Library of Articles
Library of Articles
Library of Articles
Topics and Conversations
The Skill of Problem Exploration
Big philosophical issues – what parents think about God, politics, why
people and countries fight
Personal interests
Current events
What was the high point and the low point of your day?
Tell me the good news and the bad news about school today (work,
practice, camp, etc).
I’m wondering what you’re thinking about (if your teen seems preoccupied).
Would you be willing to talk to me about it?
Tell me about something good that’s happened since the last time we
Describe something you have done recently that you are proud of.
Tell me about something you did this week to help someone else.
I will be here for you regardless of any mistakes you may make.
I know there will be times when you will make mistakes in judgment and be
more impulsive than you will one day be.
I also understand that right now it is hard to focus on others because so
much is going on inside you in so many ways. It won’t always be that way.
I am learning about you as you grow up. I appreciate all the good things
about you and the potential I see for you to become a wonderful adult in
this world.
I know that sometimes you don’t like the rules I impose on you. I have
them to keep you safe and to help you grow.
You can be a little kid sometimes and an almost adult at other times. I
understand that and it is okay with me.
I am really not out to get you or to ruin your life although I know that at
times it may seem like I am.
The process needs to be respectful and provide emotional safety for each
person and be constructive for the parent/child relationship.
You can use this approach to model healthy ways to address problems and
conflicts. Often the decision about how to resolve the problem is not as
important as the process itself.
Role model fair and effective ways to handle problems and conflicts
For more information about raising a teen, check out the following books.
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help parents do the best job they can to raise their children.