Siebel Customer-Centric Waehouse Instl
Siebel Customer-Centric Waehouse Instl
Siebel Customer-Centric Waehouse Instl
Enterprise Warehouse
Installation and
Configuration Guide
Version 7.8.3
September 2005
Siebel Systems, Inc., 2207 Bridgepointe Parkway, San Mateo, CA 94404
Copyright © 2005 Siebel Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America
No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or reproduced in any way,
including but not limited to photocopy, photographic, magnetic, or other record, without the prior
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Siebel, the Siebel logo, UAN, Universal Application Network, Siebel CRM OnDemand, and other Siebel
names referenced herein are trademarks of Siebel Systems, Inc., and may be registered in certain
Other product names, designations, logos, and symbols may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.
PRODUCT MODULES AND OPTIONS. This guide contains descriptions of modules that are optional and
for which you may not have purchased a license. Siebel’s Sample Database also includes data related to
these optional modules. As a result, your software implementation may differ from descriptions in this
guide. To find out more about the modules your organization has purchased, see your corporate
purchasing agent or your Siebel sales representative.
U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Programs, Ancillary Programs and Documentation, delivered
subject to the Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, are “commercial
computer software” as set forth in DFARS 227.7202, Commercial Computer Software and Commercial
Computer Software Documentation, and as such, any use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs,
Ancillary Programs and Documentation shall be subject to the restrictions contained in the applicable
Siebel license agreement. All other use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs, Ancillary Programs
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Restricted Rights (June 1987), or FAR 52.227-14, Rights in Data—General, including Alternate III (June
1987), as applicable. Contractor/licensor is Siebel Systems, Inc., 2207 Bridgepointe Parkway, San
Mateo, CA 94404.
Proprietary Information
About Tracking Multiple Products for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics 278
Adding Dates to the Order Cycle Time Table for Post-Load Processing 279
About Configuring the Backlog Period Date for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics 281
Configuring the Backlog Period Date for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics 283
About the Grain at Which Currency Amounts and Quantities Are Stored 284
About the Sales Order Dates 285
Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics 287
Configuring Siebel Supply Chain Analytics for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics 288
Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics 289
Mapping Siebel General Ledger Analytics Account Numbers to Group Account Numbers
Filtering Extracts Based on Set of Books ID for Siebel General Ledger Analytics 313
Configuring Siebel General Ledger Analytics Transaction Extracts 314
Configuring General Ledger Cost Of Goods Extract 315
Configuring the General Ledger Account Hierarchies 315
Loading Hierarchies for Siebel General Ledger Analytics 316
Configuring the General Ledger Balance ID 319
Configuring AP Balance ID for Siebel Payables Analytics 320
Configuring AR Balance ID for Siebel Receivables Analytics and Siebel Profitability
Analytics 320
Configuring the AR Adjustments Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics 321
Configuring the AR Schedules Extract 322
Configuring the AR Cash Receipt Application Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics 322
Configuring the AR Credit-Memo Application Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics 323
About the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables for Siebel Profitability
Analytics 324
Configuring the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables for Siebel
Profitability Analytics 324
Extract, Transform, and Load for SAP R/3 325
Fact Table ETL Process for Header-Level Sales Data for SAP R/3 326
About Fact Table ETL Process for Detail-Level Information for SAP R/3 328
Siebel General Ledger Analytics Information for Nonsales Transactions for SAP R/3 329
Process of Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for SAP R/3 329
Extracting Data Posted at the Header Level for SAP R/3 329
Configuring the Group Account Number Categorization for Siebel General Ledger Analytics
Configuring the Transaction Types for Siebel Financial Analytics 331
Configuring the General Ledger Account Hierarchies 332
Configuring Hierarchy ID in Source Adapter for Siebel General Ledger Analytics 334
Configuring the Siebel General Ledger Analytics Balance Extract 335
Configuring the Siebel Payables Analytics Balance Extract 336
Configuring the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables for Siebel
Profitability Analytics 337
Configuring the Siebel Receivables Analytics Balance Extract 338
About PeopleSoft Trees in Siebel Financial Analytics 339
Process of Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for PeopleSoft 8.4 340
Customizing the PeopleSoft Tree Names 340
Importing PeopleSoft Trees Into the PowerCenter Repository 341
Configuring the Group Account Number Categorization for Siebel General Ledger Analytics
Configuring the Primary Ledger Name for Siebel General Ledger Analytics 343
Configuring the Primary Ledger Name for Siebel Payables Analytics 343
Configuring the Primary Ledger Name for Siebel Receivables Analytics 344
Configuring the Primary Ledger Name for Siebel Profitability Analytics 344
Process of Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for Post-Load Processing 345
Configuring Aging Buckets for Siebel Receivables Analytics 345
Configuring the History Period for the Invoice Level for Siebel Receivables Analytics 346
Configuring Aging Buckets for Siebel Payables Analytics 346
Configuring the History Period for the Invoice Level for Siebel Payables Analytics 347
Table 1 lists changes described in this version of the documentation to support Release 7.8.3 of the
Topic Description
Chapter 6, “Configuring the Siebel Added chapter. This chapter explains how to configure the
Business Analytics Repository for Siebel Business Analytics repository for the Siebel Customer-
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Centric Enterprise Warehouse applications.
Chapter 7, “Deploying Multiple Added chapter. This chapter provides instructions for
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise deploying multiple applications for the Siebel Customer-
Warehouse Applications” Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
Chapter 16, “Configuring Siebel Added chapter. This chapter combines the previous Siebel
Financial Analytics” Financial Analytics applications of Siebel General Ledger
Analytics, Siebel Payables Analytics, Siebel Receivables
Analytics, and Siebel Profitability Analytics.
Process of Configuring the Table Added a process that explains how to configure the Table
Analyze Utility on page 68 Analyzer Utility to analyze tables.
Setting Up the Representative Added a procedure that explains how to set up the
Activities Table on page 238 Representative Activities table.
Setting Up the Contact Added a procedure that explains how to set up the Contact
Representative Snapshot Table on Representative Snapshot table.
page 240
Setting Up the Benchmarks and Added a procedure that explains how to set up the
Targets Table on page 241 Benchmarks and Targets table.
Process of Configuring Siebel Added a process that explains how to configure Siebel
Enterprise Sales Analytics for SAP Enterprise Sales Analytics for SAP R/3.
R/3 on page 248
Topic Description
Process of Aggregating Siebel Added a process that explains how to aggregate Siebel
Enterprise Sales Analytics Tables on Enterprise Sales Analytics tables.
page 268
Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Added a section that lists the CSV worksheet files and the
Files for Siebel Enterprise Sales domain values for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics.
Analytics on page 287
Process of Configuring Workforce Added a process that explains how to configure Workforce
Payroll for Oracle 11i on page 301 Payroll for Oracle 11i.
Aggregating the Payroll Table for Added a procedure that explains how to set aggregate the
Siebel Enterprise Workforce Payroll table for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics.
Analytics on page 303
Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Added a section that lists the CSV worksheet files and the
Files for Siebel Enterprise Workforce domain values for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics.
Analytics on page 304
Mapping Siebel General Ledger Added a section that explains how to map Siebel General
Analytics Account Numbers to Ledger Analytics Accounts to Group Account Numbers.
Group Account Numbers on
page 312
Configuring the Customer Costs Added a procedure that explains how to configure Siebel
Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables Profitability Analytics for Oracle 11i.
for Siebel Profitability Analytics on
page 324
Configuring the Group Account Added a section that explains how to configure the Financial
Number Categorization for Siebel Statement Item Categorization for SAP R/3.
General Ledger Analytics on
page 330
Configuring the Customer Costs Added a procedure that explains how to configure Siebel
Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables Profitability Analytics for SAP R/3.
for Siebel Profitability Analytics on
page 337
About PeopleSoft Trees in Siebel Added a section that describes PeopleSoft Trees and explains
Financial Analytics on page 339 how they are used in Siebel Financial Analytics.
Process of Configuring Siebel Added a process that explains how to configure Siebel
Financial Analytics for Post-Load Financial Analytics for post-load processing.
Processing on page 345
Process of Configuring Siebel Added a process that explains how to configure Siebel
Financial Analytics for Post-Load Financial Analytics for post-load processing.
Processing on page 345
Topic Description
Process of Configuring Siebel Added a process that explains how to configure Siebel
Strategic Sourcing Analytics for SAP Strategic Sourcing Analytics for SAP R/3.
R/3 on page 355
Configuring Expenses for Post-Load Added a process that explains how to aggregate Siebel
Processing on page 363 Strategic Sourcing Analytics tables.
Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Added a section that lists the CSV worksheet files and the
Files for Siebel Strategic Sourcing domain values for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics.
Analytics on page 375
Process of Aggregating Siebel Added a process that explains how to aggregate Siebel
Supply Chain Analytics Tables on Supply Chain Analytics tables.
page 388
Additional Changes
This version of the documentation also contains the following general changes:
■ Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics replaces Workforce Operations and Workforce Retention.
To implement the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse follow the process of installing,
populating, and configuring as discussed in the subsequent chapters.
1 Determine your Analytics system configuration. This includes determining the expected
rate of growth for your data warehouse. For more information, see the following section in
Chapter 4, “Installing the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Environment”:
2 Set up system infrastructure. This includes servers, databases, users, and so on, in your
development environment. This step includes installing PowerCenter and patches. For more
information, see the following sections in Chapter 4, “Installing the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse Environment”:
3 Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL). Populate the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse repository with the ETL objects required for your data warehouse. For more
information, see Initializing and Populating the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse on
page 20.
4 Set up the data warehouse tables. Set up the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
tables. For more information, see Configuring the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse on page 20.
For more information on installing the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse, see Chapter 4,
“Installing the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Environment” This chapter covers the
tasks to be completed before and then during installing the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
To populate the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse, perform the following tasks:
1 Initialize the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. This task includes loading
prepackaged data provided by Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
2 Load data. This task includes running the workflows to populate the data warehouse with source
For more information on initializing and populating the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse, see Chapter 5, “Initializing and Populating the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse.” This chapter outlines tasks needed to prepare your data warehouse to perform your
initial data capture.
To configure the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse, perform the following tasks:
1 Perform Gap Analysis. This task includes comparing what is actually stored in the data
warehouse against what you expect to be stored.
2 Configure Repository Objects. This task includes changing the way in which data is loaded to
better meet your business requirements. It also includes resetting the run-time for any of the
sessions, worklets, or workflows.
3 Reload and Validate Data. After your objects are configured, you must perform a check on the
source data to verify that no data is missing. If data is missing, your reports may be inaccurate.
Therefore, you must run the extract mappings and then check the staging tables to verify that
the columns are populated.
Table 2 describes the chapters in this guide that provide more detail on the configuration phase of
the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse implementation.
Chapter Description
Chapter 3, “Planning Your Warehouse This chapter provides the methodology for
Configuration Project” comparing prepackaged the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse repository objects
with your business organization’s needs.
Chapter 4, “Installing the Siebel Customer- This chapter describes the tasks you must
Centric Enterprise Warehouse Environment” complete before and then during installing the
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
Chapter 5, “Initializing and Populating the This chapter outlines the tasks you must do to
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise prepare your data warehouse before performing
Warehouse” your initial data capture.
Chapter 6, “Configuring the Siebel Business This chapter describes how to configure the Siebel
Analytics Repository for Siebel Customer- Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
Centric Enterprise Warehouse” repository.
Chapter 7, “Deploying Multiple Siebel This chapter provides instructions for deploying
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse multiple applications for the Siebel Customer-
Applications” Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
Chapter 8, “Configuring Common Components This chapter provides instructions for modifying
of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise common components of the Siebel Customer-
Warehouse” Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
Chapter 9, “Configuring Siebel Customer- This chapter provides configuration procedures for
Centric Enterprise Warehouse for Oracle 11i” the Oracle 11i that span multiple applications.
Chapter 10, “Storing, Extracting, and Loading This chapter discusses the methodology for
Additional Data” storing additional data in the data warehouse. In
addition, it gives general procedures for extracting
and loading new data.
Chapter 11, “Integrating Additional Data” This chapter provides procedural information for
creating and modifying the ETL components as
well as creating and modifying the PLP
components to populate aggregate tables.
Chapter 12, “Checklist for Configuring Siebel After the Siebel Business Analytics application is
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse installed, you may need to configure certain
Applications” objects for particular sources to meet your
business needs.
Chapter 13, “Configuring Siebel Enterprise This chapter provides configuration information
Contact Center Analytics” about Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics.
Chapter Description
Chapter 14, “Configuring Siebel Enterprise This chapter provides configuration information
Sales Analytics” about the Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics
Chapter 15, “Configuring Siebel Enterprise This chapter provides configuration information
Workforce Analytics” about Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics.
Chapter 16, “Configuring Siebel Financial This chapter provides configuration information
Analytics” about the Financial Applications. The Financial
applications consist of Siebel General Ledger
Analytics, Siebel Payables Analytics, Siebel
Receivables Analytics, and Siebel Profitability
Chapter 17, “Configuring Siebel Strategic This chapter provides configuration information
Sourcing Analytics” about Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics.
Chapter 18, “Configuring Siebel Supply Chain This chapter provides configuration information
Analytics” about Siebel Supply Chain Analytics.
Additional Resources
The following documentation contains information that may be relevant to your use of Siebel
Business Analytics.
■ For more information about the system requirements and supported platforms, see the System
Requirements and Supported Platforms for Siebel Enterprise Analytic Applications.
■ For a list of domain values, see Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Data Model
■ For more information about the installation and configuration tasks related to Siebel Business
Analytics, see Siebel Analytics Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.
■ For more information about the Siebel Data Warehouse, see Siebel Analytics Applications
Installation and Administration Guide.
■ For more information about PowerCenter and PowerMart installation and requirements, see the
PowerCenter/PowerMart Installation QuickStart Guide and the PowerCenter/PowerMart
Installation and Configuration Guide.
This chapter provides guidelines on how to assess which objects need to be configured. After you
complete your configuration project, do not forget that every time a business rule changes, or
changes occur in your source system, you may need to configure this project again.
This chapter discusses important topics that are applicable to the planning of your configuration
project. It contains the following topics:
■ Extract Mapping. For more information, see Configurable Objects in the Extract Mapping on
page 24.
■ Load Mapping. For more information, see Configurable Objects in the Load Mapping on page 25.
■ Post-Load Processing Mapping. For more information, see Configurable Objects in the Post-
Load Processing Mapping on page 25.
■ Reporting. For more information, see Configurable Objects in the Reporting Area on page 26.
Where to configure an object depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Each stage performs
different tasks when sourcing, transforming, loading, and reporting data. Generally, data goes
through an extract mapping, load mapping, and front-end calculation process. Sometimes data also
goes through the post-load stage, where the data is transformed before populating an aggregate
table. Figure 1 illustrates these stages.
Each of these stages contains various objects that are configurable. The sections that follow describe
some of the common, configurable objects in each stage.
You can configure the Business Component mapplet to do any of the following tasks:
NOTE: Universal Source extract mappings do not contain Business Components. These mappings
have a flat file source which requires that most transformations be performed prior to the extract
You can configure the Expression transformation in the extract mapping to perform the following
The staging table is the target table for the extract mapping, and stores the extracted information.
You can configure the Source Qualifier transformation to filter records being loaded into the Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse target table.
The Source Adapter mapplet in the load mapping is where you usually find the source-dependent
transformations. This is the last, and preferred, stage at which you can perform source-dependent
You can configure the Source Adapter mapplet to do any of the following tasks:
■ Transform source data so that it becomes source-independent. For example, it maps some source
values to the Siebel Business Analytics domain values.
■ Provide values for dimension class table types, such as COMPANY as the business location type for
■ Load exchange rates and currency codes, instead of performing lookups to retrieve them.
■ Set the dimension IDs in fact loads so that it can resolve the dimension keys.
The ADI mapplet in the load mapping must not be configured at the mapping level. Instead, changes
must be made at the session level, using an SQL statement. The types of SQL statements include
redirecting lookups to dimension, code, exchange rate, and custom-built dimension tables. The
target tables of a load mapping can vary. If the table is a dimension load mapping, and Type 2
functionality has been enabled, you usually have two instances of the IA_* target table:
You also have an OD_* load control table. If the table is a fact load mapping, you usually have one
IA_* target table and an OD_* load control table.
For example, your definition of a sales order may not be the same as the definition in the Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. In addition to storing sales orders as defined by the Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse, the Sales Order table in your source system may also store
sales inquiries, sales estimates, or other customized data to suit your specific needs. If your
definition of sales orders is either more general or more specific than the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse definition, you must configure the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse to store the data you require. The research required to determine which areas you need
to configure is called gap analysis. For more information, see Gap Analysis on page 26.
Gap Analysis
Gap analysis identifies the difference, or gaps, between what a product does by default and what
your company needs the analytic solution to do. Gap analysis must be performed both at the time
of installation, and as you prepare to do the configuration. This chapter focuses on gap analysis in
terms of configuration.
TIP: It is recommended that you perform gap analysis, beginning with the front-end, and then work
your way down to the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. This approach saves you time
and effort. This chapter provides gap analysis only for the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
■ How you use the default features of your source system. Use your source system’s standard
■ How you have customized your source system. Use any documentation that describes
modifications to the source system’s default configuration. These documents may provide
information on the effect that customizations to your source system have on how data is
stored in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
■ The custom columns. The custom columns you need that fall outside of the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse data model.
■ Each data warehouse table column’s origin in your transaction source system
■ Your business rules. How your business rules differ from the ones assumed by the Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
1 Complete the installation and initialization processes described in the previous installation
chapters of this guide.
2 Use the default configuration to complete one entire extract and load cycle to populate the Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse with your data.
After the data warehouse is populated, you are ready to begin gap analysis.
1 Begin with your front-end reports. Do they meet your needs? If your requirements do not
exceed what is available in the reports, you do not have any gaps to analyze. Otherwise, you
need to identify information that is not available in the default reports. To do so, proceed to the
next step.
2 Continue with your front-end solution. Is the information you are seeking already available
in, or can it be derived from, the front-end metadata?
3 Conclude with the data warehouse data model. Is the information you need already being
extracted from the source system, or do the extracts need configuration?
There are two high-level possibilities for configuration at the back end:
■ The information you need is already extracted, but is not transformed and loaded as you require.
To reconfigure, modify the appropriate mappings to transform and load additional data into the
extension columns provided in the target table.
■ The information you need is not being extracted from your source system. There are many ways
to address this issue—the method you choose depends on how much information is required. You
can modify an existing extract mapping to extract the data, or create a new extract mapping.
■ Source specialist. The source specialist is often a consultant who has helped you implement
the source system or who works for the manufacturer. A source specialist knows your company’s
requirements of the source system, as well as customizations that must be included in the Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
■ Business analyst. The business analyst understands the intricacies of the business process and
your reporting requirements. For example, the Customer Relationship Management business
analyst understands how a sales order and an invoice are defined, and the information that is
sourced from them to produce the necessary reports.
■ Front-end specialist. The front-end specialist participates in designing reports and customizing
the user interface. The business analysts use these reports created by the front-end specialist.
■ Professional Services Consultants (PSCs). Siebel PSCs, or other third-party consultants, are
responsible for making sure that your implementation of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse runs smoothly. They provide expertise in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse, data warehousing concepts, and various source systems.
■ Data warehouse expert. The data warehouse expert is familiar with your storage
requirements, performance levels, and database access.
Configuration Guidelines
Although the applications are configurable, it is not recommended that you modify the data model
itself. Before performing any customization work, review the following best practices.
Entry Date
Number Entered Entered By Object Type Description of Change Status
This chapter describes the tasks you must complete before and then during installing Siebel Business
Analytics Applications (Enterprise) and Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
NOTE: Siebel Business Analytics Platform must be installed before the Siebel Business Analytics
Applications (Enterprise). For information on installing Siebel Analytics Platform, see the Siebel
Analytics Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.
To determine configuration requirements, you must identify the Siebel Business Analytics
components to be installed and plan their configuration in your environment. Some factors that
determine your installation configuration are:
■ Hardware costs
■ Connection information for source machines. Specify information about the network
addresses of the source system from which data needs to be extracted, any associated
constraints, ODBC connect strings, and so on.
■ Physical location of the server. Identify the specific machines and their IP addresses, disk
sizes, CPUs, memory, operating system, and so on.
■ Physical location of the databases. Specify the database to be configured on the servers. The
databases are used to house the data warehouse, staging tables, control tables, and so on.
You must also make sure of the following in relation to the physical location of the databases:
■ It is recommended that you locate the staging area and the data warehouse in a single
database with one user ID. This configuration makes it easier to create outer joins between
the staging area and data warehouse tables, without needing multiple synonyms.
■ If you do create a separate user for the staging tables and the data warehouse, your staging
area user must have select privileges on all the data warehouse objects. Create the
appropriate grant and synonym creation scripts necessary for this purpose. To minimize input
or output contention and improve performance, it is recommended that you create indexes
in a separate tablespace.
While you are preparing to install the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse, you must
gather information for your databases and repositories, such as passwords, IDs, and so on. Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse provide variables with predefined designations to act as
placeholders for the information needed throughout this guide. The variables begin with the dollar
symbol ($), followed by a name that represents the placeholder role. For example, the PowerCenter
Server requires a password for the UNIX user ID: $PC_SVR_UNIX_PASSWORD.
Table 4 lists the variable names for installing the PowerCenter. You can use this table as a worksheet,
and record the values applicable to your installation.
Options Key This key varies with each option you have
purchased with PowerCenter, for example
Team Based Development, Server Grid,
and so on. This information is provided
with your installation CDs.
Siebel Business Analytics and You are asked to provide the license XML
Siebel Customer-Centric file during your installation of Siebel
Enterprise Warehouse Key Business Analytics and Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse. This file is
provided with your installation CDs.
You must gather information for the data warehouse and the staging tables.
Table 5 lists information about the data warehouse and staging tables. You can use this table as a
worksheet and record the values applicable to your installation.
Some source systems and database platforms require additional steps, as detailed in this section. To
install PowerConnect for specific source systems, see the relevant PowerConnect User and
Administrator Guide.
NOTE: This section applies to customers using universal business adapters or SAP R/3.
Creating a Profile
The SAP R/3 administrator must create a profile in the R/3 system that allows you to use the
integration features. This profile must include authorization for the objects and related activities
listed in Table 6.
Contact your system administrator to create your database requirements. You need six table spaces
on your database for the following uses:
■ Staging Area
■ Indexes
■ Temporary Tables
This section provides instructions for installing the Java SDK. You need to install the Java SDK on the
machine where the PowerCenter Server is installed.
NOTE: You need to install Java SDK version 1.4.2.x. Later versions of Java SDK are not supported.
Make sure there are no spaces in the directory path. For example, on Windows:
This section provides instructions for setting the required environment variable for the Java SDK.
2 Add a new variable to the System variables called MY_JAVA_HOME, and add the path to the Java
SDK installation directory.
Installing PowerCenter
This task is a step in the Process of Installing PowerCenter and the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse on page 39.
Before installing any other product, you must install your basic PowerCenter platform. For more
information about PowerCenter installation and requirements, see the Siebel Analytics Applications
Installation and Administration Guide.
You must install Siebel Business Analytics Platform before you install the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse. For the supported version of Siebel Business Analytics for Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Siebel
Enterprise Analytic Applications. For more information about installing Siebel Business Analytics
Platform, see the Siebel Analytics Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse software uses a standard Windows installation
program (setup.exe) for installation. This task copies the Repository, Web Catalog, and ETL folders
and files to your machine.
For more information on installing Siebel Relationship Management Warehouse, see Siebel Analytics
Applications Installation and Administration Guide.
2 The installation wizard window prompts you through each screen, as shown in the following table.
To continue to the next screen, click Next. To return to a previous screen, click Back.
Screen Action
Installation To accept the default installation (to the C:\ drive), click
Directory Next.
Summary A list of all the features you have chosen, and the directory
Information where they are to be installed. Read this information to
(preinstallation) confirm it is correct. Click Next.
Installing Placeholder screen that appears while the installer installs all
the features you have selected. Click Next when done.
The shell repository is a placeholder for the PowerCenter Repository Server. This shell repository is
an empty repository that contains the folder structure, and the relational and application
connections. When you have installed your required Siebel Applications components, place the
Shell.rep file in the backup directory to restore the latest Siebel Business Analytics repository.
For information on how to restore the latest Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
repository, see Creating and Configuring an Empty Siebel Business Analytics Repository on page 43.
where $pmrepserver is the path of the PowerCenter Repository Server installation folder.
Related Topic
■ Modifying the Rollback Segments on page 42
For information on modifying rollback segments, contact your database administrator, or read the
documentation for your specific database.
This task creates a repository containing configuration folders for the different source systems that
Siebel Business Analytics supports. The Siebel Business Analytics has source-independent and
application-independent folders, as well as the Post-Load Process folder. After you create the
repository, you may want to delete the folders and the connections that are not applicable to you.
You can also configure your server information in the following procedure.
a In the left pane, select the PowerCenter Repository Servers node, which appears under Console
c Enter the host name (the machine where the repository resides).
d Accept the default port number 5001 or enter the appropriate port number. Click OK.
The Repository Server host name appears in the right pane under Hostname.
f In the Connection Information section, enter the Administrator password. Click OK.
4 In the General tab, enter a name for your new repository, and click Do not create any content.
5 Click the Database Connection tab and enter the following:
■ Database type
■ Code page
■ Connect string
■ Database user
■ Database password
6 Click the Licenses tab, and add your license key or keys, and Click Update.
7 Click OK.
8 Right-click on your new repository name, and click All Tasks, and Restore.
If you are sourcing from SAP R/3, then you must register the pmsapplg.xml plug-in on the repository.
5 In the Register Plugin dialog box, select your SAP R/3 Repository from the Repository drop-down
8 Click OK.
The Resolved IP Address box is unavailable, and displays the correct IP address of the server
6 Click Advanced.
8 Click OK.
2 Double-click Informatica.
4 In the General tab, in the Startup Type drop-down list, select Automatic.
You must import individual workflows for every application purchased within the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse. Each application involves importing the application-specific XML file
using the PowerCenter Repository Manager or the command line. For example, for the Siebel Supply
Chain Analytics applications there are two XML files—
SupplyChain_Application_Oracle11i_Import_Control.xml and
SupplyChain_Application_Oracle11i.xml. Use the SupplyChain_Application_Oracle11i.xml file to
import the object metadata into the repository.
NOTE: The process of importing the object metadata into the repository could use a large amount
of memory and can be time-consuming on the machine that runs the import. For this reason, do not
leave the process, using the PowerCenter Repository Manager, unattended. If you want to use an
unattended process, please use the command line approach described in the following section.
To import the object metadata into the repository using the Repository Manager
1 Open Repository Manager and connect to the repository.
4 Click Browse, and open your XML file in the $Siebel\ETL\Applications folder
where $Siebel is the path of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse installation
NOTE: Click the Add All and not the Add option.
6 In the Match Folders screen, match the folders in your XML file to the folders in your destination
repository, and click Next.
8 Click Import.
To import the object metadata into the repository using the command line
1 Navigate to the $Siebel\ETL\Applications folder, and open the application-specific Import
Control XML file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad.
2 Replace all occurrences of the TARGETREPOSITORYNAME with the repository name you entered
in Creating and Configuring an Empty Siebel Business Analytics Repository on page 43.
For example, you see the following line in the XML file:
If your repository name is MY_REPOSITORY, then change the line to the following:
3 Start a command window and navigate to the $pmclient folder where $pmclient is the path of
the PowerCenter Client installation directory.
The final step in creating your development repository is to back up the repository.
4 Enter the repository user name, password, and file name for the repository backup file.
5 (Optional) If you want to overwrite an existing repository backup file, choose to replace the
existing file.
The PowerCenter data files you must move are currently located on the machine where you installed
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
For Windows systems, copy the folders as described in the following procedure. For UNIX systems,
use FTP to access these files, and be sure you use binary mode.
This section describes how to create schema control tables so that the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse can operate successfully.
If you already have a Siebel Relationship Management Warehouse (RMW), the following procedure
modifies the existing date tables and adds columns required for the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse. If you do not have a RMW, this step creates the necessary date tables.
If you already have a RMW, you need to drop the following tables before creating the data warehouse
schema control tables:
The data in these tables have smart keys, so the link between the fact tables and the preceding
dimension tables are not broken after dropping, recreating, and reloading the data into these tables.
The W_WEEK_D table in the RMW is used to store fiscal weeks. In the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse, the W_WEEK_D table stores calendar weeks, and the W_FSC_WEEK_D table
stores fiscal weeks. You need to change the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
Repository where applicable.
NOTE: If you added extra columns to the these RMW tables as part of your customization, you need
to add the columns again after you create Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse schema
control tables.
■ ddlsme_warehouse.ctl
■ ddlsme_staging.ctl
■ ddlsme_control.ctl
■ ddlsme_temp.ctl
3 Create a role in the database called SSE_ROLE with privileges to create objects.
5 Open the command prompt window, and change the directory to the folder where the preceding
files are copied.
6 Create the data model, including all the required tables for the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse, by using the following command:
NOTE: For the Oracle ODBC connection using the Siebel Merant ODBC driver is the preferred
To populate the fields, you must run the Common Initialization Workflow. For more information on
common initialization workflows, see About the Initialization Workflow on page 56.
This section applies only to Siebel Supply Chain Analytics for Oracle 11i and the Siebel Enterprise
Workforce Analytics applications for PeopleSoft 8.4.
Stored procedures are a group of SQL statements that perform particular tasks on the database. For
example, stored procedures can help to improve the performance of the database.
You can deploy stored procedures by copying the stored procedure files from your Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse installation and deploying them to the target data warehouse.
NOTE: Some sessions may fail if these procedures are not compiled in the database before running
the workflows.
■ For PeopleSoft 8.4, copy the source code build_posn_sets.sql into the target data
warehouse schema.
NOTE: If you have problems deploying the stored procedures, see your database reference guide,
or contact your database administrator.
To create the seed data you must run some SQL statements on your data warehouse. These SQL
statements insert a row with zero (0) as the primary key in the Dimension and Fact tables.
For more information on configuring Siebel Business Analytics Web Catalog, see Siebel Analytics
Web Administration Guide.
This chapter outlines the tasks you must perform to prepare your data warehouse before performing
your initial data capture.
■ About Modifying Session Parameters for Initial and Incremental Loads on page 61
3 The source-specific main workflow. For more information on the source-specific main
workflow, see About the Source-Specific Main Workflows on page 60.
4 The post-load workflow. The post-load processing initial workflow or the post-load processing
workflow, whichever is in your configuration folder. For more information on the post-load
processing workflow, see About Working with Post-Load Processing Workflows on page 65.
2 The post-load workflow. The post-load processing incremental workflow or the post-load
processing workflow, whichever is in your configuration folder. For more information on the post-
load processing workflow, see About Working with Post-Load Processing Workflows on page 65.
Sources and targets found in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse folder are usually
defined with the database type DB2. The source-specific folders in the Designer navigator window
also contain sources and targets defined for databases other than what you actually run. However,
you must specify your database type in Workflow Manager. The only limitation is that a single Source
Qualifier needs to read from all the tables (with the same database type) that are defined in a
NOTE: If you have more than one source, you must modify the connection for each flat file or
Configuring these database connections also helps to make sure that Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse is installed correctly. Configure all three repository connections listed in the
preceding paragraph for each of your source types.
Each source type requires a relational database connection, or an application database connection,
or both. Relational and application connections have been defined for the following:
If you want to use these connections, you can edit their properties. Otherwise, you must create a
new connection. For a list of source types and their connection configuration, see Table 7.
Oracle 11i IA_ORA11i_SOURCE Relational
a Click Edit....
5 Click New....
6 In the Connection Object Definition box, type the appropriate Database Name, User Name,
Password, Connect String, and Code Page, and click OK.
■ Source
■ Staging area
■ Data warehouse
8 Click Close.
5 Click New....
6 In the Connection Object Definition box, type the appropriate Database Name, User Name,
Password, Connect String, and Code Page for your source connection.
5 Enter your source database connection in the From field, and your new source database
connection in the To field.
6 Click Replace.
NOTE: You cannot replace or copy an application database connection. You have to delete the
original application connection, and create a new connection with the same name. For example, if
you want to extract from a PeopleSoft DB2 database, you have to delete the existing PeopleSoft
Oracle application connection called, IA_PSFT8_SOURCE. Create a new application connection using
PeopleSoft DB2, with the same name, IA_PST8_SOURCE.
The optimization procedure updates information about the distribution of key values, and improves
the performance of operations (for example, starting the workflow or opening mappings). It is also
recommended that you run an update, statistics operation on both your source and target databases.
When the repository has been restored, and you are satisfied with your setup, you are then ready to
run the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse initialization workflows. For more information
about initializing workflows, see About Working with Workflows on page 55.
Some of these prepackaged files require no interaction from you. They are already packaged with
the data that has to be loaded. Several prepackaged files are required by the Siebel Business
Analytics to properly manage your data, and are initialized when you run the common initialization
workflows. However, some of the prepackaged files do require further information that is specific to
your data warehouse, so you can edit these files as described in this chapter.
The common initialization workflow must be run only once, but it is run before any of the other
workflows. The INITIALIZE workflow contains prepackaged files that are required by your system,
regardless of your source type, to use the Siebel Business Analytics installation.
The common initialization workflow contains four worklets and one stand-alone workflow:
These worklets, nested within the initialization workflows, write results to the target tables specified
in Table 9. A worklet is an object that represents a set of tasks. It allows you to reuse a set of
workflow instructions in several workflows. Table 9 lists the common initialization worklets and the
target tables.
SIL_DayDimension_GenerateRow1 W_DUAL_G
SIL_DayDimension_GenerateRow2 W_DUAL_G
SIL_DayDimension_GenerateRow3 W_DUAL_G
SIL_DayDimension_GenerateRow4 W_DUAL_G
SIL_DayDimension_GenerateRow5 W_DUAL_G
SIL_DayDimension_GenerateRow6 W_DUAL_G
SIL_DayDimension_GenerateRow7 W_DUAL_G
SIL_DayDimension_GenerateSeed W_DUAL_G
SIL_DayDimension_Unspecified W_DAY_D
SIL_FiscalMonthDimension W_FSC_MONTH_D
SIL_FiscalWeekDimension W_FSC_WEEK_D
SIL_MonthDimension W_MONTH_D
SIL_QuarterDimension W_QTR_D
SIL_WeekDimension W_WEEK_D
SIL_FiscalQuarterDimension W_FSC_QTR_D
SIL_FiscalYearDimension W_FSC_YEAR_D
SIL_YearDimension W_YEAR_D
SIL_DayDimension_CleanSeed W_DUAL_G
■ timespan.txt
■ dates.txt
You modify the timespan.txt and the dates.txt files. These files reflect your data warehouse time
span. Do not modify the other files in the INITIALIZE workflow, because the system requires those
default values during installation.
Timespan.txt File
Required by the INITIALIZE workflow. Open the timespan.txt, edit the $$START_DATE, and the
Time.txt File
Required by the Z_LOAD_DATES_TIME worklet. The time.txt file contains references to the
time_am.csv, and time_pm.csv files. Do not modify the file.
Dates.txt File
Required by the INITIALIZE workflow, the dates.txt file contains pointers to each of the
Dates_xxxx_xxxx CSV files. You must configure this file to match your data warehouse requirement
for a time horizon.
Dates_XXXX_XXXX.csv Files
Required by the Z_LOAD_DATES_TIME worklet. The date CSV files are used as described under the
heading, Dates.txt. Do not modify the Dates_xxxx_xxxx.csv files.
The dates dimension (IA_DATES) contains fields that you can configure to store fiscal calendar
information. By default, the fields that contain the fiscal information are populated with calendar
information. Therefore, if your fiscal calendar differs from the standard calendar, you must configure
one of two prepackaged CSV files (fiscal_months.csv, and fiscal_week.csv). Your fiscal calendar must
be set up such that fiscal weeks roll up to fiscal months, which roll up to fiscal quarters, which roll
up to fiscal dates. By default, the Z_UPDATE_FISCAL_DATES_BY_WEEKS workflow is disabled, and
you load the fiscal calendar by running the Z_UPDATE_FISCAL_DATES_BY_MONTHS.
The explanations that follow help you to determine your system needs, and to choose an appropriate
option, based on how much information you want to specify.
2 Following the format specified in the spreadsheet, start with row six and enter the number of
your fiscal year in column A, month in column B, and week in column C.
Enter the start date of the fiscal week for a given year in column D.
3 Repeat the numbering process for each week in the fiscal year.
Follow the preceding procedure to edit the fiscal_months.csv file used by the
Z_UPDATE_FISCAL_DATES_BY_MONTHS worklet to configure your fiscal calendar.
You may want to remove some worklets that are not part of your implementation, depending on the
module or product family you want to use. After configuring your main workflow, run it to capture
your first, complete extraction of all the rows in your source database. The result provides you with
a populated target schema that you can use for further configuration.
Most of the source-specific main workflows that you see in the Navigation window of the Workflow
Manager contain nested worklets.
■ Prepare worklet
If rows are physically removed from your source system, you must make a choice about retaining
the rows in your data warehouse:
■ If you want to retain the rows in the data warehouse even though the rows are removed from
the source system, then keep the default primary extract sessions, and the corresponding delete
session disabled.
■ If you do not want to retain the rows in the data warehouse after they are removed from the
source system, then enable the default primary extract sessions, and the corresponding delete
■ If your source system archives rows, you may want to set a parameter to search for archive
dates, and then execute the delete session only on rows that have been archived and are no
longer needed in the warehouse. See the discussion on deletion configuration for source-archived
records, in About Working with Primary Extract and Delete Mappings on page 126.
■ The PRE_D sessions for aggregate tables are disabled. If you enable the primary extract sessions
and the corresponding delete sessions, you should also enable the corresponding PRE_D
■ PARM_TYPE. The PARM_TYPE column represents the source system you are working on. For
example, PeopleSoft 8.4 has a value of PSFT80.
■ PARM_CODE. The PARM_CODE column contains the name of the session concatenated with the
session parameter name. You have to configure this value. For example, in both the initial and
incremental extracts mappings in Table 11, you use the LAST_EXTRACT_DATE parameter.
■ PARM_NVALUE_1. The PARM_NVALUE_1 column represents the number of days you want to use
as your extraction window. For your initial loads, the value is 0. For incremental loads with a
window of 4 days from the current system date, the value is 4. For more information on
configuring these dates, see Configuring the Date Parameters for Parameter Files on page 63.
■ PARM_SVALUE_3. The PARM_SVALUE_3 column represents the mapplet name. For Siebel
Business Analytics, most of the extraction logic is hidden in the business component mapplet.
The mapplet name corresponds to the PARM_CODE column.
■ PARM_DVALUE_1. The PARM_DVALUE_1 column represents the date that is used for initial runs.
The value from this column is used only when PARM_NVALUE_1 has a non-zero value.
■ SOURCE_ID. The SOURCE_ID always represents the source system you are working on. For
example, PeopleSoft 8.4 has a value of PSFT84.
If you want incremental runs with a two-day window for the first two sessions, you change only the
PARM_NVALUE_1 column for the corresponding sessions. If you want incremental runs with a three-
day and four-day window for the third and the fourth sessions, you also change the PARM_NVALUE_1
column for the corresponding sessions. When PARM_NVALUE_1 has a nonzero value, PARM_DVALUE_1
is not used. For an example of how your parameter file (file_parameters_psft8.csv) would appear
for incremental loads, see Table 12.
Table 12. Example of the file_parameters_psft8.csv Parameter File for an Incremental load
2 Copy your CSV file to the SRCFiles folder under the PowerCenter Server folder.
6 Change your new date in every session you want to run incrementally.
NOTE: If you are using the Configuration for Oracle 11i and the Configuration for SAP R/3 folders,
then you do not have to configure the database parameter. For SAP R/3, the extracts are done using
ABAP codes, and the initial and incremental filters do not depend on any specific back-end database.
For Oracle 11i, you use the ORACLE RDBMS.
7 Set the expression for the port DATABASE_NAME_VAR with the database value you are using for
your source system:
To configure the database parameter for the target data warehouse database
1 Start the Designer.
7 Set the expression for the port DATABASE_NAME_VAR with the database value you are using for
your target data warehouse database system:
The post-load processing workflows search for an indicator file before they start running. This
indicator file is created by the Execution Finished Worklet, and is called, file_plp_<suite name>.ind.
TIP: If you want the post-load processing workflow to start as soon as your fact loads complete,
schedule these two workflows at the same time. The post-load processing workflow starts as soon
as the indicator file appears in its directory.
NOTE: The Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics applications have a post-load processing initial
workflow and a post-load processing incremental workflow. Run the initialization workflow the first
time you load your data warehouse, and run the incremental workflow to refresh your data
NOTE: This section assumes that your data warehouse is already in production and you have taken
care of any possible data issues.
However, some workflow failures require changes to the session properties. You need to make the
required changes to the session properties, save the changes in the repository, and resume the
suspended workflow. If the workflow fails with your new changes, abort the workflow, and restart
the workflow from the task.
Scenario for a Workflow In Failed Mode and the Shut Down of the
PowerCenter Server
You can restart the PowerCenter Server, and restart the workflow from the task, after investigating
and resolving the issue that causes the workflow to fail. For example, a workflow fails and the
PowerCenter Server is shut down because of memory problems.
To resume a workflow
1 Start the Workflow Monitor.
If you have multiple session failures in the same level, you need to click Restart Task for each
session. Click Restart Workflow From Task for the last session.
The Siebel Business Analytics Installer creates three folders—DB2UDB, Oracle, and MSSQL. In each
folder there is a subfolder called Query Performance. In each Query Performance folder there is a file
called create_indexes_<db_platform>.sql. After the initial ETL load, run the script to create all
additional indexes to enhance the query performance of your Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse. You can enhance the script by adding parallel statements for database servers that have
multiple processes. Also, the Database Administrator can split the script into multiple scripts and run
them in parallel.
After creating these indexes the Database Administrator runs the appropriate, update-statistics
operation for the customer RDBMS to update the statistics on the index statements.
For Oracle, the script creates a bitmap index on every foreign key in a fact table. These bitmap
indexes enhance the performance during the query time but they are slow to update during data
inserts or updates. It is recommended that you drop these indexes before the ETL incremental run
and recreate the indexes after the run. You can create a PowerCenter mapping to call a drop index
script and another mapping to call a create index script.
It is possible that the bitmap index on a foreign key could prevent the optimizer from using the
multicolumn index. This happens when there is a filter on some dimension, which the optimizer
assumes would reduce the number of selected fact records. If this reduction does not happen, then
the foreign key index can slow the query. The Database Administrator can delete or deactivate the
You can build more aggregates on the large fact tables to reduce the number of indexes and increase
the report performance. You need to compare the time taken for updating the indexes on a fact table
with the time required to update the aggregate table during the ETL incremental run.
For more information on the general guidelines for setting up the Siebel Data Warehouse, see Siebel
Analytics Applications Installation and Administration Guide.
For the ETL process to work efficiently, you need to analyze the target database tables and compute
statistics on them during the ETL process. This is a critical step to avoid significant delays in the ETL
The preconfigured workflows you see in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse depends
on the application and the data source adapter that you have purchased. Each workflow contains a
set of worklets, and each worklet contains a set of sessions, each of which loads one or more target
tables. These target database tables need to be analyzed for the database to use the most efficient
plan for running a SQL statement that is generated by the ETL process.
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse uses the Table Analyze Utility to analyze tables
after they are loaded. After the data is loaded into a table, the Table Analyze Utility uses an analyze
table command for the specific table in the correct database. If the next session uses the previously
analyzed table as a source and pushes SQL to the database using this table as a joined table, then
the database knows that statistics are available for the table and it can produce the most effective
execution plan immediately. The Table Analyze Utility improves the overall ETL performance.
■ Setting the Database Connection Information for the Table Analyze Utility on page 69
■ Setting the Program Parameters for the Table Analyze Utility on page 70
■ Creating the Encrypted Password File for the Table Analyze Utility on page 72
Related Topic
■ About Creating Command Tasks on page 74
You need to add the path of your target database's JDBC drivers to the CLASSPATH environment
variable. Depending on what target warehouse database you use, the JDBC drivers needs to be
installed on the PowerCenter Server machine:
■ Oracle. If you are using an Oracle database (other than 8.x), find the directory where Oracle is
installed. The JDBC driver is named ojdbc14.jar in the jdbc\lib directory.
If you are using Oracle 8.x, the JDBC driver file is named
■ DB2. If you are using a DB2 database, find the directory where DB2 is installed. The JDBC driver
is named in the Java subdirectory.
■ MSSQL. If you are using an MSSQL database, download the SQL Server JDBC drivers from
Microsoft’s Web site. The JDBC drivers are named msbase.jar, mssqlserver.jar, and msutil.jar.
■ Teradata. If you are using a Teradata database, find the directory where Teradata is installed.
The JDBC drivers are named terajdbc4.jar, log4j.jar, and tdgssjava.jar. Depending on the
Teradata JDBC version, you may not have log4j.jar and tdgssjava.jar.
You need to set the database connection information before you execute the Table Analyze Utility
3 Edit fields in the file depending on your database type, as shown in the
following table.
You need to set the program parameters information before you execute the Table Analyze Utility
Parameter Description
logDirectory The log directory. The file AnalazerLog is created in this folder. The
program creates a new folder if one does not exist. If the folder is left
empty no log files are created.
If you are providing a log directory location, you need to add two back
slashes instead of the one back slash. For example, on Windows:
C:\\Program Files\\Informatica\\PowerCenterServer7.1.2
If you are providing a custom statistics XML file location, you need to
add two back slashes instead of the one back slash. For example, on
Parameter Description
ConcurrencyLevel This parameter identifies how many tables are analyzed simultaneously.
Note: parallelism is achieved only when you make multiple calls to
utility. A set of tables specified in a call runs sequentially.
NOTE: For DB2, check the concurrency level with the Database
Administrator. If deadlocks occur, set the value to 1.
GatherStats The value for this parameter is Y or N. You can set the value to N to avoid
analyzing tables without removing the call to the program from the
session. Otherwise set the parameter value to Y.
NumberOfRetries This parameter identifies how many attempts is made to analyze a table
before failing. If this parameter is not set, the default value of 10 is
Timeout Time (in milliseconds) before the analysis call is considered to fail. No
timeout is used if this parameter is not set.
You need to copy the Table Analyze files to the PowerCenter Server folder.
■ customsql.xml
To create an encrypted password file, you would need to add the OctopusUtils.jar to the CLASSPATH
environment variable.
For example:
The password for the database user name is stored in an encrypted format in a separate file.
■ For Windows:
■ For Unix:
NOTE: You need to modify the call in the analyze session if you use a file name different to
database.psw. You can have multiple sets of database properties, password files, and
customsql.xml files.
There is an additional configuring step when the PowerCenter server is installed on UNIX.
6 Click OK.
Tables are run sequentially when using the Table Analyze Utility for a list of tables. Running multiple
Table Analyze Utilities results in multiple tables being analyzed at the same time (if ConcurencyLevel
is higher than 1).
The Table Analyze Utility uses the W_ETL_STAT_UTIL data warehouse table. There is a record created
in the W_ETL_STAT_UTIL table for each analyzed table. If a table is analyzed daily, a new record is
created for each day. When the Table Analyze Utility examines multiple tables, a record for each table
is created, when all the previous tables are successfully analyzed.
If you want to cancel a request, find the analyzed table name and set the ABORT_FLG to Y in the
TABLE_NAME column. The Table Analyze Utility cancels the table analysis and skips the remaining
Table Analyze Utility returns an error code on completion. Table 13 lists the error codes and their
Code Description
0 Success
■ Windows
■ Unix
where the PropertiesFile is the name and path of the properties file. The PasswordFile is the name
and path of the encrypted password file.
You can gather statistics for any of the target tables that are loaded by your sessions, by creating a
similar stand alone command task by calling the reusable ANALYZE command task. For example, you
could create a post session command task for any of your sessions by reusing the ANALYZE task and
adding the target table name to need to be analyze.
Use your post session command task if you have to create a new file for any of
the following reasons:
■ Your target table resides on a different schema with different connection information.
■ You decide to gather (or not to gather) analyzed logs for a specific table.
■ You decide to use a different syntax for a table and you have a new copy of customsql.xml file.
You must have a different concurrency level set for the each specific session.
This chapter describes how to configure the Siebel Business Analytics repository for the Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
■ Setting Up Additional Time Series Metrics for Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse on
page 78
■ About the Period Ago Keys for Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse on page 87
■ About Configuring Usage Tracking for Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse on page 87
■ About the Incremental Deployment of the Siebel Business Analytics Repository on page 87
Siebel Business Analytics repository uses three connection pools to the Physical layer:
■ Siebel Data Warehouse Connection Pool. The Siebel Data Warehouse Connection Pool is the
main connection pool in the Siebel Business Analytics repository. You need to configure this
connection pool to connect to your physical data warehouse. The connection is used by the
session initialization blocks. You can use this connection pool to set up a dynamic data source
■ Siebel Data Warehouse DBAuth Connection Pool. The Siebel Data Warehouse DBAuth
Connection Pool is used if database authentication is required.
■ Siebel Data Warehouse Repository Initblocks Connection Pool. You need to configure the
Siebel Data Warehouse Repository Initblocks Connection Pool to connect to the your physical
data warehouse. The connection is used by the repository level initialization blocks. Repository
level initialization blocks cannot be configured to use the dynamic data source name.
■ OLAP_DSN. The value of the OLAP_DSN static variable is set to the data source name for the
database warehouse.
■ OLAP_USER. The value of the OLAP_USER static variable is set to the database user name for
the database warehouse.
■ OLAPTBO. The value of the OLAPTBO static variable is set to the database table owner for the
database warehouse.
where $SAHome is the path of Siebel Business Analytics Server installation folder.
2 In the Physical pane, double-click the Siebel Business Analytics Data Warehouse.
b Type the database source name in the Data source name box.
3 Repeat Step a through Step d for the Siebel Enterprise DBAuth Connection Pool and Siebel Data
Warehouse Repository Initblocks Connection Pool connection pools.
4 Edit the OLAP_DSN, OLAP_USER, and OLAPTBO variables, and close the Variables Manager window.
Secondary dates are shown to the end users by a detailed presentation folder. The detailed
presentation folder is typically called the Details folder.
For example, if the Invoice fact table has three metrics called Invoice Amount, Fulfill Amount, and
Paid Amount, then each of these metrics need to be reported by the corresponding date—Invoice
Date, Fulfill Date, and Payment Date.
In Table 14, each of the metrics reflect the activity related to that event for the entire period, for
example, Invoice Amount by Invoice Date, Fulfill Amount by Fulfill date, and Payment Amount by
Payment Date.
2 Right-click on Siebel Business Analytics Data Warehouse in the Physical layer, and create a new
physical alias for the fact table.
3 Create Joins for the physical alias which are the similar to the base fact table.
The Join to the date dimension is changed to use the date role in question.
4 Create a new logical table source in the logical fact table that maps the metrics for the physical
fact alias.
The grain of the fact table is the same as the base fact table.
NOTE: You need to map each metric to one logical table source at the Detail Level.
2 Right-click on Siebel Business Analytics Data Warehouse in the Physical layer, and create a new
Period Ago physical alias table.
3 Create additional tables in the Physical Layer for each Period Ago alias required.
These aliases need to have the same joins as the base fact table, except for the date join, which
you can change in the next step. Setting up this alias is easier to accomplish by copying the base
4 Change the join to the date dimension (W_DAY_D) to use the appropriate Period Ago Key.
5 Map the Period Ago metrics in the logical table using the new fact alias by creating a new logical
table source under the fact table.
6 Set the content pane levels for the period ago logical table source, to specify the level of the
source data.
4 Join the dimension table alias to the fact table alias using the appropriate keys.
The merged repository can have conflicts for the following variables:
You must decide which of these common variables to use. You need to rename or delete the variables
you no longer require.
4 In the Modified repository, click Select, and open the SiebelAnalytics.rpd (Siebel Relationship
Management Warehouse).
5 Click Merge.
6 In the Modified repository, click Select, and open the SiebelAnalytics.rpd (Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse).
Table 15 lists the Siebel Business Analytics repository date variables and their descriptions.
BUILD Holds the internal build number information for the Siebel
Business Analytics Repository.
CAL_MONTH_YEAR_AGO Returns the value of Previous Year Month in the YYYY/MM format.
CURRENT_FSCL_MONTH Returns the value of Current Fiscal Month in the YYYY/MM format.
CURRENT_FSCL_QUARTER Returns the value of Current Fiscal Quarter in the YYYY Q n format.
CURRENT_FSCL_WEEK Returns the value of Current Fiscal Week in the YYYY Week nn
CURRENT_FSCL_YEAR Returns the value of Current Fiscal Year in the FYYYYY format.
CURRENT_JULIAN_DAY_NUM Returns the value of Current Julian Date Number.
CURRENT_WEEK Returns the value of Current Week in the YYYY Week nn format.
PREVIOUS_FSCL_MONTH Returns the value of Previous Fiscal Month in the YYYY/MM format.
PREVIOUS_FSCL_WEEK Returns the value of Previous Fiscal Week in the YYYY Weeknn
PREVIOUS_FSCL_YEAR Returns the value of Previous Fiscal Year in the FYYYYY format.
PREVIOUS_WEEK Returns the value of Previous Week in the YYYY Weeknn format.
NEXT_FSCL_MONTH Returns the value of Next Fiscal Month in the YYYY / MM format.
NEXT_FSCL_WEEK Returns the value of Next Fiscal Week in the YYYY Weeknn format.
NEXT_FSCL_YEAR Returns the value of Next Fiscal Year in the FYYYYY format.
NEXT_MONTH Returns the value of Next Month in the YYYY / MM format.
NEXT_WEEK Returns the value of Next Week in the YYYY Weeknn format.
YEAR_AGO_DAY Returns the value of year ago date in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
TIME_OFFSET Returns the difference between the current date and a given
number of days value. It is primarily used for testing to simulate
an earlier or later date. You could set the variable to the number
of days you want the preceding date variables to be moved back.
REF_JULIAN_DATE Stores the start date of the Julian calendar and should not be
REF_JULIAN_DATE_NUM Stores the Julian number for the start of the Julian calendar and
should not be changed.
IS_CME_ORDER_NUM Set to 1 if the Order is a CME Order. This variable should not be
CURRENT_BALANCE_DK_AP Returns the value of the last date key for the available Accounts
Payable balance. It is used in Accounts Payable Account Balance
CURRENT_BALANCE_DK_AR Returns the value of the last date key for the available Accounts
Receivables balance. It is used in Accounts Receivable Account
Balance Computation.
CURRENT_BALANCE_DK_GL Returns the value of the last date key for the available General
Ledger balance. It is used in General Ledger Account Balance
Table 16 lists the Web Catalog configuration variables and their descriptions in the Siebel Business
Analytics repository.
FILTER_CAL_FROM_YEAR You need to set this variable to the earliest year for the Year global
FILTER_CAL_TO_YEAR You need to set this variable to the earliest year for the Year global
FILTER_FSCL_FROM_YEAR You need to set this variable to the earliest year for the Year global
FILTER_FSCL_TO_YEAR You need to set this variable to the earliest year for the Year global
For more information about configuring user authentication, see Siebel Analytics Server
Administration Guide.
For more information on adding a user to repository user group, see Siebel Analytics Server
Administration Guide.
Table 17 lists the groups in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse repository.
Administrators The Administrators user group has all rights and privileges.
It cannot be removed.
Agent Scorecard User This user group is able to view Agent Scorecard application
AP Analyst This user group is able to view application content for Siebel
Payables Analytics.
AR Analyst This user group is able to view application content for Siebel
Receivables Analytics.
CFO This user group is able to view most of the Siebel Financial
Analytics application content.
Contact Center and Agent This user group is able to view Siebel Enterprise Contact
Performance Analyst Center and Agent Performance application content.
Contact Center and Agent This user group is able to view a subset of Siebel Enterprise
Performance User Contact Center and Agent Performance application content.
Contact Center Sales Analyst This user group is able to view Siebel Enterprise Contact
Center Sales Analytics application content.
Contact Center Sales User This user group is able to view a subset of Siebel Enterprise
Contact Center Sales Analytics application content.
Controller This user group is able to view application content for Siebel
General Ledger Analytics and Siebel Profitability Analytics.
Customer Service Analyst This user group is able to view Customer Service for Siebel
Enterprise Contact Center Analytics application content.
Customer Service User This user group is able to view a subset of Customer Service
for Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics application
Enterprise Contact Center User This user group is able to view Siebel Enterprise Contact
Center Analytics application content.
Financial Analyst This user group is able to view Siebel Financial Analytics
application content.
Human Resources Analyst This user group is able to view Siebel Enterprise Workforce
Analytics application content.
Human Resources Vice President This user group is able to view high-level application content
for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics application.
Inventory Analyst This user group is able to view application content for Siebel
Supply Chain Analytics application.
Inventory Manager This user group is able to view high-level application content
for Siebel Supply Chain Analytics application.
Primary Owner-Based Security Used for securing owner-based data elements that come
from the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
transactional system.
Primary Position-Based Security Used for securing position-based data elements that come
from the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
transactional system.
Purchasing Buyer This user group is able to view Siebel Strategic Sourcing
Analytics application content pertaining to purchasing.
Sales Executive Analytics This user group is able to view high-level application content
for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics application.
Sales Manager This user group is able to view most of the high-level
application content for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics
Sales Manager Analytics This user group is able to view most of the high-level
application content for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics
Sales Operations Analytics This user group is able to view operational application
content for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics application.
Sales Representative Analytics This user group is able to view low-level application content
for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics application.
Sales Rev and Fulfill Analyst This user group is able to view the content for Siebel
Enterprise Sales Analytics Revenue and Fulfillment
Sales Rev and Fulfill Exec This user group is able to view the high-level application
content for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics Revenue and
Fulfillment application.
Sales Rev and Fulfill Mgr This user group is able to view most of the high-level
application content for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics
Revenue and Fulfillment application.
Sales Rev and Fulfill Rep This user group is able to view low-level application content
for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics Revenue and Fulfillment
Sales Revenue Analyst This user group is able to view the content for Siebel
Enterprise Sales Analytics Revenue application.
Sales Revenue Exec This user group is able to view the high-level application
content for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics Revenue
Sales Revenue Mgr This user group is able to view most of the high-level
application content for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics
Revenue application.
Sales Revenue Rep This user group is able to view low-level application content
for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics Revenue application.
Service Delivery and Costs Analyst This user group is able to view Service Delivery and Costs for
Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics application
Service Delivery and Costs User This user group is able to view a subset of Service Delivery
and Costs for Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics
application content.
Supplier Performance Analyst This user group is able to view Siebel Strategic Sourcing
Analytics application content pertaining to supplier
Supplier Performance Manager This user group is able to view high-level content for Siebel
Strategic Sourcing Analytics application pertaining to
supplier performance.
Supply Chain Executive This user group is able to view Siebel Supply Chain Analytics
and Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics application content.
For more information about configuring the Group variable, see Siebel Analytics Web Administration
Figure 3 shows an example of an initialization block that associates a user to a Group membership.
These fields are used in joins to Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse fact tables to achieve
the period ago metrics. The surrogate keys in Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse fact
tables uses are different to the surrogate keys that the Siebel Relationship Management Warehouse
uses. The joins in Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse uses the Period Ago fields in the
W_DAY_D table.
You need to configure this connection pool to connect to the S_NQ_ACCT table. For more information
the Usage Tracking application administering Usage Tracking, see the Siebel Analytics Server
Administration Guide.
This section describes the procedure for deploying multiple applications. You can repeat the
procedure to add applications incrementally.
When you purchase another Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse application, you need to
use the combined license key to extract both Siebel Business Analytics application repositories. Use
the Siebel Analytics Administration merge utility to perform a three-way merge of the original
repository, the modified repository, and the combined repository. For more information on merging
repositories, see Merging Siebel Business Analytics Repositories on page 79.
The merged repository preserves your modifications from the original Siebel Business Analytics
repository and appends the information with the new Siebel Business Analytics repository, as shown
in Figure 5.
You can repeat this merging procedure to add more Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
applications to the Siebel Business Analytics repository.
This chapter provides instructions for deploying multiple applications for the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse.
■ About Building Multi-Application Workflows for the Siebel Business Analytics on page 89
■ Process of Building Multi-Application Workflows for the Siebel Business Analytics on page 89
■ About Deploying Source Systems with Universal Source Systems for Incremental Deployment on
page 112
■ Configuring Mutually Exclusive Source Systems for Incremental Deployment on page 113
■ Configuring Nonmutually Exclusive Source Systems for Incremental Deployment on page 115
For more information on how to create a master workflow that allows you to run all your applications
together, see Process of Building Multi-Application Workflows for the Siebel Business Analytics on
page 89.
To build a multi-application workflow for the Siebel Business Analytics, perform the following tasks:
Create the multi-application workflow and add the following nonreusable worklets:
■ Prepare
■ Extract_Facts
■ Extract_Dimensions
■ Load_Dimensions
■ Load_Facts
5 Link the nonreusable worklets together.
6 Double-click on all the workflow links and add $Status = SUCCEEDED OR $Status = DISABLED
into the link.
8 Edit the workflow and select the Suspend on Error check box.
9 Double-click on all your worklets and select the Fail Parent if this task fails check box.
The multi-application workflow shell is now created. You need to insert the appropriate
application specific reusable worklets into the nonreusable worklets. For more information on
editing the reusable worklets, see Editing the Nonreusable Worklets on page 92.
4 On the Workflow menu, click Create, and create a workflow called PLP_INIT.
5 Include the appropriate post-load processing worklets based on your application combinations.
The following table lists the order of the reusable worklets for the Post-Load Processing Initial
3, 4, and so on. For more information on which reusable worklets to use for the
Post-Load Processing Initial Workflow, see Post-Load Processing
Initial Worklet on page 109.
6 Edit the PLP_INIT workflow and select the Suspend on Error check box.
7 Double-click on all the workflow links and add $Status = SUCCEEDED OR $Status = DISABLED
into the link.
8 Double-click on all your worklets and select the Fail Parent if this task fails check box.
4 On the Workflows menu, select Create, and create a workflow called PLP_INCR.
5 Include the appropriate post-load processing worklets based on your application combinations.
The following table lists the order of the reusable worklets for the Post-Load Processing
Incremental Workflow.
3, 4, and so on. For more information on which reusable worklets to use for the
Post-Load Processing Incremental Workflow, see Post-Load
Processing Incremental Worklet on page 110.
6 Edit the PLP_INCR workflow and select the Suspend on Error check box.
7 Double-click on all the workflow links and add $Status = SUCCEEDED OR $Status = DISABLED
into the link.
8 Double-click on all your worklets and select the Fail Parent if this task fails check box.
This task edits the nonreusable worklets in your multi-application workflow and replaces them with
reusable worklets.
You can edit the nonreusable shell worklets and add the appropriate reusable worklets, as shown
in the following table.
Shell Worklet System Reusable Worklets Details
Shell Worklet System Reusable Worklets Details
3 Edit each of the reusable worklets, and select the Fail parent if this task fails check box.
NOTE: All the extract worklets run in parallel. The dependent worklets run after the worklets that
they depend on. The group worklets that are in the same columns in Siebel Business Analytics
Workflows and Dependent Worklets on page 93 can run in parallel.
Figure 9 illustrates the design you could use if you are not combining Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics with Siebel Financial Analytics for the SAP Facts Extract worklet. For example, use this
design if you are combining Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics, Siebel Supply Chain Analytics, and
Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics.
Figure 11 illustrates the design you could use if you are not combining Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics with Siebel Financial Analytics for the SAP Facts Load worklet. For example, use this design
if you are combining Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics, Siebel Supply Chain Analytics, and Siebel
Strategic Sourcing Analytics.
■ Your Siebel Business Analytics environment is configured and running these applications
■ You need to add one or more new applications with the same source system
For example, you have an environment with Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics for Oracle 11i and
Siebel Financial Analytics for Oracle 11i. You then purchase two new applications, for example, Siebel
Strategic Sourcing Analytics for Oracle 11i and Supply Chain Analytics for Oracle 11i. You need to
merge all four of your applications and make sure that your ETL processes are successfully
NOTE: If you have deployed an application for one source system (for example, Oracle 11i) and you
plan to deploy another application for a universal source system, see About Deploying Source Systems
with Universal Source Systems for Incremental Deployment on page 112.
The following procedure incrementally deploys Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics for Oracle 11i to an
running Siebel Financial Analytics for Oracle 11i production environment. The full ETL run is
completed by Siebel Financial Analytics and it is successfully running daily incremental ETL runs. The
Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics needs to complete a full ETL run and join Siebel Financial Analytics
in future incremental ETL runs.
NOTE: It is recommended that you backup your production repository and make a snapshot of your
data warehouse before using the following procedure.
For more information on importing application workflows into the repository, see Importing
Application Workflows into the Repository on page 45.
2 Start the Workflow Manager, connect to your development repository, and note the new reusable
worklets, under the non-reusable shell worklets, that are specific to the
ORACLE11i_EnterpriseSales_Application workflow.
3 Create the combined Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics and Siebel Financial Analytics workflow:
b Add the reusable worklets from Step 2 to the non-reusable shell worklets in the
ORACLE11i_Finance_And_Sales_Application workflow.
For information on Siebel Business Analytics workflows and their dependent worklets, see
Process of Building Multi-Application Workflows for the Siebel Business Analytics on page 89.
c For all the new reusable worklets, check the dependencies, and note all the unique sessions that
they use.
d On the repository navigator, right-click the worklets in these sessions, and click Dependencies.
e In the Dependencies dialog box, select only Sessions as object types, and deselect all others.
4 Open the file_parameters_ora11i.csv parameter file using Notepad, and edit this file to
perform a full ETL run for all the new sessions:
6 Open the file_parameters_ora11i.csv parameter file using Notepad, and change the
PARM_NVALUE_1 column value to 1, 2, or 3, depending on your incremental window choice.
For more information on building multi-application workflows, see Process of Building Multi-
Application Workflows for the Siebel Business Analytics on page 89.
NOTE: You can run these workflow frequently to verify the data before you move the repository
and the data warehouse to production.
■ The dimensional data sources are exclusive. For example, if you have a data source for a
Customers dimension in the Oracle 11i source system, you cannot have a similar data source
in your universal source.
■ The dimensional data sources are partially exclusive. For example, you may have a data
source for the Customers dimension in the Oracle 11i source system and in the universal
source, but the list of customers in both of these sources are exclusive.
■ The dimensional data sources are partially exclusive and they can have data similarities. For
example, you might have a data source for the Customers dimension in the Oracle source
system and in the universal source, and some customers appear in both sources. You can
decide to use these customers as different sources and load them separately into the
common data warehouse.
For more information on configuring mutually exclusive data sources, see Configuring Mutually
Exclusive Source Systems for Incremental Deployment on page 113
The dimensional data sources are partially exclusive and they can have data similarities. For
example, you might have a data source for the Customers dimension in the Oracle source system
and in the universal source, and some customers appear in both sources. You decide to join these
customers to get a uniform view from your data warehouse.
The assumption here is that one data source is a subset of the other data source. For example,
the master list of customers are stored in Oracle 11i source system, whereas a subset of
customers (for example, web customers) are stored in the universal source. You need to populate
the data warehouse and analyze the data with the Oracle 11i source system.
For more information on configuring nonmutually exclusive data sources, see Configuring
Nonmutually Exclusive Source Systems for Incremental Deployment on page 115
For mutually exclusive data sources, you have a disjointed set of data loaded in the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse. The entities in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse are
separated by the value of Source ID (SOURCE_ID) column. The advantages of this separation are:
■ You can query against a particular source system by including the SOURCE_ID column into your
query filter.
■ If you want to see the number of orders placed by a customer, you can add up the distinct orders
grouping by the customer.
■ There are no large changes in the Siebel Business Analytics metadata repository. The fact tables
are connected to the dimension tables which are populated by the two distinct sources, and there
are no conflicts to resolve the surrogate keys.
For more information on modifying session parameters for source system parameter files, see
About Modifying Session Parameters for Initial and Incremental Loads on page 61.
The following procedure provides information on loading the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse for mutually exclusive data sources.
For more information on importing applications, see About the Incremental Deployment of the
Siebel Business Analytics Repository on page 87.
2 Create multi-application Post Load Initial and Post Load Incremental workflows.
For more information on building multi-application workflows, see Process of Building Multi-
Application Workflows for the Siebel Business Analytics on page 89.
For example, for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics (Oracle 11i) and Siebel Enterprise Contact
Center Analytics (universal source), create workflows called
PLP_EnterpriseSales_ContactCenter_Application_INIT and
For example, for a full ETL load for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics (Oracle 11i) and Siebel
Enterprise Contact Center Analytics (universal source), run the following workflows:
4 Change the source system parameter file (for example, file_parameters_ora11i.csv) and
provide an incremental value in the PARM_NVALUE_1 column.
For more information on modifying session parameters for parameter files, see About Modifying
Session Parameters for Initial and Incremental Loads on page 61.
For example, for an incremental ETL load for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics (Oracle 11i) and
Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics (universal source), run the following workflows:
It is not necessary to select a master source for fact tables. However, for fact tables that refer to
common dimensions (for example, Customers or Products), you need to take necessary care to so
that they resolve correctly against the correct dimension. The <DIMENSION>_ID column in the fact
table must be formed correctly so that it matches with the format of the KEY_ID column for the
corresponding dimension. These changes are normally carried out in the Source Adapter mapplets
of the fact table being loaded.
For more information on importing applications into a repository, see About the Incremental
Deployment of the Siebel Business Analytics Repository on page 87.
2 Create multi-application Post Load Initial and Post Load Incremental workflows.
For more information on building multi-application workflows, see Process of Building Multi-
Application Workflows for the Siebel Business Analytics on page 89.
For example, for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics (Oracle 11i) and Siebel Enterprise Contact
Center Analytics (universal source), create workflows called
PLP_EnterpriseSales_ContactCenter_Application_INIT and
3 Identify the tables used in both applications, and for each table, identify the main source system,
for example, Oracle 11i.
4 Disable the dimension extract and load sessions in the application workflow.
For example, for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics (Oracle 11i), disable the dimension extract and
load sessions in the ORACLE11i_EnterpriseSales_Application workflow, for the tables you are
loading from the Oracle 11i source system.
For Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics (universal source), disable the dimension extract
and load sessions in the Universal_EnterpriseContactCenter_Application workflow for the tables
you are loading from the Oracle 11i source system.
5 Change the PARM_SVALUE_2 column value in the source system parameter file.
NOTE: You must not change the preconfigured values of ORA11I and UNIV for the PARM_TYPE
and SOURCE_ID columns.
For Siebel Contact Center Analytics you need to also run the
Universal_All_Applications_Common_Initialize workflow once. This workflow loads Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse domain values—IA_STATUS, IA_EVENT_TYPES and
IA_CHNL_TYPES. You can load these domain values through your universal source system.
For example, for a full ETL load for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics (Oracle 11i) and Siebel
Enterprise Contact Center Analytics (universal source), run the following workflows:
For more information on modifying session parameters for parameter files, see About Modifying
Session Parameters for Initial and Incremental Loads on page 61.
For example, for an incremental ETL load for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics (Oracle 11i) and
Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics (universal source), run the following workflows:
This chapter provides procedural information on how to configure components that are common,
regardless of which application you purchased.
■ Configuring the Domain Value Set with CSV Worksheet Files on page 159
■ Configuring the Domain Value Set Using PowerCenter Designer on page 160
Configuring Extracts
Each application has prepackaged logic to extract particular data from a particular source. This
section discusses how to capture all data relevant to your reports and ad hoc queries by addressing
what type of records you want and do not want to load into the data warehouse, and includes the
following topics:
To disable a workflow
1 In PowerCenter Workflow Manager, open the applicable source system configuration folder.
2 On the Workflow menu, click Edit to open the Edit Workflow window.
3 Select the Disabled check box to disable the workflow, and click OK.
2 On the Workflow menu, click Edit to open the Edit Workflow window.
3 Select the Disable this task check box to disable the session, and click OK.
You can modify extract mappings so that new data is loaded into extension columns that act as
placeholders for additional data. Extension columns make it possible to extend any fact or dimension
table without changing the schematic structure of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
or making modifications to the load mapping, as the load mappings already include the extension
columns. Keeping the data model intact allows you to implement upgrades without losing any
TIP: You can perform calculation transformations in the Business Component mapplet of the
extract mapping or in the Source Adapter mapplet of the load mapping. However, do not use
performance-expensive calculations in the extract that could tie up your source transaction
system. For these types of calculations, it is recommended that you perform them in the Source
Adapter mapplet in the load mapping.
3 Connect all input and output ports within the extract mapping so that the data moves from the
source or Business Component to the Expression transformation, and finally to the staging table’s
appropriate extension column.
You have to determine which type of extension column to map the data to in the staging table.
The following procedure contains instructions for adding a new table to the Business Component. The
procedure includes adding a new source definition, connecting the ports to the Source Qualifier,
editing the Source Qualifier, connecting the ports to the Output transformation, and editing the
Output transformation.
3 Drag the Business Component mapplet into Mapplet Designer to view the transformations that
comprise the Business Component.
4 Expand the Sources folder, and copy a source table into the mapplet by dragging and dropping
the table into Mapplet Designer.
5 Connect the applicable ports from the new source definition to the Source Qualifier by clicking
on the port in the new source table and dragging it to the connecting port in the Source Qualifier.
In the Ports tab, make any changes to the new ports for data type, precision, scale, or all these
values, as necessary.
7 Connect the applicable ports from the Source Qualifier to the Mapplet Output transformation
NOTE: In some cases, the Business Component contains an Expression transformation between
the Source Qualifier and the MAPO.
4 Double-click the Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations window, and select the
Properties tab.
5 In both the User Defined Join field and in the SQL Query field, remove or add a filter statement.
For example, if you want to change the Accounts Receivable Schedules filter so that it is not
restricted to completed schedules only, you would remove the statement, as shown in the
following figure.
NOTE: If a primary extract exists, you must modify both the regular mapplet and the primary extract
mapplet. For information on primary extract mappings, see About Primary Extract and Delete
Mappings Process on page 124.
2 Enclose the data fields with the enclosing character that you have identified.
You can identify an enclosing character by identifying a character that is not present in the source
data. Common enclosing characters include single quotes and double quotes.
4 Identify all the source definitions associated with the modified files.
5 Change the properties for each of these source definitions to use the enclosing character.
Configuring Loads
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse prepackages load mappings for every data
warehouse table. Within each load mapping, every input and output port for each extension column
is already connected. Thus, if you connect new data to a staging table’s extension column using the
extract mapping, the default configuration pulls that data through all the load mapping’s components
and inserts it into the corresponding data warehouse table. However, because the load mapping does
not transform data in extension columns, you may need to reconfigure the load mapping to do so.
Each of the following sections describes potential configuration approaches:
If you are going to derive a new metric or attribute from other metrics, attributes, or both in
other staging tables, then you need to join all staging tables that contain the data you need. You
can join these tables in the load mapping, using the Source Qualifier. For information on how to
join tables in the Staging Area, see Joining Objects in the Staging Area on page 122.
If you want to store an additional domained attribute, and you stored the code and code name
in the IA_CODES table, then you need to modify the load session’s lookup. You have to modify the
SQL statement to look up the code using the correct category. This lookup returns the
appropriate code name from the IA_CODES table, and the ADI loads both the supplied code and
the lookup code name into the target table.
If you are storing amount metrics, you only need to supply the amounts in one of the three
currencies—document, local, or group currency. By loading one of these three values, the ADI
contains logic for deriving the other two. For more information on potential configuration points
with currency, see Process for Configuring Currencies on page 138. For more information on how
each of the three types of currency is handled by the ADI, see About Document, Local, and Group
Currencies on page 136.
3 Copy the table you want to add to the load mapping by dragging and dropping it into the mapping
definition in Mapping Designer.
Perform this step for all tables you want to join in the Staging Area.
4 Drag and drop the columns you wish to join from the source definition to the Source Qualifier.
5 Double-click the Source Qualifier transformation to open the Edit Transformations box, and select
the Properties tab.
6 Select the small arrow in the Value column to open the SQL Editor.
7 Edit the SQL statement to add the join conditions between the new table and the existing table
in the mapping.
8 Drag and drop those columns from the Source Qualifier to the respective ports in the Source
Adapter mapplet.
Figure 22 illustrates the three components of the Source Adapter mapplet that allow transformations
of data to occur. The three components are Mapplet Input (MAPI), Expression transformation (EXP),
and Mapplet Output (MAPO).
Figure 22. Input, Expression, and Output Ports of a Source Adapter Mapplet
In Figure 22, notice that the MAPI receives data from the Staging table. This data is passed through
ports prefixed with INP_. If the input data is transformed, the data is passed to the Expression
transformation (EXP) as input only. After the data is transformed, it is output through a new port,
which is prefixed with EXT_. If the data is not transformed, it comes in as input-only and leaves
through an output-only port.
If you want to add a new transformation, you must add a new port to contain the expression that is
used to transform the data.
3 Double-click the MAPI component of the mapplet, and add a new input port following the INP_*
naming convention.
4 Copy the new input port from the MAPI to the Expression transformation.
5 Connect the new port from the MAPI to the Expression transformation.
6 In the Expression transformation, uncheck the Output indicator for the new input port; you use
the value from this port in an transformation expression.
Figure 22 shows that the ports in the Mapplet Output match the input ports of the ADI mapplet
exactly, with the exception of new ports. If you are adding a new port, you must connect it to an
extension column, because you cannot add the new port to the ADI.
Primary extract mappings flag records that are deleted from the data warehouse. Delete mappings
perform the deletion action. When enabled, primary extract and delete mappings by default look for
any records removed from the source system’s database. If these mappings find that the records no
longer exist in that database, the mappings remove them from the data warehouse as well.
CAUTION: It is important to note that delete and primary extract mappings must always be disabled
together; you may not disable only one type.
The delete and primary extract sessions are found in each application’s fact-extract and fact-load
subbatches, and are stored in the [SOURCE ABBREVIATION]_[SUBJECT]_MAIN workflow.
The primary extract mappings perform a full extract of the primary keys from the source system.
Although many rows are generated from this extract, the data only extracts the Key ID and Source
ID information from the source table. The primary extract mappings load these two columns into
staging tables that are marked with a *_PE suffix.
Figure 23 provides an example of the beginning of the extract process. It shows the sequence of
events over a two day period during which the information in the source table has changed. On day
one, the data is extracted from a source table and loaded into the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse table. On day two, Sales Order number three is deleted and a new sales order is received,
creating a disparity between the Sales Order information in the two tables.
Figure 24 shows the primary extract and delete process that occurs when day two’s information is
extracted and loaded into the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse from the source. The
initial extract brings record four into the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. Then, using
a primary extract mapping, the system extracts the Key IDs and the Source IDs from the source
table and loads them into a primary extract staging table.
The extract mapping compares the keys in the primary extract staging table with the keys in the
most current the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse table. It looks for records that exist
in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse but do not exist in the staging table (in the
preceding example, record three), and sets the delete flag to Y in the Source Adapter mapplet,
causing an eventual deletion in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
The extract mapping also looks for any new records that have been added to the source, and which
do not already exist in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse; in this case, record four.
Based on the information in the staging table, Sales Order number three is physically deleted from
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse, as shown in Figure 24. When the extract and load
mappings run, the new sales order is added to the warehouse.
Because delete mappings use Source IDs and Key IDs to identify purged data, if you are using
multiple source systems, you must modify the SQL Query statement to verify that the proper Source
ID is used in the delete mapping. In addition to the primary extract and delete mappings, the
configuration of the delete flag in the ADI also determines how record deletion is handled.
You can manage the extraction and deletion of data in the following ways:
To retain source-archived records in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse, perform two
tasks on each delete mapping:
For a list of all delete sessions, see the discussion on disabling delete and primary extract
sessions in About Working with Primary Extract and Delete Mappings on page 126.
3 Enter $$ARCHIVE_DK as the name, and select Parameter for the type.
4 Select Date/Time for the data type, using the format that matches your source system.
7 Select the Variables tab, then select the parameter you just created, and click OK.
For example, if you were to create this statement for sales order lines, your clause would look
like this:
3 Open the Source Qualifier transformation to edit the SQL statement in the SQL Query field.
Edit the SOURCE_ID expression in the OD table by adding a source abbreviation. A sample source
abbreviation is shown in the following table.
4 Validate the SQL statement and save your changes to the repository.
3 Edit the session, and then clear the Disable the task check box to enable the session.
4 Repeat these steps for each applicable primary extract and delete sessions.
You can configure the Delete Flag in the Source Adapter mapplet by modifying the transformation
for the EXT_DELETE_FLAG port. To reconfigure the handling of deletions, you can modify the Delete
Flag definition. There are different values that you can use when defining your Delete Flag; these
values depend on whether you are dealing with a fact table or a dimension table.
When you define the Delete Flag for fact tables, it is recommended you use a conditional statement.
For example, you could enter the following statement:
For fact tables, there are two values for which you can set the Delete Flag—Y and N. By setting your
Delete Flag to Y, records that already exist in the data warehouse are purged from the fact table by
the use of delete mappings. By setting your Delete Flag to N or any other value besides Y, your
records are not deleted. If the record is marked as deleted by the source and has not yet been loaded
into the data warehouse, then the record is not loaded.
When defining the Delete Flag for dimension tables, it is recommended that you use a conditional
statement as well. For example, you could enter the following statement:
For dimension tables, there are two values for which you can set your Delete Flag—D and N. By
setting your Delete Flag to D, your records are marked for deletion, but are not be purged from the
dimension table just in case you want to query these values at a later time. If you wish to analyze
historical dimension records, you must enable Type II functionality, which updates records by
inserting a new record and leaving the old record intact. For more information about Type II
dimensions, see Type I and Type II Slowly Changing Dimensions on page 131.
NOTE: If you set the Delete flag as P for a dimension record, the deletion logic behaves as if it was
marked as D. No dimensions are ever purged from the data warehouse.
4 In the Ports tab, edit the expression for the EXT_DELETE_FLAG port.
For example, if your source system sets the document type to DEL when a record is to be deleted,
this expression contains a statement similar to the following:
By default, the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse provides a reject flag in the Source
Adapter mapplet that you can use to set up your record rejection logic. If the Reject Flag is set to Y
for any records, the ADI skips those records and does not load it into the data warehouse. However,
if the Reject Flag is set to N or any other value, the ADI processes the record. The reject logic must
be configured in the Source Adapter mapplets according to your requirements.
You can configure the Reject Flag in the Source Adapter mapplet by modifying the transformation for
NOTE: If you want to set up the rejection logic in the Source Qualifier in the extract mapping, you
can do so. The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse performs this in the load mapping
because some extract mappings load multiple staging tables in the data warehouse.
4 In the Ports tab, edit the expression for the EXT_REJECT_FLAG port.
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse identifies and applies the slowly changing
dimension logic chosen by the user after data has been extracted and transformed to be source-
independent, as shown in Figure 25. Users may configure the Source Adapter mapplet to support
both Type I SCDs, in which data is overwritten with updates, and Type II SCDs, in which the original
records are maintained while a new record stores the updated data. Choosing Type I or Type II SCDs
depends on identifying your historically significant attributes.
Identifying attributes as significant or insignificant allows you to determine the type of SCD you
require. However, before you can select the appropriate type of SCD, you must understand their
■ New records
■ Changed records whose changes have no significance of any kind and are ignored altogether
Of the four kinds of records, only the first three are of interest for the data mart. Of those three,
brand new records and records whose changes are tracked as SCDs are both treated as new and
become inserts into the data warehouse. Records with changes that are important but not historically
tracked are overwritten in the data warehouse, based on the primary key.
In Figure 26, the State Name column for the supplier KMT is changed in the source table Suppliers,
because it was incorrectly entered as California. When the data is loaded into the data warehouse
table, no historical data is retained and the value is overwritten. If you look up supplier values for
California, records for KMT do not appear; they only appear for Michigan, as they have from the
Slowly changing dimensions work in different parts of a star schema (the fact table and the
dimension table). In Figure 27, shows how an extract table (TS_CUSTOMERS) becomes a data
warehouse dimension table (IA_CUSTOMERS). Although there are other attributes that are tracked,
such as Customer Contact, in this example there is only one historically tracked attribute, Sales
Territory. This attribute is of historical importance because businesses frequently compare territory
statistics to determine performance and compensation. Then, if a customer changes region, the sales
activity is recorded with the region that earned it.
This example deals specifically with a single day’s extract, which brings in a new record for each
customer. The extracted data from TS_CUSTOMERS is loaded into the target table IA_CUSTOMERS, and
each record is assigned a unique primary key (Customer Key).
Figure 27. Day One: The CUSTOMERS Extract and Data Warehouse Tables
However, this data is not static; the next time a data extract shows a change for your customers in
IA_CUSTOMERS, the records must change. This situation occurs when slowly changing dimensions are
invoked. Figure 27 shows that records for the two customers, ABC Co., and XYZ inc. have changed
when compared with Figure 26. Notice that ABC’s Customer Contact has changed from Mary to Jane,
and XYZ’s Sales Territory has changed from West to North.
As discussed earlier in this example, the Customer Contact column is historically insignificant;
therefore a Type I SCD is applied and Mary is overwritten with Jane. Because the change in ABC’s
record was a Type I SCD, there was no reason to create a new customer record. In contrast, the
change in XYZ’s record shows a change of sales territory, an attribute that is historically significant.
In this example, the Type II slowly changing dimension is required.
As shown in Figure 28, instead of overwriting the Sales Territory column in the XYZ’s record, a new
record is added, assigning a new Customer Key, 172, to XYZ in IA_CUSTOMERS. XYZ’s original record,
102, remains and is linked to all the sales that occurred when XYZ was located in the West sales
territory. However, new sales records coming in are now attributed to Customer Key 172 in the North
sales territory.
Effective Dates
Effective dates specify when a record was effective. For example, if you load a new customer’s
address on January 10, 2003 and that customer moves locations on January 20, 2003, the address
is only effective between these dates. Effective Dates are handled in the following manner:
■ If the source supplies both effective dates, these dates are used in the warehouse table.
■ If the source does not supply both the effective to and effective from dates, then the Type II logic
creates effective dates.
■ If the source supplies one of the two effective dates, then you can set up the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse to populate the missing effective dates using a wrapper mapping.
This situation is discussed in this section. By default, these wrapper sessions are disabled and
need to be enabled in order to be executed.
For example, in the IA_CUSTOMERS table previously discussed, XYZ moved to a new sales territory.
If your source system supplied historical data on the location changes, your table may contain a
record for XYZ in the West sales territory with an effective from date of January 1, 2001 and an
effective to date of January 1, 3714. If the next year your source indicates XYZ has moved to the
North sales territory, then a second record is inserted with an effective from date of January 1, 2002,
and an effective to date of January 1, 3714, as shown in Table 18.
Note your first record for XYZ still shows as effective from January 1, 2001 to January 1, 3714, while
a second record has been added for XYZ in the North territory with the new effective from date of
January 1, 2002. In this second record the effective to date remains the same, January 1, 3714.
When you schedule a wrapper session to execute, the effective dates for the first XYZ are corrected
(January 1, 2001-January 1, 2002), and the Current Flag is adjusted in the Analytic Data Interface
(ADI) so that only the second record (January 1, 2002-January 1, 3714) is set to Y. After the wrapper
session completes its work, you have Type II information for XYZ in your data warehouse rather than
two disparate records, as shown in Table 19.
In the previous paragraph, the wrapper session corrected the effective to dates and current flag.
However, if the record’s dates had been correct, the wrapper mapping would simply have set the
current flag as needed, because its logic is set to check dates and flags and only adjust columns that
contain discrepancies. Finally, if your source system does not supply any Type II information, you
may disable the wrapper session completely; in this case all Type II work is handled by the Analytics
Data Interface mapplet.
Slowly Changing Dimensions Type II Flag Description
Type I Slowly Changing Dimension N Overwrites the data with the latest value.
Type II Slowly Changing Dimension Y Creates a new record for the updated records
and, if applicable, updates the effective dates
and current flag for any existing record.
If you want to use Type II SCDs, you need to set the value of the Type II Flag. By default it is set to
N, but you can enter a conditional statement that sets the flag to Y. For example, you may only want
to create new records if particular columns change values. In this case, you can set this up in your
conditional statement.
You can configure the Type II Flag in the Source Adapter mapplet by modifying the port
EXT_TYPE2_FLAG in the Expression transformation. Use the following procedure.
The default for the Type II Flag is N. Here you can enter Y to enable Type II functionality for all
columns in the table. You can also enable only certain columns to maintain history. To enable
some columns, but not others, you need to insert a conditional statement. For example, if you
want to maintain history only for the Channel Point Name column, then you could write the
following conditional statement:
In this case, only the Channel Point Name column has historical values—all other columns do not.
■ Document currency. The currency of the transaction. For example, if you purchase a chair from
a supplier in Mexico, the document currency is probably the Mexican peso.
■ Local currency. The currency in which the financial books, including the transaction, are closed.
For example, if your business organization is located in France and orders a part from a supplier
in Britain, it may pay in British pounds, but it closes its books in French francs. In this case the
local currency for the transaction is French francs and the document currency for the transaction
is British pounds. The local currency is useful when each business unit of the enterprise creates
its own internal reports. For example, your Japanese site may produce internal reports using
Japanese yen, while your United States site may produce internal reports using United States
■ Group currency. The standard currency used by your entire enterprise. For example, if a
multinational enterprise has its headquarters in the United States, its group currency is probably
U.S. dollars. The group currency is useful when creating enterprise-wide reports.
For every monetary amount extracted from the source, the ADI loads the document, local and group
currency amounts into the target table. The method that the ADI uses to load the three different
currency values depends on what the source provides.
In this situation, the source system provides all three currency amounts. All three amounts are
extracted and loaded into the corresponding Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
table; the system does not need to do any currency conversions.
■ Source System Provides Document Amount, Codes, and Exchange Rates for Local and Group
Currencies on page 137
In this situation, the source system provides the document currency amount and the exchange
rates for finding the local and group currency amounts.
In this situation, the source system provides the document currency amount, but it does not
provide the local and group currency amounts or exchange rates used for currency conversion.
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse has a predefined logic for loading the document,
local, and group currency values into an IA table. The logic is shown in Figure 29.
■ Exchange rates for local and group currencies (DOCUMENT_TO_GROUP and LOCAL_TO_GROUP
exchange rates).
All of this information is fed to the ADI. The ADI uses the DOCUMENT_TO_GROUP rate to convert the
document currency amount to the group currency amount and uses the ratio of DOCUMENT_TO_GROUP
and LOCAL_TO_GROUP to convert the document currency amount to the local currency amount. The
ADI then passes the three currency amounts and three currency codes to the corresponding IA table.
Because the ADI does not have the local and group amounts, or document-to-group (DOC_TO_GRP)
and local-to-group (LOC_TO_GRP) currency conversion rates to derive the amounts, it looks up the
exchange rates. By default, the ADI looks up the exchange rates in the IA_XRATES table. However, if
you have custom tables that maintain exchange rate values, you can reconfigure the system to do
the extraction from that source system.
The ADI then populates the exchange rate values in the DOC_TO_GRP and LOC_TO_GRP variables. After
this population is complete, the ADI uses the DOC_TO_GRP rate to convert the document currency
amount to the group currency amount. The ADI then uses the ratio of DOC_TO_GRP and LOC_TO_GRP
to convert the document currency amount to the local currency amount. Finally, the ADI passes the
three currency amounts and currency codes to the corresponding IA table.
NOTE: For currency code information to be resolved, you must verify that the currency codes
extracted map to the currency codes in the IA_XRATES table.
As mentioned in the previous section, the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse can present
all amount values in three different currencies—document, local, and group. If all three amounts are
not supplied by the source system, then the ADI can calculate the amounts using prepackaged
exchange rate logic.
Usually the EXT_DOC_TO_GRP and EXT_LOC_TO_GRP values are null at the input of the ADI. Therefore,
the ADI has to perform a lookup to retrieve the exchange rates. However, if you want to supply an
exchange rate directly, you can do so by using the appropriate column. The EXT_XRATE_DOC_TO_GRP
column supplies the exchange rate that converts the document currency to group currency, and the
EXT_XRATE_LOC_TO_GRP column supplies the exchange rate that converts the local currency amount
to the group currency amount. In this topic, you can find procedures for providing exchange rates.
2 In the MPLT_SA[Source Abbreviation]_XRATES Source Adapter mapplet, edit the expression for
the applicable port.
You can use the EXT_DOC_TO_GRP column to convert the document currency to the group
currency. You can use the EXT_LOC_TO_GRP column to convert the local currency to the group
If you do not maintain exchange rates in your ERP tables, but instead, you maintain them in your
custom tables, then you can load them into the IA_XRATES table of the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse by creating a new mapping. The easiest way to create the mapping is to copy
an existing exchange rate extraction and load mapping. After you copy it, you can modify the
mapping to work with your custom tables.
Copy the entire exchange rate mapping. Be sure to copy the entire set of objects—Business
Components, and staging tables.
3 Reconfigure the Business Component to select the columns from your custom tables, instead of
selecting them from the prepackaged tables.
You can name and save this modified version of the Business Component as MPLT_BC1_XRATES.
4 Reconfigure the staging table to hold all the source system related columns.
5 Reconfigure the extract mapping that uses the MPLT_BC1_XRATES as the source system, and
T1_XRATES as the target, and form the KEY_ID in the extract mapping.
This mapping is the unique record identifier from the source system. However, it may be a
combination of multiple columns from the source system.
6 Locate an existing exchange rate load mapping and copy the entire exchange rate mapping.
Be sure to copy the entire set of objects—Business Components, and staging tables.
7 Reconfigure the Source Adapter MPLT_SA1_XRATES mapplet to map the data in the staging table
to the ADI format.
8 Reconfigure the load mapping M_1_XRATES_LOAD with the new Source Adapter mapplet.
9 Validate any expressions or SQL statements, and then save the changes to your repository.
The column XRATE_TYPE_CODE in the table IA_XRATES identifies a specific type of exchange rate. Data
loaded from various sources have different types of exchange rates; thus, there can be different
values for the XRATE_TYPE_CODE column.
If an exchange rate is not supplied to convert an amount to a different currency, then the ADI
performs a lookup to retrieve an exchange rate from the IA_XRATES table. The lookup that is
retrieved is based on the specified exchange rate type. Each load mapping has the default exchange
rate type M. However, depending on the source system, the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse has a prepackaged SQL statement in the session to extract a default exchange rate type
that is applicable to the corresponding source. Thus, for Oracle 11i load sessions, there is a SQL
statement that requests the exchange rate type Corporate instead of M.
If you would like to use an exchange rate type other than the prepackaged statement, then you must
edit the SQL statement in the applicable session.
3 In the Transformations tab, edit the SQL statement for the exchange rate lookups.
4 Change the exchange rate type by editing the following SQL statement fragment:
For a list of exchange rate type codes, see your source system’s options.
5 Click OK.
NOTE: You need to perform these steps for each fact load for which you wish to configure the
exchange rate information.
Oracle 11i provides document and local currencies, but not a group currency. As a result, you need
to supply the currency code by means of a text file. For more information, see the discussion on
configuring the group currency code in Chapter 9, “Configuring Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse for Oracle 11i.”
■ EMU to EMU. This is the conversion from the individual currency of one EMU member country
to another.
■ EUR to EMU. This is the conversion from the joint EMU currency, the Euro, to the individual
currency of an EMU member.
■ EMU to EUR. This is the conversion from the individual currency of an EMU member to the joint
EMU currency, based on the Euro.
If you use this method, the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse assumes that the source
system supplies currency conversion rates between individual EMU member currencies and national
currencies for countries outside of the EMU. In addition, this method does not conform to the
rounding rules set by the European Monetary Union.
To use this method, you must upload the exchange rates from this flat file to the IA_XRATES table.
After the exchanges rates are available in the IA_XRATES table, the ADI can look up these exchange
rates from the IA_XRATES table and convert currency as required.
To load the individual EMU member currency exchange rates using the flat file
1 Before you load the exchange rates from the flat file, if necessary, change the default values in
the flat file for the parameters SOURCE_ID, XRATE_TYPE_CODE, XRATES_TYPE_DESC, and KEY_ID.
■ The SOURCE_ID default is OAP11. If your source is not Oracle, then you can reconfigure this ID.
■ The KEY_ID uses the XRATE_TYPE_CODE as part of it definition. The Key ID is defined as the
concatenation of the From Currency Code, To Currency Code, Exchange Rate Type Code, and
the Effective From Date. Therefore, if you change the Exchange Rate Type Code, then you
must also modify the Key ID accordingly.
2 Create the session for the M_F_XRATES_EXTRACT mapping, using the file_xrates_emu.csv flat
file as the source system file.
3 Run the extract session to load the flat file exchange rates into the TF_XRATES staging table.
5 Run the load session to load the exchange rates into the IA_XRATES table.
■ EMU to EMU. This is the conversion from the individual currency of one EMU member country
to another.
■ EUR to EMU. This is the conversion from the joint EMU currency, the Euro, to the individual
currency of an EMU member.
■ EMU to EUR. This is the conversion from the individual currency of an EMU member to the joint
EMU currency, the Euro.
■ OTH to EUR. This is the conversion from any other currency outside the EMU to the Euro.
■ EUR to OTH. This is the conversion from the Euro to any other currency outside the EMU.
■ EMU to OTH. This is the conversion from the individual currency of an EMU member country to
another currency outside the EMU.
■ OTH to EMU. This is the conversion from any other currency outside the EMU to the individual
currency of an EMU member.
Unlike the flat file method, the transformation handles conversions between EMU currencies and
currencies for countries outside the EMU. In addition, this method conforms to the rounding rules
set by the European Monetary Union.
The transformation performs the conversion in different ways, depending on the types of input and
output currencies. In the transformation, there are ten sets of amount input fields; each set consists
of a document amount, local amount, and group amount field. In this discussion, document currency
is referred to as the From currency and group and local currencies as the To currencies. Source-
supplied document amounts are output as the same value. However, if the local and group amounts
are not supplied, then a particular currency conversion process occurs. There are six different
conversion processes that could occur. They are described in the list that follows:
■ Non-EMU to Non-EMU. If the From Currency and To Currency are not EMU currencies, the
following logic is used:
■ If the exchange rate is not supplied as an input to the transformation, the exchange rate is
retrieved using a lookup to the IA_XRATES table. The new amount is then calculated using
the looked up exchange rate and the From Currency amount.
■ EMU to EMU. If the From Currency and To Currency are EMU currencies, the following logic is
■ Euro-triangulation is used to derive the new amount. Please note that the Euro-triangulation
logic only applies if the exchange rate date is later than or equal to the Euro effective date.
■ If the exchange rate date is earlier than the Euro effective date, this case is treated as a Non
EMU to Non EMU currency conversion case.
The Euro-triangulation logic is used to convert one EMU currency to another EMU currency (EMU
to EMU). Again, this logic is only applicable if the exchange rate date is equal to or later than the
Euro effective date. The Euro-triangulation logic is as follows:
■ Convert from one national denomination (EMU_DOC) to its Euro equivalent (EUR). For example,
EUR = EMU_DOC/(EUR-TO-EMU_DOC conversion rate).
■ Round the previous step’s result to the nearest three decimal points. The default rounding is
to three decimal points, but this is configurable.
■ Convert the Euro equivalent into the resulting national denomination (EMU_LOC). For
■ EMU to OTH. If the From Currency is EMU and To Currency is OTH, the following logic is used in
the given order:
■ If the exchange rate is not supplied and the NONEMU_EMU_TRI_FLAG = Y, then the two-step
conversion method is used to derive the amount. The two-step conversion method is defined
as follows:
❏ First, the From Currency amount is converted to the Euro Currency amount using the
fixed EMU conversion rates supplied by the transformation’s logic.
❏ Second, the Euro Currency amount is converted to the To Currency amount using the
appropriate exchange rate.
NOTE: The two-step conversion method is only used if the exchange rate date is greater than or
equal to the Euro effective date and the NONEMU_EMU_TRI_FLAG is set to Y.
■ If the NONEMU_EMU_TRI_FLAG is set to N, this is treated as a Non EMU to Non EMU currency
conversion case.
■ OTH to EMU. If the From Currency is OTH and the To Currency is EMU, then the following logic
is used:
■ If the exchange rate is not supplied and the NONEMU_EMU_TRI_FLAG = Y, then the two-step
conversion method is used to derive the amount. The two-step conversion consists of the
following two steps:
❏ First, the From Currency amount (OTH) is converted to the Euro Currency amount using
the exchange rate from the IA_XRATES table.
❏ Second, the Euro Currency amount is converted to the EMU Currency amount using the
fixed Euro conversion rate available in the transformation. Please note that the two-step
conversion method only applies if the NONEMU_EMU_TRI_FLAG = Y.
■ EUR to EMU. If the From Currency is EUR and the To Currency is EMU, the following logic is used:
■ If the exchange rate date is greater than or equal to the Euro effective date, then the From
Currency amount is converted to the To Currency amount using the fixed Euro conversion
rates supplied by the transformation’s logic.
■ In all other cases, this is treated as a Non-EMU to Non-EMU currency conversion case.
■ EMU to EUR. If the From Currency is EMU and the To Currency is EUR, the following logic is used:
■ If the exchange rate date is greater than or equal to the Euro effective date, the From
Currency amount is converted to the To Currency amount using the fixed Euro conversion
rates supplied by the transformation’s logic.
■ If the exchange rate date is less than the Euro effective date, this is treated as a Non EMU
to Non EMU currency conversion case.
To use an Expression transformation, you must add the transformation to every load mapping that
requires any of the previously listed types of currency conversions. See the
M_F_EURO_TRIANG_EXP_USAGE_EXAMPLE mapping for an example of how to incorporate an Expression
transformation. This mapping is located in the Configuration for Universal Source folder.
3 Open the Siebel Business Analytics folder and drag and drop the
EXP_CURR_CONVERSION_TRANSFORM Expression transformation to create a shortcut.
You can place the shortcut in the Transformations folder contained in the applicable source
system configuration folder.
NOTE: LKP_XRATES is a lookup to the IA_XRATES table. If the Transformations folder does not
have a lookup to IA_XRATES, you must make a shortcut to LKP_XRATE in the Siebel Analytics
Enterprise Applications folder.
Place the transformation between the load mapping’s existing Expression transformation and
MAPO, as shown in the following figure.
8 Reconnect the ports as necessary so that the data flows through the transformation and into the
Table 21 lists all of the prepackaged exchange rates used by the transformation. Table 21 only lists
exchange rates from EMU currency to Euro. Using these exchange rates, the transform can calculate
any of the five scenarios (EMU to EMU, EUR to EMU, EMU to EUR, EMU to OTH, and OTH to EMU). For
EMU to OTH, OTH to EMU, and EMU to EMU, the transformation converts the From Currency to the
Euro and then from the Euro to the To Currency. For that reason, Table 21 only has EMU currency to
the Euro conversion rates.
Conversion Rate
Currency Code Currency Name Effective From Date for One Euro
Conversion Rate
Currency Code Currency Name Effective From Date for One Euro
You can incorporate additional EMU currency conversion rates into the transformation. When doing
so, you must consider whether or not the conversion rate is effective before January 1, 1999 or on/
after January 1, 1999. (January 1, 1999 is the date the Euro was enacted.)
To add a new EMU currency with the same effectivity date (January 1, 1999)
■ Edit the decode statement for the columns EMU_TO_EURO_CONV_FACT_DOC,
EMU_TO_EURO_CONV_FACT_LOC, and EMU_TO_EURO_CONV_FACT_GRP, to add the new currency and its
conversion rate.
For example, if you are adding EMU1, where the Euro-to-EMU1 conversion rate is 2.34567, then
you would modify the EMU_TO_EURO_CONV_FACT_DOC column definition as follows:
To add a new EMU currency with a different effectivity date than January 1, 1999
■ Edit the decode statement for the columns EMU_TO_EURO_CONV_FACT_DOC,
EMU_TO_EURO_CONV_FACT_LOC, and EMU_TO_EURO_CONV_FACT_GRP, to add the new currency, its
conversion rate, and the effectivity date logic.
For example, if you are adding EMU2, where the Euro-to-EMU2 conversion rate is 3.45678, and
the exchange rate effectivity date is 01/01/2001, then you would modify the
EMU_TO_EURO_CONV_FACT_DOC column definition as follows:
■ Dimension Key Lookups. For more information, see About Resolving Dimension Keys on page 149.
Codes Lookup
Some source systems use intelligent codes that are intuitively descriptive, such as HD for hard disks,
while other systems use nonintelligent codes (like numbers, or other vague descriptors), such as 16
for hard disks. While codes are an important tool with which to analyze information, the variety of
codes and code descriptions used poses a problem when performing an analysis across source
systems. The lack of uniformity in source system codes must be resolved to integrate data for the
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
The code lookup in the ADI integrates both intelligent and nonintelligent codes by performing a
separate extract for codes, and inserting the codes and their description into a codes table. The codes
table provides the ADI with a resource from which it can automatically perform a lookup for code
The Analytic Data Interface’s architecture uses components, as well as both fact and dimension
tables, to facilitate lookup functionality. The following components and process are used in a lookup:
The load control table IA_CODES consolidates all codes for future reference and assigns them a
category and a single language for efficient lookup capability.
Codes Mappings
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse uses mappings designed to extract codes from
source systems and populate the IA_CODES table in preparation for use by the ADI.
To understand how codes mappings function, it is helpful to first understand the columns within
IA_CODES. Table 22 describes these columns.
Column Description
SOURCE_ID Unique identifier of the source system from which data was extracted
SOURCE_CODE1 The first code in the hierarchy of the various source system codes used to
identify a particular code and description combinations
SOURCE_CODE2 The second code in the hierarchy of the various source system codes used
to identify a particular code and description combinations
SOURCE_CODE3 The third code in the hierarchy of the various source system codes used to
identify a particular code and description combinations
The naming convention for mappings designed for codes lookup is M_[SOURCE]_CODES_[CATEGORY].
Figure 30 shows an example of a code mapping in PowerCenter Mapping Designer.
Codes Mapplets
There are several mapplets that support the codes mappings in preparation for the source-
independent ADI. They are as follows:
■ Source Adapter mapplets. The Source Adapter mapplet connects the source-specific input
attributes of CODES and the attributes from control or warehouse tables to the expression
transform for mapping them. The naming convention for the Source Adapter codes mapplet is
MPLT_SA[Source Abbreviation]_CODES.
■ Business Component mapplets. The Business Component mapplet makes the source system
attributes of CODES_CUST_CLASS available to the extract mapping. The naming convention for the
Business Component codes mapplet is MPLT_BC[Source Abbreviation]_CODES_[CATEGORY].
■ ADI Mapplet. The Analytic Data Interface (ADI) mapplet is source system independent and
resolves the codes for the target table. The naming convention for the ADI codes mapplet is
The ADI integrates multiple source system codes by designating one source system instance as a
master in a mapping. All other source system codes are then mapped to the master. When the ADI
encounters a code that requires definition, it references the load control lookup table to match the
source system code to a Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse source-independent code,
which retains all the source system codes’ original functionality.
The following columns are used to designate a source system instance as the master source system:
3 In the Transformations tab, edit the SQL statement for the lookup.
5 Edit the SQL statement from 'GENERIC' to the category you wish to use for the lookup.
There are two commonly used methods for resolving dimension keys. The first method, which is the
primary method used, is to perform a lookup for the dimension key. The second method is to supply
the dimension key directly into the fact load mapping.
The ADI uses the Dimension Key ID, the Source ID and Lookup date in looking up the dimension key.
All these columns are necessary for the ADI to return the dimension key. The ports are described in
Table 23.
Port Description
Key ID Uniquely identifies the dimension entity within its source system. Formed from the
transaction in the Source Adapter of the fact table.
Lookup Date The primary date of the transaction; for example, receipt date, sales date, and so
In Figure 31, the Supplier Products Key Lookup transformation illustrates the three input columns
needed for the ADI lookup—the Key ID, Source ID, and Date (lookup date). The transformation then
outputs the Supplier Product key (the dimension key) to the data warehouse table IA_SPLR_PRODS.
If Type II slowly changing dimensions are enabled, the ADI uses the unique effective dates for each
update of the dimension records. When a dimension key is looked up, it uses the fact’s primary date
to resolve the appropriate dimension key.
The effective date range gives the effective period for the dimension record. The same entity can
have multiple records in the dimension table with different effective periods due to Type II slowly
changing dimensions. This effective date range is used to exactly identify a record in its dimension,
representing the information in a historically accurate manner. In the lookup for Employee Contract
Data shown in Figure 32, you can see the effective dates used to provide the effective period of
employee contracts.
Each Dimension Key ID has a default value, which you can configure. If you want to reset the value
of a Dimension Key ID, you must modify the Key ID definition in the dimension extract mapping, in
the Expression transformation, as well as in every fact load that uses the key. For example, if you
want to modify the Key ID for the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS dimension table, then you must modify the Key
ID’s definition in the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS extract mapping’s Expression transformation.
In addition, you have to modify any fact table load mapping that uses the key. For example, because
the IA_SALES_IVCLNS fact table uses the Key ID of the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS dimension table, you must
modify the Key ID definition in the IA_SALES_IVCLNS load mapping’s Source Adapter mapplet. The
following two procedures tell you how to accomplish both of these tasks.
For example, if you redefine the KEY_ID column for the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS table, modify the default
Key ID port in the M_I_GL_ACCOUNTS_EXTRACT mapping, which, by default, is set to the Set-of-
Books ID ~ Code Combination ID (TO_CHAR(SOB_ID)||'~'||TO_CHAR(CC_ID)). You can reset the
grain of this dimension table by setting the Key ID to something else, like Set-of-Books ID ~ GL
account number.
NOTE: Verify that any modified Key ID continues to uniquely identify each record in the table.
For example, if you want to redefine the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS Key ID in the IA_SALES_IVCLNS table,
modify the default Key ID as shown in the following:
6 Repeat these steps for every fact table that is joined to the dimension in question.
Each fact table has at least three extension dimension keys, allowing you to store additional
dimension tables. To join a new dimension table to a fact table, you need to modify the fact table’s
load mapping or session, which involves two tasks:
■ Defining the Key ID in the Source Adapter mapplet of the fact table load.
■ Modifying the session to perform a SQL statement for the lookup that is used to resolve the Key
ID and redirect the lookup to the dimension table of your choice.
For example, if you want to join the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS dimension table to the IA_SALES_IVCLNS
fact table, you could join it to the EXT_SIVL_DIM1_ID.
NOTE: Make sure that the level at which you define the Dimension Key ID in the fact mapping
is the same grain at which the Key ID is defined in the dimension table’s extract mapping.
2 Double-click the applicable session for the fact load mapping to open the Edit Tasks box.
3 In the Transformations tab, edit the Lookup SQL Override field for the dimension key lookup in
the ADI mapplet.
For example, If you are joining the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS table, then you would change the references
5 Click OK, and then click OK to exit the Edit Tasks dialog box.
If you supply the key, then the ADI does not perform the lookup and instead resolves the dimension
key within the load mapping itself. In this case, you modify the SQL statement in PowerCenter to join
the tables.
3 Add the dimension table (the table that contains the dimension key) as a source system to your
load mapping.
4 Drag and drop the surrogate key column from the dimension source system definition to the
Source Qualifier.
5 Double-click the Source Qualifier transformation to open the Edit Transformations box.
6 In the Properties tab, edit the SQL statement to put in the join conditions between the dimension
table and the fact extract table.
7 Drag and drop the surrogate key column from the Source Qualifier to an available EXT_*_KEY port
in the Source Adapter mapplet.
In Figure 33, the dimension key resolution is performed in the Customer Dimension table in the
database by joining the Customer Dimension table to the Sales Orders extract table. The dimension
key is then passed to the ADI, and is then loaded into the Sales Orders Fact table.
One method for transforming source data into a source-independent format is to convert the source-
supplied values to domain values. Domain values are a set of distinct values used to calculate
prepackaged metrics. These values are provided by the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse to allow you to create metric calculations independent of source system values.
The load mapping then ports the extracted source values (H and R from source system A, and 1 and
2 from source system B) into the Source Adapter mapplet. Within the Source Adapter, source values
are translated into domain values (HIR and REH) based on a set of rules that are particular to your
business practices.
1 Analyze all of your source values and how they map to the prepackaged domain values. You may
find that you need to create additional domain values for particular columns. The result of this
preparation work is a list of each source value and how it is mapped to a domain value.
2 Implement this logic in the applicable Source Adapter mapplet. To set up the logic, modify the
Expression transformation in the Source Adapter mapplet for each affected column. For
information on setting up the rules for domain values, see Configuring the Domain Value Set Using
PowerCenter Designer on page 160.
Figure 34 illustrates how the source values are converted to the domain values—HIR and REH.
Figure 35 illustrates a different situation where the records may not contain a source value that flags
the record as Hire or Rehire. In this case, the source system stores hires in one table and rehires in
another table. To make this work, one possible solution is to modify the extract mappings to populate
the IA_EVENT_GRP_CODE column with HIR or REH. If the field is populated in the extract mapping, you
can then carry those same values through the Source Adapter mapplet.
After the Source Adapter mapplet converts the source-specific values to domain values, the domain
values are inserted into a Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse table. In this example, the
HIR and REH values populate the IA_EVENT_TYPES table, as illustrated in Figure 36.
Figure 36. Domain Value Loading Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Table
Hire Count
This metric counts all hires for a specified period. The calculation is:
Rehires Ratio
This metric determines the ratio of rehires to all employees hired during a specified period. The
calculation is:
Each of these metric calculations is based on the domain values HIR and REH. All records whose
source values are converted to one of these domain values are included in the metric calculations,
as shown in Figure 37.
■ New Position. This event occurs when a position is created, but an existing employee may be
hired internally.
If you have an event that represents both a New Hire and a New Position, you may have to create a
third event that depicts both. If you create this new event type domain value, you need to include it
in the applicable metric definitions so as to account for all hires and positions.
You can add to these worksheet files if you need extra source system values and map them to domain
values. You can also modify the worksheet files if you need to customize the domain values. You can
use an existing domain value if you want to change the preconfigured metrics. Otherwise you can
create a new domain value and create new metrics based on this domain value.
The source system values that are not mapped to a domain values in the CSV worksheet files have
a question mark (?) as the domain value in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. These
values do not affect the domain values metrics.
If there are no worksheet files to map the source system values to the domain values, you need to
modify the domain values using PowerCenter Designer. For more information on configuring domain
values using PowerCenter Designer, see Configuring the Domain Value Set Using PowerCenter
Designer on page 160.
For a list of CSV worksheet files and their domain values for your application, see your application
configuration chapter.
For a list of columns that use domain values, see the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse Data Model Reference.
2 List all of your source values that qualify for conversion to one of the domain values.
If any of your source system values do not map to a prepackaged domain value, and you may
modify the list of domain values, then create a list of new domain values and map your orphaned
source system values to your newly created domain values.
You cannot modify all domain value sets. Also, you must check which metrics are affected by the
modified domain value set. For more information, see the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse Data Model Reference.
5 Edit the file to map your source values to the existing domain values.
Alternately, if you want to add additional domain values, add them in this worksheet file.
Configuring the domain value set for a particular column, using PowerCenter Designer, entails one
or both of the following activities:
Regardless of which activity you choose, the configuration occurs in the Expression transformation
of the applicable Source Adapter mapplet. The following procedure shows how to configure the
Expression transformation to change the domain values.
For a list of columns that use domain values, see the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse Data Model Reference.
2 List all of your source values that qualify for conversion to one of the domain values.
3 Map each source value to a domain value.
If any of your source system values do not map to a prepackaged domain value, and you may
modify the list of domain values, then create a list of new domain values and map your orphaned
source system values to your newly created domain values.
You cannot modify all domain value sets. Also, you must check which metrics are affected by the
modified domain value set. For more information, see the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse Data Model Reference.
6 Locate the applicable port’s expression so that you can modify it.
7 Edit the port’s expression to map your source values to the existing domain values.
Alternately, if you want to add additional domain values, add them in this same expression.
By default, the Support Withdrawn Date takes precedence over the product Effective To Date. This
prioritization means that if you supply a value for the Support Withdrawn Date column in your flat
file upload, the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse uses that value as the product
Effective To value as well, overwriting anything in the SRC_EFF_TO_DT column. You can change this
default behavior by modifying the Products Expression in the Universal Source Products Extract
To modify the product Effective To Date logic for a flat file extract
1 In PowerCenter Designer, open the Configuration for Universal Source folder.
2 In the M_F_PRODUCTS_EXTRACT mapping, open the EXP_PRODUCTS expression.
To configure the granularity of the your services definition, use the Package Product ID instead of
the Component Product ID to populate the Product ID column of your Service Provisions dimension.
The M_F_SRVC_PRVSNS_EXTRACT mapping is found in the Configuration for Universal Source folder
in PowerCenter Designer.
2 If you want the Service Provisions dimension to be configured at the package level of granularity,
use the value of the PACKAGE_PROD_ID to populate the PRODUCT_ID column.
For example, assume that a vendor, who is defined in your Suppliers dimension table, IA_SUPPLIERS,
also plays the role of a customer (and is therefore also defined in your Customers dimension table,
IA_CUSTOMERS). The multiple roles of this customer or vendor would be tracked in the Cross
Reference Entities table, IA_XRF_ENTITIES.
Table 24 provides the columns in IA_XRF_ENTITIES that are updated by means of a flat files. As new
references come in from a flat file, the ENTITY_KEY column is updated, while the ORIG_ENTITY_KEY
column retains its original value.
Table 25. Flat File to Update the Cross-Reference Entities Table IA_XRF_ENTITIES
Supplier1 Customer1
Employee1 Customer1
WebVisitor7 Customer23
To limit which entities are loaded into the cross-reference table, edit the SQL statement in the Source
Qualifier of the appropriate PLP cross-reference entities load mapping.
2 Open the appropriate PLP cross-reference entities load mapping and edit the Source Qualifier for
the type of record you want to limit on the cross-reference entities table:
3 Edit the SQL statement in the Source Qualifier to select only the desired set of entities.
Figure 38 depicts a correctly structured flat file that matches the Base Dimension ID to the Reference
Dimension ID, enabling a proper update to the IA_XRF_ENTITIES table. In the first row, the flat file
shows that Supplier1 is the same entity as Customer1. The corresponding update to the
IA_XRF_ENTITIES table updates the second row, changing Supplier1’s ENTITY_KEY to be the same as
Customer1. Supplier1 and Customer1 now share the same ENTITY_KEY— Entity1.
The next row in the flat file indicates that Employee1 is also the same entity as Customer1 (and,
therefore, as Supplier1). The corresponding update to the IA_XRF_ENTITIES table updates the third
row, changing Employee1’s ENTITY_KEY value to Entity1, matching that of Customer1 and Supplier1.
Figure 38. Successful Update of IA_XRF_ENTITIES Using the Same Entity Type as the Reference
Figure 39 depicts what happens if the entities used as Reference Dimension IDs in the flat file are
cyclic from the definition. Supplier1, Employee1, and Customer1 are all still the same entity, as they
were in the Figure 38. However, in the previous example, the Customer entity was consistently used
as the Reference Dimension, whereas in Figure 39, the Supplier entity is used once and the Customer
entity is also used only once.
The first row of the flat file links Employee1 to Supplier1. The corresponding update to the
IA_XRF_ENTITIES table changes the ENTITY_KEY of Employee1 to Entity2, matching the ENTITY_KEY
value of Supplier1. The second row of the flat file links Supplier1 to Customer1. The corresponding
update to the IA_XRF_ENTITIES table changes the ENTITY_KEY column of Supplier1 to the value of
Entity1. The cross-reference, then, is only partial—it identifies Supplier1 and Customer1 as the same
entity, but fails to indicate that Employee1 is yet another role played by that very same entity.
NOTE: After loading cross-references, make sure all relationships are accurately defined.
Regardless of which application you are implementing, there is some general configuration
information that is specific to Oracle 11i. In this chapter, you learn about each of these points.
■ Configuring the Group Currency Code for Oracle 11i on page 167
■ About Adding Oracle Flex Fields to the Data Model on page 167
■ Mapping Source Customer Hierarchies to the Customers Dimension Table on page 169
■ Key flex fields. Key flex fields are key fields that are required by Oracle 11i. You can modify
their definitions when configuring Oracle Applications.
■ Descriptive flex fields. Descriptive flex fields are extension fields in the Oracle Applications
■ GL Account, account segment only. If you want to incorporate any other segment, you must
modify the extract and load mappings.
■ Territory, segments 1, 2, and 3 only. These key flex fields are used for Business Organizations
Sales Geographical hierarchies only. If you want to incorporate any other segments, you need to
modify the extract and load mappings.
■ Product Category, segments 1 and 2 only. These key flex fields are used for classification
only. If you want to incorporate any other segments, you need to modify the extract and load
If you wish to add other key flex field data to the data model, it is recommended that you use the
extension columns available in the tables. For more information on using extension columns, see
Overview of Storing, Extracting, and Loading Additional Data on page 175.
For example, by default the Sales Order Lines table supplies the load mapping with the Product key.
However, if it does not, the ADI performs a lookup to retrieve the Product key from IA_PRODUCTS.
The lookup uses the Organization ID to help resolve the Product key. The ADI uses the SOURCE_ID,
CREATED_ON_DT, and the PRODUCT_ID, where the PRODUCT_ID is defined as the INP_INV_ITEM_ID
concatenated with the ORGANIZATION_ID. If the wrong Organization ID is provided, then the Product
ID is not defined correctly, which results in a failed lookup for the Product key, and the Product key
is not loaded into the applicable fact table during the load.
If your business has multiple Organization IDs for inventory organizations, you can use the most
commonly used Organization ID, or the master Organization ID as defined in your Oracle Applications
■ Import the hierarchies into the TI_CUSTOMERS staging table for Oracle 11i.
■ Redefine the category lookup so that the new category data is loaded into the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
Figure 40. Oracle Applications: Customization Processes for Custom Customer Hierarchies Load
To load the source-defined customer hierarchies into the TI_CUSTOMERS staging table for Oracle 11i,
you must first edit the MPLT_BCI_CUSTOMERS Business Component mapplet to extract the hierarchy
in addition to the customer information. After your Business Component is set up to extract the
customer hierarchies, you must verify that the M_I_CUSTOMERS_EXTRACT extract mapping outputs this
data to the data warehouse.
If the hierarchies and customers are maintained in the same Oracle Applications source table,
then load these columns into the SQL Source qualifier and map them to the Business Component
However, if the hierarchies and customers are stored in two different tables, then the Business
Component must be modified to include both source tables so that it can include both sets of
■ Modify the M_I_CUSTOMERS_EXTRACT extract mapping, to map the source customer hierarchy
columns to the extension hierarchy columns in the TI_CUSTOMERS staging table.
If the source table has hierarchy codes, but no descriptions associated with these codes, map
the Oracle Applications codes to both the hierarchy name columns and the hierarchy code
columns. Hierarchy name columns are named as CUST_HIERX_NAME, where X denotes the level of
the customer hierarchy.
If the source table has code values, but the corresponding descriptions are in a different source
table, you must build new codes mappings that load the data into the IA_CODES table.
NOTE: After you complete the previous process, you must modify a hierarchy lookup in the
customer dimension so that the system extracts the new categories.
You can use the following statement as a sample of how to structure your SQL statement:
For example, if you have mapped something to the CUST_HIER1_CODE, then the SQL to the
IA_CODES table is now a new category code in place of GENERIC.
■ Identify and extract only the categories that you want to report against.
■ Properly position the data so that it loads into the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
There are two dimension tables that have built-in product hierarchies—the Product and Sales Product
dimension tables. These dimension tables share one category staging table. ETL extracts the Product
and Sales Product staging tables separately, and then joins these tables with the shared category
staging table to load hierarchies. The category extract mapping controls the category sets that are
used in the Product and Sales Product dimensions. The load mappings for the Product and Sales
Product dimensions specifies which Category Set is used to load to the hierarchy columns.
These categories are extracted from the source and placed in the hierarchy column specified.
2 In PowerCenter Workflow Manager, open the Configuration for Oracle Applications v11i.
5 In the right pane, scroll down and click SQL Query to edit session SQL override.
In this example, the WHERE clause extracts categories where the Category Set ID is 27 or 2.
7 Click OK, and then click OK to close the Edit Tasks box.
2 Replace the default Category Set ID (27) with your new value.
3 Double-click the EXP_PRODUCTS expression transformation to open the Edit Transformation box.
4 In the Ports tab, scroll down to find the hierarchy code port.
Hierarchy levels are named with the following convention EXT_PROD_HIERX_CODE, where X
denotes the level within the hierarchy. For example, if you want to edit the first level of your
hierarchy, you must edit the definition for EXT_PROD_HIER1_CODE port. The first two levels are
preconfigured as follows:
NOTE: You can configure six hierarchy extension columns in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse. To resolve the names for each level, you need to extend the IA_CODES table with the
correct codes when configuring the new hierarchy levels.
After you have modified the file, the next time you run the session, a new Source ID is loaded.
2 Replace the default Last Extract date with the new Last Extract date.
This chapter discusses the methodology for storing additional data in the data warehouse. In
addition, it gives general procedures for extracting and loading new data.
■ About Integrating Data from Source Systems Without Prepackaged Business Adapters on page 187
Extension columns make it possible to extend any fact or dimension table without changing the
schematic structure of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse data model, or making
modifications to the load mapping, because load mappings already include the extension column
loading logic. In addition, extension columns have far less impact on the database size than building
entirely new tables, which could also have implications when upgrading. Each of the following
sections provides you with information on the preferred methods of integrating different types of
data without affecting database size or impeding functionality.
TIP: It is recommended that you use the extension columns, instead of changing the data model
structure. Using extension columns, you can use data warehousing practices such as change control,
updates, generating surrogate keys, and slowly changing dimensions.
■ Attributes. Attributes include descriptive data that allow you to look at metrics under different
circumstances. Examples of attributes are product name, product description, and sales order
■ Amounts and Quantities. Amounts and quantities are two types of metrics, which are
sometimes referred to as facts. Amounts are monetary values, such as costs, revenues, profits,
and so on. Quantities are counts of items, such as the number of sales orders, number of
products sold, and number of backlogged sales orders.
Depending on the type of data that you want to store in the data warehouse, you may choose a
particular type of table, as well as an extension column with a particular data type. Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse prepackages extension columns in fact tables, dimension tables, and
class tables, where each type of table contains different types of extension columns.
The following sections suggest the types of tables and columns to use when storing particular types
of data in your data warehouse.
There are two types of dimension tables. Table 26 provides descriptions of the types of extension
columns present in both types of dimension tables. The only difference between the two types is that
one type of dimension table has more columns than the other.
Type of Extension
Column Description Number of Columns
Code Name You can use these columns to store code names. 3 to 10
Code names are looked up to decipher cryptic
Fact tables generally have more types of extension columns than dimension tables. This is due to the
nature of a star schema. Table 27 provides descriptions of the extension columns present in the two
types of fact tables. The only difference between the two types is that one type of fact table has more
columns than the other.
Type of Extension
Column Description Number of Columns
Code Name You can use these columns to store code names. 3
Code names are looked up to decipher cryptic
Date Key You can use these columns to store date keys. The 3
ADI transforms any dates into Julian dates.
In the following sections, you learn how to incorporate attributes, metrics, and dates into fact,
dimension, and class tables.
NOTE: Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse domain values are different from domained
attributes. Domained attributes are source values, not values necessarily loaded into Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse; they are a set of values that are used for a particular field.
On the other hand, domain values are Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse values for
particular fields that are used to create metrics. These values are called Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse domain values, which are generically referred to as domain values. For more
information on domain values, see About Domain Values on page 154. For a list of domain values, see
the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
In addition to domained attributes, your source system may also provide free text attributes, which
can have any value. Unlike domained attributes, where there is a select set of values, there are no
restrictions on the value of free text attributes. An example of a free text attribute is a description
column in which users enter a description. Descriptions can vary widely; there is no standard set of
values for descriptions.
Depending on the type of attribute you want to store, domained or free text, there are different
recommendations on how to incorporate them into your data warehouse. The following sections
describe how to store each type of attribute.
■ The attribute stored in the dimension table must be at the same base grain as the table.
Changing to a lower base grain may negatively affect joins to other tables, and it is therefore
recommended that you do not change the base grain of the table.
■ The relationship between the dimension table base grain to the attribute can be one-to-one, or
many-to-one, but not one-to-many. For example, assume that the IA_PRODUCTS table’s grain is
the product number. So, for example, you cannot incorporate a store location code column, which
takes the base grain of product, and matches it with several store attributes, changing the grain
from products code to store code. However, you can add a color column to track that attribute
of the product without changing the grain of the table.
■ Given the limited number of extension columns, you must be selective when choosing data that
you want to incorporate into the data warehouse. If you require more extension columns than
are provided, keep attributes that are the most closely associated with the dimension table in
that table, and place all other attributes in the other tables. For example, if you had a dimension
table that covered the attributes of storage capacity for your warehouse, and you had both
additional storage and location attributes to incorporate, you would choose to create a new
location table, rather than split the storage capacity information. For information on creating new
tables, see Table Formats on page 191.
Do not create a dimension table to store a disparate set of attributes. If you decide to create a new
dimension table, use the same structure and naming conventions as the prepackaged dimension
tables. Structurally, the new dimension table must contain columns such as primary key, Source ID,
Key ID, fact keys, dimension keys, and so on. In addition, with each of these columns, there are
naming conventions. For information on naming conventions, see the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
If you need to add more columns to a dimension table and if all the extension fields of the existing
dimension are used, create an extension table to the dimension table with the same Surrogate Key,
Key ID, source if and effective from, and two dates to populate these extra fields.
If a code does not exist in the IA_CODES table and you want to use a lookup for the code name, then
you must add the code to the IA_CODES table. Three possible scenarios occur when working with
codes and code names. Each of the following scenarios are also described in Figure 42. The three
scenarios are described in the sections that follow.
Storing Codes and Code Names in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
If the code and code name pair reside in the IA_CODES table and you load only the code column,
the ADI resolves the code name through a lookup. (See Figure 41.) This is the way to enforce
domained values. For information on adding new codes to the IA_CODES table, see Creating a Codes
Mapping on page 210.
Storing Codes Without Code Names in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
If the source supplies only the code without the code name, and the code and code name pair do not
exist in the IA_CODES table, then the ADI tries to resolve the code name by a lookup. However,
because the code and code name do not exist in the IA_CODES table, no data is retrieved. As a
result, the ADI loads only the code into the IA table. This method does not enforce domained values.
Storing Code Names Without Codes in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
If the source supplies the code name without the code, then the ADI loads only the code name into
the IA table. (See Figure 42.) This method does not enforce domained values.
There are a variety of scenarios that occur when storing a new attribute. Depending on where the
data resides, you can take particular steps to incorporate new attributes and make them available in
the data warehouse and your front-end schema. Generally speaking, there are three major areas
where data resides—Source database, staging table, and Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse. Figure 43 illustrates the three scenarios and the components that are affected when
trying to store the new data.
In the sections that follow, you can find procedures for storing new attributes for each of the three
scenarios. Each of the steps in the procedure corresponds to larger topics described in later sections
of this chapter. The steps provide you with a high-level overview, and the larger topics provide the
This step applies only if you are storing domained attributes. In addition, perform this step only
if the code and code name are not already loaded into the IA_CODES table. For information on
creating a codes mapping, see Creating a Codes Mapping on page 210.
2 Modify the existing extract mapping or create a new extract mapping to extract this new
information from the source system.
For information on modifying the existing Business Component mapplet of an extract mapping,
see Process of Creating and Modifying Business Adapters on page 213. For information on creating
a new extract mapping, see Creating an Extract Mapping on page 203.
TIP: You can perform calculations in the Business Component mapplet of the extract mapping
or in the Source Adapter mapplet of the load mapping. However, it is not recommended that you
perform performance-expensive calculations in the extract. This protects you from interfering
with your source transaction system. For these types of calculations, it is recommended that you
perform them in the Source Adapter mapplet in the load mapping. One of the major reasons why
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse splits the extract process from the load process
into two separate mappings is to minimize the amount of time tying up your source transaction
3 Modify the existing load mapping to take the data from the staging table and load it into the data
For information on modifying the existing Source Adapter mapplet of a load mapping, see Process
of Creating and Modifying Business Adapters on page 213. For information on creating a new load
mapping, see Creating a Load Mapping on page 206.
TIP: If you map the data to a staging table’s extension column, you must determine the type
of extension column to use. For information on the type of extension column to use for attribute
data, see Determining the Type of Extension Column to Use for Attributes on page 179.
For information on modifying the existing Source Adapter mapplet of a load mapping, see Process
of Creating and Modifying Business Adapters on page 213. For information on creating a new load
mapping, see Creating a Load Mapping on page 206.
TIP: If you map the data to a staging table’s extension column, you must determine the type
of extension column to use. For explicit information on the type of extension column to use for
attribute data, see Determining the Type of Extension Column to Use for Attributes on page 179.
NOTE: This procedure can also be used to store additional metrics. For more about storing metrics,
see Storing Additional Metrics in the Data Warehouse on page 184.
However, before loading a metric into a fact table, perform the following checks:
■ You must make sure that the grain of the table is the same grain as the new metric. If the table
and the data are not at the same grain level, it is strongly recommended that you do not change
the grain of a table to match the grain of the metric data. By doing so, you may negatively affect
joins to other tables, as well as reports.
■ Determine the type of extension column you use to store the metric. Different extension columns
are provided for both the quantity and amount type of metric. Extension columns for quantity
are identified by the QTY suffix, and extension columns for amount are identified by the AMT
■ The metric data must be associated with the subject area of the fact table.
In addition to determining the appropriate fact table, you must also determine which type of
extension column to load the metric data into. The following section suggests the type of column to
use for each type of metric data.
There are a variety of scenarios that occur when incorporating a new metric. Depending on where
the data resides, you can take particular steps to incorporate the new metrics and make them
available in your data warehouse and front-end schema. Generally speaking, there are three major
areas where data resides—source database, staging table, and Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse. Figure 44 illustrates the three scenarios and the components that are affected when
trying to store the new data.
In the sections that follow, you can find procedures for storing new metrics given each of these three
scenarios. Each of the steps in the procedure correspond to larger topics discussed in later sections
of this chapter. The steps provide you with a high-level overview, and the larger topics provide the
For information on modifying the existing Business Component mapplet of an extract mapping,
see Process of Creating and Modifying Business Adapters on page 213. For information on creating
a new extract mapping, see Creating an Extract Mapping on page 203.
TIP: You can perform calculations in the Business Component mapplet of the extract mapping
or in the Source Adapter mapplet of the load mapping. However, it is not recommended that you
perform large calculations in the extract. This protects you from interfering with your source
transaction system. For these types of calculations, it is recommended that you perform them in
the Source Adapter mapplet in the load mapping. One of the major reasons why Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse splits the extract process from the load process into two separate
mappings is to minimize the amount of time tying up the source transaction system.
2 Modify the existing load mapping to take the data from the staging table and load it into the data
For information on modifying the existing Source Adapter mapplet of a load mapping, see Process
of Creating and Modifying Business Adapters on page 213. For information on creating a new load
mapping, see Creating a Load Mapping on page 206.
TIP: If you map the data to a staging table’s extension column, you must determine the type
of extension column to use. For explicit information on the type of extension column to use for
attribute data, see Determining the Type of Extension Column to Use for Metrics on page 184.
NOTE: You can also store additional metrics derived from other staging area tables or from data
warehouse objects. The steps for these tasks are identical to those for storing new attributes. See
the procedures in Storing Additional Attributes in the Data Warehouse on page 181.
To do this, you must modify an extract mapping. Within the Business Component:
a Include the source table that supplies the date as a source table in the extract mapping.
b Map the data from the source table to the Source Qualifier transformation.
c Map the data from the Source Qualifier to the Mapplet Output Object (MAPO).
d Map the data from the Business Component to the Expression transformation. If your date is not
in the proper date format, you can convert it using this Expression transformation.
e Map the data from the Expression transformation to the staging table.
After this is complete, the corresponding load mapping pulls the date data and loads it into the
corresponding IA table.
2 You also must modify the front-end schema to report on this date.
NOTE: Unlike other adapters, the universal adapter requires values for the DELETE_FLAG,
■ Supply all the universal source data in a comma delimited flat file (*.csv). Because flat files have
only number and string data types, all dates must be provided in the String (14) data type. For
example, you can use 200112310000 for December 31, 2001.
■ Specify the values for the Key ID and Source ID in the flat file. Unlike prepackaged sources, these
values are not formed in the Source Adapter for universal sources.
■ Preset the record deletion flags. The delete flag can have the values Y or N.
■ If applicable, supply the source Effective To and Effective From dates in the flat file. If the
effective dates are not supplied, Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse inserts default
values—January 01, 1899 for the Effective From date and January 01, 3714 for the Effective To
■ Each flat file template has 10 system columns that are not used. These columns are named
RESERVED_1, RESERVED_2, and so on. These are not customization columns for your use;
Siebel Business Analytics reserves these columns for future development.
NOTE: The IA_COPYRIGHT column is populated during an initial load (M_Z_INITIAL_LOAD) from
one of the prepackaged CSV files.
■ Source Qualifier. The Source Qualifier provides the means for extracting the data from the
NOTE: You can use the Source Qualifier to join multiple source flat files from the same database
platform. However, if you are sourcing from multiple sources that belong to different database
platforms you cannot use a Source Qualifier; you must use a Joiner Transformation to join the
■ Business Component. The Business Component is omitted from the extract mapping for
universal sources as there are no transformations to perform other than the date data type
change. Therefore, you can either transform the data prior to it being extracted by the universal
adapter or incorporate transformation logic within the universal adapter.
■ Staging Table. The staging tables are the target tables for the extract mappings. Each staging
table mirrors its corresponding load control table structure. However, it does not have control
columns, such as CURR_KEY, IA_INSERT_DT, IA_UPDATE_DT, and other CURR_* columns. If a
load control table is not available, the staging table mirrors the IA table, except that instead of
*_KEY and *_DT columns, it uses *_ID and *_DT columns.
After data is extracted, the data then goes through a load mapping, described in the following
■ Staging Table. The staging table serves as the source table for the load mapping. Each staging
table mirrors its corresponding load control table structure. However, it does not have control
columns, such as CURR_KEY, IA_INSERT_DT, IA_UPDATE_DT, and other CURR_* columns. If a
load control table is not available, the staging table mirrors the IA table, except that instead of
*_KEY and *_DT columns, it uses *_ID and *_DT columns.
■ OD Table. The load control table determines if the source records loaded in the staging table are
new, updated, or unchanged. New records are inserted into the data warehouse table. Updates
to existing records overwrite the existing records if Type I Slowly Changing Dimensions are
enabled. Updates to existing records are inserted if Type II Slowly Changing Dimensions are
enabled. Unchanged records are rejected from the data warehouse because they already exist.
■ Source Qualifier. The Source Qualifier joins the staging table and load control table and
provides the Source ID and Key ID.
■ Source Adapter. The Source Adapter mapplet adds the Type II Flag to the sourced data. If you
want to incorporate additional data transformation logic, add it within this object.
■ ADI. The ADI mapplet creates values for the INSERT_DT and UPDATE_DT columns. In addition,
the ADI also performs the update strategy that either inserts new records, updates existing
records, or rejects records from the load.
■ Data Warehouse Table. The resulting data warehouse table (IA) stores the data for end user
querying purposes. Although not illustrated in Figure 46, each time the IA table is loaded, the
ADI also reloads the OD table after truncating it. Only the most recent snapshot of all column
values are stored in OD tables; they do not store historical information.
As you begin creating new components, you need to be consistent in the way you name your objects.
For all custom-built objects, the naming convention may be prefixed with Z_. For example, if you
create a new profile table for customers, then you might name it as Z_CUSTOMER_PROFILE. For a
list of naming conventions used for objects prepackaged by Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse, see the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
Table Formats
You can create additional tables in Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse to meet your
business requirements. This section lists the specific formats for various tables that are commonly
used standards.
Although there are exceptions to the rules, these are the formats you need to follow when creating
new tables. All tables, with the exception of new staging tables, need to be created in the Siebel
Business Analytics folder in the PowerCenter repository. Only staging tables are created within the
prepackaged, source-specific configuration folders, such as Configuration for Oracle 11i and
Configuration for PeopleSoft.
The following topics discuss additional table formats you can create in Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse. They describe how to create an entirely new table, as well as how to make a
new table using a copy of an existing table:
Each of the table types in Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse has a specific format and
naming convention that must be followed to create tables.
You can also create Profile tables with additional table formats. Profile tables are covered separately
in the topic Creating a Profile Table Using Domain Values on page 202.
The following is the order of the columns, data type, and precision for fact tables:
1 Surrogate key. The data type is decimal (10,0) or (15,0) (for example, in the fact table for
Accounts Payable transactions, IA_AP_XACTS, the surrogate key is AP_XACTS_KEY).
2 Dimensions keys. The data type is decimal (10,0) or (15,0) (for example, the
3 Date Key columns. The data type is decimal (15,0) in Julian format with a DK suffix (for
example, CREATED_ON_DK is a date key in the IA_AP_XACTS fact table).
4 Amount columns. The data type is decimal (28,10) ordered by currency type and with an AMT
suffix (for example, AP_GRP_AMT in IA_AP_XACTS).
5 Quantity columns. The data type is decimal (18,3) with a QTY suffix (for example, XACT_QTY).
6 Code columns. The data type of all codes is varchar (30) with a CODE suffix (for example,
UOM_CODE). There are two kinds of codes:
■ The second code type is code-name pairs where the code and the code name are both stored,
such as states where there is both CA and California.
7 Other fact attributes. The data type of the attribute is subjective to the kind of attribute. For
example, for ACCT_DOC_NUM, the data type is varchar (30), while for ACCT_DOC_ITEM the data
type is decimal (15,0).
8 Description columns. The data type for the description columns is varchar (254) or varchar
(255) with a DESC suffix (for example, GL_ACCOUNT_DESC).
9 Name columns. The data type of the name columns is varchar (254) or varchar (255) with a
NAME suffix (for example, GL_ACCOUNT_NAME).
10 Extension columns. Extension columns have the same data type and precision as their column
type (for example, amount, quantity, or code). The order for the extension columns is as follows:
■ The format for data keys is [FACT TABLE NAME]_DATE[SEQUENTIAL NUMBER]_DK (for
example, APXT_DATE1_DK in IA_AP_XACTS).
■ The code and name pair naming convention is [FACT TABLE NAME]_ATTR[SEQUENTIAL
11 Control columns. The data type and precision of the control columns varies. KEY_ID is data
type varchar (80), SOURCE_ID is data type varchar (30), and IA_COPYRIGHT is data type
varchar (254). IA_INSERT_DT and IA_UPDATE_DT are dependent on the database; datetime (26,
6) for SQL Server; date (26,6) for Oracle; and timestamp (26,6) for DB2.
The following is the order of the columns, data type, and precision for load control tables for facts:
1 Current key (CURR_KEY). The data type for the current key is decimal (15, 0).
2 ID columns. The data type for ID columns is varchar (80), with a suffix of ID, which corresponds
to the *_KEY columns in the fact (IA) table (for example, SALES_ORDLN_ID in the
OD_SALES_PCKLNS load control table corresponds to the SALES_ORDLN_KEY).
NOTE: These columns only exist in an OD_* load control table if the corresponding IA_*
warehouse table contains a surrogate key. For example, the IA_SALES_ORDLNS warehouse table
uses a surrogate key for SALES_ORDLNS_KEY column; therefore, OD_SALES_ORDLNS table has
a SALES_ORDLN_ID column.
3 Date columns. The data type of date columns is datetime (26, 6) for SQL Server; date (26,6)
for Oracle; and timestamp (26,6) for DB2, with a suffix of DT (for example, CREATED_ON_DT).
This column corresponds to the *_DK columns in IA fact tables.
4 Amount columns. The data type for the amount columns is decimal (28, 10) with a suffix of
AMT (for example, NET_GRP_AMT). As with the amount columns in the fact table, they are in
order of currency—group, local, and document.
5 Codes. The data type of all codes is varchar (30), with a suffix of CODE (for example,
UOM_CODE). The code columns correspond with the fact table, therefore if the fact table has
both units of measure and currency as well as code-name pairs, the load control table has these
values too.
6 Other attributes. The data type varies to suit the attribute, but corresponds to what is found
in the fact table.
7 Extension columns. As found in the fact table and in the same order:
8 Control columns. The data type and precision of the control columns varies. KEY_ID is varchar
(80), SOURCE_ID is data type varchar (30), and IA_COPYRIGHT is data type varchar (254).
IA_INSERT_DT and IA_UPDATE_DT are dependent on the database; datetime (26, 6) for SQL
Server; date (26,6) for Oracle; and timestamp (26,6) for DB2.
The following is the order of the columns, data type, and precision for dimension tables:
1 Surrogate key. The data type is decimal (10, 0) or decimal (15, 0) (for example,
2 Dimension keys. The data type for the dimension key is decimal (15,0) (for example, the
VISITOR_KEY in the IA_CUSTOMERS dimension table).
3 Date keys. The data type is decimal (15, 0) in Julian format and the suffix DK (for example,
4 Attribute columns. Attribute columns can be of several different types, including descriptive
and code, and the data type varies depending on the type. If it is a descriptive type such as
name, the data type is varchar (254); if it is a code, it is varchar (30); all others, including
number types, are either varchar (80) or varchar (30).
5 Hierarchy columns. The data type for codes is varchar (30), and for names the data type is
varchar (254). The number of the hierarchy columns is based on the number of nodes in the
hierarchy and there is no specific limit. Hierarchy columns are entered in code or name pairs,
Each pair uses the same number, corresponding to its level in the hierarchy, for example,
PROD_HIER1_CODE and PROD_HIER1_NAME in the IA_PRODUCTS dimension table are at the
first level.
6 Code and Description columns. The data type for codes is varchar (30), and the data type for
descriptions is varchar (254), with respective CODE and DESC suffixes (for example,
7 Extension columns. There are principally two kinds of extension columns in the following order:
8 Control columns. Control columns include CURRENT_FLAG and DELETE_FLAG varchar (1),
KEY_ID varchar (80), SOURCE_ID varchar (30), and IA_COPYRIGHT varchar (254),
EFFECTIVE_FROM_DT and EFFECTIVE_TO_DT are added to handle slowly changing dimensions
and are dependent on the database; datetime (26, 6) for SQL Server; date (26,6) for Oracle;
and timestamp (26,6) for DB2.
The following is the order of the columns, data type, and precision for load control tables for
dimension tables:
1 Current key (CURR_KEY). The data type for the current key is decimal (15, 0).
2 Dimension ID keys. The data type for dimension ID keys corresponding with the IA dimension
table is varchar (80).
3 Date. The data type of date columns is datetime (26, 6) for SQL Server; date (26,6) for Oracle;
and timestamp (26,6) for DB2, with a suffix of DT (for example, CREATED_ON_DT). This column
corresponds to the *_DK columns in IA fact tables.
4 Other attributes. The data type, length and precision is as found in the corresponding
dimension table (IA table).
5 Hierarchy columns. The data type for codes is varchar (30,0) and for name the data type is
varchar (254). The sequential number of the hierarchy column matches those code or name pairs
found in the IA dimension table.
6 Code and Description columns. The data type for codes is varchar (30) and for descriptions
the data type is varchar (254). The code-name pairs are found in the corresponding IA dimension
7 Extension columns. Extension columns corresponds with those found in the IA dimension table.
8 Control columns. The data types correspond with those control columns found in the dimension
table, including IA_COPYRIGHT and a composite primary key composed of the KEY_ID,
SOURCE_ID, and SRC_EFF_FROM_DT. IA_INSERT_DT and IA_UPDATE_DT are dependent on the
database; datetime (26, 6) for SQL Server; date (26,6) for Oracle; and timestamp (26,6) for
The first keys in an aggregate table are the Dimension keys that link the table to the dimension tables
for which it is aggregating data. As illustrated in the IA_CC_REP_A1 example, the naming convention
for aggregate tables is IA_[SUBJECT]_A[SEQUENTIAL NUMBER].
The following is the order of the columns, data type, and precision for IA aggregate tables.
1 Dimension keys. The data type is decimal (10, 0) or decimal (15, 0). Dimension keys link the
aggregate table to the dimension tables that could be used to analyze the aggregate table. For
example, SUPERVISOR_KEY links IA_CC_REP_A1 with the Employee dimension table. There can
be several dimension keys drawing information from several different dimension tables.
2 Date columns. The data type is decimal (10,0) or decimal (15,0), with a DK suffix (for example,
3 Amount columns. The data type is decimal (28,10), with an AMT suffix (for example,
4 Quantity columns. The data type of (18,3), with QTY suffix (for example, PRA1_1_QTY).
5 Currency Code columns. The data type is varchar (30), with a code suffix (for example,
■ The default database for staging tables is DB2, however you may change this value as necessary.
The primary key for staging tables is a composite of the KEY_ID and SOURCE_ID.
The purpose of the staging tables is to speed data extraction by temporarily storing extracted source
data that are transformed in an Expression transformation in preparation for the source-independent
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. Therefore, the order of the columns, and contents
is determined by the corresponding source data.
For example, in the staging table TO_USERS, the first eight columns contain attributes about user
information, some of which include CREATED_BY, LAST_UPDATED_BY, USER_NAME, and
EMAIL_ADDR, and so on, and which are then followed by extension columns and the last two control
columns that comprise the primary key, the KEY_ID and the SOURCE_ID.
In contrast, TS_USERS, which is the staging table for user information in SAP, has several columns
containing attribute information about users including DEPARTMENT_CODE, DELEGATEE_NAME,
REGION_CODE, and LANGUAGE_CODE. The only significant similarities are that the attributes are
followed by extension columns and that the primary key is usually a composition of KEY_ID and
SOURCE_ID columns. Sometimes, however, the primary key also includes the effective date for the
If you are creating a staging table, open the corresponding prepackaged source specific
configuration folder. The rest of the procedure remains the same.
3 Select Targets > Create to open the Create Target Table window.
4 Following the appropriate naming convention for the type of table, enter a new name for the
5 Select the database type from the list window and click Create, as shown in the following figure.
6 When the table appears in the Warehouse Designer, click Done to close the Create Target Table
7 Double-click the newly created table to open the Edit Table window.
Click the Add Column icon and add columns, data type, and set precision as required, as shown
in the following figure.
10 Click the Indexes tab, and then click the New Insert button to enter the table name with the
appropriate index suffix in the Indexes window.
NOTE: The format for the index is [TABLE NAME]_N[SEQUENTIAL NUMBER] for nonunique
indexes, or [TABLE NAME]_U[SEQUENTIAL NUMBER] for unique indexes. For example,
IA_EXAMPLE_N1 or IA_EXAMPLE_U1. Although indexes are not required, they help speed
processing time by connecting nonunique tables.
11 Click the New Insert button in the Columns window to open the Add Column to Index dialog box:
■ Highlight the column from the list that you want the index to look locate, and click OK.
■ You must repeat clicking the New Insert button, highlight the appropriate column, and then
click OK for each column you want to add, as shown in the following figure.
3 Open the Targets folder, copy the table most closely representing the table you want to create,
and drag it into the Warehouse Designer.
■ If you use the copy and paste functions in the Edit menu and you paste them back into the
Siebel Business Analytics folder, you are prompted to rename the table because it already
■ By default all tables in Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse are created with a
database type of DB2. If you want to select a different database type, select the Database
Type list window and select from the list.
5 Click the Columns tab and add, delete, or modify columns as necessary.
Be sure to conform column to format for data type, length, and precision.
6 Click the Indexes tab, and then click the New Insert button to enter the table name with the
appropriate index suffix.
7 Click the New Insert button in the Columns window to open the Add Column to Index dialog box.
■ Highlight the column from the list that you want the index to look for and click OK.
■ You must repeat clicking the New Insert button, highlighting the appropriate column and then
clicking OK for each column you want to add, as shown in the following figure.
The new table is automatically added to the repository. Save changes before exiting PowerCenter
A profile table is built with the help of two prepackaged tables—the Domains table and the Profile
Specifications table.
■ The Domains table. IA_DOMAINS, stores predefined values for columns that can only hold
certain values, as shown in Table 28.
■ The Profile Specifications table. IA_PROFILE_SPECS, is used to join to the Domains table to
generate all the possible combinations of values you may want to use in a profile table, as shown
in Table 29.
Domain Language
Domain Name Position Domain Value Domain Flag Code
REGN 1 Started N E
REGN 2 Completed N E
RESEARCH 1 Started N E
PROFILE NAME Code Domain Name - 1 Domain Name - 2 Domain Name - 3
NEW PROFILE E Domain-1 Domain-2 E
You can create profile tables using the already loaded data in IA_DOMAINS and IA_PROFILE_SPECS.
For this purpose, Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse includes a Business Component
mapplet, which you can replicate and configure for every profile table you want to build. The Business
Component joins up to ten instances of the IA_DOMAINS table to IA_PROFILE_SPECS using the
NOTE: You can build a profile table with a maximum of ten domains, if the first domain holds no
more than three values and the other nine hold no more than ten each. If you build a profile table
with fewer than ten domains, each domain can hold a maximum of ten values.
3 Open Mapplets folder, and drag and drop MPLT_BCZ_PROFILE mapplet into Mapplet Designer.
4 Double-click the SQ_PROFILE Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations window.
5 Click the Properties tab, and then click the down arrow to access the SQL statement.
6 Edit the SQL statement by entering your new profile table name (for example,
IA_SALES_PROFILE) in the PROFILE_NAME column and the Domain Names that comprise it in
the DOMAIN_NAME_* columns.
NOTE: Fact tables in Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics and Siebel Enterprise Contact Center
Analytics contain foreign keys to profile tables. For all other tables that do not contain a profile
key, use one of the dimension key extension columns packaged in the table.
■ Expression transformations
■ Staging tables
NOTE: Universal Source extract mappings do not contain business components. For information on
Universal Source mappings, see About Integrating Data from Source Systems Without Prepackaged
Business Adapters on page 187.
The Business Component mapplet extracts data from the source tables. For more information on
creating a new Business Component, see the discussion on creating a new Business Component in
Process of Creating and Modifying Business Adapters on page 213. After the Business Component
mapplet extracts the source data, it then passes the data to at least one Expression transformation,
which configures the Source ID and the Key ID. The data can pass through as many different types
of Expression transformations as necessary to transform the data into a usable state.
After the transformations occur, the data is passed to the staging area target table. When creating
a new extract mapping, create a new staging table as well; do not use any existing staging tables as
it may impact performance of other mappings using that same table. For information on creating a
new staging table, see the discussion on the staging table format in Staging Table Format on
page 197. For information on working with extension columns, see Overview of Integrating Additional
Data on page 191.
About Integrating Data from Source Systems Without Prepackaged Business Adapters
If you are adding generic source data—that is data that is extracted from source systems other than
the prepackaged sources, such as Oracle, PeopleSoft, and SAP—then you do not need a Business
Component mapplet in the extract mapping. You can omit this step, because generic sources must
be in a ready-to-load state and do not need business components. Transformations are not
prepackaged in the Universal Adapter mappings that extract, transform, and load this type of data.
For more information on adding generic source data, see About Integrating Data from Source Systems
Without Prepackaged Business Adapters on page 187.
NOTE: If a new staging table is created, you must create a new load mapping to move the data into
the data warehouse. For information on creating a new load mapping, see Creating a Load Mapping on
page 206. If an existing staging table’s extension columns are used, the load mapping is prepackaged
to move any data from the Staging table’s extension columns into the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse’s extension columns.
For a list of naming conventions, see the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Data
Model Reference.
5 From the Repository Navigator, open the mapplet folder and drag the Business Component
mapplet you require into Mapping Designer.
6 Open the transformation folder, and drag the reusable Expression transformation
EXP_SOURCE_ID_FORMATION into Mapping Designer.
7 Double-click on the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations window, and
select Rename.
b Enter a Description of the new Expression transformation for future reference, and click OK.
8 Drag the output ports from the Business Component mapplet to the Expression transformation
input ports to connect them.
The Key ID uniquely identifies records within a source. The KEY_ID port has a data type of
string(80). This port is an output only port—select output (O) flag.
b In the Expression column, enter the definition for the Key ID.
You must include all columns that make the records unique.
NOTE: While forming the Key ID, do explicit type conversions inside the Expression Editor box
for those ports that are not of string data type. After you create your new KEY_ID port, you may
view it in the Expression transformation box.
TIP: It is recommended you keep the columns having the greatest number of different values
first and the columns with the least distinct values last, separating each column name with a tilde
10 If a reusable transformation was available as defined in Step 9, continue directly to Step 12.
a If a reusable transformation is not available to provide a Source ID, you must create a new one
by selecting Transformation > Create.
b Select Expression from the Select Transformation Type list window.
Enter a new name for the transformation and select Create, then Done.
c Drag the output ports from Copy the Business Component mapplet to the Expression
transformation input ports to connect them.
11 Double-click the transformation to open the Edit Transformation window and create the Source
NOTE: In addition to creating a Key ID, you must also create the Source ID.
a Edit the Expression transformation to add another column called SOURCE_ID, with data type of
string, 30.
b On the Ports tab, edit the definition of the SOURCE_ID to an output port only.
The abbreviations for preconfigured source systems are shown in the following table.
PeopleSoft PSFT75
NOTE: You may change the default Source ID if you use multiple instances of the same source.
For example, you may be running multiple instances of SAP and, therefore, want separate Source
IDs for each instance. For example, you might call the first instance SAPR3_1, and the second
instance SAPR3_2, and so on.
After you create your new SOURCE_ID port, you may view it in the Expression transformation
12 Open the Target folder, and drag and drop the staging table into Mapping Designer.
13 Connect the ports from the Expression transformation to the staging area target table.
The target table may have extra ports or extension columns created for later customization.
Leave these empty if there is no corresponding port coming in from the Expression
■ Staging table
The staging table provides temporary storage for extracted source data. The load mapping compares
extracted source data in the staging table against the load control table for updates to existing data.
If there is no load control table, use a shortcut to the IA table. The IA table and the staging table
pass the data to the Source Adapter. The Source Adapter contains most of the business logic used
in preparing the data for the Analytic Data Interface (ADI). The Source Adapter uses an Expression
transformation to handle data type conversions, source-specific lookups, and to create control
columns used in loading.
The load mapping prepares data for the ADI, matching its output with the input of the ADI mapplet.
The ADI mapplet contains source-independent transformation logic, such as:
The mapping, M_I_CUSTOMRS_LOAD, which is shown in Figure 49, provides a sample of a typical
dimension load mapping.
For a list of naming conventions, see the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Data
Model Reference.
5 From the Repository Navigator window, drag and drop the following items into Mapping Designer:
■ Source Adapter mapplet from the Mapplet folder. For example, MPLT_SAO_AR_XACTS in
Oracle Applications.
■ Shortcut to ADI mapplet from the Mapplet folder. For example, MPLT_ADI_AR_XACTS.
■ Shortcut to IA and OD target tables from the Target folder. For example, IA_AR_ACTIVITY.
NOTE: If you are going to require Type II slowly changing dimension support, you must import
two instances of the IA target table into your dimension load mappings. For more information on
Type II slowly changing dimension, see Type I and Type II Slowly Changing Dimensions on
page 131.
If set up to do so, PowerCenter Designer creates separate Source Qualifier transformations for
each source table you drag into a mapping.
For example, if you drag in a staging table and a control table (or even multiple instances of the
same table) as the sources for your mapping, you have one Source Qualifier for each of them.
Because only one Source Qualifier is required, delete all other Source Qualifier transformations.
7 After deleting any unnecessary Source Qualifier transformations, connect all ports to the one
remaining Source Qualifier:
NOTE: In the previous example, the control table ports and the staging table ports are both
connected to the same Source Qualifier transformation.
a Connect the Source Qualifier output ports to the Source Adapter mapplet input ports.
b Connect the Source Adapter mapplet output ports to the ADI mapplet input ports.
c Connect the first set of ADI mapplet output ports, classified under the MAPO_[SUBJECT]_IA1
heading, to one of the IA table instances.
NOTE: If you require only Type I changing dimension support, there is only one instance of
the IA table and you can move directly to Step 9. For more information on Type I slowly
changing dimension, see Type I and Type II Slowly Changing Dimensions on page 131.
8 If it is a dimension load mapping with Type II support, connect the second set of mapplet output
ports, classified under the MAPO_[SUBJECT]_IA2 heading, to the second instance of the IA table.
This set is different from the main set of ports for the IA table; it only has the surrogate key and
the control ports.
9 Connect the third set of mapplet output ports, classified under the MAPO_[SUBJECT]_OD
heading, to the control table. If the dimension does not have a control table, then you only need
to connect to the IA tables.
11 Click the Properties tab, and then click the small arrow in the Value column by User Defined Join
to open the SQL Editor.
12 Edit the SQL statement for the User Defined Join port, as shown in the following figure, and enter
the join condition between the source tables in this port.
Generally, the join is based only on the KEY_ID and SOURCE_ID. (Sometimes,
SRC_EFF_FROM_DT, in addition to the KEY_ID and SOURCE_ID, is used in the join condition.)
The join condition is an outer join between the staging area and the OD table. All staging area
records are selected, whether or not they are present in the OD table.
13 Click the small arrow in the Value column by SQL Query to open the SQL Editor.
14 Edit the SQL Query statement.
Generate the SQL statement by selecting the Generate SQL button.
■ IA table (IA_CODES)
■ ADI mapplet
■ IA table
What makes each codes mapping unique are the remaining two objects—the Business Components
mapplet and the Expression transformation. Therefore, when creating your new codes mapping, you
can copy any codes mapping that comes from the same source and then change the Business
Component mapplet and the Expression transformation.
3 Copy any existing codes mapping into Mapping Designer that has the same source as the one
you want to create.
By using an existing codes mapping you can avoid recreating the Source Adapter. Rename the
codes mapping using the appropriate naming convention. For a list of naming conventions, see
the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
4 Delete the mapping’s existing Business Component mapplet and, if applicable, Expression
You need to create a new Business Component mapplet and Expression transformation for your
new mapping.
5 Create a new Business Component mapplet that includes a source definition, Source Qualifier,
and mapplet output object (MAPO).
For more information on creating a new Business Component, see the discussion on creating a
new Business Component in Process of Creating and Modifying Business Adapters on page 213.
6 Drag the new Business Component mapplet into the mapping in Mapping Designer.
7 In the new codes mapping, create an Expression transformation for the Business Component
8 This category is the descriptive name of the type of code you are trying to create.
a Connect the detached ports in the new Codes mapping by first connecting the Business
Component mapplet’s output ports to the Expression input ports.
b Then, connect the Expression transformation output ports to the Source Adapter input ports from
the mapping you copied in Step 3.
The remaining output ports of the Source Adapter, as well as the input and output ports of the
ADI, are already connected from this copied mapping.
Derive mappings are only used in special cases. However, there may be a situation that requires
additional features in a mapping. In this case, you need to build an additional mapping based on your
The procedure for building a derive mapping is the same as building a regular mapping. The structure
of the mapping depends on the tables from which you want to derive data. The following are
examples of derive mappings for SAP R/3:
Extracts Sales representative information from SAP R/3, as shown in the following figure.
Extracts Account representative (order line level) information from SAP R/4, as shown in the
following figure.
Because business adapters are source-specific, only certain business adapters for prepackaged
sources are included in Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. If you are extracting data
from a source for which no prepackaged business adapters are available, you can feed data into
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse through a flat file, using Siebel Business Analytics’
universal business adapters. You can also build your own business adapters.
As you begin creating new mappings, you may also need to create, or modify, mapplets,
transformations, and so on. The following sections provide instructions for modifying the Business
Component mapplet and the Source Adapter mapplet. Within each procedure, you can also find how
to modify the transformations contained in the mapplets.
Business components reside in the configuration folder for each source and exist as mapplets. You
can add new Business Component mapplets for a source.
3 At the Mapplets Name prompt, enter a name for your new Business Component mapplet.
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse naming conventions are described in the Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
Depending on your PowerCenter settings, the Source Qualifier may be created automatically
when you drag in the Source table.
a At the Create Transformation prompt, select Mapplet Output from the drop down list window.
7 Drag and drop ports from the Source Qualifier to the Output transformation.
Do not forget to link new data to the appropriate extension column. For information on the type
of extension column to use, see Types of Extension Columns on page 176.
9 Generate the SQL statement and save your changes to the repository.
When modifying a Business Component mapplet, you need to identify what areas of the mapplet you
wish to modify. The following procedure contains instructions for adding a new source definition,
connecting the ports to the Source Qualifier, editing the Source Qualifier, connecting the ports to the
Output transformation, and editing the Output transformation. First, define what areas of the
Business Component mapplet you wish to modify, and then follow the procedure only for those
specific areas.
4 Expand the Sources folder, and copy a source table into your new mapplet by dragging and
dropping the table into Mapplet Designer.
5 Drag and drop required columns from the new source definition to the Source Qualifier.
6 Double-click the Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations box, and then:
a Click the Ports tab, and make any changes to the new ports as necessary.
b Click the Properties tab to make changes to the SQL statement as necessary.
c Click OK.
7 Drag and drop ports from the Source Qualifier to the Output transformation.
Source Adapter mapplets are source-specific objects. Therefore, when creating them, you must
make sure you put them in their applicable folder.
For example, if the Source Adapter mapplet is for Oracle 11i, then open the Configuration for
Oracle Applications v11i folder.
2 Select the generic mapplet of your choice from the navigator panel and select Edit > Copy.
3 Expand the configuration folder for the source for which you wish to create a new Source Adapter.
5 Rename the Source Adapter mapplet to a name different than the one being copied.
6 Open your new mapplet, select Mapplets > Edit, and rename it to reflect its new function using
the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse naming conventions.
Click OK.
When you edit a Source Adapter mapplet, you add the desired input port (named INP_*) to the input
(MAPI) side of the mapplet, as shown in Figure 51. You then copy the new input port from the MAPI
to the Expression transformation and then link the two ports. In the Expression, link the port to the
closest existing extension (EXT_*) port. Step-by-step procedures follow.
Figure 51. Input, Expression, and Output Ports of a Source Adapter Mapplet
2 Select Tools > Mapplet Designer, and open the applicable Source Adapter mapplet.
3 Add a new input port to the MAPI side of the mapplet, following the INP_* naming convention.
4 Copy this new input port and add it to the Expression portion of the mapplet.
5 Link the new port from the MAPI to its new counterpart in the Expression.
You are mapping this port to an existing extension (EXT_*) port in Step 7.
7 From the available existing extension ports (EXT_*), select the closest appropriate port and
double-click to open the Edit Transformations box.
8 On the Ports tab, find the chosen extension port, and select its Expression to open the Expression
The extension column now contains the value of the new port you added.
9 If necessary, map the extension port you have configured to the corresponding EXT_* port in the
Output transformation (MAPO).
In Figure 51, the ports in the Output transformation of the mapplet match the input ports of the
ADI mapplet exactly. This exact match makes sure that whatever comes out of the Output
transformation directly feeds into the ADI.
This chapter describes how to configure certain objects for particular sources to meet your business
■ Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics on page 220
■ Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics on page 221
■ Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics on page 224
■ Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics on page 228
■ Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Supply Chain Analytics on page 231
■ Common Initialization Workflow files. It is important that the date-related files are in the
$pmserver\SrcFiles folder. These files reflect your data warehouse time span. For more
information on the Common Initialization Workflow files, see Initialization Workflow Files on
page 57.
■ Modifying session parameters for initial and incremental loads. Set up the parameter files
correctly for Oracle 11i, SAP R/3, and PeopleSoft 8.4. For more information on modifying session
parameters for initial and incremental loads, see About Modifying Session Parameters for Initial
and Incremental Loads on page 61.
■ Incremental loads. Modify the parameter files correctly for incremental loads. For more
information on modifying parameter files, see About Modifying Session Parameters for Initial and
Incremental Loads on page 61.
■ Configuring the database parameter for the source system. It is important that you have
correctly configured the database parameter for your source system. For more information on
configuring the database parameter for the source system, see Configuring the Database
Parameter for the Source System on page 64.
■ Generating ABAP Code for SAP R/3. If you are using an application from SAP R/3, make sure
you have generated all the required ABAP codes. For more information on generating the ABAP
codes, see Determining Configuration Requirements on page 31.
■ Deploying stored procedures for PeopleSoft and Oracle 11i. If you are using PeopleSoft or
Oracle 11i, deploy the appropriate stored procedures. For more information on deploying stored
procedures, see Deploying Stored Procedures on page 49.
■ Table Analyze Utility. The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse uses the Table
Analyze Utility to analyze tables after they are loaded. For more information on the Table Analyze
Utility, see About the Table Analyze Utility on page 68 and Process of Configuring the Table Analyze
Utility on page 68.
The following section contains mandatory Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics configuration
■ Dimension Key Resolution. When creating the source files, the data and the format of the
reference to the Dimension data (foreign key ID column) must match the KEY_ID in the
corresponding dimensional source file. This is critical for accurate resolution of the foreign keys
on the fact record when loading the data warehouse. For more information on Dimension key
resolution, see About the Dimension Key Resolution Process for Universal Source on page 234.
■ Setting the effective date ranges for Benchmark and Targets. When configuring the source
files for the Benchmarks and Targets fact table, you need to make sure that the targets and
benchmarks cover the time periods for the capture of the Contact Center Performance and
Representative Activity data. For more information on setting the effective date ranges for
Benchmark and Targets, see Setting Up the Benchmarks and Targets Table on page 241.
The following section contains optional Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics configuration
■ Configuring flags. Many of the fact and dimension tables within the Siebel Enterprise Contact
Center Analytics application use flag fields to provide value-added information pertaining to a
contact or contact representative. These flag fields have logic to assign a default value to the flag
while reading from the source files. For more information on configuring flags, see Configuring
Flags for Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics on page 242.
■ Excluding calls from the Answered Contact Count. You may choose not to count calls which
are completed in the IVR as an answered call. To do this you need to flag such calls with a new
contact status. For more information excluding calls from the Answered Contact Count, see
Setting Up the Contact Representative Snapshot Table on page 240
Excluding representative data from the Contact Representative aggregate tables. For more
information on excluding representative data from the Contact Representative aggregate tables, see
Excluding Representative Data from the Contact Representative Aggregate Tables for Post-Load
Processing on page 244.
Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics for SAP
This section contains optional Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics application configuration points that
are specific to SAP R/3:
■ Configuring the Booking Flag Calculation in the Sales Order Lines Table. To configure the
booking flag calculation in the Sales Order Lines table, see Configuring the Booking Flag
Calculation in the Sales Order Lines Table on page 248.
■ Tracking multiple attribute changes in Booking Lines. If you want to track changes based
on more than one attribute, in the SQL statement you must concatenate the attribute column
IDs in the VAR_BOOKING_ID column. For more information on tracking multiple attribute
changes in Booking Lines, see Tracking Multiple Attribute Changes in Bookings on page 251.
■ Configuring the Booking Flag calculation in the Sales Schedule Lines Level. To configure
bookings at the Sales Schedule Lines level, see Configuring the Booking Flag Calculation in the
Sales Schedule Lines Level on page 252.
■ Setting up early and late tolerances for shipping. To define early or late shipments with
reference to the scheduled pick date, you need further configurations. For more information on
configuring early and late tolerances for shipments, see Configuring Early and Late Tolerances for
Shipments on page 254.
■ Including incomplete Sales Invoices. By default, the Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics
application is configured to extract completed sales invoices when performing the Sales Invoice
data extract. To extract incomplete sales invoices you would need further configurations. For
more information on configuring Sales Invoice Lines data storage, see Configuring the Sales
Invoice Extract on page 255.
■ Configuring Order Types for Backlog calculations. To edit the Backlog flag, see Configuring
Order Types for Backlog Calculations on page 255.
■ Setting the negative sign for the Order and Invoice Lines. By default, the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse does not use negative values in the quantity or amount columns
for the IA_SALES_IVCLNS table or the IA_SALES_ORDLNS table. You can configure mapplets to
account for negative values. For more information on accounting for negative values for Orders,
Invoices, and Picks, see Accounting for Negative Values in Orders, Invoices, and Picks on page 267.
■ Domain Values. For a list of CSV worksheet files and domain values for Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics for SAP R/3, see Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics on page 287.
■ Including nonbooked lines in the Sales Booking Line fact table. By default, only booked
lines are brought over to the Sales Booking Line fact table. You can change this to include
Nonbooked Lines. For more information on configuring the handling of Booked and Nonbooked
Orders in the Order Lines and Bookings Table, see Configuring Sales Order Lines Data Storage on
page 258.
■ Tracking changes in Booking Lines. By default, only the changes in Order Amount, Quantity,
Line ID, and Warehouse are tracked in the Booking Lines table (IA_SALES_BKGLNS). If you want
to track other changes you can do so. For example, you may want to track changes to the sales
representative who is handling the order. For more information on viewing the Data Warehouse
changes by Salesperson ID, see About Tracking Attribute Changes in Bookings on page 259.
■ Tracking changes to dimensional attributes in Booking Lines. If you want additional lines
to be created to track changes to other dimensional attributes, you would need further
configurations. For more information on how to track dimensional attribute changes in bookings,
see Tracking Multiple Attribute Changes in Bookings on page 261.
■ Tracking hold information. This step must be done in case you want to track holds. The
configuration procedure requires that you map your source values to the set of domain values to
translate the values. The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse supports storage of up
to nine different types of hold. For more information on assigning Sales Order hold types, see
Configuring Sales Schedule Lines Data Storage on page 262.
■ Loading bookings at the Schedule Line Level instead of the Sales Order Line level. You
can configure the load process to load bookings at the Sales Schedule Line level instead of the
Sales Order Line level. For more information on loading bookings at the Schedule Line level, see
Configuring Sales Schedule Lines Data Storage on page 262.
■ Setting up early and late tolerances for shipping. To define early or late shipments with
reference to the scheduled pick date, you need further configurations. For more information on
defining early and late tolerances for shipments, see Configuring Early and Late Tolerances for
Shipments on page 264.
■ Including incomplete Sales Invoices. By default, the Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics
application is configured to extract completed sales invoices when performing the Sales Invoice
data extract. To extract incomplete sales invoices you would need further configurations. For
more information on configuring Sales Invoice Lines data storage, see Configuring Sales Invoice
Lines Data Storage on page 265.
■ Including closed orders for backlog calculations. Be default, only orders with status Open
are included in the backlog calculations. To include the closed orders, you would need further
configurations. For more information on adding closed orders to backlog calculations, see
Configuring Different Types of Backlog Calculations on page 265.
■ Configuring order types for backlog calculations. By default, all order types are included in
the backlog calculations. To exclude certain order types you would need further configurations.
For more information on configuring order types for backlog calculations, see Configuring
Different Types of Backlog Calculations on page 265.
■ Configuring the backlog history period date. This configuration allows you to change the
default monthly backlog snapshot to a different grain—for example weekly, daily, and so on. For
more information on configuring the backlog period date, see Configuring Order Types for Backlog
Calculations on page 266.
■ Setting the negative sign for the Order and Invoice Lines. By default, the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse does not use negative values in the quantity or amount columns
for the IA_SALES_IVCLNS table or the IA_SALES_ORDLNS table. You can configure mapplets to
account for negative values. For more information on accounting for negative values for Orders,
Invoices, and Picks, see Accounting for Negative Values in Orders, Invoices, and Picks on page 267.
■ Domain Values. For a list of CSV worksheet files and domain values for Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics for Oracle 11i, see Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics on page 287.
■ Aggregating Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics tables. To aggregate the Sales Invoice Lines
and Sales Order Lines tables, see Process of Aggregating Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics Tables on
page 268.
■ Tracking multiple products sold as one package. This configuration allows the user to set
up the Order Line Key ID to reference all products sold in a bundle. For more information on
tracking multiple products sold as one package, see About Tracking Multiple Products for Siebel
Enterprise Sales Analytics on page 278.
■ Adding dates to the Order Cycle Time table. To add more dates, you need to understand how
the Order Cycle Times table is populated. For more information on adding dates to the Cycle Time
table load, see Adding Dates to the Order Cycle Time Table for Post-Load Processing on page 279.
The following section contains mandatory Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics configuration points.
■ Configuring domain values and CSV worksheet files. You need to configure the CSV files in
Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics by mapping domain values to columns. For more
information on Configuring Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files, see Configuring Domain
Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics on page 305.
The following section contains an optional Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics configuration point.
Configuring Workforce Payroll. You can modify the Workforce Payroll Filters and improve ETL
performance for Workforce Payroll. For more information on configuring the Workforce Payroll, see
Process of Configuring Workforce Payroll for Oracle 11i on page 301.
The following section contain an optional Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics configuration point.
Aggregating the Payroll table. You can aggregate the Payroll table in Siebel Enterprise Workforce
Analytics. For more information on aggregate the Payroll table, see Aggregating the Payroll Table for
Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics on page 303.
Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Financial Analytics for Oracle 11i
This section contains the Siebel Financial Analytics applications configuration points that are specific
to Oracle 11i.
The following section contains mandatory Siebel Financial Analytics configuration points:
■ Mapping General Ledger Analytics account numbers to group account numbers. You
need to map General Ledger Analytics account numbers to group account numbers. For more
information on mapping General Ledger accounts numbers to group account number, see
Mapping Siebel General Ledger Analytics Account Numbers to Group Account Numbers on page 312.
The following section contains optional Siebel Financial Analytics configuration points:
■ Configuring the Set of Books ID. By default, the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse extracts data for all set of books. Configuration is required to extract data for a
certain set of books only. For more information on filtering extracts based on Set of Book ID, see
Filtering Extracts Based on Set of Books ID for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on page 313.
■ Configuring the General Ledger Balance ID. By default, the General Ledger Balance ID is
maintained at the Set of Books and GL Code Combination ID level. If you want to maintain your
General Ledger Balance at a different grain, you can redefine the GL Balance ID. For more
information on configuring the General Ledger Balance ID, see Configuring the General Ledger
Balance ID on page 319.
■ Configuring the AP Balance ID. If you want to maintain your AP balance at a different grain,
you can redefine the Balance ID value in the applicable mapplets. For more information on
configuring the AP Balance ID, see Configuring AP Balance ID for Siebel Payables Analytics on
page 320.
■ Configuring the AR Balance ID. If you want to maintain your AR balance at a different grain,
you can redefine the Balance ID value in the applicable mapplets. For more information on
configuring the AR Balance ID, see Configuring AR Balance ID for Siebel Receivables Analytics and
Siebel Profitability Analytics on page 320.
■ Configuring the AR Schedules Extract. If you want to extract additional types of AR schedule
entries, you must remove the filter in the Business Component mapplet. For more information
on configuring the AR schedules extract, see Configuring the AR Schedules Extract on page 322.
■ Configuring the AR Cash Receipt Application Extract. If you want to extract additional types
of cash-receipt application entries, you can remove the filter in the Business Component
mapplet. For more information on configuring the AR receipt application extract, see Configuring
the AR Cash Receipt Application Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 322.
■ Configuring the AR Credit-Memo Application Extract. If you want to extract additional types
of credit-memo application entries, you can remove the filter. For more information on
configuring the AR receipt application extract, see Configuring the AR Credit-Memo Application
Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 323.
■ Configuring the Customer Costs and Product Costs Fact Tables. In Siebel Profitability
Analytics, the Customer Costs and Product Costs fact tables store the costing and expenses for
the Profitability functional area. You need to use these tables with General Ledger Revenue and
General Ledger COGS fact tables. For more information on configuring the Customer Costs and
Product Costs Fact Tables, see Configuring the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables
for Siebel Profitability Analytics on page 324.
Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Financial Analytics for SAP R/3
This section contains the Siebel Financial Analytics configuration points that are specific to SAP R/3.
The following section contains mandatory Siebel Financial Analytics configuration points:
■ Extracting Data Posted at the Header Level. By default, the Siebel General Ledger Analytics
application extracts sales information posted to the General Ledger at the detail level. However,
you can configure the extraction if your installation of SAP R/3 is configured to store data at the
header level. For more information on extracting data posted at the header level, see Extracting
Data Posted at the Header Level for SAP R/3 on page 329.
■ Mapping General Ledger Analytics account numbers to group account numbers. You
need to map General Ledger Analytics account numbers to group account numbers. For more
information on mapping General Ledger accounts numbers to group account number, see
Configuring the Group Account Number Categorization for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on
page 330.
The following section contains optional Siebel Financial Analytics configuration points:
■ Configuring the transaction types. You can configure the transaction type by editing the
xact_type_code_sap.csv file. For more information on configuring Configuring the transaction
types, see Configuring the Transaction Types for Siebel Financial Analytics on page 331.
■ Configuring the AP Balance ID. If you want to maintain your AP balance at a different grain,
you can redefine the Balance ID value in the applicable mapplets. For more information on
configuring the AP Balance ID, see Configuring the Siebel Payables Analytics Balance Extract on
page 336.
■ Configuring the AR Balance ID. If you want to maintain your AR balance at a different grain,
you can redefine the Balance ID value in the applicable mapplets. For more information on
configuring the AR Balance ID, see Configuring the Siebel Receivables Analytics Balance Extract on
page 338.
■ Configuring the Customer Costs and Product Costs Fact Tables. In Siebel Profitability
Analytics, the Customer Costs and Product Costs fact tables store the costing and expenses for
the Profitability functional area. You need to use these tables with General Ledger Revenue and
General Ledger COGS fact tables. For more information on configuring the Customer Costs and
Product Costs Fact Tables, see Configuring the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables
for Siebel Profitability Analytics on page 337.
The following section contains mandatory Siebel Financial Analytics configuration points:
■ Mapping General Ledger Analytics account numbers to group account numbers. You
need to map General Ledger Analytics account numbers to group account numbers. For more
information on mapping General Ledger accounts numbers to group account number, see
Configuring the Primary Ledger Name for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on page 343.
■ Configuring the Primary Ledger name. By default, the name of the Primary Ledger is set to
LOCAL for PeopleSoft. However, if the name of your Primary Ledger is not LOCAL, you can change
this value by modifying the file_parameters_psft84.csv file. For more information on
configuring the Primary Ledger name, see Process of Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for
PeopleSoft 8.4 on page 340.
■ Configuring PeopleSoft Trees. For PeopleSoft, the Siebel Financial Analytics application
sources data from a data structure, called PeopleSoft Trees, to get information about the
organization's General Ledger hierarchies, and so on. For a PeopleSoft environment with different
tree names to the Siebel Financial Analytics application, you need to import these into the
PowerCenter repository, and replace the old tree names with the new tree names. For more on
PeopleSoft Trees, see About PeopleSoft Trees in Siebel Financial Analytics on page 339, Customizing
the PeopleSoft Tree Names on page 340, and Importing PeopleSoft Trees Into the PowerCenter
Repository on page 341.
The following section contains optional Siebel Financial Analytics configuration points:
■ Configuring Aging Buckets. You need to configure the values for the first three bucket start
and bucket end days. For more information on configuring Aging Buckets, see Configuring Aging
Buckets for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 345 or Configuring Aging Buckets for Siebel
Payables Analytics on page 346.
■ Configuring the History Period for the Invoice Level. You configure the history period value
to match your business requirements. For more information on configuring the History Period for
the Invoice Level, see Configuring the History Period for the Invoice Level for Siebel Receivables
Analytics on page 346 or Configuring the History Period for the Invoice Level for Siebel Payables
Analytics on page 347.
The following section contains optional Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics configuration points:
■ Configuring the Region Name definition. This configuration allows you to load specific Region
Names into the IA_CODES table. For more information on configuring the Region Name
definition, see Configuring the Region Name on page 350.
■ Configuring the State Name definition. This configuration allows you to load specific State
Names into the IA_CODES table. For more information on configuring the State Name definition,
see Configuring the State Name on page 351.
■ Configuring the Country Names definition. This configuration allows you to load specific
Country Names into the IA_CODES table. For more information on configuring the Country
Names definition, see Configuring the Country Name on page 352.
■ Configuring the Make-Buy Indicator. Your organization may require different indicator codes.
If so, you can modify the indicator logic by reconfiguring the condition in the MPLT_SAI_PRODUCTS
mapplet. For more information on configuring the Make-Buy Indicator, see Configuring the Make-
Buy Indicator on page 352.
■ Extracting particular purchase order records. By default, the filter condition is set to
BLANKET or STANDARD. However, you can change this value to some conditional statement that
only allows particular types of records to be extracted. For more information on extracting
particular purchase order records, see Extracting Particular Purchase Order Records on page 353.
■ Configure the Purchase Organization hierarchy. The product allows a ten-level hierarchy for
Purchasing Organizations. By default, the first three levels are set to Organization ID, Legal
Entity ID, and Set of Books ID. You may configure the remaining seven levels. For more
information on configuring the Purchase Organization hierarchy, see Configuring the Purchase
Organization Hierarchy on page 354.
■ Configuring the Siebel Business Analytics Repository. You can map the department
segment as a cost center in the Siebel Business Analytics Repository. For more information on
configuring the Siebel Business Analytics Repository for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics, see
Configuring the Siebel Business Analytics Repository for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics on
page 354.
The following section contains mandatory Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics configuration points:
■ Configuring the Siebel Business Analytics Repository. The Requisition Cost and Purchase
Cost fact tables are not loaded for SAP R/3. You need to disable these tables in the Siebel
Business Analytics Repository. For more information on configuring the Siebel Business Analytics
Repository for SAP R/3, see Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Strategic Sourcing
Analytics on page 375.
■ Configuring the date parameters for the SAP R/3 parameter file. You need to set the
PARM_NVALUE_1 value in the file_parameters_sapr3.csv file to the number of days that you
expect your orders to be open. For more information configuring the date parameters for the SAP
R/3 parameter file, see Configuring the Date Parameters for the SAP R/3 Parameter File on
page 356.
The following section contains a mandatory Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics configuration point:
Configuring Expense Payment Types. The various expense types in the source data are mapped to
Reimbursable Expenses (E), Expenses Prepaid (P), and Cash Advance (C). For more information on
configuring Expense Payment types, see Configuring Expense Payment Types on page 360.
The following section contains optional Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics configuration points:
■ Configuring the Preferred Merchant Flag. For more information on configuring the Preferred
Merchant Flag, see Configuring the Preferred Merchant Flag on page 359.
■ Configuring the Customer Billable Indicator. For more information on configuring the
Customer Billable Indicator, see Configuring the Customer Billable Indicator on page 359.
■ Configuring the Receipts Indicator. For more information on configuring the Receipts
Indicator, see Configuring the Receipts Indicator on page 360.
■ Configuring Lookup Dates for Currency Conversion. The Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics
application uses the actual expiry date (ACTUAL_EXP_DATE) for looking up the exchange rate. You
can configure the module to use a different date if required. For more information on configuring
the Default Expense Distribution Percentage, see Configuring Lookup Dates for Currency
Conversion on page 361.
■ Configuring the Siebel Business Analytics Repository. You can configure the General Ledger
Account and the Cost Center tables for universal source. For more information on configuring the
Siebel Business Analytics Repository for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics, see Configuring the
Siebel Business Analytics Repository for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics on page 362.
The following section contains optional Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics configuration points:
■ Aggregating Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics tables. You can aggregate the Purchase
Receipts and Purchase Cycle Lines tables. For more information on Aggregating Siebel Strategic
Sourcing Analytics tables, see Configuring Expenses for Post-Load Processing on page 363.
■ Configuring the extraction of Invoice Details. If you identify values other than the default
values for an expense record, you can use those values by adding a condition to the expression
in the applicable post-load processing mapping. For more information on configuring the
extraction of Invoice Details for Expense-Related Payments, see Configuring the Extraction of
Invoice Details on page 364.
■ Implementing temporary storage when aggregate Load Frequencies are modified for
the Expense Functional Area. For more information on implementing temporary storage when
aggregate Load Frequencies are modified for the Expense functional area, see Configuring
Expenses for Post-Load Processing on page 363.
Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Supply Chain Analytics for Oracle
This section contains the Siebel Supply Chain Analytics configuration points that are specific to Oracle
The following section contains mandatory Siebel Supply Chain Analytics configuration points:
■ Configuring the Make-Buy Indicator. Your organization may require different indicator codes.
For more information on the Make-But Indicator, see Configuring the Make-Buy Indicator on
page 387.
The following section contains optional Siebel Supply Chain Analytics configuration points:
■ Configuring the Bill of Materials (BOM) explosion option. This configuration allows you to
choose an explosion option to load a BOM structure into the IA_BOM_ITEMS table. For more
information on configuring the BOM explosion option, see Configuring the Bill of Materials
Explosion on page 378.
■ Configuring the left bound and right bound calculation. This configuration allows you to
turn on or off the calculation of the left bound and right bound in the IA_BOM_ITEMS table. For
more information on configuring the left bound and right bound calculation, see Configuring the
Left Bound and Right Bound Calculation Option on page 382.
■ Configuring the Quantity types for product transactions. If your definition of goods
received or delivery quantity is different from the prepackaged condition, then you can edit the
condition to suit your business needs. For more information on configuring the Quantity type for
product transactions, see Configuring Quantity Types for Product Transactions on page 384.
■ Configuring the Region Name. This configuration allows you to load specific Region Names
into the IA_CODES table. For more information on configuring the Region Name, see Configuring
the Region Name on page 385.
■ Configuring the State Name. This configuration allows you to load specific State Names into
the IA_CODES table. For more information on configuring the State Name, see Configuring the
State Name on page 386.
■ Configuring the Country Name. This configuration allows you to load specific Country Names
into the IA_CODES table. For more information on configuring the Country Name, see Configuring
the Country Name on page 386.
Checklist for Configuring the Siebel Supply Chain Analytics for Post-
Load Processing
This section contains the Siebel Supply Chain Analytics configuration points that are specific to post-
load processing.
The following section contains optional Siebel Supply Chain Analytics configuration points:
■ Configure the Inventory Balance aggregate table. This sections allows you configure the
Inventory Balance (IA_INV_BALANCE_A1) aggregate table. For more information on configuring
the Inventory Balance aggregate table, see Configuring the Inventory Balance Aggregate Table on
page 389.
■ Configure the Product Transaction aggregate table. This sections allows you configure the
Product Transaction (IA_PROD_XACTS_A1) aggregate table. For more information on configuring
the Product Transaction aggregate table, see Configuring the Product Transaction Aggregate
Table on page 391.
This chapter describes how to configure certain objects for the universal source to meet your
business needs.
■ About the Dimension Key Resolution Process for Universal Source on page 234
■ Configuring Flags for Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics on page 242
■ Excluding Representative Data from the Contact Representative Aggregate Tables for Post-Load
Processing on page 244
■ Customer Service
For universal business adapters, users supply the dimension KEY_ID and SOURCE_ID column values
through a flat file interface. The same values for KEY_ID and SOURCE_ID are expected in both the
dimension and fact business adapters so that the correct dimension key is resolved and loaded into
its fact table.
1 Run the dimension table workflows to extract and load dimension records.
The dimension load mapping automatically creates a surrogate key for each record in the
dimension table. This surrogate key value populates the dimension table’s primary key column,
which is referred to as the dimension key. Similar to the KEY_ID column, which uniquely identifies
the record within the source system, the dimension key uniquely identifies the record in the data
warehouse dimension table.
2 Run the fact table workflows to extract and load fact records.
Records must contain the dimension ID column values for each fact record; these values must
be the same values as the KEY_ID in the corresponding dimension tables.
The following sections describe these two steps in more detail by taking the example of one fact table
(IA_REP_ACTVTS) and one dimension table (IA_EVENTS). However, this process applies to all fact and
dimension tables joined by a dimension key.
2 The M_F_EVENT_TYPES_LOAD mapping sources data from the staging table and passes it over to
the Analytic Data Interchange (ADI). The ADI generates the surrogate key for each record in the
staging table, then inserts it into IA_EVENT_TYPES target table.
Loading the IA_REP_ACTVTS fact table requires the following ETL processes:
2 The M_F_REP_ACTVTS_LOAD mapping sources the data from the staging table, and the fact ADI
mapplet resolves the dimension key by doing a lookup on IA_EVENT_TYPES using the values
supplied in the ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID column and the SOURCE_ID column. Then, the ADI populates
the IA_REP_ACTVTS fact table.
Since the dimension *_ID values are supplied through the Universal Interface flat file, it is critical
that you supply the same value for the KEY_ID in the dimension table and the corresponding *_ID
field in the joined fact table. In addition, you must verify that the SOURCE_ID column values match
(for Universal Sources, the value of the SOURCE_ID column is GENERIC). If you supply different values
for the two tables, the fact table load mapping is not able to resolve the dimension key. As a result,
you cannot perform queries on the fact table using that dimension.
The ACTIVITY_TYPE_KEY dimension key in IA_REP_ACTVTS fact table identifies the nature of the
activity. This key is resolved using the IA_EVENT_TYPES table. To resolve the ACTIVITY_TYPE_KEY
dimension key in IA_REP_ACTVTS table, the IA_REP_ACTVTS and IA_EVENT_TYPES tables are joined
through the ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID column and the SOURCE_ID column. For the ACTIVITY_TYPE_KEY
dimension key to resolve properly in the IA_REP_ACTVTS fact table, you must verify that the
ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID column and the SOURCE_ID column values in file_rep_actvts.csv file match
with the KEY_ID column and the SOURCE_ID column values in the file_event_types.csv file. If
the two columns do not match for a particular record, the fact load mapping cannot resolve the
dimension key for that fact record.
■ Lodging a complaint.
■ Following up on an inquiry.
The call types that you want to load into the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse are
provided in the file_event_types.csv source file to be stored in the IA_EVENT_TYPES table with
the EVENT_CLASS column set to the CONTACT_TYPE domain value.
The CALL_TYPE_KEY dimension key in IA_ACD_EVENTS fact table identifies the type of call. This key
is resolved using the IA_EVENT_TYPES table. To resolve the CALL_TYPE_KEY dimension key in
IA_ACD_EVENTS fact table, the IA_ACD_EVENTS and IA_EVENT_TYPES tables are joined through the
CALL_TYPE_ID column and the SOURCE_ID column. For the CALL_TYPE_KEY dimension key to resolve
properly in the IA_ACD_EVENTS fact table, you must verify that the CALL_TYPE_ID column and the
SOURCE_ID column values in file_acd_events.csv file match with the KEY_ID column and the
SOURCE_ID column values in the file_event_types.csv file. If the two columns do not match for
a particular record, the fact load mapping cannot resolve the dimension key for that fact record.
The CONTACT_TYPE_KEY dimension key in IA_CNTCTREP_SNP fact table identifies the same
information and it is resolved in a similar process. It requires the CNTCT_TYPE_ID column and the
SOURCE_ID column values in the file_cntctrep_snp.csv file to match with the KEY_ID column and
the SOURCE_ID column values in the file_event_types.csv file.
The call events that you want to load into the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse are
provided in the file_event_types.csv source file and stored in the IA_EVENT_TYPES table with the
For the Siebel Enterprise Contact Center Analytics application one of the important statuses is the
Contact Status. All contacts made either by the customer to your organization, or by your
organization to a customer, are assigned a status. Examples include:
■ contact completed
The contact statuses that you want to load into the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
are provided in the file_status.csv source file to be stored in the IA_STATUS table with the
STATUS_TYPE column set to the CONTACT_STATUS domain value.
The IA_STAT_TYPE_CODE column in the IA_STATUS table also contains domain values. The four
domain values ABANDONED, RELEASE, DISCONNECTED, and HANGUP, are used in the computation of
contact center performance metrics. Therefore, it is critical that while you load all your Contact
Statuses through the source file, the records are mapped into the appropriate IA_STAT_TYPE_CODE
domain value.
For example, when doing any period-based calculations or analysis on representative activities,
prepackaged logic uses the ACTIVITY_START_LDT and ACTIVITY_END_LDT local date column values
from the IA_REP_ACTVTS table. However, if you do not want to use the local dates, then pass the new
dates in the ACTIVITY_START_DT and ACTIVITY_END_DT columns into the file_rep_actvts.csv flat
file interface.
If you change the dates and times, you must do it consistently for all rows in the given table. For
example, you cannot have some rows using local dates and times, while other rows are use a
different time zone. Table 30 provides a list of the applicable local date columns for each relevant
Flat file Applicable Date Column Table Using the Local Date
file_acd_events.csv EVENT_START_DT IA_ACD_EVENTS
2 In the flat file interface, input the new dates in the *_DT fields.
4 Run a test load for 10 records to verify that your new dates are loaded into the applicable table.
■ All events in the Representative Activities table are time span events. The events are not point
in time events.
■ The calculation of the Actual, Scheduled, Login, and Break durations are based on the event
durations in the source-system data. To avoid duplication in a representative's time, the
representative activity records must not overlap in time. For example, if the Login and Break
activities overlap in time in the source-system data, then the time durations are counted towards
both categories.
■ The hourly aggregate is the lowest level of aggregation provided. Representatives are counted
as present for an hourly bucket if they are present for any part of that hour. For example, if a
representative activity starts at 9.45 A.M. and ends at 10.45 A.M., the representative is counted
as present for 9-10 A.M. and 10-11 A.M. time buckets. No weight factor is used to indicate the
representative is available for part of the hour. However, the duration of activities are
apportioned into the two hourly buckets.
■ The number of breaks a representative takes is calculated by counting the number of break
records. There is one break record for each representative for each break (scheduled or actual).
If a break is split into multiple records in the source system, then it is counted as multiple breaks
in the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
■ If a representative’s activity spans across the date boundary, then you must provide two different
records for that representative for the same activity with different activity start dates and times.
For example, if a representative logs on to the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) system at 23:30
on January 4, 2004 and logs off from the ACD system at 00:30 on January 5, 2004, then create
two records in the file_rep_actvts.csv flat file interface, as shown in the following table.
When setting up the Contact Representative Snapshot table you must consider the following:
■ The Abandoned Contact Count, Answered Contact Count, Hangup Contact Count, and Released
Contact Count metrics are counts of contacts based on the Contact Status. The Contact
Representative Snapshot table is preconfigured to expect the Contact Status in the
file_cntctrep_snp.csv file is to be at a Contact level. If you configure the Contact Status at
the contact and representative level, you need to make sure that these aggregate metrics are
defined at the contact and representative level in the appropriate workflows. You need to make
any changes in the Select clause of the Source Qualifier SQL statement in the
M_PLP_CC_REP_A1_LOAD mapping. You also need to configure the metadata in the repository file.
You need to change the definitions of these metrics in the Logical Table Source that maps to the
IA_CNTCTREP_SNP fact table.
■ Answered contacts are defined as the contacts whose status is not marked as ABANDONED. The
Answered Contact Count metric is calculated as follows:
You can choose not to count calls which are completed in the Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
as an answered call. You can exclude these contacts from the Answered Contact Count by
assigning them a different or new Contact Status.
■ The majority of the data for the Contact Representative Snapshot table is sourced from the data
in the file_acd_events.csv file. You must make sure that the source data is consistent across
the file_acd_events.csv and file_cntctrep_snp.csv files.
When setting up the Benchmarks and Targets table you must consider the following:
■ The file_cc_bmk_tgt.csv file must supply the effective date range for each benchmark record.
The date range is used to identify the appropriate benchmark to compare with the actuals and
the determination of other metrics such as the Service Level. Actuals refers to the actual value
of the metric (during the period) as opposed to the planned or targeted value of the metric.
■ You need to supply an appropriate date range for the benchmark records. For example, if the
benchmark records do not vary over time, a large date range can be used as shown in the
following table:
PERIOD_START_DT 01/01/1899
PERIOD_END_DT 01/01/3714
■ The Benchmarks and Targets table is preconfigured at the contact level. You can define other
benchmarks and targets, for example, an Hourly-Total-Hold-Duration benchmark, and these can
be added using the extension columns in the data warehouse. For more information on the
methodology for storing additional data in the data warehouse, see Chapter 10, “Storing,
Extracting, and Loading Additional Data.”
■ For each dimension in the Benchmark and Targets fact table, you can decide if a benchmark or
target varies by that dimension or not. If you choose to keep a benchmark or target constant
over a dimension, you need to supply a question mark (?) as the value for the dimension ID. In
addition, the metric needs to be leveled in the repository at the grand-total level of that
dimension. This dimension ID also needs to be removed from the join in the SQL statement in
the M_CC_ORGLOC_A1_EXTRACT_SERVICE_LEVEL mapping. If you choose to vary a benchmark or
target by a dimension, you need to provide benchmark or target for each value of the dimension.
■ The FORECAST_CNTCT_CNT table in the source file is preconfigured to forecast the number of calls
for a day for a combination of dimensions.
The Benchmarks and Targets table is preconfigured with the smallest effective date range of a day.
To changing the grain to be hourly, perform the following procedure.
These dates need to fall on the hour boundaries and not in the middle of an hourly interval.
4 Modify the metadata in the repository to include the new physical and logical joins to the
IA_HOUR_OF_DAY dimension.
5 Set the content pane settings on the fact table to the newly added Hour (Time) dimension.
The possible values for these flag fields in the data warehouse tables are Y or N. However, there is
a conversion process to set these values. If you input any value other than N in the flat file interface,
the flag defaults to Y. On the other hand, if you supply N, then the flag retains N as the flag’s value.
If you want to change this default logic, you can do so by changing the expression clause in the
Expression transformation within the extract mapping. For example, if you want to change the
default value of flag fields to N, so that any input value for the flag fields in the flat file interface
other than Y is set to N, then you have to change the expression clause from:
See Table 31 for a list of all flags that you can reconfigure, the corresponding Expression
transformations and mappings that contains the flag’s default definition, and a description of each
flag’s value.
For example, if you want to change the default logic for the CONSULT_ FLAG, open the
For example, if you want to change the logic for the CONSULT_ FLAG port, double-click the
EXP_CNTCTREP_SNP_EXTRACT Expression transformation. Locate the CONSULT_ FLAG port.
4 In the Ports tab, modify the default SQL statement for the flag port.
For example, if you wanted to change the default CONSULT_ FLAG statement:
The default configuration calculates contact-related information for all contact representatives in the
enterprise. There are five aggregate tables supplied with the Siebel Enterprise Contact Center
Analytics application for improving the performance of the dashboards and reports:
5 This port is preconfigured with a value of N indicating that all rows are included in the aggregates.
Change this logic to include your logic to determine which groups of records you want to exclude.
NOTE: If you exclude data from an aggregate table, you also need to apply the same filter to
the Logical Table Source corresponding to the IA_CNTCTREP_SNP base fact table in the repository
metadata (Fact—Service—Contact Center Performance logical table). The metrics computed from
the base fact tables are now consistent with those computed from the aggregate tables.
This chapter describes how to configure certain objects for particular sources to meet your business
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics for SAP R/3 on page 248
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics for Oracle 11i on page 257
■ About Tracking Multiple Products for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics on page 278
■ Adding Dates to the Order Cycle Time Table for Post-Load Processing on page 279
■ About Configuring the Backlog Period Date for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics on page 281
■ Configuring the Backlog Period Date for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics on page 283
■ About the Grain at Which Currency Amounts and Quantities Are Stored on page 284
■ Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics on page 287
■ Configuring Siebel Supply Chain Analytics for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics on page 288
■ Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics on page 289
The Orders and Revenue functional area consists of orders, invoices, and backlog. Sales orders are
the entry point for the sales process. Invoices are the exit point from the fulfillment process.
Backlogs are points of congestion in your fulfillment process.
In the Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics application, two main types of backlog exist:
■ Operational
■ Financial
The scheduled, unscheduled, delinquent, and blocked backlogs belong to the Operational backlog.
Three different sources can populate Bookings and Revenue:
■ Oracle 11i
■ SAP R/3
■ Universal source
Orders and Revenue also requires post-load processing mappings to populate its tables.
To configure Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics for SAP R/3, perform the following tasks:
■ Configuring the Booking Flag Calculation in the Sales Order Lines Table on page 248
■ Configuring the Booking Flag Calculation in the Sales Schedule Lines Level on page 252
■ Accounting for Negative Values in Orders, Invoices, and Picks on page 256
■ Configuring the Date Parameters for the SAP R/3 Parameter File on page 257
Related Topic
■ About Tracking Attribute Changes in Bookings on page 250
Sales order lines are the itemized lines that make up a sales order. This information is stored in the
By default, only booked orders are extracted from the SAP R/3 source system as shown in Figure 52.
Therefore, all orders loaded into the Sales Order Lines and Bookings tables are flagged as booked
Figure 52. SAP R/3: Default Configuration for Loading Booked Orders
Using this code, only sales orders in the C, H, L, and K categories are booked and extracted. If you
need to extract other document categories, you can change the expression in the
To configure the booking flag calculation in the Sales Order Lines table
1 Open Designer, and open the Configuration for SAP R/3 folder.
Any changes in these fields results in another row in the IA_SALES_BKGLNS table. However, changes
in any other fields does not result in a new row; instead, the existing information are overwritten
with the changed information. No history is kept for changes to these other field values. If you want
to track other changes you can do so. For example, you may want to track changes to the sales
representative who is handling the order. The ETL processes are prepackaged to overwrite sales
representative changes; however, if you want to retain them, you must add the attribute to the
Booking ID definition in the Booking ID expression in the Source Adapter mapplet
(MPLT_SAI_SALES_ORDLNS). The following section describes what happens if you modify the Booking
ID to include the sales representative.
The following paragraphs and tables describe what happens in the source system and the
IA_SALES_BKGLNS table when you change sales representatives under this scenario.
Day 1: One order is placed with Salesperson 1001. The source system displays the information as
shown in Table 32.
Table 32. SAP R/3: Source System Table Row After Day One Activity
The row in Table 36 is entered into the IA Bookings table (IA_SALES_BKGLNS) as shown in Table 33.
Table 33. SAP R/3: IA_SALES_BKGLNS Table Row After Day One Activity
Day 2: Salesperson 1002 takes over this order, replacing Salesperson 1001. Thus, the salesperson
associated with the order is changed from 1001 to 1002 in the source system. The row in the source
system looks like the row shown in Table 34.
Table 34. SAP R/3: Source System Table Row After Day Two Activity
The Sales Order Lines ADI, which also writes to the booking table, now does a debooking for the old
line and inserts a new row into the IA_SALES_BKGLNS booking table. On day two, the row in the
IA_SALES_BKGLNS table looks like the row shown in the Table 35.
Table 35. SAP R/3: IA_SALES_BKGLNS Table Row After Day Two Activity
When you modify the default VAR_BOOKING_ID column, the SQL statement is configured as follows
for SAP R/3:
However, if you want to track changes based on more than one attribute, in the SQL statement you
must concatenate the attribute column IDs in the VAR_BOOKING_ID column. For example, if you want
to track changes in Salespersons and Sold-to-Customer, then concatenate the technical name IDs in
the VAR_BOOKING_ID column as follows:
4 In the Ports tab, edit the expression for the VAR_BOOKING_ID port, and enter the ID of the
attribute for which you want to track changes.
If you want to track changes in multiple attributes, concatenate the IDs of all attributes and put
the concatenated value in the VAR_BOOKING_ID column.
Sales schedule lines detail when each order’s items are slated for shipment. Each sales order is
broken into sales order lines, and each sales order line can have multiple schedule lines.
For example, you might not have enough stock to fulfill a particular sales order line, therefore you
create two schedules to fulfill it. One schedule ships what you currently have in stock, and the other
schedule includes enough time for you to manufacture and ship the remaining items of the sales
order line. This information is stored in the IA_SALES_SCHLNS table. This topic describes how to
modify the type of information stored in this table.
Figure 53. SAP R/3: Bookings at the Sales Order Line Level
Bookings recorded at the Sales Schedule Line level provide a more granular view, as the orders are
segmented by schedule line. Bookings recorded at the Schedule Line level provide one row in the
Bookings table for each schedule line, as shown in Figure 54.
There are booking flags in the Sales Order Lines Source Adapter and Sales Schedule Lines Source
Adapter mapplets. The EXT_BOOKING_FLAG expression in the Sales Schedule Lines level is
preconfigured as follows:
You can configure the definition of early and late shipments by editing the
3. The M_S_SALES_SCHLNS_PICKQTY_LOAD mapping compares each of the completed pick lines against
their corresponding schedule lines, and then updates the Schedule Lines table with the totals for the
pick lines. This comparison allows easy querying against the Schedule Lines table to determine which
schedule lines have been shipped on time, early, or late. The logic is prepackaged to flag orders
scheduled to ship on a different day than their pick date as either early or late.
However, if you want to redefine the number of days before a pick is considered early or late, you
can configure the EXP_SCHLNS_PICKQTY_UPDATE Expression transformation.
4 In the Ports tab, select the expression for the port to modify and display the SQL statement.
For example, if you want to allow two days after the scheduled pick date before you flag the pick
as late, edit the VAR_LATE_TIME_TOT by entering 2.
■ To set the number of days before a pick is flagged as early, edit the SQL statement for the
■ To set the number of days before a pick is flagged as late, edit the SQL statement for the
Sales invoice lines are payments for items ordered by a customer. This information is stored in the
IA_SALES_IVCLNS table. This topic describes how to modify the type of information stored in this
By default, the Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics application is configured to extract completed sales
invoices when performing the Sales Invoice data extract. In SAP R/3, the VBRK-RFBSK = 'C' filter
completes an invoice.
To extract incomplete sales invoices, and complete invoices, remove the extract filter statement.
2 Open a Sales Invoice Lines Business Component mapplet. Modify both the regular extract
mapplet (MPLT_BCS_SALES_IVCLNS) and the primary extract mapplet
(MPLT_BCS_SALES_IVCLNS_PRIMARY), and the partner extract mapplet
The BACKLOG_FLAG in the IA_SALES_ORDLNS table is also used to identify which sales orders are
eligible for backlog calculations. The BACKLOG_FLAG value is derived from the Sales Document
You can add or remove Sales Orders types. Valid values for the Backlog Flag are Y and N. The
following code is the preconfigured expression for the backlog calculation:
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse is preconfigured not to use negative values in
the quantity or amount columns for the IA_SALES_IVCLNS or IA_SALES_ORDLNS tables. These two
columns are preconfigured with a value of 1.0. However, you can change these values to negative
values by using the VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN and VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN_QTY columns.
For example, to account for a negative value for the BV and ZUN document types, you can use the
following conditional statement to define the VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN and VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN_QTY
4 In the Ports tab, edit the VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN and the VAR_NEGATIVE_SSIGN_QTY ports.
You need to set the PARM_NVALUE_1 value in the file_parameters_sapr3.csv file to the number of
days that you expect your orders to be open. This configuration is necessary for ETL as SAP R/3 does
not update the last changed date for a table when a user updates that table.
NOTE: There are always orders that are open for a long period of time. To make sure that ETL
captures changes to these orders, it is recommended that you occasionally set the PARM_NVALUE_1
value to a value equivalent to that period of time.
To configure Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics for Oracle 11i, perform the following tasks:
■ Accounting for Negative Values in Orders, Invoices, and Picks on page 267
Related Topic
■ About Tracking Attribute Changes in Bookings on page 259
Sales order lines are the itemized lines that make up a sales order. This information is stored in the
IA_SALES_ORDLNS table. This topic describes how to modify the type of information stored in this
However, if you want to load nonbooked orders into the Sales Order Lines table, you have to
configure the extract so that it does not filter out nonbooked orders. In Oracle 11i, the
OE_LINES_ALL.BOOKED_FLAG = Y condition indicates that an order is booked; therefore, this
statement is used to filter out nonbooked orders. To load all orders, including nonbooked orders,
remove the filter condition from the WHERE clause in the S_M_I_SALES_ORDLNS_EXTRACT and
Figure 55. Oracle 11i: Default Configuration for Loading Booked Orders
Any changes in these fields results in another row in the IA_SALES_BKGLNS table. However, changes
in any other fields does not result in a new row; instead, the existing information are overwritten
with the changed information. No history is kept for changes to these other field values. If you want
to track other changes you can do so. For example, you may want to track changes to the sales
representative who is handling the order. The ETL processes are prepackaged to overwrite sales
representative changes; however, if you want to retain them, you must add the attribute to the
Booking ID definition in the Booking ID expression in the Source Adapter mapplet
(MPLT_SAI_SALES_ORDLNS). The following section describes what happens if you modify the Booking
ID to include the sales representative.
The following paragraphs and tables describe what happens in the source system and the
IA_SALES_BKGLNS table when you change sales representatives under this scenario.
Day 1: One order is placed with Salesperson 1001. The source system displays the information as
shown in Table 36.
Table 36. Oracle 11i: Source System Table Row After Day One Activity
The row in Table 36 is entered into the IA Bookings table (IA_SALES_BKGLNS) as shown in Table 37.
Table 37. Oracle 11i: IA_SALES_BKGLNS Table Row After Day One Activity
Day 2: Salesperson 1002 takes over this order, replacing Salesperson 1001. Thus, the salesperson
associated with the order is changed from 1001 to 1002 in the source system. The row in the source
system looks like the row shown in Table 38.
Table 38. Oracle 11i: Source System Table Row After Day Two Activity
The Sales Order Lines ADI, which also writes to the booking table, now does a debooking for the old
line and inserts a new row into the IA_SALES_BKGLNS booking table. On day two, the row in the
IA_SALES_BKGLNS table looks like the row shown in the Table 39.
Table 39. Oracle 11i: IA_SALES_BKGLNS Table Row After Day Two Activity
When you modify the default VAR_BOOKING_ID column, the SQL statement is configured as follows
for Oracle 11i:
However, if you want to track changes based on more than one attribute, in the SQL statement you
must concatenate the attribute column IDs in the VAR_BOOKING_ID column. For example, if you want
to track changes in Salespersons and Sold-to-Customer, then concatenate the technical name IDs in
the VAR_BOOKING_ID column as follows:
4 In the Ports tab, edit the expression for the VAR_BOOKING_ID port, and enter the ID of the
attribute for which you want to track changes.
If you want to track changes in multiple attributes, concatenate the IDs of all attributes and put
the concatenated value in the VAR_BOOKING_ID column.
Sales schedule lines detail when each order’s items are slated for shipment. Each sales order is
broken into sales order lines, and each sales order line can have multiple schedule lines.
For example, you might not have enough stock to fulfill a particular sales order line, therefore you
create two schedules to fulfill it. One schedule ships what you currently have in stock, and the other
schedule includes enough time for you to manufacture and ship the remaining items of the sales
order line. This information is stored in the IA_SALES_SCHLNS table. This topic describes how to
modify the type of information stored in this table.
Bookings may be recorded at the Sales Schedule Line level instead of the Sales Order Line level. At
the Sales Schedule Line level, bookings provide a more granular view, as the orders are segmented
by schedule line. Bookings recorded at the Schedule Line level provide one row in the Bookings table
for each schedule line, as shown in Figure 57. The Booking flag (EXT_BOOKING_FLAG) is set to Y in
the Schedule Lines Source Adapter mapplet.
4 In the Ports tab, edit the expression for EXT_BOOKING_FLAG to row bookings at the Schedule Line
5 In addition, change the EXT_BOOKING_FLAG in the Sales Order Lines Source Adapter to N or the
system records bookings at the Order Lines level by default.
You can configure the definition of early and late shipments by editing the
11i. The M_I_SALES_SCHLNS_PICKQTY_LOAD mapping compares each of the completed pick lines
against their corresponding schedule lines, and then updates the Schedule Lines table with the totals
for the pick lines. This comparison allows easy querying against the Schedule Lines table to
determine which schedule lines have been shipped on time, early, or late. The logic is prepackaged
to flag orders scheduled to ship on a different day than their pick date as either early or late.
However, if you want to redefine the number of days before a pick is considered early or late, you
can configure the EXP_SALES_SCHLNS_PICKQTY Expression transformation.
3 In the Ports tab, select the expression for the port to modify and display the SQL statement.
For example, if you want to allow two days after the scheduled pick date before you flag the pick
as late, edit the VAR_LATE_TIME_TOT by entering 2.
■ To set the number of days before a pick is flagged as early, edit the SQL statement for the
■ To set the number of days before a pick is flagged as late, edit the SQL statement for the
Sales invoice lines are payments for items ordered by a customer. This information is stored in the
IA_SALES_IVCLNS table. This topic describes how to modify the type of information stored in this
To extract incomplete sales invoices, as well as complete invoices, remove the extract filter
2 Open a Sales Invoice Lines Business Component mapplet. Modify both the regular extract
mapplet (MPLT_BCI_SALES_IVCLNS) and the primary extract mapplet
3 Open the Source Qualifier to edit the SQL statement in the SQL Query and User Defined Join
4 In the User Defined Join field and in the SQL Query field, remove the statement:
Backlog information is stored in the IA_SALES_IA_BLGLNS and IA_SALES_BLGHIS tables. This topic
describes how to modify the type of information stored in these tables. Many types of backlog exist
in the Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics application—financial backlog, operational backlog,
delinquent backlog, scheduled backlog, unscheduled backlog, and blocked backlog. Each type of
backlog is defined by two particular dates in the sales process; therefore, calculations of backlog hits
multiple fact tables.
For example, financial backlog records which items have been ordered but payment has not been
received. Thus, to calculate the number of financial backlog items, you use the Sales Order Lines
table (to determine which items have been ordered) and the Sales Invoice Lines table (to see which
orders have been paid for). Using these two tables, you can determine the number of items and the
value of those items that are on financial backlog.
In Oracle 11i, open sales orders are flagged in the source system with one of the following two
statuses—S6 and S9. If you want to remove the filter condition, you must remove the condition
containing these two source system values.
For example, assume your customer orders ten items. Six items are invoiced and shipped, but four
items are placed on operational and financial backlog. This backlog status continues until one of two
things happens:
If you choose to extract sales orders that are flagged as closed, you must remove the condition in
the Backlog flag. To do so, use the following procedure.
3 Open the Source Qualifier transformation to edit the SQL statement in the SQL Query field and
the User Defined Join field.
The BACKLOG_FLAG in the IA_SALES_ORDLNS table is also used to identify which sales orders are
eligible for backlog calculations. By default, all sales order types have their Backlog flag set to Y. As
a result, all sales orders are included in backlog calculations.
However, if you wish to process only certain types of sales orders, you must insert a conditional
statement for the Backlog flag. Valid values for the Backlog Flag are Y and N.
3 Open the Expression transformation EXP_SALES_ORDLNS to edit the Backlog Flag port.
4 Modify the statement in the BACKLOG_FLAG port to include or exclude sales orders from backlog
By default, the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse does not use negative values in the
quantity or amount columns for the IA_SALES_IVCLNS table or the IA_SALES_ORDLNS table. However,
you can make these values negative using a column called VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN. By default, this
column has the value 1.0. To make the values negative, modify the column value to be -1.
For example, to account for a negative return value for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) or for
a negative value in a credit memo, you can use a conditional statement to define the
Assume that the S14 column in SO_LINES_ALL table has been configured in Oracle 11i to have the
value 30 if the order line is a return. You can use this identifier for returned orders as a condition for
setting the VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN column to be -1. To do this, you can modify the VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN
column’s definition in the MPLT_SAO_SALES_ORDLNS as follows:
For Oracle 11i, the VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN column is available in the following Source Adapters—
In Oracle 11i the VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN column’s value is set based on the type of order line.
For example, if the S14 column in SO_LINES_ALL table has been configured in Oracle 11i to have
the value 30 if the order line is a return, then you can use this identifier for returned orders as
a condition for setting the VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN column to be -1. To do so, you would set the
VAR_NEGATIVE_SIGN column’s definition as follows:
To aggregate the Sales Invoice Lines and Sales Order Lines tables, perform the following tasks:
Related Topics
■ About Configuring the Sales Invoice Lines Aggregate Table on page 268
■ About Configuring the Sales Order Lines Aggregate Table on page 273
For your initial ETL run, you need to configure the GRAIN parameter for the time aggregation level
in the Sales Invoice Lines aggregate fact table.
For the incremental ETL run, you need to configure the time aggregation level and the source
identification. The source identification value represents the source system you are sourcing data
You need to configure two parameters to aggregate the Sales Invoice Lines table for your incremental
The GRAIN parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. The possible values for the GRAIN
parameter are:
Table 41 lists the values for the SOURCE_ID parameter. The value of this parameter is preconfigured
to reflect the ETL mapping's folder.
Universal GENERIC
NOTE: You can change the default value for the Source_ID parameter if you use multiple instances
of the same source system. For example, you can run multiple instances of SAP R/3 and use separate
Source IDs for each instance. You can name the first instance SAPR3_1, the second instance
SAPR3_2, and so on.
The Sales Invoice Lines aggregate table is fully loaded from the base table in the initial ETL run. The
table can grow to millions of records. Thus, the Sales Invoice aggregate table is not fully reloaded
from the base table after each incremental ETL run. Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
minimizes the incremental aggregation effort, by modifying the aggregate table incrementally as the
base table is updated. This process is done in four steps:
1 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the records to be deleted in the base table
since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_SALES_IVCLNS table. The measures in these
records are multiplied by (-1). The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with PRE_D, and
it is run before the records are deleted from the base table. The mapping is run in the source-
specific workflow.
2 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the records to be updated in the base table
since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_SALES_IVCLNS table. The measures in these
records are multiplied by (-1). The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with PRE_U, and
it is run before the records are updated in the base table. It is run in the source-specific workflow.
3 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the inserted or updated records in the base
table since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_SAELS_IVCLNS table, without changing
their sign. The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with POST, and it is run after the
records are updated or inserted into the base table. It is run in the post load-processing
To load the Sales Invoice Lines aggregate table (IA_SLS_IVCLNS_A1), you need to configure the post-
load-processing parameter file and the source system parameter files, and run the initial and then
the incremental workflows.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Sales Invoice Lines Aggregate
Table on page 268.
To configure the Sales Invoice Lines aggregate table for Oracle 11i
1 Open the file_parameters_ora11i.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\srcfiles folder.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Sales Invoice Lines Aggregate
Table on page 268.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_I_PURCH_RCPTS_PRE_D:SOURCE_ID and
To configure the Sales Invoice Lines aggregate table for SAP R/3
1 Open the file_parameters_sapr3.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\srcfiles folder.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Sales Invoice Lines Aggregate
Table on page 268.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_S_SALES_IVCLNS_PRE_D:SOURCE_ID and
To configure the Sales Invoice Lines aggregate table for Universal Source
1 Open the file_parameters_univ.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\srcfiles folder.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Sales Invoice Lines Aggregate
Table on page 268.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_F_SALES_IVCLNS_PRE_U:SOURCE_ID session
For your initial ETL run, you need to configure the GRAIN parameter for the time aggregation level
in the Sales Order Lines aggregate fact table.
For the incremental ETL run, you need to configure the time aggregation level and the source
identification. The source identification value represents the source system you are sourcing data
You need to configure two parameters to aggregate the Sales Order Lines table for your incremental
The GRAIN parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. The possible values for the GRAIN
parameter are:
Table 42 lists the values for the SOURCE_ID parameter. The value of this parameter is preconfigured
to reflect the ETL mapping’s folder.
Universal GENERIC
NOTE: You can change the default value for the Source ID parameter if you use multiple instances
of the same source system. For example, you can run multiple instances of SAP R/3 and use separate
Source IDs for each instance. You can name the first instance SAPR3_1, the second instance
SAPR3_2, and so on.
The Sales Order Lines aggregate table is fully loaded from the base table in the initial ETL run. The
table can grow to millions of records. Thus, the Sales Order aggregate table is not fully reloaded from
the base table after each incremental ETL run. Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
minimizes the incremental aggregation effort, by modifying the aggregate table incrementally as the
base table is updated. This process is done in four steps:
1 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the records to be deleted in the base table
since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_SALES_ORDLNS table. The measures in these
records are multiplied by (-1). The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with PRE_D, and
it is run before the records are deleted from the base table. The mapping is run in the source-
specific workflow.
2 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the records to be updated in the base table
since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_SALES_ORDLNS table. The measures in these
records are multiplied by (-1). The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with PRE_U, and
it is run before the records are updated in the base table. It is run in the source-specific workflow.
3 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the inserted or updated records in the base
table since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_SAELS_ORDLNS table, without changing
their sign. The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with POST, and it is run after the
records are updated or inserted into the base table. It is run in the post load-processing
To load the Sales Order Lines aggregate table (IA_SLS_ORDLNS_A1), you need to configure the post-
load-processing parameter file and the source system parameter files, and run the initial and then
the incremental workflows.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Sales Order Lines Aggregate
Table on page 273.
To configure the Sales Order Lines aggregate table for Oracle 11i
1 Open the file_parameters_ora11i.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\srcfiles folder.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Sales Order Lines Aggregate
Table on page 273.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_I_SALES_ORDLNS_PRE_D:SOURCE_ID and
To configure the Sales Order Lines aggregate table for SAP R/3
1 Open the file_parameters_sapr3.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\srcfiles folder.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Sales Order Lines Aggregate
Table on page 273.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_S_SALES_ORDLNS_PRE_D:SOURCE_ID and
To configure the Sales Order Lines aggregate table for Universal Source
1 Open the file_parameters_univ.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\srcfiles folder.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Sales Order Lines Aggregate
Table on page 273.
For example, assume a customer purchases a package that includes a computer, scanner, and printer.
In addition, the customer purchases a monitor separately. In this case, there are two parent items:
the package and the monitor. The computer, scanner, and printer are all child orders of the parent
order package, while the parent order monitor is a single-item purchase.
Your data warehouse may store this sales information in the Sales Order Lines table as seen in
Table 43. The ORDLN_KEY_ID field contains the Line Item ID of the parent product in order to maintain
the relationship between the parent and child products in a package. In this example, the
ORDLN_KEY_ID field is Line_1 for each of the three child products (A1, A2, A3) that were sold as a
part of the parent package, Parent A.
Key_ID _NUM ID KEY_ID _ID table.)
In contrast, if each of the four items described in Table 43 were bought individually, the
ORDLN_KEY_ID would have a different Line Item ID for every row. In this case, the Sales Order Lines
table would look like Table 44.
Key_ID NUM ID KEY_ID _ID the table.)
To add more dates, you need to understand how the Order Cycle Times table is populated. Thus, if
you want to change the dates loaded into the Order Cycle Time table (IA_SALES_CYCLNS), then you
have to modify the M_PLP_SALES_CYCHDR_LOAD mappings that take the dates from the IA_* tables
and load them into the Cycle Time table.
NOTE: Be sure that the date is already being extracted and stored in IA and OD data warehouse
2 In Warehouse Designer, modify the table definition for the target table to verify that it has a field
to store this date.
For example, if you are loading the Validated on Date in the IA_SALES_CYCLNS table, then you
need to create a new column, VALIDATED_ON_DT, and modify the target definition of the
3 In Source Analyzer, modify the table definition of the source table to include this new column.
Continuing with the example, you would include the VALIDATED_ON_DT column in the
IA_SALES_CYCLNS source table.
4 Create the table in the database with the new table structure.
TIP: If you have already loaded data in the IA_SALES_CYCLNS table, then make sure that you
backup the data before you recreate this table.
5 Modify the M_PLP_SALES_CYCLNS_INCR_LOAD mapping to select the new column from any of the
following source tables, and load it to the IA_SALES_CYCLNS target table:
6 Modify The Source Qualifier SQL Override for the mapping, and map the column in the
Transformation to map it to the target table.
Table 45. Oracle 11i: Backlog History Table Entry as of February 1, 2001
1 02/01/2001 02/28/2001 10
On February 2, 5 of the 10 financial backlog items are invoiced and, thus, removed from the backlog.
Thus, there is an update to the existing row in the Backlog History table, as shown in Table 46.
Table 46. Oracle 11i: Backlog History Table Entry as of February 2, 2001
(Sales Order
Number) (Backlog Date) (Backlog Period Date) (Backlog Quantity)
1 02/01/2001 02/28/2001 10
02/01/2001 5
No further activity happens until February 28. On February 28, the remaining 5 items on financial
backlog are invoiced and removed from financial backlog. In addition, a new sales order (Sales Order
#2) comes in for 50 new items. All of the items are put on financial backlog.
Even though all items from Sales Order #1 are cleared from financial backlog, the last backlog row
remains in the Backlog History table. The purpose in retaining the last row is to indicate that there
was backlog for this particular order. The quantity, in this case 5 items, does not tell you how many
items were initially on backlog, which was 10.
For the 50 new financial backlog items, there is a new entry into the Backlog History table. So, as of
February 28, 2001, the Backlog History table looks like the Table 47.
Table 47. Oracle 11i: Backlog History Table Entry as of February 28, 2001
(Sales Order
Number) (Backlog Date) (Backlog Period Date) (Backlog Quantity)
1 02/01/2001 02/28/2001 10
02/02/2001 5
2 02/28/2001 02/28/2001 50
On March 1, 30 more items are ordered (Sales Order #3), all of which are on financial backlog. The
resulting Backlog History table looks like Table 48.
Table 48. Oracle 11i: Backlog History Table Entry as of March 1, 2001
(Sales Order
Number) (Backlog Date) (Backlog Period Date) (Backlog Quantity)
1 02/01/2001 02/28/2001 5
2 02/28/2001 02/28/2001 50
2 03/01/2001 03/31/2001 50
3 03/01/2001 03/31/2001 30
Because backlog history is maintained at the monthly level, you have a partial history of your
backlogs. Based on the latest state of the Backlog History table shown in Table 48, you can see that
sales order number 1 and 2 ended up with 5 and 50 financial backlogged items respectively. You do
not have visibility into what the initial financial backlogged item quantities were for both of these
sales orders; you only have their ending quantities.
If you decide that you want to track more details on how the items moved out of backlog, then you’ll
have to maintain the history at a more granular level. For instance, if you want to know the number
of items that were on backlog when the it was first opened, you would have to track the backlog
history by day, instead of by month.
For example, if you maintained backlog history at the daily level you would be able to capture that
sales order 1 had an initial backlog of 10 as of February 1 and the backlog quantity shrank to 5 as
of February 2. So, by capturing history at the daily level, you could then compute cycle times on how
long it took to move items out of backlog. However, if you decide to capture backlog history at a
more detailed level, you may compromise performance because tracking backlog history at the daily
level can increase the size of the Backlog History table exponentially.
If you choose to change the time period for which historical backlog data is kept, you must verify
that all types of backlog are being stored at the same grain; which requires modification to multiple
mappings. Table 49 provides a list of all applicable mappings and their corresponding Expression
transformations that you must modify.
Table 49. Oracle 11i: Backlog History Applicable Mappings and Expression Transformations
The backlog history period is monthly by default. The default SQL statement in the Expression
transformation of the listed mappings is as follows:
YYYY'),'DD')) + 2415021
You can edit the backlog period date so that you can capture a more detailed backlog history with
the following procedure. Possible periods include daily (CAL_DAY_DT), weekly (CAL_WEEK_DT), monthly
(CAL_MONTH_DT), and quarterly (CAL_QTR_DT).
The SQL statement in this port’s expression contains the backlog period date.
4 In the Ports tab, modify the default SQL statement for the BACKLOG_PERIOD_DK.
For example, if you want to store backlog history at the weekly level, replace the existing
trunc(DATE_DIFF(LAST_DAY(CAL_DAY_DT),to_date('01-JAN-1900','DD-MON-YYYY'),'DD')) +
trunc(DATE_DIFF(CAL_WEEK_END_DT),to_date('01-JAN-1900','DD-MON-YYYY'),'DD')) +
NOTE: The CAL_WEEK_END_DT is not prepackaged to be extracted from IA_DATES; to use this
calculation you have to extract this data from IA_DATES and pass it to the Expression
Consider as an example a situation where a customer orders one package, which includes a
computer, scanner, printer, and two speakers. In addition to the package, the customer also orders
one monitor, which is not included in the package deal. In this case, the sales quantities are listed
for the parent line item as well as for each child line items. However, the currency amounts are only
listed for the parent line items; they are not listed for the individual child line items. Table 50
illustrates this example.
Table 50. Storing Currency Amounts at the Parent Line Level in Order Cycle Time table
Key_ID NUM ID KEY _ID KEY _ID _QTY Amount Relation
Consider another example. In this example, a customer orders the same package, which includes a
computer, scanner, printer, and two speakers. In addition to the package, the customer also orders
one monitor, which is not included in the package deal. In this case, the quantities are provided for
the parent and child line item levels. In addition, the currency amounts are also listed for both the
parent and child line item levels. Table 51 illustrates this example.
Table 51. Storing Currency Amounts at the Child Line Level in Order Cycle Time table
For more information on parent and child relationships, see About Tracking Multiple Products for Siebel
Enterprise Sales Analytics on page 278.
Date Columns
Date Columns
For more information on configuring domain values with CSV worksheet files, see About Domain
Values on page 154 and Configuring the Domain Value Set with CSV Worksheet Files on page 159.
Table 53. Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics
Table 53. Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics
domainValues_OrderOve Lists the Order Status Code and the Status S_M_I_STATUS_SALES_
rallStatus_ora11i.csv Desc columns, and the corresponding ORDLNS_CYCLES_LOAD
domain values for the Oracle 11i
domainValues_OrderOve Lists the Order Status Code and the Status S_M_S_STATUS_SALES_
rallStatus_sapr3.csv Desc columns, and the corresponding OVERALL_LOAD
Domain Value for the SAP R/3 application.
For Oracle 11i you need to use the following configuration steps for Siebel Supply Chain Analytics to
configure Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics:
For post-load processing for Oracle 11i and SAP R/3, you need to use the following configuration
steps for Siebel Supply Chain Analytics to configure Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics:
For information on configuring Siebel Supply Chain Analytics for SAP R/3 to configure Siebel
Enterprise Sales Analytics, see About the SAP R/3 Inventory Transfer Process for Siebel Supply Chain
Analytics on page 393.
For Oracle 11i, you need to use the following configuration steps for Siebel Financial Analytics to
configure Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics:
■ Extracting Data Posted at the Detail-Level for Oracle 11i on page 311
■ Mapping Siebel General Ledger Analytics Account Numbers to Group Account Numbers on page 312
■ Filtering Extracts Based on Set of Books ID for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on page 313
■ Configuring AR Balance ID for Siebel Receivables Analytics and Siebel Profitability Analytics on
page 320
■ Configuring the AR Adjustments Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 321
■ Configuring the AR Cash Receipt Application Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 322
■ Configuring the AR Credit-Memo Application Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 323
For SAP R/3, you need to use the following configuration steps for Siebel Financial Analytics to
configure Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics:
■ Extracting Data Posted at the Header Level for SAP R/3 on page 329
■ Configuring the Group Account Number Categorization for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on
page 330
■ Configuring the Transaction Types for Siebel Financial Analytics on page 331
■ Configuring the Siebel General Ledger Analytics Balance Extract on page 335
For post-load processing, you need to use the following configuration steps for Siebel Financial
Analytics to configure Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics:
■ Configuring the History Period for the Invoice Level for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 346
This chapter describes how to configure certain objects for particular sources to meet your business
needs. It contains the following topics:
■ About Aggregating the Payroll Table for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics on page 303
■ Aggregating the Payroll Table for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics on page 303
■ Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics on page 304
■ Configuring Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics on
page 305
The Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics application has the following functional areas:
■ Compensation. Workforce Compensation allows you to analyze the salaries, benefits, and
rewards that comprise your employee compensation plan. The metrics provided as part of the
application allow you to measure several areas of performance and perform a variety of
comparative analyses at various levels of granularity.
It provides your company with employee payroll information that can be vital to success in
today's economy. Over or under-compensating employees can both have serious effects on your
company's ability to maintain a competitive edge. The Workforce Compensation area provides
the information your Workforce Management department needs to manage compensation costs,
such as identifying emerging trends within the organization, or within specific areas of
compensation, and evaluating the effectiveness of the level of compensation as an incentive.
■ Human Resource Performance. The information stored in the Human Resource Performance
area allows you to measure several areas of performance, including contribution and
productivity, workforce effectiveness, and trends analytics.
■ Retention. Under the Retention functional area you can find the events that are the hallmarks
of employees’ professional life cycle. These events include their hiring information, their
promotional opportunities realized and not realized, the quality of the employees’ job
performance as measured by performance ranking, their length of service, and the reasons for
termination, both voluntary and involuntary. Monitoring retention rates within departments is
useful in determining potential problem areas that may want to be addressed by senior
■ U.S. Statutory Compliance. The U.S. Statutory Compliance functional area stores information
that help Human Resources departments prepare government-required reports.
■ Workforce Profile. The Workforce Profile functional area provides you with the tools to separate
sensitive from nonsensitive information, and to restrict access to sensitive data. Sensitive
information includes such data as ethnicity, age, native language, marital status, and
performance ratings. Nonsensitive information includes information such as job title, work
location, and position status.
NOTE: If you want to retain values from the source system or previously existing values that are not
included in the domain values, enter an Else statement in the expression for the code.
This section also provides the necessary information on configuring the Workforce Profile functional
area for Oracle 11i—configuring address types, configuring phone types, modifying the derive flag,
and modifying the snapshot extract date.
NOTE: Currently, no configuration changes are required for Oracle 11i for the Retention functional
To configure Workforce Operations for Oracle 11i, perform the following tasks:
■ Configuring the Employees Dimension for U.S. Statutory Compliance on page 293
■ Configuring the Jobs Dimension for U.S. Statutory Compliance on page 296
■ Modifying the Snapshot Extract Date for Workforce Profile on page 301
Within the Employees dimension there are mandatory changes to the configuration information in
the Expression transformation EXP_EMPLOYEES for the mapping M_I_EMPLOYEES_EXTRACT.
The configuration information includes the domain values for the following:
Table 54. Domain Values for Ethnic Group Code and Ethnic Group Description
1 White
2 Black
3 Asian
4 American Indian/Alaskan Native
5 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
8 Race Unknown
9 Others
For each of these ports’ expressions, it is necessary that the source-supplied values are mapped to
the expected domain values so that correct ethnic group and veteran status information is supplied.
For example, if the source-supplied values were as shown in Table 55, there would be a discrepancy
between the domain values in Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse and source-supplied
value for Ethnic Group Code 1, 2, and 4.
Table 55. Sample Source Values for Ethnic Group Code and Ethnic Group Description
1 Caucasian
2 African American
4 Asian
Table 56. Domain Value for Veteran Status Code and Veteran Status Description
For each of these ports’ expressions, it is necessary that the source-supplied values are mapped to
the expected domain values so that the correct veteran status information is supplied. For example,
if the source-supplied values for Veteran Status Code and Veteran Status Description were as shown
in Table 57, there would be a discrepancy between the domain values and source-supplied values for
all codes.
Table 57. Sample Source-Supplied Veteran Status Code and Veteran Status Description
Within the Jobs dimension there are two mandatory changes to the configuration information in the
Expression transformation EXP_JOBS for the mapping M_I_JOBS_EXTRACT. The configuration
information includes the domain values for the following:
Table 58. Domain Values for EEO Job Category Code and EEO Job Category Description
4 Sales Workers
6 Craft Workers
7 Operatives
8 Laborers
9 Service Workers
For each of these ports’ expressions, it is necessary that the source-supplied values are mapped to
the expected domain values so that the correct EEO job category information is supplied. For
example, if the source-supplied values were as shown in Table 59 there would be a discrepancy
between the domain values and source-supplied values for EEO Job Categories 1, 2, 5, and 8.
Table 59. Sample Source-Supplied EEO Job Category Code and EEO Job Category Description
2:EEO1CODE Office-Clerical
3:EEO1CODE Technicians
5:EEO1CODE Professionals
2 Enhancing the Source Qualifier for the existing load mappings, M_I_EMPLOYEES_LOAD and
M_I_JOBS_LOAD, to accommodate the added ETHN_GRP_DESC and EEO_JOB_CAT_DESC
First, modify the staging table, TI_JOBS, to add port EEO_JOB_CAT_DESC. You must modify the
staging tables in both the Target and Source folder, as well as in the back-end database.
2 In the Source folder, double-click the TI_JOBS staging table located in the IA_ORA_STAGE sub-
folder to open the Edit Tables window.
3 Select Replace after dragging and dropping the table into the Warehouse Designer.
4 In the Columns tab, add a new port directly below EEO_JOB_CAT_CODE port.
5 In the new field, enter the port name of EEO_JOB_CAT_DESC, and select a data type of String
NOTE: Open the Target folder, and repeat the preceding procedure. Please note that you must
modify the corresponding staging table in the back-end database to accommodate the new port.
The next task is to modify the Source Qualifier for the load mappings M_I_EMPLOYEES_LOAD and
3 In the Ports tab, add a new port directly below the ETHN_GRP_CODE port.
4 In the new field, enter the port name of ETHN_GRP_DESC, and select a data type of String (254).
5 Click OK.
6 In the Properties tab, open SQL Query field. There are two options:
■ If you have not modified the SQL statement, you can select Generate SQL and click OK.
■ If you are not using the preconfigured SQL statement, you must modify the join condition
3 In the Ports tab, add a new port directly below the EEO_JOB_CAT_CODE port.
4 In the new field, enter the port name of EEO_JOB_CAT_DESC, select a data type of String (254),
and click OK.
5 In the Properties tab, open SQL Query field. There are two options:
■ If you have not modified the SQL statement, you can select Generate SQL and click OK.
■ If you are not using the preconfigured SQL statement, you must modify the join condition
After you have modified the domain values in the upgrade mappings, and enhanced the column
structure in the existing mappings, run the upgrade mappings prior to proceeding with configuring
the extract mappings. For a discussion on configuring the Employees Dimension and configuring the
Jobs Dimension, see About Configuring Workforce Operations for Oracle 11i on page 292. Make sure to
run the mapping only once to properly reflect data.
By default the address type for employee information is type M for mailing type. To modify the
address type you must configure the MPLT_BCO_EMPLOYEES Business Component.
3 In the Properties tab, modify the SQL query to accommodate the new address type.
For example, the address type has been modified to H for home address instead of the default
M for mailing.
By default the phone type for employee information is P. To modify the phone type you must
configure the MPLT_BCI_EMPLOYEES Business Component.
3 In the Properties tab, modify the SQL statement to accommodate the new phone type.
For example, the phone type has been modified to F for Home Fax phone type instead of the
default P.
The $$DERIVE_FLAG setting determines where the specific history table is populated. By default, the
$$DERIVE_FLAG is set to YES. However, if you want to change this flag, you can do so by modifying
the file_parameters_ora11i.csv file in the installation directory. This file contains a default value
for the sessions shown in Table 60.
After you have modified the file, the next time you run the session, the new Derive Flag value is
2 Replace the default Derive Flag with the new Derive Flag.
Perform this action for all applicable sessions, as shown in the following figure.
By default, the $$EXTRACT_DATE is set to 01/01/1970 for Oracle 11i. However, if you want to modify
this value, you can do so by modifying the file_parameters.ora11i.csv file in the installation
directory. This file contains this default value for the sessions in Table 61.
Table 61. Sessions with 01/01/1970 as the Default Snapshot Extract Date
After you have modified the file, the next time you run the session, the new snapshot extract date
is populated.
2 In the PARAM_DVALUE_1 column, enter the date for which you want the data extracted.
Perform this action for all applicable sessions. By default the date format is
YYYYMMDDHH24MISS. For example, the default date of 01/01/1970 would appear as
To configure Workforce Payroll for Oracle 11i, perform the following tasks:
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse is preconfigured to extract the input value name of
Pay Value. Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse does not extract classification elements
such as Information, Balance, or Employer. To modify the Payroll filter perform the following
NOTE: If you change the Payroll filter, you need to also change the Siebel Business Analytics
metadata, so your reports are run correctly.
2 Search for the strings in the following table, and change or delete these to match your
NOTE: There are two entries for each string—Payroll Extract and Pay Type Extract. You need to
make the same changes for both entries.
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse is preconfigured to use the Rule Base Optimization
to improve the performance of the Payroll extract mapping. Yon can change this by using the
following procedure.
/*+ RULE*/
The GRAIN parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. The possible values for the GRAIN
parameter are:
The Payroll aggregate table is fully loaded from the base table in the initial ETL run. The table can
grow to millions of records. The Payroll aggregate table is not fully reloaded from the base table after
an ETL run. Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse minimizes the incremental aggregation
effort, by modifying the aggregate table incrementally as the base table is updated. Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse looks for new records in the base table during the incremental ETL.
This process is done in two steps:
1 There are new records in the IA_PAYROLL table, which are inserted after the last ETL run. These
new records are inserted into the NU_PAYROLL table. This step is part of the post load-processing
workflow, and the mapping is suffixed with POST.
2 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse aggregates the NU_PAYROLL table, and joins it
with the IA_PAYROLL_A4 aggregate table to insert new or update existing buckets to the
aggregate table. This step is part of the post load-processing workflow, and the mapping is
suffixed with INCR.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Aggregating the Payroll Table for Siebel
Enterprise Workforce Analytics on page 303.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_PLP_PAYROLL_A4_INIT:GRAIN session value.
For more information on configuring domain values with CSV worksheet files, see About Domain
Values on page 154 and Configuring the Domain Value Set with CSV Worksheet Files on page 159.
Table 62. Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics
domainValues_Employm Lists the User Person Type column and the S_M_I_EMPLOYMENT_E
ent_ora11i.csv corresponding domain values of XTRACT
employment category for the Oracle 11i
Table 62. Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics
For more information on configuring domain values with CSV worksheet files, see About Domain
Values on page 154 and Configuring the Domain Value Set with CSV Worksheet Files on page 159.
NOTE: If you have modified the Payroll filter, you need to also modify the SQL. For more
information on modifying Payroll filters, see Modifying the Workforce Payroll Filters on page 302.
System Person Types are also extracted with User Person Type to help you map the domain
For more information Employment domain values, see Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse Data Model Reference.
NOTE: Incorrect mappings result in inaccurate calculations of Siebel Business Analytics metrics.
Classification Names are also extracted with Element Names to help you map the domain values.
If the element is not related to Payroll Pay Check, you can map the element to Other.
For more information on Pay Type domain values, see Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse Data Model Reference.
NOTE: Incorrect mappings result in inaccurate calculations of Siebel Business Analytics metrics.
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3
3 Except the first five rows in the file, delete all the other rows.
4 Copy the Event Types to the LOOKUP_TYPE, LOOKUP_CODE, and MEANING columns from row 6.
5 Map each Event Type (LOOKUP_CODE) to one domain value for each of the 3 domain columns—
Event Category (LOOKUP_TYPE) and Event Description (MEANING) are also extracted with Event
Type to help you map the domain values.
For more information on Event Type domain values, see Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse Data Model Reference.
NOTE: Incorrect mappings result in inaccurate calculations of Siebel Business Analytics metrics.
This chapter describes how to configure certain objects for particular sources to meet your business
needs. Siebel Financial Analytics consists of Siebel General Ledger Analytics, Siebel Payables
Analytics, Siebel Receivables Analytics, and Siebel Profitability Analytics.
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for Oracle 11i on page 310
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for SAP R/3 on page 329
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for PeopleSoft 8.4 on page 340
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Financial Analytics for Post-Load Processing on page 345
■ Siebel General Ledger Analytics. The Siebel General Ledger Analytics application provides
information to support your enterprise’s balance sheet and provides a clearer understanding of
the chart of accounts.
The default configuration for the Siebel General Ledger Analytics application is based on what is
identified as the most-common level of detail or granularity. However, you can configure and
modify the extracts to best meet your business requirements.
■ Siebel Payables Analytics. The Siebel Payables Analytics application provides information
about your enterprise’s accounts payable information and identifies the cash requirements to
meet your obligations.
The information found in the Siebel Payables Analytics application pertains to data found
exclusively under Accounts Payable (AP) in your financial statements and chart of accounts.
Analysis of your payables allows you to evaluate the efficiency of your cash outflows. The need
for analysis is increasingly important because suppliers are becoming strategic business partners
with the focus on increased efficiency for just in time, and quality purchasing relationships.
The default configuration for the Siebel Payables Analytics application is based on what is
identified as the most- common level of detail, or granularity. However, you can configure or
modify the extracts to best meet your business requirements.
The information found in the Siebel Receivables Analytics application pertains to data found
exclusively in the Accounts Receivable (AR) account grouping of your financial statements and
chart of accounts. Each day that your receivables are past the due date represents a significant,
opportunity-cost to your company. Keeping a close eye on the trends, and clearing of AR is one
way to assess the efficiency of your sales operations, the quality of your receivables, and the
value of key customers.
The default configuration for the Siebel Receivables Analytics application is based on what is
identified as the most-common level of detail or granularity. However, you may configure and
modify the extracts to best meet your business requirements.
■ Siebel Profitability Analytics. The Siebel Profitability Analytics application provides cost
analysis, revenue trends, and sales performance to provide an accurate picture of profit and loss.
The information found in the Siebel Profitability Analytics application pertains to data found in
the revenue and expense account groupings of your financial statements and chart of accounts.
The Siebel Profitability Analytics application is designed to provide insight into your enterprise’s
revenue and profitability information, which ties into your accounts receivable.
The default configuration for the Siebel Profitability Analytics application is based on what is
identified as the most-common level of detail, or granularity. However, the extracts are
configurable and you can modify the extracts to meet your business requirements. The Siebel
Profitability Analytics application provides cost analysis, revenue trends, and profitability
analysis at the products and customer level, and the income statement at the company and
business divisions level.
■ Extracting Data Posted at the Detail-Level for Oracle 11i on page 311
■ Mapping Siebel General Ledger Analytics Account Numbers to Group Account Numbers on page 312
■ Filtering Extracts Based on Set of Books ID for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on page 313
■ Configuring AR Balance ID for Siebel Receivables Analytics and Siebel Profitability Analytics on
page 320
■ Configuring the AR Adjustments Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 321
■ Configuring the AR Cash Receipt Application Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 322
■ Configuring the AR Credit-Memo Application Extract for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 323
■ Configuring the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables for Siebel Profitability
Analytics on page 324
Related Topic
■ About the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables for Siebel Profitability Analytics on
page 324
By default, the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse assumes that the posting from your
journal to your Oracle General Ledger is done at the summary level, and that references are
maintained in Oracle General Ledger for AP and AR subledgers. If import references are not
maintained in Oracle General Ledger and the posting from AP and AR is at the detail-level, then
modify the filter condition in M_I_GL_XACTS_JOURNALS_EXTRACT and disable the
S_M_I_XACTS_IMP_GLRF_EXTRACT session so that only the session
3 Select the FIL_GL_XACTS_JOURNAL filter, and click the Properties tab to edit the filter condition.
To load postings at the detail level, replace the 1=2 condition with 1=1.
6 Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 for the Oracle 11i Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics application and the
Oracle 11i Finance application workflows.
NOTE: As a best practice, you must move unused sessions to another folder to avoid error messages
and preserve it for future use.
NOTE: It is critical that the General Ledger Account Numbers are mapped to the Group Account
Numbers (or domain values) as the metrics in the General Ledger reporting layer uses these values.
For a list of domain values for General Ledger Account Numbers, see Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
You can categorize your Oracle General Ledger accounts into specific group account numbers. You
may use this information during data extraction as well as front-end reporting. The
GROUP_ACCT_NUM field denotes the nature of the Siebel General Ledger Analytics accounts. For
example, Cash account, Payroll account, and so on. Refer to the master_code column in the
file_group_acct_names_ora11i.csv file for values you can use. For a list of the Group Account
Number domain values, see Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
There are two columns in the fact table that categories expenses—Xact Type Key (Cost Types) and
Xact Type Alloc Key (Cost Allocation Type). The Xact Type Key categorizes the expenses into
Marketing, Sales, Service, and so on. The Xact Type Alloc Key further categorizes these into Direct
and Allocation expenses.
NOTE: It is critical that you map the Xact Type Key and Xact Type Alloc Key columns for reports to
The mappings to General Ledger Accounts Numbers are important for both Profitability Analysis
(Income Statement) and General Ledger accounts.
The logic for assigning the accounts is located in the file_group_acct_codes_ora11i.csv file.
Table 63 shows the layout of the file_group_acct_codes_ora11i.csv file.
1 101010 101099 CA
In Table 63, in the first row, all accounts within the account number range from 101010 to 101099
containing a Set of Books (SOB) ID equal to 1 are assigned to Current Asset. Each row maps all
accounts within the specified account number range and with the given Set of Books ID.
If you need to create a new group of account numbers, you can create new rows in the
file_group_acct_names_ora11i.csv file. You can then assign GL accounts to the new group of
account numbers in the file_group_acct_codes_ora11i.csv file.
NOTE: When you specify the Group Account Number, you must capitalize the letters and use the
values in the master_code column of the file_group_acct_names_ora11i.csv file.
SOB ID The set of books ID for the Siebel General Ledger Analytics accounts.
FROM ACCT and TO The From Account and To Account specify the range of Siebel General
ACCT Ledger Analytics accounts for the mapping. The value you specify
comes from the value of the natural account segment of the Siebel
General Ledger Analytics account.
GROUP_ACCT_NUM This field denotes the nature of the Siebel General Ledger Analytics
accounts. For example, Cash account, Payroll account, and so on. Refer
to the file_group_acct_names_ora11i.csv file for values you can use.
NOTE: It is important that you do not edit any other fields in the CSV files.
If you have multiple sets of books and want to use only some of them as sources for the extract,
then you have to modify the Source Qualifier. For example, assume that you have four sets of books
for your enterprise—a set of books for your U.S. organization (SOB_ID = 1), a set of books for your
Japan organization (SOB_ID = 2), a set of books for your German organization (SOB_ID = 3), and
a set of books for your enterprise as a whole (SOB_ID = 4). If you want to extract only the enterprise
level information, you extract only transactions where the SOB_ID = 4. Therefore, in the Source
Qualifier’s SQL Query and User Defined Join fields, you must add the following filter statement:
3 Double-click the Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations window, and click the
Properties tab.
4 Insert the filter condition in the SQL Query field and in the User Defined Join field.
For example, if you want to use only the Set of Books whose ID is 4, then you insert the following
in the WHERE clause in the SQL Query field, and at the end of the statement in the User Defined
Join field.
There are two separate transaction extracts for Siebel General Ledger Analytics—General Ledger
Revenue and General Ledger COGS. By default, the Siebel General Ledger Analytics application
extracts only Completed revenue and COGS that have been posted to the general ledger. Completed
revenue transactions are those where the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.COMPLETE_FLAG = Y. If you want to
extract incomplete revenue transactions, you can remove the filter in the Business Component.
You must modify both the regular mapplet (MPLT_BCI_GL_REVENUE) as well as the primary extract
To modify the extract filter for Siebel General Ledger Analytics Revenue
1 In PowerCenter Designer, open the Configuration for Oracle Applications v11i folder.
3 Double-click the Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations window, and click the
Properties tab.
In the User Defined Join field and in the SQL Query field, remove the statement:
By default, the Siebel General Ledger Analytics application extracts only COGS transactions that have
been posted to the general ledger. All COGS transactions that have been transferred satisfy the
following condition—MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS.GL_BATCH_ID <> -1. If you want to extract all
transactions, you can remove the filter in the Business Component mapplet.
Because Oracle General Ledger never deletes posted transactions, there are no prebuilt primary
extract and delete mappings for COGS data. Therefore, if you decide to remove this filter and begin
extracting unposted transactions, you must also create primary extract and delete mappings similar
to those used for Siebel General Ledger Analytics Revenue. You can use the primary extract mapping
(M_I_GL_REVENUE_PRIMARY_EXTRACT), and the delete mapping (M_I_GL_REVENUE_DELETE) as models
for the extract and delete mappings you are creating in Oracle 11i.
In the User Defined Join field and in the SQL Query field, remove the statement:
2 Load all hierarchies that are configured in your source system into the IA_HIERARCHIES table.
3 Configure mappings and sessions to update the following hierarchy columns in the
HIER_KEY This surrogate key is generated for each hierarchy. This key must
be linked to the HIERARCHY_KEY column in the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS
HIER_CODE This code represents a hierarchy. The hierarchy code defines the
name of the hierarchy (for example, Balance Sheet, Profit and
Loss, and so on).
HIER_CAT_CODE This code represents the category of the hierarchy. For general
ledger account hierarchies, the category code is GL_HIER.
LEVEL_MAX_NUM This is the last number, which is set to 99999999. For general
ledger accounts, this is the ending account number that is
associated with this hierarchy. All accounts including and between
the LEVEL_MIN_NUM and LEVEL_MAX_NUM are included in this
HIER_ATTR[X]_CODE and There are five sets of extension columns for code name pairs. The
HIER_ATTR[X]_NAME X represents the level, where the same level is shared by each
code name pair, such as HIER_ATTR1_CODE and HIER_ATTR1_NAME
HIER_ATTR[X]_Text These are extension columns to store additional text. There are
three available for your use.
The Hierarchy ID is set for every unique hierarchy structure. The format is:
■ HIER1_CODE ~ HIER2_CODE... HIER20_CODE specifies each of the unique hierarchy levels in the
given hierarchy structure
For example, if one of the Siebel General Ledger Analytics account hierarchies has the following
Account (A)=> Current Asset (CA) => Fixed Asset (FA) => Balance Sheet (BS)
where the Balance Sheet hierarchy level is the highest level of the hierarchy, and BS denotes the
hierarchy code, then set the Hierarchy ID to:
After you load the IA_HIERARCHIES table, you then must update the IA_GL_ACCOUNT table with the
hierarchy information. Updating the IA_GL_ACCOUNT table requires a two-step process.
Each of these sessions derives the General Ledger Account references for a particular hierarchy,
which is later used to update the HIER[X]_KEY column in the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS table. The
'HIER[X]_KEY' refers to the HIER_KEY surrogate key in the IA_HIERARCHIES table.
2 Load the appropriate hierarchy structure in the HIER[X]_KEY columns in the IA_GL_ACCOUNT
2 Expand Oracle11i_Finance_Application_GL_ACCOUNT_Hierarchy/
5 In the Transformations tab, edit the SQL Query field by replacing the default hierarchy code.
The last statement in the SQL statement contains the hierarchy code. The hierarchy code
determines the hierarchy for which the mapping session calculates the Siebel General Ledger
Analytics references.
calculates all the Siebel General Ledger Analytics account references for the hierarchy code
'1042'. This code is the AXIS_SET_ID defined in the Oracle Applications source table,
RG_REPORT_AXIS_SETS. Depending on which hierarchy you want to store in the HIER1_KEY column
in the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS table, the corresponding HIER_CODE must be set in the SQL statement.
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations window, and click
the Ports tab.
The value of each field must be the same as the set in the corresponding mapping—
M_I_STAGE_GL_HIER_CODE_COMB_REF_X. For example, if you want to change the EXT_HIER1_ID
port, then change the expression:
In this case, you replace the 1042 with the applicable code used in the HIER_CODE column of
By default, the General Ledger Balance ID is maintained at the following granularity for Oracle 11i:
However, if you want to maintain your General Ledger Balance ID at a different grain, you can
redefine the GL Balance ID for any applicable mapplets.
NOTE: You have to modify both the regular mapplet and update mapplets for AR and AP. For
example, for AR, you would perform this process for MPLT_SAI_AR_XACTS, as well as the update
mapplet MPLT_SAI_AR_XACTS_UPDATE for Oracle 11i.
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations window and select
the Ports tab.
This section contains Siebel Payables Analytics configuration information that is specific to Oracle
By default, the Accounts Payable (AP) Balance ID is maintained at the following granularity:
However, if you want to maintain your AP balance at a different grain, you can redefine the Balance
ID value in the applicable mapplets. You have to modify both the insert mapplet
(MPLT_SAI_AP_XACTS_INSERT) as well as the update mapplet (MPLT_SAI_AP_XACTS_UPDATE) for
Oracle 11i.
However, if you want to maintain your AR balance at a different grain, you can redefine the Balance
ID value in the applicable mapplets. You have to modify both the regular mapplet
(MPLT_SAI_AR_XACTS) as well as the update mapplet (MPLT_SAI_AR_XACTS_UPDATE) for Oracle 11i.
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations window, and click
the Ports tab to edit the Balance ID definition in the EXT_NU_AR_BALANCE_ID column.
By default, Siebel Receivables Analytics extracts only approved adjustment entries against accounts
receivable transactions. Approved adjustments are entries where the AR_ADJUSTMENTS_ALL.STATUS
= A. If you want to extract additional types of AR adjustment entries, you can remove the filter in
the Business Component mapplet. By modifying or removing the filter, you can extract other entries,
such as those that require more research, those that are rejected, and those that are not accrued
You must modify both the regular mapplet (MPLT_BCI_AR_XACTS_ADJ) as well as the primary extract
mapplet (MPLT_BCI_AR_XACTS_ADJ_PRIMARY). Repeat the following procedure for each mapplet.
3 Double-click the Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations window, and click the
Properties tab.
In the SQL Query field and in the User Defined Join field, modify the statement:
By default, Siebel Receivables Analytics extracts only completed schedules; that is, transactions
where the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.COMPLETE_FLAG(+) = Y. If you want to extract additional types of
AR schedule entries, you must remove the filter in the Business Component mapplet. By modifying
or removing the filter, you can extract other entries, such as those that were marked as incomplete.
You must modify both the regular mapplet (MPLT_BCI_AR_XACTS_SCH) as well as the primary extract
mapplet (MPLT_BCI_AR_XACTS_SCH_PRIMARY). Repeat the following procedure for each mapplet.
In the User Defined Join field and in the SQL Query field, modify the statement:
By default, Siebel Receivables Analytics extracts only confirmed, cash-receipt application entries
against accounts receivable transactions. Confirmed receipts are entries where the
types of cash-receipt application entries, you can remove the filter in the Business Component
mapplet. By modifying or removing the filter, you can extract other entries, such as nonconfirmed
You must modify both the regular mapplet (MPLT_BCI_AR_XACTS_APPREC) as well as the primary
3 Double-click the Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations window, and click the
Properties tab.
In the User Defined Join field and in the SQL Query field, modify the statement:
By default, Siebel Receivables Analytics extracts only confirmed, credit-memo application entries
against accounts receivable transactions. Confirmed credit memos are entries where the
types of AR credit-memo application entries, you can remove the filter. By modifying or removing
the filter, you can extract other entries such as nonconfirmed, credit memos.
You must modify both the regular mapplet (MPLT_BCI_AR_XACTS_APPCM), as well as the primary
extract mapplet (MPLT_BCI_AR_XACTS_APPCM_PRIMARY). Repeat the following procedure for each
3 Double-click the Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations window, and click the
Properties tab.
In the User Defined Join field and in the SQL Query field, modify the statement:
The Product Costs Lines (IA_PROD_COSTLNS) table stores cost details by products. The total cost
by products include both direct cost that is captured in the financial system by products, and the
allocated costs that are captured in the costing system. The table also stores the source of
allocations. For example, the Sales and Marketing costs are not captured as direct costs by products.
However, at a later point in time, the costs are allocated from a combination of General Ledger
accounts and Cost Centers into various products. This table also stores the source cost centers and
General Ledger accounts. The product costs can be categorized by Sales, Marketing, Service, and
Operating costs. These could be further broken down into Salaries, Events, and Promotions. Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse provides a set of common categories, and these can be
changed depending on the user needs and cost components by which products are tracked. The
actual cost lines are also tracked in this table. Apart from products, there are number of other
dimensions by which the costs are tracked such as Sales Region, Sales Geography, Company,
Business Area, and the associated hierarchies. The different cost lines such as Sales, Marketing, and
Operating costs, have different details and many dimensions are included in this table. Some of the
dimension keys are not applicable to certain cost components. It is important that an organization
identifies the dimensional keys that is used for Product Cost Analysis for various components.
In Siebel Profitability Analytics, the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines fact tables store
the costing and expenses for the Profitability functional area. You need to use these tables with
General Ledger Revenue and General Ledger COGS fact tables.
The General Ledger Revenue and General Ledger COGS fact tables are populated by the or Oracle
11i source system, but the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines fact tables are populated
by the universal source system.
To load the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines tables
1 Open the file_cust_costlns.csv file in the $pmserver\srcfiles folder.
2 Insert a record into the file for each customer costing transaction you want to load into the
Customer Cost fact table.
For more information on how to populate each field in the CSV file, please see the
Cust_Costlns_Interface_description.xls file.
For the SOURCE_ID column, you need to provide the same source identifier value as in the
file_parameters_ora11i.csv file.
5 Open Workflow Manager, open the Configuration for Universal Source folder, and run the
Universal_Finance_Profitability workflow.
The extract, transform, and load (ETL) method used for SAP R/3 data depends on the granularity in
which SAP R/3 presents the data, as well as whether or not you want to integrate the Siebel
Enterprise Sales Analytics application. Usually, SAP R/3 updates sale and purchase subledger data
in Siebel General Ledger Analytics at the header/date level.
There are different sets of workflows to extract, apportion, and load the data into the various General
Ledger tables in the data warehouse, depending on whether your data is posted at the header level
or the detail level.
By default, only those transactions from BKPF and BSEG that have a status of NULL or S are
extracted. Null status implies that the transactions are already posted. The status S marks the record
as a noted item.
The method in which Siebel General Ledger Analytics loads the Invoice Header table is similar to the
loading of the Sales Order Header table. The TS_STAGE_SO_HDR, IA_SALES_ORDLNS, and
IA_SALES_HIST tables load the Sales Order Header table (TS_STAGE_GL_SHD). The TS_STAGE_SO_HDR
table supplies header records for sales order data. Using these headers, you can extract sales order
line item data from IA_SALES_ORDLNS table and aggregate it to provide total amount (NET_DOC_AMT),
total quantity (SALES_ORDER), and total number of items (TOTAL_ITEMS) for each sales order. These
aggregated amounts are stored in the TS_STAGE_GL_SHD header table.
The Siebel General Ledger Analytics application prepackages logic to apportion header-level data to
load the appropriate amounts into the corresponding staging table. The following examples illustrate
the concept of apportioning data, by looking at how Siebel General Ledger Analytics apportions
header-level invoice data to derive the detail-level amounts.
As previously stated, the General Ledger Header staging table (TS_STAGE_GL_IHD) stores header-
level invoice data, while the IA_SALES_IVCLNS table stores line item invoice data, including the line
item amounts for each invoice document. These line item amounts are aggregated by invoice number
and loaded into the appropriate header record in the TS_STAGE_GL_IHD staging table.
Segment ratios in the Siebel General Ledger Analytics application apportion the header-level
amounts into separate amounts based on each of the following segments—Revenue, Tax, and
Freight. This allows the total amount of each invoice to be separated into those same segments of
Revenue, Tax and Freight.
The segment ratios in Siebel General Ledger Analytics are created using two tables—TS_STAGE_GL
and TS_STAGE_GL_IHD. The TS_STAGE_GL table stores total amounts for each segment for each order,
and the TS_STAGE_GL_IHD stores the total amount for each Invoice. Revenue ratio equals the revenue
amount divided by the total invoiced amount. Tax ratio equals the tax amount divided by the total
invoiced amount. Freight ratio equals the freight amount divided by total invoiced amount.
The segmentation can vary in many ways depending on your business requirements. There can be a
different number of segments, different segment types, or you may use segments to apportion
quantities instead of amounts. In addition to the invoice data, the same concept also applies to sales
order data that is posted at the header level.
When the lookup determines the type of financial statement item, it loads the data into the
appropriate staging table.
NOTE: The General Ledger Balance ID in the fact tables must be the same as the Key ID in the
General Ledger Balance table. Keeping these two column values the same verifies that the same
granularity, or incremental level, is maintained. If there is a disparity, the resulting balances may be
skewed and misinterpreted. Also, note that Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable have different
Balance IDs due to their distinct granularity.
In relation to Siebel General Ledger Analytics, the Group ID changes each time the debits and credits
offset each other. Although the sales order number is the same, the Group ID changes. In this way,
the Group ID relates a single record on the sales order side to multiple records in Siebel General
Ledger Analytics. From the sales order perspective, the Group ID changes when the line item
Similar to loading header-level data, the Siebel General Ledger Analytics application also loads
detail-level data from the SAP R/3 tables BKPF and BSEG into six staging tables, then into their IA
tables. However, the Siebel General Ledger Analytics application uses staging tables for detail-level
data to determine three data streams—invoice, sales order, and others.
When loading data at the detail level, Siebel General Ledger Analytics first extracts and loads
transactional data from the SAP R/3 tables BKPF and BSEG into the same three staging tables that
it does for loading header level information—TS_STAGE_GL, TS_STAGE_SO_HDR, and TS_STAGE_IV_HDR.
Before loading data into TS_STAGE_GL, the Group ID is generated by checking the debit and credit
In this next phase of loading detail-level information, the Siebel General Ledger Analytics application
selects all invoice lines from IA_SALES_IVCLNS that exist in TS_STAGE_IV_HDR, and generates Group
IDs for each combination of invoice and line items. A unique Group ID is created when the invoice
line changes. The data is then loaded into the staging table TS_STAGE_GL_ILN.
For invoice lines data, sales invoice lines data is extracted from IA_SALES_INVLNS that exists in the
TS_STAGE_IV_HDR table. The Group ID is selected from IA_SALES_HIST, and the data is then loaded
into the staging table TS_STAGE_GL_SLN.
When creating header tables, the tables TS_STAGE_GL, TS_STAGE_IV_HDR, and TS_STAGE_GL_ILN join
to get the keys, split the transactions, and set the Balance ID. In addition, a lookup is performed on
the TS_STAGE_FIN_STMT staging table. The data then loads into the six staging areas, which are AP
Transactions, AR Transactions, Tax Transactions, General Ledger Revenue, General Ledger Cost of
Goods Sold, and General Ledger Others.
Similar to the Invoice Lines data, when creating header tables, the subitems of the sales order lines
are created. The tables (TS_STAGE_GL, TS_STAGE_SO_HDR, and TS_STAGE_GL_SLN) join to retrieve the
keys, split the transactions, and set the Balance ID. In addition, a lookup is performed on the
TS_STAGE_FIN_STMT staging table. The data then loads into the six staging areas.
■ Extracting Data Posted at the Header Level for SAP R/3 on page 329
■ Configuring the Group Account Number Categorization for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on
page 330
■ Configuring the Transaction Types for Siebel Financial Analytics on page 331
■ Configuring Hierarchy ID in Source Adapter for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on page 334
■ Configuring the Siebel General Ledger Analytics Balance Extract on page 335
■ Configuring the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables for Siebel Profitability
Analytics on page 337
NOTE: This section is only relevant if you are implementing Siebel Financial Analytics and Siebel
Enterprise Sales Analytics.
The Siebel General Ledger Analytics application extracts sales information posted to the Siebel
General Ledger Analytics at the detail level by default. However, you may configure Siebel General
Ledger Analytics if your installation of SAP R/3 is configured to store data at the header level. For
information on how the Siebel General Ledger Analytics loads data posted at the header level, see
Fact Table ETL Process for Header-Level Sales Data for SAP R/3 on page 326.
To configure the fact extract to extract data posted at the header level
1 In PowerCenter Workflow Manager, open the Configuration for SAP R/3 folder.
4 In the Edit Tasks window, select the Disable this task check box.
6 In the Edit Tasks window, clear the Disable this task check box.
9 In the Edit Tasks window, select the Disable this task check box.
11 In the Edit Tasks window, clear the Disable this task check box.
NOTE: It is critical that the General Ledger Account Numbers are mapped to the Group Account
Numbers (or domain values) as the metrics in the General Ledger reporting layer uses these values.
For a list of domain values for General Ledger Account Numbers, see Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
The mappings to General Ledger Accounts Numbers are important for both Profitability Analysis
(Income Statement) and General Ledger accounts.
The Group Account Number categorizes each Siebel General Ledger Analytics account record in the
IA_GL_ACCOUNTS dimension table. Each Siebel General Ledger Analytics Account is assigned a
Group Account Number. The logic for assigning the accounts is located in the
file_group_acct_codes_sapr3.csv file. For example, this file might have the layout shown in
Table 65.
In Table 65, all accounts within the account number range from 1000 to 139800 containing Hierarchy
Code equal to GL_HIER and Company Code equal to 1 are assigned to Account Depreciation (ACCN
DEPCN). Similarly, looking at the second row in the table, all accounts within the account number
range from 140000 to 141099 containing Hierarchy Code equal to GL_HIER and Company Code equal
to 1 are assigned to AR. Each row categorizes all accounts within the specified account number range
and with the given combination of Hierarchy Code and Company Code.
Because different Hierarchy Code and Company Code combinations can contain the same account
numbers, the Hierarchy Code and Company Code is also contained in this file. By keeping note of the
account number as well as the Hierarchy Code and Company Code, you can uniquely identify each
transaction in the data warehouse.
NOTE: You must capitalize the letters for the GROUP_ACCT_NUM column.
For list of values for Group Account Numbers, please see the MASTER_CODE column in the
file_group_acct_names_sapr3.csv file.
Transaction types are stored in the IA_XACT_TYPES table. For a list of domain values in the
Transaction Types table, see the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Data Model
In Siebel Financial Analytics, the transaction type of a record is determined by the following three
You can configure the transaction type by editing the xact_type_code_sap.csv file. Table 66 shows
a sample layout of the xact_type_code_sap.csv file.
For a list of domain values in the Transaction Types table, see the Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
The Siebel General Ledger Analytics application prepackages a hierarchy table (IA_HIERARCHIES) to
store all hierarchy information. The Siebel General Ledger Analytics application uses this table to
store Siebel General Ledger Analytics account hierarchy information. For the hierarchies to work, you
first have to load the Siebel General Ledger Analytics account hierarchy information into
IA_HIERARCHIES. Second, you have to configure the Source Adapter for the GL_ACCOUNTS_LOAD
mapping so that the hierarchy key in the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS table links to the IA_HIERARCHIES table.
After these two tasks are accomplished, you are ready to load General Ledger Account data into the
You can relate up to six possible hierarchy structures to each general ledger account, using the
2 If you want additional hierarchies, you begin by adding hierarchies to the HIERX_KEY ports.
3 Load the first additional hierarchy in the HIER1_KEY port, and then load the following hierarchy
structure in the HIER2_KEY port, and the other hierarchies in sequence.
Loading the Hierarchy Definitions Into the IA_HIERARCHIES Table, The Siebel General Ledger
Analytics application prepackages the M_S_GL_HIERARCHY_EXTRACT mapping to extract hierarchy
definitions from SAP R/3. To better assist you in loading your hierarchy information into the
IA_HIERARCHIES table, Table 67 provides descriptions of the columns presented in the table.
HIER_KEY This surrogate key is generated for each hierarchy. This key must be
linked to the HIERARCHY_KEY column in the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS table.
HIERARCHY_ID This column uniquely identifies the hierarchy within a given category. For
general ledger account hierarchies, the ID format is as follows:
HIER_CODE This code represents a hierarchy. The hierarchy code defines the name of
the hierarchy (for example, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and so on).
HIER_CAT_CODE This code represents the category of the hierarchy. For general ledger
account hierarchies, the category code is GL_HIER.
HIER_CAT_DESC This is a description of the category to which the hierarchy belongs. For
general ledger account hierarchies, the category description is General
Ledger Hierarchy.
LEVEL_MIN_NUM This is the first number, which is set to 0. For general ledger accounts,
this is the first account number that is associated with this hierarchy. All
accounts including and between the LEVEL_MIN_NUM and LEVEL_MAX_NUM
are included in this category.
LEVEL_MAX_NUM This is the last number, which is set to 99999999. For general ledger
accounts, this is the last account number that is associated with this
hierarchy. All accounts including and between the LEVEL_MIN_NUM and
LEVEL_MAX_NUM are included in this category.
HIERX_CODE Each of these code columns represents a level in the hierarchy, where [X]
denotes the level. HIER1 is the highest level of the hierarchy, and HIER20
is the lowest. Each code name column (HIER[X]_NAME) corresponds to a
code column (HIER[X]_CODE). The code of the highest level of the
hierarchy is catenated with GL_ACCT to form the hierarchy of the
HIER_ATTRX_CODE and There are five sets of extension columns for code name pairs. The X
HIER_ATTRX_NAME represents the level, where the same level is shared by each code name
pair, such as HIER_ATTR1_CODE and HIER_ATTR1_NAME.
HIER_ATTRX_TEXT These are extension columns to store additional text. There are three
available for your use.
You must set the Hierarchy ID for every hierarchy structure. The following format is recommended:
■ <Hierarchy Code for top node of hierarchy> is the hierarchy code that specifies the highest level
of the hierarchy
For example, if one of the general ledger account hierarchies has the following structure:
Account (A)=> Current Asset (CA) => Fixed Asset (FA) => Balance Sheet (BS)
where the Balance Sheet hierarchy level is the highest level of the hierarchy, and BS denotes the
hierarchy code, then set the Hierarchy ID to:
To configure the Siebel General Ledger Analytics application to link to the General Ledger Account
hierarchies from the IA_HIERARCHIES table, you must configure the Source Adapter in the
GL_ACCOUNTS_LOAD mapping. By default, the HIERARCHY_KEY port is set to NULL. To populate the
Siebel General Ledger Analytics account hierarchies when you load the IA_GL_ACCOUNTS table, use
the same hierarchal structure that you used in IA_HIERARCHIES. For more information on the
hierarchal structure used in IA_HIERARCHIES, see Configuring the General Ledger Account
Hierarchies on page 332.
5 Change NULL to reflect the Hierarchy ID specified in the HIERARCHY_KEY column in the
The Balance and Key IDs set the grain at which you want to maintain the balances. There are three
different IDs—General Ledger Balance ID, Accounts Payable Key ID, and Accounts Receivable Key ID.
The default configurations are set to the most representative grains for maintaining the three
different balances.
Therefore, the General Ledger Account, Company Code, Business Area, and Client Code maintain the
General Ledger Balances. You use the Client Code to distinguish between different instances of SAP
R/3. For example, if you are running one instance of SAP R/3 for your U.S. business, and another
instance of SAP R/3 for your Japan business, you may have the same General Ledger Account
numbers in each system referring to different accounts. To distinguish the same General Ledger
Account numbers in different instances, the grain of the balance includes the Client Code.
To change the grain at which you accumulate the General Ledger balance, modify the Balance ID or
Key ID definition in the Expression transformation in the applicable mapping. Note that there are two
sets of mappings—the balance extract mapping and the initial fact load mapping. The extract moves
the balance from the source to staging tables, and the initial fact load mappings move the data from
staging tables to the data warehouse. The following procedure provides instructions on how to
configure the balance extract.
6 Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 for the following mappings, if you are configuring Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics with Siebel Financial Analytics, and the sales and purchase subledger post to the
General Ledger at the header level:
Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 for the following mappings, if you are configuring Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics with Siebel Financial Analytics, and the sales and purchase subledger post to the
General Ledger at the detail level:
The Balance and Key IDs set the grain at which you want to maintain a balance. There are three
different IDs—General Ledger Balance ID, Accounts Payable Key ID, and Accounts Receivable Key ID.
You set the default configurations to the most-representative grains for maintaining the three
different balances.
Therefore, you use the vendor or creditor account number, company code, and client code to
maintain the Accounts Payable Balance. You use the client code to distinguish between different
instances of SAP R/3. For example, if you are running one instance of SAP R/3 for your U.S. business,
and another instance of SAP R/3 in your Japan business, you may have the same AP account numbers
in each system, which refer to different accounts. To distinguish the same GL account numbers in
different instances, you set the grain of the balance to include the client code.
6 Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 for the following mappings, if you are configuring Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics with Siebel Financial Analytics, and the sales and purchase subledger post to the
General Ledger at the header level:
Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 for the following mappings, if you are configuring Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics with Siebel Financial Analytics, and the sales and purchase subledger post to the
General Ledger at the detail level:
In Siebel Profitability Analytics, the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines fact tables store
the costing and expenses for the Profitability functional area. You need to use these tables with
General Ledger Revenue and General Ledger COGS fact tables.
The General Ledger Revenue and General Ledger COGS fact tables are populated by the or SAP R/3
source systems, but the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines fact tables are populated by
the universal source system.
For more information on the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines fact tables, see About the
Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines Tables for Siebel Profitability Analytics on page 324.
To load the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines tables
1 Open the file_cust_costlns.csv file in the $pmserver\srcfiles folder.
2 Insert a record into the file for each customer costing transaction you want to load into the
Customer Cost fact table.
For more information on how to populate each field in the CSV file, please see the
Cust_Costlns_Interface_description.xls file.
For the SOURCE_ID column, you need to provide the same source identifier value as in the
file_parameters_sapr3.csv file.
5 Open Workflow Manager, open the Configuration for Universal Source folder, and run the
Universal_Finance_Profitability workflow.
Therefore, the Accounts Receivable balance is maintained by customer number, company code, and
client code. The client code is used to distinguish between different instances of SAP R/3. For
example, if you are running one instance of SAP R/3 for your U.S. business, and another instance of
SAP R/3 in your Japan business, you may have the same AR account numbers that refer to different
accounts in each system. To distinguish the same GL account numbers in different instances the grain
of the balance is set to include the client code.
To change the grain at which you accumulate the balances, modify the Key ID definition in the
Expression transformation in the applicable mapping. Note that there are two sets of mappings—the
balance extract mappings and the initial fact load mappings. The extract provides the balance from
the source to staging tables. The initial fact load mappings move the data from staging tables to the
data warehouse.
4 Edit Key_ID.
Make sure the AR Key ID in the extract mapping is the same precision as the AR Balance ID in
the fact load mapping.
6 Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 for the following mappings, if you are configuring Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics with Siebel Financial Analytics, and the sales and purchase subledger post to the
General Ledger at the header level:
Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 for the following mappings, if you are configuring Siebel Enterprise Sales
Analytics with Siebel Financial Analytics, and the sales and purchase subledger post to the
General Ledger at the detail level:
PeopleSoft Trees are a flexible, generic way of constructing hierarchical summarization of a particular
database fields in PeopleSoft for reporting purposes. Typically, entities such as Chart of Account fields
(Account, Dept, and Project, and so on), items, locations, and so on, are organized into user-defined
Table 68 lists the PeopeSoft Trees the Siebel Financial Analytics application sources.
■ Configuring the Group Account Number Categorization for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on
page 342
■ Configuring the Primary Ledger Name for Siebel General Ledger Analytics on page 343
■ Configuring the Primary Ledger Name for Siebel Payables Analytics on page 343
■ Configuring the Primary Ledger Name for Siebel Profitability Analytics on page 344
For a PeopleSoft environment with different tree names, you need to import these into the
PowerCenter repository, and replace the old tree names with the new tree names wherever they are
used in the mappings.
For example, if you are storing your Operating Unit information in a tree called BD_BUSUNIT, then
you would need to:
1 Import the BD_BUSUNIT tree into the PowerCenter repository. For more information on importing
a PeopleSoft tree into the PowerCenter repository, see Importing PeopleSoft Trees Into the
PowerCenter Repository on page 341.
2 Edit the mapping that uses the OPERUNIT tree. Table 69 on page 340 lists the mappings for
PeopleSoft Trees.
3 Replace the source definition in the mapping with BD_BUSUNIT, connect the columns
appropriately, and validate and save the mapping.
4 Edit the corresponding session, and validate and save the session. Table 69 on page 340 lists the
sessions for PeopleSoft Trees.
The Designer displays the following tree information in the Import From PeopleSoft dialog box, to
identify the tree you need to import:
■ Effective Date. The tree effective date appears after the tree name.
PeopleSoft uses the SetID and the Effective Date to identify trees. When importing a tree from
PeopleSoft, you can use the SetID and the Effective Date to select the tree. The SetID and the
Effective Date are displayed in the source definition in the Source Analyzer.
You can import strict-level trees from the Trees tab in the Import From PeopleSoft dialog box. Detail
and Summary trees appear in the Trees folder, and Winter trees appear in the Winter Trees folder.
7 Click OK.
NOTE: It is critical that the General Ledger Account Numbers are mapped to the Group Account
Numbers (or domain values) as the metrics in the General Ledger reporting layer uses these values.
For a list of domain values for General Ledger Account Numbers, see Siebel Customer-Centric
Enterprise Warehouse Data Model Reference.
The mappings to General Ledger Accounts Numbers are important for both Profitability Analysis
(Income Statement) and General Ledger accounts.
The Group Account Number categorizes each Siebel General Ledger Analytics account record in the
IA_GL_ACCOUNTS dimension table. Each Siebel General Ledger Analytics account is assigned a
Group Account Number. The logic for assigning the accounts is located in the
file_fin_stmt_item_codes_psft.csv file. For example, this file might have the layout shown in
Table 70.
In Table 70, all accounts within the account number range from 1000 to 139800 containing Business
Unit equal to 1 are assigned to Account Depreciation (ACCN DEPCN). Similarly, looking at the second
row in the table, all accounts within the account number range from 140000 to 141099 containing
Business Unit equal to 1 are assigned to AR. Each row categorizes all accounts within the specified
account number range and with the given combination of Hierarchy Code and Company Code.
1 140000 141099 AR
1 141100 142400 CA
1 143000 143000 AP
1 143100 143100 AR
NOTE: You must capitalize the letters for the GROUP_ACCT_NUM column.
2 Remove all entries in the file and insert your account ranges for each Group Account Number.
For list of values for Group Account Numbers, please see the MASTER_CODE column in the
file_fin_stmt_item_codes_psft.csv file.
The Primary Ledger is an accounting ledger in which you prepare your financial statements for your
corporate headquarters.
By default, the name of the Primary Ledger is set to LOCAL for PeopleSoft. However, if the name of
your Primary Ledger is not LOCAL, you can change this value by modifying the
file_parameters_psft84.csv file. For example, you could have a different reporting ledger for a
report of your financial statements in a different currency.
For example, if your Primary Ledger’s name is MYPRIMARY, replace all instances of the default
value S,LOCAL, with S,MYPRIMARY,.
The Primary Ledger is an accounting ledger in which you prepare your financial statements for your
corporate headquarters.
By default, the name of the Primary Ledger is set to LOCAL for PeopleSoft. However, if the name of
your Primary Ledger is not LOCAL, you can change this value by modifying the
file_parameters_psft84.csv file. For example, you could have a different reporting ledger for a
report of your financial statements in a different currency.
For example, if your Primary Ledger’s name is MYPRIMARY, replace all instances of the default
value S,LOCAL, with S,MYPRIMARY,.
The Primary Ledger is an accounting ledger in which you prepare your financial statements for your
corporate headquarters.
By default, the name of the Primary Ledger is set to LOCAL for PeopleSoft. However, if the name of
your Primary Ledger is not LOCAL, you can change this value by modifying the
file_parameters_psft84.csv file. For example, you could have a different reporting ledger for a
report of your financial statements in a different currency.
For example, if your Primary Ledger’s name is MYPRIMARY, replace all instances of the default
value S,LOCAL, with S,MYPRIMARY,.
The Primary Ledger is an accounting ledger in which you prepare your financial statements for your
corporate headquarters.
By default, the name of the Primary Ledger is set to LOCAL for PeopleSoft. However, if the name of
your Primary Ledger is not LOCAL, you can change this value by modifying the
file_parameters_psft84.csv file. For example, you could have a different reporting ledger for a
report of your financial statements in a different currency.
For example, if your Primary Ledger’s name is MYPRIMARY, replace all instances of the default
value S,LOCAL, with S,MYPRIMARY,.
■ Configuring the History Period for the Invoice Level for Siebel Receivables Analytics on page 346
■ Configuring the History Period for the Invoice Level for Siebel Payables Analytics on page 347
The receivable aging information shows the open, due, and overdue amounts. It is split into four time
intervals or buckets. You need to configure the values for the first three bucket start and bucket end
days. The fourth bucket includes transactions outside the range of the first three buckets. The
following procedure describes how to configure the bucketing range.
The following table lists the default values for the S_M_PLP_AR_SNAPSHOT_AGING_INV session.
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse can store the history of the Invoice level aging
information. The history period value is preconfigured with 2. You configure this value to match your
business requirements. The following procedure describes how to configure the history period for the
Invoice level.
The payable aging information shows the open, due, and overdue amounts. It is split into four time
intervals or buckets. You need to configure the values for the first three bucket start and bucket end
days. The fourth bucket includes transactions outside the range of the first three buckets. The
following procedure describes how to configure the bucketing range.
3 Modify the bucket start and the bucket end parameter values for the
The following table lists the default values for the S_M_PLP_AP_SNAPSHOT_AGING_INV session.
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse can store the history of the Invoice level aging
information. The history period value is preconfigured with 2. You configure this value to match your
business requirements. The following procedure describes how to configure the history period for the
Invoice level.
This chapter describes how to configure certain objects for particular sources to meet your business
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics for Oracle 11i on page 350
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics for SAP R/3 on page 355
■ About Configuring Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics for Universal Source on page 357
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics for a Universal Source on page 358
■ Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics on page 375
The Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics application is comprised of these functional areas:
■ Expenses. The Expenses functional area contains targeted metrics and reports that examine
travel and expense costs in relationship to your organization’s overall spending patterns. In
contrast to analyzing direct spending patterns, where you may review purchasing, Expenses
examines indirect spending—the cost of employee related expenses.
■ Spend. The Spend functional area contains targeted reports and metrics that allow you to
analyze both direct and indirect spend in detail to allow complete visibility of spending across
your organization.
■ Suppliers. The Suppliers functional area contains targeted reports and metrics that allow you to
analyze the timeliness, reliability, cost, and quality of goods provided by your suppliers.
The Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics application, like all other applications, uses the same method
for handling currency conversions from document currency to local and group currencies. This guide
provides a functional overview of how each of the local and group currencies is derived depending
on what is supplied to the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. For more information on
how to configure various components that relate to local, document, and group currencies see
Chapter 8, “Configuring Common Components of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.”
This configuration point applies only to Plant locations, Storage locations, as well as Supplier
locations. By default, the Region Name column (EXT_REGION_NAME) is populated using the same code
value as the Region Code column (EXT_REGION_CODE). However, you can redefine the load mapping’s
Source Adapter mapplet to load a source-supplied region name instead of the code. If you want to
reconfigure the load in this manner, you can load the region code and region name into the
IA_CODES table. For information on loading codes and code names into the IA_CODES table, see
Chapter 8, “Configuring Common Components of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.”
After you load the region code and region name into the IA_CODES table, you can remove the
expression in the Source Adapter mapplet that defines the Region Name column. If you leave the
Region Name’s expression blank, the ADI looks up the Region Name in the IA_CODES table, using
the supplied region code when the load occurs. The load mapping then inserts the region name and
region code into the data warehouse table.
The following is a list of all Source Adapter mapplets that use the EXT_REGION_NAME column:
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations box, and select the
Port tab to display the EXT_REGION_NAME port.
4 Edit the condition by removing the assigned value, if you want the lookup to occur.
By default, the State Name column (EXT_STATE_NAME) is populated using the same code value as the
State Code column (EXT_STATE_CODE). However, you can redefine the load mapping’s Source Adapter
mapplet to load a source-supplied state name instead of the code. If you want to reconfigure the
load in this manner, you can load the state code and state name into the IA_CODES table. For
information on loading codes and code names into the IA_CODES table, see Chapter 8, “Configuring
Common Components of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.”
After you load the state code and state name into the IA_CODES table, you can remove the expression
in the Source Adapter mapplet that defines the State Name column. If you set the State Name’s
expression to null, the ADI looks up the State Name in the IA_CODES table using the supplied state
code, when the load occurs. The load mapping then inserts the state name and state code into the
data warehouse table.
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations box, and select the
Port tab to display the EXT_STATE_NAME port.
4 Edit the condition by removing the assigned value, if you want the lookup to occur.
By default, the Country Name column (EXT_COUNTRY_NAME) is populated using the same code value
as the Country Code column (EXT_COUNTRY_CODE). However, you can redefine the load mapping’s
Source Adapter mapplet to load a source-supplied country name instead of the code. If you want to
reconfigure the load in this manner, you can load the country code and country name into the
IA_CODES table. For information on loading codes and code names into the IA_CODES table, see
Chapter 8, “Configuring Common Components of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.”
After you load the country code and country name into the IA_CODES table, you can remove the
expression in the Source Adapter mapplet that defines the Country Name column. If you set the
Country Name’s expression to null, when the load occurs, the ADI looks up the country name in the
IA_CODES table, using the supplied country code. The load mapping then inserts the country name
and country code into the data warehouse table.
4 Edit the condition by removing the assigned value, if you want the lookup to occur.
This configuration also applies to the Spend and Suppliers functional areas.
The Make-Buy indicator specifies whether a material that was used to manufacture a product was
made in-house or bought from an outside vendor. By default, the indicator is set using the
INP_PLANNING_MAKE_BUY_CODE. If the code is set to 1, then the indicator is set to make (M). However,
if the code is set to 2, then the indicator is set to B. Otherwise, the indicator is set to null.
Your organization may require different indicator codes. If so, you can modify the indicator logic by
reconfiguring the condition in the MPLT_SAI_PRODUCTS mapplet. For example, you may want your
indicator code to be 0 for make and 1 for buy.
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations box, and select the
Port tab to display the EXT_MAKE_BUY_IND port.
4 Edit the condition by replacing the prepackaged condition with your desired logic.
You may not want to extract particular types of records from purchase orders in your source system.
In these cases, you can modify the filter condition in the Source Qualifier of the mapplet. By default,
the filter condition is set to PLANNED, BLANKET, or STANDARD. However, you can change this value
to some conditional statement that only allows particular types of records to be extracted.
3 Double-click the Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations box, and select the Properties
tab to display the SQL Query.
4 Double-click the value in the SQL Query to open the SQL Editor box and edit the statement.
5 Replace the prepackaged filter condition with the new filter statement that reflects your business
The Purchase Organization hierarchy can contain 10 different levels. Each level is denoted by a
number, where 1 is the top of the hierarchy and 10 is the bottom of the hierarchy. By default, the
first three levels of the Purchase Organization hierarchy are set as follows:
■ EXT_BORG_HIER1_CODE: Organization ID
The remainder of the hierarchy ports (EXT_BORG_HIERX_CODE) are populated using whatever values
are input into the INP_BORG_HIERX_CODE ports (X denotes the level within the hierarchy).
If you want to configure your hierarchy differently than what is prepackaged, you must modify the
EXT_BORG_HIERX_CODE ports in the Source Adapter mapplet.
If applicable, you may need to modify the hierarchy in the front end so that end users can use the
hierarchy levels for queries and reports.
A General Ledger account can contain cost center information. However, the Cost Center dimension
table is not loaded for Oracle 11i.
The department segment of the General Ledger account is commonly used as a cost center. You can
map this segment as a cost center in the Siebel Business Analytics Repository. Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse is preconfigured to use the IA_GL_ACCOUNT.ACCT_SEG2_NAME column
as the cost center name and the IA_GL_ACCOUNT.ACCT_SEG2_CODE column as the cost center number.
To configure the Repository for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics for Oracle 11i
1 Open the SiebelBusinessAnalytics.rpd in the $SAHome\SiebelAnalytics\Repository folder.
2 In the Mapping pane, expand Dim - Cost Centers, and expand Sources.
3 Double-click on Dim_IA_GL_ACCOUNTS_CostCenter_Segment.
4 In Column Mappings, change the expression column names to the appropriate segment.
5 Double-click on Dim_IA_COST_CENTERS.
6 Click the General tab and clear the Active check box.
8 Click Yes to Check Global Consistency, and click OK when the Warnings are displayed.
■ Configuring the Siebel Business Analytics Repository for SAP R/3 on page 355
■ Configuring the Date Parameters for the SAP R/3 Parameter File on page 356
The Requisition Cost and Purchase Cost fact tables are not loaded for SAP R/3. You need to disable
these tables in the Siebel Business Analytics Repository.
To configure the repository for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics for SAP R/3
1 Open the SiebelBusinessAnalytics.rpd in the $SAHome\SiebelAnalytics\Repository folder.
2 In the Mapping pane, expand Fact - Purchase Requisitions, and expand Sources.
3 Double-click on Fact_IA_RQLNS_COSTS, click the General tab, and clear the Active check box.
4 In the Mapping pane, expand Fact - Purchase Costs, and expand Sources.
5 Double-click on Fact_IA_PURCH_COSTS, click the General tab, and clear the Active check box.
6 In the Mapping pane, expand Dim - Cost Centers, and expand Sources.
9 Click Yes to Check Global Consistency, and click OK when the Warnings are displayed.
You need to set the PARM_NVALUE_1 value in the file_parameters_sapr3.csv file to the number
of days that you expect your orders to be open. This configuration is necessary for ETL as SAP R/3
does not update the last changed date for a table when a user updates that table.
NOTE: There are always orders that are open for a long period of time. To make sure that ETL
captures changes to these orders, it is recommended that you occasionally set the PARM_NVALUE_1
value to a value equivalent to that period of time.
To configure the date parameters for the SAP R/3 parameter file
1 Open the file_parameters_sapr3.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\SrcFiles folder.
3 Change the default date value of parameter code to the date value you require.
Universal Source Adapter mapplets extract data from a flat file interface to populate the Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. In this phase of your project, you can configure the
■ System Flags and Indicators. You may configure various system flags to indicate record
rejection settings, as well as to indicate if your employees are using your preferred vendors, if
you can forward expenses to your customers, and if receipts are available for expensed items.
■ Currency and Payment Options. You may configure the date used to establish your exchange
rates, determine if you allow expenses to be distributed across multiple cost centers, and define
payment types in your data warehouse.
■ Cash Advances. Cash advance records have a unique expense item number. If your system
allows multiple cash advance records for one expense report, each of these advances must have
their own identifiers.
■ Violations. Many organizations capture violations of company expense policies at the item level
(for example, the line item airfare exceeds $2000), cash advance level (for example, cash
advance exceeds $500) and at the expense report level (for example, the report’s total expenses
exceed $5000). Currently the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse stores item level
violations within the corresponding item record, but the cash advance record stores both cash
advance and report-level violations. Furthermore, each record has a VIOLATION_KEY that can
point to IA_REASONS, where violation details are stored. Depending on how you want your
analytic system to perform, you must edit your universal business adapter file to reflect the
violation counts and keys appropriately. For example:
■ If a requestor violates a cash advance policy, but there are no other violations at the report
level, the VIOLATION_ID refers to the cash advance violation only. The violation count equals
the cash advance violation counts.
■ If a requestor violates company policy with their expense report, but has not taken a cash
advance, you must add a dummy record in the flat file for a cash advance and set the cash
advance amount to zero, and enter the violation count as the total number of expense report
violations. In this scenario, VIOLATION_ID refers to the expense report violation data only.
■ If a requestor violates a cash advance policy and an expense report policy, you must total
the violation counts and enter them in your flat file record, and the VIOLATION_ID has no
value. However, if your organization wants to prioritize the violations and have the
VIOLATION_ID point to that which is most important, you may point it to the appropriate
entry in IA_REASONS.
■ Maintaining aggregate Information. If you plan to run the ETL process that populates
IA_EXPENSES at a different frequency than the process that populates IA_EXPENSES_A1, you
must build additional mappings to retain incremental data in the aggregate table NU_EXPENSES.
This is used as a source during post-load processing, required for updating invoice records. See
the discussion on setting the S_M_PLP_EXPENSES_INVOICE_UPD_ALT session to run when the
incremental invoice load frequency differs for the expense functional area, in Domain Values and
CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics on page 375.
■ If your source system or flat file is set up to supply credit invoice details (invoice number,
invoice date, posted_on date, and so on.) with all other information, then the required fields
are populated with corresponding invoice values. As a result, you need not schedule the
■ If your system or file does not supply invoice details of an expense report, you must use the
PLP mappings and sessions as discussed in the previous bullet point. However, you only need
alternative mapping is provided if you decide to update your existing expense records in the
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse at a different frequency level than you load
To configure Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics for a universal source, perform the following tasks:
■ Configuring the Siebel Business Analytics Repository for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics on
page 362
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse provides a preferred merchant flag to indicate
whether the requestor used a preferred merchant for an expensed item. The flag can have only one
value—Y (item acquired from a preferred merchant) or N (item acquired from a merchant not
recorded). If you use custom logic to determine merchant status, you must include that logic in the
expenses Source Adapter.
3 Select the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations box and select the Port
The Siebel Business Analytics provides a customer billable indicator that registers whether an
expense item is billed to a customer or paid by your organization. The flag can have only one value—
Y (cost is passed to the customer) or N (cost is paid by your organization). If you use custom logic
to determine customer billable status, you must include that logic in the expenses Source Adapter.
3 Select the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations box, and select the Port
The Siebel Business Analytics provides a receipts indicator that registers whether requestors have
submitted a receipt for a line item in their expense report. The flag can have only one value—Y
(receipts are available) or N (receipts are not available). If you use custom logic to indicate receipt
availability, you must include that logic in the expenses Source Adapter.
3 Select the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations box, and select the Port
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse supports analysis on three types of payment—
Reimbursable Expense (type E), expenses prepaid by your company (type P), and cash advance
(type C). All of your organization’s payment types must be mapped to one of these types described
earlier; do this by modifying MPLT_SAF_EXPENSES.
3 Select the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations box, and select the Port
tab to display the EXT_EXP_PAY_TYPE port.
6 Add a decode logic in the expression to decode source-supplied values to the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse payment type of your choice.
At times, employee expenses may be distributed across multiple cost centers. For example, technical
support associates frequently travel to work in an office with many cost centers; their expenses could
be split between those who used their services. This cost center distribution is expected as a
percentage from the source system or file; if it is not present a null value is returned. However, this
prevents further calculations, so it is preferable to configure the default to be 100% if only one cost
center is charged, rather than allow the system to return a null value.
3 Select the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations box and select the Port
3 Select the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations box, and select the Port
tab to display the EXT_XRATE_LKP_DATE port.
4 Select the expression in the EXT_XRATE_LOOKUP_DATE port to open the Expression Editor box and
edit the expression.
5 Edit the lookup date logic by substituting your lookup date for the prepackaged expression.
Universal source provides the source data for the General Ledger Account (IA_GL_ACCOUNTS) and
the Cost Center (IA_COST_CENTER) tables.
The following procedures configure the General Ledger Account and the Cost Center tables for
universal source. The second procedure is used to configure a Cost Center for a different General
Ledger Account column and when the Cost Center dimension is not populated. You need to identify
the correct segment in the General Ledger Account which indicates the cost center information.
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse is preconfigured to use the
IA_GL_ACCOUNT.ACCT_SEG2_NAME column as the cost center name and the
IA_GL_ACCOUNT.ACCT_SEG2_CODE column as the cost center number.
2 In the Mapping pane, expand Dim - Cost Centers, and expand Sources.
5 Click Yes to Check Global Consistency, and click OK when the Warnings are displayed.
2 In the Mapping pane, expand Dim - Cost Centers, and expand Sources.
3 Double-click on Dim_IA_GL_ACCOUNTS_CostCenter_Segment.
4 In Column Mappings, change the expression column names to the appropriate segment.
5 Double-click on Dim_IA_COST_CENTERS, click the General tab, and clear the Active check box.
7 Click Yes to Check Global Consistency, and click OK when the Warnings are displayed.
CAUTION: To prevent data loss resulting from truncation of the NU_AP_XACTS table, you must run
an alternate PLP mapping that uses IA_AP_XACTS as a source, as described in this topic. This is
because this table always contains a set of invoice data.
Depending on how frequently you want to update data that is already loaded in the Siebel Customer-
Centric Enterprise Warehouse, you must use one of the following tasks:
■ If you change the update mapping frequency on a regular basis, disable the
session to run in its place.
CAUTION: To prevent data loss resulting from truncation of the NU_EXPENSES table, the
incremental data from NU_EXPENSES must be stored temporarily until it is loaded into the aggregate
table. Therefore, you must build an intermediate table and modify M_PLP_EXPENSES_A1_DERIVE to
source from it. Your new intermediate table must have the same structure as the NU_EXPENSES
table and be set to truncate before loading the IA_EXPENSES_A1.
However, if an expense record is distinctly identified by values other than the REF_DOC_ITEM and
REF_DOC_NUM, you can use those values by adding a condition to the expression in the applicable PLP
NOTE: Using your values allows you to narrow the data set.
3 Select the Source Qualifier to open the Edit Transformations box, and select the Properties tab
to display the User Defined Join.
4 Select the value in the User Defined Join to open the SQL Editor box and edit the expression.
5 Edit the filter statement by adding your desired condition to the prepackaged expression.
To aggregate the Purchase Receipts and Purchase Cycle Lines tables, perform the following tasks:
Related Topics
■ About Configuring the Purchase Receipts Aggregate Table on page 365
■ About Configuring the Purchase Cycle Lines Aggregate Table on page 370
For your initial ETL run, you need to configure the GRAIN parameter for the time aggregation level
in the Purchase Receipts Aggregate fact table.
For the incremental ETL run, you need to configure the time aggregation level and the source
identification. The source identification value represents the source system you are sourcing data
You need to configure two parameters to aggregate the Purchase Receipts table for your incremental
The GRAIN parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. The possible values for the GRAIN
parameter are:
Table 71 lists the values for the SOURCE_ID parameter. The value of this parameter is preconfigured
to reflect the ETL mapping’s folder.
Universal GENERIC
NOTE: You can change the default value for the Source ID parameter if you use multiple instances
of the same source system. For example, you can run multiple instances of SAP R/3 and use separate
Source IDs for each instance. You can name the first instance SAPR3_1, the second instance
SAPR3_2, and so on.
The Purchase Receipt Lines aggregate table is fully loaded from the base table in the initial ETL run.
The table can grow to millions of records. Thus, the Purchase Receipts aggregate table is not fully
reloaded from the base table after each incremental ETL run. Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise
Warehouse minimizes the incremental aggregation effort, by modifying the aggregate table
incrementally as the base table is updated. This process is done in four steps:
1 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the records to be deleted in the base table
since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_PURCH_RCPTS table. The measures in these
records are multiplied by (-1). The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with PRE_D, and
it is run before the records are deleted from the base table. The mapping is run in the source-
specific workflow.
2 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the records to be updated in the base table
since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_PURCH_RCPTS table. The measures in these
records are multiplied by (-1). The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with PRE_U, and
it is run before the records are updated in the base table. It is run in the source-specific workflow.
3 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the inserted or updated records in the base
table since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_PURCH_RCPTS table, without changing
their sign. The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with POST, and it is run after the
records are updated or inserted into the base table. It is run in the post load-processing
4 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse aggregates the NU_PURCH_RCPTS table, and joins
it with the IA_PURCH_RCPTS_A1 aggregate table to insert new or update existing buckets to the
aggregate table. This step is part of the post load-processing workflow, and the mapping is
suffixed with INCR.
To load the Purchase Receipts aggregate table (IA_PURCH_RCPTS_A1), you need to configure the
post-load-processing parameter file and the source system parameter files, and run the initial
workflow and then the incremental workflow.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Purchase Receipts Aggregate
Table on page 365.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Purchase Receipts Aggregate
Table on page 365.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_I_PURCH_RCPTS_PRE_D:SOURCE_ID and
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Purchase Receipts Aggregate
Table on page 365.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_S_PURCH_RCPTS_PRE_D:SOURCE_ID and
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Purchase Receipts Aggregate
Table on page 365.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_F_PURCH_RCPTS_PRE_U:SOURCE_ID session
For your initial ETL run, you need to configure the GRAIN parameter for the time aggregation level
in the Purchase Cycle Lines Aggregate fact table.
For the incremental ETL run, you need to configure the time aggregation level and the source
identification. The source identification value represents the source system you are sourcing data
You need to configure two parameters to aggregate the Purchase Cycle Lines table for your
incremental run:
The GRAIN parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. The possible values for the GRAIN
parameter are:
Table 72 lists the values for the SOURCE_ID parameter. The value of this parameter is preconfigured
to reflect the ETL mapping’s folder.
NOTE: You can change the default value for the Source ID parameter if you use multiple instances
of the same source system. For example, you can run multiple instances of SAP R/3 and use separate
Source IDs for each instance. You can name the first instance SAPR3_1, the second instance
SAPR3_2, and so on.
The Purchase Cycle Lines aggregate table is fully loaded from the base table in the initial ETL run.
The table can grow to millions of records. The Purchase Cycle Lines aggregate table is not fully
reloaded from the base table after an ETL run. Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse
minimize the incremental aggregation effort, by modifying the aggregate table incrementally as the
base table gets updated. This process is done in four steps:
1 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the records to be deleted in the base table
since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_PURCH_CYCLNS table. The measures in these
records are multiplied by (-1). The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with PRE_D, and
it is run before the records are deleted from the base table. It is run in the source-specific
2 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the records to be updated in the base table
since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_PURCH_CYCLNS table. The measures in these
records are multiplied by (-1). The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with PRE_U, and
it is run before the records are updated in the base table. It is run in the source-specific workflow.
3 Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse finds the inserted or updated records in the base
table since the last ETL run, and loads them into the NU_PURCH_CYCLNS table, without changing
their sign. The mapping responsible for this task is suffixed with POST, and it is run after the
records are updated or inserted into the base table. It is run in the post load-processing
To load the Purchase Cycle Lines aggregate table (IA_PURCH_CYCLNS_A1), you need to configure the
post-load-processing parameter file and the source system parameter files, and run the initial
workflow and then the incremental workflow.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Purchase Cycle Lines
Aggregate Table on page 370.
To configure the Purchase Cycle Lines aggregate table for Oracle 11i
1 Open the file_parameters_ora11i.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\srcfiles folder.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Purchase Cycle Lines
Aggregate Table on page 370.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_I_PURCH_CYCLNS_PRE_D:SOURCE_ID and
To configure the Purchase Cycle Lines aggregate table for SAP R/3
1 Open the file_parameters_sapr3.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\srcfiles folder.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Purchase Cycle Lines
Aggregate Table on page 370.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_S_PURCH_CYCLNS_PRE_D:SOURCE_ID and
To configure the Purchase Cycle Lines aggregate table for Universal Source
1 Open the file_parameters_univ.csv file using Microsoft WordPad or Notepad in the
$pmserver\srcfiles folder.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Purchase Cycle Lines
Aggregate Table on page 370.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the S_M_F_PURCH_CYCLNS_PRE_U:SOURCE_ID session
For more information on configuring domain values with CSV worksheet files, see About Domain
Values on page 154 and Configuring the Domain Value Set with CSV Worksheet Files on page 159.
Table 73. Domain Values and CSV Worksheet Files for Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics
This chapter describes how to configure certain objects for particular sources to meet your business
■ Process of Configuring Siebel Supply Chain Analytics for Oracle 11i on page 378
■ About the SAP R/3 Inventory Transfer Process for Siebel Supply Chain Analytics on page 393
The Siebel Supply Chain Analytics applications has four functional areas:
■ Bill of Materials. The Bill of Materials (BOM) functional area allows you to determine the profit
margin of the components that comprise the finished goods. BOM allows you to keep up with the
most viable vendors in terms of cost and profit, and to keep your sales organization aware of
product delivery status, including shortages.
■ Inventory Transactions. The Inventory Transactions functional area allows you to analyze the
various types of events and tasks that occur. Examples of these activities include tracking
inventory by type of movement. For example, transfer, issues, receipts, returns, sales, and so
on. It allows the user to understand the impact of these activities on business operations, and
allows the identification of problematic trends early. For example, large quantities of product in-
■ Inventory Balances. The Inventory Balances functional area allows you to analyze the
inventory held by an organization in relation to a number of different dimensions. For example,
Product type, Product number, Storage location, Plant, Consigned Inventory, Restricted, and so
on. It allows the user the ability to understand and determine the optimal distribution of assets
as well as identify potential issues such as unnecessary build up of inventories.
■ Customer and Supplier Returns. The Customer and Supplier Returns functional area allows
the user to specifically monitor the return of product by both Customers and Suppliers. At a
Product level, it allows the user to identify early, potential, Customer-satisfaction issues relating
to problematic Suppliers and Product.
■ Configuring the Left Bound and Right Bound Calculation Option on page 382
The Bill of Materials (BOM) functional area allows you to determine the profit margin of the
components that comprise the finished goods. BOM allows you to keep up with the most viable
vendors in terms of cost and profit, and to keep your sales organization aware of product delivery
status, including shortages.
You can explode the BOM structure with three different options:
■ All. All the BOM components are exploded regardless of their effective date or disable date. To
explode a BOM component is to expand the BOM tree structure.
■ Current. The incremental extract logic considers any changed components that are currently
effective, any components that are effective after the last extraction date, or any components
that are disabled after the last extraction date.
■ Current and Future. All the BOM components that are effective now or in the future are
exploded. The disabled components are left out.
These options are controlled by the EXPLODE_OPTION variable. The EXPLODE_OPTION variable is
preconfigured with a value of 2, explode Current BOM structure.
1—Operation Sequence
Number, Item Number
2—Implemented and
3—Order Entry
2—All components
There are five different BOM types in a source system—1- Model, 2 - Option Class, 3 - Planning, 4 -
Standard, and 5 - Product Family. By default, only the Standard BOM type is extracted and exploded.
as follows:
9 Click Apply, and Validate the mapping and save your changes to the repository.
as follows
9 Click Apply, and Validate the mapping and save your changes to the repository.
Change the number to your BOM type. For example, change the number to 3 for a Planning BOM
NOTE: You can also remove these two filters to extract all types of BOM.
5 Click Apply, and Validate the mapping and save your changes to the repository.
You can use the left bound and the right bound calculation to expedite some reporting requirements.
For example, you can find the components in a subassembly within a finished product. Left bound
and right bound are stored in the IA_BOM_ITEMS table for each BOM node, and they have one row
of data in the IA_BOM_ITEMS table. The COMPUTE_BOUNDS stored procedure traverses the exploded
BOM tree structure and calculates the left bound and right bound. By default, the COMPUTE_BOUNDS
stored procedure is off and the IA_BOM_ITEMS.LEFT_BOUNDS and IA_BOM_ITEMS.RIGHT_BOUNDS
columns are empty.
Figure 58 illustrates a sample BOM structure with the left bound and right bound values listed for
each node. To find all the components under node B, you select the components with a top product
key value of A, the left bound value is greater than 2, and the right bound value is less than 17.
You can use the following procedure to turn on the left bound and the right bound calculation and
5 Click Apply.
■ Goods Received quantities. Goods Received quantity refers to the number of goods received.
The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse extracts the transaction type and loads this value
into the XACT_SRC_TYPE column. In this column, the value 1 denotes a Goods Received quantity, and
2 denotes a Delivery quantity.
All quantities extracted from the source system are always loaded into the Base quantity column
(EXT_BASE_QTY). However, only the receipt quantity is loaded into the Goods Received quantity
column (EXT_GR_QTY), and only delivered quantities are loaded into the Delivery quantity column
If your definition of goods received or delivery quantity is different from the prepackaged condition,
then you can edit the condition to suit your business needs.
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations dialog box, and click
the Port tab to display the EXT_GR_QTY and EXT_DELIVERY_QTY port.
4 Edit the quantity types by substituting your desired condition for the prepackaged expression.
5 Click Apply.
This guide provides a functional overview of how local and group currencies are derived depending
on what data is supplied to the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse. For more information
on how to configure various components that relate to local, document, and group currencies, see
About Document, Local, and Group Currencies on page 136.
For Oracle 11i, you can reconfigure the region, state, and country names. This configuration
information applies only to plant, storage, and supplier locations. By default, the Region Name
column (EXT_REGION_NAME) is populated using the same code value as the Region Code column
(EXT_REGION_CODE). However, you can redefine the load mapping’s Source Adapter mapplet to load
a source-supplied region name instead of the code. If you want to reconfigure the load in this
manner, you can load the region code and region name into the IA_CODES table. For information on
loading codes and code names into the IA_CODES table, see Codes Lookup on page 147.
When you have loaded the region code and region name into the IA_CODES table, you can remove
the expression in the Source Adapter that defines the Region Name column. By making the Region
Name’s expression blank, the ADI looks up the Region Name in the IA_CODES table, using the
supplied region code when the load occurs. The load mapping then inserts the region name and
region code into the data warehouse table.
The following is a list of all Source Adapter mapplets that use the EXT_REGION_NAME column:
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations dialog box, and click
the Port tab to display the EXT_REGION_NAME port.
4 Edit the condition by removing the assigned value if you want the lookup to occur.
5 Click Apply.
For Oracle 11i, you can reconfigure the region, state, and country names that apply to the Supplier
locations only. By default, the State Name column (EXT_STATE_NAME) is populated using the same
code value as the State Code column (EXT_STATE_CODE). However, you can redefine the load
mapping’s Source Adapter mapplet to load a source-supplied state name instead of the code. If you
want to reconfigure the load in this manner, you can load the state code and state name into the
IA_CODES table. For information on loading codes and code names into the IA_CODES table, see
Codes Lookup on page 147.
When you have loaded the state code and state name into the IA_CODES table, you can remove the
Expression in the Source Adapter that defines the State Name column. By setting the State Name’s
expression to null, the ADI looks up the state name in the IA_CODES table using the supplied state
code, during the load process. The load mapping then inserts the state name and state code into the
data warehouse table.
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations dialog box, and click
the Port tab to display the EXT_STATE_NAME port.
4 Edit the condition by removing the assigned value if you want the lookup to occur.
5 Click Apply.
For Oracle 11i, you can reconfigure the region, state, and country names that apply to supplier
locations only. By default, the Country Name column (EXT_COUNTRY_NAME) is populated using the
same code value as the Country Code column (EXT_COUNTRY_CODE). However, you can redefine the
load mapping’s Source Adapter mapplet to load a source-supplied country name instead of the code.
If you want to reconfigure the load in this manner, you can load the country code and country name
into the IA_CODES table. For information on loading codes and code names into the IA_CODES table,
see Codes Lookup on page 147.
When you have loaded the country code and country name into the IA_CODES table, you can remove
the expression in the Source Adapter that defines the Country Name column. By setting the Country
Name’s expression to null, when the load occurs, the ADI looks up the country name in the IA_CODES
table, using the supplied country code. The load mapping then inserts the country name and country
code into the data warehouse table.
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations dialog box, and click
the Port tab to display the EXT_COUNTRY_NAME port.
4 Edit the condition by removing the assigned value if you want the lookup to occur.
5 Click Apply.
The Make-Buy indicator specifies whether a material that was used to manufacture a product was
made in-house or bought from an outside vendor. By default, the indicator is set using the
INP_PLANNING_MAKE_BUY_CODE. If the code is set to 1, then the indicator is set to M (for make).
However, if the code is set to 2, then the indicator is set to B (for buy). Otherwise, the indicator is
set to null.
Your organization may require different indicator codes. If so, you can modify the indicator logic by
reconfiguring the condition in the mapplet MPLT_SAO_PRODUCTS. For example, you may want your
indicator code to be 0 for make, and 1 for buy.
3 Double-click the Expression transformation to open the Edit Transformations dialog box, and click
the Port tab to display the EXT_MAKE_BUY_IND port.
4 Edit the condition by replacing the prepackaged condition with your desired logic.
5 Click Apply.
Related Topics
■ About Configuring the Inventory Balance Aggregate Table on page 388
You need to configure three parameters to aggregate the Inventory Balance table:
The GRAIN parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. The possible values for the GRAIN
parameter are:
The KEEP_PERIOD parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. Values for the KEEP_PERIOD
parameter include:
The NUM_OF_PERIOD parameter has a preconfigured value of 1. The value for the NUM_OF_PERIOD
parameter is a positive integer, for example, 1, 2, 3, and so on.
You need to configure the file_parameters_plp.csv parameters file, and run the initial ETL session
or incremental ETL sessions to load the Inventory Balance aggregate table.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Inventory Balance Aggregate
Table on page 388.
The default values for the file_parameters_plp.csv file are shown in the following table.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the values of the KEEP_PERIOD and GRAIN parameters.
The GRAIN parameter determines the time period for the deletion. For example, if
GRAIN=MONTH, and the date is May 15, 2005, then all records for April and the current month
(May) are deleted in the IA_INV_BALANCE_A1 table.
2 Retrieve the records in the Inventory Balance (IA_INV_BALANCE) fact table and aggregate the
records to the IA_INV_BALANCE_A1 table at a certain grain level.
For example, if GRAIN=MONTH then the records in the IA_INV_BALANCE fact table are retrieved
and aggregated to the IA_INV_BALANCE_A1 table at a monthly level.
To remove old records you need to use the KEEP_PERIOD and the NUM_OF_PERIOD parameters.
For example, if KEEP_PERIOD=MONTH, NUM_OF_PERIOD=1, and the date is May 15, 2005, then
the records for April and the current month (May) are kept and the older records are deleted.
For your initial ETL run, you need to configure the aggregation level, and the length of history kept
in the Product Transaction fact table.
You need to configure three parameters to aggregate the Product Transaction table for you initial run:
For the incremental ETL run, you need to configure the aggregation level, the update period in
aggregation, and the length of history kept in the Product Transaction fact table.
You need to configure five parameters to aggregate the Product Transaction aggregate table for you
initial run:
The GRAIN parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. The possible values for the GRAIN
parameter are:
The REFRESH_PERIOD parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. Values for the
REFRESH_PERIOD parameter include:
The KEEP_PERIOD parameter has a preconfigured value of Month. Values for the KEEP_PERIOD
parameter include:
You need to configure the file_parameters_plp.csv parameters file, and run the initial ETL and
then the incremental ETL to load the Product Transaction aggregate table.
For a list of values for each parameter see the About Configuring the Product Transaction Aggregate
Table on page 390.
NOTE: You need to use single quotes for the values of the KEEP_PERIOD, GRAIN, and
REFRESH_PERIOD parameters. The KEEP_PERIOD value must be equal to or greater than the
GRAIN value. The REFRESH_PERIOD value must equal the GRAIN value.
To configure the Product Transaction aggregate table for the initial ETL run
1 Retrieve the records in the Product Transaction fact (IA_PROD_XACTS) table, and aggregate the
records to the Product Transaction aggregate (IA_PROD_XACTS_A1) table at a certain grain level.
For example, if GRAIN=MONTH then the records in the IA_PROD_XACTS fact table are retrieved
and aggregated to the IA_PROD_XACTS_A1 table at a monthly level.
To remove old records you need to use the KEEP_PERIOD and the NUM_OF_PERIOD parameters.
For example, if KEEP_PERIOD=YEAR, NUM_OF_PERIOD=3, and the date is May 1, 2005, then the
records for the years 2002, 2003, and 2004, and the current year (2005), are kept and the older
records are deleted.
To configure the Product Transaction aggregate table for the incremental ETL run
1 Delete the refreshed records from the Product Transaction aggregate (IA_PROD_XACTS_A1) table
for a certain time.
The REFRESH_PERIOD and the NUM_OF_PERIOD parameters determine the time period for the
For example, if REFRESH_PERIOD=MONTH, NUM_OF_PERIOD=1, and the date is May 15, 2005,
then all records for April and the current month (May) are deleted in the IA_PROD_XACTS_A1
2 Retrieve the records in the Product Transaction fact (IA_PROD_XACTS) table, and aggregate the
records to the IA_PROD_XACTS_A1 table at a certain grain level.
For example, if GRAIN=MONTH then the records in the IA_PROD_XACTS fact table are retrieved
and aggregated to the IA_PROD_XACTS_A1 table at a monthly level.
To remove old records you need to use the KEEP_PERIOD and the NUM_OF_PERIOD parameters.
For example, if KEEP_PERIOD=YEAR, NUM_OF_PERIOD=3, and the date is May 1, 2005, then the
records for the years 2002, 2003, and 2004, and the current year (2005), are kept and the older
records are deleted.
There are certain movement types you would associate with this two-step process. By default, SAP
R/3 uses:
■ 303 and 305 in conjunction to carry out a two-step process for transfer posting from a plant to
another plant.
■ 313 and 315 in conjunction to carry out a two-step process for transfer posting from a storage
location to another storage location.
Table 75 lists three records for the 303-305 combination in the IA_PROD_XACTS table in Siebel
Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse.
303 250
303 -250
305 250
The 305 movement type in Table 75 acknowledges the receipt of 250 items in the receiving plant. If
you are interested in seeing how much a plant received in a day at gross level, you should exclude
the third record from the calculation. Otherwise the quantity is doubled, and your result is 500.
Siebel Supply Chain Analytic is preconfigured to filter out movement types which are associated with
the second step in a two-step transfer process. The filtration occurs at the reporting level and not at
the ETL level. Therefore, the physical table stores these three records, but the Siebel Analytics
Server applies a filter for the 305 movement type. For the 313 and 315 movement types, the
filtration occurs at the 315 movement type. If you do not need these filters, remove the content filter
(front end metadata) in the Fact - Inventory Transactions logical fact table in the Siebel Business
Analytics repository.
A in 24
ABAP code, generating 38 gap analysis 26
application database gap analysis, beginning 27
configuring connections 54 gap analysis, preparing for 26
Applications gap analysis, resolving 28
Siebel Enterprise Contact Center gap-analysis process roles 28
Analytics 233 load mapping, configurable objects in 25
Siebel Enterprise Sales Analytics 247 populating guidelines 27
Siebel Enterprise Workforce Analytics 291 post-load mapping, configurable objects
Siebel Financial Analytics in 25
reporting area, configurable objects in 26
scoping your project, about 26
Siebel Strategic Sourcing Analytics 349
Siebel Supply Chain Analytics 377
application database connections 54
configuration requirements,
historically significant attributes,
determining 31
identifying 130
data warehouse and staging tables, gathering
information about 36
B date parameters for parameter files 63
backing up information tasks, documentation
development repository 47 referral 22
business adapters, creating and modifying installation configuration, process of
about 213 defining 31
PowerCenter variable names for
C installation 32
calendar source systems and database platforms,
fiscal calendar, loading 59 determining requirements 37
fiscal month, configuring 59 conformed dimensions
fiscal week, configuring 59 entities, cross-referencing 162
Fiscal_months.csv and the Fiscal_weeks.csv universal source, configuring for 161
files, using 60 cross-module configuration, performing
code lookup codes lookup 147
about 147 conformed dimensions, configuring 161
code mappings 147 dimension keys, resolving 149
codes mapplets 148 document, local, and group currencies,
IA_CODES table 147 working with 136
sessions for lookups, configuring 149 domain values, working with 154
common initialization workflow extracts, configuring 117
files 57 loads, configuring 121
running 56 Oracle 11i, configuring for 167
configuration guidelines records, filtering and deleting 124
choosing where to transform an object 29 slowly changing dimensions, changing 130
documenting all changes 30 stored lookups, configuring 147
configuration project, planning currencies
configuration guidelines 29 configuring, about 138
data warehouse configuration stages 23 currency code, configuring for Oracle
extract mapping, configurable objects 11i 141