Problems On Rao's Book (Free Vibration For Damped System

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台大機械系-振動學 HW#2 106/9/29

Problems on Rao’s book (Free vibration for damped system)

Prob. 2.97 A simple pendulum is found to vibrate at a frequency of 0.5 Hz in a vacuum and 0.45 Hz

in a viscous fluid medium. Find the damping constant, assuming the mass of the bob of the

pendulum is 1 kg.
2  
   0 . From keq  meqn , we obtain l  g / n .
   C  mgl
2 2
Hint: Governing equation: ml
meq keq

The ratio of d to n gives   1  d / n   0.436 .


The damping constant: C   Cc    2meqn    2ml 2n    2mg 2 / n3

Ans:. C  2.71 N m sec/rad , n should be in rad/s

Prob. 2.102 The free vibration responses of an electric motor

of weight 500 N mounted on different types of foundations

are shown in Figs. 2.107(a) and (b). Identify the following in

each case: (i) the nature of damping provided by the

foundation, (ii) the spring constant and damping coefficient

of the foundation, and (iii) the undamped and damped natural

frequencies of the electric motor.

8 
Hint: (a)   ln  0.693 ;    0.11 .
4 4 2   2
4  N 4  mg 4  g
(b)   2  2  103 m .
k k n

Ans: (a) viscous damping, d  31.4 rad/sec , k  5.09  104 N/m ; (b) Coulomb damping,

n  31.4 rad/sec , k  5.03  10 4 N/m ,   0.05

Prob. 2.104 A railroad car of mass 2,000 kg traveling at a velocity v  10 m/s is stopped at the end

of the tracks by a spring-damper system, as shown in Fig. 2.108. If the stiffness of the spring is

k  80 N/mm and the damping constant is c  20 N·s/mm , determine (a) the maximum
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displacement of the car after engaging the springs

and damper and (b) the time taken to reach the

maximum displacement.

Hint: cc  2 mk  25300 N  s/m ;

  20  103 / cc  0.79 ; underdamped;

v0 v0
For x0  0, x  t   e nt sin d t ; x  t   e nt d cos d t  n sin d t 
d d

Maximum displacement occurs at x  0 or tan d t  1   2 /  .

Ans: (a) 0.68 m (b) t=0.17 sec.

Prob. 2.109 The maximum permissible recoil distance of a gun is specified as 0.5 m. If the initial

recoil velocity is to be between 8 m/s and 10 m/s, find the mass of the gun and the spring stiffness of

the recoil mechanism. Assume that a critically damped dashpot is used in the recoil mechanism and

the mass of the gun has to be at least 500 kg.

Hint: For a critically damped system with x0  0 , x  t   v0tent and xmax  v0 /  en  .

Choose xmax  0.5 m for v0  10 m/s , then n  7.36 rad/s .

Ans: Let m  500 kg then k  27 kN/m .

Prob. 2.124 The equation of motion of a spring-mass-damper system, with a hardening-type spring,

x  500 x  10000 x  400 x 3  981

is given as(注意應考慮重力) 100 

(a) Determine the static equilibrium position of the system.

(b) Derive the linearized equation of motion for small displacements (x) about the static equilibrium


(c) Find the natural frequency of vibration of the system for small displacements.

x  500 x  10011.5x  0 , (c) n  10 rad/s .)

Ans: (a) x0  0.0981 m , (b) 100 

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Prob. 2.130 A spring-mass system is found to vibrate with a frequency of 120 cycles per minute in

air and 100 cycles per minute in a liquid. Find the spring constant k, the damping constant c, and

the damping ratio when vibrating in the liquid. Assume m = 10 kg

Ans: Assuming damping is negligible in air, we have n   2  4 rad/s=12.57 rad/s ;
k  mn2  1579 N/m ; d  n  0.833n ;   1  0.8332  0.553 ;

c    2mn   139 N  s/m

Prob. 2.139 A single-degree-of-freedom system consists of a mass of 20 kg and a spring of stiffness

4,000 N/m. The amplitudes of successive cycles are found to be 50, 45, 40, 35, . . . mm. Determine

the nature and magnitude of the damping force and the frequency of the damped vibration.

Ans: Coulomb friction; 4  N / k  5 mm , damping force  5 103 k / 4  5 N ;

n  k / m  14.1 rad/s . )

Prob. 2.141 A 10-kg mass is connected to a spring of stiffness 3,000 N/m and is released after giving

an initial displacement of 100 mm. Assuming that the mass moves on a horizontal surface, determine

the position at which the mass comes to rest. Assume coefficient of friction between the mass and the

surface to be 0.12.

Hint: Let    N / k   mg / k .The amplitude reduces to X 0  p  2  0 at the pth turning point

(where x  0 ). Assume that initially ( p  0 ), the mass is at rest at a distance X 0 to the right of the

origin. The first cycle is a leftward motion. The mass stops at the rth turning point if X 0  2r   .

Ans: For g  9.8 m/s 2 ,   3.92 mm and X 0 /   25.5 . At the 12th turning point, the mass stops at

a distance 5.92 mm to the right of the origin. The final leftward motion stops at x  1.92 mm .

Prob. 2.150 The mass of a spring-mass system is initially displaced by 10 cm from its unstressed

position by applying a force of 25 N, which is equal to five times the weight of the mass. If the mass
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is released from this position, how long will the mass vibrate and at what distance will it stop from

the unstressed position? Assume a coefficient of friction of 0.2.

Hint: k  25 / 0.1  250 N/m , m  25 / 5 / g  0.51 kg . Amplitude reduces per half-cycle by

1/2  2 W / k  8 mm . Because X 0 / 1/ 2  12.5 , X 0  121/2  4 mm  W / k .

Ans: Stops after 12 half-cycles at 4 mm from the origin on the same side of the initial position. The

total time of vibration is 12   / n   1.7 sec .

Prob. 2.167 One end of a uniform rigid bar of mass m is connected to a wall by a hinge joint O, and

the other end carries a concentrated mass M, as shown in Fig. 2.120. The bar rotates about the hinge

point O against a torsional spring and a torsional damper. It is proposed to use this mechanism, in

conjunction with a mechanical counter, to control entry to an amusement park. Find the masses m

and M, the stiffness of the torsional spring ( kt ), and the damping force ( Fd ) necessary to satisfy the

following specifications: (1) A viscous damper is used. (2) The bar has to return to within 5 of

closing in less than 2 s when released from an initial position of   75 . (設計題沒有標準答


Extra Problems
1. (Benson Tongue) Oscillation amplitudes are reduced by 50% in one second for a given spring-
mass-damper system. Say you want to have the amplitude reduced to 25% of the original value in
one second. Is it possible to do it by changing the stiffness of the spring? If it is possible, describe
clearly how to adjust the stiffness of the spring.

Hint: Decay rate is determined by n  c /  2m  .

Ans: Altering k to increase the decay rate will be completely ineffective.

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2. (Kelly 3.17) Determine the natural frequency and damping ratio for the system of Figure P2.49.
5 2  cl 2  kl 2
Hint. Governing equation: ml     0
6 2 2
3k c 3
Ans: n  ,  
5m 2 5km

3. (Kelly 3.32) The amplitude of vibration of the system of Figure P3.32 decays to half of its initial
value in 11 cycles with a period of 0.3 sec. Determine the spring stiffness and the viscous
damping coefficient.

Hint. Governing equation:  I  mR   cR   kR   0 .

2 2
2   ln
X 1 ln 2

X 2 11
 0.063 .

N  sec
Ans: k  7130 N/m , c  27.2 .

4. (Ginsberg Exercise 2.29) The measured free vibration response of a one-degree-of-freedom

system is as shown in the graph.
(a) Deduce from this measurement the log decrement, the natural frequency, and the damping
ratio of the system.

(b) Estimate the value of t beyond which the displacement magnitude x will not exceed

0.01 mm
(c) If the damping constant c is held fixed, while the system is modified by doubling the
stiffness k and halving the generalized mass m, how would that alter the answer to part (b)?
(d) The initial displacement, at t  0 , is x0  10 mm . What is the initial velocity?

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Hint: Read from the figure xm 2  14 mm at tm 2  0.12 s , xm 6  4 mm at tm 6  0.52 s .

tm 6  tm 2
d   0.1 sec.

1 xm 2  2
Ans: (a)   ln  0.313 ,    0.05 ; d   20  62.83 rad/s
4 xm 6 4 2   2 d

n   62.91 rad/s .
1  2

(b) The amplitude is reduced by a factor e /2 each half-cycle.

ln  xm 2 / 0.01
 46.3  xm (2 47)  xm 2  e  /2   0.009 mm  0.01 mm .

 /2
Hence x  0.01 mm for t  tm 2  47   d / 2   23.62 sec.

(c) Let the overbar,   , denote the parameter of the modified system. The critical damping

constant cc  2 mk  2 mk  cc . Hence    and    . Furthmore, n  k / m  2n ,

d  2d , and  d   d / 2 . The modification does not change the amplitude decay rate but
halves the damped period. It follows that the time required for the amplitude to be less than a
specified value is also approximately halved.
(d) Let ts be the instant at which the velocity is zero. Differentiate

 v  n x0 
x  e  nnt  x0 cos d t  0 sin d t  , to obtain the equation for ts :
 d 

n n x0 sin d ts
v0 cos d ts  n x0   v0  sin d ts  0 . Consequently, v0  .
d 1   2 cos d ts   sin d ts

Substituting tm 6 for t s yields v0  2.29 m/s .

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