WFRP Basic Action Reference

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DoDge 2 Parry 2 Block 2

Basic, Active Defence Basic, Active Defence Basic, Active Defence

No CheCk No CheCk No check

Agility 3+, not encumbered Strength 3+, melee weapon equipped Toughness 3+, shield equipped

Effect: After you have been declared the Effect: After you have been declared the Effect: After you have been declared the
target of a Melee Attack or Ranged Attack, or target of a Melee Attack, add two recharge target of a Melee Attack or Ranged Attack,
a Spell or Blessing that targets your defence, tokens to this card to add ∆ to the action’s add two recharge tokens to this card to add
add two recharge tokens to this card to add dice pool ∆ to the action’s dice pool
∆ to the action’s dice pool Special: If you have Weapon Skill trained, Special: If you have Resilience trained, add
Special: If you have Coordination trained, add an additional ∆ to the action’s dice pool an additional ∆ to the action’s dice pool
add an additional ∆ to the action’s dice pool

Melee Strike 0 perform a stunt 0 rangeD shot 0

Basic Basic Basic
Weapon Skill (St) vS target Defence Varies based on stunt attempted Ballistic skill (ag) vs target Defence

GM discretion

Special: Use this action to apply a skill in

an unusual way, or to attempt a dramatic
or story-driven activity not covered by a
specific action card
Melee weapon, engaged with target æ Perform the action as intended Ranged weapon, not engaged with an enemy
æææ You perform the action incredibly
æ You hit the target for normal damage well, and may perform a free manoeuvre æ You hit the target for normal damage
æææ You hit the target for +2 damage ¬ If the check relied on a physical æææ You hit the target for +2 damage
¬¬ Perform a manoeuvre for free characteristic, recover 1 fatigue. If the ¬¬ Perform a manoeuvre for free
√√ Your target may disengage from you check relied on a mental characteristic,
√√ One opponent within close range of you
for free recover 1 stress
who is not engaged with an opponent may
√ If the check relied on a physical engage you
characteristic, suffer 1 fatigue. If the check
relied on a mental characteristic, suffer 1

Assess the sItuAtIon 0 GuarDeD position 0

Basic, Defence Basic, Defence
IntuItIon (Int) Discipline (Wp)


Basic Action æ Until the start of your next turn, add ∆ to

any Melee Attack or Ranged Attack actions

Card Reference targeting you or any allies in the same

engagement as you
None æææ Until the start of your next turn, add
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay © Games Workshop Limited ∆∆ to any Melee Attack or Ranged Attack
1986, 2005, 2009. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay © Games actions targeting you or any allies in the
Special: Add ∏ to this action’s dice pool if
Workshop Limited 2010. Games Workshop, Warhammer,
you are engaged with an enemy same engagement as you
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the foregoing marks’ respective
logos and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, ¬¬ An engaged ally may remove one
æ Recover 1 fatigue and 1 stress. Until the races and race insignia/devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, recharge token from any of his currently
start of your next turn, add ∆ to any Melee weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and recharging cards
Attack or Ranged Attack actions targeting illustrations from the Warhammer World and Warhammer
√ Suffer 1 stress
you Fantasy Roleplay game setting are either ®, TM and/or ©
Games Workshop Ltd 1986-2010, variably registered in
¬¬ Remove 1 recharge token from one of the UK and other countries around the world. This edition
your cards published under license to Fantasy Flight Publishing Inc.
√√ The GM may add 1 recharge token to Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are trademarks of
one of your cards Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved to their
respective owners.

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