FSMQ What Am I
FSMQ What Am I
FSMQ What Am I
I am a 2D shape.
I am a What am I?
I am a 2D shape.
What am I?
I am a
I am a 2D shape.
I am an What am I?
equilateral triangle
I am a 2D shape.
I am a 2D shape.
I have 3 sides.
1 of my 3 angles is
over 90°.
I am an
obtuse-angled triangle What am I?
I am a 2D shape.
I have 3 sides.
I am a 2D shape.
I have 3 sides.
1 of my 3 angles is 90°.
I am a What am I?
right-angled triangle
I am a 2D shape.
I am a What am I?
I am a 2D shape.
I am a What am I?
I am a 2D shape.
I have 4 sides.
2 of these sides are parallel,
but the others are not.
I am a What am I?
I am a 2D shape.
I have 5 sides.
I have 5 angles.
I am a What am I?
I am a 2D shape.
I have 6 sides.
I have 6 angles.
What am I?
I am a
I am a 2D shape.
I have 8 sides.
I have 8 angles.
I am What am I?
an octagon
I am a 3D shape.
What am I?
I am a
I am a 3D shape.
What am I?
I am a
I am a 3D shape.
What am I?
I am a
I am a 3D shape.
My cross-section is a
What am I?
I am a
triangular prism
I am a 3D shape.
My cross-section is a
What am I?
I am a
pentagonal prism
I am a 3D shape.
My cross-section is a
What am I?
I am a
hexagonal prism
I am a 3D shape.
I have no corners
and no edges
I am a What am I?
I am a 3D shape.
What am I?
I am a
I am a 3D shape.
What am I?
I am a
A Resource for Free-standing Mathematics Qualifications What am I?
Teacher Notes
The previous pages in this document give 24 pairs of cards. One card in each pair shows a 2D
or 3D shape and its name. The other card describes some of its properties. The first 15 pairs
involve 2D shapes and the other 9 pairs involve 3D shapes. The last 3 pairs are shapes that
are included in the intermediate level FSMQ, but not in the foundation level FSMQs. If you
use the Word version of this activity you can adapt the cards or delete those cards that you do
not wish to use before printing.
Learners can work individually or in pairs or groups – you will need to copy and laminate a
set of cards for each learner or group of learners. Ask students to match the pairs of cards.
The Nuffield Foundation