Houston Chronicle - Vol. 120 No. 171 (02 Apr 2021)
Houston Chronicle - Vol. 120 No. 171 (02 Apr 2021)
Houston Chronicle - Vol. 120 No. 171 (02 Apr 2021)
Go online for late results from the Get the latest news online! Pfizer says its shot remains over
Astros’ season opener in Oakland. Activate your digital subscription at 91% effective after six months.
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Little input
on final draft
Karen Warren / Staff photographer of Senate’s
voting bill
Cougars guard DeJon Jarreau (3) gets a hug from Justin Gorham (4) after a win over Memphis last month.
After joining UH in 2014, Sampson rebuilt program ‘brick by brick’ By Jeremy Wallace
By Joseph Duarte play Baylor in the national
STAFF WRIT E R semifinals on Saturday. Two In the dead of night, while most Tex-
more wins will deliver UH its ans were asleep, the state Senate voted
INDIANAPOLIS — In the first national championship, to approve a massive election bill that
beginning, Kelvin Sampson, a remarkable culmination of virtually no one had a chance to read in
armed with a bullhorn and a a rebuild for a once storied full after a flurry of amendments just
small spirit band, would basketball program that prior to the vote.
walk around the University went to consecutive nation- Even though the bill affects more
of Houston campus to drum al title games with Hakeem than 16 million voters in the state, law-
up support for the men’s Olajuwon in 1983 and 1984 makers adjourned at 1:39 a.m. Thurs-
basketball program. but had fallen on hard times day, then reconvened one minute later
Those three or four times and become nationally irrel- at 1:40 a.m. and declared it a new leg-
each month were called evant. islative day, in order to comply with
“campus blitzes.” The mis- It is a long way from what public notice rules without slowing
sion: fill seats at Hofheinz Yi-Chin Lee / Staff photographer Sampson saw in his first down its passage.
Pavilion. Cougars head coach Kelvin Sampson, center, fist- years at UH. “We just concluded Tuesday,” Lt.
Seven years later, Samp- bumps his players before a home game in January. “In any good environ- Gov. Dan Patrick announced at 1:39
son no longer needs to go ment, it needs to have a a.m. on Thursday (the legislative calen-
door to door in search of large student presence, and dar almost always conflicts with reali-
fans. In the school’s deepest Inside that just was not the case,” Senate continues on A14
NCAA Tournament run in » Before Phi Slama Jama, the Cougars had the ‘Big E’ and said Lauren Sampson, UH
nearly four decades, UH will the ‘Game of the Century.’ Page C1 Cougars continues on A12 » Voting bill full of new restrictions.
Page A14
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A2 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH
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By Steve Karnowski,
Gaetz inquiry focusing
Tammy Webber on payments to women
and Amy Forliti A Justice Department investiga-
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS tion into Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.,
and an indicted Florida politician
MINNEAPOLIS — George is focusing on their involvement
Floyd’s girlfriend tearfully told a ju- with multiple women who were
ry Thursday the story of how they recruited online for sex and re-
met — at a Salvation Army shelter ceived cash payments, according
where he was a security guard to people close to the investigation
with “this great, deep Southern and text messages and payment
voice, raspy” — and how they both receipts reviewed by the New York
struggled mightily with an addic- Times.
tion to opioids. Investigators believe former
“Our story, it’s a classic story of Seminole County, Fla., tax collec-
how many people get addicted to tor Joel Greenberg, who was in-
opioids. We both suffered from dicted last year on a federal sex
chronic pain. Mine was in my neck trafficking charge and other
and his was in his back,” 45-year- crimes, initially met the women
old Courteney Ross said on the through websites that connect
fourth day of the murder trial of people who go on dates in ex-
former officer Derek Chauvin, change for gifts, fine dining, travel
who dug his knee into Floyd’s neck and allowances, according to three
for 9 minutes, 29 seconds as he lay people with knowledge of the
face down in handcuffs. encounters.
She said they “tried really hard Greenberg introduced the wom-
to break that addiction many en to Gaetz, who also had sex with
times.” them, the people said. Gaetz de-
Prosecutors put Ross on the nied ever paying a woman for sex.
stand as part of an effort to human- The Justice Department inquiry
ize Floyd in front of the jury and also is examining whether Gaetz
portray him as more than a crime had sex with a 17-year-old girl and
statistic and to explain the former whether she received anything of
Houston resident’s drug use. material value, according to four
The defense has argued that people familiar with the investiga-
Chauvin did what he was trained tion.
to do when he encountered Floyd
last May and that Floyd’s death was WASHINGTON, D.C.
caused by drugs, his underlying Calif. man accused of
health conditions and his own
adrenaline. An autopsy found fen- using stun gun in riot
tanyl and methamphetamine in A California man was arrested
his system. Wednesday and charged with
In other testimony, David Pleog- attacking a Washington, D.C.,
er, a now-retired Minneapolis po- police officer with an electroshock
lice sergeant who was on duty the weapon during the riot at the U.S.
night Floyd died, said that based Capitol on Jan. 6.
on his review of the body camera Daniel Rodriguez, 38, of Fon-
video, officers should have ended tana, is also accused of smashing a
their restraint after Floyd stopped window of the Capitol and stealing
resisting. an emergency escape hood de-
He also said officers are trained signed to protect lawmakers
to roll people on their side to help against chemical munitions.
with their breathing after they Pool Video via Court TV / New York Times The charge of assaulting a police
have been restrained in the prone New police body camera footage of the arrest of George Floyd was shown to the court on the third officer with a deadly weapon
position. day of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. carries up to 20 years in prison.
“When Mr. Floyd was no longer
offering up any resistance to the of- picion of passing a counterfeit $20 while the level of fentanyl in his Chauvin attorney Eric Nelson NEW YORK
ficers, they could have ended the bill at a neighborhood market. The system could be fatal to some, peo- drove hard at Floyd’s drug use in Law ends long-term
restraint,” Pleoger said. most serious charge against the ple who use the drug regularly can cross-examining Ross, asking
“And that was when he was now-fired white officer carries up develop a tolerance to it. questions aimed at showing the solitary confinement
handcuffed and on the ground and to 40 years in prison. Ross said they both had pre- danger of overdose and death. Gov. Andrew Cuomo an-
no longer resistant?” prosecutor Earlier, Ross said she and Floyd scriptions, and when those ran Under questioning from Nel- nounced Thursday that he has
Steve Schleicher asked. first met in 2017 and struggled with out, they took the prescriptions of son, Ross also disclosed that signed legislation to end long-term
Yes, Ploeger replied. addiction to painkillers through- others and used illegal drugs. Floyd’s pet name for her in his solitary confinement in state pris-
Chauvin, 45, is charged with out their relationship — testimony “Addiction, in my opinion, is a phone was “Mama” — testimony ons and jails.
murder and manslaughter, ac- that could help prosecutors blunt lifelong struggle. … It’s not some- that called into question the wide- Under the law, inmates won’t be
cused of killing Floyd by kneeling the argument that drugs killed thing that just kind of comes and ly reported account that Floyd was allowed to be held in solitary
on the 46-year-old Black man’s Floyd. goes. It’s something I’ll deal with crying out for his mother as he lay confinement for more than 15
neck after he was arrested on sus- Medical experts have said that forever,” she said. pinned to the pavement. consecutive days. Solitary confine-
ment will be banned for categories
of prisoners including minors,
Police: California shooting suspect knew victims people over 55, pregnant inmates
and those with disabilities.
e y
Lawmakers censure
Dutch PM Rutte
Caretaker Dutch Prime Minister
Mark Rutte’s political future was in
doubt Friday after lawmakers
passed a motion of censure against
him that was filed by two parties in
his own outgoing coalition.
The politically damaging move
came at the end of a marathon
late-night parliamentary debate
AFP about the stalled process to form a
Mourners make the three-finger salute Thursday as pallbearers carry the coffin of Kyaw Min Latt, also known as Poe Toe. new government after elections
last month. Opposition lawmakers
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS The demonstrations followed a cades of brutal military rule. language, including the words accused Rutte of lying and un-
night of violence that included po- The U.N. Security Council late “killing” and “deplore,” was soft- dermining public trust in poli-
YANGON, Myanmar — Protest- lice raids and several fires. In Yan- Thursday strongly condemned ened in the final statement, coun- ticians. He narrowly survived a
ers on Thursday marked two gon, several shops owned in the use of violence against peace- cil diplomats said. motion of no-confidence.
months since this nation’s military whole or part by Myanma Eco- ful protesters in Myanmar and the The reference to “further The vote was called over allega-
seized power by again defying the nomic Holdings Ltd., an invest- deaths of hundreds of civilians, steps” was replaced in the final tions that Rutte lied about trying to
threat of lethal violence and dem- ment arm of the military, went up but it dropped the threat of possi- statement with a sentence saying sideline a political rival.
onstrating against the junta’s top- in flames. The shops are also tar- ble future action against the mili- council members “stressed that It was a stunning fall from grace
pling of the country’s democrati- gets of boycotts by the protest tary. they continued to monitor the sit- just over two weeks after his con-
cally elected government. movement. A British-drafted statement ap- uation closely and would remain servative party won the most seats
Security forces have been un- The crisis in the Southeast proved by all 15 council members actively seized of the matter.” in parliament in the election,
able to crush the massive public Asian nation has expanded sharp- after intense negotiations that be- The final council statement also putting him in line to form his
resistance to the Feb. 1 coup de- ly in the past week, both in the gan Wednesday expressed “deep called “on all sides to refrain from fourth governing coalition and
spite their escalating violence, in- number of protesters killed and concern at the rapidly deteriorat- violence” — which diplomats said possibly become the country’s
cluding routinely shooting pro- with military airstrikes against the ing situation” in Myanmar and re- Russia demanded — and “reiterat- longest-serving prime minister.
testers. International efforts in- guerrilla forces of the Karen eth- iterated the council’s call on the ed the need to fully respect hu-
cluding sanctions imposed by nic minority in their homeland military “to exercise utmost re- man rights and to pursue dialogue GERMANY
Western nations on the military along the border with Thailand. straint.” and reconciliation in accordance Over 55,000 animals
regime have failed to restore In areas controlled by the Ka- The original draft was much with the will and interests of the
peace. ren, more than a dozen civilians stronger and would have ex- people of Myanmar.” die in fire at pig farm
In Yangon, the country’s big- have been killed since Saturday pressed the Security Council’s Also Thursday, Suu Kyi’s lawyer A fire at a pig-breeding facility in
gest city, a group of young people and more than 20,000 have been “readiness to consider further Khin Maung Zaw said that she’s northeastern town of Alt Tellin is
gathered shortly after sunrise displaced, according to the Free steps,” which could include sanc- facing a new charge of violating believed to have killed more than
Thursday to sing songs honoring Burma Rangers, a relief agency tions. It also would have “de- Myanmar’s colonial-era Official 55,000 animals, the operator said
the more than 500 protesters operating in the area. plored” the use of violence against Secrets Act, which is punishable Thursday.
killed so far. They then marched The U.N. special envoy for peaceful protesters and “con- by up to 14 years’ imprisonment. The fire broke out Tuesday and
through the streets chanting slo- Myanmar warned that the coun- demned in the strongest terms the He said Suu Kyi and Australian spread quickly, in part through
gans calling for the fall of the jun- try faces the possibility of civil killing of hundreds of civilians by economist Sean Turnell, who ventilation shafts, destroying the
ta, the release of deposed leader war. the security forces.” served as her adviser and who al- stalls where the animals were kept.
Aung San Suu Kyi, and the return That’s a stark reversal for Myan- But at the insistence of China, so was detained on the day of the Some 7,000 sows and 50,000
of democracy. mar, which before the coup had Myanmar’s neighbor and friend, coup, were charged on March 25 piglets were at the facility, and
Protests were also held in Man- been making slow progress to- the reference to “further steps” in a Yangon court. He provided no only about 1,300 were rescued.
dalay and elsewhere. ward greater democracy after de- was eliminated and the stronger other details. From wire reports
Pfizer says
shot is still
potent after
six months
By Robert Langreth
Coronavirus at a glance
129,461,490 30,538,007 2,786,642 2,825,890 553,117 47,522 Source: WHO,
Johns Hopkins
Confirmed cases Confirmed cases Confirmed cases Deaths Deaths Deaths University,
Texas DSHS
worldwide in U.S. in Texas worldwide in U.S. in Texas
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | A11
Go Coogs, go!
For a pandemic-weary city, UH reaching the
Final Four is a reason to stand up and cheer.
It’s been a rough year for Houston had been a winning head college coach
sports. The Texans tanked, the Rockets at Oklahoma and Indiana before he ran
lost their Beard and even an Astros afoul of NCAA regulations — which were
home run doesn’t seem to fly as high later changed — and was practically
after the sign-stealing scandal. Enter the banned for five years over repeated
Coogs, who have managed to extend recruiting violations. Five years ago,
our March Madness into April and have Sampson could be found in the UH
given a pandemic-weary city a reason Student Center, sitting with students
to stand up and cheer. over their Chick-fil-A, passing out swag
The University of Houston Cougars and urging them to come to games at
are in the Final Four of the men’s NCAA the then-Hofheinz Pavilion. Proof that
championship. They are two wins away redemption is available for those who
from making school history and from seek it, now he’s restored our faith in
capturing a trophy that has eluded a Houston sports.
Texas team for more than 50 years. If the Cougars can beat Baylor, it will
They deserve our praise for coming this mean a first-time championship game LETTERS
far and our support as they take on for Sampson and hopefully, a third-time
Baylor on Saturday.
“I’m proud of these kids, proud of
the heart, proud of battling through so
lucky try for Houston. But the Final
Four clash with the Waco-based power-
house is already one for the books.
What’s in a name?
many things this year, whether it was Since 1939, only five times have teams Don’t forget the past
injuries or transfers or a tough loss here from the same state faced off in the Regarding “HISD to consider renaming
or there,” said Coach Kelvin Sampson. semifinals and no two Texas teams have Wilson school.” (A3, March 31): Houston
“For this team to be 28-3 and going to ever come this far in the same season. ISD trustees and others who accept the
the Final Four, this is one of the greatest Only one team from the Lone Star task of renaming institutions and other
accomplishments I’ve been around.” State — Texas Western, now the Univer- prominent historical features would be
That is not an empty boast, but in- sity of Texas at El Paso — has ever won best served by remembering Winston
spiring words from a coach who cele- it all, back in a historic run in 1966 Churchill’s famous quotation, “A nation
brated his 1,000th career game with a against Kentucky. that forgets its past has no future.”
win over Oregon State last week that Baylor is a formidable opponent and Carol J. Rhodes, Texas City
sent the team to the national semifinals. oddsmakers pick the Bears to win, but
The Cougars — led by starters Quentin there’s more to sports than statistics The test of time Steve Gonzales / Staff photographer
Grimes, Marcus Sasser, DeJon Jarreau, and we’re happy to root for the un- I will not opine on whether the name of Harris County District Clerk Marilyn
Justin Gorham and Reggie Chaney — are dercat. Especially when the team’s any city street, public school, university Burgess proposes to pay potential
energetic and resilient, full of hustle turnaround and championship dreams building, hospital, parks, forest, seashore, jurors $50 on the first day of service.
and heart. No wonder Houston is pay- come with a hashtag: For the City. etc., should be changed because the origi-
ing attention. Game recognizes game. The Cougars are giving it their all for nal owner of the moniker is no longer jury duty pay will make a positive differ-
The team’s success did not come all of us. A city that is used to facing viewed as being worthy of the honor. ence. Many Harris County citizens, partic-
overnight. Under Sampson, they’ve challenges and defying the odds should That’s for our society as a whole to judge. ularly minorities and other low-income
been steadily working to get where they return the favor. And that’s as it should be. But I will sug- county residents, cannot afford to miss a
are, with one of the stingiest defenses Saturday can’t come soon enough. gest we, as a society, should stop naming day’s pay for a $6 stipend. If first-day pay
in the country, allowing fewer than 58 things after humans. Period. Never again. is increased to $50, the number of individ-
Game over. No person’s behavior over her uals summoned to such service could be
points per game and out-rebounding
or his lifetime will ultimately stand the test reduced because the number who will
opponents by an average 11 boards a
of time. Everyone’s flaws and faults, large show up will increase substantially. Anoth-
game. This is the Cougars’ third appear- or small, will eventually be rooted out. er observation is that once a large and
ance in the Big Dance in as many years And I’m not trying to be cute here. I just diverse number of citizens are present
— with a Sweet Sixteen bow in 2019 — think it’s time we learn something from all and ready to serve on juries, more cases
and represents a return to form after a this. I’m certain that today we — including will be settled, because the unpredictabili-
decades-long drought. folks after whom stuff might be named — ty of jury verdicts will lead plaintiff’s
For almost 20 years, the Coogs were engage in behaviors that most our society lawyers, defense lawyers and insurance
in the national spotlight. Under legend- tolerates but will offend our grandchildren adjusters to make the prudent decision to
ary coach Guy Lewis, the team made 14 and great-grandchildren. So let’s just stop negotiate their peace for a certain sum,
trips to the NCAA tournament, reached this practice now and save future genera- rather than “roll the dice” with a Harris
the Final Four five times and played in tions all the associated angst. That said, I County jury. Settlements will reduce trial
the championship game twice. The don’t know what names are safe from dockets and the number of jurors re-
team’s final appearance was in 1984, later judgment. Again, not my job. quired for the second and subsequent
which marked the end of Houston’s Phi Gene Fisseler, Houston days of trials. I believe that if Commission-
Slama Jama heyday — spurred by future ers Court gives Burgess’ proposal a real-
NBA Hall of Famers Hakeem Olajuwon Jury pay istic try, it will find significant savings in
and Clyde Drexler — and the start of a the long run.
Regarding “Clerk pitches sharp boost in
Jim Greenwood, Houston
long slide into roundball irrelevance. jury duty pay,” (A3, March 30): Based on
Sampson was hired in 2014 in what my experience as a trial lawyer at a major
turned out to be the perfect match Houston law firm, a former member of
between a disgraced coach looking for Jamie Squire / Getty Images
City Council and as a would-be juror BIBLE VERSE
redemption and a school searching for showing up when summoned to jury duty,
DeJon Jarreau hoists the Midwest She sets about her work vigorously;
a savior. At the time, Sampson was an I agree with District Clerk Marilyn Bur-
Regional Champion trophy Monday in her arms are strong for her tasks.
assistant coach with the Rockets. He gess’ assertion that increasing the first day
the NCAA tournament in Indianapolis. Proverbs 31:17
Coronavirus evolved
and reused. signed by students and staff at Rice Uni-
Worldwide, as the global supply chain versity, are available online.
for basic PPE, diagnostic tests and equip- A global shortage of oxygen in low-
9 DOW: 33,153.21, up 171.66 (+0.5%) | 9 S&P: 4,019.87, up 46.98 (+1.2%) | 9 OIL: $61.45, up $2.29 (+3.9%) | 9 NATURAL GAS: $2.64, up 3 cents (+1.2%)
BRIEFS System showed U.S. unadjusted wage numbers include full- and
criminal background checks rose part-time real estate agents.
latest airline
Unadjusted checks climbed to median income of $71,380. Hous-
4.69 million from 3.74 million in ton ranked 14th, with a median of
March 2020 and rose 36 percent $68,560.
to try IPO from 3.44 million in February.
Six days in March made the list of
Declines in the oil and gas
industry last year significantly
the top 10 highest days for back- affected Midland’s housing mar-
The pandemic is far from over, ground checks since 1998. kets. Home sales in Midland fell
but some airlines believe the Sturm Ruger climbed as much about 12 percent last year from
travel business is already on an as 2.8 percent, while Smith & their record of 2,905 in 2019,
upswing. Wesson rose 3.8 percent. according to the Texas Real Es-
On Thursday, Frontier Air- While gun sales aren’t tracked tate Research Center.
lines, a budget carrier that is in the U.S., NICS data is consid-
based in Denver and known for ered a proxy for sales by the SEAFOOD
putting images of wild animals firearms industry. A background Groups call for ban
on its planes, became the second check doesn’t mean a gun sale
airline this year to list its shares Associated Press file photo occurred. on trade with Mexico
on a stock exchange. Before Budget carrier Frontier Airlines, which is based in Denver, is Environmental groups called
trading began, Frontier said it the last of the 10 largest U.S. airlines to go public. REAL ESTATE Thursday for an international
ban on trade in a range of Mex-
expected to raise $266 million by Agents in Midland ican seafood and wildlife, seek-
selling 15 million shares at $19 money it raised to buy equip- ing on apartments, hotels, hospi-
each on Nasdaq under the sym- ment, invest in sales and market- tals and educational facilities. had highest wages ing to force Mexico to do more to
bol ULCC, a nod to its strategy as ing, repay debt and shore up its Public construction spending When you think of markets save the vaquita marina por-
an “ultra-low-cost carrier.” An- cash reserves. The offering is also dropped sharply, declining with the highest-paid real estate poise, the world’s most endan-
other 15 million shares will be expected to close Tuesday. 1.7 percent. agents, West Texas doesn’t jump gered marine mammal.
sold by Frontier’s existing stock- The airline earned $251 million Homebuilding has been a to mind. The U.S. already has an em-
holders. in 2019 before losing nearly as bright spot for construction in Still, that’s what researchers bargo on imports of shrimp from
On Thursday, shares in Fron- much last year. It has about $1 the pandemic, as more people who compared median annual the upper Gulf of California. Also
tier, which has a $4 billion mar- billion in cash or cash equiv- have sought larger living spaces real estate agent wages found in known as the Sea of Cortez, the
ket capitalization, closed down alents and employs about 5,000 to work from home and for chil- a nationwide survey. body of water is the only place
less than 1 percent. people. dren to attend school online. But The new report by Stack- where the vaquita lives, and as
Unlike the largest airlines, residential construction shrank er.com — a data journalism web- few as 10 remain.
budget carriers do not rely on CONSTRUCTION 0.2 percent last month, mostly site — and Sundae Inc. put Mid- The Natural Resources De-
land at the head of its list of the fense Council, the Center for
corporate or international travel, February spending because of bad weather. The
highest-wage real estate agent Biological Diversity and two
which are not expected to drop was driven by a decline in
bounce back soon. posted a decline apartment construction, while markets in the country with a other groups said in an open
“The time is now,” Barry Bif- U.S. construction spending fell single-family homebuilding rose median annual salary of $94,100 letter that Mexico has failed to
fle, the airline’s president and in February after several months slightly. — more than Los Angeles’ $61,160 enforce a ban on fishermen using
CEO, said in an interview. “If you of steady gains, likely because of or New York City’s $81,660. gill nets, which trap vaquitas.
look, the vaccine is unlocking the unseasonably cold weather and FIREARMS The report was done using The nets are set to catch totoaba,
winter storms in the South. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ occu- an endangered fish whose swim
demand, and you’re seeing it
The Commerce Department
Background checks, pational data for 2019. bladder is considered a delicacy
everywhere. You’re seeing it in
restaurants, you’re seeing it in said Thursday that spending on companies’ stocks rise Metro areas with more real in China and is worth thousands
hotels.” building projects slipped 0.8 Gunmakers Sturm Ruger and estate agents often mean the of dollars.
Frontier, the last of the na- percent in February, after a 1.2 Smith & Wesson rose Thursday median income is reduced. Mid- There was no immediate com-
tion’s 10 largest airlines to go percent gain in January. The after the FBI’s National Instant land boasts only 180 agents, ment from Mexico’s government.
public, said it planned to use the drop was driven by lower spend- Criminal Background Check according to Stacker.com. Those From wire reports
still feel
effects of
the freeze
By Barbara Powell
Prices in U.S. dollars per unit for energy commodities for the contract closest to The median price of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg: Cash price in U.S. dollars paid at delivery for Performance of various index-based investment products:
delivery: various commodities:
2021 Forecast 2022 Forecast 2023 Forecast
Name C Date Open High Low Settle Chg Unit Name Last Price Pvs Day Unit $1K $1K $1K
Lt Sw Crude May 21 59.49 61.75 58.86 61.45 2.29 barrel Crude oil 59.00 58.69 59.00
Unleaded Gasoline - NY 1.99 1.94 gallon return return return
Natural Gas 2.75 2.73 2.80 Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
Natural gas May 21 2.61 2.66 2.58 2.64 0.03 MMBtu North Sea Brent 64.03 62.41 barrel XLE Energy Select Se 1,029 1,342 1,922
Gas blend May 21 1.96 2.04 1.96 2.02 0.06 gal W. Texas-Int. - Cushing 61.45 59.16 barrel XES SPDR Oil & Gas E 918 1,244 2,683
Heating oil May 21 1.77 1.84 1.77 1.83 0.06 gal Nat Gas - Henry Hub 2.50 2.49 MMBtu USO US Oil Fund 1,031 1,267 1,194
Ethanol Apr 21 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 0.02 gal
$1K $1K $1K
Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
Top and bottom performers among Houston-based and other major energy companies: Performance of a basket of Houston-based and IAU iShares Gold T 1,002 908 1,085
Last Last other major energy companies over the past 12 62.79 SLV iShares Silver T 941 942 1,778
Tick Name Price % Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg Volume months:
CDVIQ Cal Dive International 0.00 25.7 379,525 CKH SEACOR Holdings Inc 40.57 -0.4 139,757 Aug. 2007=100 SOFT/LIVESTOCK/GRAIN
TTI TETRA Technologies Inc 2.80 16.7 1,603,638 LNG Cheniere Energy Inc 71.80 -0.3 1,329,466 $1K $1K $1K
68 return return return
MRO Marathon Oil Corp 11.79 10.4 52,555,912 HDYNQ Hyperdynamics Corp 0.01 0.0 7,143 Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
OII Oceaneering International 12.36 8.2 807,930 CNP CenterPoint Energy Inc 22.65 0.0 1,843,296 JO DJ-UBS Coffee 909 943 961
DVN Devon Energy Corp 23.50 7.6 2,256,792 BHP BHP Group Ltd 69.54 0.2 2,010,544 CORN Teucrium Corn 1,020 1,113 1,372
IO ION Geophysical Corp 2.30 7.5 1,144,614 GEL Genesis Energy LP 9.40 0.6 386,030 52 CANE Teucrium Sugar 941 1,036 1,342
CVI CVR Energy Inc 20.60 7.4 673,060 WMB Williams Cos Inc/The 23.90 0.9 6,352,152 CATL ETFS Live Cattle 1,022 1,023 1,107
AE Adams Resources & Energy 29.89 6.7 4,057 BP BP PLC 24.58 0.9 14,508,441 COW iPath DJ-UBS Liv 1,055 1,105 1,241
HFC HollyFrontier Corp 38.02 6.3 2,843,268 CVX Chevron Corp 105.75 0.9 1,881,555 37
*Trades on London Stock Exchange
MUR Murphy Oil Corp 17.42 6.2 449,324 PAA PlainsAllAmericanPipeline 9.19 1.0 4,383,073 A M J J A S O N D J F M A
Harmony Public Schools (HPS), dba Harmony Science Academy – Brownsville, NO. 477435
open-enrollment charter schools, will be accepting competitive sealed proposals IN THE PROBATE COURT OF NO. 2 NOTICE OF SALE
for a roof replacement project per project specifications HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
(#HPS2021_HSABR_RR) in Brownsville, TX. The project scope of work consists
of but not limited to: removal of existing roof membrane(s), insulation, flashings, ESTATE OFJOSEPH K. BOOTHE, HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 494
and abandoned roof curbs down to the roof deck; repair of roof deck, as re- DECEASED
quired; Installation of new thermal insulation and coverboard to meet a R-25 (A Political Subdivision of the State of Texas
thermal value, and installation of a white reflective roof membrane fully adhered NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS Located within Harris County, Texas)
to coverboard insulation; gutter and downspout replacement; and HVAC work AGAINST THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH K. BOOTHE
necessary to accommodate the roof replacement. Sealed proposals must be re-
ceived by 2 p.m. on April 27, 2021 through Harmony’s ebid system, and will be Notice is hereby given that original Letters of De- $4,715,000
opened at 2 p.m. on April 27, 2021 via video conference, refer to bid package or pendent Administration for the Estate of Joseph K.
send an email for invitation. HPS reserves the right to reject any or all proposals Boothe, Deceased, were issued on February 11, 2021, Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2021
or waive any or all irregularities. For further information, please contact Mr. Luis in Court Number 477435, pending in the Probate
De Hoyos at [email protected]. Proposers may log in to view the bid Court Number Two (2) of Harris County, Texas, to De-
package and submit their responses at: https://harmonytx.ionwave.net/Login. pendent Administrator, Amneris Naid Diaz. Bids to be Submitted: 10:30 A.M., Central Time
aspx The address of Dependent Administrator, Amneris Bids to be Opened: 12:00 P.M., Central Time
Naid Diaz’ Attorney is Kate Broussard Thorne,
MehaffyWeber, P.O. Box 16, Beaumont, Texas 77704. Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Harmony Public Schools (HPS), open-enrollment charter schools, will be ac-
cepting proposals for Substitute Teaching and Para-Professional Employment All persons having claims against the Estate which is
Services (#HPS2122_SUTE) and Onsite Security Services (#HPS2122_SESE). currently being administered are required to present Place and Time of Sale : The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Harris
them to the above address in care of Amneris Naid
Proposals for both bids must be received by 11 a.m. on April 23, 2021 through County Municipal Utility District No. 494 (the “District”) will receive and pub-
the Harmony’s ebid portal and will be opened at that date and time virtually (htt Diaz, Dependent Administrator of the Estate of Jo-
ps://harmonytx.zoom.us/j/4262331357). HPS reserves the right to reject any seph K. Boothe, Deceased, within the time and man- licly read bids for the purchase of its $4,715,000 Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series
or all proposals or waive any or all irregularities. For further information, please ner prescribed by law. 2021 (the “Bonds”) at a Board meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2021,
contact Dr. Mehmet Bayar at [email protected]. Proposers may log in DATED the 31st day of March, 2021.
to view the bid packages and submit their responses at: MEHAFFYWEBER, P.C. at 12:00 P.M., Central Time. Said meeting will be take place via
Attorneys for Dependent Administrator
https://www.harmonytx.org/purchasing.php videoconference and telephone conference call in accordance with Texas Gov-
By: Kate Thorne ernment Code Section 551.125, as amended, and as modified by the tempora-
Kate Broussard Thorne
INVITATION TO BID State Bar No. 24097265 ry suspension of various provisions thereof effective March 16, 2020, by the
FM 1409 OVERPASS AT IH 10 [email protected] Governor of the State of Texas (the “Governor”) in accordance with the
500 Dallas, Ste. 1200 Texas Disaster Act of 1975, all as related to the Governor’s proclamation on
The County of Chambers solicits bids on the following project: OVERPASS AT Houston, Texas 77002 March 13, 2020, concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. To join the meeting by
IH 10 Telephone: (713) 655-1200
CAUSE NUMBER Telecopier: (713) 655-0222 videoconference, please go to https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/3723178
2017-78329 Contract to furnish labor, equipment, materials and incidentals as required for: 85. The conference call-in number will be 1-866-899-4679 and the passcode
Plaintiff(s): MARCUS OVERPASS AT IH 10 Sealed bids in triplicate will be received in the office of
TYRONE GORDON the County Judge, on the second floor of the County Courthouse at 404 will be 372317885#. This telephone conference call is authorized in compli-
vs. Washington Ave., Anahuac Texas 77514 until 2:00 P.M. on 04/20/2021. ance with the suspension of certain provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas
Defendant(s): OUIDA Bidders are specifically advised that any bid delivered after this time will be
BROWN AND TAMMY returned unopened. Also make sure that you have your notarized non- collu- Government Code pursuant to the March 16, 2020, Declaration by the Gover-
sion affidavit in your packet or it will not be accepted. TEXAS COMMISSION ON
MICHELLE DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY nor (the “Declaration”). Should the Declaration expire or be revoked, this
DISTRICT COURT OF Submitted bids will be publicly opened on 04/20/2021 at 2 :00 P.M. in the Notice of Draft Federal Operating Permit meeting will be held instead at 1300 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1400, Hous-
HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Chamber County Conference Room office located on the second floor at 404 Draft Permit No.: O1708 ton, Texas 77056.
CITATION BY Washington Ave., Anahuac, Texas 77514. Application and Draft Permit. Gulf Coast
UBLICATION Authority, 910 Bay Area Blvd, Houston,
THE STATE OF TEXAS All bids must be marked on the outside of the envelope: OVERPASS AT IH 10 TX 77058-2604, has applied to the Texas Address of Bids : Bids, which must be submitted in duplicate on the Official
To any Sheriff or any Commission on Environmental Quality
Constable within the Bidder’s name and return address should be on the outside of the envelope. (TCEQ) for a renewal of Federal Operating Bid Form and plainly marked “Bid for Bonds,” should be addressed to “Presi-
State of Texas: Permit (herein referred to as Permit) No. dent and Board of Directors of Harris County Municipal Utility District No.
GREETINGS: Plans and specifications may be obtained from Dannenbaum Engineering Corpo- O1708, Application No. 31158, to authorize
You are hereby command- ration, 3100 Alabama, Houston, Texas 77098, telephone (713) 520-9570. operation of the Bayport Facility, a Sewage 494” and delivered to the District’s Financial Advisor, Robert W. Baird & Co.
Treatment Facilities facility. The area
ed to cause to be publish- addressed by the application is located at Incorporated, 1331 Lamar Street, Suite 1360, Houston, Texas 77010 prior to
ed once in the newspaper A non-refundable $175.00 deposit will be required for each set of plans and
in generation circulation specifications. 10800 Bay Area Blvd in Pasadena, Harris 10:30 A.M., Central Time on the date of the bid opening. Any bid received af-
County, Texas 77507-1718. This link to an
in Harris County, Texas, ter 10:30 A.M., Central Time, on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, will not be accepted
said publication being not Proposals will be completed on the forms and proposal sheets provided. The net electronic map of the site or facility’s general
price will be delivered to Chambers County, including all freight or shipping location is provided as a public courtesy and will be returned unopened. All bids must be accompanied by a Bank
less than 28 days before and not part of the application or notice. For
the return day thereof, charges. exact location, refer to the application. You Cashier’s Check in the amount of $94,300 payable to the order of the District
exclusive of the date of can find an electronic map of the facility at:
publication a copy of the Each proposal must be accompanied by a Certified or Cashier’s Check http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/
as a good faith deposit.
following citation: or acceptable Bidder’s Bond in the amount of 2% of bid, not to exceed one hb610/index.html?lat=29.612777&lng=-
THE STATE OF TEXAS hundred thousand dollars ($100,000. 00), as a guarantee that, if awarded the 9 5 . 0 4 4 7 2 2 & z o o m = 1 3 & t y p e = r .
COUNTY OF HARRIS contract, within sixty (60) days from the date of bid open ing, the bidder will This application was received by the TCEQ on Information : The Bonds are more completely described in the “Official No-
To any unknown heir of enter into a contract and execute any required Performance and Payment September 16, 2020. tice of Sale” and the “Preliminary Official Statement” which may be obtained
Ouida Brown, Deceased, Bonds. The purpose of a federal operating permit is
their executors, adminis- to improve overall compliance with the rules from Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, 1331 Lamar Street, Suite 1360,
trators, heirs and assign- Jimmy Sylvia governing air pollution control by clearly Houston, Texas 77010; Financial Advisor to the District. The District reserves
ees and to all persons in- Chambers County Judge listing all applicable requirements, as defined
terest in the Estate of the in Title 30 Texas Administrative Code § the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all irregularities ex-
Deceased. Know ye that 122.10 (30 TAC § 122.10). The draft permit, cept time of filing. This notice does not constitute an offer to sell the Bonds
an Original Petition has LEGAL NOTICE if approved, will codify the conditions under
been filed by Marcus Choice Partners (CP) a division of Harris County Department of Education which the area must operate. The permit will but is merely notice of sale of the Bonds as required by law. The offer to sell
Tyrone Brown, that the (HCDE), is a national cooperative that will be accepting proposals in response to not authorize new construction. The executive the Bonds will be made only by means of the “Official Notice of Sale,” “Preli-
same is now pending in the following Request for Proposals (RFP). director has completed the technical review
the District Court of Har- • 21/040SG for Automotive Equipment, Tires and Related Services of the application and has made a preliminary minary Official Statement,” and the “Official Bid Form.”
ris County, Texas under Proposals are due Tuesday, April 27, 2021 @ 2:00pm central time. decision to prepare a draft permit for public
Cause No. 2017-78329 in • 21/041LS for Ice Cream Products comment and review. The executive director
the 269th District Court Proposals are due Monday, May 3, 2021 at 2:00pm central time. recommends issuance of this draft permit.
and styled Marcus Tyrone • 21/042MJ for Moving, Storage and Related Items The permit application, statement of basis, Board of Directors
Gordon v. Ouida Brown and draft permit will be available for viewing
Proposals are due Friday, April 30, 2021 @ 2:00pm central time. and copying at the TCEQ Central Office, Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 494
and Tammy Michelle Da- Interested proposers may go to www.choicepartners.org and register to down- 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building E, First Floor,
vis and the general nature load the solicitation or call 713.681.6052 or 713.696.8213 or 713.316.4259. Austin, Texas 78753; the TCEQ Houston
of the proceeding is to MWBE, SBE, and HUB vendor participation is encouraged. It is HCDE policy not Regional Office, 5425 Polk St Ste H, Houston,
determine declaratory to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, limited English Texas 77023-1452; and the La Porte Public
relief and to quiet title of proficiency or handicapping condition in its programs. Library, 600 S Broadway St, La Porte, Texas
the property located at 77571-5320, beginning the first day of
210 Blueberry Street, publication of this notice. The draft permit THE HARRIS CENTER for Mental Health and IDD (formerly known as
Houston, Texas (“the Request for Proposal - Houston-Galveston Area Council – Data Services – and statement of basis are available at the MENTAL HEALTH MENTAL RETARDATION AUTHORITY OF HARRIS
Property”) Agency Cloud Migration Consultant – ED-DS-CLOUDSVC-2021-04 TCEQ Website: COUNTY) will be accepting proposals for the following:
This Citation by Publica- www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/tvnotice
tion is returnable to said The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) is seeking a qualified contractor At the TCEQ central and regional offices,
Court on the first Monday, for the planning, analysis, and development of H-GAC’s infrastructure migration relevant supporting materials for the draft 9401 SOUTHWEST FREEWAY INTEGRATED CARE CLINIC RENOVATION
following 42 days, but not strategy. The proposed solution should alleviate current challenges in the agen- permit, as well as the New Source Review
less than 28 days, after cy’s phone system, SharePoint Environment, Financial, Accounting, and Human permits which have been incorporated by Specifications may be secured from THE HARRIS CENTER, Purchasing Serv-
date of publication, exclu- Resources applications, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). reference, may be reviewed and copied. ices located at 9401 SW Freeway, Houston, Texas 77074; telephone (713)
sive of the date of publi- Any person with difficulties obtaining these 970-7279, THE HARRIS CENTER website www.theharriscenter.org or the
cation, being Monday, the To view/download the solicitation documents visit materials due to travel constraints may Electronic State Business Daily Site https://portal.cpa.state.tx.us/ beginning
12th day of APRIL, 2021. https://www.h-gac.com/procurement contact the TCEQ central office file room at Tuesday, April 6, 2021. Deadline for prospective vendors to submit ques-
All unknown heirs and Response Deadline: May 13, 2021 @ 2:00 P.M. CST (512) 239-2900. tions to this RFP is Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Proposals must be submitted to
persons interested in the Public Comment/Notice and Comment Purchasing Services, 9401 SW Freeway, Houston, Texas 77074 by 10:00
property should make a Hearing. Any person may submit written a.m., Thursday, April 29, 2021 in a sealed envelope marked "PROPOSAL -
defense of this pleading comments on the draft permit. Comments DO NOT OPEN UNTIL – THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 2021, 9401 SOUTHWEST
no later than 10:00 AM relating to the accuracy, completeness, and FREEWAY INTEGRATED CARE CLINIC RENOVATION" . Any questions per-
the first Monday after the NOTICE OF COMPETITIVE BIDS appropriateness of the permit conditions may taining to this solicitation should be addressed in writing to Sharon Brauner,
expiration of forty-two result in changes to the draft permit. Purchasing Manager and Nina Cook, Purchasing Director, via E-mail to
(42) days from the first Harris County is requesting offers for the projects listed below. Offer require- A person who may be affected by the [email protected] cc: [email protected] or fax
date of publication. Upon ments, including item description(s), submission due dates and times, emission of air pollutants from the permitted at (713) 970-7682. Historically Underutilized Businesses, including Minority--
failure to do so, Plaintiff, type of pricing, payment method, and any bonding requirements, may area may request a notice and comment Owned Businesses and Women-Owned Businesses are encouraged to partici-
as the party seeking Serv- be obtained on line at https://purchasing.harriscountytx.gov, or in the hearing. The purpose of the notice and pate. THE HARRIS CENTER reserves all rights to reject any and/or all pro-
ice of Process by Publica- Purchasing Agent’s office. Return offers to Harris County Purchasing Agent, comment hearing is to provide an additional posals, to waive formalities and reasonable irregularities in submitted docu-
tion, will proceed to court 1001 Preston, Suite 670, Houston, Texas 77002, no later than 2:00 p.m. opportunity to submit comments on the draft ments as it deems to be in its best interests, and is not obligated to accept
in order to obtain their re- local time in Houston, Texas on specified due dates. permit. The permit may be changed based on the lowest proposal.
lief sought. comments pertaining to whether the permit
Given under my hand and provides for compliance with 30 TAC Chapter
Bids/Proposals Due April 5, 2021 122 (examples may include that the permit
seal of said Court, at my
office in Harris County, does not contain all applicable requirements
Job 21/0040 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Upgrade and or the public notice procedures were not NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
Texas, this 24th day of Chilled Water Line Installation
February, 2021. satisfied). The TCEQ may grant a notice and
Job 21/0059 Road Reconstruction at Crosby-Lynchburg (Phase 3) comment hearing on the application if a written CITY OF OLMOS PARK, TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES
Newspaper: HOUSTON between Magnolia Drive and Lochness Drive, Precinct
CHRONICLE hearing request is received within 30 days CORPORATION
Job 21/0064 Security Equipment and Monitoring Services and Related after publication of the newspaper notice. TAX-EXEMPT REVENUE NOTE
Issued at the request of: Items
HALL, TREVOR The hearing request must include the basis (ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH)
Job 21/0067 Fire Door Inspections and Related Items for the request, including a description of how
Address: 909 FANNIN Job 21/0068 Renovations to Barbara Jordan Community Center, the person may be affected by the emission
STREET SUITE 2300 Notice is hereby given of a telephonic public hearing to be held by the City of
Precinct 1 of air pollutants from the application area. The Olmos Park, Texas Higher Education Facilities Corporation (“Issuer”) and St.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 Job 21/0069 Enterprise Document and Records Management Solution request should also specify the conditions
(713) 951-5600 Anne Catholic Church, a canonical public juridic person (“SACC”) on April 12,
Job 21/0070 Expansion of the Atascocita Branch Library of the draft permit that are inappropriate or 2021 at 10:15 a.m. Interested parties may join the public hearing on the date
Bar#: 24078617 Job 21/0071 Service Awards and Related Items specify how the preliminary decision to issue or
MARILYN BURGESS, deny the permit is inappropriate. All reasonably and the time indicated above by dialing 1-866 512-4865 (US Toll Free) and,
Job 21/0073 Towels for Inmates when prompted, entering the participant passcode 646782#.
District Clerk Job 21/0080 Pipe Access Gates and Related Items ascertainable issues must be raised and all
Harris County, Texas Job 21/0081 Manual Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Test Kits reasonably available arguments must be
201 Caroline, Houston, submitted by the end of the public comment The public hearing is regarding a plan of financing for the issuance of a tax-
Texas 77002 period. If a notice and comment hearing is exempt revenue Note (the “Note”) to be issued by Issuer in an aggregate prin-
Bids/Proposals Due April 12, 2021 cipal amount not to exceed $6,000,000 to be issued as a qualified 501(c)(3)
P. O. Box 4651, Houston, granted, all individuals that submitted written
Texas 77210 comments or a hearing request will receive bond under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
Job 21/0046 Printing and Fulfillment Services (the “Code”). The proceeds of the Note will be loaned by Issuer to SACC for
By: ____/s/________ Job 21/0058 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Upgrade and written notice of the hearing. This notice will
Rhonda Momon Deputy identify the date, time, and location for the the following purposes:
Chilled Water Line Replacement at Annex 60
District Clerk Job 21/0060 Armored Car Services hearing.
Written public comments and/or requests (1) refinancing certain costs of planning, permitting, acquiring, construct-
Job 21/0063 Parking Access and Revenue Control System ing, improving, furnishing, and equipping educational facilities for SACC locat-
Job 21/0075 Two-Way Radio Antennas, Towers, Power Supplies, and for a notice and comment hearing should
be submitted to the Texas Commission on ed at 2140 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77098 (the “Project”), including
Related Items the refunding of an existing loan from the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Job 21/0076 Document Translation Services and Related Items Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief
Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Diocesan Savings & Loan; and
Job 21/0077 Road construction on Fry Road at Longenbaugh Road, Texas 78711-3087, or electronically at
Precinct 3 www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/ (2) paying the costs of issuing the Note.
Job 21/0078 Construction at P518-11-00 detention basin (Phase 1) and be received within 30 days after the
Job 21/0079 Remodeling of the Seventh Floor of the Harris County date of newspaper publication of this The Project will be owned and operated by SACC and used in an integrated op-
Administration Building notice. Please be aware that any contact eration of SACC. The Note is not payable out of taxes and is secured by and
information you provide, including your name, payable solely from funds to be provided by SACC and a Guaranty from the
Bids/Proposals Due April 19, 2021 phone number, email address and physical Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
address will become part of the agency’s
Job 21/0032 Implementation of the Immigrant Legal Services Fund public record. All interested parties are invited to telephonically attend such public hearing
Job 21/0072 Automated Fingerprint Identification System A notice of proposed final action that to express their views with respect to the Note and the Project. Questions or
Job 21/0074 Water Treatment Chemicals and Related Items includes a response to comments and requests for additional information may be directed to Adam Harden, Locke
Job 21/0083 Lease of Ambulances identification of any changes to the draft Lord LLP, 600 Congress Avenue, Suite 2800, Austin, TX 78701 (telephone:
Job 21/0084 Construction Equipment Services and Related Items permit will be mailed to everyone who 512-305-4820). Any interested persons unable to attend or participate in the
Job 21/0085 Repair/Replacement of Concrete Pavement, Curbs, submitted public comments, a hearing public hearing may submit their views in writing to Adam Harden before the
Driveways, Sidewalks, and Related Items in the Harvey request, or requested to be on the mailing date scheduled for the public hearing.
Camp Area, Precinct 4 list for this application. This mailing will also
Job 21/0086 Psychologist and/or Psychiatrist Examinations provide instructions for public petitions to the This notice is being posted and the public hearing is to be held in satisfaction
Job 21/0091 Sale of Surplus/Salvage Petroleum Products and Related U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to of the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Code regarding the public appro-
Items request that the EPA object to the issuance of val prerequisite to the exemption from federal income taxation of the interest
the proposed permit. After receiving a petition, on the Note
Bids/Proposals Due April 26, 2021 the EPA may only object to the issuance of
a permit which is not in compliance with the
Job 21/0087 Renovation of the Existing Mercer Arboretum Visitor applicable requirements or the requirements of
Center, Precinct 4 30 TAC Chapter 122.
Job 21/0088 Next Generation Data Center Solution Mailing List. In addition to submitting public NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
Job 21/0089 Guardrail and Bridge Railing Repairs and Related Items at comments, a person may ask to be placed on
Various Locations, Precinct 1 a mailing list for this application by sending a CITY OF OLMOS PARK, TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES
Job 21/0093 Elevator Modernization at 600 N. San Jacinto (Peden request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the CORPORATION
Building) address above. Those on the mailing list will TAX-EXEMPT REVENUE NOTE
receive copies of future public notices (if any) (EPIPHANY OF THE LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH)
Bids/Proposals Due May 3, 2021 mailed by the Chief Clerk for this application.
Information. For additional information Notice is hereby given of a telephonic public hearing to be held by the City of
Job 21/0082 Custodial Cleaning Services at Region 2 about this permit application or the Olmos Park, Texas Higher Education Facilities Corporation (“Issuer”) and Ep-
Job 21/0090 Professional Engineering Services for the Permanent permitting process, please contact the Texas iphany of the Lord Catholic Church, a canonical public juridic person (“ELC-
Transition of Toll Road Operations to an All-Electronic Commission on Environmental Quality, Public C”) on April 12, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Interested parties may join the public
Roadway Environment Education Program, MC-108, P.O. Box hearing on the date and the time indicated above by dialing 1-866 512-4865
Job 21/0092 Electrical System Upgrades at Ben Taub Hospital 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or toll free
at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en (US Toll Free) and, when prompted, entering the participant passcode
Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. 646782#.
Further information may also be obtained The public hearing is regarding a plan of financing for the issuance of a tax-
DeWight Dopslauf, C.P.M., CPPO for Gulf Coast Authority by calling Mr. Shaun exempt revenue note (the “Note”) to be issued by Issuer in an aggregate prin-
Purchasing Agent Austin at (281) 226-1132.
cipal amount not to exceed $9,000,000 to be issued as a qualified 501(c)(3)
Notice Issuance Date: March 12, 2021 bond under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the “Code”). The proceeds of the Note will be loaned by Issuer to ELCC for
the following purposes:
(1) refinancing certain costs of planning, permitting, acquiring, construct-
THE STATE OF UTAH TO DEFENDANT LIGHTNING ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE, ing, improving, furnishing, and equipping educational facilities for ELCC locat-
LLC: ed at 1530 Norwalk Drive, Katy, Texas 77450 (the “Project”), including the
refunding of the 2017 ELCC tax-exempt revenue note issued by Public Finance
You are hereby required to file an Answer to a Complaint that is on file in the Authority; and
Third Judicial District Court, in and for Salt Lake County, State of Utah, Civil No.
210900927, Judge Randall Skanchy. Your Answer must be filed with the Clerk of (2) paying the costs of issuing the Note.
the Court at 450 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 and mailed to
Andrew D. Wright and Kaileen M. Balzano, Strong & Hanni, PC, 9350 South 150 The Project will be owned and operated by ELCC and used in an integrated op-
East, Suite 820, Sandy, Utah 84070. If you fail to file an Answer within 30 days eration of ELCC. The Note is not payable out of taxes and is secured by and
after the publication is made in this newspaper, judgment by default will be payable solely from funds to be provided by ELCC and a Guaranty from the
taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
All interested parties are invited to telephonically attend such public hearing
to express their views with respect to the Note and the Project. Questions or
requests for additional information may be directed to Adam Harden, Locke
Lord LLP, 600 Congress Avenue, Suite 2800, Austin, TX 78701 (telephone:
512-305-4820). Any interested persons unable to attend or participate in the
public hearing may submit their views in writing to Adam Harden before the
date scheduled for the public hearing.
This notice is being posted and the public hearing is to be held in satisfaction
of the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Code regarding the public appro-
val prerequisite to the exemption from federal income taxation of the interest
on the Note.
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | B5
Unemployment claims up
was filed in the 247TH (INDIVIDUALLY AND in a suit numbered 2020-
District Court of Harris A/N/F OF J R AND I 38479 docket of said
County, Texas, on the 1st A)(MINORS) and the court, wherein CORTEZ,
Against Respondent, AND CARLOS CASAS MENDOZA, the
numbered, 2020-20993
the nature of plaintiff’s
demand and the said
petition alleging: Motor
Vehicle Accident
Plaintiff(s), BRENDAN
OKOLO the Defendant,
the nature of plaintiff’s
demand and the said
and entitled “In the Inter- This matter pertains to petition alleging: MOTOR
est of” STEPHEN MI- damages Plaintiff sus- VEHICLE ACCIDENT
CHAEL BURGE JR, A tained in a car wreck This matter arises due to
child (or children). caused in part by the a motor vehicle accident
back to
The suit requests alleged negligence of that occurred in Harris
THE NAME CHANGE OF Defendant, JOSE PINTO, County, Texas on or
STEPHEN MICHAEL the operator of the motor about October 20, 2018,
BURGE JR. TO STEPHEN vehicle involved in the due to the negligence of
MICHAEL FRANCO AS motor vehicle collision Defendant Brendan
box office
STATED IN THE FIRST that occurred on or about Okolo.
AMENDED PETITION FOR March 6, 2019 at or near Notice thereof shall be
CHANGE OF NAME OF C. E. King Parkway, in given by publishing this
CHILD. Houston, Tx. Citation once a week for
The date and place of Notice hereof shall be four consecutive weeks
birth of the child (chil- given by publishing this previous to the 10TH day
dren) who is (are) subject Citation once a week for of MAY 2021, in some By Jake Coyle
of the suit four consecutive weeks newspaper published in A SSO C I AT ED P R E SS
NAME: STEPHEN MI- previous to the day of the County of Harris, if
CHAEL BURGE JR; DOB: May 3RD, 2021, in some there be a newspaper
MARCH 7, 2015, PLACE newspaper published in published therein, but if
OF BIRTH: HARRIS the County of HARRIS, if not, then the nearest NEW YORK — Once again,
there be a newspaper
published therein, but if
county where a newspa- mayhem and mass destruc-
per is published, and this
HOSPITAL 18951 MEMO- not, then the nearest Citation shall be returned tion is back at the box office.
RIAL DRIVE, HUMBLE TX county where a newspa- on MAY 7, 2021 which is
77338. RESIDENCE per is published , and this forty two days after the It’s almost like old times.
WHEN CHILD WAS Citation shall be returned date it is issued, and the “Godzilla vs. Kong,” one
BORN: 2727 BEN’S on the 28TH day of first publication shall be
BRANCH DR, #413 KING- APRIL, 2021, which is at least twenty-eight days of the few tentpoles to dare Kevin Winter / Getty Images
WOOD, TX 77339 forty two days after the before said return day. “Godzilla vs. Kong,” one of the few tentpoles to dare release during COVID-19
CURRENT PLACE OF date it is issued, and the HEREIN FAIL NOT, but
release during COVID
RESIDENCE: 12000 first publication shall be have before said court on times, is poised this week- times, is poised this weekend to set a new pandemic-high in ticket sales.
HARDWOOD TRAIL, at least twenty-eight days said return day this Writ
AUSTIN, TX 78750 before said return day. with your return thereon, end to set a new high in tick-
“THE COURT HAS AU- HEREIN FAIL NOT, but showing how you et sales during the pandem- there’s no possibility of re- ica. Warner Bros. releases that
THORITY IN THE SUIT TO have before said court on have executed same.
RENDER AN ORDER IN said return day this Writ WITNESS: MARILYN ic. It won’t be the kind of starting the movie busi- “The issue is less con- landed simultaneously on
THE CHILD’S (CHILDRE- with your return thereon, BURGESS, District Clerk,
N’S) INTEREST THAT showing how you have Harris County Texas blockbuster business such a ness,” says Joshua Grode, vincing consumers to go to HBO Max — a once contro-
executed same.
WITNESS: Marilyn
big-budget release would chief executive of Legend- the movies than it is con- versial release plan that has
TERMINATION OF THE Burges, District Clerk, SAID COURT at Houston, typically manage, but ex- ary Entertainment, which vincing studios to open helped theaters stay afloat
PARENT-CHILD RELA- Harris County Texas Texas this 26TH MARCH,
TIONSHIP, THE DETER- GIVEN UNDER MY HAND 2021. perts forecast a launch of at produced “Godzilla vs. their movies,” says Rich Gel- and proved an interesting
MINATION OF PATERNI- AND SEAL OF SAID (seal) least $25 million. Kong.” “This tells every- fond, IMAX’S chief execu- test case for how viewers
TY AND THE APPOINT- COURT at Houston, Texas Newspaper: HOUSTON
MENT OF A CONSERVA- this 17TH day of MARCH CHRONICLE Opening-day ticket sales body: the moviegoing busi- tive. “There’s been a hesi- prefer to see, and pay for, a
TOR WITH AUTHORITY 2021. Issued at the request of:
TO CONSENT TO THE (SEAL) ARNOLD, BRETT on Wednesday for “Godzilla ness is here, and, yes, it may tancy on the part of Holly- movie.
CHILD’S (CHILDREN’S) NEWSPAPER: Houston WILLIAM vs. Kong” totaled $9.6 mil- be different post-pandemic. wood studios to release Helping theaters get back
ADOPTION, THE CHILD’S Chronicle Address: 1311 BINGHAM
(CHILDREN’S) CHANGE Issued at request of: STREET, UNIT "E" lion, Warner Bros. said But there is a viable indus- movies because they to business, Gelfond be-
OF NAME.” Andrew Birdsell HOUSTON, TX 77007 Thursday — a single-day try there.” haven’t been convinced the lieves, are large-format
ISSUED AND GIVEN UN- Address: P O Box 1599 (713) 805-6637
DER MY HAND AND THE Gilmore, Texas 75644 Bar Number: 03140100 pandemic record and more Huge challenges remain demand is there. What I screens “that differentiate
SEAL OF SAID COURT AT (903)843-2323 Marilyn Burgess, District
HOUSTON TEXAS ON Bar Number: 24077966 Clerk than most 2020-2021 open- to the revival of moviegoing. really hope this weekend the couch as much as they
THIS THE 26TH Day of MARILYN BURGESS, Harris County, Texas ing weekend hauls. Last With so many cinemas shut- shows is that there is a lot of can.” IMAX accounted for 14
FEBRUARY, 2021. District Clerk 201 Caroline, Houston,
NEWSPAPER: HOUSTON Harris County, Texas Texas 77002 weekend, the monster tered for nearly an entire demand there and it con- percent of the Chinese box
CHRONICLE By: /s/ Brittany Hall P.O. Box 4651, Houston,
Issued at request of: Deputy District Clerk Texas 77210 mash pulled in an impres- year, many moviegoers are vinces them to open a lot of office for “Godzilla vs.
By: Rhonda Momon
Deputy District Clerk
sive $123.1 million interna- out of the habit. Some are movies that have been sit- Kong.” This weekend, the
OAK LANE, STE. 425 tionally. In China, where unlikely to return to sitting ting on the shelf.” film will be playing on 1,170
BAR NO # 24096280 moviegoing is close to pre- indoors with strangers until Recently, ticket sales, IMAX screens worldwide.
(SEAL) pandemic levels, the movie they’re vaccinated or the while still far below their The box office might not
DISTRICT CLERK made about $70 million, pandemic has ebbed. And usual levels, are ticking up- quite roar again this week-
Harris County, Texas
201 Caroline, Houston, TX double the debut of 2014’s even those who have been ward. The best debut of end, but “Godzilla vs. Kong”
77002 “Godzilla.” convinced of the safety of 2021 was “Tom & Jerry,” may show it has a little bite
PO Box 4651, Houston,
TX 77210 For the first time in a long moviegoing by theaters’ with $13.7 million in late left. Says Grode: “In years
BY /s/ Lonya Porter time, there’s the faint hint of health protocols, they now February. The pandemic- from now, when people
a hit at the box office. have only more in-home op- high belongs to “Wonder write about coming back to
“It’s a good omen that the tions. “Godzilla vs. Kong” is Woman 1984,” which the movies, I’m very proud
tastes of the consumer have streaming simultaneously launched with $16.7 million that ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ will
not shifted so much that on HBO Max in North Amer- in December. Each were be in that history.”
B6 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH
Eby, David Epherson, Richard Kilpatrick, Leo Stegent, Billie Wallace, Andre
Edwards, Leigh Hervey, Olivia Sharp, Isaac Thomas, Michael Westby, Timothy
Additions share connection
L.A. Clippers 32 18 .640 5 1⁄2 7-3 L-2 17-8 15-10 18-10 By Jonathan Feigen
Denver 30 18 .625 6 1⁄2 8-2 W-4 14-9 16-9 16-11 STA F F W R I T ER
L.A. Lakers 30 18 .625 6 1⁄2 5-5 L-1 16-11 14-7 19-10
Portland 29 18 .617 7 7-3 W-4 14-9 15-9 15-12 Avery Bradley and Kelly
Dallas 25 21 .543 10 1⁄2 6-4 W-2 11-10 14-11 15-14 Olynyk had been on the
San Antonio 24 22 .522 11 1⁄2 4-6 L-1 12-15 12-7 13-17 floor for 81 seconds Wed-
Memphis 22 23 .489 13 5-5 L-1 11-14 11-9 11-17 nesday when Olynyk began
Golden State 23 25 .479 13 1⁄2 4-6 L-1 14-9 9-16 12-14 posting up James Harden,
Sacramento 22 26 .458 14 1⁄2 7-3 L-1 12-12 10-14 10-12 moving across the lane
New Orleans 21 26 .447 15 6-4 L-1 14-12 7-14 12-17 with a slow dribble and a
Oklahoma City 20 27 .426 16 4-6 W-1 9-15 11-12 11-18 long look around.
Houston 13 34 .277 23 2-8 L-2 6-17 7-17 9-17 Bradley took off across
Minnesota 12 36 .250 24 1⁄2 4-6 W-1 7-17 5-19 8-21 the baseline, Olynyk not
even turning his head as he
delivered his pass to him at
W L Pct GB L10 Str Home Away Conf
the rim for a layup.
Brooklyn 34 15 .694 _ 8-2 W-4 20-6 14-9 18-10
Philadelphia 33 15 .688 1
⁄2 7-3 W-1 19-4 14-11 23-7
No play had been called,
Milwaukee 30 17 .638 3 7-3 W-1 18-7 12-10 18-9
which was a good thing,
Charlotte 24 23 .511 9 5-5 L-1 13-9 11-14 13-10
Bradley said, because nei-
Miami 25 24 .510 9 4-6 W-3 13-12 12-12 15-15 ther has had time to learn
New York 24 24 .500 9 1⁄2 5-5 L-2 14-9 10-15 17-15 the Rockets’ plays. They
Atlanta 24 24 .500 9 1⁄2 6-4 W-1 11-9 13-15 13-12 do, however, know each
Boston 23 25 .479 10 1⁄2 3-7 L-2 13-9 10-16 16-13 other.
Indiana 21 25 .457 11 1⁄2 5-5 L-2 8-13 13-12 13-15 As they return to Boston
Chicago 19 27 .413 13 1⁄2 3-7 L-5 9-16 10-11 9-11 on Friday as teammates for
Toronto 18 30 .375 15 1⁄2 1-9 L-4 9-12 9-18 12-17 the first time since they Mark Mulligan / Staff photographer
Washington 17 30 .362 16 3-7 L-2 10-15 7-15 7-22 played together for the Kelly Olynyk, right, is one of the veterans brought in to help mentor young
Orlando 17 31 .354 16 1⁄2 4-6 W-2 10-15 7-16 10-17 Celtics for most of four sea- players. He reunited with Avery Bradley when he joined the Rockets.
Cleveland 17 31 .354 16 1⁄2 3-7 L-4 11-13 6-18 13-13 sons, their familiarity with
Detroit 14 34 .292 19 1⁄2 4-6 W-1 9-14 5-20 10-21 one another stands out. Rockets vs. Celtics Seattle area as Kevin Porter
No Rockets teammates Jr.
Results/schedule When/where: 6:30p.m.; TD Gar-
have played more games Additionally, Rockets as-
den, Boston.
Wednesday’s results Friday’s games together than Bradley and TV/radio: ATTSW; 790 AM, 740
sistant coach Will Weaver
Brooklyn 120, Houston 108 Golden State at Toronto, 6 p.m. Olynyk, the veterans ac- AM, 1010 AM (Spanish). was a Longhorns assistant
San Antonio 120, Sacramento 106 Dallas at New York, 6:30 p.m. quired last week when the when Bradley played at
Portland 124, Detroit 101 Houston at Boston, 6:30 p.m. So far: Rockets 13-34; Celtics 23-
Miami 92, Indiana 87 Charlotte at Indiana, 7 p.m. Rockets sent Victor Oladi- 25. Texas in 2009-10, two years
Dallas 113, Boston 108 Minnesota at Memphis, 7 p.m. po to the Miami Heat. It Lately: The Rockets’ loss in Brooklyn on Wednesday after Augustin.
Minnesota 102, New York 101 Atlanta at New Orleans, 8 p.m. shows. dropped them to 2-4 since their 20-game losing streak. “It feels good,” Bradley
Oklahoma City 113, Toronto 103 Chicago at Utah, 8 p.m.
Utah 111, Memphis 107 L.A. Lakers at Sacramento, 9 p.m.
“We definitely have a lit- The Celtics have lost the first two games of a five-game said. “A lot of people would
Phoenix 121, Chicago 116 Milwaukee at Portland, 9 p.m. tle bit of familiarity,” Oly- homestand, rallying from down 23 to within two before think this is a tough situa-
Milwaukee 112, L.A. Lakers 97 Oklahoma City at Phoenix, 9 p.m. nyk said. “I know his game. falling to the Mavericks on Wednesday. tion seeing I came from the
Thursday’s results Saturday’s games He knows mine. That Lakers and then Miami. But
Atlanta 134, San Antonio 129 (2OT) Dallas at Washington, 6 p.m. helps. I know what he’s go- SCOUTING THE SCOUTING THE I look at it as a positive. I’m
Philadelphia 114, Cleveland 94 Cleveland at Miami, 7 p.m. ing to do, where to look for ROCKETS CELTICS hoping I can stay here for
Detroit 120, Washington 91 Minnesota at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.
Brooklyn 111, Charlotte 89 New York at Detroit, 7 p.m. him, his spots. You don’t The Rockets offensive rating The Celtics led by as the long term and hopeful-
Miami 116, Golden State 109 Indiana at San Antonio, 8 p.m. really lose that. in the past eight games, since much as 36 points with ly finish my career here. I
Orlando 115, New Orleans 110 (OT) Orlando at Utah, 8 p.m. “That’s kind of a crazy beginning to get some reg- the Boston bench scor- love being back in the state
Denver 101, L.A. Clippers 94 Milwaukee at Sacramento, 9 p.m.
Oklahoma City at Portland, 9 p.m. stat that me and him have ulars back in the lineup, has ing 63 points in a rout of of Texas, and I love the or-
played more together than ranked 14th in the NBA. In the Rockets last month ganization so far.
any other two teammates fourth quarters in that in Toyota Center. … The “I’m still figuring out my
on our team. We’re moving stretch, they have scored just Celtics rank 21st in de- role here, but I can say so
NBA BOX SCORES/LEADERS forward with it. Hopefully, 96.9 points per 100 pos- fensive rating, 21st since far I’ve loved being with
we can bring that chemis- sessions, tied for last. … The the All-Star break. … these guys. I feel like it’s my
76ers 114, Cavaliers 94 Heat 116, Warriors 109 try.” Rockets make a league-worst The Celtics are the job to help (Porter) im-
Philadelphia: Green 3-8 2-3 11, Harris 4-7 4-4 12, Scott Golden State: Green 7-13 1-1 16, Wiggins 7-16 4-6 23,
With Christian Wood 34.8 percent of their shots, second-most efficient prove every single day on
1-5 0-0 2, Curry 7-15 0-0 19, Simmons 2-111-3 5, Howard Wiseman 1-5 2-2 4, Curry 9-19 13-13 36, Oubre Jr. 4-11 0-1
6-7 6-9 18, Korkmaz 2-8 2-2 7, Milton 10-14 2-2 27, Reed 8, Bazemore 2-2 2-2 6, Lee 1-3 0-0 3, Looney 2-4 0-0 4,
back after missing Olynyk’s 25.6 percent of their 3-point- scoring team in transi- the court and off the court.
1-3 0-0 2, Thybulle 2-6 0-0 5, Joe 0-1 0-0 0, Maxey 2-8 2-2 Toscano-Anderson 0-0 0-0 0, Mannion 0-0 0-0 0, Mulder
ers in ‘clutch situations’ (with tion in the NBA but rank
6, Tucker 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 40-93 19-25 114. 0-0 0-0 0, Poole 3-9 0-0 9. Totals 36-82 22-25 109. first two games with the That’s my main role: bring-
Cleveland: Okoro 4-4 1-3 9, Wade 6-14 1-1 16, Love 4-10 Miami: Ariza 3-6 2-2 10, Butler 7-13 7-9 22, Adebayo 5-13 a margin of five or fewer 19th in fast-break scor-
2-213, Garland 3-8 0-0 6, Sexton 7-15 9-9 24, Hartenstein 9-919, Oladipo 2-8 2-5 6, Robinson 8-151-121, Bjelica 3-6 Rockets, Houston often will ing that leadership.”
5-9 1-3 12, Osman 2-4 1-2 6, Prince 2-9 1-1 6, Stevens 1-2 0-0 8, Iguodala 3-6 2-2 10, Herro 8-13 2-2 20, Vincent 0-2 points in the final five min- ing. … The Celtics are
pair Bradley and Olynyk, The Rockets hope filling
0-0 2, Dellavedova 0-4 0-0 0, Thomas 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 0-0 0. Totals 39-82 25-30 116. utes), while playing in in the third in the NBA in of-
34-80 16-21 94. Golden State 24 30 27 28 — 109 playing them along with fewest games (16) with fensive rebounding
the floor with a mix of vet-
31 27 27 29 — 114
31 25 17 21 — 94
Miami 23 36 27 30 — 116 D.J. Augustin in a veteran- clutch situations. … The Rock- percentage, but rank erans and young players —
3-point goals: Golden State 15-37 (Curry 5-11, Wiggins
3-point goals: Philadelphia15-37 (Milton 5-7, Curry 5-10, 5-11, Poole 3-6, Lee 1-2, Green 1-3, Oubre Jr. 0-3), Miami heavy second unit. The ets ranked 11th in the NBA in 12th in second-chance rather than just develop-
Green 3-7, Korkmaz 1-3, Thybulle 1-4, Scott 0-2, Maxey 13-39 (Robinson 4-11, Ariza 2-4, Bjelica 2-5, Herro 2-5,
0-3), Cleveland 10-35 (Love 3-6, Wade 3-11, Osman 1-3, Iguodala 2-5, Butler 1-3, Vincent 0-2, Oladipo 0-4). Re- Rockets, amid a season of defensive rating before the points per game. … mental players — will help
Prince1-4, Sexton1-4, Garland 0-3). Rebounds: Philadel- bounds: Golden State 46 (Curry 11), Miami 37 (Adebayo constantly changing line- All-Star break, 29th since. … Guard Jaylen Brown is Porter and rookies Jae-
phia 55 (Howard 15), Cleveland 40 (Wade 8). Assists: 8). Assists: Golden State 23 (Green 8), Miami 30 (Butler
Philadelphia 27 (Simmons 5), Cleveland 26 (Garland 8). 8). Total fouls: Golden State 26, Miami 22. A: 0 (19,600) ups and rotations, can use Guard Kevin Porter Jr. has averaging career-bests ’Sean Tate and KJ Martin. It
Total fouls: Philadelphia 19, Cleveland 24. A: 4,100
(19,432) Hawks 134, Spurs 129 (2OT) any advantage that might scored at least 20 points in or 24.5 points, 3.7 as- is not just that the players
Pistons 120, Wizards 91
Atlanta: Hill 1-4 0-0 3, Snell 2-5 0-0 6, Capela 9-15 10-10
28, Bogdanovic12-17 0-0 28, Young11-23 4-6 28, Gallinari
come with their familiarity five of his 10 games with the sists and 48.5 percent added have been around;
Washington: Avdija 4-10 2-5 11, Hachimura 5-11 0-1 10, 5-12 4-416, Huerter 0-4 0-0 0, Okongwu 4-6 2-410, Good- with one another. But there Rockets. He is averaging 20 shooting. In his past 10 they are particularly savvy,
Len 7-12 0-2 14, Robinson 0-3 0-0 0, Westbrook 7-16 1-6 win 3-4 0-0 8, Williams 3-10 1-2 7. Totals 50-100 21-26
16, Hutchison 2-5 1-2 5, Lopez 7-10 2-3 16, Bonga 1-4 0-0 134. could be additional bene- points on 46 percent shoot- games, he has made versatile players.
2, Mathews 1-2 0-0 3, Neto 4-7 0-0 9, Winston 2-4 0-0 5. San Antonio: DeRozan 14-26 8-10 36, Johnson 2-8 0-0 5,
Totals 40-84 6-19 91. Poeltl 6-8 2-3 14, Murray 7-13 2-3 16, White 10-20 2-3 29,
fits from their example. ing as a starter. … Forward 40.7 percent of his 3s, “We didn’t just bring in
Detroit: Bey 3-8 4-4 11, Grant 4-14 3-4 12, Plumlee 6-11 Vassell 2-6 1-1 6, Eubanks 1-2 0-0 2, Gay 6-16 3-4 18, Mills “I feel like we have some Danuel House Jr. has scored averaging 3.9 per game. veteran guys,” coach Ste-
1-2 13, J.Jackson 13-211-2 31, Lee 3-7 2-2 8, Cook 2-5 0-0 1-10 0-0 3. Totals 49-110 18-24 129.
4, Stewart 2-7 0-0 4, Sirvydis 1-1 0-0 3, Ellington 4-8 0-0 chemistry,” Bradley said. in double figures in six of his … Forward Jayson Ta- phen Silas said. “We
Atlanta 32 22 30 26 9 15 — 134
11, F.Jackson 4-6 3-4 13, Joseph 3-6 4-4 10. Totals 45-94
San Antonio 22 26 32 30 9 10 — 129 “Not only that, but Kelly is a past seven games played, tum, averaging a career- brought in character veter-
18-22 120.
Washington 22 22 24 23 — 91
3-point goals: Atlanta 13-24 (Bogdanovic 4-5, Goodwin
smart player. He plays the making 60 percent of his best 25.3 points per an guys who are willing to
2-2, Young 2-2, Gallinari 2-4, Snell 2-4, Hill 1-3, Huerter
Detroit 32 31 24 33 — 120 0-3), San Antonio13-40 (White 7-13, Gay 3-8, Vassell1-3, right way. And I look at my- 3-pointers in that stretch. … game, is making 45 sacrifice, are willing to pull
3-point goals: Washington 5-19 (Mathews 1-2, Neto 1-2, Johnson 1-5, Mills 1-8, Murray 0-2).
self the same way. We try to Center Christian Wood has percent of his attempts guys aside and teach. They
Avdija 1-4, Westbrook 1-5, Bonga 0-2), Detroit 12-29 Rebounds: Atlanta 56 (Capela 17), San Antonio 46
(J.Jackson 4-7, Ellington 3-6, F.Jackson 2-3, Grant 1-4, (Poeltl 10). made just 25 percent of his for a third consecutive
Bey 1-6). Fouled out: Washington None, Detroit 1 (Stew- Assists: Atlanta 28 (Young12), San Antonio 25 (DeRozan make the right plays. When do things the right way. To
3-pointers in his seven games season. … After missing
art). Rebounds: Washington 40 (Westbrook 11), Detroit 9). Total fouls: Atlanta 22, San Antonio 22. A: 2,949 we’re on the floor together, have those three guys, es-
48 (Plumlee11). Assists: Washington 25 (Westbrook12), (18,581) since returning from a all 10 of his shots in his
Detroit 31 (Joseph, Plumlee 7). Total fouls: Washington it just makes the game that pecially, is very important
21, Detroit 18. A: 750 (20,491) Nuggets 101, Clippers 94 sprained ankle. He had made first game with the
Denver: Gordon 6-13 1-4 14, Porter Jr. 7-11 5-5 20, Jokic much easier. 42.1 percent before the injury. Celtics, guard Evan
for our building, growing.”
Nets 111, Hornets 89 6-16 0-014, Barton 7-14 2-319, Murray 9-18 2-2 23, Dozier
“We even spoke about Silas said he hopes “the
Charlotte: Hayward 5-11 2-2 13, Washington 3-11 1-1 8, 0-3 0-0 0, Millsap 2-4 0-0 5, Green1-10-0 3, Campazzo1-1 … Center Kelly Olynyk has Fournier went 3 of 6
Biyombo 1-4 0-1 2, Graham 3-9 5-5 13, Rozier 4-11 2-4 12, 0-0 3. Totals 39-81 10-14 101. that. It always helps having averaged 18.3 points on 62.5 against the Mavericks connection” Olynyk and
Bridges 3-9 2-2 10, Ca.Martin 0-3 0-0 0, Co.Martin 1-7 0-0 L.A. Clippers: Leonard 10-22 2-2 24, Morris Sr. 2-9 2-2 8,
3, McDaniels1-2 0-0 2, Zeller 2-3 2-2 6, Richards 0-0 0-0 0, Zubac 3-5 2-2 8, George 5-15 5-6 17, Jackson 3-8 0-0 7, guys that know how to play. percent shooting in his three on Wednesday. He is 0 Bradley bring will carry
Darling 0-0 0-0 0, Monk 4-110-011, Wanamaker 3-5 2-2 9. Batum 2-7 0-0 6, Coffey 0-0 0-0 0, Mann 8-10 1-2 18, Pat-
Totals 30-86 16-19 89. terson1-4 2-2 4, Oturu 0-0 0-0 0, Kennard1-5 0-0 2. Totals Right now, me and Kelly games with the Rockets. for 7 on 3s with Boston. over. That chemistry was
Brooklyn: Green 8-17 0-0 21, Harris 3-10 0-0 9, Aldridge
4-10 2-2 11, Brown 7-10 0-0 14, Irving 7-17 0-0 15, A.John-
35-85 14-16 94. don’t even know any of the forged in Boston, with Fri-
Denver 31 31 19 20 — 101
son 1-1 0-0 2, Luwawu-Cabarrot 0-2 0-0 0, Claxton 1-2 1-2
L.A. Clippers 20 29 21 24 — 94
plays. We’re just out there day’s return offering a re-
3, Perry 2-4 0-0 4, Chiozza 0-1 0-0 0, Shamet 6-10 0-0 17,
T.Johnson 5-7 0-0 15. Totals 44-91 3-4 111. 3-point goals: Denver13-25 (Barton 3-6, Murray 3-6, Jok- playing basketball and try- minder of when they were
ic 2-3, Porter Jr.1-2, Gordon1-4), L.A. Clippers10-34 (Ba-
Charlotte 11 37 17 24 — 89 tum 2-4, Leonard 2-4, Morris Sr. 2-6, George 2-7, Jackson ing to make the right plays. NUMBER INJURY/STATUS young players trying to find
Brooklyn 32 36 24 19 — 111 1-5, Patterson 0-3, Kennard 0-4). We can help these guys. I TO NOTE REPORT their way.
3-point goals: Charlotte 13-38 (Monk 3-5, Bridges 2-5, Rebounds: Denver 38 (Murray 8), L.A. Clippers 45 (Leon-
feel like it’s our job as veter- “It’s where it started for
Graham 2-6, Rozier 2-6, Wanamaker 1-2, Co.Martin 1-3, ard 12). Assists: Denver 28 (Jokic 7), L.A. Clippers 17 Rockets: Guard John Wall (left
Hayward 1-4, Washington 1-4), Brooklyn 20-45 (Shamet (George 5).
5-7, T.Johnson 5-7, Green 5-12, Harris 3-9, Irving 1-4, Lu- Total fouls: Denver 16, L.A. Clippers 19. A: 0 (18,997) an players to help these knee effusion) is questionable. both of us,” Olynyk said.
wawu-Cabarrot 0-2, Perry 0-2).
Leaders younger players under- Forward David Nwaba “We both got drafted here,
Rebounds: Charlotte 43 (Washington 8), Brooklyn 56 (Ir- Rockets and Celt-
ving 11). Through March 30 stand the game faster.” (sprained right wrist), guard played a good chunk of our
Assists: Charlotte 22 (Monk 4), Brooklyn 34 (Irving 8). ics players that
Total fouls: Charlotte 9, Brooklyn 18. A: 1,773 (17,732)
Scoring That job description has Eric Gordon (strained right careers here. It’s a pleasure
played on Wed-
Magic 115, Pelicans 110 (OT) Beal, WAS
changed dramatically for nesday who either
groin) and guard Dante Exum being back.”
Orlando: Ennis III 6-9 0-013, Okeke 3-9 2-2 8, Birch 0-2 0-0 Lillard, POR 44 404 319 1310 29.8 both with the trade. Brad- (right calf strain) are out. More than just playing in
0, Bacon 5-13 4-5 14, Randle 5-16 2-2 15, Carter Jr. 8-13 were on other
5-5 21, Porter Jr. 2-8 2-2 6, Ross 8-21 2-3 19, Bamba 5-9
Curry, GS 40 386 202 1162 29.1
ley was with the Lakers last Celtics: Forward Semi Ojeleye Boston, Bradley said, “I be-
Doncic, DAL 40 403 217 1141 28.5 teams or in the G
1-2 11, Hampton 3-6 2-2 8. Totals 45-106 20-23 115.
Antetokounmpo, MIL 43 442 288 1222 28.4 season, though he opted (left side strain) and center came a man here, drafted
New Orleans: Hart 4-11 5-6 14, Johnson 5-11 4-4 17, Ad- League when the
ams 4-8 0-0 8, Alexander-Walker 13-24 1-2 31, Bledsoe LaVine, CHI 45 442 200 1238 27.5
out of the NBA bubble. He Tristan Thompson (health and at 19. This will always be
5-13 1-2 14, Hayes 4-7 2-2 10, Iwundu 2-7 3-3 7, Lewis Jr. Jokic, DEN 47 497 195 1260 26.8 Rockets faced the
Williamson, NO 44 444 264 1160 26.4 and Olynyk were on the safety protocols) are out. home for me.”
4-13 0-0 9. Totals 41-94 16-19 110. Celtics March 14.
Orlando 27 25 19 30 14 — 115
Harden, BKN 40 329 268 1043 26.1
team the Lakers beat for Jonathan Feigen Yet after two games with
Leonard, LAC 40 376 209 1038 26.0
New Orleans 26 19 31 25 9 — 110
3-point goals: Orlando 5-25 (Randle 3-7, Ross1-5, Bacon
Mitchell, UTA
James, LAL
the championship. The the Rockets, he sounded as
0-2, Bamba 0-2, Okeke 0-2, Porter Jr. 0-4), New Orleans
12-29 (Alexander-Walker 4-7, Johnson 3-5, Bledsoe 3-6,
Young, ATL 45 343 350 1144 25.4 Rockets were 12-31 on the if he felt at home again, in
Tatum, BOS 41 380 161 1036 25.3
Lewis Jr. 1-3, Hart 1-6, Iwundu 0-2). Booker, PHO 42 388 189 1051 25.0 day of the trade. the Rockets, who hold a ed 13 years of friendship part because of a partner-
Rebounds: Orlando 49 (Carter Jr. 12), New Orleans 55
(Hart 17).
Fox, SAC 46 416 224 1141 24.8 Bradley, however, said team option on his con- with John Wall, going to the ship with a familiar face.
Brown, BOS 43 398 147 1055 24.5
Assists: Orlando 20 (Ross 5), New Orleans 26 (Bledsoe
6). Vucevic, CHI 46 454 95 1122 24.4 he is happy with the re- tract next season and be- same high school, Findlay
Total fouls: Orlando 20, New Orleans 23. A: 3,700 Sexton, CLE
Ingram, NO
vised role and indicated he yond. Besides his years Prep, as Christian Wood [email protected]
would welcome a return to playing with Olynyk, he cit- and being from the same twitter.com/jonathan_feigen
Yankees in opener
Hahn, H, 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 23 9.00 Kela 1 1 0 0 0 1 12 0.00 1-0
1-0 Barlow, H, 1 12⁄3 1 0 0 2 4 36 0.00 Pagan, W, 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 1 20 0.00 Almonte, H, 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 12 0.00
Merryweather, 1 0 0 0 0 3 11 0.00 Holland, H, 1 2
⁄3 1 1 0 2 1 25 0.00 Pomeranz, H, 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 21 0.00 Kinley 1 2 1 1 0 0 20 9.00
S, 1-1 Davis, S, 1-1 2
⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 8 0.00 Melancon, S, 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.00 Bard, S, 1-1 1 1 0 0 1 2 24 0.00
New York ip h r er bb so np era T—4:26. A—9,155 (37,903). 1-1 Inherited runners-scored—Knebel 2-0, Alexander 1-0.
Cole 5 1⁄3 5 2 2 2 8 97 3.38 Inherited runners-scored—Young 2-1. HBP—Bumgarner HBP—Bard (Smith). WP—Nelson(2), Alexander, C.Gon-
Green 1 2⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 17 0.00 Pirates 5, Cubs 3 (Pham). Umpires—Home, Ted Barrett; First, Angel Her-
NEW YORK — Randal Grichuk led off the 10th with an Loaisiga 1 0 0 0 0 1 8 0.00 Pittsburgh ab r h bi bb so avg nandez; Second, Stu Scheuwater; Third, Jose Navas.
zalez. T—3:46. A—20,570 (50,445).
O’Day 1 1 0 0 0 1 22 0.00 Leaders
RBI double, and the Toronto Blue Jays took advantage of Nelson, L, 0-1 1 1 1 0 0 3 15 0.00
Frazier 2b 4 1 2 2 2 0 .500 T—3:26. A—8,773 (40,209).
Hayes 3b 5 1 1 2 1 1 .200 Through Thursday’s early games
the second year of starting extra innings with a runner Inherited runners-scored—Chatwood 1-0, Green 1-0. Reynolds lf 4 0 1 0 1 0 .250 Cardinals 11, Reds 6 American League
Umpires—Home, Mark Carlson; First, James Hoye; Sec-
on second to beat the New York Yankees 3-2 on Thursday ond, Jordan Baker; Third, Chris Segal. T—3:44. A—10,850
Moran 1b
Newman ss
0 3 1
0 0 0
St. Louis
Edman 2b
ab r h
5 1 1
bi bb so avg
0 0 0 .200 Batting: T.Hernandez, Toronto, .750; Frazier, New York,
in the major league opener. (47,309).
Polanco rf 4 1 0 0 1 2 .000 Goldschmidt 1b 5 3 4 1 0 0 .800
.667; Sanchez, New York, .667; Kepler, Minnesota, .600;
Grichuk, Toronto, .500; Guerrero Jr., Toronto, .500; Perez,
Stallings c 4 0 2 1 1 2 .500 Arenado 3b 5 1 2 1 0 2 .400
Fans returned to Yankee Stadium for the first time Rays 1, Marlins 0 Alford cf 3 1 0 0 2 3 .000 DeJong ss 5 1 1 1 0 1 .200
Cleveland, .500; Simmons, Minnesota, .500.
Tampa Bay ab r h bi bb so avg Runs: T.Hernandez, Toronto, 2; 14 tied at 1.
since 2019. Capacity was limited to 20 percent because of Tsutsugo 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .000
Kuhl p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 O’Neill lf 4 2 1 2 0 1 .250 RBI: Perez, Cleveland, 2; Buxton, Minnesota, 2; Sanchez,
Fowler ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 1.000 Molina c 4 1 0 1 0 0 .000
coronavirus protocols, and the attendance was an- Meadows lf 4 1 1 1 0 1 .250 Gonzalez ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Carlson cf 3 1 1 3 1 2 .333
New York, 2; Cabrera, Detroit, 2; Jones, Detroit,1; Grichuk,
Toronto,1; Gurriel Jr., Toronto,1; Meadows, Tampa Bay,1;
Fairbanks p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
nounced as 10,850. Castillo p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Perez ph
0 0 1
5 11 10
.000 Williams rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000 T.Hernandez, Toronto, 1; Arraez, Minnesota, 1; Kepler,
Flaherty p 1 1 0 0 2 0 .000 Minnesota, 1.
Jordan Romano escaped trouble in the ninth with the Arozarena rf
Lowe 2b
0 0 1
0 1 1
.333 Chicago ab r h bi bb so avg Carpenter ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Home runs: Perez, Cleveland, 1; Buxton, Minnesota, 1;
Sanchez, New York,1; Cabrera, Detroit,1; Meadows, Tam-
help of third baseman Cavan Biggio. After pinch-runner Diaz 3b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Happ cf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .000 Totals 37 11 10 9 3 7
pa Bay, 1; T.Hernandez, Toronto, 1.
Kiermaier cf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250 Contreras c 3 2 0 1 0 1 .000 Cincinnati ab r h bi bb so avg
Michael Tauchman stole two bases, he was thrown out at Adames ss 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250 Rizzo 1b 3 0 1 1 0 1 .333 Winker lf 4 2 2 0 1 2 .500
National League
the plate by Biggio trying to score on a grounder by AL Zunino c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .000 Bryant 3b
Pederson lf
0 1 1
1 1 2
Castellanos rf 5 2 3 2 0 0 .600
Batting: Cronenworth, San Diego, 1.000; Goldschmidt,
Glasnow p 2 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Votto 1b 5 0 1 1 0 0 .200
batting champion DJ LeMahieu. Romano then struck out Margot ph-lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Baez ss 4 0 0 0 0 3 .000 Suarez ss 3 1 1 1 2 1 .333 St. Louis, .800; K.Marte, Arizona, .800; Hosmer, San Die-
Heyward rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .000 go, .750; Castellanos, Cincinnati, .600; 10 tied at .500.
Aaron Judge to strand two runners. Totals 32 1 5 1 3 12
Bote 2b 1 0 0 0 1 1 .000
Moustakas 3b
Senzel cf
0 0
0 0
1 2 0 .000
0 0 1 .000
Runs: Cronenworth, San Diego, 3; Goldschmidt, St. Louis,
Miami ab r h bi bb so avg 3.
Nick Nelson relieved to begin the 10th and with pinch- Dickerson lf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Duffy ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Naquin ph-cf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 RBI: Carlson, St. Louis, 3; Caratini, San Diego, 3; Hosmer,
Sogard 2b 2 1 1 0 0 0 .500 Aquino ph-cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000
runner Jonathan Davis on second, Grichuk lined his Detwiler p 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Totals 26 3 2 3 4 13 India 2b 4 0 2 0 0 1 .500
San Diego, 3; Shaw, Milwaukee, 3; A.Cabrera, Arizona, 3.
Home runs: Sandoval, Atlanta, 1; Locastro, Arizona, 1;
Cimber p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
second pitch over Judge in right. Marte cf 4 0 0 0 0 4 .000 Pittsburgh 210 010 100 — 5 9 2 Barnhart c 1 1 0 0 0 0 .000 Carlson, St. Louis, 1; Myers, San Diego, 1; Suarez, Cincin-
Blandino ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 nati, 1; Hosmer, San Diego, 1; O’Neill, St. Louis, 1; Vogt,
Julian Merryweather struck out Aaron Hicks, Giancar- Aguilar 1b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .500 Chicago 101 000 010 — 3 2 0
Farmer ph-lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Arizona, 1; A.Cabrera, Arizona, 1; Castellanos, Cincinnati,
Duvall rf-lf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .000 E—Frazier (1), Stallings (1). LOB—Pittsburgh 15, Chicago
lo Stanton and Gleyber Torres on 11 pitches for the save. Anderson 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .000 4. 2B—Stallings (1), Frazier (1), Rizzo (1), Sogard (1).
Stephenson c 3 0 1 0 0 0 .333 1; Hayes, Pittsburgh, 1; K.Marte, Arizona, 1.
Totals 34 6 10 5 5 8
NATS-METS POSTPONED OVER COVID: Washing- Chisholm Jr. 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .000 HR—Hayes (1), off Hendricks. RBIs—Hayes 2 (2), Frazier 2
Alfaro c 3 0 1 0 0 1 .333 (2), Stallings (1), Pederson (1), Rizzo (1), Contreras (1). St. Louis 610 400 000 — 11 10 0
ton Nationals general manager Mike Rizzo says the team Rojas ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000 SB—Frazier (1), Fowler (1), Alford (1). CS—Alford (1). Cincinnati 102 120 000 — 6 10 2
SF—Pederson, Rizzo, Contreras. S —Hendricks.
has three players who have tested positive for the coro- Alcantara p
Sierra ph
0 0 1 .000
0 0 1 .000 Runners left in scoring position—Pittsburgh 10 (Hayes
E—Suarez 2 (2). LOB—St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 9.
2B—Goldschmidt 2 (2), Winker (1), India (1), Castellanos
navirus and a fourth considered a “likely positive.” The Totals 30 0 3 0 1 9 2, Stallings, Reynolds, Frazier, Polanco, Alford); Chicago 3
(Baez, Happ, Heyward). RISP—Pittsburgh 3 for 20; Chica-
(1). HR—Carlson (1), off Castillo; O’Neill (1), off Bedrosian;
Nationals’ season-opening game against the visiting New Tampa Bay 000 000 010 — 1 5 0 go 0 for 5. Runners moved up—Newman, Reynolds, Gon-
Castellanos (1), off Flaherty; Suarez (1), off Flaherty.
RBIs—DeJong (1), Molina (1), Carlson 3 (3), Arenado (1), COLORADO ROCKIES
Miami 000 000 000 — 0 3 0 zalez, Polanco, Happ.
York Mets that was scheduled for Thursday night was LOB—Tampa Bay 8, Miami 4. 2B—Lowe (1). HR—Mea- Pittsburgh ip h r er bb so np era
Goldschmidt (1), O’Neill 2 (2), Castellanos 2 (2), Suarez
The club brought back
(1), Votto (1), Moustakas (1). SF—Moustakas. S —Castil-
postponed. Rizzo said it was not known when that game dows (1), off Garcia. RBIs—Meadows (1). SB—Alfaro (1). Kuhl
Underwood Jr.
3 1 2 1 3 2 63 3.00
1 0 0 0 0 3 18 0.00
lo. Runners left in scoring position—St. Louis1(O’Neill); Jhoulys Chacin, agreeing to
Runners left in scoring position—Tampa Bay 5 (Kier- Cincinnati 4 (Barnhart, Aquino 2, India). RISP—St. Louis 6
will be made up — other than that it would not be played maier, Adames, Margot); Miami 1 (Dickerson). RISP- Holmes, H, 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 12 0.00
for 12; Cincinnati 3 for 11. Runners moved up—Castella- a one-year deal with the
Howard, W, 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 3 13 0.00
Friday. He did not identify any of the players involved. —Tampa Bay 0 for 5; Miami 0 for 1.
Tampa Bay ip h r er bb so np era Bednar, H, 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 12 0.00
nos. LIDP—Castellanos. GIDP—DeJong. DP—St. Louis 1
(O’Neill, Edman, O’Neill); Cincinnati 1 (Moustakas, India, RHP on the eve of opening
ROCKIES 8, DODGERS 5: On an afternoon Cody Glasnow 6 1 0 0 0 6 76 0.00 Stratton, H, 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 19 9.00
Votto). day.
Thompson, W, 1 1 0 0 0 1 12 0.00 Rodriguez, S, 1-1 1 0 0 0 1 2 14 0.00
Bellinger had a homer negated because of a baserunning 1-0 Chicago ip h r er bb so np era
St. Louis
ip h r er bb so np
41⁄3 6 6 6 2 4 94 12.46
He was added to the
mistake, host Colorado played plenty of small ball to Fairbanks, H, 1
Castillo, S, 1-1
1 1 0 0 1 0 20 0.00
1 0 0 0 0 2 12 0.00
Hendricks, L, 0-1
Workman 2
3 4 3 3 3 4 63 9.00
⁄3 1 0 0 2 0 23 0.00
Webb 2
⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.00
active roster before the
Helsley 1 3 0 0 0 1 17 0.00
beat defending World Series champion Los Angeles. The Miami ip h r er bb so np era Brothers 2
⁄3 1 1 1 1 1 16 13.50 Cabrera 1 0 0 0 2 0 18 0.00
opener Thursday against
Adam 1 1 0 0 2 1 38 0.00 Gallegos, W, 1 0 0 0 0 2 19 0.00
Rockies scored runs courtesy of a squeeze play, two wild Alcantara
6 2 0 0 2 7 83 0.00
1 0 0 0 0 2 12 0.00 Winkler 1 ⁄3 1 1 1 1 2 31 5.40
1-0 the defending champion
Chafin ⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 14 0.00
pitches, a groundout, an error and three RBI singles.
Garcia, L, 0-1 1 1 1 1 0 1 15 9.00 Reyes 1 1 0 0 1 1 21 0.00
Detwiler 2
⁄3 2 0 0 0 2 14 0.00 Tepera 1
⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 12 0.00
Cincinnati ip h r er bb so np era Los Angeles Dodgers at
TIGERS 3, INDIANS 2: Miguel Cabrera homered Cimber ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 14 0.00 Mills 1 0 0 0 0 1 17 0.00
Coors Field.
Castillo 3 1⁄3 8 10 8 2 0 73 21.60
T—4:00. A—10,343 (41,649).
through the snow in his first at-bat of the season, then Inherited runners-scored—Cimber 2-0. HBP—Alcantara (L, 0-1)
(Diaz). Umpires—Home, Jerry Layne; First, Hunter Wen-
Brewers 6, Twins 5 (10)
Bedrosian 2
⁄3 1 1 1 0 1 9 13.50 Chacin, 33, spent the
added a sparkling play at first base to lift host Detroit to a delstedt; Second, Mike Estabrook; Third, Quinn Wolcott. Romano 2 0 0 0 1 2 26 0.00
T—2:44. A—7,062 (36,742). Minnesota ab r h bi bb so avg Fulmer 2 0 0 0 0 2 23 0.00 first six years of his major
victory over Cleveland. Arraez lf-3b 5 0 2 1 1 1 .400 Doolittle 1 1 0 0 0 2 15 0.00
RAYS 1, MARLINS 0: Austin Meadows’ homer in the Phillies 3, Braves 2 (10) Donaldson 3b 1 0 1 0 0 0 1.000 Inherited runners-scored—Webb 3-1, Bedrosian 1-1.
league career in Colorado
eighth inning was all Tampa Bay needed, and the reign- Atlanta ab r h bi bb so avg Cave lf 4 1 0 0 1 3 .000 HBP—Castillo (O’Neill), Flaherty (Barnhart). WP—Flaher- (2009-14) after being
Acuna Jr. rf 4 0 2 0 1 1 .500 Polanco 2b 4 0 0 0 1 2 .000 ty, Castillo. Umpires—Home, Jim Reynolds; First, Tony
ing AL champion started its season with a win at Miami. Albies 2b 5 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Sano 1b 4 1 1 0 1 3 .250 Randazzo; Second, Todd Tichenor; Third, Chad Whitson. signed by the Rockies on
BREWERS 6, TWINS 5: Lorenzo Cain scored the Freeman 1b 4 0 0 0 1 0 .000 Kepler rf 5 1 3 1 0 0 .600 T—3:31.
Sept. 27, 2004, as a non-
Ozuna lf 5 0 1 0 0 2 .200 Buxton cf 3 1 1 2 2 2 .333
winning run in the 10th after Travis Shaw sparked a d’Arnaud c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250 Garver c 5 0 0 0 0 3 .000 Angels 4, White Sox 3 drafted international free
Chicago ab r h bi bb so avg
ninth-inning comeback, and Milwaukee beat visiting Swanson ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Simmons ss
Maeda p
1 2
0 0
0 1 1
0 0 0
.000 Anderson ss 4 1 1 0 0 2 .250 agent. He ranks ninth in
Riley 3b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .333
Minnesota. Pache cf 4 1 1 0 0 2 .250 Cruz ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Eaton rf 4 1 1 2 0 1 .250 franchise history in in-
Garlick ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Abreu 1b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250
PIRATES 5, CUBS 3: Ke’Bryan Hayes hit a two-run Fried p
Sandoval ph
0 0 1
2 0 0
1.000 Astudillo ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Moncada 3b 3 0 2 0 1 1 .667 nings pitched (672.0),
homer, and Pittsburgh’s relievers dominated in a two- Adrianza ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Totals 39 5 10 4 7 17 Grandal c
Garcia lf
0 1 1
0 0 2
games started (109) and
Totals 37 2 7 2 2 10
hitter, helping the Pirates beat Chicago at Wrigley Field. Milwaukee
Wong 2b
r h
2 1
bi bb so avg
0 1 2 .333
Robert cf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .250 strikeouts (514). He’s also
Philadelphia ab r h bi bb so avg
PHILLIES 3, BRAVES 2: Jean Segura hit an RBI single McCutchen lf 4 1 1 0 1 2 .250 Hiura 1b 5 1 0 0 0 2 .000
Collins dh 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000
10th with 38 wins.
Madrigal 2b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .333
with two outs in the 10th inning to lift host Philadelphia Hoskins 1b 5 1 1 0 0 3 .200 Yelich lf
Garcia rf
2 2
0 2
1 0 1 .500
0 0 1 .400
Totals 33 3 7 2 2 10 Chacin spent spring
Harper rf 4 1 1 0 1 1 .250
to a victory over Atlanta. Realmuto c 4 0 2 1 0 0 .500 Shaw 3b 4 0 2 3 1 0 .500 Los Angeles ab r h bi bb so avg training with the Yankees
Fletcher 2b 4 1 1 0 0 2 .250
ROYALS 14, RANGERS 10: Michael A. Taylor homer- Bohm 3b 3 0 0 1 1 1 .000 Cain cf
Narvaez c
1 1
0 2
0 0 1 .200
1 0 1 .400 Ohtani dh 4 1 0 0 0 1 .000 before being released.
Gregorius ss 4 0 1 0 1 3 .250
ed, drove in three runs and threw out two players at the Segura 2b 5 0 2 1 0 0 .400 Urias ss 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Trout cf 2 1 1 1 2 1 .500
Vogelbach ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Rendon 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .333
plate from center field, leading host Kansas City past Haseley cf
Quinn cf
0 0 1
0 0 1
.000 Arcia ss 2 0 0 1 0 0 .000 Upton lf 3 0 1 1 1 1 .333 LOS ANGELES ANGELS
Texas in a wild season opener. Nola p 2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Woodruff p 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Pujols 1b 4 0 0 1 0 0 .000
Infielder David Fletcher
McKinney ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 1.000 J.Iglesias ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000
PADRES 8, DIAMONDBACKS 7: Eric Hosmer had a Miller ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Bradley Jr. ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Stassi c 3 1 2 1 0 1 .667 agreed to a five-year, $26
Totals 36 3 9 3 4 13
homer among his three hits and drove in three runs, Atlanta 000 000 200 0 — 2 7 1
Robertson ph-3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Fowler rf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .000
million contract before the
Totals 40 6 11 6 2 9 Totals 30 4 6 4 4 10
newcomer Victor Caratini also had three RBIs, and San Philadelphia 101 000 000 1 — 3 9 1
club’s season opener
Minnesota 002 100 200 0 — 5 10 2 Chicago 010 020 000 — 3 7 1
Diego gave up four long balls in the fifth inning to blow a E—Freeman (1), Hoskins (1). LOB—Atlanta 9, Philadel-
phia 12. 2B—Acuna Jr. (1), Pache (1), Hoskins (1), Real- Milwaukee 001 010 003 1 — 6 11 0 Los Angeles 000 110 02x — 4 6 0 against the White Sox.
five-run lead before beating visiting Arizona. muto (1). HR—Sandoval (1), off Nola. RBIs—Sandoval 2 E—Simmons (1), Colome (1). LOB—Minnesota 13, Mil- E—Madrigal (1). LOB—Chicago 5, Los Angeles 6.
Fletcher’s deal could be
(2), Bohm (1), Realmuto (1), Segura (1). SB—Segura (1). waukee 12. 2B—Donaldson (1), Kepler (1), Shaw (1). 2B—Robert (1), Moncada (1). HR—Eaton (1), off Bundy;
CARDINALS 11, REDS 6: Paul Goldschmidt and new- Stassi (1), off Giolito. RBIs—Eaton 2 (2), Upton (1), Stassi
SF—Bohm. S —Nola. Runners left in scoring position- 3B—Kepler (1). HR—Buxton (1), off Yardley. worth up to $41 million
comer Nolan Arenado combined for six hits in a boosted —Atlanta 5 (Albies, d’Arnaud, Pache); Philadelphia 7 RBIs—Kepler (1), Arraez (1), Buxton 2 (2), Shaw 3 (3), (1), Trout (1), Pujols (1). SB—Robert (1). CS—Madrigal
(Gregorius 3, Hoskins 2, Miller). RISP—Atlanta 1 for 8; Narvaez (1), Yelich (1), Arcia (1). SB—Buxton (1). (1). Runners left in scoring position—Chicago 2 (Rob- because it includes two
St. Louis lineup, and the Cardinals roughed up Luis Philadelphia 3 for 14. Runners moved up—Freeman, S —Maeda. Runners left in scoring position—Minnesota ert); Los Angeles 3 (Pujols, J.Iglesias). RISP—Chicago 0 for
Realmuto. DP—Philadelphia1(Quinn, Realmuto, Quinn). 7 (Kepler, Garver, Sano 2, Cave); Milwaukee 6 (Urias, Cain 2; Los Angeles 2 for 7. Runners moved up—Garcia, Pujols. club options worth $8
Castillo for six runs in the first inning to beat host Cincin- GIDP—Upton. DP—Chicago 1 (Moncada, Madrigal,
Atlanta ip h r er bb so np era 2, Hiura, Vogelbach). RISP—Minnesota 3 for 12; Milwau-
million in 2026 and $8.5
nati in a chilly opener. Fried 5 6 2 2 2 8 94 3.60 kee 6 for 15. Runners moved up—Polanco, Garcia. Abreu).
FOR THE RECORD | ETC. Sports editor, [email protected] | 713-362-2734 | [email protected] @chronsports Houston Chronicle Sports
shine in return
t-Tampa, Florida Megan Khang ........................................................33-35—68 Pro basketball Dallas at New York NBA 6:30 p.m.
College basketball Moriya Jutanugarn ................................................34-34—68
Ariya Jutanugarn ...................................................34-34—68
Pro basketball Milwaukee at Portland NBA 9 p.m.
NCAA Tournament Anna Nordqvist .....................................................34-34—68 Pro hockey Washington at New Jersey NHL 6 p.m.
Favorite Odds O/U Underdog Mirim Lee................................................................35-34—69
Connecticut 131⁄2 127 1⁄2 Arizona Jessica Korda .........................................................34-35—69
Surfing Newcastle Cup FS2 5:30 p.m.
Stanford 6 134 South Carolina Jennifer Kupcho.....................................................34-35—69 Tennis Miami Open Tennis noon RANCHO MIRAGE, all the par 5s in two,
Jin Young Ko ..........................................................35-34—69
Wrestling U.S. Olympic Trials NBCSN 6:30 p.m.
NHL Georgia Hall ...........................................................35-34—69 Calif. — Michelle Wie birdieing three of them.
Favorite Odds O/U Underdog
Charley Hull............................................................36-33—69
Bronte Law.............................................................34-35—69
Radio West was back on a ma- “It was a pretty calm
Capitals -$180/+$160 51⁄2 DEVILS Yuka Saso...............................................................36-33—69 Pro baseball Astros at Oakland 740 AM 8:30 p.m.
Maple Leafs -$135/+$115 6 JETS Sarah Kemp ...........................................................35-35—70 In Spanish 1010 AM jor championship leader- and relaxing day today,”
OILERS -$140/+$120 6 Flames
AVALANCHE -$220/+$180 51⁄2 Blues
Gerina Piller............................................................36-34—70
Sophia Popov ........................................................38-32—70 Pro basketball Rockets at Boston 790 AM 6:30 p.m. board Thursday at the Tavatanakit said. “I just
KINGS -$120/even 51⁄2 Sharks Inbee Park..............................................................35-35—70 In Spanish 1010 AM ANA Inspiration. So was stuck to my game plan
Coyotes -$110/-$110 51⁄2 DUCKS Dani Holmqvist......................................................35-35—70 .
Azahara Munoz......................................................34-36—70 Shanshan Feng in her and didn’t get too greedy
Colleges Pornanong Phatlum .............................................36-34—70
Carlota Ciganda.....................................................33-37—70
first tournament in 14 out there. I know it’s a
Football Christina Kim .........................................................35-35—70 months. major, it’s tough, the
Thursday’s results Cheyenne Knight ...................................................34-36—70
Lydia Ko..................................................................34-36—70 TAPPS 5-II Transactions Playing for the second course is really tough. I
South Amy Yang...............................................................35-35—70 Second Baptist 2, The Woodlands Christian 0 BASEBALL straight week after a was just being really
Sam Houston St. 24, Northwestern St. 16 Lexi Thompson ......................................................35-35—70
Michelle Wie West.................................................34-36—70 Non-district American League 21-month break, Wie patient and I was waiting
Southwest Pajaree Anannarukarn ..........................................35-36—71 Cinco Ranch 9, Milby 1
E.C. Oklahoma U. 21, Tarleton St. 14 Jaye Marie Green....................................................34-37—71
BALTIMORE ORIOLES: Placed OF D.J. Stewart on the10-
day injured list and RHP Shawn Armstrong on paternity
West shot a 2-under 70, for putts to drop, and
Friday’s game Jenny Shin ..............................................................34-37—71 Softball list. Optioned RHP Travis Lakins Sr. to Norfolk (Triple-A leaving her four strokes they did on the back
N. Iowa at South Dakota, 6 p.m. Lauren Stephenson ...............................................36-35—71 Thursday’s scores East). Placed INF Chris Davis and RHP Hunter Harvey on
Saturday’s games Ally Ewing...............................................................36-35—71 the 60-day injured list. behind leader Patty Tava- nine.”
Kelly Tan .................................................................34-37—71 District 15-6A
East Yui Kawamoto........................................................35-36—71 Klein Oak 23, Klein Forest 0
BOSTON RED SOX: Placed LHP Eduardo Rodriguez and
RHP Ryan Brasier on the 10-day injured list. Recalled RHP
tanakit after the morning
Sarah Schmelzel ....................................................34-37—71
Villanova at Maine, 11 a.m.
Albany (N.Y.) at Delaware, 11 a.m. Ryann O’Toole ........................................................36-35—71 District 16-6A Tanner Houck from the alternate training site.
CHICAGO WHITE SOX: Placed OF Adam Engel and LHP
wave. Villegas in front
Jeongeun Lee6 .......................................................36-35—71 Cypress Woods 14, Cypress Falls 2 “Came into the day
Lehigh at Lafayette, 11:30 a.m.
Bucknell at Holy Cross, Noon
New Hampshire at Rhode Island, Noon
Sung Hyun Park .....................................................35-36—71
Madelene Sagstrom ..............................................32-39—71
Bridgeland 12, Langham Creek 1
Cypress Ranch 4, Cypress Lakes 2
Jace Fry on the 10-day injured list and OF Eloy Jimenez on
the 60-day injured list. Selected the contracts of OF Billy
Hamilton and INF/OF Andrew Vaughn from Schaumburg like, ‘OK, no stress today, after first round
Mi Jung Hur ............................................................34-37—71
Colgate at Fordham, 3 p.m.
Nelly Korda.............................................................35-36—71 District 17-6A (Triple-A East). Assigned LHP Nik Turley outright to
easy golf,’” Wie West Camilo Villegas
South Yu Liu ......................................................................36-35—71
Mel Reid..................................................................36-35—71
Memorial 8, Jersey Village 7 DETROIT TIGERS: Placed RHP Rony Garcia on the 10-day said. “And the first cou- chipped in twice to high-
James Madison at Richmond, 11 a.m. injured list. Selected the contract of LHP Derek Holland
Presbyterian at Stetson, Noon Hannah Green........................................................35-36—71 District 18-6A
from Toledo (Triple-A East). Designated OF Christin Stew- ple holes were not easy light a nine-birdie round
Stephanie Meadow ...............................................35-36—71 Westside 9, Westbury 0
Robert Morris at Kennesaw St., Noon
The Citadel at Wofford, Noon Nicole Broch Larsen ...............................................36-35—71 Houston Heights 15, Math Science & Tech 0
art for assignment.
HOUSTON ASTROS: Placed RHP Andre Scrubb, Josh
golf. I’m just happy to see that earned him an 8-
Nicholls at McNeese St., Noon Perrine Delacour ....................................................35-37—72
Kristen Gillman ......................................................37-35—72 District 20-6A James and Austin Pruitt and LHP Framber Valdez on the my name on the first under 64 and the first-
Monmouth (N.J.) at Gardner-Webb, Noon 10-day injured list.
ETSU at VMI, 12:30 p.m. Eun-Hee Ji ..............................................................36-36—72 FB Dulles 8, FB Clements 4 KANSAS CITY ROYALS: Designated C Meibrys Viloria and page of the leaderboard. round lead at the Valero
Sei Young Kim .......................................................36-36—72
SE Missouri at UT Martin, 1 p.m.
Tennessee St. at Tennessee Tech, 1:30 p.m. Xiyu Lin...................................................................37-35—72 District 21-6A RHP Scott Blewett for assignment. Selected the contracts
of CF Kyle Islbel from Quad Cities (High-A Central) and
That’s really special to Texas Open on Thursday.
Danielle Kang.........................................................37-35—72 Atascocita 10, Humble 0
SC State at Alabama St., 2 p.m.
Cristie Kerr ..............................................................37-35—72
LHP Jake Brentz from Northwest Arkansas (Double-A me. Been a long time Sung Kang, a 33-year-
Murray St. at Austin Peay, 2 p.m. District 22-6A Central).
Furman at Mercer, 2:30 p.m. Nanna Koerstz Madsen ........................................36-36—72
Dobie 3, Channelview 2
LOS ANGELES ANGELS: Agreed to terms with INF David since I’ve seen that.” old South Korean, is two
William & Mary at Elon, 3 p.m. Pernilla Lindberg....................................................34-38—72 Fletcher on a five-year contract.
Ark.-Pine Bluff at MVSU, 3 p.m. Alena Sharp ...........................................................37-35—72
District 23-6A OAKLAND ATHLETICS: Selected the contracts of LHP
Feng birdied three of shots back with Cameron
Angel Yin................................................................34-38—72
Southern U. at Jackson St., 4 p.m.
Brittany Lang.........................................................37-35—72 Dawson 21, Hastings 0 Reymin Guduan and INF Jed Lowrie from Las Vegas (Tri- her last five holes for a Tringale after each had a
Lamar at SE Louisiana, 6 p.m. ple-A West). Optioned LHP A.J. Puk and RHP Daulton Jef-
Gardner-Webb at Charleston Southern, ppd. Hyo Joo Kim...........................................................37-35—72
Angela Stanford ....................................................34-38—72
District 24-6A feries to the alternate training site. Placed RHPs Mike Fiers bogey-free 67. The Chi- 66 at TPC San Antonio’s
and Trevor Rosenthal on the 10-day injured list. Designat-
Midwest Minjee Lee ..............................................................37-35—72 Brazoswood 6, Dickinson 2
ed OF Skye Bolt for assignment. nese star hadn’t played a Oaks Course. Jordan
Jodi Ewart Shadoff ...............................................38-34—72 Clear Creek 7, Clear Brook 4
Jacksonville St. at E. Illinois, 1 p.m.
Valparaiso at Drake, 1 p.m. So Yeon Ryu...........................................................35-37—72 District 16-5A
TAMPA BAY RAYS: Placed RF Brett Phillips and1B Ji-Man
Choi on the 10-day injured list.
competitive round since Spieth, whose struggles
Morehead St. at Butler, 2 p.m. Hinako Shibuno .....................................................36-36—72
Caroline Inglis.........................................................36-36—72 Huntsville 12, Jacksonville 0 TEXAS RANGERS: Selected the contracts of RHP Matt November 2019 because the past three years
S. Dakota St. at N. Dakota St., 2:30 p.m. Bush and INF Charlie Culberson from Round Rock (Triple-A
Youngstown St. at W. Illinois, 7 p.m. Gabriela Ruffels .....................................................36-36—72 District 19-5A West). Recalled LHP Kolby Allard from Round Rock. of the coronavirus pan- appear to be subsiding
Jennifer Song .........................................................35-37—72
Southwest a-amateur Magnolia West 4, Brenham 2 Placed RHP Demarcus Evans, LHPs Brock Burke, Brett
Martin and Joely Rodriguez, C Sam Huff, OFs Willie Cal-
demic and a recent visa after four top-10 finishes
Alabama A&M at Prairie View, 2 p.m.
Korn Ferry Tour District 20-5A houn and Khris Davis on the 10-day injured list. Assigned delay. the past two months, is
Lake Creek 5, New Caney 1 RHP Hunter Wood and LHP Hyeon-jong Yang to the al-
West Emerald Coast Classic Dayton 14, New Caney Porter 4 ternate training site. Designated INF Rougned Odor for as- “I was kind of nervous three back (67) with
Davidson at San Diego, 2 p.m. Thursday’s first round
Weber St. at S. Utah, 3 p.m. At Destin, Fla. District 21-5A
TORONTO BLUE JAYS: Selected LHP Tim Mayza and INF
last night,” the 10-time Seung-Yul Noh and Hide-
E. Washington at UC Davis, 4:04 p.m.
Idaho at Idaho St., 5 p.m.
Andrew Novak.......................................................33-29—62 Barbers Hill 17, Galena Park 0 Joe Panik from Buffalo (Triple-A East). Recalled RHP Joel LPGA Tour winner said. ki Matsuyama.
Hayden Buckley.....................................................33-33—66 Payamps from the alternate training site. Optioned LHPs
Austin Smotherman .............................................34-32—66 District 22-5A Travis Bergen and Anthony Kay to the alternated training “But I said to myself, Phil Mickelson
Golf Josh Hart.................................................................35-31—66
Stephan Jaeger......................................................34-33—67
Friendswood 4, Texas City 3
La Porte 14, Galveston Ball 0
site. Placed RHPs Thomas Hatch, Kirby Yates and Nate
Pearson, LHP Robbie Ray and OF George Springer on the ‘Hey, it’s OK. Think about dropped to 15 shots back
PGA Tour — Valero Texas Open Wade Binfield ........................................................34-33—67 10-day injured list. Designated C Reese McGuire and INF you’re just an old rookie. when he had a 10 on the
Thursday’s first round Rico Hoey ...............................................................34-33—67 District 24-5A Breyvic Valera for assignment.
At San Antonio Nicolas Echavarria .................................................34-33—67 Angleton 0, FB Willowridge 0
National League
Everything is new for you 18th hole — he took two
Camilo Villegas.......................................................31-33—64 Fulshear 15, Fort Bend Kempner 3
Sung Kang..............................................................31-35—66
Adam Svensson.....................................................33-34—67
Brandon Harkins....................................................35-32—67 ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS: Recalled RHP Riley Smith here and just have no penalty shots and anoth-
District 21-4A
Cameron Tringale ..................................................34-32—66 Kevin Dougherty....................................................33-34—67
Liberty 4, Hardin-Jefferson 0
from Reno (Triple-A West). Placed RHP Zac Gallen and RF
Kole Calhoun on the 10-day injured list.
expectation. Try your er three strokes trying to
Jordan Spieth.........................................................35-32—67 Steven Alker...........................................................34-33—67
Seung-Yul Noh.......................................................33-34—67 David Lipsky...........................................................33-35—68 Splendora 7, Livingston 1 CHICAGO CUBS: Placed RHPs Jonathan Holder and Row- hardest, 100 percent on get away from a green-
Hideki Matsuyama ................................................33-34—67 Alex Cejka...............................................................33-35—68 an Wick and C Austin Romine on the 10-day injured list.
Scottie Scheffler....................................................33-35—68 Brandon Crick.........................................................34-34—68
District 24-3A CINCINNATI REDS: Optioned 2B Max Schrock, LF Mar every shot and enjoy the side stream — and ended
Tom Hoge...............................................................36-32—68
Sebastian Munoz...................................................34-34—68
Alex Prugh..............................................................33-35—68 East Bernard 12, Wallis Brazos 1
Danbury 7, Hempstead 0
Payton to the alternate training site. Designated RHP Ed-
gar Garcia for assignment. Placed CF Shogo Akiyama,
process.’ That was what I with a 79.
Joey Garber ............................................................33-35—68
Kevin Stadler .........................................................33-36—69 Zach Wright ...........................................................34-34—68 Non-district
RHPs Sonny Gray and Michael Lorenzen on the 10-day in- did, actually.” Villegas won the Tour
Matt Wallace .........................................................36-33—69 Alex Chiarella .........................................................35-33—68 jured list. Selected the contract of 3B Jonathan India from
Vincent Whaley .....................................................36-33—69 Huffman Hargrave 4, Klein Collins 0 Chattanooga (Double-A South). Activated 1B Joey Votto Tavatanakit, the 21- Championship in 2008
Hole-in-one Willis 4, Conroe Grand Oaks 1 from the 10-day injured list.
Kyoung-Hoon Lee..................................................33-37—70
Brendan Steele......................................................35-35—70
(Name, course, hole, yards, club) Needville 15, Stafford 0 COLORADO ROCKIES: Signed RHP Jhoulys Chacin. Desig- year-old former UCLA and the Wyndham Cham-
Gary Cordell, Lakeside CC, 4, 114, 9-iron
Rafa Cabrera Bello ................................................34-36—70 Navasota 15, Brookshire Royal 0
Manvel 1, Houston Sterling 0
nated RHP Jairo Diaz for assignment. Placed LHP Kyle player from Thailand, pionship in 2014. His two
Padraig Harrington................................................35-35—70 Freeland and 2B Brendan Rodgers on the 10-day injured
Martin Trainer ........................................................34-36—70 High schools list. closed with a birdie on top-10 finishes this year
Matt Kuchar...........................................................36-34—70
Pat Perez................................................................38-32—70
Boys soccer playoff pairings Hockey LOS ANGELES DODGERS: Placed RHP Brusdar Graterol
on the 60-day injured list and RHP Joe Kelly on the 10-day the par-5 18th for a bo- include a tie for eighth at
Adam Hadwin........................................................35-35—70 Regional quarterfinals NHL injured list. gey-free 66. She reached the Honda Classic.
Brandon Hagy........................................................34-36—70 Class 6A East GP W L OT Pts GF GA MIAMI MARLINS: Placed RF Jesus Sanchez and RHP
Denny McCarthy.....................................................36-35—71 Washington 36 23 9 4 50 125 112 Jorge Guzman on the 10-day injured list.
Anirban Lahiri.........................................................36-35—71 Region II N.Y. Islanders 37 23 10 4 50 114 88 MILWAUKEE BREWERS: Placed RHPs Bobby Wahl and
Sepp Straka............................................................35-36—71 Klein Forest 2, Langham Creek 0 Justin Topa, C Jacob Nottingham, RF Derek Fisher on the
Pittsburgh 37 24 11 2 50 121 95
Bridgeland vs. Aldine MacArthur
Ryan Moore ............................................................36-35—71
Erik van Rooyen .....................................................36-35—71 TBA
Boston 33 18 10 5 41 89 81 10-day injured list.
NEW YORK METS: Placed RHPs Carlos Carrasco, Drew AROUND SPORTS
Philadelphia 35 17 14 4 38 107 129
Cameron Davis .......................................................35-36—71 Region III Smith and Seth Lugo on the 10-day injured list and INF
Williams retires
Tompkins vs. Seven Lakes N.Y. Rangers 36 17 15 4 38 115 96
Gary Woodland ......................................................36-35—71 Jose Martinez on the 60-day injured list.
7:30 p.m. Friday at Rhodes Stadium New Jersey 34 13 16 5 31 83 106 PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES: Selected the contract of 2B
Corey Conners.........................................................36-35—71
Humble vs. Channelview Buffalo 36 7 23 6 20 79 126 Ronald Torreyes from Lehigh Valley (Triple-A East). Desig-
Wesley Bryan..........................................................36-35—71
Keegan Bradley......................................................38-33—71 7 p.m. Friday at Maddry Stadium Central GP W L OT Pts GF GA nated LHP Kyle Dohy for assignment and then assigned
Jersey Village 5, Cinco Ranch 1 him outright to the alternate training site.
from N. Carolina
Patton Kizzire.........................................................37-34—71 Tampa Bay 36 25 9 2 52 127 87
Vaughn Taylor ........................................................37-34—71 Elsik 4, North Shore 2 Florida 37 24 9 4 52 122 101 PITTSBURGH PIRATES: Selected RHP Clay Holmes to
Rory Sabbatini .......................................................35-36—71 Carolina 35 24 8 3 51 117 89 the 40-man roster. Placed LHP Steven Brault on the 60-
Zach Johnson .........................................................35-36—71
Class 5A day injured list, RHP Cody Ponce on the 10-day injured list
Nashville 38 19 18 1 39 96 113
Kyle Stanley ...........................................................35-36—71 Region III Chicago 38 17 16 5 39 109 119 and RHP Kyle Crick on the COVID-injured list.
Charl Schwartzel....................................................35-36—71 Kingwood Park vs. Pflugerville Weiss ST. LOUIS CARDINALS: Placed RHP Dakota Hudson and
Columbus 38 14 16 8 36 96 121
Doc Redman ..........................................................35-37—72 7 p.m. Friday at Merrill-Green Stadium Miles Mikolas, LHP Kwang Hyun Kim and CF Harrison Bad-
Abraham Ancer .....................................................39-33—72 Foster 1, Sharpstown 0 (SO)
10 34 95 92
5 29 82 122
er on the 10-day injured list. CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -- and Garza averaged 24.1
Jason Dufner..........................................................37-35—72 Friendswood 2, Galena Park 0 SAN DIEGO PADRES: Placed RHPs Austin Adams, Dan
Brice Garnett..........................................................38-34—72 West GP W L OT Pts GF GA Altavilla, Javy Guerra, Pierce Johnson and Dinelson La- The last time Roy Wil- points to rank second
Class 4A
Ryan Palmer ..........................................................38-34—72 Colorado 35 23 8 4 50 127 80 met, C Austin Nola, OF Jorge Ona, RF Trent Grisham on
the 10-day injured list and RHP Michel Baeez on the 60-
liams left North Caroli- nationally and 8.7 re-
Jimmy Walker ........................................................35-37—72 Region III Vegas 35 24 9 2 50 112 82
Brandt Snedeker....................................................34-38—72 Brookshire Royal 2, Giddings 0 Minnesota 35 22 11 2 46 102 88 day injured list. na, he was a virtually bounds.
Chris Kirk ................................................................35-37—72 East Chambers vs. Huffman Hargrave SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS: Placed LHP Alex Wood on the
Roger Sloan............................................................38-34—72 6 p.m. Friday at Kyle White Stadium
St. Louis
6 38 100 113
5 37 95 112 10-day injured list. Assigned RHP Trevor Gott and Nick Tro- unknown assistant who • Oklahoma State
Rafael Campos ......................................................36-36—72
John Huh ................................................................37-35—72
Sealy 3, Salado 1
Splendora vs. Columbia
Los Angeles 34 14 14 6 34 96 96
peano, LHP Conner Menez, C Chadwick Tromp and OF La-
Monte Wade Jr. to the alternate training site.
was getting his first shot freshman Cade Cunning-
San Jose 35 15 16 4 34 99 120
Will Gordon ............................................................35-37—72 6 p.m. Saturday at Splendora Wildcat Stadium
Anaheim 37 11 20 6 28 83 123 BASKETBALL as a college head coach ham, named a first-team
K.J. Choi .................................................................36-36—72
Martin Laird............................................................36-36—72 Girls soccer playoff pairings North GP W L OT Pts GF GA NBA at tradition-rich Kansas. All-American, declared
Si Woo Kim ............................................................36-36—72
Keith Mitchell.........................................................37-35—72
Regional quarterfinals Toronto
36 23 10
37 22 13
3 49 119 92
2 46 120 102
BROOKLYN NETS: Signed F Alize Johnson to a 10-day Now Williams is leav- for the NBA draft. Cun-
Class 6A contract.
Chase Seiffert ........................................................35-37—72 Edmonton 37 22 14 1 45 122 107 INDIANA PACERS: Signed F Oshae Brissett to a 10-day ing the Tar Heels again ningham is projected to
Akshay Bhatia .......................................................36-36—72 Region II Montreal 33 16 8 9 41 108 88
Joseph Bramlett ....................................................37-35—72 Klein Cain vs. Tomball Memorial Calgary 37 16 18 3 35 96 112
MILWAUKEE BUCKS: Signed G Jeff Teague to a rest of
with a resume chock full be one of the top picks.
Tom Lewis ..............................................................37-36—73
Bernd Wiesberger..................................................37-36—73
6 p.m. Friday at Klein HS
The Woodlands vs. Tomball
Vancouver 37 16 18 3 35 100 120 season contract. of honors — as a retiring
Ottawa 37 12 21 4 28 95 139 FOOTBALL FOOTBALL
Ben Martin .............................................................38-35—73 6 p.m. Friday at Woodforest Bank Stadium
Note: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Hall of Famer with more
Charles Howell III...................................................36-37—73 Region III
Danny Willett.........................................................38-35—73
Tyler Duncan..........................................................34-39—73
Cy-Fair vs. Seven Lakes
The top four teams in each division will qualify for playoffs
under this season’s temporary realignment.
ATLANTA FALCONS: Re-signed DE Steven Means. Signed
than 900 wins, three NFL considers
7:30 p.m. Friday at Legacy Stadium national championships
D.A. Points.............................................................35-38—73
David Hearn ...........................................................36-37—73
Beaumont West Brook 1, Clear Lake 0
Memorial 5, Stratford 1
Wednesday’s results
Buffalo 6, Philadelphia 1
OL Josh Andrews and DT Jonathan Bullard.
BALTIMORE RAVENS: Re-signed LB L.J. Fort to a one- and a legacy built on rule changes
Peter Malnati.........................................................36-37—73 Toronto 3, Winnipeg 1 year contract.
Clear Creek 1, Brazoswood 0
Greyson Sigg ..........................................................37-36—73 Colorado 9, Arizona 3 CHICAGO BEARS: Signed OT Germain Ifedi. more than three decades The NFL is considering
Michael Gligic.........................................................38-35—73 Class 5A Los Angeles 4, Vegas 2 DETROIT LIONS: Signed CB Corn Elder.
Tain Lee ..................................................................37-36—73 Region III
San Jose 4, Minnesota 2 INDIANAPOLIS COLTS: Re-signed WR T.Y. Hilton. of success at two of col- a rule change that would
Calgary at Vancouver, postponed Signed DT Al-Quadin Muhammad, FS Sean Davis and OG
Luke List .................................................................36-37—73
Harold Varner III.....................................................37-36—73
Magnolia vs. Austin Anderson
Thursday’s results Chris Reed.
lege basketball’s most allow teams to maintain
7 p.m. Friday at College Station HS
Scott Harrington....................................................35-38—73 Foster 2, Manvel 0 Montreal 4, Ottawa 1 PHILADELPHIA EAGLES: Agreed to terms with RB Bos- storied programs. possession of the ball
Brian Stuard...........................................................36-37—73 N.Y. Rangers 3, Buffalo 2 (OT) ton Scott on a exclusive rights contract.
Tony Finau..............................................................35-38—73
Friendswood vs. Port Neches-Groves
7 p.m. Friday at Goose Creek Memorial HS Tampa Bay 3, Columbus 2 PITTSBURGH STEELERS: Signed DE Tyson Alualu. The school announced after a score by sub-
N.Y. Islanders 8, Washington 4 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS: Signed DB Jason Verrett.
Nick Taylor..............................................................36-37—73
Adam Long ............................................................37-36—73 Class 4A Pittsburgh 4, Boston 1 WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM: Signed WR DeAndre the decision Thursday, stituting one offensive
Matthew NeSmith ................................................34-39—73 Region III Florida 3, Detroit 2 (OT) Carter. some two weeks after the play for an onside kickoff
Chesson Hadley.....................................................36-37—73 Dallas 4, Nashville 1 HOCKEY
Lucas Glover...........................................................36-37—73
Lake Belton 5, Bellville 1
Bay City 3, Little Cypress-Mauriceville 2
Carolina 4, Chicago 3 70-year-old Williams attempt.
Minnesota 3, Vegas 2 (SO) NHL
Ryan Brehm ...........................................................39-34—73
Adam Schenk ........................................................36-38—74 Baseball Friday’s games
closed his 18th season Other potential chang-
NHL: Fined Colorado F Nathan MacKinnon for unsports-
Ryan Armour..........................................................37-37—74 Thursday’s scores Washington at New Jersey, 6 p.m. manlike conduct against Arizona F Conor Garland during with the Tar Heels after a es include adding a loss
Graeme McDowell .................................................38-36—74 Toronto at Winnipeg, 7 p.m. and March 31 game. Suspended Vegas F Chandler Ste-
Bo Van Pelt............................................................39-35—74
District 13-6A Calgary at Edmonton, 8 p.m. phenson for three-games for elbowing LA Kings D Tobias highly successful 15-year of down for a second
D.J. Trahan.............................................................37-37—74 College Park 2, Willis 1 St. Louis at Colorado, 8 p.m.
Sebastian Cappelen..............................................34-40—74 Arizona at Anaheim, 9 p.m.
Bjornfot in a March 31 game.
NHLPA: Named Sean Bergenheim European affairs repre-
run with the Jayhawks. In forward pass from be-
District 14-6A
Harry Higgs.............................................................37-37—74
Westfield 12, Nimitz 2
San Jose at Los Angeles, 9 p.m. sentative and Ron Hainsey assistant to the executive di- all, Williams won 903 hind the line and for a
Joel Dahmen..........................................................36-38—74 Saturday’s games rector for sports projects and development initiatives.
Russell Knox...........................................................37-37—74 Aldine Davis 4, Aldine 3 Detroit at Tampa Bay, Noon EDMONTON OILERS: Waived LW Tyler Ennis. games in a career that pass thrown after the ball
Hunter Mahan .......................................................37-37—74 MacArthur 10, Dekaney 0 Pittsburgh at Boston, Noon
Beau Hossler..........................................................36-38—74 Chicago at Nashville, 2 p.m.
NASHVILLE PREDATORS: Recalled D Tyler Lewington
included those three returns behind the line
District 15-6A
Jhonattan Vegas....................................................41-33—74
Doug Ghim .............................................................38-36—74 Tomball Memorial 5, Klein 0
Columbus at Florida, 6 p.m. from the minor league taxi squad. Assigned D Frederic Al- titles, all with the Tar and to ensure the en-
Dallas at Carolina, 6 p.m. lard to the minor league taxi squad.
Kris Ventura............................................................36-38—74 District 16-6A N.Y. Rangers at Buffalo, 6 p.m. CAROLINA HURRICANES: Assigned LW Max McCormick Heels, in 2005, 2009 and forcement of all accepted
Sam Fidone............................................................38-36—74 Ottawa at Montreal, 6 p.m.
Sam Ryder .............................................................38-37—75 Cypress Woods 5, Langham Creek 0
Philadelphia at N.Y. Islanders, 6 p.m.
to Chicago (AHL) on a conditioning loan.
NEW JERSEY DEVILS: Waived RW Nikita Gusev.
2017. penalties committed by
Cypress Ranch 4, Bridgeland 1
Andrew Landry ......................................................35-40—75
Branden Grace .......................................................36-39—75
Minnesota at Vegas, 8 p.m.
St. Louis at Colorado, 8 p.m.
PHILADELPHIA FLYERS: Assigned LW Carsen Twarynski In other college bas- either team during suc-
District 23-6A and C Connor Bunnaman to Lehigh Valley (AHL). Recalled
Kevin Chappell.......................................................36-39—75
Pearland 4, Strake Jesuit 3
San Jose at Los Angeles, 9 p.m. F Tanner Lacynski and F Linus Sandin from the minor ketball news: cessive try attempts.
Aaron Wise.............................................................37-38—75 Vancouver at Edmonton, 9 p.m. league taxi squad.
Patrick Rodgers......................................................38-37—75 District 19-5A • Michigan coach Ju- In other NFL news:
Kiradech Aphibarnrat............................................39-36—75
Robby Shelton.......................................................37-38—75
College Station 7, Brenham 1 Tennis wan Howard was • The sister of Los
Sam Burns..............................................................38-37—75 District 20-5A Miami Open FC DALLAS: Agreed to terms with MF Thiago Santos on a
named the Associated Angeles Chargers con-
Kelly Kraft ..............................................................40-35—75
Henrik Stenson ......................................................39-36—75
Kingwood Park 9, New Caney 0 Thursday at Miami permanent transfer agreement to Gremio (Brazil). Press coach of the year, trolling owner Dean
Davis Love III ..........................................................38-37—75 District 21-5A Men’s singles SOUNDERS FC: Named Craig Waibel senior vice president
Lanto Griffin...........................................................38-37—75 of soccer operations and sporting director. and Iowa’s Luka Garza Spanos is petitioning a
Barbers Hill 12, Crosby 2 Quarterfinals SPORTING KANSAS CITY: Acquired F Dani Rojas from
Charley Hoffman...................................................38-37—75
Hubert Hurkacz (26), Poland, def. Stefanos Tsitsipas (2), AFC Richmond on loan for 2021 season. was named the AP player California court to put
Carlos Sainz Jr........................................................37-38—75 District 24-5A
Bo Hoag .................................................................37-39—76 Angleton 7, Lamar Consolidated 4
Greece, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4.
COLLEGE of the year. Howard led one-third of the team’s
Cameron Percy.......................................................40-36—76 Women’s singles TEMPLE UNIVERSITY: Named Chris Jones senior associ-
the Wolverines to the ownership stake up for
Troy Merritt.............................................................41-35—76 District 25-4A ate administrative director/assistant vice president for de-
Rickie Fowler..........................................................39-37—76
Michael Kim ...........................................................38-38—76
Stafford 10, Columbia 2 Ashleigh Barty (1), Australia, def. Elina Svitolina (5),
velopment. Elite Eight in his second sale.
Satoshi Kodaira......................................................41-35—76 Ukraine, 6-3, 6-3.
season and a No. 1 seed, From wire reports
A P R I L 2 - 8 , 2 0 21 H H
T H E H O U S T O N C H R O N I C L E ’ S W E E K LY I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E
Springing into
Summer films
3 7
A roundup of Easter activities. Thorn & Moon Magickal Market
is back.
Live music options around T H E AT E R
Houston for the week. Alley Theatre’s eight-minute
Houston Symphony’s “A Bach H L A V AT Y
Easter” among the fine-arts Pondering life a year into the
choices. pandemic.
dyeing demos.
Celebrate the season with music FA M I LY F U N When: 10:30 a.m. April 3
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1. Tune-Yards, ‘Sketchy’
The title of the latest album
from Tune-Yards, the celebrated
California duo of Merrill Garbus
and Nate Brenner, may be
“Sketchy” but the contents are PREVIEW
anything but. Their fractured,
experimental but totally in- P I C KS
fectious avant-pop — brimming
with a globe’s worth of influ-
ences and hooks aplenty, as in
the R&B sway of “Hypnotized”
— often deals with hot-button
topics (“Homewrecker” is about
gentrification, for instance) but
it never feels like a lecture.
Because you’re too busy digging
the grooves.
a ton of filmfest honors, to the
is also quite restless and progres- covered by Bonnie Raitt, among
comedic “The Letter Room,”
sive, with little moments of soul, others, and also enjoyed suc-
starring Oscar Isaac, and the
rock, pop and electronic threaded cess on her own, with a fluid
documentary “Hunger Ward,”
through. Though the group fea- mix of country, soul and folk
set in midst of the war in Ye-
tures members of Buxton, Dolly music. She likely would’ve
Barnes and VODI, Ancient Cat passed back through Houston
When/Where: Opens April 2 at Society emerged with a dis- regularly last year to plug her
AMC Willowbrook; streams tinctive sound of its own and is 2019 album “The Walk,” but we
April 2 to May 2 through the anything but a side project. all know how 2020 went for
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. touring musicians. But better
When: 7 p.m. Friday
late than never, she’s headed
Details: Streaming is $12 for
Where: McGonigel’s Mucky Duck, back to her old stomping
each category or $30 for a
2425 Norfolk grounds.
bundle; mfah.org/virtualcinema.
Cary Darling Details: $120 for a table of four, Details: 8:15 p.m. Friday
$30 for virtual show; 713-529-
3. Ancient Cat Society Details: The Heights Theater,
5999, mcgonigels.com
Houston’s Ancient Cat Society 339 W. 19th
Andrew Dansby
could get filed under folk for
Details: $22; theheightsthea-
convenience and because some 4. Bonnie Bishop
of their songs have folky un- Texas native Bonnie Bishop has
Andrew Dansby Courtesy photo
D6 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com
1. ‘Medea’
If Euripides’ hope for “Medea”
was that the play might outlive
him, consider it a success. In-
formed by a mythology teeming
with jealousy and murder, it still
puts the “tragedy” in Greek trag-
edy (it was also Greek, so it puts
that in there, too) nearly 1,600
years later. And after all this
time, the story of Medea and
Jason continues to thrill, with a
psychological and thematic
depth that carries it across cen-
turies and cultures. The Alley
Theatre presents the ageless
play with company member
Elizabeth Bunch in the title role.
Andrew Schaff
Soprano Yulia Van Doren Studio Vandrasch Fotografia, Milan / Collezione Ramo, Milan
2. ‘A Bach Easter’
Vocalists Yulia Van Doren and 3. Carmen Herrera “Structuring Surfaces” American artist? The University Details: free, reservations high-
Elizabeth DeShong will join the Just a few weeks remain for a of Houston School of Art 43rd ly recommended;
When: Wednesdays through
Houston Symphony for two of wonderful dual exhibit by Masters of Fine Arts Exhibition blafferartmuseum.org/
Sundays through April 25
J.S. Bach’s cantatas (No. 51 and Carmen Herrera, the storied is a great place to scout. Candi- Amber Elliott
No. 170 if you don’t like surprises) Cuban American artist who is Where: Museum of Fine Arts dates from five studio art pro-
5. Symposium on Italian
as part of “A Bach Easter,” a a mere 104 years old. Inside Houston, 1001 Bissonnet grams — graphic design, in-
program built around the com- the Museum of Fine Arts terdisciplinary practice and
Details: $12-$19; mfah.org The Menil Collection is hosting
poser’s work. Also in the bill is Houston is “Structuring Sur- emerging forms, painting, pho-
a three-day, online symposium,
the Concerto in C minor for Oboe faces,” comprising nearly tography and digital media, and
“Estructuras Monumentales” beginning April 7, on Italian
and Violin, which will spotlight three dozen paintings, draw- sculpture — take over the Blaff-
drawings from the 20th century.
Houston Symphony principal ings, prints and other objects When: Through April 23 er Art Museum each spring.
The series is organized to tie in
oboe Jonathan Fischer and con- that span the 1960s to pres- Admission is free, though it
Where: Buffalo Bayou Park with “Silent Revolutions: Italian
certmaster Yoonshin Song. ent. That exhibit closes April requires advance planning.
between Allen Parkway and Drawings From the Twentieth
25, just two days after “Car- Make a reservation to guarantee
When: 8 p.m. Friday and Satur- Memorial Century,” which is on exhibit at
men Herrera: Estructuras access to view what could
day The Menil through April 11.
Monumentales” — a collec- become the next big thing.
Details: free; buffalobayou.org
tion of large sculptural pieces When: April 7-9
Where: Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana Andrew Dansby When: Through April 11
— vacates Buffalo Bayou
Details: $29-$84; 713-224-7575, Park. Her work is bold, bright 4. 43rd annual MFA Thesis Where: 1533 Sul Ross
Where: Blaffer Art Museum,
houstonsymphony.org and beautiful, befitting the Exhibition 4173 Elgin Details: free; menil.org
Andrew Dansby arrival of spring. Looking for the next great Cary Darling
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D7
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STORY S TA R I N “ I N T H E H E I G H T S . ”
These looks ahead at the up- due for release last year on the big it all for this monster face-off APRIL 9 take on the videogame promises
coming spring/summer film screen and now they may show that’s in theaters and on HBO Voyagers — East Texas native Tye lots of martial-arts mayhem, as it
season always end with the up in theaters, on streaming or Max. Director Adam Wingard Sheridan (“Ready Player One,” stars Lewis Tan (“Into the Bad-
caution that release dates are both. Things are looking up, sort made a much smaller film in Cyclops in the “X-Men” series) lands,” “Wu Assassins”) and Joe
subject to change. It’s wise going of. Some Regal Theatres reopen 2014, “The Guest,” that was leads an ensemble cast of young Taslim (“The Raid: Redemption”).
into this summer to start with the this weekend. So here are just one of that year’s best films. actors in a sci-fi drama about
warning. As the pandemic is still some of the films you should be French Exit — Michelle teens sent into space to establish APRIL 30
playing havoc with the studios’ talking about this summer. Or Pfeiffer, Lucas Hedges and a new society on a distant planet. Limbo — This British movie, a film
best-laid plans — “Black Widow” maybe fall. Or winter. Or spring Imogen Poots star in a drama, It’s directed by Neil Burger (“Lim- festival favorite that’s nominated
just moved (again!) from spring 2022 … based on Patrick DeWitt’s itless”). for two BAFTA Awards, including
to July — be aware that every- novel, about a downwardly outstanding British film of the year,
thing is still in flux. A good num- NOW mobile New York socialite who APRIL 23 tells the story of a Syrian musician
ber of the films that follow were Godzilla vs. Kong — The title says moves to Paris with her son. Mortal Kombat — This big-screen stuck on a Scottish island waiting
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D13
Wrath of Man — Coming off last
year’s “The Gentlemen,” director
Guy Ritchie returns with an action-
thriller starring Jason Statham as
the mysteriously named H.
MAY 14
Spiral — The universe of the
“Saw” horror franchise expands in
this film featuring Chris Rock,
Samuel L. Jackson and Max Ming-
hella. Director Darren Lynn Bous-
man directed the second, third and Paramount Pictures
fourth iterations of the “Saw” Tom Cruise plays Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in “Top Gun: Maverick.”
films, so he knows the territory.
MAY 21
Army of the Dead — Zack Snyder
just birthed his four-hour version of
“Justice League” (the so-called
“Snyder Cut”) and now he has this
Netflix zombie thriller set in Las
Vegas. This is sort of a homecom-
ing for him, as his breakthrough
feature was the 2004 remake of
George A. Romero’s “Dawn of the
Dead.” Dave Bautista, Omari Hard-
wick (“Power”) and Tig Notaro
Lionsgate Paramount Pictures
The Dry — Eric Bana returns to his
native Australia to play a federal Chris Rock in “Spiral” Emily Blunt in “A Quiet Place Part II”
investigator digging into an un-
featured in a live-action take on film, though this one is a musical story. This one is set in Italy and anticipated sequel with Tom
solved murder in his drought-
the Cruella de Vil character from based on songs from “Hamilton” explores the friendship between a Cruise, Val Kilmer, Ed Harris, Jenni-
stricken Outback hometown.
“101 Dalmatians.” Directing is Craig creator Lin-Manuel Miranda. boy and a sea monster disguised fer Connelly, Miles Teller and Jay
James Frecheville (the original
“Animal Kingdom”) co-stars. Gillespie (“I, Tonya,” “Lars and the as a human. Ellis should finally land in time for
Real Girl”). JUNE 11 Independence Day.
In The Heights — Miranda has JUNE 25
MAY 28
JUNE 4 been busy. He also co-wrote the F9 — The “Fast & Furious” crew JULY 9
A Quiet Place Part II — John
Spirit Untamed — This animated Broadway musical upon which this returns, and it’s an all-star effort. In Black Widow — May this be the
Krasinski’s sequel to his smash hit
DreamWorks film tells the story of film, about a New York City bode- addition to regulars Vin Diesel and real opening date for this Marvel
takes the central family, terrorized
a girl who becomes friends with a ga owner, is based. Anthony Ra- Michelle Rodriguez, we’ve got Cinematic Universe entry starring
at home in the first film by aliens
mustang named Spirit. Walton mos (“A Star Is Born”) stars. Charlize Theron, Cardi B, Helen Scarlett Johansson. Most notable
who hunt by sound, into the out-
side world, where there are other Goggins, Julianne Moore and Jake Mirren and John Cena. is that it’s directed by Australian
Gyllenhaal are part of the voice JUNE 18 Cate Shortland, whose résumé up
cast. Luca — On the heels of “Soul,” JULY 2 to now has been filled with smaller
Cruella — Emma Stone, Emma
Vivo — Here’s another animated Pixar returns telling a very different Top Gun: Maverick — The much- films, such as “Somersault, “The
Thompson and Mark Strong are
D14 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com
“Luca” explores the friendship between a boy and a sea monster disguised as a human. “The Velvet Underground” examines the band’s influence.
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to watch
In today’s deal, declarer made
use of a subtle extra chance to
bring home a delicate slam.
As a rebid of three clubs over
two spades would be a second
negative, North’s two no-trump
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D23