Digi Port Authority-Remote: Setup Guide
Digi Port Authority-Remote: Setup Guide
Digi Port Authority-Remote: Setup Guide
Setup Guide
Digi International Inc. 2002. All Rights Reserved
The Digi logo is a trademark of Digi International Inc. All other brand and product names are the
trademarks of their respective holders.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Digi International.
Digi provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantability for a particular
purpose. Digi may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/or the
program(s) described in this manual at any time.
This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically
made to the information herein; these changes may be incorporated in new editions of the
Chapter 2 Installation
Installing the Software: CD.................................................................................. 2-2
Procedure ........................................................................................................ 2-2
Installing the Software: Downloaded................................................................... 2-2
Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 2-2
Procedures ...................................................................................................... 2-2
Procedure: AIX .............................................................................................. 2-2
Procedure: HP-UX ......................................................................................... 2-2
Procedure: Linux (RPM Method) .................................................................. 2-3
Procedure: Linux (from Source) .................................................................... 2-3
Procedure: Microsoft Windows ..................................................................... 2-3
Procedure: SCO OpenServer .......................................................................... 2-3
Procedure: SCO UnixWare ............................................................................ 2-3
Procedure: Solaris .......................................................................................... 2-4
Uninstalling the Software..................................................................................... 2-4
Procedures ...................................................................................................... 2-4
Procedure: AIX .............................................................................................. 2-4
Procedure: HP-UX ......................................................................................... 2-4
Procedure: Linux (RPM Method) .................................................................. 2-4
Procedure: Linux (from Source) .................................................................... 2-4
Procedure: Microsoft Windows ..................................................................... 2-4
Procedure: SCO OpenServer .......................................................................... 2-5
Procedure: SCO UnixWare ............................................................................ 2-5
Procedure: Solaris .......................................................................................... 2-5
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
Connection Errors ................................................................................................ 6-2
chapter 1 Introduction to DPA - Remote
Discovery is a program that will discover Digi devices residing on a network. The Digi devices are
discovered with either ADDP (A Digi Discovery Protocol) or with SNMP. For a Digi device to be
discovered by ADDP, it must be ADDP enabled. For a Digi device to be discovered by SNMP, it
must have SNMP enabled. See "ADDP Requirements" on page 1-2 and "SNMP Requirements" on
page 1-2.
Port Monitoring
Monitoring ports can be helpful in troubleshooting port problems. DPA - Remote can monitor
incoming and outgoing data and errors on ports. Also, individual signals (such as DTR, DCD, OFC,
IFC, etc.) can be monitored. By viewing port signals, a user may be able to determine if a port
appears to be functioning correctly or if it appears to be in some state of flow control or other
condition of concern.
Monitor Procedure
To begin monitoring a device, see "Device Monitor" on page 4-2.
SNMP Requirements
An SNMP agent must be running on your supported Digi device before you can use DPA - Remote
to monitor it.
To start the SNMP agent, see the appropriate documentation for your particular Digi device.
ADDP Requirements
ADDP stands for A Digi Discovery Protocol and runs on any operating system capable of sending
multicast IP packets on a network. It allows the system to identify all ADDP enabled Digi devices
attached to a network by sending out a multicast packet. The Digi devices respond to the multicast
packet and identify themselves to the client sending the multicast. The ADDP protocol needs to
communicate with the TCP/IP stack using the UDP protocol. The TCP/IP stack should be able to
receive multicast packets and transmit datagrams on a network. Not all Digi devices support ADDP.
• Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
• Installing the Software: CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
• Installing the Software: Downloaded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
• Uninstalling the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Installation 2-1
Installing the Software: CD
Use this procedure to install software or a driver from the Digi RealPortCD. You should have
already started the Digi RealPort CD front-end program.
1. Choose an operating system.
2. Choose the Hardware product name.
3. Choose Digi Port Authority - Remote.
4. Choose Install Software.
5. Follow the prompts.
6. Reboot your system if necessary.
• On UNIX installations, an X-Window environment must be installed in order to run DPA -
• On all installations, a web browser is required in order to display the help.
• Linux users must create symbolic links before DPA - Remote will install properly. See "Pro-
cedure: Linux (RPM Method)" on page 2-3 and "Procedure: Linux (from Source)" on page
Choose your operating system from the list below to jump to the appropriate installation procedure.
• "Procedure: AIX" on page 2-2
• "Procedure: HP-UX" on page 2-2
• "Procedure: Linux (RPM Method)" on page 2-3
• "Procedure: Linux (from Source)" on page 2-3
• "Procedure: Microsoft Windows" on page 2-3
• "Procedure: SCO OpenServer" on page 2-3
• "Procedure: SCO UnixWare" on page 2-3
• "Procedure: Solaris" on page 2-4
Procedure: AIX
1. If you have previously installed a version of DPA - Remote, remove it by issuing the follow-
ing command:
installp -u digidpar.dpar.obj
2. Place the downloaded distribution file into the /tmp directory.
3. Enter the following commands:
uncompress 40002192_version.installp.Z
installp -ad /tmp/40002192_version.installp digidpar
Procedure: HP-UX
1. Place the downloaded distribution file into the /tmp directory.
2. Enter the following commands:
tar xvf 40002193_version.tar
/usr/sbin/swreg -l depot /tmp/digidpar.pkg
/usr/sbin/swinstall -s /tmp/digidpar.pkg
3. Choose the line item, digidpar.
4. Choose Actions > Mark for install.
Installation 2-3
Procedure: Solaris
1. Place the downloaded distribution file into the /tmp directory.
2. Enter the following commands:
uncompress /tmp/40002191_version.pkg.Z
pkgadd -d /tmp/40002191_version.pkg
Choose your operating system from the list below to jump to the appropriate uninstall procedure.
• "Procedure: AIX" on page 2-4
• "Procedure: HP-UX" on page 2-4
• "Procedure: Linux (RPM Method)" on page 2-4
• "Procedure: Linux (from Source)" on page 2-4
• "Procedure: Microsoft Windows" on page 2-4
• "Procedure: SCO OpenServer" on page 2-5
• "Procedure: SCO UnixWare" on page 2-5
• "Procedure: Solaris" on page 2-5
Procedure: AIX
Enter the following command:
installp -u digidpar.dpar.obj
Procedure: HP-UX
1. Enter this command at a root prompt:
The SD - Remove Software Selection window appears.
2. Choose digidpar.
3. Choose Actions > Remove (Analysis)...
4. Choose OK to continue at the Remove Analysis window.
5. Choose Yes at the Confirmation windows that appear.
6. Choose Done at the Remove window.
7. Confirm the prompt to reboot the system when it appears. If it does not appear, the system
should be rebooted manually.
Procedure: Solaris
Enter the following command:
pkgrm digidpar
Installation 2-5
2-6 Uninstalling the Software
chapter 3 Control Panel
Microsoft Windows
From the Start menu, choose Programs > Digi > Digi Port Authority - Remote.
Enter the following command:
Item Function
Device Monitor Choose the Device Monitor to monitor interfaces and ports on Digi devices.
Device Configuration Choose the Device Configuration to launch a browser and configure your Digi device with the
Web interface provided this feature is supported on your device.
Most Recent This lists the most recent devices monitored or configured with DPA - Remote.
Discovered Devices This table displays all the devices discovered by either the ADDP or the SNMP protocols.
Discovery Protocol Choose either ADDP or SNMP to discover devices attached to your network.
Discover Launches another search for devices using either ADDP or SNMP protocols.
Criteria The Criteria button appears when the SNMP radio button is checked. Choose Criteria to modify
SNMP Discovery requests.
Clear Item Clears a single highlighted device from the Discovery Devices list.
Clear All Clears all devices from the Discovery Devices list.
Various options are also available also by going to File > Options. Three options are available:
Item Function
Allows the user to change location of program data, modify Most Recent list, and enable/dis-
Global able Domain Name Resolver.
Device Monitor Modifies font sizes, timers, and graph scales displayed by the Device Monitor.
1. From the Device Monitor area, enter the DNS name or the IP address of the Digi device.
You can also monitor a device by choosing a device from the Discovered Devices or Most
Recent lists.
2. From the Community drop-down box, choose the appropriate device community. See
"Selecting the Device Community" on page 4-2
3. Choose Monitor.
The main monitoring window appears. Should an error message occur when DPA - Remote
is attempting to connect to the device, see"Connection Errors" on page 6-2 .
4. Choose the Display Information tab to view information on the Digi device.
5. Choose the Network Interface and Ports tab to view the network interface and ports. Multiple
interfaces and ports may be selected at the same time. For more information, see "Main Mon-
itor Window" on page 5-2.
A new monitor frame appears for each network interface or port you select.
To close a monitor frame, click the network interface or port button associated with that
6. Monitor the network interfaces or ports. For more information on the network interface and
port monitoring fields and graphs, see "Network Interface Monitor Fields and Graphs" on
page 5-3 and "Port Monitor Fields and Graphs" on page 5-4.
7. Choose Modbus Information to view information displayed about the Digi Modbus device.
Note: This tab will not appear on systems that do not support Modbus.
Digi device's default community for read/write access. If this has been changed in the PortServer (see
private "Changing the SNMP Community on a Digi Device" on page 5-2), choosing this option will not have the
desired effect, and you must instead choose <user-defined> and enter the appropriate community name.
<user- Custom read or write access as defined on the Digi Devicer. This requires that the SNMP community
defined> entered has been previously defined on the device being monitored. See "Changing the SNMP Community
on a Digi Device" on page 5-2
Device Configuration
1. From the Device Configuration area, enter the DNS name or the IP address of the Digi
You can also choose a device from the Discovered Devices or Most Recent lists.
2. Choose Configure. A browser opens allowing you to configure your Digi device.
3. Enter at the User Name:
and at the password enter:
Discovered Devices
This box displays devices discovered on the network with either the ADDP or the SNMP protocol.
The discovery process can be modified for both ADDP and the SNMP protocols by going to File >
Discovery Protocol
The two options are ADDP or SNMP. ADDP stands for A Digi Discovery Protocol and allows the
system to identify all the Digi devices attached to a network by sending out a multicast packet. If a
Digi device has ADDP it will respond to the multicast packet and identify itself to the application
sending the multicast.
An SNMP agent must be running on your supported PortServer device before you can use DPA -
Remote to discover it. SNMP Discovery sends an SNMP request to each node, but throttles the
speed at which the packets are sent out to prevent your network from being flooded with requests.
When the SNMP protocol is selected, the Criteria button will appear allowing modifications to the
SNMP discovery search.
Field Description
The name of the device, if defined (see the set device command in the Command Reference
Device Name Guide for information on defining device names).
Device Description Describes the device. The description may include the firmware version of the device.
Two power sources are available, either Powered Ethernet or an external power supply. The
Variable Power Fields options are engaged or disabled.
Processor Utilization The Processor Utilization graph shows the current CPU utilization as a percentage. 100%
(PortServer TS 8/16 indicates completely busy; 0% indicates completely idle. The graph is updated from the
Only) right, at the interval defined in Options > Poll Interval.
Memory Utilization The Memory Utilization graph shows the current CPU utilization as a percentage. 100%
(PortServer TS 8/16 indicates all available memory is being used. The graph is updated from the right, at the
Only) interval defined in Options > Poll Interval.
• "Interface Information Fields" on page 5-3
• "Input Counter Fields" on page 5-3
• "Output Counter Fields" on page 5-4
• "Octets In/Octets Out Monitor" on page 5-4
Field Description
A text string containing information about the interface.
Description This string usually includes the name of the manufacturer, the product name and the version of the
hardware interface.
The address of the interface at the protocol layer immediately below the network layer in the protocol
Physical stack.
Address For interfaces that do not have such an address (e.g., a serial line), this object should contain an octet
string of zero length.
The size of the largest datagram which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets.
MTU For interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network
datagram that can be sent on the interface.
Field Description
The number of input unicast packets received.
Unicast Packets Unicast is the method by which a packet is sent to a single destination.
Total Octets In The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.
Unknown Proto- The number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or
cols unsupported protocol.
Field Description
Non-Unicast Pack-
ets The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets sent.
Total Octets Out The total number of octets sent on the interface, including framing characters.
• "Port Monitor Fields" on page 5-4
• "Signal Monitor" on page 5-5
• "Characters In/Characters Out Monitor" on page 5-5
Field Description
Type The type of port selected.
The total number of characters with an overrun error, input from the port since system re-initial-
Overrun Errors ization and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'.
This field will show a red background if an error has occurred in the last poll interval.
The total number of characters with a framing error, input from the port since system re-initializa-
Framing Errors tion and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'.
This field will show a red background if an error has occurred in the last poll interval.
MEI Settings Displays the devices MEI settings, usually on port 1 only.
Signal Monitor
This section of the port monitor window shows the status of various EIA-232 signals on the selected
port. Active (on) signals are shown in green and inactive (off) signals in black.
EIA-232 Signal Descriptions
Signal Description
RTS Request to Send
RI Ring Indicator
Troubleshooting 6-1
Connection Errors
Use this topic to learn more about DPA - Remote connection errors.
During the course of connecting to or monitoring a device, error windows may appear if DPA -
Remote cannot properly communicate with the device. These errors may point to a problem with the
device or the network connection between the device and DPA - Remote. The device may simply be
powered off or disconnected from the network.
If you get a connection error, verify these things.
• The IP address you specified is correct for the device
• The IP address for the device is unique on your network
• The device is powered-on and properly connected to your network
• You can ping or telnet to the device
• The SNMP daemon is running on your device.
• The value in the community field you use (when selecting a device to monitor) matches the
actual read or write community value defined on the device.
If DPA - Remote can not discover your device, it can be due to one of following reasons:
• The Digi device may have old firmware.
• ADDP or SNMP may not be supported on the device.
• There may be a network problem.