SS7 for roaming traffic.

VPN Sigtran


high quality of service

We commit to high service availability by insuring delivery, as well as network &
circuit quality thanks to top-level SLAs.

increased signaling capacity

Our solution will help mobile operators to face the growing SS7 traffic that
traditional TDM SS7 can hardly support by removing the 16x64 kbps TDM
bandwidth capacity limitation.

cost effective solution

Our offer will reduce link operating and monitoring costs ; higher bandwidth
makes signaling links load monitoring more easily and reduces links quantity
requirements. No more need to add new point codes or to reconfigure the network
to solve bottlenecks.

differentiate from competitors

Facilitate migration to next-generation architectures as Sigtran is used by 3GPP
R4 (MSC Split Architecture) and R5 (IMS).
International Carriers

mobile data

SS7 MoRe

definition our solution

SS7 MoRe enables to track the World leader in roaming signaling with 16 years’
performance of international experience and the widest roaming coverage (over 800
traffic. ITU and ANSI destinations), our SS7 offer meets mobile
operators’ needs for quality, security and international

Thanks to a secure web access, our SS7 MoRe solution

enables you to track the performance of your international
traffic, i.e. reporting, monitoring, and troubleshooting:

! reporting: reports are established by KPIs aggregation.

KPIs mainly measure the efficiency of the MAPs

! monitoring:
real time: real time traffic graphs are provided, offering a
real time view of the network efficiency.

alarming: alarm feedback is generated based on the KPIs

and traffic volume. You can set minimum and maximum
glossary threshold values depending on your traffic.

KPI: Key Performance Indicator

! troubleshooting: you will be able to check and capture
MAP: Mobile Application Part traffic traces (access to messages and protocol decoding:
CAP: Capabilities Application Part MAP/CAP)
mobile data

SS7 MoRe

your benefits

turnkey solution
! you don’t need to develop your own platform nor equipment
! simple takeover of the new service: maintenance, provisioning and monitoring
of the platform is under the responsibility of France Telecom Orange
! totally integrated solution: the SS7 MoRe service is integrated in the SS7
service (in terms of billing and contract)
! monthly fixed fee instead of CAPEX investment

revenue protection
! thanks to a pro-active monitoring of your traffic, you can operate rapidly in
case of roaming cut and minimize your revenue losses

real-time international traffic control

! you can manage closely and independently your international traffic in near

increase end user satisfaction

! you can ensure the roaming efficiency of your customers

to contact us or get further information, please visit:
International Carriers



Definition Our solution

GRX enables mobile operators to Our 3GRX service is based on the following technical
provide their end-users with data architecture:
applications such as access to
email, as well as, increasingly, to ! A backbone based on IP VPN (Virtual Private Network)
high revenue value added with MPLS (Multi Protocol label switching) encapsulation
services (downloading, games, matching all IR34 security requirements
TV, Chat…) in roaming ! The provision, configuration and management of one or two
situations. GER (GRX End Router) within our premises or that of the
mobile operator
Our 3GRX service (3rd ! The provision of authoritative redundant DNS (Domain
Generation and GPRS Roaming Name Servers) using the root DNS server located in the
eXchange) consists in carrying peering point, in Amsterdam
roaming traffic data (HSDPA / ! An access to the main GRX networks via our points
UMTS / GPRS) over an of peering in Amsterdam and Singapore
international IP backbone, in a ! Upon the customer’s request, one or two access link(s) (ie.
secure and safe way (separating local loop, national or international leased link, ATM or IP Sec)
this traffic from that of Internet), between the mobile operator’s site
with quality of service and our PoP
commitments (SLAs).

It is also used for MMS transit

(roaming + interworking) -
transport authentification,
authorization and invoicing
messages for roaming WLAN
(WiFi) flows.

quality of service
Offer based on an oversized and fully-owned network, for top guarantees in
terms of service availability, Round Trip Delay and Packet Loss Ratio.
MPLS technology-based IP VPN ensuring data traffic isolation from the
Internet. Full compliancy with GSMA recommendations (IR34, SG17), for
instance, on Traffic filtering/anti-spoofing and route filtering. Moreover, strong
emphasis on security, particularly, for our peering agreements.

customer care service

Dedicated Program Manager for implementation follow-up; 24/7 online
assistance; unique trouble tickets management; online quality reporting
regarding data traffic and QoS indicators; proactive supervision and
management of the service.

Access to more than 450 mobile operators in 170 countries via a world leading
GRX supplier, thanks to its extensive direct connectivity, and interconnection
agreements with most of the other GRX providers.

Based on our IP network: Tier 1 IP carrier in Europe. Available in more
than 100 countries with over 100 Gbps worldwide available capacity. 3GRX
presence in more than 20 PoPs around the world and in the two GRX public
peering points in Amsterdam and Singapore.

Global mobile portfolio including MMS Interworking; integrated carrier; active
participation since 2000 in the GSMA’s GRX Working Group.

IPX (ie. the evolution of the GRX network enabling a fixed/mobile convergence,
with interoperability of the IMS/NGN services and support of new applications:
Instant Messaging, Videosharing, Push over cellular, VOIP), initiated in 2003,
within the GSMA. Active participation of Orange in the definition of IPX, within
the GSMA, via many task forces and work groups (IPX PCI, IPIA, Enum…).
International Carriers


Global eXchange
Definition Our solution
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is Our MMS Global eXchange (MMS GeX) offer provides
a store and forward messaging service International MMS Interworking services.
that allows mobile subscribers to The MMS GeX platform enables Multimedia Messages
exchange multimedia messages with exchanges amongst mobile operators, in a simple and
other mobile subscribers. flexible way.
It can be seen as an evolution of SMS, Our offer consists in :
with MMS supporting the transmission of ! offering MMS-IW internationally, towards nearly 350
additional media types such as picture, destinations, directly or indirectly via other MMS hub
audio and video. ! delivering MMS anywhere in the world thanks to the MMS
Virtual Delivery coverage (using FT’s 1-way SMS GeX
coverage to terminate MMS traffic)
! interconnecting any new operator customer and
running the necessary end-to-end testing
what is MMS Interworking?
! forwarding each MMS towards the right destination
It is the ability to send and receive MMS ! providing a very high service availability with associated
from a network A to a network B. SLAs
! providing traffic reporting
! providing an advanced web tool for destination election
(Hubbing Agreement Management System)
Hubbing model ! managing partnership agreements thanks to a dedicated
Currently, lengthy and costly bilateral MMS coordination team
agreements are required to allow Ope
operators to exchange messages. Ope
Our MMS-IW offer relies on the GSMA rator rator

hubbing concept. Ope Ope

Operators will only have to connect once rator rator

to a hub, to reach all the other networks Ope Ope

rator rator
connected to that hub. Ope

Global eXchange
turnkey service
We offer a turnkey service to mobile operators to exchange MMS. Operators can
thus focus their efforts on delivering added value to their customers. A substantial
catalogue of destinations provides worldwide connectivity.
complete set of services
• value added technical services
Reporting, control, filtering…
• Hubbing Agreement Management System (HAMS) in version 2 :
An advanced user friendly web tool for destination election to ensure a fast
and easy implementation of MMS partnerships. You can:
access our online destination catalogue
make requests to open new partnerships
respond to a new request for connection
negotiate billing policies
monitor and view the status of your transaction
contact Orange’s MMS Global eXchange team
security mechanisms
• anti spoofing
This mechanism aims at making sure that mobile operators do not use another
operator's identity to send traffic on their behalf.
• anti spamming
The Anti-spam functionality will prevent end-users from receiving huge
quantities of MMS from authorized parties and/or unauthorized parties.
• volume control
Incoming message flows can be tuned or blocked depending on content,
number or origin of messages.
customer Care
Orange’s Support Centre is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides
a high quality network management.
transparent Billing
Orange’s MMS Global eXchange pricing is based on the GSMA’s Open
Connectivity recommendations, implying transparency and cascade billing.
MMS Coordinators
Two persons are dedicated to the management of the routes’ opening.
This interface will ease and speed up the opening process.
International Carriers


Global eXchange

Definition Our solution

SMS Global eXchange (SMS Our SMS Global eXchange service, compliant with GSMA
GeX) is an SMS Interworking requirements, copes with mobile operators’ needs by providing:
service (SMS IW),
interconnecting the SMSCs of ! a tailored global connectivity with over 750 one-way or 450 two-
the mobile operators’ networks to way destinations
enable Short Messages ! a transparent business model, with a clear distinction between
exchanges among themselves. Transit Fee and Mobile Termination
The operators connected to the ! an eased traffic and billing management
SMS hub are potentially able to ! a high quality routing with an exhaustive support service
reach all the other operators (24/7/365) and SLAs
connected to that same hub. ! a whole set of value–added functionalities:
They may also reach operators - anti spamming, anti spoofing
connected to other hubs, through - black & White listing / partnership management
peering agreements between - very detailed reporting
hubs. Thanks to this principle,
lengthy and costly bilateral SMS Based on the GSMA Open Connectivity hubbing principle
interworking negotiations are

Global eXchange


reduced complexity & expenses

Thanks to a streamlined SMS interworking process less time-consuming and more
cost effective than bilateral agreements, the mobile operator can focus on its core

instant global connectivity

Multiple SMS partners can be reached through only one single connection and

increased revenues
Worldwide coverage providing a more attractive SMS service that can be rapidly

When joining our hub, the mobile operator can define its own billing structure.

Service quality guarantees with reliable SMS delivery reports, protection against
spam and customer support.

supplementary assets
• comprehensive reporting tool providing standard data (traffic, billing and
operation) and more elaborate reports such as traffic growth and geographic
distribution, for fine service analysis and tuning.
• open connectivity compliant SMS Hub
• an SMS Coordinator is fully dedicated to the management of the routes’ opening.
This interface will ease and speed up the opening process.

our expertise
Global mobile portfolio including MMS Interworking and SS7; integrated Carrier;
active participation in the GSMA.
International Carriers


Roaming Global eXchange

Definitions Our solution
Open Connectivity (OC) Besides being a global wholesaler (providing the full
The Open Connectivity Steering roaming ecosystem: GRX, voice, SS7, SMS and MMS IW)
Group within the GSMA defines the and a technical specialist in all network layers, we are also
requirements for roaming Hubs. GSMA certified for our Roaming Global eXchange.
It is a GSMA Program which ! makes your life simpler
facilitates roaming to keep pace One-stop shopping
with the industry demands for both Easy connection to the hub
large and small operators. It Real-time roaming management tool
addresses the operator challenges ! secures your roaming
of coverage (requiring an open Centralized financial settlement
peering approach to Hubs), quality Improved trouble shooting and fraud management
and new service introduction. Complete reporting capabilities
! broadens your possibilities
Global Roaming Quality (GRQ) Access to all technologies
The GSMA developed the GRQ Enhanced monitoring and controlling
framework, a cost-effective Full set of value-added options
framework for monitoring and SMS InterWorking
guaranteeing global quality of This option allows the interconnection of mobile operators
roaming services. SMSCs to enable Short Messages exchanges among
It includes a set of quality themselves. Customer can potentially reach all the other
parameters, SLA templates, trouble operators already connected to our Hub and having the
shouting procedures, guidelines, SMS IW service
contacts for information exchange,
The Roaming Hub architecture
(centralized signalling platform)
should enhance the development
of the GRQ initiative.

Roaming Global eXchange

technical reliability
Our group is recognized worldwide for its SS7 expertise.
We have state-of-the-art roaming experts working on the Roaming Global
Exchange offer.
quality of service
The Orange roaming hub platform allows centralized operations & maintenance,
including troubleshooting. A proactive supervision of roaming channels is in place
to detect the sudden abnormal drop of traffic.
real one-stop shopping offer
Only one contract is needed to access the Roaming Global eXchange service.
You will then be provided with only one bill per month, with a detailed reporting of
all your roaming traffic. France Telecom Orange will be your single point of
financial responsibility
France Telecom Orange assumes the financial responsibility leveraging its
experience of credit management on the international voice interconnection
hubbing market.
optimization of financial flows
France Telecom Orange offers operators to benefit from multilateral netting in
order to reduce flows of cash.
immediate and comprehensive coverage
France Telecom Orange gives access to its extensive Orange members footprint,
in addition to all the external customers connected to the platform.
long-term partnerships
The Roaming Global eXchange solution gives full control to the operators over
their roaming business. IOT negotiations and steering of roaming remain in the
operators’ hands, which gives them the opportunity to set up a long-term healthy
roaming strategy.
France Telecom Orange guarantees the total confidentiality of the customers’
roaming data. The Roaming Hub team is part of the France Telecom Orange
Wholesale Division, and has no direct link with the Orange members roaming
International Carriers

Internet and bandwidth

Open transit Internet

Definition Our solution

The Open Transit® Internet (OTI) Thanks to a seamless and highly secure backbone, high quality
service is an international commitments and a strong presence on the major Internet exchange
wholesale Internet connectivity points worldwide, we can provide 2 different commercial offers that
solution for carriers, ISPs, aim at satisfying as accurately as possible its customer’s needs.
research networks and content OTI Pure Speed
providers. The OTI service is a The PureSpeed solution is our wholesale Internet connectivity flagship
bundled offer that inglobes both product. It is dedicated to carriers, ISPs and research networks. This
the Internet connection (Internet offer is based on our fully owned International IP backbone covering
access) giving full access to the the world with high capacities and traffic policing possibilities. It is
Open Transit Internet connectivity designed to adapt to each IP player’s needs.
and, if requested by the customer,
customer benefits
the transmission facilities (Service
The perfect mix of global coverage, local service and an
Access link) from the customer’s
overall commitment to quality.
equipment to our service point
of presence. OTI Content
The content solution is tailor-made for content providers (including
web sites, portals and content delivery networks) that need
international Internet connectivity, delivering top quality content to a
maximum of Internet end-users.
customer benefits
We provide the broadest array possible of types of traffic to
customers in order to offer the best rates associated with a
customized billing.

Open transit Internet

Value Added Services
We give access to a secured Web server which provides on-line traffic statistics to

Looking glass allows to

Follow the network routing state (AS path, dampening, and equipment versions...).
Trace route and ping from each Open Transit Internet router. View certain router
environmental parameters such as software version, temperature, load rate, etc.

The Newsfeed function permits to feed servers with articles by accepting them on
our server and offering them to customers. News feeds are accomplished through
cooperating news servers, which communicate via NNTP (Network News Transfer

Secondary DNS
To send e-mails, to browse the web and for any other type of Internet usage,
Domain Name Servers are used.

IP addresses
It is the address given to a computer when on a TCP/IP network. Every client and
server station must have a unique IP address to be identified. Client workstations
have either a permanent address or one that is dynamically assigned to them at
each dial-up session.

The transmission of Multicast content enables customers to optimize their
The multicast dynamic routing policy is based on the PIM, MSDP and MBGP

Blackholing was implemented to protect our customers from distributed denial
of service attacks.

IPv6 is the new version of the IP Protocol, enabling IP networks to work more
efficiently than the current IPv4.
International Carriers

Internet and bandwidth


Definition Our solution

The purpose of the bandwidth City to City Solution (C2C)
solution is to provide a point to Classic C2C services are international circuits over SDH or
point transmission service Sonet technology and Wavelength. C2C is a Lambda Offer (2,5
over SDH, Sonet or WDM and 10 Gbps capacities).
(whatever the geographical
locations, starting points and C2C options
traffic type) for carriers, • Long Distance Giga-Ethernet (LDE)
Internet service providers We provide any customer with a LDE point to point transport
(ISPs), application service service between two cities in Europe with conditions to be in an
providers (ASPs), content eligible European area.
providers and multinational
companies. customer benefits
- A limited cost with Ethernet interfaces compared to classic
- A granularity and flexibility of bandwidth

! Integrated One-Stop-Shopping (OSS)

customer benefits
-the possibility to deal with a single point of contact for billing,
ordering, provisioning, and maintenance. This facilitates the
daily management effectiveness.
Internet and bandwidth

IPL+ Solution
IPL+ provides permanent dedicated bandwidth between two international cities
and may be regarded as one of our Points of Presence to a Cable Head Landing
Station (PoP-To-CHLS) for full circuit services or as one of our Points of Presence
to half international circuit (PoP-To-Half) for half circuit services.
Backhaul Solution
Backhaul is the terrestrial termination of submarine capacity, from a cable head
landing station to one of our Points of Presence (CHLS-to-PoP) or directly to a
customer site (CHLS-to-End) over SDH, Sonet and DWDM technology.
dedicated transit
Dedicated Transit provides permanent dedicated bandwidth between two
International Access Points (Border Points or CableHead Landing Stations
(CHLS)) on Orange Network. The circuit transits through a country but does not
end in the country as the other transmission offers do. Dedicated Transit can be
provided and billed in a half circuit mode to two operators, or in a full circuit mode
to one operator.
The Housing offer consists in offering clients to house their IP or Transmission
equipment in our location or that of our partners. Housing is not sold alone. It is
meant to be bundled or packaged with other offers such as City to City or OTI.

Value Added Services

MSP 1+1 (Multiplex Section Protection)
MSP offers a redundancy of card in access equipment and redundancy of “in
House Cabling”.
customer benefits Lower risk of outage, higher security/ better quality
The restoration solution consists in providing the customer with a back-up for the
wet section of its City-to-City, IPL+ or OTI links.
customer benefits
a simplified procedure for you to order a full transmission capacity solution
Benefit from our partnership with the African & Middle Eastern operators.
We buy from our partner the part of Network we need to propose you a full
solution. We are in charge of the ordering and invoicing for the whole international
circuit. Simplify your management to reach countries in Africa & the Middle East
! you will have Only One Referent = France Telecom Orange
! 1 contact for orders, billing, after sales management
! 100% transparent for you
! an efficient after sales service
International Carriers


Mobile content solutions

Definition Our solution

Mobile content is any type of media Our Mobile Content Solutions offer is an added-value service
which is viewed or used on mobile based on our expertise of the mobile market and is specifically
phones, such as ringtones, graphics, dedicated to MNOs looking for a turnkey solution.
games and movies. Content can be Two functionalities are provided to MNOs:
local or international. Besides standard
non-voice functionalities like access to a complete Content portfolio
SMS/MMS services and calendar, We provide our customers with a rich catalogue of local and
mobile phone owners use more and international contents as varied as sports, news, finance data,
more their devices for media ringtones or games... The MNO can thus make these contents
applications such as web browsing, available to its end-users when browsing or for SMS
downloading, chats or TV. downloading. We handle copyright, licenses and partnerships
Mobile phones are about to become management with the content providers.
the main access to digital information
and media. development and management of the WAP Portal
We manage the whole WAP portal development and
WAP portal is the principal application customization to match the MNO Look & Feel.
of the WAP (Wireless Application A complete set of online administration and reporting tools is
Protocol) technology. It enables available via our Wholesale Solutions Extranet. The MNO can
access to the Internet from a mobile manage the WAP portal and choose the contents. A pricing
phone or PDA. interface connected to its billing system is also provided to
manage the content prices.
Content is formatted for the end-user’s handset – 1,200
references - and distributed through WAP Push, IVR, SMS, and
A WAP portal provides all the basic Internet technologies.
services of a computer based
web browser but simplified to operate
within the restrictions of a mobile

Mobile content solutions

! development of a WEB portal with mobile content as well as its management
! hosting of the WAP portal
! hosting of the WEB portal


one-stop shopping solution

We offer a comprehensive solution which does not require any copyright or
license management on the customer’s end. The WAP portal is delivered fully
branded and the contents are adapted to the handset of the end-user.

reliable content
You can select high-quality content from our catalogue: licensed, regularly
updated and in accordance with your end-users’ needs and wishes.

branded and customizable portal

The portal is designed to your liking (brand…) and the management tools are
provided for full customization.

easy management
Simple tools are provided to help you easily administrate your portal: content
management, publishing management, handset management, customer care,
statistics and pricing interfaces.

neither CAPEX nor expertise costs

With our Mobile Content Solution, you avoid capital expenditures and expertise
costs. You provide your end-users with data-centric activities and increase your
revenues and margin growth.

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