2020 BOC Labor Law Reviewer PDF
2020 BOC Labor Law Reviewer PDF
2020 BOC Labor Law Reviewer PDF
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himself. [Jeffrey Nacague v. Sulpicio Lines, which impairs the obligation of a contract and
Inc., G.R. No. 172589 (2010)] is null and void. [Clemens v. Nolting, G.R. No.
L-17959 (1922)]
Procedural: an opportunity to be heard and to
defend oneself must be observed before an Vis-à-vis the freedom of contract
employee may be dismissed [Metro Eye The prohibition to impair the obligation of
Security v. Salsona, G.R. No. 167367 (2007)] contracts is not absolute and unqualified. In
spite of the constitutional prohibition and the
Labor as Property Right fact that both parties are of full age and
One’s employment is a property right, and the competent to contract, it does not necessarily
wrongful interference therewith is an actionable deprive the State of the power to interfere
wrong. The right is considered to be property where the parties do not stand upon an
within the protection of the constitutional equality, or where the public health demands
guarantee of due process of law. [Texon that one party to the contract shall be protected
Manufacturing v. Millena, G.R. No. 141380 against himself. [Leyte Land Transportation
(2004)] Co. v. Leyte Farmers & Workers Union, G.R.
No. L-1377 (1948)]
The Right to Assemble
Labor Rights and Protection
Sec. 4, Art. III. No law shall be passed All persons shall have the right to a speedy
abridging the right of the people peaceably disposition of their cases before all judicial,
to assemble and petition the government for quasi-judicial, or administrative bodies. [Sec.
redress of grievances. 16, Art. III.]
Right to peaceably assemble and petition for No involuntary servitude in any form shall exist.
redress of grievances is, together with freedom [Sec. 18 (2), Art. III.]
of speech, of expression, and of the press, a
right that enjoys primacy in the realm of Except as a punishment for a crime whereof
constitutional protection. [BAYAN, et al. v. the party shall have been duly convicted. [Sec.
Ermita, G.R. No. 169838, (2006)]. 18 (2), Art. III.]
The Right to Form Associations [Sec. 8, Art. They are impressed with public interest that
III, 1987 Constitution] labor contracts:
The right to form associations shall not be a. Must yield to the common good
impaired except through a valid exercise of b. Are subject to special laws on
police power. [Bernas, The 1987 Philippine 1. Labor unions,
Constitution: A Comprehensive Reviewer] 2. Collective bargaining,
3. Strikes and lockouts,
Non-impairment of Contracts [Sec. 10, Art. 4. Closed shop,
III, 1987 Constitution] 5. Wages,
A law which changes the terms of a legal 6. Working conditions,
contract between parties, either in the time or 7. Hours of labor; and
mode or performance, or imposes new 8. Similar subjects
conditions, or dispenses with those expressed,
or authorizes for its satisfaction something
different from that provided in its terms, is a law
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2. Social justice
Limits of Social Justice
Sec. 9, Art. II, 1987 Constitution: The State Social justice should be used only to correct an
shall promote a just and dynamic social order injustice [Agabon v. NLRC, G.R. No. 158693
that will: (2004)]. It is not intended to countenance
a. Ensure the prosperity and independence of wrongdoing simply because it is committed by
the nation; the underprivileged. It cannot be permitted to
b. Free the people from poverty through be a refuge of scoundrels any more than can
policies that provide adequate social equity be an impediment to the punishment of
services; and the guilty. Those who invoke social justice may
c. Promote: do so only if their hands are clean and their
1. Full employment, motives blameless and not simply because
2. A rising standard of living they happen to be poor. [Tirazona v. Phil EDS
3. Improved quality of life for all Techno-Service, Inc., G.R. 169712 (2009)].
Sec. 10, Art. II, 1987 Constitution: The State Tilting the scales [Rivera vs. Genesis
shall promote social justice in all phases of Transport Service, Inc., G.R. No. 215568
national development. (2015)]
Labor laws are meant to implement and effect
Social Justice as justification [Calalang v. social justice. Thus, such considerations
Williams, G.R. No. 47800 (1940)] should be taken into account when dealing with
Social justice is neither communism, nor labor cases.
despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy BUT:
a. The humanization of laws; and The social justice suppositions underlying labor
b. The equalization of social and economic laws require that the statutory grounds
forces by the State. justifying termination of employment should not
So that justice in its rational and objectively be read to justify the view that employees
secular conception may at least be should, in all cases, be free from any kind of
approximated. error.
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between landowners and tenants and Sec. 3, par. 1, Art. XIII, 1987 Constitution.
between labor and capital. The State shall:
a. Afford full protection to labor -
Separation pay as measure of social justice 1. Local and overseas,
[PLDT v. NLRC, G.R. No. 80609 (1988)] 2. Organized and unorganized, and
The rule embodied in the Labor Code is that a b. Promote full employment and equality of
person dismissed for lawful cause is not employment opportunities for all.
entitled to separation pay.
Sec. 2, R.A. No. 10911. Declaration of
Exception: Considerations of equity. Equity Policies
has been defined as justice outside law, being The State shall promote equal opportunities in
ethical rather than jural and belonging to the employment for everyone. To this end, it shall
sphere of morals than of law. be the policy of the State to:
a. Promote employment of individuals on the
Strictly speaking, however, it is not correct to basis of their –
say that there is no express justification for the 1. Abilities,
grant of separation pay to lawfully dismissed 2. Knowledge,
employees other than the abstract 3. Skills, and
consideration of equity. 4. Qualifications, rather than their age
b. Prohibit arbitrary age limitations in
Reason: Our Constitution is replete with employment.
positive commands for the promotion of social c. Promote the right of all employees and
justice, and particularly the protection of the workers, regardless of age, to be treated
rights of the workers. equally in terms of –
1. Compensation,
3. Equal work opportunities 2. Benefits,
3. Promotion,
Declaration of Basic Policy [Art. 4, LC] 4. Training, and
The State shall: 5. Other employment opportunities.
a. Afford protection to labor,
b. Promote full employment, 4. Right to self-organization and
c. Ensure equal work opportunities collective bargaining
regardless of:
1. Sex, 1987 Constitution
2. Race, or The State shall guarantee:
3. Creed, a. The right of the people, including those
d. Regulate the relations between workers employed in the public and private sectors,
and employers. to form unions, associations, or societies
for purposes not contrary to law. [Sec. 8,
The State shall assure the rights of workers to: Art. III.]
a. Self-organization, b. The rights of all workers to –
b. Collective bargaining, 1. Self-organization [Sec. 3, Art. XIII]
c. Security of tenure, and 2. Collective bargaining and negotiations
d. Just and humane conditions of work. [Sec. 3, Art. XIII]
3. Peaceful concerted activities [Sec. 3,
Note: Art. 4 of the Labor Code must be read in Art. XIII]
relation to the 1987 Constitution since this is 4. Strike in accordance with law. [Sec. 3,
still based on the 1973 Constitution. Art. XIII]
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Corporation v. Farrales, G.R. No. 211497 ER has burden of proving valid dismissal
(2015)] Unsubstantiated accusations or baseless
conclusions of the employer are insufficient
Of labor contracts legal justifications to dismiss an employee. The
A CBA, as a labor contract within the unflinching rule in illegal dismissal cases is that
contemplation of Art. 1700 of the Civil Code of the employer bears the burden of proof.
the Philippines which governs the relations [Garza v. Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.,
between labor and capital, is not merely G.R. No. 180972 (2014)]
contractual in nature but impressed with public
interest, thus, it must yield to the common Penalty must be commensurate with
good. As such, it must be construed liberally gravity of offense
rather than narrowly and technically, and the Not every case of insubordination or willful
courts must place a practical and realistic disobedience by an employee reasonably
construction upon it, giving due consideration deserves the penalty of dismissal. The penalty
to the context in which it is negotiated and to be imposed on an erring employee must be
purpose which it is intended to serve. [Cirtek commensurate with the gravity of his offense.
Employees Labor Union-FFW v. Cirtek [Joel Montallana v. La Consolacion College
Electronics, G.R. No. 190515 (2010)] Manila, G.R. No. 208890 (2014)]
Mutual obligation
The employer's obligation to give his workers II. RECRUITMENT AND
just compensation and treatment carries with it PLACEMENT
the corollary right to expect from the workers
adequate work, diligence and good conduct. A. DEFINITION OF RECRUITMENT
[Judy Philippines, Inc. v NLRC, G.R. No.
111934 (1998)]
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employment to two or more persons shall be License and Authority [Art. 13(d) and (f); Sec.
deemed engaged in recruitment and 3 (h)(g), DO 141-14]
placement. [Art. 13 (b), Labor Code]
License Authority
The proviso provides for a presumption that a document issued by the Department of
person or entity so described engages in Labor and Employment (DOLE)
recruitment and placement. [People v. Panis,
G.R. No. 58674 (1988)] Authorize an entity Authorize an entity
to operate as a to operate as a
Number of persons: not essential private employment private recruitment
The number of persons dealt with is not an agency entity
essential ingredient of the act of recruitment
and placement of workers. Any of the acts When a license is Does not entitle a
mentioned in Art. 13(b) will constitute given, one is also private recruitment
recruitment and placement even if only one authorized to collect entity to collect fees.
prospective worker is involved. [People v. fees
Panis, supra.]
Private employment agency (PEA) v.
Worker – any member of the labor force, Private recruitment entity (PRE) [Art. 13 (c),
whether employed or unemployed. [Art.13 (a)]
Overseas Filipino Worker/Migrant Worker – Private Private
a person who is to be engaged, is engaged, or Employmen Recruitment
has been engaged in a remunerated activity: t Agency Entity
1. in a state of which he or she is not a citizen,
or Definition Any person Any person or
2. on board a vessel navigating the foreign or entity association
seas other than a government ship used for engaged in engaged in the
military or non-commercial purposes, or recruitment recruitment
3. on an installation located offshore or on the and and placement
high seas. [Sec. 2 (a), RA 8042, as placement of of workers,
amended] workers for a locally or
fee which is overseas,
charged, without
directly or charging,
indirectly, directly or
from the indirectly,
workers or any fee
employers or
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child labor violation, or crimes involving 5. Sole proprietors, partners or officers and
moral turpitude; members of the board with derogatory
3. Those against whom probable cause or records, such as, but not limited to the ff:
prima facie finding of guilt for illegal a. Those convicted or against whom
recruitment or other related cases exist probable cause or prima facie finding of
particularly to owners or directors of guilt is determined by a competent
agencies who have committed illegal authority for illegal recruitment or for
recruitment or other related cases. other related crimes or offenses
4. Those agencies whose licenses have been committed in the course of, related to,
previously revoked or cancelled by the or resulting from, illegal recruitment, or
Department under Sec. 54 of these rules. for crimes involving moral turpitude;
5. Cooperatives whether registered or not b. Those agencies whose licenses have
under the Cooperative Act of the been revoked for violation of RA 8042,
Philippines. PD 442, RA 9208, and their IRRs;
6. Law enforcers and any official and c. Those agencies whose licenses have
employee of the Department of Labor and been cancelled, or those who, pursuant
Employment (DOLE). to the order of the Administrator, were
7. Sole proprietors of duly licensed agencies included in the list of persons with
are prohibited from securing another derogatory record for violation of
license to engage in recruitment and recruitment laws and regulations;
placement. 6. Any official employee of the DOLE, POEA,
8. Sole proprietors, partnerships or OWWA, DFA, DOJ, DOH, BI, IC, NLRC,
corporations licensed to engage in private TESDA, CFO, NBI, PNP, Civil Aviation
recruitment and placement for local Authority of the Philippines, international
employment are prohibited from engaging airport authorities, and other government
in job contracting or subcontracting agencies directly involved in the
activities. [Sec. 5, DO 141-14, Revised implementation of RA 8042, as amended,
Rules and Regulations Governing and/or any of his/her relatives within the
Recruitment and Placement for Local fourth civil degree of consanguinity or
Employment] affinity. [Part II, Rule I, Sec. 3, 2016
Revised POEA Rules and Regulations]
Entities disqualified from Engaging or
Participating in the Business of 4. Suspension or Cancellation of
Recruitment and Placement of Workers for License or Authority
Overseas Employment
1. Travel agencies and sales agencies of The Secretary of Labor shall have the power to
airline companies, whether for profit or not. suspend or cancel any license or authority to
[Art. 26] recruit employees for overseas employment
2. Officers or members of the Board of any for:
corporation or partners in a partnership a. violation of rules and regulations issued by
engaged in the business of a travel agency; the Department of Labor, the Overseas
3. Corporations and partnerships, where any Employment Development Board, and the
of its officers, members of the board or National Seamen Board;
partners is also an officer, member of the b. violation of the provisions of this and other
board or partner of a corporation or applicable laws, General Orders and
partnership engaged in the business of a Letters of Instructions. [Art. 35]
travel agency;
4. Individuals, partners, officers, or directors Acts prohibited under Art. 34 are grounds for
of an insurance company who make, suspension or cancellation of license. Note that
propose or provide an insurance contract these acts likewise constitute illegal
under the compulsory insurance coverage recruitment under RA 8042 as amended by RA
for agency-hired OFWs; 10022.
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Licensee/ licensee/
MIGRANT holder of non-
authority holder of
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Contractual Service Supplier: Requisites a. General Rule (GR): within 15 working days
for exclusion after signing of contract/appointment
1. Must be an Executive, Manager, or b. If commencement of employment is later
Specialist that the 15 working day grace period:
2. Enters the Philippines temporarily to supply before the commencement of employment
a service pursuant to a contract between [Sec. 17, D.O. No. 186-17]
his/her employer and a service consumer
in the Philippines What documents should be submitted
3. Must possess the appropriate educational 1. Application form
and professional qualifications; and 2. Photocopy of passport with visa, or Cert of
4. Employed for at least 1 year prior [Section Recognition for Refugees or Stateless
3, D.O. No. 186-17] Persons
3. Original copy of notarized appointment or
Certificate of Exclusion contract of employment enumerating the
All foreign nationals excluded from securing duties and responsibilities, annual salary,
AEP shall secure Certificate of Exclusion from and other benefits of the foreign national
the Regional Office. Further, Regional Offices 4. Photocopy of Mayor’s Permit to operate
shall issue the Certificate of Exclusion within business, in case of locators in economic
two (2) working days after receipt of complete zones, certification from the PEZA or the
documentary requirements and fees. [Section Ecozone Authority that the company is
4, D.O. No. 186-17] located and operating within the ecozone,
while in case of a construction company,
2. Conditions for Grant of Permit photocopy of license from PCAB or D.O.
No. 174-17 Registration should be
Non-availability of Competent, Able, and submitted in lieu of Mayor’s Permit; and
Willing persons [CAW] 5. Business Name Registration and
The employment permit may be issued to a Application Form with the Department of
non-resident alien or to the applicant employer Trade and Industry (DTI) or SEC
after a determination of the non-availability of Registration and GIS;
a person in the Philippines who is 6. If the position title of the foreign national is
competent, able and willing at the time of included in the list of regulated professions,
application to perform the services for a Special Temporary Permit (STP) from the
which the alien is desired. Professional Regulations Commission
(PRC); and
For an enterprise registered in preferred areas 7. If the employer is covered by the Anti-
of investments, said employment permit may Dummy Law, an Authority to Employ
be issued upon recommendation of the Foreign National (ATEFN) from the DOJ or
government agency charged with the from the DENR in case of mining. [Section
supervision of said registered enterprise. 5a, D.O. No. 186-17]
[Art 40, Labor Code]
In case of additional position of change in
Where to file Applications position
All applications for AEP shall be filed and Additional position of the foreign national in
processed at the DOLE Regional Office or the same company or subsequent assignment
Field Office having jurisdiction over the in related companies during the validity or
intended place of work. [Sec. 5(a), D.O. No. renewal of the AEP will be subject for
186-17] publication requirement. A change of
position or employer shall require an
When to file Applications application for new AEP [Section 5(c), D.O.
Newly hired/appointed officers may file the No. 186-17]
application for new AEP without penalty:
Only one AEP at a time
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At any given time only one AEP shall be issued b. Information or criminal offense and grave
to a foreign national. A foreign national may be misconduct in dealing with or ill treatment
issued one AEP only at any given time. [Sec. of workers filed with the Regional Offices
5d, D.O. No. 186-17] any time.
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Principles in determining hours worked Note: Article 82 applies to the whole of Title I.
Hours worked shall include: This includes Service Incentive Leaves, which
1. All time during which an employee is will be discussed in a separate section.
required to be on duty or to be at a
prescribed workplace; AND Exceptions (i.e. those NOT covered by Title I):
2. All time during which an employee is 1. Government employees [Art. 82; Art. 76]
suffered or permitted to work. [Art. 84] (exception to the exception: Employees
of GOCCs created under the Corporation
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Managerial Staff is included as they are be determined with reasonable certainty by the
considered managerial employees as well employer. In so doing, an inquiry must be
[Sec. 2(c), Rule I, Book III, IRR] made as to whether or not the employee’s
Officers or members of a managerial staff are time and performance are constantly
also exempted if they perform the following supervised by the employer. [Far East
duties and responsibilities: Agricultural Supply v. Lebatique, G.R. No.
1. Their primary duty consists of the 162813 (2007)]
performance of work directly related to
management policies of their employer; Although the fishermen perform non-
2. Customarily and regularly exercise agricultural work away from petitioner’s
discretion and independent judgment; business offices, the fact remains that
3. (a) Regularly and directly assist a throughout the duration of their work they are
proprietor or a managerial employee under the effective control and supervision
whose primary duty consists of the of petitioner through the vessel’s patron or
management of the establishment in which master. Hence, the fishermen are not “field
he is employed or subdivision thereof; OR personnel”. [Mercidar Fishing Corporation v.
(b) Execute under general supervision NLRC, G.R. No. 112574 (1998)]
work along specialized or technical lines
requiring special training, experience, or (5) Dependent Family Members
knowledge; OR
(c) Execute, under general supervision, Workers who are family members of the
special assignments and tasks; employer, and who are dependent on him for
4. Do not devote more than 20% of their hours their support, are outside the coverage of this
worked in a work week to activities which Title on working conditions and rest periods
are not directly and closely related to the [Art. 82].
performance of the work described in
paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above. (6) Domestic Helpers (Workers)
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13th month Yes, provided the worker HOWEVER, where the exigencies of the
pay [Revised has rendered at least 1 service require that they work for six (6) days
Guidelines on month of service during the or forty-eight (48) hours, they shall be entitled
the calendar year to an additional compensation of at least thirty
Implementation percent (30%) of their regular wage for work on
of the 13th the sixth day.
Month Pay
Law (1987)] “Health personnel" shall include:
Other statutory No Yes 1. Resident physicians, nurses, nutritionists,
benefits [Labor dietitians, pharmacists, social workers,
Congress of laboratory technicians, paramedical
the Philippines technicians, psychologists, midwives,
v. NLRC, G.R. attendants and all other hospital or clinic
No. 123938 personnel. [Art. 83]
(1998)] 2. Medical secretaries [Azucena]
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between 10PM and 6AM, he/she shall be paid Work may be performed beyond eight hours a
P110 per hour worked during such time day, provided that the employee is paid an
interval. additional compensation equivalent to his
regular wage plus at least 25% thereof. [Art. 87]
Aside from those enumerated under Art. 82 as Overtime work on holiday or rest day
excluded from Title I: Working Conditions and Work performed beyond eight hours on a
Rest Periods, those employed in retail and holiday or rest day shall be paid an additional
service establishments regularly employing not compensation equivalent to the rate of the first
more than five (5) workers are also NOT eight hours on a holiday or rest day plus at least
entitled to Night Shift differential [Sec. 1, Rule 30% thereof. [Art. 87]
II, Book III, IRR]
Computation of additional compensation
Rest days (night-off) Base of Computation: Regular wage – means
Night shift employees are entitled to a weekly regular base pay.
night-off (usually Saturday evening) or a
weekly rest period of 24 hours beginning at the It includes the cash wage only without
start of the night shift [See also Art. 91]. deduction on account of facilities provided by
the employer. [Art. 90]
Work on special days
Night shift employees are also entitled to the It excludes money received in different
premium pay on special days and holidays. concepts, such as Christmas bonus and other
These days are reckoned as calendar days fringe benefits. [Bisig ng Manggagawa ng
which start at midnight and end at the following Philippine Refining Co. v. Philippine Refining
midnight. The premium pay for the night shift Co., G.R. L-27761 (1981)]
also starts or ends at midnight. However, the BUT when the overtime work was performed
employment contract, company policy or CBA on the employee’s rest day or on special
may provide that in the case of night shift days or regular holidays (Art. 93 and 94), the
workers, days—including special days and premium pay, must be included in the
regular holidays—shall begin on the night computation of the overtime pay. [See: p. 19 of
before a calendar day. [Chan, Pre-Week Handbook on Workers’ Statutory Monetary
Guidelines] Benefits, issued by the Bureau of Working
Conditions, 2006]
iii. Overtime work
Overtime compensation is additional pay for Overtime on a Regular Day (OTRD)
service or work rendered or performed in Work may be performed beyond eight (8) hours
excess of eight hours a day by employees or a day provided that the employee is paid for the
laborers covered by the Eight-hour Labor Law. overtime work, an additional compensation
[National Shipyard and Steel Corp. v. CIR, equivalent to his regular wage plus at least
G.R. No. L-17068 (1961)] twenty-five percent (25%) thereof [Art. 87]
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General Rule: Subject to such regulations as Note: To shorten meal time to less than 20
the Secretary of Labor may prescribe, it shall minutes is not allowed. If the so-called meal
be the duty of every employer to give his time is less than 20 minutes, it becomes only a
employees not less than sixty (60) minutes REST PERIOD and is considered working
time-off for their regular meals. [Art. 85] time.
Exceptions: Employees may be given a meal
period of not less than twenty (20) minutes Exception to the Exception: Shortened meal
provided that such shorter meal period is breaks upon the employees’ request – NOT
credited as compensable hours worked of the compensable.
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The employees themselves may request that 2. the employees can use the time effectively
the meal period be shortened so that they can for their own interest.
leave work earlier than the previously
established schedule. [Drilon: Letter to Kodak In this case, the employer may extend the
Philippines, Nov. 27, 1989; Cilindro: BWC- working hours beyond the regular schedule on
WHSD, Opinion No. 197, s. 1998] that day to compensate for the loss of
productive man-hours without being liable for
Conditions for shortened meal breaks upon overtime pay. [Policy Instruction No. 36, May
employee’s request 22, 1978]
1. The employees voluntarily agree in writing
to a shortened meal period of 30 minutes Note: The time during which an employee is
and are willing to waive the overtime pay inactive by reason of work interruptions beyond
for such shortened meal period; his control is considered working time, either if
2. There will be no diminution whatsoever in the imminence of the resumption of work
the salary and other fringe benefits of the requires the employee’s presence at the place
employees existing before the effectivity of of work or if the interval is too brief to be utilized
the shortened meal period; effectively and gainfully in the employee’s own
3. The work of the employees does not interest. [Sec. 4(d), Rule I, Book III, IRR]
involve strenuous physical exertion and
they are provided with adequate “coffee iii. Idle time
breaks” in the morning and afternoon;
4. The value of the benefits derived by the The idle time that an employee may spend for
employees from the proposed work resting and dining which he may leave the spot
arrangement is equal to or or place of work though not the premises of his
commensurate with the compensation employer, is not counted as working time
due them for the shortened meal period as only where the work is broken or is not
well as the overtime pay for 30 minutes as continuous. [National Development Co. v. CIR,
determined by the employees concerned; G.R. No. L-15422 (1962)]
5. The overtime pay of the employees will
become due and demandable if ever they A laborer need not leave the premises of the
are permitted or made beyond 4:30pm; factory, shop or boat in order that his period of
and rest shall not be counted, it being enough that
6. The effectivity of the proposed working he "cease to work", may rest completely and
time arrangement shall be of temporary leave or may leave at his will the spot where he
duration as determined by the Secretary actually stays while working, to go somewhere
of Labor. [BWC-WHSD Opinion No. 197, s. else, whether within or outside the premises of
1998] said factory, shop or boat. If these requisites
are complied with, the period of such rest
ii. Power interruptions or shall not be counted. [Luzon Stevedoring Co.
brownouts v. Luzon Marine Department Union, G.R. No.
L-9265 (1957)]
Brownouts of short duration, but not
exceeding 20 minutes, shall be treated as
hours worked, whether used productively by
the employees or not.
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Travel that is all in the day’s work – Time Employees performing tasks during their
spent by an employee in travel from jobsite to commute which are not merely incidental to the
jobsite during the workday, must be counted employee’s job, and are primarily for the
as hours worked. Where an employee is benefit of the employer (such as a company
required to report at a meeting place to receive driver performing a carpool service for co-
instructions or to perform other work there, the workers according to an agreement with the
travel from the designated place to the company), are entitled to overtime pay. [Hilario
workplace is part of the day’s work. Rada v. NLRC, G.R. No. 96078 (1992)]
Travel away from home – Travel that keeps vi. Waiting time
an employee away from home overnight is
travel away from home. Travel away from Rest period – short duration or “coffee
home is worktime when it cuts across the break”
employee’s workday. The time is hours worked 1. Rest periods of short duration during
not only on regular working hours but also working hours shall be counted as hours
during the corresponding hours on non- worked. [par. 2, Art. 84, par. 2]
working days. 2. Rest periods or coffee breaks running from
five (5) to twenty (20) minutes shall be
Lectures, meetings, trainings considered as compensable working time.
Attendance at lectures, meetings, training [par. 2, Sec. 7, Rule I, Book III, IRR]
programs, and other similar activities shall
NOT be counted as working time if ALL of the On call
following conditions are met: Compensable work time, if employee is:
1. Attendance is outside of the employee’s 1. Required to remain on call in the
regular working hours; employer’s premises or so close thereto
2. Attendance is in fact voluntary; and 2. That he cannot use the time effectively and
3. The employee does not perform any gainfully for his own purpose shall be
productive work during such attendance. considered as working while on call.
[Sec. 6, Rule I, Book III, IRR]
Note: An employee who is not required to leave
Notes: word at his home or with company officials
1. Attendance in lectures, meetings, and where he may be reached is NOT working
training periods sanctioned or required by while on call. [Sec. 5 (b), Rule I, Book III, IRR]
the employer are considered hours
worked. Inactive due to work interruptions
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The time during which an employee is inactive COMPULSORY WORK ON REST DAY
by reason of interruptions in his work beyond The employer may require his employees to
his control shall be considered working time work on any day:
either: 1. In case of actual or impending
1. If the imminence of the resumption of work emergencies caused by serious accident,
requires the employee's presence at the fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, epidemic
place of work OR or other disaster or calamity to prevent loss
2. If the interval is too brief to be utilized of life and property, or imminent danger to
effectively and gainfully in the employee's public safety;
own interest. [Sec. 4 (d), Rule I, Book III, 2. In cases of urgent work to be performed on
IRR] the machinery, equipment, or installation,
to avoid serious loss which the employer
2. Rest Periods would otherwise suffer;
3. In the event of abnormal pressure of work
It shall be the duty of every employer, whether due to special circumstances, where the
operating for profit or not, to provide each of his employer cannot ordinarily be expected to
employees a rest period of not less than resort to other measures;
twenty-four (24) consecutive hours after 4. To prevent loss or damage to perishable
every six (6) consecutive normal work days. goods;
[Art. 91 (a)] 5. Where the nature of the work requires
continuous operations and the stoppage of
Preference of the employee work may result in irreparable injury or loss
The employer shall determine and schedule to the employer; and
the weekly rest day of his employees subject to 6. Under other circumstances analogous or
collective bargaining agreement and to such similar to the foregoing as determined by
rules and regulations as the Secretary of Labor the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
and Employment may provide. However, the [Art. 92]
employer shall respect the preference of
employees as to their weekly rest day when Synthesis of the Rules
such preference is based on religious grounds. 1. Rest day of not less than 24 consecutive
[Art. 94 (b)] hours after 6 consecutive days of work.
2. No work, no pay principle applies.
The employee shall make known his 3. If an employee works on his designated
preference to the employer in writing at least rest day, he is entitled to a premium pay.
seven days before the desired effectivity of the 4. Premium pay is additional 30% of the basic
initial rest day so preferred. pay.
5. Employer selects the rest day of his
When the choice of the employee as to his rest employees
day based on religious grounds will inevitably 6. However, employer must consider the
result in serious prejudice or obstruction to the religious reasons for the choice of a rest
operations and the employer cannot normally day.
be expected to resort to other measures, the
employer may so schedule the weekly rest day PREMIUM PAY
of his choice for at least two days in a month. Premium pay refers to the additional
[Rule III, Sec. 4] compensation for work performed within 8
hours on non-work days, such as rest days and
special days.
Page 37 of 262
1. Those of the government and any of the Work on a Sunday or holiday which is also
political subdivision, including government- a scheduled rest day
owned and controlled corporations; All establishments and enterprises may
2. Managerial employees as defined in Book operate or open for business on Sundays and
III; holidays provided that the employees are given
3. Househelpers and persons in the personal the weekly rest day and the benefits as
service of another; provided in this Rule. [Sec. 2, Rule III, Book III,
4. Workers who are paid by results, including IRR]
those who are paid on piece rate, takay,
pakyaw, or task basis, and other noontime Compensation on rest day/Sunday/holiday
work, if their output rates are in accordance Except those employees referred to under Sec.
with the standards prescribed in the 2, Rule I, Book III:
regulations, or where such rates have been 1. An employee who is made or permitted to
fixed by the Secretary of Labor and work on his scheduled rest day shall be
Employment; paid with an additional compensation of at
5. Field personnel, if they regularly perform least 30% of his regular wage.
their duties away from the principal or 2. An employee shall be entitled to such
branch office or place of business of the ER additional compensation for work
and whose actual hours of work in the field performed on a Sunday only when it is his
cannot be determined with reasonable established rest day.
certainty. 3. An employee shall be paid an additional
compensation of at least 30% of his regular
Premium pay rates [Handbook on Workers wage for work performed on Sundays and
Statutory Monetary Benefits, 2018] holidays, where the nature of the work of
When Work Performed Premium Pay the employee is such that he has no regular
work days and no regular rest days can be
On scheduled rest day 130% of regular scheduled. [Sec. 7, Rule III, Book III, IRR]
CBA on higher premium pay/Rate
On Sunday ONLY IF this 130% of regular Adjustments
is the ESTABLISHED wage Where the collective bargaining agreement or
rest day other applicable employment contract
stipulates the payment of a higher premium
On Sunday and holidays, 130% of regular pay than that prescribed under this Article, the
when no regular work wage employer shall pay such higher rate. [Art. 93
and rest days (d)] The employer and his employees or their
representatives are not prevented from
On any special 130% of regular entering into any agreement with terms more
holiday/special day wage favorable to the employees. [Sec. 9, Rule II,
Book III, IRR]
On any special holiday/ 150% of regular
special day falling on wage Nothing in this rule shall justify an employer in
scheduled rest day reducing the compensation of his employees
for the unworked Sundays, holidays, or other
On a regular holiday 260% of regular rest days, which are considered paid off days
falling on a rest day wage or holidays by agreement or practice subsisting
upon the effectivity of the Code. [Sec. 8, Rule
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thereof (except those workers who are paid work done on rest days and special holidays,
on piece~rate basis, in which case their and pay for regular holidays. Thus, the
employer shall grant them 13th month pay). payments made pursuant thereto, ripened into
benefits enjoyed by the employees, and any
Notes: benefit and supplement being enjoyed by them
“Equivalent” of a 13th month pay includes: cannot be reduced, diminished, discontinued
a. Christmas bonus, mid-year bonus, cash or eliminated by the employer. [Davao Fruits
bonuses; and Corp. v. ALU, G.R. No. 85073 (1993)]
b. Other payments amounting to not less than
1/12 of the basic salary Time of payment
But shall NOT INCLUDE cash and stock General Rule: paid not later than Dec 24 of
dividends, cost of living allowances and all each year.
other allowances regularly enjoyed by the
employee, as well a non-monetary benefits. Exception: ER may give to his employees half
(½) of the required 13th Month Pay before the
Workers paid on a piece-rate basis – paid a opening of the regular school year and the
standard amount for every piece or unit of work other half on or before the 24th of December
produced that is more or less regularly every year.
replicated, without regard to the time spent in
producing the same. Their employer shall grant The frequency of payment of this monetary
them 13th month pay. benefit may be the subject of agreement
between the employer and the recognized CBA
Minimum Amount of the employees.
1/12 of the total basic salary earned by an
employee within a calendar year. Rationale behind 13th Month Pay
a. To further protect the level of real wages
Base Amount from the ravage of world-wide inflation;
General Rule: basic salary shall include: b. There had been no increase in the legal
a. Cost of living allowances (COLA) minimum wage rates since 1970;
integrated into the basic salary of a c. The Christmas season is an opportune
covered employee pursuant to EO 178. time for society to show its concern for the
b. All remunerations or earnings paid by this plight of the working masses so they may
employer for services rendered. properly celebrate Christmas and New
Year. [Whereas clauses of PD 851]
Excluding the allowances and monetary
benefits which are not considered or integrated 13th Month Pay in Special Cases
as part of the regular or basic salary, such as a. Paid by Results: Employees who are paid
the cash equivalent of: on piece work basis are, by law, entitled to
1. Unused vacation and sick leave credits, the 13th Month Pay. [Revised Guidelines
2. Overtime, on the Implementation of the 13th Month
3. Premium, Pay Law]
4. Night differential, b. Fixed or Guaranteed Wage: Employees
5. Holiday pay and, and who are paid a fixed or guaranteed wage
6. Cost-of-living allowances. plus commission are entitled to 13th month
pay (not purely commission); the basis for
Exception: A company practice favorable to computation shall be both their fixed or
the employees had indeed been established if guaranteed wage and commission.
for a considerable length of time, the employer [Revised Guidelines]
had freely, voluntarily and continuously
included in the computation of its employees' c. Those with Multiple Employers:
thirteenth month pay, the payments for sick, Government Employees working part time
vacation and maternity leaves, premiums for in a private enterprise, including private
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hourly rate on said day which falls Note: Where such holiday
[260%] on a Rest work falls on the employee’s
Day scheduled rest day, he shall
Work on WRHRD = Regular wage x (WSHRD)
be entitled to an additional
Regular 260%
compensation of at least
Holiday 50% of his regular wage.
which falls Note: Where an employee is Regular daily wage + 50%
on a Rest made or permitted to work thereof [150%]
Day on his scheduled rest day,
he shall be paid an Overtime OTWSHRD = Hourly wage
additional compensation of during Work x 195% x number of hours
at least 30% of his regular on Special of OT work
wage. [Art. 93(a)] Holiday
200% of regular daily wage which falls Note: 45% (which is 30% of
+ 60% (which is 30% of on a Rest 150%) + 150% [195%]
200%) [260%] Day
Overtime on OTWRHRD = Hourly Rate
Regular x 338% x number of hours
Holiday of OT According to DOLE Memo Circular 1-04, a
which falls “special holiday”/”special day” includes the
on a Rest Note: Regular holiday-on- National Special Days, and declared special
Day rest day rate (200% of days such as Special Non-working Holiday,
regular daily wage plus 30% Special Public Holiday and Special National
of such amount) + 30% of Holiday. Such days are entitled to the rates
hourly rate on said day. prescribed above. These days are not the
[338%] same as a special working holiday.
Page 46 of 262
According to IRR, Rule IV, Sec. 10, an overtime pay, holiday pay and leave
employee is entitled to holiday pay for both conversions). [Trans Asia Phils. v. NLRC,
days, IF: supra]
a. He is present on day immediately
preceding first holiday; or Sundays
b. He works on first holiday, which entitles him (See “Work on a Sunday or holiday which is
to pay on second holiday. also a scheduled rest day”)
a. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the
Where the day immediately preceding the following Monday will not be considered a
holiday is a non-working day in the holiday unless a proclamation says so.
establishment or the scheduled rest day of the b. A legal holiday falling on a Sunday does not
employee, he shall not be deemed to be on create a legal obligation to pay extra, aside
leave of absence on that day, in which case he from the usual holiday pay, to monthly-paid
shall be entitled to the holiday pay if he worked employees. [Azucena, citing Letter of
on the day immediately preceding the non- Instruction No. 1087]
working day or rest day. [Sec. 6, Rule IV, Book
III, IRR] No provision of law requires any employer to
make adjustments in the monthly salary rate
Divisors set by him to take account of legal holidays
The divisor assumes an important role in falling on Sundays in a given year, otherwise to
determining whether or not holiday pay is reckon a year at more than 365 days.
already computed. [Wellington Investment and Manufacturing
a. Monthly paid employees are not entitled to Corporation v. Trajano, G.R. No. 114698
the holiday pay if their total annual income (1995)]
is divided by 365 days resulting in a wage
which is beyond the minimum wage per Non-working/scheduled rest day
day because they are considered paid Where the day immediately preceding the
everyday of the year including holidays, holiday is a non-working day in the
rest days, and other non-working days. establishment or the scheduled rest day of the
b. As a general rule, for a company with a 6- employee, he shall not be deemed to be on
day working schedule, the divisor 313 leave of absence on that day, in which case he
already means that the legal holidays are shall be entitled to the holiday pay if he
included in the monthly pay of the worked on the day immediately preceding
employee. The divisor is arrived at by the non-working day or rest day. [Sec. 6(c),
subtracting all Sundays from the total Rule IV, Book III, IRR]
number of calendar days in a year.
c. As a general rule for a company with a 5- Example:
day working schedule, the divisor 277 If a holiday falls on Monday, and Sunday is a
means that the holiday pay is already non-working day in the establishment or is the
included in the monthly salary of the scheduled rest day of the employee, the
employee. [Trans Asia Phils. v. NLRC, employee shall be entitled to holiday pay if he
G.R. No. 118289 (1999)] worked on Saturday (which is the day
immediately preceding Sunday, the non-
An increase in the divisor that results in the working day or rest day).
prejudice of the employees is a violation of the
proscription against non-diminution of benefits
under Sec. 100 of the Labor Code. Such
increases should only be used for
computations which would be advantageous to
the employer (i.e. deduction for absences) and
not for computations which would diminish the
existing benefits of the employees (i.e.,
Page 47 of 262
Right to holiday pay in case of absences piece work, his holiday pay shall not be less
If an employee is on leave of absence with pay than his average daily earnings for the last
on the day immediately preceding a regular seven (7) actual working days preceding
holiday, he is entitled to holiday pay. [Sec. 6(a), the regular holiday; Provided, However,
Rule IV, Book III, IRR] that in no case shall the holiday pay be less
than the applicable statutory minimum
If an employee is on leave of absence without wage rate.
pay on the day immediately preceding a c. Seasonal workers may not be paid the
regular holiday, he is not entitled to holiday pay required holiday pay during off-season
unless he works on such regular holiday. [Sec. when they are not at work
6(a), Rule IV, Book III, IRR] d. Workers who have no regular working days
shall be entitled to the benefits provided in
In case of temporary cessation of work this Rule. [Sec. 8, Rule IV, Book III, IRR]
a. In cases of temporary or periodic shutdown
and temporary cessation of work of an Holiday Pay of Hourly-Paid Faculty
establishment, as when a yearly inventory Members
or when the repair or cleaning of Not Entitled: Regular Holiday Pay
machineries and equipment is undertaken, Entitled: Regular hourly rate on days declared
the regular holidays falling within the as special holidays or for some reason classes
periods shall be compensated in are called off or shortened for the hours they
accordance with this Rule. are supposed to have taught, whether
b. The regular holiday during the extensions of class days be ordered or not; in
cessation of operation of an enterprise case of extensions said faculty members shall
due to business reverses as authorized likewise be paid their hourly rates should they
by the Secretary of Labor may not be paid teach during said extensions.
by the employer. [Sec. 7, Rule IV, Book III, a. They are not entitled to payment of
IRR] holiday pay because they are paid only for
work actually done. Since regular
An employee is entitled to holiday pay for the holidays are known to both the school and
regular holidays falling within the period in faculty members as “no class day”;
cases of temporary shutdowns or cessation of certainly the latter do not expect payment
work, when: for said unworked holidays.
a. An annual inventory; or b. They are entitled to their hourly rate on
b. Repair or cleaning of machineries and days declared as special holidays. When
equipment is undertaken. a special public holiday is declared, the
faculty member paid by the hour is
The employer may not pay his employees for deprived of expected income, and it does
the regular holidays during the suspension of not matter that the school calendar is
work if: the cessation of operation is due to extended in view of the days or hours lost,
business reverses, and is authorized by the for their income that could be earned from
Secretary of Labor. other sources is lost during the extended
Teachers, Piece Workers, Seafarers, c. Similarly, when classes are called off or
Seasonal Workers, Etc. shortened on account of typhoons, floods,
a. Private school teachers, including faculty rallies, and the like, these faculty members
members of colleges and universities, may must likewise be paid, whether or not
not be paid for the regular holidays during extensions are ordered. [Jose Rizal
semestral vacations. They shall, however, College v. NLRC, G.R. No. L-65482
be paid for the regular holidays during (1987)]
Christmas vacation; Piece workers
b. Where a covered employee, is paid by The philosophy underlying the exclusion of
results or output, such as payment on piece workers from the 8-hour law is that said
Page 48 of 262
workers are paid depending upon the work management and employee is that a "fair day's
they do irrespective of the amount of time wage for a fair day's labor." It is hardly fair or
employed in doing said work. [Red V Coconut just for an employee or laborer to fight or litigate
Products Ltd. v. CIR, G.R. No. L-21348 (1966)] against his employer on the employer's time.
[Sugue v. Triumph International, G.R. No.
Seafarers 164804 (2009)]
Any hours of work or duty including hours of
watch-keeping performed by the seafarer on Exception: When the laborer was able,
designated rest days and holidays shall be paid willing and ready to work but was illegally
rest day or holiday pay. [Sec. 11.C, Standard locked out, suspended or dismissed, or
Terms and Conditions Governing the otherwise illegally prevented from working.
Employment of Filipino Seafarers on Board [Sugue v Triumph International, supra]
Ocean-Going Vessels]
d. Non-diminution of benefits
Seasonal workers
Seasonal workers who do not work during off- General Rule: There is a prohibition against
season are not entitled to pay for the regular elimination or diminution of benefits. [Art. 100]
holidays occurring during their off-season.
Workers assigned to “skeleton crews” that No wage order issued by any regional board
work during the off-season have the right to be shall provide for wage rates lower than the
paid on regular holidays falling in that duration. statutory minimum wage rates prescribed by
Congress. [Art. 127, as amended by RA 6727]
2. Principles
a. No work, no pay If the following are met, then the employer
cannot remove or reduce benefits [Vergara Jr.
General Rule: If there is no work performed by v. Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils, G.R. No. 176985
the employee, there can be no wage or pay. (2013)]:
1. Ripened company policy – Benefit is
Exception: Unless the laborer was able, founded on a policy which has ripened into
willing and ready to work but was prevented by a practice over a long period;
management or was illegally locked out, 2. Practice is consistent and deliberate; and
suspended or dismissed. [Azucena, citing 3. Not due to error in the construction or
Philippine Airlines v. NLRC, G.R. No. 55159, application of a doubtful or difficult question
June 22, 1989] of law. [Globe Mackay Cable v. NLRC,
G.R. No. L-74156 (1988)]
b. Equal pay for equal work 4. The diminution or discontinuance is done
unilaterally by the employer.
Employees working in the Philippines, if they
are performing similar functions and See also VI. D. Bonus.
responsibilities under similar working
conditions, should be paid equally. If an When not applicable: At least one of the
employer accords employees the same requisites is absent.
position and rank, the presumption is that these a. Mistake in the application of the law [Globe
employees perform equal work. [International Mackay Cable v. NLRC, supra.]
School Alliance of Educators v. Hon. b. Negotiated benefits [Azucena]
Quisumbing, G.R. No. 128845 (2000)] c. Reclassification of Positions – e.g. loss of
some benefits by promotion.
c. Fair wage for fair work d. Contingent or Conditional Benefits – the
rule does not apply to a benefit whose grant
General Rule: The age-old rule governing the depends on the existence of certain
relation between labor and capital or conditions, so that the benefit is not
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The number of pieces produced is multiplied by When payment through check, postal
the rate per piece as determined by the orders or money orders is allowed:
employer. a. When payment is customary (on the date
1. If the resulting amount is equivalent to or of Code effectivity);
more than the applicable statutory b. Where it is so stipulated in a collective
minimum daily rate in relation to the agreement;
number of hours worked, the worker will c. Where all of the following conditions are
receive that amount. met:
2. If the amount is less than the applicable 1. Bank/Facility for encashment is within
legal rate, it is possible that the rates per 1-km radius from the workplace
piece are not in accordance with the 2. ER did not receive any pecuniary
standards prescribed by the rules benefit because of said arrangement
implementing the Labor Code. The 3. EEs are given reasonable time during
employer is thus required by law to pay the banking hours to withdraw their wages
difference between the resulting amount (compensable hours, if during working
and the applicable legal minimum wage hours)
rate. [Azucena] 4. The payment by check is with the
written consent of the EEs concerned,
4. Payment of wages in the absence of a CBA. [Sec. 2, Rule
a. Form of Payment [Art. 102;
Secs. 1-2, Rule VIII, Book III, b. Time of Payment [Art. 103; Sec.
IRR] 3, Rule VIII, Book III, IRR]
Final settlement is
made upon completion
of the work.
Page 51 of 262
c. Place of Payment [Art. 104; Sec. d. Person to Pay [Sec. 5, Rule VIII,
4, Rule VIII, Book III, IRR] Book III, IRR]
Page 52 of 262
General Rule: ER cannot make any deduction General Rule: No employer shall require his
from the wages of his EE. worker to make deposits from which
deductions shall be made for the
Exceptions: reimbursement of loss of or damage to tools,
1. Insurance premiums materials, or equipment supplied by the
2. Union dues employer
3. Other deductions authorized by
law/Secretary of Labor [e.g. SSS, Exception: It is allowed when the employer is
withholding tax] engaged in such trades, occupations or
4. When the deductions are with written business where the practice of making
authorization of the employees for payment deductions or requiring deposits is:
to a third person and the employer agrees 1. A recognized one, or is necessary; or
to do so, provided that the latter does not 2. Desirable as determined by the Secretary
receive any pecuniary benefit, directly or of Labor and Employment in appropriate
indirectly, from the transaction. [Labor rules and regulations. [Art. 114]
Advisory No. 11 (2014)]
No deduction from the deposits of an EE for the
If the law prohibits a deduction, the actual amount of the loss/damage shall be
authorization given by the employee does not made unless:
validate the deduction. 1. There is reasonable opportunity for EE to
show cause why deduction should not be
In case of Bankruptcy or Liquidation of an made;
ER’s business 2. EE’s responsibility has been clearly shown
Workers shall enjoy first preference as regards 3. Amount is fair and reasonable and shall not
their wages and other monetary claims, any exceed the actual loss of damage; and
provision of law to the contrary 4. Must not exceed 20% of weekly pay. [Art.
notwithstanding. Such unpaid wages and 115; Rule VIII, Sec. 11]
monetary claims shall be paid in full before the
claims of the Government and other creditors Attorney’s fees in any judicial or administrative
may be paid. [Art. 110] proceedings for the recovery of wages shall not
exceed 10% of the amount awarded.
Article 110 of the Labor Code has modified
Article 2244 of the Civil Code in two respects: d. Prohibition Against Withholding
1. Firstly, by removing the one year of Wage
limitation found in Article 2244, number 2;
and General Rule: It shall be unlawful for any
2. Secondly, by moving up claims for unpaid person, directly or indirectly, to:
wages of laborers or workers of the 1. Withhold any amount from the wages of a
Insolvent from second priority to first worker or;
priority in the order of preference 2. Induce him to give up any part of his wages
established I by Article 2244. [Republic v. by force, stealth, intimidation, threat or by
Peralta, G.R. 150537 (1987)]
Page 53 of 262
Covers all offenses under the Labor Code. Standards/Criteria in Wage Fixing
a. The demand for living wages;
b. Wage adjustment vis-a-vis the consumer
price index;
c. The cost of living and changes or increases
d. The needs of workers and their families;
Page 54 of 262
e. The need to induce industries to invest in affected by the order of the corresponding
the countryside; increase in the event such order is affirmed
f. Improvements in standards of living; [Art. 123].
g. The prevailing wage levels;
h. Fair return of the capital invested and Grounds for Appeals for Review of WO
capacity to pay of employers; a. Non-conformity with prescribed guidelines
i. Effects on employment generation and and/or procedure
family income; and b. Questions of law
j. The equitable distribution of income and c. Grave abuse of discretion [Sec. 2, Rule V,
wealth along the imperatives of economic Revised Rules of Procedure on Minimum
and social development. [Art. 124, as Wage Fixing]
amended by RA 6727]
Double Indemnity Doctrine
WO Effectivity: After 15 days from its Double Indemnity is the payment to a
complete publication in at least one newspaper concerned EE of the prescribed increase or
of general circulation. [Art. 123] adjustments in the wage rate which was not
paid by an ER in an amount equivalent to 2x
Note: Public hearing and publication are the benefits owing to such employee.
mandatory [Cagayan Sugar Milling Co. v. Sec. [Philippine Hoteliers, Inc. v. National Union of
of Labor, G.R. No. 128399 (1998)]. Workers, GR No. 181972 (2009); RA 6727, as
Frequency: A WO issued by the Board may
not be disturbed for a period of 12 months from Unpaid Benefits
its effectivity and no petition for wage increase The prescribed wage rates which the ER failed
shall be entertained during said period. [Rule to pay upon the effectivity of a WO, exclusive
IV, Sec. 4, Revised rules of Procedure on of other wage-related benefits.
Minimum Wage Fixing]
Unpaid benefits serve as the principal basis for
Exceptions: computing the double indemnity. [Sec. 2, D.O.
a. When Congress itself issues a law No. 10-98]
increasing wages.
b. Supervening conditions (i.e. extraordinary Wages of apprentices, learners and
increases in prices of petroleum products handicapped workers shall in no case be less
and basic goods/services. than 75% of the statutory minimum wage rates.
[Sec. 10, IRR of RA 6727]
Appeal: Any party aggrieved by the Wage
Order issued by the Regional Board may METHODS OF FIXING
appeal such order to the Commission within a. Floor Wage Method- fixing a determinate
ten (10) calendar days from the publication of amount to be added to the prevailing
such order. It shall be mandatory for the statutory minimum wage rates (e.g. setting
Commission to decide such appeal within sixty P25 increase for min. wage rates).
(60) calendar days from the filing thereof [Art. b. Salary-Ceiling Method- Wage adjustment
123]. to be applied to EEs receiving a certain
denominated salary or workers being paid
Effect of Appeal more than existing min. wage (e.g. WO
General Rule: Does not operate to stay the granting P25 increase to those earning up
order. to P250).
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Transport v. NLRC, G.R. No. 156367 j. Any family member who assumes the
(2005)] responsibility of head of family as a result
of the death, abandonment,
2. Special laws~ disappearance, or prolonged absence of
the parents or solo parent for at least one
a. Parental leave for solo parents (1) year. [Sec. 3 (a), RA 8972]
[RA 8972 (Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000)] Conditions for Entitlement
A solo parent employee shall be entitled to the
Parental leave for solo parents – Leave parental leave under the following conditions:
benefits granted to a solo parent to enable a. He/she has rendered at least one (1) year
him/her to perform parental duties and of service, whether continuous or broken;
responsibilities where physical presence is b. He/she has notified his/her employer that
required. [Sec. 3 (d), RA 8972] he/she will avail himself/herself of it, within
a reasonable period of time; and
Coverage c. He/she has presented to his/her employer
Any solo parent or individual who is left alone a Solo Parent Identification Card, which
with the responsibility of parenthood due to: may be obtained from the DSWD office of
a. Giving birth as a result of rape or and other the city or municipality where he/she
crimes against chastity even without a final resides. [Sec. 19, Art. V, IRR, RA 8972]
conviction of the offender: Provided, That
the mother keeps and raises the child; Availment
b. Death of spouse; The parental leave is in addition to leave
c. Spouse is detained or is serving sentence privileges under existing laws with full pay,
for a criminal conviction for at least one (1) consisting of basic salary and mandatory
year; allowances. It shall not be more than seven (7)
d. Physical and/or mental incapacity of working days every year. [Sec. 8, RA 8972]
spouse as certified by a public medical
practitioner; Grant of Flexible Work Schedule
e. Legal separation or de facto separation The employer shall provide for a flexible
from spouse for at least one (1) year: working schedule for solo parents: Provided,
Provided, that he/she is entrusted with the That the same shall not affect individual and
custody of the children; company productivity: Provided, further, That
f. Declaration of nullity or annulment of any employer may request exemption from the
marriage as decreed by a court or by a above requirements from the DOLE on certain
church: Provided, that he/she is entrusted meritorious grounds. [Sec. 6, RA 8972]
with the custody of the children;
g. Abandonment of spouse for at least one (1) Protection against Work Discrimination
year; No employer shall discriminate against any
h. Unmarried father/mother who has solo parent employee with respect to terms and
preferred to keep and rear his/her conditions of employment on account of his/her
child/children, instead of having others status. [Sec. 7, RA 8972]
care for them or give them up to a welfare
i. Any other person who solely provides
parental care and support to a child or
children: Provided, that he/she is duly
licensed as a foster parent by the
Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) or duly appointed
legal guardian by the court; and
Page 58 of 262
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Extended maternity leave option, requisite a. That the maternity leave benefits have not
notice yet been commuted to cash, if applicable;
In cases of live childbirth, an additional and
maternity leave of 30 days, without pay, can be b. That a certified true copy of the death
availed of, at the option of the female worker, certificate or medical certificate or abstract
provided that the employer shall be given is provided to the employers of both the
notice. female worker and the child’s father or
alternate caregiver.
Due notice must be in writing must be given at
least 45 days before the end of the female In case the maternity leave benefits have
worker’s maternity leave. already been paid to the female worker in full,
the child’s father or alternate caregiver shall be
Exception: No prior notice shall be necessary entitled to enjoy the remaining unexpired leave
in the event of a medical emergency, but credits of the female worker, if any.
subsequent notice shall be given to the
employer. Provided, That such leave without pay shall not
be considered a gap in the service of the child’s
The period of extended maternity leave without father or alternate caregiver. [Sec. 4, Rule VIII,
pay shall not be considered a gap in the IRR of RA 11210]
service. [Sec. 3, Rule IV, IRR of RA 11210]
Other conditions
Allocation of maternity leave credits a. Employer shall advance the full payment
A female worker entitled to maternity leave subject to reimbursement by the SSS
benefits may, at her option, allocate up to 7 within 30 days from filing of leave
days of said benefits to the child’s father, application. [Sec. 3, Rule VI, IRR of RA
whether or not the father is married to the 11210]
mother. b. SSS shall immediately reimburse the
employer the maternity benefits advanced
The allocated benefit granted to the child’s to the employed female member, only to
father is over and above the paternity benefits the extent of 100% of her average daily
provided under RA 8187 (Paternity Leave Act). salary credit for 105 days, 120 days or 60
In case of death, absence, or incapacity of the days, as the case may be, upon receipt of
child’s father, the female worker may allocate satisfactory and legal proof of such
to an alternate caregiver who may be: payment. [Sec. 4, Rule VI, IRR of RA
a. A relative within the 4th degree of 11210]
consanguinity; or c. Availment shall be a bar to the recovery of
b. The current partner, regardless of sexual sickness benefits provided under RA 1161
orientation or gender identity, of the female (Social Security Law) for the same period
worker sharing the same household. for which daily maternity benefits have
been received. [Sec. 6, Rule VI, RA 11210]
The option to allocate maternity leave credits d. Sanction: That if an employee should give
shall not be applicable in cases of miscarriage birth or suffer miscarriage or emergency
or emergency termination of pregnancy. [Sec. termination of pregnancy:
1, Rule VIII, IRR of RA 11210] 1. Without the required contributions
having been remitted for her by her
Death or permanent incapacity employer to the SSS, or
If the female worker dies or becomes 2. Without the latter having been
permanently incapacitated, the balance of her previously notified by the ER of time of
maternity leave benefits shall accrue to the the pregnancy,
child’s father or to a qualified alternate the employer shall pay to the SSS
caregiver subject to the following conditions: damages equivalent to the benefits which
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said employee would otherwise have been Conditions for entitlement [Sec. 3, IRR, RA
entitled to. [Sec. 5, RA 11210] 8187]
a. He is married;
c. Paternity leave b. He is an employee at the time of the
delivery of his child
[RA 8187 (Paternity Leave Act of 1996)] c. He is cohabiting with his spouse at the time
that she gives birth or suffers a miscarriage
Paternity Leave – leave of 7 calendar days d. He has applied for paternity leave with his
with full pay for every married male employee ER within a reasonable period of time from
in the private and public sectors the expected date of delivery by his
pregnant spouse, or within such period as
Coverage and Purpose may be provided by company rules and
Paternity leave is granted to all married male regulations, or by CBA; and,
employees in the private and public sectors, e. His wife has given birth or suffered a
regardless of their employment status (e.g. miscarriage.
probationary, regular, contractual, project
basis). Application for paternity leave
See d. under conditions for entitlement.
The purpose of this benefit is to allow the
husband to lend support to his wife during her In case of miscarriage, prior application for
period of recovery and/or in nursing her paternity leave shall not be required. [Sec. 4,
newborn child. [Sec. 3, RA 8187] IRR, RA 8187]
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A woman employee can avail of the SLB for A victim leave may be availed of at any time
every instance of surgery due to gynecological during the application of any protection order,
disorder for a maximum total period of 2 investigation, prosecution and/or trial of the
months per year. [Sec. 6, D.O. No. 112, as criminal case [Sec. 42, Rule VI, IRR]
Special Leave Benefit vis-à-vis SSS In order to be entitled to the leave benefit, the
Sickness Benefit only requirement is for the victim-employee to
The SLB is different from the SSS sickness present to her employer a certification from the
benefit. The former is granted by the employer barangay chairman (Punong Barangay) or
in accordance with RA 9710. barangay councilor (barangay kagawad) or
prosecutor or the Clerk of Court, as the case
It is granted to a woman employee who has may be, that an action relative to the matter is
undergone surgery due to gynecological pending [Sec. 42, Rule VI, IRR].
disorder. The SSS sickness benefit, on the
other hand, is administered and given by the The usage of the ten-day leave shall be at the
SSS in accordance with RA 1161 as amended option of the woman employee. In the event
by RA 8282. [Sec. 7, D.O. No. 112, as that the leave benefit is not availed of, it shall
amended] not be convertible into cash and shall not be
cumulative [Sec. 42, Rule VI, IRR].
e. Battered woman leave
When denied; employer’s liability
[RA 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and The employer/agency head who denies the
Their Children Act of 2004 or VAWC)] application for leave, and who shall prejudice
the victim-survivor or any person for assisting
Victims of any of the acts covered by VAWC a co-employee who is a victim-survivor under
shall be entitled to take a paid leave of the Act shall be held liable for discrimination
absence up to ten (10) days in addition to and violation of R.A 9262. [Sec. 42, Rule VI,
other paid leaves under the Labor Code and IRR].
Civil Service Rules and Regulations,
extendible when the necessity arises as
specified in the protection order [Sec. 43, RA D. SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN
Acts covered by VAWC
1. “Physical violence” - refers to acts that
1. Definition
include bodily or physical harm
2. “Sexual violence” - refers to an act which is [RA 7877 - Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of
1995; RA 11313 - Safe Spaces Act]
sexual in nature, committed against a
woman or her child.
3. “Psychological violence” - acts or ANTI-SEXUAL HARASSMENT ACT
omissions causing or likely to cause mental Work, education or training-related sexual
or emotional suffering of the victim. harassment is defined in Sec. 3, RA 7877.
4. “Economic abuse” - acts that make or Acts Demanding, requesting or
attempt to make a woman financially covered otherwise requiring any
dependent. sexual favor from the other,
regardless of whether these
Note: To fall under VAWC, the offender must are accepted by the object of
have had a sexual or dating relationship with said Act
the offended woman. Committed An employer, employee,
When availed of by manager, supervisor, agent
of the employer, teacher,
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The Employer or Head of Office shall have the Employers, or other persons of authority,
duty: influence or moral ascendancy have the
1. to prevent the commission of such acts and following duties:
2. to lay down the procedure for the a. Disseminate or post a copy of the Safe
resolution, settlement or prosecution of Spaces Act to all persons in the workplace;
committed acts. [Sec. 4, RA 7877] b. Provide measures to prevent GBSH in the
He shall be solidarily liable for damages: c. Create an independent internal mechanism
1. if he is informed of such acts by the or a committee on decorum and
offended party, and investigation to investigate and address
2. no immediate action is taken thereon. [Sec. complaints of GBSH;
5, RA 7877] d. Provide and disseminate, in consultation
with all persons in the workplace, a code of
Independent action for damages conduct or workplace policy. [Sec. 17, RA
The victim of work, education or training- 11313]
related sexual harassment can institute a
separate and independent action for damages In addition to liabilities for committing acts of
and other affirmative relief. [Sec. 6, RA 7877] GSBH, employers may also be held
responsible for:
Sanctions a. Non-implementation of their duties under
Criminal: imprisonment of 1 month to mos. or Sec. 17 of this Act (see above), as provided
fine of P10k to P20k or both in the penal provisions; or
b. Not taking action on reported acts of GBSH
Prescription of such action is in 3 years. committed in the workplace.
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this Act. [Sec. 2 & Sec. 12, Magna Carta of A personal or marital relationship with an
Women] employee of a competitor might compromise
the interests of the company. Thus an
b. Stipulation against marriage [Art. 134; employer policy prohibiting the same may be
Sec. 13(e), Rule XII] held as valid [Duncan Association of Detailmen
v. Glaxo Wellcome, supra.]
It shall be unlawful for an employer to:
1. require as a condition of employment or c. Prohibited acts [Art. 135]
continuation of employment that a woman
employee shall not get married, or 1. Discharge to prevent enjoyment of
2. stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon benefits.
getting married a woman employee shall To deny any woman employee the benefits
be deemed resigned or separated or provided for in this Chapter or to discharge
3. actually dismiss, discharge, discriminate or any woman employed by him for the
otherwise prejudice a woman employee purpose of preventing her from enjoying
merely by reason of her marriage. [Art. 134; any of the benefits provided under this
Duncan Assoc of Detailman – PTGWO v. Code. [Art. 135 (1), as amended by R.A.
Glaxo Wellcome, G.R. No. 162994 (2004)] 6725]
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No employer shall discriminate against any determine and adjust the minimum wage rates
person in respect to terms and conditions of of domestic workers. [Sec. 24, RA 10361]
employment on account of his age. [Art. 138]
Standard of Treatment
5. Kasambahays The employer or any member of the household
shall not subject a domestic worker or
Relevant Law: RA 10361 (Batas Kasambahay “kasambahay” to any kind of abuse nor inflict
or Domestic Worker’s Act any form of physical violence or harassment or
Note: RA 10361 has expressly repealed any act tending to degrade the dignity of a
Chapter III, “Employment of Househelpers”, domestic worker. [Sec. 5, RA 10361]
Title III, Book III of the Labor Code
Board, Lodging and Medical Attendance
Domestic work - This refers to work The employer shall provide for the basic
performed in or for a household or households. necessities of the domestic worker to include:
[Sec 4(c)., RA 10361] 1. At least three adequate meals a day
2. Humane sleeping arrangements that
Household - refers to the immediate members ensure safety
of the family or the occupants of the house that 3. Appropriate rest and assistance in case of
are directly provided services by the domestic illnesses and injuries sustained during
worker. [Sec 4(f), RA 10361] service without loss of benefits. [Sec. 6, RA
Domestic worker or “Kasambahay” - Refers
to any person engaged in domestic work within Privacy
an employment relationship such as, but not Respect for the privacy of the domestic worker
limited to, the following: general househelp, shall be guaranteed at all times and shall
nursemaid or “yaya”, cook, gardener, or extend to all forms of communication and
laundry person. [Sec 4(d), RA 10361] personal effects [Sec. 7, RA 10361]
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Pre-Employment Prohibition
Leave Benefits The ff. shall be unlawful:
A domestic worker who has rendered at least 1. Charging any share in the recruitment or
one (1) year of service shall be entitled to an finder’s fees against the domestic worker
annual service incentive leave of five (5) days by a private employment agency or third
with pay. [Sec. 29, RA 10361] party. [Sec. 13, RA 10361]
2. Requiring a domestic worker to make
Rest Periods deposits from which deductions shall be
Daily Rest Period: 8 hours made for the reimbursement of loss or
damage to tools, materials, furniture and
Weekly Rest Period: at least 24 consecutive equipment in the household. [Sec. 14, RA
hours. The employer and employee may agree 10361]
to: 3. Placing the domestic worker under debt by
a. Offsetting a day of absence with a the employer or any person acting on
particular rest day; behalf of the employer to [Sec. 15, RA
b. Waiving a particular rest day in return for 10361]
an equivalent daily rate of pay;
c. Accumulating rest days not exceeding five Time and Manner of Payment
(5) days; or Payment of wages shall be made:
d. Other similar arrangements. [Sec. 20, 21, 1. Directly to the domestic worker in cash
RA 10361] 2. At least once a month
3. With no deductions from the wages other
Pre-Employment Requirement than that which is mandated by law, unless
Prior to the execution of the employment allowed by the domestic worker through a
contract, the employer may require the written consent
following from the domestic worker:
a. Medical certificate or a health certificate No employer shall pay the wages of a domestic
issued by a local government health officer; worker by means of promissory notes,
b. Barangay and police clearance; vouchers, coupons, tokens, tickets, chits, or
c. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) any object other than the cash wage as
clearance; and provided for under this Act. [Sec. 25, RA
d. Duly authenticated birth certificate or if not 10361]
available, any other document showing the
age of the domestic worker such as voter’s Payslip
identification card, baptismal record or The employer shall at all times provide the
passport. domestic worker with a copy of the pay slip
containing the amount paid in cash every pay
However, Sec. 12(a), (b), (c) and (d) shall be day, and indicating all deductions made, if any.
standard requirements when the employment The copies of the pay slip shall be kept by the
of the domestic worker is facilitated through the employer for a period of three (3) years. [Sec.
PEA. 26, RA 10361]
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workers, shall be provided except where employees shall be assigned to day work,
any of the ff. circumstances is present: before and after childbirth, for a period of at
1. There is an existing company least sixteen (16) weeks, which shall be
guideline, practice or policy, CBA, or divided between the time before and after
any similar agreement providing for an childbirth;
equivalent or superior benefit; or
2. Start or end of the night work does NOT Medical certificate issued by competent
fall within 12 mn - 5 am; or physician (OB/Gyne/Pedia) is necessary
3. Workplace is located in an area that is for the grant of:
accessible 24 hours to public 1. additional periods of assignment to day
transportation; or work during pregnancy or after
4. Number of employees does NOT childbirth, provided that such shall not
exceed a specified number as may be be more than 4 weeks or for a longer
provided for by the SOLE in period as may be agreed upon by
subsequent issuances [Art. 156, as employer and worker;
amended by RA 10151; Sec. 4, Rule 2. extension of maternity leave; and
XV, Book III, IRR, through D.O. No. 3. clearance to render night work.
b. Provision of social security benefits - in
Transfer accordance with provisions of Act No 8282
If night worker is unfit for night work due to (Social Security Act of 1997) and other
health reasons as certified by competent existing company policy or collective
physician, s/he shall be: bargaining agreement.
a. Transferred in good faith to a job for which
they are fit to work whenever practicable, c. Extension of maternity leave – where
which must be similar and equivalent transfer to day work is not possible, but
position; requires recommendation by competent
b. If transfer is not practicable, or workers are physician; without pay or using earned
unable to render night work for a leave credits, if any. [Art. 158, , as
continuous period of not less than 6 amended by RA 10151; Sec. 6, Rule XV,
months upon certification of a competent Book III, IRR, through D.O. No. 119-12]
public health authority, they shall be
granted the same benefits as other workers Protection against dismissal and loss of
who are unable to work due to illness. benefits attached to employment status,
c. If workers are certified as temporarily unfit seniority, and access to promotion
to render night work for a period of less Where no alternative work can be provided to
than 6 months, they shall be given the a woman employee who is not in a position to
same protection against dismissal or notice render night work, she shall be allowed to go
of dismissal as other workers who are on leave or on extended maternity leave, using
prevented from working for health reasons. her earned leave credits.
[Art. 157, as amended by RA 10151; Sec.
5, Rule XV, Book III, IRR, through D.O. No. A woman employee shall NOT be dismissed
119-12] for reasons of pregnancy, childbirth and
childcare responsibilities as defined under this
Women Night Workers Rule. She shall NOT lose the benefits
Employers shall ensure that measures shall be regarding her employment status, seniority,
taken to ensure that an alternative to night work and access to promotion which may attach to
for pregnant and nursing employees who her regular night work position. [Sec. 8, Rule
would otherwise be called upon to perform XV, Book III, IRR, through D.O. No. 119-12]
such work. Such measures may include:
a. Transfer to day work – As far as See also Night Shift Differential above.
practicable, pregnant or nursing
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directly related to the principal business of defined in Art. 13(b), whether for local or
such employer. overseas employment. [Sec. 2. D.O. No.
174-17: Rules Implementing Articles 106 to
In such cases, the person or intermediary shall 109 of the Labor Code, as amended]
be considered merely as an agent of the
employer who shall be responsible to the Applicability of Rules to Indirect Employers
workers in the same manner and extent as if The provisions of Art. 106 shall likewise apply
the latter were directly employed by him. [Art. to any person, partnership, association or
106, par. 4] corporation which, not being an employer,
contracts with an independent contractor for
Rules for Contracting/Subcontracting the performance of any work, task, job or
1. Whenever an employer enters into a project. [Art. 107]
contract with another person for the
performance of the former’s work, the Service Agreement
employees of the contractor and of the Service agreement refers to the contract
latter’s subcontractor, if any, shall be paid between the principal and contractor
in accordance with the provisions of this containing the terms and conditions governing
Code. [Art. 106, par. 1] the performance or completion of a specific job
2. In the event that the contractor or or work being farmed out for a definite or
subcontractor fails to pay the wages of his predetermined period. [Sec. 3(j), D.O. No. 174-
employees in accordance with this Code, 17]
the employer shall be jointly and severally
liable with his contractor or subcontractor a. Elements
to such employees:
a. To the extent of the work performed To be considered legitimate contracting or
under the contract subcontracting, the following elements must
b. In the same manner and extent that he concur:
is liable to employees directly 1. Distinct and independent business:
employed by him. [Art. 106, par. 2] Contractor or subcontractor is engaged in
3. The SOLE may, by appropriate a distinct and independent business and
regulations, restrict or prohibit the undertakes to perform the job on its own
contracting-out of labor to protect the rights responsibility, according to its own manner
of workers established under this Code. and method;
[Art. 106, par. 3] 2. Substantial capital or investment:
a. He may make appropriate distinctions Contractor or subcontractor has substantial
between labor-only contracting and job capital to carry out the job farmed out by
contracting as well as differentiations the principal on his account, manner and
within these types of contracting. method, investment in the form of tools,
b. He may determine who among the equipment, machinery and supervision;
parties involved shall be considered 3. Free from control/direction of the
the employer for purposes of this Code. principal: In performing the work,
4. An employer or indirect employer may contractor or subcontractor is free from the
require the contractor or subcontractor to control/direction of the principal in all
furnish a bond equal to the cost of labor matters regarding performance of the work
under contract, on condition that the bond except the result;
will answer for the wages due the 4. Compliance with labor laws: Service
employees should the contractor or Agreement ensures that employees of the
subcontractor, as the case may be, fail to contractor/subcontractor are given all the
pay the same. [Art. 108] benefits and rights they are entitled to
5. Contractors and subcontractors referred to under labor laws. [Sec. 8, D.O. No. 174-17]
in these rules are prohibited from engaging
in recruitment and placement activities as Substantial capital (#2)
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Labor-only contracting
the parties to the Service
Agreement. This is one of the violations that may be
committed by the principal and contractor,
Due to Employee may opt to wait which may make them solidarily liable. There
expiration of for re-employment within 3 are two kinds:
Service months to resign and 1. Provided for by Article 206, Labor Code:
Agreement, or transfer to another a. (i) The contractor does not have
from contractor-employer. substantial capital; or
completion of (ii) the contractor does not have
the phase of Failure of the contractor to investments in the form of tools,
the job, work provide new employment equipment, machineries, supervision,
or service for shall entitle the employee work premises, among others;
which to payment of separation b. The contractor’s employees are
employee is benefits as may be performing activities that are directly
engaged provided by law or the related to the main business operation
Service Agreement, of the principal.
whichever is higher, 2. The contractor does not exercise the right
without prejudice to his/her to control the performance of the work of
entitlement to completion the employee. [Sec. 5., D.O. No. 174-17]
bonuses or other
emoluments, including Substantial capital under 1st kind
retirement benefits Having substantial capitalization is not enough
whenever applicable. to declare one a legitimate contractor. If any of
The mere expiration of the the other elements of labor-only contracting is
Service Agreement shall present, they are labor-only contractors.
not be deemed as a [Quintanar v. Coca-Cola Bottlers, 794 SCRA
termination of employment 654 (2016)]
of the contractor’s
employees who are Presumption of labor-only contracting
deemed regular employees A contractor is presumed to be a labor-only
of the contractor. contractor and has the burden of proving the
contrary. [Polyfoam-RGC Int’l Corp. v.
Concepcion, 672 SCRA 148 (2012)]
c. Liabilities
Effect of labor-only contracting: employees
Solidary liability of principal and contractor become regular employees
Every employer or indirect employer shall be Where an entity is declared to be a labor-only
held responsible with his contractor for any contractor, the employees supplied by said
violations of labor laws. For purposes of contractor to the principal become regular
determining the extent of their civil liability, they employees of the latter. Having gained regular
shall be considered as direct employers. [Art. status, the employees are entitled to security of
109] tenure and can only be dismissed for just or
authorized causes and after they had been
afforded due process. [Norkis Trading v.
Buenavista, G.R. No. 182018 (2012)]
Other prohibitions
1. When the principal farms out work to a
“Cabo” [See definition under Sec. 3(a).,
D.O. No. 174-17];
2. Contracting out of job or work through an
in-house agency;
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industry, simply because construction firms employment was terminated due to completion
cannot guarantee work and funding for its of each construction project. Failure of the
payrolls beyond the life of each project. employer to file termination reports after every
[William Uy Construction Corp. v. Trinidad, project completion proves that the employees
G.R. No. 183250 (2010)] are not project employees. [Pasos v. Philippine
National Construction Corp., G.R. No. 192394
Work pool employee (2013)]
Project employees may or may not be
members of a work pool. Those who are e. Seasonal
members of a work pool may either be project
or regular employees. [Raycor Aircontrol Employment is not deemed regular where the
Systems, Inc. vs. NLRC, G.R. 114290, (1996)] work or service to be performed is seasonal in
nature and the employment is for the duration
A work pool may exist although the workers in of the season. [Art. 295]
the pool do not receive salaries and are free to
seek other employment during temporary Seasonal employees defined
breaks in the business, provided, that the Those whose work or services to be performed
worker shall be available when called to report are seasonal in nature, as there is no
for a project. Although primarily applicable to continuing need for the worker. Their
regular seasonal workers, this set-up can employment is for the duration of the season.
likewise be applied to project workers insofar
as the effect of temporary cessation of work is “Regular seasonal” employees after one
concerned. [Maraguinot v. NLRC, G.R. No. season
120969. (1998)] Seasonal workers who are constantly rehired
and are only temporarily laid off during off-
Work pools in construction companies season are not separated from service in said
Members of a work pool from which a period, but are merely considered on leave
construction company draws its project until work resumes. They are considered
employees, if considered employees of the regular and permanent employees. The nature
construction company while in the work pool, of their relationship is such that during off-
are non-project employees or employees for an season they are temporarily laid off but during
indefinite period. If they are employed in a summer season they are re-employed, or when
particular project, the completion of the project their services may be needed. They are not
or any phase thereof will not mean severance strictly speaking separated from the service but
of the EER. [Policy Instruction No. 20; J. & DO are merely considered as on leave of absence
Aguilar Corp. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 116352 without pay until they are re-employed.
(1997)] [Philippine Tobacco Flue-Curing & Redrying
Corp. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 127395, (1998)]
When a project employee or a member of a
work pool acquires the status of regular Must only be hired for the duration of one
employment season
1. Continuous rehiring of project employees To be considered seasonal employees, it is not
even after cessation of a project; enough that work or services performed are
2. Task performed by the alleged “project seasonal in nature. The employees must have
employees” are vital, necessary and been employed only for the duration of one
indispensable to the usual business or season. [Hacienda Fatima v. National
trade of the employer. [Maraguinot v. Federatiom of Sugarcane Workers, G.R. No.
NLRC, G.R. No. 120969. (1998)] 149440 (2003)]
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Although respondent constantly availed herself certain agreed upon (i.e., the commencement
of the petitioners’ services from year to year, it and termination of the EER). [GMA Network v.
was clear from the facts therein that they were Pabriga, G.R. No. 176419 (2013)]
not in her regular employ. Petitioners therein
performed different phases of agricultural work Distinguished from independent
in a given year. However, during that period, contractors
they were free to work for other farm owners, No EER exists between independent
and in fact they did. In other words, they contractors and their principals; their contracts
worked for respondent, but were nevertheless are governed by the law on contracts and other
free to contract their services with other farm applicable law. Employees under fixed-term
owners. The Court was thus emphatic when it contracts cannot be independent contractors
ruled that petitioners were mere project because in fixed-term contracts, an EER
employees, who could be hired by other farm exists. [Fuji Television Network, Inc. v.
owners. [Mercado, Sr. v. NLRC, G.R. No. Espiritu, G.R. No. 204944-45 (2014)]
79869 (1991)]
Regular fixed-term employee
f. Fixed-term Where an employee’s contract had been
continuously extended or renewed to the same
Brent doctrine position, with the same duties and remained in
When the following indicators are present, the employ without any interruption, then such
fixed-term employment is valid: employee is a regular employee. The
1. Fixed period of employment was knowingly employee’s contract indicating a fixed-term did
and voluntarily agreed upon by the parties not automatically mean that he/she could never
absent any circumstance vitiating consent be a regular employee.
2. It satisfactorily appears that the employer
and employee dealt each other on more or An employee can be a regular employee with a
less equal footing with no moral dominance fixed-term contract. The law does not preclude
exercised by one over the other. the possibility that a regular employee may opt
to have a fixed-term contract for valid reasons.
Reason for equal footing indicator For as long as it was the employee who
When a prospective employee, on account of requested, or bargained, that the contract have
special skills or market forces, is in a position a “definite date of termination,” or that the fixed-
to make demands upon the prospective term contract be freely entered into by the
employer, such prospective employee needs employer and the employee, then the validity of
less protection than the ordinary worker. The the fixed-term contract will be upheld. [Fuji
level of protection to labor must be determined Television Network Inc v. Espiritu, G.R. No.
on the basis of the nature of the work, 204944-45 (2014)].
qualifications of the employee, and other
relevant circumstances. [Fuji Television No implied renewal upon termination
Network Inc v. Espiritu, G.R. No. 204944-45 When the day certain for the termination of
(2014)]. employment comes, there is no implied
renewal or extension of employment This must
Distinguished from project employees be expressly and mutually-agreed upon. [Unica
Fixed-term employees are different from v. Anscor Swire Ship Management Corp., G.R.
project employees, as the former negotiates No. 184318 (2014)]
their employment contract on more equal
footing with the employer than the latter. In case of pre-termination
Furthermore, both kinds of employment Due process must be observed in the pre-
happen within a period. For project employees, termination of fixed-term contracts in order for
the determining factor is the activity (w/n the employer to not be liable for illegal
project) to be performed. For fixed-term dismissal. [Fuji Television Network Inc v.
employees, the determining factor is the day Espiritu, G.R. No. 204944-45 (2014)]
Page 96 of 262
Page 97 of 262
Page 98 of 262
These standards should be made known to the employees is adequately protected by the
teachers on probationary status at the start of laws. [Albambra Industries v. NLRC, GR No.
their probationary period, or at the very least 106771 (1994)]
under the circumstances of the present case,
at the start of the semester or the trimester Management Prerogative
during which the probationary standards are to An employer cannot be compelled to continue
be applied. Of critical importance in invoking a in its employ a person whose continuance in
failure to meet the probationary standards, is the service would patently be inimical to its
that the school should show – as a matter of interests. [Baguio Central University v.
due process – how these standards have been Gallente, GR No, 188267 (2013)]
applied. [Colegio del Santisimo Rosario v.
Rojo, G.R. No. 170388 (2013)] Requisites for the valid invocation of
management prerogative affecting security of
B. TERMINATION BY 1. Exercised in good faith for the
EMPLOYER advancement of employer’s interest, and
2. Not for the purpose of defeating or
circumventing the rights of the employees
under special laws or valid agreements.
All establishments or undertakings, whether for
[San Miguel Brewery Sales Force Union v.
profit or not. [Art. 293]
Ople, GR No. 52515 (1989)]
Disposition of labor disputes
Government and its political subdivisions
Bare and vague allegations as to the manner
including GOCCs without original charter. [Sec.
of service and the circumstances surrounding
1, Rule 1, Book VI, IRR]
the same would not suffice.
Security of Tenure [Art. 294]
Example: a mere copy of the notice of
In case of regular employment, the employer
termination allegedly sent by the employer to
shall not terminate the services of an employee
the employee, without proof of receipt or at the
except for a just cause or when authorized
very least, actual service is not substantial
by this Title.
evidence. [Mansion Printing Center v. Bitara
Jr., GR No. 168120 (2012)]
An employee who is unjustly dismissed from
work shall be entitled to:
Substantive issues must be addressed more
1. Reinstatement without loss of seniority
than anything else, and so, the Court may
rights, and other privileges,
forego the matter of procedural infirmities in
2. Full backwages inclusive of allowance, and
labor cases. [Ang v. San Joaquin, Jr., GR No.
3. Other benefits or their monetary equivalent
182249 (2013)]
Reckoning period of computation: from the
Burden of Proof
time his compensation was withheld up to his
In order:
actual reinstatement.
1. Existence of ER-EE Relationship - borne
by employee
2. Fact of dismissal - borne by employee
It is a constitutionally protected right under Sec.
3. Legality of dismissal - borne by employer
3, Art. XIII, 1987 Constitution.
Employee must first establish fact of
Termination of employment is not anymore a
mere cessation or severance of a contractual
Before the employer must bear the burden of
relationship, but an economic phenomenon
proving that the dismissal was legal, the
affecting members of the family. Under the
employee must prove by substantial evidence
principle of social justice, dismissal of
Page 99 of 262
(c) Fraud/Willful Breach of Trust The employee is one holding a position of trust
and confidence (e.g. managerial or fiduciary
Requisites of fraud or willful breach of employees). There must be an act that justifies
trust: the loss of trust and confidence based on a
1. There must be an act, omission or willful breach of trust and founded on clearly
concealment; established facts. [Wesleyan University -
2. The act, omission or concealment involves Philippines v. Reyes, GR No. 208321 (2014)]
a breach of legal duty, trust, or
confidence justly reposed; Moreover, the act complained must be related
3. It must be committed against the to the performance of the duties of the
employer or his/her representative; and employee such as would show him to be
4. It must be in connection with employee’s thereby unfit to continue working for the
work. [Sec. 5.2 (d), DO No. 147-15] employer. [Equitable Banking Corp. v. NLRC,
GR No. 102467 (1997)]
When dismissal is proper for fraud/willful
breach of trust Note: DO 174-15 distinguishes fraud or willful
Such breach is willful if it is done intentionally, breach of trust from loss of confidence, but, as
knowingly, and purposely, without justifiable seen in cases, jurisprudence seems to make
excuse as distinguished from an act done no such distinction.
carelessly, thoughtlessly, heedlessly or
inadvertently. The act complained of must be Positions of trust and confidence
work-related and shows that the employee is 1. Managerial employees - vested with
unfit to continue working. In addition, it must be powers or prerogatives to lay down
premised on the fact that the employee management policies and to hire, transfer,
concerned holds a position of responsibility, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign
trust and confidence or is entrusted with or discipline employees or effectively
confidence with respect to delicate matters recommend such managerial actions.
such as handling or case and protection of the 2. Fiduciary Rank and File - those who in the
property and assets of the employer. normal and routine exercise of their
[Villanueva, Jr. v. NLRC, GR No. 176893 functions, regularly handle significant
(2012)] amounts of money or property. Ex.
cashiers, auditors, property custodians.
Requisites of loss of confidence [Prudential Guarantee and Assurance
1. There must be an act, omission or Employee Labor Union v. NLRC, GR No.
concealment; 185335 (2012)].
2. The act, omission or concealment justifies
the loss of trust and confidence of the Managerial Fiduciary Rank-
employer to the employee; and-File
3. The employee concerned must be holding
a position of trust and confidence; Mere existence of a Proof of involvement
4. The loss of trust and confidence should basis for the belief in the alleged events
not be simulated; of employee’s guilt. in question required;
5. It should not be used as a subterfuge for [Grand Asian mere uncorroborated
causes which are improper, illegal or Shipping Lines assertions and
unqualified; and Inc.v. Galvez, GR accusations are not
6. It must be genuine and not a mere No. 178184 (2014) enough. [Etcuban,
afterthought to justify an earlier action Jr. v. Sulpico Lines
taken in bad faith. [Sec. 5.2(e), DO No. Employment for a Inc, GR No. 148410
147-15] long time is counted (2005)]
When dismissal is proper for loss of employee. [Salvador
The act of engaging in extramarital affairs was taken together in determining the proper
specifically provided for by the cooperative’s imposable penalty. [Merin v. NLRC, GR No.
Personnel Policy as one of the grounds for 171790 (2008)]
termination of employment. The Board
received complaints and petitions from the Pregnancy out of wedlock
cooperative members for the removal of When the law speaks of immoral or
Bandiola because of his immoral conduct, necessarily, disgraceful conduct, it pertains to
hence immorality (extramarital affair) justified public and secular morality.
the termination of his employment. [Alilem
Credit Cooperative v. Bandila, Jr. GR No. Pre-marital sexual relations between two
173489 (2013) consenting adults, who have no impediment to
marry each other, and consequently,
Standard of morality conceiving a child out of wedlock, gauged from
It is public and secular, not religious. Whether a purely public and secular view of morality
a conduct is considered disgraceful or immoral does NOT amount to an immoral conduct.
should be made in accordance with the [Cheryl Leus v. St. Scholastica College
prevailing norms of conduct, which as stated in Westgrove, GR No. 187226 (2015)]
Leus, refer to those conducts which are
proscribed because they are detrimental to Conviction/commission of a crime
conditions upon which depend the existence of The charge of drug abuse within the company’s
and progress of human society. premises and during work hours constitutes
serious misconduct which is a just cause for
The fact that a particular act does not conform termination. [Bughaw Jr. v. Treasure Island
to the traditional moral views of a certain Industrial, GR No. 173151 (2008)]
sectarian institution is insufficient to qualify the
act as immoral unless it likewise does not Temporary “off-detail” or “floating status”
conform to the public and secular standards. This is the period of time when security guards
More importantly, there must be substantial are in between assignments or when they are
evidence to establish premarital sexual made to wait after being relieved from a
relations and pregnancy out of wedlock is previous post until they are transferred to a new
considered disgraceful or immoral. [Capin- one.
Cadiz v. Brent Hospital, GR No. 187417
(2016)] When this occurs
1. Security agency’s clients decide not to
Totality of infractions renew their contracts with the agency,
The totality of infractions or the number of resulting in a situation where the available
violations committed during the period of posts under its existing contracts are less
employment shall be considered in determining than the number of guards in its roster,
the penalty to be imposed upon an erring 2. Contracts stipulate that the client may
employee. Fitness for continued employment request the agency for replacement of
cannot be compartmentalized into tight little guards assigned to it even for want of
cubicles of aspects of character, conduct and cause.
ability separate and independent of each other.
During such time, the security guard does not
While it may be true that the petitioner was receive any salary or financial assistance
penalized for his previous infractions, this does provided by law. It does not constitute a
not and should not mean that his employment dismissal, as the assignments primarily
record would be wiped clean. After all, the depend on contracts entered into between
record of an employee is a relevant security agencies and third parties, so as long
consideration in determining the penalty that as such status does not continue beyond a
should be meted out since an employee’s past reasonable time. When such status lasts for
misconduct and present behavior must be more than 6 months, the employee may be
Retrenchment Redundancy Closure
1 month or ½ month pay per 1 month or 1 month pay per Closure not due to serious
year of service separation pay year of service separation pay business losses, 1 month or ½
(whichever is higher) (whichever is higher) month pay per year of service
separation pay (whichever is
(e) Disease
Prior certification required
An employer may terminate the services of an It is only where there is a prior certification from
employee: a competent public authority that the disease
1. Who has been found to be suffering from afflicting the employee sought to be dismissed
any disease; and is of such nature or at such stage that it cannot
2. Whose continued employment is prohibited be cured within 6 months even with proper
by law or is prejudicial to his health as well medical treatment that the latter could be
as the health of his co-employees. [Art. validly terminated from his job. [Crayons
299] Processing v. Pula, GR No. 167727 (2007)]
Any union officer who knowingly participates in written explanation within a reasonable
an illegal strike, and any worker or union officer period.
who knowingly participates in the commission 2. The requirement of a hearing is complied
of illegal acts during a strike may be declared with as long as there was an opportunity to
to have lost employment status. [Art. 279 (a)] be heard, and not necessarily an actual
hearing was conducted.
(h) Termination in Conformity with Existing 3. After determining that termination of
Statute/ Qualification Requirements employment is justified, the employers
shall serve the employees a written notice
While the right of workers to security of tenure of termination indicating that:
is guaranteed by the Constitution, its exercise a. All circumstances involving the charge
may be reasonably regulated pursuant to the against the employee have been
police powers of the State to safeguard health, considered, and
morals, peace, education, order, safety, and b. The grounds have been established to
the general welfare of the people. justify the severance of the
employment. [Inguillo v. First Phil
Consequently, persons who desire to engage Scales, GR No. 165407 (2019)]
in the learned professions requiring scientific or
technical knowledge may be required to take The employee must be afforded an opportunity
an examination as a prerequisite to engaging to be heard and defend himself. [Fujitsu
in their chosen careers. [St. Luke's Medical Computer Products Corporation of the Phil v.
Center Employees Assn v. NLRC, GR No. CA, GR No. 158232 (2005)]
162053 (2007)]
The employer may not substitute the required
b. Procedural due process prior notice and opportunity to be heard with
the mere payment of 30 day’s salary. [PNB V.
The employer shall: Cabansag, GR No. 157010 (2005)]
1. Furnish the worker, whose employment is
sought to be terminated, a written notice Right to Counsel
containing a statement of the causes for The right to counsel, a very basic requirement
termination; and of substantive due process, has to be
2. Afford the latter ample opportunity to be observed. Indeed the rights to counsel and to
heard and to defend himself, with the due process of law are two of the fundamental
assistance of his representative if he so rights guaranteed by the 1987 Constitution to
desires, in accordance with company rules any person under investigation, be the
and regulations promulgated pursuant to proceeding administrative, civil or criminal.
guidelines set by the DOLE. [Art. 292 (b)] [Salaw v. NLRC, GR No. 90786 (1991)]
Any decision taken by the employer shall be The procedure can be summarized as follows:
without prejudice to the right of the worker to 1. Employer must furnish the employee with a
contest the validity or legality of his dismissal written notice containing the cause for
by filing a complaint with the regional branch of termination.
the National Labor Relations Commission. 2. The employer must give the employee an
[Art. 292 (b)] opportunity to be heard. This can be done
either through:
Procedural Due Process - manner in which a. Position paper or
the dismissal was effected. b. Clarificatory hearing.
1. The first written notice to be served on the 3. The employee MAY also be assisted by a
employees should contain the specific representative or counsel.
causes or grounds for termination against 4. The employer must give another written
them, and a directive that the employees notice apprising the employee of its
are given the opportunity to submit their
findings and the penalty to be imposed 4. The company rules, if any, violated and/or
against the employee, if any. the grounds under Art. 288 being charged
against the employee. [United Tourist
In labor cases, these requisites meet the Promotions v. Kemplin, GR No. 205453
constitutional requirement of procedural due (2014)]
process, which contemplates, “notice and
opportunity to be heard before judgment is CONTENTS OF SECOND NOTICE
rendered affecting one’s person or property”. 1. All circumstances involving the charge
[Montinola v. PAL, GR No. 198656 (2014)] against the employee considered
2. Grounds established to justify the
i. Twin Notice Requirement severance of employment. [United Tourist
Promotions v. Kemplin, GR No. 205453
The employer has the burden of proving that a (2014)]
dismissed worker has been served two notices:
1. First written notice: specifying the PRE-DISMISSAL NOTICE GROUNDS
ground(s) for termination and giving the An employee may be dismissed only if the
employee the reasonable opportunity grounds mentioned in the pre-dismissal notice
within which to explain his side. were the ones cited for termination of
2. Second written notice: indicating that upon employment. [Erector Advertising Sign Groups
due consideration of all circumstances, v. Cloma, GR No. 167218 (2010)]
grounds have been established to justify
his termination ii. Hearing
Reasonable opportunity for the first written In employee dismissal cases, the essence of
notice should be construed at least 5 calendar due process is simply the opportunity to be
days from receipt of the notice. heard, it is the denial of this that constitutes a
violation of due process of law. [Technol Eight
Ratio: to give the employee an opportunity to Philippines Corporation v. NLRC, GR No.
study the accusation against him, consult a 187605 (2010)]
union official or lawyer, gather data and
evidence, and decide on his defenses. [King of While a formal hearing or conference is ideal, it
Kings Transport v. Mamac, GR No. 166208 is not an absolute, mandatory or exclusive
(2007); Puncia v. Toyota Shaw/Pasig, GR No. avenue of due process. [Perez v. PT&T, GR
214399 (2016)] No. 152048 (2009)]
in itself prove that the employer already finds XXIII with “Rule XXIII Contempt” and does not
the employee guilty of the charges he is asked contain provisions on preventive suspension.
to answer and explain [Soriano v. NLRC et. al.,
G.R. No. 75510, (1987)]. It is curious to note, however, that in a 2018
case [Consolidated Building Maintenance, Inc.
When imposed v. Asprec, Jr., G.R. No. 217301, (June 6,
Preventive suspension may be legally imposed 2018)], the Court stated that “preventive
on employee whose alleged violation is the suspension shall not last for more than 30
subject of an investigation. days” HOWEVER, in stating so, the Court cited
an OLD provision of the IRR of the Labor Code.
The employer may place the worker concerned In fact, it is a recurring theme in a number of
under preventive suspension if his continued more recent cases that the Court would cite old
employment poses a serious and imminent provisions of the IRR of the labor code which
threat to the life or property of the employer or have long been amended or repealed.
of his co-workers. When, however, it is
determined that there is no sufficient basis to When preventive suspension is deemed
justify an employee’s preventive suspension, dismissal
the latter is entitled to the payment of salaries When preventive suspension exceeds the
during the time of preventive suspension.” maximum period allowed without reinstating
[Gatbonton v. NLRC, G.R. No. 146779 (2006)] the employee either by actual or payroll
reinstatement or when preventive suspension
Purpose is for an indefinite period, only then will
The purpose of his suspension is to prevent constructive dismissal set in.
him from causing harm or injury to the company
as well as to his fellow employees. [Sec. 8, Not entitled to pay
Rule XXIII, IRR]. Employee placed under preventive suspension
is not entitled to the payment of wages.
Period of suspension However, if the basis for suspension is later
No preventive suspension shall last longer than proven to be unfounded or invalid, the said
thirty (30) days. employee is entitled to his salary during the
whole period of his suspension. [Gatbonton v.
Upon the expiry of such period, the employer NLRC, G.R. No. 146779 (2006)]
shall thereafter:
1. Reinstate the worker in his former or in a 3. Illegal Dismissal
substantially equivalent position; or
2. The employer may extend the period of a. Kinds
suspension provided that:
a. During the period of extension, he pays i. No just or authorized cause
the wages and other benefits due to the
worker For the dismissal of an employee to be valid,
b. The worker shall not be bound to the dismissal must be for any of the causes
reimburse the amount paid to him provided for in Art. 297-299.
during the extension if the employer
decides, after completion of the An employer who dismisses an employee
hearing, to dismiss the worker. [Sec. 9, without just or authorized cause is liable for:
Rule XXIII, Book V, IRR] 1. Reinstatement or separation pay if
reinstatement is not possible; and
Note: The portion on preventive suspension 2. Full backwages.
under the cited Book V, Rule XXIII, Secs. 8-9
are no longer in existence. The current IRR of ii. Constructive dismissal
the Labor Code (as of 2020) has replaced Rule
A bona fide suspension of work is allowed for In illegal dismissal cases, the onus of proving
as long as it does not exceed 6 months. that the employee was not dismissed or, if
Failure of the employer to recall the suspended dismissed, that the dismissal was not illegal,
employees in the 6-month period amounts to rests on the employer, failure to discharge
constructive dismissal. [SKM Art. Craft Corp. v. which would mean that the dismissal is not
Bauca, G.R. No. 171282 (2013)] justified and, therefore, illegal. [Macasero v.
Southern Industrial Gases Philippines, GR No.
For a transfer to be a valid exercise of 198656 (2014)]
management prerogative:
(1) There is no demotion in rank;
(2) There is no diminution of salary, benefits,
and other privileges;
(3) The action is not motivated by
discrimination, made in bad faith, or
effected as a form of punishment or
demotion without sufficient cause.
Either way, this must be done immediately Instances when the award of separation pay, in
upon the filing of their appeal, without need of lieu of reinstatement to an illegally dismissed
any executory writ. employee, is proper:
a. When reinstatement is no longer possible,
If the order of reinstatement of the Labor Arbiter in cases where the dismissed employee's
is reversed on appeal, it is obligatory on the position is no longer available;
part of the employer to reinstate and pay the b. The continued relationship between the
wages of the dismissed employee during the employer and the employee is no longer
period of appeal until reversal by the higher viable due to the strained relations
court. between them; and
c. When the dismissed employee opted not to
The Labor Arbiter's order of reinstatement is be reinstated, or the payment of separation
immediately executory and the employer has to benefits would be for the best interest of the
either re-admit them to work under the same parties involved. [Sec. 4(b), Rule I, Book VI,
terms and conditions prevailing prior to their IRR]
dismissal, or to reinstate them in the payroll,
and that failing to exercise the options in the Separation Pay and Reinstatement,
alternative, employer must pay the employee's Exclusive Remedies
salaries [Magana v. Medicard Philippines, Inc., The payment of separation pay and
G.R. No. 174833 (2010)] reinstatement are exclusive remedies. The
payment of separation pay replaces the legal
No refund doctrine consequences of reinstatement to an
An employee cannot be compelled to employee who was illegally dismissed. [Bani
reimburse the salaries and wages he received Rural Bank, Inc. v. De Guzman, G.R. No.
during the pendency of his appeal, 170904 (2013)]
notwithstanding the reversal by the NLRC of
the LA's order of reinstatement. [College of the Doctrine of Strained Relations
Immaculate Conception v. NLRC, G.R. No. Where reinstatement is not feasible, expedient
167563 (2010)] or practical, as where reinstatement would only
exacerbate the tension and strained relations
Note: However, Rule XI, Sec. 14 of the 2011 between the parties or where the relationship
NLRC Rules of Procedure provide for between the employer and employee has been
restitution of amounts paid pursuant to unduly strained by reason of their irreconcilable
execution of awards during pendency of the differences, particularly where the illegally
appeal. However, it expressly disallows dismissed employee held a managerial or key
restitution of wages paid due to reinstatement position in the company, it would be more
pending appeal. prudent to order payment of separation pay
instead of reinstatement. [Quijano v. Mercury
Drug Corp., G.R. No. 126561 (1998)]
Provided, That:
1. Such complaint does not include a claim During this time, employees are considered on
for reinstatement; "floating status". [Art. 301; International
2. The aggregate money claims of each Hardware, Inc. vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 80770
employee or househelper does not (1989)]
exceed [Art. 129]
Floating Status in Security Agencies
SUMMARY OF RULES ON MONEY CLAIMS Temporary “off-detail” or “floating status” is the
Art. 224 - Art. 128 - period of time when security guards are in
Art. 129 - RD between assignments or when they are made
Past or Past or to wait after being relieved from a previous post
Existing ER- until they are transferred to a new one.
present ER- present ER-
EE relation-
EE relation- EE relation-
ship Dire exigency of the employer’s bona fide
ship ship
Monetary The power Monetary suspension of operation, business or
claims of the SOLE claims below undertaking takes place when:
below 5k to order and 5k without a a. The security agency’s clients decide not to
arising from enforce claim for renew their contracts with the agency; and
terms and compliance reinstate- b. Contracts for security services stipulate
conditions of with labor ment that the client may request the agency for
employment, standard the replacement of the guards assigned to
if it is with a laws can be it
claim for exercised
reinstate- even where The employer should prove that there are no
ment the posts available to which the employee
individual temporarily out of work can be assigned. [Peak
Monetary claim Ventures Corp v. Nestor Villareal, G.R. No.
claims exceeds 184618 (2014)]
exceeding P5,000.00
5k, whether [Cireneo Requirement to be Reinstated
or not it is Bowling The employee on floating status must indicate
with a claim Plaza, Inc. his desire to resume his work not later than one
for reinstate- v. Sensing] (1) month from the resumption of operations of
ment, his employer or from his relief from the military
except or civic duty.
involving Thereafter, the employer shall reinstate the
SSS, employee to his former position without loss of
Medicare seniority rights. [Art. 301]
maternity When deemed constructive dismissal
benefits When that "floating status" of an employee
lasts for more than six months, he may be
5. When Not Deemed Dismissed; considered to have been illegally dismissed
from the service. Thus, he is entitled to the
Employee on Floating Status corresponding benefits for his separation, and
this will apply to the two types of work
The bona fide suspension of the operation of a suspension, that is, either of the entire
business or undertaking for a period not business or of a specific component thereof.
exceeding six (6) months, or the fulfillment by [Valdez v. NLRC, G.R. No. 125028 (1998)]
the employee of a military or civic duty shall
not terminate employment. [Art. 301]
RA 7641 only applies in a situation where there Employee may still work after retirement
is: Upon retirement of an employee, whether
a. No CBA or other applicable employment optional or compulsory, his services may be
contract providing for retirement benefits; continued or extended on a case to case basis
OR upon the agreement of the employer and
b. Retirement benefits provided by CBA or employee. [Sec. 4, IRR, RA 7641]
other employment contract fall below the
requirements set by law. [Oxales v. Unilab, 2. Amount of Retirement Pay
G.R. No. 152991 (2008)]
Minimum Retirement Pay [Sec. 5, IRR, RA
Age of retirement 7641]
In the absence of a retirement plan or
agreement: Minimum Components
a. Compulsory retirement: 65 years old [Sec.
½ month salary for “One-half month
4, IRR, RA 7641]
every year of service salary” shall include
b. Optional retirement: 60 years or more (but
all of the following:
below 65) and having served the
NOTE: a fraction of Fifteen (15) days
establishment for at least 5 years. [Sec. 1,
at least 6 months salary based on the
IRR, RA 7641]
shall be considered latest salary rate;
a year
An employer is free to impose a retirement age
Cash equivalent of
less than 65 for as long as it has the
“one-half month five (5) days of
employees’ consent. [Jaculbe v. Silliman
salary” is equivalent service incentive
University, G.R. No. 156934 (2007)]
to 22.5 days. leave;
[Capitol Wireless,
For surface mine workers:
Inc. v. Sec. One-twelfth (1/12) of
a. Compulsory retirement age: 60 years old
Confessor, G.R. No. the 13th month pay.
b. Optional retirement age is 50 and having
117174 (1996); (1/12 x 365/12 =
served the establishment for at least 5
Reyes v. NLRC, .083 x 30.41 = 2.52)
years. [Sec. 2, RA 10757]
G.R. No. 160233
(2007)] All other benefits
Forfeiture of Benefits
that the employer
Employees dismissed for just cause are not
and employee may
entitled to retirement benefits and other
agree upon
privileges including reinstatement and
backwages. To rule otherwise would be to
reward acts of willful bread of trust by Retirement pay under RA 7641 vis-à-vis
employees. [Sy v. Metropolitan Bank, G.R. No retirement benefits under SSS and GSIS
160618 (2006)] laws
The benefits under RA 7641 are other than
those granted by the SSS or the GSIS. [Secs.
1 & 2, RA 7641]
provided further that if such retirement benefits General Rule: Exempt from all taxes, not liable
under the agreement are less, the ER shall pay to attachment
the difference. [Art. 302; Sec. 3.2, IRR]
The retirement benefits received by officials
Where both the ER and the EE contribute to a and employees of private firms in accordance
retirement fund pursuant to the applicable with a reasonable private benefit plan
agreement, the ER’s total contributions and the maintained by the employer:
accrued interest thereof should not be less a. shall be exempt from all taxes and
than the total retirement benefits to which the b. shall not be liable to attachment,
EE would have been entitled had there been no garnishment, levy or seizure by or under
such retirement benefits’ fund. If such total any legal or equitable process whatsoever.
portion from the ER is less, the ER shall pay [Sec. 1, RA 4917]
the deficiency. [Sec. 3.3, IRR, RA 7641]
Exception: payment of debts
3. Retirement Benefits for Workers The benefits may be subject of attachment,
Paid by Results garnishment, levy or seizure to cover a debt of
the official or employee concerned to the
Basis for computation of salary for 15 days private benefit plan or that arising from liability
Average Daily Salary (ADS): The ADS is imposed in a criminal action. [Sec. 1, RA 4917]
derived by dividing the total salary for the last
12 months reckoned from the date of Requirements to Avail of Exemption
retirement by the number of actual working 1. That the retiring official or employee has
days in that particular period, provided that the been in the service of the same employer
determination of rates of payment by results for at least 10 years
are in accordance with established regulations. 2. He is not less than fifty years of age at the
[Sec. 5.3, IRR, RA 7641] time of his retirement;
3. That the retirement benefits shall be
4. Retirement Benefit of Part-Time availed of by an official or employee only
once [Sec. 1, RA 4917]
Workers 4. The benefit plan must be approved by the
BIR [Sec. 6, IRR, RA 7641]
Part-time workers are also entitled to Coverage of Exemption from Income Tax
retirement pay of “one-half month salary” for Exempted from taxation are:
every year of service under RA 7641 after a. The retirement benefits received under RA
satisfying the following conditions precedent 7641;
for optional retirement: b. Those received by officials and employees
a. There’s no retirement plan between the ER of private firms, whether individual or
and the EE; and, corporate, in accordance with a reasonable
b. The EE should have reached the age of 60 private benefit plan maintained by the
years, and should have rendered at least 5 employer [Handbook on Workers’ Statutory
years of service with the ER. Monetary Benefits, 2018 ed.];
c. Amount received by the official/employee
Applying the foregoing principle, the or his heirs as a consequence of
components of retirement benefit of part-time separation due to death, sickness, or other
workers may likewise be computed at least in physical disability or for any cause beyond
proportion to the salary and related benefits the control of the said official or employee.
due them. [DOLE Handbook on Workers’ [Sec. 1, RA 4917]
Statutory Monetary Benefits, 2018 ed.]
Reasonable Private Benefit Plan Defined
5. Non-Taxable It refers to a pension, gratuity, stock bonus or
profit-sharing plan:
bargaining [FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical General Rule: All aliens, natural or juridical,
Foundation Inc. v. Trajano, G.R. No. 76273 […] are strictly prohibited from engaging
(1987)] directly or indirectly in all forms of trade union
activities. [Art. 284]
(b) Government employees of
corporations created under the Exception: Aliens may exercise the right to
Corporation Code self-organization and join or assist labor unions
for purposes of collective bargaining, provided
The right to self-organization shall not be the following requisites are fulfilled:
denied to government employees. [Sec. 2(5), 1. With valid working permits issued by the
Art. IX-B, Constitution] DOLE; and
2. They are nationals of a country which
Employees of government corporations grants the same or similar rights to Filipino
established under the Corporation Code shall workers [Art. 284]
have the right to organize and to bargain a. As certified by DFA; OR
collectively with their respective employers b. Has ratified either ILO Conventions No.
87 and 98 [Sec. 2, Rule II, Book V, IRR]
All other employees in the civil service shall
have the right to form associations for (e) Security personnel
purposes not contrary to law. [Art. 254]
The security guards and other personnel
All government employees can form, join or employed by the security service contractor
assist employees’ organizations of their own shall have the right:
choosing for the furtherance and protection of 1. To form, join, or assist in the formation of a
their interests. They can also form, in labor organization of their own choosing for
conjunction with appropriate government purposes of collective bargaining and
authorities, labor-management committees, 2. To engage in concerted activities which are
work councils and other forms of workers’ not contrary to law including the right to
participation schemes to achieve the same strike. [D.O. No. 14 Series of 2001
objectives. [E.O. 180, Sec. 2 (1987)] (Guidelines Governing the Employment
and Working Conditions of Security Guards
(c) Supervisory Employees and Similar Personnel in the Private
Security Industry)]
Supervisory employees are those who, in the
interest of the employer, effectively On Dec. 24, 1986, President C. Aquino issued
recommend such managerial actions if the EO No. 111 which eliminated the provision
exercise of such authority is not merely which made security guards ineligible to join
routinary or clerical in nature but requires the any labor organization. In 1989, Congress
use of independent judgment. [Art. 219(m)] passed RA 6715 which also did not impose
limitations on the ability of security guards to
What is essential is the nature of the join labor organizations. Thus, security guards
employee’s function and not the nomenclature “may now freely join a labor organization of the
or title given to the job which determines rank-and-file or that of the supervisory union,
whether the employee has rank-and-file or depending on their rank.” [Manila Electric Co.
managerial status or whether he is a v. SOLE, G.R. No. 91902 (1991)]
supervisory employee. [Tagaytay Highlands
International Golf Club, Inc. v. Tagaytay
Highlands Employees Union-PTGWO, G.R.
142000 (2003)]
(d) Aliens with valid working permits
Managerial employees are not eligible to join, While Art. 245 [now 255] of the Labor Code
assist or form any labor organization. [Art. 255] singles out managerial employees as ineligible
to join, assist or form any labor organization,
Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for under the doctrine of necessary implication,
membership in the collective bargaining unit of confidential employees are similarly
the rank-and-file employees but may join, disqualified. This doctrine states that what is
assist or form separate collective bargaining implied in a statute is as much a part thereof as
units and/or legitimate labor organizations of that which is expressed. [Metrolab Industries
their own. The rank and file union and the Inc. v. Roldan-Confessor, G.R. No. 108855
supervisors' union operating within the same (1996)]
establishment may join the same federation or
national union. Nature of Access Test
Confidential employees, by the nature of their
Rationale: Supervisory employees, while in functions, assist and act in a confidential
the performance of supervisory functions, capacity to, or have access to confidential
become the alter ego of the management in the matters of, persons who exercise managerial
making and the implementing of key decisions functions in the field of labor relations.
at the sub-managerial level. Certainly, it would
be difficult to find unity or mutuality of interests Requisites
in a bargaining unit consisting of a mixture of 1. The confidential relationship must exist
rank-and-file and supervisory employees. between the employees and his
[Toyota Motor Phil. Corp. v. Toyota Motor Phil. supervisor, and
Corp. Labor Union, G.R. No. 121084 (1997)] 2. The supervisor must handle the prescribed
responsibilities relating to labor relations.
Supervisor and Rank and File Union [San Miguel Supervisors and Exempt
Affiliation Union v. Laguesma, G.R. No. 110399
The rank and file union and the supervisors’ (1997)]
union operating within the same establishment
may join the same federation or national union. Function Test: Nomenclature is not
[Art. 255] controlling
The mere fact that an employee is designated
Note also: Prior to the enactment of RA 9481, “manager” does not ipso facto make him one.
which inserted a new provision [Art. 245-A, Designation should be reconciled with the
now Art. 256], the Court held in De La Salle actual job description of the employee. [Paper
University v. Laguesma that a local Industries Corp. of the Philippines. v.
supervisors’ union is not allowed to affiliate with Laguesma, G. R. No.101738 (2000)]
a national federation of unions of rank and file
employees only where two conditions concur: Confidential information: Must relate to
1. The rank-and-file employees are directly labor relations and not from a business
under the authority of supervisory standpoint
employees An employee must assist or act in a confidential
2. The national federation is actively involved capacity and obtain confidential information
in union activities in the company. [De La relating to labor relations policies. Exposure to
Salle University Medical Center and internal business operations of the company is
College of Medicine v. Laguesma, G.R. No. not per se a ground for the exclusion in the
102084 (1998)] bargaining unit. [Coca-Cola Bottlers v. IPTEU,
G.R. No. 193798 (2015)]
c. Non-employees
d. Member-employee of a cooperative Prohibition on subversive activities or
e. Employees of international organizations membership
f. High-level government employees No labor organization shall knowingly admit as
g. Members of the AFP, police officers, members or continue in membership any
policemen, firemen and jail guards individual who:
1. Belongs to a subversive organization; or
2. Commingling or Mixture of 2. Who is engaged directly or indirectly in any
Membership subversive activity;
federation, and free also to renounce the only upon the submission of the following
affiliation upon the terms laid down in the documents in addition to its charter certificate:
agreement which brought such affiliation into 1. The names of the chapter's officers, their
existence. [Philippine Skylanders, Inc. v. addresses, and the principal office of the
NLRC, G.R. No. 127374 (2002)] chapter; and
2. The chapter's constitution and by-laws:
Union Chartering Provided, That where the chapter's
Affiliate constitution and by-laws are the same as
An independent union affiliated with a that of the federation or the national union,
federated, national union or a chartered local this fact shall be indicated accordingly.
which was subsequently granted independent
registration but did not disaffiliate from its The additional supporting requirements shall
federation, reported to the Regional Office and be:
the Bureau in accordance with Rule III, Secs. 6 1. Certified under oath by:
and 7 [Sec. 1(b), Rule I, Book V, IRR] a. Secretary; or
b. Treasurer
Independent Union 2. Attested by: Its president [Art. 241]
A labor organization operating at the enterprise
level that acquired legal personality through Lesser requirements for Chartered locals
independent registration under Art. 234 of the The intent of the law in imposing less
Labor Code and Rule III, Sec. 2-A [Sec. 1(x), requirements in the case of a branch or local of
Rule I, Book V] a registered federation or national union is to
encourage the affiliation of a local union with a
National Union or Federation federation or national union in order to increase
A group of legitimate labor unions in a private the local unions’ bargaining powers respecting
establishment organized for collective terms and conditions of labor. [SMCEU-
bargaining or for dealing with employers PTGWO v. SMPEU-PDMP, G.R. No. 171153
concerning terms and conditions of (2007)]
employment for their member union or for
participating in the formulation of social and Trade Union Centers cannot create locals
employment policies, standards and programs, or chapters
registered with the BLR in accordance with Art. 241 mentions only “a duly registered
Rule III Sec. 2-B [Sec. 1(ll), Rule I, Book V, federation or national union.”
The solemn power and duty of the Court to
Chartered Local (Local Chapter) interpret and apply the law does not include the
A labor organization in the private sector power to correct by reading into the law what is
operating at the enterprise level that acquired not written therein. [SMCEU-PTGWO v.
legal personality through registration with SMPEU-PDMP, G.R. No. 171153 (2007)]
Regional Office [Sec. 1(j), Rule I, Book V, IRR]
National Union or Federation v. Trade
A duly registered federation or national union Unions
may directly create a local chapter by issuing a National Union or
charter certificate indicating the establishment Trade Unions
of the local chapter. The chapter shall acquire With at least ten Composed of a
legal personality only for purposes of filing a (10) locals or group of registered
petition for certification election from the date it chapters (or national unions or
was issued a charter certificate. independent unions federations
[Sec. 2-B(5), Rule
The chapter shall be entitled to all other rights III, Book V, IRR],
and privileges of a legitimate labor organization each of which must
be a duly
considered disloyalty. [Malayang Manggagawa must be understood. It only means that the
sa M. Greenfield v. Ramos, G.R. No. 113907 employees, thru their new bargaining agent,
(2000)] cannot renege on their collective bargaining
contract, except of course to negotiate with
Effect of Disaffiliation management for the shortening thereof.
On legal personality [Benguet Consolidated v. BCI Employees and
A registered independent union retains its legal Workers Union-PAFLU, G.R. No. L-24711
personality while a chartered local loses its (1968)]
legal personality unless it registers itself.
Conditions to apply the doctrine
No effect on CBA 1. Change of bargaining agent (through
A disaffiliation does not disturb the affiliation, disaffiliation, or other means);
enforceability and administration of a collective and
agreement; it does not occasion a change of 2. Existing CBA with the previous bargaining
administrators of the contract nor even an agent [Benguet Consolidated v. BCI
amendment of the provisions thereof. Employees and Workers Union-PAFLU,
[Volkschel Labor Union v. BLR, No. L-45824 G.R. No. L-24711 (1998)]
Obligation to pay union dues is 1. New bargaining agent cannot revoke and
coterminous with membership must respect the existing CBA; and
“The employees’ check-off authorization, even 2. It may negotiate with management to
if declared irrevocable, is good only as long as shorten the existing CBA’s lifetime.
they remain members of the union concerned”.
A contract between an employer and the
parent organization as bargaining agent for the B. BARGAINING UNIT
employees is terminated by the disaffiliation of
the local of which the employees are members.
[Volkschel Labor Union v. BLR, No. L-45824 Definition
(1985)] “Bargaining Unit” refers to a group of
employees sharing mutual interests within a
Power to represent principal severed given employer unit, comprised of all or less
By [the local union’s disaffiliation from the than all of the entire body of employees in the
federation], the vinculum that previously bound employer unit or any specific occupational or
the two entities was completely severed. [The geographical grouping within such employer
federation] was divested of any and all power unit. [Sec. 1(e), Rule I, Book V, IRR]
to act in representation of the union. Thus, any
act performed by [the federation] affecting the It is a group of employees of a given employer,
interests and affairs of the [local union] is comprised of all or less than all of the entire
rendered without force and effect. [ANGLO v. body of employees, which the collective
Samana, G.R. No. 118562 (1996)] interests of all the employees indicate to be
best suited to serve reciprocal rights and duties
(b) Substitutionary Doctrine of the parties consistent with equity to the
employer. [Belyca Corp. v. Calleja, G.R. No.
The “substitutionary” doctrine provides that the 77395 (1988) citing Rothenberg]
employees cannot revoke the validly executed
collective bargaining contract with their Functions of an Appropriate Bargaining
employer by the simple expedient of changing Unit
their bargaining agent. 1. An ELECTORAL DISTRICT. – It marks the
boundaries of those who may participate in
It is in the light of this that the phrase “said new a certification election.
agent would have to respect said contract”
2. An ECONOMIC UNIT. – They are a group never bind subsequent federations and unions
of employees with community of interests. because it is a curtailment of the right to self--
3. A SOVEREIGN BODY. – It selects the sole organization guaranteed by the labor laws
and exclusive bargaining agent. [General Rubber & Footwear Corp. v. BLR,
G.R. No. 74262 (1987)]
Role of a bargaining unit
The labor organization designated or selected Corporate Entities
by the majority of the employees in an General Rule: Two companies having
appropriate collective bargaining unit shall be separate juridical personalities shall NOT be
the exclusive representative of the employees treated as a single bargaining unit. [Diatagon
in such unit for the purpose of collective Labor Federation Local v. Ople, G.R. No. L-
bargaining. [Art. 267] 44493-94 (1980)]
other conditions of employment. [...] The nature The basic test in determining the appropriate
of their products and scales of business may bargaining unit is that a unit, to be appropriate,
require different skills, volumes of work, and must affect a grouping of employees who have
working conditions which must necessarily be substantial, mutual interests in wages, hours,
commensurate by different compensation working conditions, and other subjects of
packages. [San Miguel Union v. Confesor, collective bargaining. [UP v. Ferrer-Calleja,
G.R. No. 111262 (1996)] G.R. No. 96189, (1992)]
Qualification of Voters
Eligible Voter
Eligible voter refers to a voter belonging to the
appropriate bargaining unit that is the subject
of the petition for certification election [Sec.
1(q), Rule VIII, Book V, IRR]
employment from the “time of filing the Non-participation in previous election has
petition”. This difference has not been resolved no effect
in any case before the Supreme Court. [Failure to take part in previous elections is no
bar to the right to participate in future elections.]
All rank and file employees in the appropriate No law, administrative rule or precedent
bargaining unit, whether probationary or prescribes forfeiture of the right to vote by
permanent are entitled to vote. The Code reason of neglect to exercise the right in past
makes no distinction as to their employment certification elections. [Reyes v. Trajano, G.R.
status. [...] All they need to be eligible to No. 84433 (1992)]
support the petition is to belong to a bargaining
unit. [Airtime Specialists, Inc. v. Ferrer-Calleja, 1. Determination of Representation
G.R. No. 80612-16 (1990)] Status
Rationale for Non-Distinction Policy Methods of Establishing Majority Status
Collective bargaining covers all aspects of the a. Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent
employment relation and the resultant CBA (SEBA) Certification
binds all employees in the bargaining unit. All b. Consent Election
rank and file employees, probationary or c. Certification Election
permanent, have a substantial interest in the d. Run-Off Election
selection of the bargaining representative. e. Re-Run election
[Airtime Specialists, Inc. v Ferrer-Calleja,
supra.] Note: D.O. No. 40-I-15 replaced Voluntary
Recognition with SEBA certification, as of
Dismissed employees [Sec. 6, Rule IX, Book September 7, 2015.
General Rule: [Dismissed] employees [who] a. SEBA Certification
contested legality of the dismissal in a forum of
appropriate jurisdiction at the time of the PROCEDURE [RULE VII, BOOK V, IRR]
issuance of the order for conduct of a 1. File Request for SEBA Certification [Sec.
certification election 1]
Exception: Dismissal was declared valid in a Who: Any legitimate labor organization
final judgment at the time of the conduct of the
certification election.
File where: Regional Office which issued
its certificate of registration or certificate of
Disagreement over voters’ list over creation of chartered local
eligibility of voters
All contested voters shall be allowed to vote 2. Indicate in the request [Sec. 2]:
[but] their votes shall be segregated and sealed a. Name and address of the requesting
in individual envelopes. [Sec. 6, Rule IX, Book
legitimate labor organization;
V, IRR] b. Name and address of the company
where it operates;
Voting List and Voters c. Bargaining unit sought to be
The basis of determining voters may be agreed represented;
upon by the parties (i.e. the use of payroll). d. Approximate number of employees in
[Acoje Workers Union v. NAMAWU, G.R. No. the bargaining unit; and
L-18848 (1963)] e. Statement of the existence/non-
existence of other labor
When: Within one (1) day from submission Incomplete The request shall be
of request requirements referred to Election Officer
for the conduct of election
Action: pursuant to Rule IX.
a. Determine whether request is
compliant with Sec. 2 and whether the Complete Regional Director shall
bargaining unit sought to be requirements issue a certification as
represented is organized or not; and SEBA
b. Request a copy of the payroll
5. Regional Director shall post the SEBA
If the Regional Director finds it deficient, Certification [Sec. 4.1]
he/she shall advise the requesting union or
local to comply within ten (10) days from Period: Fifteen (15) consecutive days
notice. Failure to comply within the
prescribed period shall be deemed Where: At least two (2) conspicuous
withdrawal of the request. places in the establishment or covered
bargaining unit.
If Unorganized Establishment [Sec. 4]
a. Finding of only 1 legitimate labor EFFECT OF SEBA CERTIFICATION [Sec.
organization – Regional Director shall call 4.2]
a conference within five (5) working days Upon the issuance of the [SEBA Certification],
for the SUBMISSION of: the certified union or local shall enjoy all the
1. Names of employees in the covered rights and privileges of an exclusive bargaining
bargaining unit who signify support for agent of all the employees in the covered
certification; [and these] employees bargaining unit.
comprise at least majority of the
number of employees in the covered The certification shall bar the filing of a [PCE]
bargaining unit; and by any labor organization for a period of one (1)
2. Certification under oath by the year from the date of its issuance.
president of the requesting union or
local that all documents submitted are Upon expiration of this one-year period, any
true and correct based on personal legitimate labor organization may file a [PCE]
knowledge in the same bargaining unit represented by the
b. Failure to Complete Requirements for certified labor organization, unless a [CBA]
SEBA Certification - the request for SEBA between the employer and the certified labor
certification shall be referred to the election organization was executed and registered with
[It] is not a ‘litigation’ [...] but a mere In case of disagreement over the voters’ list or
over the eligibility of voters, all contested voters
investigation of a non-adversary, fact-finding
character. [...] shall be allowed to vote. But their votes shall be
segregated and sealed in individual envelopes.
The determination of the proceeding does not
entail the entry of remedial orders or redress of WHO MAY FILE [Sec. 1, Rule VIII, Book V,
rights, but culminates solely in an official IRR]
designation of bargaining units and an 1. Legitimate labor organization [Art. 219
affirmation of the employees’ expressed choice (h)]
of bargaining agent. [Angat River Irrigation 2. Local/chapter that has been issued a
System v. Angat River Worker’s Union charter certificate
(PLUM), G.R. Nos. L-10943 and L-10944 The chapter shall acquire legal personality
(1957)] only for purposes of filing a petition for
certification election from the date it was
Technical rules and objections should not issued a charter certificate. [Art. 241]
hamper the correct ascertainment of the labor 3. National union or federation that has
union that has the support or confidence of the issued a charter certificate to its
majority of the workers and is thus entitled to local/chapter [in behalf of the latter]
represent them in their dealings with 4. A group of legitimate labor unions in a
private establishment organized for
collective bargaining or for dealing with The only instance when the employer may be
employers concerning terms and involved in that process is when it is obliged to
conditions of employment for their member file a petition for certification election on its
unions or for participating in the formulation workers’ request to bargain collectively
of social and employment policies, pursuant to Art. 258 [now Art. 270]. [Hercules
standards and programs, registered with Industries, Inc. v. Sec. of Labor, G.R. No.
the BLR in accordance with Rule III Sec. 2- 96255 (1992)]
B. [Sec. 1 (ll), Rule I, Book V, IRR]
5. Employer (when requested to bargain [The employer] did not possess the legal
collectively and no existing CBA) personality to file a motion to dismiss the
Requisites: petition for certification election even if based
a. Employer is requested to bargain on the ground that its supervisory employees
collectively; AND are in reality managerial employees.
b. No existing registered CBA in the unit
[Art. 270] It is well-settled that an employer has no
standing to question a certification election
BYSTANDER RULE since this is the sole concern of the workers.
In all cases, whether the petition for The only exception to this rule is Art. 258 [now
certification election is filed by an employer or Art. 270]. [PT&T v. Laguesma, G.R. No.
a legitimate labor organization, the employer 101730 (1993)]
shall not be considered a party thereto with a
concomitant right to oppose a petition for [A] company’s interference in the certification
certification election. [Art. 271] election below by actively opposing the same
[...] unduly creates a suspicion that it intends to
The employer’s participation shall be establish a company union. [Oriental Tin Can
limited to: Labor Union v. Secretary of Labor, G.R. No.
a. Being notified or informed of petitions of 116751 (1998)]
such nature
b. Submitting the list of employees during the VENUE FOR FILING PETITION
pre-election conference, should the Med- File with the Regional Office which issued the
Arbiter act favorably on the petition [Art. petitioning union’s certificate of registration or
271] certificate of creation of chartered local.
The principle of the employer as by-stander At [petitioner’s option], [it may file] the petition
shall be strictly observed throughout the and its supporting documents [...] online. [Sec.
conduct of certification election. 2, Rule VIII, Book V, IRR]
The employer shall not harass, intimidate, Where two or more petitions involving the
threat[en], or coerce employees before, during same bargaining unit [Sec. 2, Rule VIII, Book
and after elections. [Sec. 1, Rule IX, Book V, V, IRR]:
IRR] Filed in Automatically consolidated with
one [Med-Arbiter] who first acquired
However, manifestation of facts that would aid jurisdiction.
the [Med-Arbiter] in expeditiously resolving the
petition such as existence of a contract-bar,
one year bar or deadlock bar may be Filed in The Regional Office in which
considered. [Sec. 1, Rule VIII, Book V, IRR] different the petition was first filed shall
Regional exclude all others; [...] the latter
The employer is not a party to a certification Offices shall indorse the petition to the
election, which is the sole or exclusive concern former for consolidation.
of the workers. [...]
provisions [and in the Omnibus Rules] does it 2. After the filing of such petition is considered
appear that a motion for intervention in a to be involuntary and does not affect the
certification election must be accompanied by [petition]. [S.S. Ventures International v.
a similar written consent. [PAFLU v. Calleja, S.S. Ventures Labor Union, G.R. No.
G.R. No. 79347 (1989)] 161690 (2008)]
1. Incumbent bargaining agent as forced
intervenor: The incumbent bargaining
agent shall automatically be one of the
choices in the certification election as
forced intervenor. [Sec. 8, Rule VIII, Book
2. Legitimate labor union other than the
incumbent bargaining agent operating
within the bargaining unit: When a
petition for certification election was filed in
an organized establishment, any legitimate
labor union other than the incumbent
bargaining agent operating within the
bargaining unit may file a motion for
intervention with the Med-Arbiter during the
freedom period of the collective bargaining
The employees’ withdrawal from a labor
union made
1. Before the filing of the petition for
certification election is presumed voluntary
Substantial support rule Must be duly supported by 25% of NO substantial support rule
APPROPRIATE BARGAINING Rationale: Intention of law is
UNIT to bring in the union, to
implement policy behind Art.
Rationale: Law wants to know the 218A.
intention of the employees – if they
really want a certification election,
since they already have a
bargaining agent
unions, including between "no union" and one if the latter so desires. [Sec. 5, Rule VIII, Book
of the unions. It shall likewise refer to an V, IRR]
election conducted after a failure of election
has been declared by the election officer (2) Preliminary Conference
and/or affirmed by the mediator-arbiter. [Sec.
1(tt), Rule 1, Book V, as amended by DO 40-I- Med-Arbiter shall conduct a preliminary
15] conference and hearing within ten (10) days
from receipt of the petition to determine the
Situations Contemplated following:
1. A tie between two (2) choices. 1. The bargaining unit to be represented;
2. Failure of Elections [see Definition] 2. Contending labor unions
3. Possibility of a consent election
Duty of Election Officer 4. Existence of any of the bars to certification
1. Notify parties of a re-run election election under Sec. 3[, Rule VIII]; and
2. Cause posting of notice within five (5) days 5. Such other matters as may be relevant for
from said election. the final disposition of the case [Sec. 10,
Rule VIII, Book V, IRR]
When will re-run be conducted
Within ten (10) days after the posting of the Note: If contending unions agree to holding of
notice of the union declared as winner and an election, [...] it shall be called a consent
certified choice receiving the HIGHEST election. [Sec. 11, Rule VIII, Book V, IRR]
(3) Med-Arbiter to Conduct Hearings
CERTIFICATION ELECTION If contending unions fail to agree to a consent
1. Raffling of case to Med-Arbiter election during the preliminary conference
2. Preliminary Conference and hearing the Med-Arbiter may conduct as many
3. Conduct of hearings hearings as he/she may deem necessary
4. Determine if petition should be dismissed ○ but in no case shall the conduct thereof
on grounds stated in Sec. 15 exceed fifteen (15) days from date of
5. Order/Decision on the petition scheduled preliminary conference/
6. Appealing the order/decision on the hearing, after which the petition shall
petition be considered submitted for decision.
7. Raffling of the case to an Election Officer [...]
8. Pre-Election Conference
9. Conduct of election Within the same 15-day period [...], the
10. Challenging of votes and on the spot contending labor unions may file such
questions pleadings as they may deem necessary for the
11. Protesting immediate resolution of the petition.
12. Canvassing of votes Extensions of time shall not be entertained.
13. Nullification of Election Results [Sec. 12, Rule VIII, Book V, IRR]
14. Proclamation and Certification of the result
of the election
15. Appeal from Certification Election Order
(6) Appealing the Order Granting or Secretary’s decision shall be final and
Denying the Conduct of Certification executory within ten (10) days from receipt by
Election [Sec. 19-20, RULE VIII, BOOK V, parties. [Sec. 23, Rule VIII, Book V, IRR]
Note: No motion for reconsideration of decision
Form of appeal shall be entertained. [Sec. 23, Rule VIII, Book
1. Verified under oath V, IRR]
2. Consists of a memorandum of appeal
specifically stating the grounds relied upon Implementation of decision
by appellant with the supporting arguments General Rule: Shall not be stayed
and evidence Exception: Restrained by appropriate court
[Sec. 24, Rule VIII, Book V, IRR]
Organized or denied (7) Raffling of the Case to an Election
Appeal to Officer
Granted Office of
Secretary Regional Director shall cause the raffle of the
or denied case to an Election Officer who shall have
Unorganized control of:
Granted Unappealable 1. Pre-election conference; and
2. Election proceedings
When: Within ten (10) days from receipt of the When: Within twenty-four (24) hours from
order [of the Med-Arbiter]. receipt of notice of entry of final judgment
granting the conduct of a certification election
Where: Regional Office where the petition [Sec. 2, Rule IX, Book V, IRR]
(8) Pre-Election Conference
Effect of Filing Memorandum of Appeal
Stays the holding of any certification election. Notice of Pre-Election Conference [Sec. 3,
[Sec. 23, Rule VIII, Book V, IRR] Rule IX, Book V, IRR]
The Election Officer shall cause the issuance
Reply to Appeal of notice of pre-election conference upon the
Reply by any party to the petition shall be filed contending unions
within ten (10) days from receipt of the
memorandum of appeal […] and filed directly When: Within twenty-four (24) hours from the
with the office of the Secretary. [Sec. 22, Rule [Election Officer’s] receipt of assignment for the
VIII, Book V, IRR] conduct of a certification election
Employer to Submit: [Sec. 3, Rule IX, Book 2. Names of all contending unions;
V, IRR] 3. Description of the bargaining unit;
1. Certified list of employees in the bargaining 4. List of eligible and challenged voters.
unit; or where necessary,
2. Payrolls covering the members of the Posting of the list of employees comprising the
bargaining unit at the time of the filing of bargaining unit shall be done by the DOLE
petition personnel.
Consequence: Any other device found within Shall be passed upon by the Med-Arbiter only
the premises shall be confiscated by the if the number of segregated votes will
Election Officer and returned to its owner after materially alter the results of the election.
conduct of the certification election.
On-the-spot Questions
Spoiled Ballots What the Election Officer shall rule on: Any
A ballot that is torn, defaced, or contains question relating to and raised during the
marking which can lead another to clearly conduct of election
identify the voter who casts such vote [Sec.
1(ww), Rule I, Book V, IRR] What the Election Officer SHALL NOT rule
on: Question of eligibility which shall be
If the voter inadvertently spoils a ballot, he shall decided by the Mediator-Arbiter
return it to the Election Officer who shall
destroy it and give him/her another ballot. [Sec. Failure of representative/s of the
10, Rule IX, Book V, IRR] contending unions to appear [Sec. 15, Rule
IX, Book V, IRR]
Member unintentionally omitted in the master Considered a waiver of the right to be present
list of voters may either be: and to question the conduct thereof
1. May be allowed to vote if both parties
agree; [OR] (11) Protest [Sec. 13, Rule IX, Book V, IRR]
2. Allowed to vote but the ballot is segregated
Who may file: Any party-in-interest
(10) Challenging of Votes and on the Spot
Questions [Sec. 11-12, Rule IX, Book V, Ground: On the conduct or mechanics of the
IRR] election
Ballot of the voter who has been properly When Protest is Perfected:
challenged during the pre-election conferences 1. [Record the protest] in the minutes of the
shall be: election proceedings; AND
1. Placed in an envelope sealed by Election 2. Formalize [the] protest with the Med-
Officer in the presence of: Arbiter, with specific grounds, arguments
a. the voter; and and evidence within five (5) days after the
b. representatives of the contending close of the election proceedings
2. Election Officer shall indicate on the Protests deemed dropped
envelope the: Protests [which are]:
a. Voter’s name; 1. Not recorded in the minutes; AND
b. Union challenging the voter; and 2. Formalized within the prescribed period
c. Ground for the challenge
3. Sealed envelope shall be signed by: General reservation to file protest
a. Election Officer; and prohibited
b. Representatives of the contending Protesting party shall specify the grounds for
unions protest.
Failure to formalize within 5-days cannot be 1. Election Officer shall count and tabulate
taken against the union the votes in the presence of the
[The petitioner union misrepresented that they representatives of the contending unions.
were independent which caused the members 2. Upon completion of canvass, the Election
to disaffiliate and form a new union and their Officer shall give each representative a
protest was not filed within the 5-day period. copy of the minutes of the election
The] failure to follow strictly the procedural proceedings and results of the election.
technicalities regarding the period for filing their 3. Ballots and tally sheets shall be sealed in
protest should not be taken against them. an envelope and signed by the Election
Officer and the representatives of the
Mere technicalities should not be allowed to contending unions and transmitted to the
prevail over the welfare of the workers. What Med-Arbiter together with the minutes and
is essential is that they be accorded an results of the election within twenty-four
opportunity to determine freely and intelligently (24) hours from the completion of the
which labor organization shall act on their canvass.
behalf. [DHL-URFA-FFW v. BMP, G.R. No.
152094 (2004)] Election conducted in more than one
region Consolidation of results shall be made
Note: "Election Proceedings" refer to the period within fifteen (15) days from the conduct
during a certification election, consent or run- thereof.
off election and election of union officers,
starting from the opening to the closing of the Double Majority Rule
polls, including the counting, tabulation and It is well-settled that under the so-called
consolidation of votes, but excluding the period "double majority rule,” for there to be a valid
for the final determination of the challenged certification election, majority of the bargaining
votes and the canvass thereof. [Book V, Rule unit must have voted AND the winning union
1, Sec. 1 (q)] must have garnered majority of the valid votes
cast. [NUWHRAIN-Manila Pavilion Hotel
Included: Chapter v. Secretary of Labor and
1. Starting from the opening to the closing of Employment, G.R. No. 181531 (2009)]
the polls
2. Counting, tabulation and consolidation of Requisites:
votes 1. There must be a valid certification or
consent election
1. Period for the final determination of the Valid Election: At least majority of the
challenged votes number of eligible voters have cast their
2. Canvass of the challenged votes [Sec. votes (VOTES CAST) [Sec. 17, Rule IX,
1(q), Rule I, Book V, IRR] Book V, IRR]
(12) Canvassing of Votes [Sec. 15, Rule IX, 2. The winning union must garner majority of
Book V, IRR] the VALID VOTES CAST [Sec. 16, Rule IX,
Book V, IRR]
Election precincts shall open and close on the
date and time agreed upon during the pre- Winning union certified as SEBA if there is
election conference. no protest [Sec. 16, Rule IX, Book V, IRR]
The [winning union] shall be certified as the
The opening and canvass of votes shall [SEBA] in the appropriate bargaining unit within
proceed immediately after the precincts have five (5) days from date of election, provided no
closed. protest is recorded in the minutes of the
Procedure [Sec. 14, Rule IX, Book V, IRR]
When winning choice is local chapter Within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of
without certificate of creation of chartered the motion, the Election Officer shall:
local 1. Immediately schedule another election
It must submit its DOLE issued certificate of within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
creation within five (5) days from the motion
conclusion of election 2. Cause posting of the notice of election
a. At least ten (10) days prior to the
Note: Please note that valid votes differ from scheduled date of election
mere votes as the former excludes spoiled b. In two (2) most conspicuous places in
ballots. the establishment
Abstention: refers to a blank or unfilled ballot Same guidelines and list of voters shall be
validly cast by an eligible voter. It is not used.
considered as a negative vote. However, it
shall be considered a valid vote for purposes of Nullification of Election Results
determining a valid election. [Sec. 1(a), Rule I, It is precisely because respect must be
Book V, IRR] accorded to the will of labor thus ascertained
that a general allegation of duress is not
Spoiled Ballot: Refers to a ballot that is torn, sufficient to invalidate a certification election; it
defaced, or contains markings which can lead must be shown by competent and credible
another to clearly identify the voter who casts proof. [United Employees Union of Gelmart
such vote. [Sec. 1(ww), Rule I, Book V, IRR] Industries Philippines (UEUGIP) v. Noriel, No.
L-40810 (1975)]
(13) Failure of Election [Sec. 17, Rule IX,
Book V, IRR] (14) Proclamation and Certification of the
result of the election
The Election Officer shall declare a failure of
election in the minutes of the election Certification of the Collective Bargaining
proceedings when: Agent [Sec. 21, Rule IX, Book V, IRR]
1. Number of VOTES CAST is less than the Within 24 hours from final canvass of votes,
majority of the number of eligible voters; there being a VALID election, the Election
AND Officer shall transmit the records of the case to
2. There are no material challenged votes the Med-Arbiter.
Effect of Failure of Election [Sec. 19, Rule IX, Within the same period from receipt of the
Book V, IRR] minutes and results of election, [the Med-
Shall not bar the filing of a motion for the Arbiter] shall issue an order proclaiming the
immediate holding of a certification or consent results of the election and certifying the union
election within six (6) months from date of as the [SEBA] under any of the following
declaration of failure of election. conditions:
1. No protests were filed, or even if one was
Note: Under Sec. 1(tt), Rule I, Book V, a RE- filed, [it] was not perfected within the five-
RUN ELECTION “shall likewise refer to an day period
election conducted after a failure of election 2. No challenge or eligibility issue was raised,
has been declared by the Election Officer or even if one was raised, [its] resolution
and/or affirmed by the [Med-Arbiter].” Thus, will not materially change the results of the
under the Rules, this is the other definition of a elections.
Re-Run Election.
Winning union shall have the rights, privileges,
Motion for another election after failure of and obligations of a duly certified collective
election [Sec. 20, Rule IX, Book V, IRR] bargaining agent from the time the certification
is issued.
The system of check-off is primarily for the The authorization should specifically state the
benefit of the Union and, only indirectly, for the amount, purpose and beneficiary of the
benefit of the individual employees. [Marino v. deduction. [Art. 250 (o)]
v Gamilla, G.R. No. 149763 (2009)]
Requisites for a Valid Special Assessment
Note: For a check-off to be valid, it must comply 1. Authorization by a written resolution of the
with the requirements of a valid special majority of ALL the members at the general
assessment. membership meeting called for the
Jurisdiction over Check-off Disputes 2. Secretary’s record of the minutes of the
The Bureau of Labor Relations has jurisdiction meeting; AND
to hear, decide and to mete out punishment 3. Individual written authorization for check off
any violation under Art. 250 upon report of at duly signed by the employees concerned
least 30% of the union membership OR which indicates the:
a. Amount
An amount, equivalent to union dues, which a No attorney’s fees, negotiation fees, or similar
non-union member pays to the union because charges of any kind arising from any collective
he benefits from the CBA negotiated by the bargaining agreement or conclusion of the
union. [Azucena] collective agreement shall be imposed on any
individual member. [Art. 228(b)]
Rationale for Allowing Agency Fees
The legal basis of the union’s right to agency Proper charging of attorney’s fees:
fees is neither contractual nor statutory but a. Charges against union funds; AND
quasi-contractual, deriving from the b. In an amount agreed upon by the parties
established principle that non-union employees
may not unjustly enrich themselves by Any contract, agreement, or arrangement of
benefiting from employment conditions any sort to the contrary shall be void. [Art.
negotiated by the bargaining union. [Holy 228(b)]
Meaning of Bargaining in Good Faith Over mandatory subjects, a party may insist
There is no per se test of good faith in on bargaining, even to the point of deadlock,
bargaining. and his insistence will not be construed as
bargaining in bad faith.
Good faith or bad faith is an inference to be
drawn from the facts. [Union of Filipino Over a non-mandatory subject, on the other
Employees v. Nestle Philippines, Inc., G.R. hand, a party may not insist on bargaining to
Nos. 158930-31 (2008)] the point of impasse, otherwise his insistence
can be construed as bargaining in bad faith.
[T]he failure to reach an agreement after
negotiations continued for a reasonable period Blue-Sky Bargaining
does not establish a lack of good faith. Blue-Sky Bargaining is defined as "unrealistic
and unreasonable demands in negotiations by
The laws invite and contemplate a collective either or both labor and management, where
bargaining contract, but they do not compel neither concedes anything and demands the
one. [Tabangao Shell Refinery Employees impossible." It actually is not collective
Association v. Pilipinas Shell Petroleum bargaining at all. [Roberts Dictionary of
Corporation, G.R. No. 170007 (2014)] Industrial Relations as cited in Standard Bank
Chartered Employees Union v. Confesor, G.R.
Duty to Bargain does NOT include: No. 114974 (2004)]
1. Any legal duty [on the employer] to initiate
contract negotiation [Kiok Loy v. NLRC,
G.R. No. L-54334 (1986)]
2. The obligation to reach an agreement:
While the law makes it an obligation for the
employer and the employees to bargain
collectively with each other, such
compulsion does not include the
commitment to precipitately accept or
agree to the proposals of the other. All it
contemplates is that both parties should
approach the negotiation with an open
mind and make reasonable effort to reach
a common ground of agreement. [Union of
Surface Bargaining
Surface bargaining is defined as "going Duty to bargain collectively in the absence
through the motions of negotiating," without of collective bargaining agreements
any real intent to reach an agreement. [Roberts Condition: In the absence of an agreement or
Dictionary of Industrial Relations as cited in other voluntary arrangement providing for a
Standard Bank Chartered Employees Union v. more expeditious manner of collective
Confesor, supra.] bargaining
It violates the Act's requirement that parties Who has the duty: Employer and the
negotiate in "good faith." It is prohibited representatives of the employees
because the bargaining status of a union can
be destroyed by going through the motions of What is their duty: To bargain collectively in
negotiating almost as easily as by bluntly accordance with the provisions of this Code
withholding recognition […] As long as there [Art. 262]
are unions weak enough to be talked to death,
there will be employers who are tempted to iii. When there is a CBA
engage in the forms of collective bargaining
without the substance. [K-MART Corporation v. General Rule: The duty to bargain collectively
NLRB, 1980 626 F.2d 704] shall also mean that neither party shall
terminate nor modify such agreement during its
Individual Bargaining lifetime. [Art. 264]
It is an unfair labor practice for an employer
operating under a CBA to negotiate with his Substitutionary Doctrine
employees individually. Note: See also discussion under V.b.2
That constitutes interference because the General Rule: Even during the effectivity of a
company is still under obligation to bargain with collective bargaining agreement executed
the union as the bargaining representative. between employer and employees [through]
their agent, the employees can change said
Individual bargaining contemplates a situation agent but the contract continues to bind them
where the employer bargains with the union up to its expiration date. They may bargain,
through the employees instead of the however, for the shortening of said expiration
employees through the union. [The Insular Life date. [Elisco-Elirol Labor Union v. Noriel, G.R.
Assurance Co. Ltd., Employees Assn. v. No. L-41955 (1977)].
Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd, G.R. No. L-
25291 (1971)] Exception: At least sixty (60) days prior to the
expiration of the collective bargaining
Boulwarism agreement, either party can serve a written
A take-it-or-leave-it approach in negotiation notice to terminate or modify the agreement
constitutes bad faith. "Although the law cannot [Art. 264].
open a man's mind, it can at least compel him
to conduct himself as if he were trying to Note: During this 60-day period, a verified
persuade and were willing to be persuaded. To petition questioning the majority status of the
offer the union a contract saying 'Take it or incumbent bargaining agent may also be filed
leave it,' is not bargaining collectively within the [Art. 268].
meaning of the act.” [Herald Delivery Carriers
Union v. Herald Publication Inc., G.R. No. L-
29966 (1974), citing NLRB v. Pilling and Son
Co. US, 119 F2D 32 (1941)]
In order for a matter to be subject to mandatory At the negotiations, it is but natural for both
collective bargaining, it must materially or management and labor to adopt positions or
significantly affect the terms and conditions of make demands and offer proposals and
employment. Whether the agreement concerns counter-proposals.
a mandatory subject of bargaining depends not
on its form, but on its practical effect. [Azucena] However, nothing is considered final until the
parties have reached an agreement.
Importance of Determining the Character of [Samahang Manggagawa sa Top Form v.
the Bargaining Issue NLRC, G.R. No. 113856 (1998)]
The question as to what are mandatory and
what are merely permissive subjects of Suspension of Bargaining Negotiations
collective bargaining is of significance on the In order to allow the employer to validly
right of a party to insist on his position to the suspend the bargaining process there must be
point of stalemate. a valid petition for certification election raising
a legitimate representation issue.
A party may refuse to enter into a collective
bargaining contract unless it includes a Hence, the mere filing of a petition for
desired provision as to a matter which is a certification election does not ipso facto justify
mandatory subject of collective bargaining. the suspension of negotiation by the employer.
[Colegio de San Juan de Letran v. Association
[But] a refusal to contract is in substance a of Employees, G.R. No. 141471 (2000)]
refusal to bargain about matters which are
As such, it must be construed liberally rather For this purpose, parties to a Collective
than narrowly and technically. Bargaining Agreement shall:
1. name and designate in advance a
The courts must place a practical and realistic Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
construction upon it, giving due consideration Arbitrators, or
to the context in which it is negotiated, and 2. include in the agreement a procedure for
purpose which it is intended to serve. [Davao the selection of such Voluntary Arbitrator or
Integrated Port Stevedoring Services v. panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, preferably
Abarquez, G.R. No. 102132 (1993)] from the listing of qualified Voluntary
Arbitrators duly accredited by the Board.
General Rule: [W]here the CBA is clear and
unambiguous, it becomes the law between the In case the parties fail to select a Voluntary
parties and compliance therewith is mandated Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, the
by the express policy of the law. [Zuellig Board shall designate the Voluntary Arbitrator
Pharma Corporation v. Alice Sibal, G.R. or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators
No.173587 (2013)] When: as may be necessary
How: pursuant to the selection procedure
Exception: If the words appear to be contrary agreed upon in the Collective Bargaining
to the evident intention of the parties, the latter Agreement
shall prevail over the former. [Kimberly Clark Effect: designated Voluntary Arbitrator or
Phils. v. Lorredo, G.R. No. 103090 (1993)] panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall act with
the same force and effect as if the
i. Mandatory provisions in a Arbitrator or panel of Arbitrators have been
Collective Bargaining selected by the parties as described above.
ii. Administration and
Note: See also v. Bargainable Issues under “a. Enforcement of CBA
Duty to bargain collectively”
Substandard CBA
Art. 273. Grievance Machinery and A CBA that falls below the minimum standards
Voluntary Arbitration required by law is prohibited. Nonetheless, RA
The parties to a Collective Bargaining 9481 removed substandard CBAs as a ground
Agreement shall include therein provisions that for the cancellation of registration of union
will ensure the mutual observance of its terms registration.
and conditions.
Note: A substandard CBA cannot bar a petition
They shall establish a machinery for the for certification election under the contract-bar
adjustment and resolution of grievances rule. [Prof. Battad]
1. Arising from the interpretation or
implementation of their Collective Ratification
Bargaining Agreement, and Within thirty (30) days from the execution of a
2. Those arising from the interpretation or collective bargaining agreement
enforcement of company personnel
[T]he posting of copies of the collective The application for CBA registration shall be
bargaining agreement is the responsibility of accompanied by the original and two (2)
the employer. duplicate copies of the following documents
which must be certified under oath by the
The fact that there were "no impartial members representative(s) of the employer(s) and labor
of the unit" is immaterial. union(s) concerned:
1. The collective bargaining agreement
The purpose of the requirement is precisely to 2. A statement that the collective bargaining
inform the employees in the bargaining unit of agreement was posted in at least two (2)
the contents of said agreement so that they conspicuous places in the establishment or
could intelligently decide whether to accept the establishments concerned for at least five
same or not. [Associated Labor Unions v. (5) days before its ratification
Ferrer-Calleja, G.R. No. L-77282 (1989)] 3. A statement that the collective bargaining
agreement was ratified by the majority of
Effect of Non-ratification the employees in the bargaining unit of the
General Rule: The collective bargaining employer or employees concerned. [Sec.
agreement should be ratified by the majority of 2, Rule XVII, Book V, IRR]
all the members of the bargaining unit. Non-
compliance with this requirement renders the Specific information submitted in
CBA ineffective. [Associated Trade Unions v. confidence
Trajano, G.R. No. 75321 (1988)] General rule: Shall not be disclosed
A [CBA which continues to take effect beyond CBA Duration for economic provisions
its expiration date] cannot constitute a bar to a 3 years
filing of petition for certification election.
d. violations of the civil rights of both labor and an unfair labor practice. [HSBC Employee
management but are also criminal offenses Union v. NLRC, G.R. No. 125038 (1997)]
[Art. 258]
Note: Bargaining in bad faith constitutes Unfair
Four forms of Unfair Labor Practice in Labor Practice, which may be committed by
Collective Bargaining either Employer or Labor Organization.
1. Failure or refusal to meet and convene
2. Evading the mandatory subjects of 2. By Employers
3. Bargaining in bad faith a. Interference/Restraint/Coercion
4. Gross violation of the CBA b. Yellow Dog Contracts
c. Contracting Out Services which
Purpose of the Policy Against ULPs Discourage Unionism
Protection of right to self-organization and/or d. Company Union
collective bargaining: e. Discrimination to Encourage/ Discourage
a. The employee is not only protected from Unionism
the employer but also from labor f. Discrimination for having given or about to
organizations. give testimony
b. The employer is also protected from ULP g. Violation of Duty to Bargain Collectively
committed by a labor organization. h. Payment of Negotiation or Attorney’s Fees
i. Violation of a Collective Bargaining
The public is also protected because it has an Agreement
interest in continuing industrial peace.
a. Interference/Restraint/Coercion
Employer-Employee Relationship Required
General Rule: An unfair labor practice may be Art. 259(a). Unfair Labor Practices of
committed only within the context of an Employers. – To interfere with, restrain or
employer-employee relationship [American coerce employees in the exercise of their
President Lines v. Clave, G.R. No. L-51641 right to self-organization
The fact that the resignations of the union
Exception: “Yellow Dog” condition or members occurred during the pendency of the
contract: to require as a condition of case before the labor arbiter shows GMC’s
employment that a person or an employee desperate attempts to cast doubt on the
shall not join a labor organization or shall legitimate status of the union. The ill-timed
withdraw from one to which he belongs. [Art. letters of resignation from the union members
259 (b)] indicate that GMC had interfered with the right
of its employees to self-organization. [General
Parties Not Estopped from Raising ULP by Milling Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
Eventual Signing of the CBA 146728 (2004)]
The eventual signing of the CBA does not
operate to estop the parties from raising unfair Interrogation
labor practice charges against each other. General rule: employer may interrogate its
[Standard Chartered Bank Union v. Confesor, employees regarding their union affiliation for
G.R. No. 114974 (2004)] legitimate purposes and with the assurance
that no reprisals would be taken against the
Statutory Construction unionists.
The Labor Code leaves to the court the work of
applying the law's general prohibitory Exception: when interrogation interferes with
language, in light of infinite combinations of or restrains employees' right to self-
events, which may be charged as constituting organization. [Phil. Steam Navigation Co. v.
Phil. Marine Officer’s Guild, G.R. Nos. L-20667 Art. 259(b). Unfair Labor Practices of
and 20669 (1965)] Employers. – To require as a condition of
employment that a person or an employee
Note: The interrogation of the ER should not be shall not join a labor organization or shall
persistent and/or hostile withdraw from one to which he belongs;
administration has been assisted by any act Art. 259(e). Unfair Labor Practices of
defined as unfair labor practice by this Code. Employers. – Nothing in this Code or in any
[Art. 219(i)] other law shall stop the parties from requiring
membership in a recognized collective
The employer commits ULP if it initiates, bargaining agent as a condition for
dominates, or otherwise interferes with the employment, except those employees who
formation or administration of any labor are already members of another union at the
organization. time of the signing of the collective
bargaining agreement.
Example: giving out financial aid to any union's
supporters or organizers. The law has allowed stipulations for 'union
shop' and 'closed shop' as means of
e. Discrimination to Encourage/ encouraging workers to join and support the
Discourage Unionism [Art. 259 union of their choice in the protection of their
(e)] rights and interests vis-a-vis the employer. [Del
Monte Philippines v. Salvidar, G.R. No. 158620
General Rule: it is ULP to discriminate in (2006)]
regard to wages, hours of work, and other
terms and conditions of employment in order to Purpose
encourage or discourage membership in any To safeguard and ensure the existence of the
labor organization. union and thus, promote unionism in general
as a state policy.
Exception: Union security clauses
It is the policy of the State to promote unionism
Union security is a generic term which is to enable the workers to negotiate with the
applied to and comprehends “closed shop,” management on the same level and with more
“union shop,” “maintenance of membership” or persuasiveness than if they were to individually
any other form of agreement which imposes and independently bargain for the
upon employees the obligation to acquire or improvement of their respective conditions. […]
retain union membership as a condition For this reason, the law has sanctioned
affecting employment. [NUWHRAIN v. NLRC, stipulations for the union shop and closed shop
G.R. No. 179402 (2008)] as a means of encouraging the workers to join
and support the labor union of their own choice
[Union security clause] is an indirect restriction vis-à-vis the employer. [Liberty Flour Mills
on the right of an employee to self- Employees v. Liberty Flour Mills, G.R. No.
organization. It is a solemn pronouncement of 58768-70 (1989)]
a policy that while an employee is given the
right to join a labor organization, such right Coverage
should only be asserted in a manner that will General Rule: All employees in the bargaining
not spell the destruction of the same unit covered by the union security clause are
organization. [Tanduay Distillery Labor Union subject to its terms
v. NLRC, G.R. No. 75037 (1987)]
A closed shop may be defined as an enterprise Non-members may be hired, but to retain
in which, by agreement between the employer employment, they must become union
and his employees or their representatives, no members after a certain period. The
person may be employed in any or certain requirement applies to present and future
agreed departments of the enterprise unless employees. [Azucena]
he or she is, becomes, and, for the duration of
the agreement, remains a member in good 4. Modified union shop
standing of a union entirely comprised of or of
which the employees in interest are a part. Condition for continued employment of
[General Milling Corporation (GMC) v. Casio, future employees
G.R. No. 149552 (2010)] Employees who are not union members at the
time of signing the contract need not join the
The closed shop provision can also be a potent union, but all workers hired thereafter must
weapon wielded by the union against the join. [Azucena]
workers whom the union is supposed to protect
By admitting that the closure [of the business] Sweetheart contracts are favorable both to the
was due to irreconcilable differences between union and the employer at the expense of the
the Union and the school management, […] employees. The settlement of bargaining
SJCI in effect admitted that it wanted to end the issues must be made by fair bargaining in good
bargaining deadlock and eliminate the problem faith, and not through the payment of
dealing with the demands of the union. [St. negotiation or attorney's fees which will
John Colleges Inc. v. St. John Academy ultimately lead to sweetheart contracts.
Faculty and Employees Union, G.R. No.
167892 (2006)]
i. Violation of a Collective
Bargaining Agreement [Art. 259 Motive, Conduct, Proof
(i)] To constitute ULP, the dismissals by the ER
need not be entirely motivated by union
Art. 259(i) Unfair Labor Practices of activities or affiliations. It is enough that
Employers — To violate a collective discrimination was a factor. [Me-Shurn Corp. v.
bargaining agreement. Me-Shurn Workers Union-FSM, G.R. No.
156292 (2005)]
Flagrant and/or Malicious Refusal to
Comply with Economic Provisions Note: The basic inspiration of the dismissals
Required should concern the right to self-organization.
Art. 274. Jurisdiction of Voluntary
Arbitrators. – Accordingly, violations of a Totality of Evidence
Collective Bargaining Agreement, except Where the attendant circumstances, the history
those which are gross in character, shall no of the employer's past conduct and like
longer be treated as unfair labor practice and considerations, coupled with an intimate
shall be resolved as grievances under the connection between the employer's action and
Collective Bargaining Agreement. the union affiliations or activities of the
particular employee or employees, taken as a
For purposes of this Art., gross violations of whole, raise a suspicion as to the motivation for
Collective Bargaining Agreement shall mean the employer's action, the failure of the
flagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply employer to ascribe a valid reason therefor
with the economic provisions of such may justify an inference that his unexplained
agreement. conduct in respect of the particular employee
or employees was inspired by the latter's union
Violations of collective bargaining agreements, membership or activities. [Royal Undergarment
except flagrant and/or malicious refusal to Corporation of the Philippines v. CIR, G.R. No.
comply with its economic provisions, shall not L-39040 (1990)]
be considered unfair labor practice and shall
not be strikeable. [Book V, Rule XXII, Sec. 5] 3. By Labor Organizations
“Interfere” is not included in Art. 260 simply The practice of the labor organization to cause
because any act of a labor organization or attempt to cause an employer to pay or
amounts to interference to the right of self- deliver or agree to pay or deliver money or
organization. other things of value, in the nature of an
exaction, for services which are not performed
b. Discrimination: Encourage/ or are not to be performed, including the
Discourage Unionism demand for a fee for union negotiations.
Substantial Requirements/Grounds
A strike or lockout may be declared in cases of:
(AIUP), et. al. v. NLRC, G.R. No. the employer even if it turned out that there was
120505 (1999)] no act of ULP. However, the mandatory
procedural requirements cannot be dispensed
The violence must be pervasive and with (notice of strike, cooling-off period, strike
widespread, consistently and deliberately vote, strike vote report). [Grand Boulevard
resorted to as a matter of policy [Shell Oil Hotel v. GLOWHRAIN, G.R. No. 153664
Workers v. Shell Company of the Phil., 39 (2003)]
SCRA 276 (1971)] (if violence was resorted
to by both sides, such violence cannot be a Good faith strike requires rational basis
ground for declaring the strike as illegal) A mere claim of good faith would not justify the
[Malayang Samahan ng Manggagawa sa holding of a strike under the aforesaid
M. Greenfield v. Ramos, 357 SCRA 77 exception as, in addition thereto, the
(2000)] circumstances must have warranted such
belief. It is, therefore, not enough that the union
2. By employer. No employer shall use or believed that the employer committed acts of
employ any strike-breaker, nor shall any ULP when the circumstances clearly negate
person be employed as a strike-breaker. even a prima facie showing to sustain such
[Art. 279(c)] belief. [Interwood Employees Assoc. v. Int’l
Hardwood, G.R. No. L-7409 (1956)]
3. By public official or police force. No
public official or employee, including 3. Noncompliance with Procedural
officers and personnel of the New Armed Requirements
Forces of the Philippines or the Integrated
National Police, or armed person, shall See: Procedural requirements of a valid strike
bring in, introduce or escort in any manner, previously discussed
any individual who seeks to replace strikers
in entering or leaving the premises of a A strike which does not strictly comply with the
strike area, or work in place of the strikers. procedural requirements set by law and the
[Art. 279(d)] rules is an unlawful/illegal strike. [Sta. Rosa
Coca-Cola Plant Employees Union v. Coca-
CATEGORIES OF ILLEGAL STRIKE Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc., G.R. Nos.
164302-03 (2007)]
1. Prohibited by Law (e.g. Strike By
Government Employees) Note: Good faith strike must still comply
with procedural requirements.
Government employees Even if the union acted in good faith in the
While the Constitution guarantees the right of belief that the company was committing an
government employees to organize, they are unfair labor practice, if no notice of strike and a
not allowed to strike. strike vote were conducted, the said strike is
illegal. [Grand Boulevard Hotel v.
2. Improper Grounds (e.g. Intra or Inter GLOWHRAIN, G.R. No. 153664 (2003)]
Union Dispute, Wage Distortion)
General Rule: A strike based on a non-
A legal strike must be based on a bargaining strikeable ground is an illegal strike; a strike
deadlock and/or a ULP act only. grounded on ULP is illegal if no such acts
actually exist.
Intra-union and inter-union disputes are not
proper grounds to strike. Exception: Even if no ULP acts are committed
by the employer, if the employees believe in
Note: Good faith strike good faith that ULP acts exist so as to
Good faith may be used as a defense if the constitute a valid ground to strike, then the
strike is held on the basis of an act of ULP by strike held pursuant to such belief may be legal.
No strike or lockout shall be declared after to the Commission for compulsory arbitration.
assumption of jurisdiction by the President or [Art. 278, par. 2]
the Minister or after certification or submission
of the dispute to compulsory or voluntary Rationale: The highest respect is accorded to
arbitration or during the pendency of cases the right of patients to life and health.
involving the same grounds for the strike or
lockout. [Art. 279(a), par. 2] b. Effects of Assumption of
A strike undertaken despite the issuance by the
Secretary of Labor of an assumption or Automatic Injunction of Intended of
certification order becomes a prohibited activity Impending Strike or Lockout
and thus, illegal, pursuant to Art. 279(a) of the The assumption of jurisdiction by the SOLE
Labor Code. [Allied Banking v. NLRC, G.R. No. automatically enjoins intended or impending
116128 (1996)] strike or lockout. [Art. 278 (g)]
2. Without grave abuse of discretion - The 5. Equity and/or Substantial Justice – The
managerial prerogative to transfer Court should still ensure that the employer
personnel must be exercised without grave exercises the prerogative to discipline
abuse of discretion, bearing in mind the humanely and considerately, and that the
basic elements of justice and fair play. sanction imposed is commensurate to the
Having the right should not be confused offense involved and to the degree of the
with the manner in which the right is infraction. [Dongon v. Rapid Movers and
exercised. [Tinio v. CA, G.R. No. 171764 Forwarders Co., Inc., G.R. No. 163431
(2007)] (2013)]
c. Exclusions 3. Benefits
1. Services where there is no employer- a. Monthly Pension [Sec. 12, RA
employee relationship in accordance with 11199]
existing labor laws, rules, regulations and
jurisprudence; The monthly pension shall be the highest of the
2. Service performed in the employ of the following amounts:
Philippine Government or instrumentality 1. P300 + [20% x (average monthly credit)] +
or agency thereof; [2% x (average monthly credit) x (# of cash
3. Service performed in the employ of a credit years of service in excess of 10
foreign government or international years)]
organization, or their wholly-owned 2. 40% x [average monthly credit]
instrumentalities; and 3. P1000, provided that the monthly pension
shall in no case be paid for an aggregate
Note: Foreign governments and international amount of less than 60 months [Sec. 12 (a)]
organizations may enter into an agreement 4. Notwithstanding the above mentioned,
with the PH government to include their minimum pension is:
employees in the Philippines in the SSS. a. P1,200 - members with at least 10
years credit service
4. Services performed by temporary and b. P 2,400 - members with at least 20
other employees which may be excluded years
by regulation of the Social Security
Commission. Employees of bona fide b. Dependents' Pension [Sec. 12-
independent contractors shall not be A, RA 11199]
deemed employees of the employer
engaging the services of said contractors. 1. Paid on account of members’
[Sec. 8(j), RA 11199] a. Death
b. Permanent total disability, or
2. Dependents and Beneficiaries c. Retirement
2. Paid to each child conceived on or prior to
Primary contingency, but not exceeding 5,
1. Dependent spouse - until remarriage beginning with the youngest and preferring
2. Dependent children [legitimate, the legitimate
legitimated, legally adopted and 3. Amount is either P250 or 10% of the
illegitimate] - Illegitimate children are monthly pension as computed above,
entitled only to 50% of the share of whichever is higher.
legitimate children. Where there are no c. Retirement benefits [Sec. 12-B,
legitimate children, the illegitimate children RA 11199]
get 100%.
Requisites for Eligibility
Secondary 1. 120 monthly contributions
2. Dependents and Beneficiaries It shall not be less than P24,000 for those with
20 years of service and not less than P1,300
Primary for everyone else.
1. Dependent spouse - until remarriage
2. Dependent children (legitimate, b. Retirement Benefits [Sec. 13]
legitimated, legally adopted and
illegitimate) Eligibility
1. At least 15 years of service
Note: Unlike the SSS law, the GSIS law does 2. At least 60 years of age
not distinguish between the share of legitimate 3. Not receiving pension benefit from
and illegitimate children. permanent total disability
Ex. maximum for the same sickness and Members of the Judiciary and Constitutional
confinement is 240 days for 2 consecutive Commissions are only entitled to life insurance.
75% x current daily compensation for every
day or fraction thereof of disability OR P70.00,
whichever is higher.
Dispute Social Security Commission CA (Rule GSIS CA (Rule 43) SC (Rule 45);
settle- 43, questions of law & fact) SC (Rule 45, appeal does not stay execution
ment questions of law only)
Refers to the transfer of funds for the account benefits [Rule V, Sec. 1, RA 7699 Rules and
and benefit of a worker who transfers from one Regulations].
system to the other [Section 2(b), RA 7699].
Totalization shall apply in the following
Provisions of any general or special law or instances:
rules and regulations to the contrary a. If a worker is not qualified for any benefits
notwithstanding, a covered worker shall have from both Systems;
his credible services or contributions in both b. If a worker in the public sector is not
Systems credited to his service or contribution qualified for any benefits in the GSIS; or
record in each of the Systems and shall be c. If a worker in the private sector is not
totalized for purposes of old-age, disability, qualified for any benefits from the SSS.
survivorship and other benefits in case the
covered member does not qualify for such For the purpose of computation of benefits,
benefits in either or both Systems without totalization shall apply in all cases so that the
totalization. contributions made by the worker‐member in
both Systems shall provide maximum benefits
Provided: That overlapping periods of which otherwise will not be available. In no
membership shall be credited only once for case shall the contribution be lost or forfeited
purposes of totalization [Section 4, RA 7699]. [Rule V, Sec. 3, RA 7699 Rules and
Refers to the process of adding up the period If after totalization the worker‐member still
of creditable services or contributions under does not qualify for any benefit listed in Rule III,
each of the Systems, for purposes of eligibility Section 1 (j), the member will then get whatever
and computation of benefits [Section 2(e), RA benefits correspond to his/her contributions in
7699]. either or both Systems [Rule V, Sec. 4, RA
7699 Rules and Regulations].
Totalization of service credits is only resorted
to when the retiree does not qualify for benefits If a worker qualifies for benefits in both
in either or both of the System. In this case, Systems, totalization shall not apply [Rule V,
since the petitioner may be entitled to some Sec. 5, RA 7699 Rules and Regulations].
benefits from the GSIS, he cannot avail of the
benefits under RA 7699 [Gamogamo v. PNOC The process of totalization of creditable
Shipping and Transport Corp, G.R. No. 141707 services or periods of contributions and
(2002)]. computation of benefits provided for under the
Act shall be the joint responsibility of the GSIS
All contributions paid by such member and the SSS [Rule V, Sec. 6, RA 7699 Rules
personally, and those that were paid by his and Regulations].
employers to both Systems shall be considered
in the processing of benefits which he can Overlapping periods of creditable services or
claim from either or both Systems: Provided, contributions in both Systems shall be credited
however, that the amount of benefits to be paid only once for purposes of totalization [Rule V,
by one System shall be in proportion to the Sec. 7, RA 7699 Rules and Regulations].
number of contributions actually remitted to
that System. [Section 4, RA 7699].
Rules for the determination of disability It must be emphasized that the company-
(120-day or 240-day) designated physician must:
Initially, there was confusion as to the 1. ISSUE a final medical assessment of the
application of the 120-day period found in seafarer's medical condition; AND
Article 192 (c) (1) of the Labor Code vis-à-vis 2. GIVE his assessment to the seafarer
the application of the 240-day period found in concerned.
Section 2, Rule X of the Amended Rules on
Employees' Compensation Implementing Title That is to say that the seafarer must be fully
II, Book IV of the Labor Code. and properly informed of his medical
Permanent disability:
Article 192(c)(1): Temporary total disability The results of his/her medical examinations,
lasting continuously for more than one hundred the treatments extended to him/her, the
twenty days, except as otherwise provided in diagnosis and prognosis, his/her disability
the Rules. grading must be fully explained to him/her by
no less than the company-designated
Section 2, Rule X: …where such injury or physician.
sickness still requires medical attendance
beyond 120 days but not to exceed 240 days The company-designated physician is
from onset of disability. mandated to issue a medical certificate,
which should be personally received by the
To reconcile these provisions, the Supreme seafarer, or, if not practicable, sent to him/her
Court laid down the following rules in the case by any other means sanctioned by present
of Dagasdas v. Grand Placement and General rules.
Services Corporation. [G.R. No. 205727,
(2017)] To require the seafarer to seek the decision of
1. The company-designated physician must a neutral third-party physician without primarily
issue a final medical assessment on the being informed of the assessment of the
seafarer's disability grading within a period company-designated physician is a clear
of 120 days from the time the seafarer violation of the tenets of due process.
reported to him;
2. If the company-designated physician fails Amount of Benefit
to give his assessment within the period of The employee suffering from a permanent total
120 days, without any justifiable reason, disability shall be entitled to an amount
then the seafarer's disability becomes equivalent to the monthly income benefit, plus
permanent and total; ten percent thereof for each dependent child,
3. If the company-designated physician fails but not exceeding five, beginning with the
to give his assessment within the period of youngest and without substitution: Provided,
120 days with a sufficient justification (e.g. That the monthly income benefit shall be the
seafarer required further medical treatment new amount of the monthly benefit for all
or seafarer was uncooperative), then the covered pensioners. [Art. 198]
period of diagnosis and treatment shall be
extended to 240 days. The employer has Period of Entitlement
the burden to prove that the company-
Condition to entitlement
Amount of benefits
Provided, That an employee who is over (60) herein provided, may be revised as the
years of age and paying contributions to qualify experience in risk, cost of administration
for the retirement or life insurance benefit and actual or anticipated as well as
administered by the System shall be subject to unexpected losses, may require.
compulsory coverage [Art. 174[168]] (“System” c. Contributions under this Title shall be paid
- SSS or GSIS, as the case may be). in their entirety by the employer, and any
contract or device for the deductions of any
Foreign employment - Filipino employees portion thereof from the wages or salaries
employed abroad shall be adequately covered, of the employees shall be null and void.
subject to regulations as the Commission may d. When a covered employee dies, becomes
prescribe [Art. 175[169]] (“Commission” - disabled or is separated from employment,
Employees Compensation Commission) his employer’s obligation to pay the
monthly contribution arising from that
Limitation of liability employment shall cease at the end of the
The State Insurance fund shall be liable for month of contingency and during such
compensation to the employee or his months that he is not receiving wages or
dependents, except when the disability or salary [Art. 189[183]].
death was occasioned by the employees’
intoxication, willful intention to injure or kill Medical benefits
himself or another, notorious negligence, or Immediately after an employee contracts
otherwise provided in this title. [Art. 178 [172]] sickness or sustains an injury, he shall be
provided by the System during the subsequent
Extent of liability period of his disability with such medical
Unless otherwise provided, the liability of the services and appliances as the nature of his
State Insurance Fund under this Title shall be sickness or injury and progress of his recovery
exclusive and in place of all other liabilities of may require, subject to the expense limitation
the employer to the employee, his dependents prescribed by the Commission [Art. 191[185]]
or anyone otherwise entitled to receive
damages on behalf of the employee or his Rehabilitation services
dependents. The payment of compensation The System shall establish:
under this Title shall not bar the recovery of a. A continuing program, for the
benefits as provided for in Section 699 of the rehabilitation of injured and handicapped
Revised Administrative Code, Republic Act employees who shall be entitled to
Numbered Eleven hundred sixty-one, as rehabilitation services, which shall consist
amended, Republic Act Numbered Forty-eight of medical, surgical or hospital treatment,
hundred sixty-four as amended, and other laws including appliances to help them become
whose benefits are administered by the physically independent.
System or by other agencies of the government b. Centers equipped and staffed to provide a
[Art. 179 [173]]. balanced program of remedial treatment,
vocational assessment and preparation
Employer’s contributions designed to meet the individual needs of
a. Under such regulations as the System may each handicapped employee to restore him
prescribe, beginning as of the last day of to suitable employment, including
the month when an employee’s assistance to help each rehabilitee to
compulsory coverage takes effect and develop his mental, vocational or social
every month thereafter during his potential. [Art. 196 [190]]
employment, his employer shall prepare to 3. Philippine Overseas Employment
remit to the System a contribution Administration-Standard
equivalent to one percent of his monthly Employment Contract
salary credit.
b. The rate of contribution shall be reviewed
As part of a seafarer's deployment for overseas
periodically and subject to the limitations
work, he/she and the vessel owner or its
representative local manning agency are serious dental, surgical and hospital treatment
required to execute the POEA-SEC. as well as board and lodging until the seafarer
Containing the standard terms and conditions is declared fit to work or to be repatriated.
of seafarers' employment, the POEA-SEC is
deemed included in their contracts of However, if after repatriation, the seafarer still
employment in foreign ocean-going vessels. requires medical attention arising from said
[Sharpe Sea Personnel Inc. v. Mabunay, G.R. injury or illness, he/she shall be so provided at
No. 206113 (2017)] cost to the employer until such time he/she is
declared fit or the degree of his/her disability
a. Compensation and benefits for has been established by the company-
injury or illness designated physician. [Sec. 20, A.2, POEA-
There are two requisites for a seafarer’s injury
or disability to be considered compensable: (1) 2. Sickness allowance
“the injury or illness must be work-related;” and
(2) “the work-related injury or illness must have The seafarer shall also receive sickness
existed during the term of the seafarer's allowance from his/her employer in an amount
employment contract.” [Magsaysay Maritime equivalent to his/her basic wage computed
Services v. Laurel, 707 Phil. 210 (2013)] from the time he/she signed off until he is
declared fit to work, or the degree of disability
Work-related injury or illness has been assessed by the company-
For an illness to be compensable, "it is not designated physician.
necessary that the nature of the employment
be the sole and only reason for the illness The period within the seafarer shall be entitled
suffered by the seafarer." to sickness allowance shall not exceed 120
days. Payment of the sickness allowance shall
It is enough that there is "a reasonable linkage be made on a regular basis, but not less than
between the disease suffered by the employee once a month. [Sec. 20. A.3, POEA-SEC]
and his work to lead a rational mind to conclude
that his work may have contributed to the 3. Cost of medicines, mode of
establishment or, at the very least, aggravation transportation and accommodation
of any pre-existing condition he might have
had.” [Madridejos v. NYK-FIL Ship The seafarer shall be entitled to reimbursement
Management, Inc., 810 Phil. 704 (2017)] of the cost of medicines prescribed by the
company-designated physician.
See Sec. 32 of POEA-SEC for the schedule of
disability or impediment for injuries suffered In case treatment of the seafarer is on an out-
and diseases including occupational diseases patient basis as determined by the company-
of illness contracted in the course of work. designated physician, the company shall
approve the appropriate mode of transportation
Those illnesses not listed in Sec. 32 are and accommodation.
disputably presumed as work-related. [Sec. 20,
A.4, POEA-SEC] The reasonable cost of actual traveling
expenses and/or accommodation shall be paid
LIABILITIES OF EMPLOYER IN CASE OF subject to liquidation and submission of official
WORK-RELATED INJURY OR ILLNESS receipts and/or proof of expenses. [Sec. 20,
1. Medical expenses
Mandatory post-employment medical
If the injury or illness requires medical and/or examination; strict compliance
dental treatment in a foreign port, the employer General rule: The seafarer shall submit
shall be liable for the full cost of such medical, himself/herself to a post-medical examination
In case of work-related death of the seafarer, case death occurs at sea, the disposition of
during the term of his contract, the employer the remains shall be handled or dealt with
shall pay his/her beneficiaries the Philippine in accordance with the master’s best
currency equivalent to the amount of Fifty judgment. In all cases, the
Thousand US dollars (US$50,000) and an employer/master shall communicate with
additional amount of Seven Thousand US the manning agency to advise for
dollars (US$7,000) to each child under the age disposition of seafarer’s remains.
of twenty-one (21) but not exceeding four (4) c. The employer shall pay the beneficiaries of
children, at the exchange rate prevailing during the seafarer the Philippine currency
the time of payment. [Sec. 20, B.1, POEA- equivalent to the amount of One Thousand
SEC] US dollars (US$1,000) for burial expenses
at the exchange rate prevailing during the
Requisites time of payment. [Sec. 20, B.4, POEA-
For death to be compensable, the claimant SEC]
bears the burden to establish that:
1. The seafarer died during the duration of When compensation is not payable (applies
his/her contract, and to both disability and death benefits)
2. His/her illness was work-related. [Sec. 20, No compensation and benefits shall be
B.1, POEA-SEC] payable in respect of any injury, incapacity,
disability or death of the seafarer resulting from
Exception: When the seafarer’s death his willful or criminal act or intentional breach of
occurred after the termination of his/her his duties, provided however, that the employer
contract after medical repatriation repatriation can prove that such injury, incapacity, disability
on account of a work-related injury or illness or death is directly attributable to the seafarer.
[Sec. 20, D, POEA-SEC]
Rationale: The 2000 POEA-SEC must be
liberally construed, as impelled by the plight of Prescription of claims
the bereaved heirs who stand to be deprived of All claims arising from this contract shall be
a just and reasonable compensation for the made within three (3) years from the date the
seafarer’s death, notwithstanding its evident cause of action arises, otherwise the same
work-connection. [Racelis v. United Philippine shall be barred. [Sec. 30, POEA-SEC]
Lines, 746 Phil. 758 (2014)]
a. Production or profit-sharing,
Medical Assistance b. Labor administration, and
The DOH shall develop a comprehensive c. The distribution of shares of stocks,
health care program for solo parents and their which will allow beneficiaries to receive
children. [Sec. 25, IRR] a just share of the fruits of the lands
they work. [Sec. 3(a), RA 6657]
Health/medical services shall be made
available at all times, in all levels of health care 2. Existence and Concept of
delivery system as mentioned in the previous Agricultural Tenancy
section. [Sec. 26, IRR]
Agricultural tenancy – The physical
possession by a person of land devoted to
F. KASAMBAHAY agriculture belonging to, or legally possessed
by another:
1. For the purpose of production through the
[RA 10361: Batas Kasambahay or Domestic labor of the former and of the members of
Workers Act] his immediate farm household
2. In consideration of which the former agrees
See III. E. 5. Kasambahays to:
a. Share the harvest with the latter; OR
b. Pay a price certain, either in produce or
in money, or both. [Sec. 3, RA 1199,
G. AGRARIAN RELATIONS Agricultural Tenancy Act]
5. There is personal cultivation by the tenant 1. Be free to work elsewhere whenever the
or agricultural lessee; and nature of his farm obligation;
6. There is a sharing of harvests between the 2. Have the right to provide any of the
parties. [Fuentes v. Caguimbal, G.R. No. contributions for production, aside from his
150305 (2007)] labor, whenever he can do so adequately
and on time subject to the provisions of
Establishment of tenancy relationship [Sec. Sec. 14 of this Act
7, RA 1199]
Tenancy relationships may be established Sec. 14, RA 1199, as amended by RA 2263
either verbally or in writing, expressly or – The tenant shall have the right to change
impliedly. Once such relationship is the tenancy contract from one of share
established, the tenant shall be entitled to tenancy to leasehold tenancy and vice versa
security of tenure. and from one crop sharing arrangement to
another of the share tenancy. If the share
Types of agricultural tenancy [Sec. 4, RA tenancy contract is in writing and is duly
1199, as amended by RA 2263] registered, the right to change from one crop
1. Share tenancy exists when sharing arrangement to another or from one
a. Two persons agree on a joint tenancy system or another may be exercised
undertaking for agricultural production; at least one month before the beginning of
b. Wherein one party furnishes land and the next agricultural year after the expiration
the other his labor; of the period of the contract, the right may be
c. With either or both contributing any one exercised at least one month before the
or several of the items of production; agricultural year when the change shall be
d. The tenant cultivating the land effected.
personally with the aid of labor
available to members of his immediate 3. Have the right to demand for a home lot
farm household; suitable for dwelling with an area:
e. And the produce thereof to be divided a. not more than 3% of the area of his
between the landholder and the tenant landholding; provided
in proportion to their respective b. it does not exceed 1000 sq. m.; and
contributions. that
2. Leasehold tenancy exists when c. it shall be located at a convenient and
a. A person, who either personally or with suitable place within the land of the
the aid of labor available from the landholder to be designated by the
members of his immediate farm latter where the tenant shall construct
household; his dwelling and may raise vegetables,
b. Undertakes to cultivate a piece of poultry, pigs and other animals and
agricultural land susceptible of engage in minor industries, the
cultivation by a single person, together products of which shall accrue to the
with members of his immediate farm tenant exclusively.
household; d. The tenant’s dwelling shall not be
c. Belonging to or legally possessed by, removed from the lot already assigned
another, in consideration of a fixed to him by the landholder, except:
amount in money or in produce or in i. If the landholder designates
both. another site for the tenant’s home
3. Rights of Agricultural Tenants lot and the tenant agrees to the
transfer [Sec. 26, RA1199, as
Rights common to both share and amended by RA2263]
leasehold tenants [Sec. 22, RA 1199, as ii. There is a severance of the
amended by RA 2263] tenancy relationship
The tenant shall: iii. The tenant is ejected for cause
In any case, the tenant shall only be removed provided they are reasonable and adequate to
after the expiration of 45 days following such the purposes of the lease.
severance of relationship or dismissal for
cause. 4. Concept of Farmworkers
Specific rights of rice share tenants [Sec. A farmworker is a natural person who renders
36, RA 1199] services for value as an employee or laborer in
The rice share tenant shall have the right to: an agricultural enterprise or farm regardless of
1. Determine when to scatter the seeds, to whether his compensation is paid on a daily,
transplant the seedlings, and to reap the weekly, monthly or “pakyaw” basis.
harvest, provided they shall be in
accordance with proven farm practices and The term includes an individual whose work
after due notice to the landholder. has ceased as a consequence of, or in
2. Choose the thresher which shall thresh the connection with, a pending agrarian dispute
harvest whenever it is the best available in and who has not obtained a substantially
the locality and the best suited to the equivalent and regular farm employment. [Sec.
landholder’s and tenant’s needs and 3(g), RA 6657, Comprehensive Agrarian
provided that the rate charged by the Reform Law]
owner of other threshers under similar
circumstances. Types of farmworkers
1. Regular Farmworker - a natural person
If there are multiple tenants, the choice of who is employed on a permanent basis by
the majority of the tenants shall prevail. an agricultural enterprise or farm. [Sec.
3(h), RA 6657]
If the landholder is the owner of a thresher 2. Seasonal Farmworker - a natural person
and is ready and willing to grant equal or who is employed on a recurrent, periodic or
lower rates under the same conditions, the intermittent basis by an agricultural
use of the landholder’s thresher shall be enterprise or farm, whether as a permanent
given preference. or a non-permanent laborer, such as
“dumaan,” “sacada,” and the like. [Sec. 3(i),
3. Apply appropriate pest, insect, disease and RA 6657]
rodent control measures whenever in his 3. Other Farmworker - a farmworker who
judgment such action is necessary. does not fall under Sec. 3(g) (farmworker),
4. Apply fertilizer of the kind or kinds shown Sec. 3(h) (regular farmworker), and Sec.
by proven farm practices to be adapted to 3(i) (seasonal farmworker). [Sec. 3(j), RA
the requirements of the land, provided the 6657]
landholder has not exercised his right to
require the use of such fertilizer. Entitlements of different farmworkers
under the Constitution
Specific rights of leasehold tenants [Sec.
43, RA 1199] Sec. 4, Art. XIII, 1987 Constitution – The
The tenant-lessee shall have the right to: State shall, by law, undertake an agrarian
1. Enter the premises of the land, and to the reform program founded on the right of
adequate and peaceful enjoyment thereof; farmers and regular farm workers, who are
2. Work the land according to his best landless, to own directly or collectively the
judgment, provided this manner and lands they till on, or in the case of other farm
method of cultivation and harvest are in workers, to receive a just share of the fruits
accordance with proven farm practices. thereof.
Upon termination of the relationship, have ½ of The 1987 Constitution distinguishes between
the value of the improvements made by him, regular farmworkers and other farmworkers.
1. Farmers and regular farmworkers have the cognizant of the differences in culture,
right to own directly or collectively the lands values, and beliefs. [Sec. 2]
they till on.
2. Other farmworkers have the right to receive The Universal Health Care Act seeks to:
a just share of the fruits thereof. a. Progressively realize universal health care
in the country through a systemic approach
Seasonal farm workers have no and clear delineation of roles of key
constitutional right to own land agencies and stakeholders towards better
Seasonal farm workers, not having a performance in the health system; and
constitutional right to own land, do not have a b. Ensure that all Filipinos are guaranteed
legal or actual and substantial interest in the equitable access to quality and affordable
land subject of agrarian reform. They may not health care goods and services, and
be allowed to intervene in the case concerning protected against financial risk. [Sec. 3]
the land. [Fortich v. Corona, G.R. No. 131457
(1998)] 2. Coverage
the DOH and provided free of charge at point elective or appointive position, regardless
of service for all Filipinos. [Sec. 7(a)] of the status of appointment, whose
premium contribution payments are equally
Population-based health service - shared by the employee and the employer;
interventions such as health promotion, 2. Kasambahays, as defined in the
disease surveillance, and vector control, which Kasambahay Law;
have population groups as recipients. [Sec. 3. All other workers who are not covered by
4(p)] formal contracts or agreements or who
have no employee-employer relationship
Individual-based health services shall be and whose premium contributions are self-
financed primarily through prepayment paid, and with capacity to pay premiums,
mechanisms such as social health insurance, such as the following:
private health insurance, and HMO plans to a. Self-earning individuals; and
ensure predictability of health expenditures. b. Professional practitioners;
[Sec. 7(b)] 4. Overseas Filipino Workers
5. Filipinos living abroad;
Individual-based health services - services 6. Filipinos with dual citizenship;
which can be accessed within a health facility 7. Lifetime members as defined in RA 10606
or remotely that can be definitively traced back (National Health Insurance Act); and
to 1 recipient, has limited effect at a population 8. All Filipinos aged 21 years and above who
level and does not alter the underlying cause of have the capacity to pay premiums. [Sec.
illness such as ambulatory and inpatient care, 8, IRR]
medicines, laboratory tests and procedures,
among others [Sec. 4(p)] Indirect contributors
1. Indigents identified by the DSWD;
3. National Health Insurance 2. Beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilyang
Program Pilipino Program/Modified Conditional
Cash Transfer (4Ps/MCCT);
Membership into the NHIP falls under 2 3. Senior citizens who are not currently
categories [Sec. 8] covered by the Program;
1. Direct contributors - Those who have the 4. Persons with disability, as defined in RA
capacity to pay premiums, are gainfully 10754 (An Act Expanding the Benefits and
employed and are bound by an employer- Privileges of Persons with Disability);
employee relationship, or are self-earning, 5. All Filipinos aged 21 years old and above
professional practitioners, migrant workers, without the capacity to pay premiums;
including their qualified dependents, and 6. Sangguniang Kabataan officials, as
lifetime members [Sec. 4(f)] defined in RA 10742 (Sangguniang
2. Indirect contributors - All others not Kabataan Reform Act); and
included as direct contributors, as well as 7. Those previously identified at point-of-
their qualified dependents, whose premium service (POS) or during registration,
shall be subsidized by the national members previously sponsored by LGUs
government including those who are and those who are not yet in the PhilHealth
subsidized as a result of special laws [Sec. database and are financially incapable to
4(o)] pay premiums. [Sec. 8, IRR]
Note: If not, Voluntary Arbitrator has The Labor Arbiter shall use all reasonable
jurisdiction means to ascertain the facts in each speedily
and objectively. [Art. 227]
[Art. 129] 2. Requirements to perfect appeal to
A money claim arising from employer- National Labor Relations
employee relations, except SSS, Commission
ECC/Medicare [Philhealth] claims, is within the
jurisdiction of a Labor Arbiter if:
Period of Appeal
a. The claim, regardless of amount, is
Labor Arbiter to NLRC: Decisions, awards, or
accompanied with a claim of reinstatement;
orders of the [LA] shall be final and executory
unless appealed to the [NLRC] by any or both
b. The claim exceeds P5,000, whether or not
parties within 10 calendar days from receipt
there is a claim for reinstatement.
[thereof]. [Art. 229]
The Regional Director has jurisdiction if:
Note: If the last day of the reglementary period
a. Money claim arose out of employer-
falls on a Sunday or a holiday, the last day shall
employee relationships;
be the next working day.
b. Money claim is NOT accompanied by a
claim for reinstatement; AND
Grounds of Appeal [Art. 229]
c. Money claim does not exceed P5,000,
a. If there is prima facie evidence of abuse of
whether or not claim arose from ER-EE
discretion on the part of the Labor Arbiter
or Regional Director;
b. If the decision, resolution or order was
secured through fraud or coercion,
Where to File [Sec. 1, Rule IV, 2011 NLRC
including graft and corruption;
Rules of Procedure]
c. If made purely on questions of law; and/or
All cases which Labor Arbiters have authority
d. If serious errors in the findings of fact are
to hear and decide may be filed in the Regional raised which, if not corrected, would cause
Arbitration Branch (RAB) having jurisdiction
grave or irreparable injury to the appellant.
over the workplace of the complainant or
When Appeal is Perfected
a. Workplace – place or locality where the
Judgment involving a monetary award
employee is regularly assigned at the time
An appeal by the employer may be perfected
the cause of action arose. It shall include
only upon the posting of a cash or surety bond
the place where the employee is supposed
issued by a reputable bonding company duly
to report back after a temporary detail,
accredited by the Commission in the amount
assignment, or travel.
equivalent to the monetary award in the
b. In the case of field employees, ambulant or
judgment appealed from. [Art. 229]
itinerant workers, their workplace is (a)
where they are regularly assigned or (b)
It is clear from the NLRC Rules of Procedure
where they are supposed to regularly
that appeals must be verified and certified
receive their salaries and wages or work
against forum-shopping by the parties-in-
instructions from, and report the results of
interest themselves. [Antonio B. Salenga, et al.
their assignment to their employers.
v. CA, G.R. No. 174941 (2012)]
Note: Decisions of the Labor Arbiter are
Proceedings before the LA are non-litigious.
appealable to the NLRC. Decisions by the
The Labor Arbiter is not bound by the technical
NLRC are appealable to the CA via Rule 65.
rules of procedure.
[St. Martin’s Funeral Homes v. NLRC, 295
SCRA 494 (1998)]
2. If a work stoppage has already taken place The Commission may also seek the assistance
at the time of the certification: of law enforcement agencies to ensure
a. All striking or locked out employees compliance and enforcement of its orders and
shall immediately return to work; and resolutions. [Sec. 4, Rule VIII, 2011 NLRC
b. The employer shall immediately Rules and Procedures]
resume operations and readmit all
workers under the same terms and Strict Compliance of Assumption and
conditions prevailing before the strike Certification Orders
or lockout. The Secretary's assumption and certification
3. All cases between the same parties, shall orders being executory in character are to be
be considered subsumed or absorbed by strictly complied with by the parties even during
the certified case, and shall be decided by the pendency of a petition questioning their
the appropriate Division of the validity.
Commission, EXCEPT where the
certification order specifies otherwise the The extraordinary authority given by law to the
issues submitted for arbitration which are: Secretary of Labor is "aimed at arriving at a
a. Already filed or may be filed, and peaceful and speedy solution to labor disputes,
b. Relevant to or are proper incidents of without jeopardizing national interests." [Union
the certified case. of Filipino Employees v. NLRC, G.R. No.
4. The parties to a certified case, under pain 91025 (1990)]
of contempt, shall inform their counsels
and the Division concerned of all cases Procedure in certified cases
pending with the Regional Arbitration a. When there is no need to conduct a
Branches and the Voluntary Arbitrators clarificatory hearing, the Commission
relative or incident to the certified case shall resolve all certified cases within 30
before it. calendar days from receipt by the assigned
5. When a certified labor dispute involves a Commissioner of the complete records,
business entity with several workplaces which shall include the position papers of
located in different regions, the Division the parties and the order of the SOLE
having territorial jurisdiction over the denying the motion for reconsideration of
principal office of the company shall the certification order, if any.
acquire jurisdiction to decide such labor b. Where a clarificatory hearing is needed,
dispute; unless the certification order the Commission shall, within 5 calendar
provides otherwise. [Sec. 3, Rule VIII, 2011 days from receipt of the records, issue a
NLRC Rules and Procedures] notice to be served on the parties through
the fastest means available, requiring them
Effects of Defiance to appear and submit additional evidence,
Non-compliance with the certification order of if any. All certified cases shall be resolved
the SOLE shall: by the Commission within 60 calendar days
1. Be considered as an illegal act committed from receipt of the complete records by the
in the course of the strike or lockout; and assigned Commissioner.
2. Authorize the Commission to enforce the
same under pain of immediate disciplinary No motion for extension or postponement shall
action, including: be entertained. [Sec. 5, Rule VIII, 2011 NLRC
a. Dismissal or loss of employment Rules and Procedures]
status; or
b. Payment by the locking-out employer Execution of Judgment
of backwages, damages; and/or Upon issuance of the entry of judgment, the
c. Other affirmative relief, even criminal Commission motu proprio or upon motion by
prosecution against the liable parties. the proper party, may cause the execution of
the judgment in the certified case. [Sec. 6,
Rule VIII, 2011 NLRC Rules and Procedures]
1. When any tribunal, corporation, board, cannot avail himself of the writ of certiorari, his
officer or person: predicament being the effect of his deliberate
a. Unlawfully neglects the performance of inaction. [Tirazona v Phil EDS Techno-Service
an act which the law specifically Inc, G.R. No. 169712 (2009)]
enjoins as a duty resulting from an
office, trust, or station; or Note: Review of decisions of the NLRC shall be
b. Unlawfully excludes another from the done through (in order):
use and enjoyment of a right or office 1. Motion for reconsideration
to which such other is entitled; AND 2. Rule 65 to the CA
2. When there is no other plain, speedy and 3. Rule 45 to the SC
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
1. Jurisdiction
All references in the amended Sec. 9 of B.P. The Bureau of Labor Relations and the Labor
No. 129 to supposed appeals from the NLRC Relations Divisions in the regional offices of the
to the Supreme Court are interpreted and Department of Labor and Employment shall
hereby declared to mean and refer to petitions have original and exclusive authority:
for certiorari under Rule 65. a. To act –
1. At their own initiative, or
Consequently, all such petitions should hence 2. Upon request of either or both parties,
forth be initially filed in the Court of Appeals, in b. On all inter-union and intra-union conflicts,
strict observance of the doctrine on the and
hierarchy of courts, as the appropriate forum c. All disputes, grievances or problems
for the relief desired. [St. Martin Funeral Home arising from or affecting labor-management
v. NLRC, G.R. No. 130866 (1998)] relations in all workplaces –
1. Whether agricultural or non-agricultural
Rule 45, Rules of Court 2. Except those arising from the
Filing of petition with Supreme Court implementation or interpretation of
A party desiring to appeal by certiorari from a collective bargaining agreements
judgment or final order or resolution of the which shall be the subject of grievance
Court of Appeals, the Sandiganbayan, the procedure and/or voluntary arbitration.
Regional Trial Court or other courts whenever [Art. 232]
authorized by law, may file with the Supreme
Court a verified petition for review on certiorari. The Bureau shall have fifteen (15) calendar
The petition shall raise only questions of law days to act on labor cases before it, subject to
which must be distinctly set forth. [Sec. 1] extension by agreement of the parties.
Original Jurisdiction
Since the Court of Appeals had jurisdiction a. Inter-union and intra-union disputes and
over the petition under Rule 65, any alleged other related labor relations disputes.
errors committed by it in the exercise of its b. All disputes, grievances or problems
jurisdiction would be errors of judgment which arising from or affecting labor-management
are reviewable by timely appeal, and not by a relations in all workplaces whether
special civil action of certiorari. agricultural or non-agricultural, except
those arising from the implementation or
If the aggrieved party fails to do so within the interpretation of collective bargaining
reglementary period, and the decision agreements which shall be the subject of
accordingly becomes final and executory, he
2. Appeals
Nature of proceedings
Decisions of the BLR through its original Conciliation and mediation is non-litigious/non-
jurisdiction are appealable to the Secretary of adversarial, less expensive, and expeditious.
Labor and Employment. [Sec. 15, Rule XI, Under this informal set-up, the parties find it
Book V, IRR]. more expedient to fully ventilate their
respective positions without running around
Decisions of the BLR in its appellate jurisdiction with legal technicalities and, in the course
are final and executory, unless appealed to the thereof, afford them wider latitude of possible
CA via Rule 65 and later to the SC via Rule 45. approaches to the problem.
[Abbot Laboratories Philippines, Inc. v. Abbot
Laboratories Employees Union, 323 SCRA 392 SENA
(2000)] The Single-Entry Approach (SENA) is a
prescribed 30-day Mandatory Conciliation-
3. Administrative Functions of the Mediation Services to be made operational
through the Single Entry Approach Desk
(SEAD) for all labor and employment cases
a. Regulation of registration of the labor
1. cases on notices of strikes or lock-outs, or
on preventive mediation cases (NCMB)
b. Keeping a registry of legitimate labor
2. interpretation and implementation of CBA
(Grievance Machinery) [D.O. No. 107-10]
c. Maintenance of a file of CBAs;
d. Maintenance of a file of all settlements or
final decisions in the SC, CA, NLRC and 1. Jurisdiction
other agencies on labor disputes.
The NCMB is an agency attached to the DOLE
principally in charge of the settlement of labor
F. NATIONAL CONCILIATION disputes through conciliation, mediation and of
AND MEDIATION BOARD the promotion of voluntary approaches to labor
dispute prevention and settlement. [NCMB
All issues arising from labor and employment Manual of Procedures for Conciliation and
shall be subject to mandatory conciliation- Preventive Mediation Cases, Rule III, sec. 1]
The following procedures shall be observed in
Exception: As provided in Title VII-A, Book V collective bargaining:
of this Code, as amended, or as may be 1. When a party desires to negotiate an
excepted by the Secretary of Labor and agreement, it shall serve a written notice
Employment. upon the other party with a statement of its
proposals [Art. 261(a)].
The Labor Arbiter or the appropriate DOLE a. The other party shall make a reply
agency or office that has jurisdiction over the
thereto not later than ten (10) calendar
dispute shall entertain only endorsed or
days from receipt of such notice [Art.
referred cases by the duly authorized officer.
Any or both parties involved in the dispute may b. Should differences arise on the basis of
pre-terminate the conciliation-mediation such notice and reply, either party may
proceedings and request referral or request for a conference which shall
endorsement to the appropriate DOLE agency begin not later than ten (10) calendar
or office which has jurisdiction over the dispute, days from the date of request [Art.
or if both parties so agree, refer the unresolved 261(b)].
issues to voluntary arbitration. [Art. 228]
2. If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall b. If unorganized establishments without
intervene upon request of either or both CBA:
parties or at its own initiative and i. Submit issue before the NCMB for
immediately call the parties to conciliation conciliation after endeavors to
meetings [Art. 261(c)]. correct have failed
a. The Board shall have the power to ii. If not fruitful within 10 days, refer to
issue subpoenas requiring the the NLRC for arbitration to be
attendance of the parties to such decided within 20 days from
meetings. submission [Rule VII, Rules of
i. It shall be the duty of the parties to Procedure of Minimum Wage
participate fully and promptly in the Fixing]
conciliation meetings the Board
may call [Art. 261(c)]; 2. Conciliation as distinguished from
b. During the conciliation proceedings in mediation
the Board, the parties are prohibited
from doing any act which may disrupt Conciliation Mediation
or impede the early settlement of the Both refer to a process where a third
disputes [Art. 261(d)]; and person called a Conciliator/Mediator
c. The Board shall exert all efforts to intervenes in a dispute to reconcile
settle disputes amicably and differences or persuade them to adjust or
encourage the parties to submit their settle their dispute
case to a voluntary arbitrator [Art. C-M facilitates C-M assists parties
261(e)]. disputants to keep to voluntarily reach
things calm, delivers mutually
messages back and acceptable
In Collective Bargaining:
forth between the settlement.
1. If the dispute is not settled, the NCMB will
intervene upon request of either party or at
[Conciliation-Mediation, DOLE – NCMB
its own initiative to call for conciliation with Website, available at:
the power to issue subpoenas requiring http://ncrwp.ncmb.ph/?page_id=99]
a. During conciliation proceedings, Conciliator-Mediator [C-M] — Official of the
parties are prohibited from doing any NCMB whose principal function is to settle and
act which may disrupt or impede the dispose potential and actual labor disputes
early settlement of the dispute; through conciliation and preventive mediation
b. NCMB will exert all efforts to settle including the promotion and encouragement of
disputes amicable and encourage voluntary approaches to labor disputes
submission to a voluntary Arbitrator. prevention and settlement. [Sec. 1, Rule III,
[Art. 261(c)(d)] NCMB Manual of Procedure for Conciliation
and Preventive Mediation Cases]
2. Procedure for Correction of Wage
Pre-Termination of Conciliation-Mediation:
a. In organized establishments with CBA Any or both parties in the dispute may pre-
i. Submit issue to grievance terminate the proceedings and request referral
machinery or endorsement to the appropriate DOLE
ii. If unresolved, refer to voluntary agency or office with jurisdiction or to the
arbitration who will decide within 10 voluntary arbiter if both parties agreed.
days unless otherwise agreed Privileged Communication not Available as
upon by parties in writing Evidence: Any statement made in conciliation
proceedings shall be treated as privileged
communication, and shall not be used as
calendar days from receipt thereof [Rule IV, be used exclusively for the amelioration and
sec. 1, Rules on Disposition of Labor Standard benefit of workers –
Cases in the Regional Offices] When any such sum not paid to the
employee or househelper because he
2. Recovery and adjudicatory power cannot be located after diligent and
reasonable effort to locate him within a
Art. 129. Recovery of Wages, Simple Money period of three (3) years [Art. 129, par. 4]
Claims and Other Benefits.
Who: The Regional Director of the Department Appeal of decision or resolution [Art. 129,
of Labor and Employment or any of the duly par. 5]:
authorized hearing officers of the Department Any decision or resolution of the Regional
[par. 1] Director or hearing officer pursuant to this
provision may be appealed on the same
What: They are empowered to hear and grounds provided in Article 223 of this Code.
decide any matter involving the recovery of
wages and other monetary claims and benefits Period: Within five (5) calendar days from
including legal interest, owing to an receipt of a copy of said decision or resolution
employee or person employed in domestic
or household service or househelper under To whom: To the National Labor Relations
this Code, arising from employer-employee Commission which shall resolve the appeal
relations within ten (10) calendar days from the
submission of the last pleading required or
How: Through summary proceeding and after allowed under its rules.
due notice
The Secretary of Labor and Employment or his
When: Upon complaint of any interested party duly authorized representative may supervise
the payment of unpaid wages and other
Conditions: monetary claims and benefits, including legal
a. Provided that such complaint does not interest, found owing to any employee or
include a claim for reinstatement; househelper under this Code [Art. 129, par. 6].
b. Provided, further, That the aggregate
money claims of each employee or Small money claims
househelper do not exceed five thousand Note: See also discussion in VI.F. on Money
pesos (P5,000). Claims arising from Employer-Employee
Period to decide: The Regional Director or
hearing officer shall decide or resolve the Period of Appeal to NLRC: Decisions of the
complaint within thirty (30) calendar days from Regional director on recovery of wages, simple
the date of the filing of the same [Art. 129, par. money claims and other benefits, shall be final
2]. and executory unless appealed within 5 days
from receipt thereof. [Art. 129]
Effects of decision to the recovered sum on
behalf of any employee or househelper Definition: Recovery/adjudicatory power is the
General rule: Shall be held in a special deposit power of the Regional Director or any duly
account by, and shall be paid, on order of the authorized hearing officer of DOLE to
Secretary of Labor and Employment or the adjudicate on recovery of wages of
Regional Director directly to the employee or employees/househelpers employed in a
househelper concerned [Art. 129, par. 3]. domestic household for claims not exceeding
P5,000 and without seeking reinstatement.
Exception: Shall be held as a special fund of [Art. 129].
the Department of Labor and Employment to
If any of the requisites are missing, the Labor Industries Indispensable to the National
Arbiter shall have jurisdiction over claims Interest
arising from ER-EE relations except claims for a. Hospital sector
employees’ compensation, SSS, PhilHealth b. Electric power industry
and maternity benefits. [Art. 224] c. Water supply service, to exclude small
water supply services such as bottling and
Money claims should be filed within 3 years refilling stations
from the time the cause of action accrued. [Art. d. Air traffic control
306] e. Other industries as may be recommended
by the National Tripartite Industrial Peace
Council (TIPC) [Sec. 16, Rule XXII, Book
H. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND V, IRR as amended by D.O. No. 40-H-13]
Who determines industries indispensable
POWERS to the national interest [Art. 278(g)]
1. Visitorial (access to employer’s records a. Secretary of Labor and Employment
and premises and to copy therefrom) and b. President
enforcement powers (to question any
employee and investigate any fact which Power of the Secretary of Labor to Assume
may be necessary to determine violations) Jurisdiction (alternative)
2. Power to suspend effects of termination a. Decide the labor dispute himself/herself.
3. Assumption of jurisdiction b. Certify the labor dispute to the NLRC for
4. Appellate jurisdiction compulsory arbitration.
5. Voluntary arbitration powers
Scope: The authority of the Secretary to
assume jurisdiction over a labor dispute
1. Jurisdiction
includes and extends to all questions and
controversies arising from such labor dispute.
a. Assumption of jurisdiction
The power is plenary and discretionary in
nature to enable him to effectively and
When May the SOLE Assume Jurisdiction
efficiently dispose of the dispute. [Philcom
Art. 278 (g). Strikes, Picketing and
Employees Union v. Philippine Global
Lockouts. – The SOLE may: Communications, 495 SCRA 214 (2006)]
a. Assume jurisdiction over the dispute and
decide it; or Powers of the President (Not precluded by
b. Certify the same to the Commission for
the powers of the Secretary of Labor)
compulsory arbitration,
a. Determine the industries indispensable to
when in his opinion there exists a labor dispute
the national interest
causing, or likely to cause, a strike or lockout in
b. Assume jurisdiction over any such labor
an industry indispensable to the national
dispute to settle or terminate such dispute
Effects of Assumption of Jurisdiction:
Requisites for Assumption of Jurisdiction Automatically enjoins intended or impending
1. Both parties have requested the SOLE to strike or lockout. If one has already taken place
assume jurisdiction; or at the time of assumption or certification, all
2. After a conference called by the Office of
striking or locked out employees shall
the SOLE on the propriety of its issuance,
immediately return-to-work and the employer
motu proprio or upon a request or petition
shall immediately resume operations and
by either party to the labor dispute. [Book
readmit all workers under the same terms and
V, IRR Rule XXII, sec. 15, IRR as amended
conditions prevailing before the strike or
by D.O. No. 40-H-13 s 2013]
lockout. [Art. 278 (g)]
The SOLE may also determine the retroactivity That is the real reason such return can be
of arbitral awards pursuant to power to assume compelled. So imperative is the order in fact
jurisdiction as part of his/her plenary powers to that it is not even considered violative of the
determine the effectivity thereof in absence of right against involuntary servitude. [Kaisahan
specific provision of law. [LMG Chemicals ng Mga Manggagawa sa Kahoy v. Gotamco
Corp. v. Sec. of Labor and Employment, 356 Sawmills, G.R. No. L-1573 (1948)]
SCRA 577 (2001)]
Note: It must be strictly complied with even
i. Automatic Injunction of during the pendency of any petition questioning
Intended Of Impending Strike its validity. [Manila Hotel Employees
or Lockout Association and its Members v. Manila Hotel
Corp., 517 SCRA 349 (2007)]; the purpose of
Art. 278 (g). Strikes, Picketing and SOLE’s extraordinary power is aimed at
Lockouts. – [S]uch assumption or arriving at a peaceful and speedy solution to
certification shall have the effect of labor disputes without jeopardizing national
automatically enjoining the intended or interest. [Union of Filipro Employees-Drug v.
impending strike or lockout as specified in Nestle, 499 SCRA 521 (2006)]
the assumption or certification order. […]
The SOLE also has plenary powers to
determine the retroactivity of its arbitral
ii. Return-to-work and
awards. [LMG Chemicals Corp. v. Sec. of
readmission if strike or
Labor and Employment, 356 SCRA 577
lockout has already taken
Immediately Executory
Art. 278 (g). Strikes, Picketing and The assumption and certification orders are
Lockouts. – [I]f one has already taken place executory in character and must be strictly
at the time of assumption or certification, all complied with by the parties. [Allied Banking v.
striking or locked out employees shall NLRC, G.R. No. 116128 (1996)]
immediately return-to-work and the
employer shall immediately resume Strikes and lockouts in hospitals, clinics
operations and readmit all workers under the and similar medical institutions
same terms and conditions prevailing before It shall be the duty of the striking union or
the strike or lockout. […] locking-out employer to provide and maintain
an effective skeletal workforce of medical and
Nature of return-to-work order other health personnel, whose movement and
[T]he return-to-work order not so much confers services shall be unhampered and
a right as it imposes a duty; and while, as a unrestricted, as are necessary to insure the
right, it may be waived, it must be discharged proper and adequate protection of the life and
as a duty even against the worker's and/or health of its patients, most especially
employers’ will. emergency cases, for the duration of the strike
or lockout.
Returning to work in this situation is not a
matter of option or voluntariness but of In such cases, therefore, the Secretary of
obligation. Labor and Employment may immediately
assume, within twenty-four (24) hours from
The worker must return to his job together with knowledge of the occurrence of such a strike or
his co-workers so the operations of the lockout, jurisdiction over the same or certify it
company can be resumed and it can continue to the Commission for compulsory arbitration.
serving the public and promoting its interest. [Art. 278, par. 2]
Rationale: The highest respect is accorded to Stricter penalties for non-compliance with
the right of patients to life and health. orders, prohibitions, and/or injunctions
issued by the Secretary of Labor in strikes
Effect of defiance of assumption or involving hospitals, clinics, and similar
certification orders medical institutions
Par. 2, Art. 279 (a). Prohibited Activities. – 1. Immediate disciplinary action against both
No strike or lockout shall be declared: union and employer
a. after assumption of jurisdiction by the 2. Dismissal/loss of employment for members
President or the Minister; of the striking union
b. after certification or submission of the 3. Payment by employer of backwages,
dispute to compulsory or voluntary damages, and other affirmative relief
arbitration; or 4. Criminal prosecution against either or both
c. during the pendency of cases involving the the union and employer
same grounds for the strike or lockout.
Strike/lockout becomes illegal
A strike undertaken despite the issuance by the Art. 266. Injunction Prohibited. – No
Secretary of Labor of an assumption or temporary or permanent injunction or
certification order becomes a prohibited activity restraining order in any case involving or
and thus, illegal, pursuant to Art. 279(a) of the growing out of labor disputes shall be issued
Labor Code. [Allied Banking v. NLRC, G.R. No. by any court or other entity, except as
116128 (1996)] otherwise provided in Arts. [225] and [279]
of this Code.
See notes on Liabilities of employer, union
officers, and ordinary workers under illegal
General Rule: Injunctions are prohibited.
Exceptions: Those provided under Art. 225
(referring to the Powers of the NLRC) in
PARTICIPANTS IN AN ILLEGAL STRIKE/ connection with Art. 279 (on Prohibited
LOCKOUT [Art. 279] Activities) under the Labor Code.
1. Employer in an illegal lockout – workers
terminated due to illegal lockout shall be Findings of fact by the NLRC for an
entitled to reinstatement plus full Injunction to issue
Art. 225(e) Powers of the Commission
2. Union officers who knowingly
a. To enjoin or restrain any actual or
participated in illegal strike – deemed to threatened commission of any or all
have lost their employment prohibited or unlawful acts; or
3. Union officers who knowingly b. To require the performance of a particular
participated in illegal acts during a act in any labor dispute which, if not
LAWFUL strike – deemed to have lost restrained or performed forthwith, may
their employment. cause grave or irreparable damage to any
4. Ordinary workers – deemed to have lost party or render ineffectual any decision in
their employment only if they knowingly favor of such party
participated in illegal acts.
Provided, That no temporary or permanent
injunction in any case involving or growing out
of a labor dispute as defined in this Code shall
be issued except:
1. After hearing the testimony of witnesses
2. With opportunity for cross-examination, in
support of the allegations of a complaint
made under oath, and testimony in cases involving the same grounds for
opposition thereto, if offered, and the strike or lockout.
3. Only after a finding of fact by the
Commission, to the effect: Any worker whose employment has been
a. That prohibited or unlawful acts have terminated as a consequence of any
been threatened and will be committed unlawful lockout shall be entitled to
unless restrained, or have been reinstatement with full backwages.
committed and will be continued unless
restrained Any union officer who knowingly
i. But no injunction or temporary participates in an illegal strike, and any
restraining order shall be issued on worker or union officer who knowingly
account of any threat, prohibited or participates in the commission of illegal
unlawful act acts during a strike may be declared to
ii. Except against the person or have lost his employment status:
persons, association or Provided, That mere participation of a
organization making the threat or worker in a lawful strike shall not constitute
committing the prohibited or sufficient ground for termination of his
unlawful act or actually authorizing employment, even if a replacement had
or ratifying the same after actual been hired by the employer during such
knowledge thereof; lawful strike.
b. That substantial and irreparable injury
to complainant's property will follow; 2. No person shall:
c. That as to each item of relief to be a. Obstruct, impede, or interfere with, by
granted, greater injury will be inflicted force, violence, coercion, threats or
upon complainant by the denial of relief intimidation, any peaceful picketing by
than will be inflicted upon defendants employees during any labor
by the granting of relief; controversy or in the exercise of the
d. That complainant has no adequate right to self-organization or collective
remedy at law; and bargaining; or
e. That the public officers charged with b. Aid or abet such obstruction or
the duty to protect complainant's interference.
property are unable or unwilling to
furnish adequate protection. 3. No employer shall use or employ any
strike-breaker, nor shall any person be
Prohibited Activities [Art. 279] employed as a strike-breaker.
1. No labor organization or employer shall
declare a strike or lockout: 4. No public official or employee, including
a. Without first having bargained officers and personnel of the New Armed
collectively in accordance with Title VII Forces of the Philippines or the Integrated
of this Book or without first having filed National Police, or armed person, shall:
the notice required in the preceding a. Bring in, introduce or escort in any
Art.; or manner, any individual who seeks to
b. Without the necessary strike or lockout replace strikers in entering or leaving
vote first having been obtained and the premises of a strike area, or work in
reported to the Ministry [DOLE]. place of the strikers.
No strike or lockout shall be declared: 5. The police force shall keep out of the picket
a. After assumption of jurisdiction by the lines unless actual violence or other
President or the Minister; or criminal acts occur therein:
b. After certification or submission of the a. Provided, That nothing herein shall
dispute to compulsory or voluntary be interpreted to prevent any public
arbitration or during the pendency of officer from taking any measure
his duly authorized representatives, including 1. To inquire into the financial activities of
labor regulation officers, shall: legitimate labor organizations
1. Have access to employer’s records and a. Upon the filing of a complaint under
premises at any time of the day or night oath and duly supported by the written
whenever work is being undertaken therein consent of at least twenty percent
a. And the right: (20%) of the total membership of the
i. To copy therefrom, labor organization concerned
ii. To question any employee and 2. To examine their books of accounts and
iii. To investigate any fact, condition or other records to determine compliance or
matter which may be necessary to non-compliance with the law
determine violations or which may 3. To prosecute any violations of the law and
aid in the enforcement of this Code the union constitution and by-laws
and of any labor law, wage order or
rules and regulations issued Provided, That such inquiry or examination
pursuant thereto. shall not be conducted during the sixty (60)-day
2. Have the power to issue compliance orders freedom period nor within the thirty (30) days
a. Purpose: to give effect to the labor immediately preceding the date of election of
standards provisions of this Code and union officials.
other labor legislation based on the
findings of labor employment and The visitorial and enforcement powers of the
enforcement officers or industrial DOLE Regional Director to order and enforce
safety engineers made in the course of compliance with labor standard laws can be
inspection. exercised even where the individual claim
b. Notwithstanding the provisions of Arts. exceeds P5,000.00. [Cirineo Bowling Plaza,
129 and [224] of this Code to the Inc. v. Sensing, G.R. No. 146572 (2005)].
contrary, and in cases where the
relationship of employer-employee still If a complaint is brought before the DOLE to
exists give effect to the labor standards provisions of
3. Issue writs of execution to the appropriate the Labor Code or other labor legislation, and
authority for the enforcement of their orders there is a finding by the DOLE that there is an
a. Exception: cases where the employer existing employer-employee relationship, the
contests the findings of the labor DOLE exercises jurisdiction to the exclusion of
employment and enforcement officer the NLRC.
and raises issues supported by
documentary proofs which were not The findings of the DOLE, however, may still
considered in the course of inspection. be questioned through a petition for certiorari
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.
Art. 37. Visitorial Power. – The Secretary of
Labor or his duly authorized representatives The DOLE's labor inspection program can now
may, at any time – proceed without being sidetracked by
1. Inspect the premises, books of accounts unscrupulous employers who could render
and records of any person or entity covered nugatory the "expanded visitorial and
by this Title enforcement power of the DOLE granted by RA
2. Require it to submit reports regularly on 7730 . . . by the simple expedient of disputing
prescribed forms, and the employer-employee relationship [and] force
3. Act on violation of any provisions of this the referral of the matter to the NLRC.”
Title. [People's Broadcasting Service v. Secretary of
the Department of Labor and Employment,
Art. 289. Visitorial Power. –The Secretary of G.R. No. 179652 (2012 Resolution)]
Labor and Employment or his duly authorized
representative is hereby empowered: The factual findings of the SOLE or the
Regional Directors made in the exercise of
their visitorial and enforcement powers are shall automatically be referred to voluntary
binding on Labor Arbiters and the NLRC under arbitration prescribed in the CBA. [Art. 273]
the doctrine of res judicata [Norkis Trading v.
Buenavista, G.R. No. 182018, (2012)] Constitutional Basis
Sec. 3, Art. XIII, 1987 Constitution - The State
3. Power to suspend effects of shall promote:
termination 1. The principle of shared responsibility
between workers and employers and
Art. 292 (b). Visitorial and Enforcement 2. The preferential use of voluntary modes in
Power - The SOLE may suspend the effects of settling disputes, including conciliation,
a termination pending resolution of the dispute 3. And shall enforce their mutual compliance
in the event of a prima facie finding by the therewith to foster industrial peace.
appropriate official of the DOLE that:
a. The termination may cause a serious labor Who is a voluntary arbitrator
dispute (may or may not be a strike or a A “voluntary arbitrator” is:
lockout) 1. Any person accredited by the [National
b. The termination is in implementation of a Conciliation and Mediation Board] as such;
mass lay-off. or
2. Any person named or designated in the
Collective Bargaining Agreement by the
4. Remedies
parties to act as their Voluntary Arbitrator;
The aggrieved party from a decision of the
3. One chosen, with or without the assistance
SOLE may file one motion for reconsideration
of the National Conciliation and Mediation
within ten (10) days from receipt thereof.
Board, pursuant to a selection procedure
agreed upon in the Collective Bargaining
If the motion for reconsideration is denied, the
Agreement; or
party may appeal via Rule 65 to the CA 60 days
4. Any official that may be authorized by the
from receipt of the denial. Upon denial, the
Secretary of Labor and Employment to act
party may proceed via Rule 45 to the SC. [Rule
as Voluntary Arbitrator upon the written
65, ROC; St. Martin Funeral Home v. NLRC,
request and agreement of the parties to a
G.R. No. 130866 (1998)]
labor dispute. [Art. 219 (n)]
Clearly, before a petition for certiorari under
Provision for Voluntary Arbitration in the
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court may be availed
of, the filing of a motion for reconsideration is a CBA
1. Parties to a CBA shall:
condition sine qua non to afford an opportunity
for the correction of the error or mistake a. Name and designate in advance a
complained of. [PIDLTRANCO Service Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
Voluntary Arbitrators, OR
Enterprises Inc v. PWU – AGLO, G.R. No.
180962 (2014)] b. Include in the agreement a procedure
for the selection of such Voluntary
Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
Arbitrators, preferably from the listing
I. VOLUNTARY ARBITRATOR of qualified Voluntary Arbitrators duly
accredited by the Board.
2. In case the parties fail to select a Voluntary
Automatic Referral If Grievance Machinery Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators,
Fails the Board shall designate the Voluntary
All grievances submitted to the grievance Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators,
machinery which are not settled within 7 as may be necessary, pursuant to the
calendar days from the date of its submission selection procedure agreed upon in the
[CBA], which shall act with the same force
Art. 224 (c). Jurisdiction of the Labor accomplishing the rationale of the law on
Arbiters and the Commission. – Cases voluntary arbitration – speedy labor justice.
arising from the interpretation or [Goya, Inc. v. Goya, Inc. Employees Union-
implementation of CBAs and those arising FFW, G.R. No. 170054 (2013)]
from the interpretation or enforcement of
company personnel policies shall be PROCEDURE
disposed of by the LA by referring the same Art. 276. Procedures. — The Voluntary
to the grievance machinery and VA as may Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall
be provided for in said agreements. have the power to:
a. Hold hearings,
Option – Voluntary Arbitration b. Receive evidences, and
c. Take whatever action is necessary to
Art. 278 (h). Strikes, Picketing and resolve the issue or issues subject of the
Lockouts. – Before or at any stage of the dispute,
compulsory arbitration process, the parties d. Including efforts to effect a voluntary
may opt to submit their dispute to voluntary settlement between parties.
All parties to the dispute shall be entitled to
Summary of Arbitrable Issues attend the arbitration proceedings. The
a. Interpretation or implementation of the attendance of any third party or the exclusion
CBA [Art. 274] of any witness from the proceedings shall be
b. Interpretation or enforcement of company determined by the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel
personnel policies [Art. 274] of Voluntary Arbitrators. Hearing may be
c. Violations of a CBA which are not gross in adjourned for cause or upon agreement by the
character (gross being flagrant and/or parties.
malicious refusal to comply with the
economic provisions of [the CBA]) [Art. Unless the parties agree otherwise, it shall be
274] mandatory for the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel
d. All other labor disputes including ULP and of Voluntary Arbitrators to render an award or
bargaining deadlock, if the parties agree decision within twenty (20) calendar days from
[Art. 275] the date of submission of the dispute to
e. Wage distortions arising from application of voluntary arbitration.
any wage orders in organized
establishments [Art. 124] The award or decision of the Voluntary
f. Unresolved grievances arising from the Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall
interpretation and implementation of the contain the facts and the law on which it is
productivity incentives program under RA based. It shall be final and executory after ten
6971 [Book V, IRR Rule XIX. Sec. 4] (10) calendar days from receipt of the copy of
the award or decision by the parties.
In general, the arbitrator [“VA”] is expected to
decide those questions expressly stated and Upon motion of any interested party, the
limited in the submission agreement. Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
However, since arbitration is the final resort for Arbitrators or the Labor Arbiter in the region
the adjudication of disputes, the arbitrator can where the movant resides, in case of the
assume that he has the power to make a final absence or incapacity of the Voluntary
settlement. Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, for
any reason, may issue a writ of execution
[The VA has] plenary jurisdiction and authority requiring either of the following to execute the
to interpret the [CBA] and to determine the final decision, order or award:
scope of his [or her] own authority. [...] Subject a. The sheriff of the Commission or regular
to judicial review, this leeway of authority [and] courts; or
adequate prerogative is aimed at
the cause of action accrued; otherwise they plaintiff, the same must be brought within
shall be forever barred. one year. [As amended by PD No. 1755,
Dec. 24, 1980.]
All money claims accruing prior to the
effectivity of this Code 4 years from dismissal
a. Shall be filed with the appropriate entities In illegal dismissal cases, the employee
established under this Code within one (1) concerned is given a period of four years from
year from the date of effectivity, and the time of his dismissal within which to institute
b. Shall be processed or determined in a complaint. This is based on Art. 1146 of the
accordance with the implementing rules Civil Code which states that actions based
and regulations of the Code; upon an injury to the rights of the plaintiff must
c. Otherwise, they shall be forever barred. be brought within four years. [Victory Liner, Inc.
v. Race, G.R. No. 164820 (2007)]
Workmen's compensation claims accruing
prior to the effectivity of this Code and during 3. Unfair labor practice
the period from November 1, 1974 up to
December 31, 1974, All unfair labor practice arising from Book V
a. Shall be filed with the appropriate regional a. Shall be filed with the appropriate agency
offices of the Department of Labor not within one (1) year from accrual of such
later than March 31, 1975; unfair labor practice;
b. Otherwise, they shall forever be barred. b. Otherwise, they shall be forever barred.
c. The claims shall be processed and
adjudicated in accordance with the law and Art. 258. Concept of unfair labor practice
rules at the time their causes of action and procedure for prosecution thereof – No
accrued. criminal prosecution under this Title may be
instituted without a final judgment finding that
The Labor Code has no specific provision on an unfair labor practice was committed, having
when a monetary claim accrues. Thus, again been first obtained in the preceding paragraph.
the general law on prescription applies. Art.
1150 of the Civil Code provides that, “The time During the pendency of such administrative
for prescription for all kinds of actions, when proceeding, the running of the period of
there is no special provision which ordains prescription of the criminal offense herein
otherwise, shall be counted from the day they penalized shall be considered interrupted:
may be brought.” a. The final judgment in the administrative
proceedings shall not be binding in the
The day the action may be brought is the day a criminal case nor be considered as
claim started as a legal possibility. [Anabe v. evidence of guilt
Asian Construction, G.R. No. 183233 (2009)] b. But merely as proof of compliance of the
requirements therein set forth.
2. Illegal dismissal
4. Offenses under the Labor Code
Art. 1146, Civil Code. – The following
actions must be instituted within four years: Art. 305, LC. – Offenses penalized under
a. Upon an injury to the rights of the this Code and the rules and regulations
plaintiff; issued pursuant thereto shall prescribe in
b. Upon a quasi-delict; three (3) years.
However, when the action arises from or out
of any act, activity, or conduct of any public Art. 305, Civil Code. – Offenses penalized
officer involving the exercise of powers or under this Code and the rules and
authority arising from Martial Law including regulations issued pursuant thereto shall
the arrest, detention and/or trial of the prescribe in three (3) years.
threat or use of force, fraud, deceit, (5) To organize or direct other persons
violence, coercion, or intimidation for the to commit the offenses defined as
purpose of removal or sale of organs of acts of trafficking under this Act.
said person;
(i) To recruit, transport, obtain, transfer, SECTION 4-A. Attempted Trafficking in
harbor, maintain, offer, hire, provide, Persons. — Where there are acts to initiate
receive or adopt a child to engage in the commission of a trafficking offense but
armed activities in the Philippines or the offender failed to or did not execute all
abroad; the elements of the crime, by accident or by
(j) To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, reason of some cause other than voluntary
obtain, maintain, offer, hire, provide or desistance, such overt acts shall be deemed
receive a person by means defined in as an attempt to commit an act of trafficking
Section 3 of this Act for purposes of in persons. As such, an attempt to commit
forced labor, slavery, debt bondage and any of the offenses enumerated in Section 4
involuntary servitude, including a of this Act shall constitute attempted
scheme, plan, or pattern intended to trafficking in persons.
cause the person either:
(1) To believe that if the person did not In cases where the victim is a child, any of
perform such labor or services, he or the following acts shall also be deemed as
she or another person would suffer attempted trafficking in persons:
serious harm or physical restraint; or (a) Facilitating the travel of a child who
(2) To abuse or threaten the use of law travels alone to a foreign country or
or the legal processes; and territory without valid reason therefor
(k) To recruit, transport, harbor, obtain, and without the required clearance or
transfer, maintain, hire, offer, provide, permit from the Department of Social
adopt or receive a child for purposes of Welfare and Development, or a written
exploitation or trading them, including permit or justification from the child's
but not limited to, the act of buying parent or legal guardian;
and/or selling a child for any (b) Executing, for a consideration, an
consideration or for barter for purposes affidavit of consent or a written consent
of exploitation. Trafficking for purposes for adoption;
of exploitation of children shall include: (c) Recruiting a woman to bear a child for
(1) All forms of slavery or practices the purpose of selling the child;
similar to slavery, involuntary (d) Simulating a birth for the purpose of
servitude, debt bondage and forced selling the child; and
labor, including recruitment of (e) Soliciting a child and acquiring the
children for use in armed conflict; custody thereof through any means from
(2) The use, procuring or offering of a among hospitals, clinics, nurseries,
child for prostitution, for the daycare centers, refugee or evacuation
production of pornography, or for centers, and low-income families, for the
pornographic performances; purpose of selling the child.
(3) The use, procuring or offering of a
child for the production and SECTION 4-B. Accomplice Liability. —
trafficking of drugs; and Whoever knowingly aids, abets, cooperates
(4) The use, procuring or offering of a in the execution of the offense by previous
child for illegal activities or work or simultaneous acts defined in this Act shall
which, by its nature or the be punished in accordance with the
circumstances in which it is carried provisions of Section 10(c) of this Act.
out, is likely to harm their health,
safety or morals; and SECTION 4-C. Accessories. — Whoever
has the knowledge of the commission of the
crime, and without having participated
1995" and said adoption is for the but not more than Two million pesos
purpose of prostitution, pornography, (P2,000,000.00);
sexual exploitation, forced labor, (b) Any person found guilty of committing
slavery, involuntary servitude or debt any of the acts enumerated in Section 4-
bondage; A of this Act shall suffer the penalty of
(c) When the crime is committed by a imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and a
syndicate, or in large scale. Trafficking is fine of not less than Five hundred
deemed committed by a syndicate if thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not
carried out by a group of three (3) or more than One million pesos
more persons conspiring or (P1,000,000.00);
confederating with one another. It is (c) Any person found guilty of Section 4-B of
deemed committed in large scale if this Act shall suffer the penalty of
committed against three (3) or more imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and a
persons, individually or as a group; fine of not less than Five hundred
(d) When the offender is a spouse, an thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not
ascendant, parent, sibling, guardian or a more than One million pesos
person who exercises authority over the (P1,000,000.00);
trafficked person or when the offense is In every case, conviction shall cause
committed by a public officer or and carry the automatic revocation of the
employee; license or registration of the recruitment
(e) When the trafficked person is recruited agency involved in trafficking. The
to engage in prostitution with any license of a recruitment agency which
member of the military or law trafficked a child shall be automatically
enforcement agencies; revoked.
(f) When the offender is a member of the (d) Any person found guilty of committing
military or law enforcement agencies; any of the acts enumerated in Section 5
(g) When by reason or on occasion of the shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment
act of trafficking in persons, the offended of fifteen (15) years and a fine of not less
party dies, becomes insane, suffers than Five hundred thousand pesos
mutilation or is afflicted with Human (P500,000.00) but not more than One
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or the million pesos (P1,000,000.00);
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (e) Any person found guilty of qualified
(AIDS); trafficking under Section 6 shall suffer
(h) When the offender commits one or more the penalty of life imprisonment and a
violations of Section 4 over a period of fine of not less than Two million pesos
sixty (60) or more days, whether those (P2,000,000.00) but not more than Five
days are continuous or not; and million pesos (P5,000,000.00);
(i) When the offender directs or through (f) Any person who violates Section 7
another manages the trafficking victim in hereof shall suffer the penalty of
carrying out the exploitative purpose of imprisonment of six (6) years and a fine
trafficking. of not less than Five hundred thousand
pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than
SECTION 10. Penalties and Sanctions. — One million pesos (P1,000,000.00);
The following penalties and sanctions are (g) If the offender is a corporation,
hereby established for the offenses partnership, association, club,
enumerated in this Act: establishment or any juridical person,
(a) Any person found guilty of committing the penalty shall be imposed upon the
any of the acts enumerated in Section 4 owner, president, partner, manager,
shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment and/or any responsible officer who
of twenty (20) years and a fine of not less participated in the commission of the
than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) crime or who shall have knowingly
the content of the Handbook on the rights those provided in applicable laws, and
and responsibilities of migrant workers. collective bargaining agreements.
(b) Have the right to rest periods, regular
Amending Certain Articles of the Labor holidays, and special nonworking days.
Code (c) Have the same or equivalent workload
[amendments already incorporated into the and performance standards as those of
aforecited provisions of the Labor Code] comparable workers at the employer's
13th Month Pay Law (d) Have the same access to training and
See III. B. 1. c. Bonus, 13th month pay career development opportunities as
those of comparable workers at the
Telecommuting Act employer's premises, and be subject to
the same appraisal policies covering
SECTION 3. Telecommuting Defined. — these workers.
As used in this Act, the term (e) Receive appropriate training on the
"telecommuting" refers to a work technical equipment at their disposal,
arrangement that allows an employee in the and the characteristics and conditions of
private sector to work from an alternative telecommuting.
workplace with the use of (f) Have the same collective rights as the
telecommunication and/or computer workers at the employer's premises, and
technologies. shall not be barred from communicating
with workers' representatives.
SECTION 4. Telecommuting Program. —
An employer in the private sector may offer The employers shall also ensure that
a telecommuting program to its employees measures are taken to prevent the
on a voluntary basis, and upon such terms telecommuting employee from being
and conditions as they may mutually agree isolated from the rest of the working
upon: Provided, That such terms and community in the company by giving the
conditions shall not be less than the telecommuting employee the opportunity to
minimum labor standards set by law, and meet with colleagues on a regular basis, and
shall include compensable work hours, allowing access to company information.
minimum number of work hours, overtime,
rest days, and entitlement to leave benefits. SECTION 6. Data Protection. — The
employer shall be responsible for taking the
The employer shall provide the appropriate measures to ensure the
telecommuting employee with relevant protection of data used and processed by
written information in order to adequately the telecommuting employee for
apprise the individual of the terms and professional purposes. The employer shall
conditions of the telecommuting program, inform the telecommuting employee of all
and the responsibilities of the employee. relevant laws, and company rules
concerning data protection. The
SECTION 5. Fair Treatment. — The telecommuting employee shall ensure that
employer shall ensure that the confidential and proprietary information are
telecommuting employees are given the protected at all times.
same treatment as that of comparable For this purpose, the provisions of the Data
employees working at the employer's Privacy Act of 2012 shall have suppletory
premises. All telecommuting employees effect.
(a) Receive a rate of pay, including overtime SECTION 7. Administration. — The parties
and night shift differential, and other to a telecommuting work arrangement shall
similar monetary benefits not lower than be primarily responsible for its
administration. In case of differences in
interpretation, the following guideline shall 105 Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law
be observed: See III. C. 2. b. Expanded Maternity Leave
(a) The differences shall be treated as
grievances under the applicable Paternity Leave Act of 1996
grievance mechanism of the company. See III. C. 2. c. Paternity Leave
(b) If there is no grievance mechanism or if
the mechanism is inadequate, the Solo Parents’ Welfare Act
grievance shall be referred to the See III. C. 2. a., Parental Leave for Solo
regional office of the Department of Parents, III. E. 7. Solo Parents, and VII. E. Solo
Labor and Employment (DOLE) which Parents
has jurisdiction over the workplace for
conciliation. Magna Carta of Women
(c) To facilitate the resolution of grievances, See III. E. 3. a. Discrimination
employers shall keep and maintain, as
part of their records, the documents Amending Art. 135 of the Labor Code Re:
proving that the telecommuting work Prohibition on Discrimination Against
arrangement was voluntarily adopted. Women
See III. E. 3. c. Prohibited Acts
Batas Kasambahay
See III. E. 5. Kasambahays
Portability Law
See VII. C. Limited Portability Law
SECTION 6. Productivity Incentives (c) Any strike or lockout arising from any
Program. — a) The productivity incentives violation of the productivity incentives
program shall contain provisions for the program shall suspend the effectivity thereof
manner of sharing and the factors in pending settlement of such strike or lockout:
determining productivity bonuses: Provided, Provided, That the business enterprise shall
That the productivity bonuses granted to not be deemed to have forfeited any tax
labor under this program shall not be less incentives accrued prior to the date of
than half of the percentage increase in the occurrence of such strike or lockout, and the
productivity of the business enterprise. workers shall not be required to reimburse
the productivity bonuses already granted to
b) Productivity agreements reached by the them under the productivity incentives
parties as provided in this Act supplement program. Likewise, bonuses which have
existing collective bargaining agreements. already accrued before the strike or lockout
shall be paid the workers within six (6)
c) If, during the existence of the productivity months from their accrual.
incentives program or agreement, the
employees will join or form a union, such (d) Bonuses provided for under the
program or agreement may, in addition to productivity incentives program shall be
the terms and conditions agreed upon by given to the employees not later than every
six (6) months from the start of such program families. It is endowed with powers to
over and above existing bonuses granted by administer a trust fund to be called the
the business enterprise and by law: OWWA Fund. Being a chartered institution,
Provided, That the said bonuses shall not be the OWWA shall not fall under any of the
deemed as salary increases due the following categories: government
employees and workers. instrumentalities with corporate powers
(e) The special deductions from gross (GICPs), government corporate entities
income provided for herein shall be allowed (GCEs), government financial institutions
starting the next taxable year after the (GFIs) and/or government- owned or -
effectivity of this Act. controlled corporations (GOCCs).
(2) Health Care Benefits. — Within two The annual scholarship lists of all
(2) years from the effectivity of this these programs shall be submitted to
Act, the OWWA shall develop and the Board.
implement health care programs for
the bene t of member-OFWs and Universal Health Care Act
their families, taking into See VII. H. Universal Health Care
consideration the health care needs
of women as provided for in Rules 45 and 65
Republic Act No. 9710, or the
Magna Carta of Women, and other RULE 45
relevant laws. Appeal by Certiorari to the Supreme Court
(3) Education and Training Benefits. —
A member, or the member's Section 1. Filing of petition with Supreme
designated beneficiary, may avail Court. — A party desiring to appeal by
any of the following scholarship certiorari from a judgment or final order or
programs, subject to a selection resolution of the Court of Appeals, the
process and accreditation of Sandiganbayan, the Regional Trial Court or
participating institutions: other courts whenever authorized by law,
may file with the Supreme Court a verified
(i) Death Benefits. — A member petition for review on certiorari. The petition
shall be covered with life insurance shall raise only questions of law which must
for the duration of his or her be distinctly set forth.
employment contract. The coverage
shall include one hundred thousand Section 2. Time for filing; extension. —
pesos (P100,000.00) for natural The petition shall be filed within fifteen (15)
death and two hundred thousand days from notice of the judgment or final
pesos (P200,000.00) for accidental order or resolution appealed from, or of the
death; denial of the petitioner's motion for new trial
or reconsideration filed in due time after
(ii) Skills-for-Employment notice of the judgment. On motion duly filed
Scholarship Program. — For and served, with full payment of the docket
and other lawful fees and the deposit for
costs before the expiration of the non-forum shopping as provided in the third
reglementary period, the Supreme Court paragraph of section 3, Rule 46.
may for justifiable reasons grant an
extension of thirty (30) days only within Section 2. Petition for prohibition. —
which to file the petition. When the proceedings of any tribunal,
corporation, board, officer or person,
Section 6. Review discretionary. — A whether exercising judicial, quasi-judicial or
review is not a matter of right, but of sound ministerial functions, are without or in excess
judicial discretion, and will be granted only of its or his jurisdiction, or with grave abuse
when there are special and important of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
reasons thereof. The following, while neither jurisdiction, and there is no appeal or any
controlling nor fully measuring the court's other plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in
discretion, indicate the character of the the ordinary course of law, a person
reasons which will be considered: aggrieved thereby may file a verified petition
a. When the court a quo has decided a in the proper court, alleging the facts with
question of substance, not theretofore certainty and praying that judgment be
determined by the Supreme Court, or rendered commanding the respondent to
has decided it in a way probably not in desist from further proceedings in the action
accord with law or with the applicable or matter specified therein, or otherwise
decisions of the Supreme Court; or granting such incidental reliefs as law and
b. When the court a quo has so far justice may require.
departed from the accepted and usual
course of judicial proceedings, or so far The petition shall likewise be accompanied
sanctioned such departure by a lower by a certified true copy of the judgment,
court, as to call for an exercise of the order or resolution subject thereof, copies of
power of supervision. all pleadings and documents relevant and
pertinent thereto, and a sworn certification of
RULE 65 non-forum shopping as provided in the third
Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus paragraph of section 3, Rule 46.