Cipt 642-444
Cipt 642-444
Cipt 642-444
Call manager came with difference names like Cisco communication express, Cisco unified call
manager so on
1-Call processing ( each and every step the phone will ask to CCM what to do. Suppose if some
one lift the phone then it will ask call manager what I have to do, then call manager tell him to
play dial tone hmhmhm… then dial a digit then phone will inform the call manager I received
‘0’ what to do? CMM tells to give a beep sound. For these communication between call manager
and phone they use a protocol called SCCP (Skinny Client Control Protocol).
2-Signalling and device control-gives the signal to device like ringing signal so on
3-Dial plan administration
4-Phone administration features- we can administrate our phone using a username and
password call forwarding, serviceability are some of those…
5-Link to external application-To Voice mails….
Call manager 2.4 ver for NT server OS, then CCM 3x &
CCM 4x (4.1,4.2 with Windows 2000 platform and 4.3 with windows 2003 foundation). CCM
5.x and 6.x are linux based and the OS is locked state that mean we can’t install anything in the
CCM running OS. 5x for large enterprise and 6x for medium enterprise. In 6x they included
Voice mail server with call manager.
CCM 2.4 version can be installed any systems due to some redundancy by 3.x ver onwards they
started approved servers (IBM or HP) in different configuration
CCM Clustering
SQL Cluster
1Publisher :- we have only one Read and Write copy which is called Publisher
2Subscribers:- are the Read only servers ( in Subscriber we Primary Secondary & Tertiary so
on up to 7 server) total 8 servers and 30,000 phones per cluster
1:1 Redundancy (Primary server handles 1-1000 calls, it has 1-1000 Backup for this server
in a small enterprise. In large dedicated Publisher and Primary server for 1-1000 and it has
dedicated backup server for 1-1000 server then primary for 1001-2000 and it has dedicated
backup server 1001- 2000
1:2 Redundancy (this model in a small to medium business looks exactly as 1:1 Small
enterprise model. In a large environment Publisher is took away from the call processing and
1-1000 calls handled be the primary server 1001-2000 calls handled by another primary
server for these two server we have one backup server 1-2000)
Distributed Call-Processing
CCMs are in each site
We will get a bundle of CDs from that we have to sort CD/DVDs package
Update CCM
1We have to update the BACKUP software on publisher at first this is very important and
back up SQL from publisher. (If we not updated the backup software on running CCM
server after updating our CCM server, backup will be updated so old backed up data will
not support with new backup and restore program)
2Reimage the publisher with new version
3Restore SQL database on publisher
4Reimage subscribers.
IP Telephony Devices:
Cisco 7931
24 line phone
Text-Based XML
Built in Switch
Support ccm 6.0 / ccm express (call manager express is saved in a router)
7945 & 7965 Both are same as 794x and 796x with high resolution
There will be a DEFAULT device pool we can create our own device pools
To create a device pool we have to create server group, date and time group so on…first.
To see the call managers: System > Cisco call manager > find
To see Call manager group: System > Cisco call manager group > (default ccm group will
be there) click add ccm group > give a group name > then add the servers as we want and we
can change the order of server so some phones will register with one server again add another
CISCO CALL MANAGER GROUP and add some phones with other like this we can make load
We can tick the auto configuration to automatically register phones with call manager, CCM will
give the extension for phones
Next is to create a Date and Time zone ( because call manager will be in US and some phones
will be in INDIA so we need US phones with US Date & time and INDIA phones with INDIA’s
Date and time. If there is no two different location then no need to configure the time zone.
CMlocal (default) time zone can be used)
System > Date/time group > Add a New Date/time group > give a name and select a time
NOTE * we can’t delete default CCM group, Time zone but we can rename all those.
Tips (Tech people will use date format eg=22.05.2009)
Region :- In Region configuration we are configuring the which CODEC has to use.
Inside the office, we use G.711 codec and if the voice passes through the WAN we use the G.729
like that we can configure.
System > Region > find (we will see a default region by default leave it like that )
click add region button > select the codec has to use outside the region> (create as many as
region we want then click each region to configure codec to use between the region and inside
the region. There will not any miss-match between the codec with other
region that means if we configure G.711 in US to India and India to US we configure G.729 this
miss match wouldn’t happened because when one region codec change the other region also
change to the same)
Soft key Template:- Soft keys are in phone we can see those keys like forward call new call
so on…for now we use Standard Soft key template
System > add new device pool > (device pool name) , CCM Group , Data/Time group,
Region , Soft key Template & SRST (which we have created already. Create more Device
pools and add CCM group as we need so we can do load balancing )
1Manual Configuration
Device > Phone > Add New Phone > Select the phone model >next > MAC address >
Select the device pool > select phone template ( this is used to select the number of
line, we can add more line to phone Device > Device setting > Phone button template >
find the template copy a template and adjust as we need) . Select Softkey template
Add Line number Device > phone > find > select the phones > click Add Directory
Device > Cisco Call manager /Cisco call manager group >remove tick Auto
registration disabled then starting and ending Directory Number
Auto configured Phones by default will be in Default Device Pool to correct it.
System > Device Default >change the device pool on phones
We can create the users in CCM or can use the Active directory users by updating
Schema (it is bit complex)
This user accounts used to user login to phone and manage there phone themselves and
for Soft phones, for extension mobility also.
User > Add user (Global Directory will show all the users in CCM) > enter the
username , password and pin number (for extension mobility this pin will be the login
password) tick Enable CTI Application use for soft phone
Then click Device Associate > Select device (will show all the phones select phones
the user wants to control. A user can control multiple phones)
Then the user can login to their phone using :-\ccmuser
Using BAT we can add mass number of users and phones not only adding user we can
make changes, modify this entire can do using BAT. For BAT configuration we can
make a CSV (Comma Separate Value) file or use an pre-defined Excel sheet prepared by
CISCO can be used to create CSV file ( all the unique field in phone like phone number,
Mac address can be give to CSV file and other common details adding through
First we have to install BAT :
Application > install Plug-ins > Cisco Bulk Administration Tool (we have to install
bat in Publisher for that we can locally login to publisher or remotely using VNC which
is used to remote desktop because some programs can’t install using Microsoft remote
desktop) once it finish go to Application > BAT > Configuration (select the device
which wants to add). >Phones > Insert Phones> Step 1: Add, view, or modify phone
templates (used to configure common features) > Phone Template name, Select the
Phone type, Device Pool >insert > Insert line (in insert line there will not Directory
Number field because it is Unique field we have to use CSV file) > insert and close. (We
can create multiple phone template if we need) > Back.
Step 2: Create the CSV data file > step 1: Add , View or modify file format
(we can see the Xls file in the publisher C:\ciscowebs\Bat\Excel Template copy the
file and past to other machine because don’t install anything in publisher machine
apart from the required softwares open the
excel sheet select the required fields) > in excel sheet click Create File Format >
from the field selection add the required fields don’t forget to add Directory
Number in LINE FIELD click CREATE “Do you wish to over write? YES >
Enter number of line we need then start adding MAC and phone number for
the phone > Export BAT format give the extension as .CSV The back to BAT
tool select the Click next in STEP 2 Add the field as we created (same as the
.csv file field) then go to,
STEP 3 of first window and select the Validate Phone Record Save the .CSV
file we created Save CSV files at C:\BATFiles\Phones\Insert\ on the publisher select the file
we copied and validate the file. Then back to STEP 4 to insert the CSV file.
IN LINE Power :- Power to the phones are given by the switch using the cables in
UTP cables because in UTP cables only 4 wires are used to sent the data the other
pair is used to send the power to phones, IP camera and wireless access point.
Cisco developed their on standard for in line power is called CISCO PRE-STANDARD
Then IEEE established 802.3 AF standards for in line power
WALL POWER :- Cisco phones are not coming with power adapter so it will be
costly when we calculate cost between Self powered Switch and adapters.
Switch(config-if)#power inline ? (we will have three option auto, delay and never)
auto will give the power to device automatically the switch will detect the in line
power devices and supply power , delay when the phone goes reboot process the
switch may powering the device to stop we can use delay command)
What is happening when the phone boots the switch gives the vlan number the to
phone so when the phone sends the packet it add the Vlan header with the voice
packet but PCs wouldn’t add any Vlan header with Packet so switch adds for the PCs
We can use phone to trust the Priority given by the PC or untrust the priority by the
PC Untrust is by default means what ever priority value is assigned by the PC that
will replaced be the phone.
Switch(config)#interface f0/2
Switch(config-if)#switchport priority extend trust (to enable the trust PCs
Switch(config-if)#no switchport priority extend trust (to remove the trust which is by
Switch(config-if)#switchport priority extend cos (to custom the priority for the PC
that is higher than 0)
Gateways are two type : analog voice Gateways and Digital Voice Gateways.
H.323 :- is used years back and it is an old protocol this use many overheads
MGCP :- Cisco developed and made it open ,this is using a Server Client Relation
SIP :- The new generation Signaling Protocols which support even URL so on UNC
Same as in C-Voice
Then Configure the CCM to support these Analog devices then the IP phones can call to
Analog phones and vise-versa
Device > Gateway > add the gateway > Name the gateway(DNS name or IP address
of the Gateway) , select the device pool >Inster
WE CAN CONFIGURE THE ccm FOR MGCP or SIP which is covered in CVOICE
Trunks are used to connect between two separate clustered sites we can achieve using
Trunk. This is also possible by creating multiple Dial-peer in Gateways.
Device > Trunk > Add new trunk > Inter cluster Trunk (Non-Gatekeeper control)>
Device name, Device Pool, Call Classification (on net/ off net) , at the bottom give
the IP address of Remote CCMs
1st step is creating Devices (means adding Gateways and Trunks to CCM)
2nd Create Route Group
3rd Create Route list
4th Route pattern
If there are multiple ways to the other end then based on preference we can select which
route has to use either WAN or PSTN when the WAN down or Maximum usage then calls will
route through PSTN.
Route plan >Route / hunt > Route list > Add new Route list >
Give a name for the Route list, select the Call manager group
>Insert we will get a popup to add an route group
Note * we can add the Route pattern directly to the devices but we can do it only once. So
better to do based on Devices then devices to Route group, Route group to Route list and
finally to Route list to route pattern, if we do like this then we can add multiple Route list to
Route group
Route plan > Route / hunt > Route Pattern > Add new Route Pattern
! Any number of digit (we can dial as many number we need once it finish the router
will try to match dial number after finishing timeout digit or we can use # symbol to inform
the router that the used finished dialing)
[123] Digit set (each number represent single digit)
[1-5] Digit set 1 to 5
[^123] negative digit (to avoid the digit)
Route Filters
Route filters allow or deny the calls
Route plan >Route filter >Add new route filter >Give a route filter
name >select the appropriate field (If we need any clarification then click help
>for this page will show the each field explanation) insert > add clause (if we
need) means OR
Route Plan > Route Pattern > Add Route filter > give the Route pattern as
we need , Select the Route filter , Select the Route list or Gateway , select
the Route option allow or deny > insert
When the calls are going through the WAN there no need to transform the number.
But when the WAN is MAX usage then we have to switch the call to PSTN, then the
numbers should be 7 digits or 10 digit then we have to use Called party
When the call is going to some one outside the office the receiver person will see
the number as something internal extension so that the user may not receive the
call or he can’t call back to the number so that time we have to use a common
number so we use Calling party transformation
Route plan > Route/hunt > pattern > click on the number > then we can
configure as we need for discarding the number for called party
transformation / pre-fix for calling party
To restrict the caller id name and number select calling name present as
We can configure Transformation using Route list which we created for Routing
Pattern where we added to path one through the PSTN and One through the WAN.
So we can clearly mention to change the number when the call go through the
PSTN called party transformation to take place.
Route Plan> Rout/hunt> Route list> Select The PSTN or what ever we
want > then Called party colom enter the number to change.
Transformation Mask
Transformation masks are using to mask the dial number that means:
we can assign this to the Route list instead of Route pattern so we can specify to
change the number for PSTN or WAN
Transformation are used either leaving the cluster or coming to the cluster
Suppose you want to change a manager old number that 2000 to new number
3000 transformation can’t help to achieve it. So we have to use
Route plan >Translation pattern > add translation > enter the number 2000
in translation pattern based on above example then the down called party
transformation mask to 3000 >
Hunt group is used to hunt a group of number suppose there are 3 receptionist
sitting then these people get phones one by one or based on experience.
We will configure the Hunt Group as Route Plan
1 - LINE
2 - Hunt Group
3 - Hunt list
4 – Hunt Pilot (this a number try through the group of numbers)
Route plan > Route/hunt > Line Group > Add new line Group line Group
name, RNA (Ring not Answer) to specify how long the phone has to ring,
distribution algorithm (to specify how the phones as to ring like then long idle time,
broadcast, circular, top down like that), Hunt Option if no answer, busy or Not
Available then select the condition from the dropdown window. Add the DN number
from available DN number (put the voice mail number at bottom so if all the
numbers are busy then the call will go to voice mail server then Insert.
Route plan > Route/hunt > Hunt List > Add new Hunt list > Hunt List name,
select Cisco Call manager group Insert > Add Line Group >select the Line
Group we created insert >
Route plan > Route / hunt > Hunt pilot > Add new hunt pilot > enter an
hunt pilot number (9000) select the hunt list which we created insert
This allow users to allow or restrict the calls like some users can call the local calls ,
some users can call local and long distance call and other can call even international
Calling Search Space is the actual restriction applied. Calling Search Space can
assign to anything that is an dialable entity like phone, routers etc….
If we add the created partitions to the Calling Search Space we can call the added
only (that means if we add INTERNAL AND LOCAL then we can call only internal
numbers and local numbers)
By default all the numbers and devices are assigned to NONE partition so we are
able to dial each other. If the device move from one partition to another then that
device can’t call each other by default the devices should be in the same partition
can call each other. So the additional partition called Calling Search Space allow to
call the other partition.
1 – Internal calling
2- internal and local pstn calling
3 – Internal, local pstn and long distance calling
We will create:
1.Create Partition
2.Create Calling Search Space
3.Assign calling search space to devices.
4.assign Partition to number
[NOTE* if we create the Partition and assign partition to number then there will be
a network outage because devices are in the difference partition. Once the
Partition created the Line numbers will move to NO PARTITION selected state.
Partition can contain n number of characters
But CSS (calling search space) can contain 512 character]
Creating Partition
Route Plan > Class of control > Partition > Add New Partition > enter the
name comma to separate the descrebition from the partition name (eg:-
internal_pt, internal number) then enter to create the next partition down of
the first like that we can create 75 partition at once > Insert
Manual configuration
Device > Phone > find >select the phone >click on line > select partition
> click update
Application > BAT > Configuration >Phone > Update Line >query
directory number > select Line partition > Update
Router Plan > Call of Control > Calling Search Space > Add calling search
space > name the CSS (eg : Internal only) > select the partition > Add
new calling search space > name it > insert
Assign to devices
Assign CSS to the Devices not to the line very rarely CSS assign to the line. Best
practice is to assign the line more Restricted and assign the Phone with more less
restriction, so CCM first checks the line then Phone
BEST Practices
NOTE* Do not forget to add gateways or trunk to full access Calling Search Space.
Otherwise Call will drop at the gateways or Trunks because those will be on NONE
Assign the Gateway to the full access or liberal Calling Search Space.
Route plan > Translation Pattern > (Translation Pattern as blank) Called
party transformation mask to the number (which number we want to call)
We have to create a partition only for the PLAR phones and create the
calling search space that PLAR partition then assign this Calling Search
Space to that phone.
We can block certain special numbers which is having more call rate then create a
partition then create a Route pattern for that numbers and add it to this partition
then select the route option to block this partition.
Route Plan > Call of Control Add Partition > Blocked_PSTN number >
Then create the Route pattern
Route Plan > Route / hunt > Route Pattern > Add new Route pattern>
give the route numbers then select the partition then select Route Option to Block
this pattern
Then add the Block partition the top to CSS (so the CCM checks the blocked
partition first)
This can be used to configure the CCM for routing the calls to voice mail
when off-hours and holidays, forward the calls to international only when
the on-hours so on.
TIP for the day: - to see the extension in your CCM Route Plan > Route Plan
Route Plan > Class of control > Time Period > Add new time period (select
the on-hour times) insert
Route plan >Class of control >Time schedule >Name time schedule >add
time period >insert
Create one more time schedule for off-hours and add time periods
Route Plan> class of control > calling search space > find select the CSS >
select the partitions off hours and on hours with respectively otherwise we
created holidays then it comes on weekdays it would take effect
AAR used to route the calls when the Wan resource are used entirely so it
can’t afford further calls then the calls will be routed to PSTN
automatically. If the calls are routing even the WAN resources are
not enough then the quality drops not only particular call for the entire
calls. So we call use AAR then if there is lack of WAN resources then the
CCM will automatically route the calls through PSTN
Configuring AAR
First we have to create Locations to mention the bandwidth for each site.
System > Location > Add new location > name the locations and
bandwidths for each site as to use.
So a user calls from one location to another then ccm calculate bandwidth
and deduct some amount of bandwidth for each from is assigned
bandwidth. CCM deduct 80 kbps bandwidth if we use G.711 codec, 24 kbps
if we use G.729 the extra bits are for headers.
Then add the phones to the locations we can use BAT tool or phone by
We can use this configuration if we use the centralized CCM design.
If the distributed CCM design use Gatekeeper to watch the bandwidth.
Service > Service Parameters > select the server and service > find
Automated Alternate Routing using internet explore find tool >select the
Automated Alternate Routing Enable True >update
Another scenario.
That means what number has to use to use when we call to the PSTN
because in PSTN somebody call back they an use the number to call us.
Device >Phone > line> External Phone number mask > 0483283XXXX
Services > serivce parameters > Automated Atlernate Dialing put to true.
Route Plan > AAR Group > add new AAR Group (it means that when calling
a person with the internal extension then if there is no resources then how
to access the PSTN line.) > AAR Group name > then Pre-fix
4.Configure DN to created AAR
Devices >Phone > Line > select the AAR group for the line
Suppose the WAN is out of bandwidth then the callers should have more
privilege than usual, that means if the user has the permission for
internal calls then when the WAN down user can not dial to there
branch office so there is an option to give more priority for the user
when the WAN is out of resource.
Device >Phone > AAR Calling Search Space > select the more permitted
search space.
If the WAN is down then the phones can not communicate with the CCM
so we can configure the Router to give some basic function to the
There are some command to setup SRST on the server.
Router(config)#call fall-back
Router(config-cm-fallback)#ip-source address (ip
address of Fast Ethernet )
But if we use VLAN our Default gateway will be deferent from the SRST
reference so we have to configure it.
System > SRST > Add SRST reference > SRST name >IP address of the
router which configured for the SRST
Then go to Device pool select the SRST Reference as we created above.
Media Resources
Conference Bride
Media Termination Point
Transcoder (this can not support by the CCM we use routers)
MoH Server (Music on Hold)
Conference Bride
CCM software supports the conference calls with G.711 codec only.
Hardware conference which is having DSPs support multi codec
There is one conference bridge by default (services > media resources >
conference bridge).
Tip:- it is a good idea to stop above service if that server is not giving any of these
services to save resources.
To add a Conference bridge services> media resource > conference bridge >
add conference bridge add the resources as we want like software conference
bridge or hardware conference bridge.
Media termination point: this service hold the call when we hold, Transfer or
conference the calls. Services > media resource > media termination point > there
will be one media termination point by default.
Which plays sounds when we dial a number which is not there in the
directory . Services > media resources > annunciator >we can see default
Service >Media Resources >Transcoder > add New transcoder >select the
Inorder to convert the audio we need to start a service called MOH audio
Applications > Serviceability > Tools > Service Activation > MOH Audio
CCM convert the file as .raw format and transfer the file to TFTP server.
TFTP folder path C:\programfiles\cisco\Tftppath\MOH
IP Phone Feauters
4Transfer (we can transfer two ways one is pick the phone then dial the
number we want to transfer, other one is transfer the call without picking)
5Call waiting (when we are on a phone the other call is coming, we can pick
the call or reject)
6Shared Line (Using shared line we can configure the same number to multiple
phones. We just need to add the number to that phone and put into the
same partition)
Device> Device Setting> Softkey Template> select the template and copy it (we
cann’t delete Template or modify it) Name the template
Then at the upper end corner click Configure Softkey Layout then you can make
changes as you want you can add extra buttons and its order. Then go to the
devices > Phone and change the template as we created. Softkey template >and
select template which we created.
Call back feature is used to call as soon as the user comes back to the desk and lift
the phone once.
We need to add the call back to softkey button.
Device >Device settings> select the particular template> Click Ring Out >move call
back to the selected items.
Then dial the phone you will get call back option click on it and the line will be
Call Park
Then dial a number at the destination we will have option to park a call then click
on it. The call will get parked and we will get a number the range of call park range
tell the person to dial that call park number from any phone in the network. Each
parked call we get different park number,
If the call is not picked by anyone the call will reverse back to the parked phone we
can adjust the time for the call park using service parameters. Service> Service
parameters > select the server and > find call park
Call Pick-up
Call pick up allows you to pick up a call if the person is not available then any one
from the group can pick up the call. For that we need to create a group.
Feature > call pickup > Add a new call pick up > enter Pick up group name > enter
pick up number (this is not the number to pick up the calls it idenifies in the data
base) > put it to a partition> insert it
Then go to Device> Phone> select the Line > select the call pick up group
Do the same to some other phones also. We have to add the softkey template Pick
up button.
Device > device setting > softkey template > select the template > click on
configure the softkey template button > click on ON HOOK (the person who picks
up the phone is ON HOOK> add the button pick up , group pickup (allow to pick
calls from other group), and other pickup.
press Pickup button will picks up the phones in the same group. Group pick up picks
up the phones ringing another group by dialing a number. Other pick up means the
(Opickup button) picks up the other group phone without dialing a number for that
we need to add the pick up groups while creating pickup and add the Opickup
Join allow users to make conference calls. Press Join button to make a
conference call when we call someone mean time we get a call then we
want to anwser the phone and press join.
Direct Transfer
Direct transfer allows to transfer the phone when we call someone On other line we
got a call then we can make the call to transfer that guy.
Eg:- When sanfi calls me mean while i got a call from mansur then sanfi wants to
talk to Mansur so i need to press DirTransfer button. then I drop out the
Services allow to browse internet check the train time, check the movie so on...
Features > IP phone services > Add ip services > name the service , paste the URL
prees insert buttons. Once we inserted then the parameter buttons will come
it is for the services to run username and password if we need we can configure.
Then go to Devices > phone >upper right corner subscribe/unsubscribe button will
be there click on it. Add the service we created and subscrib it by pressing
subscribe confermation button.
NOte:- this can configure by the user by login in as the user https:\\server ip
go to phone and click service button , services , if the error comes as host not
found then go to ccm System > enterprise parameter and change the host name of
ccm to the ip address.
restart the phone. Then check services.
Extention mobility allows the user to change phone while using the same phone
number, it is something like roaming profile in windows 2003
1-Enable Extention mobility service. (Application menu > service ability> Tools >
service activation > uder Tomcat web service Extention mobility >
2-Restart the EM service in TOMCAT (tomcat allow the application management) we
can access the Tomcat server http://(ip address of server the tomcat services are
running)/manager /list eg: Restart the Extension
mobility feature.
3-Tune Extension Mobility service parameter. Services > service parameter>select
the server > select the Extension mobility > there we can configure maximum login
time maximum concurrent time so on...
5-Configure User Device Profile: this is the profile user will be using. Devices >
Device settings> Device profiles > add profile >add DN to that profile
Add a user : User menu > Add a new user > give the name, password (used to
loggin web) , and pin number (used for extention mobility minimum 5 digits) select
Enable CTI application use > insert.
6-Add EM services to phones: Feature menu > IP phone services > Add new ip
phone services > name the service name > type the URL server ip
( (use this by link
from refernces or google no need to remember)
Go to Devices > Phones> select the phone for extention mobility > Click subscribe
services at left top corner > select the profile> subscrib it.
now test go phone > service menu select the extention mobility enter the username
and pin number.
once it done to log out press service button on phone logout? click yes
This feature is used if we are not using the partitions to restrict the external or long
distance calls we can use Client matter code feature. It allows to identifiece which
department made the long distance calls and we can bill to that particular
Feature menu > Client Matter Code > Add new client matter code > enter the code
and description create multiple code for each department. then go to Route pattern
select the pattern > tick Require Client Matter Code
click provide outside dial tone
once we dialed that particular number after finishing the dialing it will ask for the
Client matter Code.
then Route pattern > tick Forced Autherization code. select the autherization level
we mentioned
if someone dial 25 the authorization level code. It will allow below authorization
level like 10, 20 but can not call the higher number authorization level. if some one
dial higher authorization level code then he can access all the other pattern
Attendance console mainly indented for Receptionist it allows to receive calls, send
calls, Transfer the calls or park the calls so on
2-Add the Attend console users: Services > Cisco CM Attendance Console > Cisco
CM Attendance Console Users > this user account use to login to Attendance
3- Create AC user and associate device. : Users> add user > fill the required fields
(This is used to login phone to attendance console) by default pin and password
should be 12345
Associate devices > select every phone that belongs to the receptionist
4- Create a pilot point this is going to be the phone number of the receptionist
Services > Attending Console > pilot point > add new pilot point > enter the name
> enter the number put the partition as we want.
5- Configure Hunt Groups: Services > CM Attending Console > Hunt Group > select
the pilot point name at the left corner >
Click on Add member > select the partition > enter the directory numbers we want
to enter in attendance console
Always route member means the call sents to the person or voice mail even it is
this bat file can change the username and password of proxy user and the queuing
for the calls how long calls has to queue. Zero is the default value it means infinity.
Finally install Attendance console: Application > Install Plug-in > Cisco call manager
Attendant console install it on the machine where you want attendance console
Click on attendance console icon on desktop configure the ip address of the call
manager server where TCD service runs
Directory number is that attendance console has to use.
Proxy mode:
Shared mode
In this mode shared numbers are used and the configuration is easy. This method
is using now a days. cisco recomment shared mode.
2-Configure the IPMA service parameters. Services > Service parameters > select
the server and cisco ip manager assistance service also. then configure CTI server
ip address and IPMA server ip address also. update.
4- configure managers and assistance. User > Glober directory select the user who
we created select a manager from the user and click on it. At left corner select
IPMA assistance button
Click continue to Create manager > keep tick automatic configuration check box.
Tick mobile manager if the manager use Extention mobility feature. Tick uses
shared line. If we configure shared mode.
Clck Add/Delete assistance > select the assistance and insert (manager can have
upto 10 assistant)
we can test it dial to the manager and click immdivert button it divert to the
number we configured.
Note :- the assistants should have the same extention as manager. if it is shared
After installation assign the IP address of the CCM then login assistant can assist
the manager
CCM Security :- Foundation Operating System
Do not use microsoft windows update service. Download updates from Cisco
website for the windows updates. Cisco release the Hotfix within 24 hours if it
critical otherways on monthly bases they release hotfix.
To download update login to cisco website and login using cco account.
cisco uses security script to lock out many features from the Operating system the
local of security script c:\utilities\securitytemplet we can copy the codes and run
that inf file if we need beware that it may block other services from working
services like cisco contact center, unity mail so on...
make sure that less files are shared and share permissions are minimum. do not
use everyone permission.
Trend Micro
before going to buy check with cisco website that which anti-virus version has to
CSA (Cisco Security Agent): it protect the OS from everythink except virus and
worms. but some virus falls under this category. CSA checks the every application
which contact or use OS and make sure that the application is not malicias
Additional Security:
Use minimum password policy and complex for every user in ccm. Do not use that
password anyother PC.
Disable IIS on every subscriber.
Do not delete disable or rename service accounts
Do not join to the Domain.
Multi-Level Administration
By default CCM use Windows user name and password it has none or full
but MLA allow to controll various level. Admin can only add phone...other admin
can add Route pattern.. so on
User> Access Right > Configure MLA Parameters > enable multilevel admin > give
the password for the main administrator
Restart IIS on all callmanager server where IIS runs.
Then login using Username : ccmadministrator and password which we gave now.
Functional Group:
User > User Right > Functional Group in this we can configure the user by allowing
based on there roles we can select what function they have to do. Like Adding
device pool or Route pattern Extention mobility,attentance console, Phones, user
access righ, Bat so on..
User Group:
Once we selected the function group then we have to configure the user
group to add the users and the users group then select the functional group to that
particular User group. Users will get the permission given to that functional group
In this we can configure the user group which they belongs to if they are in phone
administrator then they have diffualt the perminition to the phone other are read
Users > User Access Right > User Group then we can custom if we need as No
access, Full access or Read only access
Create a user : user > Add a new user
Go to user > Access Right > User Function group select the required right in this
case use phone administrator. upper corner use add user to user group click on it >
add the user who we want
check out !! by login using the username we created
We can Forward IP phone to an international number and can call from the outside
Call the receptionist who is very busy to forwarding calls then ask her to forward to
an international number
Or when a Voice mail tells to dial an extension dial an international number so on…
we can Toll Fraud the VoIP service
1- Watch Calling Search Space (make sure no only phone but the forwarding
also to the calling search space] voice mail also add to the internal Calling
search Space only.
Block off net to Off net transfer from Service parameter. This blocks
somebody receiving calls from off net and transfer to off net. Drop Ad hoc
conference configure to something else default value never
You can disable Web access from phone. Because using phone’s ip we can
see the configuration of phone so better to disable that feature.
And also disable PC port on the phone if it is not used for the PC connection.
Also put the Setting access Restricted for CCM 4.1 or latest version. Disable
Setting access for CCM 4.1 or earlier.
1- Authentication
-Pre-shared keys
-Certificates (this method is commonly used in Voip implementing.
CCM certifies that this is a known phone)
2- Encryption (Confidentiality)
3- Hashing (Integrity)
Hashing make sure that the packet set to the destination is the same.
It does not changed by anyone adding any extra information.
Router 1 sent the public key to Router 2 . Router 2 sent its public key to Router
1. So if Router 1 wants to communicate to Router 2 it encrypt the data using Router
2’s public key (public key can only use to encrypt so if somebody get the public key
when it transfer it can not used to decrypt) Router 2 will decrypt the data using its
Private key which is never transfer over the network.
Call manager signaling (Skinny) when the phone communicate with CCM we have
make the secure
We can secure CCM using TLS (Transport Layer Security). TLS is the next
generations SSL
The phones get certificate their own. There are two types of phone certificates.
1- Activate security services. Serviceability > Service Activation > enable CTL
Provider Activate on all call manager servers a
and Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) on Publisher.
2- Install CTL client, Activate Security. Applications > install plug-ins > CTL
client (we can install any computer) for configuring CTL we require a security
token from Cisco.
3- Configure IP phone for security. Using device menu > Phone either go phone
by phone and enter LSC manually or automatically.
• DBL Helper : This tool also allows the administrator to activate broken
link between publisher and subscriber. This tool can be downloaded
from TAC.
• Event Viewer: Call manager logs the error to Application logs
• Performance Monitor: Added some performance counters. We can add
counters like calls active, call attempt so on
To install this go to CCM > Application > Install Plug-ins > install Cisco
Real time monitor tool and enter the ip address of the ccm server which
we want monitor and give the administrator username and password. We
can configure the RTM tool to sent the e-mail alert to the administrator if
anything goes wrong.
• Password Changer Tool:
• CDR Analysis and Reporting:
• Dialed Number Analyzer:
• Quality Reporting Tool:
Alarm > Alarm Definition (using the we can configure ccm to report the in event
viewer what is the solution for that particular error. So if someone see the error in
the event viewer he can see the solution also)
Trace configuration allows users to configure the ccm to debug the calls which takes
lots of resources
CDR Analysis and Reporting tool (CAR) designed to pull the information from the
database of SQL Server about CDR. Using this tool we can make .csv file report
To install CAR tool go to publisher
Application > Install Plug-in > CDR Analysis and Reporting install the plugin it will
ask for the password of cluster admin.
Click on Admin Rights select a user for CAR administration not CCM admin user.
Once we add the user then admin user which used at first login to CAR gets
To configure CDR we have to enable CDR enabled flag to true in service parameter
and CDR diagonostic also make true.
Go to CAR > we can configure the schedule for the report for billings
Dependancy Records
Finds dependant links in the ccm sql database (that means we try to delete
something it tells us other service being used. So we will not be able to delete the
record. Using this tool we can see the dependent records that particular service
Then go to record which we want to delete (like partition or calling search space so
on) click on Dependency Records we can see the records which is liked to that
particular record.
Password changer tool change the all ccm servers in the cluster.
NOTE: if we are not using multi level administration then we have to go to every
servers to change the password
Allows you to test calls without calling and displays call flow through the CCM. This
tool comes with ccm as plug-in
Go to CCM web interface > Application menu > plugin >Cisco Dialed Number
Analyzer > give the password of server
Go the IE enter the ip address of the ccm >https:// <ip address of the ccm>/dna
(DNA does not integrate with multilevel administration so use server password
This is used to QoS. If somebody face quality issue when the admin goes and
checks the issue does not happened, so that time we can use this tool.
For this we need to add an extra Soft key to the phone when the user face problem
instruct her to press QoS soft key.
Device > Device Settings > Soft key Template > select the Template > Configure
Soft key Template layout > Connected > Add the soft key > Quality Report Tool
CCM Web interface > Application menu > Serviceability > Tools > QRT viewer > fill
the in field.