Group 3 Research Proposed Defense
Group 3 Research Proposed Defense
Group 3 Research Proposed Defense
College Department of
Carandang, Liezel O.
Medina, Jericho
Chapter 1
online classes and are consequently compelled to drop out. Parents, on the other hand,
are forced to struggle to find work and a steady source of income in order to feed
their families and pay for their children's tuition fees on their own (Child Hope
Philippines, 2021). Online class is the new mode of learning due to the pandemic. It is
easy, comfortable, better and flexible because we can easily learn in that new learning
mode. But somehow, many students complain that online classes are not that
accessible. It is generally self-educating and not fit to the others who are not used to
The advantages of online class is, it provides more flexibility to incorporate multiple
class is some of your required course work might require in-person activities, online
classes don’t provide the same face-to-face connections and basically, you must have
Face-to-face learning typically takes place in a group setting, but with online
learning, the only distraction is yourself (Ryan, 2019). Furthermore, more students
want to get back on face-to-face learning mode. Face-to-face classes are a two way
interaction, while online classes don't include a live instructor. They say that it is the
best and better than online class. You will be able to concentrate harder, with less
distractions than if you were at home. The most familiar way is the traditional
classroom setting, you may feel more comfortable and learn easily. Online classes
many researchers and educators are involved in using online learning to enhance and
learning. Based on the study of Sona, V. & Ashish, M. (2021), The findings of the
study shows pedagogy, teaching style and teaching effectiveness have a significant
impact on academic behavior of online classes with the first online teachers.
Moreover, one of the challenges that students may face is keeping motivated. Given
that, unlike face-to-face learning, students have the option of attending or not
As students faced obstacles in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, the study
determined how they affected their online learning experience and the solutions they
took to overcome these challenges. According to this study, the students' largest
obstacle was related to their academic setting at home, whereas technology literacy
and proficiency were their least challenging. The findings demonstrated that the
pandemic has a significant impact on the quality of the learning experience and the
mental health of the students (Barot, et. al 2021). Given that students have less direct
interaction with others, reduced school expenditures, and can manage their time well,
we can claim that this style of learning is somehow useful in surviving this pandemic.
Nonetheless, not all Filipino students believe that this learning mode is as useful as it
is for a few.
year students in the midst of a pandemic, because online classes are not fit for others,
some students are passing requirements but they no longer learned about it. The
researchers aim to know if that new learning mode is better than face-to-face class.
classes in the midst of pandemic, because online classes are not fit to others, some
students are passing requirements, but they no longer learned about it. Furthermore,
the researchers are curious and interested if this study can help them and the other
students to know if online classes are effective or if this can help them to find ways to
Theoretical Framework
For an efficient and effective measure of this study, the researchers employ the
Anderson, T. (2011).
The theory and practice of online learning. (2nd Edition). Edmonton, AB: AU Press.
Figure 1 illustrates:
The two major human actors, learners and teachers, and their interactions with
each other and with content. Learners can of course interact directly with content that
they find in multiple formats, and especially on the Web; however, many choose to
have their learning sequenced, directed, and evaluated with the assistance of a
teacher. This interaction can take place within a community of inquiry, using a
are particularly rich, and allow for the learning of social skills, the collaborative
participants. However, the community binds learners in time, forcing regular sessions
or at least group-paced learning. The second model of learning (on the right)
Common tools used in this mode include computer-assisted tutorials, drills, and
Figure 2. Community of Inquiry (Garrison, Anderson, Garrison and Archer, 2000)
Garrison, Anderson & Archer (2000) is based on the concept of three distinct
“presences”: cognitive, social, and teaching. While recognizing the overlap and
relationship among the three components, Anderson, Rourke, Garrison, and Archer
(2001) advise further research on each component. Their model supports the design
particular note is that “presence” is a social phenomenon and manifests itself through
interactions among students and instructors. The community of inquiry has become
one of the more popular models for online and blended courses that are designed to
be highly interactive among students and faculty using discussion boards, blogs,
Conceptual Framework
The basis of the study about the conceptual framework is presented below.
The IPO model represents the summary of various related articles that explains the
processes involved. This directs the researcher in coming-up with a series of action
required in the entire duration of the given educational research. It considers the
insights of the other researchers, their observations, and their findings on the subject
of their educational research. The researcher will be using it to administer the
research and help in understanding the purpose of this study. Figure 2 shows the
information that the researcher needs. The respondents will have an online survey
using a google form and the outcome will be the different strategies of each
respondent that can help a lot in the effectiveness of online classes during this
This conceptual framework is divided into three parts, the input, process, and
output. Input contains the demographic profile of the respondents, effects of online
classes to the first-year college students and the perception of the students towards the
online classes. In the process, it indicates the method that researcher will used to
collect the data needed, which is the survey questionnaire and the five-point Likert
scale. For the output, it pertains for the expected result of the study or for the
contribution, and in this study, recommendation for effective guidelines and policy of
online classes for both students and professor is the final output.
2. What are the effects of online classes to the first-year students in terms
2.1 Behavior
2.2 Knowledge
3.1. Comfortability
3.2. Satisfaction
3.3. Conveniency
4. What are the challenges faced by the first students in online classes?
4.1. Class schedule
The general objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of online classes on
year students.
mode of learning.
and professors.
Selected First - Year College Students of San Sebastian College - Recoletos Manila
(SSC-R). Moreover, the findings of this study can be significant and will be of great
San Sebastian College - Recoletos Manila (SSCR). The study will help them in
what actions they will do for the students. This will be spread in a broader span so
that more people will be informed about the effectiveness of online classes.
Students. This study is beneficial to the students and the result will provide
Professors. They will benefit from this study from the findings and
The Researchers. In this study, the researcher might also gain a lot of value from it.
Future Researchers. They can use the study to finalize the topic related to this topic
or problem. This may serve as one of their related studies in the Philippines. That
could be added to the college library, for them to have access to what studies they are
The general intent of the study is to assess the effectiveness of online classes
San Sebastian College-Recoletos S/Y 2021-2022 who will represent the population.
This focuses on the effects of online classes and the perception of students towards
eLearning mode and the challenges faced by them. This research yearns to clarify and
assist the institution to develop effective guidelines and policies for the current
where they are exactly needed to be assisted on. This study uses google forms since
not only does it not cause any financial restraints to the researchers, but also safe,
The researchers however believe that there will be several problems and/or
number of participants, or rather, participants that would take the research seriously,
in regard to this, unwilling or lazy participants will greatly influence the credibility of
the study. Second to this is the limitation of the research locale and respondents, since
it is strictly on the perspective of first year students at the San Sebastian College-
Recoletos Manila Community, the research results may or may not have the same
classes on different academic communities or other year levels. Also mentioning the
numbers of the students enrolled now are less compared to the probable future. And
lastly, the constraints of using a survey questionnaire to the credibility and validity of
the data, since surveys are not as free response as compared to interviews that could
scope of knowledge of effectiveness of distance education courses for first year can
Null Hypothesis
Online classes have no significant effects on the selected first year college students of
SSC-R Manila.
Definition of Terms
result; success. In this study, the researchers are more focused to see if online-based
course of action.
This chapter presents the related literature and study that underwent thorough
searching of related local and international studies and literature, reading and
summarizing by the researchers. This chapter also presents the various studies and
literature that have been made and published by other knowledgeable researchers
the effectiveness of online learning by organizing and summarizing the findings and
challenges of online learning into positive, negative, mixed, and null findings. The
Internet has made online learning possible, and many researchers and educators are
interested in online learning to enhance and improve student learning outcomes while
that researchers and educators consider the effectiveness of online learning compared
to traditional face-to-face format and the factors that influence the effectiveness of
online courses. The findings of this study stated that there is robust evidence to
Moreover, this body of literature suggests that researchers should move beyond the
"no significant difference" phenomenon and consider the next stage of online
Adopting the study of Sona Vikas & Ashish Mathur (2021) which covers an
effectiveness of online classes. The primary objective of this study is to find out the
student perception of online classes from teachers who had no past experience of
online teaching, with respect to their teaching effectiveness, teaching style, and
pedagogy in an online classroom. The analysis of the study indicates that pedagogy,
towards online classes by first-time online teachers. In line with this, the study of
Sangste (2020) states the insights into accounting education in a COVID-19 world.
This paper presents a compilation of personal reflections during the pandemic and it
strategies away from the comfort of traditional formats, but many more that are
negative, primarily relating to the impact on faculty and student health and well-
As stated by Almendingen et al (2021), the sudden shift to digital teaching
was challenging for students, but it appears that they adapted quickly to the new
situation. Although the concerns described by students in this study may only be
representative of the period right after a campus lockdown, the study provides the
definition of online education is a form of education where students use their home
computers through the internet. For many nontraditional students, among them all
those who want to continue working full time or raising families, online graduations
and courses have become popular in the past decade. Often online graduation and
course programs, some of which are conducted using digital technologies, are
provided via the online learning portal of the host university. Another article
students due to the pandemic. As stated by Friedman (2020), staying motivated is one
of the difficulties students might be dealing with. Given that students have a choice as
uncertainty about the future is considered a challenge for students since the sudden
switch to online classes has caused anxiety and confusion, as well as raised questions
In accordance with this, the researchers also collected studies and literature
challenges of college students varied in terms of type and extent. The study identified
the extent of challenges that students faced during COVID-19 pandemic, how it
impacted their online learning experience and the strategies that they used to
overcome these challenges. As claimed in this study, the students’ greatest challenge
was connected to their academic setting at home, while their least challenge was
technological literacy and competency. The results revealed that the quality of the
learning experience and students’ mental health are the ones greatly affected by the
aptitude enhancement, time management, and learning environment control are the
strategies most frequently used by the students to cope up with the situation.
Implications for classroom practice, policy-making, and future research are discussed.
Numerous factors affected the students in different ways such as the financial
one of the determinants of the academic success of students. The study investigates
Thus, the findings of the study revealed that the parents were still in the process of
identifies the problems encountered by the students in online assessment amid the
● incompatibility of browsers;
proctored test, educators should consider the complexity feature of the application but
line with this, a test orientation and test manual are a must-have to keep the students
learning is still prohibited by the government in most parts of the country which led
to students having the ‘new normal’ online schooling as an alternative for almost two
students in the Philippines. We can say that this type of learning is somehow helpful
in surviving this pandemic given that students have less direct contact with others,
lower school costs, and can manage their time well. However, not all Filipino
since not all learners have the capacity to buy the required technologies.
According to Amadora (2020), there are five common problems that arise
during online learning. Internet connection is considered as the number one problem
students face while taking up classes given the fact that the Philippines is an internet-
challenged country. With poor internet connectivity, sub-problems might occur such
as the audio clarity of the platforms used by the professors. Other problems are the
system glitch, outdated devices and software, and short attention span. Due to the lack
of interaction during online class, students tend to get distracted easily by the
environment around them such as house chores, smartphones, pets, and deliveries.
gained knowledge on working out this online learning situation as of today. As stated
by Manuel (2020), there are five advantages and disadvantages of online learning.
The advantages of the ‘new normal in our country include home safety, the exercise
responsibility and priority, and the power of technology being utilized. On the other
hand, disadvantages include technical problems being inevitable, students tend to not
go online during class hours, lots of distractions may arise, not conforming to
deadlines, and the feeling of the situation not being natural. Whether students choose
to participate in an online class, are required to do it, or made a decision not to, take
note that this online learning situation should be utilized well to permit an effective
Vikas, S., & Mathur, A. (2021, October 26). An empirical study of student perception
Sangster, A., Stoner, G., & Flood, B. (2020, August 24). Insights into accounting
Almendingen, K., Morseth, M., Gjolstad, E., Brevik, A., & Torris, C. (2021, August
Friedman, J. (2020, May 4). How to Overcome Challenges of Online Classes Due to
Barrot, J., Llenares, I., & del Rosario, L. (2021, May 28). Students’ online learning
challenges during the pandemic and how they cope with them: The case of the
Research & Development. Retrieved January 18, 2022, from
Amadora, M. G. (2020, September 18). Common Problems that Occur During Online
Manuel, J., & Cañete, P. (2020, March 15). Advantages and disadvantages of online