ECON 3113 Microeconomic Theory I: Textbook

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Department of Economics, HKUST

ECON 3113
Semester: Spring 2017 Prof. S. F. Leung
Lecture time: Tuesday & Thursday 1:30pm - 2:50pm E-mail: [email protected]
Lecture room: 2503 Office: LSK 6029
Office hours: open-door policy Tel: 2358-7618
Homepage addresses:

Christopher Snyder and Walter Nicholson (2016): Microeconomic Theory: Basic
Principles and Extensions (12th Edition). South-Western.

The course presents an in-depth study of some basic topics in microeconomics with a
special emphasis on using a rigorous analytical and mathematical approach. We will study
demand theory, uncertainty, and asymmetric Information. Multivariate calculus will be
extensively used.


It is intended that, after completing this course, students will

1. Understand economic critical thinking (Objective 1)

2. Understand the logic and scientific basis of economic analyses
3. Have a sophisticated knowledge of economics and can use it to explain economic and social
phenomena (Objective 4)
4. Analyze qualitatively basic economic and social problems (Objective 4)
5. Apply economic knowledge to practical situations and make sound economic decisions (Objective 4)
6. Conduct basic economic analysis and research of the economy and society (Objective 4)
7. Understand cultural diversity (Objective 6)
8. Have informed ethical thinking based on rigorous economic and social analyses (Objective 8)
9. Communicate effectively (Objectives 2, 7)
10. Be a lifelong user of economic analysis (Objective 9)

Students are expected to attend class regularly and on time, and to participate actively in
class discussion. Other common-sense classroom etiquette, such as turning off or silencing
mobile phones during class time, is expected.

The weights determining the course grade are as follows:

Class participation 3%
Tutorial participation and exercises 5%
Midterm exam I 10% or 28%
Midterm exam II 28% or 10%
Final exam 54%

Students are strongly encouraged to participate actively in class and tutorial discussions,
which constitute a very important part of the course. There will be two midterm exams and one
final exam. No makeup exam will be given. Cheating in exams is strictly forbidden. For the
midterm exams, the one with the higher score will weigh 28% and the one with the lower score
will weigh 10%. If a midterm exam is missed for legitimate and documented reasons, the 28%
weight will be allocated to the final exam.

In some of the tutorials, the teaching assistant will hand out exercises and you have to
turn in your answers at the end of the tutorials. The quality of your answers will contribute to
your tutorial score.


The University is a community designed for scholarship --- for learning, teaching and
research. In a community of scholars, academic integrity and honesty are critical values.

Exams, homework, papers and other kinds of assessments are essential to the learning
process. Honesty and integrity are central to academic work. Because of this, you are
committed as a student to an Academic Honor Code (

What Happens if You are Caught Cheating ( In

serious cases, the university can take away your eligibility for a degree, suspend you from the
University, or simply dismiss you right away.

Teaching assistant: Wilson Wan
Office: LSK 6066
Office hour: Thursday 3:00pm-5:00pm
E-mail: [email protected]
Tutorial hour: Thursday 6:00pm - 6:50pm
Tutorial room: 2503

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