Emergency Response Plan COVID19 V2.6 Supplementary 2
Emergency Response Plan COVID19 V2.6 Supplementary 2
Emergency Response Plan COVID19 V2.6 Supplementary 2
Document Number: NA
Rev N: 2020 (2.6)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...................................................................................... 1
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................ 4
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Scope ....................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Definitions ................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Reduce Exposure ......................................................................................... 5
2.0 “COVID19” EMERGENCY REPORTING ............................................................ 6
2.1 Symptoms .................................................................................................. 6
3.0 ALL OTHER EMERGENCIES ........................................................................ 6
3.1 How to Report Emergencies “Saudi Aramco (911) land-line”; ..................................... 6
3.2 How to Report Emergencies “VHF and Port Control” ............................................... 7
4.0 MARINE EMERGENCY CALL OUT LIST ............................................................ 8
5.0 SUPPORT SERVICES CALL OUT LIST ............................................................. 8
6.0 MARINE PROPONENT CALL OUT LIST ............................................................ 8
7.0 Sources of Information ........................................................................... 9
7.1 General Information...................................................................................... 9
7.2 Communication Protocol ................................................................................ 9
7.3 Business Continuity Requirements ..................................................................... 9
7.3.1 Business Continuity Activation Triggers: ............................................................ 9
8.0 CREDIBLE INCIDENTS AND CAUSES ............................................................ 10
8.1 Travel .................................................................................................... 10
8.3 Credible Emergency Scenarios ........................................................................ 10
8.3.1 Onshore ................................................................................................ 11 Supply Base and Administration Offices ................................................................... 11 Administration ................................................................................................. 11 Special Work Arrangements .................................................................................. 12 COVID-19 Suspected or Confirmed Cases .................................................................. 12 Procurement of PPE for COVID-19 .......................................................................... 12 Hygiene and Protection Requirement for COVID-19 ..................................................... 13 Office Requirements .......................................................................................... 13
8.3.2 Offshore Vessel ....................................................................................... 13 Outbreak Management Plan ................................................................................. 13 Vessels and crews ............................................................................................. 14 Cleaning and Disinfection .................................................................................... 15 Management of Contacts ..................................................................................... 15 High Risk Exposure ............................................................................................ 16 Transportation of Suspected Cases ......................................................................... 16 PPE ............................................................................................................... 16
Change History
Version Date Author Changes Reviewer
V 1.1 03/11/20 Brian Rennie Page 8: Contact numbers for Justin Martin
OUT LIST” should be updated.
Jeddah Refinery to be de-
leted and “WR Distribution
Dept.”, “WR Terminal Opera-
tions Dept.” and “Yanbu Re-
finery Dept.” to be added.
V 1.2 03/12/20 Justin Martin Appendix A, B & C added. Brian Rennie
V 2.1 03/16/20 Justin Martin Scenario Checklists Updates Brian Rennie
V 2.2 03/17/20 Justin Martin Appendix A updated to reflect Brian Rennie
return to work
V 2.3 03/19/20 Justin Martin Appendix D added and Ambu- Brian Rennie
lance Transfer clarified
V2.4 03/23/20 Justin Martin HR added to notification list Brian Rennie
in Scenario Checklists
V2.5 04/02/20 Justin Martin EPD added to notification list Brian Rennie
in Scenario Checklists.
V2.6 04/09/20 Brian Rennie Passenger Face Masks require- Justin Martin
ment added to
1.0 Introduction
This Annexure to the Saudi Aramco Marine Department Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is a docu-
mented operational plan for how the Saudi Aramco Marine department will mitigate, respond and
move to the Business Continuity Phase if required to continue providing services to the organization
when there is a widespread outbreak of a life-threatening, and infectious disease (COVID19). The
Marine Department will protect employees and contractors minimizing the transfer of infectious
diseases that results in, or could lead to, a significant business disruption, loss, or emergency. MD
will commit resources to ensure safety of its personnel and minimize impact to Saudi Aramco busi-
ness relying on Marine Services.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this instruction is to establish a procedure for response to the COVID19 virus
emergencies that is anticipated to occur within the offshore and onshore marine environ-
ment. This instruction will explain the various types of potential responses.
1.2 Scope
This document is for internal use only and is applicable to all Marine activities conducted
by Saudi Aramco personnel and contractors within the Marine Department both onshore and
offshore. This document does not override Corporate, JHAH or government procedures.
1.3 Definitions
Emergency: Any situation likely to result in injury to personnel or damage to equip-
ment or facilities which can be dealt with entirely by the Marine De-
Marine Incident: The Marine Department has primary responsibility for the resolution
of emergency events occurring within Marine facilities or on-board
Marine Department controlled vessels.
COVID19: Coronavirus that was first detected in China and now been detected
in locations internationally, including in Saudi Arabia. The virus has
been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named
“coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”).
• Respiratory symptoms
• Fever
• Cough
• Shortness of breath
• Breathing difficulties
In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome,
kidney failure and even death. Infection from humans to humans may occur during the in-
cubation period (before persons show signs of sickness). Coronavirus can cause more se-
vere symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, older people, and those with
long-term conditions like diabetes, cancer, heart disease and chronic lung disease.
All employees should report any suspected symptoms of the COVID-19 novel virus to
the Marine Shift Superintendent in order that necessary emergency response and
business continuity arrangements can be implemented. Please make sure all infor-
mation in Declaration Form (Appendix D) is available.
Whilst most external conferences are being cancelled or postponed, external conferences
should be avoided if possible or if attendance is required, this should be authorized by the
Marine HR Unit. If employees do attend, a fourteen (14) day quarantine may be required or
until medical clearance has been provided (JHAH and Government Agency Requirement).
Internal conferences/trainings/meetings and events should be reviewed in context with the
travel, business need, and ability to reschedule at a later date.
John Hopkins
Marine Department Manager and/or/ Human Resources Unit
The decision to activate this Departmental Business Continuity Plan should be dictated by
the incident’s impact, or potential impact, on the Aramco business. A scenario constitutes
an activation trigger if:
Its impact caused or can cause a disruption of IS Services that affects Aramco busi-
ness at a scale that justifies activation per the SACCP crisis levels dictated in Section
7.5 of the Business Continuity Plan; and,
Activation triggers include, but are not limited to, the following scenarios:
Work location is unavailable
Network is unavailable
Infrastructure is unavailable
Application is unavailable
MD Personnel are unavailable or cannot perform their work
The three highlighted scenarios are the most credible during the COVID 19 crisis.
Failure to do the above actions, or providing false information, may result in se-
vere disciplinary action as established by Company policies and procedures.
10 | P a g e
8.3.1 Onshore Administration
Divisions shall prepare a Management Plan that covers critical activities that
must continue to support the operations with back up plans for these activi-
ties identified. This should include preparation of assessments for immediate
business continuity, as well the development of a plan to manage the busi-
ness should the COVID-19 outbreak last:
30 to 90 Days
Up to 6 months
6 months or longer
Continuity of Crewing and Vessel Operations
Continuity of Supply Chain and Logistics
Requirement for the stocking of supplies and spares that might be im-
pacted by long supply times
Review of critical equipment spares.
The identification of critical personnel to support these activities – back
up personnel should be identified.
Which of these critical functions can be conducted remotely or require an
alternative location.
Maintaining open communications between vendors, suppliers and key
customers regarding impacts on their operations.
Identification of non-essential functions that can be suspended during the
duration of the threat
Plan for remote working
Plan for the management of commercial activities and charter parties re-
Initiate and be prepared to support a virtual Emergency Operations Cen-
Develop local procedure that makes it safer for an employee to come to
11 | P a g e
Work from Home: Arrange employees to work from home in order to mini-
mize the risk of infection.
Flexible Working Hour: Provide flexible working hour to minimize the risk
of infection of the disease or
Alternative Working Day: Separate the employees into different teams
and report duty to office by team according to the roster assigned by the
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The Marine Manager will make the final decision whether to quarantine the
entire vessel.
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15 | P a g e PPE
All vessels shall ensure they have adequate supplies of the following PPE:
• N95 Face Masks
• Nitrile Gloves
• Hand Sanitizer
Sea Bus/ crew transfer passengers will not be permitted to enter the Sea Bus
check-in/lounge nor to board the vessel unless they are wearing a protective
mask. In accordance with the standard provision of PPE, it is the responsibil-
ity of the passenger’s proponent/employer to provide this essential item of
PPE. No items of PPE or face masks are available at the Sea Bus Check-in.
16 | P a g e
Proponents and Employers are reminded that all outbound passengers must
complete the Health Declaration Form with the required information which is
to be handed to the Sea-Bus Dispatcher prior to check-in. Off-signer passen-
gers must fill the Health Declaration Form with the required information and
hand it over to the Ship’s Master prior boarding the vessel.
The gangway is the only access to and from a vessel and the primary place to
prevent infected persons from boarding the vessel. Communication signs
shall be positioned at the gangway in local language stating the following:
• Any persons boarding the vessel with the following conditions shall
make themselves known to the gangway watch immediately:
• Entered a country with community transmission of COVID-19 virus (The
latest update on the outbreak could be found via www.who.int or your
local government website); or
• Has mild to severe respiratory illness with fever
• Cough and/or difficulty breathing
If any of the above conditions are met it is advised to not let that person
and any in close proximity onto the vessel. The Master as always has the
overriding authority on their vessel. The above shall also be included in the
vessel familiarisation. The Gangway Watch shall be provided with the fol-
lowing PPE at all times:
• N95 Face Protection is to be worn and user is to ensure that it is cor-
rectly fitted at all times
• Nitrile Gloves
• Hand Sanitizer
If a visitor or crew member who has been on a vessel has been confirmed
with COVID-19 then twice daily temperature checks shall be conducted on all
crewmembers using an infrared thermometer, any temperatures of above
37.5 °C shall be reported immediately to the Master and Shift Duty Manager
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8.4 Training
Each Division shall provide relevant training to persons who conduct body tempera-
ture measures, cleaning. The training shall cover, but not limited to:
Marine Manager is responsible for ensuring that this ERP undergoes a full review of all
sections. He will also ensure that, upon completion of review, the Plan is publicized
and distributed as required, and that it is complied with by all involved personnel.
Marine Manager will ensure that all Emergency Call-Out Lists are reviewed at least once
every month.
Marine Manager will ensure that all personnel listed on the Emergency Call-Out List who
may be required to respond to an emergency are readily available.
18 | P a g e
9. Cleaning and disinfecting to be carried out of the vessel including all common
10. Communicate to staff regarding suspected cases and notification of backup
staff allocation.
11. Twice Daily temperatures to taken of all personnel.
12. Identify HIGH Risk persons – persons that have been in close proximity with
suspected case.
13. Schedule testing for suspected case
14. Consider need to isolate / quarantine vessel – seek Marine Manager approval.
15. Communicate to external parties – coast guard, customs, port control etc.
16. Marine Shift Supervisor to organize removal of suspect person from vessel to
17. Saudi Aramco personnel to be transferred JHAH facility / Non Aramco person-
nel to be transferred as directed by Contractor Port Engineer.
18. Suspect Personnel not to report for duty until Mandatory Government require-
ments are met.
19 | P a g e
8. Cleaning and disinfecting to be carried out of the vessel including all common
9. Communicate to staff regarding suspected cases and notification of backup
staff allocation.
10. Twice Daily temperatures to taken of all personnel.
12. Consider need to isolate / quarantine vessel – seek Marine Manager approval
13. Communicate to external parties – coast guard, customs, port control etc.
14. Marine Shift Supervisor to organize removal of suspect person from vessel to
15. Saudi Aramco personnel to be transferred JHAH facility / Non Aramco person-
nel to be transferred as directed by Contractor Port Engineer
16. Suspect Personnel not to report for duty until Mandatory Government require-
ments are met.
20 | P a g e
9. Consider sending high risk personnel home for mandatory 14 day quarantine
11. Cleaning and disinfecting to be carried out of the office spaces including all
common areas in which suspect person has been in contact with
12. Communicate to staff regarding suspected cases and notification of backup
staff allocation.
13. Continue temperature monitoring all personnel twice daily.
14. Suspected Personnel not to return to work until medical approval presented
15. Saudi Aramco personnel to be transferred JHAH facility / Non Aramco person-
nel to be transferred as directed by Contractor Port Engineer
16. Suspect Personnel not to report for duty until Mandatory Government require-
ments are met.
21 | P a g e
9. Consider sending high risk personnel home for mandatory 14 day quarantine
11. Cleaning and disinfecting to be carried out of the office spaces including all
common areas in which suspect person has been in contact with
12. Communicate to staff regarding suspected cases and notification of backup
staff allocation.
13. Continue temperature monitoring all personnel twice daily.
14. Suspected Personnel not to return to work until medical approval presented
17. Saudi Aramco personnel to be transferred JHAH facility / Non Aramco person-
nel to be transferred as directed by Contractor Port Engineer
18. Suspect Personnel not to report for duty until Mandatory Government require-
ments are met.
22 | P a g e
• Respiratory symp-
• Cough
• Shortness of breath
• Breathing difficulties
23 | P a g e
A suspected case of COVID-19 is reported on board a vessel/ at a Marine shore facility. The casu-
alty is reportedly suffering fever, dry cough and breathing difficulty. There is a potential of
spread of the condition to other personnel on the vessel or facility, contractors or other stake-
B. Possible Causes:
(List all possible causes; this will help in identifying preventive measures.)
D. Effect on Operations:
(List all possible effects on involved operations [including up & downstream] that may be af-
24 | P a g e
E. Location-specific/Equipment-specific Notes:
(Identify specific locations and equipment involved and provide information on items that may
intensify the situation and information that may need to be known by responders [restricted ac-
cess; types, quantities, and locations of hazardous materials stored in the affected area; etc.)
Tanajib/ Ras Tanura/ Jeddah - GOSRD – Oil Spill Response services – Restricted Security Access
F. Preventive Measures:
(Identify existing preventive measures in place and determine additional measures
[engineering controls, etc.] that might be put into effect.)
Comments Recommendations
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G. Initial Response:
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03/12/20 - There have been cases reported in industry but not in the company, with people suffering
minor health effects affecting work. There have been high fatalities in the demographic age group
65+, specific to those with pre-existing, heart and lung disease as well as those with chronic illness and
low immune systems. The risk is dynamic and claimed as a pandemic and must be frequently re-as-
2 3 6
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