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MCQ Test 9

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1. Which of the following is not a fundamental unit? (a) Second(b) Ampere(c) Candela(d) Newton
2. Which of the following is a fundamental unit? (a) mls1(b) Joule (c) Newton(d) metre
3. Which is not a unit of distance? (a) metre(b) millimetre(c) Leap year(d) kilometre
4. Fill in the blanks: The unit is which we measure the quantity is called _ _ _ quantity.
5. I light year is equal to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m. I mean solar day= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sec
I year= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sec l micrometre = _ _ _ _ _ _ m.
6. Name the convenient unit you will use to measure:
(a) length of a hall(b) width of a book(c) diameter ofhair(d) distance between two cities.
7. Pick out the scalar and vector quantities from the following list:
Mass density displacement distance momentum acceleration temperature time

8. A graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis in a distance - time graph. From the graph, it implies
: (a) body is stationary(b) body is moving with a uniform speed
(c) body is moving with a variable speed(d) none of these
9. The slope of a displacement - time graph represents :
(a) uniform speed (b) non-uniform speed (c) uniform velocity (d) uniform acceleration
10. A body dropped from the top of a tower reaches the ground in 4s. Height of the tower is
(a) 39.2 m (b) 44. l m (c) 58.8 m (d) 78.4 m
11. The speed of a car reduces from 15 mis to 5 mis over a displacement of 10 m. The uniform acceleration
of the car is (a)-10 mls2 (b) + 10 mls2 (c) 2 mls2 (d) 0.5 mis
12. A body projected vertically up with a velocity 10 mis reaches a height of 20 DL If it is projected with a
velocity of20 mis, then maximum height reached by the body is (a) 20 m (b) 10 m (c) 80 m (d) 40 m
13. What does the area of an acceleration - time graph represent?
(a) Uniform velocity(b) Displacement(c) Distance(d) Variable velocity
14. A driver applies brakes when he sees a child on the railway track, the speed of the train reduces from 54
km/h to 18 km/h in 5 s. What is the distance travelled by the train during this interval of time?
15. In velocity time graph, the acceleration is
(a) - 4 mlsi(b) 4 mls2(c) 10 mls2(d) zero
TIN(o) X

16. The distance covered in adjoining velocity - time

graph is:
(a) 25 m(b) 40 m(c) 50 m(d) 45 m

17. At the maximum height, a body thrown vertically upwards has :

(a) velocity not zero but acceleration zero. (b) acceleration not zero but velocity zero.
(c) both acceleration and velocity are zero. (d) both acceleration and velocity are not zero.
18. Calculate the velocity of a body of mass 0.5 kg, when It has a linear momentum of 5 Ns.
19..Derive the relation between newton and dyne.
20. The mass of earth is 6 x 102' kg and radius of earth is 6.4 x 106 m. The magnitude of force
between the mass of 1 kg and the earth is : (a) 770 N (b) 9 .81 ON (c) 830 N (d) 9 .790 N
21 . A man is walking from east to west on a rough surface. The force on the man is directed :
(a) from west to east (b} from east to west (c) along the north (d} along the west
9 mcqs G question - Read-only v
- -
22. Inertia is the property of a body by virtue of which the body is :
(a) unable to change by itself the state of rest (b) unable to change by itself the state of
uniform motion
(c) unable to change by itself the direction of motion
(d) unable to change by Itself the state of rest or uniform motion.
23. The impulse of a body is equal to : (a) rate of change of its momentum (b) change in its
(c) the product of force applied on It and the time of application of force. (d) both (b) and (c).

24. A force acts on a body of mass 3 kg such that its velocity changes from 4 msr' to 10 ms-1 • The
change In momentum of the body Is (a) 42 kgms-1 (b) 2 kgms-1 (c) 18 kgms·1 (d) 14 kgms·1
25. Action-reaction forces (a) act on the same body (b) act on different bodies
(c) act along different llnes (d) act In same direction
26. Which of the following are vector quantities? (a) Momentum (b) Velocity (c) Force (d) All of
27. A woman drawing water from a village well, falls backward, when the rope snaps. This Is on
account of (a) Newton's third law of motion (b) Newton's law of gravitation
(c) Newton's second law of motion (d) Newton's first law of motion
28. When you kick a stone, you get hurt Due to which property this happens?
(a) Inertia of stone (b) Velocity of the kick (c) Momentum of the kick (d) Reaction of the stone.
29. How Is weight affected In the following cases, when Initially the body Is weighed In Delhi with a
spring balance? A. Body Is taken to Moscow. B. Body Is taken to Ceylon.
c. Body Is taken to sea level. d. Body Is taken to high mountain. e. Body Is taken Inside
30. What vertical height of water will exert pressure of 333200 Pa? Density of water Is 1000 kgnr .
31 . Unit of thrust In SI system Is (a) dynes(b) joule(c) N/m2 (d) newton
32. The unit Nm2 ls the unit of (a) force(b) pressure(c) thrust(d) momentum
33. One Pascal Is equal to: (a) Nm2 (b) Nm..2 (c) Nm2 (d) Nm-1
34. Thrust acting perpendicularly on the unit surface area is called :
(a) pressure (b) moment of force (c) down thrust (d) none of these
35. Pressure applied in liquids is transmitted with undiminished force:
(a) In downward dlrectlon(b) upward only (c) sides of containing vessel(d) In all directions
36. As we move upwards, the atmospheric pressure :
(a) lncreases(b) decreases(c) remains same(d) cannot be said
37. A dam for water reservoir is built thicker at the bottom than at the top because :
(a) pressure of water Is very large at the bottom due to Its large depth
(b) water Is llkely to have more density at the bottom due to Its large depth
(c) quantity of water at the bottom Is large (d) variation In value of 'g'
38. The pressure exerted by 50 kg (g = 10 m/s2) on an area of cross section of 2 m 2 is :
(a) 50 Pa(b) 200 Pa(c) 250 Pa (d) 1000 Pa
39. Pressure at a point inside a liquid does not depend on :
(a) The depth of the point below the surface of the liquid (b) The nature of the liquid
(c) The acceleration due to gravity at that point (d) The sha of the containing vessel
40. 10. The atmospheric pressure on earth's surface is approximately
(a) 105 Pa(b) 104 Pa(c) 9.6x 104 N/m2(d) 1(}-4 Pa
41. The force experienced by a body when partially or fully immersed in water is called :
(a) apparent weight(b) up thrust(c) down thrust(d) none of these

42. When a body is floating in a liquid :

(a) The weight of the body Is less than the upthrust due to Immersed part of the body
(b) The weight of body Is more than the upthrust due to the Immersed part of the body
(c) The weight of body Is equal to the upthrust due to the Immersed part of the body
(d) none of the above
43. With the Increase In the density of the fluid, the upthrust experienced by a body Immersed In It :
(a) decreases(b) lncreases(c) remains same(d) none of these
44. The apparent weight of a body In a fluid Is :
(a) equal to weight of fluid displaced (b) volume of fluid displaced
(c) difference between Its weight In air and weight of fluid displaced (d) none of the above
45. The phenomenon due to which a solid experiences upward force when Immersed In water Is
called : (a) floatation (b) buoyancy (c) density (d) none of these
46. When an object sinks In a liquid, Its :
(a) buoyant force Is more than weight of object (b) buoyant force Is less than weight of object
(c) buoyant force Is equal to the weight of the object (d) none of the above
47. The SI unit of density Is : (a) gem3 (b) kgem3 (c) kgm.J (d) gm.J
48. When a body Is wholly or partially Immersed In a liquid, It experiences a buoyant force which is
equal to : (a) volume of liquid displaced by It (b) weight of liquid displaced by It
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of the above
49. 9. The ratio between the mass of a substance and the mass of an equal volume of water at
4°C Is called: (a) relative density (b) denslty(c) welght(d) pressure
50. A body has density 9.6 gem ·3 • Its density In SI system Is :
(a) 96 kgm3(b) 960 kgm3(c) 9600 kgm3 (d) 96,000 kgm-3

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