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Pair Trade - Short SBI Long HDFC Bank

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India Alternative Research

Pair Trading Strategy : Short SBIN, Long HDFCBANK

Recommended Strategy November 21, 2008

10:26 AM IST

Short SBIN, Long HDFCBANK on a rupee-neutral basis.

Currently, the November Futures of SBIN and HDFCBANK are trading at Rs
1,121.25 and Rs 821.90 respectively, giving a current price ratio Bloomberg SBIN=1
(SBIN/HDFCBANK) of 1.380 .

We recommend profit booking at the price ratio of 1.216 , keeping a stop Price 1,121.25
loss of 1.502 .
Mkt. Cap (Rs Cr) 70,678

The expected return at the target is 11.8%, computed on gross exposure. Beta 1.05

Lot Size 132

Over the past 1 month, SBIN has outperformed HDFCBANK as SBIN has
decreased by 20.0% as against a decrease of 22.9% in HDFCBANK. As a Lot Value (Rs) 148,223
result, the current price ratio of 1.380 is trading at 2.79 x standard
deviations above 20 day mean price ratio.


Price Ratio (SBIN / HDFCBANK) Bloomberg HDFCB=1

Price 821.90
Mkt. Cap (Rs Cr) 34,439
1.28 Beta 1.05

1.16 Lot Size 200

Lot Value (Rs) 167,160











Source : Bloomberg, KRC Research CA Alok Agarwal

[email protected]
Key Statistics
℡ 91-22-6696 5555 (Ext.502)

Stock Ratio data Average Ratio Correlation

Current Ratio 1.380 20 days 1.193 20 days 84%

Expected Ratio 1.216 60 days 1.210 60 days 85%

% return 11.8% 250 days 1.252 250 days 93% www.krchoksey.com

KRC Research is also available on Bloomberg KRCS<GO>, Thomson First Call, Reuters and Factset
India Alternative Research

Past Performance

Closed Trades :

No. of Ret. Ret.

Entry Close
Days Start Date / Entry Close
Strategy Price Price On On Remarks
Trade Close Date Ratio Ratio
(Rs.) (Rs.) GE AD

Long TCS
17-Oct-08 504.90 549.00
9 Short 1.785 1.972 10.5% 15.8% -
29-Oct-08 282.90 278.40

07-Oct-08 Long LT 1,016.15 817.30

10 0.674 0.736 9.1% 18.2% -
20-Oct-08 Short BHEL 1,507.55 1,110.00

14-Oct-08 Short INFOSYSTCH 1,387.55 1,268.00

4 8.613 7.752 10.0% 16.0% -
17-Oct-08 Long HCLTECH 161.10 163.50

13-Oct-08 Long RCOM 283.20 278.25 Stop Loss triggered on

1 3.890 3.637 -6.5% -11.1% first day itself after
14-Oct-08 Short IDEA 72.80 76.50 touching high of 4.060

06-Oct-08 Long RCOM 301.30 306.70 Profits booked on first

1 4.329 4.588 6.0% 12.0%
06-Oct-08 Short IDEA 69.60 66.85 day itself.

30-Sept-08 Short BHARTIARTL 758.10 758.50 1st target was revised as

3 2.351 2.244 4.8% 9.6% the market was very
3-Oct-08 Long RCOM 322.40 338.00 volatile.

20-Sept-08 Short DLF 429.60 383.35 1st target was revised as

5 3.407 3.117 6.0% 9.0% the market was very
26-Sept-08 Long UNITECH 126.10 119.25 volatile.

13-Sept-08 Short ACC 589.00 608.55 50% Profit booked on 19-

6 7.349 7.080 2.8% 5.7% Sept and bal. 50% closed
22-Sept-08 Long AMBUJACEM 80.15 85.95 out on 22-Sept

• GE = Gross Equity Exposure;

• AD = Amount Deployed for margins (taken at total margin of each stock and 10% safety margin)

Open Trades :

Ret. Ret.
No. of Days Start Date / Entry Entry Current Current
Strategy On On Remarks
Trade Open Close Date Price (Rs.) Ratio Price (Rs.) Ratio

29-Oct-08 Long GRASIM 995.00 905.00

12 17.960 16.132 -10.2% -10.2% -
Open Short AMBUJACEM 55.55 56.☺0

• GE = Gross Equity Exposure;

• AD = Amount Deployed for margins (taken at total margin of each stock and 10% safety margin)

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India Alternative Research

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India Alternative Research

Rajiv Choksey Institutional Sales [email protected] +91-22-6653 5135

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Alok Agarwal Institutional Research [email protected] +91-22-6696 5502



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