NACS 2022, Program
NACS 2022, Program
NACS 2022, Program
Nort h Am e r i ca n Cata l an S o c i e t y
University of M a s s ac h u s e t t s A m h e r s t
A p r il 1 5 – 1 7 , 2 0 2 2
Founded in 1978, the North American Catalan Society (NACS) is a professional associ-
ation of scholars, students, and people with a general interest in any aspect of Catalan
culture (literature, linguistics, film, visual and performing arts, history, and philosophy,
among other disciplines). The North American Catalan Society is committed to advanc-
ing the study of Catalan language and culture in the North American academy. It seeks to
foster greater visibility for, and dissemination of, scholarship in the field of Catalan Stud-
ies. It serves as a central point of reference and a public voice for a network of scholars in
this field. To this end, NACS holds biennial colloquia, occasional smaller symposia, and
publishes Catalan Review: International Journal of Catalan Culture.
Conference Organizer
Albert Lloret, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Academic Committee
Anna Casas-Aguilar, University of British Columbia
Olga Sendra Ferrer, Wesleyan University
Local Committee
Regina Galasso, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Irene Massana Cogul, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Guillem Molla, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Barbara Zecchi, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Managing Assistants
Simón Andrés Villegas, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Celia Sainz Delgado, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Friday, April 15, 2022
8:30 am – 9:30 am
Campus Center
Registration Desk and Room 163
Registration and Welcome
9:30 am – 10:45 am
Campus Center
Rooms 162, 163, and 165
“Lexant a part l’estil dels trobadors”: models italians
en la poesia catalana de l’edat mitjana
Room: 162
Chair: TBD
Courtney Joseph Wells, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
“Magilarti fabra” (I, v. 12): l’influència dantesca sobre la poesia lírica d’Andreu
Leonardo Francalanci, University of Notre Dame
La dimensió filosòfica i moral del petrarquisme marquià: algunes reflexions
Henry Berlin, University at Buffalo, SUNY
What Is Philosophical Poetry? Cavalcanti and March in and out of Context
Feminismes plurals
Room: 163
Chair: TBD
Jennifer Duprey, Rutgers University, Newark
La poètica de la mort a Raó del cos de Maria Mercè Marçal
Aurélie Vialette, Stony Brook University
Against Pathologizing Difference: Reproductive Rights and Intellectual
Diversity in Cristina Morales’s Lectura fácil
Júlia Ojeda Caba, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
De la crisi econòmica a la Cultura de la Normalització: una lectura lingüística
de la narrativa de Marta Rojals
Nathan Douglas, Indiana University, Bloomington
The Autumnal Style of Primavera, estiu, etcètera
Teoria teatral i adaptació dramatúrgica
Room: 165
Chair: TBD
Anton Pujol, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Àlex Rigola: Reinventing Chekhov for the Contemporary Catalan Stage
Maria Moreno i Domènech, Universitat de Barcelona
Una aproximació a la noció de teatralitat a la Galatea de Josep M. de Sagarra
Adam Singh, Indiana University, Bloomington
The Strange Case of Josep Carner’s Quanaxhuata: From Catalonia to Mexico
and Back Again
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Campus Center
Rooms 162, 163, and 165
Construcció d’imatges/Imatges que construeixen
Room: 162
Chair: TBD
Katryn Evinson, Columbia University
A Cold Aesthetics of Volcanoes: A Study on Patricia Dauder’s Insulana (2021)
and Lara Almarcegui’s Volcán de Agras (2019)
Ignasi Gozalo-Salellas, Bryn Mawr College
Màquines imaginatives no homologades: vídeo, cine i ràdio comunitaris a
Catalunya (1977–1982)
Anna Casas Aguilar, University of British Columbia
Utopies i realitats: sense turistes
Olga Sendra Ferrer, Wesleyan University
Images and Words: Photography and Literature in the Work of Joan Fontcuberta
Gabriel Sansano, Universitat d’Alacant
Lluïsa Cunillé y Helena Tornero: un viatge comparat
12:30 pm – 1:45 pm
Lunch Break
Meeting of the Board of Catalan Review
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Campus Center
Rooms 162 and 163
Spectral Narratives in Cinema and Literature
Room: 162
Chair: TBD
Barbara Zecchi, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Video-assaig,Vampir: A Videographic Essay on Pere Portabella’s Adaptation of
Count Dracula
Eva Álvarez Vázquez, University of Massachusetts Amherst
“Dibuixaré un mapa perquè no m’oblidi on parlo amb els morts”: Ruins,
Spectrality, and Collective Memory in Les perseides (2019)
Caitlin McClelland Methvin, DePauw University
The Monstrous Masculine of Insensibles (2012)
Isaias Fanlo, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge
Shadows, Albinos, and Monsters: A (Possible) Queer Reading of Ramon
Vinyes’s Short Stories
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
Campus Center
Room 163
Keynote Speech
Why Did (Some) Modern Catalan Poets Take to Medieval Poetry?
Lluís Cabré
5:15 pm – 6:45 pm
Campus Center
Amherst Room (10th Floor)
Welcome Reception
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Integrative Learning Center, Room S240
Presentation and Projection of La voz de Thaïs
(dir. David Casals-Roma, 1h 26m, 2021)
with David Casals-Roma and Barbara Zecchi
Saturday, April 16, 2022
8:00 am – 8:45 am
Campus Center
Room 163
9:00 am – 10:15 am
Campus Center
Rooms 162 and 163
Guerra, exili i memòria
Room: 162
Chair: TBD
Lourdes Manyé, Furman University
(Re)trobaments amb la memòria heretada de la guerra civil a Maria Barbal:
de Pedra de Tartera a L’amic escocès
Jill Fortin, Indiana University, Bloomington
Inside the Box: The Experience of Exile in Després vénen els anys
Sara J. Brenneis, Amherst College
Recuperating a Catalan Survivor’s Account of a Nazi Camp
10:30 am – 11:45 am
Campus Center
Rooms 162 and 163
Interseccions entre sociolingüística i dialectologia
Room: 162
Chair: TBD
James Ramsburg, University of Minnesota
The Maintenance of Majorcan Catalan
Adrià Martín-Mor, California State University, Long Beach
L’alguerès a les tecnologies: programari de suport lingüístic per a llengües en
perill d’extinció
Júlia Llompart, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & Anna Tudela, Universidad Autónoma de
El català vist des de fora: les ideologies lingüístiques dels estudiants de català
a l’Estat espanyol
Robert Vann, Western Michigan University
The Long-Term Ideological Effects of Childhood Exposure to Catalan and
Spanish in Catalonia
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Lunch Break
Meeting of the NACS Board
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Campus Center
Rooms 162 and 163
Apropiació, adopció i traducció (segles XIII i XIV)
Room: 162
Chair: TBD
Marija Blašković, University of Vienna
Queen Violante and a Courtly-Ecclesiastical Network Behind the Estoria de los
Noel Blanco Mourelle, University of Chicago
Arnau de Vilanova and the Materiality of Beguins
David Navarro, Texas State University, San Marcos
Llibre de paraules i dites de savis i filòsofs de Jafudà Bonsenyor: didactisme rabínic
a la cort de Jaume II
Pau Cañigueral, University of Chicago
A New Catalan Translation of Boccaccio’s Fiammetta: Its Importance, Its
Challenges, and Its Editorial Attractiveness
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
Campus Center
Room 163
NACS Assembly
The 2022 NACS Award
5:15 pm – 6:45 pm
Campus Center
Room 163
Keynote Speech
Cinema in Catalonia During the Civil War
Esteve Riambau
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Integrative Learning Center, Room S240
Projection of La doble vida del faquir
(dirs. Elisabet Cabeza and Esteve Riambau, 1h 30m, 2005)
with Esteve Riambau
Sunday, April 17, 2022
8:00 am – 8:45 am
Campus Center
Room 163
9:00 am – 10:15 am
Campus Center
Rooms 162 and 163
Identitats cinemàtiques
Room: 162
Chair: TBD
Àngel Quintana, Universitat de Girona
La nació virtual: sobre la construcció de la identitat a La ciutat cremada
Elisabet Pallàs, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Legally Bound: Documentary Justice in Ciutat Morta and De nens
Sarah Thomas, Brown University
Intimacy, Autonomy, the Everyday: Grief and Agency in Recent Catalan
Identitats rurals
Room: 163
Chair: TBD
Edgar Illas, Indiana University, Bloomington
The Catalan Countryside and Globalization
Jordi Olivar, Auburn University
Rotten Roots: Land, Territory, and Identity in Núria Bendicho Giró’s Terres
Mortes (2021)
Remei Capdevila-Werning, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley
The Pedra Tosca Park: Landscape Preservation and Intergenerational
10:30 am – 11:45 am
Campus Center
Rooms 162, 163, and 165
Languages, Publishers, Appropriations (15th and 16th C.)
Room: 162
Chair: TBD
Montserrat Piera, Temple University
“Sabia molt bé tot lo Virgili”: La transformació dels clàssics a Curial e Güelfa
Jean Dangler, Tulane University
Reading Jaume Roig’s Spill
Albert Lloret, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Les memòries de Jaume I i la política de la genealogia a l’Espanya dels Habsburg
Vicent Lledó-Guillem, Hofstra University
Una oposició directa al prestigi lingüístic valencià al segle XVI: Cristòfol
Despuig i la interpretació ideològica de les varietats de la llengua catalana
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Lunch Break
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Campus Center
Rooms 162, 163, and 165
De-Urbanizing Cinema
Room: 162
Chair: TBD
lmma Merino Serrat, Universitat de Girona
La influència de Josep Pla en el cinema de Marc Recha
Celia Sainz Delgado, Universty of Massachusetts Amherst
Ecopathic Imaginaries: How Stories Matter in O que arde and La paga
Ramon Girona, Universitat de Girona
Filmar a Catalunya i filmar Catalunya
Laura Menéndez i Gorina, Stanford University
Gourmets Among Ruins: Aesthetic Survival in a Crumbling City
Narracions urbanes
Room: 165
Chair: TBD
Megan Saltzman, West Chester University & Mount Holyoke College
Neighborhood Citizenship in the Global Era
William Viestenz, University of Minnesota,Twin Cities
Autoimmunitary Hospitality in Jordi Puntí’s Els castellans and Francesc Serés’s
La pell de la frontera
Robert Sanchis Álvarez, University of Virginia
Lectures geoculturals d’una metròpoli colonial: explorant representacions de
l’espai en l’expansió de la Barcelona del segle XIX
Margarida Casacuberta, Universitat de Girona
Una història de tres ciutats: Barcelona-Bilbao-Madrid en el context de la
“segona transició democràtica” espanyola.
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
Campus Center
Room 163
Keynote Speech
Culinary Tales in Catalonia
Rosi Song
5:15 pm – 7:00 pm
Campus Center
Amherst Room (10th Floor)
Closing Reception
We would like to thank our sponsors