2019-20 S. Y. B. A. English (CBCS) Revised
2019-20 S. Y. B. A. English (CBCS) Revised
2019-20 S. Y. B. A. English (CBCS) Revised
(Special and Compulsory)
Learning Outcome of SYBA Special English Syllabus
(w.e.f 2019-20)
1. The papers framed for this course are in accordance with the norms of CBCS
2. Discipline specific papers will acquaint the students with the rich legacy of
English Literature and the contribution of legendary writers to the development of
English Literature.
3. The papers of skill and ability enhancement are framed not only to orient the
students the use of language but how to use the language creatively and
6. Selection of contents in all the courses will help the students to comprehend the
worldly wisdom and commercial perception which will ultimately lead them to be
successful and enjoy quality life.
7. The special papers will open up traditional job opportunities for the students but
the papers of skill and ability enhancement will open up corporate, govt. and
private sectors for the students of English literature.
List of Equivalences-
Sem. III
Sem. IV
S.Y.B.A. Compulsory English
Unit 1 – Literature
1) Short Stories:
III) Poems:
1. Affixation
2. Compound Words
1. SMS
2. E-Mail
3. Net Lingo
Sem. IV- Compulsory English Credits – 03 (45 clock hours)
Unit 1 - Literature
I) Short Stories:
II) Essays:
III) Poems:
Unit 2 - Grammar
1. Situational Dialogues
2. Small News Writing
3. Information Transfer: Non-verbal, Verbal
SYBA Compulsory English
(w.e.f. 2019-20)
Inter assessment-
1. To acquaint the students with the major literary trends and tendencies and
prominent writers of the 16th and 17th Century English Literature.
2. To make the students aware about the literary history, salient features and socio-
cultural background of the period.
3. To help the students to grasp the content and critically appreciate the prescribed
4. To inculcate amongst students a liking for the Elizabethan and Post-
Shakespearean literature.
Prescribed Units
(ii) Poetry:
(iii) Drama:
Prescribed Units
(i) Growth and development of Novel and Essay in the 17th century.
(ii) Essays:
b) Of Anger,
c) Of Unity In Religion
(iii) Novel:
Recommended Reading:
4. David Greene: The Winged World: An Anthology of Poems for Degree Course:
The Macmillan Co. of India Ltd.
6. Mayhead Robin: (1965) Understanding Literature: Cambridge Univ. Press.
9. Kiernan, Michael (2000/1985) The Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral. New
York: Oxford Univ. Press.
10. Whately R & Franklin Heard (2012) Bacon’s Essays (1561-1625) Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press.
11. Emile Legouis (2007) A Short History of English Literature, Oxford Univ.
12. John Hayward ED.(1964) The Penguin Book of English Verse Penguin Books
Sem. III
Que.2. Background question on drama and poetry in the 16th Century. (1/2) 12
Semester – IV Question Paper format for DSE 1 B
Que.2. Background question on novel and essays in the 17th Century (1/2) 12
Inter assessment-
1. To impart basic ideas about the 18th and 19th Century English Literature with
special reference to Poetry and Novel.
2. To make the students aware about the literary history, salient features, socio-
political and cultural background of the Romantic and Victorian age.
3. To help the students to grasp the content and critically appreciate the prescribed
4. To inculcate amongst students a liking for the Romantic and Victorian literature.
Prescribed Units
i) Background study of poetry and novel in the 18th Century Literature.
ii) William Wordsworth: Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey
iii) S. T. Coleridge: Rhyme to an Ancient Mariner
iv) John Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn.
v) P B Shelley: One Word is too often Profaned
vi) Lord Byron: She Walks in Beauty.
(vii) Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility. (Novel)
Semester – IV DSE 2 B- (19th Century Literature)- Credits- 03 (45 clock
Prescribed Units
(i) Background study of Poetry and Novel of the 19th Century
(ii) Alfred Lord Tennyson: The Lotus Eaters
(iii) Robert Browning: Rabbi Ben Ezra
(iv) Matthew Arnold: Dover Beach
(v) D G Rossetti: The Blessed Damozel
(vi) G M Hopkins: Pied Beauty
(vii) Thomas Hardy: Tess of the d’Urbervilles.(Novel)
Recommended Reading:
Question Paper Format
Que.2. Background question on the 18th century English literature with reference to
poetry and novel (1/2) 12 Marks
Que.1. Multiple choice questions on texts prescribed (any 12 out of 15) 12 Marks
Que.2. Background question on the 19th century English literature with reference to
poetry and novel. (1/2) 12 Marks.
Inter assessment-
DSC 1 C (equivalent to Sp. English -General Paper II)
SEM: IV – DSC 1 D- The Study of Drama
Total credits- 02- Theory- 01 credit (15 clock hours).
Practical – 01 credit is equal to 02 (30 clock hours)
Unit 1 A) Definitions of Drama
B) Elements of Drama (only Introduction):
Plot, characters (protagonist, Antagonist), setting, dramatic devices
(music, symbolism, parallelism and contrast, Irony)
C) Types of Drama: Tragedy, Comedy, Problem Play, Absurd Drama
D) Drama- Arms and The Man- G. B. Shaw
Recommended Reading:
1. Abrahms, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Banglore: Prism Books Pvt. Ltd.1993.
2. Bonn, Julien D. ed. A Comprehensive Dictionary of Literature. Chandigarh: Abhishek
Publications, 2004.
3. Boulton, M. The Anatomy of Novel. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. 1975.
4. Cuddon, J. A. A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory (IVth edition). Delhi:
Doaba House, 1998.
5. Davies Tony & Nigel Wooded., A Passage to India: Theory in Practice, Philadelphia,
Open University Press, 1994.
6. Evans. T. F. George Bernard Shaw. Routledge, 2013.
7. Forster E. M. Aspects of Novel. New York: Hartcourt Brace, 1927.
8. Hoy, Cyrus. Forster’s Metaphysical Novel. New Delhi: Creative Books, 2001.
9. Innes, Christopher. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw. CUP, 2000.
10. Judy, Pearsall (Ed). The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 10th Edition. New Delhi: Oxford
University Press. 1999.
11. Luckhurst, Mary. A Companion to Modern British and Irish Drama (1880-2005),
Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
12. Rees, R. J. English Literature: An Introduction for Foreign Students. Delhi: Macmillan,
13. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and
Drama. New York: Longman Publishers, 2007.
14. Yanni, Robert D. Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Essay. New York: Mc
Graw-Hill Inc., 1990.
1) The teachers should ask the students to maintain a practical book for the
convenience of maintaining records.
2) The following list is for the sake of examples. The teachers can give topics
as per their visualization and concerned subject.
3) For each semester the BOS (English) has suggested 15 topics but the
teachers can conduct the practical in the context of their domain.
4) The students must complete 04 practical (each sem.) in their practical book
and should get certified from the concerned teacher and the Principal.
5) The subject teacher should submit all the checked and signed practical books
to the Principal after the completion of practical exam.
Objectives of the Practical-
3. To put on record their own observations and hone their skill of explanation
9. Elements of drama
11.Elements of novels
Topics for IVth Semester
8. Pre-Raphaelite Poetry
9. Metaphysical Poetry
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)
A) Grammar:
a) Parts of Speech
b) Sentence correction/ Spotting the error
c) Articles
d) Sentence or Phrase Improvement
e) Clauses
f) Active-Passive Voice
g) Direct-Indirect Speech
B) Comprehension :
Reading Comprehension (Comprehension of given passages)
Semester-IV- SEC- 2 (2 Credits) (30 clock hours)
a) Synonyms-Antonyms, Paronyms-Homonyms, One-word substitution
b) Fill in the blanks
c) Cloze Test
d) Double Fillers
e) Spelling Test
f) Idioms and Phrases
g) Foreign Words and Phrases
h) Sentence or Phrase Improvement
B) Sentence Rearrangement:
a) Para-jumbles
b) Jumbled Sentence
Recommended Reading:
(Semester-III) SEC-1
Q.1 A) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. (6)
Q.2. A) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. (6)
Q.5 A) Attempt the following (Direct-Indirect Speech) (6/9) (6)
(Semester-IV) SEC-2
B) Complete the cloze passage by selecting appropriate words for the blanks
provided (6)
Internal assessment-
This is compulsory paper for the students opting English as a Special subject
Role of Teachers-
The teachers are expected to motivate students by acquainting them with what is
research, how to select the research topic, how to form the objectives, assumptions
of research, how to prepare the questionnaire, how to interview, how to compile
the data, and how to analyse the data and present conclusion, so that the students
can participate in research oriented conventions like Avishkar, Indradhanushya.
Selection of research topic- (selection of topics may depend on the special
1. Respective course teachers are suggested to help the students for selecting the
topic of their choice considering their interest in the subject and discussion for the
same should begin at IIIrd Sem.
2. The respective teacher will introduce the student with terms like data
compilation, table work, field work, questionnaire, case study etc.
Marking System-
This is the paper of 60 +40 pattern. Out of which 60 marks will be for Project
writing. The respective course teacher will assess the project and will submit the
projects as well as mark list to the College Principal. 40 marks are allotted for
internal assessment and will be divided as follows