Neuromorphic Silicon Neuron Circuits: Mead, 1989
Neuromorphic Silicon Neuron Circuits: Mead, 1989
Neuromorphic Silicon Neuron Circuits: Mead, 1989
Edited by: Hardware implementations of spiking neurons can be extremely useful for a large variety of
Bert Shi, The Hong Kong University of
applications, ranging from high-speed modeling of large-scale neural systems to real-time
Science and Technology, Hong Kong
behaving systems, to bidirectional brain–machine interfaces. The specific circuit solutions
Reviewed by:
Theodore Yu, University of California at used to implement silicon neurons depend on the application requirements. In this paper we
San Diego, USA describe the most common building blocks and techniques used to implement these circuits,
Chi-Sang Poon, Harvard – MIT Division and present an overview of a wide range of neuromorphic silicon neurons, which implement
of Health Sciences and Technology,
different computational models, ranging from biophysically realistic and conductance-based
Tadashi Shibata, University of Tokyo, Hodgkin–Huxley models to bi-dimensional generalized adaptive integrate and fire models. We
Japan compare the different design methodologies used for each silicon neuron design described,
*Correspondence: and demonstrate their features with experimental results, measured from a wide range of
Giacomo Indiveri, Institute of fabricated VLSI chips.
Neuroinformatics, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Zurich, Keywords: analog VLSI, subthreshold, spiking, integrate and fire, conductance based, adaptive exponential, log-domain,
University of Zurich, Zurich CH-8057, circuit
e-mail: [email protected]
these real-time, low-power neuromorphic systems can be used to one or more of the following stages: A (linear or non-linear)
engineer brain-inspired computational solutions for practical appli- temporal integration block, a spike generation block, a refrac-
cations. The term “neuromorphic” was coined by Carver Mead in the tory period block and a spike-frequency or spiking threshold
late ’eighties to refer to artificial neural systems whose architecture adaptation block. Each of these functional sub-blocks can be
and design principles are based on those of biological nervous sys- implemented using different circuit design techniques and styles.
tems (Mead, 1990). SiN circuits represent therefore one of the main Depending on which functional blocks are used, and how they
building blocks for implementing neuromorphic systems. Although are combined, the resulting SiN can implement a wide range of
in the original definition, the term neuromorphic was restricted to neuron models, from simple linear-threshold units to complex
the set of analog VLSI circuits that operate using the same physics multi-compartmental models.
of computation used by the nervous system (e.g., silicon neuron The dendrites and axon circuit blocks can be used to implement
circuits that exploit the physics of the silicon medium to directly the cable equation, for modeling signal propagation along pas-
reproduce the bio-physics of nervous cells), the definition has now sive neuronal fibers (Koch, 1999). These circuits allow the design
been broadened to include analog/digital hardware implementa- of multi-compartment neuron models that take into account the
tions of neural processing systems, as well as spike-based sensory neuron spatial structure. We will describe examples of such circuits
processing systems. Within this context, many different types of SiNs in Section 3.5.
have been proposed, that emulate real neurons at many different Design styles Table 1 summarizes the relevant computational
levels: From complex biophysical models that emulate ion channel sub-blocks useful for building SiNs and the possible design styles
dynamics and detailed dendritic or axonal morphologies to basic that can be used to implement them. Each computational block
integrate-and-fire (I&F) circuits. Depending on the application can be implemented with circuits that adopt any of the design
domain of interest, SiN circuits can be more or less complex, with strategies outlined in the bottom part of the table. The terms weak
large arrays of neurons all integrated on the same chip, or single and strong inversion in that table refer to the region of operation
neurons implemented on a single chip, or with some elements of of individual MOSFETs: In the weak-inversion (or sub-threshold)
the neuron distributed across multiple chips. region the transistor current flow mechanism is diffusion, while
In this work we describe a wide range of circuits commonly in the strong-inversion (or above threshold) region, it is drift. The
used to design SiNs, spanning multiple design strategies and tech- voltage-mode and current-mode design styles refer to the way
niques that range from current-mode, sub-threshold to voltage- input and output signals are represented (i.e., with voltages or
mode, switched-capacitor (S-C) designs. Moreover we present an currents respectively). S-C designs implement discrete time signal
overview of the most representative silicon neuron circuit designs processing strategies, by using clocked switches (MOSFETs) to
recently proposed, compare the different approaches followed, and move charge from one capacitor to the next. Conversely in non-
point out advantages and strengths of each design. clocked systems, signals are continuous and no global clock circuit
is necessary. Biophysical and phenomenological models refer to the
2 Silicon neuron computational blocks level of detail used in the SiN circuit, to implement a model of a real
From the functional point of view, silicon neurons can all be neuron. And the last two design styles, real- and accelerated-time
described as circuits that have one or more synapse blocks, respon- refer to the range of time scales that can be emulated in hardware.
sible for receiving spikes from other neurons, integrating them over Circuits that can operate with time-constants that are biologically
time and converting them into currents, as well as a soma block, plausible are said to be real-time, while circuits that can only run
responsible for the spatio-temporal integration of the input sig- at time scales which are a factor to 10 or more faster, are said to
nals and generation of the output analog action potentials and/or be accelerated-time.
digital spike events. In addition both synapse and soma blocks can In the next Section we will describe some of the more common
be interfaced to circuits that model the neuron’s spatial structure circuits used as basic building blocks for building SiNs which cover
and implement the signal processing that takes place in dendritic all design strategies outlined in Table 1.
trees and axons respectively.
The synapse circuits of a SiN can carry out linear and non-linear
integration of the input spikes, with elaborate temporal dynam- Table 1 | Main SiN computational blocks, and circuit design styles.
ics, and short and long-term plasticity mechanisms. The temporal
integration circuits of silicon synapses, as well as those responsible Computational blocks
for converting voltage spikes into excitatory or inhibitory post-syn- Temporal integration block
aptic currents (EPSCs or IPSCs respectively) share many common Spike/event generation block
elements with those used in the soma integration and adaptation Refractory period mechanism
blocks. Therefore in this paper we restrict our analysis of synapse cir- Spike-frequency adaptation block
cuits only to those circuits that implement the basic functionalities of Spiking threshold adaptation block
voltage-spike to current conversion and temporal integration, while Design styles
their complex non-linear features and their spike-timing depend- Weak inversion Strong inversion
ent plasticity mechanisms will be the focus of a subsequent paper. Voltage mode Current-mode
The soma block of a SiN can be further subdivided into several Non-clocked Switched-capacitor
functional blocks that reflect the computational properties of Biophysical model Phenomenological model
the theoretical models they implement. Typically SiNs comprise Real-time Accelerated-time
3 Silicon neuron circuit blocks (spikes) arriving at the Vin node are integrated to produce an output
3.1 Conductance dynamics current Isyn with exponential rise and decay temporal dynamics.
Temporal integration The circuit time-constant can be set by adjusting the Vt bias, and
It has been shown that an efficient way of modeling neuron conduct- the maximum current amplitude (e.g., corresponding to synaptic
ance dynamics and synaptic transmission mechanisms is by using efficacy) depends on both Vt and Vw. A recent current-mode circuit
simple first-order differential equations of the type ty = − y + x , that implements temporal dynamics using this log-domain LPF cir-
where y represents an output voltage or current, and x the input cuit coupled to a wide-range transconductance amplifier has been
driving force (Destexhe et al., 1998). For example, this equation gov- proposed in Rachmuth and Poon (2008). This circuit allows robust
erns the behavior of all passive ionic channels found in nerve mem- emulation of emergent iono-neuronal dynamics, reproducing also
branes. In the classical silicon neuron implementation proposed by chaotic bursting as observed in pacemaker cells. A detailed analysis
Mahowald and Douglas (1991) the circuit used to implement the of the synaptic and neural dynamics that can be obtained with
equation described above for modeling the neuron’s passive leak the log-domain LPF circuit is presented in Bartolozzi and Indiveri
conductance is the follower–integrator circuit. The follower–integra- (2007). In Bartolozzi and Indiveri (2007) the authors propose also
tor comprises a transconductance amplifier configured in negative additional circuits for implementing synaptic dynamics, including
feedback mode with its output node connected to a capacitor. When a novel differential pair integrator (DPI) circuit (see Figure 1C).
used in the weak-inversion domain, as a voltage mode circuit, the Similar to the LPF pulse integrator, the DPI circuit integrates volt-
follower–integrator behaves as a first-order low-pass filter with a age pulses, following a current-mode approach. However, rather
tunable conductance. A detailed description of this circuit is pro- than using a single pFET to generate the appropriate Iw current,
vided in Liu et al. (2002). Conversely, in current-mode designs, via the translinear principle (Gilbert, 1975), it uses a differential
an efficient strategy for implementing the first-order differential pair in negative feedback configuration. This allows the circuit to
equations described above, is to use log-domain circuits (Tomazou achieve LPF functionality with tunable dynamic conductances:
et al., 1990). For example, the log-domain “Bernoulli-Cell” is a Input voltage pulses are integrated to produce an output current
circuit that can implement synaptic and conductance dynam- that has maximum amplitude set by Vw, Vt, and Vthr. In all circuits
ics (Drakakis et al., 1997). The circuit operates in current-mode of Figure 1 the Vw bias (the synaptic weight) can be set by local
and in the weak-inversion (or sub-threshold) domain. It has been circuits to implement learning and plasticity (Fusi et al., 2000; Mitra
fully characterized in Drakakis et al. (1997), and has been used to et al., 2009). However, the DPI offers an extra degree of freedom via
implement Hodgkin–Huxley VLSI models of neurons (Toumazou the Vthr bias. This parameter can be used to implement additional
et al., 1998). A similar log-domain circuit is shown in Figure 1A: adaptation and plasticity schemes, such as intrinsic or homeostatic
This circuit, called the “Tau-Cell,” was first proposed in Edwards plasticity (Bartolozzi and Indiveri, 2009). A complete analysis of
and Cauwenberghs (2000) as a BiCMOS log-domain filter; it was the DPI and its modes of operation is provided in (Bartolozzi and
fully characterized in van Schaik and Jin (2003) as a sub-threshold Indiveri, 2007). The DPI will be used in Section 4.2 to implement
log-domain circuit, and used in Yu and Cauwenberghs (2010b) to the DPI-neuron.
implement conductance-based synapses. This circuit is used also in
the tau-cell neuron, described in Section 4.2. Another sub-threshold Thermodynamically equivalent models
log-domain circuit is the low pass filter (LPF) described in Arthur Many of the membrane channels that shape the output activity of a
and Boahen (2004, 2007), and shown in Figure 1B. This circuit neuron exhibit dynamics that can be represented by state changes of
is based on the standard log-domain low pass filter (Frey, 1993) a series of voltage-dependent gating particles, which must be open
originally implemented using bipolar transistors, but has been for the channel to conduct. The state-transitions of these particles
simplified to act as a voltage pulse integrator: Input voltage pulses can be understood within the context of thermodynamic equivalent
Figure 1 | (A) “Tau-cell” circuit: log-domain circuit used to implement a first-order low-pass filter (LPF); (B) Sub-threshold first-order LPF circuit; (C) “DPI” circuit:
non-linear current-mode LPF circuit.
models (Destexhe and Huguenard, 2000): The membrane voltage sub-threshold circuits described above, and integrators are typically
creates an energy barrier which a gating particle (a charged mol- implemented using classical filter design techniques or S-C tech-
ecule) must overcome to change states (e.g., to open). Changes in niques. Examples of integrators implemented using these design
the membrane voltage modulate the size of the energy barriers, strategies are described in Section 4.4.
altering the rates of opening and closing of a gating particle. The
average conductance of a channel is proportional to the percentage 3.2 Spike-event generation
of the population of individual channels that are open. Biophysically realistic implementations of neurons produce analog
Since transistors also involve the movement of a charged particle waveforms that are continuous and smooth in time, even for the
through an electric field, a transistor circuit can directly represent generation of action potentials (we will describe examples of these
the action of a population of gating particles (Hynna and Boahen, types of circuits in Section 4.1). In many other neuron models,
2007). Figure 2 shows a thermodynamic model of a gating variable however, the action potential is a discontinuous and discrete event
in which the drain current of transistor M2 in Figure 2A represents which is generated whenever a set threshold is crossed.
the gating particle’s rate of opening, while the source current of M1 One of the original circuits proposed for generating discrete
represents the rate of closing. The voltage VO controls the height events in VLSI implementations of silicon neurons is the Axon-
of the energy barrier in M2: Increasing VO increases the opening Hillock circuit (Mead, 1989). Figure 3A shows a schematic diagram
rate, shifting uV toward uH. Increasing VC has the opposite effect: of this circuit. The amplifier block A is typically implemented
The closing rate increases, shifting uV toward uL. Generally, VO and using two inverters in series. Input currents Iin are integrated on
VC are inversely related; that is, as VO increases, VC should decrease. the membrane input capacitance Cmem, and the analog voltage Vmem
The source of M2, uV is the log-domain representation of the increases linearly until it reaches the amplifier switching threshold
gating variable u. Attaching uV to the gate of a third transistor (not (see Figure 3B). At this point Vout quickly changes from 0 to Vdd,
shown) realizes the variable u as a modulation of a current set by switching on the reset transistor and activating a positive feedback
uH. Connected as a simple activating channel – with VO propor- through the capacitor divider implemented by Cmem and the feedback
tional to the membrane voltage (Hynna and Boahen, 2007) – the capacitor Cfb. If the reset current set by Vpw is larger then the input
voltage dependence of the steady-state and time-constant of u, as current, the membrane capacitor is discharged, until it reaches the
measured through the output transistor, match the sigmoid and amplifier’s switching threshold again. At this point Vout swings back
bell-shaped curves commonly measured in neurophysiology (see to 0 and the cycle repeats. The inter-spike interval tL is inversely
Figure 2B). This circuit will be used in Section 4.1 to implement proportional to the input current, while the pulse duration period
the Thalamic relay neuron. tH depends on both the input and reset currents. A comprehensive
description of the circuit operation is presented in Mead (1989).
Phenomenological models One of the main advantages of this self-resetting neuron circuit
It is also possible to model conductance and channel dynamics by are its excellent matching properties: mismatch is mostly depend-
abstracting their behavior, describing it with sets of differential ent on the matching properties of the two capacitors of the circuit
equations, and solving them using analog circuits. One can resort rather than any of its transistors. As low mismatch is especially
to using systematic synthesis methods for mapping non-linear dif- desirable in imagers and photoreceptor arrays, this circuit has been
ferential equations onto analog circuits. For example, using this applied to the design of a spiking (or event-based) vision sensor
strategy it was possible to design circuit implementations for the (Azadmehr et al., 2005; Olsson and Häfliger, 2008). In this case,
FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron model (FitzHugh, 1961), as proposed rather than using the reset voltage Vpw as an analog bias, the design-
in Linares-Barranco et al. (1991). These methods typically use volt- ers used it as a digital signal externally controlled, and exploited its
age mode above-threshold circuits rather than the current-mode good matching properties.
A B 1.0 1.2
Time Constant (ms)
Steady State
Vo 0.8
M2 0.6
C mem 0.4
Vc 0.4
0.0 0.0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Figure 2 | Thermodynamic model of a gating variable. (A) Gating variable circuit. (B) Voltage dependence of the steady-state and time-constant of the variable
circuit in (A). See Hynna and Boahen (2007) for details.
A C fb A Vdd
Vdd Vdd
Iin I Kup
Vdd Vdd
Vmem Vout I in V thr
− M5 M5
V mem
Cmem C mem CK
V lk M4 M4
M1 M2 I amp
I lp I Kdn
V out
Figure 3 | Axon-hillock circuit. (A) Schematic diagram; (B) Membrane potassium conductance creates the downswing. In the circuit this
voltage and output voltage traces over time. is modeled as follows: As Vmem rises above Vthr, the output voltage of
the comparator will rise to the positive power supply. The output
3.3 Spiking thresholds and refractory periods of the following inverter will thus go low, thereby allowing the
The Axon-Hillock circuit produces a spike event when the mem- sodium current INa to pull up the membrane potential. At the same
brane voltage crosses a voltage threshold that depends on the geom- time however, a second inverter will allow the capacitance CK to
etry of the transistors and on the VLSI process characteristics. In be charged at a speed which can be controlled by the current IKup.
order to have better control over the spiking threshold, it is possible As soon as the voltage on CK is high enough to allow conduction
to use a five-transistor amplifier, as shown in Figure 4A. This neu- of the nFET M2, the potassium current IK will be able to discharge
ron circuit, originally proposed in (van Schaik, 2001) comprises the membrane capacitance. Two different potassium channel cur-
circuits for both setting explicit spiking thresholds and implement- rents govern the opening and closing of the potassium channels:
ing an explicit refractory period. Figure 4B depicts the various The current IKup controls the spike width, as the delay between the
stages that the membrane potential Vmem is involved in, during the opening of the sodium channels and the opening of the potassium
generation of an action potential. channels is inversely proportional to IKup. If Vmem now drops below
The capacitance Cmem of this circuit models the membrane of Vthr, the output of the first inverter will become high, cutting off
a biological neuron, while the membrane leakage current is con- the current INa. Furthermore, the second inverter will then allow CK
trolled by the gate voltage Vlk, of an nFET. In the absence of any to be discharged by the current IKdn. If IKdn is small, the voltage on
input the membrane voltage will be drawn to its resting potential CK will decrease only slowly, and, as long as this voltage stays high
(ground, in this case), by this leakage current. Excitatory inputs enough to allow IK to discharge the membrane, it will be impossible
(e.g., modeled by Iin) add charge to the membrane capacitance, to stimulate the neuron for Iex values smaller than IK. Therefore IKdn
whereas inhibitory inputs (not shown) remove charge from the controls the refractory period of the neuron.
membrane capacitance. If an excitatory current larger than the leak- The principles used by this design to control spiking thresholds
age current is injected, the membrane potential Vmem will increase explicitly have been used in analogous SiN implementations (Indiveri,
from its resting potential. The voltage Vmem is compared with the 2000; Indiveri et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2001). Similarly, the principle
threshold voltage Vthr, using a basic transconductance amplifier (Liu of using starved inverters1 and capacitors to implement refractory
et al., 2002). If Vmem exceeds Vthr, an action potential is generated. periods is used also in the DPI neuron described in Section 4.2.
The generation of the action potential happens in a similar way as
in the biological neuron, where an increased sodium conductance 1
Inverting amplifier circuits in which the current is limited by a MOSFET in series
creates the upswing of the spike, and a delayed increase of the appropriately biased.
larization potassium currents present in real neurons (Connors
et al., 1982) and introduce a second slow variable in the model, in
addition to the membrane potential variable, that could be effec- 0.4
tively used to produce different spiking behaviors. Figure 5A shows 0.2
measurements from a SiN with this mechanism implemented
(Indiveri, 2007), in response to a constant input current.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Spike-frequency adaptation and other more complex spiking Time (s)
behaviors can also be modeled by implementing models with
adaptive thresholds, as in the Mihalas–Niebur neuron model Figure 5 | Spike-frequency adaptation is a SiN. (A) Negative slow ionic
(Mihalas and Niebur, 2009). In this model a simple first-order current mechanism: The plot shows the instantaneous firing rate as a
function of spike count. The inset shows how the individual spikes increase
equation is used to update the neuron’s spiking threshold voltage
their inter-spike interval, with time. Figure adapted from Indiveri et al.
based on the membrane voltage variable itself: For high mem- (2010). (B) Adaptive threshold mechanism: The neuron’s spiking threshold
brane voltage values, the spiking threshold adapts upwards, increases with every spike, therefore increasing the inter-spike interval with
increasing the time between spikes for a constant input. Low time.
membrane voltage values, on the other hand, result in a decrease
of the spiking threshold voltage. The speed at which the threshold
adapts in this model is dependent on several parameters. Tuning with the individually separated dendritic branches, allowing for
of these parameters determines the type of spiking behavior that parallel processing of different sets of inputs on different branches
is exhibited by the SiN. Figure 5B shows spike-frequency adap- before their outputs are combined (Mel, 1994).
tation using an adaptive threshold. Here each time the neuron Early VLSI dendritic systems included the passive cable circuit
spikes the threshold voltage resets to a higher value so that the model of the dendrite specifically by implementing the dendritic
membrane voltage must grow by a larger amount and hence the resistance using S-C circuits (Elias and Northmore, 1999; Rasche
time between spikes increases. and Douglas, 2001). Other groups have subsequently incorporated
Examples of two-state variable SiNs that use either of these some active channels into VLSI dendritic compartments [e.g.,
mechanisms will be presented in Section 4. (Arthur and Boahen, 2004)]. Farquhar and Hasler applied their
transistor channel approach for building ion channels (Farquhar
3.5 Axons and dendritic trees et al., 2004) to building active dendrite models in which ions were
Recent experimental evidence suggests that individual dendritic able to diffuse both across the membrane and axially along the
branches can be considered as independent computational units. length of the dendrite (Hasler et al., 2007). They used sub-threshold
A single neuron can act as a multi-layer computational network, MOSFETs to implement the conductances seen along and across the
membranes and model diffusion as the macro-transport method emonstrate that the response of a dendritic component can be
of ion flow. The resulting single dimensional circuit is analogous described as a non-linear sigmoidal function of both input temporal
to the diffuser circuit described in Hynna and Boahen (2006), but synchrony and spatial clustering (Wang and Liu, 2010). This response
allows the conductances of each of the MOSFETs to be individually function means that linear or non-linear computation in a neuron
programmed to obtain the desired neuron properties. In Hasler can be evoked depending on the input spatio-temporal pattern.
et al. (2007) they showed how an aVLSI active dendrite model could
produce action potentials down a cable of uniform diameter with 3.6 Additional useful building blocks
active channels every five segments. Digi-MOS
The authors in Wang and Liu (2010) have recently constructed Circuits that operate like a MOS transistor but with a digitally adjust-
an aVLSI neuron with a reconfigurable dendritic architecture which able size factor W/L are very useful in neuromorphic SiN circuits,
includes both individual computational units and a different spa- for providing a weighted current or for calibration to compensate
tial filtering circuit (see Figure 6). Using this VLSI prototype, they for mismatch. Figure 7 shows a possible circuit implementation
Figure 6 | Dendritic membrane circuit and cable circuit connecting the compartments. The “+” blocks indicate neighboring compartments. The block to which
Iden flows into is similar to the circuit in Figure 2A.
b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 −
B C Vdd
M3 Iout
G Vdd
Ib M1 M2
Figure 7 | (A) Digi-MOS: MOS transistor with digitally adjustable size factor (W/L)eff. Example five-bit implementation using MOS ladder techniques (B) Digi-MOS
circuit symbol; (C) Very low current mirror: Circuit with negative gate-to-source voltage biasing for copying very low currents.
based on MOS ladder structures (Linares-Barranco et al., 2003). In 4 Silicon neuron implementations
this example, the five-bit control word b4b3b2b1b0 is used to set the We will now make use of the circuits and techniques introduced in
effective (W/L)eff ratio. As the currents flowing through each sub- Section 3 to describe silicon neuron implementations. We organized
branch differ significantly, this circuit does not have unique time- the various circuit solutions in the following way: sub-threshold
constants. Furthermore small currents flowing through the lower biophysically realistic models; compact I&Fcircuits for event-based
bit branches will settle to a steady state value very slowly, therefore systems; generalized I&F neuron circuits; above threshold, acceler-
such a circuit should not be switched at high-speeds, but should ated-time, S-C, and digital designs.
rather be used to provide DC biasing currents. This circuit has been
used in spatial contrast retinas [18] and charge packet I&F neurons 4.1 Sub-threshold biophysically realistic models
within event-based convolution chips (Serrano-Gotarredona et al., The types of SiN designs described in this section exploit the
2006, 2008) for mismatch calibration. biophysical equivalence between the transport of ions in bio-
Alternative design schemes, using the same principle but different logical channels and charge carriers in transistor channels. In
arrangement of the transistors can be used for applications in which the classical conductance-based SiN implementation described
high-speed switching is required (Leñero-Bardallo et al., 2010). in Mahowald and Douglas (1991), the authors modeled ionic
conductances using five-transistor transconductance amplifier
Very low current mirrors circuits (Liu et al., 2002). In Farquhar and Hasler (2005), the
Typically, the smallest currents that can be processed in conven- authors showed how it is possible to model ionic channels using
tional circuits are limited by the MOS “off sub-threshold current,” single transistors, operated in the sub-threshold domain. By
which is the current a MOS transistor conducts when its gate- using two-transistor circuits Hynna and Boahen (2007) showed
to-source voltage is zero. However, MOS devices can operate well how it is possible to implement complex thermodynamic mod-
below this limit (Linares-Barranco and Serrano-Gotarredona, els of gating variables (see also Section 3.1). By using multiple
2003). To make MOS transistors operate properly below this limit, instances of the gating variable circuit of Figure 2A it is possible,
one needs to bias them with negative gate-to-source voltages, as for example, to build biophysically faithful models of thalamic
illustrated in the current mirror circuit of Figure 7C. Transistors relay neurons.
M1–M2 form the current mirror. Current Iin is assumed to be very
small (pico or femto amperes), well below the “off sub-threshold The thalamic relay neuron
current.” Consequently, transistors M1 and M2 require a negative Thalamic relay neurons possess a low-threshold calcium chan-
gate-to-source voltage. By using the voltage level shifter M4–M5 nel (also called a T-channel) and a slow inactivation variable,
and connecting the source voltage of M1–M2 to Vnsh = 0.4 V, the which turns off at higher voltages and opens at low voltages. The
mirror can be biased with negative gate-to-source voltages. This T-channel can be implemented using a fast activation variable,
technique has been used to build very low frequency compact and implemented using the gating variable circuit of Figure 2.
oscillators and filters (Linares-Barranco and Serrano-Gotarredona, Figure 8A shows a simple two-compartment neuron circuit with
2003), or to perform in-pixel direct photo current manipulations a T-channel current, which can reproduce many response proper-
in spatial contrast retinas (Costas-Santos et al., 2007). ties of real Thalamic relay cells (Hynna and Boahen, 2009). In the
Input Output
IT Vmem
nc Cmem M2 CCB nB
M1 M3
Dendrite nrst
1.2 1.2
1 1
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Time (s) Time (s)
Figure 8 | Two-compartment Thalamic relay neuron model. (A) Neuron circuit. (B,C) Dendritic voltage (Vmem) measurements of the relay cell’s two response
modes: burst (B) and tonic (C). An 80-ms wide current step is injected into the dendritic compartment at 10 ms in both cases.
neuron circuit of Figure 8A the first block (on the left) integrates inhibitory current is input into the cell, lowering the initial mem-
input spikes and represents the dendritic compartment, while the brane voltage, then the T-channel deactivates prior to the step (see
second block (on the right) produces output voltage spikes, and Figure 8B). Once the step occurs, Vmem begins to slowly increase
represents the somatic compartment. until the T-channel activates, which excites the cell and causes it
The dendritic compartment contains all active membrane com- to burst. Since Vmem is now much higher, the T-channel begins to
ponents not involved in spike generation – namely, the synapses inactivate, seen in the decrease of spike frequency within the burst
(e.g., one of the low-pass filters described in Section 3.1) and the on successive spikes, leading eventually to a cessation in spiking
T-channel – as well as common passive membrane components activity. In addition to the behavior shown here, this simple model
– a membrane capacitance (Cmem) and a membrane conductance also reproduces the Thalamic response to sinusoidal inputs (Hynna
(the nFET M1). and Boahen, 2009).
The somatic compartment, comprising a simple I&F neuron The approach followed for this Thalamic relay SiN can be
such as the Axon-Hillock circuit described in Section 3.2, receives extended by using and combining multiple instances of the basic
input current from the dendrites through a diode-connected tran- building blocks described in Section 3.1.
sistor (M2). Though a simple representation of a cell, relay neurons
respond linearly in frequency to input currents (McCormick and A sub-threshold Hodgkin–Huxley based neuron
Feeser, 1990), just as an I&F cell. Due to the rectifying behavior of In Yu and Cauwenberghs (2010a) the authors proposed a sub-thresh-
the diode (the pFET M2 in Figure 8A), current only passes from old Hodgkin–Huxley (H–H) based SiN model by combining instances
the dendrite to the soma. As a result, the somatic action potential of the tau-cell circuit shown in Figure 1 with sub-threshold circuits of
does not propagate back to the dendrite; only the hyperpolarization the type shown in Figure 9, which implement the non-linear func-
(reset) that follows is evident in the dendritic voltage trace (Vmem). tions typically used with the H–H model gating variables m, h, and n
This is a simple approximation of dendritic low-pass filtering of (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952). Specifically, in Yu and Cauwenberghs
the back-propagating signal. (2010a) the authors presented a mixed-signal VLSI chip integrating a
When Vmem rests at higher voltages, the T-channel remains inac- biophysical network of four H–H neurons and twelve conductance-
tivated, and a step change in the input current simply causes the based synapses, with programmable detailed kinetics of channel gat-
cell to respond with a constant frequency (see Figure 8C). If an ing variables. The voltage dependence profile of closing and o pening
B 1
m∞ Measured
m∞ Theory
h∞ Measured
h∞ Theory
n∞ Measured
n∞ Theory
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Membrane Voltage (mV)
Figure 9 | (A) Translinear circuit implementing gated conductances of the form x3yg used to implement H–H conductance equations (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952).
(B) Steady-state (in)activation functions measured on the sub-threshold H–H neuron (figure adapted from Yu and Cauwenberghs, 2010a).
4.2 Compact Integrate-and-Fire circuits for event-based Figure 10 | The octopus retina neuron. The input current is generated by a
systems photodetector, while the spike generator uses positive current feedback to
accelerate input and output transitions to minimize short-circuit currents
We have shown examples of circuits used to implement faithful
during spike production. The membrane capacitance (Cmem) is disconnected
models of spiking neurons. These circuits can require significant from the input of the spike generator to further accelerate transition and to
amounts of silicon real-estate. At the other end of the spectrum are reduce power during reset.
compact circuits that implement basic models of I&F neurons. A
common goal is to integrate very large numbers of these circuits
on single chips to create large arrays of spiking elements, or large rent between Vdd and ground (GND) to flow when the transistors
networks of neurons densely interconnected (Merolla et al., 2007; are both on and in saturation, which is the case at threshold. This
Vogelstein et al., 2007; Schemmel et al., 2008). In these systems, is further compounded by the fact that the membrane potential
the strategy used to transmit spikes off-chip is to use the address- usually changes very slowly, on time scales of milliseconds to sec-
event representation (AER; Lazzaro et al., 1993; Deiss et al., 1998; onds, which means that the spike generator remains in the high
Boahen, 2000): Each spiking neuron is assigned an address and power consumption regime. Positive feedback, either capacitive- or
when a neuron fires its address is instantaneously put on a digi- current-based, can accelerate its transition. Capacitive feedback is
tal bus, using asynchronous digital circuits that map and route already used in the Axon-Hillock circuit, however current-based
the spikes to other nodes on different chips (Chicca et al., 2007; feedback is more effective for reducing power consumption. Hence
Schemmel et al., 2008). In this representation time represents itself, the octopus neuron has four interesting properties: (1) It uses cur-
and analog signals are encoded by the inter-spike intervals between rent feedback to accelerate the membrane potential transition when
the addresses of their sending neurons. It is therefore important to threshold is reached by adding an additional input current to the
develop compact low-power circuits that implement useful abstrac- neuron. (2) It efficiently re-uses the short-circuit current in the
tions of real neurons, but that can also produce very fast digital spike generator to generate the feedback current. (3) The membrane
pulses required by the asynchronous circuits that manage the AER capacitor (Cmem of Figure 10) is not completely discharged to GND
communication infrastructure. during spike production by disconnecting it from the feedback
A common application of basic I&F spiking circuits is their use current and the input of the spike generator. The input of the spike
in neuromorphic vision sensors. In this case the neuron is respon- generator, however, accelerates to Gnd. This reduces power during
sible for encoding the signal measured by the photoreceptor, and spike production by a factor of approximately 25, accelerates the
transmitting it off-chip using the AER. In Azadmehr et al. (2005) transition at threshold by a factor of approximately 100, and reduces
and Olsson and Häfliger (2008), the authors used the Axon-Hillock power consumption during reset (Culurciello et al., 2003). (4) It
circuit described in Section 3.2 to produce AER events. In Olsson only consumes power during spike generation and reset, which
and Häfliger (2008) the authors showed how this circuit can be typically lasts for a few nano-seconds. The net effect is a total energy
interfaced to the AER interfacing circuits in a way to minimize consumption of less than 4 pJ/spike in the 0.6 μm CMOS process
device mismatch. Conversely, in Culurciello et al. (2003) the authors in which the chip was implemented.
developed an imager inspired by the octopus retina, in which the
spiking neuron circuit was optimized for minimum power con- The dynamic vision sensor differencing neuron
sumption. In Lichtsteiner et al. (2008), the authors developed a Another compact neuron circuit is the one used in the dynamic
retina for sensing changes in brightness, using a compact ON/OFF vision sensor (DVS) silicon retina (Lichtsteiner et al., 2008). This cir-
neuron with good threshold matching properties. cuit is optimized to reduce mismatch across cells. The DVS has pixels
that produce an ON or OFF event signifying quantized increases and
The octopus retina neuron decreases of log intensity since the last event from the pixel. In the
The neuron used in the octopus retina (Culurciello et al., 2003) is DVS, the input to the ON/OFF neuron comes from a logarithmic
shown in Figure 10. As mentioned in Section 3.2, any neuron that photoreceptor, but this same circuit could be used with any input
uses inverters (starved or otherwise) will allow the short-circuit cur- that can drives the capacitive input. This circuit is nearly a perfect
integrator: The corner frequency is about 0.05 Hz and is limited approaches can be obtained by implementing conductance-based
by the off-state leakage of the reset transistor. The pixel circuit is or generalized I&F models (Jolivet et al., 2004). It has been shown
shown in Figure 11. Each time the pixel outputs an event (either that these types of models that capture many of the properties of
ON or OFF), a reset pulse from the AER communication circuits biological neurons, but require less and simpler differential equa-
memorizes the last log intensity value across capacitor C1. Changes tions compared to H–H based models (Izhikevich, 2003; Jolivet et al.,
in log intensity are capacitively coupled to the input of the invert- 2004; Brette and Gerstner, 2005; Mihalas and Niebur, 2009; Naud
ing capacitive-feedback amplifier A1, which has a gain of about −20. et al., 2009). In addition to being efficient computational models
The A1 output Vd1 is then compared to two reference levels by the for software implementations, these models lend themselves to effi-
high gain amplifiers AON and AOFF. When VON or VOFF crosses the cient hardware implementation as well (Wijekoon and Dudek, 2008;
logic threshold, transmission of the ON or OFF event is initiated, Folowosele et al., 2009a; Livi and Indiveri, 2009; Indiveri et al., 2010;
resulting finally in a pulse on Vreset that starts the cycle over again. Rangan et al., 2010; van Schaik et al., 2010a, 2010b).
The matching behavior of this circuit is the key to the success of
the DVS, which is the first event-based silicon retina that has been The tau-cell neuron
commercialized and sold to other institutions. Because the DC The circuit shown in Figure 12, dubbed as the “Tau-Cell neuron”
mismatch in the log intensity value is blocked by C1, and because A1 been used as the building block for implementations of both
inserts a high gain element that appears before the poorly matched the Mihalas–Niebur neuron (van Schaik et al., 2010a) and the
comparators AON and AOFF, the mismatch referred back to the signal Izhikevich neuron (Rangan et al., 2010; van Schaik et al., 2010b).
of interest (dlogI) is reduced by the gain of A1. For example, if the The basic leaky I&F functionality is implemented using the tau-
mismatch of AON/AOFF are 20 mV and the gain A1 = 20, then the cell log-domain circuit described in Section 3.1. This approach
mismatch at the logI output is reduced to 1 mV, which corresponds uses current-mode circuits, so the state variable, which is normally
to a visual contrast of about 3.5%. This relatively good matching the membrane voltage, Vmem, is transformed to a current Imem. A
allows the DVS to be used with natural visual input, which often has tau-cell, configured as a first-order low-pass filter, is used to model
rather low contrast. This circuit is an example of the general princi- the leaky integration. In order to create a spike, Imem is copied by
ple of removing static mismatch and amplifying before comparing pFETs M5 and M8 and compared with the constant threshold cur-
for improving precision using imprecise elements. Measurements rent Iu. Since Imem can be arbitrarily close to Iu, a current limited
show that across an array of 16k pixels the one-sigma matching is inverter (M12, M13) is added to reduce power consumption while
equivalent to about 2% contrast. The five-sigma matching (which converting the result of the comparison into a digital value Vnspk.
applies across a large array of cells) is then about 10%, in agree- A positive voltage spike Vspk is generated with inverter M14, M15
ment with practical contrast threshold settings of about 15% that with a slight delay with respect to Vnspk. pFET M5–M7 implement
we routinely use (Lichtsteiner et al., 2008). positive feedback based on Vnspk while nFET M16 resets Imem to a
value determined by Vel. This reset causes the end of the positive
4.3 Generalized Integrate-and-Fire neuron circuits feedback and the end of the spike and the membrane is ready to
The simplified I&F neuron circuits described in the previous Section start the next integration cycle.
require far less transistors and parameters than the biophysically
realistic models of Section 4.1. But they do not produce a rich The log-domain LPF neuron
enough repertoire of behaviors useful for investigating the com- The log-domain LPF neuron (LLN) is a simple yet reconfigurable
putational properties of large neural networks (Izhikevich, 2003; I&F circuit (Arthur and Boahen, 2004, 2007) that can reproduce
Brette and Gerstner, 2005). A good compromise between the two many of the behaviors expressed by generalized I&F models. Based
photoreceptor differencing circuit comparators
Figure 11 | Dynamic vision sensor (DVS) complementary ON–OFF produces a reset pulse of a duration controlled by Vrefr. The mismatches in the
differencing neuron. ON and OFF events are produced by quantized increases comparator thresholds of ≈20 mV is reduced by a factor of the gain of 20 in the
and decreases of log intensity since the last event from the pixel. The ON/OFF switched-capacitor differencing amplifier, resulting in an effective threshold
events are reset by row and column acknowledge signals VCA and VRA, which mismatch of about 1 mV at Vp.
on the LPF of Figure 1B, the LLN benefits from the log-domain dimensionless membrane potential v, and adaptive conductance g
design style’s efficiency, using few transistors, operating with low- variable (proportional to In and Ig of Figure 13A respectively), can
power (50–1000 nW), and requiring no complex configuration. be described by the following set of equations:
The LLN realizes a variety of spiking behaviors: Regular spiking,
spike-frequency adaptation, and bursting (Figure 13B). The LLN’s d n3
t n = −n(1 + g ) + n∞ +
dt 3 (1)
Vdd Vdd Vdd Vdd Vdd t g g = − g + g max r (t )
M5 Vil
M6 M8 M13 M15
Vdd Imem where n∞ is v’s steady state level in the absence of positive feedback
M7 and g = 0; t and tg are the membrane and adaptive conductance
Iin Vcomp Vnspk Vspk time-constants, respectively; and gmax is the adaptive conductance’s
Vdd I0 Iθ absolute maximum value. When v reaches a high level (>>10), a
M1 M2 M3 M4 M9 M12 M14 M16 spike is emitted, and r(t) is set high for a brief period, TR. r(t) is
a reset–refractory signal, driving v low (not shown in equation).
Vref 2I0 Vref Vel The LLN is composed of four sub-circuits (see Figure 13): A
membrane LPF (ML1–3), a spike event generation and positive-
feedback element (MA1–6), a reset–refractory pulse generator
(MR1–3), and an adaptation LPF (MG1–4). The membrane LPF realizes
Figure 12 | The tau-cell neuron circuit.
In(∝n)’s first-order (resistor–capacitor) dynamics in response to Iin
Vdd Vdd
MG3 V lkahp
V lk
Ig V wahp
MR3 Vdd Vdd
V ref
Vdd Vdd
V fb
ML1 MA5 Ifi
Figure 13 | The log-domain LPF neuron (LLN). (A) The LLN circuit comprises a membrane LPF (yellow, ML1−3), a spike-event generation and positive-feedback
element (red, MA1−6), a reset-refractory pulse generator (blue, MR1−3), and a spike-frequency adaptation LPF (green, MG1−4). (B) Recorded and normalized traces from a
LLN fabricated in 0.25 μm CMOS, exhibits regular spiking, spike-frequency adaptation, and bursting (top to bottom).
(∝n∝). The positive-feedback element drives the membrane LPF where Imem is the sub-threshold current analogous to the state vari-
in proportion to the cube of v, analogous to a biological sodium able v of Eq. (1) and Ig corresponds to the slow variable g of Eq.
channel population. When the membrane LPF is sufficiently driven, (1) responsible for spike-frequency adaptation. The term f(Imem)
3 > n , resulting in a run-away potential, i.e., a spike. The digital
accounts for the positive-feedback current Ia of Figure 14 and
representation of the spike is transmitted as an AER request (REQ) is an exponential function of Imem (Indiveri et al., 2010; see also
signal. After a spike (upon arrival of the AER acknowledge signal Figure 14B). As for the LLN, the function r(t), is unity for the
ACK), the refractory pulse generator creates a pulse, r(t) with a period in which the neuron spikes, and null in other periods. The
other parameters in Eq. 2 are defined as: t kΙtΤ , t g kpΙt gT , and
tunable duration. When active r(t) turns MG1 and MR3 ON, reset-
ting the membrane LPF (toward VDD) and activating the adaptation
LPF. Once activated the adaptation LPF inhibits the membrane Imem∞ in I 0e UT
LPF, realizing Ig (∝ g), which is proportional to spike frequency. It
Implementing LLN’s various spiking behaviors is a matter of I k
setting its biases. To implement regular spiking, we set gmax = 0 (set I gmax MG 2 I 0e UT
by MG2’s bias voltage Vwahp) and TR = 1 ms (long enough to drive v I tg
to 0, set by MR2’s bias voltage Vref ). Spike-frequency adaptation can k
be obtained by allowing the adaptation LPF (MG1–4) to integrate where I t = I 0e UT , and I tg = I 0e UT .
the spikes produced by the neuron itself. This is done by increasing By changing the biases that control the neuron’s time-constants,
gmax and setting tg = 100 ms (i.e., by adjusting Vlkahp appropriately). refractory period, spike-frequency adaptation dynamics and leak
Similarly, the bursting behavior is obtained by decreasing the dura- behavior (Indiveri et al., 2010) the DPI-neuron can produce a wide
tion of the r(t) pulse such that v is not pulled below 1 after each spike. range of spiking behaviors ranging from regular spiking to bursting.
Indeed, given the exponential nature of the generalized I&F
The DPI neuron neuron’s non-linear term f (Imem), the DPI-neuron implements an
The DPI neuron is another variant of a generalized I&F model (Jolivet adaptive exponential I&F model (Brette and Gerstner, 2005). This
et al., 2004). This circuit has the same functional blocks used by LLN I&F model has been shown to be able to reproduce a wide range of
of Figure 13, but different instantiations of low-pass filters and cur- spiking behaviors, and explain a wide set of experimental measure-
rent-based positive-feedback circuits: The low-pass filter behavior is ments from pyramidal neurons (Brette and Gerstner, 2005). For
implemented using instances of the tunable Diff-Pair Integrator circuit comparison the LLN uses a cubic term, while the tau-cell based
described in Section 3.1, while the positive feedback is implemented neuron circuits proposed in (Rangan et al., 2010; van Schaik et al.,
using the same circuits used in the Octopus Neuron of Figure 10. These 2010b) and the quadratic and the S-C SiNs described in Section
are small differences from the point of view of transistor count and 4.4 use a quadratic term (implementing the I&F computational
circuit details, but have an important effect on the properties of the SiN. models proposed by Izhikevich, 2003).
The DPI-neuron circuit is shown in Figure 14A. It comprises an
input DPI filter (ML1 − ML3), a spike event generating amplifier with 4.4 Above threshold, accelerated-time, switched-capacitor,
current-based positive feedback (MA1 − MA6), a spike reset circuit and digital designs
with AER handshaking signals and refractory period functionality The SiN circuits described up to now have transistors that operate
(MR1 − MR6), and a spike-frequency adaptations mechanism imple- mostly in the sub-threshold or weak-inversion domain, with cur-
mented by an additional DPI filter (MG1 − MG6). The input DPI filter rents ranging typically between fractions of pico to hundreds of
ML1 − ML3 models the neuron’s leak conductance, producing exponen- nano-amperes. These circuits have the advantage of being able to
tial sub-threshold dynamics in response to constant input currents. emulate real neurons with extremely low power requirements and
The integrating capacitor Cmem represents the neuron’s membrane with realistic time-constants (e.g., for interacting with the nervous
capacitance, and the positive-feedback circuits in the spike-genera- system, or implementing real-time behaving systems with time-
tion amplifier model both sodium channel activation and inactivation constants matched to those of the signals they process). However, in
dynamics. The reset and refractory period circuit models the potassium the weak-inversion domain mismatch effects are more pronounced
conductance functionality. The spike-frequency adaptation DPI circuit than in the strong-inversion regime (Pelgrom et al., 1989), and
models the neuron’s calcium conductance, and produces an after hyper- often require learning, adaptation or other compensation schemes.
polarizing current (Ig) proportional to the neuron’s mean firing rate. It has been argued that in order to faithfully reproduce compu-
By applying a current-mode analysis to both the input and the tational models simulated on digital architectures, it is necessary
spike-frequency adaptation DPI circuits (Bartolozzi et al., 2006; Livi to design analog circuits with low mismatch and high precision
and Indiveri, 2009), it is possible to derive a simplified analytical (Schemmel et al., 2007). For this reason, several SiN circuits that
solution (Indiveri et al., 2010), very similar to the one described operate in the strong-inversion regime have been proposed. In
in Eq. (1), of the form: this regime however, currents are four to five orders of magnitude
larger. With such currents, the active circuits used to implement
d Ig resistors decrease their resistance values dramatically. As passive
t I mem = − I mem 1 + + I mem∞ + f ( I mem ) resistors cannot be easily implemented in VLSI to yield large resist-
dt It
(2) ance values, it is either necessary to use large off-chip capacitors
d (and small numbers of neurons per chip), to obtain biologically
t g I g = − I g + I gmax r(t )
dt realistic time-constants, or to use “accelerated” time scales, in
M G1 M A5 MR1 /ACK
M A1
V ahp /REQ
M G2
Vdd Ia M
V thrahp M R2
I in M G3 M G4
V thr M A2 M R3
ML1 M L2
C mem I g Ir M A3 CR
M R4
M G6 I mem
V lk CP V lkahp M R6
M L3 M A4 M R5
MG5 V ref
2.4 fit
mem 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (ms)
Figure 14 | The DPI neuron circuit. (A) Circuit schematic. The input DPI produces a slow after hyper-polarizing current Ig responsible for spike-frequency
low-pass filter (yellow, ML1 − ML3) models the neuron’s leak conductance. A spike adaptation (green, MG1 − MG6). (B) Response of the DPI neuron circuit to a
event generation amplifier (red, MA1 − MA6) implements current-based positive constant input current. The measured data was fitted with a function comprising
feedback (modeling both sodium activation and inactivation conductances) and an exponential ∝e−t/tK at the onset of the stimulation, characteristic of all
produces address-events at extremely low-power. The reset block (blue, conductance-based models, and an additional exponential ∝e+t/tNa (characteristic
MR1 − MR6) resets the neuron and keeps it in a reset state for a refractory period, of exponential I&F computational models; Brette and Gerstner, 2005) at the
set by the Vref bias voltage. An additional DPI filter integrates the spikes and onset of the spike (Indiveri et al., 2010).
which the time-constants of the SiNs are a factor of 103 or 104 circuits that implement the exact equations of Hodgkin–Huxley
smaller than those of real neurons. Alternatively, one can use S-C conductance models offer the opportunity to select and tune pre-
for implementing small conductances (and therefore long time- cisely each of the parameters appearing in the set of non-linear
constants) by moving charge in and out of integrated capacitors differential equations. These circuits need to model conductances
with clocked switches. Taking this concept one step further, one for channels of the following types: voltage-gated, voltage and
can implement SiNs using full-custom clocked digital circuits. All concentration-gated, passive leak, and synaptic voltage-gated. It
of these approaches are outlined in this section. is possible to reproduce a large variety of neural activity patterns
by using a small set of bipolar and above threshold analog circuits
Above threshold Hodgkin–Huxley models and adjusting their parameters to represent different biophysical
As mentioned in Section 4.1, Hodgkin–Huxley (H–H) conduct- properties. Such types of circuits have been designed following a
ance-based models describe faithfully the biophysics of excit- current-mode approach, fabricated using SiGe 0.8 and 0.35 μm
able cells and are helpful to capture the main intrinsic firing and technologies, and fully characterized in Renaud et al. (2007) and
response properties of neurons. Above-threshold and bipolar Saighi et al. (2011).
Figure 15A shows the schematic of the analog library circuit costly in terms of silicon area and time-to-fabrication, due to the
implementing a two-parameter sigmoidal function used to imple- full-custom design mode and to the open parameter space that
ment conductance models. As the kinetics in the circuit equations necessitates above-threshold design with bipolar and MOS transis-
are identical to the H–H model ones, ionic currents have dynamics tors. To improve the design flow, the analog circuits are designed
with biologically realistic time-constants. as library items which form a database. The database is used as a
Each mathematical function used in the H–H neuron model, platform for automated design (Lévi et al., 2008): an automatic
implemented using its analog equivalent circuit, is controlled by exploration process searches the database and helps a designer re-
tunable analog variables which correspond to the model param- use library circuits for new designs, according to the specifications
eters. All parameters are stored on-chip on dynamically reconfigu- provided (e.g., from a conductance equation).
rable and analog DRAM cells. This implementation approach is Neuron membrane voltages are obtained by summing currents
chosen from a set of “generator” library circuits and summed on
a capacitance representing a membrane capacitance. The currents
A Vdd Vdd are selected by a system of configurable switches, and a maximum
of five generators can be selected for a single neuron. This covers
IBias most of the point neuron models used in computational neuro-
Ih∞ I(1-h∞)
science. External inputs and synaptic currents from pre-synaptic
D1 D2 neurons can be injected on the membrane capacitance. The results
Q11 Q12
presented in Figure 15B were measured on an VLSI chip designed
using the AMS 0.35 μm SiGe technology, simulating a four-con-
IQ11 IQ12
VM Q1 Q2 Voh Q3 Q4 ductance model (sodium, potassium, calcium, and leak; Saighi
∆I=IQ12-IQ11 VSig et al., 2011). The time-constants of the activation and inactivation
variables in the sodium, potassium and calcium current-models
were approximated by constants. These simplifications have only
I(Vsh) I r r ISig
minor consequences on the model’s behavior (Zou et al., 2006), as
they essentially change only the shape of the spikes. These types of
devices are unique tools for experiments on hybrid living–artificial
neural networks. Silicon neurons represent the artificial part, con-
a nected via artificial synapses to intra- or extra-cellular electrodes to
a living neural network (in vitro acute preparation or cultures). The
living–artificial system acts as a single network, useful to explore
cellular or synaptic mechanisms. In these types of experiments
(Le Masson et al., 2002), real-time processing is mandatory to
ensure a correct dialog between living and artificial neurons, and
analog integrated-circuit computation simplifies the communica-
b tion between the circuits and the living neurons, as the electrodes
measure analog signals and inject analog currents on the living cells.
refractory period.
Functionally the ion-channels are realized by current-controlled
conductances. The inhibitory and excitatory channels receive a cur-
rent-sum representing the total neuro-transmitter density in the
synaptic cleft of the inhibitory and excitatory synapses respectively.
Thereby, the time course of the synaptic conductance is generated
outside of the neuron circuit and may differ for each synapse. Using
M1 M2 M4 M5 M7 M8
Eleak + Einhib + − Vout
Vc Vc Vc
M3 M6 M9
− − +
Ileak OTA1 Iinhib OTA2 Iexc
spike amplifier
Cmem M10
64 Inhibitory
192 Excitatory
Vm Simulation
10 mV
100 ms
Vm Chip
250 mV
10 us
Figure 17 | Accelerated current-controlled conductance neuron. to an equivalent software simulation. The chip is calibrated to an acceleration
(A) Schematic diagram: excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs can be factor of 104. Top: input spike trains with 8 Hz mean firing rate in biological
connected as an array of current-sinks to the Iinhib or Iexc nodes. The passive time. Middle: membrane voltage calculated with the software simulator NEST
leak behavior is controlled via the Ileak node. (B) Measured response of the (Eppler et al., 2008). Bottom: membrane voltage recorded from the
membrane potential to 256 Poisson distributed input spike trains, compared hardware neuron.
be used as a method of implementing resistors in silicon neurons, fixed threshold properties are desired. The main drawback of this
which is complementary to the methods described in the previous approach is the need for multiple phases of the S-C clocks which
sections. More generally, S-C implementations of SiNs produce must be distributed (typically in parallel) to each neuron.
circuits whose behaviors are robust, predictable and reproduc- Experimental results measured from a fabricated integrated cir-
ible (properties that are not always met with sub-threshold SiN cuit implementing this neuron model (Folowosele et al., 2009b) are
implementations). shown in Figure 19. The ease with which these complex behaviors
The circuit shown in Figure 18A implements a leaky I&F neu- can be evoked in S-C neurons, without extensive and precise tuning,
ron implemented with S-Cs (Folowosele et al., 2009a). Here the demonstrates their utility in large silicon neuron arrays.
post-synaptic current is input onto the neuron membrane, Vm. The
S-C, SW1, acts as the “leak” between the membrane potential, Vm, The digitally modulated charge packet input neuron
and the resting potential of the neuron, EL. The value of the leak The S-C principle of using discrete time and clocked signals can be
is varied by changing either the capacitor in SW1 or the frequency extended to use high-speed pulsing current mirrors for building
of the clocks w1 and w2. A comparator (not shown) is used to weight-modulated charge packet driven leaky I&F neurons.
compare the membrane voltage Vm with a reset voltage Θr. Once In this framework, spikes produced by a source neuron act as
Vm exceeds Θr a “spike” voltage pulse is issued and Vm is reset to asynchronous clock signals that selectively activate a set of binary
the resting potential EL. weighted high-speed pulsing current mirrors at the destination
The Mihalas–Niebur S-C neuron (Mihalas and Niebur, 2009) neurons. The selection of which current mirror branch is activated
is built by combining the I&F circuit of Figure 18A with the vari- depends on a digital word that represents the neuron’s synaptic
able threshold circuit shown in Figure 18B. The circuit blocks are weight. To implement the neuron leak conductance, an opposite
arranged in a way to implement the adaptive threshold mecha- sign pulsing current mirror is driven by spikes generated by a peri-
nism described in Section 3.4. As the circuits used for realizing the odic signal from a global on chip clock. Figure 20A shows a circuit
membrane and the threshold equations are identical, the density diagram representing this concept. Spikes may have a duration
of arrays of these neurons can be doubled, when simple I&F with of down to about 100 ns for currents in the order of one nano
RESET ϕ1 ϕ2
ϕ1Α1 ϕ2Α1 Θr
SW3 ϕ1 ϕ2
ϕ1Α2 ϕ2Α2 RESET
Θr SW2
Figure 18 | Switched-capacitor Mihalas–Niebur neuron implementation. (A) Neuron membrane circuits; (B) adaptive threshold circuits.
4 4
3 3
3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
4 F5 G
3 4 4 3
2 3 3 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 50 100 150
4 5
Axis Labels
3 4
Voltage (V)
2 3
1 2 Time (ms)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Figure 19 | S-C Mihalas–Niebur neuron circuit results demonstrating 10 of the known spiking properties that have been observed in biological neurons.
Membrane voltage and adaptive threshold are illustrated in blue and black respectively. (A) – tonic spiking, (B) – class 1 spiking, (C) – spike-frequency adaptation, (D)
– phasic spiking, (E) – accommodation, (F) – threshold variability, (G) – rebound spiking, (H) – input bistability, (I) – integrator, (J) – hyper-polarized spiking.
amperes (Serrano-Gotarredona et al., 2006). This idea has been c alibrated pulsing current mirrors are available, there is no need to
exploited to build arrays of I&F neurons in AER convolution chips implement extra mirrors for the leak, but simply activate a special
(Serrano-Gotarredona et al., 2006). Each high-speed current mir- leak-weight when a leak-pulse (PulseF) is received. Figure 20 shows
ror input branch is biased by a digitally calibrated current, using the overall neuron circuit diagram. These techniques were used in
a digi-MOS (see Section 3.6), to compensate for transistor mis- an AER convolution chip (Serrano-Gotarredona et al., 2006), for
match. Also, since the I&F neurons have to handle signed charge achieving an overall precision of 3 bits (plus sign). With weights
packages, both NMOS and PMOS high speed digitally calibrated and spike durations down to about 100 ns, each mirror bit branch
pulsing current mirrors are required (see top and bottom part required 5 bit calibration using transistor dimensions of 1.2/4 μm.
of Figure 20A). The neuron produces both positive (Pulse+) and Overall neuron size was 90 × 90 μm2 in a 0.35 μm CMOS process.
negative (Pulse−) spikes, depending on the (excitatory or inhibi-
tory) destination synapse, and integrates both positive and negative Full-custom digital I&F neuron
input pulses until it reaches corresponding positive and negative An alternative option requiring approximately the same area usage,
spiking thresholds. After generating an output spike, the neuron but with much higher precision, is to implement the I&F neuron
is reset to an intermediate reset level between the two thresholds. using all digital techniques. This idea was explored in Camuñas
The leakage is also signed, depending on whether the actual neuron Mesa et al. (2008) where the authors proposed the circuit shown in
state is above or below the reset level. As both NMOS and PMOS Figure 21. In this implementation a digital adder and accumulator
Figure 20 | (A) Digitally weight-modulated and calibrated charge packet driven leaky I&F neuron schematic. The neuron handles positive and negative charge
packets to emulate excitatory and inhibitory synapses, and has input for a periodic global signal PulseF to implement a programmable constant rate leak. Neuron can
deliver positive or negative output events. (B) Detail of logic block in (A).
Figure 21 | Block diagram of a fully digital I&F neuron. Calibrated current source, pulsing current mirrors, and integration capacitors of Figure 20, are replaced by
digital adder and accumulator circuits.
are used together with digital comparing circuits, for implementing to the implementation of compact microelectronic brain–machine
the integration and spike-generation operations of the I&F model. interfaces. In particular, even though sub-threshold current-mode
Using the same technology used for the digitally modulated neuron circuits are reputed to have higher mismatch than above-threshold
described above, and for a similar area usage of 100 × 100 μm2, it circuits, they have lower noise energy (noise power times band-
was possible to use accumulators and adders with 18-bit precision width), and superior energy efficiency (bandwidth over power;
and synaptic weights with 5-bit (plus sign) precision. The I&F leak Sarpeshkar et al., 1993; Shi, 2009). Indeed, the sources of inho-
was implemented by stimulating an inhibitory synapse with a fixed mogeneities (e.g., device mismatch) which are often considered a
weight at a periodic global rate. In this implementation spikes can problem, can actually be exploited in networks of SiNs for compu-
have a duration as small as 50 nano-seconds. tational purposes (similar to how real neural systems exploit noise;
Chicca and Fusi, 2001; Chicca et al., 2003; Merolla and Boahen,
Digital VLSI I&F neurons 2004). Otherwise, sources of mismatch can be minimized at the
Digital VLSI implementations of neurons and neural systems are device level with clever VLSI layout techniques (Liu et al., 2002),
also being evaluated, without resorting to full-custom VLSI designs. and at the system level by using the same strategies used by the
Examples include solutions using FPGAs (Mak et al., 2006; Cassidy nervous system. In particular, adaptation and learning at multiple
and Andreou, 2008), multi-core based architectures using multiple spatial and temporal scales are important mechanisms to com-
ARM cores (Jin et al., 2010), and conventional graphical processing pensate for variability in the environment, as well as in the neural
units (GPUs; Fidjeland et al., 2009). These approaches allow the hardware operating on the environment, which includes mismatch
development of large-scale spiking neural network simulations, and other sources of analog imprecision in the implementation
without having to resort to powerful and power-hungry general (Cauwenberghs and Bayoumi, 1999). Furthermore, by combining
purpose computing architectures. the advantages of synchronous and asynchronous digital technol-
ogy with those of analog circuits, it is possible to efficiently calibrate
5 Discussion component parameters and (re)configure SiN network topologies
While the digital processing paradigm, ranging from standard com- both for single chip solutions, and for large-scale multi-chip net-
puter simulations to custom FPGA designs, is advantageous for its works (Linares-Barranco et al., 2003; Silver et al., 2007; Basu et al.,
stability, fast development times, and high precision properties, full- 2010; Yu and Cauwenberghs, 2010a; Sheik et al., 2011).
custom VLSI solutions can often be optimized in terms of power In this paper we described some of the most common circuits
consumption, silicon area usage, and speed/bandwidth usage. We and techniques used to implement silicon neurons, and described
anticipate that future developments in large-scale neuromorphic a wide range of neuron circuits that have been developed over the
circuits and systems designs will increasingly combine full-custom years, using different design methodologies and for many differ-
analog and synthesized digital designs, in order to optimize both ent application scenarios. In particular, we described circuits to
core and peripheral neural and synaptic functions in a highly pro- implement leaky I&F neurons (Mead, 1989), adaptive threshold
grammable and reconfigurable architecture. The relative merits and neurons (Mihalas and Niebur, 2009), quadratic (Izhikevich, 2003),
the right mix of analog versus digital in neuromorphic computing and adaptive exponential (Brette and Gerstner, 2005) I&F neurons,
(Sarpeshkar, 1998) remain a subject for further investigation and as well as conductance-based and Hodgkin–Huxley models. Table 2
will likely require highly application dependent optimization. We lists all the SiNs described, pointing out their main features and
expect such carefully tailored combinations of silicon neurons and characteristics.
custom analog/digital VLSI neural networks to offer solutions to a Obviously, there is no absolute optimal design. As there is a
large variety of applications, ranging from the efficient implementa- wide range of neuron types in biology, there is a wide range of
tion of large-scale and real-time spike-based computing systems, design and circuit choices for SiNs. While the implementations of
Table 2 | Summary of SiN implementations described in this paper and old design techniques, we showed how to implement SiN using
main characteristics. digitally modulated charge packet and S-C methodologies. The S-C
Mihalas–Niebur SiN circuits is a particularly robust design which
Sub-threshold SiN implementations
exhibits the model’s generalized linear I&F properties and can
produce up to ten different spiking behaviors. The specific choice
Thalamic relay pg. 8 Conductance-based, thermodynamically
of design style and SiN circuit to use depends on its application.
equivalent, compact.
Larger and highly configurable designs that can produce a wide
H–H model pg. 9 Conductance-based, biologically realistic,
range of behaviors are more amenable to research projects in which
not compact.
scientists explore the parameter space and compare the VLSI device
Octopus retina pg. 10 Basic I&F model, low power, compact.
behavior with that of its biological counterpart. Conversely, the
DVS pg. 10 Basic I&F model, low mismatch, compact.
more compact designs will be used in specific applications where
tau-cell pg. 11 Log-domain, modular. signals need to be encoded as sequences of spikes, and where size
LLN pg. 11 Log-domain, cubic two-variable model, low and power budgets are critical.
power, compact. The sheer volume of silicon neuron designs proposed in the
DPI pg. 13 Current-mode, exponential adaptive literature demonstrates the enormous opportunities for innova-
model, low power, compact. tion when inspiration is taken from biological neural systems. The
Bipolar and above-threshold SiN implementations
potential applications span computing and biology: neuromorphic
systems are providing the clues for the next generation of asyn-
H–H model pg. 14 Bipolar, voltage-mode, real-time, not chronous, low-power, parallel computing that could breach the
compact. gap in computing power when Moore’s law runs its course, while
Quadratic I&F pg. 15 Voltage-mode, accelerated-time, low hybrid, silicon-neuron systems are allowing neuro-scientists to
power, compact. unlock the secrets of neural circuits, leading one day, to fully inte-
Current-controlled pg. 16 Voltage-mode, conductance-based, grated brain–machine interfaces. New emerging technologies (e.g.,
accelerated-time. memristive devices) and their utility in enhancing spiking silicon
Switched-capacitor pg. 16 Mihalas–Niebur adaptive threshold model, neural networks must also be evaluated, as well as maintaining a
discrete time, modular. knowledge-base of the existing technologies that have been proven
Digitally modulated pg. 17 Basic I&F model, discrete time, low- to be successful in silicon neuron design. Furthermore, as larger
mismatch. on-chip spiking silicon neural networks are developed questions
of communications protocols (e.g., AER), on-chip memory, size,
The designs are subdivided into two main classes, according to the region of
operation used by the main transistors in each circuit. All sub-threshold designs
programmability, adaptability, and fault tolerance also become very
can be biased to have real-time response characteristics and biologically important. In this respect, the SiN circuits and design methodolo-
plausible time-constants. gies described in this paper provide the building blocks that will
pave the way for these extraordinary breakthroughs.
conductance-based models can be useful for applications in which
a small numbers of SiNs are required (as in hybrid systems where Acknowledgments
real neurons are interfaced to silicon ones), the compact AER I&F We would like to acknowledge the reviewers for their construc-
neurons and log-domain implementations (such as the quadratic tive feedback. This work was supported by the EU ERC grant
Mihalas–Niebur neurons, the tau-cell neuron, the LPF neuron, or 257219 (neuroP), the EU ICT FP7 grants 231467 (eMorph),
the DPI neuron) can be integrated with event-based communica- 216777 (NABAB), 231168 (SCANDLE), 15879 (FACETS), by the
tion fabric and synaptic arrays for very large-scale reconfigurable Swiss National Science Foundation grant 119973 (SoundRec), by
networks. Indeed, both the sub-threshold implementations and the UK EPSRC grant no. EP/C010841/1, by the Spanish grants
their above-threshold “accelerated-time” counterpart are very ame- (with support from the European Regional Development Fund)
nable for dense and low power integration with energy efficiencies TEC2006-11730-C03-01 (SAMANTA2), TEC2009-10639-C04-01
of the order of a few pico-Joules per spike (Wijekoon and Dudek, (VULCANO) Andalusian grant num. P06TIC01417 (Brain System),
2008; Livi and Indiveri, 2009; Rangan et al., 2010). In addition to and by the Australian Research Council grants num. DP0343654
continuous time, non-clocked sub-threshold and above-thresh- and num. DP0881219.
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