PIP VESV1002 Design and Fabrication Specification For Vessels ASME Code Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2
PIP VESV1002 Design and Fabrication Specification For Vessels ASME Code Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2
PIP VESV1002 Design and Fabrication Specification For Vessels ASME Code Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2
January 2019
Design and Fabrication Specification for Vessels
ASME Code Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2
In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been
prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users,
contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a
single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the
purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to
incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve
requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations
concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to
particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information
contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed
as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other
brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those
named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and
regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should
conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be
followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.
© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at
Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP Member Companies and
Subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes or modifications of any kind
are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP.
Authorized Users may attach addenda or overlays to clearly indicate modifications or
exceptions to specific sections of PIP Practices. Authorized Users may provide their clients,
suppliers and contractors with copies of the Practice solely for Authorized Users’ purposes.
These purposes include but are not limited to the procurement process (e.g., as attachments to
requests for quotation/ purchase orders or requests for proposals/contracts) and preparation and
issue of design engineering deliverables for use on a specific project by Authorized User’s
client. PIP’s copyright notices must be clearly indicated and unequivocally incorporated in
documents where an Authorized User desires to provide any third party with copies of the
September 1997 Issued May 2009 Editorial Revision
December 1998 Technical Revision March 2012 Complete Revision
February 2007 Complete Revision January 2019 Complete Revision
Design and Fabrication Specification for Vessels
ASME Code Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2
Table of Contents
1. Scope ............................................. 2
2. References .................................... 2
2.1 Process Industry Practices ................... 2
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards ............. 2
2.3 Government Regulations ...................... 3
2.4 Other References .................................. 4
3. Definitions ..................................... 4
4. Requirements ................................ 5
4.1 General ................................................. 5
4.2 Design ................................................... 6
4.3 Materials .............................................. 23
4.4 Fabrication .......................................... 24
4.5 Examination, Inspection and Pressure
Testing ................................................ 33
4.6 Preparation for Shipment .................... 38
1. Scope
This Practice provides design criteria, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, and
documentation requirements for pressure vessels constructed in accordance with ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 or Division 2, henceforth referred to as the
Code. Requirements that are specific to Code, Section VIII, Division 2 are shown in braces { }.
Supplementary requirements for shell and tube heat exchangers are in PIP VESST002.
2. References
Applicable parts of the following Practices, industry codes and standards, and references shall be
considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract award
shall be used, except as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.
– “Process Equipment Design.” Brownell and Young. Wiley & Sons Publishers, 1959.
– “Stresses in Large Cylindrical Pressure Vessels on Two Saddle Supports.” L.P. Zick.
Pressure Vessels and Piping: Design and Analysis, A Decade of Progress. Vol. 2, 1972.
3. Definitions
approved equal: A substitution to a specified product that has been approved in writing by the
Code: The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 {or 2} and its
referenced Sections (e.g., Section II, Section V, and Section IX) and any Code Cases permitted by
the User. References to Division 2 are identified in braces { }
cyclic service: A service that requires fatigue analysis in accordance with Code, Section VIII,
Division 2, Section 5.5.2. This applies to Division 1 and Division 2 vessels.
manufacturer: The party entering into a contract with the Purchaser to design and construct a
vessel in accordance with the requirements in this Practice and the contract documents. In
accordance with the Code definition, the Manufacturer is the party that possesses a valid
Certificate of Authorization to manufacturer pressure vessels with the ASME Mark.
National Board: The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, an organization
comprised of chief inspectors of various governmental jurisdictions in the United States and
owner: The party who owns the facility wherein the vessel will be used. The owner is typically
also the User.
purchaser: The party who selects and specifies the mechanical design requirements (e.g., Vessel
Drawing/Data Sheet {User’s Design Specification}), consistent with User criteria, for use by the
Manufacturer. The Purchaser is also responsible for placing the purchase order for the vessel or
vessel components. The Purchaser may also be the Owner, User, or the Owner’s or User’s
Designated Agent (e.g., engineering contractor).
user: The party who establishes construction criteria in accordance with the Code philosophy and
service hazards. The User is the operator of the facility wherein the vessel will be installed.
purchaser’s inspector: The person or company authorized by the Purchaser, Owner, and/or User
to inspect pressure vessels to the requirements of this Practice and other Purchaser contract
4. Requirements
4.1 General
4.1.1 Overall Responsibilities Vessels shall be provided in accordance with this Practice and the
a. PIP VEDV1003 including the following Purchaser’s forms:
(1) PIP VEDV1003-D Data Sheet
(2) PIP VEDV1003-T Inspection and Testing Documentation
Requirements Sheet or equivalent
(3) PIP VEDV1003-R Documentation Requirements Sheet
(4) PIP VEDV1003-F Welded Pressure Joint Requirements
b. The Code
c. Design criteria that may supersede the requirements of this Practice
but not take exception to the requirements of the Code
d. PIP VEFV1100 details: VEFV1101, VEFV1102, VEFV1103,
VEFV1105, VEFV1106, VEFV1116, VEFV1117, VEFV1118,
e. Other codes and standards referenced in this Practice
f. Local requirements
g. Other contract requirements furnished by the Purchaser Vessels shall be in total compliance with the Code, including stamping. Unless otherwise specified by the Purchaser, Code-stamped vessels shall
also be National Board (NB) registered. Deviations from this Practice shall be submitted in writing for approval
by the Purchaser. If a conflict is identified between this Practice, the design drawings, data
sheets, referenced codes and standards, or any supplementary
specification, written clarification shall be obtained from the Purchaser
before proceeding with any work. All aspects of the work shall be in accordance with applicable local, county,
state, and federal rules, regulations and standards at installation site
including but not limited to the rules and standards established by the EPA
and OSHA, or equivalent national standards, if applicable, as designated by
the Purchaser. See Purchaser’s PIP VEDV1003-D Data Sheet. The Manufacturer shall be responsible for assuring that subcontracted
fabrication work is in accordance with this Practice and the contract
documents. Purchaser’s review of Manufacturer’s documentation (e.g., fabrication
drawings, design calculations or weld procedures) shall not relieve the
4.2 Design
4.2.1 General Vessel design shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of
the Code, {User’s Design Specification} this Practice, the Purchaser’s
PIP VESV1003-D Data Sheet, and all other requirements in the contract
documents. Minimum corroded shell and head thickness shall be 3/16 inch (5 mm). If two allowable stress values are given in Code Section II Part D for a
material, the greater value shall not be used in the design of flanges for
gasketed joints or other applications if minimal amounts of distortion can
cause leakage or malfunction. Unless approved by the Purchaser, Code Case 2260 shall not be
permitted for use in the design. Half-pipe or pipe section jackets shall be designed in accordance with
Code Appendix EE {4.11.6}.
4.2.2 Pressure and Temperature Unless otherwise specified, vessels shall be assumed to operate
completely filled with operating fluid. Unless otherwise specified, Minimum Design Temperature shall not be
warmer than 30ºF (-1ºC). The maximum design temperature rating shall be increased to the highest
temperature possible without affecting the minimum required thickness
of the shell or heads and without changing the pressure class of nozzle
flanges. If appropriate, a vessel may be designed and Code stamped for more than
one condition of pressure and coincident maximum metal temperature. Unless otherwise specified, maximum design metal temperature shall not
be colder than 150°F (65ºC). Provisions for Future Field Hydrostatic Test
1. Unless provision for future field hydrostatic test is exempted, the
vessel shall be designed to satisfy the load combination as specified
in Section
2. The design shall verify that any component in the corroded condition
can withstand the following loads, without exceeding 95% of the
Specified Minimum Yield Strength at the coincident test
temperature, in both circumferential and longitudinal directions:
a. Hydrostatic test pressure at the top of the vessel in accordance
with Code Paragraph UG-99 {8.2.1}
b. Hydrostatic head of the vessel full of water when the vessel is in
its operating position
3. The stress level in Section shall not be permitted in those
portions of the cylindrical shell within a meridional distance of
2.5 R t , where R is the mean radius of the shell and t is the
thickness of the shell at the junction, from a gross structural
discontinuity such as, but not limited to, the following:
a. Cone-to-cylinder junctions
b. Shell flange-to-cylinder junctions
c. Torispherical head (inside crown radius/head thickness L t ratio
greater than 500) -to-cylinder junctions
d. Openings in the shell that are larger than the dimensional limits
given in Code Paragraph UG-36(b)(1) {}
e. Lift Condition
See Purchaser’s PIP VEDV1003-D Data Sheet and Section
f. L0 + (0.5)L6
Erected Condition with 70% wind velocity (i.e. 50% Wind
Load). If the equipment is in the erected condition for an
extended period full wind shall be applied.
4.2.4 Wind Unless specified otherwise, wind loads shall be determined in accordance
with ASCE 7 design criteria using input data specified by the Purchaser. The maximum allowable deflection at the top tangent line of a vessel in
the corroded condition shall not be greater than 6 inches per 100 feet
(150 mm per 30 m) of vessel height. Projected Area
1. The projected area of vessel accessories such as platforms, ladders,
piping and other equipment attached to the vessel shall be considered
in the wind load calculation.
2. If spoilers are to be added to a vessel, the column projected area
normal to wind, and the corresponding force coefficient, for the
column height where spoilers have been added, shall be used in the
design of the vessel and supporting structure to calculate the
overturning load. Wind-Induced Vibration of Vertical Vessels
1. Vessels with an h/D ratio of 15 or greater shall be evaluated for
dynamic behavior from wind excitation as described in Dynamic
Response of Tall Flexible Structures to Wind Loading or by other
similar proven evaluation methodology.
2. Vessels shall be evaluated for wind-induced vibration considering
vortex shedding ranges described as follows:
a. Lower Periodic Vortex Shedding Range
If the Reynolds number is less than 300,000 and the Strouhal
number is approximately 0.2, vibration because of periodic
vortex shedding can occur with tall slender vessels that have
very low fundamental frequencies.
b. Random Vortex Shedding Range
If the Reynolds number is between 300,000 and 3,500,000,
random vortex shedding can occur. If the Strouhal number is
approximately 0.2, the random vortex oscillations can lock-in
and become periodic, causing the vessel to vibrate.
c. Upper Periodic Vortex Shedding Range
If the Reynolds number is above 3,500,000 and the Strouhal
number is approximately 0.2, self-excited vibration can occur if
Vertical Acceleration
Lateral Longitudinal
Transportation Mode
Acceleration Acceleration
Downward Upward
Rail 2g 2g 2g 3g
1. If multiple modes of transportation are used, the most severe condition shall be used for evaluation.
2. 1.0g is a load equal to the weight of the vessel. Flanges shall be designed not only for the design pressure, but also for
other loadings specified by Purchaser in the contract documents, and
applied to the joints during the project life (e.g., externally applied
bending moment and axial thrust loadings). Flange thickness shall be selected so that, considering all loadings that
will be applied, the Rigidity Index as defined in Code paragraph 2-14
{Table 4.16.10} is less than or equal to 1.0, based on the recommended
value of KL of 0.2 or K1 of 0.3, as applicable. If specified by the Purchaser, flanges and their pressure-retaining covers
for manways may be custom-designed, with consideration being given
to providing a Rigidity Index in accordance with the recommendations
in Code paragraph 2-14 {Table 4.16.10}. Flange bolt diameters shall not be less than 3/4 inch (19 mm) nominal
diameter. Flange bolt hole diameters shall be 1/8 inch (3 mm) greater than the
diameter of the bolts. Unless otherwise approved by Purchaser, nubbins shall not be
permitted. The design of custom flanges shall include the effect of bolt spacing in
accordance with the following:
1. Maximum bolt spacing = 2a +
m + 0.5
2. If bolt spacing is greater than (2a + t), the design moment (Mo)
acting on the flange shall be multiplied by
2a + t
where: Mo, and m are as defined in Code Appendix 2,
Paragraph 2-3;
a = nominal bolt diameter, inches (mm)
Bs = actual bolt spacing, inches (mm)
4.2.11 Supports General
1. Code-allowable stresses shall be used for vessels and their supports.
For combinations of earthquake or wind loadings with other
loadings listed in Code Paragraph UG-22 {}, the allowable
stresses may be increased in accordance with Code Paragraph
UG-23(d) {Table 4.1.2}. See Section for load combinations
to be considered. See also Code Appendix G {4.15}.
2. For structural-shape support members in compression, if
slenderness ratio is a controlling design consideration, an increase
in the allowable compressive stress shall not be applied.
3. For supports outside the scope of the Code, either Code-allowable
stresses or, for structural shapes, those in the AISC Manual of Steel
Construction may be used.
4. Localized shell and support stresses at all support-to-shell locations
shall be considered, as applicable, for wind load, earthquake, and all
other loadings in accordance with Code Paragraph UG-22 {}.
See Sections 4.2.4 and 4.2.5.
5. If reinforcing pads are used under supports, consideration shall be
given to stresses caused by possible temperature differentials among
the vessel, pads, and supports.
6. Unless otherwise specified, vertical vessels shall be designed as
self-supporting units and shall resist overturning from wind or
earthquake loadings (see Sections 4.2.4 and 4.2.5) and other
applicable loadings in accordance with Code Paragraph UG-22
{}. Skirt Supports
1. Vessel skirts shall have a minimum thickness of ¼ inch (6 mm).
2. Skirt Construction
a. See Purchaser’s PIP VESV1003-D Data Sheet, Part C, for the
required standard skirt attachment detail shown on PIP
VEFV1128. Skirts shall be attached by a continuous weld sized
so as to provide for the maximum imposed loadings.
b. All butt weld joints within the skirt shall be Type No. 1 in
accordance with Code Table UW-12 {Table 4.2.2}.
c. Alignment tolerance at plate edges to be butt-welded shall be in
accordance with Code Paragraph UW-33 {Paragraph}.
d. Skirt-to-base ring attachments in vessel skirts shall in
accordance with VEFV1107 through VEFV1110.
3. Skirts shall be vented with a minimum of two, 2-inch (50 mm)
openings, located near the top of the skirt, but below the head
insulation or fireproofing.
4. Skirt Sleeves
a. All skirt openings shall be provided with rings or collars in
accordance with VEFV1134 and sized to provide 100%
reinforcement of the opening.
b. If the skirt is to be provided with insulation or fireproofing, the
projection of the rings or collars (i.e., sleeves) shall not be less
than the insulation or fireproofing thickness.
c. Sleeves shall be of sufficient size to provide clearance for
insulation and expansion.
d. Sleeve material shall be the same material composition as that
portion of the skirt and shall be continuously fillet-welded
inside and outside. Saddle Supports
1. Horizontal vessels shall be designed for two saddle supports
attached by welding. See VEFV1105/M and VEFV1106/M for
saddle configuration guidance.
2. Saddles shall be designed in accordance with the applicable
loadings, including those to be used in conjunction with weigh cells
or slide plates.
3. One saddle shall be fixed and the other allowed to slide to
accommodate thermal expansion. The fixed saddle will be selected
to minimize the vessel nozzle loads and movements imposed on the
attached piping.
4. Design of saddle supports and calculation of localized shell stress
shall be determined by a recognized analytical method such as the
L. P. Zick Stresses in Large Cylindrical Pressure Vessels on Two
Saddle Supports. See Code Appendix G {4.15.3}.
5. The minimum saddle support contact angle shall be 120 degrees.
6. Saddle Wear Plates
a. Saddle wear plates, if required, shall have the following
(1) Plate thickness shall be determined by design, but shall not
be less than the smaller of vessel shell thickness or 6 mm
(1/4 inch)
(2) Plate width shall be the width of the saddle plus 5t on each
side of the saddle, where t equals the vessel shell thickness
in the corroded condition
(3) Plate extension beyond the horn of the saddle shall be equal
to r/10, where r equals the radius of the vessel shell in the
corroded condition
b. Wear plates shall have a minimum radius of 2 inches (50 mm)
on the corners. Unless otherwise specified, all clips, brackets, and other items welded to
the outside surface of the vessel or skirt shall be provided and installed,
including the following:
a. Manufacturer’s nameplate configured as follows:
(1) Made either of 300 series stainless steel or of a nickel-copper
alloy UNS N04400 or equivalent (i.e, Monel)
(2) Attached securely using a nameplate support bracket in
accordance with detail PIP VEFV1101.
b. Lifting attachments, as designed by the Manufacturer or as specified
by Purchaser
c. For vessel shells under external pressure, Code-required stiffening
rings placed on the outside of the vessel and configured as follows:
(1) Minimum thickness, 3/8 inch (10 mm)
(2) Maximum ring width-to-thickness ratio, 10
(3) Made from a structural form that cannot trap and hold water
(4) Drains or gaps may be provided if necessary to prevent water
from collecting.
(5) Attached by continuous fillet welds on both sides of the ring
d. Grounding lug in accordance with detail PIP VEFV1103
4.3 Materials
4.3.1 All impact test values shall be reported in the material supplier’s certified test
4.3.2 Except for flanges in accordance with ASME B16.5 and B16.47, all carbon, low-
alloy, and high-alloy steel forgings greater than 3 inches (75 mm) in thickness
shall be examined ultrasonically in accordance with ASME SA-745 with the
following requirements:
a. Quality levels for straight beam examinations from flat surfaces shall be in
accordance with Table 4.
Table 4 - Quality Levels for Straight Beam Examinations from Flat Surfaces
Inches (mm) LEVEL
3 (75) < t < 8 (200) QL-2
8 (200) < t < 12 (300) QL-3
t >12 (300) QL-4
b. Quality level for straight beam examinations from curved surfaces shall be
c. Quality level for all angle beam examinations shall be QA-1. Notch depth
shall be in accordance with QA-1 or 1/4 inch (6 mm), whichever is less.
4.3.3 Integrally clad plate for vessels designed for vacuum service and for vessels
whose design calculations include the cladding shall be examined in accordance
with ASME SA-578 Acceptance Standard - Level B and Supplementary
Requirement S6.
4.3.4 The heat treatment of integrally clad plate in accordance with ASME SA-263,
ASME SA-264, and ASME SA-265 shall be performed by the plate manufacturer.
4.3.5 All integrally clad plate, including explosion clad plate, in accordance with
ASME SA-263, ASME SA-264, and ASME SA-265 shall be cold flattened, if
required, after final heat treatment and descaling.
4.3.6 Except for blind flanges in accordance with ASME B16.5 and B16.47, rolled
carbon, low-alloy, and high-alloy steel plate for flat covers and blind flanges
greater than 3 inches (75 mm) thick shall be examined in accordance with ASME
SA-578 Acceptance Standard - Level B after cutting to final size.
4.3.7 As an alternative to the materials specified by the Purchaser, other materials may
be proposed for the attachments with consideration given to the following:
a. Potential problems associated with welding dissimilar materials
b. Compatibility with the Code nameplate maximum and minimum design
metal temperatures
c. Whether the attachment is essential to the structural integrity of the vessel.
See Code Paragraph UCS-66(a) {}.
d. Differential thermal expansion characteristics and associated stresses
e. Corrosion resistance
f. Painting requirements
g. Suitability for the anticipated loadings
4.3.8 Gaskets specified by Purchaser shall be provided. For test gaskets, see Section For spare gaskets, see Section
4.4 Fabrication
4.4.1 General All equipment shall be in accordance with the manufacturing tolerances
shown in the contract documents. Tolerances on fabricated equipment shown on detail PIP VEFV1102
shall apply to the completed vessel after pressure test. Machining shall be performed after welding or heat treatment if such
operations change machined surface characteristics or geometry (e.g.,
flange face flatness). When forming any austenitic stainless or nonferrous plate, care shall be
taken to prevent carbon pickup or contamination of formed material. Only stainless steel brushes and clean, iron-free sand, ceramic or
stainless steel grit shall be used for cleaning stainless steel and non-
b. Nozzles which intersect weld seams shall be located such that their
centerline falls approximately on the centerline of the weld seam.
c. The seam shall be radiographed in accordance with Code Paragraph
UW-51 {4.2.5, 7.5.3} in accordance with Code Paragraph UW-14
{ a) 4)}. Unless otherwise approved by Purchaser, the longitudinal seams shall not
fall within the downcomer area of trays or behind any obstruction that
prevents inspection of the welds. Circumferential seams shall not fall on a tray ring, and shall be located
not less than 2 inches (50 mm) above or below the tray ring. Saddles
1. Saddles shall be continuously welded to the shell.
2. Welded seams under the saddle or wear plate are not permitted.
3. Longitudinal weld seams in the shell shall not be located within
15 degrees of the horn of the saddle, because this is a location of
high stress. Seams in Formed Heads
1. The flat plate from which formed heads are made shall be either
seamless or made equivalent to seamless in which all Category A
welds are Type (1) and fully radiographed in accordance with Code
Paragraph UW-51{7.5.3} before forming.
2. Before forming, welds shall be ground flush with the plate surfaces.
3. After forming, the spin hole, if it remains in the final construction,
shall be repaired with a metal plug butt-welded in place. The weld
shall be in accordance with the Category A weld joint requirements. Structural Attachment Welds
1. Structural attachment welds (e.g., internal support rings or clips,
external stiffening rings, insulation support rings, and ladder,
platform or pipe support clips) shall clear weld seams by a minimum
of 2 inches (50 mm).
2. If overlap of pad type structural attachments and weld seams is
unavoidable, the portion of the seam to be covered shall be ground
flush and 100 percent radiographically examined before the
attachment is welded on.
3. The seam shall be radiographed in accordance with Code Paragraph
UW-51 {7.5.3} for a minimum distance of 2 inches (50 mm) beyond
the edge of the overlapping attachment.
4. Radiographic examination of weld seams is not required if single-
plate edge-type attachments (e.g., tray support rings, downcomer
bolting bars, stiffening rings, insulation support rings, ladder,
platform, or pipe support clips) cross weld seams.
5. External attachments shall be coped to clear main seams
4. Gasketed flange joint designs (i.e., body flange and nozzle joints)
larger than NPS 24 (DN 600) shall provide outer confinement of the
gasket for any of the following conditions:
a. Design pressure is equal to or greater than 300 psi (2 MPa)
b. Design temperature is warmer than 500°F (260°C)
c. MDMT is colder than minus 20°F (-29°C)
d. Cyclic pressure or temperature service
e. Joint requires metallic gasket
5. Gasketed flange joint designs (i.e., body flange and nozzle joints)
larger than NPS 24 (DN 600) utilizing robust metal reinforced
gaskets (e.g., spiral-wound with outer gauge ring, grooved metal
covered layer, double-jacketed corrugated metal gaskets with a
corrugated metal filler, etc.) do not require gasket confinement. For corrosive service, the use of splice welds on gasket contact surfaces
of a lap ring or flange shall be approved by Purchaser. Joints shall be assembled in accordance with ASME PCC-1. Hardened washers shall be provided under nuts for all bolts having
diameters of 1-1/4 inches (32 mm) or larger to prevent damaging the
back side of the flange. The washers shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch
(6 mm) thick. If studded connections are used, the following shall apply:
a. The holes in a studded connection and the studs shall be machined
in accordance with PIP VEFV1129.
b. Indicator type studs for studded connections, if used, shall be in
accordance with ASME PCC-1 Figures 1 and 2.
c. A spacer ring of the same material as the nozzle flange may be
provided behind the flange to increase the effective stud length. See
note on PIP VEFV1129.
d. If a spacer ring is used, the thickness of the ring shall be equal to or
greater than the mating flange thickness.
e. Studs and spacer ring, if required, shall be provided for each
studded connection on the vessel.
f. Studded connections shall be checked to assure the remaining
thickness of the drilled holes is in accordance with Code
UG-43(d){ b)}.
4.4.4 Vessel Attachments For vessel attachments the following shall apply:
1. Welding of vessel internals attached to a pressure boundary
component shall be continuous on all surfaces to eliminate corrosion
2. All seams and corner joints shall be sealed. Support ring welds shall
be continuous on top and intermittent on the bottom as a minimum.
3. If a vessel corrosion allowance is specified, the size of welds shall
include allowance for corrosion.
4. Minimum weld size shall be 3/16 inch (5mm) in the corroded
condition. Except as permitted in Section, all external supports, support
rings, pads, and structural brackets attached to the vessel shall be seal-
welded all around to prevent corrosion between the vessel and
attachments. If seal welding all around an external attachment is not practical,
provision for drainage shall be made (e.g., a gap in the low-point weld). Temporary Welded Attachments
1. Attachment point of spiders, braces, or other temporary attachments
used in fabrication shall be of the same material alloy as the point on
the vessel to which it is attached.
2. All temporary attachments shall be removed before hydrostatic
3. Temporary attachments shall be removed flush with the vessel shell
and nondestructively examined [i.e., Magnetic Particle Examination
(MT) or Dye Penetrant Examination (PT)], in addition to visual
examination, to ensure no cracks have been generated.
4. Temporary welds shall be in accordance with Section Galvanized clips or attachments shall not be welded to a vessel. For half-pipe jackets or pipe sections welded to shells and/or heads,
jacket to shell welds shall be full penetration and full strength welds, and
100% liquid penetrant examination shall be performed. For integrally clad and weld overlayed vessels, attachments shall be in
accordance with the following:
If an attachment (e.g., packing bed support rings) supports a significant
load (e.g., greater than 25% of the allowable stress for fillet welds), the
support shall be welded directly to the base metal. The attachment
material exposed to the process should have the same nominal
compostion of the lined surface.
4.4.5 Welding The selected welded pressure joint requirements shall be consistent with
service-specific needs; however, the following shall apply as a minimum:
a. Welded joints of Categories A, B, and, if used, butt-type Categories
C and D shall be Type No. 1 of Code Table UW-12 {Table 4.2.2}.
b. Non-butt joints that connect nozzles including manways and
couplings to the vessel wall (i.e., Code Category D joints) shall be
full penetration welds through the vessel wall and through the inside
edge of reinforcing plates, if used.
c. Nozzle necks that extend beyond the inside surface of the vessel wall
shall have a fillet weld at the inside corner.
d. For compartmented vessels having a flanged and dished intermediate
head(s), the end of the intermediate head skirt(s) shall be seal-welded
to the shell of the compartment. See Code Fig. UW-13.1
(e){Table 4.2.5 detail 6}. The responsibility for welding shall be part of the overall construction
responsibility of the Manufacturer. All welds, including those for non-pressure parts and attachments,
including temporary attachments and shipping attachments, shall be
made by welders, welding operators, and welding procedures qualified
under the provisions of Code Section IX. Welds shall be in accordance with the supplementary provisions of the
Code, and with recognized and generally accepted good welding
practices including, but not limited to, the use of clean and dry materials,
good techniques, and the proper chemistry. Unless otherwise specified, the welding consumables used in the
fabrication of the vessel and its components shall be of the same nominal
chemistry as the base metal, and shall have material properties (e.g.,
tensile strength, yield strength, etc.) equal to or greater than the minimum
requirements for the base metal at both ambient and design temperature. Shielded metal arc electrodes used for pressure-retaining welds shall be
of the low-hydrogen type. Unless specifically approved in writing by Purchaser, use of weld
materials with strengths higher than that of low-hydrogen weld materials
for any welding processes is not permitted. The following documents shall be provided to the Purchaser for review
and approval before the start of fabrication:
a. Welding Procedure Specification
b. Procedure Qualification Record
c. Welder Performance Qualification
d. Detailed weld map
e. Welding procedures
f. Fabrication drawings The detailed weld map shall include, as a minimum, a sketch of all weld
joints, welding symbols used in accordance with AWS A2.4, and
associated weld procedure numbers. Except for leakage that can occur at temporary closures for those
openings intended for welded connections, leakage shall not be
permitted at the time of the required inspection. Leakage from temporary seals shall be directed away to avoid masking
leaks from other joints. Sensitive leak tests, if specified, shall be performed before pressure
testing. Flanged joint assemblies specified to be provided with service gaskets
(e.g., main body flange joints, manways, blind flange nozzles) and
which are disassembled following tests shall be reassembled using new
service gaskets. If the joints are shipped unassembled, new service
gaskets for field installation shall be suitably packaged, marked, and
shipped with the vessel. See Section Welding, burning or grinding, including cosmetic grinding of pressure
retaining welds, shall not be performed on vessels that have been
pressure tested unless approved by Purchaser. This includes but shall
not be limited to welds for shipping attachments, refractory or insulation
clips, stiffeners, spiders, or grinding for surface preparation. If field assembly and erection is specified in the contract documents, the
final pressure test shall be performed at the installation site. A detailed
test procedure shall be provided to Purchaser for review before testing. If hydrostatic testing at the installation site is specified in the contract
documents, Purchaser shall furnish a fill line and a drain line for the test
water at a location adjacent to the test site.
4.5.4 Hydrostatic Test Unless otherwise specified on Purchaser’s PIP VEDV1003-D Data Sheet,
Code paragraph UG-99(b) {8.2.1(d)}, including endnote 34
{ 1)}, shall be regarded as the standard hydrostatic test. See the
PIP VEDV1003-D Data Sheet for the test pressure or applicable Code
paragraph number. If specified on Purchaser’s PIP VEDV1003-D Data Sheet, liquids other
than water may be used for hydrostatic testing in accordance with the
Code. A detailed test procedure shall be submitted to the Purchaser for
approval. Horizontal vessels designed to support a full weight load of water shall
be tested resting on its support saddles, without additional supports or
cribbing. Vertical vessels being tested in the erected position, whether shop or
field, shall have design consideration given to the additional pressure and
weight from the fluid head. See Section Vessels shall be adequately supported during the pressure test to prevent
damage. Testing of vessels shall be performed with potable test water that is clean
and free of debris. Brackish or untreated water shall not be used. Except as permitted in Section, testing of vessels or components
made of austenitic stainless steel materials shall be performed with water
containing a maximum of 50 ppm chloride. If the duration of the test procedure is 72 hours or less and the procedure
includes rinsing with water containing less than 50 ppm chloride, testing
of vessels or components made of austenitic stainless steel materials may
be performed with water containing greater than 50 ppm chloride but less
than 250 ppm chloride. Test water shall not be in contact with austenitic stainless steel for
greater than 72 hours unless treated with an appropriate biocide. Before application of the test pressure, the test water and the vessel
material shall be permitted to equalize to approximately the same
temperature. The final pressure test shall be held for a minimum of one hour, or as
specified in writing by the Purchaser. After completion of the hydrostatic test, the vessel shall be drained, dried
including drying internals, and closed as quickly as practicable.
4.5.5 Pneumatic Test Pneumatic testing shall not be permitted unless hydrostatic testing is not
feasible. See Code Paragraph UG-100 {8.3} and Code Paragraph UW-50
{Not Division 2 applicable}. Pneumatic testing presents hazards that require strict attention as part of
the design of the pressure vessel to ensure personnel safety. These
considerations include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
a. Vessels shall be constructed of materials that ensure fracture
toughness during the test.
b. Additional nondestructive examination of main seams, nozzle
attachments, and some structural attachments in accordance with
Code UW-50 {not Div. 2 applicable}. All additional nondestructive
examination shall be performed in accordance with Code methods
and acceptance criteria. The requirements for the details of all
additional examinations shall be furnished by Purchaser.
c. Clearance of all personnel from the area. If specified in the Purchaser’s PIP VEDV1003-D Data Sheet, pneumatic
testing shall be performed in the field at the installation site. Detailed written procedures shall be prepared for any pneumatic testing.
The procedure shall consider the extreme hazards which exposes the
facility and nearby personnel. See ASME PCC-2 Article 5.1 (including
the Appendices) for guidance on energy calculations for pneumatic tests
and safe distances for personnel during the test. The procedures shall be
agreed with the Purchaser and the User. All PWHT vessels shall have the following notice painted on two
sides of the shell and insulation covering, if present, in three-inch
Appendix A
Equivalent Pressure Formulas for Bending Moment and Axial Tensile Load
When sustained bending moments or axial thrust loadings are applied to the flanged joint during operation in
sufficient magnitude to warrant consideration in the flange selection or design, the design pressure, P, used in the
calculation of total hydrostatic end load, H, in the flange design calculations shall be replaced by the following
design pressure:
The equivalent pressure PEQ is determined as follows:
16M 4F
PEQ = +
πG 3
M = Sustained bending moment (non-pressure generated) applied across full section at flange during the
design condition
F = Sustained axial tensile force non-pressure generated) applied at flange
G= Diameter at location of gasket load reaction, in. (See Appendix 2 {4.16.12} of the Code for full
Therefore, the hydrostatic end load, H, used in the flange calculations is determined as follows:
H = 0.785 G2 PFLG
Dynamic Bending Moment
M = Bending moment, as defined above, but including dynamic bending moment (e.g., seismic moment)
applied across full section at flange during the design condition, in-lb