Houston Chronicle - Vol. 120 No. 171 (02 Apr 2021)

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FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 2021 • HOUSTONCHRONICLE.COM • VOL. 120, NO. 171 • $2.00 HH


seeing an
TO THE NEXT LEVEL ‘alarming’
case spike
Surge dimming hopes for
a quick end to pandemic
By Julie Bosman

DETROIT — In a rural stretch of Mich-

igan along the shore of Lake Huron, co-
ronavirus outbreaks are ripping
through churches, schools and restau-
rants. For more than a week, ambulanc-
es have taken several hourlong trips
each day to rush severely ill coronavi-
rus patients to hospitals in Detroit, Sagi-
naw or Port Huron, where beds in in-
tensive care units await.
Even as the pandemic appears to be
waning in some parts of the United
States, Michigan is in the throes of a co-
ronavirus outbreak that’s one of the
largest and most alarming in the coun-
try. Infection levels have exploded in re-
cent weeks, in big cities and rural
stretches alike.
Ann Hepfer, a health officer for two
Surge continues on A12

Little input
on final draft
Karen Warren / Staff photographer of Senate’s
voting bill
Cougars guard DeJon Jarreau (3) gets a hug from Justin Gorham (4) after a win over Memphis last month.

After joining UH in 2014, Sampson rebuilt program ‘brick by brick’ By Jeremy Wallace
By Joseph Duarte play Baylor in the national
STAFF WRIT E R semifinals on Saturday. Two In the dead of night, while most Tex-
more wins will deliver UH its ans were asleep, the state Senate voted
INDIANAPOLIS — In the first national championship, to approve a massive election bill that
beginning, Kelvin Sampson, a remarkable culmination of virtually no one had a chance to read in
armed with a bullhorn and a a rebuild for a once storied full after a flurry of amendments just
small spirit band, would basketball program that prior to the vote.
walk around the University went to consecutive nation- Even though the bill affects more
of Houston campus to drum al title games with Hakeem than 16 million voters in the state, law-
up support for the men’s Olajuwon in 1983 and 1984 makers adjourned at 1:39 a.m. Thurs-
basketball program. but had fallen on hard times day, then reconvened one minute later
Those three or four times and become nationally irrel- at 1:40 a.m. and declared it a new leg-
each month were called evant. islative day, in order to comply with
“campus blitzes.” The mis- It is a long way from what public notice rules without slowing
sion: fill seats at Hofheinz Yi-Chin Lee / Staff photographer Sampson saw in his first down its passage.
Pavilion. Cougars head coach Kelvin Sampson, center, fist- years at UH. “We just concluded Tuesday,” Lt.
Seven years later, Samp- bumps his players before a home game in January. “In any good environ- Gov. Dan Patrick announced at 1:39
son no longer needs to go ment, it needs to have a a.m. on Thursday (the legislative calen-
door to door in search of large student presence, and dar almost always conflicts with reali-
fans. In the school’s deepest Inside that just was not the case,” Senate continues on A14
NCAA Tournament run in » Before Phi Slama Jama, the Cougars had the ‘Big E’ and said Lauren Sampson, UH
nearly four decades, UH will the ‘Game of the Century.’ Page C1 Cougars continues on A12 » Voting bill full of new restrictions.
Page A14

Teachers in training learn remotely

then stream into local classrooms
By Shelby Webb told the kids. She just is not phys- which is so important.”
STA F F WRIT E R ically in the room with them. Neal is one of about 120 Texas
Neal joins the class from her A&M students doing some of their
Third-graders at Tomball ISD’s College Station apartment and student-teaching hours in Tomball
Grand Oaks Elementary School streams into the classroom about ISD remotely because of the coro-
balked when student teacher twice a week. navirus pandemic. While much
Grace Neal first joined their class. “Now I’ll ask, ‘Can you bring has been written about K-12 teach-
They thought she might be a ro- Ms. Neal to me please?’ ” Dvorak ers overhauling how they deliver
bot. said, and a student will walk the instruction to both in-person and
That smiling face on the laptop, laptop streaming Neal’s face over remote students this school year,
who would wave and say hello to to her desk. “They love working colleges across Texas and the Melissa Phillip / Staff photographer
any student who passed by, is a with her, and she’s already built country also have had to reinvent Third-graders Kelli Blair, 9, left, Jennifer Rosa, 8, and Niam
real person, teacher Sara Dvorak some relationships with them, Teachers continues on A15 Patel, 8, talk virtually with Texas A&M senior Grace Neal.

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Mom charged Speeding stop

in cocaine, meth
death of son, 6 Chainsaw artist’s projects reveals drugs,
two loaded guns

create a buzz in Bay Area

A 25-year-old woman is A Houston man is in
accused of killing her custody after Montgom-
6-year-old son with a toxic ery County deputies
mix of methamphetamine found him in possession
and cocaine for insurance of several pounds of mari-
money, according to Har- juana and loaded firearms
ris County court records. after a Saturday traffic
Ashley Marks was stop in The Woodlands.
charged Thursday in Har- Lorenzo Adrian Pala-
ris County court with cios, 22, is charged with
capital murder in the June delivery of a controlled
27 death of Jason Sanchez- substance, possession of
Marks, according to court marijuana and carrying
records. an unlicensed weapon,
The Harris County In- jail records show.
stitute of Forensic Sciences Palacios was stopped
determined the cause of for speeding by a sheriff’s
death was the toxic effects deputy at a Dairy Queen
of chlorpheniramine, on Buckthorne Place. The
dextromethorphan and deputy smelled marijua-
diphenhydramine with na emanating from the
methamphetamine. vehicle, according to the
sheriff’s office.
AUSTIN When the deputy tried
Crews save man to detain Palacios, he fled
on foot. The deputy
dangling from caught up with and de-
skyscraper tained Palacios. A search
Austin rescue crews on of the vehicle found ap-
Thursday saved a man proximately 10 pounds of
John DeLapp / Correspondent
who was left stranded and marijuana and a large
Chainsaw artist James Phillips’ sculpture of a boy fishing stands beside a pond at Taylor Lake quantity of THC wax
dangling from a rope on Village Community Park. Another sculpture in the park depicts a NASA rocket.
the side of a downtown along with two loaded
Austin skyscraper, Austin- handguns, according to
Travis County EMS offi- Former industrial equipment salesman found a second career the sheriff’s office.
cials said. with a pelican he ‘doodled’ on a tree stump in his front yard He is also charged with
a Harris County parole
EMS officials tweeted at
3:34 p.m. that a man was violation, jail and court
Given a chainsaw and a tree, By John DeLapp said. “They like to climb on this records show.
on the side of the Ashton most people would get to work C O R R E SP O N D EN T and they could get down, but
Austin, a residential high Palacios was being held
cutting down timber. they kind of had to slide. It’s cool on a combined $66,000
rise in downtown Austin. When James Phillips found like a tree,” the artist said. “But now that they have something
Around 4:06 p.m., EMS bond at the Montgomery
himself in the same situation there will be two kids climbing that is easier to climb up.” County Jail, according to
officials tweeted that the some years back, he was plan- on it.” Her husband, A.J., said the
man was saved by rescue jail records.
ning on doing just that. But he During a break in the action, sculpture will add much to the
crews who pulled him in paused and then set about start- the Liufau family paused to look park. LEANDER
from a nearby balcony, ing a new career. at the work in progress. Phillips “It’s absolutely beautiful,” he
adding that the man was “Fifteen years ago, I was cut- took some time to explain how said. “It’s another aspect of the Son charged in
not injured and refused ting a tree down in my front yard he creates the piece and then park that will make people love it dispatcher’s
being taken to a hospital. and I was looking at these stumps took out a can of spray paint to even more.” stabbing death
and thought it was interesting show where different features Phillips has two other sculp-
stuff,” said the longtime Clear will be. tures in the park, one is of a boy The 53-year-old Lean-
Child sex assault Lake City resident. “I doodled on “Right here there’s going to be fishing, the other is of a NASA der woman who police
say was killed by her son
suspect jailed, it with a chainsaw and made a a hollow and a bird will be here,” rocket.
on Wednesday worked
pelican out of it. Then family and he said. “Then there’s going to be His tree sculptures are scat-
in ICE custody friends would look at it and say, an animal coming out of this tered across the state. Several for the Police Department
A man is in the custody ‘Wow! Can you do that again?’ hole. What kind of animal do you dozen photos of them can be as a dispatcher, officials
of the U.S. Immigration and I got obsessed and started think it should be?” found on his InshoreSculpture- said Thursday.
and Customs Enforcement making stuff with all of my free He encouraged the Liufau kids .com website. Smaller pieces can Rowena Speight was
after police say he sexually time.” — Isaac, Owen and Noah — to be found at the Rene Wiley Gal- stabbed to death in her
assaulted a child under the Carving that pelican was not climb up the tree and showed lery in Galveston. home, police said. Her
age of 11 for three years. Phillips’ first foray into art. how the carving makes it easier son, 19-year-old Miles
Ivan Lopez-Lopez, 45, “When I was a child, my moth- to get to the top and also to de- DeLapp is a freelance writer. He Speight, has been
from Beasley, was arrested er taught me how to draw, and I scend. can be contacted at charged with murder, a
by the Fort Bend County could draw pretty well,” said “It’s so legit.” mom Aubrey [email protected]. first-degree felony pun-
Sheriff’s Office and Phillips, 63. “In high school, I ishable by up to 99 years
charged with aggravated fancied myself as an artist. Then I in prison.
assault of a child. didn’t make any art for 30-some- “We are deeply sad-
According to Lopez- odd years. I was a salesman. I dened to announce the
Lopez’s warrant, the in- sold industrial equipment tragic loss of one of our
vestigation began after the around Houston.” own, Telecommunica-
victim confided in a friend Phillips said he has sculpted tions Officer Rowena
that Lopez-Lopez was hundreds of pieces with his Speight,” Leander police
regularly assaulting her chainsaws. said Thursday in a Face-
and had been for years. “But I’ve never counted book post. Speight served
The victim’s friend then them,” he said. as a dispatcher since 2016,
told the victim’s mother He is putting the finishing the post said.
about the abuse. touches on his most recent work, “Rowena will be sin-
On March 25, the victim which can be found next to the cerely missed, because
was taken to the Children’s jogging trail in the Taylor Lake her smile was infectious
Advocacy Center of Fort Village Community Park where a and her company always
Bend for a forensic in- tree had fallen over but the root welcome,” the post
terview. Lopez-Lopez was ball was still embedded in the said.The Leander Law
arrested the following day. ground. Enforcement Association
Lopez-Lopez is being The tree was cut back, but a has established a memori-
held at the Fort Bend section about 8 feet long was left al fund in her memory at
County jail under the behind for Phillips to get to work. Bay Area resident James Phillips uses spray paint to sketch out bit.ly/2PuCeQm.
custody of ICE. “I’m cutting it to make it look the areas he will cut away with a chainsaw in his latest sculpture. From staff and wire reports

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No change in school start date for HISD

Panel defeats plan that also would allow whom are appointed by school HISD’s first semester typically lasts waiver would give students more
board trustees. nearly 80 days, while its second se- options to attend unique programs
changes involving vocational teachers HISD Interim Superintendent mester approaches 100 days. outside the classroom.
Grenita Lathan had pushed for District leaders also said the cal- The proposal faced strong op-
By Jacob Carpenter visory Committee voted 21-10 last adopting the plan despite calls to endar change would provide stu- position from some employee
STA F F WRIT E R week to shoot down a new District focus on the COVID-19 pandemic dents more time with teachers be- groups, who argued that it set a
of Innovation plan, which would and resistance among leaders of fore spring standardized tests, bad precedent that could lead to
Houston Independent School have allowed HISD to opt out of the Houston Federation of Teach- such as the State of Texas Assess- future changes they opposed. Oth-
District’s school year will continue state laws related to school start ers, the district’s largest employee ments of Academic Readiness and er critics said HISD administrators
to start in late August after a dis- dates, the hiring of noncertified union. Advanced Placement exams. failed to provide enough informa-
trict committee resoundingly re- vocational teachers and minimum HISD administrators argued In addition, HISD administra- tion about the plan, including why
jected a proposal that included the requirements for in-class partici- that the plan would give them tors said the certification exemp- the changes were necessary.
option to begin classes earlier in pation. The group is composed of more flexibility to move up the first tions would help in the hiring of Maria Fernandez, a District Ad-
the month. HISD staff members, parents and day of school, balancing out the hard-to-staff vocational teaching visory Committee member ap-
Members of HISD’s District Ad- community leaders, about half of number of days in each semester. positions, while the participation Schools continues on A8

Galveston ISD board accused of Jewish

violating Texas Open Meetings Act group
sues city
over deed
By Jasper Scherer

An Orthodox Jewish congrega-

tion has sued the city after offi-
cials threatened to enforce a
deed restriction that would re-
quire the group to move its syna-
The congregation, Heimish of
Houston, accuses the city in a fed-
eral lawsuit of violating religious
protection laws by selectively ap-
plying a deed restriction that on-
ly allows homes to be used for
habitation in the southwest
Houston neighborhood where
Heimish members meet.
A city attorney sent Heimish a
letter last July promising “further
legal action,” including a daily
fine of $1,000, if congregation
members continued to meet at
the single-family home it is using
for a synogogue, according to
Heimish’s petition filed last week
in the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of Texas.
Photos by Mark Mulligan / Staff photographer According to its court filing,
Carrie Hunnicut, an eighth-grade teacher who teaches in Galveston ISD’s virtual program, stands at the podium as the doors are Heimish was formed by members
shut on Wednesday’s school board meeting that went into a closed session called by board President Anthony Brown. who left another Orthodox Jew-
ish synagogue over “doctrinal is-
Trustee: Teacher’s Bill Aleshire, an Austin-based sues” more than two years ago.
attorney who also volunteers The congregation has met in the
complaints made with the Texas Freedom of In- subdivision of Brays Oaks ever
closed session legal formation Foundation, said be- since, with several members
cause there were no agenda moving to the neighborhood so
By Shelby Webb items relating to Superinten- they could live within walking
STA F F WRIT E R dent Jerry Gibson, controversial distance of the synagogue. Driv-
comments he made in a Face- ing on Shabbat, the Jewish Sab-
Galveston ISD trustees violat- book Live video or criticism bath, is prohibited in Orthodox
ed state open meetings laws about him, the school board was Judaism.
when they forced members of not allowed to discuss com- The property also is located
the public out of a Wednesday plaints made about him at all. within an eruv, a geographic loca-
school board meeting for 14 min- “But they doubled down,” tion in which those who practice
utes after a teacher speaking Aleshire said. “They would not Orthodox Judaism can carry ob-
during public comments criti- have been able to discuss or de- jects — such as house keys or reli-
cized the district’s new superin- liberate the complaints being gious texts — that they otherwise
tendent, according to a govern- made about the superintendent Heather Foster, who has a first-grader in the district’s virtual would be prohibited from carry-
ment accountability attorney. Galveston ISD continues on A8 program, speaks during the public comment period. Group continues on A13

City analysts find What to know about eviction protections

fentanyl in ecstasy By Sarah Smith
be strengthened; however, per
National Low Income Housing
Coalition President Diane Yentel,
expenses), 2) would become
homeless or need to double up if
evicted, and 3) have an income of
By St. John Barned-Smith “Texas and Houston have tra- The Centers for Disease Con- the extension did not come with less than $99,000 per year, didn’t
STA F F WRIT E R ditionally over the last decades trol and Prevention has extended changes. have to pay income tax in 2019 or
have had less of an opioid issue an order halting evictions for Here’s what you need to know: got a stimulus check.
Authorities in Houston on than other parts of the coun- nonpayment of rent through June
Thursday warned that they try,” Stout said. “I think there is 30. Who does the eviction order I qualify. How do I get pro-
have tested ecstasy pills that a casualness about the con- This is the third extension of apply to? tection?
contained fentanyl, a powerful cern, because we don’t really the eviction order, which was set The order applies to tenants Fill out the form at the end of
opioid blamed for a wave of have an opioid issue. And peo- to expire March 31. In a signed let- who 1) can’t pay their rent due to this order (it starts on page 33):
overdoses and deaths else- ple don’t think opioids, when ter, more than 2,300 advocacy the novel coronavirus pandemic https://s3.amazonaws.com/pub-
where in the United States in re- they think of drug abuse prob- groups had called for the order to (either loss of income or medical Eviction continues on A13
cent years. lems in Texas, but this stuff
While analysts from the here, it’s killing people here. …
Houston Fo- This isn’t off
rensic Sci- in Ohio Valley,
ence Center “People don’t think this isn’t Fallen
have previ- something trooper
opioids, when they
ously said that’s hap- honored
they had think of drug abuse pened in
found the problems in Texas, but Pennsylva- National Guard
drug in fake nia.” members pause
this stuff here, it’s In greater work for one
cals and pow- killing people here.” Houston, minute Thursday
ders, Thurs- Peter Stout, president of the Houston
about 960 at Montgomery
day’s an- Forensic Science Center people died County’s COVID
nouncement from over- vaccination site at
marked the dose-related Woodforest Bank
first time they’ve discovered it deaths in 2020, said Assistant Stadium to salute
in pills marketed as ecstasy or Police Chief James Jones — 135 flags lowered to
other similar illicit drugs. more than in 2019. Authorities half-staff in honor
The news comes as some said fentanyl has also played a of slain state
80,000 people across the coun- greater role in those deaths. In trooper Chad
try died from drug overdoses 2019, for example, authorities Walker.
last year, said Peter Stout, presi- tracked 104 fentanyl-related
dent of the forensic science deaths. That number rose to Jason Fochtman /
Staff photographer
center. Fentanyl continues on A13

White House digs in on infrastructure plan

By Jeff Stein could win GOP support for the If Republicans unify in oppos- would devote more than $600 bil- spending and would damage
and Tony Romm plan and would try to do so. ing the measure, Democrats could lion to infrastructure such as its American businesses. Biden’s pro-
WAS H I NGT ON P O ST Republicans have balked at pass it through the Senate with roads, bridges and highways; posal would raise at least $2 trillion
President Joe Biden’s sprawling their narrow majority by using a about $400 billion in clean-energy in taxes by increasing the corpo-
WASHINGTON — White House initiative since its introduction parliamentary procedure called credits; more than $200 billion to rate tax rate from 21 percent to 28
chief of staff Ron Klain on Thurs- Wednesday, leveling particularly budget reconciliation that allows housing; and hundreds of billions percent and bringing the global
day suggested the administration fierce criticism at tax increases on them to avoid the 60-vote thresh- to fixing the nation’s electric grid, minimum tax to 21percent, among
is willing to advance its $2 trillion businesses that would reverse old necessary to end a filibuster. high-speed broadband and lead other tax increases.
jobs and infrastructure plan with much of a 2017 tax law. The 100-seat Senate is split 50- water pipes, among other mea- Speaking in Kentucky, Senate
no Republican support, setting the “Let’s work together and see if 50 between Republicans and law- sures. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell,
stage for another bruising spend- there’s a way for us to deliver this. makers who caucus with Demo- Biden on Thursday said he has R-Ky., blasted the proposed tax in-
ing battle in Washington. In the end, let me be clear, the crats, though Vice President Har- asked five Cabinet members to creases Thursday as a “big mis-
While stressing that the White president was elected to do a job. ris can cast a tiebreaking vote. make the case for the jobs propos- take.” While GOP lawmakers sup-
House hopes to secure GOP sup- And part of that job is to get this White House press secretary Jen al to the American public. They port new infrastructure invest-
port for the measure, Klain sig- country ready to win the future. Psaki said Thursday the adminis- are Transportation Secretary Pete ments, McConnell said Congress
naled that the administration is That’s what he’s going to do,” Klain tration would like the measure to Buttigieg, Energy Secretary Jenni- couldn’t afford to “whack the
willing to use Democrats’ narrow told Politico. “We intend to deliv- be passed “by the summer.” fer Granholm, Housing and Urban economy with major tax increases
majorities in the House and Senate er.” The comments from Biden’s Development Secretary Marcia or run up the national debt even
to approve legislation aimed at re- Lawmakers of both parties have chief of staff mark the beginning of Fudge, Labor Secretary Marty more.”
building the nation’s infrastruc- traditionally supported infrastruc- the difficult legislative wrangling Walsh and Commerce Secretary “I think that package they’re
ture and confronting climate ture investments, but Republicans expected to ensue for months over Gina Raimondo. putting together now, as much as
change. never have backed the extent of the White House’s major domestic Congressional Republicans we would like to address infra-
Klain also repeatedly said that clean-energy policies or tax in- policy initiative. have panned the White House structure, is not going to get sup-
the White House was optimistic it creases Biden’s new plan entails. Biden’s American Jobs Plan plan, saying it’s full of wasteful port from our side,” he said.

Floyd’s girlfriend recalls pain, addiction IN BRIEF


By Steve Karnowski,
Gaetz inquiry focusing
Tammy Webber on payments to women
and Amy Forliti A Justice Department investiga-
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS tion into Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.,
and an indicted Florida politician
MINNEAPOLIS — George is focusing on their involvement
Floyd’s girlfriend tearfully told a ju- with multiple women who were
ry Thursday the story of how they recruited online for sex and re-
met — at a Salvation Army shelter ceived cash payments, according
where he was a security guard to people close to the investigation
with “this great, deep Southern and text messages and payment
voice, raspy” — and how they both receipts reviewed by the New York
struggled mightily with an addic- Times.
tion to opioids. Investigators believe former
“Our story, it’s a classic story of Seminole County, Fla., tax collec-
how many people get addicted to tor Joel Greenberg, who was in-
opioids. We both suffered from dicted last year on a federal sex
chronic pain. Mine was in my neck trafficking charge and other
and his was in his back,” 45-year- crimes, initially met the women
old Courteney Ross said on the through websites that connect
fourth day of the murder trial of people who go on dates in ex-
former officer Derek Chauvin, change for gifts, fine dining, travel
who dug his knee into Floyd’s neck and allowances, according to three
for 9 minutes, 29 seconds as he lay people with knowledge of the
face down in handcuffs. encounters.
She said they “tried really hard Greenberg introduced the wom-
to break that addiction many en to Gaetz, who also had sex with
times.” them, the people said. Gaetz de-
Prosecutors put Ross on the nied ever paying a woman for sex.
stand as part of an effort to human- The Justice Department inquiry
ize Floyd in front of the jury and also is examining whether Gaetz
portray him as more than a crime had sex with a 17-year-old girl and
statistic and to explain the former whether she received anything of
Houston resident’s drug use. material value, according to four
The defense has argued that people familiar with the investiga-
Chauvin did what he was trained tion.
to do when he encountered Floyd
last May and that Floyd’s death was WASHINGTON, D.C.
caused by drugs, his underlying Calif. man accused of
health conditions and his own
adrenaline. An autopsy found fen- using stun gun in riot
tanyl and methamphetamine in A California man was arrested
his system. Wednesday and charged with
In other testimony, David Pleog- attacking a Washington, D.C.,
er, a now-retired Minneapolis po- police officer with an electroshock
lice sergeant who was on duty the weapon during the riot at the U.S.
night Floyd died, said that based Capitol on Jan. 6.
on his review of the body camera Daniel Rodriguez, 38, of Fon-
video, officers should have ended tana, is also accused of smashing a
their restraint after Floyd stopped window of the Capitol and stealing
resisting. an emergency escape hood de-
He also said officers are trained signed to protect lawmakers
to roll people on their side to help against chemical munitions.
with their breathing after they Pool Video via Court TV / New York Times The charge of assaulting a police
have been restrained in the prone New police body camera footage of the arrest of George Floyd was shown to the court on the third officer with a deadly weapon
position. day of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. carries up to 20 years in prison.
“When Mr. Floyd was no longer
offering up any resistance to the of- picion of passing a counterfeit $20 while the level of fentanyl in his Chauvin attorney Eric Nelson NEW YORK
ficers, they could have ended the bill at a neighborhood market. The system could be fatal to some, peo- drove hard at Floyd’s drug use in Law ends long-term
restraint,” Pleoger said. most serious charge against the ple who use the drug regularly can cross-examining Ross, asking
“And that was when he was now-fired white officer carries up develop a tolerance to it. questions aimed at showing the solitary confinement
handcuffed and on the ground and to 40 years in prison. Ross said they both had pre- danger of overdose and death. Gov. Andrew Cuomo an-
no longer resistant?” prosecutor Earlier, Ross said she and Floyd scriptions, and when those ran Under questioning from Nel- nounced Thursday that he has
Steve Schleicher asked. first met in 2017 and struggled with out, they took the prescriptions of son, Ross also disclosed that signed legislation to end long-term
Yes, Ploeger replied. addiction to painkillers through- others and used illegal drugs. Floyd’s pet name for her in his solitary confinement in state pris-
Chauvin, 45, is charged with out their relationship — testimony “Addiction, in my opinion, is a phone was “Mama” — testimony ons and jails.
murder and manslaughter, ac- that could help prosecutors blunt lifelong struggle. … It’s not some- that called into question the wide- Under the law, inmates won’t be
cused of killing Floyd by kneeling the argument that drugs killed thing that just kind of comes and ly reported account that Floyd was allowed to be held in solitary
on the 46-year-old Black man’s Floyd. goes. It’s something I’ll deal with crying out for his mother as he lay confinement for more than 15
neck after he was arrested on sus- Medical experts have said that forever,” she said. pinned to the pavement. consecutive days. Solitary confine-
ment will be banned for categories
of prisoners including minors,

Police: California shooting suspect knew victims people over 55, pregnant inmates
and those with disabilities.

By Stephanie Dazo District Attorney’s office to get jus- ILLINOIS

and Amy Taxin tice for these families,” said Spitz- Suspect shot dead by
er, who added that he’ll consider
seeking the death penalty. police was 13-year-old
ORANGE, Calif. — The gunman The violence in the city of A suspect fatally shot this week
who killed four people and criti- Orange was the third major mass by Chicago police in what the
cally wounded a fifth at a Southern shooting in just over two weeks. department called an “armed
California office building knew all Last week a gunman opened fire at confrontation” was identified
of the victims and apparently be- a supermarket in Boulder, Colo., Thursday as a 13-year-old.
fore opening fire chained shut the and killed 10. A week before that, Officers responded early Mon-
gates to two entrances, delaying six Asian women were among day to a report of gunfire and
police from getting inside, author- eight people killed at three Atlan- spotted two suspects; one ran
ities said Thursday. ta-area spas. away, and the officers chased him,
Among the victims of the “hor- The suspect in the California department spokesman Tom
rific massacre” Wednesday after- shooting was identified as Amina- Ahern said. The officers chased the
noon was a 9-year-old boy found dab Gaxiola Gonzalez, 44, of near- teen into an alley, where an officer
cradled in the arms of a woman be- by Fullerton. He was critically shot him in the chest. He was
lieved to be his mother, Orange Jae C. Hong / Associated Press wounded, and it was unclear pronounced dead at the scene.
County District Attorney Todd Investigators survey the scene at an office building after a whether he suffered a self-inflicted “I want (to) know what hap-
Spitzer said. gunman killed four people in Orange, Calif., on Wednesday. wound or was shot by police. pened,” said the boy’s mother,
The woman was the only surviv- The victims hadn’t been public- Elizabeth Toledo. “I just want
or among those shot. The others “Our hearts today go out to the that we’re going to do everything ly identified as of Thursday after- justice for my son. That’s all.”
killed were a man and two women. victims, and I’m here to tell you in our power in the Orange County noon. From wire reports
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | A5

e y


Russia says ties with U.S. have ‘hit the bottom’

By Vladimir Isachenkov Washington’s rejection of Putin’s Foreign and imprisonment of Russian op- the collapse of Russia-EU ties, de-
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS offer to arrange a quick public call Minister position leader Alexei Navalny. nying that Moscow ever tried to
with Biden to help defuse the ten- Sergey Lavrov “I’m aware of the comments of sow discord among the bloc’s
MOSCOW — Russia’s top diplo- sion over the remarks. says the the Russian foreign minister. I’m member nations.
mat said Thursday that the coun- “The confrontation has hit the ambassador also aware of the backdrop, and “We are interested in the EU
try’s relations with the United bottom,” the Russian minister likely will not that is what is important to us. being strong and independent,”
States and its allies have “hit the said in televised remarks. “But on be back. Why we are where we are in terms he said, lamenting what he de-
bottom” and that no date has the other hand, there is a hope of the bilateral relationship with scribed as the EU’s eagerness to
been set for sending the Russian that they are all grown-up people the Russian leader with approval. Russia,” said U.S. State Depart- toe the U.S. line on Russia.
ambassador back to Washington. who realize the risks linked with The Biden administration has ment spokesman Ned Price. “We will always be ready to re-
Russia recalled its ambassador inciting more tensions. I hope warned that Russia would face “It remains true that we contin- store our relationship, to raise it
to the United States after Presi- that common sense will prevail.” sanctions soon over the massive ue to look for a stable and predict- from the ashes,” Lavrov said. “But
dent Joe Biden was asked in an in- Lavrov said it would be up to SolarWinds hacks and attempts to able relationship with Russia. Just we won’t knock on the closed
terview if he thought Russian Putin to decide when Ambassa- influence last year’s U.S. presi- because we have these profound door.”
President Vladimir Putin was a dor Anatoly Antonov returns to dential election to help keep disagreements, just because the Lavrov also rejected the idea of
“killer” and replied, “I do.” Washington. Trump in the White House. relationship is where it is right Russia using its energy supplies to
Addressing the issue Thursday, Biden has said the days of the Russia’s relations with the U.S. now, doesn’t mean that there EU nations as political leverage.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey U.S. “rolling over” to Putin are and the European Union already aren’t going to be any areas of tac- He said Moscow never would cut
Lavrov called Biden’s remarks done. And he has taken pains to had plunged to post-Cold War tical alignment.” shipments even if the West
“appalling” and said they had contrast his approach with that of lows after Moscow’s 2014 annex- Lavrov argued that the U.S.-led stepped up sanctions on Russia.
forced Moscow to rethink its ties former President Donald Trump, ation of Ukraine’s Crimea, elec- pressure on Russia “has absolute- “We won’t engage in a situation
with Washington. who avoided confrontation with tion meddling, hacking attacks ly no chance for success.” He also when we ‘freeze’ EU citizens,” he
Lavrov also voiced regret about Putin and frequently spoke about and most recently, the poisoning blamed the European Union for said.

2 months after coup, Myanmar IN BRIEF


teeters on the brink of civil war

Gender-reveal plane
crashes, kills two
The small plane arced over a
blue lagoon near the Caribbean
Sea, flying low above a family in a
boat Tuesday afternoon. As they
clapped, it released a pink cloud
into the sky.
“Girl! Girl!” a man aboard the
boat yelled in Spanish, celebrating
the dramatic results of the elab-
orate gender-reveal stunt for a new
baby in the family. “It’s a girl!”
Seconds later, the family’s video
shows, the small aircraft plummet-
ed into the Nichupte Lagoon off
the east coast of Cancun as the
family and their guests watched in
“No way!” a man cried in Span-
ish with an obscenity. “It went into
the water.”
The pilot and the co-pilot, who
haven’t been named, were killed in
the crash. An investigation is un-


Lawmakers censure
Dutch PM Rutte
Caretaker Dutch Prime Minister
Mark Rutte’s political future was in
doubt Friday after lawmakers
passed a motion of censure against
him that was filed by two parties in
his own outgoing coalition.
The politically damaging move
came at the end of a marathon
late-night parliamentary debate
AFP about the stalled process to form a
Mourners make the three-finger salute Thursday as pallbearers carry the coffin of Kyaw Min Latt, also known as Poe Toe. new government after elections
last month. Opposition lawmakers
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS The demonstrations followed a cades of brutal military rule. language, including the words accused Rutte of lying and un-
night of violence that included po- The U.N. Security Council late “killing” and “deplore,” was soft- dermining public trust in poli-
YANGON, Myanmar — Protest- lice raids and several fires. In Yan- Thursday strongly condemned ened in the final statement, coun- ticians. He narrowly survived a
ers on Thursday marked two gon, several shops owned in the use of violence against peace- cil diplomats said. motion of no-confidence.
months since this nation’s military whole or part by Myanma Eco- ful protesters in Myanmar and the The reference to “further The vote was called over allega-
seized power by again defying the nomic Holdings Ltd., an invest- deaths of hundreds of civilians, steps” was replaced in the final tions that Rutte lied about trying to
threat of lethal violence and dem- ment arm of the military, went up but it dropped the threat of possi- statement with a sentence saying sideline a political rival.
onstrating against the junta’s top- in flames. The shops are also tar- ble future action against the mili- council members “stressed that It was a stunning fall from grace
pling of the country’s democrati- gets of boycotts by the protest tary. they continued to monitor the sit- just over two weeks after his con-
cally elected government. movement. A British-drafted statement ap- uation closely and would remain servative party won the most seats
Security forces have been un- The crisis in the Southeast proved by all 15 council members actively seized of the matter.” in parliament in the election,
able to crush the massive public Asian nation has expanded sharp- after intense negotiations that be- The final council statement also putting him in line to form his
resistance to the Feb. 1 coup de- ly in the past week, both in the gan Wednesday expressed “deep called “on all sides to refrain from fourth governing coalition and
spite their escalating violence, in- number of protesters killed and concern at the rapidly deteriorat- violence” — which diplomats said possibly become the country’s
cluding routinely shooting pro- with military airstrikes against the ing situation” in Myanmar and re- Russia demanded — and “reiterat- longest-serving prime minister.
testers. International efforts in- guerrilla forces of the Karen eth- iterated the council’s call on the ed the need to fully respect hu-
cluding sanctions imposed by nic minority in their homeland military “to exercise utmost re- man rights and to pursue dialogue GERMANY
Western nations on the military along the border with Thailand. straint.” and reconciliation in accordance Over 55,000 animals
regime have failed to restore In areas controlled by the Ka- The original draft was much with the will and interests of the
peace. ren, more than a dozen civilians stronger and would have ex- people of Myanmar.” die in fire at pig farm
In Yangon, the country’s big- have been killed since Saturday pressed the Security Council’s Also Thursday, Suu Kyi’s lawyer A fire at a pig-breeding facility in
gest city, a group of young people and more than 20,000 have been “readiness to consider further Khin Maung Zaw said that she’s northeastern town of Alt Tellin is
gathered shortly after sunrise displaced, according to the Free steps,” which could include sanc- facing a new charge of violating believed to have killed more than
Thursday to sing songs honoring Burma Rangers, a relief agency tions. It also would have “de- Myanmar’s colonial-era Official 55,000 animals, the operator said
the more than 500 protesters operating in the area. plored” the use of violence against Secrets Act, which is punishable Thursday.
killed so far. They then marched The U.N. special envoy for peaceful protesters and “con- by up to 14 years’ imprisonment. The fire broke out Tuesday and
through the streets chanting slo- Myanmar warned that the coun- demned in the strongest terms the He said Suu Kyi and Australian spread quickly, in part through
gans calling for the fall of the jun- try faces the possibility of civil killing of hundreds of civilians by economist Sean Turnell, who ventilation shafts, destroying the
ta, the release of deposed leader war. the security forces.” served as her adviser and who al- stalls where the animals were kept.
Aung San Suu Kyi, and the return That’s a stark reversal for Myan- But at the insistence of China, so was detained on the day of the Some 7,000 sows and 50,000
of democracy. mar, which before the coup had Myanmar’s neighbor and friend, coup, were charged on March 25 piglets were at the facility, and
Protests were also held in Man- been making slow progress to- the reference to “further steps” in a Yangon court. He provided no only about 1,300 were rescued.
dalay and elsewhere. ward greater democracy after de- was eliminated and the stronger other details. From wire reports

Black adviser quits UK government Pelicans in a park

after report finds no systemic racism

By Jill Lawless ences of minority Britons. But Simon Woolley, a former gov-
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS The prime minister’s office said ernment equalities adviser and a
Kasumu would leave his job as a spe- member of the House of Lords, said
LONDON — The most senior cial adviser for civil society and com- Kasumu’s exit was connected to the
Black adviser to U.K. Prime Minister munities in May, as had “been his “grubby” and “divisive” report.
Boris Johnson has resigned, the gov- plan for several months.” “(There is a) crisis at No. 10 when
ernment said Thursday, one day af- It denied the resignation was re- it comes to acknowledging and deal-
ter a report on racial disparities con- lated to Wednesday’s publication of ing with persistent race inequality,”
cluded that Britain has no systemic a report by the government-ap- Woolley said.
racism. pointed Commission on Race and Kasumu had considered quitting
The government denied any link Ethnic Disparities. The panel of ex- in February. He wrote a resignation
between the departure of Samuel perts concluded that while “outright letter, obtained by the BBC, that ac-
Kasumu and the much-criticized re- racism” exists in Britain, the country cused Johnson’s Conservative Party Leon Neal / Getty Images
port, which activists and academics isn’t “institutionally racist” or of pursuing “a politics steeped in di- A great white pelican shares a park bench with a man in
have accused of ignoring the experi- “rigged” against ethnic minorities. vision.” London on Thursday as other birds gather nearby.
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | A7
A8 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH


GALVESTON ISD However, Brown told the

Chronicle on Thursday that only
From page A3 negative comments or com-
plaints made against district em-
even in public, but they certainly ployees during public comment
weren’t allowed then to close the would trigger a closed session in
meeting to have deliberations Galveston ISD. He said if a speak-
they couldn’t have in public.” er complimented, thanked or
However, Board President An- said something neutral about a
thony Brown, who is a commer- school employee during public
cial and real estate attorney in comments, that would be per-
Galveston, said they were per- mitted because it wouldn’t vio-
mitted to go into closed session late employee rights to due pro-
because the teacher, Carrie Hun- cess or internal grievance pro-
nicutt, who complained was a cesses.
district employee. He said he Aleshire said complaints made
consulted with the district’s gen- against government employees
eral counsel, who said going into are only exempted by the Texas
executive session was legal. Public Information Act, which
“What our agenda permits us governs the types of documents
to do is go into executive session agencies must release to the pub-
under any matters acceptable lic. They do not apply to open
under the open meetings re- meetings laws.
quirements,” Brown said. He said what’s more troubling
At issue were public com- is that allowing speakers to say
ments made at a Wednesday Gal- nice things about employees but
veston ISD board meeting, in censoring negative speech about
which several parents and teach- employees violates both the Tex-
ers voiced displeasure with as Constitution and the First
changes and controversial com- Mark Mulligan / Staff photographer Amendment.
ments made about the district’s Galveston ISD Superintendent Jerry Gibson and board President Anthony Brown listen to He added that it did not matter
virtual program, known as Stu- community member Torrina Harris express her support for Galveston teachers. whether the person speaking
dents Accessing Innovative was an employee of the district
Learning or SAIL. ed by what she felt was an insinu- that the person who was recently matters in closed session, Alesh- or a member of the public.
Proponents of the program ation that she and her colleagues hired —” she started. ire said any subjects discussed in “He digs the hole even deeper
say Gibson abruptly changed were doing subpar work and that “Wait, we’re going to go into closed session must be posted on by saying, ‘Well, if you want to
how it was run three weeks after her students were doing poorly, closed session,” Brown said just the meeting agenda ahead of say something nice about gov-
joining the district on Feb. 1. In a especially because Gibson had before the livestream feed was time. If the board discusses any- ernment employee, you’re al-
Facebook Live video on Galves- not talked with her or most other cut and everyone inside the thing not on the agenda, it’s a vio- lowed to speak. But if you criti-
ton ISD’s account, Gibson said he virtual teachers prior to making board chambers was told they lation of the Open Meetings Act, cize a government employee,
found out around 5 p.m. on Feb. the video. She had prepared a had to leave. and doubly so if it’s done in you won’t be allowed to do that,”
22 that SAIL teachers were work- three-minute speech to give at While Hunnicutt said she only closed section. Violations for Aleshire said. “That is a clear vio-
ing remotely. He said he decided Wednesday’s meeting, but be- had about 42 seconds left to those sections of the Texas Open lation of free speech. It is a con-
then that the teachers would fore she could, Brown issued a speak, she stayed in the closed Meetings Act can carry criminal tent-based restriction on free
have to return to a campus build- warning to those signed up to session with trustees for 14 min- penalties, including fines of up to speech.”
ing to do their virtual instruc- speak during public comments. utes. She said after she finished $500 and several months in the Hunnicutt, who teaches
tion. They were told to report to “If what you say in your com- her comments behind closed county jail. eighth-grade history, said she did
a Galveston ISD facility by Feb. ments could constitute as identi- doors, Brown asked if he could “The first hole he dug was he not know that the closed session
24. fying a district employee by respond and ask her questions. thought they could deliberate a of the Texas Open Meetings Act
He added that he had heard al- name or position, we will imme- She said they ended up talking topic that wasn’t noticed in the and was surprised to learn she
legations that some teachers diately take that in closed execu- about everything from the super- agenda,” Aleshire said. “Then he would have been allowed to com-
were only giving five minutes of tive session,” Brown said. “If any- intendent search process, pre- dug the hole deeper when he pliment the superintendent pub-
instruction a day or only working one starts, we will shut it down kindergarten curriculum and an said said we’re going to do it in a licly.
a few days a week while their col- and go into executive session.” anonymous website. None of closed meeting.” “As a teacher who teaches the
leagues teaching in-person were The other speakers avoided those topics were on the meet- Aleshire said school boards American Constitution, I’m very
working full time. mentioning Gibson by name or ing’s agenda. and other government bodies disappointed,” Hunnicutt said.
“Yet on payday (the virtual title, as did Hunnicutt. She spoke Aleshire gave his legal opinion can adopt policies limiting what “I teach my students all about the
teachers) receive a full pay- generally about the Facebook after a reporter described the can be discussed in public com- First Amendment. To realize
check,” Gibson said. “I’m not Live video, and her frustration events in the school board meet- ments, such as imposing time re- mine has been violated is aston-
sure if that’s fair; I’m not sure if with being accused of not doing a ing. strictions and sometimes wheth- ishing.”
that’s consistent.” good job. Although Brown said the er speakers can mention employ-
Hunnicutt said she was offend- “If the board can honestly say board can discuss some of those ees by name. [email protected]

SCHOOLS Much of the criticism cen-

tered on the proposal to al-
From page A3 low the hiring of noncerti-
fied vocational educators,
pointed by HISD Trustee with some teachers arguing
Anne Sung, said it was “not the move undermined their
clear to me what the actual credentials.
problem was we were trying Although the plan speci-
to solve.” fied that the exemption
“I began to feel that the would apply only to career
DAC was being considered and technical education
as a rubber stamp,” said Fer- teachers, some committee
nandez, the mother of two members questioned
sons attending HISD whether HISD would have to
schools. “We asked for addi- legally opt out of certifica-
tional information, we tion requirements for all
asked for additional meet- teachers under the state’s
ings, we asked if we could District of Innovation law.
vote just on changing the “I don’t think the dis-
calendar date. And we trict’s intention necessarily
weren’t given a clear an- matters when you look at
swer.” the law,” said HISD teacher
August Hamilton, HISD’s Coretta Mallet-Fontenot, an
general manager of strategy employee committee mem-
and innovation, said he gave ber who voted against the
committee members the fi- plan.
nal plan in early March, held Hamilton said HISD ad-
a 90-minute briefing with ministrators received assur-
time for questions and an- ances from legal counsel
swered follow-up queries by that the exemption could
email. Also, the exemptions not spread to certification
sought by HISD have been requirements of nonvoca-
public since last May. tional teachers.
“To me, I just feel like it’s Throughout the months-
kind of disingenuous to say long process, some District
none of our questions were of Innovation critics said
answered, because there HISD would dramatically ex-
were so many opportunities pand the scope of the plan if
to do that,” Hamilton said. it passed. At a hearing ahead
Texas legislators created of the committee vote last
the District of Innovation week, an opponent falsely
framework in 2015, allowing claimed that approval
school and community lead- would lead to the elimina-
ers to seek exemptions from tion of class size require-
certain state education laws ments and termination of
in the spirit of greater local employee contracts.
control. Plans must garner Under state law, districts
majority support from a dis- must restart the District of
trict-appointed committee Innovation process before
and approval from two- changing, renewing or re-
thirds of school board mem- scinding a plan.
bers before taking effect. Durrel Douglas, the exec-
All the Houston area’s utive director of the advoca-
largest districts have ap- cy group Houston Justice
proved District of Innova- and a District Advisory
tion plans, with the excep- Committee member who
tion of HISD and Cypress- voted for the proposal, said
Fairbanks ISD. Each district the misinformation fueled
sought an exemption to opposition to the proposal.
start the school year earlier “Compared with what
— state law says districts can- some other districts are do-
not begin before the fourth ing, I didn’t figure it would
Monday in August — and be that controversial,” said
many included other provi- Douglas, who was appoint-
sions related to teacher cer- ed by Trustee Kathy Blue-
tification, attendance re- ford-Daniels. “I thought it
quirements and class size was well-explained by folks
limits. in the district. These are the
HISD trustees voted 7-2 experts, this is what they
last May to begin the District recommended and there’s
of Innovation process, de- truth behind each of these
spite early opposition from points that makes common
the Houston Federation of sense.”
Teachers and reticence
from some board members. [email protected]
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | A9

Pfizer says
shot is still
potent after
six months
By Robert Langreth

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

remained highly effective against
COVID-19 after six months, ac-
cording to new long-term results
that Pfizer said could be used to
seek an expansion of the shot’s
regulatory status.
Follow-up data from a final-
stage trial of 46,307 people
showed the vaccine was 91.3 per-
cent effective in preventing
symptomatic cases starting one
week after the second dose
through as long as six months. In
the U.S. alone, the efficacy rate
was 92.6 percent, according to a
report Thursday by the two com-
The six-month result is only
slightly lower than the 95 percent
efficacy rate that was originally
found for the vaccine, based on
much shorter- term results. The
two-shot vaccine also prevented Erin Schaff / New York Times
all or nearly all severe cases of the People wait to get vaccinated at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden’s Family Life Center in Upper Marlboro, Md., last month.
disease over six months.

Maryland’s path shows challenges

At the same time, the compa-
nies provided some of the first da-
ta on how their vaccine might
handle the immune-evading

in the push to vaccinate everyone

B.1.351 variant that arose in South
Nine of 800 trial participants
in that country got sick with CO-
VID, including six infected with
B.1.351. But all were in the placebo By Jennifer Steinhauer proved adept at vacuuming up and resources accordingly. urban metro station next week.
group, suggesting the shot retains and Abby Goodnough shots meant for other ZIP codes, In Maryland, the pent-up Hogan’s goal is to administer
efficacy against the variant. NEW YO R K TIME S isolated rural areas and a sign-up demand for the vaccine is huge. 100,000 shots per day by May,
The vaccine already has se- system that has so vexed resi- Only people 65 and older, some up from an average of 57,000 a
cured an emergency use authori- UPPER MARLBORO, Md. — dents that vaccine hunting has types of essential workers and a day now.
zation from the Food and Drug The path to quickly vaccinating become for many a part-time few other narrow categories The state has started adding
Administration, which means it’s the nation’s 250 million adults job. were eligible until late March, primary care doctors to the
in effect only until the emergency will be paved with pharmacy “We are going to push, but leaving two-thirds of the pop- effort, with the goal of having
ends and that it can be revoked or chains, hospitals and hulking we’re also going to have to pull,” ulation unprotected. 400 practices administering
changed at any time. Formal ap- stadiums where uniformed said Dennis Schrader, the state’s On Tuesday, Republican Gov. shots by May. It’s also working
proval is for the long term. troops help inoculate thousands acting health secretary, describ- Larry Hogan opened up vaccina- with local health departments
of people a day. ing Maryland’s plan to not only tion to all who are 16 and older and community partners, partic-
But it also will rely on the ramp up capacity at megasites and have certain medical condi- ularly churches, to open “pop-
recreation center at the First and pharmacies but also to “pull tions. By April 27, everyone 16 up” vaccination sites aimed at

U.S. OKs Baptist Church of Glenarden,

along with tiny storefront service
organizations and vaccine-
people in” with smaller, more
targeted efforts.
Nearly every state now finds
and older will be eligible regard-
less of medical status.
But while Hogan has faced
populations that might be geo-
graphically or socially isolated,
or distrustful of government and
two more stocked vans that scour neigh-
borhoods for the unprotected.
itself in a perilous race between
vaccinating residents and suc-
criticism from local leaders
about the state’s middle-of-the-
large institutions.
Pastor John Jenkins at the First

home tests Maryland offers a microcosm

of the issues states face as they
rush to open enough vaccination
cumbing to an onerous wave of
cases fueled partly by the emer-
gence of new coronavirus vari-
road pace and for not doing
enough to reach Black and Lati-
no residents — who make up
Baptist Church of Glenarden
understood the role his church
could play as he drove down a
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS sites to meet President Joe Bi- ants. As states rush to expand more than 40 percent of the main drag in Prince George’s
den’s goal of making every adult eligibility for the shot, many also state’s population but only 28 County — a majority-Black area
WASHINGTON — U.S. health eligible for COVID-19 shots by are loosening rules on dining, percent of those who have re- that has had high COVID in-
officials have authorized two May 1. gathering and masks. ceived at least one shot — some fection rates but low inoculation
more over-the-counter CO- The state has encountered It will take extensive group people now worry that the state rates — past the snaking line of
VID-19 tests that can be used at nearly all the geographic, demo- efforts across competing in- is speeding up too quickly. cars leading to a mass vaccina-
home to get rapid results. graphic and human behavioral terests to push states closer to The Hogan administration is tion site at the Six Flags amuse-
The move by the Food and challenges that come with a herd immunity. Efforts to track planning to open four more ment park.
Drug Administration is expect- public health task of this scale: who’s getting vaccinated and mass vaccination sites by the “The people in those cars
ed to vastly expand the avail- poor urban neighborhoods where will become all the more end of April, bringing the total to didn’t look like people in the
ability of cheap home tests that where many lack access to reg- important so health officials can 12, and it has 320 pharmacies county,” Jenkins said. “The peo-
many experts have advocated ular care, wealthy Washington quickly identify who’s being left administering shots. A federally ple in this community could not
since the early days of the out- suburbs whose residents have behind and shift their strategies operated site will open at a sub- get appointments.”
break. The announcement late
Wednesday comes as U.S. test-
ing numbers continue to slide,
even as the number of new coro-
navirus infections is rising
National ads will target vaccine reluctance
again. By Annie Karni help address religious concerns
The FDA said Abbott’s Binax- NEW YO R K TIME S about the Johnson & Johnson vac-
Now and Quidel’s QuickVue cine, which uses abortion-de-
tests now can be sold without a WASHINGTON — The Biden ad- rived fetal cell lines.
prescription. Both tests were ministration Thursday an- The group is collectively called
first approved last year but nounced an ambitious advertis- the COVID-19 Community Corps,
came with conditions that limit- ing campaign intended to en- administration officials said, and
ed their use, including prescrip- courage as many Americans as participating organizations can
tion requirements and instruc- possible to be vaccinated against reach millions of Americans who
tions that they be used only in the coronavirus. trust those individual groups.
people with symptoms. The campaign, with ads in En- A new poll by the Kaiser Fami-
The home tests allow users to glish and Spanish that will air ly Foundation this week found
collect a sample themselves throughout April on network TV that the number of Black adults
with a nasal swab that’s then in- and cable channels nationwide willing to be vaccinated had in-
serted into a test strip. Results as well as online, comes as the ad- creased substantially since Feb-
are usually available in 10 to 20 ministration is rapidly expanding ruary. But 13 percent of respon-
minutes. Most other COVID-19 access to coronavirus vaccines. dents still said they would “defi-
tests require a swab sample tak- President Joe Biden an- nitely not” get a vaccine. Among
en by a health worker at a testing nounced last week a new goal of Republicans and white evangeli-
location. administering 200 million doses cal Christians, almost 30 percent
The agency authorized an by his 100th day in office, dou- of each group said they would
over-the-counter COVID-19 test bling his initial goal. And last “definitely not” get a shot.
from an Australian company in month, in an address to the na- Steve Gonzales / Staff photographer Administration officials said
December, but it’s still not wide- tion, he announced a goal of mak- People wait in line for COVID-19 vaccinations last month at the their research showed that vac-
ly available. ing all U.S. adults eligible for a Ibn Sina Medical Wilcrest Clinic in Houston. cine messaging from medical
Abbott said its test would be vaccine by May 1. Governors and professionals and community
priced in the “single digits” per public health officials in more Administration officials ex- The administration’s new pub- leaders, rather than from celebri-
test and should be available in than 40 states have said that pect to soon face the possibility lic awareness push will enlist 275 ties or the president, was often
“coming weeks” at pharmacies, they’ll meet or beat that dead- of supply exceeding demand if organizations — including more persuasive.
supermarkets and other chains. line. many Americans remain reluc- NASCAR, the Catholic Health As- “We are not always the best
The company can produce But deep skepticism about the tant to be vaccinated. And wide- sociation of the United States and messengers,” White House press
about 50 million tests per vaccine remains a problem, par- spread opposition to vaccination the North American Meat Insti- secretary Jen Psaki said last
month. ticularly among Black people, La- could set back a return to a more tute. Among the organizations month when speaking about vac-
Quidel didn’t disclose pricing tinos, Republicans and white normal way of life as the virus are many Catholic and evangeli- cine hesitancy among conserva-
for its test. evangelicals. continues to spread. cal groups that are expected to tives.

Coronavirus at a glance
129,461,490 30,538,007 2,786,642 2,825,890 553,117 47,522 Source: WHO,
Johns Hopkins
Confirmed cases Confirmed cases Confirmed cases Deaths Deaths Deaths University,
Texas DSHS
worldwide in U.S. in Texas worldwide in U.S. in Texas
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | A11

Court: Statues of 2 rebel generals in Virginia can go

By Matthew Barakat Goodwyn said both statues were
and Michael Kunzelman erected long before a1997 state law
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS that barred local governments
from removing them.
FALLS CHURCH, Va. — This He wrote that the law shouldn’t
state’s highest court ruled Thurs- be applied retroactively; those
day that the city of Charlottesville seeking to keep the statues in place
can take down two statues of Con- had argued that the Legislature’s
federate generals, including one of obvious intent was to do just that.
Robert E. Lee that became the fo- The 1997 law “did not provide
cus of a violent white nationalist the authority for the city to erect
rally in 2017. the statues, and it does not prohib-
The state Supreme Court over- it the city from disturbing or inter-
turned a circuit court decision in fering with them,” Goodwyn
favor of a group of residents who wrote.
sued to block the city from taking The state Supreme Court also
down the Lee statue and a nearby ruled that the circuit court erred in
monument to fellow Gen. Thomas ordering the city to pay $365,000
“Stonewall” Jackson. Charlottes- in attorneys’ fees and costs for the
ville’s City Council had voted to re- plantiffs.
move both. Braxton Puryear, one of the at-
White supremacist and neo-Na- torneys for the residents who
zi organizers of the August 2017 sued, said he hadn’t read the rul-
“Unite the Right” rally in Char- ing yet and couldn’t immediately
lottesville said they went to the comment on it. Frederick Payne, a
city to defend the statue of Lee. Associated Press file photo Charlottesville lawyer who was
They clashed with counterprotes- Workers drape a tarp over a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Va., in listed as the lead plaintiff in the
ters before a man plowed his car 2017, intended to symbolize mourning for a protester killed during a white nationalist rally. lawsuit, also declined comment
into a crowd of people, killing a Thursday.
woman. City officials praised the ruling and that tells a more complete his- the past five years. For all of us The Virginia Division of the
The Jackson statue was erected in a statement Thursday and said tory of Charlottesville.” who were on the right side of histo- Sons of Confederate Veterans and
in Jackson Park in 1921, and the Lee they plan to redesign the park Mayor Nikuyah Walker thanked ry, Bravo!” The Monument Fund also were
statue was erected in Lee Park in spaces where the statues are locat- the community “for their stead- In Thursday’s decision, State plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed
1924. ed “in a way that promotes healing fastness and perseverance over Supreme Court Justice Bernard against the city in March 2017.

New Mexico joins national recreational marijuana wave

By Morgan Lee awaiting the governor’s signature. juana sales of 12 percent that even-
and Cedar Attanasio The New Mexico initiative, tually rises to 18 percent. Posses-
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS passed late Wednesday, would re- sion of up to 2 ounces of marijua-
consider criminal drug sentences na would cease to be a crime, and
SANTA FE, N.M — New Mexico’s for about 100 prisoners and give people would be allowed six
Democratic-dominated Legisla- the governor a strong hand in li- plants at home — or up to 12 per
ture has sent a package of canna- censing the industry and monitor- household.
bis bills to a supportive governor ing supplies. “The United States of America
as the state prepared to become New Mexico flirted with canna- is in the midst of a sea change
the latest to legalize recreational bis legalization in the 1990s, when when it comes to this,” said Demo-
marijuana. then-Gov. Gary Johnson chal- cratic state Rep. Javier Martinez of
Lawmakers used a marathon lenged taboos against decriminal- Albuquerque, lead sponsor of the
two-day legislative session to push ization in defiance of Republican legalization bill. “This bill begins
through marijuana legalization allies. The state’s medical mari- to repair the harms of prohibi-
for adults over 21 and a compan- juana program, founded in 2007, tion.”
ion bill that automatically erases has attracted more than 100,000 Republican state Sen. Gay Ker-
many past marijuana convictions, patients. nan of Hobbs voted against legal-
overriding skeptical Republicans. The Legislature was reticent to ization and said she was amazed
By signing the bills, Gov. Mi- legalize until now. Several hard- that legislative colleagues would
chelle Lujan Grisham would ex- line opponents of legalization in support the freedom to buy mind-
tend legal recreational pot sales in the state Senate were voted out of altering drugs amid New Mexico’s
the Southwest by April 2022, Associated Press file photo office by Democrats in 2020 pri- struggles with poverty and opioid
when the New Mexico legislation Korbin Osborn, left, works as a cannabis adviser at a medical mary elections in a shift that overdoses.
kicks in, and join 16 states that marijuana dispensary in Santa Fe, N.M., in 2019. paved the way for Wednesday’s “I just think it’s terribly unfair
have legalized marijuana, mostly historic vote. to impose this kind of significant
through direct ballot initiatives. ize marijuana, with Arizona be- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Under the legalization package, change in our way of life and areas
California and Colorado were coming one of the latest in the re- signed a legalization bill Wednes- New Mexico would levy an initial of the state that clearly do not wel-
among the first in the U.S. to legal- gion to follow suit earlier this year. day, and a proposal in Virginia is excise tax on recreational mari- come this,” Kernan said.
A12 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH


COUGARS 1967-68 and 1982-84, had

fallen off the radar after
on college basketball’s big-
gest stage translates into
From page A1 Guy V. Lewis retired in 1986. potential increases in dona-
Before it could start the re- tions and sponsorships and
basketball’s director for ex- construction, it had to is a chance for the universi-
ternal operations and make the right head coach- ty to reasonably increase
Sampson’s daughter. “Our ing hire. Coach James Dick- ticket prices in ensuing
whole deal was we were go- ey had brought stability to years, Pezman said.
ing to take our show to the program, but the Cou- “That’s what athletics
them. gars remained at best a provide — a very visible op-
“Shock and awe a little middle-of-the-pack pro- portunity for the universi-
bit.” gram in Conference USA ty,” Pezman said. “It’s a gal-
In her office, Lauren and in the first season in the vanizing moment that
Sampson would print out American Athletic Confer- brings everybody together
hundreds of invitations ence. When Dickey stepped for the community.”
(tickets are free to stu- down in 2014, citing per-
dents). Kelvin Sampson sonal reasons, then-athletic The payoff
would pass them out on the director Mack Rhoades said And although winnings
45-minute walk that includ- the challenge became to from the NCAA Tourna-
ed surprise visits to class- find the “right guy” to re- ment are shared and often
rooms, plus a stop at the turn UH to national rele- modest — Pezman noted
student center and even a vance. Mark Mulligan / Staff file photo that each game a team
few buildings where the Sampson had been out of University of Houston cheerleaders fire up the crowd before a game in 2020. On makes earns it a unit worth
group was kicked out. college basketball since Saturday, the Cougars will play in the Final Four for the first time since 1984. $1.65 million, which is later
One time, the night be- 2008, slapped with a five- distributed among the con-
fore final exams, Kelvin year ban by the NCAA for private donations for the Because then we could called off due to the corona- ference teams over six
Sampson showed up at the making impermissible Guy V. Lewis Development start building. The wins virus pandemic. Sampson years — that money still
library with hundreds of phone calls at Oklahoma Facility, a 53,000-square- were all pluses that first is convinced that team ends up in UH’s revenue
doughnuts. and Indiana (those same foot combination of prac- year. The losses meant could have made a deep stream, funding scholar-
“For the next 10 minutes, calls are now legal). He was tice courts, locker rooms, nothing.” postseason run. UH’s 111 vic- ships and operating costs,
free doughnuts,” Sampson an assistant coach with the offices, film rooms and Brick by brick. tories since the 2017-18 sea- Pezman said.
said over the intercom. Rockets when Rhoades “comfortable couches and By his second season, son are the second most in In the most recent infor-
Students rushed for the called about the UH open- video games.” Two years Sampson added local high the country behind Gonza- mation available, the UH
free food. ing. later, Tilman Fertitta, chair- school products Galen Rob- ga (123). athletic department report-
“Now come to our bas- “Timing is everything,” man of the school’s board inson Jr. and Chris Harris Jr. With each step, even the ed $75 million in revenue
ketball game,” Sampson said Rhoades, now the ath- of regents and billionaire and brought in transfers losses, Sampson (167-63 in and $1.37 million in profit
said. letic director at Baylor. owner of the Rockets, do- Rob Gray Jr. and Damyean seven seasons at UH) could for fiscal year 2019, accord-
“You guys have a team?” “Kelvin needed Houston, nated $20 million to refur- Dotson. As the seasons tell the program was not far ing to a copy of the school’s
a student asked. and we needed Kelvin. It bish Hofheinz Pavilion into went by, the Cougars added away. financial report submitted
“I thought basketball was like this perfect what is now Fertitta Center. Devin Davis and Armoni “Those games told me to the NCAA. Unlike some
didn’t start until January,” match.” Brick by brick. Brooks, Corey Davis Jr., Fa- we’re getting close,” he of the schools in larger con-
another student said. Rhoades said Sampson, Sampson put together a bian White Jr., Breaon Bra- said. “We’ve just got to keep ferences such as Texas and
The “campus blitzes” the school’s seventh coach coaching staff that included dy and Nura Zanna, Nate swinging. We’ve got to keep Texas A&M whose budgets
lasted four years. By the since Lewis retired, owned son Kellen, his top assistant Hinton, DeJon Jarreau, Bri- winning. We’ve got to keep are fully funded outside of
2017-18 season, the Cougars his mistakes and deserved a and the program’s head son Gresham and Justin getting kids to believe. the university through me-
were on the way to the second chance. coach-in-waiting. He kept Gorham, Caleb Mills, Mar- That’s what we did. We dia rights, ticket sales and
NCAA Tournament for the “I was convinced he had Alvin Brooks, who has long- cus Sasser, Quentin were getting closer.” sponsorships, UH’s athletic
first time under Sampson. learned from those things time ties to the school and Grimes, Reggie Chaney and Brick by brick. budget in 2019 counted
Word was out. Not only did and owned those things,” was named Thursday the Tramon Mark. The list goes over 57 percent of its reve-
Houston have a basketball Rhoades said. “He wanted new head coach at Lamar. on and on. Most were not Long-term commitment nues from direct support
team, but it soon would be to rewrite his recent history He brought in Quannas highly recruited out of high Along with sizable in- from the school ($34.1 mil-
among the best in the coun- as a college basketball White, a point guard on school. But they were the vestments in facilities, UH lion) or student fees ($8.7
try. coach.” Sampson’s Final Four team “right fit” for Houston, two years ago made a long- million). That is on par with
“My job is to recruit a at Oklahoma. Sampson said. term commitment to Samp- schools in similar-size ath-
team,” Kelvin Sampson told Investing in basketball Sampson inherited a ros- UH went 22-10 and 21-11 in son with a six-year deal that letic conferences.
his daughter. “Your job is to Even with a reputation ter that, after an exodus fol- Sampson’s next two sea- pays more than $3 million Has UH’s investment
recruit this campus.” for winning, Sampson lowing Dickey’s departure, sons, both times reaching annually, making him been worth it?
“Once we got through knew this would not be a included five players. He the NIT. The breakthrough among the highest-paid col- “You can ask any Cougar
the first year, we just start- quick fix. “The lower the hurriedly recruited players came in the fourth season lege basketball coaches in today, any Houstonian —
ed adding pieces, and we program was, the better for to fill out the rest of the ros- when the Cougars went the country. He recently re- yeah, it is worth it,” Khator
did it brick by brick,” Samp- me.” ter. Predictably, the Cou- 27-8 and made the NCAA ceived a two-year extension said “We are dancing with
son said. “We weren’t in a What Sampson inherit- gars went 13-19 in Samp- Tournament for the first that runs through the 2026- the Four. The Final Four.”
hurry. We didn’t try to cut ed: “Severe apathy. Terri- son’s first season. time since 2010 and just the 27 season. Years later, Lauren
any corners. We did it brick ble facilities. Nobody really “I thought we could win. second time since 1993. The “He came here on the Sampson smiles when the
by brick.” cared.” I did,” Sampson said. “We Cougars were eliminated in promise of building some- student section at Fertitta
The UH program, which The first step was a $25 had to get through the first the round of 32 on a buzzer- thing. … He didn’t have Center — known as “The
had made Final Fours in million investment through year. That was important. beater by Michigan. very much. He didn’t have Cage” — is packed and loud.
“I knew it wasn’t going to the tools,” UH President Re- She also remembers those
be a one- or two-year (fix), nu Khator said. “Kudos to days not so long ago, when
not if you are going to do it him and his family for be- she would stand near the
right, not if you are going to lieving.” tunnel at the old Hofheniz
build it to last,” Rhoades UH athletic director Pavilion and look into the
said. “We needed some- Chris Pezman said the in- crowd.
body to take us to the next vestment in basketball has “It was sad,” she said.
level and be nationally rele- been worth it. Fertitta Cen- “But we would look up and
vant.” ter has been sold out, and see kids that we saw on the
UH won a school-record season ticket purchases of- (campus walks). They
33 games and the AAC reg- ten come with donations. would yell, ‘I made it!’ And
ular-season title in 2018-19, It’s too early to tell the fi- we would wave at them.”
losing to Kentucky in the nancial benefit of this sea- Brittany Britto contributed
Sweet 16. Last year, the Cou- son and postseason, Pez- to this report.
gars were 23-8 and repeat- man said, but exposure is
ed as AAC champions be- something you can’t buy. [email protected]
fore the postseason was The visibility of playing twitter.com/joseph_duarte

SURGE has been a spectacular suc-

tributed the rapid rise in
cases to the B.1.1.7 variant
From page A1 The U.S. moved closer that was originally identi-
Thursday toward vaccinat- fied in Britain and is wide-
counties, is racked by wor- ing 100 million Americans, spread in Michigan. But
ries: about families return- with more than 99 million they also have observed a
ing from spring break trips people having received at broader return to pre-pan-
and about the Easter gath- least one dose of the vac- demic life seen in a relax-
erings that will take place cine. More than 56 million ing of mask wearing, social
this weekend, when fami- people — 17 percent of the distancing and other strat-
lies are fresh off their trav- nation’s population — have egies meant to slow the
els out of state. been fully vaccinated. spread of the virus — many
“It makes me shudder,” A total of 154 million vac- weeks before a substantial
she said. “I never thought cines had been adminis- portion of the population is
we would see this at this tered as of Thursday, well vaccinated.
time. I thought we would on the way to meeting Pres- More than 2,200 corona-
be over the hump.” ident Joe Biden’s new goal virus patients statewide are
Michigan has more re- of giving 200 million vac- hospitalized, a figure that
cent cases per capita than cine doses during his first has more than doubled
any other state and has 100 days in office. since the beginning of
seen them soar in recent Yet the uplifting devel- March. Five hospitals in the
weeks, to more than 5,300 opments have been tem- Henry Ford system in the
cases a day from about pered by increasingly omi- Detroit area had a total of
1,000 on Feb. 21. The na- nous warnings about the 75 coronavirus patients
tion’s top three metro national picture from pub- during the week of March
areas in recent cases per lic health officials. 8; as of Tuesday, the hospi-
capita are all in Michigan: On Monday, Dr. Rochelle tals were up to 267 pa-
Jackson, Detroit and Flint. Walensky, director of the tients.
“It is absolutely alarm- Centers for Disease Control On Monday, the health
ing,” Emily Toth Martin, a and Prevention, said she system announced it
virus researcher at the Uni- felt a sense of “impending would reinstate a policy
versity of Michigan School doom” about a potential limiting visitors at several
of Public Health, said this new surge in cases. Biden hospitals in response to the
week. “Looking at num- said states should pause latest surge.
bers yesterday felt like a their reopening efforts, Dr. Adnan Munkarah,
gut punch. We’re going to warning that the country chief clinical officer for the
have to go through this was “giving up hard- Henry Ford Health System,
surge, and all this hard fought, hard-won gains.” said more coronavirus pa-
work again, to get the num- Cases, deaths and hospi- tients are surviving the dis-
bers down.” talizations remain well be- ease now than in 2020, in
Americans have entered low the peak levels seen in part because they’re skew-
a disconcerting phase of January. But infection ing younger.
the coronavirus pandemic. numbers have started ris- But he’s frustrated, he
They’re surrounded by ing again, to about 66,000 said, and his staff is ex-
news that brings hope: a day, fueled mostly by per- hausted.
More than 2.8 million vac- vasive outbreaks on the “We were hoping that by
cines are being adminis- East Coast and in the Upper now we would have things
tered every day on average, Midwest. under better control,” he
the country is fast ap- If any place offers a said.
proaching vaccine eligibili- glimpse at the threat of a This report contains
ty for all adults, and a vac- new surge, it’s Michigan. material from the
cine trial in adolescents Health officials partly at- Associated Press.
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | A13

Brett Coomer / Staff photographer

Heimish of Houston, an Orthodox Jewish congregation, is suing the city after
officials threatened to enforce a deed restriction that would require the group to
move its synagogue from this spot at 11811 Dandelion Lane.

GROUP spond to a request for com-

ment. The city has yet to
of other businesses nearby
and its failure to take action
From page A3 file a response to Heimish’s against the synagogue until
petition, according to well after Heimish began
ing outside the home. court records. practicing there.
“If it were forced to leave Heimish contends that James also said city offi-
the property, Heimish the city, by threatening to cials will have to demon-
would likely be unable to enforce the deed restric- strate that the synagogue
find another suitable loca- tion, is violating a provi- presents some sort of prob-
tion meeting these essen- sion of the federal Religious lem to the area, and that
tial criteria,” the group’s Land Use and Institutional- they gave Heimish an op-
lawsuit reads. ized Persons Act that says portunity to address the is-
The lawsuit also con- no government “shall im- sue or pursued other solu-
tends that other businesses pose or implement a land tions before enforcing the
and houses of worship, in- use regulation in a manner deed restriction.
cluding a Ghanaian church that imposes a substantial “They’d have to show
and a Samskriti cultural burden on the religious ex- that, OK, this is residential
center, are allowed to oper- ercise of a person, includ- and now you have a syna-
ate in the same area. ing a religious assembly or gogue in there and it’s caus-
Property records show institution,” unless the en- ing some problem, where
the church address is a sin- forcement furthers a “com- you have traffic conges-
gle-family home owned by pelling governmental inter- tion, you have noise —
a church elder, while the est” and is the “least re- which I don’t think a syna-
church itself is in a differ- strictive means” of further- gogue would cause — or
ent neighborhood. Re- ing the interest. you have kids running back
cords also show the ad- Heimish argued in its and forth, or whatever,”
dress listed for the cultural court filing that the city James said.
center is being used as a would not be furthering a Among the groups re-
residence. “compelling governing in- presenting Heimish in the
Shortly before receiving terest” by applying the lawsuit is First Liberty In-
the letter from the city, deed restriction and forc- stitute, a religious liberty
Heimish also received no- ing Heimish to move. law firm based in Plano.
tice last July from an attor- The congregation argues One of the attorneys on the
ney for the area homeown- that the city also is violat- case, Jeff Mateer, served as
ers association, the West ing a similar provision of Attorney General Ken Pax-
Bellfort Property Owners the Texas Religious Free- ton’s top aide before he re-
Association, of its apparent dom Restoration Act, along signed last October and
violation of the deed re- with an anti-discrimination joined six other high-rank-
striction. The HOA board clause of the Fair Housing ing employees in accusing
decided not to take action Act. Paxton of abuse of office,
after hearing from Heim- Vaughn James, a profes- bribery and improper in-
ish’s rabbi at a board meet- sor at Texas Tech Universi- fluence. Mateer now serves
ing, according to the law- ty School of Law who spe- as First Liberty Institute’s
suit. cializes in religious law, chief legal officer.
Mayor Sylvester Turner said the city’s defense is
did not immediately re- weakened by the presence [email protected]

EVICTION notices to vacate, and some

people will leave upon get-
a mechanism, and to forbid
landlords from serving
From page A3 ting that notice even eviction notices at all. It al-
though they’re protected. so asks the Biden adminis-
lic-inspection.federalregis- Many tenants don’t know tration to require landlords
ter.gov/2020-19654.pdf about the order. Some- to alert tenants about the
Then, give it to your times landlords ignore it. protections.
landlord. Sometimes even eviction
judges don’t apply it. Does this apply only to
Do I still have to pay government-backed
back rent and late fees? What were the solu- housing?
Unless your state, mu- tions proposed in the let- No. The order applies to
nicipality and/or landlord ter advocacy groups sent private landlords as well.
say otherwise, yes. The or- to the Biden administra-
der doesn’t prevent tenants tion? Wait. I thought the De-
from needing to pay rent In a letter drafted by the partment of Housing and
eventually or pay any late National Low Income Urban Development han-
fees. It protects people who Housing Coalition and dled housing. Why is this
can’t pay from being put on signed by 2,300 other orga- coming from the CDC?
the streets. nizations, advocates urged It’s extremely rare for
the Biden administration to the CDC to issue an order
I thought this was a strengthen the order and like this, but this order cites
moratorium on evic- close its loopholes. While 42 CFR 70.2, which says
tions, why are people the order allows landlords that the CDC can intervene
saying “order?” who violate it to be prose- if measures taken to pre-
Not quite. The order is cuted, there is no formal vent a disease (like CO-
supposed to halt evictions mechanism for tenants to VID-19) “are insufficient to
for qualifying tenants, but file complaints. prevent the spread of any
evictions are still happen- The letter urges the ad- of the communicable dis-
ing. Landlords can still post ministration to create such eases.”

FENTANYL At the news conference,

DEA Houston Associate
associated with them.
When fentanyl first
From page A3 Special Agent-in-Charge emerged on the national
Erik Smith said Houston- landscape, for example,
286 in 2020. In response, based agents have seized many authorities reported
the Houston Police Depart- growing amounts of fenta- claims about negative side
ment has tasked several of- nyl in recent years. In 2019, effects or overdoses from
ficers with investigating for example, federal accidental skin contact
overdoses and deaths, he agents seized about 50 ki- with a minuscule portion
said. lograms of fentanyl. Last of the drug — something
The squad, a four-per- year, that number had that experts say is virtually
son unit in the narcotics di- grown to 323 kilograms, impossible.
vision, responds to non-fa- and so far this year, agents Leo Beletsky, a profes-
tal overdoses to attempt to have seized more than 200 sor at Northeastern Uni-
direct victims to treat- kilograms. versity in Boston who stud-
ment, and investigate fatal Smith blamed the rise in ies the health impact of
overdoses to pursue cases fentanyl seizures on a laws and policing, said that
against drug suppliers. So flood of drugs from Mexi- much of the use of illicit
far this year, officers have co, synthesized from fentanyl today can be
filed charges in six cases chemicals imported to traced to 2008 and 2009,
and identified 30 other Mexico from China. when the federal govern-
dealers they are pursuing “They see this as purely ment brought pressure to
cases against, he said. market share,” he said. “If bear on opioid producers
“We are making a differ- you think about what that of drugs like oxycontin or
ence,” Jones said, acknowl- means … they’re getting hydrocodone. That
edging that the initial rich, off of death.” pushed users toward hero-
charges are “a drop in the As authorities warned of in — and later, to fentanyl.
bucket.” a potential crisis, experts “We need to recenter
“But it’s our attempt to said it mirrored past warn- science in how we ap-
actually address this prob- ings about other drugs that proach problematic sub-
lem.” overdramatized problems stance use,” he said.
A14 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH


Voting restrictions bill clears Texas Senate

By Taylor Goldenstein system for counties. demic.
AUSTI N BU RE AU The House has a similar Republicans sued over
voting bill, House Bill 6, the plan, saying it might
Hours after midnight that would raise penalties confuse noneligible mail
Thursday morning, the Re- for election fraud viola- voters, and the Texas Su-
publican-dominated Texas tions and impeding a poll preme Court sided with
Senate approved a bill that watcher. the party, forcing the coun-
will restrict voting access The House Elections ty to toss reams upon
in the name of preventing Committee began to hear reams of the paperwork.
fraud. testimony on the measure A provision that would
“This bill is about mak- early Thursday and contin- have required voters with a
ing it easy to vote and hard ued to question witnesses disability — one of the few
to cheat,” the bill’s author, well into the evening, with groups allowed to vote by
state Sen. Bryan Hughes, R- legislators and testifiers re- mail in Texas — to provide
Mineola, said in a video to peating many of the argu- backup documentation,
supporters about 2 a.m. ments discussed in the such as a doctor’s note or
“We had a long debate. Senate. Social Security Adminis-
Scores of amendments Hughes denied that the tration paperwork, was re-
were offered, and at the Senate bill was part of a na- moved in an amendment
end of the day, Texas tional push by GOP-led Thursday.
passed a strong election in- states, bringing attention 5. Requires paper-
tegrity bill that we can be to a similar bill he authored work for drivers of curb-
proud of.” last session, SB 9, that in- side voters
Yet Democrats repeated- cluded some of the same The bill would require
ly warned throughout the provisions. nonrelatives who drive
debate of disproportionate “Texas has been work- three or more curbside vot-
effects that Senate Bill 7 ing on this for some time, ers to the polls at the same
would have on minority years and years,” Hughes Bob Daemmrich / CapitolPressPhoto time to fill out a form given
voters in a state that al- said. “This is not part of Bryan Hughes of Mineola, shown with fellow GOP state Sen. Angela Paxton of to them by the early voting
ready has some of the most some national discussion.” McKinney, authored the bill on voting restrictions passed by the Texas Senate. clerk that would be sent to
restrictive voting laws in Here’s a rundown of the the secretary of state. Tex-
the country. They also major provisions of the las county’s election direc- tions — of those, 12 are in tor vehicles.” as law allows curbside vot-
characterized the bill as bill: tor, reported in 2018 that districts represented by Hughes has said the pur- ing only for voters who
part of a national GOP ef- 1. Allows partisan poll poll watchers who insulted House members who are pose of the ban is to ensure physically cannot enter the
fort to clamp down on vot- watchers to video record voters and interrogated Black, Latino or of Asian that poll watchers are avail- polling place without help
ing after the party lost the voters them while they stood in descent. able. or the likelihood of injur-
White House and the Sen- The bill would allow par- line created a level of ha- “The intent of this is to Alvarado questioned the ing themselves.
ate last year, even in the ab- tisan poll watchers who rassment that was unlike prevent either party to use motivation for these provi- The form for drivers
sence of evidence to sub- “reasonably believe” they anything she’d seen in her partisan advantage to sions after citing estimates would be made available
stantiate claims of wide- are witnessing election 30-year career. place polling places in a from Harris County’s elec- for the attorney general
spread voter fraud. laws being broken to re- 2. Puts new restric- way that favors their party tion office that Black and “only if there’s an investi-
“As I see this bill, it’s a cord video or audio at the tions on polling place lo- over the other party,” Latino voters cast more gation after there’s a com-
pure case of suppression. polls and submit it to the cations in large counties Hughes said. “The idea is than half of drive-thru and plaint from a voter,”
There are some things in secretary of state for re- Under the bill, large to equalize based on eligi- extended-hour votes. Hughes said.
here that are really offen- view. The videos would not counties would have to set ble voters, not voter turn- “There’s nothing in this Sen. John Whitmire, D-
sive,” said Sen. Borris be allowed to be released polling places and the out, but eligible voters. We bill that has to do with tar- Houston, said the provi-
Miles, D-Houston. “This publicly. number of voting ma- cannot imagine a more ob- geting specific groups,” sion “really doesn’t have a
hurts to the core.” Poll watchers — volun- chines based on the num- jective criteria to use.” Hughes said. “The rules lot to do with securing the
Despite those objec- teers assigned by candi- ber of eligible voters in a 3. Bans overnight and apply across the board.” polls other than maybe in
tions, the bill passed on a dates and political parties given state House district. drive-thru voting 4. Prohibits mass- some instance someone
party-line vote, with all 18 — also must be allowed to “Isn’t it ironic that this These expansions were mailing of absentee bal- gave someone a ride to the
Republicans in favor and be “near enough to see and formula, just by happen- pioneered by Harris Coun- lot applications poll if they’ll vote the way
all 13 Democrats opposed. hear” election officers and stance, once again, just ap- ty election officials in the Another novel 2020 vot- they ask them.”
Just two parts of the bill cannot be “denied free plies to urban counties that 2020 election. SB 7 would ing expansion by Harris Hughes said it was add-
received bipartisan sup- movement.” are Democratic?” said Sen. limit early voting hours to 6 County election officials ed upon the recommenda-
port — a requirement, plus Democrats raised con- Royce West, D-Dallas. a.m. to 9 p.m. and prohibit targeted in the bill was the tion of Starr County offi-
funding, for counties to cerns that the provision Sen. Carol Alvarado, D- drive-thru voting by clari- attempt to send millions of cials in the Rio Grande Val-
use voting machines that would result in voter intim- Houston, said the provi- fying that polling places registered voters applica- ley who had experienced
produce a paper trail and idation — especially of peo- sion would cause a “very cannot be “in a tent or oth- tions to vote by mail, an ef- problems with curbside as-
another for the secretary ple of color — by poll stunning discrepancy” in er temporary movable fort to make voters aware sistants.
of state to develop an elec- watchers. the 14 House districts that structure or in a facility of more convenient voting
tronic mail ballot tracking Toni Pippins-Poole, Dal- would lose polling loca- primarily designed for mo- options during the pan- [email protected]

Staff file photo

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick delivers pizza and sodas to state senators just after
midnight, the start of a new day in the 2017 legislative session.

SENATE tom in the Texas Legisla-

ture to speed things up.
ny from the public on the
bill. But that testimony was
From page A1 Over the years, the Senate before the bill was rewrit-
has used the procedure ten after that hearing then
ty) before gaveling in all late in the session when heavily amended again in
over again. they are running short on the wee hours of Thursday.
Lawmakers went even time, said Brandon Rot- The Senate began de-
further to make like it was a tinghaus, a University of bate on the bill on Wednes-
new day. They did a morn- Houston political science day night around 6 p.m.
ing roll call and a prayer, professor. and went until 1:39 a.m. be-
though just one minute But under Patrick, the fore flipping the calendar.
had passed since they ad- Senate has used the tactic That did give lawmakers
journed and nobody had earlier in sessions. Patrick more than seven hours to
left the Senate Chamber. has been somewhat of a debate the bill, even
Thirty minutes later, “racehorse” who wants to though major portions of
Senate Bill 7 was a done get priority bills voted on the bill later were changed
deal. If approved by the and sent to the House during the debate. Patrick
Texas House and signed by quickly, Rottinghaus said. also gave Democrats wide
Gov. Greg Abbott — who Regardless of why law- latitude to question and de-
has made voting legislation makers are moving faster, bate the legislation be-
a priority this year — its the result is that the gener- cause he said he recog-
provisions will arm parti- al public has less opportu- nized the bill’s impor-
san poll watchers with new nity to review changes to tance.
authority to capture video important bills and to con- The amendments al-
of voters at the polls and re- tact their representatives tered the language on how
port them to authorities, a to voice support or opposi- the number of polling loca-
measure decried by civil tion. tions will be reduced, cut
rights groups that say it “There’s no way you’re provisions that could have
reeks of Jim Crow. going to get input at 2 required people to get a
It also adds new restric- a.m.,” said state Sen. John doctor’s note to prove they
tions for voting by mail, Whitmire of Houston, who are disabled and included
puts new restrictions on joined every Democrat in restrictions on how poll
polling places in large the chamber in opposition watchers could use video
counties — another feature to SB7. recordings at a polling site.
that will suppress voters of To be sure, the public Thursday evening, the
color, opponents say — and had many other chances to Texas House was holding
prohibits keeping polls speak on the legislation last its own marathon evening
open late at night for those week. On Friday the Senate on the legislation.
who work 9-to-5 jobs. State Affairs Committee
Meddling with the clock had a 13-hour hearing that [email protected]
is a well-established cus- included hours of testimo- twitter.com/jeremyswallace
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | A15

TEACHERS “My students will ask,

‘How can I do this online?’
From page A1 and I’m like, ‘We just did it
online,’ ” Burris said. “They
how to teach aspiring teach- don’t always make that con-
ers virtually and get them nection, but they’re seeing
the classroom experience both sides of that coin.”
they need to thrive after For Jennifer Martinez
graduation. and her mentor at Alief
The pandemic has forced ISD’s Outley Elementary,
colleges to get more cre- this year has been like in-
ative, especially in states venting a car while driving
where most schools have it. Neither is particularly
been closed for more than a tech savvy, but they have
year, said Gloria Ladson-Bil- managed to teach them-
lings, president of the Na- selves and their students
tional Academy of Educa- how to use Zoom and the
tion and a retired professor online platform Schoology.
of education at the Universi- When kids returned to
ty of Wisconsin. In Madi- school in October, they
son, for example, Ladson- worked together to estab-
Billings created a tutoring lish best practices for teach-
program that benefits low- ing in-person students and
income students whose par- remote students at the same
ents work during the day, as time.
well as student teachers Eventually, she began to
who need practicum hours. settle into a rhythm, thanks
Still, Ladson-Billings largely to her mentor’s en-
said, aspiring teachers who Photos by Melissa Phillip/Staff photographer couragement and lessons in
are not in actual classrooms Third-graders Kelli Blair, 9, from left, Jennifer Rosa, 8, and Niam Patel, 8, participate in a virtual session classroom management
are missing out on learning with Texas A&M senior Grace Neal during their class at Grand Oaks Elementary School in Tomball. and pedagogical tech-
about the “connective tis- niques.
sue” of teaching, including temporary switch to virtual ment to week two, or if we “I feel that if you have
how to manage transitions classes ended up lasting the already know this concept, taught students remotely
and how to keep students rest of the spring 2020 se- we can move ahead.” and face to face at the same
on task. And tutoring pro- mester, Shea Culpepper, di- Those lessons have limi- time, it’s possible to achieve
grams such as hers in Wis- rector of teacher education tations, however. Rather anything, because it’s really
consin still do not satisfy at UH’s College of Educa- than sit in on actual classes, hard to engage the students
many states’ prerequisites tion, felt the pangs of panic. many seniors at UH and online, keep them on track
for student-teaching hours. She worried the class of A&M had to watch prere- online and face to face,”
“I think most state de- 2020 would be unprepared corded videos of teachers Martinez said. “It’s just a
partments of education and to begin their careers in giving lessons in different hassle.”
teacher preparation pro- Zoom chats instead of class- content areas, such as math Neal, the Texas A&M stu-
grams have been scram- rooms. There was no time and social studies. Students dent working remotely in
bling about how to meet to go back and instruct could watch but were not Tomball ISD, is just ready to
these requirements,” Lad- them how virtual teaching able to ask why the teachers get into a classroom. She
son-Billings said. might work, but she soon decided to use certain tech- will be able to do that next
Texas was one of only realized the core of what niques or how they were fall in the Austin area as she
four states to require her students had learned re- able to recapture a distract- finished up her senior year
schools to offer in-person mained the same in remote ed student’s attention. in December. She is eager to
instruction last fall, so se- settings. Neal is one of about 120 Texas A&M students doing learn more classroom man-
niors in teacher preparation “What we have taught their student-teaching hours in Tomball ISD remotely. Some struggles agement techniques and
programs here have had them about what good Justin Burris, a clinical as- the little things that cannot
more access to shadow and teaching is has not changed. gave instructors an oppor- “I post material a week at sistant professor who spe- be done via video calls —
work with teachers in face- It’s still about understand- tunity to demonstrate how a time, so I’ll ask them why cializes in math education checking students’ work
to-face settings. Many of ing student thinking and it was done, said Robin they think I do that instead at the University of Hous- over their shoulders, lead-
those students have been building on that,” Culpep- Rackley, a clinical professor of loading the whole semes- ton’s College of Education, ing educational games,
spending their final year per said. “The foundation at Texas A&M’s College of ter at once,” Rackley said. said he has been showing learning more about their
learning remotely them- hasn’t changed, but how Education and Human De- “What am I looking for his students how to teach personalities and stories.
selves. you deliver that instruction velopment. them to say? It could be concepts, such as counting, “Just being able to be
The University of Hous- has changed.” She began to show stu- overwhelming to students by doing it with them over with them every day and to
ton’s College of Education, dents the content manage- to see the whole semester. video calls. When his les- get to know them,” Neal
for example, has been re- Limitations to lessons ment system she used to What if they’re working on sons are finished, his stu- said. “I want the full immer-
mote since the pandemic College students have grade them and detailed an assignment and you see dents sometimes struggle sion.”
hit the United States last taken courses online for how she posted and they need more time? If we with how to take what they
March. years, but transitioning to planned assignments for haven’t loaded week two, just learned and apply it to a [email protected]
When what seemed like a virtual classes entirely also their courses. we could add that assign- virtual setting. twitter.com/shelbywebb


Go Coogs, go!
For a pandemic-weary city, UH reaching the
Final Four is a reason to stand up and cheer.
It’s been a rough year for Houston had been a winning head college coach
sports. The Texans tanked, the Rockets at Oklahoma and Indiana before he ran
lost their Beard and even an Astros afoul of NCAA regulations — which were
home run doesn’t seem to fly as high later changed — and was practically
after the sign-stealing scandal. Enter the banned for five years over repeated
Coogs, who have managed to extend recruiting violations. Five years ago,
our March Madness into April and have Sampson could be found in the UH
given a pandemic-weary city a reason Student Center, sitting with students
to stand up and cheer. over their Chick-fil-A, passing out swag
The University of Houston Cougars and urging them to come to games at
are in the Final Four of the men’s NCAA the then-Hofheinz Pavilion. Proof that
championship. They are two wins away redemption is available for those who
from making school history and from seek it, now he’s restored our faith in
capturing a trophy that has eluded a Houston sports.
Texas team for more than 50 years. If the Cougars can beat Baylor, it will
They deserve our praise for coming this mean a first-time championship game LETTERS
far and our support as they take on for Sampson and hopefully, a third-time
Baylor on Saturday.
“I’m proud of these kids, proud of
the heart, proud of battling through so
lucky try for Houston. But the Final
Four clash with the Waco-based power-
house is already one for the books.
What’s in a name?
many things this year, whether it was Since 1939, only five times have teams Don’t forget the past
injuries or transfers or a tough loss here from the same state faced off in the Regarding “HISD to consider renaming
or there,” said Coach Kelvin Sampson. semifinals and no two Texas teams have Wilson school.” (A3, March 31): Houston
“For this team to be 28-3 and going to ever come this far in the same season. ISD trustees and others who accept the
the Final Four, this is one of the greatest Only one team from the Lone Star task of renaming institutions and other
accomplishments I’ve been around.” State — Texas Western, now the Univer- prominent historical features would be
That is not an empty boast, but in- sity of Texas at El Paso — has ever won best served by remembering Winston
spiring words from a coach who cele- it all, back in a historic run in 1966 Churchill’s famous quotation, “A nation
brated his 1,000th career game with a against Kentucky. that forgets its past has no future.”
win over Oregon State last week that Baylor is a formidable opponent and Carol J. Rhodes, Texas City
sent the team to the national semifinals. oddsmakers pick the Bears to win, but
The Cougars — led by starters Quentin there’s more to sports than statistics The test of time Steve Gonzales / Staff photographer
Grimes, Marcus Sasser, DeJon Jarreau, and we’re happy to root for the un- I will not opine on whether the name of Harris County District Clerk Marilyn
Justin Gorham and Reggie Chaney — are dercat. Especially when the team’s any city street, public school, university Burgess proposes to pay potential
energetic and resilient, full of hustle turnaround and championship dreams building, hospital, parks, forest, seashore, jurors $50 on the first day of service.
and heart. No wonder Houston is pay- come with a hashtag: For the City. etc., should be changed because the origi-
ing attention. Game recognizes game. The Cougars are giving it their all for nal owner of the moniker is no longer jury duty pay will make a positive differ-
The team’s success did not come all of us. A city that is used to facing viewed as being worthy of the honor. ence. Many Harris County citizens, partic-
overnight. Under Sampson, they’ve challenges and defying the odds should That’s for our society as a whole to judge. ularly minorities and other low-income
been steadily working to get where they return the favor. And that’s as it should be. But I will sug- county residents, cannot afford to miss a
are, with one of the stingiest defenses Saturday can’t come soon enough. gest we, as a society, should stop naming day’s pay for a $6 stipend. If first-day pay
in the country, allowing fewer than 58 things after humans. Period. Never again. is increased to $50, the number of individ-
Game over. No person’s behavior over her uals summoned to such service could be
points per game and out-rebounding
or his lifetime will ultimately stand the test reduced because the number who will
opponents by an average 11 boards a
of time. Everyone’s flaws and faults, large show up will increase substantially. Anoth-
game. This is the Cougars’ third appear- or small, will eventually be rooted out. er observation is that once a large and
ance in the Big Dance in as many years And I’m not trying to be cute here. I just diverse number of citizens are present
— with a Sweet Sixteen bow in 2019 — think it’s time we learn something from all and ready to serve on juries, more cases
and represents a return to form after a this. I’m certain that today we — including will be settled, because the unpredictabili-
decades-long drought. folks after whom stuff might be named — ty of jury verdicts will lead plaintiff’s
For almost 20 years, the Coogs were engage in behaviors that most our society lawyers, defense lawyers and insurance
in the national spotlight. Under legend- tolerates but will offend our grandchildren adjusters to make the prudent decision to
ary coach Guy Lewis, the team made 14 and great-grandchildren. So let’s just stop negotiate their peace for a certain sum,
trips to the NCAA tournament, reached this practice now and save future genera- rather than “roll the dice” with a Harris
the Final Four five times and played in tions all the associated angst. That said, I County jury. Settlements will reduce trial
the championship game twice. The don’t know what names are safe from dockets and the number of jurors re-
team’s final appearance was in 1984, later judgment. Again, not my job. quired for the second and subsequent
which marked the end of Houston’s Phi Gene Fisseler, Houston days of trials. I believe that if Commission-
Slama Jama heyday — spurred by future ers Court gives Burgess’ proposal a real-
NBA Hall of Famers Hakeem Olajuwon Jury pay istic try, it will find significant savings in
and Clyde Drexler — and the start of a the long run.
Regarding “Clerk pitches sharp boost in
Jim Greenwood, Houston
long slide into roundball irrelevance. jury duty pay,” (A3, March 30): Based on
Sampson was hired in 2014 in what my experience as a trial lawyer at a major
turned out to be the perfect match Houston law firm, a former member of
between a disgraced coach looking for Jamie Squire / Getty Images
City Council and as a would-be juror BIBLE VERSE
redemption and a school searching for showing up when summoned to jury duty,
DeJon Jarreau hoists the Midwest She sets about her work vigorously;
a savior. At the time, Sampson was an I agree with District Clerk Marilyn Bur-
Regional Champion trophy Monday in her arms are strong for her tasks.
assistant coach with the Rockets. He gess’ assertion that increasing the first day
the NCAA tournament in Indianapolis. Proverbs 31:17

The blame machine is running at full throttle

Kathleen Parker says creating an economy from collapse by minimizing the
urgency of shutdowns; his science ad-
stantially reduced.” Those are strong
words aimed directly at Trump. But
independent body to investigate the visers’ view is that the shutdowns prevent-
ed out-of-control contagion and massive
shouldn’t Birx also accept some responsi-
bility for minding her tongue and allowing
national response to the pandemic is death. Both views have merit, but econo-
mies are more easily revived than lives
the president’s pandemic to flourish?
When does knowing better but doing
an important step. lost. nothing become tantamount to complici-
Among other facts we know, thanks to ty?
No one likes the blame game — except those regular White House news confer- Trump’s interviews with the Washington Interviews are interesting, but carefully
the blamer. Now that COVID-19 is spiking ences with Trump during the pandemic’s Post’s Bob Woodward, Trump knew in crafted guilt notes aren’t helpful to the
again in the midst of massive vaccination peak. Her colorful trademark scarves were early February how deadly the virus was challenges ahead. Blame reaps no harvest.
efforts, the blame machine is running at inadequate to distract from body language and that it was transmitted through the What Americans need now is clarity and
full throttle. that conveyed disbelief if not alarm at air. Fauci also must have known since he fealty to facts.
During CNN’s documentary interviews what the president was saying. Memora- joined Trump’s coronavirus task force on The recently proposed National Corona-
with Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx this bly, last April, Trump suggested that in- Jan. 29, 2020. Yet, for weeks thereafter, virus Commission Act is an important step
past weekend, the two scientists pointed a jecting disinfectants into human beings the government’s best advice was “wash in that direction. Bipartisan and bicamer-
finger or two at former President Donald might kill the virus and turned toward Birx your hands” and “don’t touch your face.” al, the legislation would create an inde-
Trump for missteps that led, in Birx’s for affirmation. “You’re going to look into Given the threat of a deadly airborne pendent body to investigate the nation’s
estimation, to thousands, if not hundreds that, aren’t you?” he said. virus, the task force’s prescription was preparedness and response to the pan-
of thousands, of unnecessary American If she wasn’t suppressing a scream, I akin to telling children in the 1950s and demic in the fashion of the 9/11 Commis-
deaths. Trump responded in kind, blam- was. Why doesn’t she say something?, I 1960s to get under their desks in case of a sion. What I fear they’ll find is that Amer-
ing Birx and Fauci for terrible ideas which, heard myself shouting at the screen. Why, nuclear attack. ican lives were sacrificed to feed the appe-
he said, he prudently ignored. during all those months, as thousands Birx told CNN that the first 100,000 tite of an insatiable narcissist who, like the
But facts are facts, and there’s no dis- were dying, didn’t she say, “Enough! This deaths were nobody’s fault because no virus he minimized, cares only about
puting that Trump’s actions and attitudes is ridiculous!”? Fauci, too, conveyed a one understood what was happening self-propagation.
during the first and second waves of the stoic’s resolve to reveal nothing of his initially. After that, however, a lack of
pandemic were often driven by politics professional or personal thoughts as federal policy caused subsequent deaths Parker is a columnist for the Washington
instead of medicine. Birx pointed to the Trump often rambled through the daily that could have been “mitigated or sub- Post.
time last April when Trump tweeted, data. Fauci told reporters in late January
“Liberate Minnesota,” “Liberate Virginia” that he felt liberated by Trump’s departure
and “Liberate Michigan,” encouraging from the White House.
protesters to fight state orders in direct That’s nice, but shouldn’t Fauci have
contradiction to what the federal govern- been more outspoken in disrupting F o u n d e d 1 9 0 1 • A H e a r s t N e w s pa p e r
ment, via the coronavirus task force Trump’s stream-of-consciousness mental
(namely Birx and Fauci), was recommend- meandering? Quitting a job to speak freely
ing. seems nobler than being trapped in the John C. McKeon, Publisher | [email protected]
Birx was careful to avoid saying that frame with a president so plainly out of his Jack Sweeney, Chairman | [email protected]
Trump threatened her when she spoke up depth. Trump had special words for Fauci, Steve Riley, Executive Editor | [email protected]
last fall urging rural residents to take the too, after the CNN interview. In the docu- Maria Reeve, Managing Editor / Content | [email protected]
virus seriously. The president called her mentary, Fauci described his decision to Mark Lorando, Managing Editor / Audience | [email protected]
afterward to reprimand her in a conversa- go “all out” for the vaccines as “the best Lisa Falkenberg, VP / Editor of Opinion | [email protected]
tion Birx described as “uncomfortable” decision that I’ve ever made.” Trump Michael Lindenberger, Deputy Opinion Editor | [email protected]
and “hard to hear.” insisted that he was responsible for expe- Send letters to the editor:
Viewpoints c/o Houston Chronicle, P.O. Box 4260, Houston, Texas 77210 or [email protected].
“Uncomfortable” is an apt way to de- diting development of the vaccines. We welcome and encourage letters and emails from readers. Letters must include name, address and telephone
scribe how Birx routinely looked during From Trump’s perspective, he saved the numbers for verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing.
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | A17

‘Frugal design’ spurs

medical innovations
By Rebecca Richards-Kortum technic and the Malawi University of
and Theresa Mkandawire Science and Technology, and at Tan-
zania’s Dar es Salaam Institute of Tech-
Dr. Msandeni Chiume Kayuni found nology, adapted open-source designs to
herself in the middle of a supply crisis as produce face shields. They consulted with
COVID-19 spread to Africa in April 2020. clinicians at partner hospitals to improve
As head of pediatrics at Kamuzu Central comfort and safety while using only local-
Hospital in Lilongwe, Malawi, her team ly available materials.
faced a critical shortage of N95 and reg- Development organizations, including
ular surgical face masks. Nurses and doc- UNICEF and the United Nations Devel-
tors were striking. opment Program, ordered over 52,000
“We had members of hospital staff put face shields that were locally produced
their tools down because they did not feel and delivered to area hospitals.
it was safe to practice,” she told us in an
interview. Reinforcing ventilator supplies
Ingenuity kicked in. The Malawi team In response to the global shortage of
purchased raincoats from the local mar- ventilators in the first months of the pan-
ket to use as personal protective equip- demic last year, engineers designed sim-
ment when they could not afford appro- ple devices to provide temporary breath-
priate gowns that cost three times as ing support. Open-source plans for two
much. Unlike disposable gowns, the rain systems, one designed by the MIT Emer-
gear could easily be sanitized in bleach gency Ventilator Project and one de-

Coronavirus evolved
and reused. signed by students and staff at Rice Uni-
Worldwide, as the global supply chain versity, are available online.
for basic PPE, diagnostic tests and equip- A global shortage of oxygen in low-

in nature, not in a lab

ment to treat critically ill COVID-19 pa- resource countries has led many health
tients buckled under the strain, medical care providers in those countries to fall
personnel improvised and engineers back on mechanical ventilation. Ventila-
began developing solutions almost over- tors are also in short supply, in part be-
night. Engineering students used universi- cause of problems with a U.S. ventilator By Paul Klotman ted and handled the virus but did not
ty-based makerspaces to invent and pro- donation program. infect others. It took two viruses ex-
duce new technologies — face shields, Students and faculty at the Malawi This year, one of the great events in changing parts in another species to
automated handwashing stations, diag- University of Science and Technology biology takes place: the emergence of allow it to move from person to person.
nostic testing equipment and respiratory developed a system similar to the MIT the 17-year cicadas. These remarkable And one of the most important muta-
support equipment — that allowed health and Rice ventilators that can be assem- creatures have managed to avoid extinc- tions that was acquired after human to
care workers to safely deliver effective bled using materials available in Malawi. tion by creating an event every 17 years human transmission was the one that
care. Students at Malawi Polytechnic worked in the Northeast and every 13 years in allows the virus to enter cells in the
As engineers working in the U.S. and with local physicians to develop a ventila- the South. Their behavior has evolved upper respiratory track more easily and
Malawi to develop effective and afford- tor with more features. perfectly to avoid the crushing impact of probably accounts for the asymptomatic
able medical devices for low-resource advancing and retreating glaciers and spread of the virus.
communities, we routinely practice and Hygiene innovation predators over millions of years. Why does it matter?
teach this level of resourcefulness, Public health officials emphasize the What does this have to with the emer- If we believe that SARS-Cov-2 is the
dubbed “frugal design.” role of handwashing, together with social gence of the novel coronavirus, SARS- result of a laboratory accident, then the
distancing and face masks, to curb the CoV-2? As I listened this week to Robert solutions to prevent this from happen-
Spreading the light continued spread of COVID-19. However, Redfield, the former director of the ing again are inspection of labs, en-
Medical personnel reused available many schools and even some hospitals in CDC, tell CNN correspondent Sanjay hanced national security measures and
N95 masks, intended to be used once, for low-resource settings do not have running Gupta that, in his opinion, SARS-Cov-2 open access to monitoring viral invento-
weeks or months, which required in- water and sinks allowing students and came from a laboratory in China, the ries — none of which will protect us
novative ways to disinfect them, including patients to regularly wash their hands. association became clear. His reasoning from the most likely causes of the next
heaters, gas sterilizers and ultraviolet In response, Brenald Dzonzi, an engi- was that because the virus was so capa- pandemic.
light. neering student at Malawi Polytechnic, ble of infecting people, it must have And this is not an excuse for China. I
UVC — short-wavelength ultraviolet designed a no-touch hand-washing sta- originated in a laboratory in China. He agree that China was the origin of the
light — kills or inactivates viruses, in- tion. Small amounts of soap and water are believes well-intentioned researchers virus and that the Chinese government
cluding SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes automatically dispensed from pre-filled may have selected out strains that are suppressed the evidence early on in an
COVID-19. In the pandemic, scientists set containers when a user stands in front of easier to cultivate for their research, and attempt to control it before anyone
up UVC systems in spare rooms at hospi- the station. The system is made from in this sense designed the deadly SARS- found out. And that is why the World
tals to sanitize masks. local materials and is now installed at a CoV-2 that made its way into the general Health Organization must have the au-
The University of Nebraska Medical local hospital. Up to 2,000 patients can population, even if accidentally. Based thority to act independently in all mem-
Center equipped a room with UVC light safely wash their hands before the system on that reasoning, the 17-year cicadas ber countries.
towers and coated the walls with reflec- needs to be refilled. must also have been designed in a lab- By clinging to the notion that it was a
tive foil to maximize the dose of UVC Dzonzi was awarded the UNICEF Youth oratory somewhere on Earth. laboratory creation or laboratory acci-
light. Dirty masks are clipped to rows of Challenge award to fund continued devel- This is Homo sapien hubris at its dent, it puts humans, not nature, in
clothesline strung across the UVC room. opment of the handwashing station. worst. In fact, nature is a much more charge of these events. It is human su-
An operator outside the room started the When equipment is unsuitable for an talented biological engineer. premacy in a world where we are just
lights, and a detector in the room ensured environment, because it can’t tolerate Of all the science that is available another species on a planet with a lot of
the masks had received a virus-killing hot, dusty conditions, for example, it about the origin of SARS-Cov-2, that it competing biologies that could wipe out
dose of light. Masks can be disinfected ends up discarded in equipment grave- originated in a laboratory or was a lab- our species.
and reused multiple times without dam- yards — serving no one. In contrast, suc- oratory accident is the least likely expla- If we can realize the real threat is
aging their integrity. cessfully executed frugal designs offer nation. The data is overwhelming that nature and viruses, and not a laboratory
Engineers in Houston, Malawi and sustainability and suitability for low- the SARS-Cov-2 originated in bats and accident or political enemies, we will be
Tanzania worked together to reduce the resource environments. acquired the spike protein in a recombi- in a position to do what is needed to be
cost of room-based UVC disinfection Universities across the world are chang- nant event in the pangolin, a scaly ant- prepared for the next pandemic.
systems to less than $800, and several ing how they teach engineering — focus- eater that some cultures like to use as a We need the WHO empowered, not
systems are now installed in hospitals in ing on frugal design and engaging stu- medicinal. Once it was able to be trans- denigrated. We need active and aggres-
Malawi and Tanzania. Engineers at other dents like Dzonzi to invent solutions that mitted to other humans, the virus was sive viral surveillance, viral sequencing
locations built disinfecting stations by solve real problems. Though the pandem- off to the races replicating, mutating and and study of animal reservoirs. We need
adapting UV lights in the hoods normally ic sparked a global need for frugal design, constantly improving its ability to infect ongoing and well- funded vaccine devel-
used to grow cells in culture or by repur- the practice is important for narrowing a new person. This was done through a opment and distribution networks. We
posing the UV light in an aquarium san- the health care gap between high- and process of selection, not human design. need a revised public health infrastruc-
itizer. low-resource communities and bringing And there is more evidence. There are ture and data tracking program. And we
health care services to underserved areas. many, many more coronaviruses in bats need vaccine diplomacy and coopera-
Local innovation for PPE living in caves that might be future in- tion between scientists from all coun-
Across the world, engineering students Richards-Kortum is a professor of fectious agents in humans. We know tries because this is an entire planet
used novel makerspaces at universities bioengineering at Rice University. these viruses have the ability to move problem not an American problem.
with 3D printers and laser cutters to rush Mkandawire is an associate professor of from bat to human because studies have
new PPE designs into large-scale local civil engineering at the University of shown people living near horseshoe bat Klotman, M.D., is president, CEO and
production. Students and staff at Malawi’s Malawi. This piece was published in The caves have antibodies to bat coronavi- executive dean of Baylor College of
two engineering schools, Malawi Poly- Conversation. ruses. In other words, they were infec- Medicine.

Biden goes big, bold again in plan to overhaul America

Gail Collins says his whopper of an electrifying the yellow school bus fleets to
getting rid of lead pipes that taint the
Trump Infrastructure Week? He couldn’t
quite figure out what to put in the pack-
infrastructure initiative is so large it’s water supply to making a $400 billion
commitment to helping the elderly and
age, so he started out with a call to privat-
ize the air traffic control system.
going to require a lot of pondering on disabled.
“A Trojan horse for massive tax hikes
Didn’t work out, although Trump still
really loved talking about infrastructure.
the part of serious citizens. and other job-killing left-wing policies,” And having Weeks! Like American Dream
steamed Mitch McConnell, 79. What Week, which he celebrated with a call for
Maybe historians will look back on this seconds you’d be able to watch the Ant- Mitch hates most is the fact that Biden is a 50 percent cut in legal immigration.
as the year of Old Power. arctic ice sheet form. We’re talking about actually paying for much of what he In the end, that Infrastructure Week
Think about it. Older people, who were 31.7 million years. wants to spend, through higher taxes on was a bust for highways and trains and
some of the first in line for the vaccine The Biden infrastructure plan does not corporations. such. But Trump figured he was a huge
shots, are now being celebrated as the go into quadrillions — some progressives The Republican Party used to believe success, since he counted all his spending
leaders of the post-COVID social scene. don’t think it even goes into enough tril- in balanced budgets, but it’s been a while. on the Mexico wall (“one of the largest
“Good news: I just got vaccinated!” tweet- lions. (“This is not nearly enough,” tweet- These days a new Republican president, infrastructure projects in the history of
ed Steve Martin. “Bad news: I got it be- ed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.) But be he George W. Bush or Donald Trump, our country”).
cause I’m 75.” still, it’s a hell of an ambitious enterprise, starts off with a sweeping tax cut that Then, in 2019, Trump scheduled an
Meanwhile, President Joe Biden, 78, is one that would, as Jim Tankersley report- leaves the government sloshing in the red. infrastructure meeting with Nancy Pelosi
going like a house on fire. A few weeks ed in the New York Times, “overhaul the Ronald Reagan theorized that if he cut and Chuck Schumer. They were invited to
ago Congress passed his $1.9 trillion CO- economy and remake American capital- taxes, Congress would automatically cut discuss a $2 trillion plan! Shades of …
VID relief bill. Now he’s introducing the ism.” spending to match the new bottom line. now. But when the president arrived at
world to his $2 trillion infrastructure OK, question two — what exactly is He called it “starving the beast,” although the meeting, he refused to shake anyone’s
plan. Second big whopper of an initiative infrastructure? First, we tend to think not a single beast even suffered a serious hand and said he wasn’t going to talk
from a guy lots of Americans expected to about roads. Everybody loves roads. Well, burp. about stuff like road repair until the Dem-
be sort of … mild, like a mellow aging maybe not the one they’re planning to “ ‘Starve’ didn’t work, no,” said Eric ocrats stopped investigating his relation-
uncle who might own a very nippy Ger- run right through your backyard. But the Toder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy ships with Russia.
man shepherd. ones you need to get to work, to school, Center. “And by the time Clinton became “First he said he wanted to do infra-
Everything Biden is big! This infrastruc- to drive to visit your friends and family. president, he was really hemmed in.” structure. The minute he walked in he
ture plan is so large it’s going to require a Dwight Eisenhower will always be re- So, expect resistance from the Repub- backed off,” Schumer recalled.
lot of pondering on the part of serious membered as the president who gave us licans on those tax hikes. But there’s a Before the Democrats were totally
citizens. Your first question is probably the national highway system, and we still whole lot of other stuff that they’re going shooed out of the meeting, Trump’s staff
going to be … look back on him as a good guy. (True, he to find very attractive. It’s hard to imagine had set up a lectern with a big new sign
What exactly is a trillion? was also supreme commander of Allied politicians throwing their bodies in front saying “No Collusion, No Obstruction.”
OK, I know it doesn’t come up in your forces in Europe during World War II. of a plan that’s going to fix their down- Small minds might refer to it as one of his
normal check-balancing. A trillion is a Take your pick.) town bridge and get broadband service better construction projects.
thousand billions, and the next thing after Will Biden be remembered as the su- out to the folks in remote areas.
that would be a quadrillion, which is preme commander of the American Over- One of the many wonderful things Collins, a New York Times Op-Ed
1,000 trillions. A quadrillion is … a lot. If haul? Besides fixing up 20,000 miles of about Biden’s proposal is the way it dif- columnist, writes about American politics
you traveled back in time a quadrillion roads, he wants to do everything from fers from Trump’s. Remember the first and culture.
A18 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH

9 DOW: 33,153.21, up 171.66 (+0.5%) | 9 S&P: 4,019.87, up 46.98 (+1.2%) | 9 OIL: $61.45, up $2.29 (+3.9%) | 9 NATURAL GAS: $2.64, up 3 cents (+1.2%)

Oil prices soar despite end to OPEC curbs

International energy cartel set to ramp up Saudi Arabia, which unilaterally that patience was exhausted OPEC’s decision surprised ana-
reduced production by 1 million among many producers, who lysts who had expected the inter-
output; West Texas rig count inches up barrels a day earlier this year, will could not accept that some coun- national oil cartel would not in-
bring back 250,000 barrels per tries — and mainly Russia — was al- crease production in May, as some
By Paul Takahashi U.S. crude benchmark, jumped day in May, 350,000 barrels per lowed to constantly hike their pro- countries suffer vaccine setbacks
STA F F WRIT E R nearly 4 percent to settle in New day in June and 400,000 barrels duction while others kept it flat,” and impose more lockdowns to
York at $61.45 Thursday. Prices per day in July. Rystad’s oil markets analyst Lou- slow the spread of new COVID-19
Oil prices soared Thursday jumped even as the Organization Ultimately, this agreement ise Dickson said. “The output rise variants. OPEC’s technical com-
even as OPEC said it would gradu- of the Petroleum Exporting Coun- means the oil market will see an is not likely to be detrimental, es- mittee and Saudi Arabia’s Energy
ally increase production in May, tries and its allies agreed Thurs- influx of an additional 2 million pecially for June and July as de- Ministry had earlier cautioned
ending months of production cuts day to gradually increase crude barrels per day over the next three mand will likely also rise, and that members about ongoing uncer-
that supported crude’s recovery production by 350,000 barrels months, Norwegian energy re- is reflected in the market reaction, tainties surrounding the econom-
during the global pandemic. per day in May and June and by search firm Rystad said. which is not a panic one to slash ic recovery from the pandemic.
West Texas Intermediate, the 400,000 barrels per day in July. “The decision by OPEC+ shows price levels.” Oil continues on B6

Racist Mortgage rates inch up amid recovery

in deeds
nears end
By R.A. Schuetz

Texas moved one step closer to

making it easier for neighbor-
hoods to remove racist language
that lingers — no longer enforce-
able but difficult to remove — in
real estate documents that restrict
to whom a home can be sold.
The state Senate voted unani-
mously Wednesday to pass a bill
that would allow a property owner
to file a form with the county clerk
to remove the language, which is
found in the governing documents
of many Houston neighborhoods,
including Woodland Heights,
Eastwood and Oak Forest.
“No part of said premises shall
ever be conveyed, transferred, de-
mised, leased or rented to any per-
son or persons of African de-
scent,” reads Woodland Heights’
“Removing the racist language
found on many deeds in Texas is
the right thing to do, and I am John Raoux / Associated Press
proud that the Senate has taken The average rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 3.18 percent, more than half a percentage point higher than in January.
action to correct this offensive lan-
guage,” said Lt. Gov Dan Patrick in Homebuying frenzy Now, as vaccines are rolling out On the rise
a statement, praising Democratic and the economic outlook im-
state Sen. Royce West of Dallas, in pandemic shows proves, the frenzy is showing The average rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is climbing steadily.
who introduced the bill. signs of slowing signs of slowing. 3.33%
The bill was sent Thursday to The average rate for a 30-year 3.18%
the House, where it would have to By R.A. Schuetz fixed-rate mortgage in the week 4/1
be passed before being signed into STAFF W R ITER ending April 1 was 3.18 percent,
law. more than half a percentage point
Deed restrictions are common The housing market has been higher than in January, according
in planned developments across on a tear. to a survey by the government- 2.66%
the country, but they have special Months of social distancing and sponsored mortgage-finance 2.88% 12/24
prominence in Houston, where, in working from home had people company Freddie Mac. 2.73%
a city famous for its lack of zoning, desperate for more space, home And while it is still a seller’s 2/4
they have been the only way to offices, swimming pools, back- market, with home prices rising APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR
regulate a neighborhood’s charac- yards. And money was cheap — a quickly and mortgage rates still 2020 2021
ter. combination of the economic un- comparatively low the higher Source: Freddie Mac Staff graphic
Restrictions drafted by develop- certainty caused by the pandemic rates are having an effect.
ers establish guidelines on topics and federal policy had driven “It’s softened a little bit,” said That, coupled with a surge in plained. An increase in home
ranging from a subdivision’s down mortgage rates to record real estate agent David Atkins. “At home prices — Houston homes prices means an increase in both
hedge heights to permitted uses; lows. Some were able to secure 15- least as far as people going, ‘I’ll this February sold for a median the down payment that needs to
they often fend off denser, less ex- year mortgages for as little as 2 take anything, and anything, and price of 12.6 percent more than be saved and in the monthly pay-
pensive housing by limiting neigh- percent, the target inflation rate, anything I can get my hands on.’” the year before — has pushed af- ments that will have to be made.
borhoods to single-family homes said Frank Nothaft, chief econo- A lot of that change in attitude, he fordability out of reach for some “There’ll be some homebuyers
of a certain size. And before 1948, mist for real estate analytics com- explained, is tied to mortgage who would otherwise be consid- who will say, ‘Oof, it’s gotten too
they frequently restricted the race pany CoreLogic. rates’ recent rise. ering their first home, Nothaft ex- Mortgage continues on B6
of a community’s homeowners
and occupants.
Though race-based restrictions
have been unenforceable since
they were struck down in a U.S. Su-
preme Court ruling 70 years ago,
Abbott names ex-Senate aide to empty PUC board
they contributed to housing dis- By Marcy de Luna electric, telecommunications, forts to reverse billions of dollars years, most recently as adviser to
parities affecting the city today STAFF W R ITER water and sewer utilities. He in charges for wholesale electric- Speaker Dennis Bonnen for Busi-
and still remain in many older as- must be confirmed by the Sen- ity during February’s power cri- ness and Regulated Industries,
sociations’ documents, putting Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday ate. sis. according to the governor’s of-
those neighborhoods in a bind. nominated a former state Senate The PUC has been without a D’Andrea had been elevated to fice.
While most want to remove the staffer to the vacant Public Utility commissioner since March 16, PUC chair after Commissioner Before joining Bonnen’s staff,
language from neighborhood Commission of Texas. when Chairman Arthur D’An- Shelly Botkin and Chairman McAdams served in several se-
rules known as deed restrictions, Will McAdams, president of drea was forced out in the wake DeAnn Walker resigned in the nior staff positions for the state
doing so is an arduous process en- the Associated Builders and Con- of a leaked recording obtained by wake of the crisis caused by the Senate, including director for the
tailing hiring a lawyer and gather- tractors of Texas, would be the Texas Monthly on which D’An- unprecedented winter storm. Committee on Business and
ing signatures from the majority of lone member of the three-seat drea reportedly promised out-of- McAdams has worked in state Commerce and legislative direc-
Deeds continues on B6 PUC, which regulates the state’s state investors he would stop ef- government for more than 10 PUC continues on B6

Dual-branded hotel search firm STR. Revenue per

available room fell by 46 per-
cent to $34.21 in 2020.

opens near Galleria The moderately priced prop-

erty inside Loop 610, just north
of Westheimer, has a medical
Houston-based American which was de- grade air filtration system and
Liberty Hospitality opened a layed from Janu- keyless check-in process.
dual-branded Holiday Inn Ex- ary to allow time Massad said ALH has been
press and Staybridge Suites, a for the hotel trying to build a hotel in the
14-story hotel at 2351 W. Loop market to im- Galleria area for seven or eight
South in the Uptown area. prove, coincides years. Three other sites fell
Nick Massad Jr., CEO of Amer- KATHERINE with a rebound in through before securing the
ican Liberty Hospitality, cut the FESER leisure and busi- West Loop property and financ-
Real Estate
ribbon on the 319-room hotel at ness travel na- ing.
a Wednesday ceremony attend- tionwide. Plains Capital Bank and Arte-
ed by employees of the family- The hospitality industry has mis Real Estate Partners provid-
run business, members of the been hard hit by the coronavi- ed construction financing.
financing, construction, design rus pandemic, with occupancy Houston-based Arch-Con Corp.
teams and Houston First Corp., rates in Houston falling to 42.3 Courtesy Michael Anthony served as the general contractor
the city’s convention arm. percent in 2020 from 62.9 per- American Liberty Hospitality’s new Staybridge Suites and Holiday and MCS Architects designed
Massad said the opening, cent in 2019, according to re- Inn Express hotel adds a new building to the Galleria-area skyline. Real estate continues on B6
B2 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH


BRIEFS System showed U.S. unadjusted wage numbers include full- and
criminal background checks rose part-time real estate agents.

Frontier is 25 percent to a record in March

from a year ago.
The Dallas-Fort Worth area
ranked 11th on the list, with a

latest airline
Unadjusted checks climbed to median income of $71,380. Hous-
4.69 million from 3.74 million in ton ranked 14th, with a median of
March 2020 and rose 36 percent $68,560.
to try IPO from 3.44 million in February.
Six days in March made the list of
Declines in the oil and gas
industry last year significantly
the top 10 highest days for back- affected Midland’s housing mar-
The pandemic is far from over, ground checks since 1998. kets. Home sales in Midland fell
but some airlines believe the Sturm Ruger climbed as much about 12 percent last year from
travel business is already on an as 2.8 percent, while Smith & their record of 2,905 in 2019,
upswing. Wesson rose 3.8 percent. according to the Texas Real Es-
On Thursday, Frontier Air- While gun sales aren’t tracked tate Research Center.
lines, a budget carrier that is in the U.S., NICS data is consid-
based in Denver and known for ered a proxy for sales by the SEAFOOD
putting images of wild animals firearms industry. A background Groups call for ban
on its planes, became the second check doesn’t mean a gun sale
airline this year to list its shares Associated Press file photo occurred. on trade with Mexico
on a stock exchange. Before Budget carrier Frontier Airlines, which is based in Denver, is Environmental groups called
trading began, Frontier said it the last of the 10 largest U.S. airlines to go public. REAL ESTATE Thursday for an international
ban on trade in a range of Mex-
expected to raise $266 million by Agents in Midland ican seafood and wildlife, seek-
selling 15 million shares at $19 money it raised to buy equip- ing on apartments, hotels, hospi-
each on Nasdaq under the sym- ment, invest in sales and market- tals and educational facilities. had highest wages ing to force Mexico to do more to
bol ULCC, a nod to its strategy as ing, repay debt and shore up its Public construction spending When you think of markets save the vaquita marina por-
an “ultra-low-cost carrier.” An- cash reserves. The offering is also dropped sharply, declining with the highest-paid real estate poise, the world’s most endan-
other 15 million shares will be expected to close Tuesday. 1.7 percent. agents, West Texas doesn’t jump gered marine mammal.
sold by Frontier’s existing stock- The airline earned $251 million Homebuilding has been a to mind. The U.S. already has an em-
holders. in 2019 before losing nearly as bright spot for construction in Still, that’s what researchers bargo on imports of shrimp from
On Thursday, shares in Fron- much last year. It has about $1 the pandemic, as more people who compared median annual the upper Gulf of California. Also
tier, which has a $4 billion mar- billion in cash or cash equiv- have sought larger living spaces real estate agent wages found in known as the Sea of Cortez, the
ket capitalization, closed down alents and employs about 5,000 to work from home and for chil- a nationwide survey. body of water is the only place
less than 1 percent. people. dren to attend school online. But The new report by Stack- where the vaquita lives, and as
Unlike the largest airlines, residential construction shrank er.com — a data journalism web- few as 10 remain.
budget carriers do not rely on CONSTRUCTION 0.2 percent last month, mostly site — and Sundae Inc. put Mid- The Natural Resources De-
land at the head of its list of the fense Council, the Center for
corporate or international travel, February spending because of bad weather. The
highest-wage real estate agent Biological Diversity and two
which are not expected to drop was driven by a decline in
bounce back soon. posted a decline apartment construction, while markets in the country with a other groups said in an open
“The time is now,” Barry Bif- U.S. construction spending fell single-family homebuilding rose median annual salary of $94,100 letter that Mexico has failed to
fle, the airline’s president and in February after several months slightly. — more than Los Angeles’ $61,160 enforce a ban on fishermen using
CEO, said in an interview. “If you of steady gains, likely because of or New York City’s $81,660. gill nets, which trap vaquitas.
look, the vaccine is unlocking the unseasonably cold weather and FIREARMS The report was done using The nets are set to catch totoaba,
winter storms in the South. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ occu- an endangered fish whose swim
demand, and you’re seeing it
The Commerce Department
Background checks, pational data for 2019. bladder is considered a delicacy
everywhere. You’re seeing it in
restaurants, you’re seeing it in said Thursday that spending on companies’ stocks rise Metro areas with more real in China and is worth thousands
hotels.” building projects slipped 0.8 Gunmakers Sturm Ruger and estate agents often mean the of dollars.
Frontier, the last of the na- percent in February, after a 1.2 Smith & Wesson rose Thursday median income is reduced. Mid- There was no immediate com-
tion’s 10 largest airlines to go percent gain in January. The after the FBI’s National Instant land boasts only 180 agents, ment from Mexico’s government.
public, said it planned to use the drop was driven by lower spend- Criminal Background Check according to Stacker.com. Those From wire reports

still feel
effects of
the freeze
By Barbara Powell

Texas’ refining complex is most-

ly back from last month’s crippling
cold blast, but lingering freeze-re-
lated issues continue to plague a
number of production units.
More than six weeks after the
arctic storm took down at least 18
of the state’s 30 refineries and al-
most 5 million barrels a day of
crude-processing capacity, two of
the plants still haven’t restored op-
But at a number of sites, equip-
ment ranging from fluid catalytic
crackers to crude units are still
struggling. It’s an old story: Refin-
eries don’t respond well to being
restarted after unplanned total
shutdowns, be it from winter
storms, hurricanes or flooding.
Refiners are anxious to restart
because after cutting processing
rates for more than a year due to
the pandemic, the market now
beckons with gasoline demand at
its highest since October and profit
Associated Press file photo margins rising.
A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that climate change demands political rather than legal action. The ruling is a warning sign for Total’s Port Arthur refinery had
those trying to use the courts to hold the industry responsible for a problem that could cost taxpayers trillions of dollars in coming years. to shut its sole gasoline-making flu-
id catalytic cracking unit, or FCC,

Oil giants win climate suit in N.Y.

on March 26 because it couldn’t
keep a charge. It’s estimated now
that the FCC may be down three to
four weeks for repairs. Total’s
By Chris Dolmetsch “is a uniquely international con- under state nuisance law,” Sulli- both parties explains in clear de- smaller crude unit will be down
and Erik Larson cern” that requires the federal van wrote. tail why the U.S. climate tort law- with it because it has nowhere to
B L O OM B E RG government to step in rather than A lower court judge in 2018 suits are meritless, applying es- put the gasoil it would normally
judges. Only the U.S. Environ- tossed out the lawsuit on similar tablished law as agreed upon by send to the FCC.
New York City suffered another mental Protection Agency has the grounds, ruling that the federal the Justice Department under the At Deer Park on the Houston
setback in its effort to make Exxon authority to regulate domestic Clean Air Act governs carbon di- previous two U.S. administra- Ship Channel, the 270,000 barrel-
Mobil, BP and other energy com- greenhouse gas emissions, the oxide emissions and blocks law- tions,” Chevron General Counsel a-day DU-2 crude unit, which re-
panies help cover the public costs unanimous three-judge panel suits. New York City’s press office R. Hewitt Pate said in a statement. started March 17, reported a relief
of dealing with climate change, as held. didn’t immediately respond to a About a dozen cities, counties valve issue Thursday. Deer Park is
a federal appeals court ruled the New York City “sidestepped” message seeking comment. and states across the U.S. have fully operational now, spokesman
global problem demands political federal procedure with a state-law “As we’ve said from the begin- sued Exxon, Chevron, BP, Royal Curtis Smith said. The refinery,
rather than legal action. tort suit against the energy com- ning, lawsuits like New York City’s Dutch Shell and their peers. The however, is still trying to fix prob-
The ruling Thursday by the U.S. panies even though their com- do not belong in the courts and do suits seek to reimburse taxpayers lems related to the freeze on the
Court of Appeals in Manhattan is a mercial activity of selling fossil nothing to advance meaningful for the costs of adapting to climate 70,000 barrel-a-day DU-1 crude
warning sign for those trying to fuel products around the world is efforts that address climate change — from building multibil- unit, a companion vacuum distilla-
use the courts to hold the indus- “admittedly legal,” U.S. Circuit change,” Exxon spokesman Casey lion-dollar sea walls to repairing tion unit and a gas oil hydrotreater,
try responsible for a problem that Court Judge Richard Sullivan Norton said in an email. “We sup- damage from powerful storms a person familiar with operations
could cost taxpayers trillions of wrote for the court. port global efforts from policy- and, perhaps soon, moving whole said.
dollars in coming years. Chevron, “In so doing, the City effective- makers, companies, and individ- communities inland. Chevron’s Pasadena refinery on
Royal Dutch Shell and Conoco- ly seeks to replace these carefully uals to develop real solutions.” Minnesota and Baltimore are the Houston Ship Channel still
Phillips were also sued in the crafted frameworks — which are “Today’s unanimous opinion among the other state and local needs to complete the restart of a
case. the product of the political pro- by a distinguished panel of judges governments that are pursuing catalytic reformer, FCC and light
The court said global warming cess — with a patchwork of claims appointed by presidents from climate litigation. cycle oil hydrotreater.

Supreme Court backs FCC’s easing of local media ownership limits

By Mark Sherman munications Commission acted pany could operate in one media The decision comes as newspa- would encourage consolidation
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS reasonably in 2017 when it modi- market. per and broadcasting industries and hurt diversity.
fied rules predating the internet. “The FCC considered the re- say they need the changes to deal “I wouldn’t be surprised if this
WASHINGTON — The Supreme The old rules prohibited a single cord evidence on competition, lo- with growing competition from decision opens the floodgates to
Court on Thursday unanimously entity from owning a radio or TV calism, viewpoint diversity, and the internet and cable companies. more consolidation for media con-
upheld federal regulators’ deci- station and a daily newspaper in minority and female ownership, The FCC adopted the changes glomerates. But that doesn’t mean
sion to ease ownership limits on the same media market. They also and reasonably concluded that the on a party-line, 3-2 vote, with three the FCC has to approve every
local media, rejecting a claim that limited how many radio and TV three ownership rules no longer Republican-appointed commis- merger that comes knocking on its
the change would hurt minority stations one company could own serve the public interest,” Justice sioners in the majority. The dis- door,” said Yosef Getachew, Media
and female ownership. in a single market and restricted Brett Kavanaugh wrote for the senting Democratic appointees & Democracy Program director
The court said the Federal Com- the number of TV stations a com- court. and other critics said the changes for Common Cause.
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | B3

Prices in U.S. dollars per unit for energy commodities for the contract closest to The median price of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg: Cash price in U.S. dollars paid at delivery for Performance of various index-based investment products:
delivery: various commodities:
2021 Forecast 2022 Forecast 2023 Forecast
Name C Date Open High Low Settle Chg Unit Name Last Price Pvs Day Unit $1K $1K $1K
Lt Sw Crude May 21 59.49 61.75 58.86 61.45 2.29 barrel Crude oil 59.00 58.69 59.00
Unleaded Gasoline - NY 1.99 1.94 gallon return return return
Natural Gas 2.75 2.73 2.80 Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
Natural gas May 21 2.61 2.66 2.58 2.64 0.03 MMBtu North Sea Brent 64.03 62.41 barrel XLE Energy Select Se 1,029 1,342 1,922
Gas blend May 21 1.96 2.04 1.96 2.02 0.06 gal W. Texas-Int. - Cushing 61.45 59.16 barrel XES SPDR Oil & Gas E 918 1,244 2,683
Heating oil May 21 1.77 1.84 1.77 1.83 0.06 gal Nat Gas - Henry Hub 2.50 2.49 MMBtu USO US Oil Fund 1,031 1,267 1,194
Ethanol Apr 21 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 0.02 gal
$1K $1K $1K
Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
Top and bottom performers among Houston-based and other major energy companies: Performance of a basket of Houston-based and IAU iShares Gold T 1,002 908 1,085
Last Last other major energy companies over the past 12 62.79 SLV iShares Silver T 941 942 1,778
Tick Name Price % Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg Volume months:
CDVIQ Cal Dive International 0.00 25.7 379,525 CKH SEACOR Holdings Inc 40.57 -0.4 139,757 Aug. 2007=100 SOFT/LIVESTOCK/GRAIN
TTI TETRA Technologies Inc 2.80 16.7 1,603,638 LNG Cheniere Energy Inc 71.80 -0.3 1,329,466 $1K $1K $1K
68 return return return
MRO Marathon Oil Corp 11.79 10.4 52,555,912 HDYNQ Hyperdynamics Corp 0.01 0.0 7,143 Ticker Name 1mo 3mo 1yr
OII Oceaneering International 12.36 8.2 807,930 CNP CenterPoint Energy Inc 22.65 0.0 1,843,296 JO DJ-UBS Coffee 909 943 961
DVN Devon Energy Corp 23.50 7.6 2,256,792 BHP BHP Group Ltd 69.54 0.2 2,010,544 CORN Teucrium Corn 1,020 1,113 1,372
IO ION Geophysical Corp 2.30 7.5 1,144,614 GEL Genesis Energy LP 9.40 0.6 386,030 52 CANE Teucrium Sugar 941 1,036 1,342
CVI CVR Energy Inc 20.60 7.4 673,060 WMB Williams Cos Inc/The 23.90 0.9 6,352,152 CATL ETFS Live Cattle 1,022 1,023 1,107
AE Adams Resources & Energy 29.89 6.7 4,057 BP BP PLC 24.58 0.9 14,508,441 COW iPath DJ-UBS Liv 1,055 1,105 1,241
HFC HollyFrontier Corp 38.02 6.3 2,843,268 CVX Chevron Corp 105.75 0.9 1,881,555 37
*Trades on London Stock Exchange
MUR Murphy Oil Corp 17.42 6.2 449,324 PAA PlainsAllAmericanPipeline 9.19 1.0 4,383,073 A M J J A S O N D J F M A

S&P 500 breaks 4,000 for the first time

By Damian J. Troise ent company were among bond yields make stocks and with the quarter end- day-shortened week for the cans who filed for unem-
and Alex Veiga the winners, along with seem more expensive by ing, it looks like people are stock market. U.S. stock ex- ployment benefits rose to
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS smaller companies, which comparison, and tech finding new ways in a new changes will be closed in ob- 719,000 last week from
stand to benefit from a stocks are among the most quarter to find opportuni- servance of Good Friday. 658,000 the previous week.
Wall Street kicked April quickly growing economy. expensive after their signifi- ties.” Consumer sentiment has That figure was expected to
off with a milestone Thurs- Health care, household cant rise last year. Microsoft The S&P 500 rose 46.98 been improving along with decline. The government
day, as a tech company rally goods and utilities were the rose 2.8 percent, Facebook to 4,019.87. The index’s lat- construction spending and will release its monthly jobs
helped drive the S&P 500 only laggards. gained 1.4 percent, Ama- est all-time high is its second other measures. The im- report Friday.
past the 4,000 mark for the Technology stocks bene- zon.com added 2.2 percent in seven days. The Dow proving economy is “The employment mar-
first time. fited from another drop in and Google parent Alphabet Jones Industrial Average prompting investors to shift ket is going to be the thing to
The benchmark index bond yields, which have closed 3.3 percent higher. gained 171.66 points, or 0.5 more money into compa- watch,” said Ross Mayfield,
finished 1.2 percent higher a been the driving force for “What a great way to start percent, to close at 33,153.21. nies and sectors that will investment strategy analyst
day after closing out the first the market for several the second quarter,” said J.J. The technology-heavy benefit from people getting at Baird. “We’re kind of in a
three months of the year weeks. The yield on the 10- Kinahan, chief strategist Nasdaq climbed 233.23 back to some semblance of a transition period, and at
with its fourth straight quar- year U.S. Treasury note fell with TD Ameritrade. points, or 1.8 percent, to pre-pandemic normal. some point we’re going to
terly gain. Microsoft, Apple, to 1.69 percent from 1.73 per- “There’s money out there 13,480.11. The Labor Department need to see improvement
Facebook and Google’s par- cent the day before. Higher looking to be put to work, The rally capped a holi- said the number of Ameri- there.”


Top and bottom performers based on one-day percentage change in stock price: Daily close of the Nasdaq Composite index and the S&P 500 over the past six months:
Last 1-month Last 1-month NASDAQ 13,480.11 1.8% S&P 500 4,019.87 1.2%
Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg % Chg Volume
FANG DiamondbackEnergy 81.22 10.5 10.3 1,443,068 KMX CarMax Inc 123.31 -7.0 1.6 933,218
MRO Marathon Oil Corp 11.79 10.4 5.3 8,179,038 PVH PVH Corp 100.98 -4.5 0.8 343,410 15,000 4,100
DVN Devon Energy Corp 23.50 7.6 5.7 2,256,792 RL Ralph Lauren Corp 119.94 -2.6 -0.3 306,885 4,000
LRCX Lam Research Corp 639.30 7.4 6.8 708,717 DVA DaVita Inc 105.44 -2.2 2.5 317,487
WDC Western Digital 71.37 6.9 -1.2 2,127,095 SIVB SVBFinancialGroup 483.33 -2.1 -9.0 268,493
HFC HollyFrontier 38.02 6.3 -0.4 696,264 LUMN LumenTechnologies 13.11 -1.8 4.8 3,359,552 3,800
AMAT Applied Materials 141.52 5.9 15.8 4,535,048 KMB Kimberly-Clark 136.98 -1.5 6.7 737,653
TER Teradyne Inc 128.81 5.9 -3.9 941,030 HBI Hanesbrands Inc 19.37 -1.5 6.8 1,843,654
QRVO Qorvo Inc 192.90 5.6 5.8 681,158 HUM Humana Inc 412.82 -1.5 7.2 272,614 3,600
APA APA Corp 18.85 5.3 -3.4 2,441,690 DXC DXC Technology Co 30.83 -1.4 18.8 540,903 12,000


11,000 3,400
The Bloomberg Houston 150 includes major companies based in Houston and significant employers in the area.
Last Chg % Chg 52W Div Last Chg % Chg 52W Div
Name Ticker Price Day YTD 52W Low High Yld Name Ticker Price Day YTD 52W Low High Yld
10,000 3,200
AcdmySprts ASO 29.04 2.05 40.1 12.05 29.37 - Luby's Inc LUB 3.32 0.02 16.9 0.56 3.43 -
AdmsRes & AE 29.89 1.88 24.0 18.36 37.70 3.21 LyndllBsll LYB 105.55 1.50 15.2 44.33 112.73 3.98 O N D J F M A O N D J F M A
AllgncBncs ABTX 40.89 0.35 19.8 20.88 43.34 1.17 Macy's Inc M 15.72 -0.47 39.7 4.38 22.30 -
Amazon.com AMZN 3161.00 66.92 -2.9 1889.15 3552.25 - MainStCap MAIN 39.85 0.70 23.5 16.40 39.85 6.17
AmerNatGrp ANAT 108.88 1.01 13.3 63.93 116.01 3.01 Marthn Oil MRO 11.79 1.11 76.8 3.02 13.29 1.02 U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEXES
APA Corp APA 18.85 0.95 32.8 3.86 23.85 0.53 MgnlOil & MGY 12.19 0.71 72.7 3.45 13.35 -
Archrock AROC 9.78 0.29 12.9 3.15 10.80 5.93 MRC Global MRC 9.64 0.61 45.4 3.50 10.00 - Daily close and change in value for selected stock indexes:
AT&T Inc T 30.47 0.20 5.9 26.35 33.24 6.83 NatEnSvcsR NESR 12.69 0.32 27.8 4.04 14.25 -
BHP Group BHP 69.54 0.15 6.4 35.68 81.82 5.81 NblMdstPrt NBLX 14.70 0.20 41.1 3.02 15.63 5.11
Index Last Price Chg. % Chg YTD
Bk of Amer BAC 39.49 0.80 30.3 19.51 39.97 1.82 Nbrs Indst NBR 98.79 5.34 69.7 9.79 133.61 -
Dow Jones Ind. 33,153.21 171.66 0.5 8.3
BkrHghsCo BKR 21.73 0.12 4.2 9.44 25.64 3.31 NewparkRes NR 3.35 0.21 74.5 0.65 4.08 -
Nasdaq Composite 13,480.11 233.24 1.8 4.6
BlckStnMin BSM 9.13 0.41 36.7 4.33 10.13 7.67 NineEnSvc NINE 2.25 -0.05 -17.3 0.73 6.59 -
S&P 500 4,019.87 46.98 1.2 7.0
BncBlbVzcy BBVA 5.25 0.03 6.3 2.49 5.86 - NOV Inc NOV 14.19 0.47 3.4 7.70 17.50 -
BBG Houston 150 639.66 11.40 1.8 10.8
BnchmrkElc BHE 31.35 0.43 16.1 17.87 32.16 2.04 NOW Inc DNOW 10.47 0.38 45.8 4.03 11.98 -
DJ US Total Stk 42,138.31 535.66 1.3 7.4
Boeing Co BA 252.96 -1.76 18.2 113.89 278.57 - NRG Energy NRG 37.46 -0.27 -0.2 25.30 44.08 3.47
Russell 2000 2,253.90 33.38 1.5 14.1
BP PLC BP 24.58 0.23 19.8 14.74 28.57 5.13 NtrlResPrt NRP 16.21 0.08 17.9 9.56 19.52 11.10
BristowGrp VTOL 26.65 0.77 1.3 10.50 30.82 - NxTrOlfldS NEX 3.87 0.15 12.5 1.04 5.74 -
Cactus Inc WHD 31.19 0.57 19.6 10.52 39.07 1.15 OccdntlPtr OXY 27.38 0.76 58.2 8.52 32.52 0.15 INTERNATIONAL INDEXES
Index Last Price Chg. % Chg YTD
CadenceBcp CADE 21.22 0.49 29.2 4.63 23.88 2.83 Ocnrng Int OII 12.36 0.94 55.5 2.45 15.40 -
FTSE 100 6,737.30 23.67 0.4 4.3
Cardtroncs CATM 38.90 0.10 10.2 15.71 42.09 - OilSttsInt OIS 6.39 0.36 27.3 1.77 9.49 -
Hang Seng 28,938.74 560.39 2.0 6.3
Carrg Svcs CSV 36.14 0.95 15.4 13.54 38.22 1.11 OrionGroup ORN 6.14 0.07 23.8 2.01 6.67 -
Mexico IPC 47,246.26 -658.74 -1.4 7.2
CbtOil & G COG 19.09 0.31 17.3 15.43 22.67 2.10 OssMdstPrt OMP 21.99 -0.37 87.5 3.70 22.61 9.82
Nikkei 225 29,388.87 210.07 0.7 7.1
CBTX Inc CBTX 30.75 0.03 20.5 13.82 32.21 1.69 ParPacific PARR 15.35 1.23 9.8 5.91 20.18 -
S&P/Toronto SE 18,990.32 289.65 1.5 8.9
CenterPtEn CNP 22.65 0.00 4.7 13.06 25.39 2.83 Penn VA PVAC 14.23 0.83 40.2 2.23 20.18 -
ChampionX CHX 21.57 -0.16 41.0 5.25 25.59 - Phillips66 PSX 83.16 1.62 18.9 43.27 90.59 4.33
Chevron CVX 105.75 0.96 25.2 65.16 112.70 4.88 Phllps66Pr PSXP 33.18 1.51 25.6 21.28 48.51 10.55
ChnrEnPrtn CQP 42.30 0.75 20.0 24.96 44.63 6.19 Plains GP PAGP 9.49 0.09 14.6 4.51 12.00 7.59
CllnPtrCo CPE 40.70 2.15 209.3 3.90 42.31 - PlnsAllAme PAA 9.19 0.09 11.5 4.61 12.35 7.83
CmdnPropTr CPT 111.26 1.35 11.3 70.37 113.22 2.98 PROS Inc PRO 43.42 0.92 -14.5 24.55 51.83 -
Value of the U.S. dollar in selected currencies:
CmfrtSysUS FIX 76.05 1.28 44.4 27.54 76.40 0.60 PrsprtyBnc PB 76.20 1.31 9.9 43.68 83.02 2.57
CntngOil & MCF 4.10 0.20 79.0 1.09 5.56 - Pttrsn-UTI PTEN 7.35 0.22 39.7 1.61 9.74 1.09 Currency Last 1-Mo Ago 6-Mo Ago 1-Yr Ago
Comcast CMCSA 54.75 0.64 4.5 32.05 58.59 1.83 Pwll Indst POWL 33.73 -0.14 14.4 21.05 37.09 3.08 Australian Dollar 1.31 1.29 1.39 1.65
ConcPhllps COP 54.02 1.05 35.1 27.53 61.14 3.18 QnxBldngPr NX 27.10 0.87 22.2 8.97 27.81 1.18 Brazilian Real 5.72 5.63 5.65 5.25
Conn's Inc CONN 21.33 1.88 82.5 3.13 21.80 - QuantaSvcs PWR 89.17 1.19 23.8 28.71 90.22 0.27 British Pound 0.72 0.72 0.78 0.81
CrstwdEqyP CEQP 28.32 0.40 49.2 3.83 28.53 8.83 RylDtchShl RDS/A 40.19 0.98 14.4 23.07 44.50 3.31 Canadian Dollar 1.26 1.26 1.33 1.42
CrwnCstlIn CCI 174.46 2.33 9.6 133.80 180.00 3.05 SchlmbrgrN SLB 28.10 0.91 28.7 12.17 30.41 1.78 Chilean Peso 717.50 722.16 787.13 861.32
CVR Energy CVI 20.60 1.42 38.3 9.81 27.02 - ShllMdstPr SHLX 13.94 0.60 38.3 8.17 16.18 13.22 Chinese Ren (yuan) 6.57 6.47 6.79 7.10
CVS Health CVS 74.30 -0.93 8.8 54.07 77.23 2.69 SlctEnSvcs WTTR 5.21 0.23 27.1 2.60 7.58 - Colombian Peso 3,659.52 3,620.34 3,845.67 4,084.34
Devon En DVN 23.50 1.65 49.8 6.05 25.93 1.87 SlrsOlfldI SOI 12.82 0.55 57.5 4.81 15.08 3.28 Euro 0.85 0.83 0.85 0.91
DPntdeNmrs DD 78.13 0.85 9.9 31.52 87.27 1.54 SnnvEnInt NOVA 41.06 0.24 -9.0 8.66 57.70 - Indian Rupee 73.44 73.55 73.14 76.28
DR Horton DHI 91.05 1.93 32.1 31.20 91.17 0.88 Spark En SPKE 10.64 -0.04 11.2 5.29 12.40 6.81 Japanese Yen 110.64 106.76 105.53 107.17
Dril-Quip DRQ 33.77 0.54 14.0 22.25 40.62 - SprtofTXBn STXB 22.90 0.59 36.3 8.96 24.50 1.57 Mexican Peso 20.29 20.66 21.83 24.24
DXPEntrpr DXPE 30.49 0.32 37.2 10.69 35.98 - SthwstrnEn SWN 4.85 0.20 62.8 1.55 4.88 - Norwegian Krone 8.53 8.56 9.30 10.46
EntrprsPro EPD 22.27 0.25 13.7 13.29 23.71 8.08 StrlngCnst STRL 23.14 -0.06 24.3 6.72 24.49 - S. African Rand 14.63 15.00 16.61 18.23
EOG Res EOG 75.34 2.81 51.1 31.22 77.15 2.19 StwrtInfoS STC 53.04 1.01 9.7 22.86 55.93 2.49 S. Korean Won 1,131.88 1,120.85 1,162.05 1,230.73
Exterran EXTN 3.57 0.21 -19.2 3.23 8.93 - Sunoco LP SUN 32.44 0.60 12.7 14.10 33.00 10.18 Singapore Dollar 1.34 1.33 1.36 1.44
ExxonMobil XOM 57.39 1.56 39.2 31.11 62.55 6.06 Svc Int/U SCI 52.37 1.32 6.7 33.93 54.67 1.60 Taiwan Dollar 28.53 27.88 29.02 30.29
Fltk Indst FTK 1.75 0.07 -17.1 0.66 3.09 - SWArlnsCo LUV 61.30 0.24 31.5 22.47 62.76 -
Fluor Corp FLR 22.99 -0.10 44.0 5.77 24.79 - Sysco Corp SYY 77.99 -0.75 5.0 37.20 83.97 2.31
FrmEnTech FET 19.60 1.06 64.7 3.04 24.93 - Talos En TALO 12.92 0.88 56.8 5.00 16.81 - TREASURIES, INTEREST RATES
Frprt-McMR FCX 33.76 0.83 29.7 6.14 39.10 0.89 Targa Res TRGP 32.10 0.35 21.7 5.50 35.27 1.25
GenElctrCo GE 13.28 0.15 23.0 5.48 14.42 0.30 Target TGT 200.72 2.65 13.7 90.17 201.96 1.36 Yields for the most recently issued securities:
Genesis En GEL 9.40 0.06 51.4 3.30 12.08 6.38 TC Energy TRP 46.81 1.06 15.0 38.80 49.95 5.88 TREASURIES
Gespc Tech GEOS 9.01 -0.11 5.3 5.00 12.40 - Team Inc TISI 12.01 0.48 10.2 3.75 13.84 - Last Yld Pvs Yld 1Day Yld Wk Yld Mo Yld 3-Mo Yld Yr
Bill/Note Yld Day Clo Net Chg Ago Ago Ago Ago
Godrch Ptr GDP 10.31 0.85 2.2 3.77 13.30 - TechnipFMC FTI 7.98 0.26 14.1 3.80 9.70 -
3-month t-bill 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.07 0.07
Grp 1 Auto GPI 156.63 -1.16 19.4 34.19 175.04 0.79 TETRA Tech TTI 2.80 0.40 225.0 0.22 3.08 -
6 month t-bill 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.13
Hess Corp HES 74.48 3.72 41.1 30.58 76.24 1.34 Tidewater TDW 13.00 0.47 50.5 4.09 15.92 -
2-year t note 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.21
Hess Midst HESM 23.48 1.06 20.0 8.73 23.69 7.62 TOTAL SE TOT 46.38 -0.16 10.7 28.65 50.41 6.77
5-year t note 0.91 0.94 -0.03 0.84 0.70 0.36 0.35
Hllbrtn Co HAL 21.92 0.46 16.0 6.23 24.74 0.82 Transocean RIG 3.64 0.09 57.6 0.65 4.81 -
10-year t note 1.74 1.74 -0.06 1.64 1.42 0.92 0.58
HlxEnSolGr HLX 5.28 0.23 25.7 0.99 6.76 - Untd Arlns UAL 57.82 0.28 33.7 18.18 63.70 -
30-year t bond 2.39 2.41 -0.08 2.36 2.19 1.65 1.22
Howrd Hghs HHC 97.33 2.20 23.3 41.64 103.00 - UntdPrclSv UPS 171.28 1.29 1.7 88.35 178.01 2.38
HstnWire & HWCC 5.25 0.03 88.2 2.00 5.68 - US Silica SLCA 13.02 0.73 85.5 1.21 15.38 -
Huntsman HUN 29.47 0.64 17.2 12.81 29.79 2.21 Valero En VLO 75.30 3.70 33.1 35.44 84.39 5.21 PRIME, FED FUNDS
Rate 6-month change 1-year change
HwlttPckrd HPE 15.70 -0.04 32.5 8.29 16.14 3.06 Verzn Comm VZ 58.30 0.15 -0.8 52.16 61.95 4.31
Bloomberg Prime Rate 3.25 0.00 0.00
IES Inc IESC 53.44 3.03 16.1 15.97 55.30 - W&T Offsh WTI 3.80 0.21 75.1 1.35 5.00 -
Insperity NSP 85.65 1.91 5.2 30.88 95.78 1.87 Walmart WMT 135.62 -0.21 -5.9 111.80 153.66 1.62 Fed Funds Target 0.25 0.00 0.00
IONGeophys IO 2.30 0.16 1.9 1.05 4.97 - Wast Cnnct WCN 109.38 1.40 6.6 73.29 111.04 0.75
JcbsEngGrp J 129.95 0.68 19.3 69.17 131.24 0.65 Waste Mgmt WM 129.28 0.26 9.6 86.90 131.38 1.78 COMMODITY PRICES
JPMrgnChs JPM 153.71 1.48 21.0 82.40 161.69 2.34 WhtstnREIT WSR 9.70 0.00 21.7 4.71 10.43 4.43
Closing values for the most active contract of various commodities:
KBR Inc KBR 37.18 -1.21 20.2 16.64 38.79 1.18 WlgrnsBtsA WBA 54.75 -0.15 37.3 33.36 56.78 3.41
Kindr Mrgn KMI 16.84 0.19 23.2 11.45 17.97 6.24 WllsFrg & WFC 39.63 0.56 31.3 20.76 41.54 1.01 METALS
Kirby Corp KEX 60.23 -0.05 16.2 35.10 70.00 - WngrtnRlty WRI 27.39 0.48 26.4 12.01 27.95 4.38 Name C Date Last Price Pvs Close Day % Chg YTD % Chg Unit
Kraton KRA 37.31 0.72 34.3 7.41 45.89 - Wstlk Chem WLK 91.55 2.76 12.2 34.02 97.26 1.18 Copper May 21 3.99 4.00 0.3 13.7 usd/pd
Kroger Co KR 35.95 -0.04 13.2 29.83 42.99 2.00 WstlkChemP WLKP 24.12 0.10 1.2 13.68 25.02 7.82 Gold Jun 21 1,728.40 1,715.60 0.8 -9.1 usd/oz
LGI Homes LGIH 153.00 3.69 44.5 33.00 154.32 - WstrnMdstP WES 19.08 0.49 38.1 2.90 20.90 6.52 Palladium Jun 21 2,655.80 2,619.90 1.7 8.3 usd/oz
Platinum Jul 21 1,208.60 1,191.50 1.4 11.6 usd/oz
BLOOMBERG HOUSTON CHRONICLE 150 MOVERS Silver May 21 24.95 24.53 1.7 -5.7 usd/oz
Daily Gainers Daily Losers
Last 1-day 1-month Last 1-day 1-month AGRICULTURE
Tick Name Price % Chg %Chg Volume Tick Name Price % Chg %Chg Volume
TTI TETRA Technologies Inc 2.80 16.7 11.6 1,603,638 KBR KBR Inc 37.18 -3.2 18.1 1,724,476 Name C Date Last Price Pvs Close Day % Chg YTD % Chg Unit
MRO Marathon Oil Corp 11.79 10.4 5.3 52,555,912 M Macy's Inc 15.72 -2.9 2.6 16,083,048 Live Cattle Jun 21 1.23 1.23 -0.2 6.9 usd/pd
CONN Conn's Inc 21.33 9.7 45.0 1,839,559 NINE Nine Energy Service Inc 2.25 -2.2 -31.4 118,194 Coffee May 21 1.22 1.24 -1.5 -6.6 usd/pd
GDP Goodrich Petroleum Corp 10.31 9.0 5.5 66,919 OMP Oasis Midstream Partners 21.99 -1.7 10.1 158,814 Corn May 21 5.60 5.64 -0.9 15.7 usd/bu
PARR Par Pacific Holdings Inc 15.35 8.7 -18.0 463,998 CVS CVS Health Corp 74.30 -1.2 7.2 6,928,466 Cotton May 21 0.78 0.81 -3.6 -1.0 usd/pd
OII Oceaneering International 12.36 8.2 -3.7 807,930 GEOS Geospace Technologies 9.01 -1.2 -13.4 32,474 Lumber May 21 1,012.60 1,009.10 0.3 57.6 usd/bd ft
ASO Academy Sports & Outdoors 29.04 7.6 20.2 3,568,410 SYY Sysco Corp 77.99 -1.0 -3.6 2,349,764 Orange Juice May 21 1.10 1.11 -0.6 -12.7 usd/pd
DVN Devon Energy Corp 23.50 7.6 5.7 14,068,673 CHX ChampionX Corp 21.57 -0.7 -5.5 1,681,451 Soybean May 21 14.02 14.37 -2.4 7.3 usd/bu
IO ION Geophysical Corp 2.30 7.5 -20.6 1,144,614 GPI Group 1 Automotive Inc 156.63 -0.7 -0.2 123,263 Wheat May 21 6.11 6.18 -1.6 -4.9 usd/bu
CVI CVR Energy Inc 20.60 7.4 -6.5 673,060 NRG NRG Energy Inc 37.46 -0.7 -7.2 2,428,567
B4 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH

Harmony Public Schools (HPS), dba Harmony Science Academy – Brownsville, NO. 477435
open-enrollment charter schools, will be accepting competitive sealed proposals IN THE PROBATE COURT OF NO. 2 NOTICE OF SALE
for a roof replacement project per project specifications HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
(#HPS2021_HSABR_RR) in Brownsville, TX. The project scope of work consists
of but not limited to: removal of existing roof membrane(s), insulation, flashings, ESTATE OFJOSEPH K. BOOTHE, HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 494
and abandoned roof curbs down to the roof deck; repair of roof deck, as re- DECEASED
quired; Installation of new thermal insulation and coverboard to meet a R-25 (A Political Subdivision of the State of Texas
thermal value, and installation of a white reflective roof membrane fully adhered NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS Located within Harris County, Texas)
to coverboard insulation; gutter and downspout replacement; and HVAC work AGAINST THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH K. BOOTHE
necessary to accommodate the roof replacement. Sealed proposals must be re-
ceived by 2 p.m. on April 27, 2021 through Harmony’s ebid system, and will be Notice is hereby given that original Letters of De- $4,715,000
opened at 2 p.m. on April 27, 2021 via video conference, refer to bid package or pendent Administration for the Estate of Joseph K.
send an email for invitation. HPS reserves the right to reject any or all proposals Boothe, Deceased, were issued on February 11, 2021, Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2021
or waive any or all irregularities. For further information, please contact Mr. Luis in Court Number 477435, pending in the Probate
De Hoyos at [email protected]. Proposers may log in to view the bid Court Number Two (2) of Harris County, Texas, to De-
package and submit their responses at: https://harmonytx.ionwave.net/Login. pendent Administrator, Amneris Naid Diaz. Bids to be Submitted: 10:30 A.M., Central Time
aspx The address of Dependent Administrator, Amneris Bids to be Opened: 12:00 P.M., Central Time
Naid Diaz’ Attorney is Kate Broussard Thorne,
MehaffyWeber, P.O. Box 16, Beaumont, Texas 77704. Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Harmony Public Schools (HPS), open-enrollment charter schools, will be ac-
cepting proposals for Substitute Teaching and Para-Professional Employment All persons having claims against the Estate which is
Services (#HPS2122_SUTE) and Onsite Security Services (#HPS2122_SESE). currently being administered are required to present Place and Time of Sale : The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Harris
them to the above address in care of Amneris Naid
Proposals for both bids must be received by 11 a.m. on April 23, 2021 through County Municipal Utility District No. 494 (the “District”) will receive and pub-
the Harmony’s ebid portal and will be opened at that date and time virtually (htt Diaz, Dependent Administrator of the Estate of Jo-
ps://harmonytx.zoom.us/j/4262331357). HPS reserves the right to reject any seph K. Boothe, Deceased, within the time and man- licly read bids for the purchase of its $4,715,000 Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series
or all proposals or waive any or all irregularities. For further information, please ner prescribed by law. 2021 (the “Bonds”) at a Board meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2021,
contact Dr. Mehmet Bayar at [email protected]. Proposers may log in DATED the 31st day of March, 2021.
to view the bid packages and submit their responses at: MEHAFFYWEBER, P.C. at 12:00 P.M., Central Time. Said meeting will be take place via
Attorneys for Dependent Administrator
https://www.harmonytx.org/purchasing.php videoconference and telephone conference call in accordance with Texas Gov-
By: Kate Thorne ernment Code Section 551.125, as amended, and as modified by the tempora-
Kate Broussard Thorne
INVITATION TO BID State Bar No. 24097265 ry suspension of various provisions thereof effective March 16, 2020, by the
FM 1409 OVERPASS AT IH 10 [email protected] Governor of the State of Texas (the “Governor”) in accordance with the
500 Dallas, Ste. 1200 Texas Disaster Act of 1975, all as related to the Governor’s proclamation on
The County of Chambers solicits bids on the following project: OVERPASS AT Houston, Texas 77002 March 13, 2020, concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. To join the meeting by
IH 10 Telephone: (713) 655-1200
CAUSE NUMBER Telecopier: (713) 655-0222 videoconference, please go to https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/3723178
2017-78329 Contract to furnish labor, equipment, materials and incidentals as required for: 85. The conference call-in number will be 1-866-899-4679 and the passcode
Plaintiff(s): MARCUS OVERPASS AT IH 10 Sealed bids in triplicate will be received in the office of
TYRONE GORDON the County Judge, on the second floor of the County Courthouse at 404 will be 372317885#. This telephone conference call is authorized in compli-
vs. Washington Ave., Anahuac Texas 77514 until 2:00 P.M. on 04/20/2021. ance with the suspension of certain provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas
Defendant(s): OUIDA Bidders are specifically advised that any bid delivered after this time will be
BROWN AND TAMMY returned unopened. Also make sure that you have your notarized non- collu- Government Code pursuant to the March 16, 2020, Declaration by the Gover-
sion affidavit in your packet or it will not be accepted. TEXAS COMMISSION ON
MICHELLE DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY nor (the “Declaration”). Should the Declaration expire or be revoked, this
DISTRICT COURT OF Submitted bids will be publicly opened on 04/20/2021 at 2 :00 P.M. in the Notice of Draft Federal Operating Permit meeting will be held instead at 1300 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1400, Hous-
HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Chamber County Conference Room office located on the second floor at 404 Draft Permit No.: O1708 ton, Texas 77056.
CITATION BY Washington Ave., Anahuac, Texas 77514. Application and Draft Permit. Gulf Coast
UBLICATION Authority, 910 Bay Area Blvd, Houston,
THE STATE OF TEXAS All bids must be marked on the outside of the envelope: OVERPASS AT IH 10 TX 77058-2604, has applied to the Texas Address of Bids : Bids, which must be submitted in duplicate on the Official
To any Sheriff or any Commission on Environmental Quality
Constable within the Bidder’s name and return address should be on the outside of the envelope. (TCEQ) for a renewal of Federal Operating Bid Form and plainly marked “Bid for Bonds,” should be addressed to “Presi-
State of Texas: Permit (herein referred to as Permit) No. dent and Board of Directors of Harris County Municipal Utility District No.
GREETINGS: Plans and specifications may be obtained from Dannenbaum Engineering Corpo- O1708, Application No. 31158, to authorize
You are hereby command- ration, 3100 Alabama, Houston, Texas 77098, telephone (713) 520-9570. operation of the Bayport Facility, a Sewage 494” and delivered to the District’s Financial Advisor, Robert W. Baird & Co.
Treatment Facilities facility. The area
ed to cause to be publish- addressed by the application is located at Incorporated, 1331 Lamar Street, Suite 1360, Houston, Texas 77010 prior to
ed once in the newspaper A non-refundable $175.00 deposit will be required for each set of plans and
in generation circulation specifications. 10800 Bay Area Blvd in Pasadena, Harris 10:30 A.M., Central Time on the date of the bid opening. Any bid received af-
County, Texas 77507-1718. This link to an
in Harris County, Texas, ter 10:30 A.M., Central Time, on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, will not be accepted
said publication being not Proposals will be completed on the forms and proposal sheets provided. The net electronic map of the site or facility’s general
price will be delivered to Chambers County, including all freight or shipping location is provided as a public courtesy and will be returned unopened. All bids must be accompanied by a Bank
less than 28 days before and not part of the application or notice. For
the return day thereof, charges. exact location, refer to the application. You Cashier’s Check in the amount of $94,300 payable to the order of the District
exclusive of the date of can find an electronic map of the facility at:
publication a copy of the Each proposal must be accompanied by a Certified or Cashier’s Check http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/
as a good faith deposit.
following citation: or acceptable Bidder’s Bond in the amount of 2% of bid, not to exceed one hb610/index.html?lat=29.612777&lng=-
THE STATE OF TEXAS hundred thousand dollars ($100,000. 00), as a guarantee that, if awarded the 9 5 . 0 4 4 7 2 2 & z o o m = 1 3 & t y p e = r .
COUNTY OF HARRIS contract, within sixty (60) days from the date of bid open ing, the bidder will This application was received by the TCEQ on Information : The Bonds are more completely described in the “Official No-
To any unknown heir of enter into a contract and execute any required Performance and Payment September 16, 2020. tice of Sale” and the “Preliminary Official Statement” which may be obtained
Ouida Brown, Deceased, Bonds. The purpose of a federal operating permit is
their executors, adminis- to improve overall compliance with the rules from Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, 1331 Lamar Street, Suite 1360,
trators, heirs and assign- Jimmy Sylvia governing air pollution control by clearly Houston, Texas 77010; Financial Advisor to the District. The District reserves
ees and to all persons in- Chambers County Judge listing all applicable requirements, as defined
terest in the Estate of the in Title 30 Texas Administrative Code § the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all irregularities ex-
Deceased. Know ye that 122.10 (30 TAC § 122.10). The draft permit, cept time of filing. This notice does not constitute an offer to sell the Bonds
an Original Petition has LEGAL NOTICE if approved, will codify the conditions under
been filed by Marcus Choice Partners (CP) a division of Harris County Department of Education which the area must operate. The permit will but is merely notice of sale of the Bonds as required by law. The offer to sell
Tyrone Brown, that the (HCDE), is a national cooperative that will be accepting proposals in response to not authorize new construction. The executive the Bonds will be made only by means of the “Official Notice of Sale,” “Preli-
same is now pending in the following Request for Proposals (RFP). director has completed the technical review
the District Court of Har- • 21/040SG for Automotive Equipment, Tires and Related Services of the application and has made a preliminary minary Official Statement,” and the “Official Bid Form.”
ris County, Texas under Proposals are due Tuesday, April 27, 2021 @ 2:00pm central time. decision to prepare a draft permit for public
Cause No. 2017-78329 in • 21/041LS for Ice Cream Products comment and review. The executive director
the 269th District Court Proposals are due Monday, May 3, 2021 at 2:00pm central time. recommends issuance of this draft permit.
and styled Marcus Tyrone • 21/042MJ for Moving, Storage and Related Items The permit application, statement of basis, Board of Directors
Gordon v. Ouida Brown and draft permit will be available for viewing
Proposals are due Friday, April 30, 2021 @ 2:00pm central time. and copying at the TCEQ Central Office, Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 494
and Tammy Michelle Da- Interested proposers may go to www.choicepartners.org and register to down- 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building E, First Floor,
vis and the general nature load the solicitation or call 713.681.6052 or 713.696.8213 or 713.316.4259. Austin, Texas 78753; the TCEQ Houston
of the proceeding is to MWBE, SBE, and HUB vendor participation is encouraged. It is HCDE policy not Regional Office, 5425 Polk St Ste H, Houston,
determine declaratory to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, limited English Texas 77023-1452; and the La Porte Public
relief and to quiet title of proficiency or handicapping condition in its programs. Library, 600 S Broadway St, La Porte, Texas
the property located at 77571-5320, beginning the first day of
210 Blueberry Street, publication of this notice. The draft permit THE HARRIS CENTER for Mental Health and IDD (formerly known as
Houston, Texas (“the Request for Proposal - Houston-Galveston Area Council – Data Services – and statement of basis are available at the MENTAL HEALTH MENTAL RETARDATION AUTHORITY OF HARRIS
Property”) Agency Cloud Migration Consultant – ED-DS-CLOUDSVC-2021-04 TCEQ Website: COUNTY) will be accepting proposals for the following:
This Citation by Publica- www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/tvnotice
tion is returnable to said The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) is seeking a qualified contractor At the TCEQ central and regional offices,
Court on the first Monday, for the planning, analysis, and development of H-GAC’s infrastructure migration relevant supporting materials for the draft 9401 SOUTHWEST FREEWAY INTEGRATED CARE CLINIC RENOVATION
following 42 days, but not strategy. The proposed solution should alleviate current challenges in the agen- permit, as well as the New Source Review
less than 28 days, after cy’s phone system, SharePoint Environment, Financial, Accounting, and Human permits which have been incorporated by Specifications may be secured from THE HARRIS CENTER, Purchasing Serv-
date of publication, exclu- Resources applications, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). reference, may be reviewed and copied. ices located at 9401 SW Freeway, Houston, Texas 77074; telephone (713)
sive of the date of publi- Any person with difficulties obtaining these 970-7279, THE HARRIS CENTER website www.theharriscenter.org or the
cation, being Monday, the To view/download the solicitation documents visit materials due to travel constraints may Electronic State Business Daily Site https://portal.cpa.state.tx.us/ beginning
12th day of APRIL, 2021. https://www.h-gac.com/procurement contact the TCEQ central office file room at Tuesday, April 6, 2021. Deadline for prospective vendors to submit ques-
All unknown heirs and Response Deadline: May 13, 2021 @ 2:00 P.M. CST (512) 239-2900. tions to this RFP is Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Proposals must be submitted to
persons interested in the Public Comment/Notice and Comment Purchasing Services, 9401 SW Freeway, Houston, Texas 77074 by 10:00
property should make a Hearing. Any person may submit written a.m., Thursday, April 29, 2021 in a sealed envelope marked "PROPOSAL -
defense of this pleading comments on the draft permit. Comments DO NOT OPEN UNTIL – THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 2021, 9401 SOUTHWEST
no later than 10:00 AM relating to the accuracy, completeness, and FREEWAY INTEGRATED CARE CLINIC RENOVATION" . Any questions per-
the first Monday after the NOTICE OF COMPETITIVE BIDS appropriateness of the permit conditions may taining to this solicitation should be addressed in writing to Sharon Brauner,
expiration of forty-two result in changes to the draft permit. Purchasing Manager and Nina Cook, Purchasing Director, via E-mail to
(42) days from the first Harris County is requesting offers for the projects listed below. Offer require- A person who may be affected by the [email protected] cc: [email protected] or fax
date of publication. Upon ments, including item description(s), submission due dates and times, emission of air pollutants from the permitted at (713) 970-7682. Historically Underutilized Businesses, including Minority--
failure to do so, Plaintiff, type of pricing, payment method, and any bonding requirements, may area may request a notice and comment Owned Businesses and Women-Owned Businesses are encouraged to partici-
as the party seeking Serv- be obtained on line at https://purchasing.harriscountytx.gov, or in the hearing. The purpose of the notice and pate. THE HARRIS CENTER reserves all rights to reject any and/or all pro-
ice of Process by Publica- Purchasing Agent’s office. Return offers to Harris County Purchasing Agent, comment hearing is to provide an additional posals, to waive formalities and reasonable irregularities in submitted docu-
tion, will proceed to court 1001 Preston, Suite 670, Houston, Texas 77002, no later than 2:00 p.m. opportunity to submit comments on the draft ments as it deems to be in its best interests, and is not obligated to accept
in order to obtain their re- local time in Houston, Texas on specified due dates. permit. The permit may be changed based on the lowest proposal.
lief sought. comments pertaining to whether the permit
Given under my hand and provides for compliance with 30 TAC Chapter
Bids/Proposals Due April 5, 2021 122 (examples may include that the permit
seal of said Court, at my
office in Harris County, does not contain all applicable requirements
Job 21/0040 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Upgrade and or the public notice procedures were not NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
Texas, this 24th day of Chilled Water Line Installation
February, 2021. satisfied). The TCEQ may grant a notice and
Job 21/0059 Road Reconstruction at Crosby-Lynchburg (Phase 3) comment hearing on the application if a written CITY OF OLMOS PARK, TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES
Newspaper: HOUSTON between Magnolia Drive and Lochness Drive, Precinct
CHRONICLE hearing request is received within 30 days CORPORATION
Job 21/0064 Security Equipment and Monitoring Services and Related after publication of the newspaper notice. TAX-EXEMPT REVENUE NOTE
Issued at the request of: Items
HALL, TREVOR The hearing request must include the basis (ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH)
Job 21/0067 Fire Door Inspections and Related Items for the request, including a description of how
Address: 909 FANNIN Job 21/0068 Renovations to Barbara Jordan Community Center, the person may be affected by the emission
STREET SUITE 2300 Notice is hereby given of a telephonic public hearing to be held by the City of
Precinct 1 of air pollutants from the application area. The Olmos Park, Texas Higher Education Facilities Corporation (“Issuer”) and St.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 Job 21/0069 Enterprise Document and Records Management Solution request should also specify the conditions
(713) 951-5600 Anne Catholic Church, a canonical public juridic person (“SACC”) on April 12,
Job 21/0070 Expansion of the Atascocita Branch Library of the draft permit that are inappropriate or 2021 at 10:15 a.m. Interested parties may join the public hearing on the date
Bar#: 24078617 Job 21/0071 Service Awards and Related Items specify how the preliminary decision to issue or
MARILYN BURGESS, deny the permit is inappropriate. All reasonably and the time indicated above by dialing 1-866 512-4865 (US Toll Free) and,
Job 21/0073 Towels for Inmates when prompted, entering the participant passcode 646782#.
District Clerk Job 21/0080 Pipe Access Gates and Related Items ascertainable issues must be raised and all
Harris County, Texas Job 21/0081 Manual Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Test Kits reasonably available arguments must be
201 Caroline, Houston, submitted by the end of the public comment The public hearing is regarding a plan of financing for the issuance of a tax-
Texas 77002 period. If a notice and comment hearing is exempt revenue Note (the “Note”) to be issued by Issuer in an aggregate prin-
Bids/Proposals Due April 12, 2021 cipal amount not to exceed $6,000,000 to be issued as a qualified 501(c)(3)
P. O. Box 4651, Houston, granted, all individuals that submitted written
Texas 77210 comments or a hearing request will receive bond under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
Job 21/0046 Printing and Fulfillment Services (the “Code”). The proceeds of the Note will be loaned by Issuer to SACC for
By: ____/s/________ Job 21/0058 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Upgrade and written notice of the hearing. This notice will
Rhonda Momon Deputy identify the date, time, and location for the the following purposes:
Chilled Water Line Replacement at Annex 60
District Clerk Job 21/0060 Armored Car Services hearing.
Written public comments and/or requests (1) refinancing certain costs of planning, permitting, acquiring, construct-
Job 21/0063 Parking Access and Revenue Control System ing, improving, furnishing, and equipping educational facilities for SACC locat-
Job 21/0075 Two-Way Radio Antennas, Towers, Power Supplies, and for a notice and comment hearing should
be submitted to the Texas Commission on ed at 2140 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77098 (the “Project”), including
Related Items the refunding of an existing loan from the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Job 21/0076 Document Translation Services and Related Items Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief
Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Diocesan Savings & Loan; and
Job 21/0077 Road construction on Fry Road at Longenbaugh Road, Texas 78711-3087, or electronically at
Precinct 3 www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/ (2) paying the costs of issuing the Note.
Job 21/0078 Construction at P518-11-00 detention basin (Phase 1) and be received within 30 days after the
Job 21/0079 Remodeling of the Seventh Floor of the Harris County date of newspaper publication of this The Project will be owned and operated by SACC and used in an integrated op-
Administration Building notice. Please be aware that any contact eration of SACC. The Note is not payable out of taxes and is secured by and
information you provide, including your name, payable solely from funds to be provided by SACC and a Guaranty from the
Bids/Proposals Due April 19, 2021 phone number, email address and physical Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
address will become part of the agency’s
Job 21/0032 Implementation of the Immigrant Legal Services Fund public record. All interested parties are invited to telephonically attend such public hearing
Job 21/0072 Automated Fingerprint Identification System A notice of proposed final action that to express their views with respect to the Note and the Project. Questions or
Job 21/0074 Water Treatment Chemicals and Related Items includes a response to comments and requests for additional information may be directed to Adam Harden, Locke
Job 21/0083 Lease of Ambulances identification of any changes to the draft Lord LLP, 600 Congress Avenue, Suite 2800, Austin, TX 78701 (telephone:
Job 21/0084 Construction Equipment Services and Related Items permit will be mailed to everyone who 512-305-4820). Any interested persons unable to attend or participate in the
Job 21/0085 Repair/Replacement of Concrete Pavement, Curbs, submitted public comments, a hearing public hearing may submit their views in writing to Adam Harden before the
Driveways, Sidewalks, and Related Items in the Harvey request, or requested to be on the mailing date scheduled for the public hearing.
Camp Area, Precinct 4 list for this application. This mailing will also
Job 21/0086 Psychologist and/or Psychiatrist Examinations provide instructions for public petitions to the This notice is being posted and the public hearing is to be held in satisfaction
Job 21/0091 Sale of Surplus/Salvage Petroleum Products and Related U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to of the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Code regarding the public appro-
Items request that the EPA object to the issuance of val prerequisite to the exemption from federal income taxation of the interest
the proposed permit. After receiving a petition, on the Note
Bids/Proposals Due April 26, 2021 the EPA may only object to the issuance of
a permit which is not in compliance with the
Job 21/0087 Renovation of the Existing Mercer Arboretum Visitor applicable requirements or the requirements of
Center, Precinct 4 30 TAC Chapter 122.
Job 21/0088 Next Generation Data Center Solution Mailing List. In addition to submitting public NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
Job 21/0089 Guardrail and Bridge Railing Repairs and Related Items at comments, a person may ask to be placed on
Various Locations, Precinct 1 a mailing list for this application by sending a CITY OF OLMOS PARK, TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES
Job 21/0093 Elevator Modernization at 600 N. San Jacinto (Peden request to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the CORPORATION
Building) address above. Those on the mailing list will TAX-EXEMPT REVENUE NOTE
receive copies of future public notices (if any) (EPIPHANY OF THE LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH)
Bids/Proposals Due May 3, 2021 mailed by the Chief Clerk for this application.
Information. For additional information Notice is hereby given of a telephonic public hearing to be held by the City of
Job 21/0082 Custodial Cleaning Services at Region 2 about this permit application or the Olmos Park, Texas Higher Education Facilities Corporation (“Issuer”) and Ep-
Job 21/0090 Professional Engineering Services for the Permanent permitting process, please contact the Texas iphany of the Lord Catholic Church, a canonical public juridic person (“ELC-
Transition of Toll Road Operations to an All-Electronic Commission on Environmental Quality, Public C”) on April 12, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Interested parties may join the public
Roadway Environment Education Program, MC-108, P.O. Box hearing on the date and the time indicated above by dialing 1-866 512-4865
Job 21/0092 Electrical System Upgrades at Ben Taub Hospital 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or toll free
at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en (US Toll Free) and, when prompted, entering the participant passcode
Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. 646782#.
Further information may also be obtained The public hearing is regarding a plan of financing for the issuance of a tax-
DeWight Dopslauf, C.P.M., CPPO for Gulf Coast Authority by calling Mr. Shaun exempt revenue note (the “Note”) to be issued by Issuer in an aggregate prin-
Purchasing Agent Austin at (281) 226-1132.
cipal amount not to exceed $9,000,000 to be issued as a qualified 501(c)(3)
Notice Issuance Date: March 12, 2021 bond under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the “Code”). The proceeds of the Note will be loaned by Issuer to ELCC for
the following purposes:
(1) refinancing certain costs of planning, permitting, acquiring, construct-
THE STATE OF UTAH TO DEFENDANT LIGHTNING ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE, ing, improving, furnishing, and equipping educational facilities for ELCC locat-
LLC: ed at 1530 Norwalk Drive, Katy, Texas 77450 (the “Project”), including the
refunding of the 2017 ELCC tax-exempt revenue note issued by Public Finance
You are hereby required to file an Answer to a Complaint that is on file in the Authority; and
Third Judicial District Court, in and for Salt Lake County, State of Utah, Civil No.
210900927, Judge Randall Skanchy. Your Answer must be filed with the Clerk of (2) paying the costs of issuing the Note.
the Court at 450 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 and mailed to
Andrew D. Wright and Kaileen M. Balzano, Strong & Hanni, PC, 9350 South 150 The Project will be owned and operated by ELCC and used in an integrated op-
East, Suite 820, Sandy, Utah 84070. If you fail to file an Answer within 30 days eration of ELCC. The Note is not payable out of taxes and is secured by and
after the publication is made in this newspaper, judgment by default will be payable solely from funds to be provided by ELCC and a Guaranty from the
taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
All interested parties are invited to telephonically attend such public hearing
to express their views with respect to the Note and the Project. Questions or
requests for additional information may be directed to Adam Harden, Locke
Lord LLP, 600 Congress Avenue, Suite 2800, Austin, TX 78701 (telephone:
512-305-4820). Any interested persons unable to attend or participate in the
public hearing may submit their views in writing to Adam Harden before the
date scheduled for the public hearing.
This notice is being posted and the public hearing is to be held in satisfaction
of the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Code regarding the public appro-
val prerequisite to the exemption from federal income taxation of the interest
on the Note.
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | B5

Unemployment claims up


but stay near COVID lows
TAX-EXEMPT REVENUE NOTE By Ben Casselman job growth in April, said Jay
N EW YO R K T I ME S Bryson, chief economist for
Notice is hereby given of a telephonic public hearing to be held by the City of
Olmos Park, Texas Higher Education Facilities Corporation (“Issuer”) and St. Wells Fargo.
Rose of Lima Catholic Church, a canonical public juridic person (“SRLCC”) on A year after they first “If you don’t get a barn
April 12, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. Interested parties may join the public hearing on
the date and the time indicated above by dialing 1-866 512-4865 (US Toll rocketed upward, jobless burner in March, I think
Free) and, when prompted, entering the participant passcode 646782#.
claims may finally be return- you’re probably going to get
The public hearing is regarding a plan of financing for the issuance of a tax-
exempt revenue Note (the “Note”) to be issued by Issuer in an aggregate prin-
ing to earth. one in April,” he said.
cipal amount not to exceed $7,000,000 to be issued as a qualified 501(c)(3) More than 714,000 peo- The biggest risk to the
bond under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the “Code”). The proceeds of the Note will be loaned by Issuer to SRLCC for ple filed for state unemploy- economy is as it has been for
the following purposes: ment benefits last week, the the last year: the virus itself.
(1) refinancing certain costs of planning, permitting, acquiring, construct- Labor Department said Virus cases are rising again
ing, improving, furnishing, and equipping educational facilities for SRLCC lo- Thursday, and claims in- in much of the country as
cated at 3600 Brinkman, Houston, TX 77018 (the “Project”), including the
refunding of an existing loan from the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Dio- creased in Texas for the states have begun easing re-
cesan Savings & Loan; and
third week in a row, climb- strictions. If that upward
(2) paying the costs of issuing the Note. ing near 84,000 last week. trend turns into a full-blown
The Project will be owned and operated by SRLCC and used in an integrated Both were up slightly from new wave of infections, it
operation of SRLCC. The Note is not payable out of taxes and is secured by
and payable solely from funds to be provided by SRLCC and a Guaranty from the week before but still Wes Frazer / New York Times could force some states to
the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. among the lowest weekly to- A stylist trims a customer’s hair in Birmingham, reverse course, which could
All interested parties are invited to telephonically attend such public hearing tals since the pandemic be- Ala. A pickup in business activity has fed hopes act as a brake on the recov-
to express their views with respect to the Note and the Project. Questions or
requests for additional information may be directed to Adam Harden, Locke gan. that workers’ prospects are improving. ery, Bryson warned.
Lord LLP, 600 Congress Avenue, Suite 2800, Austin, TX 78701 (telephone: In addition, 237,000 peo- But few economists ex-
512-305-4820). Any interested persons unable to attend or participate in the
public hearing may submit their views in writing to Adam Harden before the ple across the country filed ment is ahead as the vaccine strongly, a sign that manu- pect a repeat of last winter,
date scheduled for the public hearing.
for Pandemic Unemploy- rollout accelerates and facturers are likely to step when a jump in COVID-19
This notice is being posted and the public hearing is to be held in satisfaction ment Assistance, a federal more states lift restrictions up hiring to meet rising de- cases pushed the recovery
of the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Code regarding the public appro-
val prerequisite to the exemption from federal income taxation of the interest program that covers people on business activity. Fewer mand. into reverse. More than a
on the Note. who do not qualify for state companies are laying off Economists will get a quarter of U.S. adults have
benefits programs. That workers, and hiring has more complete, albeit less received at least one dose of
number, too, has been fall- picked up, meaning that timely, picture of the job a coronavirus vaccine, and
PROJECT CONCERNING HERMANN PARK ing. people who lose their jobs market Friday, when the La- more than 2 million people
The City proposes to convey an easement to CenterPoint Energy Houston Elec-
Jobless claims remain are more likely to find new bor Department releases da- a day are being inoculated.
tric, LLC for the construction, maintenance, repair, replacement, removal, and high by historical standards ones quickly. ta on hiring and unemploy- That should allow economic
operation of a transmission tower and overhead utility lines that will connect
existing transmission lines to the planned substation at 1115 S. Braeswood. and are far above the norm “We could actually finally ment in March. Forecasters activity to continue to re-
(the “Project”). The Project requires taking approximately 4.33 acres
(188,614.8 square feet) of Hermann Park located in Harris County along
before the pandemic, when see the jobless claims num- surveyed by FactSet expect bound.
MacGregor Way/Braeswood Blvd. from the existing transmission/distribution around 200,000 people a bers come down because the report to show that U.S. Still, Pollak cautioned
lines crossing Bray’s Bayou near the City’s lift station and continuing general-
ly westerly to the proposed substation to be located at 1115 Braeswood Blvd. week were filing for bene- there’s enough job creation employers added more than that the job market would
fits. Applications have im- to offset the layoffs,” said Ju- 600,000 jobs last month, not return to normal over-
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Houston will hold a
virtual public hearing on the Project beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, proved only gradually — lia Pollak, a labor economist the most since October. night. Even as many compa-
April 14, 2021, through Microsoft Teams. Persons wishing to speak at the vir-
tual public hearing should call the City Secretary’s office at 832-393-1100 be- even after the recent de- at the job site ZipRecruiter. Even better numbers nies resume normal opera-
fore 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, to be registered. Microsoft Teams clines, the weekly figure is There are other signs that probably lie ahead. The tions, others are discovering
meeting information for the virtual public hearing will be published on the
City Council Public Info page one week prior to the public hearing at https:// modestly below where it the economic recovery is March data was collected that the pandemic has per-
www.houstontx.gov/council/meetingsinfo.html. was last fall. Some 18 million gaining momentum. The In- early in the month, before manently disrupted their
people in total are receiving stitute for Supply Manage- most states broadened vac- business model.
By: Pat Jefferson Daniel, City Secretary jobless assistance, many of ment said Thursday that its cine access and before most “There are still a lot of
them through programs manufacturing index, a Americans began receiving business closures and a lot
that extend benefits beyond closely watched measure of $1,400 checks from the fed- of layoffs that have yet to
the 26 weeks that are offered the industrial economy, hit eral government as part of happen,” she said. “The re-
CAUSE NUMBER: CAUSE NO. 2020-73534 CAUSE NUMBER: in most states. its highest level since 1983 in the newly passed relief percussions of this pandem-
2020-20993 Plaintiff: FLORES, CLAU- 2020-38479
RECEIPT NO: 910190, $8, DIA (INDIVIDUALLY AND Plaintiff(s): DANIELA But economists are opti- March. The report’s em- package. Those forces ic are still rippling through
VBF A/N/F OF J R CORTEZ AND JULIO mistic that further improve- ployment index also rose should lead to even faster this economy.”
TR#82954212, EML vs. vs.
In The Interest of: Defendant: PINTO, JOSE BRENDAN OKOLO,

Relief package boosts economic outlook

County of Harris
By Josh Boak omy as good, up from the ther after he signed his economic forecasts, Biden
THE STATE OF TEXAS (Whose residence and PUBLICATION and Hannah Fingerhut 37 percent who felt that landmark relief package in- suggested last week that
COUNTY OF Harris whereabouts are THE STATE OF TEXAS
TO THE SHERIFF OR ANY unknown) County of Harris A SSO C I AT ED P R E SS way last month. Views of to law. growth this year could top 6
CONSTABLE OF TEXAS YOU ARE HEREBY To: BRENDAN OKOLO the economy had tanked at Just 15 percent of Demo- percent — the strongest per-
PERSON appear before the 151st AND WHEREABOUTS WASHINGTON — Views the onset of the pandemic crats felt positive about the formance in 37 years.
TO: BURGE, STEPHEN Judicial District Court of ARE UNKNOWN
(THE PARENT OF STE- Harris County, Texas in YOU ARE HEREBY COM- of the nation’s economy are in April last year, when 29 economy in December, but The poll shows 54 per-
PHEN MICHAEL BURGE the Courthouse in the city MANDED to be and ap- the rosiest they’ve been percent said it was in good 41 percent did in February. cent of Americans approve
JR) AND TO ALL WHOM of Houston, Texas at or pear before the 269TH
IT MAY CONCERN, before 10:00 o’clock A.M. Judicial District Court of since the pandemic began shape. Among Republicans, posi- of the economic relief law,
RESPONDENT(S) Monday, the 3RD day of Harris County, Texas in more than a year ago, Fifty-eight percent of tive views plummeted from while 25 percent disap-
You have been sued. You MAY 2021, being the the Courthouse in the city
may employ an attorney. Monday next after the of Houston, Texas at or buoyed by Democrats feel- Democrats now describe 67 percent in December to prove. Large majorities ap-
If you or your attorney do expiration date of forty- before 10:00 o’clock A.M.
(does) not file a written two days after this cita- Monday, the 10TH day of ing increasingly optimistic economic conditions as 35 percent by February. prove of many of the law’s
answer with the Clerk tion is issued, and you May 2021, being the as President Joe Biden’s $1.9 good, compared with 35 Americans’ improved components, including
who issued this citation are hereby commanded Monday next after the ex-
by 10:00 a.m. on the and required then and piration date of forty-two trillion relief package is dis- percent of Republicans. outlook generally reflects vaccination funding, direct
Monday next following there to appear and file days after this citation is
the expiration of 20 days written answer to the issued, and you are here- tributed across the country. Democratic sentiments the favorable impressions payments of $1,400 and ex-
after you were served this Plaintiff’s Second Peti-
tion Amended Petition
by commanded and re- A new poll from the As- about the economy im- of Biden’s relief package tended unemployment in-
citation and FIRST quired then and there to
AMENDED PETITION FOR Requests for Disclosure appear and file a written sociated Press-NORC Cen- proved after Biden re- and the mass vaccinations surance, funding for
CHANGE OF NAME OF Interrogatories Produc- answer to the PLAINTIF-
CHILD, a default tion and Admission, filed F’S FIRST AMENDED ter for Public Affairs finds placed Donald Trump in that have allowed more schools to reopen, aid for
judgement may be taken in said Court on the 11TH PETITION AND 46 percent of Americans the White House, with opti- schools, offices and retail- families and housing pay-
against you. The Petition day of December 2020, REQUEST(S) FOR
of, BURGE, ELIZABETH in a suit numbered 2020- DISCLOSURE TO overall now view the econ- mism increasing even fur- ers to reopen. Based on ment assistance.
ANA (THE PARENT OF 73534 docket of said DEFENDANTS, filed in
STEPHEN MICHAEL court, wherein the Plain- said Court on the 15TH
BURGE JR) Petitioner, tiff, FLORES, CLAUDIA day of OCTOBER 2020,

was filed in the 247TH (INDIVIDUALLY AND in a suit numbered 2020-
District Court of Harris A/N/F OF J R AND I 38479 docket of said
County, Texas, on the 1st A)(MINORS) and the court, wherein CORTEZ,
Against Respondent, AND CARLOS CASAS MENDOZA, the
numbered, 2020-20993
the nature of plaintiff’s
demand and the said
petition alleging: Motor
Vehicle Accident
Plaintiff(s), BRENDAN
OKOLO the Defendant,
the nature of plaintiff’s
demand and the said
and entitled “In the Inter- This matter pertains to petition alleging: MOTOR
est of” STEPHEN MI- damages Plaintiff sus- VEHICLE ACCIDENT
CHAEL BURGE JR, A tained in a car wreck This matter arises due to
child (or children). caused in part by the a motor vehicle accident

back to
The suit requests alleged negligence of that occurred in Harris
THE NAME CHANGE OF Defendant, JOSE PINTO, County, Texas on or
STEPHEN MICHAEL the operator of the motor about October 20, 2018,
BURGE JR. TO STEPHEN vehicle involved in the due to the negligence of
MICHAEL FRANCO AS motor vehicle collision Defendant Brendan

box office
STATED IN THE FIRST that occurred on or about Okolo.
AMENDED PETITION FOR March 6, 2019 at or near Notice thereof shall be
CHANGE OF NAME OF C. E. King Parkway, in given by publishing this
CHILD. Houston, Tx. Citation once a week for
The date and place of Notice hereof shall be four consecutive weeks
birth of the child (chil- given by publishing this previous to the 10TH day
dren) who is (are) subject Citation once a week for of MAY 2021, in some By Jake Coyle
of the suit four consecutive weeks newspaper published in A SSO C I AT ED P R E SS
NAME: STEPHEN MI- previous to the day of the County of Harris, if
CHAEL BURGE JR; DOB: May 3RD, 2021, in some there be a newspaper
MARCH 7, 2015, PLACE newspaper published in published therein, but if
OF BIRTH: HARRIS the County of HARRIS, if not, then the nearest NEW YORK — Once again,
there be a newspaper
published therein, but if
county where a newspa- mayhem and mass destruc-
per is published, and this
HOSPITAL 18951 MEMO- not, then the nearest Citation shall be returned tion is back at the box office.
RIAL DRIVE, HUMBLE TX county where a newspa- on MAY 7, 2021 which is
77338. RESIDENCE per is published , and this forty two days after the It’s almost like old times.
WHEN CHILD WAS Citation shall be returned date it is issued, and the “Godzilla vs. Kong,” one
BORN: 2727 BEN’S on the 28TH day of first publication shall be
BRANCH DR, #413 KING- APRIL, 2021, which is at least twenty-eight days of the few tentpoles to dare Kevin Winter / Getty Images
WOOD, TX 77339 forty two days after the before said return day. “Godzilla vs. Kong,” one of the few tentpoles to dare release during COVID-19
CURRENT PLACE OF date it is issued, and the HEREIN FAIL NOT, but
release during COVID
RESIDENCE: 12000 first publication shall be have before said court on times, is poised this week- times, is poised this weekend to set a new pandemic-high in ticket sales.
HARDWOOD TRAIL, at least twenty-eight days said return day this Writ
AUSTIN, TX 78750 before said return day. with your return thereon, end to set a new high in tick-
“THE COURT HAS AU- HEREIN FAIL NOT, but showing how you et sales during the pandem- there’s no possibility of re- ica. Warner Bros. releases that
THORITY IN THE SUIT TO have before said court on have executed same.
RENDER AN ORDER IN said return day this Writ WITNESS: MARILYN ic. It won’t be the kind of starting the movie busi- “The issue is less con- landed simultaneously on
THE CHILD’S (CHILDRE- with your return thereon, BURGESS, District Clerk,
N’S) INTEREST THAT showing how you have Harris County Texas blockbuster business such a ness,” says Joshua Grode, vincing consumers to go to HBO Max — a once contro-
executed same.
WITNESS: Marilyn
big-budget release would chief executive of Legend- the movies than it is con- versial release plan that has
TERMINATION OF THE Burges, District Clerk, SAID COURT at Houston, typically manage, but ex- ary Entertainment, which vincing studios to open helped theaters stay afloat
PARENT-CHILD RELA- Harris County Texas Texas this 26TH MARCH,
TIONSHIP, THE DETER- GIVEN UNDER MY HAND 2021. perts forecast a launch of at produced “Godzilla vs. their movies,” says Rich Gel- and proved an interesting
MINATION OF PATERNI- AND SEAL OF SAID (seal) least $25 million. Kong.” “This tells every- fond, IMAX’S chief execu- test case for how viewers
TY AND THE APPOINT- COURT at Houston, Texas Newspaper: HOUSTON
MENT OF A CONSERVA- this 17TH day of MARCH CHRONICLE Opening-day ticket sales body: the moviegoing busi- tive. “There’s been a hesi- prefer to see, and pay for, a
TOR WITH AUTHORITY 2021. Issued at the request of:
TO CONSENT TO THE (SEAL) ARNOLD, BRETT on Wednesday for “Godzilla ness is here, and, yes, it may tancy on the part of Holly- movie.
CHILD’S (CHILDREN’S) NEWSPAPER: Houston WILLIAM vs. Kong” totaled $9.6 mil- be different post-pandemic. wood studios to release Helping theaters get back
ADOPTION, THE CHILD’S Chronicle Address: 1311 BINGHAM
(CHILDREN’S) CHANGE Issued at request of: STREET, UNIT "E" lion, Warner Bros. said But there is a viable indus- movies because they to business, Gelfond be-
OF NAME.” Andrew Birdsell HOUSTON, TX 77007 Thursday — a single-day try there.” haven’t been convinced the lieves, are large-format
ISSUED AND GIVEN UN- Address: P O Box 1599 (713) 805-6637
DER MY HAND AND THE Gilmore, Texas 75644 Bar Number: 03140100 pandemic record and more Huge challenges remain demand is there. What I screens “that differentiate
SEAL OF SAID COURT AT (903)843-2323 Marilyn Burgess, District
HOUSTON TEXAS ON Bar Number: 24077966 Clerk than most 2020-2021 open- to the revival of moviegoing. really hope this weekend the couch as much as they
THIS THE 26TH Day of MARILYN BURGESS, Harris County, Texas ing weekend hauls. Last With so many cinemas shut- shows is that there is a lot of can.” IMAX accounted for 14
FEBRUARY, 2021. District Clerk 201 Caroline, Houston,
NEWSPAPER: HOUSTON Harris County, Texas Texas 77002 weekend, the monster tered for nearly an entire demand there and it con- percent of the Chinese box
CHRONICLE By: /s/ Brittany Hall P.O. Box 4651, Houston,
Issued at request of: Deputy District Clerk Texas 77210 mash pulled in an impres- year, many moviegoers are vinces them to open a lot of office for “Godzilla vs.
By: Rhonda Momon
Deputy District Clerk
sive $123.1 million interna- out of the habit. Some are movies that have been sit- Kong.” This weekend, the
OAK LANE, STE. 425 tionally. In China, where unlikely to return to sitting ting on the shelf.” film will be playing on 1,170
BAR NO # 24096280 moviegoing is close to pre- indoors with strangers until Recently, ticket sales, IMAX screens worldwide.
(SEAL) pandemic levels, the movie they’re vaccinated or the while still far below their The box office might not
DISTRICT CLERK made about $70 million, pandemic has ebbed. And usual levels, are ticking up- quite roar again this week-
Harris County, Texas
201 Caroline, Houston, TX double the debut of 2014’s even those who have been ward. The best debut of end, but “Godzilla vs. Kong”
77002 “Godzilla.” convinced of the safety of 2021 was “Tom & Jerry,” may show it has a little bite
PO Box 4651, Houston,
TX 77210 For the first time in a long moviegoing by theaters’ with $13.7 million in late left. Says Grode: “In years
BY /s/ Lonya Porter time, there’s the faint hint of health protocols, they now February. The pandemic- from now, when people
a hit at the box office. have only more in-home op- high belongs to “Wonder write about coming back to
“It’s a good omen that the tions. “Godzilla vs. Kong” is Woman 1984,” which the movies, I’m very proud
tastes of the consumer have streaming simultaneously launched with $16.7 million that ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ will
not shifted so much that on HBO Max in North Amer- in December. Each were be in that history.”
B6 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH


High court backs Facebook, limits robocall ban PUC

From page B1
By Greg Stohr applies only to calling sys- calls that use artificial or re- phones used by small busi- associated with an account.
B L OOM B E RG tems that use a random or corded voices. It also leaves nesses will not have restric- The lawsuit sought class ac- tor for Republican Sen.
sequential number genera- intact the federal do-not-call tions on them whatsoever,” tion status. Charles Schwertner.
The U.S. Supreme Court tor, an approach that Face- registry that individuals can Saunders said. She said con- Writing for the court, Jus- “Will McAdams will
limited the reach of the de- book told the court has be- use to try to block telemar- sumer advocates would tice Sonia Sotomayor said bring a fresh perspective
cades-old federal ban on ro- come all but obsolete. keting calls to home phones. turn to Congress to strength- Duguid was pressing such and outstanding leadership
bocalls, siding with business The ruling will give tele- But the decision will have en the law. an expansive interpretation to the Public Utility Com-
groups and throwing out a marketers, companies and an especially big impact on The ruling is a defeat for of the robocall law that it mission of Texas,” Abbott
lawsuit that accused Face- political parties freer rein to small businesses that use Noah Duguid, the man who would have covered some said in a Thursday release.
book Inc. of repeatedly use computer systems to mobile phones, leaving sued Facebook. Duguid said calls and texts placed by “Will’s wealth of experi-
sending unwanted text mes- call or text mobile phones them vulnerable to unwant- he received repeated texts in modern mobile phones. ence in public service and
sages. without first getting con- ed calls and texts, said Mar- 2014 notifying him of an at- Duguid’s interpretation state government make
The unanimous decision, sent. got Saunders, a lawyer with tempted log-in, even though “would take a chainsaw to him the ideal leader to car-
which overturned a lower The ruling doesn’t affect a the National Consumer Law he didn’t have an account. these nuanced problems ry out the PUC’s mission to
court ruling, said a key pro- separate provision of the an- Center. Facebook said Duguid prob- when Congress meant to protect customers, foster
vision in the 1991 Telephone ti-robocall law that protects “Texts, including tele- ably had a recycled phone use a scalpel,” Sotomayor competition, and promote
Consumer Protection Act residential phones from marketing texts, to cell number that had once been wrote. high quality infrastructure
across Texas. Will is com-
mitted to charting a new
OIL course for the commission
and restoring trust with
From page B1 Texans.”
McAdams did not re-
“Until the evidence of re- spond to requests for com-
covery is undeniable, we ment Thursday.
should maintain this cau- Walker and Botkin re-
tious stance,” Saudi Ara- signed amid backlash over
bia’s Energy Minister last month’s winter storm
Prince Abdulaziz bin Sal- and power crisis that left
man said in his introducto- more than 100 Houston-
ry statement Thursday. area residents dead when
“The waves are still tall and temperatures dipped be-
the sea remains rough.” low freezing and blackouts
However, many mem- left millions of Texans with-
bers found it too difficult to out power.
accept that Russia and Ka- Environment Texas Ex-
zakhstan are allowed to in- ecutive Director Luke
crease their output while Metzger said in a Thursday
others are bound to curtail- statement that McAdams
ments, Rystad said. has his work cut out for
A technical OPEC com- him.
mittee on Wednesday “The PUC is a shipwreck
warned that oil demand re- right now,” Metzger said in
mains fragile, downgrading a release. “The previous
its growth outlook to 5.6 commissioners disbanded
million barrels per day in the Oversight & Enforce-
2021, below Rystad’s expec- ment Division, refused to
tation of 5.7 million barrels ask the Legislature for the
per day and Wood Macken- funding they need and
zie’s 6.2 million barrels per Eli Hartman / Associated Press oversaw the atrophy of Tex-
day. Drilling rigs are returning to the oil patch as crude prices climb and demand recovers. In the Permian Basin as’ energy efficiency pro-
Analysts expect U.S. of West Texas, the nation’s top-producing shale play, the number of rigs rose by three to 224. grams. Commissioner McA-
shale production will re- dams has an opportunity to
main muted even as crude back skeptical investors. ally rose by 13 this week, Still, U.S. production is “The agreement is sup- right the ship and help Tex-
prices hover around $60 a Drilling rigs are return- pushing the U.S. rig count expected to decline by a portive of oil prices, yet as build a cleaner, more re-
barrel. That’s because U.S. ing to the oil patch as crude to 430 — still 234 fewer than half-million barrels per day should also help avoid a liable electric grid.”
shale producers have prices climb and demand this time last year. in 2021, and is not in a posi- sharp spike upward as oil Despite being the com-
promised to keep drilling recovers. Oil-field services In the Permian Basin of tion to grab market share demand picks up,” Hittle mission’s lone board mem-
and production flat until firm Baker Hughes and re- West Texas, the nation’s from OPEC, said Ann-Lou- said. ber, McAdams can hold
next year and beyond to fo- search firm Enverus said top-producing shale play, ise Hittle, Wood Macken- meetings and execute or-
cus on restoring battered Thursday that the number the number of rigs rose by zie’s vice president of mac- [email protected] ders. Abbott has not said
balance sheets and woo of rigs in operation nation- three to 224. ro oils. twitter.com/paultakahashi when he will appoint com-
missioners to fill the PUC’s
two remaining vacancies.
MORTGAGE customers who held their
homes off the market until
of 2020. The Mortgage Bank-
ers Association said refi-
tors are moving back into
the stock market, allowing
pull the trigger on a refi-
nance. Throughout most of
From page B1 they could get vaccinated nance applications in the rates to adjust to more nor- 2020, she watched as the re-
will help home sales contin- week ending March 26 had mal levels. They still remain cession kept rates low. “We
expensive for me,’” Nothaft ue apace. Atkins, for exam- fallen 32 percent from the relatively low — a year ago, were waiting to see what
said. “‘Either I can’t save up ple, had one customer in year before. the average for a 30-year would happen with the pan-
the money upfront, or, even her late 70s who had waited Mortgage rates fell to all- mortgage was 3.33 percent, demic,” she said. Then at the
if I have that, the mortgage until she received both her time lows during the pan- and the year before that, it beginning of the year, with
payments now have gotten COVID vaccination shots be- demic and the accompany- was 4.08 percent. vaccinations rolling out, the
too high — it’s going to bite fore putting her home on ing recession because of “Investors welcomed the stock market soaring and a
into my monthly income too the market. economic uncertainty. rise in private employment new stimulus bill on the ho-
much.’” Rising mortgage rates al- When investors are con- numbers and consumer rizon, she began shopping
That will have an impact so shrinks the pool of home- cerned about the future of confidence with a shift to- around for mortgages.
on the rate of home price owners who can benefit the economy, they seek saf- ward stocks, driving mort- She closes on the refi-
growth by the second half of from a refinance. The num- er investments and pour gage rates up,” said George nance, which will save her
the year, he said. CoreLogic ber of homeowners that money into government Ratiu, senior economist upward of $600 a month,
forecasts home prices will Black Knight, a mortgage bonds and mortgage debt, with the listing website real- this Friday. “Wow is right,”
stop surging by the double technology and data provid- driving rates down. tor.com, in an email. she said. “I just don’t believe
digits year over year and set- er, believes could benefit With the latest stimulus Erika Bierschbach, who we’ll be down at these levels
tle to something more in line from a refinance has shrunk bill pumping money into the majored in economics and again for some time.”
with wage growth. to 11.1 million (218,000 in the economy, the Fed has sig- works in the energy indus-
However, Nothaft be- Houston region), the small- naled its willingness to toler- try, was following just those [email protected]
lieves inventory added by est it has been since March ate some inflation and inves- factors when she decided to twitter.com/raschuetz

DEEDS white race,” it cost upward

of $6,000 in attorney and
neighborhood associa-
tion’s limited funds, ac-
ic” that the bill to fix the
process received such bi-
to do. And I have no doubt
that the events of this past
From page B1 filing fees and took four cording to Julie Cohn, presi- partisan support in the year that shone a light on
months to collect all the dent of the Old Braeswood state Senate. racial disparities and chal-
homeowners. necessary signatures. That Property Owners Associa- “That tells you have valu- lenges put it on the map for
When Old Braeswood cost created some anxiety tion at the time. “This able it is,” she said. “I’m some of the legislators.”
successfully removed in among members who wor- would take that out of the thrilled it finally broke
2019 vestigial language ban- ried there may be more equation,” she said. through the noise and be- [email protected]
ning “any person not of the pressing matters for the Cohn said it was “terrif- came a clear and easy thing twitter.com/raschuetz

REAL ESTATE Friends reunite for café

Agnes Café & Provi-
upon the operating team
of Becks Prime, a locally
From page B1 sions, a venture of child- owned restaurant chain in
hood friends Molly Voor- business for 36 years, to
the hotel. hees and Carolyn Dorros, facilitate operations of the
The hotel has a shared will take over the space new restaurant, which
front desk and 150 extend- previously occupied by will employ about 25
ed stay suites with kitch- Tropicales at 2132 Bisson- people.
ens, dishwashers and net in the Boulevard Oaks “There’s a huge ad-
flexible workspaces, on neighborhood near Rice vantage to having a team
one side of the building. University. that already knows what
On the side closer to West- Voorhees, president of they’re doing,” Voorhees
heimer, the Holiday Inn Becks Prime and Choco- said.
Express has 169 standard late Bar, and Dorros, exec-
hotel rooms. Both brands utive vice president of Meritage buys land
are franchises of InterCon- Houston-based real estate Dana Kelly Photography Meritage Homes has
tinental Hotel Group. development firm Wolff Molly Voorhees, left, and Carolyn Dorros plan to open purchased 24 acres near
Nick Massad III, vice Cos., both live in the area Agnes Café & Provisions at 2132 Bissonnet in June. the Grand Parkway and
president of development, and attended St. John’s Westpark Tollway in west
said the hotel reflects School in Houston. Set to open in June, the Ybarra of Platform In- Houston for Grand Trails,
large-scale projects done Agnes Café & Provisions new restaurant will offer vestment Group repre- a community of 129 homes
by the company as it has leased 2,225 square feet in indoor and outdoor din- sented the landlord, Hous- priced in the mid
grown. His parents devel- the retail and office build- ing with counter service ton Bissonnet Shepherd $200,000s. The commu-
oped their first property ing developed by Platform during the day for past- LLC. The initial term is nity and model home are
from the ground up in Investment Group at ries, breakfast and lunch five years with options for projected to open in May.
Angleton with a 40-room Shepherd Drive for an and table service at night. renewal, Voorhees said. Homes will range from
hotel in 1986. all-day café and boutique The menu will feature Sean Garrison and Levi 1,477 to 2,800 square feet
American Liberty Hos- grocery. Michael Hsu Mediterranean food with Lemaster of Garrison and be built on 45-foot by
pitality has 20 properties Office of Architecture influences from Spain, Design Office were tapped 120-foot lots. The neigh-
in markets throughout the designed the building, France and Turkey, cock- to design the interior, borhood, which is zoned
Southwest. The new hotel which opened with all-day tails, beer and hard-to- 500-square-foot patio and to Lamar Consolidated
is the company’s second café Tropicales as a tenant find wines. grocery retail space, ISD, is east of Peek Road
dual-branded hotel in in 2019. That restaurant Maury Bronstein and which will sell gifts, grab- near Beechnut.
Houston. It opened down- closed about a year ago as John S. Wall Jr. of 1912 and-go items, baked goods
town’s Hampton Inn/ the pandemic kept people Ventures represented the and cookie dough. [email protected]
Homewood Suites in 2016. at home. tenant in the lease. Steve Voorhees will draw twitter.com/kreser
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | B7

Eby, David Epherson, Richard Kilpatrick, Leo Stegent, Billie Wallace, Andre
Edwards, Leigh Hervey, Olivia Sharp, Isaac Thomas, Michael Westby, Timothy


1956-2021 1982-2021
Andre Matthew Wallace,
Leigh Smitherman Leigh‘s perfect match -- he a 39 expired (Saturday) March
Edwards (born September of sharp engineer turned busi- 20, 2021 Public Visitation
1956) passed away peacefully nessman with a goofy sense will be held (Saturday) April
at home surrounded by her of humor and mischievous 3, 2021 from 9-10:45 a.
family on March 30, 2021. side, while Leigh a natural m., Private Funeral Service
Born in Houston to Betty cheerleader with a core talent (due to limited seating) will
Jo and Gene Smitherman, for finding joy and happiness be begin at 11:00 a.m. both
Leigh was the eldest of three. in every nook and cranny of services will be held at New
From an early age Leigh was life. Leigh encouraged Bob to Sunlight Baptist Church,
known for her big heart, end- take a leap of faith and apply 515 V. E. Washington Ave.
less kindness, creative flair, to Stanford University for (Lake Charles, LA), Rev. A. L.
and hilarious sense of humor, a Master’s degree by saying Williams, II, Pastor/Officiat-
all of which would become “it’s just the cost of a postage ing, Interment Consolata
her signatures. Leigh’s stamp”, while Bob encour- Cemetery (Lake Charles, LA).
early knack for writing led to aged Leigh to find success in
awards in journalism at Lee running her own art consult- made some of her dearest and Ina Browning; and her
High School where she was ing company. That postage friends in her pub club and sister-in-law and brother-in-
editor of the newspaper; she stamp led to three beautiful her running group. After law, Carol and Jim Snodgress ISAAC DENNIS SHARP, JR. RICHARD A. EPHERSON
also later was a writer for the years at Stanford and lifelong London, the Edwards family and their children Sarah and 1936-2021 1959-2021
Vanderbilt University news- friendships. The couple moved to Dallas where Leigh Ryan Eppehimer and Kelly
paper. It was at Vanderbilt welcomed their two daugh- became an active volunteer in and Mike Snodgress. It is Richard departed on March
that her love for art devel- ters, Alston and Francie, in the St. Mark’s School of Texas impossible to describe not 18, 2021. Funeral services will
oped and flourished. After Palo Alto, followed shortly by community. With character- just how much she will be be held Saturday, April 3rd at
graduation she returned their son, Teddy, in Houston. istic grace and faith, Leigh missed by her family and Pruitt’s in the Heights, 7518
to Houston and started in While Leigh experienced suc- fought Early Onset Alzheim- friends, but also how very North Main. Visitation begins
the art business working cess in every facet of her life, er’s disease for over a decade, much she added to their lives. at 2 pm followed by services
with Larry and Marjorie her greatest joy was in her remaining joyful and positive The family wishes to express at 3 pm. In lieu of flowers, the
Kauffman; she also began a role as a mom to her three through to the end. She is their sincere gratitude to the family asks that you donate to
lifelong commitment to her children. Leigh was known survived by her husband, many caregivers for the kind- the mental health organiza-
Bible study, a place where she throughout the family and Bob, her children, Alston ness and care they provided tion of your choice.
lead, participated, inspired, her West U neighborhood White and husband Jordan, Leigh from the minute they
and made enduring friends. for her creative games, art Francie Chomic and husband met her. In lieu of flowers,
Her magnetism was not lim- projects, and make-believe Max, and Teddy Edwards and donations in Leigh’s honor
ited to those dear friends as stories. She volunteered to fiancé Mary Hinton. In the may be made to the Glas- Isaac Dennis Sharp, Jr.
Leigh managed to turn down teach students throughout last year and half of her life sell School of Art Annual expired (Saturday) March 20,
four marriage proposals Houston about art, hoping to Leigh experienced the ulti- Fund Drive, www.mfah.org/ 2021 A Walk Through Visita-
before meeting the love of her instill in them her same pas- mate joy of greeting her three give/glassell-school-annual- tion will be held (Friday)
life, Bob Edwards, through sion that she had developed grandchildren: MaryLeigh fund, providing access to April 3, 2021 from 5-7p. m.
a mutual friend. The couple as a college student. When Chomic, Lily Edwards, and art education to children in at Crestmont Park U.M.C.,
was so engrossed in conversa- Bob’s career took the family Emory White. In addition, the Houston community. A 11503 M.L.K. Blvd., Funeral
tion during their first date first to Singapore and then to she will be missed by her service celebrating Leigh’s Service will be held (Saturday)
that the restaurant kitchen London, Leigh looked at the siblings, John and Lois Smi- life will be held at River Oaks April 3, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at
closed before they ordered; opportunities as new adven- therman and their children, Baptist Church on Saturday, The Crossing Church, 3225
unsurprisingly marriage tures. From Singapore they Eben and Marylynn, and April 3 at 11:00am. To join W. Orem, Rev. Curley Laster,
followed eleven months later, explored most of Southeast Mary Nell and Bill Brown- via livestream: https://zoom. Officiating, Interment Hous-
in January 1989. Bob was Asia, and in London, Leigh ing and their children Mary us/ Meeting ID: 913 6391 ton Memorial Gardens.
Bell and Gregory Clement 6861 Passcode: 139714


1938-2021 1928-2021
Mrs. Olivia Gray Hervey Leo F. Kilpatrick died on
was born February 27, 1938 March 27, 2021 at his home
in Crandall, Texas to Wilmer in Seabrook, Texas. He visited
and Ocie Gray. As a child, she with his three grown children
attended Good Street Baptist on Friday evening, expressed DAVID F. EBY
Church in Dallas, Texas. his delight at having the fam-
Olivia excelled in school ily all together and went to 1936-2021
graduating at the top of her sleep at peace. David Eby went to be with
Lincoln High School class in Survivors include his his Lord and Savior March
1956. Her academic excel- spouse of 50 years, Blanche C. 28, 2021,He loved the Lord,
lence continued at Prairie Kilpatrick and their children. his family and friends im-
View A&M University. She She became a successful real Children are Charles C. laicization process and they mensely. We were blessed to
majored in Business Admin- estate broker selling proper- Kilpatrick, MD and spouse were married by the future have this Native Houstonian,
istration with a Minor in ties in the MacGregor and Lubna Chohan Kilpatrick, Bishop Joseph Fiorenza. fun loving, eternal optimist,
English, graduating at the top Southwest Houston areas. MD, Hugh W. Kilpatrick and After many years studying, proud Aggie, Class of 1958 as
of her class in 1960. Upon Olivia was a faithful member his spouse, Jennifer Kilpat- selling and advancing ideas a devoted Husband, Father,
graduation, she married Billy of Trinity United Methodist rick, Sara Kilpatrick Baker, in the petro-chemical field, Grandfather. Great Grandfa-
T. Hervey. Career opportuni- Church where she sang in CPA and her spouse David he retired at age seventy. ther, Uncle and Cousin in our
ties led them to Dallas, Texas, several choirs. In addition, Baker. Grandchildren are That provided more time for lives. He is now experiencing
Altus, Oklahoma, Baltimore, she served in several leader- Wilder and Ella Kilpatrick family, cooking, travel , yard his well deserved Heavenly
Maryland, Washington, D.C, ship positions within the VA and Maya and Eli Kilpatrick. work, reading and cheer- reward with a new body in
and Cocoa, Florida finally Toastmasters club and she Lee was the last surviving ing on his favorite Houston Christ. Memorial Service ton, Tx 77005. Service will be
settling in Houston, Texas in was a dedicated member of sibling of eight born and Astros. Friday, April 2 at 10:00 a.m., livestreamed at https://youtu.
1965. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. raised in Philadelphia, Penna. Kids and their friends were West University Baptist be/YRpVCsKUL-U. Please
Olivia started her career as Olivia was a devoted and Lee grew up in the Italian always a part of the family Church, 6218 Auden, Hous- wear Maroon and masks
an educator teaching English loving mother. She is survived neighborhood of South Philly activity from early morn-
at Lincoln High School, by three children: Jewel and always declared himself ing rides to swim practice,
Dallas, Texas, Altus High Hervey, Marcus Hervey, and part Italian. After graduating to baseball and basketball
School, Altus, Oklahoma and Patrick Hervey, two daugh- high school, Lee entered St. games to Friday night rides
Phillis Wheatley High School, ters-in-law, Tracie Shelton Charles Seminary and charted with a group of his daughter’s TIMOTHY WESTBY
Houston, Texas. Her federal Hervey and Carolyn Hurst his course to include studies giggling girlfriends playing 1964-2020
government career began at Hervey, five grandchildren, in Philosophy, Theology, “red light” and stopping for Tim Westby, a beloved
the General Services Admin- Mckenzie, William, Theodore, Church History, Latin, Greek, ice cream. He wore them out husband and father, passed
istration (GSA) in Baltimore, Lauren and Landon; five German and Italian. Lee and watched over them with away after a fifteen year battle
Maryland and later Wash- brothers, Brucy Gray, Edward loved his work with the choir a father’s heart. Lee was never with stage IV renal cell cancer
ington, DC. She also worked Gray, Maceo Gray, James and its director, Monsignor at a loss to tell a story that on April 2nd, 2020.
at Patrick Air Force Base, Gray and Everette Gray; one De la Pica. He was ordained usually had a lesson if you Tim is survived by his his
Brevard County, Florida. sister, Mary Gray Batts, and in 1955 and went on to serve were tuned in. parents; his wife, Christine,
Olivia worked at the De- a host of nieces, nephews and in the Allentown diocese as The family wants to thank his children, Ashley, Isaac,
partment of Veterans Affairs relatives. assistant, choir coordinator friends ,neighbors and Alex and Abby Westby; and
Regional Office advancing to In lieu of flowers, the family at several parishes and then extended family who always his sister, Jill Iverson and his
her position as an Assistant prefers donations to be made as pastor in Pine Grove and engaged in life with Lee and nephew, Devon Iverson.
Director. She retired in 1999. to Olivia Gray Hervey’s En- his final assignment, Jim left him with a smile and a Tim was born in Kenmere,
Her retirement years were dowment Scholarship Fund at Thorpe. With hope in his glint in his eye. North Dakota on February
filled with travel throughout Prairie View A&M University, heart, he then went on to The funeral Mass will be 6th, 1964 to Coleen Olaf and
the United States, Canada, Office of Development, PO create not just a parish family, held at St. Marys Catholic Marlow Westby. He gradu-
Church in La Porte, Texas on He retired in the post of Di-
Mexico, Europe, Asia, Box 393, Prairie View, Texas but a family of his own with ated from the University of
Wednesday, April 7 at 2 p.m. rector of Global Engineering
Australia, and the Caribbean. 77446. children who could call him North Dakota with a degree
Family will be in church for Services but would have loved
father. After marrying, Lee in Chemical Engineering,
greeting at 1 p.m. In view of to work until his last day.
BILLIE ANN STEGENT and Blanche moved to Texas and eventually moved down
covid, no formal reception While it is with great sad-
where Lee began his career to Texas. He never stopped
1939-2020 will follow the Mass . Masking ness we say a final goodbye to
in sales in the petro-chemical loving his home state and
Billie Ann Stegent 81, and safe spacing are required Tim, he was a man of infinite
field. He worked for Electro- credited his work ethic and
passed away on December in church faith and truly believed he
Chemical, I.W Industries never say die spirit to being a
28, 2020 in Houston, Texas. For those wanting to was going home. It wasn’t
and Sentry Polymers. He met ‘farm boy’.
She was born in Chappel Hill remember Lee with charity, himself he feared for, only
clients by day and renewed In Texas, Tim met Christine those who he would be leav-
Texas on September 15, 1939 his chemistry study in the donations may be made to St. Arnecke, who he would go
to parents: Albina Pawlowski Vincent DePaul society at St. ing behind. It was this well
evening as to become profi- on to marry in December of
and Theodore Stegent. Marys or to St. Jude’s Chil- of belief he drew on in weak
cient in recommendations 1990. Together they shared
Billie graduated from dren’s Hospital. And on an moments, and what he truly
for coatings, linings, flooring, 30 years of love and devo-
Houston Vocational Tech individual note, make a call believed extended his life far
etc. Travel was a large part of tion, and the difficult, but
High School and attended to an old friend you haven’t beyond expectations.
the job and he and Blanche rewarding task of raising four
Houston Community College touched base with in awhile. The family would like to
mapped the roads together children.
and North Harris County their sons Blake and Daniel; Funeral arrangements are thank the many doctors at
and continued in that vein Shortly before meeting
College. She worked for the her niece Krisen Ashworth entrusted to Clayton Funeral MD Anderson who helped
until their second child was Christine, Tim began his
Maritime Assoc. ILA Pension and her husband Monroe and Home in La Porte. Tim throughout his cancer
born. Lee went through the career at LyondellBassell. He
and Welfare Fund for 30 their sons, Quint and Wells; journey. We feel certain that
worked in many capacities, Dr. Tannir and Zita extended
years. She retired as their stepson Ken Kuehn and his
wife Debra and their children,
MICHAEL TOM THOMAS his most treasured being his life, and we are forever
Claims manager in January of Plant Manager in La Porte.
1994. After retiring she spent Alicia Austin, Eric Austin and 1952-2021 grateful.
much of her time at the bay wife Kristy and their daugh- Michael Tom Thomas
house in Bastrop Bayou with ters, Kailyn and Mikella, and August 18, 1952 ~ March 25,
her companion Sonny, fish- Parker Kuehn; stepdaughter 2021
ing, and entertaining friends Chere Caram and husband Mr. Thomas peacefully
and family. She enjoyed time Joe and their children, Kath- entered the Gates of Heaven
spent with family during leen and Joshua. on Thursday, March 25, 2021.
any special occasion and all The family of Billie Ann He is survived by his wife of
holidays. Stegent wish to express our 48 years, children, grand-
Billie is preceded in death appreciation and gratitude children, siblings, family, and
by her father, Theodore to the staff at The Addington friends.
Stegent; her mother, Albina Place of Clear Lake and His life will be celebrated at
Stegent; her brother, Daniel Divinity Hospice for their a Wake Service, Friday April COVID protocols will be
Stegent; her sister, Jo Ann exceptional care and compas- 2, 2021 from 6:00-9:00 pm enforced. Masks are required.
Baebel; brother-in-law sion for her during her last followed by a grand salute www.frazier-mitchell.com
Arthur Babel; her longtime days. honoring his Life, Love, &
companion, K.W. (Sonny) A graveside memorial ser- Legacy at 11:00 am on Satur-
Kuehn and his son Mark vice will be held on Monday day, April 3, 2021.
Kuehn. She is survived by her April 5, 2021 at 9:30 AM at Services will be held at
sister-in-law, Theresa Ste- St. Joseph Cemetery 8022 Spirit of Life Ministries 485
gent; her niece Dana Johnson Airline Drive Houston, Texas Maxey Rd. Houston, Texas
and her husband Brad and 77037. 77013.
B8 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH



69 70 73 76 82 83 82 the east at 8-16 knots today.
46 54 56 62 66 68 62 Seas 2 feet or less. Visibility
generally unrestricted. Tonight:
Sunshine mixing with Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy, a Pleasant with clouds Breezy with periods A t-storm possible in Partly sunny, a t-storm 7-14 knots. Seas 2 feet or less.
some clouds shower possible and sun of sun the afternoon possible Clear to partly cloudy.
OUT 20 TO 50 MILES: Wind
OUTLOOK Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Today Sat.
from the east at 8-16 knots
TODAY: Sunshine mixing with 110s Vancouver Calgary Saskatoon Africa
Cairo 70/50/pc 75/57/s today. Seas 2 feet or less.
some clouds. High 66 to 71. 100s Regina Visibility generally unrestricted.
Winds east-southeast 7-14 Seattle Cape Town 71/55/pc 78/59/s
90s Winnipeg Casablanca 70/55/pc 68/53/pc Tonight: Wind from the
mph. TONIGHT: Clear to partly Thunder Bay
Dakar 77/66/s 77/66/s east-southeast at 7-14 knots.
cloudy. Low 44 to 49. Winds Johannesburg 78/59/s 79/54/s Seas 2 feet or less. Rather
70s Portland Ottawa
southeast 4-8 mph. Lagos 92/78/pc 91/78/pc cloudy.
Minneapolis Toronto Asia/Pacific
50s Boston Beijing 64/53/c 62/39/c
40s Detroit Ho Chi Minh City 95/79/sh 92/80/t
AIR QUALITY 30s New York Hong Kong 84/75/pc 84/74/s
Salt Lake City Islamabad 82/54/s 85/60/s
Today’s forecast for the entire Chicago
20s Jakarta 90/76/t 86/77/sh
metro area by the TCEQ: San Francisco Washington
10s Denver Karachi 104/74/s 105/75/s GALVESTON TIDES
Kuala Lumpur 94/77/t 92/78/t Highs Feet Lows Feet
Manila 95/76/s 95/78/s
-0s New Delhi 91/62/pc 93/64/pc 10:57 a.m. 1.6 2:07 a.m. -0.2
Ozone watch -10s Los Angeles Seoul 74/57/c 62/48/r --- --- --- ---
Phoenix Little Rock Shanghai 71/60/r 71/51/c
Good Unhealthy Atlanta Singapore 91/78/t 89/77/t
Sydney 76/61/s 78/64/s
Moderate Very unhealthy Rain Dallas
Unhealthy Hazardous Showers
El Paso Taipei 87/72/pc 83/71/pc BAYOUS
Tokyo 66/54/pc 67/58/pc Flood Latest 24-hr.
for sensitive Snow Houston Canada Location stage stage chg.
groups New Orleans Calgary 54/30/pc 55/35/pc
Flurries Hermosillo
Chihuahua Edmonton 47/25/c 49/31/c Brays Bayou South Main 54 16.71 -0.02
Ice Brazos River Bryan 43 7.72 -0.26
POLLEN AND MOLD Jet stream Monterrey
Miami Montreal
48/36/c Hempstead 50 10.86 -0.05
Yesterday’s readings by the Vancouver 50/39/c 49/41/r Richmond 48 9.69 -0.10
Houston Health Department: Havana Winnipeg 58/26/c 55/30/pc Buffalo Bayou Piney Point 50 28.20 +0.05
Countpercubicmeterofair Europe Shepherd Dr. 23 1.75 -0.47
Cancún Amsterdam 50/39/pc 49/38/pc
Tree pollen Heavy 803
Guadalajara Athens 66/53/s 68/56/s
Clear Creek Friendswood 12 1.96 +0.33
Weed pollen None 0 Anchorage Berlin 55/37/s 49/29/pc Colorado R. Austin 29 10.98 +0.02
Mexico City
Grass pollen None 0 Veracruz Copenhagen 49/36/pc 47/33/s Bastrop 25 2.38 -0.03
Mold spores Medium 10740 Villahermosa Forecasts and
Dublin 50/36/s 52/37/pc La Grange 32 2.47 -0.07
Honolulu Acapulco Belmopan Frankfurt 60/40/s 55/33/pc Columbus 34 9.58 -0.11
graphics provided by Geneva 71/44/pc 56/36/s
Low Heavy Cold Warm Stationary
AccuWeather, Inc. Istanbul 56/49/pc 62/53/pc Wharton 39 8.25 +0.09
front front front
Medium Extremely heavy ©2021 London 53/40/pc 51/35/pc Bay City 44 3.08 -0.68
Madrid 65/45/t 71/41/t Greens Bayou Eastex Fwy. 61 39.09 +0.13
Note: No measurements on weekends; Moscow 45/29/sn 46/31/pc
charts in Sunday and Monday papers reflect
Guadalupe R. Hunt 12 7.67 -0.08
forecast ratings from the previous Friday. FOR THE RECORD TEXAS NATIONAL cont. Paris
Comfort 26 3.40 -0.07
George Bush Intercontinental Today Sat. Today Sat. Rome 66/47/pc 65/46/pc Spring Branch 36 2.12 -0.03
Airport through 3 p.m. yest. Abilene 69/51/pc 68/54/c Cleveland 40/29/s 58/45/pc Stockholm 46/30/pc 45/33/pc New Braunfels 13 9.60 +0.01
COMFORT INDEX Amarillo 68/44/pc 75/48/s Columbus 46/26/s 59/43/pc Vienna 61/42/sh 50/35/pc Gonzales 31 11.60 -0.11
The comfort index takes into
Temperature Degrees F Austin 72/49/pc 69/53/c Denver 73/41/s 75/46/pc Warsaw 52/36/s 47/31/sh Cuero 20 7.88 -0.06
account how the weather will High 71 Beaumont 65/46/s 68/55/c Des Moines 63/45/s 71/45/s Zurich 66/36/sh 52/31/s
Low 45 Brownsville 73/60/pc 76/65/c Detroit 48/30/s 60/41/pc Victoria 21 5.75 +0.77
feel based on a combination of Latin America
Bryan/College St. 70/49/pc 70/55/c Duluth 52/36/pc 61/39/s Dupont 20 8.40 -0.89
factors. A rating of 10 feels very Normal high 77 Bogota 65/51/t 62/50/t
comfortable while a rating of 0
Corpus Christi 71/60/c 75/64/c Fairbanks 14/14/c 33/29/sn Buenos Aires 73/66/s 74/66/s Little River Little River 30 1.45 +0.06
Normal low 56 Dallas/Ft. Worth 69/51/s 68/56/pc Great Falls 67/40/s 68/40/c Cameron 30 1.46 -0.15
feels very uncomfortable. Caracas 85/73/t 86/72/sh
Record high 89 in 1939 El Paso 85/55/s 84/55/pc Hartford 42/27/pc 53/33/s Havana 75/67/sh 77/63/s Navasota R. Easterly 19 4.16 +0.03
Today Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Record low 38 in 2019 Galveston 65/58/s 70/64/c Honolulu 82/69/pc 82/69/pc Kingston 86/76/pc 85/77/t
Kingsville 72/59/c 74/63/c Indianapolis 49/32/s 62/43/s Neches River Evadale 19 9.70 +0.45
10 8 10 10 10 9 Precipitation Inches Lima 74/65/s 74/68/pc
Pine Island B. Sour Lake 25 12.27 -0.04
Laredo 76/59/c 76/62/c Jackson, MS 61/35/s 67/43/pc Rio de Janeiro 83/72/pc 83/73/pc
24 hours through 3 p.m. yest. Trace Longview 65/41/s 66/49/pc Juneau 40/25/c 40/30/pc San Juan 83/74/sh 85/74/s Sabine River Bon Wier 30 15.26 -3.24
UV TODAY Month to date 0.00 Lubbock 68/44/s 71/49/pc Kansas City 67/47/s 72/51/s San Salvador 91/69/pc 89/67/s Deweyville 24 22.64 -0.76
McAllen 73/59/c 76/64/c Las Vegas 87/63/pc 91/62/pc
Values indicate the exposure to Normal month to date 0.10 Midland/Odessa 70/50/pc 68/52/c Little Rock 59/37/s 65/45/s
Santiago 77/50/pc 83/52/s Orange 4 0.44 -1.54
the sun’s Ultraviolet rays. Sao Paulo 73/61/pc 76/62/pc Burkeville 43 12.47 -0.57
Year to date 5.55 San Angelo 72/52/pc 67/54/c Los Angeles 79/55/s 76/54/pc St. Thomas 86/76/sh 85/76/s
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. Normal year to date 10.09 San Antonio 72/52/pc 71/57/c Memphis 57/37/s 65/46/s San Bernard R. E. Bernard 17 6.79 -0.05
Texarkana 65/46/s 69/53/pc Miami 76/63/pc 73/65/c Mexico E. San. Jac. R. Cleveland 19 4.65 +0.01
1 4 8 8 4 1 Other readings Acapulco 94/72/s 90/73/s
Victoria 72/53/pc 72/60/c Milwaukee 50/40/s 64/43/s W. San. Jac. R. Conroe 116 94.05 -0.02
Waco 70/47/s 67/54/c Minneapolis 59/41/s 68/47/s Cancun 77/73/t 80/73/sh
0-2, Low 8-10, Very high Top wind speed 18 mph Guadalajara 85/56/s 87/56/pc San Jacinto R. Sheldon 10 1.35 -0.63
Nashville 54/30/s 65/39/s
3-5, Moderate 11+, Extreme High barometer 30.52 in. Guanajuato 76/43/s 79/44/t Sims Bayou Telephone Rd. 30 1.80 -0.24
Low barometer 30.40 in. NATIONAL New Orleans
New York City
54/42/s Mazatlan 82/57/pc 81/55/s Trinity River Goodrich 36 13.66 +1.96
6-7, High Today Sat. Merida 79/66/pc 84/65/pc
High dewpoint 37° Oklahoma City 67/47/pc 70/51/s
Mexico City 69/47/s 76/47/pc Liberty 26 14.04 +0.52
Low dewpoint 29° Albany, NY 38/23/c 50/32/s Orlando 65/48/s 70/51/pc
Puerto Vallarta 86/64/c 84/63/s Village Creek Kountze 20 4.26 -0.10
SUN AND MOON Average dewpoint 32°
Albuquerque 73/48/s 77/51/s Philadelphia 45/30/pc 54/41/s
Tampico 73/66/c 77/69/pc White Oak B. Heights Blvd. 48 8.14 +0.07
Anchorage 25/17/pc 33/31/c Phoenix 92/65/s 96/66/s
Last New First Full Veracruz 79/70/t 80/69/pc
quarter moon quarter moon High humidity 65% Atlanta 57/35/s 64/40/s Pittsburgh 41/23/s 53/41/pc
Low humidity 20% Baltimore 47/29/pc 56/40/s Portland, OR 62/42/pc 65/46/c Middle East TEXAS LAKES
Billings 72/44/s 75/45/pc Sacramento 81/45/pc 73/45/pc Baghdad 84/56/pc 72/52/pc
Birmingham 58/32/s 65/39/s St. Louis 57/39/s 70/50/s Beirut 60/56/sh 65/53/sh Full Latest Release
Boise 75/48/pc 76/51/pc Salt Lake City 74/48/s 78/55/s Dubai 92/75/s 94/75/s pool level cfs
Apr 4 Apr 11 Apr 20 Apr 26 KEY TO CONDITIONS Boston 43/29/pc 49/34/s San Diego 71/54/s 71/54/pc Jerusalem 53/49/pc 57/44/pc Canyon Dam 909 902.96 83
s-sunny r-rain Buffalo 40/25/pc 48/37/pc San Francisco 65/49/pc 61/51/c Kabul 65/37/s 69/45/s Conroe 201 201.01 0
Sunset tonight 7:41 p.m. pc-partly cloudy sf-snow flurries Charleston, SC 55/34/s 62/38/s Santa Fe 73/41/pc 75/43/s Mecca 92/64/s 95/66/s
Sunrise Saturday 7:08 a.m. c-cloudy sn-snow Charlotte 54/30/s 60/36/s Seattle 55/41/c 57/43/c Riyadh 101/74/s 90/64/pc Houston 41.73 42.22 N.A.
Moonrise today 12:27 a.m. sh-showers i-ice Chicago 52/39/s 66/46/s Tucson 89/58/s 91/61/pc Tehran 74/56/pc 66/49/s Lake Travis 681 658.52 241
Moonset today 10:56 a.m. t-thunderstorms Cincinnati 49/29/s 61/42/s Washington, DC 48/33/s 57/42/s Tel Aviv 63/59/sh 66/53/pc Livingston 131 131.61 N.A.


Facing the music ASTROS 8, ATHLETICS 1

is part of season Opening day

thanks to COVID-19 re-
strictions, they didn’t have
win streak at 9
to face it. By Chandler Rome Deadline passes
Sounds were pumped STA F F W R I T E R
» Carlos Correa is likely
into ballparks as per nor-
headed for free agency. C7.
mal, but with cardboard OAKLAND, Calif. — Bat
cutouts replacing people met ball and the ballpark
in the seats, the Astros, had no chance to hold it.
like every other team, Noise quieted for only a itself and unleashed more
played much of the season Ezra Shaw / Getty Images moment in this rancorous abuse.
in relative silence. The Astros’ Yordan Alvarez reacts after hitting a environment, one the As- For the thousands who
When the Astros were That was a relief of two-run double in the sixth inning. tros will witness 80 more feel no amount of abuse or
introduced as a team at sorts, considering just times on their journey this reckoning is adequate,
RingCentral Coliseum in before 2020 spring train- season. Alex Bregman am- Thursday signaled just the
Oakland, Calif., on Thurs- ing, Major League Baseball
Astros update bled up the first-base line. beginning. A brutal road
Thursday: Astros 8, Athletics 1.
day, boos dominated the commissioner Rob He stared for two seconds lies ahead for the Astros,
night. Manfred released a damn- Record: 1-0. into the night. The base- spared from furious fans
The sweet sounds of ing report that found the Today: at Athletics, 8:40 p.m. ball he bludgeoned flew for more than a year after
baseball are back, baby. Astros guilty of an elec- Starting pitchers: Cristian Javier (0-0) vs. Jesus Luzardo 418 feet. Bregman began a their sign-stealing scandal
The Astros heard the tronic sign-stealing (0-0). deliberate jog around the surfaced. The Astros made
music last season, but Solomon continues on C7 TV/radio: ATTSW; 740 AM, 1010 AM (Spanish). bases. The crowd collected Astros continues on C7




Final Four run
brings to mind
legendary UH
teams of the ’60s culture
By Dale Robertson By Brent Zwerneman

Elvin Hayes looks back in Baylor’s first 18 days in the

neither sadness nor anger. NCAA Tournament bubble in
His University of Houston Indianapolis mirrored coach
Cougars of the late 1960s Scott Drew’s first 18 years in
didn’t need championship Waco.
rings to prove their merit, “Scott has done such a
their historic greatness. After great job of allowing staff and
all, who’s to say they weren’t our young men to enjoy the
the second best college bas- moment,” Baylor athletic di-
ketball team of all time? rector Mack Rhoades said
Because the only team to Thursday. “He’s done an ex-
defeat them in games that ceptional job of balancing the
truly mattered over Hayes’ fi- time to have fun and the time
nal two seasons was UCLA, to lock in and focus. It hasn’t
led on the court by Lew Alcin- been just a grind every mo-
dor and coached by John ment and every day for the
Wooden. Those Bruins, of players. There’s been time for
course, were arguably the joy.
best team ever, winning 88 of “That’s part of the culture
90 games during the Alcin- that Scott has built at Baylor:
dor era. Where, Hayes asks, There’s going to be joy within
is the shame in losing to such the program.”
an outfit? The joy has arrived in
“I’m proud we got to play waves for the Bears and their
them twice in a row (in con- fans this season, with Baylor
secutive national semifinal (26-2), a No. 1 seed, preparing
games),” he said. “But we had to take on Houston (27-3), a
some injuries (most signifi- No. 2 seed, at 4:14 p.m. Satur-
cantly in the 1968 rematch). day in the Final Four.
We were missing people, Eighteen years ago, in the
people we needed, so we aftermath of a murder and
came up a little short.” scandal that shook college
And, Hayes is quick to add, basketball, the joy Baylor is ex-
hadn’t the Cougars beaten periencing as a Final Four par-
the Bruins in what was, with- ticipant for the first time since
out any doubt, the most im- 1950 seemed unimaginable.
portant college basketball Then the unflappable Drew,
game ever? Right, “The 32 at the time, strolled into the
Game of Century” in the As- Staff file photo Ferrell Center.
trodome on Jan. 20, 1968. Elvin Hayes says he wouldn’t trade his team’s win in the “Game of the Century” in “I prayed about it. I felt led
UH’s 71-69 victory, account- 1968 over UCLA for an NCAA title. Houston lost to UCLA in consecutive Final Fours. to come here,” Drew recalled.
ing for Wooden’s only defeat “I really believed in the vision
from mid-February 1966 until of the school, from the presi-
early March 1969, was played dent and the administrators
before a crowd of 52,693 in NANTZ’S MOMENT NO SIBLING RIVALRY AURIEMMA ‘REBORN’ during that time, and what
the first nationally televised » UH alum pledges to call » NFL quarterback Russell » Arkansas loss refocused they wanted Baylor to … be-
prime-time basketball game, Saturday’s game down the Wilson cheers sister Anna Huskies to earn 13th straight come. I wanted to be a part of
UH continues on C3 middle. Page C2 and Stanford . Page C4 Final Four trip . Page C4 Baylor continues on C2


Beard takes over for Longhorns

After rejuvenating Texas Tech, coach returns the opening since Shaka Smart ac-
cepted a job to become Mar-
to his alma mater after Smart’s departure quette’s coach on March 26. And
while Beard earned his bachelor’s
By Nick Moyle to Hearst Newspapers. degree from Texas in 1995 and
STA F F WRIT E R By 5 p.m., Beard already had worked as a student assistant for
deplaned in Austin, accompanied coach Tom Penders, skepticism
AUSTIN — Texas Tech fans by Texas athletic director Chris endured over whether he’d will-
wanted desperately for Thursday Del Conte, whose successful pur- ingly cast aside the once-mori-
morning’s news about Chris suit somehow was both stunning bund program he transformed in-
Beard to be a cruel April Fool’s and expected. to a Big 12 power.
Day prank. “I’m thrilled and excited to be Turned out Del Conte just had
But after Stadium’s Jeff Good- coming back to Austin and back to to wait for the right day.
man broke the story on Texas the Longhorn family,” Beard said On April 1, Beard’s contract
poaching Beard, more reports in a statement. “I can’t express buyout for accepting a position
surfaced confirming the develop- how excited I am for this opportu- with another Big 12 or in-state Di-
ment. Shortly after the initial nity and the journey that lies vision I school dropped from $5 Michael Conroy / Associated Press
break, a source within the athletic ahead.” million to $4 million. It’s still a sig- Chris Beard led Texas Tech to three NCAA Tournament
department confirmed the hiring Beard, 48, had been linked to Beard continues on C3 appearances, including the championship game in 2019.
C2 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH


A shining moment for Nantz

UH alumnus has ties to program, but CBS broadcaster promises to also give Baylor its due
By David Barron FINAL FOUR

Jim Nantz was at a reception

celebrating the 2014 debut of the
University of Houston’s football
stadium — specifically, the stadi-
um press box named in honor of HOUSTON (28-3)
his mother, Doris Nantz — when VS. BAYLOR (26-2)
he was approached by Kelvin When: 4:14 p.m. Saturday.
Sampson, the Cougars’ new bas- Where: Lucas Oil Stadium.
ketball coach. TV: CBS.
Nantz had known Sampson
from his years calling the NCAA
Tournament, but this was a con-
versation unlike any other. It fea-
tured a bold promise that, seven GONZAGA (30-0)
years later, is on the verge of be- VS. UCLA (21-9)
coming reality. When: 7:34 p.m. Saturday.
“Kelvin said, ‘Jim, I’m fully Where: Lucas Oil Stadium.
aware of how much you love this TV: CBS.
basketball program and how it’s
been a part of your life and all CHAMPIONSHIP
you’ve done for the program. I AT INDIANAPOLIS
know it’s important to you,’ ” When: 8 p.m. April 5
Nantz said. Where: Lucas Oil Stadium.
He said Sampson continued, “I TV: CBS.
want to tell you something. I
promise you that I am going to
take this program back to the Fi-
nal Four, and we are going to win a Eric Christian Smith / Contributor and continued after he left the golf
championship.” CBS Sports broadcaster and UH alum Jim Nantz, calling a Houston game last year against team through graduation in 1981.
And now it’s 2021, and Nantz Memphis, will be behind the mic for Saturday’s Final Four game between the Cougars and Baylor. In 1983, while working in Salt
will be courtside with Grant Hill Lake City, he rode with the Cou-
and Bill Raftery when CBS airs the Brooks returning to Lamar as its coach of the stadium and sat down as Or- gars to The Pit in Albuquerque for
NCAA Tournament semifinal egon State hit a 3-pointer to tie the the fateful game with North Caro-
INDIANAPOLIS – University of Houston assistant coach Alvin
game Saturday in Indianapolis be- game. lina State, sat near the CBS booth
Brooks has been named the new head coach at Lamar, the school
tween the Houston Cougars and announced Thursday.
“I started having flashbacks,” and watched Brent Musburger re-
Baylor Bears, with the winner Brooks returns to his alma mater, where he was a two-year starter he said, “It was like, ‘Are you kid- hearse the pregame show and
moving on to Monday night’s at point guard from 1979-81 and part of the Cardinals’ Sweet 16 team. ding me?’ We’ve had enough then rode back with the team in si-
championship game. “I am excited to be coming home to my alma mater, Lamar Univer- heartbreaks with the (1979) Cot- lence after the Cougars lost in a
“Kelvin has lived up to his sity!” Brooks said in a statement. “The Beaumont and Golden Triangle ton Bowl against Notre Dame or memorable upset.
promise,” Nantz said. “He gave communities have always held a special place in my heart, and I am the national championship game He represented Lewis when
me his word. He had such an in- looking forward to reconnecting. The timing could not be better.” against North Carolina State. the longtime coach was selected
tense look when he said. ‘We are Brooks is in his 11th season as an assistant at Houston, including the “Thankfully, for we Houston for induction into the Naismith
going to take this program back to last seven on coach Kelvin Sampson’s staff. He has been associated faithful, the game turned around. National Basketball Hall of Fame
the Final Four.’ And here we are.” with UH for 23 years, including as head coach from 1993-98. I took a video of the team celebrat- in 2013, and he collaborated with
The use of the word “we,” by Joseph Duarte ing and then hightailed it back. former suitemates Blaine McAlis-
the way, is all inclusive. Nantz They were looking for me, but I ter and Fred Couples to fund UH’s
pledges that old school ties will made it back on time, we did the first endowed basketball scholar-
not play a role in Saturday’s tele- game, and I was riding high.” ship.
cast. game in the Tournament this year “Scott Drew’s rebuild at Baylor After working the Baylor-Ar- This year, the Three Amigos
Even though Nantz’s connec- but had Baylor’s game against Ar- may be the greatest ever in college kansas game, Nantz flew Tuesday scholarship is held by Marcus
tion to UH basketball dates to his kansas on Monday night and was basketball,” Nantz said. “I know morning to Houston, where he Sasser, who will be a key element
days as a student, working as the amazed by the fast pace of the that sounds like a lot, but Baylor joined family members in cele- in UH’s drive for a long-awaited
public address announcer at Hof- Bears’ offense. had no program when he took brating his mother’s 90th birth- national title.
heinz Pavilion and hosting coach “It was shocking to see the over. Now they’ve been one of the day. He was off to Indianapolis on If it happens for UH, you’ll hear
Guy V. Lewis’ weekly television movement on the floor, the quick- most consistent for quite a while. Thursday and will be holed up in about it first from Nantz. But if it
show from 1979 through 1981, he ness. They’re a blur,” he said. “Ev- I’m blown away with how they his hotel room until he’s cleared doesn’t, he’s proud of the Cou-
said he will offer equal praise and erything moves, and it’s so coor- play in sync.” to be courtside Saturday. gars’ accomplishments this sea-
attention to the Bears and Cou- dinated. It’s amazing to watch. While Nantz has not called any Of course, Nantz is hardly the son.
gars on Saturday. They’re so good. of UH’s Tournament games, he only broadcaster who has had an “The University of Houston is
“I know how to call a game “And then you’ve got Houston was on hand Monday night for the off-air rooting interest over the going to take on a great basketball
down the middle,” he said. “I have with its stifling defense and ability first half of the Cougars’ regional years in NCAA Tournament ac- program in Baylor,” he said. “Who
tremendous respect for (Baylor to dictate these ballgames be- final against Oregon State before tion. The business is lousy with knows who is going to win. Any-
coach) Scott Drew, the Baylor cause they are able to take teams walking to the other end of Lucas Syracuse graduates who annually one who is there has a chance.
people and their athletic director out of their game. Can they do Oil Stadium to prepare for the follow the progress of the Orange “But this has been a massive
(former Houston AD Mack that with Baylor and show down Baylor-Arkansas game. under coach Jim Boeheim, and achievement, whatever happens.
Rhoades). that quickness and speed and effi- “As we were going through the other schools have their adher- Anyone who walks away feeling as
“The Baylor nation has nothing ciency?” graphics, I glanced at a monitor ents mikeside as well. if it’s anything less doesn’t under-
to fear. (Raftery) or Grant may While styles of play differ, Bay- and saw that the (UH) game was Nantz, though, will stack up his stand how far (UH) has come and
make an allusion to UH being my lor and Houston have enjoyed getting tight,” Nantz said. undergraduate ties to the Cougars what it has taken to get there.
alma mater, but I have nothing but similar revivals under Drew and “I asked our producer, Mark to those of any of his counterparts “Whatever happens, I’ll be tru-
respect for Baylor. They will get Sampson, both of whom have re- Wolf, when he needed me next, from other schools. He began ly happy for whichever team wins
equal love.” built programs that were far from and he said I had 20 minutes.” working with the Cougars basket- to represent the state of Texas on
Nantz has yet to call a Houston Final Four material. Nantz hurried to the other side ball team while playing golf for UH Monday night.”

BAYLOR bation and a big-time cut in schol-

from nothing. People need to talk
about that. He’s spent a lot of
From page C1 “You think about where this time, dedication, hard work,
program was when he took it blood, sweat and tears building
that.” over,” said Rhoades, who arrived this program.”
He did give the situation fur- at Baylor from the same AD role Leading to this weekend’s Fi-
ther review. Following a lone and at Missouri in 2016. “The scandal nal Four, one national writer
quite successful 20-11 season at has been well-documented, and dubbed Drew a “little bit of a
Valparaiso in his home state of In- it’s got to be one of the most — if corny guy at times” in a question
diana in 2002-03, Drew scanned not the most — prolific rebuilds in to Teague, prompting a grin from
the Baylor roster he inherited all of college sports. Not just bas- the guard and then a defense of
from the deposed and denigrated ketball, but in all of college his coach who seems straight out
Dave Bliss. sports.” of Mayberry, the mythical town
“Once you found out that most Baylor did not play a noncon- of the old Andy Griffith Show.
of your team were walk-ons and ference game — which programs “He connects with us because
most of them weren’t over 6- use to tune up for league action — he cares about us,” Teague said of
foot-2, then you realized it might in 2005-06 under NCAA penalty the married father of three.
be tougher than you originally and went 4-13, all against Big 12 “When I first got here, honestly, I
thought,” Drew said with a slight foes. Two years later, the Bears was unsure of the guy. When you
smile. “But the goal was always to finished 21-11 and lost in the first get recruited, coaches kind of
build a program that could con- round of the NCAA Tournament switch (approaches) when you
sistently compete and have an to Purdue — a big-picture victory get to a school. They show you all
opportunity to play in March.” for an imminently patient Drew. the good stuff (in recruiting), and
In June 2003, two months be- “This team has accomplished then when you get to school,
fore an unnerved Baylor turned a tremendous amount this year,” they’re not really catering to you
to Drew for an unprecedented re- Drew said following the loss in as much.
build, Bears forward Patrick Den- the 2008 opening round. “It’s “As time went on, I understood
nehy was shot in the head by something they can be proud of that coach Drew truly cares
teammate Carlton Dotson in a the rest of their lives.” about his players. … He tries to
field about four miles from cam- Since that time Drew, 50, has get to know his players and tries
pus, following what Dotson later directed Baylor to unparalleled to keep that connection. … He
described as an argument be- success. The Bears made the Elite builds trust, and not just for bas-
tween the two. It was one of the Eights in 2010, 2012 and this year ketball.”
few documented instances of and are in their first Final Four in Teague recounted witnessing
one teammate killing another in 71 years. With two more victories, Andy Lyons / Getty Images Drew send a player from more
any sport. Baylor will own its first national Scott Drew took over a scandal-wracked Baylor team in 2003 than a decade ago, Matt Sayman,
Dotson is currently serving a title in men’s basketball. How has and has led the Bears to unprecedented success. a care package to let the former
35-year prison sentence. Bliss the former Butler University stu- Bear who was part of the early re-
was forced to resign for myriad dent manager done it? It starts about others before he thinks er seen in sports.” build know he was remembered
misdeeds relating to the murder, with an upbeat approach to tack- about himself. Drew’s relentless recruiting, by his appreciative coach.
including urging players to claim ling any issue, large or small. “He takes great joy in others’ including a willingness to add tal- “Coach Drew truly cares about
Dennehy was a drug dealer as the “He’s genuine and enthusias- success rather than his own. He’s ented transfers, has led to Bay- people and the program and try-
coach tried to cover up that he tic. Scott never has a bad day,” just a good dude.” lor’s perhaps possessing the top ing to put (us) in the best situa-
had helped pay for his tuition. Rhoades said. “If he ever does Jay Wright, who’s led Villanova trio of guards in basketball this tion possible,” Teague said.
Drew, son of revered former have a bad day, he is elite at cov- to two national titles and lost to season. “That’s the reason he connects
Valparaiso coach Homer Drew ering it up, because you never see Baylor in the Sweet 16 this season, “I’m really happy for coach with people — because we feel
and brother to former Rocket it. He’s one of the most selfless simply dubbed Drew a “great Drew. He’s been here 18 years,” that he cares about us.”
Bryce Drew, now head coach at people, not just selfless coaches, coach.” CBS analyst Seth Davis said one of those guards, MaCio
Grand Canyon, arrived to a stag- that I know. All the success he’s said Drew has engineered “one of Teague. “He has the biggest [email protected]
gered program hit by NCAA pro- had — and he’s always thinking the greatest building jobs I’ve ev- comeback story — to come back twitter.com/brentzwerneman
HH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | C3


UH last year Hayes beat bloody one

teammate who first badgered him
From page C1 and then made the mistake of
challenging The Big E.
pro or college. “Another player, Bob Hayward,
The sport would never be the a 6-foot-6, 225-pound veteran of
same. four years in the Navy, is said to
“That made us known around have put Elvin up against the wall
the world,” Hayes said. “Every- in practice one day, threatening to
body knew about UH basketball punch him out. ‘That was no
after that. It made college basket- fight,’ says Howie Lorch with dis-
ball a marketable sport and gust. ‘We have those kind several
brought a lot of people into the times a week. I don’t consider it a
Houston family. I wouldn’t trade fight until a man is cut or until I
that win, even the national cham- see blood. And I’ve seen plenty of
pionship.” that around here. Coach doesn’t
Nonetheless, Hayes admits mind it. ‘Wipe it off. Let’s go,’ he
having some jewelry to show off says.”
today would be nice. And now, The Cougars were 9-1 when the
the way he sees it, Kelvin Samp- story appeared. Citing UH’s errat-
son’s 2021 Cougars, playing in a ic shooting — Lewis: “It’s our of-
national semifinal of their own fense that worries me” — and its
Saturday against another team of frenetic but sometimes flawed
formidable bruins — Baylor’s zone-trapping defensive scheme,
Bears — have positioned them- Kirkpatrick suggested that one
selves to offer a satisfying mea- defeat (86-75 at Michigan despite
sure of atonement, to finish what the Cougars taking 100 shots and
he and Guy V., and later the Phi grabbing 80 rebounds) should,
Slama Jama fraternity, started so but won’t be, the only one they
many seasons ago. will lose, “a forecourt on the high
“These kids can put rings on Associated Press file photo side of 700 pounds notwithstand-
the fingers of everybody who was Guy V. Lewis is carried off the court at the Astrodome after his team’s 71-69 win over UCLA in ing.”
ever a Cougar,” Hayes said. “They 1968. Lewis led UH to five Final Fours, including three straight from 1982-84. He was right. Two defeats fol-
can do what we didn’t. They’re lowed in the next three games.
building something special out But then the Cougars reeled off
there, like we did, and they’re nine W’s in a row before their 73-
bringing some happiness to Hous- 58 semifinal loss to UCLA, a game
ton. Man, we need it.” in which they hit only 26 of 75
Do we ever. No need to bring shots. They wouldn’t lose again,
the reeling Rockets or the tattered going 32-0 until they again faced
Texans into this happy conversa- off against the Bruins in the na-
tion, and the Astros are still tional semis the next year. Had
months away being able to put the NCAA used seedings for the
lasting smiles back on our faces. pairings rather than geography in
The 28-3 Cougars, however, are those days — No. 1-ranked UH had
on the clock. Hayes can relate to won the Midwest Regional, No. 2-
that. His Cougars, 58-6 over his fi- ranked UCLA the West Regional —
nal two seasons, were easily the they likely would have played for
best show in town, too, during the the title.
late 1960s. In what became a revenge-driv-
The 1967 Oilers lost the only en 101-69 UCLA rout, the Cougars
playoff game the franchise experi- outdid themselves in the brick de-
enced over a span of more than a partment, making only 22 of 78
decade by a 40-7 score. The na- shots. But as Hayes noted earlier,
scent Astros, having made their Staff file photo the Cougars didn’t have their ace
debut in 1962, would place no A crowd of more than 50,000 was in the Astrodome on Jan. 20, 1968. It was the first nationally sixth man, George Reynolds, and
higher than eighth in the 10-team televised game that put college basketball and UH on the map. a hobbled Theodis Lee stayed on
National League through their the court for only 21 minutes, go-
first seven seasons and, in 1968, sus high school All-American and er do to you, Elvin? All I’m trying headline “Elvin, Melvin and the ing 2-for-15 from the field.
remained more than a decade the player Guy Lewis had long tar- to do is help you.’ That changed Duck” (Hayes, Melvin “The Sav- Hayes, who had dropped 39
away from their first postseason geted to be the first Black Cougar. everything. After that conversa- age” Bell and Chaney, respective- points on the Bruins in the Astro-
appearance. The Rockets? They But Lattin graduated from Wor- tion, I was all in.” ly). Kirkpatrick portrayed Lewis’ dome victory, with Alcindor play-
were still in San Diego — fortunate- thing, not far from the UH cam- No, Lewis never claimed a team as a rollicking, brawling ing despite a severely scratched
ly, considering how bad they pus, a couple years too soon for championship. But only one of his bunch with rough edges but plen- cornea that had rendered him
were. (Yep, history repeats.) the university’s integration time- five Final Four losses was to a less- ty of fire in its belly and boundless half-blind, would be flummoxed
It’s worth noting how the cur- table — it had decided the football er team, North Carolina State in confidence. by a “triangle and two” defense
rent Cougars already settled one program would go first in 1964 — 1983. And the role he played in af- He quoted Hayes saying, devised by Wooden, who not for
score for the Big E when they took and Lattin rejected Lewis’ en- fecting social change in the South “(Wilt) Chamberlain, (Bill) Russell nothing was called “The Wizard
out Oregon State 67-61 Monday treaties to bide his time in a junior can’t be overstated. Hayes, now — I think I’m as good as any of of Westwood.” With Alcindor to
night, booking the school’s first college program. 75, entered the Basketball Hall of them. And I’ll always think so un- his rear and Lynn Shackleford
Final Four reservation since 1984. As a result, it would be Hayes Fame in 1990 immediately upon til they come down here, put on fronting him, Hayes managed just
Late in his sophomore season and the lanky 6-5 guard Don Cha- becoming eligible. But as the some shoes and show they can 10 shots and made only three, fin-
(1965-66), Hayes’ Cougars went ney, another NBA star-in-the-mak- years passed and Lewis kept be- whup me good.” ishing with10 points. All five of the
on a 12-1 tear that made them nom- ing and a future Rockets coach, ing snubbed by the Hall’s voters, The Big E, of course, backed up Bruins’ starters outscored him.
inal favorites in the West Region. who broke the Cougars’ color bar- the Big E began boycotting its his brash talk through the years, But again, the Big E long has
But the Beavers pulled off a 63-60 rier together. Interestingly, events. Guy V. wouldn’t finally get twice earning consensus first- since made his peace with how
upset in the semifinals, depriving though, Lewis declined to let his due until 2013, two years be- team All-America honors, then things played out for him and the
Hayes of what would have been them room together. Instead, he fore he died at 93. appearing in 12 NBA All-Star Cougars. He harbors no regrets.
the first of three consecutive Final had Chaney bunk with John Tra- “He was one of the greatest games and being named one of “There’s nothing but happi-
Four appearances — and a possi- cy, a little-used reserve. Hayes coaches I ever had the opportuni- the top 50 players ever as part of ness in my heart,” he said. “We
ble showdown against the eventu- moved in with Howie Lorch, the ty to play for,” Hayes said. “And he the NBA’s 50th Anniversary cele- gave ourselves two great opportu-
al national champions from Texas student manager. was a good man. He opened doors bration. He finally won a champi- nities. We had a really terrific bas-
Western College. Hayes admits transitioning for a lot of people. Coach Samp- onship, too, as a Washington Bul- ketball team.”
The Miners remain the lone from Rayville, a tiny, hardscrab- son is here because of people like let in 1978. So, he added, does Sampson.
Texas team to prevail since the ble town in northeastern Louisi- coach Lewis.” “Life is not all fun and games “I enjoy being around these
NCAA Tournament began in 1939, ana, to the big city wasn’t easy. That first Hayes team stayed with the strong and tough Cou- kids, watching how they’ve
and they were the only one be- Being uncomfortable in his new largely under the radar, going un- gars,” Kirkpatrick wrote, noting bought into what he’s teaching,”
sides UCLA to cut down the nets surroundings made him a down- ranked all season, but by the mid- how 10 of them stood at least 6-5. said Hayes, who stays connected
between 1964 and 1973. right unpleasant fellow at times. dle of his junior year the Cougars “Their practices are, in a word, by being part of the radio team.
What an intriguing matchup But during a much needed heart- had climbed to No. 3, good murderous — no place for faint “They’ve given themselves a great
that would have been, pitting to-heart early on with Lewis, he enough for Sports Illustrated to hearts. Stories about the work- opportunity. They deserve to be
Hayes against David Lattin, who recalled “Coach looking me in the feature them in a story by Curry outs are rapidly passing into exag- where they are, like we did. I’m
had been Houston’s first consen- eye and asking me, ‘What did I ev- Kirkpatrick that ran under the gerated legends, but it is true that proud of them.”

BEARD March 20, now one of the most

consequential days in program
Big 12 play and an 0-1 record in the
NCAA Tournament. During
From page C1 history. That flop in Indiana trig- Beard’s stint at Tech, the Red
gered a chain reaction, leading Raiders went 112-55 with a 49-40
nificant sum, but Texas was at Smart to Marquette and Beard to conference record and a 9-3
least spared from paying what the Longhorns. NCAA Tournament record. He al-
would have been a $7.1 million It’s unlikely any of that move- so went 8-5 against Smart’s Long-
buyout for Smart when he depart- ment occurs if the Longhorns had horns and won seven of the last
ed for Marquette following six ca- scored just two more points nine meetings.
pricious seasons on the Forty against the Wildcats and ad- As masterful as Beard is when it
Acres. vanced to the second round. But comes to exceeding expectations,
“He’s a highly regarded coach after six Marches without an he’s facing a difficult project at
and also a person who is so well NCAA Tournament victory, Smart Texas.
thought of in his profession and and Texas agreed it was time for Senior forward Royce Hamm Jr.
beyond, and in our talks with him an amicable and mutually benefi- and guard Donovan Williams are
and those who know him well, we cial split. transferring. Breakout sopho-
came away extremely im- From that point, the hiring pro- more Kai Jones declared for the
pressed,” Del Conte said of Beard cess hinged on Beard’s willing- NBA draft, and freshman Greg
in a statement. ness to leave Lubbock. Though Brown will soon do the same. Se-
Beard spent the past five sea- other candidates, like Brooklyn niors Matt Coleman, Jericho Sims
sons positioning Texas Tech Nets assistant and Texas hoops and Jase Febres are not expected
among the upper echelon of Big 12 alumnus Royal Ivey, interviewed Gregory Shamus / Getty Images to return. And 2021 four-star sig-
and Division I hoops. Under his for the job, Del Conte made little As Texas Tech’s coach, Chris Beard and the Red Raiders won nee Tamar Bates requested a re-
stewardship, the Red Raiders effort to conceal his desire for an- seven of the last nine games against Shaka Smart’s Texas team. lease from his letter of intent.
qualified for the NCAA Tourna- other splashy hire one year after But Texas wouldn’t have need-
ment in three out of four years — poaching women’s basketball and his track record at every appearances. Texas has not re- ed Beard if everything was in or-
the 2020 tournament was can- coach Vic Schaefer from Missis- place he’s been is extraordinary,” vealed contract specifics, but der. Del Conte believes the alum-
celed because of the COVID-19 sippi State and three months after Del Conte said in a statement. Beard is expected to receive an nus who transformed Texas Tech
pandemic — and reached the 2018 landing football coach Steve Sar- “His success is well documented, annual base salary in line with or into a national championship
Elite Eight and 2019 national kisian. and he’s a Longhorn at heart who in excess of the $5 million he was contender in just three seasons
championship game. Del Conte loves “grinders,” as cut his teeth in the business as a scheduled to earn this season. can achieve the same in Austin.
A two-time Big 12 coach of the he’s mentioned often when intro- student assistant coach under That exorbitant price tag will “It’s been a whirlwind of a day,”
year and the 2018-19 Associated ducing new hires. All Beard ac- Tom Penders.” be worth it if Beard can work his Beard said. “Our top priority will
Press coach of the year, Beard complished at Texas Tech, and Tech made Beard the nation’s magic in Austin. Del Conte’s bet be embracing our players as soon
now will be tasked with repairing how he accomplished it, aligned fourth-highest paid men’s basket- feels like a sound one considering as we get to campus, and I look
a program that hasn’t won an with the AD’s vision of what a ball coach, ranking behind only the new hire’s track record. forward to starting this journey
NCAA Tournament game since coach should be. Kentucky’s John Calipari, Duke’s In the five seasons before together toward our champion-
2014. “We’ve all seen what he’s done Mike Krzyzewski and Villanova’s Beard was hired, Texas Tech shuf- ship goals.”
Those snake-bitten outings hit in building Texas Tech into a na- Jay Wright — current or future Hall fled through three coaches and
a nadir this year in Texas’ first- tional force, recognize his wealth of Famers with a combined eight skidded to a 65-93 overall record [email protected]
round loss to Abilene Christian on of knowledge and experience, national titles and 21 Final Four with a .244 winning percentage in twitter.com/nrmoyle
C4 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HH


Passing the torch

NFL star’s younger sister steps into national spotlight ahead of Stanford’s semifinal showdown

S. CAROLINA (26-4) VS.

When: 5 p.m. Friday.
The television cameras can’t
get enough of Russell Wilson.
The NFL quarterback is on his
feet, decked out in his Stanford
gear, exhorting the Cardinal, UCONN (28-1) VS.
encouraging the other Stanford ARIZONA (20-5)
fans, high-fiving his wife Ciara, When: 8:30 p.m. Friday.
yelling loudly for his sister Anna. TV: ESPN.
Cameras love a superstar. But
the road to the spotlight is often
done in the shadows.
Within the Wilson family and When: 5 p.m. Sunday.
now outside of it in a Final Four TV: ESPN.
showcase, Anna Wilson is a star.
The fifth-year senior is, as her
head coach Tara VanDerveer
says, “what college sports is all able to (stay engaged) for 10
about.” weeks has served us well in the
About overcoming adversity, time here.”
growing and maturing. About Like her brother, Wilson ex-
becoming a leader both on and hibits a rare maturity and per-
off the court. About persevering. Cody Glenn / Getty Images spective. She is not taking any-
Wilson’s reward comes Friday, Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson called younger sister Anna “a winner by nature” thing for granted.
when her team will play South as the Stanford star prepares for her Final Four game against Arizona on Friday. “Pressure is a funny thing to
Carolina in a semifinal in San talk about,” she said when asked
Antonio, with a chance to ad- over the coming seasons will be a to take a leadership role last through so much, from being about a potential title. “This is an
vance to the national champi- huge draw. season and, coming into her young when our dad passed opportunity for us to do some-
onship on the line. And then there are stories like own, decided to apply to the away, to juggling so many differ- thing really special. Pressure is
“What goes on right now, is Wilson’s. Almost 10 years youn- NCAA for a fifth year. Her request ent things, to being a McDonald’s people who are struggling from
that a lot of players want instant ger than her famous older broth- was rejected, a decision she was All-American and then getting a this past year, just regular life
success,” VanDerveer said this er (they also have an older broth- going to accept until Russell concussion and not being able to with COVID and all the other
week. “And basketball is kind of a er, Harry), Wilson was in grade urged her to appeal. play. viruses in the world.”
slow-cooking game. It’s not in- school when their father died She did. And then the pan- “It was really tough on her, Wilson spoke of the weirdness
stant oatmeal. It’s the slow kind. from complications of diabetes at demic hit. physically, emotionally and spiri- of being tested nine times a
“And Anna is a great example 55. She moved in with Russell and tually. But she is a winner by week, of not seeing family, of
of someone dealing with ad- She moved during high school worked out with him. She was nature. It’s in the bloodline.” being isolated.
versity, being resilient and deter- to Seattle — to be near Russell — granted her fifth year. And she Wilson and the team’s other “I think with that framework,
mined and being persistent and where she was a standout basket- has leaned into her leadership two seniors — Kianna Williams it allows you to play much more
staying with it.” ball player. She accepted an offer role. and Alyssa Jerome — took owner- loose and in the moment,” she
Slow-cooking oatmeal can be to Stanford, but then suffered a “I am so thankful her appeal ship of the Cardinal, starting said. “I was saying today, be
one of women’s basketball’s concussion in the McDonald’s was approved,” VanDerveer said. small group chats during the where your feet are. That’s the
greatest selling points. The men’s All-American Game and dealt “She has matured as a player and pandemic and forging bonds. most important thing. Staying in
game is a turnstile to the pros, with concussion symptoms as a person. She’s doing a great That closeness served them well the moment.
with fewer and fewer players through her freshman year. Her job as a leader.” as they embarked on the chal- “We’re having fun. It’s just
whom fans can recognize from brother connected her with a Now, Wilson is taking all those lenging odyssey of the 2020-21 basketball.”
season to season. The women’s specialist in Florida. As she was challenges and struggles and season. The slow-cooking kind of
game creates beloved story lines, getting better, she suffered a foot years of growth and applying “Being able to stay together, basketball. For Wilson, the tim-
of growth and development and injury and was on the bench them. making sure we’re not just sitting ing has been perfect.
following a player’s path. The during Stanford’s last Final Four “When the word ‘persever- in our room alone,” Wilson said Ann Killion is a columnist for
excitement of seeing freshmen run, in 2017. ance’ comes to mind, Anna is the this week. “There are a lot of The San Francisco Chronicle.
like UConn’s Paige Bueckers, She rarely started and found first person I think of,” Russell things that could have gone on
Iowa’s Caitlin Clark and Stan- her value on defense, coming on Wilson told Michelle Smith of this season, especially around [email protected]
ford’s Cameron Brink mature the floor as a stopper. She began Pac-12.com. “She has persevered mental health. Our team being twitter.com/ annkillion

UConn’s Auriemma set for 13th straight trip

By Mike Anthony Sunday. Coach, we don’t have it.’ Oh, now
CON N E C T IC U T P O ST Auriemma needed the jolt this you need me, huh? All this other
group has offered. He had to learn time, ‘Coach, I got this. I’m good.’
Before the usual late-season to accept it, though, learn how to Now you’re looking at me like,
surge came to be or even seemed accept it. He had to filter out the ‘Coach, can you help me out
possible, before Geno Auriemma shake-your-head frustration that here?’ Oh, I see. So I just want to
began to appreciate that this comes with coaching a team of be there for when they come to
UConn team would rejuvenate seven freshmen and no seniors. their senses and actually ask me,
the program with its stubborn in- He had to embrace all the new ‘Coach, can you help me out ?’
nocence, there was a long winter personalities and styles, warts That’s basically what my job is
stretch of dark and seemingly and quirks and all. He seemed to right now.
helpless moments. figure this group out once he “Because you know what? This
That, in part, is why the Hus- stopped trying to figure this is the worst part. I said [after the
kies’ latest of 13 consecutive Final group out. Baylor game], ‘Paige, you know
Four appearances is so reward- He started to enjoy the ride, you almost cost us because you
ing. Because Auriemma couldn’t even the bumps. Paige Bueckers didn’t wait for that screen?’ And
always see it on the horizon. started looking more like the best she walked away and goes, ‘We
That is why this collection of player in America. Christyn Wil- won.’ That was her answer to ev-
relatively inexperienced players liams showed needed maturity in erything. Didn’t argue with me,
has been such a breath of fresh her game. Aaliyah Edwards and didn’t do anything. I said, ‘Paige,
air. Because it first threatened to Olivia Nelson-Ododa became a you could have cost us in that out-
suck the life out of him. Photo by Brad Horrigan/ Hartford Courant formidable post duo. Nika Muhl of-bounds.’ She said, ‘We won.’
“Every day was excruciating,” UConn’s Geno Auriemma has won 11 national championships shook off early discomfort and She walks away.”
Auriemma said. “And maybe be- during his 36-year career as Huskies coach. turned into a backcourt bull. Evi- Auriemma has won 11 national
cause of that … having gone to na Westbrook remained a calm- championships and been to 20
those depths and come out of it, I reer. had made in three days. The ing presence. other Final Fours. That doesn’t
think that’s what all the fun and all Getting there took patience. It fourth day, you’d have to start at The team has won 18 games in a mean there aren’t trying years or
the joy and the life comes from. required Auriemma to ride out the beginning.” row since the Arkansas loss. They months or weeks or days or hours
Because I was drowning there for growing pains with a young team Until late-January. breezed through NCAA Tourna- or minutes or even seconds.
a long time. I’m not afraid to ad- that he was close to losing. By early-March, after winning ment games against High Point He’s had all of that recently.
mit it. I was drowning. And ever “This is one of the tightest knit the Big East championship, Au- and Syracuse. Auriemma, who Three Final Four losses to follow
since the Arkansas game, I feel groups that we’ve had in a long, riemma was proudly saying that missed those games while home the 2016 championship were bru-
like I’ve been reborn.” long time, off the court,” Auriem- this team made him change the with COVID-19, was mobbed tal, two at the overtime buzzer to
Auriemma was referring to ma said. “They are very, very, way he coaches, adding, “They’re when he arrived in San Antonio, Mississippi State and Notre Dame,
UConn’s only loss, Jan. 28 in Fay- very close off the court. And that going to be what they’re going to players screaming “G!” and ruf- another to Notre Dame in a game
etteville, Ark. There, the Huskies might be pandemic-influenced, be and I have to look at all the pos- fling his hair. Down the stretch of the Huskies led by nine in the
hit bottom. It’s OK to lose. That’s that they’ve had to spend so much itives.” He met these players half- a 20-point victory over Iowa, fourth quarter.
not what really frustrated Au- time together. On the court, in the way and they carpooled to the Fi- Bueckers slapped an unsuspect- The death last year of Kobe Bry-
riemma or players. It was the way beginning, it was lots of fun nal Four. ing Auriemma on the butt. ant and his daughter, Gianna,
they lost, drifting from everything watching the newness of it. After a Auriemma was laughing Wed- Monday in the Elite Eight were emotional blows. Last sea-
that was important and had been while, that wore off. … There nesday, saying of interactions against Baylor, the Huskies were son was cut short due to the pan-
worked on for months. were moments in December and with players, “No point in getting down nine. Auriemma gathered demic. The program moved from
UConn was embarrassed, Au- January where I didn’t want any mad. They don’t listen [to me] the group, told them, “You either the American Athletic Confer-
riemma said. The project wasn’t part of this team. Because they anyway.” He’s been laughing like do the things that we do every day ence to the Big East. This season
in shambles but it felt like it was were so good off the court, they this a lot lately. or we go home.” The Huskies has been a COVID tightrope walk.
teetering. If the team had gone on were so tight, they were so togeth- “I’ve never seen him have this went on a 19-0 run to hold off the Auriemma didn’t know where
to perform poorly three days later er — off the court. And they were much fun in a long time,” Diana Bears in a stressful game that the team was headed until he
and lose at DePaul, too, the sea- everything but that on the court. Taurasi said. “I think he really en- showed the team’s inexperience, stopped worrying about every
son might have been marked by a “And then you realize, every- joys coaching this team. I think and luck. pivot in the wrong direction. The
free fall instead of another climb body is trying but they’re going in there’s a flare about this team and “The beauty is that, generally season’s only loss seemed to get
to the No. 1 ranking. 20 different directions. So every an edge about this team that he speaking, they really believe that everyone on the same page.
The Huskies won, 100-67, like a day for me was just one frustra- really loves. And you can tell. You they’re better than they are,” Au- “We were embarrassed as indi-
lost group rounding the dark side tion after another. It didn’t matter can tell he’s engaged.” riemma said. “That’s why, some- viduals and as a team,” Auriemma
of the moon and suddenly head- what we were trying to teach, it The Huskies face Arizona Fri- times, it’s hard to talk to them. So said. “I think that kind of a coming
ed back in the right direction. wasn’t working. It didn’t matter day in a national semifinal having when things don’t go well on the together and saying, ‘Hey, that’s
What followed were among the what you would say. By tomor- harnessed the kinetic energy of court, there’s almost this, ‘Yeah, I unacceptable.’ To me, that’s
most uplifting couple of months row, it would be gone. It didn’t their collective personality. The got it.’ Except there was a look on where the change really took
in Auriemma’s 36-year UConn ca- matter how much progress you national championship game is their face in the Baylor game, ‘Uh, place.”
HHHH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | C5




Additions share connection
L.A. Clippers 32 18 .640 5 1⁄2 7-3 L-2 17-8 15-10 18-10 By Jonathan Feigen
Denver 30 18 .625 6 1⁄2 8-2 W-4 14-9 16-9 16-11 STA F F W R I T ER
L.A. Lakers 30 18 .625 6 1⁄2 5-5 L-1 16-11 14-7 19-10
Portland 29 18 .617 7 7-3 W-4 14-9 15-9 15-12 Avery Bradley and Kelly
Dallas 25 21 .543 10 1⁄2 6-4 W-2 11-10 14-11 15-14 Olynyk had been on the
San Antonio 24 22 .522 11 1⁄2 4-6 L-1 12-15 12-7 13-17 floor for 81 seconds Wed-
Memphis 22 23 .489 13 5-5 L-1 11-14 11-9 11-17 nesday when Olynyk began
Golden State 23 25 .479 13 1⁄2 4-6 L-1 14-9 9-16 12-14 posting up James Harden,
Sacramento 22 26 .458 14 1⁄2 7-3 L-1 12-12 10-14 10-12 moving across the lane
New Orleans 21 26 .447 15 6-4 L-1 14-12 7-14 12-17 with a slow dribble and a
Oklahoma City 20 27 .426 16 4-6 W-1 9-15 11-12 11-18 long look around.
Houston 13 34 .277 23 2-8 L-2 6-17 7-17 9-17 Bradley took off across
Minnesota 12 36 .250 24 1⁄2 4-6 W-1 7-17 5-19 8-21 the baseline, Olynyk not
even turning his head as he
delivered his pass to him at
W L Pct GB L10 Str Home Away Conf
the rim for a layup.
Brooklyn 34 15 .694 _ 8-2 W-4 20-6 14-9 18-10
Philadelphia 33 15 .688 1
⁄2 7-3 W-1 19-4 14-11 23-7
No play had been called,
Milwaukee 30 17 .638 3 7-3 W-1 18-7 12-10 18-9
which was a good thing,
Charlotte 24 23 .511 9 5-5 L-1 13-9 11-14 13-10
Bradley said, because nei-
Miami 25 24 .510 9 4-6 W-3 13-12 12-12 15-15 ther has had time to learn
New York 24 24 .500 9 1⁄2 5-5 L-2 14-9 10-15 17-15 the Rockets’ plays. They
Atlanta 24 24 .500 9 1⁄2 6-4 W-1 11-9 13-15 13-12 do, however, know each
Boston 23 25 .479 10 1⁄2 3-7 L-2 13-9 10-16 16-13 other.
Indiana 21 25 .457 11 1⁄2 5-5 L-2 8-13 13-12 13-15 As they return to Boston
Chicago 19 27 .413 13 1⁄2 3-7 L-5 9-16 10-11 9-11 on Friday as teammates for
Toronto 18 30 .375 15 1⁄2 1-9 L-4 9-12 9-18 12-17 the first time since they Mark Mulligan / Staff photographer

Washington 17 30 .362 16 3-7 L-2 10-15 7-15 7-22 played together for the Kelly Olynyk, right, is one of the veterans brought in to help mentor young
Orlando 17 31 .354 16 1⁄2 4-6 W-2 10-15 7-16 10-17 Celtics for most of four sea- players. He reunited with Avery Bradley when he joined the Rockets.
Cleveland 17 31 .354 16 1⁄2 3-7 L-4 11-13 6-18 13-13 sons, their familiarity with
Detroit 14 34 .292 19 1⁄2 4-6 W-1 9-14 5-20 10-21 one another stands out. Rockets vs. Celtics Seattle area as Kevin Porter
No Rockets teammates Jr.
Results/schedule When/where: 6:30p.m.; TD Gar-
have played more games Additionally, Rockets as-
den, Boston.
Wednesday’s results Friday’s games together than Bradley and TV/radio: ATTSW; 790 AM, 740
sistant coach Will Weaver
Brooklyn 120, Houston 108 Golden State at Toronto, 6 p.m. Olynyk, the veterans ac- AM, 1010 AM (Spanish). was a Longhorns assistant
San Antonio 120, Sacramento 106 Dallas at New York, 6:30 p.m. quired last week when the when Bradley played at
Portland 124, Detroit 101 Houston at Boston, 6:30 p.m. So far: Rockets 13-34; Celtics 23-
Miami 92, Indiana 87 Charlotte at Indiana, 7 p.m. Rockets sent Victor Oladi- 25. Texas in 2009-10, two years
Dallas 113, Boston 108 Minnesota at Memphis, 7 p.m. po to the Miami Heat. It Lately: The Rockets’ loss in Brooklyn on Wednesday after Augustin.
Minnesota 102, New York 101 Atlanta at New Orleans, 8 p.m. shows. dropped them to 2-4 since their 20-game losing streak. “It feels good,” Bradley
Oklahoma City 113, Toronto 103 Chicago at Utah, 8 p.m.
Utah 111, Memphis 107 L.A. Lakers at Sacramento, 9 p.m.
“We definitely have a lit- The Celtics have lost the first two games of a five-game said. “A lot of people would
Phoenix 121, Chicago 116 Milwaukee at Portland, 9 p.m. tle bit of familiarity,” Oly- homestand, rallying from down 23 to within two before think this is a tough situa-
Milwaukee 112, L.A. Lakers 97 Oklahoma City at Phoenix, 9 p.m. nyk said. “I know his game. falling to the Mavericks on Wednesday. tion seeing I came from the
Thursday’s results Saturday’s games He knows mine. That Lakers and then Miami. But
Atlanta 134, San Antonio 129 (2OT) Dallas at Washington, 6 p.m. helps. I know what he’s go- SCOUTING THE SCOUTING THE I look at it as a positive. I’m
Philadelphia 114, Cleveland 94 Cleveland at Miami, 7 p.m. ing to do, where to look for ROCKETS CELTICS hoping I can stay here for
Detroit 120, Washington 91 Minnesota at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.
Brooklyn 111, Charlotte 89 New York at Detroit, 7 p.m. him, his spots. You don’t The Rockets offensive rating The Celtics led by as the long term and hopeful-
Miami 116, Golden State 109 Indiana at San Antonio, 8 p.m. really lose that. in the past eight games, since much as 36 points with ly finish my career here. I
Orlando 115, New Orleans 110 (OT) Orlando at Utah, 8 p.m. “That’s kind of a crazy beginning to get some reg- the Boston bench scor- love being back in the state
Denver 101, L.A. Clippers 94 Milwaukee at Sacramento, 9 p.m.
Oklahoma City at Portland, 9 p.m. stat that me and him have ulars back in the lineup, has ing 63 points in a rout of of Texas, and I love the or-
played more together than ranked 14th in the NBA. In the Rockets last month ganization so far.
any other two teammates fourth quarters in that in Toyota Center. … The “I’m still figuring out my
on our team. We’re moving stretch, they have scored just Celtics rank 21st in de- role here, but I can say so
NBA BOX SCORES/LEADERS forward with it. Hopefully, 96.9 points per 100 pos- fensive rating, 21st since far I’ve loved being with
we can bring that chemis- sessions, tied for last. … The the All-Star break. … these guys. I feel like it’s my
76ers 114, Cavaliers 94 Heat 116, Warriors 109 try.” Rockets make a league-worst The Celtics are the job to help (Porter) im-
Philadelphia: Green 3-8 2-3 11, Harris 4-7 4-4 12, Scott Golden State: Green 7-13 1-1 16, Wiggins 7-16 4-6 23,
With Christian Wood 34.8 percent of their shots, second-most efficient prove every single day on
1-5 0-0 2, Curry 7-15 0-0 19, Simmons 2-111-3 5, Howard Wiseman 1-5 2-2 4, Curry 9-19 13-13 36, Oubre Jr. 4-11 0-1
6-7 6-9 18, Korkmaz 2-8 2-2 7, Milton 10-14 2-2 27, Reed 8, Bazemore 2-2 2-2 6, Lee 1-3 0-0 3, Looney 2-4 0-0 4,
back after missing Olynyk’s 25.6 percent of their 3-point- scoring team in transi- the court and off the court.
1-3 0-0 2, Thybulle 2-6 0-0 5, Joe 0-1 0-0 0, Maxey 2-8 2-2 Toscano-Anderson 0-0 0-0 0, Mannion 0-0 0-0 0, Mulder
ers in ‘clutch situations’ (with tion in the NBA but rank
6, Tucker 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 40-93 19-25 114. 0-0 0-0 0, Poole 3-9 0-0 9. Totals 36-82 22-25 109. first two games with the That’s my main role: bring-
Cleveland: Okoro 4-4 1-3 9, Wade 6-14 1-1 16, Love 4-10 Miami: Ariza 3-6 2-2 10, Butler 7-13 7-9 22, Adebayo 5-13 a margin of five or fewer 19th in fast-break scor-
2-213, Garland 3-8 0-0 6, Sexton 7-15 9-9 24, Hartenstein 9-919, Oladipo 2-8 2-5 6, Robinson 8-151-121, Bjelica 3-6 Rockets, Houston often will ing that leadership.”
5-9 1-3 12, Osman 2-4 1-2 6, Prince 2-9 1-1 6, Stevens 1-2 0-0 8, Iguodala 3-6 2-2 10, Herro 8-13 2-2 20, Vincent 0-2 points in the final five min- ing. … The Celtics are
pair Bradley and Olynyk, The Rockets hope filling
0-0 2, Dellavedova 0-4 0-0 0, Thomas 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 0-0 0. Totals 39-82 25-30 116. utes), while playing in in the third in the NBA in of-
34-80 16-21 94. Golden State 24 30 27 28 — 109 playing them along with fewest games (16) with fensive rebounding
the floor with a mix of vet-
31 27 27 29 — 114
31 25 17 21 — 94
Miami 23 36 27 30 — 116 D.J. Augustin in a veteran- clutch situations. … The Rock- percentage, but rank erans and young players —
3-point goals: Golden State 15-37 (Curry 5-11, Wiggins
3-point goals: Philadelphia15-37 (Milton 5-7, Curry 5-10, 5-11, Poole 3-6, Lee 1-2, Green 1-3, Oubre Jr. 0-3), Miami heavy second unit. The ets ranked 11th in the NBA in 12th in second-chance rather than just develop-
Green 3-7, Korkmaz 1-3, Thybulle 1-4, Scott 0-2, Maxey 13-39 (Robinson 4-11, Ariza 2-4, Bjelica 2-5, Herro 2-5,
0-3), Cleveland 10-35 (Love 3-6, Wade 3-11, Osman 1-3, Iguodala 2-5, Butler 1-3, Vincent 0-2, Oladipo 0-4). Re- Rockets, amid a season of defensive rating before the points per game. … mental players — will help
Prince1-4, Sexton1-4, Garland 0-3). Rebounds: Philadel- bounds: Golden State 46 (Curry 11), Miami 37 (Adebayo constantly changing line- All-Star break, 29th since. … Guard Jaylen Brown is Porter and rookies Jae-
phia 55 (Howard 15), Cleveland 40 (Wade 8). Assists: 8). Assists: Golden State 23 (Green 8), Miami 30 (Butler
Philadelphia 27 (Simmons 5), Cleveland 26 (Garland 8). 8). Total fouls: Golden State 26, Miami 22. A: 0 (19,600) ups and rotations, can use Guard Kevin Porter Jr. has averaging career-bests ’Sean Tate and KJ Martin. It
Total fouls: Philadelphia 19, Cleveland 24. A: 4,100
(19,432) Hawks 134, Spurs 129 (2OT) any advantage that might scored at least 20 points in or 24.5 points, 3.7 as- is not just that the players
Pistons 120, Wizards 91
Atlanta: Hill 1-4 0-0 3, Snell 2-5 0-0 6, Capela 9-15 10-10
28, Bogdanovic12-17 0-0 28, Young11-23 4-6 28, Gallinari
come with their familiarity five of his 10 games with the sists and 48.5 percent added have been around;
Washington: Avdija 4-10 2-5 11, Hachimura 5-11 0-1 10, 5-12 4-416, Huerter 0-4 0-0 0, Okongwu 4-6 2-410, Good- with one another. But there Rockets. He is averaging 20 shooting. In his past 10 they are particularly savvy,
Len 7-12 0-2 14, Robinson 0-3 0-0 0, Westbrook 7-16 1-6 win 3-4 0-0 8, Williams 3-10 1-2 7. Totals 50-100 21-26
16, Hutchison 2-5 1-2 5, Lopez 7-10 2-3 16, Bonga 1-4 0-0 134. could be additional bene- points on 46 percent shoot- games, he has made versatile players.
2, Mathews 1-2 0-0 3, Neto 4-7 0-0 9, Winston 2-4 0-0 5. San Antonio: DeRozan 14-26 8-10 36, Johnson 2-8 0-0 5,
Totals 40-84 6-19 91. Poeltl 6-8 2-3 14, Murray 7-13 2-3 16, White 10-20 2-3 29,
fits from their example. ing as a starter. … Forward 40.7 percent of his 3s, “We didn’t just bring in
Detroit: Bey 3-8 4-4 11, Grant 4-14 3-4 12, Plumlee 6-11 Vassell 2-6 1-1 6, Eubanks 1-2 0-0 2, Gay 6-16 3-4 18, Mills “I feel like we have some Danuel House Jr. has scored averaging 3.9 per game. veteran guys,” coach Ste-
1-2 13, J.Jackson 13-211-2 31, Lee 3-7 2-2 8, Cook 2-5 0-0 1-10 0-0 3. Totals 49-110 18-24 129.
4, Stewart 2-7 0-0 4, Sirvydis 1-1 0-0 3, Ellington 4-8 0-0 chemistry,” Bradley said. in double figures in six of his … Forward Jayson Ta- phen Silas said. “We
Atlanta 32 22 30 26 9 15 — 134
11, F.Jackson 4-6 3-4 13, Joseph 3-6 4-4 10. Totals 45-94
San Antonio 22 26 32 30 9 10 — 129 “Not only that, but Kelly is a past seven games played, tum, averaging a career- brought in character veter-
18-22 120.
Washington 22 22 24 23 — 91
3-point goals: Atlanta 13-24 (Bogdanovic 4-5, Goodwin
smart player. He plays the making 60 percent of his best 25.3 points per an guys who are willing to
2-2, Young 2-2, Gallinari 2-4, Snell 2-4, Hill 1-3, Huerter
Detroit 32 31 24 33 — 120 0-3), San Antonio13-40 (White 7-13, Gay 3-8, Vassell1-3, right way. And I look at my- 3-pointers in that stretch. … game, is making 45 sacrifice, are willing to pull
3-point goals: Washington 5-19 (Mathews 1-2, Neto 1-2, Johnson 1-5, Mills 1-8, Murray 0-2).
self the same way. We try to Center Christian Wood has percent of his attempts guys aside and teach. They
Avdija 1-4, Westbrook 1-5, Bonga 0-2), Detroit 12-29 Rebounds: Atlanta 56 (Capela 17), San Antonio 46
(J.Jackson 4-7, Ellington 3-6, F.Jackson 2-3, Grant 1-4, (Poeltl 10). made just 25 percent of his for a third consecutive
Bey 1-6). Fouled out: Washington None, Detroit 1 (Stew- Assists: Atlanta 28 (Young12), San Antonio 25 (DeRozan make the right plays. When do things the right way. To
3-pointers in his seven games season. … After missing
art). Rebounds: Washington 40 (Westbrook 11), Detroit 9). Total fouls: Atlanta 22, San Antonio 22. A: 2,949 we’re on the floor together, have those three guys, es-
48 (Plumlee11). Assists: Washington 25 (Westbrook12), (18,581) since returning from a all 10 of his shots in his
Detroit 31 (Joseph, Plumlee 7). Total fouls: Washington it just makes the game that pecially, is very important
21, Detroit 18. A: 750 (20,491) Nuggets 101, Clippers 94 sprained ankle. He had made first game with the
Denver: Gordon 6-13 1-4 14, Porter Jr. 7-11 5-5 20, Jokic much easier. 42.1 percent before the injury. Celtics, guard Evan
for our building, growing.”
Nets 111, Hornets 89 6-16 0-014, Barton 7-14 2-319, Murray 9-18 2-2 23, Dozier
“We even spoke about Silas said he hopes “the
Charlotte: Hayward 5-11 2-2 13, Washington 3-11 1-1 8, 0-3 0-0 0, Millsap 2-4 0-0 5, Green1-10-0 3, Campazzo1-1 … Center Kelly Olynyk has Fournier went 3 of 6
Biyombo 1-4 0-1 2, Graham 3-9 5-5 13, Rozier 4-11 2-4 12, 0-0 3. Totals 39-81 10-14 101. that. It always helps having averaged 18.3 points on 62.5 against the Mavericks connection” Olynyk and
Bridges 3-9 2-2 10, Ca.Martin 0-3 0-0 0, Co.Martin 1-7 0-0 L.A. Clippers: Leonard 10-22 2-2 24, Morris Sr. 2-9 2-2 8,
3, McDaniels1-2 0-0 2, Zeller 2-3 2-2 6, Richards 0-0 0-0 0, Zubac 3-5 2-2 8, George 5-15 5-6 17, Jackson 3-8 0-0 7, guys that know how to play. percent shooting in his three on Wednesday. He is 0 Bradley bring will carry
Darling 0-0 0-0 0, Monk 4-110-011, Wanamaker 3-5 2-2 9. Batum 2-7 0-0 6, Coffey 0-0 0-0 0, Mann 8-10 1-2 18, Pat-
Totals 30-86 16-19 89. terson1-4 2-2 4, Oturu 0-0 0-0 0, Kennard1-5 0-0 2. Totals Right now, me and Kelly games with the Rockets. for 7 on 3s with Boston. over. That chemistry was
Brooklyn: Green 8-17 0-0 21, Harris 3-10 0-0 9, Aldridge
4-10 2-2 11, Brown 7-10 0-0 14, Irving 7-17 0-0 15, A.John-
35-85 14-16 94. don’t even know any of the forged in Boston, with Fri-
Denver 31 31 19 20 — 101
son 1-1 0-0 2, Luwawu-Cabarrot 0-2 0-0 0, Claxton 1-2 1-2
L.A. Clippers 20 29 21 24 — 94
plays. We’re just out there day’s return offering a re-
3, Perry 2-4 0-0 4, Chiozza 0-1 0-0 0, Shamet 6-10 0-0 17,
T.Johnson 5-7 0-0 15. Totals 44-91 3-4 111. 3-point goals: Denver13-25 (Barton 3-6, Murray 3-6, Jok- playing basketball and try- minder of when they were
ic 2-3, Porter Jr.1-2, Gordon1-4), L.A. Clippers10-34 (Ba-
Charlotte 11 37 17 24 — 89 tum 2-4, Leonard 2-4, Morris Sr. 2-6, George 2-7, Jackson ing to make the right plays. NUMBER INJURY/STATUS young players trying to find
Brooklyn 32 36 24 19 — 111 1-5, Patterson 0-3, Kennard 0-4). We can help these guys. I TO NOTE REPORT their way.
3-point goals: Charlotte 13-38 (Monk 3-5, Bridges 2-5, Rebounds: Denver 38 (Murray 8), L.A. Clippers 45 (Leon-
feel like it’s our job as veter- “It’s where it started for
Graham 2-6, Rozier 2-6, Wanamaker 1-2, Co.Martin 1-3, ard 12). Assists: Denver 28 (Jokic 7), L.A. Clippers 17 Rockets: Guard John Wall (left
Hayward 1-4, Washington 1-4), Brooklyn 20-45 (Shamet (George 5).
5-7, T.Johnson 5-7, Green 5-12, Harris 3-9, Irving 1-4, Lu- Total fouls: Denver 16, L.A. Clippers 19. A: 0 (18,997) an players to help these knee effusion) is questionable. both of us,” Olynyk said.
wawu-Cabarrot 0-2, Perry 0-2).
Leaders younger players under- Forward David Nwaba “We both got drafted here,
Rebounds: Charlotte 43 (Washington 8), Brooklyn 56 (Ir- Rockets and Celt-
ving 11). Through March 30 stand the game faster.” (sprained right wrist), guard played a good chunk of our
Assists: Charlotte 22 (Monk 4), Brooklyn 34 (Irving 8). ics players that
Total fouls: Charlotte 9, Brooklyn 18. A: 1,773 (17,732)
Scoring That job description has Eric Gordon (strained right careers here. It’s a pleasure
played on Wed-
Magic 115, Pelicans 110 (OT) Beal, WAS
changed dramatically for nesday who either
groin) and guard Dante Exum being back.”
Orlando: Ennis III 6-9 0-013, Okeke 3-9 2-2 8, Birch 0-2 0-0 Lillard, POR 44 404 319 1310 29.8 both with the trade. Brad- (right calf strain) are out. More than just playing in
0, Bacon 5-13 4-5 14, Randle 5-16 2-2 15, Carter Jr. 8-13 were on other
5-5 21, Porter Jr. 2-8 2-2 6, Ross 8-21 2-3 19, Bamba 5-9
Curry, GS 40 386 202 1162 29.1
ley was with the Lakers last Celtics: Forward Semi Ojeleye Boston, Bradley said, “I be-
Doncic, DAL 40 403 217 1141 28.5 teams or in the G
1-2 11, Hampton 3-6 2-2 8. Totals 45-106 20-23 115.
Antetokounmpo, MIL 43 442 288 1222 28.4 season, though he opted (left side strain) and center came a man here, drafted
New Orleans: Hart 4-11 5-6 14, Johnson 5-11 4-4 17, Ad- League when the
ams 4-8 0-0 8, Alexander-Walker 13-24 1-2 31, Bledsoe LaVine, CHI 45 442 200 1238 27.5
out of the NBA bubble. He Tristan Thompson (health and at 19. This will always be
5-13 1-2 14, Hayes 4-7 2-2 10, Iwundu 2-7 3-3 7, Lewis Jr. Jokic, DEN 47 497 195 1260 26.8 Rockets faced the
Williamson, NO 44 444 264 1160 26.4 and Olynyk were on the safety protocols) are out. home for me.”
4-13 0-0 9. Totals 41-94 16-19 110. Celtics March 14.
Orlando 27 25 19 30 14 — 115
Harden, BKN 40 329 268 1043 26.1
team the Lakers beat for Jonathan Feigen Yet after two games with
Leonard, LAC 40 376 209 1038 26.0
New Orleans 26 19 31 25 9 — 110
3-point goals: Orlando 5-25 (Randle 3-7, Ross1-5, Bacon
Mitchell, UTA
James, LAL
the championship. The the Rockets, he sounded as
0-2, Bamba 0-2, Okeke 0-2, Porter Jr. 0-4), New Orleans
12-29 (Alexander-Walker 4-7, Johnson 3-5, Bledsoe 3-6,
Young, ATL 45 343 350 1144 25.4 Rockets were 12-31 on the if he felt at home again, in
Tatum, BOS 41 380 161 1036 25.3
Lewis Jr. 1-3, Hart 1-6, Iwundu 0-2). Booker, PHO 42 388 189 1051 25.0 day of the trade. the Rockets, who hold a ed 13 years of friendship part because of a partner-
Rebounds: Orlando 49 (Carter Jr. 12), New Orleans 55
(Hart 17).
Fox, SAC 46 416 224 1141 24.8 Bradley, however, said team option on his con- with John Wall, going to the ship with a familiar face.
Brown, BOS 43 398 147 1055 24.5
Assists: Orlando 20 (Ross 5), New Orleans 26 (Bledsoe
6). Vucevic, CHI 46 454 95 1122 24.4 he is happy with the re- tract next season and be- same high school, Findlay
Total fouls: Orlando 20, New Orleans 23. A: 3,700 Sexton, CLE
Ingram, NO
vised role and indicated he yond. Besides his years Prep, as Christian Wood [email protected]
would welcome a return to playing with Olynyk, he cit- and being from the same twitter.com/jonathan_feigen


Aldridge guides Nets to win in debut

SPURS 129 (2OT)
outscored Charlotte by Jimmy Butler scored 22 Josh Jackson scored 19 of
himself in Brooklyn’s over- Clint Capela had 28 points, Duncan Robinson his season-high 31 points in
powering first quarter points and 17 rebounds, scored 21 and Miami held the first half and Detroit
before finishing with 21 Trae Young had 28 points off visiting Golden State to went on to rout Washing-
points, and the Nets got a and 12 assists, and Atlanta win its third straight out- ton at home.
strong debut from LaMar- overcame two late melt- ing and move back over
cus Aldridge in a 111-89 rout downs to beat host San the .500 mark at 25-24. 76ERS 114, CAVALIERS 94
of the Hornets on Thurs- Antonio. Tyler Herro scored 20 Shake Milton scored 27
day night. points. points, Dwight Howard
Aldridge started at cen- NUGGETS 101, CLIPPERS 94 had 18 points and 15 re-
ter and had 11 points, nine Jamal Murray scored 23 MAGIC 115 bounds, and Philadelphia
rebounds and six assists points, Nikola Jokic added finished a six-game road
Landry Shamet scored 14 points, 7 assists and 7 Terrence Ross hit two trip without injured star
17 points and Kyrie Irving rebounds and Denver beat key jumpers late in over- center Joel Embiid with a
Adam Hunger / Associated Press had 15 points, 11 rebounds Los Angeles on the road. time, Wendell Carter III win in Cleveland.
Nets center LaMarcus Aldridge had 11 points, nine and eight assists. had 21 points and Orlando From wire reports
rebounds and six assists in a win over the Hornets. beat host New Orleans.
C6 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HHHH



AMERICAN LEAGUE Tigers 3, Indians 2

Cleveland ab r h bi bb so avg
West Division W L Pct GB L10 Str Home Away Luplow cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Los Angeles 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 1-0 0-0 Gamel ph-cf 1 0 0 0 1 1 .000
Houston 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 0-0 1-0 Hernandez 2b 4 0 1 0 1 0 .250
Ramirez 3b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .333
Seattle 0 0 .000 ½ 0-0 0 0-0 0-0 E.Rosario lf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .250
Oakland 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-1 0-0 F.Reyes dh 3 0 0 0 1 0 .000
Texas 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-0 0-1 Naylor rf-ph 4 0 1 0 0 1 .250
Chang 1b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Central Division Bauers ph-1b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Detroit 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 1-0 0-0 A.Rosario ph 1 1 1 0 0 0 1.000
Kansas City 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 1-0 0-0 R.Perez c 2 1 1 2 2 1 .500
Gimenez ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Chicago 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-0 0-1 Totals 32 2 6 2 6 5
Cleveland 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-0 0-1 Detroit ab r h bi bb so avg
Minnesota 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-0 0-1 Grossman lf 1 0 0 0 3 0 .000
East Division Candelario 3b 4 1 1 0 0 3 .250
W.Castro ss 4 0 1 0 0 1 .250
Tampa Bay 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 0-0 1-0 Cabrera 1b 4 1 1 2 0 0 .250
Toronto 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 0-0 1-0 H.Castro 1b 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Baltimore 0 0 .000 ½ 0-0 0 0-0 0-0 Schoop 2b 3 0 1 0 1 2 .333
Mazara dh 4 0 0 0 0 2 .000
Boston 0 0 .000 ½ 0-0 0 0-0 0-0 Ramos c 3 0 0 0 1 3 .000
New York 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-1 0-0 V.Reyes rf 4 1 0 0 0 2 .000
Jones cf 3 0 1 1 0 1 .333
NATIONAL LEAGUE Totals 30 3 5 3 5 14
West Division W L Pct GB L10 Str Home Away Cleveland 000 000 002 — 2 6 1
Colorado 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 1-0 0-0 Detroit 210 000 00x — 3 5 0
San Diego 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 1-0 0-0 E—Ramirez (1). LOB—Cleveland 9, Detroit 8. 2B—Her-
nandez (1), Jones (1). HR—R.Perez (1), off Soto; Cabrera
San Francisco 0 0 .000 ½ 0-0 0 0-0 0-0 (1), off Bieber. RBIs—R.Perez 2 (2), Cabrera 2 (2), Jones
Arizona 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-0 0-1 (1). SB—Grossman (1). Runners left in scoring position-
—Cleveland 3 (E.Rosario, Chang, Ramirez); Detroit 3
Los Angeles 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-0 0-1 (W.Castro, Mazara). RISP—Cleveland 0 for 6; Detroit 0 for
Central Division 5. GIDP—F.Reyes. DP—Detroit 1 (W.Castro, Schoop, Ca-
Gregory Shamus / Getty Images
Milwaukee 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 1-0 0-0
Pittsburgh 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 0-0 1-0
Bieber, L, 0-1
ip h r er bb so np
6 5 3 3 3 12 95 4.50
era Miguel Cabrera, center, homered through the snow in his first at-bat of the
St. Louis 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 0-0 1-0 Shaw 1 0 0 0 1 1 13 0.00 season, helping lead the Detroit Tigers to a 3-2 win over the Cleveland Indians.
Karinchak 1 0 0 0 1 1 17 0.00
Chicago 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-1 0-0 Detroit ip h r er bb so np era
Cincinnati 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-1 0-0 Boyd, W, 1-0 5 ⁄3 3 0 0 4 2 92 0.00
Royals 14, Rangers 10 Padres 8, Diamondbacks 7 Rockies 8, Dodgers 5
Cisnero, H, 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 14 0.00
East Division Norris, H, 1 1 1⁄3 1 0 0 1 1 21 0.00
Texas ab r h bi bb so avg Arizona ab r h bi bb so avg Los Angeles ab r h bi bb so avg
Philadelphia 1 0 1.000 — 1-0 W-1 1-0 0-0 Soto, S, 1-1 1 2 2 2 1 0 27 18.00 Kiner-Falefa ss 5 3 1 0 1 0 .200 Rojas ss 5 0 0 0 0 3 .000 Betts rf 6 1 2 0 0 1 .333
Dahl lf 5 2 3 0 1 2 .600 Marte cf 5 2 4 1 0 1 .800 Seager ss 3 0 2 1 2 0 .667
New York 0 0 .000 ½ 0-0 0 0-0 0-0 Inherited runners-scored—Cisnero 1-0. WP—Bieber(2),
Boyd(2). Umpires—Home, Greg Gibson; First, Lance Gallo rf 3 1 2 2 3 0 .667 Walker 1b 4 1 1 0 1 0 .250 Turner 3b 4 1 1 1 0 0 .250
Washington 0 0 .000 ½ 0-0 0 0-0 0-0 Barksdale; Second, Will Little; Third, Ryan Wills. T—3:03. Solak 2b 5 2 1 1 0 3 .200 Peralta lf 5 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Bellinger cf 4 1 2 1 1 0 .500
Atlanta 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-0 0-1 A—8,000 (41,083). Lowe 1b 6 1 2 4 0 3 .333 Cabrera 3b 5 1 2 3 0 1 .400 Muncy 1b 4 0 2 1 1 1 .500
Holt 3b 2 0 1 0 3 0 .500 Escobar 2b 4 1 0 0 0 2 .000 Taylor lf 3 0 1 0 2 1 .333
Miami 0 1 .000 1 0-1 L-1 0-1 0-0
Blue Jays 3, Yankees 2 (10) White dh 4 0 2 2 1 2 .500 P.Smith rf 2 0 1 0 0 0 .500 Lux 2b 4 0 2 1 0 1 .500
Late game not included Taveras cf 5 0 0 0 0 4 .000 Locastro ph-rf 2 1 1 2 0 0 .500 Rios ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Toronto ab r h bi bb so avg
Trevino c 5 1 3 0 0 2 .600 Vogt c 4 1 1 1 0 2 .250 Barnes c 2 0 0 0 2 0 .000
Thursday’s results Semien 2b 5 0 0 0 0 2 .000
Totals 40 10 15 9 9 16 Bumgarner p 2 0 1 0 0 1 .500 Kershaw p 3 1 2 0 0 0 .667
Biggio 3b 5 0 0 0 0 3 .000
American League National League Bichette ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Kansas City ab r h bi bb so avg Mathisen ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 McKinstry 2b 1 1 1 0 0 0 1.000
C.Kelly ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 1.000 Beaty ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Houston 8, Oakland 1 Pittsburgh 5, Chicago Cubs 3 Hernandez rf 4 2 3 1 0 1 .750 Merrifield 2b 5 2 3 2 0 0 .600
Guerrero Jr. 1b 2 0 1 0 2 0 .500 Benintendi lf 5 2 1 0 1 2 .200 Totals 40 7 12 7 1 12 Totals 36 5 15 5 8 6
Toronto 3, N.Y. Yankees 2 (10) Milwaukee 6, Minnesota 5 (10)
Gurriel Jr. lf 4 0 1 1 0 2 .250 Santana 1b 3 2 1 1 3 0 .333 San Diego ab r h bi bb so avg Colorado ab r h bi bb so avg
Detroit 3, Cleveland 2 Philadelphia 3, Atlanta 2 (10) Tellez dh 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Perez c 4 2 0 1 1 2 .000 Pham cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .250 Tapia lf 5 0 1 2 0 0 .200
Milwaukee 6, Minnesota 5 (10) Tampa Bay 1, Miami 0 Davis pr-dh 0 1 0 0 0 0 --- Soler dh 2 2 2 2 2 0 1.000 Tatis Jr. ss 5 1 1 0 0 3 .200 Fuentes 3b 5 0 1 1 0 1 .200
Tampa Bay 1, Miami 0 San Diego 8, Arizona 7 Grichuk cf 4 0 2 1 0 1 .500 Dozier 3b 4 1 0 1 1 2 .000 Machado 3b 5 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Story ss 5 0 2 0 0 0 .400
Kansas City 14, Texas 10 St. Louis 11, Cincinnati 6 Jansen c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250 Alberto 3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Hosmer 1b 4 1 3 3 0 1 .750 Blackmon rf 3 1 0 0 1 1 .000
L.A. Angels 4, Chi. White Sox 3 Colorado 8, L.A. Dodgers 5 Totals 36 3 8 3 2 13 Isbel rf 5 1 3 2 0 2 .600 Myers rf 3 2 1 1 1 0 .333 Cron 1b 4 2 2 0 0 0 .500
New York ab r h bi bb so avg Taylor cf 5 1 3 3 0 0 .600 Cronenworth 2b 2 3 2 0 2 0 1.000 Diaz c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250
San Francisco at Seattle, late San Francisco at Seattle, late Lopez ss 4 1 2 1 0 0 .500 Profar lf 2 0 0 1 1 0 .000 Owings 2b 3 3 3 1 1 0 1.000
LeMahieu 2b-1b 4 0 0 0 1 0 .000
Baltimore at Boston, postponed N.Y. Mets at Washington, postponed Judge rf 5 0 1 0 0 2 .200 Totals 38 14 15 13 8 8 Caratini c 4 0 2 3 0 1 .500 Hampson cf 3 2 1 1 1 0 .333
Hicks cf 4 0 0 0 1 3 .000 Darvish p 2 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Marquez p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Texas 512 001 001 — 10 15 3
Friday’s games Stanton dh 5 0 0 0 0 3 .000 Kansas City 502 300 31x — 14 15 0
Kim ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Daza ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Totals 32 8 10 8 5 10 McMahon ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
American League Torres ss 4 1 1 0 1 2 .250
E—Trevino (1), Kiner-Falefa (1), Taveras (1). LOB—Texas Totals 35 8 11 5 3 4
Urshela 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Arizona 100 060 000 — 7 12 0
Baltimore (Means 0-0) at Boston (Eovaldi 0-0), 1:10 p.m. 13, Kansas City 13. 2B—Kiner-Falefa (1), Dahl (1), Lowe
Sanchez c 3 1 2 2 1 0 .667 (1). HR—Taylor (1), off Hearn; Soler (1), off Cody; Merri- San Diego 023 101 10x — 8 10 1 Los Angeles 001 012 010 — 5 15 2
Tampa Bay (Yarbrough 0-0) at Miami (Lopez 0-0), 6:10 p.m. Bruce 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .000 field (1), off Allard. RBIs—Solak (1), Lowe 4 (4), White 2 E—Tatis Jr. (1). LOB—Arizona 7, San Diego 7. 2B—Bum- Colorado 002 022 20x — 8 11 0
Chicago White Sox (Keuchel 0-0) at L.A. Angels (Heaney 0-0), 8:38 p.m. Wade 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- (2), Gallo 2 (2), Perez (1), Isbel 2 (2), Taylor 3 (3), Lopez garner (1), Marte (1), P.Smith (1), Hosmer (1). 3B—Cro- E—Seager (1), Turner (1). LOB—Los Angeles 14, Colorado
Houston (Javier 0-0) at Oakland (Luzardo 0-0), 8:40 p.m. Frazier lf 3 0 2 0 1 0 .667 (1), Santana (1), Soler 2 (2), Merrifield 2 (2), Dozier (1). nenworth (1). HR—Marte (1), off Darvish; Cabrera (1), off 7. 2B—Bellinger (1), Betts (1), McKinstry (1), Cron (1).
San Francisco (Cueto 0-0) at Seattle (Paxton 0-0), 9:10 p.m. Gardner pr-lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- SB—Gallo (1). SF—Lopez, Merrifield. Runners left in Darvish; Locastro (1), off Hill; Vogt (1), off Hill; Hosmer 3B—Muncy (1), Owings (1). RBIs—Bellinger (1), Lux (1),
Totals 35 2 6 2 6 13 scoring position—Texas 8 (Kiner-Falefa, Taveras 3, (1), off Bumgarner; Myers (1), off Bumgarner. RBIs—Ca- Turner (1), Muncy (1), Seager (1), Hampson (1), Fuentes
National League Lowe); Kansas City 8 (Merrifield, Dozier, Perez, Santana, brera 3 (3), Marte (1), Locastro 2 (2), Vogt (1), Caratini 3
Toronto 010 001 000 1 — 3 8 0 (1), Tapia 2 (2), Owings (1). SB—Owings 2 (2). CS—Story
Tampa Bay (Yarbrough 0-0) at Miami (Lopez 0-0), 6:10 p.m. Lopez, Alberto). RISP—Texas 10 for 21; Kansas City 6 for (3), Hosmer 3 (3), Myers (1), Profar (1). SF—Profar. Run- (1). SF—Turner. S —C.Gonzalez. Runners left in scoring
New York 020 000 000 0 — 2 6 0 17. Runners moved up—Solak. DP—Kansas City 1 (Tay-
L.A. Dodgers (Bauer 0-0) at Colorado (Senzatela 0-0), 7:40 p.m. ners left in scoring position—Arizona 4 (Escobar, Rojas, position—Los Angeles 5 (Muncy, Betts 2, Turner); Colora-
LOB—Toronto 6, New York 10. 2B—Grichuk (1). HR—Her- lor, Perez, Taylor). Cabrera, Bumgarner); San Diego 4 (Tatis Jr., Myers 2). do 3 (Blackmon, Fuentes, Hampson). RISP—Los Angeles
Arizona (Kelly 0-0) at San Diego (Snell 0-0), 9:10 p.m. nandez (1), off Cole; Sanchez (1), off Ryu. RBIs—Gurriel Texas ip h r er bb so np era RISP—Arizona1for 9; San Diego 4 for10. Runners moved 3 for 16; Colorado 4 for 12. Runners moved up—Turner,
San Francisco (Cueto 0-0) at Seattle (Paxton 0-0), 9:10 p.m. Jr. (1), Hernandez (1), Grichuk (1), Sanchez 2 (2). Gibson 1
⁄3 4 5 5 3 1 32 135.00 up—Profar, Machado. GIDP—Profar. DP—Arizona 1 (Ro- Kershaw, Betts, Tapia 2. GIDP—Barnes, Turner, Lux.
SB—Tauchman 2 (2). CS—Grichuk (1). Runners left in Hearn 2 1⁄3 4 2 2 1 2 50 7.71 jas, Cabrera, Walker). DP—Colorado 3 (Fuentes, Cron; Fuentes, Owings, Cron;
scoring position—Toronto 2 (Jansen, Biggio); New York 4 Cody, L, 0-1, 1 4 3 3 1 2 38 27.00 Arizona ip h r er bb so np era Owings, Story, Cron).
(LeMahieu, Urshela, Judge, Torres). RISP—Toronto 2 for BS, 0-1 Bumgarner 4 7 6 6 3 6 91 13.50 Los Angeles ip h r er bb so np era
8; New York 0 for 9. GIDP—Gurriel Jr., Judge. DP—Toronto Sborz 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 2 28 0.00
Ginkel 1 0 0 0 1 1 13 0.00 Kershaw 5 2⁄3 10 6 5 1 2 77 7.94
THURSDAY’S GAMES 1 (Biggio, Semien, Guerrero Jr.); New York 1 (Urshela, Le-
Mahieu, Bruce).
de Geus
1 0 0 0 0 0 11 0.00
1 1 3 3 2 0 26 27.00
Crichton, H, 1 2
⁄3 1 1 1 1 1 13 13.50
Young, L, 0-1, 1 1⁄3 2 1 1 0 1 25 6.75
L, 0-1
Knebel 1
⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 4 0.00
Toronto ip h r er bb so np era Allard 1 2 1 1 0 1 15 9.00 BS, 0-1 Nelson 2
⁄3 1 2 2 2 1 28 27.00

Blue Jays slip past

Ryu 51⁄3 4 2 2 1 5 92 3.38 Kansas City ip h r er bb so np era Clarke 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 0.00 Alexander 1 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 22 0.00
Chatwood 2
⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 15 0.00 Keller 11⁄3 9 6 6 2 0 51 40.50 San Diego ip h r er bb so np era Colorado ip h r er bb so np era
Phelps 1 2 0 0 1 0 22 0.00 Zimmer 2
⁄3 0 0 0 1 2 15 0.00 Darvish 42⁄3 8 4 4 1 6 93 7.71 Marquez 4 6 1 1 6 2 92 2.25
Dolis 1 0 0 0 1 2 18 0.00 Hernandez, W, 1-0 3 3 2 2 1 5 44 6.00 Hill 1
⁄3 2 3 0 0 1 16 0.00 C.Gonzalez, W, 2 5 3 3 1 2 42 13.50
Romano, W, 1 0 0 0 2 2 23 0.00

Yankees in opener
Hahn, H, 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 23 9.00 Kela 1 1 0 0 0 1 12 0.00 1-0
1-0 Barlow, H, 1 12⁄3 1 0 0 2 4 36 0.00 Pagan, W, 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 1 20 0.00 Almonte, H, 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 12 0.00
Merryweather, 1 0 0 0 0 3 11 0.00 Holland, H, 1 2
⁄3 1 1 0 2 1 25 0.00 Pomeranz, H, 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 21 0.00 Kinley 1 2 1 1 0 0 20 9.00
S, 1-1 Davis, S, 1-1 2
⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 8 0.00 Melancon, S, 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.00 Bard, S, 1-1 1 1 0 0 1 2 24 0.00
New York ip h r er bb so np era T—4:26. A—9,155 (37,903). 1-1 Inherited runners-scored—Knebel 2-0, Alexander 1-0.
Cole 5 1⁄3 5 2 2 2 8 97 3.38 Inherited runners-scored—Young 2-1. HBP—Bumgarner HBP—Bard (Smith). WP—Nelson(2), Alexander, C.Gon-
Green 1 2⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 17 0.00 Pirates 5, Cubs 3 (Pham). Umpires—Home, Ted Barrett; First, Angel Her-
NEW YORK — Randal Grichuk led off the 10th with an Loaisiga 1 0 0 0 0 1 8 0.00 Pittsburgh ab r h bi bb so avg nandez; Second, Stu Scheuwater; Third, Jose Navas.
zalez. T—3:46. A—20,570 (50,445).
O’Day 1 1 0 0 0 1 22 0.00 Leaders
RBI double, and the Toronto Blue Jays took advantage of Nelson, L, 0-1 1 1 1 0 0 3 15 0.00
Frazier 2b 4 1 2 2 2 0 .500 T—3:26. A—8,773 (40,209).
Hayes 3b 5 1 1 2 1 1 .200 Through Thursday’s early games
the second year of starting extra innings with a runner Inherited runners-scored—Chatwood 1-0, Green 1-0. Reynolds lf 4 0 1 0 1 0 .250 Cardinals 11, Reds 6 American League
Umpires—Home, Mark Carlson; First, James Hoye; Sec-
on second to beat the New York Yankees 3-2 on Thursday ond, Jordan Baker; Third, Chris Segal. T—3:44. A—10,850
Moran 1b
Newman ss
0 3 1
0 0 0
St. Louis
Edman 2b
ab r h
5 1 1
bi bb so avg
0 0 0 .200 Batting: T.Hernandez, Toronto, .750; Frazier, New York,
in the major league opener. (47,309).
Polanco rf 4 1 0 0 1 2 .000 Goldschmidt 1b 5 3 4 1 0 0 .800
.667; Sanchez, New York, .667; Kepler, Minnesota, .600;
Grichuk, Toronto, .500; Guerrero Jr., Toronto, .500; Perez,
Stallings c 4 0 2 1 1 2 .500 Arenado 3b 5 1 2 1 0 2 .400
Fans returned to Yankee Stadium for the first time Rays 1, Marlins 0 Alford cf 3 1 0 0 2 3 .000 DeJong ss 5 1 1 1 0 1 .200
Cleveland, .500; Simmons, Minnesota, .500.
Tampa Bay ab r h bi bb so avg Runs: T.Hernandez, Toronto, 2; 14 tied at 1.
since 2019. Capacity was limited to 20 percent because of Tsutsugo 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .000
Kuhl p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 O’Neill lf 4 2 1 2 0 1 .250 RBI: Perez, Cleveland, 2; Buxton, Minnesota, 2; Sanchez,
Fowler ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 1.000 Molina c 4 1 0 1 0 0 .000
coronavirus protocols, and the attendance was an- Meadows lf 4 1 1 1 0 1 .250 Gonzalez ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Carlson cf 3 1 1 3 1 2 .333
New York, 2; Cabrera, Detroit, 2; Jones, Detroit,1; Grichuk,
Toronto,1; Gurriel Jr., Toronto,1; Meadows, Tampa Bay,1;
Fairbanks p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
nounced as 10,850. Castillo p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Perez ph
0 0 1
5 11 10
.000 Williams rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000 T.Hernandez, Toronto, 1; Arraez, Minnesota, 1; Kepler,
Flaherty p 1 1 0 0 2 0 .000 Minnesota, 1.
Jordan Romano escaped trouble in the ninth with the Arozarena rf
Lowe 2b
0 0 1
0 1 1
.333 Chicago ab r h bi bb so avg Carpenter ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Home runs: Perez, Cleveland, 1; Buxton, Minnesota, 1;
Sanchez, New York,1; Cabrera, Detroit,1; Meadows, Tam-
help of third baseman Cavan Biggio. After pinch-runner Diaz 3b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Happ cf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .000 Totals 37 11 10 9 3 7
pa Bay, 1; T.Hernandez, Toronto, 1.
Kiermaier cf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250 Contreras c 3 2 0 1 0 1 .000 Cincinnati ab r h bi bb so avg
Michael Tauchman stole two bases, he was thrown out at Adames ss 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250 Rizzo 1b 3 0 1 1 0 1 .333 Winker lf 4 2 2 0 1 2 .500
National League
the plate by Biggio trying to score on a grounder by AL Zunino c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .000 Bryant 3b
Pederson lf
0 1 1
1 1 2
Castellanos rf 5 2 3 2 0 0 .600
Batting: Cronenworth, San Diego, 1.000; Goldschmidt,
Glasnow p 2 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Votto 1b 5 0 1 1 0 0 .200
batting champion DJ LeMahieu. Romano then struck out Margot ph-lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Baez ss 4 0 0 0 0 3 .000 Suarez ss 3 1 1 1 2 1 .333 St. Louis, .800; K.Marte, Arizona, .800; Hosmer, San Die-
Heyward rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .000 go, .750; Castellanos, Cincinnati, .600; 10 tied at .500.
Aaron Judge to strand two runners. Totals 32 1 5 1 3 12
Bote 2b 1 0 0 0 1 1 .000
Moustakas 3b
Senzel cf
0 0
0 0
1 2 0 .000
0 0 1 .000
Runs: Cronenworth, San Diego, 3; Goldschmidt, St. Louis,
Miami ab r h bi bb so avg 3.
Nick Nelson relieved to begin the 10th and with pinch- Dickerson lf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Duffy ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Naquin ph-cf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 RBI: Carlson, St. Louis, 3; Caratini, San Diego, 3; Hosmer,
Sogard 2b 2 1 1 0 0 0 .500 Aquino ph-cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000
runner Jonathan Davis on second, Grichuk lined his Detwiler p 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Totals 26 3 2 3 4 13 India 2b 4 0 2 0 0 1 .500
San Diego, 3; Shaw, Milwaukee, 3; A.Cabrera, Arizona, 3.
Home runs: Sandoval, Atlanta, 1; Locastro, Arizona, 1;
Cimber p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
second pitch over Judge in right. Marte cf 4 0 0 0 0 4 .000 Pittsburgh 210 010 100 — 5 9 2 Barnhart c 1 1 0 0 0 0 .000 Carlson, St. Louis, 1; Myers, San Diego, 1; Suarez, Cincin-
Blandino ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 nati, 1; Hosmer, San Diego, 1; O’Neill, St. Louis, 1; Vogt,
Julian Merryweather struck out Aaron Hicks, Giancar- Aguilar 1b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .500 Chicago 101 000 010 — 3 2 0
Farmer ph-lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Arizona, 1; A.Cabrera, Arizona, 1; Castellanos, Cincinnati,
Duvall rf-lf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .000 E—Frazier (1), Stallings (1). LOB—Pittsburgh 15, Chicago
lo Stanton and Gleyber Torres on 11 pitches for the save. Anderson 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .000 4. 2B—Stallings (1), Frazier (1), Rizzo (1), Sogard (1).
Stephenson c 3 0 1 0 0 0 .333 1; Hayes, Pittsburgh, 1; K.Marte, Arizona, 1.
Totals 34 6 10 5 5 8
NATS-METS POSTPONED OVER COVID: Washing- Chisholm Jr. 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .000 HR—Hayes (1), off Hendricks. RBIs—Hayes 2 (2), Frazier 2
Alfaro c 3 0 1 0 0 1 .333 (2), Stallings (1), Pederson (1), Rizzo (1), Contreras (1). St. Louis 610 400 000 — 11 10 0
ton Nationals general manager Mike Rizzo says the team Rojas ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000 SB—Frazier (1), Fowler (1), Alford (1). CS—Alford (1). Cincinnati 102 120 000 — 6 10 2
SF—Pederson, Rizzo, Contreras. S —Hendricks.
has three players who have tested positive for the coro- Alcantara p
Sierra ph
0 0 1 .000
0 0 1 .000 Runners left in scoring position—Pittsburgh 10 (Hayes
E—Suarez 2 (2). LOB—St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 9.
2B—Goldschmidt 2 (2), Winker (1), India (1), Castellanos
navirus and a fourth considered a “likely positive.” The Totals 30 0 3 0 1 9 2, Stallings, Reynolds, Frazier, Polanco, Alford); Chicago 3
(Baez, Happ, Heyward). RISP—Pittsburgh 3 for 20; Chica-
(1). HR—Carlson (1), off Castillo; O’Neill (1), off Bedrosian;
Nationals’ season-opening game against the visiting New Tampa Bay 000 000 010 — 1 5 0 go 0 for 5. Runners moved up—Newman, Reynolds, Gon-
Castellanos (1), off Flaherty; Suarez (1), off Flaherty.
RBIs—DeJong (1), Molina (1), Carlson 3 (3), Arenado (1), COLORADO ROCKIES
Miami 000 000 000 — 0 3 0 zalez, Polanco, Happ.
York Mets that was scheduled for Thursday night was LOB—Tampa Bay 8, Miami 4. 2B—Lowe (1). HR—Mea- Pittsburgh ip h r er bb so np era
Goldschmidt (1), O’Neill 2 (2), Castellanos 2 (2), Suarez
The club brought back
(1), Votto (1), Moustakas (1). SF—Moustakas. S —Castil-
postponed. Rizzo said it was not known when that game dows (1), off Garcia. RBIs—Meadows (1). SB—Alfaro (1). Kuhl
Underwood Jr.
3 1 2 1 3 2 63 3.00
1 0 0 0 0 3 18 0.00
lo. Runners left in scoring position—St. Louis1(O’Neill); Jhoulys Chacin, agreeing to
Runners left in scoring position—Tampa Bay 5 (Kier- Cincinnati 4 (Barnhart, Aquino 2, India). RISP—St. Louis 6
will be made up — other than that it would not be played maier, Adames, Margot); Miami 1 (Dickerson). RISP- Holmes, H, 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 12 0.00
for 12; Cincinnati 3 for 11. Runners moved up—Castella- a one-year deal with the
Howard, W, 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 3 13 0.00
Friday. He did not identify any of the players involved. —Tampa Bay 0 for 5; Miami 0 for 1.
Tampa Bay ip h r er bb so np era Bednar, H, 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 12 0.00
nos. LIDP—Castellanos. GIDP—DeJong. DP—St. Louis 1
(O’Neill, Edman, O’Neill); Cincinnati 1 (Moustakas, India, RHP on the eve of opening
ROCKIES 8, DODGERS 5: On an afternoon Cody Glasnow 6 1 0 0 0 6 76 0.00 Stratton, H, 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 19 9.00
Votto). day.
Thompson, W, 1 1 0 0 0 1 12 0.00 Rodriguez, S, 1-1 1 0 0 0 1 2 14 0.00
Bellinger had a homer negated because of a baserunning 1-0 Chicago ip h r er bb so np era
St. Louis
ip h r er bb so np
41⁄3 6 6 6 2 4 94 12.46
He was added to the
mistake, host Colorado played plenty of small ball to Fairbanks, H, 1
Castillo, S, 1-1
1 1 0 0 1 0 20 0.00
1 0 0 0 0 2 12 0.00
Hendricks, L, 0-1
Workman 2
3 4 3 3 3 4 63 9.00
⁄3 1 0 0 2 0 23 0.00
Webb 2
⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.00
active roster before the
Helsley 1 3 0 0 0 1 17 0.00
beat defending World Series champion Los Angeles. The Miami ip h r er bb so np era Brothers 2
⁄3 1 1 1 1 1 16 13.50 Cabrera 1 0 0 0 2 0 18 0.00
opener Thursday against
Adam 1 1 0 0 2 1 38 0.00 Gallegos, W, 1 0 0 0 0 2 19 0.00
Rockies scored runs courtesy of a squeeze play, two wild Alcantara
6 2 0 0 2 7 83 0.00
1 0 0 0 0 2 12 0.00 Winkler 1 ⁄3 1 1 1 1 2 31 5.40
1-0 the defending champion
Chafin ⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 14 0.00
pitches, a groundout, an error and three RBI singles.
Garcia, L, 0-1 1 1 1 1 0 1 15 9.00 Reyes 1 1 0 0 1 1 21 0.00
Detwiler 2
⁄3 2 0 0 0 2 14 0.00 Tepera 1
⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 12 0.00
Cincinnati ip h r er bb so np era Los Angeles Dodgers at
TIGERS 3, INDIANS 2: Miguel Cabrera homered Cimber ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 14 0.00 Mills 1 0 0 0 0 1 17 0.00
Coors Field.
Castillo 3 1⁄3 8 10 8 2 0 73 21.60
T—4:00. A—10,343 (41,649).
through the snow in his first at-bat of the season, then Inherited runners-scored—Cimber 2-0. HBP—Alcantara (L, 0-1)
(Diaz). Umpires—Home, Jerry Layne; First, Hunter Wen-
Brewers 6, Twins 5 (10)
Bedrosian 2
⁄3 1 1 1 0 1 9 13.50 Chacin, 33, spent the
added a sparkling play at first base to lift host Detroit to a delstedt; Second, Mike Estabrook; Third, Quinn Wolcott. Romano 2 0 0 0 1 2 26 0.00
T—2:44. A—7,062 (36,742). Minnesota ab r h bi bb so avg Fulmer 2 0 0 0 0 2 23 0.00 first six years of his major
victory over Cleveland. Arraez lf-3b 5 0 2 1 1 1 .400 Doolittle 1 1 0 0 0 2 15 0.00
RAYS 1, MARLINS 0: Austin Meadows’ homer in the Phillies 3, Braves 2 (10) Donaldson 3b 1 0 1 0 0 0 1.000 Inherited runners-scored—Webb 3-1, Bedrosian 1-1.
league career in Colorado
eighth inning was all Tampa Bay needed, and the reign- Atlanta ab r h bi bb so avg Cave lf 4 1 0 0 1 3 .000 HBP—Castillo (O’Neill), Flaherty (Barnhart). WP—Flaher- (2009-14) after being
Acuna Jr. rf 4 0 2 0 1 1 .500 Polanco 2b 4 0 0 0 1 2 .000 ty, Castillo. Umpires—Home, Jim Reynolds; First, Tony
ing AL champion started its season with a win at Miami. Albies 2b 5 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Sano 1b 4 1 1 0 1 3 .250 Randazzo; Second, Todd Tichenor; Third, Chad Whitson. signed by the Rockies on
BREWERS 6, TWINS 5: Lorenzo Cain scored the Freeman 1b 4 0 0 0 1 0 .000 Kepler rf 5 1 3 1 0 0 .600 T—3:31.
Sept. 27, 2004, as a non-
Ozuna lf 5 0 1 0 0 2 .200 Buxton cf 3 1 1 2 2 2 .333
winning run in the 10th after Travis Shaw sparked a d’Arnaud c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250 Garver c 5 0 0 0 0 3 .000 Angels 4, White Sox 3 drafted international free
Chicago ab r h bi bb so avg
ninth-inning comeback, and Milwaukee beat visiting Swanson ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Simmons ss
Maeda p
1 2
0 0
0 1 1
0 0 0
.000 Anderson ss 4 1 1 0 0 2 .250 agent. He ranks ninth in
Riley 3b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .333
Minnesota. Pache cf 4 1 1 0 0 2 .250 Cruz ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Eaton rf 4 1 1 2 0 1 .250 franchise history in in-
Garlick ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Abreu 1b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250
PIRATES 5, CUBS 3: Ke’Bryan Hayes hit a two-run Fried p
Sandoval ph
0 0 1
2 0 0
1.000 Astudillo ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Moncada 3b 3 0 2 0 1 1 .667 nings pitched (672.0),
homer, and Pittsburgh’s relievers dominated in a two- Adrianza ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Totals 39 5 10 4 7 17 Grandal c
Garcia lf
0 1 1
0 0 2
games started (109) and
Totals 37 2 7 2 2 10
hitter, helping the Pirates beat Chicago at Wrigley Field. Milwaukee
Wong 2b
r h
2 1
bi bb so avg
0 1 2 .333
Robert cf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .250 strikeouts (514). He’s also
Philadelphia ab r h bi bb so avg
PHILLIES 3, BRAVES 2: Jean Segura hit an RBI single McCutchen lf 4 1 1 0 1 2 .250 Hiura 1b 5 1 0 0 0 2 .000
Collins dh 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000
10th with 38 wins.
Madrigal 2b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .333
with two outs in the 10th inning to lift host Philadelphia Hoskins 1b 5 1 1 0 0 3 .200 Yelich lf
Garcia rf
2 2
0 2
1 0 1 .500
0 0 1 .400
Totals 33 3 7 2 2 10 Chacin spent spring
Harper rf 4 1 1 0 1 1 .250
to a victory over Atlanta. Realmuto c 4 0 2 1 0 0 .500 Shaw 3b 4 0 2 3 1 0 .500 Los Angeles ab r h bi bb so avg training with the Yankees
Fletcher 2b 4 1 1 0 0 2 .250
ROYALS 14, RANGERS 10: Michael A. Taylor homer- Bohm 3b 3 0 0 1 1 1 .000 Cain cf
Narvaez c
1 1
0 2
0 0 1 .200
1 0 1 .400 Ohtani dh 4 1 0 0 0 1 .000 before being released.
Gregorius ss 4 0 1 0 1 3 .250
ed, drove in three runs and threw out two players at the Segura 2b 5 0 2 1 0 0 .400 Urias ss 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Trout cf 2 1 1 1 2 1 .500
Vogelbach ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Rendon 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .333
plate from center field, leading host Kansas City past Haseley cf
Quinn cf
0 0 1
0 0 1
.000 Arcia ss 2 0 0 1 0 0 .000 Upton lf 3 0 1 1 1 1 .333 LOS ANGELES ANGELS
Texas in a wild season opener. Nola p 2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Woodruff p 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Pujols 1b 4 0 0 1 0 0 .000
Infielder David Fletcher
McKinney ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 1.000 J.Iglesias ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .000
PADRES 8, DIAMONDBACKS 7: Eric Hosmer had a Miller ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Bradley Jr. ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Stassi c 3 1 2 1 0 1 .667 agreed to a five-year, $26
Totals 36 3 9 3 4 13
homer among his three hits and drove in three runs, Atlanta 000 000 200 0 — 2 7 1
Robertson ph-3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Fowler rf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .000
million contract before the
Totals 40 6 11 6 2 9 Totals 30 4 6 4 4 10
newcomer Victor Caratini also had three RBIs, and San Philadelphia 101 000 000 1 — 3 9 1
club’s season opener
Minnesota 002 100 200 0 — 5 10 2 Chicago 010 020 000 — 3 7 1
Diego gave up four long balls in the fifth inning to blow a E—Freeman (1), Hoskins (1). LOB—Atlanta 9, Philadel-
phia 12. 2B—Acuna Jr. (1), Pache (1), Hoskins (1), Real- Milwaukee 001 010 003 1 — 6 11 0 Los Angeles 000 110 02x — 4 6 0 against the White Sox.
five-run lead before beating visiting Arizona. muto (1). HR—Sandoval (1), off Nola. RBIs—Sandoval 2 E—Simmons (1), Colome (1). LOB—Minnesota 13, Mil- E—Madrigal (1). LOB—Chicago 5, Los Angeles 6.
Fletcher’s deal could be
(2), Bohm (1), Realmuto (1), Segura (1). SB—Segura (1). waukee 12. 2B—Donaldson (1), Kepler (1), Shaw (1). 2B—Robert (1), Moncada (1). HR—Eaton (1), off Bundy;
CARDINALS 11, REDS 6: Paul Goldschmidt and new- Stassi (1), off Giolito. RBIs—Eaton 2 (2), Upton (1), Stassi
SF—Bohm. S —Nola. Runners left in scoring position- 3B—Kepler (1). HR—Buxton (1), off Yardley. worth up to $41 million
comer Nolan Arenado combined for six hits in a boosted —Atlanta 5 (Albies, d’Arnaud, Pache); Philadelphia 7 RBIs—Kepler (1), Arraez (1), Buxton 2 (2), Shaw 3 (3), (1), Trout (1), Pujols (1). SB—Robert (1). CS—Madrigal
(Gregorius 3, Hoskins 2, Miller). RISP—Atlanta 1 for 8; Narvaez (1), Yelich (1), Arcia (1). SB—Buxton (1). (1). Runners left in scoring position—Chicago 2 (Rob- because it includes two
St. Louis lineup, and the Cardinals roughed up Luis Philadelphia 3 for 14. Runners moved up—Freeman, S —Maeda. Runners left in scoring position—Minnesota ert); Los Angeles 3 (Pujols, J.Iglesias). RISP—Chicago 0 for
Realmuto. DP—Philadelphia1(Quinn, Realmuto, Quinn). 7 (Kepler, Garver, Sano 2, Cave); Milwaukee 6 (Urias, Cain 2; Los Angeles 2 for 7. Runners moved up—Garcia, Pujols. club options worth $8
Castillo for six runs in the first inning to beat host Cincin- GIDP—Upton. DP—Chicago 1 (Moncada, Madrigal,
Atlanta ip h r er bb so np era 2, Hiura, Vogelbach). RISP—Minnesota 3 for 12; Milwau-
million in 2026 and $8.5
nati in a chilly opener. Fried 5 6 2 2 2 8 94 3.60 kee 6 for 15. Runners moved up—Polanco, Garcia. Abreu).

ANGELS 4, WHITE SOX 3: Mike Trout delivered the

Matzek 1 1 0 0 1 1 17 0.00 Minnesota ip h r er bb so np era Chicago
ip h r er bb so np
51⁄3 2 2 2 2 8 87 3.38
era million in 2027.
Minter 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.00 Maeda 4 1⁄3 6 2 1 2 5 88 2.08
tying single, and Shohei Ohtani scored the go-ahead run Martin 1 1 0 0 0 1 13 0.00 Duffey 2
⁄3 2 0 0 0 0 11 0.00 Heuer, H, 1 1 ⁄3 2 0 0 1 1 20 0.00
Fletcher is a former
Smith 1 0 0 0 0 3 14 0.00 Stashak, H, 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 10 0.00 Bummer, L, 2
⁄3 2 2 0 1 1 28 0.00
on Albert Pujols’ groundout in the eighth inning, leading Jones, L, 0-1 2
⁄3 1 1 0 1 0 6 0.00 Rogers, H, 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 10 0.00 0-1, BS, 0-1 sixth-round pick who was
Los Angeles’ rally to a win over visiting Chicago.
Philadelphia ip h r er bb so np era Robles, H, 1
Colome, BS, 0-1
1 0 0 0 0 2 12 0.00
1 2 3 0 0 0 17 0.00
Los Angeles
⁄3 0 0 0 0 0
ip h r er bb so np
5 0.00
born and raised in Orange
Nola 62⁄3 6 2 2 0 6 84 2.70
⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 7 0.00 Dobnak, L, 0-1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0.00 Bundy 6 6 3 3 1 6 88 4.50 County, Calif. He is a ca-
Alvarado 1 1 0 0 1 3 21 0.00 Milwaukee ip h r er bb so np era Slegers 1 1 0 0 0 1 12 0.00
Sox postponed their opener against the Baltimore Ori- Neris 1 0 0 0 0 1 15 0.00 Woodruff 4 6 3 3 2 5 78 6.75 Mayers, W, 1-0 1 0 0 0 1 1 17 0.00 reer .292 hitter with 10
oles at Fenway Park on Thursday because of rain. The Brogdon, W, 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.00 Peralta 2 2 0 0 3 6 53 0.00 R.Iglesias, S,
1 0 0 0 0 2 8 0.00 homers and 92 RBIs in his
1-0 Yardley 1 2 2 2 0 0 18 18.00
game will be made up Friday. IBB—off Jones (Gregorius). HBP—Fried (Realmuto), Al- Feyereisen 1 0 0 0 1 2 15 0.00 Inherited runners-scored—Foster 2-0. WP—Bundy. three big league seasons.
varado (Riley). Umpires—Home, Bill Miller; First, Doug Lindblom 1 0 0 0 1 1 14 0.00 PB—Grandal (1). Umpires—Home, Larry Vanover; First,
From wire reports Eddings; Second, Brian Knight; Third, Gabe Morales. Hader, W, 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 3 11 0.00 Marvin Hudson; Second, Dave Rackley; Third, Edwin Mos- From wire reports
T—3:33. A—8,529 (42,792). T—4:14. A—11,740 (41,900). coso. T—2:51. A—13,207 (45,517).
HHHH Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com | Friday, April 2, 2021 | C7



Free agency is likely Correa’s next step

By Chandler Rome can do both, offensively and de-
STA F F WRIT E R fensively, at a high level.”
“He deserves every penny of
OAKLAND, Calif. — The philo- it,” Correa said. “I talked to him
sophical chasm between the As- for about an hour last night and
tros and Carlos Correa is wide, congratulated him. He set the
inviting serious doubt whether market for every shortstop com-
retaining the former first overall ing after him. It’s always great to
pick is even possible. Correa’s see a great player get rewarded
self-imposed deadline for a con- like that.”
tract extension came and went In January, Correa told an As-
Thursday with nothing resem- tros-run radio show he “would
bling a middle ground, meaning love to be an Astro for life.” He
another Houston superstar will reiterated the desire in almost
wade into free agency. every appearance since, but not
Dallas Keuchel, Gerrit Cole for anything he considered be-
and George Springer have de- low his value. Correa established
parted in the last three winters. opening day as a deadline for any
Correa sounded like he could be contract extension negotiations
the fourth. and said he would “absolutely
“We didn’t get close at all,” not” soften the deadline.
Correa said before Thursday’s “He’s been very up front, obvi-
opening-day game against the ously publicly and with us, that
A’s. “There were not really any once we get to opening day he
negotiations.” wants to focus on winning anoth-
Correa said the Astros offered er championship for the city of
him two deals: a six-year exten- Houston, and we respect that,”
sion worth $120 million and, af- general manager James Click
ter that, a five-year deal worth said Thursday, before Correa
$125 million. Neither approached spoke.
Correa’s asking price. Correa said there are “no hard
Both offers are within the feelings” toward Crane, Click or
realm of what owner Jim Crane the Astros’ front office. He spoke
has doled out to his superstars in Thursday with his usual affinity
the past. Jose Altuve received a for the city, club and fans, claim-
five-year, $151 million extension ing Houston “will always be my
before the 2018 season. A year second home.”
later, Alex Bregman signed a six- “Hopefully, we can pick it
year, $100 million pact. back up at the appropriate time,”
Correa is looking at another Ezra Shaw / Getty Images Click said concerning a reunion.
stratosphere, one the Astros in- Shortstop Carlos Correa, who finished 1 for 3 with a walk in Thursday’s opening day game, said “Our door is always open.”
formed him they never intend to the two deals the Astros offered didn’t approach his asking price. Correa seemed to not view it
occupy. that way.
“They made it very clear to exceeded the $210 million com- mains the four-year, $52 million them Wednesday night, agreeing “In terms of a long contract
me. They said, ‘We don’t believe petitive balance tax threshold deal Josh Reddick signed before to a 10-year, $341 million exten- and a big contract, they closed it
in long contracts. We don’t be- last season and is perilously the 2017 season. sion with the New York Mets. right away,” Correa said. “It de-
lieve in big contracts,’ ” Correa close to doing it again in 2021. Correa commands a contract Correa called Lindor, his Puer- pends on what that means. I’m
said. “Once I hit free agency, I’m Most of the money, though, far larger than that. He is the to Rican countryman and close focused on playing baseball. It is
going to look for a big, long con- came via trade acquisitions, con- youngest member of a star-stud- friend, Wednesday night. The opening day, and I could not be
tract. They made it very clear tract extensions or homegrown ded shortstop class this winter two spoke for nearly an hour. In more excited.”
that they did not believe in that.” talent. The longest and most lu- that includes Corey Seager, Javy February, Correa said he and
Crane can not be accused of crative free-agent deal in Crane’s Baez and Trevor Story. Francisco Lindor were the only two soon- [email protected]
not spending money. Houston 10-year ownership tenure re- Lindor set a benchmark for all of to-be free agent shortstops “that twitter.com/chandler_rome

ASTROS tros accomplished the task.

Their 8-1 win against the A’s gave
in season-openers, the veteran
righthander yielded 17 earned
Mark Canha. The leadoff hitter
flung his bat in disgust.
rookie season in 2020. He
pitched in empty stadiums for all
From page C1 them nine straight opening day runs in 182⁄3 innings pitched. An Greinke departed the mound of it. Adrenaline coursed
victories. Only four other teams 8.20 ERA in such a small sample with 48 pitches and just nine through his tiny frame then — it
themselves targets. Players can since 1900 have similar streaks. size reflects nothing, but outs. He required 34 to get the does for any rookie — but nothing
portray poise, but what festers Michael Brantley struck three Greinke’s endurance issues at next nine. Chad Pinder poked a can compare to a three-deck sta-
inside is a whole other matter. hits in four at-bats. His home run the start of last season invited first-pitch single against him in dium with seething fans hellbent
Bregman heard invective for off sidewinder Adam Kolarek in wonder whether Thursday could the sixth while Enoli Paredes be- on making a night miserable.
more than three hours. An an- the eighth began an avalanche. turn catastrophic. gan to warm in the bullpen. Beneath them, Paredes’ com-
nounced crowd of 10,436 fo- Bregman followed with his blast Greinke allayed any concerns Greinke got Andrus to ground in- mand wavered and his energy
cused its anger on him, Jose Al- five pitches later. He admired the across six scoreless innings. He to a 4-3 double play before Canha wilted. Yuli Gurriel dropped a fly
tuve and Carlos Correa — the absolute bomb that allowed his stymied a pesky A’s lineup with flew out. Five pitches later, the ball in foul territory to compli-
three faces of Houston’s 2017 dugout to exhale. Bregman four pitches, mixing at will and threat disappeared. cate matters. Ramon Laureano
team. Deafening boos preceded touched home plate and per- in any count. Oakland mustered Greinke only got up to 88 launched a double to start the
each of their plate appearances. formed a choreographed hand- three hits against him. Just one pitches during Grapefruit frame. Paredes sandwiched
Every ball struck to them in the shake with Correa. Altuve stood runner reached scoring position League play. The six innings he walks of Matt Olson and Mitch
field arrived with similar angst. nearby when they finished. All while he worked. Fifty-six of gave Houston on Thursday were Moreland around Matt Chap-
Children with high-pitched voic- three smiled despite the hellish Greinke’s 82 pitches were something of a surprise. In his man’s sacrifice fly.
es called them cheaters. Correa surroundings. strikes. first start of 2020, Greinke only The go-ahead run came to the
got hit by a pitch in the fourth Bregman and Brantley teamed Initial inefficiency threatened finished 31⁄3 innings. He tossed plate twice. Paredes struck both
and it drew the loudest applause for five of the Astros’ nine hits. Greinke’s evening. Matt Olson just 58 pitches. men out. Jed Lowrie succumbed
of the night. Yordan Alvarez added an oppo- battled him in an 11-pitch at-bat Thursday, manager Dusty Bak- to a slider. Sean Murphy, too.
How the team accepts the ran- site-field double during the sixth during the first. Greinke elevated er opted not to have Greinke face When he did, Paredes leapt from
cor could determine their sea- off A’s reliever Yusmeiro Petit. a four-seam fastball to strike him the menacing middle of Oak- the mound. He balled his fists.
son. Allowing it to affect them Two runs scored, widening the out and end the frame. Elvis An- land’s order a third time. He He let out a yell. The crowd,
may mean disaster. Accepting it Houston lead to three for depart- drus’ two-out, ground-rule dou- tabbed Paredes to pitch the sev- again, calmed for a moment as
is the Astros’ way. Calming these ed starter Zack Greinke. ble during the third represented enth, handing him a two-run the Astros celebrated.
crowds may be almost impossi- Greinke brought a brutal Oakland’s only threat against lead in a foreign environment.
ble. Winning despite it is their opening day pedigree to the him. Greinke extinguished it Paredes made himself a lever- [email protected]
objective. One game in, the As- park. During four previous starts with a nine-pitch punchout of age reliever during a standout twitter.com/chandler_rome

SOLOMON some youth leagues banned

Astros as a team nickname.
Some even thrived on it.
Darryl Strawberry told me
From page C1 With all of that mess swirling once he would rather have been
around the franchise — whose booed than have fans moan,
scheme. championship general manager “D-a-a-a-ryll! D-a-a-a-ryll!” every
The Astros probably didn’t and manager were fired — one time he stepped to the plate.
benefit from the sign-stealing to only can imagine the vitriol the Still, he got so used to it that
the extent they would not have Astros would have faced had he sometimes tipped his cap and
won the 2017 World Series with- they run onto the field opening smiled.
out the so-called cheating, but it day before a huge, hostile Fan treatment will be less of a
was obvious from the reception crowd. factor in the Astros’ success or
in Grapefruit League ballparks Well, not just Day 1, but Day 2, failure than the attention it will
last spring that opposing fans Day 3 and so on. As long of a receive, but it will be interesting
were going to be vicious. year as the regular season to watch when players have the
The once loveable Astros had turned out to be — the Astros standard in-season slumps.
become the most hated team in finished with a sub-.500 record One thing is certain: The
the sport. for the first time since 2014 — it Astros will have to play through
Even some Astros season could have been worse. it because fans won’t run out of
ticket holders sued the ballclub, It should be easier now, as energy.
claiming various levels of disgust we’re a year removed from the When Bregman hit into a
or alleged fraud over having breaking news, but you could double play to close out the first
bought tickets and enjoyed the tell by the crowd in Oakland for Ezra Shaw / Getty Images Astros half-inning of 2021, it
2017 championship run only to Thursday’s season opener that More than a year removed from the fallout of the sign-stealing wasn’t because of the boos. (And
have it tainted a couple years fans aren’t likely to move on so scandal, the Astros are hearing it from opposing fans. I assume that in the first inning
later. quickly. And just wait until the the boos weren’t because of the
Morning Consult, a tech com- Astros visit Dodger Stadium in The Astros are the big boys. compete. Ready to get back to booze.)
pany that does market research, August. The A’s might have won the playing baseball. Excited to have Yet it is impossible to con-
said the Astros went from being With their 8-1 victory Thurs- American League West last year, fans in the stands. vince fans they don’t affect win-
among the 10 most-liked teams day, the Astros have won nine but that was in a shortened “(We’re) looking forward to ning and losing.
in baseball to the least-liked in straight season openers, just the season. Not only did the Astros competing for a division title A good percentage — more
just two weeks. fifth team since 1900 to accom- rebound to top Oakland in the against some good teams in our than half, according every poll I
A Seton Hall University poll plish the feat, according to the playoffs, they believe over the division. We’re excited.” could find — have unfavorable
last year found a majority of Elias Sports Bureau. true long haul of a 162-game run, Surely Bregman was still excit- opinions of the Astros.
respondents believed the Astros The streak dates to 2013, they will prove to be the better ed when he stepped into the Opposing fans are going to
should be stripped of their title. when MLB forced owner Jim team. batter’s box to boos raining enjoy this season unless the
Amazingly, they were more Crane to move the Astros out of Alex Bregman used the word down from the just over 12,000 Astros silence them.
bothered by the Astros breaking their longtime home in the Na- “excited” about 20 times in a fans at the coliseum (limited to On the road, the Astros are
the rules than they were by tional League. five-minute media session Wed- 26 percent capacity because of hoping for the silence of 2020.
politicians doing so. As unpopular as the move was nesday. It is that time of year. California health requirements). The sweet sounds of champi-
When you rank lower than among Astros faithful, the suc- “I would grade the mood of That is the new normal. And it onship baseball.
politicians … cess in recent years has erased the club probably at 10 out of isn’t unprecedented.
The turn on the Astros was so all fear of the Yankees and Red 10,” Bregman said. “Everyone is Good players have had to deal [email protected]
ridiculously over the top that Sox. excited, ready to go. Ready to with such treatment before. twitter.com/jeromesolomon
C8 | Friday, April 2, 2021 | HoustonChronicle.com | Houston Chronicle HHHH

FOR THE RECORD | ETC. Sports editor, [email protected] | 713-362-2734 | [email protected] @chronsports Houston Chronicle Sports


America’s Line Ted Potter, Jr.........................................................39-37—76

Bronson Burgoon...................................................37-39—76 Television
Home team capitalized Scott Brown...........................................................39-37—76 Col. baseball Washington at UCLA (2) Pac-12 2 p.m.
American League Rhein Gibson..........................................................39-37—76
Kramer Hickok .......................................................39-37—76 Col. baseball Clemson at N. Carolina St. ACC 6 p.m.
Favorite Odds Underdog Brian Gay................................................................40-36—76 Col. baseball Kentucky at Mississippi St. SEC 6 p.m.
ANGELS -$110 (8 1⁄2) White Sox Nate Lashley..........................................................39-37—76
ATHLETICS -$138 (8) Astros Hank Lebioda ........................................................39-37—76 Col. baseball TCU at Oklahoma Bally SW 6:30 p.m.
Luke Donald...........................................................39-38—77 Col. baseball Stanford at Washington St. Pac-12 7 p.m.
National League Danny Lee ..............................................................38-39—77
Scott Stallings........................................................41-36—77 Col. baseball Vanderbilt at LSU ESPN2 8 p.m.
Favorite Odds Underdog
Dodgers -$260 (111⁄2) ROCKIES Austin Eckroat .......................................................38-39—77 Col. basketball South Carolina vs. Stanford (w) ESPN 5 p.m.
Byeong Hun An .....................................................37-40—77
PADRES -$230 (8 1⁄2) Diamondbacks
Cameron Champ ...................................................39-38—77 Col. basketball Arizona vs. Connecticut (w) ESPN 8:30 p.m.
InterLeague Andrew Putnam....................................................39-38—77 Col. soccer Stanford at Arizona (w) Pac-12 10 p.m.
Jim Furyk ................................................................38-39—77
Favorite Odds Underdog Rob Oppenheim ....................................................40-37—77 Col. softball Arkansas at Auburn SEC noon
Rays -$118 (7 1⁄2) MARLINS Mac Meissner .........................................................40-37—77 Col. softball Notre Dame at Florida St. ACC 4 p.m.
MARINERS -$125 (8) Giants Henrik Norlander ...................................................38-40—78
J.J. Spaun...............................................................38-40—78 Col. softball Kentucky at Tennessee ESPNU 4 p.m.
Favorite Odds Underdog
RED SOX -$170 (9) Orioles
J.J. Killeen ..............................................................38-40—78 Col. softball Texas Tech at Texas LHN 6 p.m.
Austin Cook............................................................36-42—78
J.B. Holmes ...........................................................40-38—78 Col. tennis Oklahoma St. at Oklahoma (w) Bally SW+ 4 p.m.
Xinjun Zhang .........................................................40-39—79 Col. volleyball Michigan at Wisconsin (w) ESPNU 2 p.m.
Favorite Pts O/U Underdog Nick Watney ...........................................................38-41—79
t-Warriors 2 1⁄2 228 1⁄2 RAPTORS Phil Mickelson ........................................................38-41—79 Col. volleyball Illinois at Purdue (w) Big Ten 8 p.m.
Jed Jacobsohn / Getty Images
CELTICS 10 NL Rockets Sam Bennett .........................................................40-40—80 Golf ANA Inspiration Golf 11 a.m.
Mavericks 4 1⁄2 214 1⁄2 KNICKS Sean O’Hair ............................................................41-42—83
Patrick Grimes........................................................43-42—85
Golf 6 p.m. 21-year-old Patty Tavatanakit took a one-shot lead
PACERS 4 223 1⁄2 Hornets
GRIZZLIES 6 1⁄2 231 1⁄2 T’Wolves
Golf Valero Texas Open Golf 3 p.m. in the first round of the ANA Inspiration.
Hawks 1 1⁄2 NL PELICANS
LPGA Tour — ANA Inspiration Horse racing America’s Day at the Races FS2 noon

Wie West, Feng

JAZZ 11 NL Bulls
Thursday’s first round
At Rancho Mirage, Calif. Pro baseball Tampa Bay at Miami MLB 6 p.m.
SUNS 121⁄2 219 1⁄2 Thunder
Bucks 3 1⁄2 236 1⁄2 BLAZERS Patty Tavatanakit .................................................34-32—66 Pro baseball Astros at Oakland ATTSW 8:30 p.m.
Leona Maguire.......................................................34-33—67
KINGS 4 223 1⁄2 Lakers
Shanshan Feng......................................................33-34—67 Pro basketball Rockets at Boston ATTSW+ 6:30 p.m.

shine in return
t-Tampa, Florida Megan Khang ........................................................33-35—68 Pro basketball Dallas at New York NBA 6:30 p.m.
College basketball Moriya Jutanugarn ................................................34-34—68
Ariya Jutanugarn ...................................................34-34—68
Pro basketball Milwaukee at Portland NBA 9 p.m.
NCAA Tournament Anna Nordqvist .....................................................34-34—68 Pro hockey Washington at New Jersey NHL 6 p.m.
Favorite Odds O/U Underdog Mirim Lee................................................................35-34—69
Connecticut 131⁄2 127 1⁄2 Arizona Jessica Korda .........................................................34-35—69
Surfing Newcastle Cup FS2 5:30 p.m.
Stanford 6 134 South Carolina Jennifer Kupcho.....................................................34-35—69 Tennis Miami Open Tennis noon RANCHO MIRAGE, all the par 5s in two,
Jin Young Ko ..........................................................35-34—69
Wrestling U.S. Olympic Trials NBCSN 6:30 p.m.
NHL Georgia Hall ...........................................................35-34—69 Calif. — Michelle Wie birdieing three of them.
Favorite Odds O/U Underdog
Charley Hull............................................................36-33—69
Bronte Law.............................................................34-35—69
Radio West was back on a ma- “It was a pretty calm
Capitals -$180/+$160 51⁄2 DEVILS Yuka Saso...............................................................36-33—69 Pro baseball Astros at Oakland 740 AM 8:30 p.m.
Maple Leafs -$135/+$115 6 JETS Sarah Kemp ...........................................................35-35—70 In Spanish 1010 AM jor championship leader- and relaxing day today,”
OILERS -$140/+$120 6 Flames
AVALANCHE -$220/+$180 51⁄2 Blues
Gerina Piller............................................................36-34—70
Sophia Popov ........................................................38-32—70 Pro basketball Rockets at Boston 790 AM 6:30 p.m. board Thursday at the Tavatanakit said. “I just
KINGS -$120/even 51⁄2 Sharks Inbee Park..............................................................35-35—70 In Spanish 1010 AM ANA Inspiration. So was stuck to my game plan
Coyotes -$110/-$110 51⁄2 DUCKS Dani Holmqvist......................................................35-35—70 .
Azahara Munoz......................................................34-36—70 Shanshan Feng in her and didn’t get too greedy
Colleges Pornanong Phatlum .............................................36-34—70
Carlota Ciganda.....................................................33-37—70
first tournament in 14 out there. I know it’s a
Football Christina Kim .........................................................35-35—70 months. major, it’s tough, the
Thursday’s results Cheyenne Knight ...................................................34-36—70
Lydia Ko..................................................................34-36—70 TAPPS 5-II Transactions Playing for the second course is really tough. I
South Amy Yang...............................................................35-35—70 Second Baptist 2, The Woodlands Christian 0 BASEBALL straight week after a was just being really
Sam Houston St. 24, Northwestern St. 16 Lexi Thompson ......................................................35-35—70
Michelle Wie West.................................................34-36—70 Non-district American League 21-month break, Wie patient and I was waiting
Southwest Pajaree Anannarukarn ..........................................35-36—71 Cinco Ranch 9, Milby 1
E.C. Oklahoma U. 21, Tarleton St. 14 Jaye Marie Green....................................................34-37—71
BALTIMORE ORIOLES: Placed OF D.J. Stewart on the10-
day injured list and RHP Shawn Armstrong on paternity
West shot a 2-under 70, for putts to drop, and
Friday’s game Jenny Shin ..............................................................34-37—71 Softball list. Optioned RHP Travis Lakins Sr. to Norfolk (Triple-A leaving her four strokes they did on the back
N. Iowa at South Dakota, 6 p.m. Lauren Stephenson ...............................................36-35—71 Thursday’s scores East). Placed INF Chris Davis and RHP Hunter Harvey on
Saturday’s games Ally Ewing...............................................................36-35—71 the 60-day injured list. behind leader Patty Tava- nine.”
Kelly Tan .................................................................34-37—71 District 15-6A
East Yui Kawamoto........................................................35-36—71 Klein Oak 23, Klein Forest 0
BOSTON RED SOX: Placed LHP Eduardo Rodriguez and
RHP Ryan Brasier on the 10-day injured list. Recalled RHP
tanakit after the morning
Sarah Schmelzel ....................................................34-37—71
Villanova at Maine, 11 a.m.
Albany (N.Y.) at Delaware, 11 a.m. Ryann O’Toole ........................................................36-35—71 District 16-6A Tanner Houck from the alternate training site.
CHICAGO WHITE SOX: Placed OF Adam Engel and LHP
wave. Villegas in front
Jeongeun Lee6 .......................................................36-35—71 Cypress Woods 14, Cypress Falls 2 “Came into the day
Lehigh at Lafayette, 11:30 a.m.
Bucknell at Holy Cross, Noon
New Hampshire at Rhode Island, Noon
Sung Hyun Park .....................................................35-36—71
Madelene Sagstrom ..............................................32-39—71
Bridgeland 12, Langham Creek 1
Cypress Ranch 4, Cypress Lakes 2
Jace Fry on the 10-day injured list and OF Eloy Jimenez on
the 60-day injured list. Selected the contracts of OF Billy
Hamilton and INF/OF Andrew Vaughn from Schaumburg like, ‘OK, no stress today, after first round
Mi Jung Hur ............................................................34-37—71
Colgate at Fordham, 3 p.m.
Nelly Korda.............................................................35-36—71 District 17-6A (Triple-A East). Assigned LHP Nik Turley outright to
easy golf,’” Wie West Camilo Villegas
South Yu Liu ......................................................................36-35—71
Mel Reid..................................................................36-35—71
Memorial 8, Jersey Village 7 DETROIT TIGERS: Placed RHP Rony Garcia on the 10-day said. “And the first cou- chipped in twice to high-
James Madison at Richmond, 11 a.m. injured list. Selected the contract of LHP Derek Holland
Presbyterian at Stetson, Noon Hannah Green........................................................35-36—71 District 18-6A
from Toledo (Triple-A East). Designated OF Christin Stew- ple holes were not easy light a nine-birdie round
Stephanie Meadow ...............................................35-36—71 Westside 9, Westbury 0
Robert Morris at Kennesaw St., Noon
The Citadel at Wofford, Noon Nicole Broch Larsen ...............................................36-35—71 Houston Heights 15, Math Science & Tech 0
art for assignment.
HOUSTON ASTROS: Placed RHP Andre Scrubb, Josh
golf. I’m just happy to see that earned him an 8-
Nicholls at McNeese St., Noon Perrine Delacour ....................................................35-37—72
Kristen Gillman ......................................................37-35—72 District 20-6A James and Austin Pruitt and LHP Framber Valdez on the my name on the first under 64 and the first-
Monmouth (N.J.) at Gardner-Webb, Noon 10-day injured list.
ETSU at VMI, 12:30 p.m. Eun-Hee Ji ..............................................................36-36—72 FB Dulles 8, FB Clements 4 KANSAS CITY ROYALS: Designated C Meibrys Viloria and page of the leaderboard. round lead at the Valero
Sei Young Kim .......................................................36-36—72
SE Missouri at UT Martin, 1 p.m.
Tennessee St. at Tennessee Tech, 1:30 p.m. Xiyu Lin...................................................................37-35—72 District 21-6A RHP Scott Blewett for assignment. Selected the contracts
of CF Kyle Islbel from Quad Cities (High-A Central) and
That’s really special to Texas Open on Thursday.
Danielle Kang.........................................................37-35—72 Atascocita 10, Humble 0
SC State at Alabama St., 2 p.m.
Cristie Kerr ..............................................................37-35—72
LHP Jake Brentz from Northwest Arkansas (Double-A me. Been a long time Sung Kang, a 33-year-
Murray St. at Austin Peay, 2 p.m. District 22-6A Central).
Furman at Mercer, 2:30 p.m. Nanna Koerstz Madsen ........................................36-36—72
Dobie 3, Channelview 2
LOS ANGELES ANGELS: Agreed to terms with INF David since I’ve seen that.” old South Korean, is two
William & Mary at Elon, 3 p.m. Pernilla Lindberg....................................................34-38—72 Fletcher on a five-year contract.
Ark.-Pine Bluff at MVSU, 3 p.m. Alena Sharp ...........................................................37-35—72
District 23-6A OAKLAND ATHLETICS: Selected the contracts of LHP
Feng birdied three of shots back with Cameron
Angel Yin................................................................34-38—72
Southern U. at Jackson St., 4 p.m.
Brittany Lang.........................................................37-35—72 Dawson 21, Hastings 0 Reymin Guduan and INF Jed Lowrie from Las Vegas (Tri- her last five holes for a Tringale after each had a
Lamar at SE Louisiana, 6 p.m. ple-A West). Optioned LHP A.J. Puk and RHP Daulton Jef-
Gardner-Webb at Charleston Southern, ppd. Hyo Joo Kim...........................................................37-35—72
Angela Stanford ....................................................34-38—72
District 24-6A feries to the alternate training site. Placed RHPs Mike Fiers bogey-free 67. The Chi- 66 at TPC San Antonio’s
and Trevor Rosenthal on the 10-day injured list. Designat-
Midwest Minjee Lee ..............................................................37-35—72 Brazoswood 6, Dickinson 2
ed OF Skye Bolt for assignment. nese star hadn’t played a Oaks Course. Jordan
Jodi Ewart Shadoff ...............................................38-34—72 Clear Creek 7, Clear Brook 4
Jacksonville St. at E. Illinois, 1 p.m.
Valparaiso at Drake, 1 p.m. So Yeon Ryu...........................................................35-37—72 District 16-5A
TAMPA BAY RAYS: Placed RF Brett Phillips and1B Ji-Man
Choi on the 10-day injured list.
competitive round since Spieth, whose struggles
Morehead St. at Butler, 2 p.m. Hinako Shibuno .....................................................36-36—72
Caroline Inglis.........................................................36-36—72 Huntsville 12, Jacksonville 0 TEXAS RANGERS: Selected the contracts of RHP Matt November 2019 because the past three years
S. Dakota St. at N. Dakota St., 2:30 p.m. Bush and INF Charlie Culberson from Round Rock (Triple-A
Youngstown St. at W. Illinois, 7 p.m. Gabriela Ruffels .....................................................36-36—72 District 19-5A West). Recalled LHP Kolby Allard from Round Rock. of the coronavirus pan- appear to be subsiding
Jennifer Song .........................................................35-37—72
Southwest a-amateur Magnolia West 4, Brenham 2 Placed RHP Demarcus Evans, LHPs Brock Burke, Brett
Martin and Joely Rodriguez, C Sam Huff, OFs Willie Cal-
demic and a recent visa after four top-10 finishes
Alabama A&M at Prairie View, 2 p.m.
Korn Ferry Tour District 20-5A houn and Khris Davis on the 10-day injured list. Assigned delay. the past two months, is
Lake Creek 5, New Caney 1 RHP Hunter Wood and LHP Hyeon-jong Yang to the al-
West Emerald Coast Classic Dayton 14, New Caney Porter 4 ternate training site. Designated INF Rougned Odor for as- “I was kind of nervous three back (67) with
Davidson at San Diego, 2 p.m. Thursday’s first round
Weber St. at S. Utah, 3 p.m. At Destin, Fla. District 21-5A
TORONTO BLUE JAYS: Selected LHP Tim Mayza and INF
last night,” the 10-time Seung-Yul Noh and Hide-
E. Washington at UC Davis, 4:04 p.m.
Idaho at Idaho St., 5 p.m.
Andrew Novak.......................................................33-29—62 Barbers Hill 17, Galena Park 0 Joe Panik from Buffalo (Triple-A East). Recalled RHP Joel LPGA Tour winner said. ki Matsuyama.
Hayden Buckley.....................................................33-33—66 Payamps from the alternate training site. Optioned LHPs
Austin Smotherman .............................................34-32—66 District 22-5A Travis Bergen and Anthony Kay to the alternated training “But I said to myself, Phil Mickelson
Golf Josh Hart.................................................................35-31—66
Stephan Jaeger......................................................34-33—67
Friendswood 4, Texas City 3
La Porte 14, Galveston Ball 0
site. Placed RHPs Thomas Hatch, Kirby Yates and Nate
Pearson, LHP Robbie Ray and OF George Springer on the ‘Hey, it’s OK. Think about dropped to 15 shots back
PGA Tour — Valero Texas Open Wade Binfield ........................................................34-33—67 10-day injured list. Designated C Reese McGuire and INF you’re just an old rookie. when he had a 10 on the
Thursday’s first round Rico Hoey ...............................................................34-33—67 District 24-5A Breyvic Valera for assignment.
At San Antonio Nicolas Echavarria .................................................34-33—67 Angleton 0, FB Willowridge 0
National League
Everything is new for you 18th hole — he took two
Camilo Villegas.......................................................31-33—64 Fulshear 15, Fort Bend Kempner 3
Sung Kang..............................................................31-35—66
Adam Svensson.....................................................33-34—67
Brandon Harkins....................................................35-32—67 ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS: Recalled RHP Riley Smith here and just have no penalty shots and anoth-
District 21-4A
Cameron Tringale ..................................................34-32—66 Kevin Dougherty....................................................33-34—67
Liberty 4, Hardin-Jefferson 0
from Reno (Triple-A West). Placed RHP Zac Gallen and RF
Kole Calhoun on the 10-day injured list.
expectation. Try your er three strokes trying to
Jordan Spieth.........................................................35-32—67 Steven Alker...........................................................34-33—67
Seung-Yul Noh.......................................................33-34—67 David Lipsky...........................................................33-35—68 Splendora 7, Livingston 1 CHICAGO CUBS: Placed RHPs Jonathan Holder and Row- hardest, 100 percent on get away from a green-
Hideki Matsuyama ................................................33-34—67 Alex Cejka...............................................................33-35—68 an Wick and C Austin Romine on the 10-day injured list.
Scottie Scheffler....................................................33-35—68 Brandon Crick.........................................................34-34—68
District 24-3A CINCINNATI REDS: Optioned 2B Max Schrock, LF Mar every shot and enjoy the side stream — and ended
Tom Hoge...............................................................36-32—68
Sebastian Munoz...................................................34-34—68
Alex Prugh..............................................................33-35—68 East Bernard 12, Wallis Brazos 1
Danbury 7, Hempstead 0
Payton to the alternate training site. Designated RHP Ed-
gar Garcia for assignment. Placed CF Shogo Akiyama,
process.’ That was what I with a 79.
Joey Garber ............................................................33-35—68
Kevin Stadler .........................................................33-36—69 Zach Wright ...........................................................34-34—68 Non-district
RHPs Sonny Gray and Michael Lorenzen on the 10-day in- did, actually.” Villegas won the Tour
Matt Wallace .........................................................36-33—69 Alex Chiarella .........................................................35-33—68 jured list. Selected the contract of 3B Jonathan India from
Vincent Whaley .....................................................36-33—69 Huffman Hargrave 4, Klein Collins 0 Chattanooga (Double-A South). Activated 1B Joey Votto Tavatanakit, the 21- Championship in 2008
Hole-in-one Willis 4, Conroe Grand Oaks 1 from the 10-day injured list.
Kyoung-Hoon Lee..................................................33-37—70
Brendan Steele......................................................35-35—70
(Name, course, hole, yards, club) Needville 15, Stafford 0 COLORADO ROCKIES: Signed RHP Jhoulys Chacin. Desig- year-old former UCLA and the Wyndham Cham-
Gary Cordell, Lakeside CC, 4, 114, 9-iron
Rafa Cabrera Bello ................................................34-36—70 Navasota 15, Brookshire Royal 0
Manvel 1, Houston Sterling 0
nated RHP Jairo Diaz for assignment. Placed LHP Kyle player from Thailand, pionship in 2014. His two
Padraig Harrington................................................35-35—70 Freeland and 2B Brendan Rodgers on the 10-day injured
Martin Trainer ........................................................34-36—70 High schools list. closed with a birdie on top-10 finishes this year
Matt Kuchar...........................................................36-34—70
Pat Perez................................................................38-32—70
Boys soccer playoff pairings Hockey LOS ANGELES DODGERS: Placed RHP Brusdar Graterol
on the 60-day injured list and RHP Joe Kelly on the 10-day the par-5 18th for a bo- include a tie for eighth at
Adam Hadwin........................................................35-35—70 Regional quarterfinals NHL injured list. gey-free 66. She reached the Honda Classic.
Brandon Hagy........................................................34-36—70 Class 6A East GP W L OT Pts GF GA MIAMI MARLINS: Placed RF Jesus Sanchez and RHP
Denny McCarthy.....................................................36-35—71 Washington 36 23 9 4 50 125 112 Jorge Guzman on the 10-day injured list.
Anirban Lahiri.........................................................36-35—71 Region II N.Y. Islanders 37 23 10 4 50 114 88 MILWAUKEE BREWERS: Placed RHPs Bobby Wahl and
Sepp Straka............................................................35-36—71 Klein Forest 2, Langham Creek 0 Justin Topa, C Jacob Nottingham, RF Derek Fisher on the
Pittsburgh 37 24 11 2 50 121 95
Bridgeland vs. Aldine MacArthur
Ryan Moore ............................................................36-35—71
Erik van Rooyen .....................................................36-35—71 TBA
Boston 33 18 10 5 41 89 81 10-day injured list.
NEW YORK METS: Placed RHPs Carlos Carrasco, Drew AROUND SPORTS
Philadelphia 35 17 14 4 38 107 129
Cameron Davis .......................................................35-36—71 Region III Smith and Seth Lugo on the 10-day injured list and INF

Williams retires
Tompkins vs. Seven Lakes N.Y. Rangers 36 17 15 4 38 115 96
Gary Woodland ......................................................36-35—71 Jose Martinez on the 60-day injured list.
7:30 p.m. Friday at Rhodes Stadium New Jersey 34 13 16 5 31 83 106 PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES: Selected the contract of 2B
Corey Conners.........................................................36-35—71
Humble vs. Channelview Buffalo 36 7 23 6 20 79 126 Ronald Torreyes from Lehigh Valley (Triple-A East). Desig-
Wesley Bryan..........................................................36-35—71
Keegan Bradley......................................................38-33—71 7 p.m. Friday at Maddry Stadium Central GP W L OT Pts GF GA nated LHP Kyle Dohy for assignment and then assigned
Jersey Village 5, Cinco Ranch 1 him outright to the alternate training site.

from N. Carolina
Patton Kizzire.........................................................37-34—71 Tampa Bay 36 25 9 2 52 127 87
Vaughn Taylor ........................................................37-34—71 Elsik 4, North Shore 2 Florida 37 24 9 4 52 122 101 PITTSBURGH PIRATES: Selected RHP Clay Holmes to
Rory Sabbatini .......................................................35-36—71 Carolina 35 24 8 3 51 117 89 the 40-man roster. Placed LHP Steven Brault on the 60-
Zach Johnson .........................................................35-36—71
Class 5A day injured list, RHP Cody Ponce on the 10-day injured list
Nashville 38 19 18 1 39 96 113
Kyle Stanley ...........................................................35-36—71 Region III Chicago 38 17 16 5 39 109 119 and RHP Kyle Crick on the COVID-injured list.
Charl Schwartzel....................................................35-36—71 Kingwood Park vs. Pflugerville Weiss ST. LOUIS CARDINALS: Placed RHP Dakota Hudson and
Columbus 38 14 16 8 36 96 121
Doc Redman ..........................................................35-37—72 7 p.m. Friday at Merrill-Green Stadium Miles Mikolas, LHP Kwang Hyun Kim and CF Harrison Bad-
Abraham Ancer .....................................................39-33—72 Foster 1, Sharpstown 0 (SO)
10 34 95 92
5 29 82 122
er on the 10-day injured list. CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -- and Garza averaged 24.1
Jason Dufner..........................................................37-35—72 Friendswood 2, Galena Park 0 SAN DIEGO PADRES: Placed RHPs Austin Adams, Dan
Brice Garnett..........................................................38-34—72 West GP W L OT Pts GF GA Altavilla, Javy Guerra, Pierce Johnson and Dinelson La- The last time Roy Wil- points to rank second
Class 4A
Ryan Palmer ..........................................................38-34—72 Colorado 35 23 8 4 50 127 80 met, C Austin Nola, OF Jorge Ona, RF Trent Grisham on
the 10-day injured list and RHP Michel Baeez on the 60-
liams left North Caroli- nationally and 8.7 re-
Jimmy Walker ........................................................35-37—72 Region III Vegas 35 24 9 2 50 112 82
Brandt Snedeker....................................................34-38—72 Brookshire Royal 2, Giddings 0 Minnesota 35 22 11 2 46 102 88 day injured list. na, he was a virtually bounds.
Chris Kirk ................................................................35-37—72 East Chambers vs. Huffman Hargrave SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS: Placed LHP Alex Wood on the
Roger Sloan............................................................38-34—72 6 p.m. Friday at Kyle White Stadium
St. Louis
6 38 100 113
5 37 95 112 10-day injured list. Assigned RHP Trevor Gott and Nick Tro- unknown assistant who • Oklahoma State
Rafael Campos ......................................................36-36—72
John Huh ................................................................37-35—72
Sealy 3, Salado 1
Splendora vs. Columbia
Los Angeles 34 14 14 6 34 96 96
peano, LHP Conner Menez, C Chadwick Tromp and OF La-
Monte Wade Jr. to the alternate training site.
was getting his first shot freshman Cade Cunning-
San Jose 35 15 16 4 34 99 120
Will Gordon ............................................................35-37—72 6 p.m. Saturday at Splendora Wildcat Stadium
Anaheim 37 11 20 6 28 83 123 BASKETBALL as a college head coach ham, named a first-team
K.J. Choi .................................................................36-36—72
Martin Laird............................................................36-36—72 Girls soccer playoff pairings North GP W L OT Pts GF GA NBA at tradition-rich Kansas. All-American, declared
Si Woo Kim ............................................................36-36—72
Keith Mitchell.........................................................37-35—72
Regional quarterfinals Toronto
36 23 10
37 22 13
3 49 119 92
2 46 120 102
BROOKLYN NETS: Signed F Alize Johnson to a 10-day Now Williams is leav- for the NBA draft. Cun-
Class 6A contract.
Chase Seiffert ........................................................35-37—72 Edmonton 37 22 14 1 45 122 107 INDIANA PACERS: Signed F Oshae Brissett to a 10-day ing the Tar Heels again ningham is projected to
Akshay Bhatia .......................................................36-36—72 Region II Montreal 33 16 8 9 41 108 88
Joseph Bramlett ....................................................37-35—72 Klein Cain vs. Tomball Memorial Calgary 37 16 18 3 35 96 112
MILWAUKEE BUCKS: Signed G Jeff Teague to a rest of
with a resume chock full be one of the top picks.
Tom Lewis ..............................................................37-36—73
Bernd Wiesberger..................................................37-36—73
6 p.m. Friday at Klein HS
The Woodlands vs. Tomball
Vancouver 37 16 18 3 35 100 120 season contract. of honors — as a retiring
Ottawa 37 12 21 4 28 95 139 FOOTBALL FOOTBALL
Ben Martin .............................................................38-35—73 6 p.m. Friday at Woodforest Bank Stadium
Note: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Hall of Famer with more
Charles Howell III...................................................36-37—73 Region III
Danny Willett.........................................................38-35—73
Tyler Duncan..........................................................34-39—73
Cy-Fair vs. Seven Lakes
The top four teams in each division will qualify for playoffs
under this season’s temporary realignment.
ATLANTA FALCONS: Re-signed DE Steven Means. Signed
than 900 wins, three NFL considers
7:30 p.m. Friday at Legacy Stadium national championships
D.A. Points.............................................................35-38—73
David Hearn ...........................................................36-37—73
Beaumont West Brook 1, Clear Lake 0
Memorial 5, Stratford 1
Wednesday’s results
Buffalo 6, Philadelphia 1
OL Josh Andrews and DT Jonathan Bullard.
BALTIMORE RAVENS: Re-signed LB L.J. Fort to a one- and a legacy built on rule changes
Peter Malnati.........................................................36-37—73 Toronto 3, Winnipeg 1 year contract.
Clear Creek 1, Brazoswood 0
Greyson Sigg ..........................................................37-36—73 Colorado 9, Arizona 3 CHICAGO BEARS: Signed OT Germain Ifedi. more than three decades The NFL is considering
Michael Gligic.........................................................38-35—73 Class 5A Los Angeles 4, Vegas 2 DETROIT LIONS: Signed CB Corn Elder.
Tain Lee ..................................................................37-36—73 Region III
San Jose 4, Minnesota 2 INDIANAPOLIS COLTS: Re-signed WR T.Y. Hilton. of success at two of col- a rule change that would
Calgary at Vancouver, postponed Signed DT Al-Quadin Muhammad, FS Sean Davis and OG
Luke List .................................................................36-37—73
Harold Varner III.....................................................37-36—73
Magnolia vs. Austin Anderson
Thursday’s results Chris Reed.
lege basketball’s most allow teams to maintain
7 p.m. Friday at College Station HS
Scott Harrington....................................................35-38—73 Foster 2, Manvel 0 Montreal 4, Ottawa 1 PHILADELPHIA EAGLES: Agreed to terms with RB Bos- storied programs. possession of the ball
Brian Stuard...........................................................36-37—73 N.Y. Rangers 3, Buffalo 2 (OT) ton Scott on a exclusive rights contract.
Tony Finau..............................................................35-38—73
Friendswood vs. Port Neches-Groves
7 p.m. Friday at Goose Creek Memorial HS Tampa Bay 3, Columbus 2 PITTSBURGH STEELERS: Signed DE Tyson Alualu. The school announced after a score by sub-
N.Y. Islanders 8, Washington 4 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS: Signed DB Jason Verrett.
Nick Taylor..............................................................36-37—73
Adam Long ............................................................37-36—73 Class 4A Pittsburgh 4, Boston 1 WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM: Signed WR DeAndre the decision Thursday, stituting one offensive
Matthew NeSmith ................................................34-39—73 Region III Florida 3, Detroit 2 (OT) Carter. some two weeks after the play for an onside kickoff
Chesson Hadley.....................................................36-37—73 Dallas 4, Nashville 1 HOCKEY
Lucas Glover...........................................................36-37—73
Lake Belton 5, Bellville 1
Bay City 3, Little Cypress-Mauriceville 2
Carolina 4, Chicago 3 70-year-old Williams attempt.
Minnesota 3, Vegas 2 (SO) NHL
Ryan Brehm ...........................................................39-34—73
Adam Schenk ........................................................36-38—74 Baseball Friday’s games
closed his 18th season Other potential chang-
NHL: Fined Colorado F Nathan MacKinnon for unsports-
Ryan Armour..........................................................37-37—74 Thursday’s scores Washington at New Jersey, 6 p.m. manlike conduct against Arizona F Conor Garland during with the Tar Heels after a es include adding a loss
Graeme McDowell .................................................38-36—74 Toronto at Winnipeg, 7 p.m. and March 31 game. Suspended Vegas F Chandler Ste-
Bo Van Pelt............................................................39-35—74
District 13-6A Calgary at Edmonton, 8 p.m. phenson for three-games for elbowing LA Kings D Tobias highly successful 15-year of down for a second
D.J. Trahan.............................................................37-37—74 College Park 2, Willis 1 St. Louis at Colorado, 8 p.m.
Sebastian Cappelen..............................................34-40—74 Arizona at Anaheim, 9 p.m.
Bjornfot in a March 31 game.
NHLPA: Named Sean Bergenheim European affairs repre-
run with the Jayhawks. In forward pass from be-
District 14-6A
Harry Higgs.............................................................37-37—74
Westfield 12, Nimitz 2
San Jose at Los Angeles, 9 p.m. sentative and Ron Hainsey assistant to the executive di- all, Williams won 903 hind the line and for a
Joel Dahmen..........................................................36-38—74 Saturday’s games rector for sports projects and development initiatives.
Russell Knox...........................................................37-37—74 Aldine Davis 4, Aldine 3 Detroit at Tampa Bay, Noon EDMONTON OILERS: Waived LW Tyler Ennis. games in a career that pass thrown after the ball
Hunter Mahan .......................................................37-37—74 MacArthur 10, Dekaney 0 Pittsburgh at Boston, Noon
Beau Hossler..........................................................36-38—74 Chicago at Nashville, 2 p.m.
NASHVILLE PREDATORS: Recalled D Tyler Lewington
included those three returns behind the line
District 15-6A
Jhonattan Vegas....................................................41-33—74
Doug Ghim .............................................................38-36—74 Tomball Memorial 5, Klein 0
Columbus at Florida, 6 p.m. from the minor league taxi squad. Assigned D Frederic Al- titles, all with the Tar and to ensure the en-
Dallas at Carolina, 6 p.m. lard to the minor league taxi squad.
Kris Ventura............................................................36-38—74 District 16-6A N.Y. Rangers at Buffalo, 6 p.m. CAROLINA HURRICANES: Assigned LW Max McCormick Heels, in 2005, 2009 and forcement of all accepted
Sam Fidone............................................................38-36—74 Ottawa at Montreal, 6 p.m.
Sam Ryder .............................................................38-37—75 Cypress Woods 5, Langham Creek 0
Philadelphia at N.Y. Islanders, 6 p.m.
to Chicago (AHL) on a conditioning loan.
NEW JERSEY DEVILS: Waived RW Nikita Gusev.
2017. penalties committed by
Cypress Ranch 4, Bridgeland 1
Andrew Landry ......................................................35-40—75
Branden Grace .......................................................36-39—75
Minnesota at Vegas, 8 p.m.
St. Louis at Colorado, 8 p.m.
PHILADELPHIA FLYERS: Assigned LW Carsen Twarynski In other college bas- either team during suc-
District 23-6A and C Connor Bunnaman to Lehigh Valley (AHL). Recalled
Kevin Chappell.......................................................36-39—75
Pearland 4, Strake Jesuit 3
San Jose at Los Angeles, 9 p.m. F Tanner Lacynski and F Linus Sandin from the minor ketball news: cessive try attempts.
Aaron Wise.............................................................37-38—75 Vancouver at Edmonton, 9 p.m. league taxi squad.
Patrick Rodgers......................................................38-37—75 District 19-5A • Michigan coach Ju- In other NFL news:
Kiradech Aphibarnrat............................................39-36—75
Robby Shelton.......................................................37-38—75
College Station 7, Brenham 1 Tennis wan Howard was • The sister of Los
Sam Burns..............................................................38-37—75 District 20-5A Miami Open FC DALLAS: Agreed to terms with MF Thiago Santos on a
named the Associated Angeles Chargers con-
Kelly Kraft ..............................................................40-35—75
Henrik Stenson ......................................................39-36—75
Kingwood Park 9, New Caney 0 Thursday at Miami permanent transfer agreement to Gremio (Brazil). Press coach of the year, trolling owner Dean
Davis Love III ..........................................................38-37—75 District 21-5A Men’s singles SOUNDERS FC: Named Craig Waibel senior vice president
Lanto Griffin...........................................................38-37—75 of soccer operations and sporting director. and Iowa’s Luka Garza Spanos is petitioning a
Barbers Hill 12, Crosby 2 Quarterfinals SPORTING KANSAS CITY: Acquired F Dani Rojas from
Charley Hoffman...................................................38-37—75
Hubert Hurkacz (26), Poland, def. Stefanos Tsitsipas (2), AFC Richmond on loan for 2021 season. was named the AP player California court to put
Carlos Sainz Jr........................................................37-38—75 District 24-5A
Bo Hoag .................................................................37-39—76 Angleton 7, Lamar Consolidated 4
Greece, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4.
COLLEGE of the year. Howard led one-third of the team’s
Cameron Percy.......................................................40-36—76 Women’s singles TEMPLE UNIVERSITY: Named Chris Jones senior associ-
the Wolverines to the ownership stake up for
Troy Merritt.............................................................41-35—76 District 25-4A ate administrative director/assistant vice president for de-
Rickie Fowler..........................................................39-37—76
Michael Kim ...........................................................38-38—76
Stafford 10, Columbia 2 Ashleigh Barty (1), Australia, def. Elina Svitolina (5),
velopment. Elite Eight in his second sale.
Satoshi Kodaira......................................................41-35—76 Ukraine, 6-3, 6-3.
season and a No. 1 seed, From wire reports
A P R I L 2 - 8 , 2 0 21 H H

T H E H O U S T O N C H R O N I C L E ’ S W E E K LY I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E

Springing into
Summer films


D2 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com


3 7
A roundup of Easter activities. Thorn & Moon Magickal Market
is back.

Live music options around T H E AT E R
Houston for the week. Alley Theatre’s eight-minute

Houston Symphony’s “A Bach H L A V AT Y
Easter” among the fine-arts Pondering life a year into the
choices. pandemic.

Eliot Lee Hazel

The new album from Tune-Yards is a critical best bet. Page 5

Preview editor Calendar coordinator Preview advertising

Cary Darling, 713-362-6168, Ana Khan, 713-362-1508, Paula Phillips, 713-362-2514,
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Features editors Features digital manager On the cover

Melissa Aguilar, Julie Takahashi It’s almost time for the
[email protected] season of summer films.
Preview designer
Jody Schmal, Illustration
Clarissa Rubio
[email protected] by Ken Ellis / Staff
Gladys Ramirez
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D3

dyeing demos.
Celebrate the season with music FA M I LY F U N When: 10:30 a.m. April 3

Where: George Ranch Historical

of Bach, including the Concerto
Park, 10215 FM 762
for Oboe and Violin with principal
oboe Jonathan Fischer and Details: $10-$15; georgeranch.org
Yoonshin Song, two of Bach’s
great sacred cantatas with SUGAR LAND
vocalists Yulia Van Doren and
Elizabeth DeShong and the
well-known Suite No. 2. EVELYN RUBIO
When: 8 p.m. April 2-3 Sugar Land Town Square hosts
an outdoor live set featuring
Where: Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana award-winning
vocalist/saxophonist Evelyn
Details: $20-$84;
When: 7:30-9:30 p.m. April 3
Where: 15958 City Walk
RENAISSANCE Details: Free;
PAINTERS sugarlandtownsquare.com
Young Audiences of Houston is
offering interactive workshops at THE WOODLANDS
Levy Park that involve YAH artists C E L E B R AT E E A S T E R AT D O W N T O W N A Q U A R I U M .
and ensembles, crossing genres
of dance, visual arts, theater, THE WOODLANDS
music and literary arts. This CHILDREN’S MUSEUM:
week’s workshop features Judy EGGTIVITIES
Malone-Stein. Snap a picture with the Easter
When: 1-2 p.m. April 3
When: 5-10 p.m. April 5 Gardens Hotel features a buffet KEMAH bunny and enjoy two days of
with an omelet and carving Easter-themed arts and crafts at
Where: Discovery Green, 1500
Where: 3801 Eastside station, a seafood display, The Woodlands Children’s
cheese, assorted fruits and Museum.
Details: free; Details: $8; discoverygreen.com desserts. KEMAH BOARDWALK
levyparkhouston.org When: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 2-3
When: 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. April 4 Kemah Boardwalk’s Easter cele-
FAMILY STORYTIME & bration features activities for chil- Where: 4775 W. Panther Creek,
EASTER AT CRAFT Where: 7 Hope Blvd. dren, Easter bunny photos, balloon No. 280
DOWNTOWN artists, rides and amusements.
AQUARIUM Family Storytime, held under Details: $29-$59; Details: $7;
Levy Park’s pavilion, features a moodygardens.com When: April 2-4 woodlandschildrensmuseum.org
Downtown Aquarium’s Easter socially distanced reading
weekend celebration includes a followed by a craft that Where: Kemah Boardwalk, 215
“Breakfast with the Easter accompanies the book. All craft
Bunny” on Saturday and an supplies are included as a part of
“Easter 4 Course Menu” on Details: kemahboardwalk.com/
this free program. EASTER ON THE featuring/easter-weekend/ EASTER
Sunday. Reservations required.
When: 10 a.m. April 6
When: April 3-4 Smith Ranch’s celebration Blessington Farms hosts two
Where: 3801 Eastside
Where: 410 Bagby
features egg hunts, the Easter RICHMOND days of Easter egg hunts, along
Details: free; bunny, a petting zoo, paddle with access to the Farm Funland
Details: levyparkhouston.org boats, bounce houses and with hayrides, barrel trains, giant
aquariumrestaurants.com/ concessions. EASTER AT GEORGE slides and animal encounters.
downtownaquariumhouston RANCH HISTORICAL
GALVESTON When: 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. April 3 PARK When: 9 a.m. April 2-3
THE RINK: CHEAP Where: Smith Ranch, 25440 George Ranch Historical Park will Where: 510 Chisolm Trail
SKATE NIGHTS EASTER BRUNCH AT Beckendorff host a family egg hunt, and
MOODY GARDENS guests are also encouraged to Details: $15-$20;
On select Mondays, skate around Details: $10;
HOTEL bring a blanket and lunch to blessingtonfarms.com
The Rink Rolling at Discovery smithranchkaty.com/
Green for $8 per person. Masks picnic out in the park. Activities
The Easter Brunch at the Moody special-events.html [email protected]
are required to skate. include games and natural egg
D4 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com





• M • PR

While some venues have wel- at McGonigel’s Mucky Duck,

comed live performers back to 2425 Norfolk; 713-528-5999.
their stages, most are still follow-
ing COVID-19 guidelines, includ- WEDNESDAY
ing reduced capacity, social dis-
tancing and masks.
FRIDAY Irish singer-songwriter. 5 p.m.
at McGonigel’s Mucky Duck,
2425 Norfolk; 713-528-5999.
A unique H-town blend of punk, LUBA’S BACKYARD
electronic, hip-hop and cumbia. RAMBLE
8 p.m. at House of Blues Restau-
A night of freewheeling Amer-
rant, 1204 Caroline; 888-402-
icana. 7 p.m. at The Continen-
tal Club, 3700 Main; 713-529-
Texas country. 8:30 p.m. at the WILLIAM CLARK
Dosey Doe Big Barn, 25911 In- GREEN
terstate 45 N., The Woodlands;
Texas country. 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday and 8:30 p.m. Thurs-
day at the Dosey Doe Big
ANCIENT CAT SOCIETY Barn, 25911 Interstate 45 N.,
Houston trio whose sound The Woodlands; 281-367-
branches out from folk to other 3774.
interesting places. 7 p.m. at
McGonigel’s Mucky Duck, 2425 THURSDAY
Norfolk; 713-528-5999.
Grammy-winning Americana Texas country singer-song-
singer and songwriter from Tex- writer in the vein of George
as. 8:15 p.m. at The Heights Strait and Merle Haggard.
Theater, 339 W. 19th; 214-272- Bhavin Misra
8:30 p.m. at the Dosey Doe
8346. Big Barn, 25911 Interstate 45
N., The Woodlands; 281-367-
Alt-country band from Houston. Austin singer and songwriter. 7 lands; 281-367-3774.
7 p.m. at The Continental Club, Americana, country and
p.m. at McGonigel’s Mucky
3700 Main St.; 713-529-9899 Duck, 2425 Norfolk; 713-528- HAYDEN BAKER JAKE HOOT blues. 7 p.m. at McGonigel’s
“The Voice” Season 17 winner. 7 Mucky Duck, 2425 Norfolk;
5999. Texas country. 8:45 p.m. at the 713-528-5999.
SATURDAY Dosey Doe Breakfast, BBQ & p.m. at the Dosey Doe Big Barn,
DAVE SCHER Whiskey Bar, 2626 Research 25911 Interstate 45 N., The
Forest, The Woodlands; 832- Woodlands; 281-367-3774. BEETLE IN THE
CTS BAND — QUEEN OF Austin blues. 9:30 p.m. at BACKYARD
McGonigel’s Mucky Duck, 2425 823-4414.
LATIN Norfolk; 713-528-5999. TUESDAY Beetle plays on the outdoor
BLAGGARDS stage. 7 p.m. at The Continen-
Selena and other Spanish-lan- tal Club, 3700 Main; 713-529-
guage hits. 8 p.m. at House of VINYL ARCADE Houston-based Irish rock ’n’ roll. SHAKE RUSSELL 9899.
Blues Restaurant, 1204 Caroline; ’70s and ’80s covers. 8:30 p.m. 7 p.m. at The Continental Club,
Texas singer-songwriter. 7 p.m.
888-402-5837. at the Dosey Doe Big Barn, 25911 3700 Main; 713-529-9899. [email protected]
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D5

1. Tune-Yards, ‘Sketchy’

The title of the latest album
from Tune-Yards, the celebrated
California duo of Merrill Garbus
and Nate Brenner, may be
“Sketchy” but the contents are PREVIEW
anything but. Their fractured,
experimental but totally in- P I C KS
fectious avant-pop — brimming
with a globe’s worth of influ-
ences and hooks aplenty, as in
the R&B sway of “Hypnotized”
— often deals with hot-button
topics (“Homewrecker” is about
gentrification, for instance) but
it never feels like a lecture.
Because you’re too busy digging
the grooves.

Details: Available on streaming

services and record stores.
Cary Darling

2. Oscar Nominated Short

You know it’s getting into Acad-
emy Awards season when the
days start getting longer and
the Oscar-nominated short
subjects get their rare turn on
the big screen. They are divided
into three categories — ani-
mated, live-action and docu-
mentary — with the first two
screening at AMC Willowbrook
24 and all three streaming
through Museum of Fine Arts, Tomer Shushan / ShortsTV
Houston. And they are a varied
lot, ranging from the dramatic
derpinnings. But such is the prob- enjoyed success on both sides
stolen-bike story “White Eye,”
lem with music and labels: An- of the singer and songwriter
(pictured) which has picked up
cient Cat Society’s earthy music equation. She’s had songs

a ton of filmfest honors, to the
is also quite restless and progres- covered by Bonnie Raitt, among
comedic “The Letter Room,”
sive, with little moments of soul, others, and also enjoyed suc-
starring Oscar Isaac, and the
rock, pop and electronic threaded cess on her own, with a fluid
documentary “Hunger Ward,”
through. Though the group fea- mix of country, soul and folk
set in midst of the war in Ye-
tures members of Buxton, Dolly music. She likely would’ve
Barnes and VODI, Ancient Cat passed back through Houston
When/Where: Opens April 2 at Society emerged with a dis- regularly last year to plug her
AMC Willowbrook; streams tinctive sound of its own and is 2019 album “The Walk,” but we
April 2 to May 2 through the anything but a side project. all know how 2020 went for
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. touring musicians. But better
When: 7 p.m. Friday
late than never, she’s headed
Details: Streaming is $12 for
Where: McGonigel’s Mucky Duck, back to her old stomping
each category or $30 for a
2425 Norfolk grounds.
bundle; mfah.org/virtualcinema.
Cary Darling Details: $120 for a table of four, Details: 8:15 p.m. Friday
$30 for virtual show; 713-529-
3. Ancient Cat Society Details: The Heights Theater,
5999, mcgonigels.com
Houston’s Ancient Cat Society 339 W. 19th
Andrew Dansby
could get filed under folk for
Details: $22; theheightsthea-
convenience and because some 4. Bonnie Bishop
of their songs have folky un- Texas native Bonnie Bishop has
Andrew Dansby Courtesy photo
D6 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com

1. ‘Medea’
If Euripides’ hope for “Medea”
was that the play might outlive

him, consider it a success. In-
formed by a mythology teeming
with jealousy and murder, it still
puts the “tragedy” in Greek trag-
edy (it was also Greek, so it puts
that in there, too) nearly 1,600
years later. And after all this
time, the story of Medea and
Jason continues to thrill, with a
psychological and thematic
depth that carries it across cen-
turies and cultures. The Alley
Theatre presents the ageless
play with company member
Elizabeth Bunch in the title role.

When: Through April 11

Details: free, with registration at

Andrew Dansby

Andrew Schaff

Soprano Yulia Van Doren Studio Vandrasch Fotografia, Milan / Collezione Ramo, Milan

2. ‘A Bach Easter’
Vocalists Yulia Van Doren and 3. Carmen Herrera “Structuring Surfaces” American artist? The University Details: free, reservations high-
Elizabeth DeShong will join the Just a few weeks remain for a of Houston School of Art 43rd ly recommended;
When: Wednesdays through
Houston Symphony for two of wonderful dual exhibit by Masters of Fine Arts Exhibition blafferartmuseum.org/
Sundays through April 25
J.S. Bach’s cantatas (No. 51 and Carmen Herrera, the storied is a great place to scout. Candi- Amber Elliott
No. 170 if you don’t like surprises) Cuban American artist who is Where: Museum of Fine Arts dates from five studio art pro-
5. Symposium on Italian
as part of “A Bach Easter,” a a mere 104 years old. Inside Houston, 1001 Bissonnet grams — graphic design, in-
program built around the com- the Museum of Fine Arts terdisciplinary practice and
Details: $12-$19; mfah.org The Menil Collection is hosting
poser’s work. Also in the bill is Houston is “Structuring Sur- emerging forms, painting, pho-
a three-day, online symposium,
the Concerto in C minor for Oboe faces,” comprising nearly tography and digital media, and
“Estructuras Monumentales” beginning April 7, on Italian
and Violin, which will spotlight three dozen paintings, draw- sculpture — take over the Blaff-
drawings from the 20th century.
Houston Symphony principal ings, prints and other objects When: Through April 23 er Art Museum each spring.
The series is organized to tie in
oboe Jonathan Fischer and con- that span the 1960s to pres- Admission is free, though it
Where: Buffalo Bayou Park with “Silent Revolutions: Italian
certmaster Yoonshin Song. ent. That exhibit closes April requires advance planning.
between Allen Parkway and Drawings From the Twentieth
25, just two days after “Car- Make a reservation to guarantee
When: 8 p.m. Friday and Satur- Memorial Century,” which is on exhibit at
men Herrera: Estructuras access to view what could
day The Menil through April 11.
Monumentales” — a collec- become the next big thing.
Details: free; buffalobayou.org
tion of large sculptural pieces When: April 7-9
Where: Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana Andrew Dansby When: Through April 11
— vacates Buffalo Bayou
Details: $29-$84; 713-224-7575, Park. Her work is bold, bright 4. 43rd annual MFA Thesis Where: 1533 Sul Ross
Where: Blaffer Art Museum,
houstonsymphony.org and beautiful, befitting the Exhibition 4173 Elgin Details: free; menil.org
Andrew Dansby arrival of spring. Looking for the next great Cary Darling
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D7




• W


Before Houston shut down for THORN & MOON

the ongoing COVID pandemic, the MAGICKAL MARKET
most goth place to be was at the When: 6-11 p.m. April 3
Where: Raven Tower,
monthly Thorn & Moon Magickal
Market. The stalls full of oddities
I S R E A DY F O R T H O R N & M O O N T O R E O P E N . 310 North St.
Details: magickalmarket.com
and art have been packed away in
the name of safety, until now, as
the market reopens at The Raven You know you’re doing it so some-
Tower on April 3. one will smile or get excited and
“I’ve waited this long to bring it put it on their house. The person-
back because I had a lot of inhibi- to-person factor has always driven
tions with the pandemic,” says my art. If there’s not a person
owner Jessica Anderson, who also loving it, what’s even the point?”
manages an apothecary shop and Christopher Rich can’t wait to be
the Kitchen Witch Spice Company. back at the market. A retired Type 1
“People have been asking me to do diabetic who lives just outside the
it since last June. We’ve got this Texas Medical Center, he was part
wonderful community. Hopefully, of the most vulnerable population
an outdoor event will make it saf- Courtesy photo when it comes to COVID. He has
er.” been in strict quarantine, but
Previously, the market was held their wares since March of last year. not the same,” he says. “There’s no prised how many calls you get armed with the vaccine, he’s ready
at Avant Garden, just down the In addition to the bazaar, the new interacting, no education. I’m highly about corpses,” she says. to meet people again.
street from the traditional goth Thorn & Moon will also include a introverted, but when I’m in my Westcott, who is newly preg- Rich runs Beauties in a Bottle, an
stronghold of Numbers. Anderson free performance by the Bewitched element, you can’t shut me up. I nant, hasn’t been vaccinated yet. assemblage art company that
still loves the venue but feels that Burlesque troupe, specialty witch- love to watch people’s disgust turn She recognizes that attending the combines plants with antique dolls
the smaller areas and compart- themed cocktails and the Cosmo to wonder when they see these market, even as the fight against and toys. These include herb gar-
mentalized interior remains unsafe Flamingo food truck. animals. I’ve really missed that. I the coronavirus appears to be dens made out of doll heads, and
for the event, even as vaccination One of the people most looking hope this can be a regular thing going well, is a risk, however, she terrariums with succulents and
rates soar in the state. Her team forward to getting back into meet- again. It was my only outlet.” has confidence in Anderson’s dollhouse furniture. He sees the
will still be requiring masks and ing people is Daniel Cesspooch, Another biological artist antici- promise of a safe environment. return of the market as the light at
social distancing. owner of Redcale. He specializes pating the return is Lilly Westcott, “With Thorn & Moon, there is the end of the tunnel.
“We didn’t agree with the gover- in taxidermy of large insects and owner of Obscure Houston. She such a strong sense of community. “I think it’s like saying, ‘Hey, we
nor’s decision to lift the mask makes startlingly beautiful mosa- makes jewelry, mostly out of bone It’s the only place I’ve gone to since made it,’ ” he says. “I lost some
ordinance,” she says. “I can only ics from beetles and other bugs. and horn. All of her work is ethically high school where I can know 50 to people and so many got sick. I
hope that people are going to be He’s also a cancer survivor in sourced, usually from friends that 100 people and be friends. It’s a wasn’t able to go be with them and
responsible.” remission and has barely left the run ranches and animal sanctu- different head space,” she says. “At be helpful. This is a new fresh
Thorn & Moon is the largest house in a year. Cesspooch has aries when animals die of natural some point the universe tells you to start.”
collection of macabre and morbid been vaccinated and feels ready to causes. stop letting opportunities pass you
vendors in the city, most of whom go out now. “When you’re the Dead Thing by, even when you’re being safe. Jef Rouner is a Houston-based
have had no in-person place to ply “I’ve been selling online, but it’s Lady in your circle, you’d be sur- I’ve missed the forced creativity.
D8 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com




• PR • M C



In the centenary year of Astor PIAZZOLLA MUSIC

Piazzolla’s birth — and nearly three COMPETITION
decades since his passing — a new When: Submission deadline,
April 18; finalists announced, May
international online music compe-
18; winners announced, June 15
tition will celebrate the composer’s
rich legacy and shine light on the piazzollacompetition.com
enduring influence of his musical
oeuvre, including such beloved
works as “Libertango” and “Oblivi- to be one of the turning points for
on.” his own artistic career, explained
Open to instrumentalists and Daniel Villaflor Piazzolla, vice presi-
ensembles alike, the inaugural dent of Fundación Astor Piazzolla.
Piazzolla Music Competition will As the victor of the 1953 Fabién
provide contestants of any nation- Sevitzky competition, Piazzolla
ality, ages 13 and older, with the TA N G O C O M P O S E R A S T O R P I A Z Z O L L A received a scholarship from the
opportunity to vie for their own French government to study with
musical futures through perfor- the legendary Nadia Boulanger in
mances of the composer’s work. AFP via Getty Images Paris, where he embraced the
The endeavor is presented by opportunity to truly hone his craft.
PARMA Recordings and Fundación in which a panel of 12 jurors, one of make their mark by putting as In addition to first, second and Infusing traditional tango with
Astor Piazzolla in collaboration whom is Houston’s Arthur Gott- many competitions into their résu- third place, there will also be four elements of jazz and classical
with the composer’s widow, Laura schalk, will use a 30-point system mé as they can, but this one, I special prizes, for which all finalists music, he became the pioneer of a
Escalada Piazzolla, grandson that takes performance, technique think, is a little different,” said will be eligible. While the winner of new genre, known as nuevo tango.
Daniel Villaflor Piazzolla and friend and interpretation into equal con- Gottschalk, an award-winning the Pablo Ziegler Award will receive Boulanger encouraged Piazzolla
Gary Burton, a Grammy-winning sideration. Headed by the former composer and longtime professor seven days of virtual coaching to concentrate on and advance the
musician and the competition’s pianist of Piazzolla’s legendary of music composition at Rice Uni- sessions with the Grammy-winning music of his place and time — an
honorary president. quintet, Pablo Ziegler, the diverse versity’s Shepherd School of Music. pianist and composer himself, approach that Gottschalk said
To enter, video recordings, jury will also include bandoneonists “It’s not just the usual cash prize three other contestants will be resonates with him in his own work.
featuring at least six minutes of Héctor Del Curto and Daniel Binelli, and a couple of press releases.” selected to partake in performanc- “I’m a big fan of Piazzolla’s
music, must be submitted with tango singer Sandra Rumolino, Rather, the two grand prizes, es with the Zagreb Philharmonic methods and music, so it doesn’t
the application fee by April 18. All performing arts manager Paolo given to the champions of each Orchestra, the Grosseto Symphony bother me that this might result in
proceeds will benefit the Playing Petrocelli and artist consultant category, include a monetary Orchestra and the Athens Phil- more performances and the great-
for Change Foundation, a global Masae Shiwa, among others. award, a gold medallion, an album harmonia Orchestra, with travel er dissemination of his work,”
nonprofit organization, dedicated The batch of finalists — com- release on PARMA’s label Navona and lodging expenses covered. Gottschalk said. “It’s a great way
to creating a positive impact prised of each juror’s three highest- Records and a subsequent concert In celebration of Piazzolla’s for a younger generation to be-
through arts education, that cur- scoring contestants from the solo- tour throughout China. The latter, 100th anniversary, this effort to find come exposed to this great man’s
rently operates 15 music programs ist and ensemble categories — will Gottschalk said, is not only benefi- and elevate undiscovered talent is great music.”
in 11 countries. be announced May 18, and the cial for a young career in terms of a fitting way to pay homage to the
Qualifying submissions will winners will be revealed June 15. exposure but also for “building up man who revolutionized tango, as it Lawrence Elizabeth Knox is a
proceed to a rigorous adjudication, “Most young musicians try to some chops.” was, in fact, a contest that proved
Houston-based writer.
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D9




PR • •



Isaac Gómez’s “El Chuco Town Forever”

that community, and they’re still grieving.”
is a forthright glimpse at the wake of a
Much of the friction in “Chuco Town”
mass shooting long after the media spot-
comes from the different ways Janie and
light has faded.
Miguel grieve. She is resilient and guarded,
“I hope it’s a reminder that once the
reluctant to let on how much the shooting
news stops, these people still have to go
has affected her, most likely so she won’t
on living,” says director Laura Moreno, “and
be forced to relive it. Miguel, by contrast, is
this kind of grief lasts forever.”
more outwardly emotional (Moreno calls
The eight-minute play, presented digi-
him as a “teddy bear”) and welcomes the
tally by the Alley Theatre between April 2
opportunity to publicly share in his com-
and July 4, considers the aftermath of the
munity’s grief.
August 2019 El Paso Walmart massacre
Their reactions to the tragedy add yet
through the eyes of Miguel and Janie, two
more baggage to a relationship between
employees at a neighboring store. A few
two people who, explains Moreno, “know
months have passed, and they’re debating
each other intimately but aren’t a couple.”
whether or not to attend a memorial ser- O R L A N D O A R R I A G A S TA R S I N “Janie is strong and tough and doesn’t
vice for the victims.
show her emotions; and then you’ve got
“Chuco Town” is an appendix of sorts to
“EL CHUCO TOWN FOREVER.” Miguel, who’s trying so very hard to con-
“Wally World,” Gómez’s 2018 play about
nect with her,” she says. “I think there’s this
employees at a superstore much like the
need or want to also take care of her, but
one where his mother worked for decades Victoria Beauray Sagady
she’s like nails sometimes. Like to hold her
— which happens to be the next Walmart
is to hurt as well.”
over from the site of the shooting. In the “EL CHUCO TOWN FOREVER”
duction, she saw an article in a local El All of this sounds like a lot to squeeze
play, Janie (Briana J. Resa) and Miguel What: A play by Isaac Gómez; directed by
Laura Moreno Paso paper (“it wasn’t national news”) into eight minutes of dialogue and preg-
(Orlando Arriaga) are left to reckon with
When: April 2-July 4 about one of the last survivors being re- nant pauses, doubly so considering Janie
what might have happened had the gun-
Where: Online at alleytheatre.org leased from the hospital, multiple surgeries and Miguel’s past history.
man not taken the wrong exit on the free-
Details: Free later. Although nothing in the play is overtly “It can be a bit of a challenge, but
way. The words “he missed the exit” weigh
political, she explains, the message is clear there’s also this beauty of (showing) a
heavily on both of them.
enough, especially on the heels of last slice of life,” says Moreno. “You don’t have
“It could have been them,” says Moreno,
in the hospital. The suspect, a 21-year-old month’s shootings in Boulder, Colo., and to commit to the hour and a half, you just
who took over as managing director of
man who had driven 11 hours from North Atlanta. get to see these little elements.
Catastrophic Theatre this week. “And for a
Texas, faces a variety of state and federal “I think it’s important to see (how) every “There’s something wonderful about
lot of people in that situation, they didn’t
charges, including capital murder. Due in element within the story shows the after- that — especially in modern life, where
let themselves feel that, or process that.
part to the pandemic, it could be several math of this tragedy: that we, as humans, we’re moving so fast that we don’t have
And for some, they did, and they don’t feel
more months or even years before a trial have to heal and pick up the pieces, and the time or the attention span,” she adds.
lucky. There’s a survivor’s shame and guilt
begins. although the news stops reporting on it, “There’s something really wonderful about
along with that, too.”
Moreno says she was struck by the that doesn’t mean that the tragedy is over eight minutes.”
In all, 23 people were killed that Satur-
lingering effects of the shooting when, and that some will live with this for the rest
day, including one man who died the fol- Chris Gray is a Galveston-based writer.
shortly before “Chuco Town” began pro- of their lives,” she says. “It really did shock
lowing April after more than eight months
D10 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com





IE • C



I got my Johnson & Johnson Bahm, currently waiting on child

vaccine shot weeks back, a gift number three. “I gained a new
from the city of Houston and my appreciation for being a stay-at-
faithful friend hypertension. home mom.”
Driving to the vaccination site, I Her job as a trainer for a major
thought how odd it was that the cosmetics company is now virtu-
past year of stress, sadness and al. Once her maternity leave ends,
isolation had led to a short, 10- she will do more in-person clas-
minute drive. Toilet paper mania, ses, but not like before, that is, if
the stink of hand sanitizer, mask she can help it.
etiquette, imperiled businesses “I’m finally enjoying the ‘mom’
and social-media pseudoscience part of my life. Sadly, work used
all culminated with a dull ache in to give my kids competition for
my deltoid. I only felt a mild sense my time,” Bahm said. “I realized
of relief, another square to cover what a workaholic I used to be.”
on my pandemic bingo card. When we do return to a cosplay
Nothing fundamentally changed version of normal, I hope we don’t
after posting a picture of my shot forget the yearnings we experi-
card on Instagram. No balloons, C R A I G H L A V AT Y K E E P S H I S V A C C I N AT I O N C A R D O N H A N D . enced in 2020. For me, as re-
no songs, just a Band-Aid and a strictions ease, there is a real fear
bottle of water. that we won’t learn any lessons
Soon I melted like a brick of Craig Hlavaty / Contributor from the past year.
Velveeta cheese as the vaccine I hope we’ve learned to support
made itself at home in my body. I taking a beat to rest. Always hunt- After making plans in ink for years, ety went sideways. small businesses, the backbone
hadn’t slept so contentedly in ing for the next story, the next set a pencil with an eraser seems “Our energy changes immedi- of our city, when times get tough.
ages — a sublime, nearly narcotic of clicks, the next new hassle. easier. I didn’t just find my spiritu- ately when we step outside, and The way that hugs from your
fatigue taking over. As I drifted When you can’t go to that al side again, I created a custom, all of our stress seems to float parents and loved ones mean
between naps, walking to the mythical, wonderful social “out,” meditative model of my own. away,” Rathke said. “Our fix was more as the years pass, realizing
bathroom and the kitchen, dodg- you find time for life inside your- Houston photographer Mike stepping away from screens and that they are not always in infinite
ing my blind, elderly pup, vivid self. I dove into the analog mo- Rathke embraced the outdoors going to nature to get recentered. supply.
vignettes of the past year ran on a ments all around me. I became with his family. His wife and their It’s medicinal, man.” I’ve made peace with imper-
loop in my head. What did I have my dog’s own paparazzo. I made daughter began enjoying nature Many friends say they loosened manence, appreciating what we
to show for the past 365 days? squirrel calls with my mouth and more than ever inside area parks the death grips they had held on have while we have it and that’s
I don’t think I had ever really met took photos of flowers that and their own backyard. Rathke’s life for so long and opted for probably as useful an emotional
myself until 2020. I didn’t quite get caught my eye. I got into comic father took him hiking and bird- serenity. Getting off the hamster tool as any for a Houstonian.
around to “me” until the world books again, diving back into watching as a child. The quality wheel was an awakening.
slowed to a crawl. I had been hoof- strange worlds I left behind when time showed him how to connect “I am much less career-ori- Craig Hlavaty is a Houston-based
ing it from one scene to the other, puberty hit. I rediscovered pencils, with nature while respecting it. He ented than I was a year ago,” said
writer. He can be reached at
[email protected]
searching for validation without in all their metaphorical glory. knew just where to go when soci- Pearland mother of two Cristina
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D11

• F




R •



STA F F W R I T E R Tamil-language action-drama
from India.
Unrated. Opens April 2 at Cine-
Here are some of the new films
mark Tinseltown 290, Houston;
being released in theaters or for
Star Cinema Grill, Richmond.
streaming, rental or purchase
this week. “The Unholy”
Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert,
“Assault on VA-33”
masterminds behind “The Evil
Sean Patrick Flanery (who lived
Dead” franchise, co-produced
in Houston for several years)
this horror film about a hear-
plays a veteran with post-
ing-impaired girl who believes
traumatic stress who, while at
she has been visited by the
the VA hospital, finds himself in
Virgin Mary and can hear, speak
the middle of a terrorist take-
and heal the sick as a result.
But when horrifying things start
Rated R. Opens April 2 at Stu-
happening, was it really the
dio Movie Grill Pearland; Star
Virgin Mary or something else?
Cinema Grill, Richmond.
I D R I S E L B A , L E F T, S TA R S I N “ C O N C R E T E C O W B O Y. ” Rated PG-13. Opens April 2
“Awaken” throughout Houston.
Executive produced by Terrence
“Violet Evergarden:
Malick and directed by cinema-
The Movie”
tographer Tom Lowe, this im-
Japanese anime about a girl
mersive, 4K documentary ex-
living in the aftermath of war. It
plores the wonder of the world.
Netflix won animation of the year at
It was shot in 30 countries over
the Tokyo Anime Awards.
the course of five years.
which a fading New York so- engaged. live-action short-subject cate- Rated R. Screens at 2 p.m. April
Unrated. Begins streaming April
cialite moves with her son to Unrated. Begins streaming gories are being screened in 3 and 11:50 a.m. and 2:40 p.m.
2 on Apple TV, Amazon and
Paris. Imogen Poots and Tracy April 2 on Netflix. advance of the Oscars. April 4 at Alamo Drafthouse
other platforms.
Letts co-star. Unrated. Opens April 2 at AMC LaCenterra, Katy.
“Concrete Cowboy” “Lamb of God:
Rated R. Opens April 2 Willowbrook 24, Houston; “We Work: Or the Making and
Idris Elba plays an urban horse The Concert Film”
throughout Houston. streams April 2-May 2 at Breaking of a $47 Million
rider in Philadelphia who has to Easter-themed musical event
mfah.org/virtualcinema. Unicorn”
school his estranged and trou- “The Girl Who Believes in featuring the work of com-
Miracles” poser Rob Gardner. “Roe v. Wade” Documentary looks at the
ble-prone son in the cowboy
A just-in-time-for-Easter story Unrated. Opens March 26 at Nick Loeb co-directs and co- revelations about the frat-boy
about a girl whose prayers Cinemark 17, The Woodlands. stars in this drama, featuring culture behind the scenes at
Rated R. Begins streaming April
really come true and the trou- Jon Voight, Robert Davi, Stacey the company We Work.
2 on Netflix.
“Live from the Artists Den: Unrated. Begins streaming April
bles that arise after media Dash, Corbin Bernsen, Jamie
“Every Breath You Take” The Lumineers” 2 on Hulu.
attention turns her into a celeb- Kennedy, Steve Guttenberg and
Thriller, starring Casey Affleck, Colorado folk-rockers The
rity. Joey Lawrence, about how the “Wild Dog”
Sam Claflin and Michelle Mon- Lumineers, of “Ophelia” and
Rated PG. Opens April 2 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Telugu-language drama from
aghan, about a psychiatrist “Ho Hey” fame, are featured
throughout Houston. case came to be. India about the bombings in
who makes the mistake of in a live performance.
Rated PG-13. Available on Hyderabad in 2007.
introducing the surviving broth- “Irul” Unrated. Screens at 9 p.m.
iTunes April 2. For future Unrated. Opens April 2 at Cine-
er of a client who committed Mystery-thriller from India April 2 at Cinemark Tinsel-
screenings, go to roevwademo- mark 19, Katy.
suicide to his wife and daugh- about a stranded couple and a town 290, Houston; Cinemark
ter. stranger who find a dead body. Memorial City, Houston; Cine- “Yuvarathnaa”
Rated R. Opens April 2 at Stu- Unrated. Begins streaming April mark 18, Webster; Cinemark “Shiva Baby” Kannada and Telugu-language
dio Movie Grill Pearland; begins 2 on Netflix. 19, Katy; Cinemark 17, The Emma Seligman’s comedy and film from India.
streaming April 2 on various Woodlands; Cut! By Cinemark film festival favorite is set at a Unrated. Opens April 2 at AMC
“Just Say Yes”
platforms. Express, Cypress. Jewish funeral where a young First Colony 24, Sugar Land;
Dutch rom-com focusing on
woman runs into both her ex- AMC Katy Mills 20, Katy.
“French Exit” two sisters. One finds her plans “Oscar Nominated Shorts”
girlfriend and sugar daddy.
Drama, featuring Michelle for the perfect wedding unrav- The films competing in the
Unrated. Begins streaming April [email protected]
Pfeiffer and Lucas Hedges, in eling while the other is getting animated, documentary and
2 on various platforms.
D12 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com


STORY S TA R I N “ I N T H E H E I G H T S . ”

Warner Bros. Picures



These looks ahead at the up- due for release last year on the big it all for this monster face-off APRIL 9 take on the videogame promises
coming spring/summer film screen and now they may show that’s in theaters and on HBO Voyagers — East Texas native Tye lots of martial-arts mayhem, as it
season always end with the up in theaters, on streaming or Max. Director Adam Wingard Sheridan (“Ready Player One,” stars Lewis Tan (“Into the Bad-
caution that release dates are both. Things are looking up, sort made a much smaller film in Cyclops in the “X-Men” series) lands,” “Wu Assassins”) and Joe
subject to change. It’s wise going of. Some Regal Theatres reopen 2014, “The Guest,” that was leads an ensemble cast of young Taslim (“The Raid: Redemption”).
into this summer to start with the this weekend. So here are just one of that year’s best films. actors in a sci-fi drama about
warning. As the pandemic is still some of the films you should be French Exit — Michelle teens sent into space to establish APRIL 30
playing havoc with the studios’ talking about this summer. Or Pfeiffer, Lucas Hedges and a new society on a distant planet. Limbo — This British movie, a film
best-laid plans — “Black Widow” maybe fall. Or winter. Or spring Imogen Poots star in a drama, It’s directed by Neil Burger (“Lim- festival favorite that’s nominated
just moved (again!) from spring 2022 … based on Patrick DeWitt’s itless”). for two BAFTA Awards, including
to July — be aware that every- novel, about a downwardly outstanding British film of the year,
thing is still in flux. A good num- NOW mobile New York socialite who APRIL 23 tells the story of a Syrian musician
ber of the films that follow were Godzilla vs. Kong — The title says moves to Paris with her son. Mortal Kombat — This big-screen stuck on a Scottish island waiting
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D13

for word of his asylum request. It

stars Amir El-Masry (“The Night
Manager,” “Rosewater,” the TV
series “Industry”).
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
— Animated comedy about a
family that has to take on an army
of rebellious robots. The voice cast
includes Olivia Colman, John Leg-
end, Maya Rudolph, Conan
O’Brien, Chrissy Tiegen, Eric Andre
and Danny McBride.

Wrath of Man — Coming off last
year’s “The Gentlemen,” director
Guy Ritchie returns with an action-
thriller starring Jason Statham as
the mysteriously named H.

MAY 14
Spiral — The universe of the
“Saw” horror franchise expands in
this film featuring Chris Rock,
Samuel L. Jackson and Max Ming-
hella. Director Darren Lynn Bous-
man directed the second, third and Paramount Pictures
fourth iterations of the “Saw” Tom Cruise plays Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in “Top Gun: Maverick.”
films, so he knows the territory.

MAY 21
Army of the Dead — Zack Snyder
just birthed his four-hour version of
“Justice League” (the so-called
“Snyder Cut”) and now he has this
Netflix zombie thriller set in Las
Vegas. This is sort of a homecom-
ing for him, as his breakthrough
feature was the 2004 remake of
George A. Romero’s “Dawn of the
Dead.” Dave Bautista, Omari Hard-
wick (“Power”) and Tig Notaro
Lionsgate Paramount Pictures
The Dry — Eric Bana returns to his
native Australia to play a federal Chris Rock in “Spiral” Emily Blunt in “A Quiet Place Part II”
investigator digging into an un-
featured in a live-action take on film, though this one is a musical story. This one is set in Italy and anticipated sequel with Tom
solved murder in his drought-
the Cruella de Vil character from based on songs from “Hamilton” explores the friendship between a Cruise, Val Kilmer, Ed Harris, Jenni-
stricken Outback hometown.
“101 Dalmatians.” Directing is Craig creator Lin-Manuel Miranda. boy and a sea monster disguised fer Connelly, Miles Teller and Jay
James Frecheville (the original
“Animal Kingdom”) co-stars. Gillespie (“I, Tonya,” “Lars and the as a human. Ellis should finally land in time for
Real Girl”). JUNE 11 Independence Day.
In The Heights — Miranda has JUNE 25
MAY 28
JUNE 4 been busy. He also co-wrote the F9 — The “Fast & Furious” crew JULY 9
A Quiet Place Part II — John
Spirit Untamed — This animated Broadway musical upon which this returns, and it’s an all-star effort. In Black Widow — May this be the
Krasinski’s sequel to his smash hit
DreamWorks film tells the story of film, about a New York City bode- addition to regulars Vin Diesel and real opening date for this Marvel
takes the central family, terrorized
a girl who becomes friends with a ga owner, is based. Anthony Ra- Michelle Rodriguez, we’ve got Cinematic Universe entry starring
at home in the first film by aliens
mustang named Spirit. Walton mos (“A Star Is Born”) stars. Charlize Theron, Cardi B, Helen Scarlett Johansson. Most notable
who hunt by sound, into the out-
side world, where there are other Goggins, Julianne Moore and Jake Mirren and John Cena. is that it’s directed by Australian
Gyllenhaal are part of the voice JUNE 18 Cate Shortland, whose résumé up
cast. Luca — On the heels of “Soul,” JULY 2 to now has been filled with smaller
Cruella — Emma Stone, Emma
Vivo — Here’s another animated Pixar returns telling a very different Top Gun: Maverick — The much- films, such as “Somersault, “The
Thompson and Mark Strong are
D14 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com

Pixar Michael Ochs Archives / UMG

“Luca” explores the friendship between a boy and a sea monster disguised as a human. “The Velvet Underground” examines the band’s influence.

Mogul Mowgli — Speaking of

Berlin Syndrome” and the gripping Gunn of “Guardians of the Galaxy”
Houston directors, we’re still
“Lore,” one of the best films of fame. The supporting cast is pretty
awaiting the release of the fea-
2012. “Black Widow” will now mighty: Idris Elba, Viola Davis, John
ture debut from Bassam Tariq,
release in theaters and on Disney+ Cena, Taika Waititi, Pete Davidson,
which opened in the UK last fall.
simultaneously. Alice Braga, Michael Rooker, Syl-
Riz Ahmed, fresh off his Oscar-
vester Stallone, Jai Courtney and
nominated role in “Sound of
JULY 16 Joel Kinnaman.
Metal,” plays an up-and-coming
Cinderella — Kay Cannon (“Block-
hip-hop star facing a health crisis.
ers”) takes on the classic story AUG. 13
The Last Letter From Your Lover
with a musical update, starring Free Guy — Ryan Reynolds plays a
— Dallas-based director Augus-
Camilo Cabello, Billy Porter, Idina bank teller who realizes he’s actu-
tine Frizzell, whose debut was the
Menzel, Pierce Brosnan, Minnie ally a nonplayer character in a
2018 Texas teen film “Never Goin’
Driver and James Corden. videogame. Shawn Levy (“Night at
Back,” returns with something
Space Jam: A New Legacy — In the Museum”) directs.
very different. Set in London and
the original, the Looney Tunes Respect — On the heels of Cyn-
based on the Jojo Moyes novel,
characters recruited Michael Jor- thia Erivo playing Aretha Franklin in
the Netflix drama stars Shailene
dan to help them win a basketball the “Genius” TV series comes Marvel Studios Woodley, Felicity Jones and Joe
game. Now, they’ve got LeBron Jennifer Hudson playing her in this
Scarlett Johansson, left, and Florence Pugh in “Black Widow” Alwyn in a story about a journalist
James in a film directed by Mal- biopic. Forest Whitaker and Audra
who stumbles across a batch of
colm D. Lee (“Girls Trip”). McDonald co-star.
curious letters from the 1960s.
from Houston-born director Wes
Jordan Peele collaborated on this The Truffle Hunters — Ac-
JULY 30 AUG. 20 Anderson features a stellar cast
update of the legend from the claimed and award-winning
Jungle Cruise — Spanish director Bios — Tom Hanks stars in this (Bill Murray, Timothée Chalamet,
1992 horror film of the same name. documentary about the elderly
Jaume Collet-Serra (“The Shal- science-fiction film set on a post- Frances McDormand, Elisabeth
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (“The Trial men of Piedmont, Italy, who
lows,” “The Commuter”) brings the apocalyptic Earth where a robot Moss, Willem Dafoe, Saoirse Ro-
of the Chicago 7,” “Watchmen”) spend their days looking for the
Disney theme-park ride, about an learns about humanity. It’s direct- man, Tilda Swinton, Ed Norton,
and Teyonah Parris star. expensive and rare white Alba
endangered riverboat, to the big ed by Miguel Sapochnik, who Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Ben-
screen in a feature with Dwayne made some of the most memora- icio del Toro, Christoph Waltz, Liev
TBA The Velvet Underground — The
Johnson, Emily Blunt and Edgar ble “Game of Thrones” episodes, Schreiber) in a story of an Amer-
Berlin Alexanderplatz — This impact of the influential late
Ramirez. including “Hardhome,” “The Long ican newspaper in France during
update of the 1929 novel, which ’60s/early ’70s New York band,
Night” and “Battle of the Bas- the early 20th century.
has previously been made into a which included Lou Reed and
AUG. 6 tards.” I Carry You with Me — Documen-
miniseries, updates the story and John Cale, is examined in this
The Suicide Squad — Harley tary filmmaker Heidi Ewing (“Jesus
sets in the world of an African AppleTV+ documentary by Todd
Quinn (Margot Robbie) revived this AUG. 27 Camp”) makes her feature debut
immigrant struggling to make a life Haynes (“Carol,” “Dark Waters”).
franchise’s fortunes with “Birds of Candyman — Director Nia DaCos- with a drama about a chef who
in Germany.
Prey,” and now she’s back in the ta (“Little Woods”) and producer leaves behind the love of his life to
next chapter, directed by James
The French Dispatch — The latest [email protected]
pursue a career in New York City.
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D15

• F




R •




Director Adam Wingard knows attacked. Through a series of

how to deliver what a movie titled unfortunate and befuddling
“Godzilla vs. Kong” should be. events (Skullcrawler egg trans-
Audiences watch Godzilla movies port stowaway; Godzilla blasting
because we want to see the big a hole into Hollow Earth with
lizard crush a bunch of buildings, atomic breath), all the Titans and
perhaps while fighting another all the humans end up in Hong
creature, not for deep myth- Kong, as Kong and Godzilla wreck
making or rich character study. stuff against a vivid urban night-
Yet, the past three films in the scape. Kong has the richest and
MonsterVerse franchise that have most tragic backstory and the
led to this clash of the Titans, more expressive face with which
“Godzilla,” “Kong: Skull Island” to empathize, and while the film
and “Godzilla: King of the Mon- seems firmly Team Kong, we’d
sters,” have been heavy on the never have to choose between
lore and characters, setting the these two titans (the villain is
stage for this matchup. Wingard G O D Z I L L A B AT T L E S K O N G I N always capitalism anyway).
knows the appeal of this film is What makes “Godzilla vs.
two beloved movie giants pulver- Kong” worth watching is Ben
izing a city, and he offers that Seresin’s cinematography.
spectacle dripping in neon and Though every scene seems to
techno. Break out the glow sticks, take place at night, underwater,
it’s time for the kaiju rave that is Warner Bros. Pictures on a barge or underground, the
“Godzilla vs. Kong.” non-CGI moments are lit with
When last we met our fair the Skull Island simulation and “GODZILLA VS. KONG” indigenous Iwi girl who contrasting colors gleaming on
Godzilla, the monster had plants him where he belongs: Rated PG-13: for intense se- communicates with Kong via sign metal and moisture, rendering the
unexpectedly become humanity’s walloping Godzilla from the quences of creature violence/ language. Also along for the ride is human-scale scenes as visually
destruction and brief language
savior, fighting off the parapets of a skyscraper. Maya (Eiza Gonzalez), a sleazy interesting as the massive sky-
Running time: 113 minutes
triple-headed King Ghidorah. As befitting the franchise, Apex scion, who certainly won’t try scraper-crumbling brawl. The
Where: Playing at theaters
Which is why Godzilla’s attack on entirely too many actors have throughout Houston and stream- to do anything nefarious with any score by Tom Holkenberg, aka
Apex Cybernetics Pensacola been cast to run around the feet of ing on HBO Max. mysterious energy source, nope, trance DJ/producer Junkie XL,
comes as a rude awakening. Who Godzilla and Kong spouting H H H (out of 5) not at all. enhances the futuristic disco-
ya gonna call? King Kong, living in vaguely scientific dialogue. Meanwhile, a disgruntled Apex clash aesthetic.
a kind of Skull Island “Truman Alexander Skarsgard plays a employee-turned-podcaster, If it’s vibes (and destruction)
Show” biodome. The screenplay scientist, with a special knowledge that can be used as a weapon Bernie (Brian Tyree Henry), has you seek, “Godzilla vs. Kong”
by Eric Pearson and Max of “Hollow Earth,” who is tapped against Godzilla. Accompanying hooked up with teen Godzilla fans delivers. Now to convince the
Borenstein is both simple and to lead an expedition there to them are Kong chaperone Ilene Madison (Millie Bobby Brown) and powers that be to let Wingard
ridiculous, and most importantly, bring Kong to the Earth’s core to (Rebecca Hall) and her adopted Josh (Julian Dennison) to infiltrate direct a “Tron” movie, the ultimate
it gets Kong off the panopticon of find some kind of energy source daughter, Jia (Kaylee Hottle), an Apex and find out why Godzilla electro-neon vibe-out franchise.
D16 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com

S •




• SH


There’s a moment near the end A generation later, they are a

of the debut episode of “Gangs of success, with sons Sean and
London,” the hyper-violent, Alexander (Paapa Essiedu, “I May
sprawling crime saga co-produced Destroy You”), who were pretty
by Gareth Evans, who made two much raised as brothers, ready to
of the greatest action movies of all take over when the time comes.
time with “The Raid: Redemption” As with such other recent British
and “The Raid 2,” when things go series as Steve McQueen’s “Small
from merely disturbed to frothing- Axe” and Michaela Coel’s “I May
dog insane in a heartbeat. Destroy You,” “Gangs of London”
Elliot Finch (Sope Dirisu), a is set in an England that has little
low-level London hood with a to do with any lingering “Downton
secret, wants to make an impres- Abbey” stereotypes. This is a
sion on Sean Wallace (Joe Cole, different, multicultural Britain —
“Peaky Blinders”), the scion of L E E C H A R L E S , L E F T, A N D S O P E D I R I S U G O with its mix of Albanians, Turkish
Britain’s premier crime family, Kurds, South Asians, Nigerians
who’s in a rage over who had the and Irish Travelers — and it’s
T O E -T O -T O E I N “ G A N G S O F L O N D O N . ”
guts to gun down his drug-lord loose-limbed, loud and alive.
father, Finn (Colm Meaney), out- Sure, the electric tension that
side some dingy flat. Elliot has courses through the best of
figured out there are a few guys “Gangs of London” doesn’t main-
down at a nearby pub who might selves for cuts and contusions. In “GANGS OF LONDON” an agonizing way to kick off the tain itself through the entire nine-
have some answers — though other words, if you thought “No- When: 9 p.m. Sunday series and a chilling counterpoint episode run. And, no doubt, some
they might take a little bare- body” was off the rails, “Gangs of Network: AMC to the frenetic action at the epi- viewers who come for the solid
Rated: TV-MA
knuckle persuasion. London” is over the embankment sode’s end. ensemble acting in a gripping
H H H H (out of 5)
From the moment he pushes and down in the river. (Let’s not But even the moments not backstabbing family drama may
through the doors, that’s when even mention the totally bananas based on someone getting thrash- be put off by the actual stabbing
“Gangs of London” — already faceoff Elliot has in episode two ed, or about to get thrashed, are and vice versa.
available on premium AMC+ and involving a half-naked guy and a cession.” Now, combine that with fascinating for the picture of con- “Gangs of London” was a raging
debuting on regular AMC April 4 — cleaver.) enough lethal firepower and mar- temporary London they paint. See, success in the UK, and a second
goes completely off, as these last “Gangs of London,” has an tial-arts mano a mano to give the Wallaces are a blended family season has been ordered. Sadly,
few minutes rank as one of the uneasy path to walk, but it’s most- Jason Statham pause, and you’ve in the most obvious way possible. Evans won’t be directing any of
best action scenes staged for ly successful at navigating it. On got “Gangs of London.” Finn, an Irish immigrant, and Ca- the new season’s episodes, so
television. It’s pure Evans, who the one hand, it’s an absorbing And just as it can be wantonly ribbean immigrant Ed Dumani who knows how it will compare.
directed the first two episodes, at drama about a wealthy, viciously brutal, it can also be tortuously (Lucian Msamati), from groups But, for now, Americans should
his most punishingly persuasive: a unethical family on the cusp of suspenseful, as in the opening 15 looked down upon by upper-class just tune in, hang on and hold
ballet of fists, feet and heads on generational change, as Finn’s minutes, in which Wallace, on the Brits, decided to team up to build tight.
hard wood that will even have death leaves a power vacuum. hunt for his dad’s killer, is hanging a criminal empire that would have
casual viewers checking them- Think “The Godfather” or “Suc- some poor soul from a rooftop. It’s all of London at their feet. [email protected]
PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D17

• F




R •




“French Exit” is worth seeing

but frustrating. It’s worth seeing
because it gives a juicy role to
Michelle Pfeiffer, who is, as she is
often, something to marvel at. Yet
it’s frustrating because, as a
whole, “French Exit” is not nearly
as good as its central perfor-
Pfeiffer plays a widowed Man-
hattan socialite who, in the first
minutes of the movie, finds out
that she has run out of money. Her
accountant, who has been warn-
ing her of this for years, asks her
why she never listened to him. M I C H E L L E P F E I F F E R A N D L U C A S H E D G E S S TA R I N “ F R E N C H E X I T. ”
What was her plan? Her plan, she
tells him, was to die before the
money ran out.
Pfeiffer’s response, the way Sony Pictures Classics
tells him that she’d hoped not to
outlive her money, is the first of “FRENCH EXIT” friend, played by Susan Coyne — have been necessary because the going to see “Hamlet” and getting
many line readings to savor. In this Rated R: for language and sexual gives Frances and her grown son reader is privy to the thoughts of 20 minutes on Osric. It’s cute, it’s
moment, she’s sad, embarrassed, references (Lucas Hedges) an apartment in the characters. But here, we keep fine, and it’s who cares?
Running time: 110 minutes
amused, confiding, horrified — it’s Paris to use indefinitely. So by waiting for the story to move Maybe the fault is with Pfeiffer.
Where: Opens April 2 throughout
many emotions at once, and it’s normal human standards, things forward. Maybe director Azazel Jacobs
indicative of what Pfeiffer consis- H H H (out of 5) don’t look so bad, but the enig- It never does. Instead, it moves couldn’t rein in his lead actress.
tently does over the course of the matic Frances says that she plans laterally. There’s a psychic. There’s Maybe “French Exit” was sup-
movie. Pfeiffer plays a woman to kill herself when the money a cat that might contain the spirit posed to be a light, supernatural
who is mannered and self-protec- way to the end of the movie. If you runs out. And she must be anxious of Frances’ dead husband. There’s comedy and Pfeiffer destabilized
tive. She has a volcano inside her, do that, you will get everything to kill herself, because she keeps a diffident, hard-drinking widow the whole enterprise by acting as
but she is never going to show it. there is to get from the film, with- giving money away — 100 euro (Valerie Mahaffey) who wants to if in a tragedy.
But every few minutes, something out minding much that the story is tips on a cup of espresso, etc. be friends with Frances. And there All of that is entirely possible,
bubbles up and breaks through. something of a dead end. Written by Patrick deWitt and are difficulties in the son’s on- but it doesn’t change the fact that
That’s one way to watch and In any case, through sales of her based on his novel of the same again, off-again romance with his Pfeiffer is the best thing about
enjoy “French Exit.” These Pfeiffer artwork and other possessions, name, “French Exit” needed an fiancée (Imogen Poots). The “French Exit” and the only reason
moments are like ice floes that Frances (Pfeiffer) is able to get extra turn, some other element, audience wants to know about to see it.
you can step on, from one to the some money to live on, and a perhaps what’s called “a third Frances, and instead, it gets the
next, and ultimately make your friend — an amazingly generous act.” In a novel, this might not zany cast of characters. It’s like [email protected]
D18 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com


Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions — forward,
backward, up, down and diagonally. ©2021 King Features Syndicate Inc.
ACROSS 53 Sigma follower 24 Formal agreement
1 Honshu drama 54 Shorebirds related 25 Four Corners state
Thursday’s unlisted THINGS CANADIAN 4 Words before a to stilts 28 Roget entry: Abbr.
clue: M. MANTLE. recap 55 Crux
Friday’s unlisted clue
29 Dress, with “up”
11 Audi rival 57 Cards 30 Le Monde article
14 Boise-to-Billings 59 Up on the latest 31 Auto additive with
dir. 60 Sax type a red oval logo
Caribou 15 “Raging Bull” 61 “And look ahead.” 37 Seaweed product
Flannel boxer 64 Force featured on 38 Quite often
Football 16 Infamous Vietnam “Bosch,” for short
42 Supermarket
Hockey War site, My __ 65 “So close!”
17 “Take my advice: 66 Oodles chain with a red
Lumberjack no use crying over 67 They often take oval logo
Maple syrup spilled milk ... ” turns 43 Overhauls
Moose 20 Compact part 44 Put away
Outdoors 21 Greet warmly DOWN 45 Titania’s Husband
Parliament 22 Spumante source 1 __ Own Organics 46 Serving as a
Politeness 23 PC core 2 Where “The Man symbol
Poutine 26 Spot to get a bite With the Hoe” 47 Fin. neighbor
on the street carried the world, 48 Loyalty
27 Rockets’ org. in an Edwin 49 Start
28 Low cloud Markham poem 50 “Human beings
32 Two-__: half-price 3 Great sadness ... may hide
opportunity 4 Plus their feelings,
SUDOKU CRYPTOQUIP 33 Pouch 5 Iraq’s __ City but __ does not”:
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains
34 With 36-Across, 6 Brief “I think” Hemingway
the numbers 1 to 9. ©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter
stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal
“There’s no going 7 Oceanus, to Gaia 51 Fjords, e.g.
O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and back ... ” 8 Snacked
52 Teach privately
words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. 35 Ship letters 9 “How sweet __!”
Solution is by trial and error.
36 See 34-Across 10 Sprint 53 Foolish sort
©2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. 39 Brewery vessel 11 Lose it 56 Superskinny
40 Celestial feline 12 Public policy 58 Battle of
41 Snoots put them declaration Normandy town
on 13 Cookout fare 60 Claim
45 Other, in Oaxaca 18 One less than tetra- 62 Actor McKellen
48 “Put everything 19 OB or ENT 63 Andean root
behind you ... ” 23 Rock’s Mötley __ vegetable

party, that’s a mirth-shattering occasion.

©2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. ANSWER: If a spoilsport comes along and ruins a really fun



By Jeffrey Wechsler ©2021 Tribune Content Agency 4/2/21

PreviewHouston.com | April 2-8, 2021 | Preview Houston | D19

What ‘Concrete Cowboy’ ACES ON BRIDGE

By Bobby Wolff

to watch
In today’s deal, declarer made
use of a subtle extra chance to
bring home a delicate slam.
As a rebid of three clubs over
two spades would be a second
negative, North’s two no-trump

FRIDAY promised some values. When

North raised three spades to
four, South took a shot at slam
April 2, 2021 and bought an apparently use-
less dummy on the lead of the
diamond queen.
All times Central. Start times can vary based Cover up the East and West
on cable/satellite provider. Confirm times on cards to see if you can find your
your on-screen guide. best chance here. If West held
the trump king, the spade eight
Concrete Cowboy might represent an entry to
dummy, so after winning his
Netflix  Original Film diamond ace, declarer cashed
In this Western drama that made its premiere the club ace and was about
to lead a low trump toward
at the Toronto International Film Festival last dummy before reassessing the
year and is based on Greg Neri’s novel Ghetto position.
Cowboy, 15-year-old Cole (Caleb McLaughlin) Would leading the trump queen able to follow low smoothly, de-
be better? This would succeed clarer would have faced a guess
moves from Detroit to North Philadelphia to NETFLIX as to whether to overtake. But
against a singleton trump king
live with his estranged father. Upon arriving, or 2-2 trumps. So far so good when West played the six, it let
Cole discovers the world of urban horseback warrior, team up to vanquish the evil demon The series, which covers dream-home searches ... declarer was about to lead South overtake with dummy’s
riding. holding Brendar’s brother captive. in the United Kingdom and other countries in the spade queen when he went eight.
Europe, will satisfy die-hard real estate voyeurs the extra mile for a better plan. If East withheld the spade king,
The Serpent MacGyver who are curious about life abroad, and it will Suddenly, he had a flash of
inspiration and led the spade
declarer would be in dummy,
so East won and returned a
CBS, 7 p.m. showcase every type of home from charming heart. Declarer rose with the
Netflix  New Series seven instead of the queen.
cottages to posh estates worthy of royalty. The logic here is that this card ace, crossed to dummy with the
Inspired by shocking real events, this crime Mac (Lucas Till) and members of his team go spade five and took his discard
would succeed whenever the
drama reveals the story of serial con man
Charles Sobhraj (Tahar Rahim) — who
undercover during a royal Indian wedding to
protect a princess whose policies could put her
The Blacklist queen would, but it would
on the master club.
NBC, 7 p.m. also bring home the contract
murdered young tourists traveling along the life in danger in the new episode “Royalty + if West held a singleton six in
“hippie trail” of South Asia in the mid 1970s — Marriage + Vivaah Sanskar + Zinc + Henna.” In “Rakitin,” The task force’s determination to the trump suit. Had West been
and the remarkable attempts to bring him to identify a Russian asset in the U.S. government
justice. My Lottery puts Cooper (Harry Lennix) and Red (James
Spader) in increasingly treacherous positions.
LEAD WITH THE ACES ANSWER: One would normally
give preference with this shape,
The Barbarian Dream Home International but this hand is so weak that,
HGTV, 7 p.m.  New Series Magnum P.I. especially facing partner’s
and the Troll This spinoff of My Lottery Dream Home CBS, 8 p.m.
likely club shortness, it is highly
unlikely you have a game. It is
Nickelodeon, 6:30 p.m.  New Series features lauded British interior designer When a Marine veteran’s SUV is stolen with her better to pass, preventing part-
In this new live-action puppet comedy series, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen as he helps lucky service dog inside, Magnum (Jay Hernandez) ner from pushing the bidding
higher. With the same hand and
a bridge troll named Evan, who is looking winners newly flush with cash search for and Higgins (Perdita Weeks) must track down the heart king instead of the
for adventure, and Brendar, a fierce female properties that reflect their wealthier status. the thief in the new episode “Dark Harvest.” three, you would surely give
false preference to two spades

CATCH A CLASSIC Oscar winner Charlton Heston stars as Judah

Ben-Hur, a Jewish prince who is sent to the
galleys after being falsely accused of trying
©2021 Dist. By Andrews McMeel Syndication for UFS

Ben-Hur to murder a Roman governor. His road to

vengeance against Roman nobleman Messala
TCM, 7 p.m.
(Stephen Boyd), the childhood friend who 1982: several thousand Today’s Birthdays: Actor
Turner Classic Movies’ “31 Days of Oscar: betrayed him, leads Ben-Hur to compete in troops from Argentina Sharon Acker is 86. Actor
Oscars From A to Z” event hits the letter “B” a dangerous chariot race, depicted in one of seized the disputed Dame Penelope Keith
today, and that lineup of “B” titles includes cinema’s most legendary and thunderously Falkland Islands, located is 81. Actor Linda Hunt
this iconic, 3 1/2-hour-long 1959 religious epic breathtaking action sequences. Best Director in the south Atlantic, from is 76. Singer Emmylou
that is anything but a B-movie. An unheard-of Oscar winner William Wyler masterfully Britain. (Britain seized the Harris is 74. Actor Roselyn
11 Oscar wins out of 12 nominations, including gripped the reins while filming that scene and islands back the following Sanchez is 48. Actor
Best Picture, went to the film, which is an everything else in this movie that epitomizes June.) Michael Fassbender is 44.
adaptation of the Lew Wallace story set in old-school Hollywood filmmaking on the 1986: four American Actor Jaime Ray Newman
Palestine during the time of Christ. Best Actor grandest scale. — Jeff Pfeiffer EVERETT COLLECTION passengers, including is 43. Rock musician Jesse
an 8-month-old girl, her Carmichael (Maroon 5)
mother and grandmother, is 42. Actor Bethany Joy
were killed when a terrorist Lenz is 40. Actor Drew Van
bomb exploded aboard a Acker is 35. Actor Briga
TWA jetliner en route from Heelan (TV: “Great News”)
Rome to Athens, Greece. is 34.
D20 | Preview Houston | April 2-8, 2021 | PreviewHouston.com


Dear Abby: guest instead of a spoiled child,

At the age of 30, I re- there will be no reason to feel em-
cently had to move back barrassed or ashamed.
with my parents. I am not
the tidiest person in the Dear Abby:
world, but I thrive on the I’m married and the mother of
saying, “Dust, not dirt.” ABBY two kids, ages 5 and 7. My husband
I recently went on vaca- is a very involved father and partner
tion. I knew my room was in our marriage. My complaint is
a little messier than I’d like, but I that he’s too trusting of other people
also knew I’d return from vacation and doesn’t keep an eye on the kids
ready to tackle the pile of laundry in public places.
and sweep and mop the floor. Lo He’ll take them to the grocery
and behold, when I walked into my store and let them hang out in the
room, it was clean and organized! toy department while he’s getting
Abby, I felt my privacy had been groceries.
invaded. They will be 100 yards away from
I was embarrassed and ashamed, each other.
but also hurt because my parents I have told him several times that
had trespassed beyond my closed I’m not comfortable with this, yet he
door. continues to do it. I’m not sure what
I feel betrayed and like my person- to do about it anymore. Have you
al privacy was undermined. What any suggestions?
should I do? — Nervous in Nebraska ROYAL STARS
— Invaded Space Your Horoscope for Friday, April 2 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHHH
Dear Nervous: Make healthy lifestyle choices a family
Dear Invaded: Yes. Because your husband can’t ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHHH affair. Join a gym or take power walks
I’m glad you asked. I think you be trusted to watch the children Take advantage of a few hours when you together. Purchase weights so you can
should get over it, and fast. I assume when they accompany him shop- have no obligations. Search online for work out at home.
you are staying rent-free in your ping, talk to the kids and impress an out-of-print or rare book you have SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHH
parents’ home. upon them the importance of stay- wanted to purchase. Use your charisma to get your foot in
You are no longer a teenager, and ing close to their father. However, TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHH the door. Take the lead even though you
nobody trespassed. While you are if this doesn’t work, then YOU will Your emotions may be on overdrive. don’t always like being in charge.
under their roof, make an extra have to take over the errands until Feeling joyful will infect everyone CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHHH
effort to keep the room you occupy the children are older. around you. Don’t give in to irrational Carve out a space for alone time. Just say
free from dust and a pile of dirty www.DearAbby.com
fears. “no” to parties and social events. Friends
laundry. If you act like a gracious Andrews McMeel Syndication GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHH You will understand. Use your imagination.
may have second thoughts about a com- AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHH
mitment you made too hastily. Take time Get together with friends who make you
to negotiate the terms and conditions. laugh. Keep the conversation light. A
HINTS FROM HELOISE CANCER ( June 21-July 22) HHHH serious talk is for another time.
Give your pet special attention. Find a PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HHHHH
Dear Heloise: Dear Heloise: home for a stray at an animal shelter. Share ideas with people you respect but
We have discovered a great In this icy weather, a lot of people are Teamwork saves you from a monotonous whose views are different from yours.
use for last year’s Christmas unhappy about letting their faucet drip job. Incorporate those concepts into your
tree. We placed it outside, all night long. It’s an increase in their LEO ( July 23-Aug. 22) HHH Lay the work and think outside the box. Reward
as close as possible to the water bill and in many ways, a waste groundwork for fulfilling an artistic vi- yourself for your efforts.
birdfeeder. The birds used it of good, clean water. I always place a sion. A mentor can steer you in the right HAPPY BIRTHDAY (April 2) Funny,
as shelter between feedings. large pitch under the faucet to catch the direction. sharp and vigorous, pursue your dreams
HELOISE VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHHH Ex- no matter how far-reaching they seem.
It also served as a prop for water, then use it to make my morning
suet cake holders, which the coffee or water my plants, etc. This way plore real estate for fun. Visit interesting This year, you initiate changes you never
birds love. I use it rather than waste it. neighborhoods or places you might want thought possible. Keep your day job but
Of course, here in New England we — Marcia M., Delaware, Ohio to live. Make your workspace at home use your spare time to fulfill physical and
make sure the birdfeeders are down Marcia, what a terrific way to conserve practical and comfortable. creative challenges. Be mindful of financ-
no later than March 31 so as to be gone water! Water is such a valuable resource LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHH Brush es since your extracurricular activities
before the black bears come out of hiber- that we must all take care to use it wisely up on time-management skills. You may may run over budget. If single, you will
nation. and you have. This was a very good hint. have to rely on them if overloaded with attract someone who thinks like you. If
Bears love the seeds almost as much as — Heloise too many projects. Set limits for yourself attached, don’t hide anything from your
the birds. and stay true to them. partner. GEMINI humors you.
[email protected]
— Paul S., Middlebury, CT
King Features Syndicate King Features Syndicate
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