01 English Grade-8 PT-1 QP
01 English Grade-8 PT-1 QP
01 English Grade-8 PT-1 QP
The kingdom of book is as vast as the universe, for there is no corner of which they have
left unexplored. There is no dearth of books on any topic, be it as simple as the
composition of sodium nitrate or as intricate as the mechanism of a space craft rocketing
towards the Mars. We make use of books for the dissemination of useful ideas, for
popularising the fruits of our research in various fields of knowledge and for spreading
our progressive views on matters which are of vital concern to our fellow beings. In fact,
no single product of human labour has been as helpful to the advancement of civilization
as books which are written in all languages of the world and which are decoratively
placed in bookshelves in our homes and tastefully displayed in bookstalls and libraries. If
to Keats, works of ancient poets like Homer were realms of gold from which he derived
much joy as well as inspiration, to the modern lover of books, the labours of all geniuses,
including those of Keats, are mines of inestimable intellectual wealth which he goes on
exploring for the sake of his mental and spiritual advancement.
(On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from
the SEVEN that follow.) (5X1=5)
4. Pick out the right antonym of the word „calculable‟ from the passage
Andrew Fang is a legend in bowling. He was voted Sportsman of the year in 2000. Andrew
is only 23. He started bowling when he was nine, picking up the sport from his parents.
“When I was just starting out, my family supported me by paying for my training and
equipment,” says the Arts undergraduate whose major is economics. Competition or not,
Andrew has no problem keeping fit. “I like biking. Rain or shine, you’ll find me on my
mountain bike cycling for at least two hours at Bukit Timah, four times a week. It takes my
mind off problems.” Says Andrew. Rest and creation are as important as exercise.
“I love sleeping”, Andrew says. When I’m preparing for tournament, I usually sleep eight to
nine hours a day”. He also likes playing pool, reading novel or watching a show with his
friends. When it comes to food, Andrew says he takes everything in moderation and stays
away from fried and fatty food. He takes in more protein than the average person and tries to
drink as much water as he can to prevent dehydration since he cycles so much. Because of
his discipline, Andrew’s working relationship with his coach has been very smooth.
Andrew’s priority, however, is education. “Getting my degree is my biggest wish now. After
that I can concentrate fully on professional bowling”. Andrew states firmly.
(On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from
the SEVEN that follow.) (5x1=5)
1. Andrew Fang is introduced to bowling by his
a. parents b. teacher c. coach d. friends
2. What does Andrew do when he is stressed?
c. he goes cycling on his mountain bike. d. he eats fried and fatty food.
b. to be a professional bowler
Q.3 A. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the
questions that follow. (5 X 1 = 5)
“I‟ll go round the world one day, “he vows. I‟ll buy a plane and go everywhere” And
maybe he will. He has a determined chin and a defiant look in his eye.
1. „I‟ll buy a plane and go everywhere. „Who is the speaker of the above passage?
5. Pick out the correct synonym for the word defiant look
B. „Her golden finger on her lip
d. by singing songs.
a. Nature as God
d. Nature as a guide
Q.4 Choose the correct options to complete the following sentences: (1/2 X 2=1)
1. Which sentence expresses possibility?
Q.5 Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the following
sentences: (1/2 X 2=1)
Q.6. Choose the correct options for ANY THREE of the FIVE sentences given below:
(3 x 1 =3)
1. She had no sleep. She ______ be tired now.
a. have to b. can c. may d. will
A. You want to join a coaching centre for admission to ITI courses. You had seen an
advertisement in the local newspaper. “Join Sahdev Coaching Centre for all ITI Courses.
Write to the Director, A-109, Pahari Dhiraj, New Delhi.” Write a letter enquiring about
the duration, fees timings and two more things you consider important. You are Avik and
live at 1668, Laxmibai Nagar, New Delhi.
B. Question: On the basis of the information provided in the box below, write a short
bio-sketch of Abraham Lincoln.
Family: Father- wealthy farmer, lost his land when Lincoln was 7, moved to Indiana
Mother- died when he was nine, family moved to Illinois soon after
Education: Little formal education, loved to read. Studied law by reading law books-
became a lawyer in 1837, Springfield, Illinois
Political Career: began early- served in State Legislature, in the U.S. House of
Representatives. Gifted Speaker, speeches against slavery, nomination for Presidency-
won in 1860. Re elected in 1864
Death: assassinated by John Wilks Booth on April 15, 1865. Remembered for wisdom,
compassion, patriotism
2) How does nature deal with the feeble, the wayward and the children?
3) What do you know about Ranbir? What kind of life does he lead?
4) In what ways the life of these children better than those of their parents?
Q. 9. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, from the following. (3x2=6)
1) How did the hermit teach the king a lesson? What was the lesson?
2) Why does nature have to restrain the animals and birds of the forests?
3) Was the king satisfied with the answers he received? Why/ why not?
4) What was the earlier status of girls with regard to education and what is the status now?
A. You belong to the privileged class of Indian citizens. What can you do to help the
children who belong to the underprivileged class? Relate this to the lesson „Children of
B. Even though humans are nature’s children, they tend to destroy more than nature can
recoup. Explain this statement in relevant to the poem „Nature-the gentlest mother is‟