S4 - Imagers - Gaudin Delrieu
S4 - Imagers - Gaudin Delrieu
S4 - Imagers - Gaudin Delrieu
Catherine GAUDIN-DELRIEU(1), Jean-Luc LAMARD(1), Philippe CHEROUTRE(1), Bruno BAILLY(1), Pierre
DHUICQ(1), Olivier PUIG(2)
Thales Alenia Space, 100 Bd. Du Midi, 06156 Cannes la Bocca – France, E-mail: , catherine.gaudin-
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
CNES, Centre de Toulouse, 18 Avenue E. Belin, 31401 Toulouse Cedex 4 – France, E-mail: : [email protected]
Coming after the SPOT satellites series, PLEIADES- Following the SPOT satellites family, within the future
HR is a CNES optical high resolution satellite Franco Italian ORFEO system dedicated to optical and
dedicated to Earth observation, part of a larger optical radar Earth observation, CNES, who is in charge of the
and radar multi-sensors system, ORFEO, which is optical component, imagined a system whose
developed in cooperation between France and Italy for performances are significantly enhanced compared to
dual Civilian and Defense use. The development of the the SPOT series and achieve a range of operational
two PLEIADES-HR cameras was entrusted by CNES missions widened to defense and civil safety domains.
to Thales Alenia Space. This new generation of It is composed of two satellites equipped with optical
instrument represents a breakthrough in comparison high resolution cameras. The agility of the satellites
with the previous SPOT instruments owing to a allows a great capacity of daily image acquisitions. The
significant step in on-ground resolution, which so called PLEIADES-HR satellites, will deliver
approaches the capabilities of aerial photography. panchromatic images with broad field and 70cm
The PLEIADES-HR instrument program benefits from ground sample distance at nadir. The panchromatic
Thales Alenia Space long and successful heritage in acquisition (Pan) is supplemented by four multispectral
Earth observation from space. The proposed solution channels (MS) with narrow spectral bands and 2.8m
benefits from an extensive use of existing products, ground sample distance at nadir.
Cannes Space Optics Centre facilities, unique in Thales Alenia Space, in charge of designing, building
Europe, dedicated to High Resolution instruments. and testing the optical instrument, has recently
The optical camera provides wide field panchromatic successfully completed the development of the Proto-
images supplemented by 4 multispectral channels with Flight Model with outstanding image quality
narrow spectral bands. The optical concept is based on performances.
a four mirrors Korsch telescope.
Crucial improvements in detector technology, optical 3 REQUIREMENTS
fabrication and electronics make it possible for the
PLEIADES-HR instrument to achieve the image The PLEIADES-HR camera achieves all the image
quality requirements while respecting the drastic quality requirements (field of view, ground sample
limitations of mass and volume imposed by the satellite distance (GSD), modulation transfer function (MTF),
agility needs and small launchers compatibility. signal to noise ratio (SNR)) while respecting the drastic
The two flight telescopes were integrated, aligned and restrictions of mass and volume imposed by satellite
tested. After the integration phase, the alignment, accommodation and performance. The main
mainly based on interferometric measurements in requirements that have led to the camera design choices
vacuum chamber, was successfully achieved within are summarized hereafter:
high accuracy requirements. The wave front
measurements show outstanding performances, Mass <215kg
confirmed, after the integration of the PFM Detection volume L<1900mm
Unit, by MTF measurements on the Proto-Flight Model Diameter<1200mm
Delivery of the proto flight model occurred mi-2008. PAN MS-B0 MS-B1 MS-B2 MS-B3
The FM2 Instrument delivery is planned Q2-2009. Spectral 480nm 450nm 510nm 620nm 775nm
The first optical satellite launch of the PLEIADES-HR band 820nm 530nm 590nm 700nm 915nm
constellation is foreseen beginning-2010, the second Field of
will follow beginning-2011. view
GSD at nadir 0.7m 2.8m
PAN MS-B0 MS-B1 MS-B2 MS-B3 The beams are folded up along the field of view so as
> 0.073(*) to locate the focal plane on a cold side of the satellite,
MTF at 0.2 at 1/2*2.8m-1 due to thermal control constraint.
1/2*0.7m-1 As for the beams coming from M3 towards the focal
SNR @L2 plane not being blocked by MR, the field of view is
> 90 > 90
slightly shifted perpendicular to the image line. Thus,
97 130 115 100 100 MR is shifted from the M1-M2 optical axis and M3 is
MTF*SNR >7,3 off-axis as shown on Fig.1.
distortion <2% The real exit pupil of the telescope is located between
(*) : The MTF performance on final images is 0.2 after M3 and the focal plane in the same plane than MR.
image restoration.
Both M1 and M2 are centered and circular mirrors. On
4 TELESCOPE OPTICAL DESIGN the contrary, MR and M3 are very long “field” mirrors.
M3 is off-axis with a low aperture number. Its use by
The optical architecture of the telescope results from sub-pupils along the field, makes it more difficult to
the optimization of radiometric performances manufacture as the wave front flatness must be
compatible with volume restrictions, respect to the guaranteed on every elementary zone while strictly
broad field of view and spectral range required. The restricting tilt and focus variations between them so as
four mirrors Korsch telescope, including a folding to control distortion effects at the focal plane.
mirror, appears to be the best choice. The following Therefore, this mirror is the main polishing difficulty,
figures recall the optical principle of the telescope achieving the accuracy of traditional polishing
(Fig.1 and Fig.2): technique. MR is subject to the same type of
constraints, but as it is plane, its realization is less
Spider Blades Ring
Primary mirror Highly Integrated Fig.4: M1 on its transport interface with transfer
M1 (Zerodur) Detection Unit tool
with its radiators
Folding mirror
Optical bench
Tertiary mirror
M3 Bus interface (with Fig.5: M1 with its protection cover being integrated on
launcher interface cone) the base-plate structure
Fig.3 : CAD view of the mechanical architecture of
PLEIADES-HR camera 5.2 Secondary mirror assembly
The comparison between measurements (MTF and Fig.19: Pan MTF measurements based on contrast
geometrical tests) before and after mechanical tests evaluation method
prove the perfect stability of the instrument.
End of life Pan MTF at Nyquist frequencie
and L2 radiance
The main image quality parameter is the SNR.MTF
quality performance compared to the required level. Fig.20: Predicted Pan EOL MTF based on ground
Pan SNR me asure d on ground
3 00
2 50
2 00
1 50
1 00
0 5000 10000 15000 2 0000 250 00 30000
Pixels n umb er
L1 L2 L3
Fig.18: PFM undergoing radiometric measurement Fig.21: Pan SNR measured with 13 active TDI lines
8.2 Multi-Spectral bands efficient thermal and mechanical architecture that
ensures very high in-flight stability of the camera.
Performances apply to the angular frequencies, on Through the development of the PLEIADES-HR
ground and for nadir viewing, corresponding to the camera, Thales Alenia Space has confirmed its
spatial frequencies specified below, irrespective of the successful experience in designing, building and testing
image viewing direction. high resolution optical instruments, with a special
For all module spatial frequencies less than or equal to notice to the high performance optical facilities and
spatial frequency of interest on ground skills available in Cannes for optical measurements and
fo=1/(2.GSDms), we have the following for each MS alignment.
band :
- MTF > 0.25 [ requirement > 0.2 ] along X and Y PFM development has been successfully achieved.
axes, at worst case radiance (L1); Outstanding MTF and SNR performances have been
- SNR > 130 [ requirement > 90 ] (where SNR reached. The FM2 camera integration is in progress
designates column noise at radiance L2). towards a delivery planned Q2-2009.