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Increasing robustness of

Software-Defined Networks
Fast recovery using link failure detection and optimal
routing schemes

B.J. van Asten

Master of Science Thesis

Network Architectures and Services Group · Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)
Network Architectures and Services Group

Increasing robustness of
Software-Defined Networks
Fast recovery using link failure detection and optimal routing

B.J. van Asten


Committee members:
Supervisor: Dr. Ir. F.A. Kuipers
Member: Dr. R. Venkatesha Prasad
Member: Dr. Zaid Al-Ars
Mentor: Ir. N.L.M. Van Adrichem

September 12, 2014

M.Sc. Thesis No: PVM 2014-082
The work in this thesis was supported by the Ministry of Defense - Royal Netherlands Navy.
Their cooperation is hereby gratefully acknowledged.

c 2014 B.J. van Asten

All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the permission from
the author and Delft University of Technology.

Many real-time services, like voice and video conversations, have been adapted for transporta-
tion over Ethernet and Internet Protocol networks. The growth of these services resulted in
over complicated and inflexible configurations at the control plane of routing and switching
hardware, and high demands are set on the availability of the network infrastructure. The
Software Defined Network paradigm is designed to abstract the available network resources
and control these by an intelligent and centralized authority with the aim to optimize traffic
flows in an flexible manner. Therewith the first problem is accounted for, but Ethernet IP
infrastructures are not designed to meet carrier-grade and industrial network specifications on
resiliency against failures. On these networks, failures must be detected and restored within
millisecond order to not disturb provided network services. Currently, the OpenFlow protocol
enables the SDN paradigm for Ethernet IP networks, but resiliency requirements can not be
met without the application of purpose designed network infrastructures and protocols.
In this thesis, an overview on performed research is given to investigate possible enhancements
and solutions to enable SDN as future network paradigm. Currently, beside robustness,
problems exist on scalability and security with the application of SDN to current network
infrastructures. On robustness, current research do not provide the necessary solutions to
detect failures and activate protection schemes to failover to pre-configured backup paths
within the set failover requirements. We will attempt to solve the problems to reduce the
failover times on Ethernet IP networks with the application of active link monitoring and
advanced capabilities of the OpenFlow protocol. To enable protection scheme, a routing
algorithm is required that provides link-based protection. We propose a protection algorithm
that guarantees protection, minimizes path cost on primary path and discovers protection
paths for intermediate switches on the primary path with the main purpose to minimize
failover times, optimize network traffic and reduce the need for crankback routing. In short,
we provide a complete solution to increase the robustness of Ethernet IP networks to the level
of carrier-grade and industrial networks with the application of a link-based protection scheme
and optimal routing algorithm, combined into a Software Designed Networking solution.

Acknowledgments xv

1 Introduction 1
1-1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1-2 Problem Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1-3 Research Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1-4 Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1-5 Thesis Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Software Defined Networking 5

2-1 Current state in Ethernet switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2-2 Abstracting the network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2-3 Applications of SDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2-4 Description of OpenFlow protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2-5 Description of OpenFlow Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2-6 Description of Open vSwitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2-7 Conclusion on Software Defined Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3 Overview of SDN research 17

3-1 General framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3-2 Scalability in SDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3-2-1 HyperFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
iv Contents

3-2-2 ONIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3-2-3 DevoFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3-2-4 Kandoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3-2-5 FlowVisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3-2-6 Conclusion on scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3-3 Resiliency in SDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3-3-1 Replication component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3-3-2 Link failure recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3-3-3 Recovery requirements on carrier grade networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3-3-4 OpenFlow-based segment protection in Ethernet networks . . . . . . . . 45

3-3-5 Failure recovery for in-band OpenFlow networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3-3-6 Conclusion on resiliency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3-4 Security in SDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3-4-1 General OpenFlow security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3-4-2 Graphical framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3-4-3 Conclusion on security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3-5 Conclusion on classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

3-5-1 Optimal Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

3-5-2 Problem Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4 Path protection in SDN 55

4-1 Network survivability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4-1-1 Path protection schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4-1-2 Survivability techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4-1-3 Survivability of SDN networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4-2 Failure detection mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4-3 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4-4 Path failover in OpenFlow networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4-5 Proposal for link-based protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4-6 Conclusion on network survivability in SDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Contents v

5 Path protection algorithms 69

5-1 Algorithmic problem for link-based protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5-2 Solution space for protection algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5-3 Disjoint path algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5-3-1 Requirements on disjoint paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5-3-2 Disjoint path objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5-3-3 Discovery of disjoint paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5-3-4 Computing MIN-SUM disjoint paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5-4 Protection algorithm for link-based protection paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5-4-1 Phase A - Disjoint path discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5-4-2 Phase B - Protection path discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5-4-3 Extended Dijkstra’s algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5-4-4 Complexity for extended Dijkstra algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5-5 Example for link-based protection algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5-6 Enhancing path computations with SDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5-7 Complexity of computing scheme for link-based protection paths . . . . . . . . . 88
5-8 Conclusion on link-based protection algorithm for SDN networks . . . . . . . . . 89

6 Simulation results link-based protection algorithm 91

6-1 Description of simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6-1-1 Available tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6-1-2 Random real world networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6-1-3 Network parameters and number of simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6-2 Graphical results disjoint path algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6-3 Graphical results link-based protection algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
6-4 Performance of link-based protection algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
6-5 Conclusion on protection algorithm simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

7 Experimental results fast failover 105

7-1 Description of experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7-1-1 Network topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7-1-2 Liveliness monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7-1-3 Traffic generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
7-1-4 Failure initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
vi Contents

7-1-5 Failover measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

7-1-6 Scenario control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7-2 Experiment - Baseline measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
7-3 Experiments - Active link monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7-4 Experiment - Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
7-5 Conclusion on failover measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

8 Conclusion and future work 125

8-1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
8-2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

A Failover requirements 129

B Remove Find algorithm 131

C Disjoint path network modifications 133

C-0-1 Link disjoint transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
C-0-2 Partial link disjoint transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
C-0-3 Switch disjoint transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
C-0-4 Partial switch disjoint transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

D Shortest path algorithms 143

D-0-5 Overview of shortest path algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
D-0-6 Original Dijkstra shortest path algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
D-0-7 Modified Dijkstra shortest path algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

E Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm 149

E-1 BA networks switch failure protection with minimized cost setting . . . . . . . . 150
E-2 ER networks switch failure protection with minimized cost setting . . . . . . . . 152
E-3 BA networks link failure protection with minimized cost setting . . . . . . . . . 154
E-4 ER networks link failure protection with minimized cost setting . . . . . . . . . 156
E-5 BA networks switch failure protection with minimized crankback setting . . . . . 158
E-6 ER networks switch failure protection with minimized crankback setting . . . . . 160
E-7 BA networks link failure protection with minimized crankback setting . . . . . . 162
E-8 ER networks link failure protection with minimized crankback setting . . . . . . 164
E-9 USNET switch failure protection with minimized cost setting . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Contents vii

E-10 Pan-EUR switch failure protection with minimized cost setting . . . . . . . . . . 167
E-11 USNET link failure protection with minimized cost setting . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
E-12 Pan-EUR link failure protection with minimized cost setting . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
E-13 USNET switch failure protection with minimized crankback setting . . . . . . . . 170
E-14 Pan-EUR switch failure protection with minimized crankback setting . . . . . . . 171
E-15 USNET link failure protection with minimized crankback setting . . . . . . . . . 172
E-16 Pan-EUR link failure protection with minimized crankback setting . . . . . . . . 173

Glossary 183
viii Contents
List of Figures

2-1 Current state of (managed) Ethernet switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2-2 SDN concept of abstracting network view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2-3 SDN enabled Ethernet switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2-4 Flow diagram of OpenFlow protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2-5 Generic description of an example OpenFlow Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2-6 Description of Open vSwitch in relation to OpenFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3-1 Graphical Framework for OpenFlow differentiation and comparison . . . . . . . . 18

3-2 Standard OpenFlow configuration projected to framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3-3 HyperFlow implementation projected to framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3-4 ONIX distributed control platform at area level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3-5 ONIX distributed control platform at global level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3-6 DevoFlow implementation projected to framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3-7 Kandoo implementation projected to framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3-8 Network virtualization on OpenFlow network topology projected on the graphical
framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3-9 Example topology with multiple FlowVisor instances resulting in a hierarchical
structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3-10 Replication component in a standard NOX controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3-11 Example topology for network partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3-12 Recovery mechanisms projected to the graphical framework . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3-13 1 : 1 Recovery scheme projected to the graphical framework . . . . . . . . . . . 43
x List of Figures

3-14 Analytic model for recovery process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3-15 OpenFlow segment protection scheme projected to graphical framework . . . . . 46
3-16 Example configuration for control traffic restoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3-17 Analytical model for a total restoration process in an in-band configuration . . . 50
3-18 General security configuration projected on graphical framework . . . . . . . . . 52

4-1 Routing behavior with path-based recovery during TF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4-2 Routing behavior with link-based recovery during TF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4-3 Routing behavior with best effort link-based recovery during TF . . . . . . . . . 59
4-4 Failure detection mechanisms in lower three layers of IP Ethernet network . . . . 60
4-5 BFD-protocol state diagram for single node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4-6 BFD-protocol three-way handshake and failure detection mechanism . . . . . . . 62
4-7 Liveliness monitoring and path failover on OpenFlow networks . . . . . . . . . . 65
4-8 Proposal for optimal network protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5-1 Three levels of disjoint paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5-2 Disjoint paths with Remove-Find algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5-3 Example topology with phase A of protection algorithm executed . . . . . . . . . 85
5-4 Example topology with phase B of protection algorithm executed . . . . . . . . . 86

6-1 Real-world topologies used for simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

6-2 Disjoint path pair between S0 and S11 using switch failure protection . . . . . . 95
6-3 Disjoint path pair between S0 and S11 using switch failure protection and shortest-
widest path discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6-4 Disjoint path pair between S0 and S11 with equal hop count discovered with
shortest-widest settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6-5 Disjoint path pair between S0 and S11 with equal hop count discovered with widest-
shortest settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
6-6 Protection paths on shortest path between S0 and S11 with minimized cost settings
(M = 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
6-7 Protection paths on shortest path between S0 and S11 with minimized crankback
settings (M = 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6-8 Protection paths on shortest path between S0 and S11 with minimized cost settings
and crankback routing (M = 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6-9 Protection paths on shortest path between S0 and S11 with minimized cost settings
and link failure protection (M = 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6-10 Simulation results on BA and ER random networks with M = 2 . . . . . . . . . 101
List of Figures xi

6-11 Simulation results on BA and ER random networks with M = 6 . . . . . . . . . 102

6-12 Simulation results on real-world USNET and Pan-EUR networks . . . . . . . . . 103

7-1 Basic topology in functional state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

7-2 Basic topology in failure state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
7-3 Ring topology in functional state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
7-4 Ring topology in failure state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
7-5 USNET topology for failover experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7-6 Capture of BFD status monitoring in Wireshark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
7-7 Capture of BFD monitoring link down in Wireshark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
7-8 Baseline measurements at Open vSwitch testbed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
7-9 Baseline measurements at SurfNet testbed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
7-10 Baseline measurements by administratively bringing outgoing interface down . . . 118
7-11 Recovery measurements on simple topology at TU Delft NAS testbed . . . . . . 119
7-12 Recovery measurements on ring topology at TU Delft NAS testbed . . . . . . . 120
7-13 Recovery measurements on USnet topology at TU Delft NAS testbed . . . . . . 121
7-14 Comparison between recovery times on TU Delft NAS testbed using BFD monitoring122

C-1 Network transformation process for link disjoint paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

C-2 Network transformation process for partial link disjoint paths . . . . . . . . . . . 137
C-3 Network transformation process for switch disjoint paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
C-4 Network transformation process for partial switch disjoint paths . . . . . . . . . 140

E-1 Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 2 . . . . . . . . 150

E-2 Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 6 . . . . . . . . 151
E-3 Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 2 . . . . . . . . 152
E-4 Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 6 . . . . . . . . 153
E-5 Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 2 . . . . . . . . . 154
E-6 Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 6 . . . . . . . . . 155
E-7 Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 2 . . . . . . . . . 156
E-8 Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 6 . . . . . . . . . 157
E-9 Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2 . . . . . 158
E-10 Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6 . . . . . 159
E-11 Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2 . . . . . 160
xii List of Figures

E-12 Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6 . . . . . 161

E-13 Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2 . . . . . . 162
E-14 Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6 . . . . . . 163
E-15 Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2 . . . . . . 164
E-16 Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6 . . . . . . 165
E-17 Switch failure protection - USNET-network - minimized cost . . . . . . . . . . . 166
E-18 Switch failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized cost . . . . . . . . . . 167
E-19 Link failure protection - USNET-network - minimized cost . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
E-20 Link failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized cost . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
E-21 Switch failure protection - USNET-network - minimized crankback . . . . . . . . 170
E-22 Switch failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized crankback . . . . . . . 171
E-23 Link failure protection - USNET-network - minimized crankback . . . . . . . . . 172
E-24 Link failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized crankback . . . . . . . . 173
List of Tables

2-1 Selection of fields for Flow Rules to match incoming packets [1] . . . . . . . . . 12

3-1 Explanation for developed OpenFlow notation standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3-2 Comparison of scalability solutions and components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3-3 Comparison of properties and results on link recovery mechanisms . . . . . . . . 41
3-4 Comparison of time delays in link restoration and protection . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3-5 Comparison of recovery schemes in in-band configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4-1 Summary of failure detection windows with different protection schemes . . . . . 64

5-1 Relationship between Pk and Qk in different network topologies . . . . . . . . . 78

5-2 Overall complexity of protection algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

6-1 Summarized results for simulated networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

7-1 Performed scenarios on TU Delft NAS and SURFnet testbeds . . . . . . . . . . . 116

7-2 Performed scenarios to determine recovery performance on TU Delft NAS with
active link monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

D-1 Comparison of basic shortest path algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

D-2 Complexity comparison for linear arrays and optimized heaps . . . . . . . . . . . 147

E-1 Simulation result parameter description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

E-2 Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 2 . . . . . . . . 150
E-3 Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 6 . . . . . . . . 151
xiv List of Tables

E-4 Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 2 . . . . . . . . 152

E-5 Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 6 . . . . . . . . 153
E-6 Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 2 . . . . . . . . . 154
E-7 Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 6 . . . . . . . . . 155
E-8 Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 2 . . . . . . . . . 156
E-9 Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 6 . . . . . . . . . 157
E-10 Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2 . . . . . 158
E-11 Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6 . . . . . 159
E-12 Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2 . . . . . 160
E-13 Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6 . . . . . 161
E-14 Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2 . . . . . . 162
E-15 Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6 . . . . . . 163
E-16 Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2 . . . . . . 164
E-17 Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6 . . . . . . 165
E-18 Switch failure protection - USNET-network - minimized cost . . . . . . . . . . . 166
E-19 Switch failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized cost . . . . . . . . . . 167
E-20 Link failure protection - USNET-network - minimized cost . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
E-21 Link failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized cost . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
E-22 Switch failure protection - USNET-network - minimized crankback . . . . . . . . 170
E-23 Switch failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized crankback . . . . . . . 171
E-24 Link failure protection - USNET-network - minimized crankback . . . . . . . . . 172
E-25 Link failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized crankback . . . . . . . . 173

At first I want to thank the Royal Netherlands Navy for providing me the opportunity and
time to finish my masters at TU Delft. Second I want to thank the NAS group for support
during master courses and execution of my thesis. A special thanks to Niels van Adrichem,
who supported me during the complete thesis period and commented my (extensive) draft
versions. I enjoyed our cooperation during experiments and writing of our paper Fast Recovery
in Software-Defined Networks. Also a special thanks to Fernando Kuipers for commenting
the draft version of my thesis and two papers. I would also thank my colleagues enrolled at
TU Delft for cooperation and support. Last I want to thank my family, especially my wife
Monique and daughter Ysabel, for supporting me during my study over the last two years.
xvi Acknowledgments
Chapter 1


1-1 Background

Since the adaptation of Ethernet and the Internet Protocol (IP) as network standards, many
real-time services, like voice and video conversations, are adapted to be transported over IP
networks. The low cost character and the ease of packet routing made operators to converge
to IP networks. In order to transport and manage the enormous amounts of data in an
efficient, robust and flexible manner, multiple networking protocols have been implemented
in switching and routing network solutions. Generally, the switching and routing solutions
can be split into a data and control plane. The data plane performs per-packet forwarding
based on look-up tables located in the memory or buffer of the switch, where the control
plane is used to define rules based on network policies to create the look-up tables. Due to
the high demands on network performance and growing configuration complexity, the control
plane has become over complicated, inflexible and difficult to manage. To solve this problem
a new networking paradigm was needed, which was compatible with the widely used Ethernet
switching and IP routing techniques.
The solution was found in virtualization techniques used in server applications, where an
abstraction layer is positioned above the server hardware to allow multiple virtual machines
to share the available resources of the server. Software Defined Networking (SDN) adopted
this paradigm and introduced an abstraction layer in networking. By abstracting the net-
work resources, the data and control plane are separated. The data plane is located at the
switch hardware, where the optimized forwarding hardware is preserved and the control of
the network is centralized into an intelligent authority with the aim to improve flexibility and
manageability. A centralized authority provides the intelligence to instruct network switches
to route and control the traffic through the network infrastructure. Optimal paths through
the network can be provided by the central authority in advance or on demand. The current
implementation of the SDN networking paradigm is found in the OpenFlow protocol [1] de-
veloped by Stanford University in 2008 and is currently under development with the Open
Networking Foundation [2]. OpenFlow has attracted some big vendors in the networking
community and became the most popular realization of the SDN networking paradigm.
2 Introduction

For voice and video conversations high demand on latency exists, as a delay of 50 ms causes
voice echo’s. These echo’s are experienced as inconvenient during conversations [3] and there-
fore high demands are set on the transportation network. If a failure in the network is
recovered within the maximum accepted delay, the failure will not be noticed by users and
applications. Before the convergence to Ethernet and IP networks, voice was transported
over carrier-grade networks, which are designed for high availability and robustness. The
physical layer of carrier-grade networks are designed to limit the delay and switch-over to
pre-programmed backup paths after failure detection to 50 ms. Fast failure detection and
failover mechanisms are implemented to switch over to pre-programmed backup paths. The
researchers of Ghent University [4] have shown that Ethernet IP networks enabled with SDN
can meet the failover requirements of carrier-grade networks. In industrial networks, expen-
sive and complex systems exist to monitor and control automated processes. These systems
and processes have even higher demands on availability and robustness. For time critical
processes failover times of 20 ms [5] are required, where for machine control failover times
below 10 ms [6] are necessary. The current industrial networks are build up from specialized
network devices and routing protocols, such as the Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) protocol, to
provide the necessary robustness. These routing protocols, however, require specific (dual)
ring topologies and cannot be applied to each network topology.

1-2 Problem Description

Since the adaptation of SDN and OpenFlow in network infrastructures, much research has
been performed on three different fields, being i) scalability and performance of the central
authority in relation to the growth of network traffic and requests, ii) the robustness and
resiliency of the network against link and switch failures in the network, but also failures
of the central authority and iii) the application of known security, Quality of Service (QoS)
and monitoring [7] mechanisms into the OpenFlow implementation. To make SDN a success
candidate for robust and resilient industrial networks, two problems must be solved. The
first problem is to reduce the failover time to industrial standards as the current SDN imple-
mentation of [4] does not meet these robustness standards. Application of standard network
devices, without advanced failure detection and failover mechanisms, is encouraged to reduce
complexity and costs. The second problem to resolve is the need for specific (ring) topolo-
gies and routing protocols. SDN has the possibilities to optimize traffic flows through the
network, so the possible solution must optimize traffic flows through the network at all times
without stringent requirements on the network. Both problems need to be resolved without
compromising scalability and security issues in SDN.
1-3 Research Objective 3

1-3 Research Objective

The main research objective for this thesis is to show that SDN has the ability to provide
robustness to IP networks with industrial standards on failure recovery. From this objective
the following sub-objectives are derived:

1. Identify problems, solutions and enhancements with SDN and OpenFlow networking;

2. Identify failure detection and failover mechanisms which are available and can be applied
to OpenFlow enabled copper Ethernet IP networks;

3. Implement failure detection and failover mechanisms to measure failover and recovery
times in OpenFlow enabled networks with regular topologies;

4. Identify existing routing algorithms that provide solutions for path protection network

5. When no protocol exists, develop a routing algorithm that provides path protection,
optimizes traffic flow over the network and can be implemented to the central authority;

6. Show improvements of the protection algorithm in relation to existing mechanisms that

provide path protection.

1-4 Research Questions

From the research objectives the main research question can be deduced: Which operations are
required to meet the industrial requirements on robustness with the application of SDN, while
preserving optimal traffic flows over a regular network topology? From this main question the
research questions for this thesis are derived as:

1. Which frailties, solutions and enhancements come with the application of SDN to net-

2. How are network failures detected on networks and how can detection times be mini-

3. What recovery times are possible with existing protocols and standard network devices
on regular networks?

4. Which routing algorithms exist that provide multiple paths over the network, while
pursuing optimal traffic flow?

5. What is the performance gain of the protection algorithm in comparison to existing

4 Introduction

1-5 Thesis Structure

This thesis will answer the proposed research questions and is build up as follows. Chapter
2 discusses the SDN network paradigm, gives a review on the limitations and drawbacks of
current data networks and shows how SDN networks can be beneficial. Also an insight of
the OpenFlow protocol with its capabilities is given. Numerous solutions have been proposed
to increase the scalability, performance, resiliency and security in SDN networks. Chapter 3
gives an overview of performed research on SDN, where a general approach is used to show the
diversity of solutions to solve particular problems within the SDN and OpenFlow approach.
In chapter 4 the basics of network survivability and failure detection are discussed, where
after these basics are translated to OpenFlow implementations and a proposal to reduce
the recovery times is given. Existing routing algorithms for path protection schemes and
the development for a protection algorithm will be discussed in chapter 5. In chapter 6
simulations on the protection algorithm are performed to show the gain in comparison to
existing path protection schemes. Experiments on different network topologies are performed
on our proposal to reduce recovery times in chapter 7. Chapter 8 will conclude this thesis
and proposes future work.
Chapter 2

Software Defined Networking

In this chapter a brief introduction to Software Defined Networking is given. First, a descrip-
tion is given on current state switching techniques in section 2-1, where section 2-2 abstracts
these concepts to an SDN philosophy. Section 2-3 gives insight in different SDN applications
for networks, where section 2-4 gives a description of the popular OpenFlow protocol, which
enables SDN concepts in Ethernet networks. Because SDN is a new networking concept and
not all (managed) switches support OpenFlow or equivalent protocols, a software solution
is needed for experimental testing with OpenFlow. Open vSwitch is an open-source virtual
switch implementation used for OpenFlow experiments and measurements. A description of
Open vSwitch is given in 2-6, where section 2-7 concludes this chapter by reviewing SDN with
respect to enhancements to current state networking.

2-1 Current state in Ethernet switching

For this thesis the main objective is focused on switching Ethernet networks transporting
Internet Protocol (IP [8]) data packets. The main purpose for Ethernet switches is to in-
terconnect nodes to a local network, with the ability the exchange data packets. From the
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI [9]) reference model, Ethernet switches are located at the
bottom two layers, the physical and datalink layer. Ethernet is developed as a broadcasting
mechanism to sense the broadcast channel and to transmit when the channel is not occupied.
On the physical level connectivity can, among others, be provided by 1000BASE-T twisted
pair copper cables for local data distribution at 1 Gbps with a maximal range of 100 me-
ters. To increase transmission range, optical transmission lines can be applied in the form of
1000BASE-ZX single-mode fibers. Connectivity is not limited to physical transmission lines.
In WiFi networks, Ethernet is also adopted as standard, so we can conclude that Ethernet
can be utilized on a large variety of transmission mediums, which makes it the most popular
protocol in current data networks. Ethernet, described in the IEEE 802.3 standard [10], ful-
fills the functionality of the datalink layer and is developed to transmit data packets. Without
an addressing scheme, data packets would not arrive at the destination, assuming that the
6 Software Defined Networking

source and destination are not directly connected. Ethernet provides an addressing scheme
using the Media Access Control (MAC) protocol. Before describing the switching functions
and workings, a typical layout for Ethernet switches is given in figure 2-1.

Control Logic
Forwarding Table Rules



Incoming Outgoing STP Outgoing Outgoing Management


Port Port B Port C Port D Interface

To matched destination / Flood

Figure 2-1: Current state of (managed) Ethernet switches - The switch is build up from multiple
Ethernet ports and a control logic. At the control logic the switch functions are performed and
a forwarding table is present. The forwarding table contains MAC addresses of Ethernet nodes
monitored at each port. Incoming traffic is matched at the forwarding table and forwarded to the
corresponding outgoing port. When no match is found, the Ethernet frame is flooded over all
outgoing ports. In more advanced and managed switches a management interface is present for
configuration purposes.

An Ethernet switch is built up from two planes. On the physical plane, multiple in- and
outgoing ports are available. These port are controlled and configured by the control logic,
containing the forwarding logic for the switch. The important part from the control logic is
the Forwarding Table, which contains a list of MAC addresses coupled to the corresponding
port. From incoming traffic the destination address is compared to the Forwarding Table
and on a positive match, traffic is forwarded to the correct outgoing port. When no match
is found, the packet is flooded over all ports, except the incoming port. From here, the four
main functions of an Ethernet switch are described in more detail:

• Learn MAC addresses - The first function of an Ethernet switch is to learn MAC ad-
dresses from incoming traffic. Ethernet frames contain both the destination and source
addresses. When the source address of incoming traffic is not present in the Forwarding
Table, it is added to the table with corresponding incoming port;

• Forward data packets - The main function for a switch is to forward traffic to the correct
outgoing port on a positive match at the Forwarding Table. On a negative match, the
packet is flooded over all outgoing ports, with the aim to reach the destination. From
this, we can learn that a switch only acts locally and switches do not have global
information to optimize traffic flows;

• Avoiding loops - On a negative match, traffic is flooded over the network and will reach
the destination. When loops exist in the network, the process of flooding continues, as
forwarding tables of some switches in the loop will not be updated. The reverse path
does not transverse all switches in the loop, so the non-updated switches will continue
to flood unmatched data packets, leading to overloaded networks. To prevent switching
2-2 Abstracting the network 7

loops, more advanced and managed switches are often enhanced with the Spanning Tree
Protocol (STP), standardized in IEEE 802.1D [11]. The protocol creates a spanning
tree within a network, disabling ports whose outgoing link is not a part of the tree.
Using this mechanism a single path between all nodes in the network exists without
switching loops and the network is protected from errors introduced by loops;

• Provide separation - Networks are used by multiple groups and users. To separate
these groups and create individual networks, one can install more switches and create
multiple networks. Another way of separating data traffic is the application of the
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) standard [12]. Ports of the switch can be assigned
to a virtual network indicated with a VLAN indicator. Traffic from different virtual
networks is separated, as forwarding is only possible when switch ports are assigned the
same VLAN indicator. In this manner, a physical switch can be applied for multiple
groups, removing the need for additional switches, assuming the network security policy
allows VLAN applications.

With the switching functions described above, data packets can be forwarded over the network
at high speed, without creating switching loops in the network. More advanced configura-
tions on traffic separation are possible by the application of VLAN’s. Beside these basic
functions, a trend is noticed to manage different data streams over the network. Therefore,
more protocols, such as the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) [13] for man-
agement purposes, and standardizations are implemented at the switch control logic, which
are often referred to layer-3 switches. These switches operate at the traditional layer-2, but
also provide routing functionality on layer-3. Advanced switching functions, like STP and
VLAN, require configuration at local switch level, resulting in a large number of complex
configurations for large networks. Path selection on and routing over multi-layered networks,
build up from multiple physical different topologies, is complex in current state networking
[14]. On manageability level, local switch configurations are unwanted and inflexible, because
small errors can lead to an overall networking failure and quick adaptation to changed traffic
characteristics, such as high link utilization, is difficult.

2-2 Abstracting the network

As presented in the previous section, switches are configured locally, due to which real-time
global optimizations in the network are difficult to perform. Nowadays networks form the
backbone for social communication and entertainment services. Providing these services over
an inflexible current state switching network is leading to non-optimal network utilization
and over-dimensioned networks, but also the requested service is not guaranteed. A better
solution is found in the SDN philosophy, where the network topology is configured based on
requests from network services and QoS solutions [15] can be implemented. Services request
connectivity to a network and if the request can be fulfilled, paths through the topology
are provided to the service for the requested amount of time. To embrace this philosophy,
switch configurations must be performed centralized and an abstraction interface is needed to
translate the current network state to the network services [2]. In figure2-2 the SDN concept
is presented.
8 Software Defined Networking


Abstract Request

view Connectivity
Abstraction Interface

Network Network
Control Plane
Controller Controller

Control Interface
Supply Control
Connectivity +
+ Optimize
Status traffic

Data Plane

Figure 2-2: SDN concept of abstracting network view - On the Data Plane network elements
(switches) provide network connectivity and status to the Control Plane. The network elements
are configured by Network Controllers via a Control Interface for global optimized configuration.
An abstract view of the network is given to the Application Plane via a standardized interface.
Network services request connectivity from the Network Controllers, where after the Network
Elements are configured.

The SDN concept speaks of three planes, which do not correspond directly with the OSI
reference model. A short description of the planes is given below in relation with figure 2-2:

• Data Plane - The Data Plane is built up from Network Elements and provides connec-
tivity. Network Elements consist of Ethernet switches, routers and firewalls, with the
difference that the control logic does not make forwarding decisions autonomously on a
local level. Configuration of the Network Elements is provided via the control interface
with the Control Plane. To optimize network configuration, status updates from the
elements are sent to a Network Controller;

• Control Plane - Network Controllers configure the Network Elements with forwarding
rules based on the requested performance from the applications and the network secu-
rity policy. The controllers contain the forwarding logic, normally located at switches,
but can be enhanced with additional routing logic. Combined with actual status in-
formation from the Data Plane, the Control Plane can compute optimized forwarding
configurations. To the application layer, an abstract view from the network is generated
and shared via a general Application Programming Interface (API). This abstract view
does not contain details on individual links between elements, but enough information
for the applications to request and maintain connectivity;

• Application Plane - Applications request connectivity between two end-nodes, based on

delay, throughput and availability descriptors received in the abstract view from the
Control Plane. The advantage over current state networks is the dynamic allocation
of requests, as non-existing connectivity does not need processing at local switch level.
Also applications can adapt service qualities based on received statistics. For example
reduce the bandwidth for video streaming applications on high network utilization.
2-2 Abstracting the network 9

By centralizing the control logic not only the management of switches simplifies, changes in
network (security) policies only need to be changed on the Network Controller, preventing
reconfiguration of switches locally by hand. Switching functions, like forwarding and sep-
aration, remain untouched, so no degradation in functionality is required for implementing
SDN to the data planes in Ethernet networks. Besides that, SDN offers the possibility to
optimize traffic over the network, increase robustness and enhance security with availability
of up-to-date information of the network. Where current state switches traditionally act on
local level and utilize MAC addresses for forwarding, a central control logic acts on global
level handling higher layer properties, such as IP on the network layer and TCP on the trans-
port layer, for forwarding decisions. This lifts the capabilities of current state switches to the
network, transport and higher OSI-layers. Existing routing protocols can be implemented at
the central control logic, resulting in reduced needs for expensive network middle boxes, such
as routers, gateways and firewalls in networks. Centralization comes with a cost, as decisions
to flood or forward data packets are not made locally. Header information from data packets
at the switches must be transmitted to the central control logic for processing and configura-
tion computations, which introduces an unwanted additional delay in packet forwarding. To
indicate differences between an SDN enabled switch and a current Ethernet switch, an SDN
switch is illustrated in figure 2-3.

SDN Control Logic

SDN Forwarding Rules SDN Protocol




Incoming Outgoing Outgoing Outgoing




SDN Interface
Port Port B Port C Port D


To destination

To central control logic

Figure 2-3: SDN enabled Ethernet switch - Incoming traffic is matched to SDN Forwarding
Rules and on positive matching traffic is forwarded as normal. Information of unmatched packets
is send to the central control logic (Network Controllers), where new SDN forwarding rules are
computed and configured at the SDN switches involved for transporting the data packets. The
local control logic is enhanced with a configuration interface (SDN protocol) to communicate
with Network Controllers.

As seen in figure 2-3, the basic functionality of the switch remains untouched, as header
information of incoming packets is matched and processed accordingly. Header information
is matched to the configured SDN Forwarding Rules and on positive matching packets are
forwarded to the configured outgoing port(s). Unmatched header information is sent to the
central control logic via the SDN control interface. Thus, for communication between the
SDN switch and the centralized controllers an additional protocol is needed. This protocol
must contain the functionality to configure forwarding rules and ports, as well as collect and
transmit switch status and statics to the central control logic.
10 Software Defined Networking

2-3 Applications of SDN

To give an indication how SDN can be implemented in real-life, some examples from pos-
sible implementations will be discussed. In [16] four SDN applications are discussed. The
first application is found in resource allocation (separation) and security policies on enter-
prise network environments where different network requirements are controllable with SDN
technology, without the need for separate hardware. SDN can provide the functionality of
classic middle boxes, making firewalls, load balancers and network access controllers obsolete.
But the main improvement for enterprise networks is the ability to control and manage the
network from a centralized and unified control authority. Configuration and security policy
changes in the network do not have to be configured locally, but can be assigned globally to
the network controller(s).
The second application identified is energy conserving techniques in data centers. Physical
hardware needed for the emerging cloud computing services are housed in large data centers.
Research in [17] has shown that 70% of all energy in data centers is consumed for cooling
purposes, where the network infrastructure accounts for 10 − 20% of the total energy cost.
By smartly redirecting traffic over the network using SDN network controllers and advanced
algorithms, switch load can be decreased and switched off for power saving. Results in [17]
show energy savings between 25 − 62% , which means lower operating costs for data centers.
In previous examples and the explanation of the SDN concept, current state Ethernet switches
are used for illustration, but the centralized control philosophy of SDN is also expandable to
infrastructure based wireless access networks (WLAN). For WLAN it is common to enter
password credentials and other security measures before access is gained to the network. The
OpenRoads project [18], showed that the possibility to seamlessly roam over multiple wireless
infrastructures, controlled by different providers, without changing and entering credentials.
Users identify at the application plane, where after the centralized controllers configure the
wireless infrastructure and provide handover between the different providers located at the
control layer.
The fourth application for SDN is found in home and small business networks. Information
security is a hot topic, as users demand more insight in the events on the network. Creating
log files and implementing additional security modules to current state switches and routers
is not an easy task and that is where SDN can fill the gap. Extended modules with user
friendly interfaces can be installed on the application plane, which can secure the complete
network from a single point of control. Logging modules can gain statistics from the network
and new computer hardware is easily integrated into an existing network. For home users and
small businesses, which often do not have affinity with computer networks, the management
and control of the modules on the application plane can be outsourced to third party experts
From the four applications in different environments, we have seen that SDN can improve
networks. The SDN philosophy does not imply new network protocols and standards, but
provides a framework wherewith existing network technology is deployed in a different manner.
More effective deployment of network hardware will result in better management, less devices
and increased efficiency. Unfortunately, a complete and integrated SDN solution does not
yet exist. Much research has been performed on the control interface between the data and
control plane, where a clear standard rises in the form of the OpenFlow protocol.
2-4 Description of OpenFlow protocol 11

2-4 Description of OpenFlow protocol

Implementations of SDN can be found, among others, in OpenFlow [1] or ForCES [20]. More
protocols exist, however OpenFlow is the most popular and it performs the control interface
tasks listed in section 2-2. OpenFlow has attracted many researchers, organizations and
foundations, so a wide collection of open-source software is available in the form of OpenFlow
controllers (section 2-5), as well as physical and virtual switch implementations (section 2-6).
The OpenFlow protocol describes and couples switching hardware to software configurations,
such as incoming and outgoing ports, as well as an implementation of the SDN Forwarding
Rules. In figure 2-4 a flow diagram is given of the matching process of an incoming packet in
an OpenFlow switch enabled with protocol version 1.3. A detailed survey on the OpenFlow
specification is given in [21] by Lara et al.

Table Miss
Flow Request
OpenFlow Controller

Match Instructions Match Instructions
Flow Flow
Prio Counter Prio Counter
Table 1 Table N
Hard Idle Hard Idle
Timeout Timeout No, execute Timeout Timeout

Assigned Execute
Packet Packet Actions
Metadata Metadata Type Group


Action Action Buckets Table A

Set / List Counter
Packet In

Packet Out Goto Group Table A

Figure 2-4: Flow diagram of OpenFlow protocol - An incoming packet is assigned with Packet
Metadata and is matched to Flow Rules in Flow Tables. Each Flow Rules contains instructions,
which are added as Actions to the Packet Metadata. Instructions can include forwarding to other
Flow Tables. If all Flow Tables are passed, the Actions in the Metadata are executed. Actions
define the outcome for the packets, such as Output or Drop traffic. If a group of Flow Rules
requires the same processing, Group Tables are applied. Group tables also contain Actions. When
a packet does not match, a Table Miss is initiated and the packet can be forwarded to the
OpenFlow controller for further processing or the packet is dropped.

The SDN Forwarding Rules, called Flows in OpenFlow, are stored in one or more Flow Tables.
For each incoming packet, a meta data set is created, containing an Action List, Action Set or
both. In the Action List and Set actions are added for each Flow Table the packet transverses,
where the Actions define the appropriate operations for the packet. Examples of Actions are
forward (Output) the packet to port X, drop the packet, go to Group Table A or modify the
packet header. The main difference between a List and Set is the time of execution. Actions
added to a List are executed directly after leaving the current Flow Table, where the Actions
defined in the Set are accumulated and executed when all Flow Tables are processed. Each
Flow Table contain Flow Entries with six parameters [1]:
12 Software Defined Networking

• Match - The criteria where the packets are matched against. Criteria include parameters
of the datalink, network and transport layer of data packet headers and optionally meta
data from previous tables. A selection of criteria used to match incoming packets is
given in table 2-1;

Match Field Layer Description

Ingress Port Physical Incoming ports and interfaces
Ethernet Address Datalink Source and destination MAC-address
VLAN Datalink VLAN identity and priority
MPLS Network MPLS label and traffic class
IP Network IPv4 / IPv6 source and destination address
Transport Transport TCP/UPD, source and destination port

Table 2-1: Selection of fields for Flow Rules to match incoming packets [1]

• Instructions - When a packet matches, instructions are added to the meta data to direct
the packet to another Flow Table or add Actions to the Action List or Set;
• Priority - The packet header can match to multiple Flow Entries, but the entry with
highest priority determines the operations;
• Counter - Every time a packet has matched and is processed by a Flow Entry, a counter
is updated. Counter statistics can be used by the OpenFlow controller, Application
Plane to determine network policies or for network monitoring [7];
• Hard Timeout - A Flow Entry is added by an OpenFlow controller, where the maximum
amount of time this entry may exist in the Flow Table before expiring is defined by the
Hard Timeout. The Hard Timeout can be used to limit network access for a certain
node in the network and automatic refreshing of the Flow Table to prevent large tables;
• Idle Timeout - The amount of time a Flow Entry is not matched is defined as the idle
time. Idle Timeout defines the maximum idle time and is mainly used for refreshing
Flow Tables.

From OpenFlow protocol version 1.1 and onwards, Group Tables have been defined. Group
Tables allow more advanced configurations and consist of three parameters:

• Action Buckets - Each bucket is coupled to a switch port and contains a set of Actions
to execute. The main difference with Instructions from the Flow Table is that Action
Buckets can be coupled to counter and meter parameters. Based on values of these
parameters a bucket is valid or not.
• Type - Defines the behavior and the number of Action Buckets in the Group Table.
Multiple Action Buckets can be used for, i) multi-cast and broadcast applications, where
the incoming packet is copied over the Action Buckets (multiple ports), ii) load sharing
applications, where a selection mechanism selects the Action Bucket to execute and iii)
failover applications, where from the available Action Buckets the first live is selected
to execute. Assigning a single Action Bucket to a Group Table is useful for defining
Actions for a large number of Flow Entries with the same required forwarding policy;
2-5 Description of OpenFlow Controller 13

• Counter - The number of times the Group Table have been addressed.

With the descriptions of the Flow and Group Table we can follow the incoming packet from
figure 2-4. At entry, a meta data set is assigned to the data packet and the packet header is
matched to the Flow Entries in the first Flow Table. On match, instructions are added to the
Action Set and the packet can be processed further. When the instructions include forwarding
to next Flow Tables, the packet with meta data is processed in a similar way and instructions
are added to the Set. When no forwarding to other Flow Tables is instructed, the Action Set
from the meta data is executed. Actions from the Set and / or Group Table determine the
process of the packet. In switching operation, the MAC address is matched in the first Flow
Table and the Action Set define to output the packet on a specified outgoing port. When
none of the Flow Entries match, a Table Miss is initiated. Depending on the configuration by
the OpenFlow controller, the packet is dropped or transmitted to the controller for a Flow
Request. At the controller, new Flow Entries are computed and added to Flow Tables of
involved switches.

2-5 Description of OpenFlow Controller

OpenFlow controllers come in many variations and all share the same goal of controlling and
configuring switches. In [16] a list of 15 controllers is given, all OpenFlow compliant. Dif-
ferences are found in programming languages and support for different OpenFlow protocol
versions. Popular implementations, like NOX [22] and the Open vSwitch (OVS)-controller
from Open vSwitch [23] use the C/C++ language, where POX [24] and Ryu [25] are Python
based controllers. Java based controllers are found in FloodLight [26] and OpenDayLight
[27]. Only Ryu, OpenDayLight and unofficial ported versions from NOX support OpenFlow
protocol version 1.3 so far. For more advanced configuration purposes and the use of Group
Tables, we advise the Ryu and OpenDayLight controller. Both FloodLight and OpenDay-
Light offer web browser based configuration tools instead of command line interfaces and are
therefore more user friendly. NOX, POX and Ryu share a similar building structure and this
shared structure is used to give a generic overview of an OpenFlow controller in figure 2-5.

The example controller is built around a Core application, which acts as an backbone in
the controller. To communicate with the OpenFlow switch, a translation module added
to translate OpenFlow protocol messages to controller parameters. Other modules, like a
layer-2 switch module (L2-switch) in for example Ryu, can advertise themselves to the Core
application and register on specific switch parameters or events. The mentioned controllers
supply the Core application with translation modules for OpenFlow protocol version 1.x.
Depending on the requirements on the controllers, one can construct and program modules
and advertise these to the controller. In figure 2-5 examples are given, such as a topology
module, for maintaining an up-to-date status of the network infrastructure to feed routing
modules for calculation of optimal and backup paths through the network. Also modules for
redundancy purposes can be added, to synchronize information with other controllers at the
control plane.
14 Software Defined Networking

To Application Plane

Generic OpenFlow Controller

Web Interface L2 Switch
Redundancy Security
Sync Topology Routing
Database Algorithms
OF 1.x
To OpenFlow
To OpenFlow switch

Figure 2-5: Generic description of an example OpenFlow Controller - The controllers mentioned
are built around a Core application, which act as a backbone in the controller. To communicate
with OpenFlow switches, a translation module translates the OpenFlow protocol parameters to
the "language" used inside the controller. Additional modules can advertise itself to the Core
application to receive switch events. Based on the application, flow rules can be calculated or
notification are send to the application plane.

2-6 Description of Open vSwitch

Although Open vSwitch is not specifically designed to enable the SDN philosophy, it is widely
used by researchers and organizations to test OpenFlow implementations and benefit from
flexible SDN configurations. OVS can be configured to turn regular servers and computers
with multiple physical network interface into a virtual OpenFlow switch, as shown in figure
2-6. Many Linux distributions, such as the Ubuntu OS, support OVS from their repositories,
which make installation of the virtual switch an easy task.
Depending on the configuration, OVS can be configured as layer-2 switch (controlled by local
OVS-controller) or as generic OpenFlow switch. Configuration can be supplied by an external
OpenFlow controller or Flow Rules are supplied by hand via the command line interface.
External plug-ins can also configure the OpenFlow module of OVS. An example of such an
plug-in is the Quantum plug-in from OpenStack [28]. OpenStack dynamically assigns virtual
Ethernet interfaces on Open vSwitch to virtual machines in the cloud. Migration of virtual
machines over different servers in the network is enables due to automatic configuration of the
OpenFlow module by the Quantum plug-in. The testbed used for experiments in Chapter 7
is constructed from multiple Linux Ubuntu servers configured with Open vSwitch to enable
a network topology with OpenFlow capabilities.

2-7 Conclusion on Software Defined Networking

In this chapter the transition is described from current switching networks to SDN enabled
networks, where the four main functions for switches are distributed among the switch data
plane and controlled by a centralized logic. SDN decouples the control logic from the for-
warding layer and centralizes network control. This enables better management for switches,
as well as the possibility to optimize traffic flows through the network. The next step is to
abstract the network view to the application plane, resulting in a framework for requesting
2-7 Conclusion on Software Defined Networking 15

Plugin X Plugin Y Plugin Z

Open vSwitch
OpenFlow Module

Man Port A Port B Port C

Iface 1 Iface 2 Iface 2 Iface 3 Iface 4 Terminal

Flows calculated
Network traffic by hand

Flows dynamically calculated Network

OpenFlow Controller Policy

Figure 2-6: Description of Open vSwitch in relation to OpenFlow - With Open vSwitch physical
network interfaces from servers and computer can be assigned to an OpenFlow switch. To connect
the virtual OpenFlow switch to a remote controller via an IP connection, a management interface
(OF Man) with IP address is assigned. The other option to configure the OpenFlow module is
via a command line interface. Other physical interfaces can be assigned directly to an OpenFlow
port, where it is also possible to bind multiple physical interfaces to a single OpenFlow port. With
other Open vSwitch plug-ins it is possible to control the OpenFlow module.

connectivity by applications based on delay and throughput. With the application of SDN
a switching network is transformed from an inflexible configuration to an adaptable ad-hoc
network. All these benefits come with a price, as extra configuration interfaces are needed,
that can introduce unwanted latency. Currently, OpenFlow and Open vSwitch provide the
possibility to experiment with SDN. In the next chapter, an overview is given on research
performed on SDN concepts between the infrastructure and control plane. We will show that
SDN enables the possibility to enhance networking on layer-2 and lift switching networks to
layer-3 and higher, but it is also shown that SDN contains frailties itself, that needs solving.
16 Software Defined Networking
Chapter 3

Overview of SDN research

Since the introduction and the acceptance of OpenFlow as enabler of the SDN network
paradigm, much research has been performed and published. Most of the research is per-
formed to address and solve specific problem areas in software defined networking and, in
some cases, networking in general. The main problem and research areas identified are scal-
ability of control traffic in high performance data networks, the resiliency against network
infrastructure failures and enabling security solutions on network level. To differentiate and
compare the proposed solutions in the appointed research areas a general method is needed.
Section 3-1 describes the developed framework, where sections 3-2 to 3-4 will discuss and
review the proposed solutions in the identified research areas. This chapter concludes with
section 3-5, where a short summary and the focus for the remaining part of this thesis is

3-1 General framework

In order to make a good comparison between proposed solutions, we developed a global SDN
framework. Within the graphical framework multiple layers are defined, which indicates the
hierarchy level of components within SDN networks (see Figure 3-1).
The identified layered structure of performed research on SDN and OpenFlow solutions is
given below. For our graphical framework we define that controllers perform the computa-
tions and tasks to control traffic and additional layers can be added for administrative and
synchronizing purposes.

• Level-0 - Switch Layer - The lowest layer identified in the OpenFlow structure is the
switch layer, with the main purpose to deliver data plane functionality. Data plane
functions are performed at the Switch / Open vSwitch sublayer, where the two addi-
tional sub-layers, being the Additional Switch Layer and Local OpenFlow Controller,
add additional functionality to perform minor control plane tasks. Additional layers are
added to enhance control capabilities at the switch layer in the network;
18 Overview of SDN research

Global OpenFlow Controller




Additional Global Control Layer


Area OpenFlow Controller



Additional Area Control Layer
1 2 C

1 2 P

Virtualization OpenFlow Switch
LEVEL – 0.5

Virtualization OpenFlow Controller
1 2 V

Local OpenFlow Controller
... Name Full Layers
1 Notation T (N / V – P / C / G)

OpenFlow Controller


Additional Switch Layer Additional Layer


Virtual Switch
OpenFlow Switch / Open vSwitch
1 2 N

Figure 3-1: Graphical Framework for OpenFlow differentiation and comparison - On the left
the numerical UML relationship between the components and layers of an OpenFlow network
topology is visible. On the right a physical decomposition of the same configuration is given to
clarify the UML relationship.

• Level-0.5 - Virtualization Layer - On top of the switch layer, the Virtualization Layer
can be placed with the main function to divide and share the switch resources over
multiple OpenFlow controllers. It enables multiple virtual network topologies on top of
a single physical infrastructure. Resources of physical switches are virtualized by this
layer and presented to the Control Layer as multiple virtual switches;

• Level-1 - Control Layer - The functionality of the control layer is to perform the tasks
of the SDN control plane in a defined area of the network topology for a number of
switches. Decisions made at this layer influence only a part of the network and are
locally optimal. In regular OpenFlow configurations, only a single Area OpenFlow
Controller is present. Solutions have been proposed to enhance the control layer with
additional area OpenFlow layers to extend functionality, such as synchronization of
Flow Rules with other controllers;
3-1 General framework 19

• Level-2 - Global Layer - The top layer of the OpenFlow layered structure in the frame-
work has the functionality to control network topology at global level, where forwarding
and routing decisions influence the whole topology. A Global OpenFlow Controller can
thus compute globally optimal routes through the network, as it controls all switches.
The structure of the global layer is similar to the control layer, so an OpenFlow con-
troller and an additional layer.

Between the layers, a differentiation is made in how the network is managed. At the global
level (domain), the controllers or applications in the additional layer have a global view of the
network, with the status of all switches in the controlled infrastructure and the decisions to
install flows to the assigned switches are based on the status of the complete network under
control. The global level is expected in large data networks with a high number of switches to
control. One level down is defined as the area level, where only a subset of the total number of
switches is assigned to an OpenFlow controller. This indicates directly that more controllers
are present in the network infrastructure. In the case that all switches are assigned to a
single OpenFlow controller, decisions automatically are made at global level. At local level,
decisions are made based on traffic present at the switch, which indicates that the size of the
subset of switches at local level is equal to one. The virtualization layer has no particular
role in the hierarchy of the OpenFlow layered structure, as it is designed to be transparent to
controllers and it is used to share switches resources over multiple network services or users.
To indicate the numerical relationship between the layers, the UML-standard, as used in
object oriented programming, is used as guidance in the framework in figure 3-1. The rela-
tionship states that the components (sub-layers) at each level share a one to one relationship
(1..1) with each other. From the switch level a many to many or many to few relationship
exists with the virtualization layer (N..V ) or control layer (N..C), when no virtualization is
applied. In the case of virtualization, a many to few or many to many relation (P..C) indi-
cates P virtual switches controlled by C OpenFlow controllers. Within a domain, multiple
area controllers can be controlled by a single centralized controller with the global view of
the network. In case of an inter-domain network infrastructure, global layers can be intercon-
In order to differentiate multiple network topologies using the UML relationships, we devel-
oped a notation. The notation simplifies the identification of proposed OpenFlow solutions
and for network topology T the notation is given as T (N/V − P/C/G), where the descrip-
tion of the used symbols is given in table 3-1. The notation with the defined symbols of
table 3-1 would not cover the entire framework, as additional sub-layers or applications are
not indicated. Therefore an extra indicator is added to the OpenFlow notation, to indicate
if an enhancement is added and for which enhancement area (security, scalability and / or
resiliency) the enhancement is added. Beside additional components to the layers, it is pos-
sible from OpenFlow protocol version 1.2 to add redundant controllers to the control plane.
Therefore the backup indicator is defined. When an enhancement overlaps multiple areas or
when a component is applied redundantly, it is possible to combine indicators. The controller
C +SB indicates a security enhanced controller which is redundantly applied.
Before multiple OpenFlow enhancement proposals will be discussed, a reference OpenFlow
network configuration is given in the framework (see figure 3-2). The reference configuration is
indicated by T (N/ − /C/0), where the infrastructure is build up from N switches controlled
by C general OpenFlow controllers. If the reference configuration is more generalized, it
20 Overview of SDN research

simplifies to the shown T (N/ − /1/0) network. Hereby we denote that no virtualization layer
is applied.

Symbol Description Relation

N Number of switches ∈ (1, 2, .., N )
V Number of virtual controllers ∈ (1, 2, .., V ),V ≤ N
P Number of virtual switches ∈ (1, 2, ..P )
C Number of area OpenFlow Controllers ∈ (1, 2, .., C),C ≤ N , C ≤ V or C ≤ P
G Global OpenFlow controller enabled ∈ (0, 1)
X +s Layer enhanced for security
X +p Layer enhanced for scalability
X +r Layer enhanced for resiliency
X +b Backup component available

Table 3-1: Explanation for developed OpenFlow notation standard

Policy / Rules


Standard OpenFlow
Controller Area Flow Actions LAYER Legend
Name Standard OpenFlow
Notation T (N / – / 1 / 0)

Flow Request

Install Flows

Switch Parameters
... Flow Table
1 N
OpenFlow Controller


OpenFlow Module Match Flow Table(s)

OpenFlow Application

Flow Processing

Packet In Packet Out

Figure 3-2: Standard OpenFlow configuration projected to framework - Arriving network traffic
is processed and when no flow is present in the flow table(s), a flow request is sent to a standard
OpenFlow controller, where network routing applications determine a new flow based on set
“Policy and Rules”. The new flow is installed by the controller in the N-assigned switches and
network traffic can transverse the network

The flow of actions in figure 3-2 is as follows. Network traffic, in the form of data packets,
arrive at the switch data plane, where the packets destination is matched to a set of Flow
Rules stored in the flow tables. When no match is found, the OpenFlow module of the switch
will initiate a Flow Request to the assigned controller. The controller will process the event
and install the needed Flow Rules into the switches at the designated route through the
network, based on the policy and rules defined in the forwarding and routing applications of
the controller.
3-2 Scalability in SDN 21

3-2 Scalability in SDN

Scalability concerns in SDN are generally identified by the community. These concerns are
justified, as by introducing a centralized authority to control the network traffic over a large
network, the growth of network traffic will not scale with the performance of the controller
[29]. The last scalability concern is the performance in large production networks, as huge
amount of Flow Requests and network events have to transverse the network and need to
be processed by a single instance, which will lead to long flow setup latencies. Multiple
proposals have been introduced by [30, 31, 32, 33, 34] to create a distributed centralized
authority, to solve the concerns on scalability and forwarding performance. These proposals
will be discussed and projected to the developed framework in paragraphs 3-2-1 to 3-2-5. This
subsection will conclude with a summarizing conclusion, where advantages and disadvantages
of the proposals are discussed for future implementations in SDN networking.

3-2-1 HyperFlow

The proposed solution [31] by Tootoonchian et al. to solve the scalability problem in SDN
and OpenFlow networks is to deploy multiple OpenFlow controllers in the network infrastruc-
ture and implement a distributed event-based control plane, resulting in a T (N/ − /C +p /1)
structure. Designers of HyperFlow aim to keep the network control authority centralized
and provide the distributed controllers with a global view of the network. The improvement
in scalability and performance is found in the placement of multiple controllers close to the
switches, reducing flow setup times, while each controller is provided with the global view of
the network. Another advantage of this approach is the resiliency against network partition-
ing (disconnected network) in case of network failures, as the views of the connected switches
and controllers are synchronized. In figure 3-3 the HyperFlow implementation is projected
on the graphical framework.
HyperFlow is build up from three layers, where no virtualization is applied. The architecture
at the switch level (data plane) and the OpenFlow specification are unmodified, which makes
the HyperFlow concept applicable to current SDN capable networks. At the control layer the
HyperFlow application is connected to a standard NOX-controller. To enable communication
with the global layer, a publish-subscribe system is placed at the additional control layer to
locally store the network status and view. The HyperFlow distributed global layer consists of
three parts: the data channel, control channel and the distributed controllers. On the data
channel network events are distributed by the HyperFlow application which contribute to the
global status of the network. These events are stored in the publish-subscribe system, which is
set to synchronize the global view of the controllers, but can operate independently in case of
partitioning. The control channel is used for monitoring the status of the controllers. In case
of failure of one or more controllers, the remaining controllers will not consider flow installs
in switches under control by the failed controllers. The remaining functionality of the global
layer are found in the distributed controllers. As each controller has a global view of the
network and its status, it has capabilities to install flows into all switches. All required flows
for a particular data stream are published to the distributed controllers. On synchronization
by the publish-subscribe systems, the HyperFlow application on the controllers read out the
requested flows for the switches assigned to it and will install the flows.
22 Overview of SDN research

Data Control


Channel Channel ...
1 C

Controller Status
Network Events


1 C

NOX OpenFlow
HyperFlow Module Legend


Name HyperFlow
Notation T (N / – / C+p / 1)
Publish- Global
Subscribe Flow
Additional Layer
System Actions

1 C OpenFlow Controller
Install Flows
Flow Request

OpenFlow Application
... Flow Processing
1 N

OpenFlow Module Match Flow Table(s)
Switch Parameters

Flow Table(s)

Packet In Packet Out

Figure 3-3: HyperFlow implementation projected to framework - An additional global layer and
extra OpenFlow applications at the control layer provide area controllers with additional informa-
tion, to increase decision making capabilities to global level for optimal data packet forwarding

The use of HyperFlow enables the possibility to operate a network domain with multiple
controllers, without losing the centralized paradigm of SDN. In [31] no extensive measurements
are performed on different network topologies and traffic loads, thus no conclusion can be
drawn from the HyperFlow approach to improve scalability in real-life SDN networks. Besides
that, there are some limitations in the HyperFlow design. The first limitation was found by
the authors themselves in the performance of the publish-subscribe system (WheelFS). All
network events, flow installs and status information needs to be synchronized between the
multiple controllers, which requires a fast distributed storage system. In HyperFlow the
performance of the publish-subscribe system was limited to approximately 1000 events per
second. This does not indicate that the controllers are limited in processing, but the global
view of the network controllers may not quickly converge. A second limitation is the lack
of a management application in the global layer. In [31] no distinction is made between the
functionality of the switches and controllers. This assumes that a global policy for Flow Rule
installations must be configured in all assigned controllers. The last limitation is found in
the performance of HyperFlow. The load on controllers can be reduced by assigning less
switches to a controller. In the extreme case, a system can be designed, where a single
3-2 Scalability in SDN 23

high priority switch is assigned to an OpenFlow controller. If the load on the controller still
exceeds its capacity, flow requests will be dropped and network services may fail. We think
a solution where Flow Requests can be forwarded to neighbor controllers for processing or
smart applications at the switch layer to off-load controllers could be another solution.

3-2-2 ONIX

The developers of ONIX, Koponen et al. [33], found that there was no general control
paradigm to control large-scale production networks and therefore a control platform was
developed, using the general SDN paradigm. ONIX is not build on-top of an OpenFlow con-
troller, but can be classified as a General SDN Controller. The approach the developers took
to abstract the network view and overcome scalability problems, was to abstract the network
view by separating the data and control plane and add an additional distributed control plat-
form between these planes. By adding an additional platform, the management and network
control functions from the control plane are separated from each other. The management
functions, used for link status and topology monitoring, are performed by the ONIX control
platform and reduce the workload for a general flow controller. To partition the workload at
the control platform, multiple ONIX instances can be installed to manage a subset of switches
in the network infrastructure. The available information is synchronized between the ONIX
instances, forming a distributed layer as seen with HyperFlow in section 3-2-1, but now at
the controller layer. A network controller assigned to a part of the network, can subtract
information from the distributed layer to compute area flows. In order to compute global
flows, ONIX has the capability to aggregate information from multiple area platforms to a
global distributed platform. The aggregation of information and the calculation of global
optimal forwarding rules is similar to the routing of Internet traffic over multiple autonomous
systems (AS’s), where the route between AS’s is globally determined, but the optimal route
inside the autonomous system is computed locally. With this general introduction, we can
conclude that ONIX can be classified as a T (N/ − /C +p /1+p ) SDN topology1 . With the use
of figure 3-4 more insight is given in the the design and functioning of ONIX at area level,
while figure 3-5 shows how global flows are computed using the distributed control platform.
At switch layer no modifications are required for ONIX and two channels connect to the
switch with the Import-Export module at the distributed platform. The ONIX platform is
an application which runs on dedicated servers and requires no specific hardware to function.
According to the load and traffic intensity, multiple switches are assigned to a ONIX instance.
Multiple ONIX instances combined form the distributed control platform. The first channel
connects the configuration database and is used for managing and accessing general switch
configuration and status information. To manage the forwarding, Flow Tables and switch
port status, the second channel is connected to the OpenFlow module of the switch. The
information and configuration status collected by the import-export module represents the
network state of the connected switches and is stored into the Network Information Base
(NIB) as a network graph. To store the network state, the NIB uses two data stores, being
a SQL-database for slow changing topology information and a Dynamic Hash Table (DHT-
table) for rapid and frequent status changes (such as actual link utilization and round trip
times). The application of two data stores overcomes the performance issues where HyperFlow
In this thesis the network scope is limited to a single domain, but the capabilities of ONIX can reach
beyond that scope as it is designed for large-scale production networks.
24 Overview of SDN research

Global Flow Request

Network Policy / Rules Area Flow Actions

Install Flow

Flow Request

1 C

1 C


1 C

Network Information SQL

Topology Sync
Base Database
Name ONIX Area
Import DHT
- Status Sync Notation T (N / – / C+p / 1+p)
General SDN

... Application
1 C
OpenFlow Info

C Flow Processing

Additional Layer
1 N Database / Table

Module Switch


Switch Modules
Configuration Flow / Forwarding
Database Table
Forwarding Table(s)

Packet In Packet Out

Figure 3-4: ONIX distributed control platform at area level - ONIX adds a distributed control
platform between the data and control plane to reduce the workload on flow controllers. Switch
management is performed by multiple ONIX instances which are synchronized via two databases.
Forwarding decisions are made at area level by a general SDN flow controller

(WheelFS) deals with. Reliability and durability for topology information is provided by a
persistent SQL-database, where availability of status information is guaranteed by a memory-
only (non-persistent) DHT-table. From the NIB a general flow controller or control logic can
receive Flow Requests, switch status and network topology and compute paths based on
requirements throughout the network. In comparison to the reference OpenFlow controller,
the ONIX platform has the availability of switch and link status information. Computation
of paths is thus not limited by the information provided by the OpenFlow protocol, which
leads to optimal routing solutions. The last step in the flow setup process is to install the
computed flows in the switch forwarding table via the ONIX distributed platform.
To extend the functionality of ONIX to the global layer, the network state from multiple
ONIX instances can be aggregated into a single global distributed platform with a single
global controller. The global controller has a single ONIX instance available to extract the
3-2 Scalability in SDN 25

Network Policy / Rules Global Flow Actions


Global Flow Request

Network Information
- Name ONIX Global
Export Notation T (N / – / C+p / 1)

General SDN

Aggregate Application

Flow Processing


Aera Network Control
Aera Controller NIB
Additional Layer

Figure 3-5: ONIX distributed control platform at global level - Aggregate information from
multiple area controller are combined at the ONIX global layer, where from the global controller
can determine optimal routing and request the level-1 controllers for paths within assigned area

required network information. As mentioned earlier, the global controller will not compute
the entire path throughout the network topology, but it determines which areas are required
to transverse the domain and requests area controllers to install the required flows. Area
controllers itself will determine the optimal path and configure the flows into the assigned

In [33] evaluation results are shown of measurements on the ONIX distributed layer to deter-
mine the performance of a single ONIX instance, multiple instances, replication times between
the data stores and recovery times on switch failures. Unfortunately no information is present
of the used control logic and the performance gain in comparison with a regular OpenFlow
controller. The advantage of the ONIX distributed control platform is the partitioning of the
workload over multiple instances. So, if ONIX instance is limiting traffic throughput (drop-
ping flow requests) due to high workload, assigned switches can be reassigned to other ONIX
instances. Also the distribution of switch status information is not limited to the OpenFlow
protocol. Information available at the switch can be distributed over the control layer for
optimal route calculations. As seen with HyperFlow, ONIX can extend to the global layer,
enabling optimal routing in large production networks. The cost for these advantages is an in-
crease of complexity and the widely available OpenFlow controllers need drastic modifications
to work with ONIX.
26 Overview of SDN research

3-2-3 DevoFlow

The developers of DevoFlow, Curtis et al. [30], took another approach to solve the scalabil-
ity problem in large data networks. Where HyperFlow and ONIX are developed to enable
more controllers, find a global routing optimum and divide the workload over a distributed
control platform, the approach of DevoFlow is different in two ways. First, the amount of
traffic between the data and control plane needs to be reduced, because the current hardware
OpenFlow switches is not optimized for inter-plane communication and therefore the num-
ber of processed flows per second is not sufficient for large data networks. Second, the high
number of flow requests must be limited, because the processing power of a single OpenFlow
controller is not sufficient and does not scale with network traffic. To limit the traffic and flow
requests to the control plane, traffic must be categorized into micro and elephant flows. In
earlier research by Benson et al. [35] is shown that a large percentage of data conversations
between servers and end-users occur at high rate, but are relative short in duration. These
traffic conversations are labeled as micro flows and require a lot of communication between
the data and control plane (OpenFlow controller) for flow request processing. In DevoFlow
micro flows will be processed at the switch layer, without the need of the logic at the control
layer. The DevoFlow philosophy is that full control over and a global routing optimum for
all traffic flows is not required and that only heavy traffic users, elephant flows, need flow
management. This because elephant flows have the most influence on the performance of the
network and often come with extra QoS requirements. By limiting the management to ele-
phant flows, only a single controller is needed in the network topology, shifting the forwarding
complexity to the switch layer. With this information we classified the DevoFlow solution as
a T (N +p / − /1/0) SDN topology. In figure 3-6 DevoFlow is projected to the framework.
In the framework the DevoFlow solution is drawn as an additional layer on top of the physical
switch to simplify the representation on the framework, but the actual implementation is
performed at the soft- and firmware of the switch. This indicates that modifications to the
standard switch are required. To ease integration of DevoFlow to other SDN concepts, no
modifications are made to the OpenFlow protocol and controller. The header of arriving
packets is compared to Flow Rules installed in the switch table. When no match is found,
a Flow Request must be initiated by the Traffic Measurement module in the switch. The
Traffic Measurement module monitors the incoming flow of data packets for traffic statistics
collecting. At the start of a flow, each flow is marked as a micro flow and existing Flow
Rules from the switch forwarding table are cloned and modified by the Local Flow Scheduler.
Modifications can include Flow Rules to allow multi-path routing and re-routing. In case that
multiple paths exist between the incoming switch and destination, the Local Flow Scheduler
selects one of the possible outgoing ports and the micro flow rule for that port is cloned.
Multiple routing strategies, like equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routing [36], uniform port
selection or round-robin, are present at the Local Scheduler to spread traffic over the network.
Re-routing is applied when one of the available outgoing ports is down and traffic needs
alternative paths through the network.
To detect and route elephant flows through the network, the Area Scheduler can apply four
different schemes:

• Wild-card routing - The switch pushes the available traffic statistics to the controller
with a specified time interval. The scheduler pro-actively computes unique spanning
3-2 Scalability in SDN 27

Wildcard Routing

Area OpenFlow

Area Flow Actions
Load Balancing

Trigger (push)
(psuh / pull)


1 N

Re-Routing Local
Traffic Measurement Multipath Flow

Micro Flow Legend

Local OpenFlow
Name DevoFlow
Notation T (N+p / – / 1 / 0)

OpenFlow Controller

1 N Additional Layer
Elephant Flows
Flow Requests

Micro Flows

1 N
Flow Rule

Flow Processing
1 N
... Application / Function
1 N

Flow Table
Switch Parameters

Switch CPU + ASIC

Match Flow Table(s)
Traffic Statistics

Packet In Packet Out

Figure 3-6: DevoFlow implementation projected to framework - Scalability enhancements made

at switch layer are shown as additional layer in the framework, but are implemented as modifi-
cations to the soft- and firmware in the switch ASIC / CPU. Routing decisions can be made at
the switch layer traffic parameters as input to reduce workload at OpenFlow controller. Elephant
flows invoke the use of the area controller for optimal routing, where micro flows are routed using
cloned flow rules.

trees for all destinations in the network topology using the least-congested route and
install the trees as flows in the switch flow tables. For each destination in the network
a Flow Rule is present at the switches forwarding table and no Flow Requests are sent
from the switch to the OpenFlow controller;

• Pull-based statistics - The scheduler regularly pulls the traffic statistics from the switch
and determines if elephant flows are present in current data flows. Once an elephant
flow is detected, the scheduler determines the least congested path for this flow and
install the required Flow Rules at the switches;

• Sampled statistics - This method is very similar to the pull-based scheme, but instead
of pulling traffic statistics every time period, the switch samples traffic statistics into a
bundle and pushes the bundle to the scheduler. At the scheduler, again is determined
28 Overview of SDN research

if any elephant flows are present and on positive identification Flow Rules are installed,
as described in the pull-based scheme;

• Threshold - For each flow at the switch, the amount of transferred data is monitored.
Once a flow exceeds a specified threshold, a trigger is send to the scheduler and the
least congested path is installed into the switches.

All schemes are based on traffic statistics, where flows are only installed if identified as
elephant flow in a reactive manner. In [30] multiple simulations have been performed on
a large data network simulator to capture the behavior of flows through the network and
measure data throughput, control traffic and the size of Flow Tables in the switches. The
results show that the pull-based scheme with a short update interval maximizes the data
throughput in the network. This performance comes at a price, as much traffic is initialized
between the switch and controller and the size of the Flow Table is significantly large in
comparison with the other schemes. The threshold scheme is identified as most optimal,
as the data throughput is high, less control traffic is required between the switch and the
controller and the size of the Flow Table is minimal. Another advantage is the required
workload on the scheduler in the controller, as no traffic statistics have to be monitored and

3-2-4 Kandoo

In [32] Hassas et al. presented a framework with similar goals and philosophy as DevoFlow,
namely limit the overhead of events between the data and control plane. Where DevoFlow
limits the overhead by processing frequent events in the data plane and need complicated
modifications to the switch software architecture, the developers of Kandoo aim to achieve
the same results by applying more controllers in a network topology. Kandoo differentiates
two layers of controllers, namely Local Controllers, which are located close to the switches
for local event processing, and a Root Controller for network wide routing solutions. In
practice this indicates that Local Controllers will process the micro flows and a trigger from
the Local Controller must inform the Root Controller about the presence of an elephant flow.
The number of Local Controllers is dependent on the amount of traffic (local events) and
the workload on the controller, which is somewhat similar to the approach of ONIX and
the distributed control platform. In an extreme case, every switch in the network topology
is assigned to a single Local Controller. Translating the Kandoo terms to the graphical
framework, the Root Controller is located at the global layer and the Local Controllers can
be found on the area or switch layer. If the extreme case is valid, the Local Controller can be
seen as an extension of the switch layer and the topology can be classified as T (N +p / − /1/0).
In a regular architecture, where more than one switch is assigned to a Local Controller,
a T (N/ − /C +p /1) SDN topology is found. Figure 3-7 shows the regular case of Kandoo
projected to the graphical framework.
Kandoo leaves the firmware in the switch unmodified and shifts the processing of events to
Local Controllers. The Local Controllers are general OpenFlow controllers extended with a
Kandoo module. This approach keeps the communication between the switch and controller
standardized and provides the possibility to utilize standard OpenFlow applications. The
Kandoo module intercepts OpenFlow traffic and monitors it for elephant flows using the App
3-2 Scalability in SDN 29

App Kandoo Global Flow

Elephant Flows
Reroute Actions

Event Trigger


1 N or C*



Non- Local Area* Legend
Global Micro Flows Flow Flow
Actions Actions Name Kandoo
Notation T (N / – / C+p / 1+p )*
T (N+p / – / 1+p / 0)
1 N or C* OpenFlow Controller
Flow Requests

Install Flows
Flow Processing
... Application / Function
1 N

OpenFlow Module Match Flow Table(s) LAYER
Switch Parameters

Flow Table(s)

Packet In Packet Out

Figure 3-7: Kandoo implementation projected to framework - An standard switch sends flow re-
quests and statistics to the local controllers. The Non-global applications process local OpenFlow
events, micro flows and the “App Detect” application detects elephants flows using a threshold.
Elephant flows are processed by the root / global controller, where after the flow rules are send
to the local controller to install at the switches

Detect application. As long as no elephant flow is detected, the Local Controller processes
Flow Requests as micro flows. Here we assume that processing of micro flows is performed by
general OpenFlow applications and no additional routing schemes are applied for multi-path
routing and re-routing. Processed micro flows are installed in the switch in a regular way,
resulting in area optimal forwarding of the micro flows. Elephant flows are detected using the
threshold scheme from DevoFlow [30], which relays an event to the Kandoo module of the
root controller in case of positive detection.
To propagate events from Local Controllers to the Root Controller, a messaging channel is
applied. The Root Controller must subscribe to this channel in order to receive events. After
receiving an elephant flow detection trigger, the App Re-Route module computes an optimal
path and requests the local controllers to install this path. Hassas et al. [32] have not
given any information on how the re-routing process is executed and which routing schemes
are applied. Also no information is presented about traffic statistics relaying from Local
Controllers to the Root Controller to optimize paths using link utilization information to
meet QoS requirements for elephant flows.
30 Overview of SDN research

Some measurements have been performed in [32] on a (small) tree topology with the Kandoo
framework installed. Results show comparisons between the topology in a general OpenFlow
and Kandoo configuration. As expected, less events are processed by the Root Controller,
but no information is given about the workload and performance indicators of the Local
Controllers. Overall we can state that the experiments and measurements are too limited to
give a good indication of the performance enhancement provided by Kandoo. The limiting
factor in the Kandoo configuration is the control interface between the switch and the local
controller, as in DevoFlow [30] is shown that this interface is a limiting factor in current SDN
network implementations. While the limit on this interface is not fully reached, the layered
controller solution is an interesting concept which can also be useful to solve security and
resiliency problems.

3-2-5 FlowVisor

Computer virtualization is a widely applied technique allowing multiple instances to share

hardware resources. Hardware resources are abstracted by an abstraction layer and presented
to a virtualization layer. The abstraction layer communicates with the hardware resources
and process communication flows for the virtualization layer. On top of the virtualization
layer, instances are presented with virtualized hardware resources and control them as without
virtualization. This approach is roughly similar with the SDN philosophy, but in FlowVisor
[34] by Sherwood et al. the virtualization approach is reapplied, where OpenFlow compliant
switches are offered to the FlowVisor abstraction layer. FlowVisor offers slices of the network
topology to multiple OpenFlow Guest Controllers, where the slices are presented as virtual
OpenFlow switches. The Guest Controllers control the slices, where FlowVisor translates the
configurations and network policies from each slice to Flow Rules on the physical OpenFlow
switches. If this approach is applied to large networks, scalability problems can be resolved as
control of the OpenFlow switches is divided over multiple controllers. To distinguish network
slices, four dimensions are defined in FlowVisor:

• Slice - Set of Flow Rules on a selection of switches of the network topology to route

• Separation - FlowVisor must ensure that guest controllers only can control and observe
the partition of the topology assigned;

• Sharing - Bandwidth available on the topology must be shared over the slices, where
minimum data rates can be assigned for each slice;

• Partitioning - FlowVisor must partition the Flow Tables from the hardware OpenFlow
switches and keep track on the flows of each guest controller.

With these four dimensions and definitions, OpenFlow resources can be virtualized and shared
over multiple instances. Applications for FlowVisor and sharing network resources can be
found in business networks, where each department (for example financial, sales, development,
etc.) is assigned a partition of the network capacity, where separation or other network policies
are required. Other methods to provide separation are multiple separated physical network
topologies or application of VLAN’s. FlowVisor differentiates from these methods, as slices
3-2 Scalability in SDN 31

may overlap and same physical links can be utilized by multiple guest controllers. This means
that a single hardware OpenFlow switch can be controlled by multiple Guest Controllers. To
provide more details on the functioning of network virtualization in OpenFlow, FlowVisor is
projected to the general framework in figure 3-8.

... To C OpenFlow controllers

Slice 1 Slice C

1 P

Slice Slice
Translation Module
... C

LEVEL – 0.5

1 P
Flow Request

Install Flows


Name Virtualization
Notation T (N / 1 - P / C / 0)

Resource Allocation Switch

Forwarding Module
Switch Parameters

Flow Table
Flow Requests

Install Flows


Abstraction Layer

... Virtual Switch
1 N
Network Policies


Check Abstraction Modules

OpenFlow Module Flow Table(s)
OpenFlow Controller

Packet In Packet Out

Figure 3-8: Network virtualization on OpenFlow network topology projected on the graphical
framework - Regular OpenFlow traffic (Flow Requests, status and traffic statistics) from the
OpenFlow module is send to the Flow Visor Forwarding Module. Depending on the slice config-
uration and slice policy, OpenFlow traffic is forwarded to the Translation Module of the "virtual"
switches. Guest controllers (which can be any OpenFlow controller) communicate with the trans-
lation modules, where Flow Rule are translated, forwarded and installed if they not interfere with
the network policy for that slice.

As illustrated in figure 3-8, FlowVisor acts like a transparent layer between hardware switches
and the controllers. OpenFlow switches are assigned to the virtualization layer, where FlowVi-
sor advertises itself as a controller. OpenFlow traffic is transmitted to FlowVisor at the vir-
tualization layer, where the switch resources are sliced and divided over multiple users. The
FlowVisor Forwarding Module checks on policy violations, before it is sent to the Translation
Module at the virtual OpenFlow switch. At the translation module, the traffic is translated
32 Overview of SDN research

and sent to the Guest Controllers, assigned to the corresponding slices. Flows coming from
the Guest Controllers are checked on interference with the slice policy and translated to Flow
Rules for the OpenFlow switches. Via the Forwarding Module the guest flows are installed
at the switches. The projection shows a straight forward example of a T (N/1 − P/C/0)
configuration, where a single FlowVisor instance performs all virtualization tasks, but more
complex configurations are possible, where multiple FlowVisor instances intermediate with
physical switches and the virtual switches itself are assigned for virtualization. In figure 3-9
a T (5/3 − 6/4/0) topology is given, with 5 OpenFlow switches, 3 FlowVisor instances and 6
slices, controlled by 4 Guest Controllers.

C1 C5 C6 C4

P5 P6
S1-S2-S3 S4-S5
FlowVisor C

P1 P2 P3 P4
FlowVisor A FlowVisor B

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Figure 3-9: Example topology with multiple FlowVisor instances resulting in a hierarchical struc-
ture - Switches S1 to S5 are assigned to two FlowVisor instances (A + B). On each FlowVisor
instance, two slices are created (P1 to P4 ). Slices P1 and P4 are respectively controlled by C1
and C4 , where slice P5 and P6 are assigned to FlowVisor C. Both controller C5 and C6 control
switch S1 to S5 indirectly, but due to FlowVisor’s dimensioning mechanisms the controllers do
not influence each other.

In the example, the network topology is shared over four departments, each with a separate
OpenFlow controller. To provide the slicing, switches are assigned to a FlowVisor instance,
where S1 to S3 are assigned to FlowVisor A and S4 to S5 to FlowVisor B. On A, two slices
(P1 and P2 ) are configured. Slice P1 is controlled by Guest Controller C1 , which indicates
that C1 has control over S1 to S3 . The second slice, P2 is assigned to FlowVisor C. A
similar configuration is applied for S4 and S5 , resulting in slice P5 and P6 . Both P5 and
P6 have are configured with a separate controller and control switches S1 to S5 , but due to
the dimensioning mechanisms of FlowVisor, the different departments do not influence each
other and have (indirect) control over their own slice of the virtual topology.
The FlowVisor virtualization layer is implemented and multiple experiments have been per-
formed by Sherwood et al. [34] to determine the costs and benefits. Adding an additional
layer between the switch and control layer creates unwanted overhead. Experiments show that
response times for the processing of Flow Requests increased from 12 ms to 16 ms. This means
that FlowVisor accounts for an additional delay of 4 ms, in comparison to non-virtualized
3-2 Scalability in SDN 33

OpenFlow topologies [34]. Besides the delay measurements, also experiments are performed
to test bandwidth sharing between slices and CPU utilization on the assigned OpenFlow
switches. To provide fair bandwidth sharing, network policies must include minimal band-
width guarantees (QoS parameters) for each user, to prevent unfair use of the network by
one of the users on the network. Besides sharing the traffic links, also the switches CPU time
must be shared over multiple slices and controller. To prevent 100% utilization of the switch
CPU, FlowVisor can limit the control traffic from the switches. Without this mechanism, the
switches CPU’s can be saturated and Flow Requests are dropped.
Network virtualization enables the possibility to share the topology with multiple users, each
with their own network policies and network controller, resulting in a lower number of hard-
ware switches and better network utilization. FlowVisor provides a transparent layer between
switches and controllers to enable virtualization. Experiments show that virtualization is
possible, but comes with additional overhead and the need for mechanisms to share switch
resources. An aspect not covered in FlowVisor is security. Additional mechanisms for classi-
fication of traffic and checking of Flow Rules may be required to ensure full separation and
isolation between network traffic on the slices.

3-2-6 Conclusion on scalability

Five different concepts on scalability have been reviewed in relation to application in large
data center networks. All solutions propose a solution where workload is divided over multiple
instances. More in depth, the solution space is roughly divided into two solution concepts.
The first concept is provided by HyperFlow and ONIX, which distribute essential status
information of switches to multiple controllers over a distributed control layer. This layer
provides network applications at the controllers with a global view of the network and enable
them to calculate optimal routing solutions. A drawback of a distributed layer with status
information is the introduced complexity for synchronization between multiple instances.
The solution of HyperFlow with a distributed file-system looks promising on paper, but
Tootoonchian et al. in [31] showed that the applied synchronization method did not have
the capabilities to cope with the high amount of synchronization information. ONIX solved
this problem by utilizing two data stores, a DHT-table for high rate synchronization and a
SQL-database for consistent status replication. For future solutions, where synchronization
of information is needed over multiple network instances, the two data stores are a proven
concept. Both data stores are available as open-source software.
The second concept embraces the philosophy to limit the number of events between the data
and control plane and that it is unnecessary to have global control over all data flows in
the network. Therefore in DevoFlow schemes are developed to classify flows (micro and
elephant flows) and push processing to the data plane. Micro flows are classified as frequent
local events and do not need processing by a centralized controller. Therefore DevoFlow and
Kandoo developed frameworks to shift the processing of micro flows as close to the switch
as possible and return to current state networking paradigms. DevoFlow introduces major
modifications to the switch software modules to enable traffic statistics and processing of
micro flows, where Kandoo introduces these modifications to a local controller, close to the
switch. Elephant flows are processed by the single central controller to meet QoS requirements
for the flows or better network utilization. The modifications made to the switch software
34 Overview of SDN research

architecture by DevoFlow are perpendicular to the vision of SDN and OpenFlow networking,
where a standard protocol between the data plane and control logic is advertised. Kandoo
therefore offers a better concept, by allocating local controllers nearby the switches. We
propose to combine the implementation of DevoFlow and Kandoo in a standard OpenFlow
controller embedded in the switch hardware, utilizing the hardware resources of the switch
optimally by performing frequent events. Control of the embedded OpenFlow control logic is
provided by (multiple) root controllers.
FlowVisor does not belong to both solution concepts, as no specific applications and modules
are added to solve scalability issues. By smartly sharing hardware resources over multiple
controllers via the FlowVisor virtualization layer, these issues can be solved. Because FlowVi-
sor is compliant with the OpenFlow protocol, the proposed solutions from HyperFlow and
Kandoo can be applied.
It is difficult to come with one optimal scalability solution for SDN networks. Trade-offs
have to be made by network designers and managers. Table 3-2 gives an overview of the
proposed frameworks and their components. Besides observations from the review, also a
column is defined for standardization. This indicates availability of used components in
the framework. Unfortunately, only FlowVisor is available as open-source software, but on
conceptual level standardized components can be used to reproduce the proposed frameworks.
A high standardization in the table is indicating that the solution is build up from standard
available OpenFlow components. A part of the table is dedicated to data storage solutions
used in ONIX and HyperFlow and is useful for future distributed layer developments and

Solution Standarized Complexity Decision Flow Classification

HyperFlow → ↑ Global X
ONIX ↓ ↑ Global X
DevoFlow → → Semi-Global X
Kandoo ↑ ↓ Semi-Global X
FlowVisor + +/− Semi-Global X
Solution Availability Performance Reliability
WheelFS → ↓ ↑
DHT ↑ ↑ ↓
SQL-database ↑ ↓ ↑

Table 3-2: Comparison of scalability solutions and components

3-3 Resiliency in SDN 35

3-3 Resiliency in SDN

In current state networks, when the control logic of a switch fails, only network traffic over
that particular switch is affected. When failover paths are pre-programmed into neighboring
switches, backup paths are available and on failure detection, backup paths can be activated.
If the control logic in a SDN enabled network fails, the forwarding and routing capabilities
of the network are down, resulting in drop of Flow Requests, undelivered data packets and
an unreliable network. In an early stage of the development of the OpenFlow protocol, this
problem has been identified and from protocol version 1.2, a master-slave configuration at
the control layer can be applied to increase the network resiliency and robustness on failing
OpenFlow controllers.
This section cannot continue without giving a definition of resiliency and robustness in re-
spect to SDN networking. In here a distinction can be made between the controller or network
topology point of view. We define robustness of a topology as the measure of connectivity
in a network after removing links and switches, in other words: How strong is the network
connected? Its resiliency indicates its ability to re-allocate redundant paths within a speci-
fied time window. On the controller side, the robustness of a single or group of OpenFlow
controller(s) is defined as the resistance of controller(s) before entering failure states. The
resilience is defined as the ability to recover control logic after a failure. As described, the def-
initions for robustness and resiliency can have different meanings, depending on the viewpoint
of the designer. In this section, examples and proposals of both viewpoints are discussed.
Before proposed solutions on resiliency and robustness will be reviewed, a small retrospect to
the scalability section is made, as all these solutions house the ability to increase the robustness
of a SDN network. By partitioning the workload of a single controller over multiple instances,
the robustness of the network is increased. Failure of a single controller will only result in an
uncontrollable partition of the network. To recover from a failure and increase the resiliency,
additional logic is required. For both viewpoints, timely detection of a failure and a fast
failover process are basic requirements. To create a robust and resilient network, the network
topology must include redundant paths [37]. For a resilient control layer, the network state
must be synchronized and identical between master and slave controllers, to support seamless
overtaking without the need for network initialization and discovery processes. Additional
modules and synchronization schemes must meet these requirements without compromising
the performance and adding unwanted latencies.
This section will review four specific solutions on resiliency to failures, where paragraph 3-3-1
is focused on the resiliency at the control layer, paragraph 3-3-2 to 3-3-5 give more insight
in failure recovery2 .Section 3-3-6 summarizes the solutions and gives an overview of used
components on strengths, frailties and availability.

3-3-1 Replication component

In [38] Fonseca et al. showed how the master-slave capabilities of the OpenFlow protocol can
be utilized. This indicates that a Primary Controller (master) has control over all switches
Section 3-3-2 to 3-3-5 discuss succeeding research performed by Ghent University, Department of Infor-
36 Overview of SDN research

and on the master failure, a Backup Controller (slave) can take over control of the switches.
The developers of the replication component [38] came up with a solution, indicated in this
review as CPR, which integrates a replication component into a general OpenFlow controller.
As replication component a Primary-Backup protocol is applied, to offer resilience against
failures and a consistent view of the latest fail free state of the network, without emphasis
on the performance requirements. The Primary-Backup protocol synchronizes the state of
the Primary Controller with the Backup Controllers. In CPR two phases are distinguished,
being the replication and recovery phase. During the replication phase, computed flows by
the Primary Controller are synchronized over the Backup Controllers. After failure detection
of the Primary Controller, the recovery process is initiated to reallocate a Primary Controller
and restore flow computations. With the replication component integrated to an general
OpenFlow controller, the solution can be classified as a T (N/ − /C +R /0) topology. Hereby
we denote that always a single Primary Controller is present, with C − 1 Backup Controllers.
The current implementation of the OpenFlow protocol allows a total of C = 4 controllers.
In figure 3-10 the synchronization process of the CPR module is shown in the graphical

To messenger module on secondary controllers

Flow Flows Backup Flows Messenger


OpenFlow CPRecovery
Table Legend
Name CPRecovery
Notation T (N / – / C+R / 0)
Install Flows
Flow Request

1 C Switch
Switch Parameters
... Flow Table
1 N
OpenFlow Controller


Switch and Traffic


Check Flow Table(s)

Parameters OpenFlow Application

Flow Processing
Network Traffic

Figure 3-10: Replication component in a standard NOX controller - A standard NOX-controller

is enhanced to replicate flow installs over multiple slave controllers using OpenFlow protocol 1.2
(and higher) and the CPR module.

The CPRecovery module connects to OpenFlow enabled switches and is built upon the NOX
OpenFlow controller. Additional components, to enable replication, are integrated into the
NOX controller as applications. The switches are configured in the master-slave setting, allow-
ing multiple controllers in a predefined listing. During the replication phase, Flow Requests
are sent from the switch to the primary controller. At the controller, the ordinary processes
are executed for routing and forwarding purposes. After the flow is computed in the area
flow scheduler, it is intercepted by the CPRecovery module. This module determines whether
3-3 Resiliency in SDN 37

the controller is assigned as primary and on positive identification the Flow Rule is added
to the Source Table of the controller. Via the Messenger module, the source table of the
backup controllers are synchronized using the Primary-Backup protocol. After all controllers
are updated and synchronized, the Flow Rule is installed into the switches. The replication
procedure enables a fully synchronized backup, before Flow Rules are installed to the switches.
So when the Primary Controller fails, the second assigned Backup Controller can seamlessly
take over network control. A drawback of this replication scheme is the additional latency
introduced to the complete flow install process.
All OpenFlow switches can be configured to perform activity probing on the Primary Con-
troller. If the primary controller fails to reply within configurable time window (τ ), the
network switch initiates the recovery phase and assigns the first Backup Controller from the
list as Primary Controller. On the controller side, when a Join Request from the OpenFlow
switches are received by a Backup Controller, this controller will set itself as Primary Con-
troller and the replication phase is started. Update messages from the Primary Controller
are also sent to the original Primary Controller and on its recovery, it is assigned as one of
the secondary controllers.
The replication and recovery process seem to solve the resiliency problem with OpenFlow
controllers, but we believe that the Primary-Backup protocol and recovery phase will fail in
case of a temporary network partitioning and geographically separated controllers. To explain
the potential flaw, the example topology T (6/ − /2+R /0) of figure 3-11 is used.

C1,P C2,S
S1 S5
S3 S4
S2 S6

Figure 3-11: Example topology for network partitioning - On a link failure between S3 and S4
the topology is partitioned and the Backup Controller C1,S will be assigned as Primary Controller
by switch S4 to S6 using the Primary-Backup protocol in the recovery phase.

On normal operation, controller C1,P is assigned as Primary Controller and controller C2,S
as secondary (backup) controller. At time t the link S3 − S4 becomes unavailable and the
network is partitioned into two components by the following procedure. Switches S1 to S3
are under control of the original primary controller, where the remaining switches (S4 to
S6 ) will select the secondary controller as new controller, as the time window on activity
probing expires on t + τ . We question the behavior of the replication and recovery phase of
the replication component (and the Primary-Backup protocol) in case link S3 − S4 becomes
operational. Switches S4 to S6 will not re-assign to the original Primary Controller, so the
network topology is partitioned until failure of the controller C2 . In [38] by Fonseca et al. no
specific measurements are performed on influence on geographical positioning of OpenFlow
controllers and its secondary problems, like Flow Rule synchronizing and Primary Controller
selection. To solve this problem, a more advanced synchronization scheme is required, with
38 Overview of SDN research

Primary Controller propagation and election schemes.

To test the functionality and the performance of the replication component, two simulations
have been performed in [38]. In the first simulation the packet delay between two hosts in
a tree topology with the Primary and Backup Controller connected to the top switch are
measured. At specific times the Primary Controller is forced into a failure state. Where
the packet delay on average equals 20 ms, the delay rises to approximately 900 ms during
the recovery phase. After the rise, the packet delay normalizes to average and the network
functions normally. Although the replication phase is successful, the delay during the recovery
phase is too large for carrier grade networks providing voice services, which require delays
with a maximum of 50 ms.
The second experiment measured the response time of a Flow Rule install. Therefore multiple
measurements have been performed using the number of secondary controllers as variable. As
described earlier, the CPRecovery module first synchronizes the secondary controllers, before
installing a computed Flow Rule into the switch Flow Table. The measurements show that the
response time increases linearly with the number of secondary controllers, with a minimum
response time of 8 ms when no Backup Controller is configured and a maximum of 62 ms
with 3 secondary controllers to synchronize. The linear expansion of the response times is
unacceptable for data networks. We propose two modifications to increase the performance
of the CPRecovery module and to lower the response times. The modifications holds the
parallel execution of Flow Rules installation and synchronization to secondary controllers, or
perform Flow Rule installation first and perform synchronization afterward.

3-3-2 Link failure recovery

Research performed in [39] by Sharma et al. has the aim to deploy the SDN philosophy
to carrier grade networks. These network have high demands, looking to reliability and
availability, which can be translated into network requirements, such as fast switchover times
and minimal packet loss on network failures. Carrier grade networks must recover from a
network failure within 50 ms, without impacting provided services. These are high demands,
looking to the process-flow of the OpenFlow protocol and its current limitations. To guarantee
performance of the network, two resilience mechanisms can be applied to network, being
protection and recovery mechanisms. Protection mechanisms configure pre-programmed and
reserved redundant paths at the forwarding plane in case of failures. On failure detection,
no additional signaling is required with the control logic and the reserved path is directly
available. This makes protection a proactive strategy to increase resiliency of networks.
The recovery mechanism can either be a proactive or reactive strategy, where the proactive
recovery strategy is similar to the protection mechanism, but requires no reserved resources.
The reactive recovery strategy constructs paths on demand and dynamically based on current
topology status. More details on protection and recovery are given in chapter 4.
In [39] three existing switching and routing modules (L2-Learning, PySwitch, Routing) from
the NOX-controller are compared as recovery mechanisms. Additionally, a predetermined
recovery mechanism is added. In the following list the modules are discussed shortly on the
ability to recover links.

• L2-learning - The standard switching module of the NOX controller, which has similar
functionality in comparison with a regular Layer-2 switch (Section 2-1). In the used
3-3 Resiliency in SDN 39

NOX-controller, the L2-Learning module lacks the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), so
in a network topology where switching loops exist, the module is not usable, as the
flooding process will run for infinitely;

• L2-learning PySwtich - The functioning of this module is very similar to the standard
L2-learing module. It is extended with two mechanisms to improve its performance.
The first implemented extension adds Aging Timers (Section 2-4) from the OpenFlow
protocol [1] to the installed Flow Rules, so that the switch autonomously can remove
and update its Flow Table. Every time a switch processes a packet, the time-stamp
of the flow rule is update. To protect the Flow Table, the hard-time must be larger
than the idle-time. The second mechanism is the application of the STP [11], to remove
networking loops in the topology;

• Routing - The routing module uses three mechanisms to compute Flow Rules. To
enable routing functionality, the control logic must maintain network topology for path
computations. To detect connected switches and link failures, on regular basis, an
OpenFlow switch can sent Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) packets, containing
information about the switch MAC-address, port number and VLAN-indicator [40].
A receiving OpenFlow switch replies with a LLDP-packet with its own parameters.
When the reply packet is received by the corresponding switch, the assigned controller
is informed about the detected link and the topology is updated. From the topology, the
routing mechanism can compute and install paths between all switches and end hosts.
The recovery capabilities of the routing module depends on the discovery mechanism
and the set timeout interval. If a LLDP-packet is not received within the set interval,
the switch declares the link lost and informs the controller of the status change;

• Pre-determined - The pre-determined module does not rely on learning and discovery
mechanisms, but it implements path protection at the control layer. A network manager
provides the controller with multiple redundant static paths. Based on priority and
available paths, the controller chooses a path and installs it to the OpenFlow switches.
On network failure detection, the controller can choose a redundant path from the
provided paths, reducing the need for link discovery mechanisms and additional path
calculations. As the network manager provides paths, no spanning tree protocol is
needed to protect the network (assuming that the paths are checked on loops).

The first three mechanisms work dynamically and provide path restoration, where as the
fourth mechanism is especially designed for path protection. When this module is used,
the topology can be classified as T (N/ − /C +R /0), because additional logic is added to the
controller to improve its performance on link resiliency. Figure 3-12 projects the four recovery
mechanisms to the graphical framework.
From the OpenFlow module at the switch, Flow Requests and link status information is
exchanged with the controller. In figure 3-12 the four identified modules are drawn, but only
one module will be active. Furthermore, the routing and PySwitch module are marked, to
indicate the availability of the STP protocol. Each of the modules can determine Flow Rules,
based on the available information. The L2-learning and Pre-determined modules install Flow
Rules without aging timers, where the routing and PySwitch modules set timers to protect
Flow Tables at the switch. In [39] simulations have been performed on a T (6/ − /1+R /0)
40 Overview of SDN research

Area Flow Actions


1. 2. 3. 4. Legend

Flow wo. Expire Timer (1 & 4)
Flow w. Expire Timer (2 & 3)
Name CPRecovery
Pre- L2- Notation T (N / – / C+R / 0)
Recovery Routing* Pyswitch*
Recovery Learning
Modules Switch

Switch Parameters

Flow Table
Flow Request

Link Status

OpenFlow Controller
... NOX Application
1 N
1. Flow Table
2. Shortest Path


OpenFlow Module Flow Table(s) 3. Learning + SPT
Update 4. Learning

Flow Processing
Network Traffic

Figure 3-12: Recovery mechanisms projected to the graphical framework - In total four mech-
anisms are available to recover from a link failure, where the Pre-Recovery module is especially
designed for recovery. All mechanism have their own link failure detection methods. On link
failure, the enabled mechanism will construct a new path and install these into the switch flow

topology to show the behavior of the different modules on network failures and measurements
have been taken to identify if link restoration requirements for carrier grade networks are
achievable. The implemented topology contained multiple loops and Sharma et al. [39] found
that much traffic is traversing between OpenFlow switches and the controller to maintain
link status information. Only the Pre-determined module uses less control traffic, which is
expected from its static and fixed design. To simulate network traffic, ping packets are sent
with an interval of 10 ms between two end-hosts. On specified times, a link failure was initiated
and the recovery time, as well as the number of dropped packets are measured. Experimental
results show that it takes 108 ms for a link failure detection to be indicated on the controller.
This value is already above the required 50 ms, so any recovery mechanism discussed in
this research will fail. The Pre-determined module acts immediately on a link failure, which
resulted in recovery times of approximately 12 ms, resulting in a total recovery delay of
120 ms. Results for the routing and PySwitch modules show that recovery is dependent
on the set aging timers. The L2-Learning mechanism fails recovery of a path without the
application of Address Recovery Protocol (ARP ) [41]. ARP is a Layer-3 protocol, which
keeps a table with MAC-address to IP-address translations. To protect ARP-table, idle
timeouts are configured and on expiring an end-host will re-initiate an ARP request. Until
the corresponding destination is found, ARP-requests are flooded over the network. The
flooding process triggers the L2-Learning module to update the forwarding table and a link
failure can be recovered. A similar process is embedded using LLDP packets, where a link
3-3 Resiliency in SDN 41

is removed from the topology after a timer expires 3 . Table 3-3 summarizes properties and
results of the four identified recovery mechanisms, where a distinction is made on how actual
topology information is maintained, how the mechanism recovers link failures and on what
time scale paths are recovered.

Name Update forwarding table Recovery scheme Recovery Time

L2-Learning Traffic / ARP - / ARP Seconds - Minute
L2-Learning PySwitch Traffic / ARP Aging timers / ARP Seconds - Minute
Routing LLDP Aging timers / LLDP Seconds - Minute
Pre-determined Manually Configured MilliSeconds

Table 3-3: Comparison of properties and results on link recovery mechanisms

Unfortunately, no experiments have been performed by Sharma et al. on varying the idle
and hard times of the routing and PySwitch modules. Reducing these times, we believe, will
influence the recovery process positively. Also changing the default timeout timers of ARP
and LLDP can improve the performance. The current implementation of the Pre-determined
module acts fast on a link failure detection, but lacks the ability of constructing paths on
demand by using dynamically received topology information. In [39] the scale of the topology
is limited and it is easy for a network manager to create forwarding tables by hand. To enhance
the recovery capabilities of the standard OpenFlow modules, an additional mechanism for fast
link failure detection and propagation is required. For example, the routing mechanism is
fed with actual link failure information and on failure, new shortest paths are constructed
and pushed to the switches. This modification will probably lower the recovery time from
Seconds-Minute to Millisecond order.

3-3-3 Recovery requirements on carrier grade networks

The research discussed in [39] was based on reactive recovery, where alternative paths are con-
structed and provided after link failure detection. As showed, the reactive and pre-determined
recovery scheme implemented at the control layer does not meet the 50 ms recovery time re-
quirement for carrier grade networks. In [4] Sharma et al. come with a similar proposal, but
now applied on the switch layer. This reduces recovery time, as no communication with the
control layer is required. Before more information is given about [4], more insight is given
on recovery schemes of (carrier grade) networks. In total two schemes are distinguished [37],
being protection and restoration schemes. The differentiation between the schemes is made
on the time-frame on which a backup path is provided to the data plane. If a backup path
is provided pro-actively, and before a node or link failure occurs, a scheme is defined as a
protection technique. A reactive scheme provides backup paths after failure detection and is
defined as a restoration technique. In the following enumeration multiple protection schemes
are discussed. The notation for the schemes is in the form of P − B, where P is the number
of primary paths and B the number of backup paths.

• 1 + 1 - A protection scheme where the primary and backup path are both active. This
means that data is transmitted over the primary, as well as over the backup path. On
The default timeout interval for ARP and LLDP equals 60 seconds.
42 Overview of SDN research

failure of the primary path, the receiving host need to switch on incoming path and the
path is recovered. Drawbacks of protection schemes are the increased bandwidth usage
and additional logic at the receiving node to distinguish data packets from the primary
and backup path;

• 1 : N - A protection or restoration scheme where the primary path is recovered with

a single path from N possible backup paths, where N ∈ (1, 2, .., ∞). The backup
paths are pre-configured in the data-plane for a protection scheme, where in the case
of a restoration scheme the paths are provided by the control logic after detection of a
failure. If N > 1, there are more backup paths available and load balancing is possible,
but additional logic is needed to select a backup path;

• M : N - A protection or restoration scheme where M primary paths have N backup

paths. This scheme is useful for traffic load balancing between two hosts. Traffic which
normally travels over a single path is divided over M multiple primary paths to provide
higher throughput. If one of the primary paths fails, a backup path must be selected.
A major advantage of this scheme is the chance that there is no connection between
two hosts is small, as M + N paths must fail. On the other side, M + N (disjoint)
paths must be available between the hosts to make this scheme possible. This means
that high demands are set to the network connectivity.

Sharma et al. [4] implemented the 1 : 1 protection scheme as a protection mechanism at the
switch layer. To enable protection, the Group Table concept of the OpenFlow protocol is
utilized. In normal operation, the header from a packet is matched in the Flow Table and
the packet is forwarded to the correct outgoing port or the packet is dropped. By applying
Group Tables, a Flow Rule can also contain a link to a unique group. In the Group Table,
one or more Action Buckets define actions based on status parameters. On change of these
parameters, the Action Bucket(s) execute a predefined action. In case of protection schemes,
when a failure is detected in the primary path, the backup path is enabled for the flow.
For path failure detection the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD ) [42] protocol is
implemented in [4]. To monitor the complete path between multiple OpenFlow switches, a
BFD session is configured between the entry and exit switch. If periodical messaging over the
session fails, BFD assumes the path lost, updates the Action Bucket status in the OpenFlow
switches and the protected path is activated4 . The 1 : 1 protection scheme implemented on a
topology leads to a T (N +R / − /1/0) system.
The second implementation by Sharma et al [4] is the 1 : 1 restoration scheme at the switch
layer. An extension to the standard routing module of the NOX controller is made to in-
crease the performance on resiliency. In [39] the failure detection capabilities of the routing
module depends on the OpenFlow aging timers and the implementation of a topology module
incorporating LLDP packets. The extended routing module uses the Loss of Signal (LoS)
failure detection mechanism available in the OpenFlow protocol. LoS detect port changes in
the switch from Up to Down and reports these to the controller. Other than BFD, LoS does
not monitor complete paths, but only local links at the switch. On link failure detection, a
notification is sent to the routing module and a new shortest path is constructed, without
incorporating the failed link. The new shortest path with its corresponding Flow Rules is
More details of the BFD protocol is given in section 4-3.
3-3 Resiliency in SDN 43

installed in the switches, after which the path is recovered. The proposed solution for path
restoration is classified as (T (N/ − /1+R /0).
Before looking to results we can state that the protection scheme will probably restore a paths
faster, as no communication is required with the controller, as well as path computations.
The restoration scheme is more adaptive and flexible, as paths are computed with status
information of the current topology. In a large networks, both schemes can be applied,
depending on network services provided. A combined scheme can be classified as a T (N +R /−
/1+R /0) topology, offering a flexible recovery mechanisms high and low priority services, where
the graphical representation is found in figure 3-13.



Routing Shortest Path Restoration
Flow Actions

Flow Request

Link Status

Flow Rules

N Name Link Recovery 2
... Notation T (N+R / – / 1+R / 0)
1 N

Match Switch Software

OF Flow
LoS BFD Protection
Module Table(s)


OpenFlow Table

Group Action OpenFlow Controller

Table Buckets
NOX Application
Path Status

Packet In Packet Out Flow Processing

Figure 3-13: 1 : 1 Recovery scheme projected to the graphical framework - Two schemes are
visible to recover from a failure. The protection scheme utilizes the BFD path failure detection
protocol in cooperation with Group Tables and Action Buckets to enable 1 : 1 path protection.
Restoration of failed links is executed by the controller and a modified routing module which
uses LoS for link failure detection. New constructed paths are installed to the switches, without
incorporating the failed link

In normal operation, the process of packet forwarding is similar to the general OpenFlow
operation. On protected paths, the BFD protocol monitors path status and on failure the
Action Buckets in the Group Table are updated. Actions defined in the Action Buckets,
activate the protected path. In case of restoration with LoS, the OpenFlow module monitors
a link failure, after which the routing module in the controller computes a new shortest
path. An important aspect of the recovery process is the latency between time of link failure
detection and the recovery of all affected flows. In [4] an analytical model is given for the
restoration process. It gives a good indication where latency is introduced in the recovery
process. The model has been extended with the protection scheme, to indicate the differences
between both schemes.
44 Overview of SDN research

TR = TLoS + (TLU,i + TC,i + TI,i ) (3-1)

TP = max(TBF D,1 , ..., TBF D,N ) + max(TAB,1,i , ..., TAB,N,i ) (3-2)

The total restoration time (TR ) is determined by the Loss-of-Signal failure detection time
(TLoS ), the total time spend at the controller to look up the failed link (TLU ), the path
calculation time (TCALC ), the flow install / modification time (TI ) and the number of flows
(F ) to restore. In here the propagation delay is removed from the original model and the
propagation delay is joined and integrated with the failure detection and flow installation
time. Hereby we assumed that the propagation delay is small (< 1ms). The protection model
is dependent to the BFD failure detection time (TBF D ), the time to process the action bucket
(TAB ) and the number of flows affected by the link failure (P ). Because a broken flow is only
restored after the processing of the slowest of N switches in the path, the max operator is
applied. To give more insight in the time flow of both recovery schemes, the analytical model
is graphically represented in figure 3-14.

TLU,1 TC,1


Figure 3-14: Analytic model for recovery process - Figure 3-14A is adapted from [4] and repre-
sents the analytical model for the restoration process, where T0 indicates the time of link failure,
and the dotted arrows indicate the propagation time between switch and controller and F RTx
indicates the flow restore time. Figure 3-14B shows the process in time for the protection scheme,
where each switch in the primary path receives a link failure indication and the Action Buckets in
the Group Table are updated. The flow protection time (F P Tx ) indicates the time path recovery.

The switches in the protection scheme (figure 3-14B) can update simultaneously on failure
detection and the link is recovered if the slowest switch completed its task. If the link failure
influences more paths on a switch, it must perform the actions in the Group Table bucket
multiple times in serial order for total recovery. Paths without protection are restored by
the controller. In figure 3-14A the influence of the look-up process, calculation and flow
installation is clearly visible. For each flow the controller must perform the actions, so when
a large number of paths and flows are affected by a link failure, total restoration time will
increase. We think this flow restoration process can be optimized by performing restorations
in parallel. Also the behavior of the routing module is not clear. For example, when a link
3-3 Resiliency in SDN 45

between two switches fails, both switches will inform the controller about the failure. How
the routing module behaves on this aspect is unclear from [4].
To give an indication of latency differences, multiple simulations and measurements have been
performed on different topologies in [4]. Results are given in table 3-4, where the emphasis
lays on the magnitude on the measurements and not the exact value. Delay times for to
process Action Buckets are unknown and assumed in the order of several milliseconds at
Time Symbol Delay (ms) Relation Comment
Failure detection time (P ) TBF D 40 - 44 Fixed
Failure detection time (R) TLoS 100 - 200 Fixed
Controller look-up time (R) TLU 1 - 10 Linear Delay with 250 - 3000 flows
Path calculation time (R) TCALC 10 - 200 Linear Delay with 25 - 300 paths
Flow installation time (R) TI 1-5 Linear Delay with 1000 - 10000 flows

Table 3-4: Comparison of time delays in link restoration and protection

Both recovery schemes where able to recover paths on link failure detection. The main
difference in performance is found in the failure detection mechanism. Where BFD only need
40 ms to detect a path failure, the LoS mechanism requires more than 100 ms to report a
broken link. The main disadvantage of active path monitoring with BFD in the protection
scheme is the introduced overhead for monitoring all protected paths. Also, fixed pre-planned
configurations are inflexible and the during the performed experiments link failures did not
influence the backup path for the protected paths. Restoration is more flexible by allocating
restoration paths dynamically with up-to-date network topology information. Recovery times
for both schemes are mainly dependent on the number of flows to recover paths in the network.
Restoration times can exceed to 1000 ms, if a large number of flows need recovering. So, it
is difficult to point the optimal recovery scheme for OpenFlow and SDN networks. If high
requirements are set on recovery times, a 1 : 1 protection scheme with active link monitoring
is recommended. Otherwise, the 1 : 1 restoration scheme has proven to restore network traffic
within reasonable boundaries.
We think there are more recovery schemes worth investigating. A large performance increase
can be achieved in the restoration scheme with the application of faster link monitoring, like
BFD. Also a pro-active scheme, where the controller regularly updates the Flow Tables at
the switch with actual primary and one or more backup paths. In this way, the advantages
of both schemes are applied and a fast dynamic 1 : N recovery scheme is available. A major
downside of this approach is the increase of control and monitoring data between the switches
and the controller, as well as increased OpenFlow table sizes at the switches.

3-3-4 OpenFlow-based segment protection in Ethernet networks

In [4] protection paths are pre-configured and triggered by monitoring protocol, when the
path between source and destination is monitored down. Research performed in [43] by
Sgambelluri et al. followed a similar approach, where not complete paths are protected, but
only individual segments of a path. For failure detection a new mechanism was developed
46 Overview of SDN research

and implemented to the OpenFlow protocol. The main idea of the research is to provide
primary paths, as well as backup paths for each switch invoked in the primary path. Both
paths are installed in the Flow Tables with different priorities and after failure detection,
Flow Rules for the primary path are removed from the Flow Tables by additional mechanism
in the OpenFlow protocol, after which the backup path becomes the primary path. In figure
3-15 the projection to the graphical framework is given (note the overlap with figure 3-13).

Working Path


NOX Routing Backup Paths Segment Protection
Modules Flow Actions Legend
Name Link Recovery 3
Notation T (N+R / – / 1+R / 0)

Link Status

Flow Request

Flow Rules
Switch Software
... OpenFlow Table
1 N

Auto-reject Flow
OpenFlow Controller

OF Recovery Flow

Module Module Table(s) NOX Application

Backup Flow renewal

Flow Processing

Packet In Packet Out

Figure 3-15: OpenFlow segment protection scheme projected to graphical framework - Along
with the primary path, backup paths are provided to the OpenFlow switch to protect segments. A
extended Recovery Module in the OpenFlow module reject flows from the Flow Table after failure
detection and activates backup paths for the segments. To prevent Flows Rules for the backup
paths from removal by the idle timers, the recovery module transmit renewal messages over the
backup segments.

The failure detection mechanism in [43] is unknown and to trigger backup paths, two addi-
tional modules are added to OpenFlow protocol version 1.0. For removing the Flow Rules
for the primary path from the Flow Tables, an Auto-Reject mechanism is developed. This
mechanism deletes entries when the port status from the OpenFlow switches changes. The
second developed mechanism is Flow Renewal, which is used to update flow entries for the
backup segments. Backup segments are installed using idle timers and as long the primary
path is active, update messages are sent over the backup segments to update the idle timers,
preventing automatic flow removal.
Multiple experiments have been performed by Sgambelluri et al. [43] with the adapted version
of OpenFlow, utilizing segment protection with the Auto-Reject and Flow Renewal mecha-
nisms. Results show average recovery times around 30 ms with a maximum of 65 ms with a
variable number of flow entries per switch. Because i) the applied failure detection mecha-
nism, ii) the failure initiation method is unknown, iii) the measurements are performed on a
simulated network and iv) the resolution of the measurements is low (2 ms), no firm conclu-
sions can be drawn from the research. Besides that, an old version of OpenFlow is applied
and the two additional mechanisms implemented have similar operations as the Fast Failover
groups from OpenFlow protocol version 1.2. The fact that modifications and extensions must
3-3 Resiliency in SDN 47

be made to the OpenFlow protocol, leading to a non-standard implementation, makes that

we do not recommend the found solution in [43] for large SDN implementations. The idea of
segment protection is an improvement over path protection. A solution where the recovery
mechanism is further localized to link protection is worth further investigation. Here the
mechanisms for fast link failure detection at the switch and routing algorithms for link pro-
tection are required. In [43] examples of the routing module are given, but no information on
the used algorithms is provided.

3-3-5 Failure recovery for in-band OpenFlow networks

The last proposal discussed in the SDN resiliency section is an extension to [4] (discussed in
section 3-3-3) and distinguishes on how the controller is connected to the OpenFlow switches.
In [4] the controller was connected in an out-of-band configuration, which indicates that
separate connections from the switch to the controller are available. Only control traffic
transverses over these connections, ensuring no delays or traffic congestion between controller
and switches. In an in-band configuration, control traffic transverses over the same connec-
tions as data traffic. No additional network interfaces are needed, resulting in less hardware
complexity. With the application of an in-band configuration to a network, Sharma et al.
[44] discovered a problem. When a link failure occurs and the communication between a
switch and controller is lost, the basic operations for an OpenFlow switch are to restore the
connection by requesting a new connection after waiting for an echo request timeout [1]. The
minimum value for this timeout is limited to 1 second, which is a magnitude of 20 too long
for proper path recovery on carrier grade networks. Therefore in [44] the restoration and
protection schemes from [4] are reapplied to solve the identified problem.

As discussed before, data traffic paths can be restored or protected from a link failure. In case
of restoration, the failed primary paths cannot be restored without communication between
switches and the controller. Therefore, first the control path must be restored, after which
the primary paths can be reinstalled on the switches by the controller. In order to implement
this priority of processing the link failure, the Barrier Request and Reply Messages concept
from the OpenFlow protocol is utilized. In normal operation, OpenFlow messages can be
reordered by switches for performance gains. To stop reordering, Barrier Request are sent
by the controller and the switches must upon receiving a Barrier Request, process all leading
messages before processing the next Flow Request. After processing of the Barrier Request,
a Barrier Request Reply Message reply is sent to the controller. To clarify the restoration
process in an in-band configuration, an example topology with process description is given in
figure 3-16.
48 Overview of SDN research


S1 S4

S2 S3

Figure 3-16: Example configuration for control traffic restoration - A. Normal situation. B. Link
failure and controller notification. C. Update intermediate switches to restore control path. D.
Communication between S3 and controller is restored.

In total four phases are distinguished from normal operation to link failure detection and
restoration of the control channel for switch S3 (example of figure 3-16):

• Phase A - Initial phase where the control traffic for switch S3 is routed over switch
S1 and S2 to the controller. In a normal out-of-band configuration, S3 would have a
separate network connection with the controller;

• Phase B - The link between switch S2 and S3 fails and the communication between S3
and the controller stops. Switch S2 monitors the link failure with the LoS mechanism
and sends an error report to the controller via S1 ;

• Phase C - The controller computes a new control path over S1 and S4 to S3 with highest
priority, where after new primary paths are recomputed. These paths cannot yet be
installed into switch S3 , as the broken control path is still present in the Flow Tables.
Therefore the controller first updates S1 and S4 with the addition of Barrier Requests;

• Phase D - The flow modification messages are processed and the Reply Message is send
to the controller by S1 and S4 . After both Barrier Reply Messages are received by the
controlled, the new control path to switch S3 is configured in the intermediate switches.
The connection to the controller is restored and the recomputed primary paths can be
installed to all switches.

As seen in the description of the phases, the use of Barrier Requests prevents processing of pri-
mary path restoration at the switch and restoration of paths between controller and switches
has highest priority. Besides restoration, the control traffic path can also be recovered by a
1 : 1 protection scheme. Protection of the control and primary paths is provided by BFD link
failure detection and the Group Tables with Action Buckets. Main advantages of protection is
that no communication is required with the controller and switches can autonomously update
their Flow Tables. The protection scheme is equal to the scheme explained in section 3-3-3,
so control and primary paths are protected by the pre-configured Group Tables.
Using the restoration and protection schemes, a total of four recovery schemes are possi-
ble. As with the out-of-band configuration, analytical models can be used to predict the
behavior during the recovery process. The restoration model for the control traffic path is
3-3 Resiliency in SDN 49

a modification to the earlier restoration model. We developed model 3-3 and 3-4 to show
the restoration times for an OpenFlow in-band configuration, where TRC is the control traffic
restoration time, TB is the additional time delay introduced by the Barrier Message replay
mechanism and TIS,i is the time to install and modify Flow Tables of intermediate switches.
The restoration time for data traffic paths (TRD ) is a simplified from model equation 3-1,
without LoS failure detection delay as the controller already is informed about the network

TRC = TLoS + TB + (TLU,i + TC,i + TIS,i + TI,i ), (3-3)

TRD = (TLU,i + TC,i + TI,i ), (3-4)

In table 3-5 the four identified recovery schemes are given, together with our analytical delay

Recovery Scheme (Control - Data) Symbol Analytical Relationship

Restoration - Restoration TR,R TRC + TRD
Restoration - Protection TR,R max(TRC , TP )
Protection - Protection TP,P TP
Protection - Restoration TP,R max(TP , TR )

Table 3-5: Comparison of recovery schemes in in-band configurations

The analytical relationships in table 3-5 are assuming that the recovery and protection pro-
cess do not influence each other at the switch. To clarify the models and relationships, the
Restoration-Restoration scheme is applied to the example of figure 3-16 in a time flow model
of figure 3-17.
It is clearly visible that primary path recovery must wait on restoration of the control paths
to the switches. With a large number of control paths to restore, the complete restoration
time will increase rapidly. The application of protection to recover the control or data path,
removes the serial behavior. In [44] Sharma et al. performed multiple experiments on all four
in-band recovery schemes. Results show that with the application of restoration schemes to
recover primary paths, delays exceed the 50 ms requirement. Only the full protection recovery
scheme meets the requirements, but in practice this scheme will not be applied due to large
Flow Tables and the large number of configuration which have to be made by the network
manager at the switches. The full restoration process achieves to recover the control and
primary paths in the used topography within 200 ms, which is well within the 1 second time
window of the regular OpenFlow restoration time. Applying LoS failure detection and Barrier
Messages is thus an improvement over normal restoration. Looking to the differences in the
results between TR,R and TP,R , we can conclude that the performance difference is small5 .
This is expected, as only a few control paths need recovery. With this conclusions, we can
Results show a TLoS of approximately 50 ms in comparison with 100 ms measured in [4]
50 Overview of SDN research






Figure 3-17: Analytical model for a total restoration process in an in-band configuration - The
communication and process order to restore the control and data traffic path. At the control
restoration time (CRTS ) the connection between controller and switches is restored, where after
the flows are restored.

state that for recovery requirements there is no noticeable performance difference between in-
and out-of-band configurations, when a full protection scheme is implemented. A comparison
between restoration in both configurations is not possible due to the differentiation in delay in
the measurements of [4] and [44]. It is possible to predict the behavior for both configurations
with the derived analytical models, when reliable measurements are present for the defined

3-3-6 Conclusion on resiliency

In total four proposals are reviewed and a separation is this research field is identified. Where
Fonseca et al. [38] is focused on the robustness on the controller side and developed a mech-
anism to utilize the master-slave concept for OpenFlow controllers, [39, 4, 44, 43] researched
the ability to recover failed links. On the controller side we can state that “One controller
is no controller” in terms of redundancy and robustness. With the failure of a controller
the OpenFlow switches will loose the control layer functionality, resulting in an uncontrolled
network topology. The found solution in [38] was functional, but came with a costly price of
additional latency. On link recovery, four papers are discussed, where recovery concepts start
with traditional mechanisms using aging timers, like the ARP protocol and LLDP packets,
to recover failed links. These methods have proven to have a large latency and therefore ac-
tive link failure detection mechanisms are introduced. With these mechanisms, switches and
controllers receive link failure notifications with a small latency. Group Tables with Action
Buckets and fast restoration of Flow Rules by the controller are two proven techniques, which
have shown to recover paths within the order of 50 − 200 ms. The problem remains that only
one controller is available. An integral solution, where OpenFlow controllers are redundantly
applied, together with the ability to recover paths in millisecond order is worth further re-
search. Techniques used in the scalability research field can be joined with the OpenFlow
protocol to apply master-slave configurations, where the path recovery schemes can be reused
in a modified way for faster path recovery.
3-4 Security in SDN 51

3-4 Security in SDN

The third research field within the SDN community is security. Network security is applied
to control networks access, provide separation between users and protect the network against
malicious and unwanted intruders. It remains a hot topic under SDN researchers, because
a basic security level is expected from a new network technology, as well as the fact that
network security applications can easily be applied to the network control logic.

3-4-1 General OpenFlow security

Before going into details, two levels of security are defined. The first level invokes logical
connections between end hosts inside the network. Protocols like Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
or packet encrypting techniques must ensure connection security. Within SDN, this level of
security plays an important role, as the control connection between switches and the central-
ized controller must be ensured. The OpenFlow protocol [1] provides a mechanism to secure
this connection, but is not required as start condition. It is up to the controller to secure
the connection with OpenFlow switches and a number of controller implementations have not
implemented link security mechanisms [45]. When no link security is applied, a malicious
node can impersonate the controller and take over control of the switches. Network traffic
can be re-routed for analysis and information extraction. Applying link security between the
control and data layer is thus the first prerequisite which must be fulfilled to ensure integrity
on the network.
The second level of security is centered to protect switches, servers and end hosts in the
network. Numerous examples are present to indicate the threats to the network as a whole.
Malicious software can intrude the network, infect hosts and gather information, but also
flooding attacks can disable network servers or overload OpenFlow switches and controllers.
Security mechanisms must be implemented on the network to detect malicious traffic and
take necessary actions to block and reroute this traffic. In current networking state, network
security is applied at higher networking layers. Routers and firewalls perform security tasks
at layer 3, where end hosts and servers host security applications at layer 7. With SDN, there
is a central authority which routes traffic through the network and enables the possibility to
apply security policies to all layers in networking. Much research has been performed and the
results of [46, 47, 48, 49] are used to determine security properties within SDN. All researchers
follow roughly the same procedure to apply security to the network. The procedure consists
on three steps where a short description of the process is given, as well as a reference to the
performed research.

• Classification - Data flows through the network must be classified in order to determine
malicious behavior and network attacks. Without classification it is impossible to pro-
tect the network and take according actions. The main source for traffic classification
is found in traffic statistics [47];

• Action - Once a traffic flow is marked as malicious, the control layer must modify Flow
Tables to protect the network and prevent propagation of the malicious traffic through
the network. For each threat, different actions are needed, so the control layer must be
flexible for quick adaption of new protection schemes [46];
52 Overview of SDN research

• Check - The last process in the security process is the checking of computed flow rules
with the applied security policy from the network manager. Flow rules may (uninten-
tionally) disrupt the security policy and therefore an extra control process is needed.
Preventing network security violations by checking Flow Rules before installation on
the switches, completes the overall security process [48, 49].

3-4-2 Graphical framework

The three processes combined form the protection layer for the network and all can be im-
plemented at the control layer, which results in a T (N/ − /1+S /0) configuration. To give
the most general view of this configuration, we assume no modifications to the switch layer.
Figure 3-18 gives the general OpenFlow security configuration projected on the graphical

Classification from external applicaton

Scheduler Threat A Threat B Regular

Marked FR


Traffic Measurement Policy Violation Flow Checker

(Classification) (Control) Legend
Name General Security
Notation T (N / – / 1+S / 0)

Traffic Statistics
Flow Requests

Flow Install


TCP Dumps
Switch Parameters
... Flow Table
1 N
OpenFlow Controller


OpenFlow Module Flow Table(s) OpenFlow

Update Application

Flow Processing

Packet In Packet Out

Figure 3-18: General security configuration projected on graphical framework - The first step is
to classify and mark incoming traffic with statistics from the OpenFlow switch or external mea-
surements (Classification). Marked Flow Requests go to the Flow Scheduler where the requests
are processed and according actions are assigned to flows (Action). The last step is to check the
flows to the network security policy (Control) and install the flows at the switches. On policy
violation the Flow Scheduler must be informed.

As seen in figure 3-18, normal Flow Requests and traffic statistics enter the classification
module in the OpenFlow controller. Traffic statistics can originate from the OpenFlow module
at the switch and result from processed TCP and UDP traffic dumps. The classification
module identifies malicious traffic flows and has two actions to perform. First, it must inform
the Flow Scheduler with the presence of malicious flows in the network. Existing flows in the
switch Flow Tables must be modified by the Flow Scheduler. Second, incoming Flow Requests
must be marked, so that the Flow Scheduler can process the Flow Requests according the set
3-4 Security in SDN 53

security policy. At the scheduler, multiple security modules are present, to install and modify
Flow Tables with rules based on the security policy for regular traffic and counter measures
for the different threats to the network. So, for each traffic flow there exists a unique set
of rules, in order to protect the individual traffic flows within the network, as well as the
network itself. The last step before a Flow Rule can be installed or modified to check against
is the overall security policy of the network. A computed flow rule by a module in the Flow
Scheduler can confirm the rule of that module, but may violate the security policies of other
modules and the overall network security policy. After a Flow Rule is approved by the Flow
Checker, it can be installed into the switch Flow Tables.
In theory, the classification process looks easy to execute, but Braga et al. [47] and Shin et al.
[46] have proven otherwise. In [47] an effective solution is found to identify abnormal traffic
and flooding attacks. The most obvious mechanism to classify traffic flows are continuous
TCP and UDP traffic dumps. With these dumps, all information is present to identify
malicious traffic is present, but it takes much computing resources to process all the dumps
contentiously. Therefore an intelligent mechanism is employed to map traffic flows based on
samples traffic statistics. Using the maps, all flows are characterized and abnormal traffic
flows can be identified and removed from the network. This method is only to detect flooding
attacks, so to detect other threats, more classification mechanisms are needed. In [46] an
application layer is presented to apply classification modules, as well as security modules
at the Flow Scheduler. A general application layer eases up implementation of modules
for newly identified threats. Multiple examples in [46] show that with the application of
classification and security modules, counter measures for network threats can be implemented
to an OpenFlow environment.

3-4-3 Conclusion on security

As seen in section 3-2 on scalability, traffic classification is also needed for security applica-
tions. Without classification, by traffic measurement modules or external dumps, it is difficult
to process Flow Requests for traffic from unknown nodes in the network. With marked Flow
Requests it is possible to separate threats from regular traffic and therewith protect the net-
work. With [46] Shin et al. has given a general framework to develop security applications,
which can be quickly adapted to provide counter measures against newly identified threats.
The framework also enables regular OpenFlow switches to replace security middle-boxes, like
firewalls, as discussed in section 2-3. Checking computed Flow Rules before installation seem
not obvious, but is needed to ensure the security on the network, as shown by Son et. al [48]
and Porros et al. [49]. Rules to protect against one threat may provide opportunities for other
threats and malicious traffic to attack the network. The three security steps can improve the
security on SDN and OpenFlow networking and can, if configured and designed well, replace
current security middle-boxes. This all comes with a price, as much overhead is introduced.
Collecting and transmitting traffic statistics can lead to high loads on OpenFlow switches,
where controllers must process statistics, compute Flow Rules and must check these before
installing to switches. All these tasks introduce unwanted latency and for larger networks
can not be performed by a single controller. Separating tasks over multiple controllers over
the network, where switches with external connections are controlled by advanced security
controllers. A layered structure with security applied where needed, is the ultimate goal for
security applications in SDN.
54 Overview of SDN research

3-5 Conclusion on classification

In this chapter a number of proposals have been surveyed on how Software Defined Networking
is applied to networks and which problems are counted for. The implementation of the SDN
philosophy and OpenFlow protocol resulted in better manageable networks, but an optimal
network solution is not yet found. Three problem areas are identified, being scalability,
robustness and security, which are by definition not specific SDN problem areas. The problem
areas are inherited from regular IP networks, where SDN has to cope and has the ability to
enhance the network to cope with network specific problems. In order to compare the solutions
found, a generic graphical framework was developed. Proposed solutions are projected to the
framework to point out strengths, frailties and possible enhancements.
SDN networks are more susceptible to scalability problems, than current state IP networks.
The main issue is to divide the workload to control and manage the network over SDN
switches, multiple controllers or both. This task was normally performed at switch level.
Robustness of networks can be increased with the application of proactive path protection
schemes, where controllers provide backup paths, beside the regular primary paths. On the
other side, robustness of SDN networks is reduced with the introduction of a single central
point of authority. Application of redundant controllers in the network is therefore a must.
On security level SDN offers the ability to transform a switch to a functional firewall, where
network security policies are translated to switch configurations for network protection. To do
so, traffic statistics from the switch layer must be available to the central authority (leading to
increased control traffic overhead) and computed configurations must be checked on possible
security holes.

3-5-1 Optimal Solution

We think an optimal solution for SDN networking does not exist yet, as trade-offs must be
made for each implementation. Full control over the network results in large quantities of
control traffic and additional latencies. Depending on the size and traffic load on the network,
and the requested performance of the network topology we propose a hybrid solution, where
regular tasks for trusted traffic are performed by the switches themselves and tasks for more
advanced and unknown traffic requires additional configuration from control layer. We believe
that for each requested task one must survey on which layer the task must be located and
what impact it has in relation with scalability and resiliency issues. Developed modules and
applications must be compatible with existing SDN protocols and OpenFlow controllers to
avoid unwanted complexity and incompatibility.

3-5-2 Problem Focus

The focus for the remaining part of this thesis is on robustness in SDN networks. This because
the solutions found for scalability problems give enough constancy for future implementations,
numerous proposals and a general framework are given to enhance security and limited re-
search has been performed on robustness in SDN networks. We believe there is room for
improvement on path and segment protection, so that Ethernet switches can be utilized for
high availability networks providing failover times achieving industrial standards. In the next
chapter will discuss path protection in SDN networks in more detail.
Chapter 4

Path protection in SDN

In chapter 3 we surveyed a number of topics in SDN networking. We found that more attention
is needed for increasing the robustness and resiliency of SDN networks. This chapter will give
more background information on protection and recovery schemes in section 4-1 , where
section 4-2 discusses failure detection mechanisms for SDN networks. Section 4-3 discusses
the Bidirectional Failure Detection protocol (BFD) in relation to minimize recovery times,
where 4-4 discusses how OpenFlow provides path failover functionality to improve robustness
and resiliency against failures in SDN networks. This chapter concludes with thoughts and
remarks on network survivability in section 4-6.

4-1 Network survivability

A basic requirement for SDN networks, where high availability is needed for the provided
services, is resilience to failures in the network of any kind. A limited number of switch or
link failures, may not lead to overall failure of the network. Therefore three basic requirements
for a SDN network must be taken into account, with the main goal to increase the survivability
of a network [37].

1. Network connectivity - The network is (well) connected, meaning that each node in the
network has at least one link to another node in the network. In this assumption no
differentiation is made between switches and hosts in SDN networks. Network connec-
tivity is based on two parameters, being link and node connectivity. Link connectivity
is defined as the number of links which can be removed to disconnect the network. Sim-
ilarly, node connectivity is defined as the number of nodes to remove from the network
to disconnect it;

2. Network augmentation - The process of defining new links in the network, with the
main purpose to increase the link and node connectivity in the network. Augmentation
is based on the requested level of survivability, failure rate of nodes and additional costs
of extra nodes and links in the network;
56 Path protection in SDN

3. Path protection - The procedure of finding (multiple) disjoint paths between two hosts
in the network.

Network connectivity and augmentation are mostly needed during the design and implemen-
tation phase of a network. The network connectivity must provide the ability to find multiple
disjoint paths in the network. If the connectivity is too low, disjoint paths may not be found
and network augmentation is needed. In the remaining part of this thesis, we assume that
the network connectivity for suggested topologies is fixed and no augmentation is needed. We
will now focus more on the network protection procedures.

4-1-1 Path protection schemes

To protect a network, a backup path must be computed by the control logic of the switches and
provided to the data plane. When a failure occurs, the main purpose of the path protection
schemes is to recover paths as soon as possible. In section 3-3-3 a description is given on
restoration and protection schemes. A protection scheme does not guarantee a backup path,
assuming it exists in the network after failure, as multiple link or switch failures can invoke the
protection plan. Re-active pushing of backup paths utilizes the current state of the network
and is therefore more flexible. From Sharma et al. [39] and [4] we can conclude that both a
protection and restoration scheme can work in OpenFlow environments, but recovery of paths
with reactive pushing is significantly slower. Both schemes require active status monitoring,
which will be discussed in section 4-2. All schemes can all be implemented in an OpenFlow
environment, where a 1 : 1 protection scheme (N = 1) is favorable due to faster failover times
in a case of failures.

4-1-2 Survivability techniques

Besides recovery schemes, the number of backup paths, as well as the time-frame of the
recovery is discussed, also a differentiation can be made on how paths are recovered. These
survivability techniques can be split into two categories, being routing recovery procedures
and sharing resources. The first category determines the way of rerouting traffic over the
backup path, where the second category defines the allowance of sharing resources between
primary and backup paths. In total three routing procedures can be defined [37].

• Path-based recovery - A backup path between two hosts requires the computation of a
disjoint path. The computation of disjoint paths require actual topology information
and is ideally performed by the centralized control logic. Path-based recovery can enable
optimal paths through the network, depending on used disjoint-path algorithms. When
it is not possible to discover a disjoint path, no full backup path can be provided to the
data plane;

• Link-based recovery - A backup sub-path is computed for each link in the primary path.
The sub-path is defined as the path between two ends of the link. In case of a link
failure, traffic is rerouted over the backup sub-path. This recovery technique is more
suited for hop-by-hop routing, as the decision to reroute the traffic is made locally at
the link, without concerning host to host path optimizations;
4-1 Network survivability 57

• Segment-based recovery - A backup sub-path is computed for each segment in the pri-
mary path. The segment consists of a number of successive links of a path. A segment
starts and terminates at nodes that have backup paths disjoint to the rest of the seg-

Studying the routing recovery procedures, path-based recovery will have the most optimal
resource utilization as the computation of backup paths involves the complete network, where
disjoint path algorithms can minimize path costs. This implies signaling of the failure to
the central logic and back to the switching nodes to failover to backup paths. Link based
recovery will require no signaling on the failure, as nodes itself can detect the failure and
handle accordingly. With segment-based recovery, signaling is reduced, but still necessary
to trigger the first node in the segment to failover to the backup path. The best routing
procedure thus depends on the availability and performance of failure signaling, as well as
the routing techniques applied for traversing traffic.
As mentioned earlier, the second category defines the sharing of resources. In total two sharing
policies are defined in [37]:

• Dedicated resources - In the design of the network, resources are separately reserved for
primary and backup paths. Resource reservations can be made on links by reserving
bandwidth or links can assigned entirely. A major advantage of dedicated resources
is that there are always backup path possible, assuming that no error in the reserved
resources occurs;

• Shared resources - Primary and backup paths share the same resources and no reserva-
tions for backup paths are made. With a disjoint backup path, the requirement holds
that primary and backup paths not share the same link. On link failure, links in the
backup path will have higher utilization and my not have enough resources available.

4-1-3 Survivability of SDN networks

With the protection schemes and survivability techniques discussed, it is possible to project
these on SDN networks and the OpenFlow protocol. The first requirement is set by the
recovery time. In appendix A the requirements for different network services and applications
is given, from where we can learn that the time window for recovery is very small. The
primary path must be recovered from link or switch failures within millisecond order. The
second requirement states that the resource allocation must be optimized in the network.
This means that no extra links or switches can be added to network topologies. With these
two requirements, possibilities for the protection schemes is reduced to 1 : N path protection
or restoration, where protection schemes with N = 1 have been proven faster in OpenFlow
networks by Sharma et al. [4]. The choice for resource allocation is made based on optimized
resource allocation. Dedicated resources for backup paths, would lead to inefficient resource
allocation, therefore protection paths share resources with other primary paths. The choice
for the most optimal survivability techniques is unanswered, therefore we look into more detail
to these techniques with the aim to discover the behavior of traffic after failure detection in a
protected network. At first glance, the centralized characteristics of SDN with actual topology
information via the OpenFlow protocol, path-based recovery seems the optimal survivability
58 Path protection in SDN

technique. But as discussed, this requires propagation of the failure (via the central control
logic) to source node, where a backup path can be selected. In a non-protected network, during
the time between failure detection and the installation of a new primary path (TF ), no traffic
can reach the destination. To solve the disconnectedness between source and destination
in time window TF , a protection scheme can be applied to the switch layer and for path-
based protection crankback routing [50] needs to be applied. Crankback routing implies the
recursive returning of traffic back to the first node from which the traffic can be forwarded
to the destination again. The process of crankback routing is given in figure 4-1.

S2 S3
S1 S4
Primary path

S5 S6 Backup path
Failover path

Figure 4-1: Routing behavior with path-based recovery during TF - A link failure on S1 ↔ S2
will be noticed by S1 and all traffic will be forwarded over the backup path. Failures on the links
S2 ↔ S3 and S3 ↔ S4 monitored by S2 and S3 require crankback routing during TF , leading to
doubled traffic load on link S1 ↔ S2 and S2 ↔ S3 .

In case of path protection, during a failure on link S2 ↔ S3 or S3 ↔ S4 the destination is not

reachable without application of crankback routing. The first node where the failover path is
joining the backup path, is source node (S1 ), where for link- and segment-based protection
this node can be located closer to the destination. Crankback routing results in double link
utilization on link S1 ↔ S2 and S2 ↔ S3 during the failure, which can lead to congestion and
packet loss. Link-based protection can minimize crankback routing during TF for the same
network, as shown in figure 4-2.

S2 S3
S1 S4
Primary path

S5 S6 Backup path
Failover path

Figure 4-2: Routing behavior with link-based recovery during TF - Link failures on S2 ↔ S3 and
S4 ↔ S4 are not cranked back to S1 , but forwarded to S5 and S6 , from where the backup path
continuous to the destination node S4 .

A link failure on S2 ↔ S3 or S3 ↔ S4 in a link-based protection scheme for the given example

network minimizes the need for crankback routing. From node S2 and S3 there exist sub-
paths to the destination utilizing shortcut paths to the backup path. So, link-based protection
minimizes the need for crankback routing, but network topologies exist that require crankback
routing in order to maintain connectivity between source and destination during TF , as seen
in figure 4-3.
4-2 Failure detection mechanisms 59

S2 S3
S1 S4
Primary path

S5 S6 Backup path
Failover path

Figure 4-3: Routing behavior with best effort link-based recovery during TF - The network is
modified by removing link S3 ↔ S6 from the topology. Link failures on S3 ↔ S4 will result in
crankback routing over S2 ↔ S3 . From node S2 there exists a failover path to S5 from where
the backup path continuous to the destination node S4 .

The network topology is unoptimized for link-based recovery, so that the failover path between
node S3 and S6 does not exist. At node S3 the only option in case of a failure is to return
incoming packets. Looking to the characteristics of path- and link-based protection in a SDN
network with no standardized fast failure signaling mechanism enabled, link-based protection
offers best protection. A drawback of link-based protection is the number of paths to compute.
For 1 : 1 path-based protection, two paths must be calculated, where for 1 : 1 link-based
protection also paths must be computed for the intermediate nodes between the source and
destination. In total 2+(P −2) = P path computations are required, where P is the length of
the primary path. After failure detection by a node, the backup path can locally be assigned
without communication with the control logic. Link-based protection minimizes crankback
routing and therewith congestion and high link utilization are prevented during the failure
window. To provide a full link-based protection scheme, the network topology may need
optimizations, where existing topologies may need network augmentation. When the control
logic has received the failure report, new primary, failover and backup paths are computed
and configured at the switching nodes.

4-2 Failure detection mechanisms

In this section the mechanisms for failure detection are discussed in relation to SDN network-
ing and the high requirements on the detection window. Current SDN implementations, like
OpenFlow, are mostly based on Ethernet networks. Ethernet was not designed with failure
detection and high availability requirements in mind, like optical and industrial networks do.
Therefore more insight is given on failure detection mechanisms in Ethernet networks and if
the high requirement standards are reachable with application of currently available Ethernet
techniques and protocols. In figure 4-4 a typical Ethernet connection is given between nodes
or a network switch.
The three lower layers of the OSI reference system all have the capabilities the detect link
failures. On the physical and datalink layer, the Ethernet standard is responsible for the sig-
naling over the medium between two nodes and ideally link failures are detected on this layer.
When the link failure is detected, the status is propagated to higher layers, where protocols
and control software can action accordingly. On higher levels there exists no physical, but
a logical connection. Monitoring logical connections for link failure detection is possible, if
60 Path protection in SDN

Higher Layers

OSPF* IP IP Network Layer

Report Link
RSTP* MAC MAC Datalink Layer

Ethernet PHY PHY Physical Layer


Figure 4-4: Failure detection mechanisms in lower three layers of IP Ethernet network - A failure
at the medium is detected by three lower levels of the OSI-layer system. The physical layer uses
mechanisms from the Ethernet standard, where on the datalink layer for example the RSTP and
BFD protocols and on the network layer OSPF and BFD are available for fault detection. Any
detected failure will be reported to higher layers.

we assume that lower situated layers function correctly. Using this assumption, link failure
detection can also be performed by higher layers. Therefore protocols present on the datalink
and network layer can be used for link status monitoring by a node. The network standards
and protocols1 from figure 4-4 are shortly discussed in relation the failure detection window:

• PHY - Physical Layer - The Ethernet standard has a failure detection mechanism build
in. With a period of 16 ± 8 ms heartbeats are sent over the link. When the interface
does not receive a response on sent heartbeats within a set interval of 50 − 150 ms,
the link is presumed disconnected [51]. From this we can conclude that the Ethernet
standard is not capable to detect failures within the set time interval of 50 ms for carrier
grade networks and link failure detection must be performed by the higher layers;
• MAC - Datalink Layer - There exist multiple protocols for failure detection on the
datalink-layer, such as the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)[52], with the aim to
maintain a distribution tree of the network and update forwarding tables in Ethernet
switches. All protocols found with failure detection mechanisms in Ethernet networks
on the datalink-layer can be classified as slow. Update periods are in the order of
seconds and are therefore not suitable for fast failure detection;
• IP - Network Layer - Normally Ethernet switches are designed to operate at the physical
and datalink layer. The MAC-address of incoming traffic is matched to the forwarding
table and the traffic is forwarded on the corresponding output port. This would indicate
that fault monitoring on the third layer is not applicable. With the increased complexity
in networks and the implementation of OpenFlow, network switches operate more and
more on the network layer, the domain of routing protocols, like Open Shortest Path
First (OSPF) [53]. Routing protocols keep status of the shortest paths between nodes in
the network and update these in case of failures. The update windows of these protocols
are not on millisecond order and are therefore not suitable.

The BFD protocol drawn in figure 4-4 is not discussed and will be discussed in section 4-3.
In [4] the BFD protocol managed to detected path failures within 50 ms windows. Because
Not all protocols with failure detection mechanisms are discussed, as this is out of scope of this thesis.
4-3 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection protocol 61

the protocol is designed to detect failures within a small time window and is implemented in
numerous switches (MAC-layer) and routers (IP-layer), BFD is discussed in more detail in
the next section.

4-3 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection protocol

The BFD protocol [42] implements a control mechanism to monitor the liveliness of pre-
configured links or paths with potentially very low latencies. BFD is generally designed
to operate on all datalink and network layers, but also on tunneling protocols and virtual
circuits (figure 4-4). Specifically for IP-networks, an additional standardization is developed,
RFC5881 [54], allowing IPv4 and IPv6 path monitoring. Both standardizations function using
the same basic principles. Between two nodes a bidirectional connection is setup, where each
node transmits control messages with the current state of the link or path and requested
transmit (Ttx ) and receive intervals (Trx ). A node receiving a control message, adjusts the
receive interval to the requested transmit interval if Ttx ≥ Trx . When a series of packets
is not received, the link or path is declared down. In theory an asynchronous configuration
is possible, where the requested transmit interval is smaller than the offered receive interval
(Ttx < Trx ). In that case, a node adjusts the transmit interval according Ttx = Trx . For SDN
implementations we advise a synchronous configuration, where Trx ≤ Ttx . Figure 4-5 gives
the state diagram for the BFD protocol for a single host.



Down Down

Timer (Tdet) Timer (Tdet)

Init Up

Down Init / Up

Figure 4-5: BFD-protocol state diagram for single node [42] - The three states from the BFD
protocol with transitions between the states given. The arrows between the states represent the
received status from other nodes.

The link or path status is monitored by a BFD session and can be in one of the three states
DOWN, INIT and UP. On receiving a control message from the other node, the status can
change. For example, the status transition from DOWN to INIT is initiated by receiving a
DOWN status from the other session endpoint. To clarify the state diagram more, the three
way handshake to built up a session for failure detection is illustrated in figure 4-6.
A session is built up after a three way handshake. Assume the link is functioning and on both
nodes the BFD protocol is enabled on t = 0. Node A and B initialize with status DOWN and
start transmitting control messages on t = 0 (Node A) and t = a (Node B) according to the
62 Path protection in SDN

Connection Establishment Failure Detection (M=3)

t=0 t=w
Down t=a Failure Up
t=c Down Init t=x
Down Init Up
t=e Window
t=d Init Up t=y
Init Up Up

t=g Up t=z
Up Timer Expire Down

Figure 4-6: BFD-protocol three-way handshake and failure detection mechanism [55] - At t = 0
Node A starts transmitting control messages. On arrival at t = b at Node B, the status is changed
from DOWN to INIT conform the state diagram. Node B also transmits control messages over
the link. On t = c, Node A receives B:DOWN and changes its status. In the next transmit
interval Node A transmits A:INIT, where after Node B can change its status to UP (t = f ). On
t = g both nodes monitor the link up until t = w, when a link failure occurs. Node A expects
control messages on t = x and t = y and on t = z the failure detection time expires and the link
is monitored down.

configured transmit interval. Node B receives the control message containing A:DOWN on
t = b and will change its status conform the state diagram to B:INIT. On arrival (t = c) of
the message B:DOWN at Node A, the status is changed to A:INIT and transmitted during
next transmit interval. The link is monitored UP by Node A on t = d, as its own status was
INIT before t = d and the received message contained B:INIT. At time t = e Node B receives
A:INIT and changes its status to UP. As long control messages containing INIT or UP are
received by both nodes (see state diagram in figure 4-5), the monitored status remains UP.
A link or path is monitored down after receiving a DOWN message or the detection timer
Tdet expires. The timer expires when M control messages are not received (as illustrated in
figure 4-6), leading to equation 4-1 for the detection time window (Tdet ).

Tdet = M · Ti (4-1)

A default value for M is not given in the protocol description [42]. The Open vSwitch
implementation defaults (and is hard coded) to M = 3. This value is not uncommon, as the
widely used Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) [56] also implements a similar detection window
with a default value M = 3. For further analysis and experiments during this thesis, we will
embrace this value.
The BFD protocol is implemented in Open vSwitch, which gives us the ability to determine
the detection windows using equation 4-1, but also take time measurements on a hardware
testbed. To determine a lower bound for Tdet , more investigation to the BFD protocol is
needed. In theory the lower bound is determined by the trip-time of the control message. Now
two problems arise, i) BFD introduces a 0 − 25% time jitter to prevent time synchronization
with other systems in the network and ii) the trip-time is not a constant time factor, as traffic
load on links and length of the paths will influence the trip time negatively. The introduced
time jitter leads to no problems for the detection window, as BFD reduces the transmission
4-3 Bidirectional Forwarding Detection protocol 63

interval for the next control message to equation 4-2, where Ti,set is the set and negotiated
transmit window and j is the random time jitter. Note that equation 4-2 is only valid for
M > 1 [42].

Ti = j · Ti,set , 0.75 ≤ j ≤ 1, M > 1 (4-2)

The transmission interval is lower bounded by j = 0.75 and forms the upper bound for the
trip time. This leads to equation 4-3, where TT T is the maximum trip-time for the BFD
control message. Choosing Ti,set too small, leads to false negative detections, as the time
windows is to small for BFD packets to transverse the link or path.

TT T < 0.75 · Ti,set (4-3)

The minimum transmission window is found, when equation 4-3 is rewritten to equation 4-4,
where Ti,min is the lower bound for the transmission interval.

Ti,min > 1.33 · TT T (4-4)

With equation 4-2 to 4-4 we found a lower boundary for the transmission window and with
this boundary we can look further into the reachable detection window. If we expand TT T
from equation 4-4, the influence for longer paths becomes more clear. Equation 4-5 gives TT T ,
where L is the number of links in the path, Ttrans is the transmission delay introduced by
the physical layer pushing packets onto the medium, Tprop is the propagation delay over the
medium to the next node and Tproc is the processing time needed by end-nodes to process
the control message.
TT T = L · (Ttrans + Tprop + Tproc ) (4-5)

Minimizing equation 4-5 is only possible by minimizing L, as the transmission and processing
delay are constant system variables. The minimum detection window is thus achieved with
L = 1, which means that each switching node in the network monitors its outgoing links.
An upper bound for TT T can be determined by packet analysis, where we again assume
that the system variables on each node are equal. Choosing the value for TT T too small
leads to a incorrect transmission window size and can cause BFD to produce false negatives.
In order to determine a safe window size for Ti,min , the techniques used in the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) [57] are used. During the development of TCP a similar problem was
identified by Van Jacobson in [58], for optimizing transmission window sizes based on round-
trip-times (RTT, TRT T ). The re-transmit timeout (RTO) intervals in TCP are computed
using β · TRT T , where β account for the transmission variations. Choosing small transmission
windows (β too small) causes packet corruption and large windows sizes (β too large) lead to
inefficient use of the link or path. In [58] multiple algorithms are given, which dynamically
adjust β according measured round-trip-times. For minimizing the detection windows by
BFD, introducing a dynamic algorithm causes unwanted computational overhead and disturbs
the simplistic design of the BFD protocol. Therefore we advise a fixed and conservative value
β = 2 based on [59] for implementation in SDN networks. To account for the variations in
the trip-time, the new lower bound for the transmission interval is given in equation 4-6.
64 Path protection in SDN

Ti,min > 1.33 · β · TT T (4-6)

With the new lower bound for the transmission interval equation 4-1 is not valid anymore,
because it assumes TT T ≈ Ti . With equation 4-6 the relation between the trip-time and the
transmit interval becomes TT T < Ti . In the extreme case, where the transmission interval is
chosen large and the actual trip-time is very small, a failure initiated just after the control
message is received, would lead to the relation TT T  Ti and the detection time given in
equation 4-7.

Tdet = (M + 1) · Ti (4-7)

The overall worst case detection window size Tdet reachable, with aggregation of equation 4-5
and 4-6 is given in equation 4-8.

Tdet = 1.33 · β · (M + 1) · L · (Ttrans + Tprop + Tproc ) (4-8)

To link network survivability (section 4-1), the BFD protocol and equation 4-8 together, we
discuss shortly to consequences of choosing path-, segment- or link-based protection. BFD
delivers the needed failure detection mechanism and signaling for path- and segment based
protection. A link failure between two end-nodes in the path or segment is noticed by BFD
as the session is disrupted. After detection no signaling is required to source (segment) node,
because this node performs the monitoring and can itself activate the backup path. Path-
based protection is used in [4] and comes with a price. Longer paths (L > 1) will suffer from
longer detection windows, according to equation 4-8. For link-based protection, the failure
detection window can be minimized (L = 1). So when designing and configuring a robust
network, a trade-off has to be made on the required failure detection window and the ability
to provide path or segment protection. The argumentation is summarized in table 4-1, where
M = 3 and β = 2 are processed in equation 4-8 and LP and LS are the path and segment

Protection Path length Detection timer (Tdet ) Comment

Path LP > 1 10.66 · LP · TT T Signalling to end-nodes
Segment 1 < LS ≤ LP 10.66 · LS · TT T Signalling to segment source node
Link L=1 10.66 · TT T Minimized detection windows

Table 4-1: Summary of failure detection windows with different protection schemes

4-4 Path failover in OpenFlow networks

In this section the OpenFlow implementation of liveliness monitoring and path failover func-
tionality are discussed. For path failover, the Group Tables (available from OpenFlow protocol
version 1.1, section 2-4) can be utilized. An interesting function that performs link status
4-5 Proposal for link-based protection 65

monitoring and allows backup path triggering is the Fast Failover Group table. It can be con-
figured to monitor the status of ports and interfaces and automatically, without contacting
the control logic, switch over to pre-configured backup ports representing backup paths. The
overall idea is given in figure 4-7.

Fast Failover Group Table

Monitor Monitor Monitor

Action Action Action Action

Output Bucket - 1 Bucket - 2 Bucket - 3
Flow Rule Watch Watch Watch

Incoming Out-port: Out-port: Out-port:

Port Port P Port B In-port



Status Status Status

Figure 4-7: Liveliness monitoring and path failover on OpenFlow networks - Incoming traffic
is directed to the Fast Failover Group Table via a Flow Rule. The Group Table is configured
with three Action Buckets, which are continuously monitored on liveliness. On each output port,
liveliness is monitored and the status is updated in the Action Bucket. Depending on liveliness
and priority of the Action Bucket, incoming traffic is forwarded.

Incoming traffic is matched to a Flow Rule and the action output forwards traffic to the Fast
Failover Group Table. The Group Table is configured with multiple Action Buckets, each
containing a switch port or other Group Table to monitor. Each Action Bucket is assigned
a priority, wherewith the primary, backup and protection paths can be distinguished. If no
priority is given, the order of input determines the priority. In figure 4-7, an example is given
where three Action Buckets are configured, each with an output port to monitor. Action
Bucket 3 is configured as crankback path, as the incoming port is equal to the outgoing.
On each of the output ports the liveliness of the link or path is monitored. Monitoring
can be passive via OpenFlow’s Loss-of-Signal detection or active with application of the BFD
protocol. If the status is monitored down, the liveliness of the Action Bucket is also considered
down [1] and the Fast Failover Group tables switches to the next live Action Bucket containing
forwarding rules to recover the primary path. This failover is not negotiated with the control
logic, so the OpenFlow switches in the network can independently operate after is has been
configured with Fast Failover Group Tables containing protection paths.

4-5 Proposal for link-based protection

In the previous sections we have seen the possibilities for failure detection in SDN networks and
specifically OpenFlow networks. This section will discuss our proposal for optimal protection
against single link and switch failures. The main goal is to restore network connectivity within
carrier grade and industrial network requirements (appendix A), as well as minimize the need
for crankback routing. To minimize recovery times, active link monitoring is required, so for
our proposal we will introduce BFD as liveliness monitoring mechanism. Figure 4-8 gives
a flow diagram of our proposal, where Pprim and Pbackup are the primary and backup path
66 Path protection in SDN

between source and destination, Pprot are the protection paths for intermediate switches of
Pprim , TBF D is the failure detection time for the BFD protocol, TF F is the time after which
the primary path is restored, TIC is the time required to inform the controller about the
monitored failure, TRP is the time required to remove the primary path and TN P is the time
required to compute new paths after failure detection.

Update Topology

Path Computation

Flow +
Pbackup LLDP Information
new paths
Path Removal* BFD Path
Failure TRP -
Pprim Monitoring Restored
Inform Controller Failure Fast Failover

Figure 4-8: Proposal for optimal network protection - A Flow Request arrives at the Path Com-
putation module of a OpenFlow controller. With up to date topology information an algorithms
must compute three path solutions for Pprim , Pbackup and Pprot . After computations the paths
are installed (+) as Flows in the OpenFlow switches. In the network, all switches are configured
to perform link monitoring and on failure the Fast Failover Group Table mechanism is activated
and the controller is informed. The fast failover mechanism restores Pprim via Pbackup or Pprot
at TF F . On TIC the controller is informed and can remove Pprim to activate Pbackup as new
primary path. Also a new path configuration can be requested, to re-ensure protection to the

For our proposal, we utilize known and proven solutions. The OpenFlow network is configured
for active link monitoring via the BFD protocol and the topology is maintained by a topology
module at the OpenFlow controller with the application of LLDP-packets, as discussed in
section 3-3-2. A Flow Request is processed by the path computing module of the OpenFlow
controller. With actual topology information, Pprim , Pbackup and Pprot are computed, where
for delay optimizations, the primary path is installed first at the network, where after the
other paths are computed and installed. On failure detection by the BFD protocol, the Fast
Failover Group Table mechanism is initiated locally at the OpenFlow switches and triggers
an error report to the OpenFlow controller. Here the relationship TIC  TF F holds. At TF F
the primary path is recovered via Pbackup , if the failure is related to the first link or switch in
Pprim , where recovery is provided by Pprot otherwise. The controller has two options at arrival
of the failure report; i) Remove Pprim from the network to activate Pbackup as new primary
path and after removal compute new path solutions, or ii) keep Pprim as primary path and
directly compute new solutions. If crankback routing is required to provide protection for a
certain primary path through the network, the removal of Pprim and activation of Pbackup as
primary path, removes crankback situation from the network. Looking to the time relations,
we can state that the time required to remove the primary path is smaller than to compute
new solutions (TRP < TN P ).
4-6 Conclusion on network survivability in SDN 67

4-6 Conclusion on network survivability in SDN

In this chapter the theory on network survivability has been briefly discussed in relation with
SDN. For efficient network utilization and fast response times on link or path failures, the
best performance is found in a 1 : 1 protection scheme. Reactive restoration scheme require
communication with the network control logic, which consumes unwanted time. In order for
switches and nodes in a network to react quickly on path and segment failures, detection
mechanisms, backup paths and signaling schemes to propagate the failure are needed. In
the BFD protocol, the failure detection and signaling scheme is found, so path and segment
protection can be performed in SDN and OpenFlow networks. Two drawbacks adhere, as
crankback routing is required and failure detection windows increase due to the longer path
lengths. For link-based protection, crankback routing is not always required and the failure
detection window is minimized using BFD. Choosing the best solution depends on failover
requirements and network layout. In the next chapter we must investigate possible algorithms
for path-, segment- and link-based protection schemes for implementation at the routing
module for the centralized control logic.
68 Path protection in SDN
Chapter 5

Path protection algorithms

In chapter 3 we reviewed a number of topics in SDN networking. We found that more at-
tention is needed for increasing the robustness of SDN. Robustness issues are identified at
the transport layer, where protection and recovery schemes are present to protect data paths
through the network. Chapter 4 showed that BFD provides the necessary mechanisms to
detect link-, segment and path failures, where link-based protection offers shortest failover
times. In [4] path-based protection is applied, where [43] applied segment-based protection.
In this chapter we search for an algorithm that provides link-based protection in SDN net-
works. Therefore, first the algorithmic problem for this algorithm is formulated in section
5-1, where section 5-2 discusses the solution space where within algorithms are found to solve
the formulated problem. Section 5-3 discusses disjoint path algorithms, which can guarantee
disjoint paths and offer direct solutions for path-based protection. In section 5-4 we propose
a protection algorithm based on a disjoint path algorithm and a new developed extension to
Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to discover protection paths, where section 5-5 shows the
results of the protection algorithm applied to an example topology. Section 5-6 shows possible
enhancements and benefits of SDN in path discovery algorithm, where the complexity of the
complete link-based protection algorithm is discussed in section 5-7. Section 5-8 concludes
this chapter.

5-1 Algorithmic problem for link-based protection

The functional requirements for the link-based protection algorithm can be derived from sec-
tion 4-1-3, where the path solutions provided as example in figures 4-1 and 4-3 are requested.
Before going into more detail on specific protection algorithms, the functional description will
be translated to an algorithmic problem. Consider a bidirectional and connected network
N (N, L) with N switches and L links. Each link l(Si → Sj ) between a switch Si and Sj
is characterized by a link weight w(Si → Sj ), where the weight is non-negative (wi > 0)
and we assume the weight is equal in both directions w(Si → Sj ) = w(Sj → Si ). For SDN
and OpenFlow networks, this weight is a singular and measurable link parameter, such as
70 Path protection algorithms

round trip time, packet loss or link utilization. The link weight is assumed additive, which
means that some parameters must be transformed before summations can be applied. Path
P (SA → SB ) or PSA →SB contains k switches and k − 1 links (hops) to travel between switch
SA and SB , where the path cost C(PSA →SB ) equals the sum of weights as given in equation
5-1 [60].

C(PSA →SB ) = w(Sj → Sj+1 ) (5-1)

PSA →SB is the set of all paths between switch SA and SB in N , where PS∗A →SB is the shortest
path for which C(PSA →SB ) is minimized. We define Si∗ as the set of (protected) switches
transversed in PS∗A →SB , where i 6= B and the protection path from Si∗ to SB as P P (Si∗ ).
Furthermore, we define Sf∗ and l∗ (Si → Sf ) as respectively the switch and link in PS∗A →SB
in failure, where f = i + 1. Given a single link or switch failure, the link-based protection
problem is to discover path PS∗A →SB in network N and for the set of switches Si∗ compute
and guarantee a protection paths P P (Si∗ ) towards the destination node SB , assuming Sf∗ or
l∗ (Si → Sf ) in failure, such that crankback routing or overall path costs are minimized.
With the link-based protection problem statement we want to ensure optimized use of net-
work resources with the application of the shortest path PS∗A →SB between source switch SA
and destination switch SB . We also require protection paths for Si∗ to guarantee network
connectivity for the provided service in case of a single link or switch failure. The problem
can be solved with two different minimization settings. Unwanted crankback routing is mini-
mized without bounding path cost or the path costs are optimized, where crankback routing
is a feasible solution.

5-2 Solution space for protection algorithms

At first sight, the problem seems easy to solve. Execution of a shortest path algorithm in
network N will give shortest path PS∗A →SB . From the set of switches Si∗ again apply the
shortest path algorithm to the destination, while assuming switch Sf∗ or link l∗ (Si → Sf ) in
failure. This seems a valid solution, but problems may arise with possible routing loops in
the protection paths and guaranteed protection of the shortest path. In worst case, one may
need a large number of shortest path computations to discover that protection is not possible
on PS∗A →SB on network N . Therefore, we performed a literature research to other protection
algorithms, which we can utilize as basis to solve our algorithmic problem for a link-based
protection algorithm.
We identified two kind of algorithms during our research, being the concept of redundant
trees and disjoint path algorithms. The concept of redundant trees [61] computes a pair of
directed spanning trees, where each node is connected to both trees, leading to a virtual ring
topology. After a link or switch failure is monitored in one tree, traffic can be forwarded
over the redundant tree. Application of the redundant tree concept in IP networks is found
in [62], where the BFD protocol is utilized for active link monitoring and triggering of the
redundant tree. The problem with the application of redundant trees is that minimization of
path cost is equal to the Steiner tree problem and proven NP-hard in [63]. Some variants of
5-3 Disjoint path algorithms 71

the Steiner tree problem are solvable in polynomial time using heuristic algorithms. Although
the redundant tree concept can provide protection against a single link or switch failure, no
guarantee can be given on application of the shortest paths as primary path to optimize
network allocation.
Disjoint path algorithms are well studied by J.W. Suurballe [64] and R. Bhandari [65]. The
algorithms compute two disjoint paths between source and destination with different levels
of disjointness. To compute disjoint paths, shortest path algorithms are applied together
with temporary modifications to links and switches the network. The disjoint path algorithm
can compute primary and backup paths with different objectives. For some objectives the
algorithm can guarantee two disjoint paths, if they exist in the network, by performing two
shortest path computations. This makes disjoint path algorithms a suitable basis for the
link-based protection scheme, as in an early stadium of the algorithm, protection can be
guaranteed. In the next section we will discuss the basics of disjoint path algorithms in
relation to the defined algorithmic problem.

5-3 Disjoint path algorithms

Computing disjoint paths in a network is a requirement for path-based protection in network

survivability. There are multiple algorithms that can discover shortest paths, like the Dijkstra
[66] and Bellman-Ford algorithm [67]. Integrating these shortest path algorithms in SDN
enables the possibility to compute optimal paths between two hosts in the network. Discovery
multiple paths is a more challenging task. An obvious, but far from optimal method, is to
compute all possible paths between two hosts and select the two most appropriate ones as
disjoint path pair. This brute force method may bring solutions, but introduces computational
overhead and unwanted latencies in path computations. In this section levels of disjointness,
path objectives and the process to discover disjoint paths are further discussed and related
to the link-based protection problem.

5-3-1 Requirements on disjoint paths

Path failures in networks can have two possible origins, being link or switch failures. If one
of both fails, the path between two hosts will fail and the offered network service becomes
unavailable. To discover disjoint paths, shared resources between primary and backup paths
must be prevented. Using this basic statement, four levels of disjoint paths can be distin-

• Regional disjoint paths - The highest level of separation between primary and backup
paths. Disjoint paths are discovered assuming a circular region of switches in failure
state. Survivability is provided against failures in different geographic regions of a
network [68];

• Switch disjoint paths - Discovered disjoint paths may not contain the same switches.
This level of disjoint paths offers survivability on single switch and link failures;
72 Path protection algorithms

• Link disjoint paths - Primary and backup paths may contain the same intermediate
switch(es), but can not share link resources. This level offers only survivability on
single link failures;

• Partial disjoint paths - Primary and backup paths may contain the same intermediate
switches and can share link resources. Remaining parts of the paths can either be
switch or link disjoint. Partial disjoint paths in a network must be minimized to offer
the highest survivability probability.

For this thesis we will not set regional disjoint paths as requirement for survivability. To
clarify (partial) link and switch disjointness levels, figure 5-1 gives an illustration.

2 2 2 2 Primary path

Backup path
S1 1 S2 1 S3 1 S4
A. Switch disjoint paths

Primary path

Backup path
S1 S2 S3 S4
B. Link disjoint paths

Primary path

Backup path
S1 S2 S3 S4
C. Partial disjoint paths

Figure 5-1: Three levels of disjoint paths - In figure A to C the primary and backup paths are
drawn from switch S1 to S4 . In figure A a switch disjoint path is illustrated. The primary and
backup path do not share links or switches. Figure B shows a link disjoint path, where both paths
share switch S5 , but no links. In figure C the paths share l(S1 → S2 ) and the paths are therefore
partial disjoint

The paths drawn in figure 5-1 show the difference between three survivability levels. In figure
5-1A the primary and backup path from S1 to S4 share no switches and links, and can therefore
be classified as switch disjoint paths. To show the characteristics of a link-disjoint path (figure
5-1B), link S2 ↔ S3 is removed from the network, forcing the primary path over S5 . The
backup path travels also over S5 , but shares no links with the primary path. In figure 5-1C
link S1 ↔ S5 is removed. The backup path must travel over link S1 → S2 as there is no other
link available. At switch S2 , the backup path separates from the primary path and travels
switch disjoint to the destination. In general, the best level of protection is achieved with
switch disjoint paths, as these paths are resilient against switch failures and targeted attacks
to particular switches. Partial disjoint paths are least favorable and are therefore not further
applied in this thesis. Depending on the network topology and connectivity, the highest level
of disjointness must be pursued. The disjointness levels as discussed are directly applicable
to path-based protection schemes, as complete paths are region, switch or link disjoint. For
5-3 Disjoint path algorithms 73

our link-based protection problem the primary path does not have to be completely disjoint,
as per hop forwarding decisions are made. Therefore we can change the level of disjointness
for our link-based protection problem to next-hop link disjoint and next-hop switch disjoint

5-3-2 Disjoint path objectives

The disjointness levels for protection against failures on the primary path are set, but on
cost optimization the disjoint path algorithm must solve some problems. In [37] and [69] five
objectives are defined for cost optimizations during discovery of disjoint paths.

• MIN-SUM - The sum of the primary and backup paths is minimized. This objective is
set to minimize the overall cost of both paths. Algorithms exist that discover MIN-SUM
disjoint paths in the network, if they exist;

• MIN-MAX - The maximum cost of both primary and backup paths are minimized.
This objective is desirable for load-balancing applications, as the maximum cost for
all requested paths is minimized. The MIN-MAX objective has no exact algorithms
that produce solutions, as finding paths for this objective is proven NP-hard [70]. The
MIN-MAX objective is in [69] used as secondary objective to the MIN-SUM objective.
If there exist multiple disjoint path pairs that satisfy the MIN-SUM requirements, the
primary and backup path pair is chosen such that the cost of the most expensive path
is minimized;

• MIN-MIN - The minimum cost of the disjoint paths are minimized. This objective
is desirable in 1 : 1 or 1 : N path recovery, because the cost of the primary path is
minimized. Backup paths are only needed on link or switch failure conditions, which,
we assume, occur with a low probability. The MIN-MIN object will thus minimize the
load on the network under normal conditions. This is the ideal objective to increase
the survivability on a SDN network without increasing overall load on the network.
Unfortunately, discovering MIN-MIN disjoint paths is an APX-hard problem [71]. As
with MIN-MAX, the MIN-MIN objective can be used as secondary objective for the
MIN-SUM requirement. Hereby the cost for the primary path are minimized, when
more MIN-SUM disjoint path pairs exist;

• Bounded - The cost for a path must be less or equal than a bound set for each of the
paths. Bounds on path costs are determined by the provided network service traversing
over the path. Within boundaries for the primary and backup paths, multiple disjoint
paths are possible. The bounded objective is a less strict objective compared to the
MIN-MAX and MIN-MIN objectives. Finding bounded disjoint paths, is also proven
APX-hard [71];

• Widest - The smallest link capacity on multiple paths is minimized. Services that
require a minimum link capacity are best served by this objective, as disjoint paths are
found, keeping the minimum link capacity as boundary. When demands on capacity
between the primary and backup path differ, the problem to find widest disjoint path
becomes NP-complete [72].
74 Path protection algorithms

As seen, each of the objectives have specific applications. The best solution to increase the
survivability of SDN networks and to minimize path cost for the primary path, is the MIN-
MIN objective. Because there exists no exact algorithm that will produce MIN-MIN disjoint
paths, an alternative solution is needed to discover the most optimal disjoint paths in SDN
networks. The MIN-SUM objective will discover disjoint paths in the network and therewith
guarantee protection for the primary path. Protection for the intermediate switches and path
cost minimization is not provided by the MIN-SUM objective. Further research to apply
MIN-SUM algorithms as basis for our link-based protection problem is thus required.

5-3-3 Discovery of disjoint paths

Before going into detail how to discover MIN-SUM disjoint paths, we first want to show the
need for MIN-SUM algorithms and why the MIN-MIN objective seems obvious to implement,
but is not guaranteeing disjoint path pairs. In the introduction of this section, the brute force
method of discovering disjoint paths was briefly introduced. With the brute force method,
all possible paths PSA →SB in network N (N, L), must be computed. In worst case scenario,
where network N is fully connected, the number of paths in the network is equal to e(N − 2)!
[73]. Depending on the number of switches and links in the network and the objective of
the algorithms, discovering disjoint paths can be time consuming. To reduce computational
overhead, the brute force method to discover next-hop link or switch disjoint paths is a far
from optimal solution to our problem.
A second and a more directed method is the Remove-Find (RF) method from [74]. For
completeness, the Remove-Find algorithm is given in appendix B. The RF-algorithm complies
to the MIN-MIN objective and would partly solve the link-based protection problem, because
the primary path between switch SA and SB is by definition minimized with application of the
first discovered shortest path (PS∗A →SB ). In [74] two major disadvantages of the RF algorithm
are given, being i) the cost of the backup paths can be significantly larger than the primary
(shortest) path and ii) the RF-algorithm will not guarantee disjoint paths in a network where
at least two disjoint paths exist. To demonstrate the greedy behavior of the RF-algorithm,
an example is given in figure 5-2.

S6 S6
2 2

S1 1 S2 1 S3 1 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4
2 2

S5 S5
A. Disjoint paths B. Disconnected network

Figure 5-2: Disjoint paths with Remove-Find algorithm - In figure 5-2A the possible disjoint
paths are illustrated between S1 and S4 . After application of the RF algorithm, shortest path
S1 → S2 → S3 → S4 is removed from the network and the topology of figure 5-2B remains, with
no connectivity between S1 and S4 .
5-3 Disjoint path algorithms 75

In figure 5-2A the possible disjoint paths are illustrated in the network. The shortest path
between S1 and S4 in this network is found as S1 → S2 → S3 → S4 . When the RF-algorithm
is applied in figure 5-2B and the shortest path is removed from the network, there exists no
remaining connectivity between S1 and S4 . We can conclude that the RF-algorithm complies
with the MIN-MIN objective, but this achievement comes with the price that disjoint paths
may not be discovered in the network, even though they exist. The directive to remove
the shortest path from the network is used in the development of the link-based protection
algorithm. For us, the best method to guarantee disjoint paths and therewith protection for
the primary path is found in the application of MIN-SUM algorithms.

5-3-4 Computing MIN-SUM disjoint paths

The process to discover MIN-SUM disjoint paths in a network, originates from the minimum
cost flow in flow networks [37]. In flow networks, the amount of flow between a source and
destination can be divided over multiple links, if the amount of flow is greater than the
capacity of one of the connecting links to the source or destination. This means that links
which are utilized completely and therefore have no remaining capacity, can not be used for a
second time and flow must be divided over the remaining links, which have a spare capacity.
A path found, using remaining capacity on intermediate links, is called an augmenting path.
So, the disjoint behavior which is required to guarantee primary and backup paths, is coming
from maximizing flows through a network using augmenting paths. By introducing cost as
additional parameter on the links and the objective to minimize paths costs between the
source and destination, the minimum cost flow problem is equal to the MIN-SUM algorithm.
All MIN-SUM disjoint path algorithms are based on an algorithm found by J.W. Suurballe
[64], also known as Suurballe’s algorithm. With the algorithm it is possible to compute K
disjoint paths between a source and destination switch, using the k−shortest path algorithm
[75]. Suurballe’s algorithm discovers K−1 augmenting paths, which are optimized to minimize
the sum of all discovered paths and can be adjusted to discover link and switch disjoint paths
in O(N 2 log N ) time. An efficiency improvement with more efficient heap structures was made
to Suurballe’s algorithm in the Suurballe-Tarjan algorithm [76]. With the improvement it is
possible to compute two (K = 2) disjoint paths in a network with the computation of only two
shortest paths with Dijkstra’s algorithm [66]. The Suurballe-Tarjan algorithm has a running
time of O(L log(1+L/N ) N ). R. Bhandari made a simplification to Suurballe’s algorithm by
discovering augmenting paths with the application of temporary link and switch modifications
to the network. Bhandari’s algorithm [65] also utilizes the k−shortest path algorithm and
has equal running time in comparison with Suurballe’s algorithm. For this thesis we used
Bhandari’s algorithm to discover disjoint paths. A description on how (partial) link and
switch disjoint paths are computed using Bhandari’s algorithm is given in Appendix C. From
appendix C we will utilize the following parameters for the remaining part of this thesis:

• Cost - C(X) or CX - The cost for path X.

• Shortest path - Q1 - The shortest path in network N ;

• Simple paths - Qk - Higher order shortest paths found in the transformed network NT ,
where k > 1;
76 Path protection algorithms

• Disjoint paths - D - Set of disjoint paths constructed from shortest path Q1 and discov-
ered simple paths Qk , where k > 1;

• Primary path - P1 - Disjoint path from D for which C(P1 ) is minimized;

• Backup paths - Pk - The backup paths for primary path P1 , where k > 1.

With the discussion of Bhandari’s algorithm a method is found to compute disjoint paths.
When Bhandari’s algorithm discovers a feasible solution, there exist at least two paths between
the source and destination switch. This implies that the primary path can be protected with
in worst case application of crankback routing. The remaining part of the problem is to solve
path optimizations, where we demand the primary path cost CP1 is equal to the cost of the
shortest path CQ1 . Per definition CP1 ≥ CQ1 , which indicates that solutions computed by
Bhandari’s algorithm do not meet the MIN-SUM + MIN-MIN objective and therewith no
solves our link-based protection problem.

5-4 Protection algorithm for link-based protection paths

In this section we will propose a scheme to solve the link-based protection problem, where we
choose K = 2. With K = 2 a 1 : 1 protection scheme is suggested to provide survivability for
the protected switches Si∗ against a single link or switch failure. Our proposal consists of two

• Phase A - Disjoint path discovery - Computation of shortest path and disjoint path pair
as described in the previous section. If feasible paths are discovered, protection can be
guaranteed and protection paths can be discovered in phase B;

• Phase B - Protection path discovery - For each protected switch in the shortest path a
protection path towards the destination must be discovered. To discover the requested
protection paths, an extension is made on the modified Dijkstra algorithm from ap-
pendix D. The aim for the extended Dijkstra algorithm is to minimize path cost or the
application of crankback routing.

The proposal solves the link-based protection problem and includes the computation for
Pprim , Pbackup and Pprot from figure 4-8, which are discussed in our proposal for optimal
network protection in section 4-5. For the description of the two phases we assume that the
connectivity of network is on such level that all required paths can be discovered.

5-4-1 Phase A - Disjoint path discovery

Phase A is applied to discover paths Q1 , Q2 , P1 and P2 with Bhandari’s and Dijkstra’s

modified1 algorithms. If simple path Q2 exists, given a link or switch failure, a protection for
the shortest path Q1 can be guaranteed. The process for phase A is given in pseudo code in
algorithm 1.
The modified Dijkstra algorithm can discover shortest paths where negative link weights are present in
the network and provide protection against routing loops during path discovery.
5-4 Protection algorithm for link-based protection paths 77

Algorithm 1 Phase A - Discover shortest path between SA and SB in N

Step 1 - Discover shortest path

1. Execute Modified Dijkstra’s algorithm (N , SA , SB ) =⇒ Q1

2. If Q1 exists:

3. Go to Step 2

4. Else:

5. Stop algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm is executed to compute the shortest path Q1 between source SA and
destination switch SB . When no shortest path is discovered, there exists no path between
SA and SB and the protection algorithm stops. In the next step the disjoint path pair is
discovered with Bhandari’s algorithm. The pseudo code for Step 2 is given in algorithm 2,
where LQ1 represents the number of hops in path Q1 and s is the requested survivability.

Algorithm 2 Phase A - Discover disjoint path pair between SA and SB in N

Step 2 - Discover disjoint path pair

1. Execute Bhandari’s algorithm (N , SA , SB , Q1 , s) =⇒ Q2 , P1 ,


2. If P2 exists:

3. Set P P (SA ) = P2

4. Else:

5. Stop algorithm

6. If LQ1 > 1:

7. Go to Phase B

8. Else:

9. Return {Q1 , P P (SA )}

With Q1 and the required survivability s (link or switch failure protection), simple path Q2 is
discovered and disjoint paths P1 and P2 are constructed using Bhandari’s algorithm. When
no disjoint path pair is discovered, the algorithm terminates. The outcome for P1 can be
discarded, as we set the shortest path as primary path for cost minimization. Backup path
P2 is set as protection path for SA (P P (SA )), as P2 is per definition next-hop disjoint from Q1 .
If the shortest path between SA and SB is a direct link (LQ1 = 1), the protection algorithm
returns the results as for no other switches protection is required. Otherwise (LQ1 > 1), the
algorithm will continue with phase B.
78 Path protection algorithms

Before the discussion of phase B, the cost relationship between Q1 and P1 , as well as Q2
and P2 , need explanation. Depending on the network topology and link weights, Bhandari’s
algorithm provides two possible outcomes. In table 5-1 the relationship between disjoint paths
Pk and shortest paths Qk are given with respect to the appearance of joint links during the
discovery process of Bhandari’s algorithm. Joint links are present during computations if one
of the links in shortest path Q1 is traversed in reverse by simple path Q2 . This will result in
the fact that disjoint paths P1 and P2 are constructed from segments from both Q1 and Q2
(Appendix C).

Path Qk Path Dk Joint Link found Relation

Q1 P1 yes Q1 6= P1 , CQ1 ≤ CP1
Q1 P1 no Q1 = P1
Q2 P2 yes Q2 6= P2 , CQ2 ≥ CP2
Q2 P2 no Q2 = P2

Table 5-1: Relationship between Pk and Qk in different network topologies

The relationships in table 5-1 show that the cost for the primary path P1 is equal or greater
than the cost for shortest path Q1 , if joint links are present during computations. To prove
these statement, the example topologies from figure 5-1A and 5-2A can be used. If Bhandari’s
algorithm is applied to figure 5-1A, no joint link exists between Q1 (S1 → S5 → S4 ) and Q2
(S1 → S2 → S3 → S4 ), so P1 = Q1 and CP1 = CQ1 . This equality implies that the
found solution solves our problem on cost minimization for the primary path. Application of
Bhandari’s algorithm to figure 5-2A leads to joint link S2 → S3 between Q1 (S1 → S2 → S3 →
S4 ) and Q2 (S1 → S6 → S3 → S2 → S5 → S4 ). After construction of P1 (S1 → S2 → S5 → S4 )
and P2 (S1 → S6 → S3 → S4 ), we find CQ1 < CP1 (CQ1 = 3, CP1 = 5). To guarantee cost
minimization, we must set the primary path as the shortest path. Herewith the disjointness
between Q1 and P2 (backup path) is compromised, but our requirement on next-hop link or
switch disjointness is still in place, as P2 (P P (SA )) provides protection for link failure on link
S1 → S2 or failure at switch S2 . Due to the next-hop behavior, full disjointness between the
shortest path and protection paths is thus not required.

5-4-2 Phase B - Protection path discovery

In phase B the protection paths for protected switches Si in the shortest path Q1 are com-
puted. In algorithm 3 a global overview of phase B is given in pseudo code, where m is the
requested minimization setting (crankback reduction or cost minimization).
The first action in phase B is to remove the links from the shortest path from the network.
Herewith potential routing loops are avoided, but also potential protection paths are removed.
In the protection algorithm the problem with removal of potential solutions is accounted for.
For each protected switch Si , the protection algorithm will be executed to discover protection
paths. For switch Si = SA the protection algorithm needs no execution, as the protection
path was set in phase A. The discovered shortest path and protection paths are returned and
can be translated to Flow Rules and configured to OpenFlow switches.
5-4 Protection algorithm for link-based protection paths 79

Algorithm 3 Phase B - Discover protection paths for Si∗ in N

1. Remove Q1 from N

2. For Si in Q1 , where i 6= A, B :

3. Execute Extended Dijkstra algorithm (N ,Q1 ,Q2 ,m,s) =⇒ P P (Si )

4. Return {Q1 , P P (Si )}

5-4-3 Extended Dijkstra’s algorithm

To discover protection paths, we extended the modified version of Dijkstra’s algorithm (ap-
pendix D) to utilize intermediate products from Bhandari’s algorithm, reduce computational
overhead and restore solutions with the removal from the shortest path from the network.
Dijkstra’s algorithm normally consists of three steps, being initialization, switch selection
and relaxation. On all three steps extensions are made to discover protection paths with the
requested survivability and minimization setting. Extensions are made in such a way that
the original behavior of Dijkstra’s algorithm remains and computational overhead is reduced.
Important steps in the extended algorithm will be discussed in detail with support of pseudo
For the algorithm we define that the protection path starts at switch Si , but not per definition
terminates at SB . To reduce computational overhead, we will utilize earlier discovered paths.
When a shortcut is found to an earlier discovered path, the remaining path will not be added
to the protection path. This is decision is made to simplify translation from (protection)
paths to OpenFlow Flow Rules. The cost for the protection path will be calculated for the
complete path, starting at SA and terminating at SB . To do so, we can easily compare the
cost for link-based protection with path-based protection schemes.


During the initialization, initial cost and path parameters are set, and remaining paths are
computed. Remaining paths are used in the switch selection phase, where a further expla-
nation on remaining paths is given later on this section. In algorithm 4 the pseudo code for
the initialization phase is given, where m is the minimization setting, C(Sx ) is the cost array
to travel to switch Sx from Si , U is the set of all switches in the network, CP is the cost for
the discovered path P , C(SA → Si ) is the path cost to travel from SA to Si over the shortest
path and C(CRSi ) is the path cost for applied crankback routing for switch Si .
In the modified Dijkstra algorithm, the initial path cost CP (Si ) is set to zero. Because the
protection algorithms starts at switch Si and we set the initial path cost to CP (Si ) = C(SA →
Si ). Also, the initial cost array C(Sx ) to travel to undiscovered switches in the network,
differs from the modified Dijkstra algorithm. Regularly, all values in the cost array, except
the source switch (C(SA ) = C(SA → Si )), are set to infinity. For the protection algorithm,
80 Path protection algorithms

Algorithm 4 Cost initialization for extended Dijkstra algorithm

Step 1A - Cost Initialization

1. Case m is crankback reduction:

2. Set C(Sx ) = ∞, Sx ∈ U

3. Case m is cost minimization:

4. Set C(Sx ) = C(CRSi ), Sx ∈ U

5. Set CP (Si ), C(Si ) = C(SA → Si )

two configuration options are possible. The first option is to set C(Sx ) to infinity, as with
the Dijkstra algorithm, where with crankback routing will be minimized. Because path Q1
is removed from the network, the shortest path algorithm is forced to discover other paths.
Discovered protection paths may have greater costs than the crankback cost C(CRSi ) for
switch Si . The crankback cost C(CRSi ) can be calculated with equation 5-2, where C(P PSA )
is the protection path for switch SA .

C(CRSi ) = 2 · C(Q1 (SA → Si )) + C(P PSA ) (5-2)

Equation 5-2 can be explained as follows. First a packet must travel from SA to Si over the
shortest path. At Si a failure is detected and the packet must transverse the same path back
to SA , as crankback routing is applied. From switch SA the protection path is chosen towards
destination switch SB .
The second configuration option sets cost array C(Sx ) to undiscovered switches equal to
C(CRSi ). Here with the cost for protection paths is upper bounded by equation 5-3.

C(Sx ) < C(CRSi ) (5-3)

The second option guarantees that the cost of discovered protection paths never exceed the
cost of crankback routing. Choosing one of both options is dependent on the requirements for
the protection paths. One must choose which requirement is needed to protect the network.
When optimized resource allocation and minimal path costs has high priority, the second
configuration option to upper bound path costs is preferable. If minimizing crankback routing
has high priority, the first configuration option is favorable. In chapter 6 simulations have
been performed for both options to determine performance differences between both options.
With the cost parameters initialized, path initialization can start. The path initialization
actions are given in algorithm 5 , where Sf is the switch in failure, Q1R is the remaining
shortest path, Q2R is the remaining simple path, P is the discovered path and H is the
priority queue.
The first step in path initialization is to set switch Sf , which is used in the switch selection
process. In case of switch protection, Sf is the next hop in the shortest path to guarantee
next hop switch disjointness. Next-hop link disjointness is guaranteed with the removal of the
shortest path from the network. Therefore Sf is set as an not existing switch for link failure
5-4 Protection algorithm for link-based protection paths 81

Algorithm 5 Path initialization for extended Dijkstra algorithm

Step 1B - Path Initialization

1. Case s is switch protection:

2. Set Sf = Si+1 , where i + 1 6= B

3. Set Q1R = Q1 (Si+2 → SB ), where i + 2 < B

4. Case s is link protection:

5. Set Sf = S−1

6. Set Q1R = Q1 (Si+1 → SB ), where i + 1 < B

7. If Si in Q2 :

8. Set Q2R = Q2 (Si → SB )

9. Else:

10. Set Q2R = Q2

11. Set P = Si

12. Insert {CP (SA ), Si , P } in H

13. Go to Step 2 (Switch Selection)

protection. The next step is to compute the remaining shortest path Q1R and remaining
simple path Q2R to destination switch SB . These remaining paths are computed to classify
switch neighbors during switch selection (Step 2) with the goal:

• Provide valid solutions - Q1R - Because we removed the shortest path from the network,
also possible solutions for protection paths are removed. Next-hop disjointness provides
the required protection for our problem and a protection path that avoids switch Sf and
returns to the remaining shortest path to the destination, is therefore a valid solution
for link-based protection;

• Reduce routing loops - Q2R - To reduce computational overhead, path Q2 from Bhan-
dari’s algorithm, can be re-used. If no joint links where present during Bhandari’s
discovery process, conform table 5-1, P2 = Q2 . If during the switch selection process
a neighbor switch Sn is selected which is present in path Q2 (Sn ∈ Q2 ), that segment
towards the destination does not need discovery, as it is already discovered. Reusing
this segment for the protection path reduces computational overhead, but can cause
routing loops when P2 6= Q2 (joint links present) and switch Si ∈ Q2 . If during the
switch selection process a neighbor Sn is selected which is present in path Q2 (Sn ∈ Q2 )
and is closer to the source switch, re-application of the segment Q2 (Sn → SB ) causes
routing loops in the form of P (SA → Si → Sn → Si → · · · ). Therefore the remaining
simple path Q2R is computed from Si .
82 Path protection algorithms

If link disjointness is set as required protection, the remaining shortest path Q1R is computed
as follows. Link Si → Si+1 is assumed in failure state and Q1R is defined as the remaining
shortest path Q1 (Si+1 → SB ). For switch disjointness, switch Si+1 is assumed in failure and
Q1R becomes the path Q1 (Si+2 → SB ). The intermediate switch indicator (i) is limited by the
destination switch, leading to path boundaries i + 1 < B (link disjoint) and x + 2 < B (switch
disjoint). The remaining shortest path Q1R is always computed, where as the computation of
the remaining simple path Q2R is not always possible. When paths Q1 and Q2 are completely
disjoint and share no joint links, Q2R does not have to be computed, as intermediate switch
Si is not present in Q2 . In the case of joint links, for at least two intermediate switches in
the shortest path, Q2R must be computed. The last step in the initialization phase is to add
switch Si to the discovered path P and insert CP P , Si and P into priority queue H.

Switch Selection

The second step in the protection algorithm is switch selection, where conform Dijkstra’s
algorithm the switch with minimal path costs is extracted from the priority queue and its
neighbors are selected from the network N . For the protection algorithm the selection process
is extended to classify neighbor switches to provide protection and reduce computational
overhead. The switch selection process is given in algorithm 6, where Sj is the extracted
switch from the priority queue, V is the set of visited switches and Sn is the selected neighbor
for switch Sj in network N .
From priority queue H, the switch is selected with the lowest path cost CP . If selected switch
Sj is not visited yet, it is added to V . In the regular Dijkstra algorithm, the neighbors Sn of
Sj are directly forwarded to the relaxation process (Step 3), where in our protection algorithm
the neighbors are first classified. Classification of neighbor switches can have four different

1. Failure - SnF - Switch Sn is identified as the switch in failure Sf (Sn = Sf ). This

classification is only possible when switch failure protection is chosen;

2. Short - SnS - Switch Sn is classified as Short if Sn is present in the remaining shortest

path Q1R (Sn ∈ Q1R ). During the selection process, selected switch Sj can have multiple
neighbors which are present in the remaining shortest path. In the relaxation process
the most optimal path is identified and chosen;

3. Backup - SnB - Switch Sn is classified as Backup if Sn is present in the remaining simple

path Q2R (Sn ∈ Q2R ). For this classification also multiple neighbors can be classified
with SnB ;

4. Unvisited - SnU - Switch Sn is not classified as one of the above and is therefore classified
as regular unvisited switch.

After the classification the selected neighbor is forwarded to the relaxation process to deter-
mine if the path costs for the protection paths can be relaxed. The algorithm stops when
the extracted switch Sj is the destination switch, where after the discovered protection path
is returned. When no feasible protection path is discovered and the priority queue is empty,
crankback routing must be applied. The protection path is cranks back to switch Si−1 , where
5-4 Protection algorithm for link-based protection paths 83

Algorithm 6 Switch selection for extended Dijkstra algorithm

Step 2 - Switch selection

1. while H is not empty:

2. Extract-Min {CP (Sj ), Sj , P } such that CP (Sj ) =

minSx ∈H C(Sx )

3. if Sj is SB :

4. Stop algorithm and return {P P (Si ), C(P P (Si ))}

5. if Sj not in V :

6. Add Sj to V

7. For all neighbors Sn of Sj in N :

8. Classify Sn

9. Relaxation =⇒ P P (Si ), C(P P (Si ))

10. If P P (Si ) not discovered:

11. Set P P (Si ) = Si + Si−1 + P P (Si−1 )

12. Set C(P P (Si )) = C(SA → Si )+w(li−1→i )+C(P P (Si−1 ))−

C(SA → Si−1 )

13. Stop algorithm and return {P P (Si ), C(P P (Si ))}

i − 1 ≥ A. This means that the protection path not fully cranks back to source switch SA ,
but only one hop downstream of the shortest path, resulting in the protection path given
on line 11 in algorithm 6. The corresponding path cost equation for C(P P (Si )) is given on
line 12 of the algorithm. With forced crankback routing two situations can occur. The first
situation is that for all downstream switches no protection path is discovered and for all these
switches forced crankback routing is applied. Protection is provided by crankback routing to
the source switch. The second situation is that for one of the downstream switches a protec-
tion path is discovered other that crankback routing, indicating that no full crankback to the
source switch is required.


During the relaxation process, the path costs to travel to the selected neighbor Sn are com-
pared with the cost array C(Sx ). The relaxation process for the protection algorithm is given
in algorithm 7.
When a neighbor switch is classified as SnF , no relaxation actions are performed. Traveling
over failure switch Sf must be rejected to ensure next-hop switch disjointness in case of
switch failure protection. The relax condition for unvisited neighbor SnU are equal to the
regular Dijkstra algorithm. On relaxation, the cost array C(Sn ) and path cost CP (Sn ) for
84 Path protection algorithms

Algorithm 7 Relaxation for extended Dijkstra algorithm

Step 3 - Relaxation

1. Case Sn is classified as SnF :

2. Pass

3. Case Sn is classified as SnS :

4. If CP (Sj ) + w(lj→n ) + C(Q1R (Sn → SB )) < C(SD ):

5. Set CP (SB ), C(SB ) = CP (Sj )+w(lj→n )+C(Q1R (Sn →

SB ))

6. Set P PSi = P + Sn

7. Insert {CP P (SB ), SB , P PSi } in H

8. Case Sn is classified as SnB :

9. If CP (Sj ) + w(lj→n ) + C(Q2R (Sn → SB )) < C(SD ):

10. Set CP (SB ), C(SB ) = CP (Sj )+w(lj→n )+C(Q2R (Sn →

SB ))

11. Set P PSi = P + Sn

12. Insert {CP P (SB ), SB , P PSi } in H

13. Case Sn is classified as SnU :

14. if C(Sj ) + w(lj→n ) < C(Sn ):

15. Set CP (Sn ), C(Sn ) = C(Sj ) + w(lj→n )

16. Set P = P + Sn

17. Insert {CP (Sn ), Sn , P } in H

the neighbor switch is updated and the discovered path P is extended with Sn . The path
cost, neighbor switch and the discovered path are inserted to the priority queue H for further
processing. For the two other classifications, being SnS and SnB , the relaxation is performed in
relation with the computed remaining paths to the destination. Instead of inserting neighbor
switch Sn into the queue, destination switch SB is inserted together with the discovered
protection path P P (Si ) and its path cost. In this manner, at switch selection, the destination
switch is extracted from the queue and the algorithm will return the discovered protection
path. A big benefit of this method is that the algorithm can terminate computations for
the resulting path from Sn to destination switch SD , as these are already computed. The
classification and relaxation process will thus require less computations in comparison with
regular Dijkstra iterations. Note that the discovered protection path P P (Si ) only travels
to neighbor switch Sn . From switch Sn the protection path follows one of both remaining
paths. Flow Rules for the remaining paths and the discovered protection path would be
5-5 Example for link-based protection algorithm 85

equal, so extending P P (Si ) with segments Q1R (Sn → SB ) or Q2R (Sn → SB ) provides no
extra information. The total path cost is calculated for the complete paths. So, from source
switch SA over the shortest path to switch Si , from where the protection path is followed to
destination switch SB . As mentioned at the beginning of this section, this is done to compare
path cost between link- and path-based protection schemes.

5-4-4 Complexity for extended Dijkstra algorithm

In appendix D, the complexity for the modified Dijkstra algorithm is derived at O((L +
N ) · log N ) with application of binary heaps, where N is the number of switches and L is
the number of links. Binary heaps are chosen, as these are utilized in the actual software
implementation. The difference between the modified Dijkstra and the extended algorithm
is mainly found in the application of the remaining paths and neighbor switch classification.
The computations to determine the remaining paths require O(N ) complexity, as the maximal
path length is N − 1. Classification of the neighbor switches require no extra complexity in
comparison with the modified Dijkstra algorithm. With the extensions, the overall complexity
for the extended Dijkstra algorithm is determined at O((N + L) · log N + N )

5-5 Example for link-based protection algorithm

To clarify the choices made during the development of the protection algorithm and the
overall process of the algorithm with the two minimization configuration options for cost
initialization, protection paths will be discovered in an example topology. In figure 5-3 the
results of phase A of the protection algorithm is illustrated, where between switch S1 and S4 ,
shortest path Q1 is discovered with Dijkstra’s algorithm, after which Bhandari’s algorithm is
executed to discover Q2 and construct P2 .

S6 2 S7
2 9 2

S1 1 S2 1 S3 S4
2 2


Figure 5-3: Example topology with phase A of protection algorithm executed - The shortest
path is discovered as Q1 (S1 → S2 → S3 → S4 ). With Bhandari’s algorithm the simple path is
discovered as Q2 (S1 → S6 → S7 → S3 → S2 → S5 → S4 ). Between Q1 and Q2 a joint link is
identified as l(S2 → S3 ). Path P2 is constructed as P2 (S1 → S6 → S7 → S3 → S4 ) and is set
as protection path P P (S1 ) for switch S1 .
86 Path protection algorithms

In the example topology of figure 5-3 Dijkstra’s algorithm discovered the shortest path as
Q1 (S1 → S2 → S3 → S4 ). With Bhandari’s algorithm network modifications are performed
to discover the second shortest path Q2 (S1 → S6 → S7 → S3 → S2 → S5 → S4 ). Between Q1
and Q2 a joint is identified as l(S2 → S3 ). This means that C(P1 ) > C(Q1 ) and in phase B
the remaining simple path Q2R must be computed. From Q1 and Q2 the disjoint paths P1 and
P2 are constructed. We set P2 as protection path P P (S1 ) for source switch S1 . Protection
path P P (S1 ) is not complete disjoint from the shortest path, as link l(S3 → S4 ) is joint. This
is not a problem, as we only require next-hop disjointness. For switch S2 and S3 protection
paths are discovered in phase B with the execution of our extended Dijkstra algorithm. In
figure 5-4 the results for phase B are given.

S6 2 S7
2 9 2

S1 1 S2 1 S3 S4
2 2
Protection path S 2
S5 Protection path S3

Figure 5-4: Example topology with phase A of protection algorithm executed - Path Q1 is
removed from the network and for intermediate switches S2 and S3 the protection paths are
discovered. The first neighbor for S2 is found in S5 , where S5 is present in the remaining
simple path Q2R . Therefore neighbor switch S5 is classified as SnB . In the relaxation process
the protection path is set as P PS2 (S2 → S5 ) with cost C(P PS2 ) = 5. From switch S5 the
path continuous to destination switch S4 . For S3 the outcome is dependent on the initial cost
configuration setting. The discovered path P PS13 (S3 → S7 → S6 → S2 → S5 → S4 ), avoids
crankback routing, where path P PS23 (S3 → S2 → S5 → S4 ) minimizes path costs.

During phase B of the computing scheme Q1 is removed from the network. The next step is
to compute and set protection paths for switches S2 and S3 . We start with the initialization
process for intermediate switch S2 . The initial cost array to reach unvisited switches (C(Sx ))
can be set to the crankback cost of switch S2 to minimize cost for protection paths or C(Sx )
is set to infinity to minimize crankback routing. With equation 5-2 the crankback cost is
calculated as follows. From S2 the path cranks back to S1 , from where P PS1 is followed,
resulting in C(CRS2 ) = 9. The remaining shortest path for S2 is computed as Q1R =
Q1 (S3 → S4 ). Because switch S2 is present in Q2 , the remaining simple path is computed as
Q2R = Q2 (S5 → S4 ). After initialization, the switch selection process starts.
Switch S5 is selected first as neighbor and is classified as SnB . The cost for the discovered
protection path P PS2 (S1 → S2 → S5 → S4 ) is determined at C(P PS2 ) = 5. Because the cost
is lower than the initial cost for the crankback path, this solution is relaxed and destination
switch S4 is inserted into the priority queue. The second neighbor S6 does not lead to
relaxation and is therefore discarded as solution. From the queue switch S4 is extracted and
P P (S2 ) is returned.
5-6 Enhancing path computations with SDN 87

For switch S3 the extended Dijkstra algorithm is executed again, where the crankback cost
is calculated at C(CRS3 ) = 11. The only neighbor for S3 is found in S7 , which leads to
protection path P PS13 (S3 → S7 → S6 → S2 → S5 → S4 ) with cost C(P PS3 ) = 19. From
here two options are possible. If cost minimization has highest priority, the discovered path
will be discarded, as C(P PS13 ) > C(CRS1 ). Cranking back to switch S2 and utilize P PS2
leads to relaxation, as the C(P PS23 ) = 7. If crankback minimization has highest priority,
the discovered path P PS13 is valid and will be returned as solution. As seen in the provided
example, the protection algorithm can discover protection paths for different requirements.
Either the protection path cost is minimized or crankback routing is minimized. Also the
number of computations to discover the protection path is reduced with the application of
remaining paths.

5-6 Enhancing path computations with SDN

Although not the scope of this thesis, information available at the OpenFlow controller can
enhance shortest path computations. The protection algorithm discussed in the previous
sections, uses integer link weights for path computations. In real-world networks, integer link
weights are not allocated to links, but non-fixed parameters like available bandwidth or link
utilization are present. In [7] OpenFlow is utilized to determine QoS metrics, based on real-
time measurements on available bandwidth, delay and packet loss. Such QoS metrics would be
ideal cost indicators for network links. We will show that the protection algorithm can easily
be modified and enhanced to incorporate QoS metrics from other OpenFlow modules. In [77]
a proposal is given on implementing bandwidth parameters for shortest path computations.
Two schemes are defined, being short-wide and wide-short path computing. In here, two
link parameters, bandwidth and hop count, are combined to discover the shortest paths.
The short-wide scheme computes a shortest path based on hop count and on equal costs, the
bandwidth cost is used as secondary selection mechanism. Wide-short is exactly the opposite,
where the widest path is computed using bandwidth parameters and on equal bandwidth, the
hop-count selects the shortest path. Bandwidth information on switch links are directly
available from the OpenFlow protocol. Though, optimal and exact multi-parameter shortest
path computations can be executed with algorithms, like the Self Adapting Multi Constraint
Routing Algorithm (SAMCRA) [78] for QoS routing purposes. SAMCRA performs multiple
(number of cost parameters) Dijkstra iterations to compute intermediate shortest paths for
each parameter. Afterwards, a full iteration over the discovered solutions is performed to
compute the optimal multi-constraint shortest path. In [77] the goal is to retrieve the short-
wide or wide-short path with a single Dijkstra iteration.
The problems with the wide-short and short-wide schemes is the translation of bandwidth
to a cost parameter. In [77], no solution is given, but the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
[53] provides a guideline. OSPF computes shortest paths based on bandwidth and applies
equation 5-4 for cost translation, where cl,B is the link weight, Bref is the reference bandwidth
set by the network manager and Bl is the actual bandwidth of the link.

cl,B = (5-4)
88 Path protection algorithms

A default reference bandwidth is set as 100M bps, a standard bandwidth for home Ethernet
networks. For larger networks, 1Gbps links are set a minimum standard. In chapter 6 simula-
tions have been performed to show how information available at SDN networks can enhance
shortest path computations. Ideally, QoS cost parameters are combined to one cost parame-
ter with some additional logic, where after shortest paths algorithms can discover the most
optimal path to avoid the more complex relaxation and path selection processes. Although
this seems an easy process, the general QoS path selection is an NP-hard problem [79]. In
[79] an exact polynomial time algorithm is given that selects multi-constrained paths using
link-state information with bounded error margins. Integration of QoS path selection with
protection algorithms to increase robustness will remain a hot topic in SDN network research.

5-7 Complexity of computing scheme for link-based protection paths

Algorithms and computing schemes are commonly judged on computing complexity. With
the computing scheme discussed in detail, the total complexity for the optimal solution can
be derived in worst case situations and the actual software implementations kept in mind.
To give a clear overview of the complexity of the protection algorithm, the actions performed
are given in table 5-2. Here the actions from the Bhandari’s algorithm, discussed in appendix
C, are also mentioned. The complexity for the implemented modified Dijkstra algorithms
is determined at O((N + L) log N ) in appendix D, where the complexity for the extended
algorithm is determined at O((N + L) log N + N ) in subsection 5-4-4.

Operation Complexity Comment

1,4. Dijkstra discover Q1 + Q2 O((N + L) log N ) Binary heaps
2. Reverse Links O(N ) Related to path length
(3.) Split swithes + rewire links O(N + L) Only for switch protection
(5.) Translate Q2 O(N ) Only for switch protection
6. Find joint linkes O(N ) Related to path length
7. Construct P1 and P2 O(N ) Related to path length
8. Remove Q1 from network O(N ) Phase B algorithm
9. Discover protection paths O(N ((N + L) log N + N )) Related to path length
Total complexity O(N 2 (log N + 1) + N L log N ) Derived from operation 9.

Table 5-2: Overall complexity of protection algorithm

As seen in table 5-2, Bhandari’s disjoint path algorithm (Operation 1 to 7) is dominated by

the complexity of the modified version of Dijkstra’s algorithm. Operation 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are
all related to the path length (due to the nature of the shortest path algorithm), which is in
worst case equal to N . The switch splitting operation (3.) is related to the path length and
the rewire actions can include all links in the network, which why the complexity is set as
O(N + L). Operation 9 dominates the overall complexity, as the extended Dijkstra algorithm
must be performed in worst case N − 2 times. The total complexity for the protection
algorithm is therefore derived from this operation and the result is an algorithm that runs in
5-8 Conclusion on link-based protection algorithm for SDN networks 89

polynomial time. This makes that the scheme is unsuited for very large networks. Looking
to the application area of the scheme, very large networks are not expected, as the number
of switches assigned to a SDN controller is limited by scalability issues. Also the worst case
scenario is applied, where the path length is equal to the number of switches in the network.
In reality, paths will be shorter and therewith the computing time is reduced.

5-8 Conclusion on link-based protection algorithm for SDN net-


In this chapter we defined the algorithmic problem to increase survivability of the network.
Our problem was to discover a cost minimized path between two switches in the network and
for all switches in the discovered path, guarantee protection to a single link or switch failure.
To solve our problem, we investigated two existing solutions, being redundant path trees and
disjoint path algorithms.
Redundant trees do not offer path cost minimization, which is one of our requirements.
Suurballe’s and Bhandari’s disjoint path algorithms can guarantee protection in the network
with the execution of only two Dijkstra shortest path computations. Therefore Bhandari’s
disjoint path algorithm is chosen as basis for our protection algorithm.An investigation into
disjoint path algorithm showed that four disjoint levels can be distinguished, where in this
chapter only link and switch disjoint paths are discussed. The downside of Bhandari’s disjoint
path algorithm is that only MIN-SUM path pairs can be computed, where the MIN-MIN cost
objective is required to solve our problem. Another problem is that Bhandari’s algorithm does
not provide solutions for intermediate switches and is therefore only usable for path-based
protection schemes. Because we do not require full link or switch disjoint paths, but only
next-hop disjointness, we can use use the provided solutions from Bhandari’s algorithm and
also comply with the MIN-MIN cost objective to solve our algorithmic problem.
With Bhandari’s algorithm used as basis, we developed a protection algorithm that minimizes
cost on the primary path, guaranteeing protection for intermediate switches and reducing com-
putational overhead. To discover protection paths for the intermediate switches, an extension
is made to Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, such that requested survivability is guaranteed
and crankback routing or protection path cost is minimized. The result is an algorithm that
runs in polynomial time and solves the algorithmic problem. As the algorithm is designed
for SDN networks, link parameters available at the network controller can be integrated to
the protection algorithm, resulting in a more optimized, but more important, more robust
networks. We showed an example on how our protection algorithm discovers the requested
paths with different minimization settings applied. The next step is to measure the benefits
of our protection algorithm by performing a large number of simulations to show the reduc-
tion in forced crankback routing and reduction in path cost in comparison with path-based
protection schemes.
90 Path protection algorithms
Chapter 6

Simulation results link-based

protection algorithm

In this chapter we will perform simulations on our developed protection algorithm for link-
based protection paths. The main goal is to show that link-based protection is a valid pro-
tection scheme for networks, where paths costs or crankback routing can be minimized. To
perform simulations, we implemented the protection algorithm into a software module and
a large number of simulations have been executed on random and real-life networks. In
section 6-1 a description of the simulation is given, where used software tools and applied
networks are shortly discussed. Section 6-2 shows graphical results of intermediate products
of our protection algorithm, where disjoint path discovery is combined with shortest-widest
and widest-shortest routing requirements. To show characteristics of computed protection
paths, multiple graphical outputs are given in section 6-3. Section 6-4 discusses the simula-
tion results for the protection algorithm with the minimized cost and crankback configuration
settings. This chapter is concluded in section 6-5.

6-1 Description of simulation

The goal of the simulations is to show the performance gain from link-based over path-based
protection schemes. For each simulation a network topology is generated and between two
random chosen switches, a shortest path with protection paths is requested from our protec-
tion algorithm. We set crankback routing and path-based protection as reference solution.
Each of the discovered protection paths during the simulations is compared with the reference
solutions on two parameters. The first performance parameter is path cost. For path-based
protection, for each intermediate switch in the shortest path, the cost for protection is equal
to the crankback cost given in equation 5-2. Equation 6-1 gives the path cost ratio α between
link- and path based protection, where C(P PSi ) is the cost for the protection path discovered
with our protection algorithm (link-based protection) and C(CRSi ) is the reference path cost
(path-based protection) at intermediate switch Si and N is the total number of requested
protection paths during the simulations.
92 Simulation results link-based protection algorithm

XN C(P PSi )
j=1 C(CR Si )
α= (6-1)
In equation 6-1 the path cost ratio provides a normalized indicator between link- and path
based protection averaged over a large number of simulations. For path cost minimization
settings α is bounded by 0 < α ≤ 1, where α is only lower bounded with minimized crankback
settings by α > 0. If α < 1, the link-based protection algorithm offers path solutions with
overall lower path costs. With α > 1, protection paths are discovered, but with overall higher
path costs in comparison with path-based protection. The second performance indicator is
the ratio of forced crankback paths. When no protection path is discovered by the protection
algorithm, crankback routing is necessary. Equation 6-2 gives the crankback reduction ratio
β between link- and path based protection, where NCR represents the number of forced
crankback solutions found during the simulations.

β =1− , NCR ≤ N (6-2)
In equation 6-2 the crankback reduction ratio β is bounded by 0 ≤ β ≤ 1. When no forced
crankback routing was required during simulations (NCR = 0), the need for crankback routing
is completely reduced (β = 1). If NNCR = 0.2, meaning that for 20% of the protection paths
forced crankback routing was necessary, the ratio for forced crankback routing is reduced
with 0.8. This indicates that for 80% of the intermediate switches for which a protection
path is requested, a better solution is discovered than crankback routing. With the two
defined indicators it is possible to show the performance of our proposed link-based protection

6-1-1 Available tools

To implement our proposed protection algorithm to a software module, we researched var-

ious software solutions which provide network simulations, path discovery algorithms and
processing tools. The Python NetworkX [80] module (version 1.8) is identified as most suit-
able for our needs, as it can generate a variety of random networks. Switches and links can
easily be modified and multiple well known routing algorithms are implemented as standard.
Because NetworkX is a Python-module, additional programming is performed using stan-
dardized software modules from the Python programming language version 2.7.6 [81] and
the Spyder development environment [82]. From NetworkX the graph generators are used to
create random networks for simulations. The network generators create a Python dictionary
with switches and links, where switch-names and link parameters must be added by the user
after generation.
The Dijkstra shortest path algorithm is available as module within NetworkX, but lacks
clarity to implement the required modifications for our needs. Therefore we implemented
the modified Dijkstra algorithm (Appendix D-0-7), to a NetworkX compatible module. The
required modifications for our extended version of Dijkstra’s algorithm and Bhandari’s disjoint
path algorithm are implemented upon our developed module and used for extensive testing
and simulations on a variety of random networks. Overall we advise the NetworkX module
for network prototyping and algorithm testing.
6-1 Description of simulation 93

The Spyder interpreter is developed for scientific and prototyping purposes. From scratch,
statistical, processing and plotting (SciPy, NumPy, MatPlotLib) modules are loaded, which
simplified the development and implementation of the protection algorithm, as well as pro-
cessing of the obtained simulation results to retrieve the performance indicators α and β.

6-1-2 Random real world networks

For simulations, we utilized Erdös-Rényi (ER) and Barabási-Albert (BA) random networks
available within NetworkX, as well as real-world topologies. The generation of ER and BA
random networks and the example real-world networks are shortly discussed.

Erdös-Rényi networks

ER networks [83] are random networks, where the degree distribution of the switches is
normal distributed (Gaussian). The degree of a switch is the number of connections with
other switches. An ER-random graph is generated with two parameters, being the number of
switches in the network (N ) and the probability (pattach ) that a switch connects to an another
switch in the network. The generation of the network is as follows. An initial network of
size N is defined and for each switch to any other switch in the network a random number is
generated between 0 ≤ prandom ≤ 1. If prandom,x ≤ pattach , a connection between the switches
is defined. Otherwise, no connection is established. A higher value for pattach will result in
more links and higher connectivity in the network. The network generation process does not
guarantee a connected network. ER-networks can be used for network simulations where each
switch has approximately the same degree.

Barabási-Albert networks

Barabasi-Albert random networks [84] have a power-law degree distribution, which indicates
that a large number of switches in the network have a low degree and a few have a very
high degree. The high degree switches can be visioned as central nodes, where connections
are centralized and connectivity to other parts of the network are provided. These aspects
are also visible in data-networks, where a centralized switch is intersecting and connecting
multiple parts of the network. BA-random networks are often used for simulating large data
networks, as data networks often have a power-law distribution.

BA-random networks are generated with two parameters, being the number of switches and
the number of links to attach (M ) from a new switch to existing switches. The generation of a
BA-network is based on preferential attachment and starts with an initial network of size M .
Each new switch has M new links, which connect to the existing network via a probability
distribution. The higher the degree of a switch, the higher the probability that a new link
will attach to that switch. So, higher degree switches will establish more connections with
newly attached switches. The attachment process continues until a network with size N is
94 Simulation results link-based protection algorithm

Real-world topologies

Two common used reference networks for real-world applications and algorithm performance
testing are i) the sample US network (USNET), which is constructed from N = 24 switches
and L = 43 links and ii) the Pan-European COST239 (Pan-EUR) test network, constructed
from N = 11 switches and L = 26 links [85, 86]. Both topologies are given in figure 6-1.

S1 S19 Copenhagen

S2 S6 S11 London
S15 S20 Amsterdam

Brussels Prague
S16 S21
S9 S12
S3 S7
S22 Luxemburg
S13 S17 S23 Zurich
S4 S10
S14 S18
S24 Milan

Figure 6-1: Real-world topologies used for simulations - Left: USNET - Right: Pan-European

6-1-3 Network parameters and number of simulations

To perform simulations on the defined random networks, basic network parameters must be
set. From the complex network point of view, the number of switches must be high to fully
express the characteristics and degree distributions of random networks. A high number of
switches and links will result in long simulation times. In chapter 3 scalability issues for
SDN are discussed, from which we learned that the number of SDN switches assigned to
a single centralize controller must be limited. Therefore we have chosen to simulate BA
and ER networks with N = 100 switches. The BA-networks are taken as reference, where
M ∈ (2, 6, 10), to vary the number of links and connectivity of the network. To equalize the
conditions between ER- and BA-networks, a translation is made from the number of links in
BA-network to the same order of links in ER-networks. NetworkX provides a random network
generator that uses the number of links as input for ER-random network generation, instead
of attachment probability. For our simulations, this module is utilized, with the order of links
in BA-networks as reference.
Link cost can be chosen unity over all links or can be randomly assigned within a defined
interval. Random assignment of the link cost will provide more variety in paths and simulates
integration of QoS parameters shortest path discovery. For our simulations, link cost (lc ) is
assigned randomly from lc ∈ (1, 2, ..., 100). As secondary link parameter, link bandwidth
(lB ) can be assigned randomly from lB ∈ (10, 100, 1000, 10000). The number of simulations
(V ) determines the resolution of the results. Because we also want to analyze the results
at per hop basis and longer paths occur with a low rate, a high number of simulations is
required for more detailed analysis. Multiple test runs have been performed to determine
6-2 Graphical results disjoint path algorithm 95

the optimal number of simulations, where V = 105 provides a good compromise between
simulation running time and resolution of the results.

6-2 Graphical results disjoint path algorithm

Before the results for the performance indicators are given, intermediate results from the
protection algorithm (phase A) are shown in figures 6-2 to 6-5. These intermediate results
are clarification examples and many more simulations have been executed in section 6-4. For
the illustrations, disjoint paths are computed with Bhandari’s algorithm in an ER-random
network with N = 15, pattach = 0.7 and k = 2. In figure 6-2 only the link parameter lc is set.
For clarity sake, the link costs are not plotted.


S-1 Primary Path P1

P1 : [0, 4, 11]
Backup path P2
P2 : [0, 13, 8, 11]
Source switch S0
S-8 Destination switch S11
S-14 Visited switches

Figure 6-2: Disjoint path pair between S0 and S11 using switch failure protection - The primary
path P1 and backup path P2 are completely disjoint. A failure on switch S4 does not lead to
disconnection between the source and destination.

The primary path is computed as P1 (S0 → S4 → S11 ), where the disjoint backup path is
discovered as P2 (S0 → S13 → S8 → S11 ). Both paths do not share intermediate switches and
are therefore switch disjoint. For figure 6-3 and 6-4 modifications at the relaxation process
are added to our implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm with the aim to show the effects of
shortest-widest paths. The link cost is set to unity (lc = 1) for hop count computations and
the second link parameter lB is added to the network dictionary.
The shortest-widest algorithm first selects the path based on the number of hops and as
secondary parameter the bandwidth is used. Figure 6-4 shows an example, where the hop
count for the discovered paths is equal, but the overall bandwidth for the primary path is
In the random network of figure 6-4, P1 and P2 are discovered with equal hop length. P1 is
chosen as primary path, as it has the lowest cost on the second parameter (higher bandwidth).
For shortest widest paths (hop count is used as primary cost parameter), the higher order
96 Simulation results link-based protection algorithm


S-1 Primary Path P1

P1 : [0, 11]
Backup path P2
P2 : [0, 2, 11]
Source switch S0
S-8 Destination switch S11
S-14 Visited switches

Figure 6-3: Disjoint path pair between S0 and S11 using switch failure protection and shortest-
widest path discovery - The discovered path P1 is the shortest path between S0 and S11 , as the
path only needs one hop (direct link). Backup path P2 has more overall bandwidth, as visible to
the width of the links in the paths, but takes more hops.


S-1 Primary Path P1

P1 : [0, 6, 11]
Backup path P2
P2 : [0, 10, 11]
Source switch S0
S-8 Destination switch S11
S-14 Visited switches

Figure 6-4: Disjoint path pair between S0 and S11 with equal hop count discovered with shortest-
widest settings - The discovered paths have equal hop count, but P1 is chosen as primary as the
overall bandwidth is greater.

parameters will have more influence, as more paths exist between source and destination with
equal hop length. In figure 6-5 an example is given of a widest-shortest disjoint path.
The example of figure 6-5 shows that small modifications to the cost parameters of the shortest
path algorithm can result in major differences in discovered disjoint paths. When multiple
cost parameters are available, a choice has to be made which parameter is leading during the
path computations. If an overall optimized path is required, SAMCRA [87] like algorithms
6-3 Graphical results link-based protection algorithm 97


S-1 Primary Path P1

P1 : [0, 13, 10, 8, 3, 5, 11]
Backup path P2
P2 : [0, 9, 7, 11]
Source switch S0
S-8 Destination switch S11
S-14 Visited switches

Figure 6-5: Disjoint path pair between S0 and S11 with equal hop count discovered with widest-
shortest settings - The discovered primary path has lowest bandwidth cost and is therefore chosen
over the backup path, which has lower hop count.

must be applied. In case one link parameter has preference over the other, algorithms that
compute shortest-widest or widest-shortest paths can be applied. These algorithms obtain a
multi-constraint path within a single Dijkstra run, without compromising performance of the

6-3 Graphical results link-based protection algorithm

In this section multiple scenarios are shown from simulation output of the protection algo-
rithms, where variations are made in i) switch or link protection and ii) cost or crankback
minimization. We generated BA-random networks with N = 15, M = 2 or M = 6 and the
shortest path is requested between switch S0 and S11 . In figure 6-6 the protection paths are
given for each intermediate switch in the shortest path, providing switch failure protection
with minimized cost settings.
For each intermediate switch in the shortest path a protection path is discovered, which pro-
vides protection against switch failures. Due to the cost minimization setting, all discovered
protection paths have lower path costs in comparison with applied crankback routing. At
switch S2 , a protection path is discovered to the remaining shortest path, where for switch
S6 and S3 protection is provided by simple path Q2 . The example from figure 6-6 also shows
that the simple path Q2 plays an important role in the execution of our protection algorithm.
It not only provides protection for S0 , but it also provides the basis for protection paths P PS6
and P PS3 . No joint links were present in the disjoint path computation process (phase A), so
the simple path is equal to the protection path for S0 (P PS0 = Q2 ). Figure 6-7 shows an ex-
ample topology where a joint link was present in the execution of Bhandari’s algorithm. The
paths are discovered in a random BA-network with switch failure protection and minimized
crankback settings, where N = 15 and M = 2.
98 Simulation results link-based protection algorithm

Shortest path Q1
Q1 : [0, 2, 6, 3, 11]
CQ1 : 137
S-5 Simple path Q2
Q2 : [0, 4, 11]
CQ2 : 170
Protection Path S0
S-1 P PS0 : [0, 4, 11]
CS0 : 170 (170)
Protection Path S2
P PS2 : [2, 3]
CS2 : 144 (250)
S-8 Protection Path S6
P PS6 : [6, 14, 4]
S-14 CS6 : 283 (350)
S-9 Protection Path S3
P PS3 : [3, 4]
CS3 : 267 (376)
S-12 Source switch S0
Destination switch S11
Intermediate switches of Q1

Figure 6-6: Protection paths on shortest path between S0 and S11 with minimized cost settings
(M = 2) - For each intermediate switch in the shortest path Q1 protection paths are computed.
Simple path Q2 (P PS0 ) provides protection against failure of switch S2 . From S2 the path
S2 → S3 provides protection against failures of S6 and joins with the remaining shortest path.
Protection for S6 is discovered via S14 to S4 , where P PS6 merges with Q2 . At S3 , again a
protection path is discovered to Q2 .

Due to the presence of the joint link in the computing process, the shortest path Q1 and the
simple path Q2 are not switch disjoint and share links S2 → S9 and S9 → S3 . For path-based
protection, this would not be a valid option, but for link-based protection, protection path
P PS0 (P2 ) provides protection against failure of switch S2 . Protection path P PS9 has higher
cost C(P PS9 ) = 299 compared with the cost for crankback routing C(CRS9 ) = 233. With
minimized cost settings this path would not have been discovered and crankback routing
would have been applied. In figure 6-8 the connectivity of the network is increased with
M = 6 and the behavior of cost minimized protection paths is illustrated.
The application of cost minimization leads to unnecessary crankback routing, as valid so-
lutions are not discovered. Instead of completely cranking back to the source switch, path
P PS14 only cranks back to switch S6 . This choice leads to lower path cost C(P PS14 ) = 75 in
comparison to full crankback routing C(CRS14 ) = 117. At last, we show the behavior of the
protection algorithm for link failure protection in figure 6-9.
Protection path P PS10 is discovered with the assumption that only the link S10 → S4 is in
failure and switch S4 is in functional state. This path provides a detour to the remaining
shortest path via switch S1 and S7 . From switch S4 a path is discovered directly to the
destination switch S11 . With only link monitoring applied, one can not determine if the link
S10 → S4 is in failure or switch S4 is in total failure. Therefore link failure protection schemes
can be considered less robust against failures.
In this section we have shown graphical results for the link-based protection algorithm. If we
compare the outcome with path-based protection and disjoint path pairs, link-based protec-
tion invokes more switches and links in the network. This indicates that more Flow Rules
have to be configured to provide the necessary protection in the network. As a direct result,
6-3 Graphical results link-based protection algorithm 99

Shortest path Q1
Q1 : [0, 2, 9, 3, 11]
CQ1 : 75
S-5 Simple path Q2
Q2 : [0, 3, 9, 2, 4, 11]
CQ2 : 89
Protection Path S0
S-1 P PS0 : [0, 3, 11]
CS0 : 89 (89)
Protection Path S2
P PS2 : [2, 3]
CS2 : 117 (211)
S-8 Protection Path S9
P PS9 : [9, 13, 10, 4]
S-14 CS9 : 299 (233)
S-9 Protection Path S3
P PS3 : [3, 4]
CS3 : 148 (237)
S-12 Source switch S0
Destination switch S11
Intermediate switches of Q1

Figure 6-7: Protection paths on shortest path between S0 and S11 with minimized crankback
settings (M = 2) - Backup path P2 provides protection against failure of switch S2 . From S2 a
path is discovered to the remaining shortest path, where for switch S9 and S3 a path is discovered
to the simple path Q2 . Due to crankback minimization P PS9 is discovered with greater cost in
comparison with crankback routing C(P PS9 ) > C(CRS9 ).

Flow Tables will have more entries, which can have a negative influence on the switching
performance. On the other hand, our algorithm enables the shortest path, which in normal
operation, leads to optimal usage of the network. Example networks showed that the protec-
tion algorithm provides valid solutions to protect the shortest path with link-based protection
paths. These benefits overrule the disadvantages of more Flow Rules and entries at the switch
forwarding table. In the next section we will give quantitative measurements to support this
100 Simulation results link-based protection algorithm

Shortest path Q1
S-4 Q1 : [0, 6, 14, 11]
S-5 CQ1 : 49
S-2 Simple path Q2
S-6 Q2 : [0, 10, 11]
CQ2 : 57
Protection Path S0
S-7 P PS0 : [0, 10, 11]
CS0 : 57 (57)
S-0 Protection Path S6
P PS6 : [6, 5, 11]
S-8 CS6 : 57 (99)
S-14 Protection Path S14
P PS14 : [14, 6]
S-9 CS14 : 75 (117)
S-13 Source switch S0
S-12 Destination switch S11
Intermediate switches of Q1

Figure 6-8: Protection paths on shortest path between S0 and S11 with minimized cost settings
and crankback routing (M = 6) - At switch S6 multiple protection paths exist to the simple path
Q2 , for example path S14 → S8 → S10 . These paths are not discovered as valid solutions, as the
cost for these paths is higher than the cost for crankback routing. Therefore crankback routing
is applied at S14 , from where the protection path of switch S6 (P PS6 ) is chosen.

Shortest path Q1
S-4 Q1 : [0, 10, 4, 11]
S-5 CQ1 : 71
S-2 Simple path Q2
S-6 Q2 : [0, 8, 14, 11]
CQ2 : 77
Protection Path S0
S-7 P PS0 : [0, 8, 14, 11]
CS0 : 77 (77)
S-0 Protection Path S10
P PS10 : [10, 1, 7, 4]
S-8 CS10 : 82 (93)
S-14 Protection Path S4
P PS4 : [4, 9, 12, 11]
S-9 CS4 : 135 (189)
S-13 Source switch S0
S-12 Destination switch S11
Intermediate switches of Q1

Figure 6-9: Protection paths on shortest path between S0 and S11 with minimized cost settings
and link failure protection (M = 6) - At switch S10 a protection path is discovered for a link failure
on S10 → S4 . Where switch failure protection would discard S4 as possible outcome, link failure
protection assumes switch S4 in functional state and the discovered path S10 → S1 → S7 → S4
is a valid protection path.
6-4 Performance of link-based protection algorithm 101

6-4 Performance of link-based protection algorithm

Simulations for the link-based protection algorithm are performed on the described random
and real-world networks with the parameters of section 6-1-3. During the simulations, all
requested and discovered protection paths are stored for processing. A detailed breakdown of
the simulation results is given in Appendix E. From the 100.000 simulations we performed for
each network and setting, between 67.000 and 96.000 simulations delivered usable outputs for
comparisons. The other simulations did not provide protection paths due to i) the absence
of a shortest path between the source and destination switch, ii) the shortest path was a
direct link between source and destination and iii) the simple path could not be discovered
by Bhandari’s algorithm in the topology (no guaranteed protection of the shortest path).
Figure 6-10 shows the results for the defined performance indicators on BA and ER random
networks with M = 2. Results for cost gain α are related to the y-axis on the left, where
the scale for crankback reduction ratio β is given on the right y-axis. On the x-axis a
differentiation is made between link and switch failure protection, as well as the minimization
settings, cost versus crankback.

1.4 1.0
Min. Cost α
1.2 Min. Crankback α

Crankback Reduction Ratio β [-]

0.8 Min. Cost β
1.0 Min. Crankback β
Path Cost Ratio α [-]





0.0 0.0
BA - Switch Protection BA - Link Protection ER - Switch Protection ER - Link Protection
Scenario comparison

Figure 6-10: Simulation results on BA and ER random networks with M = 2 - The path cost
ratio α with 95% confidence interval is given on the left axis, where crankback reduction β is
given on the right axis. An overall cost reduction of 25% and crankback reduction of 80% is

In figure 6-10 the averages for α and β are computed, where also the 95% confidence interval
for α is shown. We will first look into the cost parameter of the discovered protection paths.
The average path cost ratio α (equation 6-1) is calculated over all solutions, including forced
crankback. Overall we can state that the path ratio is at least 0.76, which indicates that
cost for protection paths reduced with more than 24%, where highest cost reduction is found
in BA-networks (> 30%). This phenomenon can be explained with the use of difference the
degree distributions between BA- and ER-networks. The probability that a shortest path
will traverse over high degree switches in a BA-network is higher than over lower degree
switches. High degree switches have more connections and therefore higher probability of an
low cost link. During protection path discovery for BA networks, intermediate switches will
have more direct neighbors and less probability of forced crankback routing in comparison to
102 Simulation results link-based protection algorithm

ER networks. As expected, the cost minimized setting resulted in lower cost for protection
paths in comparison with minimized crankback settings. The difference is only a few percent,
which is explained by the fact that the protection path cost is not upper-bounded. The 95%
confidence interval for the cost ratio supports this observation, as the upper boundary of the
interval of the minimized crankback setting varies between 1.16 in BA-networks with link
failure protection and 1.31 in ER-networks with switch failure protection.
If we look to the crankback reduction ratio β (equation 6-2), we can state a minimum of
85% reduction of forced crankback routing can be achieved using our link-based protection
algorithm. The difference between BA- and ER-networks is very small with minimized cost
settings, but a small difference is noticed between switch and link failure protection. Switch
failure protection achieves lowest crankback reduction, which is expected. During computa-
tions a switch is assumed in failure, together with its attached links. The number of links in
the network is therewith reduced, as well as the number of possible path solutions. In the
case of minimized crankback settings, forced crankback routing is further reduced to at least
92%. ER-networks seem to benefit the most from the minimized crankback option.
For the second simulation the network connectivity is increased and random networks are
generated with M = 6, where the results are presented in figure 6-11.

1.4 1.0
Min. Cost α
1.2 Min. Crankback α

Crankback Reduction Ratio β [-]

0.8 Min. Cost β
1.0 Min. Crankback β
Path Cost Ratio α [-]





0.0 0.0
BA - Switch Protection BA - Link Protection ER - Switch Protection ER - Link Protection
Scenario comparison

Figure 6-11: Simulation results on BA and ER random networks with M = 6 - An overall cost
saving of 25% and crankback reduction of 85% is achieved. With minimized crankback setting
the need for crankback routing is removed.

If we compare α between the scenario’s M = 2 and M = 6, only a small advantage is

noticeable in favor of the more connected network. The additional saving holds only a couple
of percents, which indicates that to reduce the path cost ratio, no higher connectivity is
required in the network. The percentage of crankback reduction only increased with a few
percent in case of cost minimized settings. On minimized crankback reduction, the benefits
of higher connectivity are very noticeable, as a crankback reduction of β = 1 is achieved.
So, for higher connected networks, the minimized crankback setting leads to the absence of
forced crankback routing as possible solution for link-based protection. The simulations are
repeated with M = 10. Between M = 6 and M = 10 no noteworthy differences are noticed
and therefore the simulation results are not shown. In figure 6-12 the simulation results are
shown for the real-world networks.
6-5 Conclusion on protection algorithm simulations 103

Min. Cost α
2.0 Min. Crankback α

Crankback Reduction Ratio β [-]

0.8 Min. Cost β
Min. Crankback α
Path Cost Ratio α [-]



0.5 0.2

0.0 0.0
USNET - Switch Protection USNET - Link Protection Pan-Eur - Switch Protection Pan-Eur - Link Protection
Scenario comparison

Figure 6-12: Simulation results on real-world USNET and Pan-EUR networks - A minimum cost
saving of 25% and at least crankback reduction of 82% is achieved on the USNET. On Pan-
EUR networks less path cost and crankback reduction is achievable, as with minimized crankback
settings applied, the path cost can exceed the crankback cost with a factor 2.

The USNET achieved the best path cost ratio of all simulated networks, with a lower bound
for the confidence interval of at least 37% of the path cost for crankback routing. An increase
of the average path cost of respectively 8% and 4% is noticed between cost and crankback
minimization on USNET, where on Pan-EUR networks an increase of 18% and 8% is noticed.
Looking to the confidence intervals for path cost, we can state that with switch failure pro-
tection the path cost can exceed the cost for crankback routing on USNET networks with a
factor 1.7 and even a factor 2.1 on Pan-Eur networks. Due to the high degree the switches in
the Pan-EUR network, the need for forced crankback routing is completely removed.

6-5 Conclusion on protection algorithm simulations

The protection algorithm is implemented together with the Python NetworkX module and
a large number of simulations have been performed to show intermediate results and perfor-
mance of our protection algorithm. In total, more than a million networks are simulated, on
which the protection algorithm with the extended Dijkstra algorithm is executed. A repetition
of simulations always provided equal (and desired) outcomes. In the protection algorithm a
large number of variables and parameters are present. Each parameter influences the outcome
of the simulations, therefore the choice is made to limit the simulation parameters to link or
switch failure protection, minimized cost or crankback settings and network connectivity. The
protection algorithm provides link-based protection, as in theory would be expected, but also
offers solutions for path-based protection as intermediate result. Modifications to the Dijkstra
shortest path algorithm showed that additional parameters can be used for multi-constraint
paths, where one parameter is leading. The main objective of the protection algorithm to
reduce the need for forced crankback routing is achieved. In low connected networks (M = 2),
application of crankback routing is reduced with at least 82%, while keeping average path cost
well below the cost of crankback routing. If a choice has to be made which settings to choose
for the protection algorithm, we advise switch failure protection with minimized crankback
104 Simulation results link-based protection algorithm

routing. Switch failure protection offers better protection for a marginal increase in average
path cost, while in well connected networks (M = 6 and Pan-EUR), the need for crankback
routing is completely removed. In table 6-1 we summarized the results for switch failure
protection with minimized crankback settings for all simulated networks, where CIαmin and
CIαmax are the lower and upper bound for the 95% confidence interval.

Network Solutions αcost CIαmin CIαmax β

BA-2 96395 0.7 0.39 1.255 0.915
BA-6 95023 0.725 0.406 1.301 1
ER-2 78161 0.763 0.436 1.312 0.968
ER-6 94389 0.765 0.445 1.309 1
USNET 86834 0.752 0.372 1.703 0.969
Pan-EUR 67482 0.98 0.434 2.147 1

Table 6-1: Summarized results for simulated networks

From table 6-1 we can conclude that the deviation in the confidence interval for the real-
world networks for the average path cost is greater in comparison with BA and ER random
networks. For Pan-EUR networks, the average cost for link-based path protection almost
equals the cost for crankback routing, but no forced crankback routing need to be applied. If
our protection algorithm is applied to an existing network, we advise to perform simulations
with different settings to find the most optimal setting for the required protection for that
particular network.
While the defined performance indicators do not differ much with different network connectiv-
ity or network type, the classification and how the protection algorithm discovers protection
paths, can show much variation. In Appendix E these variations are visible, where it is note-
worthy that during the discovery process, the joining of the protection path with the simple
and source switch protection path is preferred. This observation supports the choice to utilize
intermediate products from Bhandari’s algorithm to reduce the number of computations and
improve the overall performance of the protection algorithm.
Chapter 7

Experimental results fast failover

In this chapter recovery experiments are performed on our proposal from section 4-5, with the
main goal to determine recovery times on different testbeds and topologies configured with
multiple settings to enable link-based path protection on SDN networks. Section 7-1 describes
the experiments, where we give an insight on how the experiments are executed and which
problems crossed our path during scenario testing and development of required tools. Results
of baseline measurements are given in section 7-2, where section 7-3 gives measurement results
of failover recovery with application of active link monitoring by BFD. Section 7-4 compares
and analyzes measurements, where section 7-5 concludes this chapter.

7-1 Description of experiment

To determine the performance of the proposed solution in section 4-5, five steps must be

1. Topology with paths - Multiple topologies must be defined to show failover behavior in
regular and crankback conditions;

2. Liveliness monitoring - Failures must be monitored by OpenFlow switches to enable

link-based path protection by triggering Fast Failover Group Tables;

3. Generate traffic - Traffic must be generated in such a way that precise failover measure-
ments can be performed;

4. Failure initiation - Network failures must be initiated to the defined network topologies,
such that shortest paths are disturbed;

5. Measure failover times - A measurement tool is needed to determine failover times,

utilizing the generated traffic.
106 Experimental results fast failover

To execute the defined steps from above, two testbeds were available for experiments, being
the TU Delft NAS software switch based testbed and the SURFnet physical switch testbed.
The software switch testbed is built up from multiple general purpose servers enhanced with
multiple network interfaces. Each server contains a 64-bit Quad-Core Intel Xeon CPU running
at 3.0 GHz with 4 GB of memory and 6 independent Ethernet interfaces at 1 Gbps. Links
in topologies are based on physical Ethernet connections between the servers. In this way,
no additional delay is introduced during failover measurements, as no virtualization overlays
are applied (VLAN) and links are not shared with other users and applications. To realize
OpenFlow switch capabilities at the testbed, the Open vSwitch software implementation
is configured on the Linux Ubuntu 13.10 operating system. The physical testbed consists of
Pica8 P3920 switches on firmware release 2.0.4 interconnected via 10Gbps optical connections.
OpenFlow capabilities on the Pica8 switches are enabled via a modified version of Open

7-1-1 Network topologies

For the experiments we defined three topologies, on which the primary and protection paths
are configured with OpenFlow version 1.3. The first topology is a basic three switch network
to measure failover times without applied crankback routing and protection paths. Figure
7-1 shows the basic topology in a functional state, where a traffic generator (T G) transmits
data packets to the traffic capturer (T C). In the figure OpenFlow port x is indicated by
OF − x, liveliness monitoring with LM , normal Flow Tables are annotated with N , Group
Tables with GT and Fast Failover Group Tables with F F .

OF-1 OF-2
1 2 N

Functional path:
OF-2 LM S1S2S3 OF-2 LM
OF-1 OF-3 OF-1 OF-3
Traffic Generator 1 2 F 1 G Capture Traffic
1 3 F 2 T

Figure 7-1: Basic topology in functional state - The primary path between the generator and
capturer is configured over path S1 → S2 → S3 , via the Flow Rules in (Group) Tables. There
is chosen for a Group Table at switch S3 , as both the traffic from switch S1 and S2 must be
forwarded to the traffic capturer.

The Flow Tables show the forwarding rules from T G to T C. In functional operation, the
shortest path is configured as S1 → S2 → S3 . Data packets arrive at switch S1 on port
OF − 1. Switch S1 is configured with a Fast Failover Group Table. The high priority Flow
Rule of the Group Table forwards the packets to outgoing port OF − 2, thus enabling the
shortest path over S1 → S2 → S3 . After failure detection the packets must be forwarded
using the low priority Flow Rule to outgoing port OF − 3 of switch S1 . At switch S2 the
packets are forwarded to switch S3 , via a normal Flow Rule. Switch S3 has a regular Group
7-1 Description of experiment 107

Table configured, which forwards traffic from incoming ports OF − 1 and OF − 2 to outgoing
port OF − 3 . The failure scenario holds a failure on link S1 ↔ S2 , leading to the network
state given in figure 7-2.

OF-1 OF-2
1 2 N

Functional path:
OF-2 LM S1S3 OF-2 LM
OF-1 OF-3 OF-1 OF-3
Traffic Generator 1 2 F 1 G Capture Traffic
1 3 F 2 T

Figure 7-2: Basic topology in failure state - A link failure is initiated between switch S1 and S2 .
The switches monitor the failure via liveliness monitoring, where after the Fast Failover Group
Table disables the high priority Flow Rule. Traffic now redirected over path S1 → S3 .

The failure is monitored by the liveliness monitoring mechanism on one of both testbeds.
After detection, the Fast Failover Group Table on switch S1 is triggered and the high priority
Flow Rule is temporary disabled. Incoming packets are now forwarded to outgoing port
OF − 3 and the packet stream is recovered via path S1 → S3 .
With the basic topology from figure 7 − 1 and 7-2 the behavior during crankback routing can
not be monitored. Also the length for the shortest path is too limited to draw conclusions on
applicability on larger real-world topologies. Therefore we defined a ring topology, as given
in figure 7-3. Flow Rules at the Flow Tables needed for forced crankback routing are marked
with C.

1 2 N 1 2 F 1 2 N
2 1 C 1 1 F - - -
OF-2 OF-1 OF-2 OF-1

Functional path:
OF-1 OF-3 OF-1 OF-3
Traffic Generator 1 2 N 1 G Capture Traffic
2 3 C 2 T

Figure 7-3: Ring topology in functional state - The shortest path is configured as S1 → S2 →
S3 → S4 → S5 , where switch S3 is configured with a Fast Failover Group Table for path failover

To enable crankback routing, the incoming port must be set equal to the outgoing port.
During experiments we discovered that Flow Rules to enable crankback routing required
additional configuration, as Flow Rules containing the same in- and outgoing port are rejected
by default. In the OpenFlow protocol a virtual port is defined, allowing crankback routing.
108 Experimental results fast failover

The OpenFlow implementation on the Pica8 switches did not support the virtual port setting
on the Fast Failover Group Table. Therefore failover experiments on the hardware switch
testbed were only possible with the basic topology configured. To measure recovery times
in the ring topology and show the effect of crankback routing after failure initiation, a link
failure is initiated between switch S3 and S4 . The failure state of the ring topology is given
in figure 7-4.

1 2 N 1 2 F 1 2 N
2 1 C 1 1 F - - -
OF-2 OF-1 OF-2 OF-1

Functional path:
OF-1 OF-3 OF-1 OF-3
Traffic Generator 1 2 N 1 G Capture Traffic
2 3 C 2 T

Figure 7-4: Ring topology in failure state - A link failure is initiated between switch S3 and S4 ,
which triggers the Fast Failover Group Table at switch S3 . Incoming packets at port OF − 1
of switch S3 , must be cranked back via the virtual OpenFlow port to switch S1 , via switch S2 .
At switch S1 , a crankback Flow Rule is configured to forward returning packets to switch S5 via
outgoing port OF − 3.

The initiated link failure leads to crankback routing, where traffic must transverse path S1 →
S2 → S3 → S2 → S1 → S5 to reach the capture server. As a result of crankback routing,
traffic utilization on links S1 ↔ S2 and S2 ↔ S3 has doubled. During simulations, we ensured
that traffic load does not exceed 50% of the link capacity, preventing packet loss by over
To test whether link-based protection scales with network size, the failover experiments are
also executed on the real-world topology USNET, described in section 6-1-2. On this topology,
our routing scheme was also simulated and if the failover experiments succeed on this network,
by providing protection on carrier and industrial network grade, we can conclude that our
proposed solution scales with network size and is applicable to other real-world networks.
Figure 7-5 shows the configuration of the USNET topology, which is implemented on the
software switch testbed for failover experiments.
The paths over the defined topology are discovered with our protection algorithm, where link
cost is chosen unity, and link failure protection and crankback reduction settings are applied.
All paths are configured to the network, using OpenFlow configuration rules similar to the
basic and regular topologies. The link cost unity made that no forced crankback routing was
For all defined topologies we utilized the Open vSwitch command line interface to configure
the switches and install Flow Rules on the switches. On the NAS testbed, the servers are
configured with a software switch with corresponding interface bridge. Required Ethernet
interfaces are added as OpenFlow ports to the switch via Open vSwitch tool ovs-vsctl [88] to
the interface bridge. For the hardware testbed port configuration was provided by SURFnet.
7-1 Description of experiment 109


S6 S11
S2 S15 S20

S16 S21
S9 S12
S3 S22
S13 S17 S23
S5 S8
S14 S18

Figure 7-5: USNET topology for failover experiments - All switches in the topology are configured
as OpenFlow switch, where switches S19 ,S20 ,S21 , S23 and S24 are assigned as traffic generator
and S1 , S2 , S3 and S5 as traffic capturer. Each traffic generator transmits traffic to all capturers,
leading to a total of 20 shortest paths. The arrow mark the direction of traffic over the shortest
paths. Dashed links are used for protection and backup paths.

On all defined switches no OpenFlow controllers were assigned and installation of Flow Rules
was done via the Open vSwitch tool ovs-ofctl [89] and the interface bridge. All switches were
configured for OpenFlow protocol version 1.3 to enable Fast Failover Group Tables. For ease
of configuration, testing and switching between scenarios, the required configurations and
computed Flow Rules were stored in Linux script files.

7-1-2 Liveliness monitoring

The main goal of liveliness monitoring is trigger Action Buckets in the Fast Failover Group
Tables to recover primary paths in the network. For liveliness monitoring we utilize the
standard OpenFlow protocol and network modules available in Open vSwitch. Our approach
during the experiments is to keep the OpenFlow protocol and Open vSwitch implementa-
tion standardized. Required modifications and improvements are made directly to standard
modules and no extended modules are designed. From section 4-4 and figure 4-7 we learned
that liveliness monitoring can be provided by passive Loss-of-Signal detection (OpenFlow
protocol) and active link monitoring with the BFD protocol. Open vSwitch version 2.09
HEAD 5865a8a, installed on the software testbed, implemented BFD conform RFC5880 [42].
The Pica8 switches lacked active link monitoring capabilities, so liveliness monitoring for
the Action Buckets depends on Loss-of-Signal detection. During initial testing the Loss-of-
110 Experimental results fast failover

Signal detection and failover functionality on both the software and hardware testbed worked
flawlessly. Initial experiments on the software testbed with BFD monitoring showed two

• Problem 1 - BFD transmission interval - The first problem was identified in the BFD im-
plementation of Open vSwitch. BFD sessions between two OpenFlow enabled switches
could be configured and link status was monitored as expected, but the transmission
interval refused settings lower than 100 ms. To reach carrier and industrial grade recov-
ery requirements, lower transmission intervals are required. Open vSwitch documented
100 ms as minimum transmit interval [23] and hard coded this value into the C/C++
source code of bfd.c. With some simple modifications to the source code, the minimum
transmission and receive interval was set to 1 ms. Lower values are not possible due to
the definition of intervals in the source code as C/C++ integers. Any decimal number
is effectively rounded to its lower integer by this definition. Because the transmit inter-
val is integrated in the control message, converting the value to a float, is not possible
without major modifications to the Open vSwitch source code;

• Problem 2 - Open vSwitch missing status link - The second problem came up when link
failures were initialized. BFD detects the failure within millisecond order and sets the
port status to down. The Action Buckets of the Fast Failover Group Tables are not
triggered until the failure was detected by the operating system and Ethernet device via
Loss-of-Signal detection. It seemed that the monitored BFD status does not influence
the Action Bucket liveliness. A modification was made to the source code of the module
responsible for the Fast Failover Group Table (ofproto-dpif-xlate.c), so that the BFD
liveliness is also checked as part of the interface and Action Bucket liveliness.

After our solutions where implemented to the source code of Open vSwitch, the network
modules where re-compiled and installed to the software testbed. The primary paths on
the topologies could now be protected via Fast Failover Group Tables and (active) liveliness
monitoring. To show that active link monitoring is required on the defined networks, we
perform baseline failover measurements on both testbeds in the simple configuration. As
we pursue the requirements for carrier and industrial grade networks, three BFD detection
windows are defined for the experiments. The first transmission interval for the BFD protocol
is set to Ti,set = 15 ms, which leads to a predicted and theoretical failure detection time of 45
ms (Section 4-3) and wherewith a total recovery time of 50 ms (carrier grade) is achievable
. To further reduce the recovery time, the experiment is also performed with Ti,set = 5 ms.
Both previous defined experiments were successful. Using equation 4-8 from section 4-3 and
the actual round-trip-times (ping) between the switches, we determined that the minimal
configurable value for Ti,set of 1 ms will not produce false negatives, so the BFD transmission
interval is also set to it’s minimum value (Ti,set = 1 ms) to show the maximum failover
performance capable on our software switch testbed. In figure 7-6 we show a Wireshark
capture from switch S2 were monitor the BFD status between switch S2 ( and S3
( on the simple topology with Ti,set = 1 ms.
From figure 7-6 it is visible that our modification to reduce the transmission interval is suc-
cessfully implemented. Both switch S2 and S3 actively monitor the link, where BFD control
messages are transmitted by both switches with a delay of approximately 1 ms. Both monitor
the link up, as control messages are received from one another. The implementation of the
7-1 Description of experiment 111

Figure 7-6: Capture of BFD status monitoring in Wireshark - In the capture the flow of control
messages in time are visible. The transmit and receive interval for BFD are set to 1 ms and the
detection multiplier is set to M = 3.

BFD protocol in Open vSwitch functions as expected from the theory described in section
4-3. Both switches transmit additional diagnostic information with the control messages.
The diagnostic messages show the last reason for change in session state. For switch S2 the
detection windows expired, where for switch S3 the status was changed with reception of a
session down control message of S2 .

7-1-3 Traffic generation

In order to simulate network traffic over the testbeds and perform measurements to determine
the recovery time, we use the pktgen [90] packet generator available in the Linux Ubuntu
operating system. The packet generator creates packets with fixed delay, pre-determined size
and sequence numbers, resulting in an UDP data stream. Pktgen operates in kernel space
and is assigned to one of the available processing threads in the system. In the following list
the most important settings are described with emphasis on the experiments and different

• Interface Name - On the traffic generators of the defined topologies pktgen is enabled
in kernel space and a transmitting interface is coupled to a processor thread. For the
simple and ring topology, the Ethernet interface (EthX) connected to the network is
coupled with pktgen. For the USnet topology (figure 7-5), switches S19 , S20 , S21 , S23
and S24 are assigned with two duties, being an OpenFlow switching device and traffic
generator. Directly coupling pktgen to an Ethernet interface would disable failover
capabilities as the control logic of the switch is bypassed and generated packets are
directly transmitted over the outgoing port. Therefore we coupled the bridging interface
112 Experimental results fast failover

to pktgen, wherewith generated packets are transmitted into the OpenFlow switch and
the control logic provides forwarding conform configuration and installed Flow Rules;

• Packet Size - For the experiment packet size is not an important setting, but we made
sure that link utilization not exceeded 50% during experiments on the ring topology.
We configured the standard packet size of pktgen. With Wireshark we determined that
the actual frame size of a single packet is equal to 58 bytes;

• Source address - The MAC and IP address from where the traffic is generated. For
analysis and packet tracing purposes we set the source address equal to IP address
of the traffic generating server. For the experiments we configured the testbed with
an subnet. The pktgen module automatically assigns the MAC-address of the
coupled interface as source MAC address;

• Destination IP address - We used IP addresses as matching criteria in the installed

Flow Tables. In pktgen a min and max IP address can be configured, allowing traffic
generation to multiple receivers. On the simple and ring topology, the traffic generator
transmits data packets to a single destination, so we configured the min and max address
identical. For the USnet topology the assignment of multiple addresses was very useful,
as a single traffic generator could produce traffic for multiple receivers. The min and
max addresses were respectively set to (S1 ) and (S5 ). As switch S4
is no traffic capture server, generated traffic is dropped by Flow Rules at the traffic

• Destination MAC address - The MAC address was not used for packet forwarding, but
are important for our failover measurements. Our measurement tool requires a MAC
address to successfully capture traffic. For the simple and ring topology the destination
was a single traffic capturer, so the MAC address could be configured. For the USnet
topology multiple receivers were assigned, where pktgen has no capability of allowing
multiple destination MAC addresses. To solve this problem we utilize a Flow Rule to
change the destination MAC address in the packet header. With the IP address in
the packet header the destination is known. At the last forwarding switch in the path
towards the destination, with the OpenFlow option mod_dl_dst, the packet header is
changed to the actual MAC address of the traffic capture server;

• Count - Defines the number of packets to transmit. During experiments we ensured

that the number of packets to transmit a big enough for the length of the experiment;

• Delay - In pktgen the delay between packet transmissions can be configured in nanosec-
onds. Because we measure failover times in order of millisecond, a measurement accu-
racy of 0.1 ms is required. To account for rounding errors, the measurement tool must
receive packets with a delay of 0.05 ms (Tdelay ). For the simple and ring topology pktgen
is configured with this value. The USnet topology needed a different configuration, as
multiple destinations are configured. It seemed that pktgen transmits packets with the
configured delay sequentially to the destinations. In order to reach the requirement to
receive packets at all receivers with a delay of 0.05 ms, pktgen must transmit packets
with a delay of 0.01 ms. To ensure that our measurements are valid, we determined
the timing accuracy of transmitted packets with Wireshark at 0.005 ms. This value is
sufficient for the requested transmit delay of 0.01 ms;
7-1 Description of experiment 113

• Sequence Number - Although the sequence number is not a setting which is adjustable,
it is the parameter of pktgen packet which we require to determine failover times. Every
time a packet is generated, an incremental and unique sequence number is assigned to
that packet.

With the information from the list we can calculate the network load generated by pktgen.
For the simple and ring topology with Tdelay = 0.05 ms in total 20.000 packets per second
are transmitted. With 58 bytes (464 bits) per packet, the network load equals 8.9 Mbit
per second. Herewith we showed that on the ring topology the network the traffic does not
exceed the 50% capacity (500 Mbps) and that over-utilization is not in case during crankback
routing. Overall we can state that pktgen is a powerful tool, but we experienced that the
timing accuracy dropped when transmission rate is increased and that managing pktgen is
not always an easy task.

7-1-4 Failure initiation

To initiate a failure between the traffic generator and capture server, a link failure on the
primary path must be initiated. During the experiment, the pktgen UDP stream transverses
over the network in one direction (from traffic generator to capture server). By bringing
the interface administratively down via the Linux command ifdown on one of the upstream
switches, the downstream switch must detect the failure using liveliness monitoring. To ensure
the failure initiation method is valid, we performed a small experiment on the simple topology
on the software switch testbed to show that no triggers were sent from the upstream switch via
the BFD protocol to the downstream switch. Between switch S2 and S3 a BFD link monitoring
session is configured with Ti,set = 1 ms. After the session is stable and monitored up, the
interface attached to port OF-2 (figure 7-1) at switch S3 is brought administratively down.
Figure 7-7 shows the Wireshark capture taken on switch S2 were the failure is monitored by
Between packet number 2225 and 2226 (figure 7-7) a failure is initiated via the ifdown com-
mand on switch S3 . Switch S2 does not receive control messages from S3 and transmits three
control messages, being packets 2226, 2227 and 2228. After the detection multiplier expires,
the monitored status changed from UP to DOWN. From the time column in figure 7-7 it is
visible that the failure was monitored down after approximately 3 ms and furthermore we
monitored no trigger down from switch S3 . Herewith we can conclude that active liveliness
monitoring with BFD and the failure initiation method via ifdown is valid.

7-1-5 Failover measurements

To determine the recovery time, sequence numbers and the transmit delay from pktgen are
utilized. Missing sequence numbers of captured packets determine the start and recovery time
of the failure by equation 7-1, where Trecovery is the recovery time, SCap is the last captured
sequence number, SStore is the second last sequence number stored for comparison and Tdelay
is the configured packet delay between pktgen packets.

Trecovery = (SCap − SStore − 1) · Tdelay (7-1)

114 Experimental results fast failover

Figure 7-7: Capture of BFD monitoring link down in Wireshark - The failure is monitored after
the timing window expired at packet number 2229. After the link is monitored down the transmit
interval is increased to a default value of 1000 ms.

In equation 7-1 the subtraction of 1 is inserted to correct the recovery time window, as the
window is constructed by n+1 received packets. The network in functional state will not drop
packets and the recovery time equals zero. When a failure is initiated, the difference between
SCap and SStore equals the number of packets lost and the recovery time can be calculated.
To capture the data stream, we developed a real-time measurement tool. The Wireshark
capture application introduced too much latency in the capture and required results could
not be produced without additional programming. Equation 7-1 is implemented in our real-
time measurement tool. The tool is programmed with Python, where a UDP socket is defined
to capture pktgen packets with the desired IP address and UDP port number. In the early
stages we discovered that the destination MAC address is required for the socket to capture
packets on the incoming interface. The problem was solved as described in section 7-1-3. On
arrival of a UDP packet, the UDP and Ethernet encapsulation must be removed to retrieve
the pktgen sequence number. In Wireshark standardized display filters exist to retrieve bits
from received packets and show protocol information stored in the packet, as shown in figures
7-6 and 7-7. The protocol display filters do not exist in standard Python programming
language, so retrieving the sequence number was a challenging task. With information from
the Wireshark display filter for pktgen [91] and the Python module unpack, we managed to
retrieve the desired sequence numbers.
On the simple and ring topology only a single destination IP address is assigned, so the
sequence numbers at the packets to the capture server are on sequential order. Via equation 7-
1 Trecovery is calculated for each received packet. When Trecovery > 0 the observation is stored
to a log file for further analysis. Validation on the USnet topology showed that equation 7-1
needed modifications. Received packets at the traffic capture servers contained gaps of four
missing sequence numbers. This is was expected, as a single pktgen instance generates packets
to five destinations, where each generated packet contains an unique sequence number. So
7-1 Description of experiment 115

the factor SCap − SStore of equation 7-1 equals to 5. To correct this artifact, the recovery time
for the USnet topology is modified to equation 7-2.

(SCap − SStore )
Trecovery = ( − 1) · Tdelay (7-2)

7-1-6 Scenario control

All five required steps are accomplished, so failover measurements could be performed. To
execute failover measurements multiple times, a scenario server is added to the topologies.
Via Secure Shell (SSH) [92] connections the following tasks are executed.

1. Configure switches - Assigned OpenFlow switches are configured with required forward-
ing tables and liveliness monitoring via locally stored Linux scripts;

2. Start traffic generation - The pktgen module is configured and started with the required
configuration via locally stored Linux scripts;

3. Start measurement tools - The Python real-time capture tool on the Traffic Capture
server(s) is initiated;

4. Initiate failures - Failures are initiated by the scenario server via ifdown. For the simple
and ring topology a single link failure is initiated on a predefined link (figures 7-2 and
7-4). For the USnet topology randomly a link is chosen from a list of links of all
configured primary paths and brought administratively down. Failures are initiated
when the configured network is in stable condition and the liveliness mechanism is
monitoring the link up. Per topology we defined a number of repetitions;

5. Restore network - The initiated link failure is restored by bringing the corresponding
interface up via the Linux command ifup after the network is in stable condition with
activated backup and protection paths. Primary paths are restored via the priority
selection process of the Fast Failover Group Tables;

6. Store log files - Traffic generation and measurement tools are stopped after the number
of defined failover repetitions is executed. Monitored failover times are stored and
retrieved from the Traffic Capture servers for further analysis.

We performed multiple test runs to determine the optimal time window and steady period for
failure initiation and network restoration. The time window is chosen such that the packet
stream between the servers is steady for at least 10 seconds. Smaller steady periods proved
unstable with Loss-of-Signal liveliness detection. We also performed tests with longer steady
periods (30 and 60 seconds), but no differences in measurements where noticed.
116 Experimental results fast failover

7-2 Experiment - Baseline measurements

To show that active BFD link monitoring is required for path recovery at carrier grade level,
we performed five baseline measurements on the software and hardware testbeds for the simple
topology. An overview of the baseline measurements on the simple topology is given in table

Testbed Liveliness Repetitions Goal

A. TU Delft NAS None 10 Determine delay Fast Failover Group Table
B. TU Delft NAS LoS 100 Determine baseline recovery performance
B. SURFnet LoS 100 Determine baseline recovery performance
C. TU Delft NAS None 100 Determine failover delay if down
C. SURFnet None 100 Determine failover delay if down

Table 7-1: Performed scenarios on TU Delft NAS and SURFnet testbeds

The measurement for scenario A is to determine the delay of the switch failover time of
the Fast Failover Group Table. Therefore we initiated a removal of the high priority Flow
Rule via the command-line interface on the testbeds. Multiple runs (> 10) showed that the
change in the Fast Failover Group Table resulted in no loss of pktgen packets. This indicated
that a trigger to the Group Table introduces no additional processing delay. In scenario B
baseline measurements are performed with Loss-of-Signal detection by the physical layer of the
Ethernet devices to determine the baseline performance of the testbeds. Failures are initiated
as explained and repeated 100 times for analysis. Before failure initialization, the network is
stable and the packet stream is in steady state. In figure 7-8 the baseline measurements for
the TU Delft NAS testbed is given, where x̄ gives the average measured recovery time.

Figure 7-8: Baseline measurements at Open vSwitch testbed - The recovery time is measured 100
times in a period of 3000 seconds, where measured recovery time is in the order of seconds, with
an average of 4334 ms. In the samples a pattern is noticed, whose origin can not be explained.
7-2 Experiment - Baseline measurements 117

Failure detection by the physical layer via Loss-of-Signal detection and the propagation of
the failure through to the operating system and Open vSwitch results in a recovery time in
the order of seconds. An average recovery time of 4335 ms was determined after analysis.
In the captured results some minor packet loss was noticed, where a small number (< 5) of
pktgen packets was not received by the capture server. We performed extra simulations with
higher packet rates to ensure the correct functioning of the capture script. The script worked
flawlessly on higher packet rates, so the packet loss was probably introduced by processing
at the operating system or the Open vSwitch module. Another point we noticed was the
switching behavior of the OpenFlow Fast Failover Group Table on restoring the network
topology to its original state with the ifup command. The Fast Failover mechanism in the
Group Table automatically selects the outgoing port with the highest priority. On restoration
to the primary path, the high priority Flow Rule is selected as primary and we would expect
a functional state of the primary path after the switch over. In the measurements, however,
we noticed that the switch-over causes packet loss up to 2 seconds. The last observation
point is the recovery time pattern in figure 7-8. It seems that a (scheduler) process in the
Ubuntu operating system, Open vSwitch or in one of the network layers influences the recovery
time. Increasing the steady period between failure initializations and topology restoration
does not influence the pattern. Operating manuals of Ubuntu and Open vSwitch do not
provide a closing argument for this phenomenon. Identical measurements are performed on
the SURFnet hardware testbed, where figure 7-9 shows measured recovery times.

Figure 7-9: Baseline measurements at SurfNet testbed - The overall recovery time is faster in
comparison with the Open vSwitch testbed. An average recovery time of 1589 ms is determined,
with a maximum of approximately 2900 ms. No pattern is visible in the recovery samples.

The SURFnet testbed provides faster recovery times in comparison with the Open vSwitch
testbed. An average of 1589 ms is required to recover the path, which is substantially faster
than recovery with Open vSwitch. During packet capturing no packet loss is noticed, but the
phenomenon of packet loss during restoration to the primary path remains. We suspect that
the physical layer introduces this behavior, by reporting the link status up to upper-layers,
while packet transfer over the link is not yet enabled. The fact remains that the recovery time
is still in order of seconds, instead of the requested millisecond order. Results in figure 7-8 and
118 Experimental results fast failover

7-9 show that the Loss-of-Signal link monitoring is not suitable for fast recovery purposes.
For scenario C, we measured the difference between failure detection and actual recovery. On
both testbeds we brought down the interface performing the active failure detection (Switch
S1 of figure 7-1). This measurement shows possible recovery time without our modifications
to link the BFD status to the Fast Failover Group Table. The failover is initiated by the
ifdown command on both testbeds, rather than the physical layer or BFD status. Figure 7-10
show the recovery times using the ifdown command as failover trigger for scenario C.

Figure 7-10: Baseline measurements by administratively bringing outgoing interface down - The
software testbed requires on average 50.83 ms to recover the path after failure detection, while
the Pica8 switches need 2274 ms to recover the path after administratively bringing down the

The average recovery time for the SURFnet testbed is determined at 2274 ms after bringing
fast failover interface administratively down, which is actually slower than by Loss-of-Signal
detection. We suspect that the Pica8 switches disable the interface and afterward update the
administrative status of the Fast Failover Group table. On the Open vSwitch testbed the
average recovery time dropped to 50.8 ms, which is in the requested millisecond orders, but
remains to slow to recover paths in carrier-grade networks. Herewith we have shown that
administratively bringing down the interface after failure detection is not a possible solution
for fast recovery and our proposed solution to trigger the Fast Failover Group Table with
BFD status remains valid. In the next section we will show the recovery times with active
BFD monitoring enabled.

7-3 Experiments - Active link monitoring

Performance measurements for active link monitoring are only performed on the Open vSwitch
testbed, as the Pica8 switches from the SURFnet testbed does not support BFD monitoring.
In appendix A the failover requirements for carrier grade and industrial networks are given.
For carrier-grade networks a recovery time of 50 ms is required, where industrial networks
demand even fast recovery of 20 ms and below. To reach these requirements, we configured
7-3 Experiments - Active link monitoring 119

the BFD transmission intervals, as discussed in section 7-1-2, as Ti,Set ∈ (1, 5, 15) ms. In
table 7-2 an overview is given of the performed scenarios with active link monitoring on the
TU Delft NAS testbed.
Topology Liveliness Repetitions Goal
D. Simple BFD 100 Determine recovery performance simple topology
E. Ring BFD 100 Determine recovery performance ring topology
F. USnet BFD 3400 Determine recovery performance real-life network

Table 7-2: Performed scenarios to determine recovery performance on TU Delft NAS with active
link monitoring

To fully test our proposal, recovery measurements are performed at the three defined topolo-
gies. Figure 7-11 shows the recovery times for scenario D with BFD enabled and configured
to the discussed and defined transmission interval Ti,Set .

Figure 7-11: Recovery measurements on simple topology at TU Delft NAS testbed - The average
recovery time for Ti,Set ∈ (1, 5, 15) ms is respectively determined at 3.4, 15.0 and 41.8 ms.

The results are close to theoretical values with M = 3. For Ti,Set = 15 ms the average
recovery time (x̄ = 41.8 ms) is lower than expected. This phenomenon can be explained
by the introduced time jitter (equation 4-2), which lowers the transmission interval with a
maximum of 25%. For Ti,Set = 5 ms the average recovery time equals the theoretical recovery
time of 15 ms, while the average recovery time of Ti,Set = 1 ms is longer as expected. We
suspect that the large number of packets generated by pktgen, the transmission and processing
120 Experimental results fast failover

delay, and the trigger to the Fast Failover Group Table, introduce minor delays. Overall we
can state that active link monitoring by BFD reduced recovery times to millisecond order.
Due to limitations in the BFD module of Open vSwitch, we could not reduce the transmission
window below 1 ms. Enabling BFD monitoring had another positive effect on the simulations,
as during the restoration process to the primary path no packet loss was monitored. With
BFD link monitoring enabled, switching back to the primary path is delayed until BFD
confirms link status and no packets are dropped, which is an improvement over the initial
observations with the baseline measurements.
The measurements were also performed on the ring topology (scenario E). Figure 7-12 shows
the measured recovery times for the selected transmission intervals.

Figure 7-12: Recovery measurements on ring topology at TU Delft NAS testbed - The average
recovery time for Ti,Set ∈ (1, 5, 15) ms is respectively determined at 3.3, 15.4 and 45.9 ms.

The measured recovery times for Ti,Set = 1 ms and Ti,Set = 5 ms do not differ much from
scenario D, despite longer primary and backup paths, and the need for crankback routing.
For Ti,Set = 15 ms the average recovery increased with 4.1 ms to 45.9 ms. We cannot find
valid reasoning why the recovery time increased, as the network showed similar recovery times
with lower transmission intervals, which on itself require more processing at the switches.
The experiments on the real-world topology showed some problems with the settings and
parameters defined. To keep the same delay between arriving packets at the destination,
the transmit delay for pktgen must be reduced with a factor 5, resulting in 100.000 packet
transmissions per second. In the case of switch S19 , all primary path transverse over the link
to S11 . The large number of pktgen and BFD control messages lead to congestion at the
7-3 Experiments - Active link monitoring 121

Open vSwitch implementation. This resulted in wrongly monitored link status, unwanted
delay on arrival of pktgen packets and thus failed recovery measurements. BFD failing to
monitor the status is unacceptable and to overcome this problem, BFD session monitoring
must be integrated at switches hardware for high performance line-level monitoring. To reduce
the traffic load at intermediate switches, the pktgen transmission delay is configured to 0.2
ms, leading to an arrival delay of 1 ms at the destinations. This arrival delay lowers the
accuracy of the recovery measurements, therefore the number of repetitions is increased to
3400. The BFD transmission interval is set to Ti,Set = 5 ms. Figure 7-13 shows the recovery
measurements for scenario F .

Figure 7-13: Recovery measurements on USnet topology at TU Delft NAS testbed - The average
recovery time with Ti,Set = 5 ms calculated from more than 3400 samples equals 13.6 ms.

The experiment results for scenario F showed that an average recovery time of 13.6 ms is
required on the USnet topology. This is well below the theoretical failover value of 15 ms.
The most import result from this experiment is that our solution is independent from path
length and scales with real-world network sizes. There exist some performance problems with
the Open vSwitch implementation of BFD and the large number of packets to transport per
second. We believe future Ethernet SDN switches with line-level enabled BFD monitoring
can easily meet the failover requirements for carrier grade networks.
122 Experimental results fast failover

7-4 Experiment - Analysis

The results from scenario D, E and F are merged in the bar diagram of figure 7-14, where
the average recovery time for the selected transmit windows is given with the 95% confidence

Figure 7-14: Comparison between recovery times on TU Delft NAS testbed using BFD monitoring
- A marginal performance difference is noticed between topologies when BFD is configured with
Ti,Set = 1 ms. On Ti,Set = 5 ms the USnet topology shows best recovery times, but has the
highest confidence interval. On the largest transmission window the average recovery time and
the 95% confidence interval increased on the ring topology.

The bar diagram with the confidence intervals show that there is only a substantial difference
between the topologies with a larger transmission window for BFD. With the BFD transmis-
sion window set to Ti,Set = 1 ms the results are almost equal, which is remarkable as paths
on the ring topology are almost twice as long as the simple topology and crankback routing is
applied. This indicates that crankback routing does not influence recovery times negatively.
The average recovery time on the USnet topology is lowest, which is remarkable because path
lengths are longer on this topology. One would expect that if packets must transverse a longer
path, recovery would take longer. Our experiments proved otherwise and showed that our
proposal scales with path lengths and therefore with network size.
7-5 Conclusion on failover measurements 123

7-5 Conclusion on failover measurements

In this chapter we gave an description of the steps required to perform recovery experiments
on our proposal to utilize Fast Failover Group Tables and active link monitoring. We defined
three topologies on which liveliness monitoring is applied, measurement packets are generated
by the Linux module pktgen, packet are captured by our real-time measurement tool and
failures are initiated to the topology. With the topologies, multiple scenarios are configured
at the TU Delft NAS testbed with Open vSwitch switches and the SURFnet testbed with
Pica8 switches. Using the pktgen packet generator and a new developed packet capture script,
recovery times are measured with high accuracy. Baseline measurements showed that active
link monitoring by BFD is necessary for sub 50 ms recovery times, but also to prevent switch-
over side effects during restoration to the primary path. On both testbeds Loss-of-Signal
provides recovery times in order of seconds, where the hardware testbed is substantially
faster than the Open vSwitch configuration. When the switch performing the recovery is
administratively brought down, the Open vSwitch show a recovery time of 50.8 ms, which is
insufficient to protect voice connections and meet requirements on carrier grade and industrial
networks. With BFD monitoring enabled, recovery times below 50 ms are easily possible.
With the lowest transmission interval possible at this moment, a recovery time of 3.4 ± 0.8 ms
is possible. Our proposal does not only provide fast failover, it can handle crankback routing,
scales with longer paths and larger networks and all without compromising performance. This
makes our proposed solution not only usable for protection of carrier-grade networks, but
also for industrial networks with time critical applications and high demands on robustness.
At last, we saw during experiments on the USnet that the current implementation of Open
vSwitch can not handle a large amount of packets and perform link monitoring simultaneously.
This calls for purpose build Ethernet switches with active link monitoring at line level.
124 Experimental results fast failover
Chapter 8

Conclusion and future work

8-1 Conclusion

This thesis can globally be divided into three problem areas, being i.) a review into Software
Defined Networking as new networking paradigm with its strengths and weaknesses in com-
parison with current network solutions (chapter 2 and 3), ii.) the research and experiments
into path protection schemes and failure detection on common Ethernet networks in relation
with SDN (chapter 4 and 7), and iii.) the investigation and development of routing algo-
rithms that enable path protection schemes, while preserving optimal traffic flows on regular
and non-purpose designed networks (chapter 5 and 6).
In chapter 2 we discussed the basic principles of SDN, were the control layer from switching
and routing network devices is decoupled from the data plane and merged into a centralized
control logic. The centralized logic, itself controlled by an application layer, has a global view
from the network and has the capabilities to dynamically and ad-hoc control the hardware
devices for optimal traffic flows through the network. For communication between the data
plane and the control logic, the OpenFlow [1] protocol is commonly utilized. With Open-
Flow, an inflexible switching network is transformed into an adaptable network capable of
forwarding data on higher network layers. To gain insight of application areas of SDN, we
have given an overview of existing SDN research work in chapter 3, where separation is made
on scalability, robustness and security issues. To distinguish proposed solutions, we created
a graphical framework in which solution are compared easily. Due to the centralization of
the control logic, scalability issues exist on the number of hardware devices to control by a
single entity. Solutions can be found in increasing performance of the central logic [31] or
reduce the number of tasks to perform by the logic [30, 32]. To improve the security on
SDN networks, malicious data flows must be marked and handled accordingly [47, 46]. Also
generated network configurations must be checked on security flaws, before installation on
the hardware devices [49]. On robustness two problem areas can be distinguished, being the
resistance of the controller and the network itself against failures [39]. On both robustness
areas we discovered opportunities for improvement, as we were curios which improvement
SDN could bring on common IP Ethernet networks. Overall we found there is much research
126 Conclusion and future work

needed on SDN, as no optimal and integrated solution is available at time of writing of this
To increase the robustness on networks in general, path recovery mechanisms exist. These
mechanisms must detect a network failure and restore the path to retain connectivity. For
carrier-grade networks, recovery is required within 50 ms [3], where industrial network demand
recovery within 20 ms [5] and lower to not disrupt the provided network service. In chapter 4
we identified that pro-active protection schemes provides the fastest recovery, where a backup
path is configured to the network together with the primary path. Path-based protection
recovers the primary path with a complete disjoint backup path, where for link-based protec-
tion on each intermediate switch in the primary path a protection path must be configured
[37]. Path-based protection, applied in [4], has two major drawbacks, as crankback routing is
required and failure detection requires more time. A link-based protection scheme minimizes
the need for crankback routing and failure detection times. Failure detection, can be provided
by the physical layer or protocols at the datalink and network layer, such as Loss-of-Signal,
RSTP [52] and OSPF [53]. We identified that none of these protocols can reach the required
detection time in order of milliseconds. Therefore the active link monitoring protocol, avail-
able in Open vSwitch [23], BFD [42] is chosen to perform failure detection. For BFD we
derived worst case theoretical failure detection windows based on packet trip-times and path
length. In OpenFlow, one can configure Fast Failover Group Tables that monitor outgoing
ports or groups, where based on priority and monitored link status, traffic is forwarded. We
proposed to link the BFD link status to Fast Failover Group Tables for fast link-based path
recovery. In chapter 7 we implemented our proposal to three OpenFlow enabled topologies to
perform experiments on failure recovery times. The first topology was designed to measure
the failover time in its most simplistic form, where the second utilized a ring topology to en-
able longer path lengths and the effect of crankback routing on recovery times. A real-world
network, USNET [85, 86], is configured to ensure our proposal scales with path lengths and
network size. Failure recovery, based on Loss-of-Signal detection, was in the order of sec-
onds, where with active link monitoring by BFD we were able to reduce the recovery time to
3.4 ± 0.8 ms. On the ring and USNET topology, the recovery time remained equal, wherewith
we can conclude that our proposal for link-based protection is valid, scales with network size
and can cope with crankback routing. The experiments showed that with the application of
active link monitoring, cheap common Ethernet networks can reach the failover requirements
for expensive and purpose designed carrier-grade and industrial networks.
The last subject of this thesis was the investigation into algorithms that provide paths to
enable the link-based protection scheme on network topologies in chapter 5. Therefore we
defined the algorithmic problem for the link-based protection algorithm. For our problem,
we found that disjoint path algorithms provides a solid basis, as no specific topology design
is required and protection can be guaranteed with only two Dijkstra shortest path iterations.
Suurballe’s [64] and Bhandari’s [65] algorithms provide disjoint path pairs to protect paths
against link or switch failures with the MIN-SUM objective [69, 37]. The obtained path pairs
are unsuitable for link-based protection without the application of crankback routing. As
crankback routing is unwanted in a network topology and the MIN-SUM disjoint paths do
not guarantee the usage of the optimal shortest path, we developed a protection algorithm that
discovers protection paths for each intermediate switch in the shortest path. In our protection
algorithm, we combined Bhandari’s and an extended Dijkstra algorithm, such that protection
against link or switch failures is provided by next-hop disjointness, while minimizing path costs
8-2 Future Work 127

or crankback routing. The extended Dijkstra algorithm we developed, discovers protection

paths, minimizes computational overhead and prevents routing loops. Overall, our protection
algorithm solves the link-based protection algorithm problem and is applicable to regular
networks. To prove the performance of our algorithm, a large number of simulations have
been performed on random (ER-, and BA-networks [83, 84]) and real-world (USNET and
Pan-European COST239) networks. The simulated topologies represent networks, on which
our protection algorithm (and failover mechanism) can be applied. Results, in chapter 6,
showed that our protection algorithm is capable of reducing the cost of protection paths with
at least 25% in comparison with path-based protection schemes and reduces protection by
forced crankback routing with at least 80% in sparse random networks. In well connected
networks, the need for crankback routing is completely removed, while providing the required
protection. Between link and switch failure protection only a small difference is noticed on
path cost and crankback reduction. As the used link-based monitoring protocols can not
guarantee correct functioning of the switch during a link failure, we suggest switch failure
protection with minimized crankback routing as optimal setting for our protection algorithm.
Conclusive we have:

• shown the strengths and weaknesses that come with the application of SDN by providing
a graphical framework to ease the classification of SDN solutions;

• investigated failure detection methods on common Ethernet networks and concluded

that active link monitoring is required to reduce detection and failover times;

• proved that our proposal to link BFD status with the OpenFlow Fast Failover Group
Table can reduce failover times to millisecond order;

• investigated existing routing and protection algorithms and concluded that these do
not provide the capability to enable link-based protection without the application of
crankback routing;

• developed and tested a link-based protection algorithm that fulfills our problem on
failure protection and provides cost minimized protection paths and reduced the need
for crankback routing;

• have shown that the robustness of common networks can be increased to the level of
carrier-grade and industrial networks with the application of SDN.

8-2 Future Work

Although we believe SDN provides a solid foundation for future network solutions, especially
in case of increasing robustness, there is room for future work on the following subjects.

Failover behavior of OpenFlow Fast Failover Group Table

In our current implementation the monitored link status (from BFD) is linked to the Fast
Failover Group Table. Based on the priority and link status the forwarding direction is
128 Conclusion and future work

determined. In functional state this means that the primary path is selected over the backup
paths. When the outgoing link of the primary path shows jittering behavior, BFD will monitor
this, and the Fast Failover Group Table will switch over between the primary and backup
path on each monitored status change. This behavior is unwanted, as after each path failover,
connectivity is lost for a short period of time. We believe the number of switch overs must
be reduced to a minimum and an additional mechanism at the Fast Failover Group table is
required to prevent this behavior.

Reduce BFD transmission interval

During the experiments the lowest BFD transmission interval possible to configure was 1 ms.
This leads to a worse case failure detection window of 4 ms. From our latency measurements
and the theoretical model we derived, it is possible to reduce the transmission interval below 1
ms. Due to the definition of the transmission interval in the BFD protocol as integer, further
reduction on the transmission interval was not possible. Therefore we propose to redefine the
parameters within the BFD protocol and integrate line-level detection mechanisms to reduce
the transmission interval to the lowest interval possible. We expect that a failure detection
window of 1 ms lays within the boundaries of the current Ethernet network technologies.

Integration with SDN and OpenFlow controllers

Our link-based protection algorithm is implementation to a standalone Python module com-

patible with the NetworkX. To fully benefit of the available features of the algorithm, it must
be integrated to a SDN or OpenFlow controller. With actual network information and link
status parameters, traffic flows over the network can be optimized and protected with the
application of our protection algorithm.

Expand link-based protection algorithm

The current protection algorithm is dependent on a large number of parameters, which all
influence the outcome. During this thesis we decided to limit the number of parameters to
cost and crankback minimization, and link and switch failure protection. The parameter we
abandoned is the possibility to compute paths that only provide partial protection against
link and switch failures. This situation occurs when there exist no two disjoint paths between
the source and destination switch during the discovery of Bhandari’s algorithm. Although,
Bhandari’s algorithm is capable to produce partial disjoint paths, as we have shown in ap-
pendix C, we did not adapt the protection algorithm to it. To ensure correct functioning of
the protection algorithm on all network topologies and offer the best protection possible, the
algorithm must be expanded with the capabilities to cope with partial protection paths.
Appendix A

Failover requirements

The failover requirement of 50 ms in carrier-grade networks is used in this thesis as general

requirements and is set as minimum requirement. In [93] an overview is given on applications
on (industrial) networks and the desired failover times for the application to function correctly.
The applications with desired failover time is given in the following summation:

• Web surfing / Mail [3] - 4sec - No high requirements set on recovery times. Longer
recovery times are experienced as inconvenient;

• Gaming / Remote connections [3] - < 200ms - Higher delays are inconvenient. Require-
ment for gaming depends on game type;

• Video streaming / Gaming [3] - < 100ms - First Person Shooters and video-conversations
with lip synchronization;

• Audio streaming / VOIP [3] - < 150ms - Requires additional technology to smooth
audio, otherwise the requirement changes to < 50ms (carrier-grade network);

• Process Automation [5] - 200ms - Monitoring of automated processes in industrial net-


• Time critical control processes [5] - 20ms - Industrial Ethernet for bump-less recovery;

• Machine control [6] - 5 − 10ms - Direct control of machinery in industrial networks.

130 Failover requirements
Appendix B

Remove Find algorithm

The Remove Find algorithm [74] is given algorithm 8, where K is the number of requested
disjoint paths, Qk is the k-th shortest path, SA is the source switch, SB the destination switch
and N the network where within the disjoint paths are discovered.

Algorithm 8 Remove Find algorithm for K disjoint paths

1. while k < K:

2. Execute Dijkstra’s algorithm (N , SA , SB ) =⇒ Qk

3. if Qk exists:

4. Remove Qk from N

5. Set k = k + 1

6. else:

7. Stop path discovery

The overall process of algorithm 8 is straight forward. At first, Q1 is calculated between SA

and SB . If a shortest path exists, this is removed from network N , k is incremented and
simple path Q2 is calculated. The algorithm terminates when K paths are found or no simple
path in found in N .
132 Remove Find algorithm
Appendix C

Disjoint path network modifications

In this appendix Bhandari’s algorithm to find disjoint paths is discussed with the three levels
on disjoint path requirements as guideline. Depending on the requirement on disjoint level,
modifications are made to the network, forcing shortest path algorithms to find disjoint paths.
In stead of starting with the highest level, switch disjoint paths, first the easier understandable
algorithm for link and partial link disjoint paths are discussed in section C-0-1 and C-0-2.
The network modifications needed for switch and partial switch disjoint path calculation are
discussed in section C-0-3 and C-0-4. Bhandari’s algorithm uses a modified Dijkstra algorithm
to find shortest paths in the network. A description of the (modified) Dijkstra algorithm in
comparison to other shortest path algorithms are discussed in appendix D.

C-0-1 Link disjoint transformations

Bhandari’s algorithm uses the link weight and link direction modifications to the network to
find link disjoint paths. In algorithm 9, the process is given in three steps [94], where K is the
number of disjoint paths, k is the disjoint path indicator with k ≥ 1, Qk is the k th shortest
path in network N , J is the set of joint links between discovered shortest paths, l(i, j) is a
link from switch Si to Sj , QI is the path wherewith Qx intersects and Pk is the found and
constructed disjoint path.
Algorithm 9 finds disjoint paths, because the direction of earlier found paths is reversed and
links which are crossed multiple times, are stored in a temporary set and compared on path
construction. When the shortest path algorithm arrives on a switch, the next switch is chosen
based on the link weight of the outgoing links. In the second and higher iterations of the
algorithm, the shortest path algorithm can be forced to travel backwards on earlier found
shortest and simple paths, until a new link is found which leads to the destination switch. In
figure C-1 an example of the the link modification process is given for K = 2.
The process in figure C-1 illustrates four steps of the link disjoint algorithm. In the Step 1
(figure C-1A) the shortest path Q1 in N between S1 and S4 is calculated, where after the
direction of Q1 is reversed and the link weight is inverted in N (Step 2 - figure C-1B). Step
134 Disjoint path network modifications

Algorithm 9 Link modifications for K disjoint paths

Step 1 - Network modification (SA , SB , N , K)

1. while k ≤ K:

2. Execute Dijkstra’s algorithm (N , SA , SB ) =⇒ Qk

3. if Qk exists and k 6= K:

4. a. Reverse direction of links in Qk

5. b. Multiply link cost of each link in Qk with −1

6. c. Set k = k + 1

7. else:

8. Stop path discovery

Step 2 - Joint links identification

1. Find joint links J in {Q1 , ..., QK }

Step 3 - Path construction

1. If J not empty:

2. while k ≤ K:

3. Set Qx = Qk

4. while SB not reached:

5. Pop link l(i, j) from Qx

6. if link l in J:

7. Replace l(i, j) with l(i, h) from QI

8. Replace Qx with QI

9. Add link l to Pk

10. Set k = k + 1

2 S6 2 2 S6 2

1 1 1 -1 -1 -1
S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4
2 2 2 2

S5 S5
A. Step 1 – 1 SP (Q1) B. Step 2 – Transformations

2 S6 2 2 S6 2

-1 -1 -1 1 1
S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4
2 2 2 2

S5 S5
C. Step 3 – 2nd SP (Q2) D. Step 4 – Path construction

Figure C-1: Network transformation process for link disjoint paths - In figure C-1A the shortest
path (Q1 ) between S1 and S4 is found. The second step is to reverse the direction of Q1 and invert
the link weight (figure C-1B). In figure C-1C the second shortest path (Q2 ) is found using the
modified Dijkstra algorithm. During the second step of the algorithm, link S2 ↔ S3 is identified
as joint link. Disjoint path construction for P1 starts with the link S1 ↔ S2 , where the second
link (S2 ↔ S3 ) is joint between Q1 and Q2 . Therefore the next links to add for P1 are taken
from Q2 until destination is found. A similar process counts for P2 , leading to disjoint paths of
figure C-1D.

3 (figure C-1C shows the characteristic behavior of the link disjoint algorithm. At switch S1
the only option for the second shortest path Q2 is to travel to switch S3 via S6 , where at
switch S3 the path is forced to transverse link S2 ↔ S3 for the second time to reach switch
S2 , S5 and eventually the destination switch S4 . The decision made at S2 it is not to travel
to the starting switch S1 , because this switch is already in the path and a loop is prevented.
During Step 4 (figure C-1D) link S2 ↔ S3 is identified as joint link and disjoint path P1 can
be constructed from link S1 ↔ S2 . The second link from Q1 would be S2 ↔ S3 , but this is
identified as joint link with Q2 . The second link added to P1 from Q2 is S2 ↔ S5 and this
process continues until path S1 → S2 → S5 → S4 is constructed. For P2 the first two links
are added from Q2 . The third link S3 ↔ S4 is originating from Q1 , as link S3 ↔ S2 is a joint

C-0-2 Partial link disjoint transformations

A network topology does not always provide multiple links between intermediate switches,
as seen in the example topologies so far. Also, in the special case where a segment of the
network contains a path graph, link disjoint paths cannot be found. The best solution is to
find partial link disjoint paths and minimize traversed links. In [65] and [95] an addition is
made to the link disjoint algorithm (algorithm 9). The additional rule is given in algorithm
10, where the identification of joint links and the disjoint path construction process of are not
shown, because they are equal to algorithm 9.
In algorithm 10 α is defined as α = cl + , where cl is the cost of the link and  an additional
high cost. The addition of action 4a of the algorithm makes it possible to travel not only
136 Disjoint path network modifications

Algorithm 10 Link modifications for K partial link disjoint paths

Step 1 - network modification

1. while k ≤ K:

2. Execute Dijkstra’s algorithm (N , SA , SB ) =⇒ Qk

3. if Qk exists and k 6= K:

4. a. Set each link in direction of Qk with weight α

5. b. Reverse direction of links in Qk

6. c. Multiply link cost of each reversed link in Qk with


7. d. Set k = k + 1

8. else:

9. Stop path discovery

backwards over earlier found shortest and simple paths, but also forwards over a traversed
link at cost α. The additional cost  must be chosen to discourage the shortest path algorithm
to traverse this link. In [65] and [95] a suggestion for  is given as equation C-1, where M is
a constant.

=M· cl , cl ∈ N (C-1)

Small values for M will encourage the use of partial link disjoint paths. In [65] a value
of M = 4 as suggested as optimum. Figure C-2 gives an illustration of the process of the
application of algorithm 10, where the topology of figure C-1 is extended with an extra switch
(S0 ) with a single connection to the existing network.

The process in figure C-2 differs from figure C-1 in transformation method and calculating
the second shortest path (Q2 ). Because it possible to travel over an earlier found path (figure
C-2B) , two partial disjoint paths can be found. Due to high cost α, the Q2 travels from S3 to
S2 , instead of traveling directly to the destination switch S4 (figure C-2C). The construction
of P1 starts with the first link of Q1 , being S0 → S1 . This link is transversed by both Q1 and
Q2 , but is not a joint link, as the travel direction is equal. Therefore link S0 → S1 from Q1
is added to P1 . The construction process continues until joint link S3 → S2 is reached, where
link S3 → S4 is added to P1 and the destination is found via path S0 → S1 → S6 → S3 → S4 .
For P2 a similar construction process leads to path S0 → S1 → S2 → S5 → S4 . The link
modification process in Bhandari’s algorithm enables the possibility to compute link disjoint
paths and with the possibility to travel over earlier found path at a high cost, the algorithm
can find partial link disjoint paths. This will increase the network survivability on link failures,
but a switch failure can still lead failure of multiple disjoint paths.

2 S6 2 2 S6 2

-1 -1 -1 -1
1 1 1 1
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4
2 2
2 2
S5 S5
A. Step 1 – 1st SP (Q1) B. Step 2 – Transformations

2 S6 2 2 S6 2

1 1
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4
2 2 2 2

S5 S5
C. Step 3 – 2 SP (Q2) D. Step 4 – Path construction

Figure C-2: Network transformation process for partial link disjoint paths - In figure C-2A the
shortest path (Q1 ) between S0 and S4 is found with Dijkstra’s algorithm. Step 2 (figure C-2B)
illustrates the link transformations applied to N in both directions of Q1 . In C-2C the simple path
Q2 is discovered, where the link S0 ↔ S1 is used twice, despite the high cost α. The remaining
path is equal to the path found in figure C-1C. Step 4 (figure C-2D) shows the constructed partial
link disjoint paths P1 and P2 in N .

C-0-3 Switch disjoint transformations

R. Bhandari made also simplification to switch disjoint path calculation process of Suurballe’s
algorithm. The algorithm to compute switch disjoint paths is an extension to the link disjoint
path algorithm, discussed in section C-0-1. Where algorithm 9 only blocks the possibility
travel over a found path twice, it remains possible to visit the same switch for the second
time, using different links (figure 5-1B gives an example of this situation). To retain the
possibility of a second visit to a switch, R. Bhandari applies the switch splitting technique to
network and rewire incoming and outgoing links over split switches. Step 1 of the splitting
algorithm is given in algorithm 11 for K disjoint paths in network N , where Sx∗ is a cloned
switch from switch Sx . Step 3 (finding joint links) and 4 (path construction) are equal to
algorithm 9)
Actions 1 to 5 in algorithm 11 are equal to the link disjoint algorithm. Actions 6c to 9f
describe the switch splitting process. At first, switch Sx is split into switches Sx and Sx∗ ,
where after the link Sx∗ → Sx is added with cost 0. The next step is to rewire in- and
outgoing links on Sx and Sx∗ , such that arrivals from a non visited random switch in N , to a
split switch Sx , always leads to an additional travel over an earlier calculated shortest path.
From the split switch Sx∗ it is possible to travel to non-visited switches in the network. If
the outgoing links would be rewired to Sx , a path would arrive at Sx , but would also leave
from Sx . The splitting and according rewiring makes that simple paths Qk>1 contain links
and switches which do not exist in N . Therefore the paths Q2 to Qk must be translated
to replace Sx∗ with Sx . It is possible that the link Sx∗ → Sx is present in Qk , which leads
to the translation Sx → Sx . Double instances of Sx are removed to prevent calculation and
construction errors in follow up steps. Figure C-3A to C-3D illustrate the splitting process
given in algorithm 11.
As seen in figure C-3, the splitting process is more complex to execute. After link reversal
and weight modification of Q1 , the intermediate switches S2 and S3 are split to S2∗ and S3∗ and
connected via the zero cost link. The links non-directed links connected to S2 are converted
138 Disjoint path network modifications

Algorithm 11 switch modifications for K disjoint paths

Step 1 - network modification

1. while k ≤ K:

2. Execute Dijkstra’s algorithm (N , SA , SB ) =⇒ Qk

3. if Qk exists and k 6= K:

4. a. Reverse direction of links in Qk

5. b. Multiply link cost of each link in Qk with −1

6. c. Split intermediate switches (Sx 6= SA , SB ) in Qk to

{Sx , Sx∗ }

7. d. Create unidirectional link from Sx∗ to Sx with cost


8. e. Rewire incoming links from Qk on Sx to Sx∗

9. f. Rewire outgoing links from Sx to Sx∗

10. g. Set k = k + 1

11. else:

12. Stop path discovery

Step 2 - Translate paths

1. while k ≤ K:

2. a. Replace Sx∗ with Sx in Qk

3. b. Remove double instances of Sx from Qk

4. c. Set k = k + 1

S6 2
2 2 2 2

S*2 S*3
1 1 1 -1 -1 -1
S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4
2 2 2

2 2

S5 S5
A. Step 1 – 1st SP (Q1) B. Step 2 - Transformations

S6 S6
2 2 2 2

S*2 S*3
-1 -1 -1 1 1
S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4
2 2 2

2 2

S5 S5
C. Step 3 – 2nd SP (Q2) D. Step 4 – Path construction

Figure C-3: Network transformation process for switch disjoint paths - The first step is to
calculate the shortest path (Q1 ) between S1 and S4 (figure C-3A). Figure C-3B. show action
5a. to 10f. in the algorithm, where Q1 is reversed, link weights inverted, switches are split and
all incoming and outgoing links are rewired. Step 3 (figure C-3C) gives path Q2 (S1 → S6 →
S3 → S2∗ → S5 → S4 ) after the link and splitting modifications. Translation of Q2 leads to
S1 → S6 → S3 → S2 → S5 → S4 and the disjoint path are constructed (figure C-3D).

to directed links, where the reversed shortest path link S3 → S2 is rewired to S3 → S2∗ , the
non-shortest path incoming link S5 → S2 remains untouched and the outgoing link S2 → S5
is rewired to S2∗ → S5 . A similar process is executed for S3 , leading to the second shortest
path Q2 of S1 → S6 → S3 → S2∗ → S5 → S4 (figure C-3C). After translation Q2 becomes
S1 → S6 → S3 → S2 → S5 → S4 and the path construction process computes the two disjoint
paths as shown in figure C-3D.

C-0-4 Partial switch disjoint transformations

The last algorithm discussed, is the partial switch disjoint algorithm by [65]and [95]. Again,
a small addition is made to the original algorithm. As with partial link disjoint paths, the
links in the already found paths may be traveled at cost α. With this modification alone,
a path can travel to Sx , but from Sx there are no other outgoing links than already found
paths. With analogy to α for traversed links, high cost β is defined to travel from Sx to Sx∗ ,
which allows switches to be visited by multiple disjoint paths. The addition of high cost β
leads to algorithm 12. As with algorithm 10, only the modification process is given.
The value for high cost β is not given in [65]. With the following reasoning, a indication
for β can be determined. Because the resistance to travel to the split switch Sx is already
embedded in α, there seems no reason to give β a high value and β = 0 is a valid option. To
create a diversity in the partial disjoint paths, the cost to travel over switch Sx must increase
for each path that traverses it. Thus, for diversity in the partial disjoint paths, β must be in
the order size of α, which is equal to equation C-1. In figure C-4 the modification and path
computing process for algorithm 12 are illustrated for the topology used in figure C-2.
In figure 12 the extensive modifications network are visible. The partial link disjoint mod-
ifications with high cost α allow links to be used for multiple paths and the partial switch
140 Disjoint path network modifications

Algorithm 12 Switch modifications for K partial switch disjoint paths

Step 1 - network modification

1. while k ≤ K:

2. Execute Dijkstra’s algorithm (N , SA , SB ) =⇒ Qk

3. if Qk exists and k 6= K:

4. a. Set each link in direction of Qk with high cost α

5. b. Reverse direction of links in Qk

6. c. Multiply link cost of each link in Qk with −1

7. d. Split intermediate switches in Qk to {Sx , Sx∗ }

8. e. Create link from Sx∗ to Sx with cost 0

9. f. Create link from Sx to Sx∗ with high cost β

10. g. Rewire incoming links from Qk on Sx to Sx∗

11. h. Rewire outgoing links from Sx to Sx∗

12. i. Set k = k + 1

13. else:

14. Stop path calculation

2 2 2
-1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1

S0 S1 S*1 S2 S*2 S3 S*3 S4

2 2

A. Step 2 - Transformations

2 2 2

S0 S1 S*1 S2 S*2 S3 S*3 S4


2 2

B. Step 3 – 2nd SP (Q2)

Figure C-4: Network transformation process for partial switch disjoint paths - In figure 12A the
link weight modifications for partial switch disjointness are drawn. Link from Q1 are reversed, link
cost multiplied by -1 and intermediate switches are split. Between S2 and S2∗ an additional link
is added with high cost β. The high cost links α and β make it possible to transverse switches
S1 and S1∗ and find the second shortest path Q2 (figure 12B).

modification (β) allows switches to be visited multiple times by multiple paths. The second
shortest path Q2 is found as S0 → S1 → S1∗ → S6 → S3 → S2∗ → S5 → S4 , which translates to
S0 → S1 → S6 → S3 → S2 → S5 → S4 in N . Disjoint paths can be constructed as described
in subsection C-0-2. Because switches are split in in N , the length of the computed shortest
path for k > 1 increases. This indicates that a shortest path algorithm requires more time to
compute a solution.
142 Disjoint path network modifications
Appendix D

Shortest path algorithms

In this appendix the modified Dijkstra algorithm is discussed in relation to the original Dijk-
stra algorithm, in relation to other shortest path algorithms and in terms of computational
complexity. Considerations for the shortest path algorithm are given in section D-0-5. In
section D-0-6 and D-0-7 the original and modified algorithm for the Dijkstra algorithm are

D-0-5 Overview of shortest path algorithms

Algorithms for computing shortest paths in a network or graph are well studied. Three well
known algorithms in chronological order of discovery are the Bellman-Ford [67], Dijkstra
[66], and the Floyd-Warshall [96] algorithm, each with their strengths and weaknesses. From
this three basic algorithms, multiple modified versions can be found with specific aims and
purposes. For Bhandari’s disjoint path algorithm the requirements for the shortest path algo-
rithm are: i) a shortest path without loops is computed between the source and destination
switch and ii) in the shortest amount of time possible. From Bhandari’s algorithm (Appendix
C) we learned that the algorithm must handle negative link costs as result of the required
link modifications.
The Bellman-Ford algorithm discovers shortest paths from a source to every other switch in
the network in O(N · L) time, where N is the number of switches and L is the number of
links in the network. Advantages of the algorithm are found in the ability to process negative
link weights and detect negative-loop cycles in a network. Dijkstra’s original shortest path
algorithm is classified as a greedy algorithm and has a reduced complexity O(N 2 ) compared
with the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Dijkstra’s original algorithm can not handle negative link
weights nor detect negative loop cycles. The last basic shortest path algorithm from Floyd-
Warshall is categorized as an all-pairs shortest path algorithm, has a complexity of O(N 3 )
and can handle negative link weights. All observations from above are summarized in table
D − 1.
If we make the assumption that N < L, the conclusion can be drawn that Dijkstra’s algorithm
will provide minimal computational delay. Because Bhandari’s algorithm introduces negative
144 Shortest path algorithms

Algorithm Complexity Negative edges Comment

Bellman-Ford O(N · L) Yes
Dijkstra O(N 2 ) No Greedy algorithm
Floyd-Warshall O(N 3 ) Yes All-pair algorithm

Table D-1: Comparison of basic shortest path algorithms

link weights, the Bellman-Ford algorithm seem a better choice to implement in the disjoint
path algorithm, as the algorithm is also more efficient than the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. In
[97] M. Fredman and R. Tarjan proposed a modification to Dijkstra’s algorithm, so that it can
handle negative link weights and the complexity reduced to O(L + N log N ). The modified
Dijkstra’s algorithm is therefore the most optimal shortest path algorithm which complies to
the set requirements.

D-0-6 Original Dijkstra shortest path algorithm

For completeness the original Dijkstra algorithm is briefly discussed. The basic functioning
of the algorithm is based on minimizing the cost to the next switch (neighbor) locally, which
determines the greedy behavior of the algorithm. Three basic steps are defined in Dijkstra’s
algorithm, being i) initialization, where the initial costs for the source switch and all desti-
nation switches are set, ii) the selection and processing of the neighbor switch and iii) the
relaxation process, where path costs to the next hop switches are updated. For software
implementations of the algorithm, queues are commonly used, to extract switches during the
switch selection process. Algorithm 13 gives Dijkstra’s algorithm in pseudo code, where SA
is the source switch, SB is destination switch, C(Sx ) is the cost array to travel to switch Sx
from SA , w(lj→n ) is the weight of the link between two switches, Sj is the selected switch,
and U is the set of all switches in the network.
Dijkstra’s algorithm calculate the cost to travel to from source node SA to destination node
SB . In the initialization step, the cost array C with costs to travel to all switches is defined
and each value is set to infinity, except for SA , which is set to C(SA ) = 0 . Also a list of
predecessors π is defined and set to an not existing switch S−1 . During step 2 the switch with
the lowest cost is selected from cost array C. When the extracted switch is the destination
switch, the algorithm is terminated and C and π are returned. Otherwise the selected switch
is sent to the relaxation process. At the relaxation process the cost to all it’s neighbors
Sn in array C are relaxed and predecessor array π is updated, if they comply to the set
relax condition. With the list of predecessors the path from source to destination can be
As mentioned earlier, this algorithm is not suitable with negative link costs and does not
guarantee loop free paths. A negative link in the network cost will result in a continuous
relaxation loop, which will result in routing loops and no termination of the algorithm. An-
other disadvantage of this algorithm is that the path must be constructed with the use of
predecessors after the algorithm has terminated.
The running time for the algorithm can be derived as follows. In Step 2 the minimum cost
must be extracted from the array, which consists of a linear search in the array with length

Algorithm 13 Dijkstra’s original shortest path algorithm

Step 1 - Initialization

1. a. Set C(Sx ) = ∞, where Sx ∈ U

2. b. Set C(SA ) = 0

3. c. Set π(Sx ) = S−1 , where Si ∈ U

Step 2 - Switch selection

1. Extract-Min Sj such that C(Sj ) = minSx ∈U C(Sx )

2. If Sj = SB :

3. Stop algorithm and return {C, π}

4. Else:

5. Go to step 3

Step 3 - Relaxation

1. For all neighbors Sn of Sj in N :

2. if C(Sj ) + w(lj→n ) < C(Sn ):

3. a. Set C(Sn ) = C(Sj ) + w(lj→n )

4. b. Set π(Sn ) = Sj

5. c. Go to Step 2

N . The extraction process must be performed in worst case N times to visit all switches.
The switch selection requires thus O(N 2 ) time. Relaxation of the cost is performed (step 3)
with a maximum of L (number of links) times, where each relaxation computation takes O(1)
time. In total the given Dijkstra’s algorithm runs in O(N 2 + L), which is can be reduced to
the overall complexityO(N 2 ).

D-0-7 Modified Dijkstra shortest path algorithm

Three modifications are required in order to use Dijkstra’s algorithm in the disjoint path
algorithm. First, the algorithm be adapted such that negative links costs can be applied.
Second, the algorithm must directly output the shortest path, without the need for path
construction and at last the running time must be reduced. All modifications are assimilated
in algorithm 14, where C is the cost array, P is the discovered path, CP is the cost for path P ,
P ∗ is the shortest path between SA and SB , V is the set of visited nodes and Q is a priority
The first modification includes the application of a priority queue to store intermediate results.
More on the benefits of priority will be discussed later on this section. To enable negative
146 Shortest path algorithms

Algorithm 14 Dijkstra’s modified shortest path algorithm

Step 1 - Initialization

1. a. Set C(Sx ) = ∞, Sx ∈ U

2. b. Set CP (SA ) = 0 ,C(SA ) = 0

3. c. Set P = SA

4. d. Add SA to V

5. e. Insert {CP (SA ), SA , P } in Q

Step 2 - Switch selection

1. while Q is not empty:

2. Extract-Min {CP (Sj ), Sj , P } such that CP (Sj ) =

minSx ∈Q C(Sx )

3. If Sj is SB :

4. Stop algorithm and return {P ∗ , C}

5. if Sj not in V :

6. a. Add Sj to V

7. b. Go to Step 3

Step 3 - Relaxation

1. For all neighbors Sn of Sj in N :

2. if CP (Sj ) + w(lj→n ) < C(Sn ):

3. a. Set C(Sn ) = C(Sj ) + w(lj→n )

4. b. Set CP (Sn ) = CP (Sj ) + w(lj→n )

5. c. Set P = P + Sn

6. d. Insert {CP (Sn ), Sn , P } in Q

7. e. Go to Step 2

link weights, the set of visited switches V is introduced. After a switch is extracted from the
priority queue, it is relaxed and added to V . This mechanism prevents multiple iterations of
the algorithm with the same switch and negative link weights will not result in continuous
updates of the cost array. The priority queue is filled with a set containing the path discovered
so far P , its corresponding cost CP and the selected switch Sj . During the relaxation process,
the cost array C(Sn ), path cost CP (Sn ) and path P are updated, if the relaxation condition
is met. The algorithm is will terminate when the destination switch SB is extracted from Q.

As discussed earlier, the running time of Dijkstra’s algorithm can be reduced to to O(L +
N log N ). In [97] and [98] the switch selection process in the queue is optimized from a
linear array search to a priority queue, which utilizes Fibonacci and binary heaps. Instead
of storing the variables in an array, the variables are stored in a priority queue. A priority
queue represents a smart tree, where computational tasks are performed in a more efficient
way, reducing the running time and complexity. Two priority queues will be compared, being
Fibonacci and binary heaps. Fibonacci heaps provide the best optimization, where binary
heaps are easier for software implementations. In table D-2, the computation complexity for
linear arrays, Fibonacci and binary heaps are given for the selection and relaxation steps of
the modified Dijkstra algorithm.

Queue operation Operations Array Binary Fibonacci

Extract minimum N N log N log N
Insert L 1 log N 1
Total complexity O(L + N 2 ) O((N + L) log N ) O(L + N log N )

Table D-2: Complexity comparison for linear arrays and optimized heaps

The extraction complexity in binary and Fibonacci heaps equals O(log N ) , compared the
O(N ) for linear arrays. At worst case, the algorithm is iterated N times, so the heaps
complexity equals O(N · log N ). Insert variables to the priority queue requires O(1) for linear
arrays and Fibonacci heaps, where binary heaps require O(log N ). The maximum number of
insertions is in the order of the number of links L, which result in the total complexity for
Dijkstra’s algorithm as given in table D-2. Applying Fibonacci heaps for priority queues will
result in the most optimal (software) implementation for the modified Dijkstra algorithm, but
binomial heap optimization is mostly applied to heap queues in programming languages like
148 Shortest path algorithms
Appendix E

Detailed simulation results link-based

protection algorithm

In this Appendix we give the detailed breakdown of the simulation results of the link-based
protection algorithm. The results are separated within different sections, where separation is
made on network, protection and minimization setting. Parameters found in the results are
summarized in table E-1.
Classification Number Number Ratio β Cost Ratio α Cost Conf. Interval
Via shortest path QN QR Qα QCI
Via destination DN DR Dα DCI
Via backup path BN BR Bα BCI
Via crankback CN CR Cα CCI

Table E-1: Simulation result parameter description

In table E-1 the discovered protection paths are classified on how the destination is found. For
each classification the number of appearances xN , the ratio between the number of appear-
ances and the total number of discovered solutions xR , the cost ratio (equation 6-1) xα and
the cost ratio interval xCI is given. The results are presented in graphical and tabular form,
where the performance indicators are analyzed on a per hop basis. For example, QR gives
the ratio of protection paths which join with remaining shortest path Q1R and Dα gives the
path cost ratio between the average cost of the protection path discovered directly to the
destination and the cost for crankback routing C(CRSi ).
150 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-1 BA networks switch failure protection with minimized cost


Figure E-1: Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 2


1 96362 29711 0,308 0,623 [ 0.35 0.943] 7923 0,082 0,636 [ 0.372 0.956]
2 82748 15760 0,19 0,595 [ 0.348 0.933] 6393 0,077 0,604 [ 0.366 0.946]
3 59040 7341 0,124 0,585 [ 0.355 0.917] 4087 0,069 0,591 [ 0.364 0.928]
4 34244 2791 0,082 0,588 [ 0.347 0.92 ] 2064 0,06 0,592 [ 0.363 0.928]
5 16521 886 0,054 0,589 [ 0.346 0.923] 873 0,053 0,59 [ 0.355 0.918]
6 6647 230 0,035 0,579 [ 0.34 0.895] 272 0,041 0,576 [ 0.358 0.886]
7 2141 47 0,022 0,571 [ 0.335 0.832] 73 0,034 0,581 [ 0.347 0.883]
8 610 12 0,02 0,572 [ 0.305 0.856] 10 0,016 0,576 [ 0.349 0.778]
43433 0,451 0,667 [ 0.404 0.962] 15295 0,159 1 [ 1. 1.]
45615 0,551 0,654 [ 0.401 0.955] 14980 0,181 0,747 [ 0.416 1. ]
37771 0,64 0,66 [ 0.409 0.952] 9841 0,167 0,702 [ 0.408 1. ]
23899 0,698 0,667 [ 0.414 0.952] 5490 0,16 0,681 [ 0.401 1. ]
12314 0,745 0,674 [ 0.425 0.952] 2448 0,148 0,681 [ 0.409 0.977]
5086 0,765 0,68 [ 0.43 0.952] 1059 0,159 0,681 [ 0.42 0.972]
1694 0,791 0,69 [ 0.442 0.958] 327 0,153 0,688 [ 0.391 0.979]
507 0,831 0,69 [ 0.441 0.937] 81 0,133 0,69 [ 0.399 0.966]

Table E-2: Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 2

E-1 BA networks switch failure protection with minimized cost setting 151

Figure E-2: Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 6


1 94999 29071 0,306 0,648 [ 0.379 0.953] 16896 0,178 0,682 [ 0.41 0.967]
2 80976 17997 0,222 0,615 [ 0.374 0.932] 15290 0,189 0,656 [ 0.402 0.951]
3 58750 9127 0,155 0,603 [ 0.373 0.923] 10613 0,181 0,644 [ 0.398 0.951]
4 35416 3787 0,107 0,596 [ 0.37 0.91] 5830 0,165 0,643 [ 0.4 0.942]
5 17649 1272 0,072 0,59 [ 0.367 0.905] 2564 0,145 0,644 [ 0.393 0.935]
6 7260 385 0,053 0,591 [ 0.366 0.904] 915 0,126 0,646 [ 0.39 0.933]
7 2478 91 0,037 0,603 [ 0.368 0.922] 284 0,115 0,644 [ 0.403 0.939]
8 747 19 0,025 0,626 [ 0.357 0.959] 62 0,083 0,641 [ 0.402 0.901]
35363 0,372 0,686 [ 0.411 0.966] 13669 0,144 1 [ 1. 1.]
39110 0,483 0,673 [ 0.409 0.96 ] 8579 0,106 0,861 [ 0.529 1. ]
33590 0,572 0,675 [ 0.414 0.959] 5420 0,092 0,809 [ 0.5 1. ]
22756 0,643 0,683 [ 0.422 0.96 ] 3043 0,086 0,787 [ 0.5 1. ]
12360 0,7 0,691 [ 0.43 0.959] 1453 0,082 0,78 [ 0.474 0.992]
5389 0,742 0,696 [ 0.435 0.959] 571 0,079 0,77 [ 0.475 0.988]
1913 0,772 0,7 [ 0.439 0.959] 190 0,077 0,766 [ 0.477 0.958]
615 0,823 0,703 [ 0.45 0.959] 51 0,068 0,728 [ 0.435 0.983]

Table E-3: Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 6

152 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-2 ER networks switch failure protection with minimized cost set-


Figure E-3: Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 2


1 78047 20682 0,265 0,701 [ 0.426 0.968] 12990 0,166 0,724 [ 0.446 0.975]
2 68868 14481 0,21 0,664 [ 0.413 0.954] 12169 0,177 0,684 [ 0.429 0.964]
3 53100 8217 0,155 0,642 [ 0.405 0.942] 8913 0,168 0,664 [ 0.406 0.955]
4 35206 3963 0,113 0,633 [ 0.395 0.933] 5395 0,153 0,657 [ 0.406 0.948]
5 19697 1545 0,078 0,624 [ 0.396 0.91 ] 2549 0,129 0,647 [ 0.399 0.937]
6 9355 579 0,062 0,623 [ 0.39 0.902] 1037 0,111 0,639 [ 0.389 0.93 ]
7 3800 159 0,042 0,607 [ 0.387 0.889] 369 0,097 0,647 [ 0.38 0.941]
8 1331 53 0,04 0,629 [ 0.295 0.918] 110 0,083 0,633 [ 0.405 0.869]
27219 0,349 0,735 [ 0.455 0.978] 17156 0,22 1 [ 1. 1.]
31821 0,462 0,711 [ 0.442 0.972] 10397 0,151 0,878 [ 0.549 1. ]
29478 0,555 0,705 [ 0.44 0.968] 6492 0,122 0,823 [ 0.521 1. ]
22027 0,626 0,702 [ 0.438 0.965] 3821 0,109 0,792 [ 0.485 1. ]
13540 0,687 0,702 [ 0.444 0.965] 2063 0,105 0,772 [ 0.49 1. ]
6795 0,726 0,704 [ 0.442 0.96 ] 944 0,101 0,75 [ 0.475 0.987]
2844 0,748 0,705 [ 0.439 0.963] 428 0,113 0,732 [ 0.449 0.965]
1044 0,784 0,701 [ 0.434 0.962] 124 0,093 0,75 [ 0.453 0.97 ]

Table E-4: Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 2

E-2 ER networks switch failure protection with minimized cost setting 153

Figure E-4: Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 6


1 94440 23681 0,251 0,699 [ 0.433 0.964] 22023 0,233 0,727 [ 0.458 0.972]
2 80666 15993 0,198 0,663 [ 0.415 0.95 ] 19756 0,245 0,692 [ 0.44 0.964]
3 59656 8586 0,144 0,644 [ 0.412 0.932] 13910 0,233 0,676 [ 0.429 0.953]
4 37374 3928 0,105 0,635 [ 0.41 0.923] 8011 0,214 0,668 [ 0.424 0.946]
5 19555 1493 0,076 0,629 [ 0.395 0.924] 3790 0,194 0,669 [ 0.423 0.946]
6 8784 481 0,055 0,622 [ 0.402 0.882] 1476 0,168 0,661 [ 0.418 0.919]
7 3218 134 0,042 0,607 [ 0.405 0.843] 479 0,149 0,661 [ 0.407 0.94 ]
8 1030 38 0,037 0,66 [ 0.441 0.898] 126 0,122 0,671 [ 0.409 0.938]
31028 0,329 0,731 [ 0.459 0.974] 17708 0,188 1 [ 1. 1.]
34902 0,433 0,713 [ 0.448 0.97 ] 10015 0,124 0,895 [ 0.581 1. ]
31088 0,521 0,708 [ 0.441 0.968] 6072 0,102 0,838 [ 0.544 1. ]
22099 0,591 0,712 [ 0.449 0.967] 3336 0,089 0,811 [ 0.53 1. ]
12636 0,646 0,714 [ 0.447 0.967] 1636 0,084 0,794 [ 0.518 1. ]
6096 0,694 0,716 [ 0.453 0.966] 731 0,083 0,793 [ 0.519 0.988]
2370 0,736 0,718 [ 0.444 0.967] 235 0,073 0,779 [ 0.514 0.981]
792 0,769 0,723 [ 0.466 0.965] 74 0,072 0,777 [ 0.486 0.983]

Table E-5: Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 6

154 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-3 BA networks link failure protection with minimized cost setting

Figure E-5: Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 2


1 96387 42322 0,439 0,612 [ 0.336 0.94 ] 8518 0,088 0,618 [ 0.351 0.947]
2 82921 27268 0,329 0,589 [ 0.342 0.929] 8640 0,104 0,598 [ 0.358 0.93 ]
3 59456 15138 0,255 0,59 [ 0.35 0.927] 6655 0,112 0,598 [ 0.367 0.932]
4 34658 6836 0,197 0,588 [ 0.36 0.91] 4073 0,118 0,601 [ 0.374 0.917]
5 16609 2513 0,151 0,594 [ 0.366 0.908] 1934 0,116 0,606 [ 0.378 0.919]
6 6488 831 0,128 0,595 [ 0.366 0.904] 728 0,112 0,622 [ 0.366 0.928]
7 2175 239 0,11 0,604 [ 0.37 0.888] 253 0,116 0,635 [ 0.384 0.909]
8 627 50 0,08 0,582 [ 0.379 0.884] 71 0,113 0,604 [ 0.391 0.909]
32811 0,34 0,649 [ 0.391 0.953] 12736 0,132 1 [ 1. 1.]
33987 0,41 0,636 [ 0.393 0.945] 13026 0,157 0,736 [ 0.422 1. ]
29034 0,488 0,643 [ 0.4 0.943] 8629 0,145 0,688 [ 0.399 1. ]
19011 0,549 0,656 [ 0.408 0.948] 4738 0,137 0,676 [ 0.402 0.989]
9861 0,594 0,663 [ 0.415 0.952] 2301 0,139 0,665 [ 0.415 0.968]
4068 0,627 0,67 [ 0.416 0.946] 861 0,133 0,675 [ 0.407 0.969]
1390 0,639 0,673 [ 0.438 0.936] 293 0,135 0,669 [ 0.406 0.946]
410 0,654 0,677 [ 0.447 0.926] 96 0,153 0,66 [ 0.407 0.956]

Table E-6: Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 2

E-3 BA networks link failure protection with minimized cost setting 155

Figure E-6: Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 6


1 94993 39324 0,414 0,639 [ 0.367 0.95 ] 18099 0,191 0,67 [ 0.398 0.96 ]
2 81033 29638 0,366 0,611 [ 0.365 0.931] 19385 0,239 0,646 [ 0.393 0.951]
3 58848 17690 0,301 0,601 [ 0.367 0.921] 16175 0,275 0,643 [ 0.397 0.945]
4 35265 8642 0,245 0,6 [ 0.37 0.918] 10763 0,305 0,646 [ 0.403 0.941]
5 17531 3577 0,204 0,602 [ 0.376 0.918] 5768 0,329 0,651 [ 0.404 0.939]
6 7240 1241 0,171 0,604 [ 0.371 0.897] 2469 0,341 0,654 [ 0.409 0.934]
7 2550 346 0,136 0,601 [ 0.385 0.873] 942 0,369 0,662 [ 0.425 0.93 ]
8 748 87 0,116 0,6 [ 0.372 0.912] 290 0,388 0,664 [ 0.439 0.917]
26714 0,281 0,673 [ 0.403 0.962] 10856 0,114 1 [ 1. 1.]
26298 0,325 0,648 [ 0.398 0.945] 5712 0,07 0,871 [ 0.556 1. ]
21841 0,371 0,644 [ 0.397 0.942] 3142 0,053 0,816 [ 0.526 1. ]
14317 0,406 0,652 [ 0.407 0.946] 1543 0,044 0,799 [ 0.517 1. ]
7452 0,425 0,657 [ 0.413 0.94 ] 734 0,042 0,792 [ 0.51 0.989]
3269 0,452 0,665 [ 0.417 0.938] 261 0,036 0,802 [ 0.56 0.989]
1173 0,46 0,673 [ 0.427 0.927] 89 0,035 0,808 [ 0.552 0.991]
343 0,459 0,675 [ 0.419 0.908] 28 0,037 0,801 [ 0.457 0.942]

Table E-7: Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized cost - M = 6

156 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-4 ER networks link failure protection with minimized cost setting

Figure E-7: Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 2


1 78181 26429 0,338 0,694 [ 0.415 0.968] 14364 0,184 0,715 [ 0.435 0.973]
2 68984 21897 0,317 0,658 [ 0.407 0.953] 15553 0,225 0,677 [ 0.421 0.962]
3 53518 14742 0,275 0,639 [ 0.394 0.94 ] 13533 0,253 0,66 [ 0.41 0.949]
4 35422 8403 0,237 0,635 [ 0.393 0.932] 9507 0,268 0,65 [ 0.403 0.942]
5 20005 3952 0,198 0,629 [ 0.402 0.918] 5560 0,278 0,646 [ 0.407 0.936]
6 9499 1596 0,168 0,629 [ 0.401 0.916] 2720 0,286 0,645 [ 0.393 0.939]
7 3988 579 0,145 0,618 [ 0.4 0.896] 1058 0,265 0,643 [ 0.38 0.944]
8 1435 216 0,151 0,614 [ 0.392 0.901] 381 0,266 0,638 [ 0.422 0.9 ]
22377 0,286 0,722 [ 0.451 0.974] 15011 0,192 1 [ 1. 1.]
23327 0,338 0,688 [ 0.43 0.964] 8207 0,119 0,882 [ 0.558 1. ]
20360 0,38 0,676 [ 0.421 0.954] 4883 0,091 0,817 [ 0.519 1. ]
14747 0,416 0,673 [ 0.417 0.952] 2765 0,078 0,783 [ 0.494 1. ]
9028 0,451 0,675 [ 0.414 0.951] 1465 0,073 0,759 [ 0.473 0.994]
4515 0,475 0,681 [ 0.428 0.958] 668 0,07 0,747 [ 0.478 0.981]
2005 0,503 0,681 [ 0.43 0.946] 346 0,087 0,735 [ 0.476 0.979]
723 0,504 0,681 [ 0.435 0.942] 115 0,08 0,712 [ 0.409 0.955]

Table E-8: Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 2

E-4 ER networks link failure protection with minimized cost setting 157

Figure E-8: Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 6


1 94393 31323 0,332 0,693 [ 0.421 0.966] 24420 0,259 0,717 [ 0.448 0.968]
2 80524 24667 0,306 0,657 [ 0.41 0.947] 25472 0,316 0,682 [ 0.43 0.957]
3 59606 15872 0,266 0,64 [ 0.403 0.935] 21570 0,362 0,669 [ 0.425 0.946]
4 37261 8493 0,228 0,632 [ 0.405 0.924] 14614 0,392 0,667 [ 0.425 0.944]
5 19773 3806 0,192 0,63 [ 0.402 0.911] 8292 0,419 0,664 [ 0.425 0.935]
6 8779 1507 0,172 0,625 [ 0.398 0.905] 3790 0,432 0,669 [ 0.421 0.937]
7 3376 479 0,142 0,623 [ 0.379 0.899] 1521 0,451 0,669 [ 0.428 0.912]
8 1042 123 0,118 0,633 [ 0.391 0.897] 499 0,479 0,673 [ 0.449 0.928]
24413 0,259 0,718 [ 0.446 0.969] 14237 0,151 1 [ 1. 1.]
23640 0,294 0,681 [ 0.426 0.957] 6745 0,084 0,905 [ 0.597 1. ]
19001 0,319 0,672 [ 0.423 0.951] 3163 0,053 0,853 [ 0.547 1. ]
12737 0,342 0,666 [ 0.421 0.941] 1417 0,038 0,826 [ 0.539 1. ]
7080 0,358 0,668 [ 0.427 0.94 ] 595 0,03 0,82 [ 0.557 1. ]
3214 0,366 0,669 [ 0.426 0.934] 268 0,031 0,797 [ 0.545 0.981]
1286 0,381 0,675 [ 0.424 0.936] 90 0,027 0,804 [ 0.497 0.983]
399 0,383 0,664 [ 0.426 0.904] 21 0,02 0,807 [ 0.593 0.965]

Table E-9: Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized cost - M = 6

158 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-5 BA networks switch failure protection with minimized crankback


Figure E-9: Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2


1 96395 32287 0,335 0,667 [ 0.355 1.228] 8800 0,091 0,71 [ 0.369 1.409]
2 82996 16988 0,205 0,629 [ 0.351 1.173] 6969 0,084 0,659 [ 0.367 1.285]
3 59236 7712 0,13 0,611 [ 0.363 1.095] 4312 0,073 0,625 [ 0.365 1.144]
4 34593 2963 0,086 0,605 [ 0.357 1.102] 2189 0,063 0,619 [ 0.365 1.129]
5 16284 899 0,055 0,606 [ 0.353 1.027] 865 0,053 0,611 [ 0.355 1.061]
6 6460 265 0,041 0,601 [ 0.354 1.061] 265 0,041 0,6 [ 0.354 1.035]
7 2097 61 0,029 0,572 [ 0.414 0.836] 79 0,038 0,619 [ 0.411 1. ]
8 563 9 0,016 0,646 [ 0.373 1.145] 16 0,028 0,533 [ 0.353 0.85 ]
49917 0,518 0,746 [ 0.407 1.446] 5391 0,056 1 [ 1. 1.]
50766 0,612 0,713 [ 0.408 1.325] 8273 0,1 0,693 [ 0.404 1.13 ]
41376 0,698 0,704 [ 0.411 1.228] 5836 0,099 0,65 [ 0.388 1.057]
26092 0,754 0,703 [ 0.42 1.173] 3349 0,097 0,637 [ 0.391 1.015]
12890 0,792 0,706 [ 0.425 1.153] 1630 0,1 0,634 [ 0.384 1.033]
5340 0,827 0,705 [ 0.429 1.116] 590 0,091 0,641 [ 0.408 0.948]
1732 0,826 0,718 [ 0.444 1.11 ] 225 0,107 0,643 [ 0.398 0.951]
480 0,853 0,713 [ 0.452 1.055] 58 0,103 0,649 [ 0.337 1.04 ]

Table E-10: Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2

E-5 BA networks switch failure protection with minimized crankback setting 159

Figure E-10: Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6


1 95023 32227 0,339 0,702 [ 0.384 1.267] 19684 0,207 0,761 [ 0.416 1.39 ]
2 80991 19500 0,241 0,646 [ 0.374 1.134] 16677 0,206 0,702 [ 0.404 1.245]
3 58751 9709 0,165 0,622 [ 0.376 1.059] 11291 0,192 0,68 [ 0.398 1.154]
4 35554 3957 0,111 0,615 [ 0.374 1.031] 6272 0,176 0,67 [ 0.396 1.112]
5 17769 1349 0,076 0,615 [ 0.375 1.02 ] 2725 0,153 0,674 [ 0.405 1.089]
6 7366 363 0,049 0,615 [ 0.376 1.061] 969 0,132 0,665 [ 0.397 1.085]
7 2512 97 0,039 0,578 [ 0.316 0.971] 277 0,11 0,676 [ 0.411 1.108]
8 716 16 0,022 0,533 [ 0.341 0.733] 74 0,103 0,654 [ 0.382 0.975]
43111 0,454 0,794 [ 0.423 1.542] 1 0 1 [ 1. 1.]
44810 0,553 0,745 [ 0.419 1.348] 4 0 0,654 [ 0.494 0.791]
37750 0,643 0,735 [ 0.419 1.286] 1 0 0,741 [ 0.741 0.741]
25322 0,712 0,732 [ 0.426 1.229] 3 0 0,619 [ 0.426 0.76 ]
13695 0,771 0,733 [ 0.433 1.192] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
6034 0,819 0,737 [ 0.441 1.182] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
2138 0,851 0,743 [ 0.454 1.202] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
626 0,874 0,747 [ 0.452 1.129] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]

Table E-11: Switch failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6

160 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-6 ER networks switch failure protection with minimized crankback


Figure E-11: Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2


1 78161 24074 0,308 0,766 [ 0.431 1.321] 16199 0,207 0,826 [ 0.464 1.482]
2 68920 15923 0,231 0,7 [ 0.412 1.176] 13863 0,201 0,74 [ 0.43 1.288]
3 53485 9007 0,168 0,666 [ 0.403 1.106] 9663 0,181 0,699 [ 0.418 1.146]
4 35336 4426 0,125 0,646 [ 0.397 1.015] 5588 0,158 0,682 [ 0.409 1.092]
5 20018 1784 0,089 0,638 [ 0.391 1.007] 2826 0,141 0,665 [ 0.391 1.08 ]
6 9716 677 0,07 0,636 [ 0.385 0.982] 1154 0,119 0,653 [ 0.396 1.017]
7 3890 169 0,043 0,624 [ 0.386 1.031] 406 0,104 0,646 [ 0.387 0.927]
8 1451 54 0,037 0,636 [ 0.371 0.893] 129 0,089 0,634 [ 0.413 0.937]
35261 0,451 0,856 [ 0.467 1.587] 2627 0,034 1 [ 1. 1.]
37178 0,539 0,787 [ 0.449 1.38 ] 1956 0,028 0,831 [ 0.513 1.28 ]
33290 0,622 0,76 [ 0.444 1.269] 1525 0,029 0,761 [ 0.474 1.16 ]
24139 0,683 0,744 [ 0.444 1.188] 1183 0,033 0,725 [ 0.453 1.089]
14707 0,735 0,738 [ 0.445 1.155] 701 0,035 0,708 [ 0.449 1.018]
7494 0,771 0,733 [ 0.452 1.12 ] 391 0,04 0,713 [ 0.445 1.039]
3130 0,805 0,732 [ 0.45 1.114] 185 0,048 0,695 [ 0.454 0.964]
1197 0,825 0,727 [ 0.441 1.081] 71 0,049 0,691 [ 0.456 0.985]

Table E-12: Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2

E-6 ER networks switch failure protection with minimized crankback setting 161

Figure E-12: Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6


1 94389 27089 0,287 0,758 [ 0.438 1.288] 26997 0,286 0,809 [ 0.467 1.378]
2 80691 17467 0,216 0,694 [ 0.426 1.132] 22100 0,274 0,738 [ 0.444 1.227]
3 59608 9255 0,155 0,663 [ 0.411 1.067] 15367 0,258 0,706 [ 0.433 1.12 ]
4 37478 4132 0,11 0,65 [ 0.409 1.019] 8524 0,227 0,691 [ 0.426 1.071]
5 19773 1570 0,079 0,64 [ 0.396 0.978] 4040 0,204 0,682 [ 0.422 1.058]
6 8807 533 0,061 0,645 [ 0.405 0.971] 1571 0,178 0,679 [ 0.416 1.043]
7 3311 161 0,049 0,653 [ 0.417 0.984] 511 0,154 0,681 [ 0.428 1.031]
8 1100 30 0,027 0,588 [ 0.313 0.866] 181 0,165 0,688 [ 0.43 1.006]
40303 0,427 0,854 [ 0.472 1.58 ] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
41123 0,51 0,792 [ 0.454 1.377] 1 0 0,634 [ 0.634 0.634]
34986 0,587 0,771 [ 0.449 1.286] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
24822 0,662 0,763 [ 0.453 1.23 ] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
14163 0,716 0,761 [ 0.456 1.193] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
6703 0,761 0,758 [ 0.463 1.159] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
2639 0,797 0,764 [ 0.473 1.165] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
889 0,808 0,761 [ 0.465 1.127] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]

Table E-13: Switch failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6

162 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-7 BA networks link failure protection with minimized crankback


Figure E-13: Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2


1 96416 45839 0,475 0,651 [ 0.34 1.206] 9278 0,096 0,682 [ 0.363 1.344]
2 82803 29213 0,353 0,62 [ 0.344 1.143] 9065 0,109 0,637 [ 0.362 1.182]
3 59235 16054 0,271 0,607 [ 0.351 1.08 ] 6965 0,118 0,628 [ 0.368 1.121]
4 34459 7151 0,208 0,607 [ 0.362 1.045] 4187 0,122 0,625 [ 0.374 1.084]
5 16239 2655 0,163 0,61 [ 0.361 1.025] 1964 0,121 0,635 [ 0.384 1.051]
6 6420 856 0,133 0,62 [ 0.371 1.009] 789 0,123 0,635 [ 0.378 1.029]
7 2129 236 0,111 0,614 [ 0.392 0.972] 278 0,131 0,63 [ 0.395 0.948]
8 606 49 0,081 0,678 [ 0.365 1.11 ] 68 0,112 0,632 [ 0.404 1. ]
35964 0,373 0,705 [ 0.396 1.294] 5335 0,055 1 [ 1. 1.]
36212 0,437 0,675 [ 0.397 1.188] 8313 0,1 0,688 [ 0.396 1.112]
30401 0,513 0,674 [ 0.399 1.143] 5815 0,098 0,65 [ 0.389 1.045]
19886 0,577 0,678 [ 0.41 1.111] 3235 0,094 0,639 [ 0.397 1.014]
9989 0,615 0,683 [ 0.419 1.079] 1631 0,1 0,634 [ 0.402 0.974]
4160 0,648 0,689 [ 0.425 1.062] 615 0,096 0,641 [ 0.401 0.981]
1413 0,664 0,702 [ 0.443 1.07 ] 202 0,095 0,652 [ 0.381 1.014]
423 0,698 0,703 [ 0.412 1.054] 66 0,109 0,691 [ 0.491 0.949]

Table E-14: Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2

E-7 BA networks link failure protection with minimized crankback setting 163

Figure E-14: Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6

Hop Total QN QR QCavg PCI DN DR DCavg DCI

1 95002 43910 0,462 0,69 [ 0.371 1.25 ] 20966 0,221 0,748 [ 0.404 1.403]
2 81002 31505 0,389 0,638 [ 0.366 1.121] 20995 0,259 0,688 [ 0.396 1.205]
3 58904 18832 0,32 0,62 [ 0.369 1.064] 17151 0,291 0,668 [ 0.395 1.117]
4 35658 9282 0,26 0,614 [ 0.376 1. ] 11495 0,322 0,667 [ 0.398 1.078]
5 17721 3708 0,209 0,61 [ 0.38 0.986] 6177 0,349 0,669 [ 0.403 1.043]
6 7300 1286 0,176 0,621 [ 0.384 0.986] 2573 0,352 0,673 [ 0.41 1.051]
7 2544 346 0,136 0,628 [ 0.385 1. ] 975 0,383 0,678 [ 0.424 1.047]
8 734 102 0,139 0,612 [ 0.385 0.842] 288 0,392 0,685 [ 0.424 1.017]
30125 0,317 0,742 [ 0.408 1.358] 1 0 1 [ 1. 1.]
28499 0,352 0,69 [ 0.4 1.212] 3 0 0,697 [ 0.644 0.8 ]
22919 0,389 0,674 [ 0.398 1.123] 2 0 0,809 [ 0.635 0.984]
14881 0,417 0,673 [ 0.405 1.096] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
7835 0,442 0,678 [ 0.413 1.078] 1 0 0,532 [ 0.532 0.532]
3440 0,471 0,682 [ 0.408 1.058] 1 0 0,702 [ 0.702 0.702]
1223 0,481 0,687 [ 0.415 1.041] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
344 0,469 0,693 [ 0.447 1.022] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]

Table E-15: Link failure protection - BA-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6

164 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-8 ER networks link failure protection with minimized crankback


Figure E-15: Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2


1 77926 30598 0,393 0,762 [ 0.422 1.33 ] 17468 0,224 0,811 [ 0.441 1.452]
2 68676 23760 0,346 0,694 [ 0.407 1.165] 17242 0,251 0,729 [ 0.419 1.259]
3 52964 15682 0,296 0,661 [ 0.397 1.077] 14255 0,269 0,69 [ 0.412 1.135]
4 35082 8715 0,248 0,65 [ 0.399 1.033] 9914 0,283 0,671 [ 0.405 1.086]
5 19795 4119 0,208 0,639 [ 0.399 0.989] 5578 0,282 0,666 [ 0.404 1.044]
6 9458 1648 0,174 0,637 [ 0.392 0.993] 2764 0,292 0,656 [ 0.401 1.009]
7 3888 603 0,155 0,629 [ 0.387 0.951] 1113 0,286 0,656 [ 0.402 0.989]
8 1410 193 0,137 0,643 [ 0.392 0.991] 409 0,29 0,657 [ 0.403 1.019]
27237 0,35 0,811 [ 0.454 1.426] 2623 0,034 1 [ 1. 1.]
25734 0,375 0,738 [ 0.43 1.237] 1940 0,028 0,827 [ 0.508 1.289]
21554 0,407 0,711 [ 0.425 1.155] 1473 0,028 0,754 [ 0.478 1.151]
15342 0,437 0,699 [ 0.425 1.104] 1111 0,032 0,735 [ 0.439 1.112]
9352 0,472 0,695 [ 0.43 1.076] 746 0,038 0,711 [ 0.446 1.063]
4605 0,487 0,692 [ 0.423 1.057] 441 0,047 0,717 [ 0.446 1.024]
2014 0,518 0,699 [ 0.429 1.055] 158 0,041 0,712 [ 0.419 1.046]
724 0,513 0,696 [ 0.437 1.033] 84 0,06 0,695 [ 0.393 1.003]

Table E-16: Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 2

E-8 ER networks link failure protection with minimized crankback setting 165

Figure E-16: Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6


1 94459 36084 0,382 0,754 [ 0.428 1.286] 29285 0,31 0,8 [ 0.458 1.382]
2 80680 26553 0,329 0,691 [ 0.415 1.139] 28014 0,347 0,725 [ 0.435 1.2 ]
3 59338 16754 0,282 0,66 [ 0.405 1.053] 22653 0,382 0,697 [ 0.426 1.111]
4 37161 8766 0,236 0,648 [ 0.406 1.011] 15367 0,414 0,683 [ 0.425 1.046]
5 19627 3939 0,201 0,641 [ 0.405 0.986] 8390 0,427 0,681 [ 0.428 1.024]
6 8746 1519 0,174 0,645 [ 0.406 0.964] 3978 0,455 0,676 [ 0.429 0.987]
7 3349 498 0,149 0,629 [ 0.416 0.907] 1565 0,467 0,687 [ 0.441 1.013]
8 1067 141 0,132 0,637 [ 0.439 0.882] 496 0,465 0,674 [ 0.429 0.944]
29090 0,308 0,796 [ 0.453 1.392] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
26113 0,324 0,725 [ 0.433 1.202] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
19931 0,336 0,698 [ 0.426 1.112] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
13028 0,351 0,688 [ 0.426 1.064] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
7297 0,372 0,683 [ 0.425 1.035] 1 0 0,807 [ 0.807 0.807]
3249 0,371 0,678 [ 0.424 1.007] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
1286 0,384 0,691 [ 0.436 1.03 ] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
430 0,403 0,677 [ 0.439 0.975] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]

Table E-17: Link failure protection - ER-networks - minimized crankback - M = 6

166 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-9 USNET switch failure protection with minimized cost setting

Figure E-17: Switch failure protection - USNET-network - minimized cost


1 86939 17008 0.196 0.677 [ 0.395 0.965] 6652 0.077 0.667 [ 0.369 0.973]
2 68034 11467 0.169 0.623 [ 0.372 0.943] 6857 0.101 0.599 [ 0.341 0.942]
3 47972 6556 0.137 0.588 [ 0.366 0.912] 5649 0.118 0.556 [ 0.338 0.906]
4 30072 3163 0.105 0.553 [ 0.354 0.876] 3649 0.121 0.531 [ 0.328 0.894]
5 16156 1107 0.069 0.527 [ 0.35 0.83] 2076 0.128 0.505 [ 0.322 0.854]
6 7382 328 0.044 0.512 [ 0.337 0.811] 899 0.122 0.479 [ 0.325 0.793]
7 2680 68 0.025 0.523 [ 0.34 0.879] 285 0.106 0.478 [ 0.328 0.806]
8 769 15 0.02 0.53 [ 0.333 0.844] 70 0.091 0.493 [ 0.336 0.72 ]
39736 0.457 0.699 [ 0.416 0.971] 23543 0.271 1 [ 1. 1.]
38075 0.56 0.64 [ 0.378 0.96 ] 11635 0.171 0.823 [ 0.47 1. ]
29921 0.624 0.613 [ 0.367 0.951] 5846 0.122 0.716 [ 0.405 1. ]
20455 0.68 0.597 [ 0.361 0.94 ] 2805 0.093 0.644 [ 0.378 1. ]
11676 0.723 0.583 [ 0.356 0.928] 1297 0.08 0.601 [ 0.368 0.949]
5672 0.768 0.579 [ 0.356 0.919] 483 0.065 0.565 [ 0.344 0.939]
2120 0.791 0.583 [ 0.36 0.914] 207 0.077 0.536 [ 0.35 0.829]
623 0.81 0.576 [ 0.362 0.877] 61 0.079 0.531 [ 0.345 0.841]

Table E-18: Switch failure protection - USNET-network - minimized cost

E-10 Pan-EUR switch failure protection with minimized cost setting 167

E-10 Pan-EUR switch failure protection with minimized cost set-


Figure E-18: Switch failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized cost


1 67453 3256 0.048 0.703 [ 0.404 0.972] 13144 0.195 0.7 [ 0.406 0.974]
2 31981 788 0.025 0.668 [ 0.388 0.963] 5435 0.17 0.665 [ 0.385 0.973]
3 10332 128 0.012 0.629 [ 0.411 0.915] 1322 0.128 0.649 [ 0.372 0.963]
4 2208 11 0.005 0.641 [ 0.406 0.923] 205 0.093 0.62 [ 0.364 0.912]
5 326 1 0.003 0.719 [ 0.719 0.719] 24 0.074 0.617 [ 0.341 0.963]
24396 0.362 0.731 [ 0.419 0.981] 26657 0.395 1 [ 1. 1.]
14159 0.443 0.725 [ 0.41 0.981] 11599 0.363 0.864 [ 0.494 1. ]
5080 0.492 0.741 [ 0.423 0.982] 3802 0.368 0.794 [ 0.456 1. ]
1134 0.514 0.742 [ 0.433 0.977] 858 0.389 0.76 [ 0.426 1. ]
163 0.5 0.769 [ 0.393 0.986] 138 0.423 0.701 [ 0.386 0.962]

Table E-19: Switch failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized cost

168 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-11 USNET link failure protection with minimized cost setting

Figure E-19: Link failure protection - USNET-network - minimized cost


1 86832 25125 0.289 0.672 [ 0.385 0.965] 10881 0.125 0.666 [ 0.369 0.964]
2 67798 18439 0.272 0.616 [ 0.36 0.938] 12073 0.178 0.601 [ 0.357 0.94 ]
3 47765 11435 0.239 0.581 [ 0.358 0.905] 10826 0.227 0.561 [ 0.347 0.897]
4 29805 5855 0.196 0.553 [ 0.352 0.864] 7898 0.265 0.527 [ 0.336 0.847]
5 16090 2565 0.159 0.532 [ 0.352 0.833] 4624 0.287 0.507 [ 0.331 0.815]
6 7401 855 0.116 0.526 [ 0.34 0.815] 2294 0.31 0.494 [ 0.339 0.775]
7 2723 214 0.079 0.512 [ 0.347 0.806] 865 0.318 0.493 [ 0.341 0.765]
8 775 62 0.08 0.492 [ 0.363 0.722] 251 0.324 0.496 [ 0.321 0.788]
33592 0.387 0.687 [ 0.408 0.967] 17234 0.198 1 [ 1. 1.]
29903 0.441 0.617 [ 0.369 0.945] 7383 0.109 0.839 [ 0.483 1. ]
22002 0.461 0.576 [ 0.354 0.919] 3502 0.073 0.72 [ 0.404 1. ]
14401 0.483 0.559 [ 0.347 0.904] 1651 0.055 0.636 [ 0.391 1. ]
8121 0.505 0.551 [ 0.346 0.902] 780 0.048 0.584 [ 0.359 0.925]
3900 0.527 0.544 [ 0.345 0.889] 352 0.048 0.553 [ 0.345 0.884]
1479 0.543 0.547 [ 0.354 0.866] 165 0.061 0.532 [ 0.353 0.815]
407 0.525 0.559 [ 0.364 0.885] 55 0.071 0.532 [ 0.367 0.785]

Table E-20: Link failure protection - USNET-network - minimized cost

E-12 Pan-EUR link failure protection with minimized cost setting 169

E-12 Pan-EUR link failure protection with minimized cost setting

Figure E-20: Link failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized cost


1 67482 4179 0.062 0.815 [ 0.418 1.562] 17385 0.258 0.85 [ 0.417 1.721]
2 31882 965 0.03 0.76 [ 0.41 1.405] 6494 0.204 0.757 [ 0.398 1.451]
3 10302 166 0.016 0.72 [ 0.38 1.362] 1607 0.156 0.696 [ 0.368 1.248]
4 2246 14 0.006 0.595 [ 0.428 0.78 ] 252 0.112 0.662 [ 0.356 1.276]
5 341 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’] 30 0.088 0.714 [ 0.409 1.147]
17668 0.261 0.697 [ 0.4 0.972] 16859 0.249 1 [ 1. 1.]
9064 0.282 0.673 [ 0.394 0.967] 5870 0.183 0.877 [ 0.508 1. ]
3047 0.295 0.677 [ 0.395 0.962] 1586 0.154 0.814 [ 0.486 1. ]
646 0.3 0.692 [ 0.399 0.969] 324 0.15 0.758 [ 0.429 1. ]
108 0.34 0.7 [ 0.371 0.959] 43 0.135 0.759 [ 0.424 0.987]

Table E-21: Link failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized cost

170 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-13 USNET switch failure protection with minimized crankback


Figure E-21: Switch failure protection - USNET-network - minimized crankback


1 86834 19810 0.228 0.759 [ 0.392 1.44 ] 8642 0.1 0.823 [ 0.376 1.929]
2 67972 12275 0.181 0.669 [ 0.376 1.222] 7699 0.113 0.673 [ 0.349 1.4 ]
3 47821 6846 0.143 0.614 [ 0.369 1.085] 5842 0.122 0.595 [ 0.339 1.154]
4 29692 3218 0.108 0.569 [ 0.351 0.968] 3823 0.129 0.547 [ 0.335 1.01 ]
5 16124 1210 0.075 0.541 [ 0.348 0.925] 2099 0.13 0.515 [ 0.327 0.909]
6 7373 354 0.048 0.533 [ 0.355 0.892] 888 0.12 0.5 [ 0.319 0.941]
7 2760 83 0.03 0.499 [ 0.333 0.739] 296 0.107 0.492 [ 0.318 0.891]
8 805 20 0.025 0.548 [ 0.375 1.006] 71 0.088 0.477 [ 0.32 0.749]
55379 0.638 0.941 [ 0.436 2.286] 3003 0.035 1 [ 1. 1.]
46237 0.68 0.781 [ 0.385 1.771] 1761 0.026 0.838 [ 0.454 1.614]
33905 0.709 0.701 [ 0.372 1.481] 1228 0.026 0.676 [ 0.366 1.271]
21707 0.731 0.651 [ 0.36 1.287] 944 0.032 0.603 [ 0.38 1.141]
12245 0.759 0.62 [ 0.357 1.155] 570 0.035 0.559 [ 0.367 0.97 ]
5814 0.789 0.606 [ 0.356 1.093] 317 0.043 0.546 [ 0.369 0.896]
2243 0.813 0.606 [ 0.364 1.032] 138 0.05 0.526 [ 0.355 0.926]
660 0.82 0.59 [ 0.371 0.967] 54 0.067 0.502 [ 0.322 0.784]

Table E-22: Switch failure protection - USNET-network - minimized crankback

E-14 Pan-EUR switch failure protection with minimized crankback setting 171

E-14 Pan-EUR switch failure protection with minimized crankback


Figure E-22: Switch failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized crankback


1 67453 3256 0.048 0.703 [ 0.404 0.972] 13144 0.195 0.7 [ 0.406 0.974]
2 31981 788 0.025 0.668 [ 0.388 0.963] 5435 0.17 0.665 [ 0.385 0.973]
3 10332 128 0.012 0.629 [ 0.411 0.915] 1322 0.128 0.649 [ 0.372 0.963]
4 2208 11 0.005 0.641 [ 0.406 0.923] 205 0.093 0.62 [ 0.364 0.912]
5 326 1 0.003 0.719 [ 0.719 0.719] 24 0.074 0.617 [ 0.341 0.963]
45918 0.68 1.092 [ 0.456 2.5 ] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
24423 0.766 0.99 [ 0.444 1.962] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
8529 0.828 0.963 [ 0.444 1.738] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
1980 0.882 0.971 [ 0.462 1.704] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
311 0.912 0.979 [ 0.479 1.564] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]

Table E-23: Switch failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized crankback

172 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

E-15 USNET link failure protection with minimized crankback set-


Figure E-23: Link failure protection - USNET-network - minimized crankback


1 86740 29825 0.344 0.75 [ 0.39 1.405] 13875 0.16 0.825 [ 0.382 1.85 ]
2 67861 20603 0.304 0.655 [ 0.367 1.181] 13469 0.198 0.669 [ 0.353 1.403]
3 47818 12312 0.257 0.607 [ 0.362 1.071] 11454 0.24 0.59 [ 0.349 1.085]
4 29813 6315 0.212 0.566 [ 0.351 0.952] 8030 0.269 0.545 [ 0.338 0.972]
5 16000 2663 0.166 0.544 [ 0.35 0.895] 4799 0.3 0.517 [ 0.334 0.875]
6 7346 892 0.121 0.531 [ 0.351 0.873] 2324 0.316 0.505 [ 0.342 0.82 ]
7 2680 277 0.103 0.532 [ 0.37 0.919] 874 0.326 0.496 [ 0.344 0.781]
8 769 57 0.074 0.524 [ 0.353 0.811] 268 0.349 0.495 [ 0.349 0.721]
40735 0.47 0.815 [ 0.416 1.721] 2305 0.027 1 [ 1. 1.]
32622 0.481 0.686 [ 0.373 1.37 ] 1167 0.017 0.805 [ 0.472 1.489]
23027 0.482 0.623 [ 0.358 1.256] 1025 0.021 0.644 [ 0.371 1.178]
14727 0.494 0.584 [ 0.349 1.118] 741 0.025 0.589 [ 0.382 1.07 ]
8023 0.501 0.569 [ 0.346 1.074] 515 0.032 0.559 [ 0.37 0.866]
3849 0.524 0.562 [ 0.344 1.02 ] 281 0.038 0.549 [ 0.368 1.033]
1401 0.523 0.563 [ 0.357 0.973] 128 0.048 0.523 [ 0.334 0.859]
408 0.531 0.578 [ 0.338 0.96 ] 36 0.047 0.51 [ 0.35 0.699]

Table E-24: Link failure protection - USNET-network - minimized crankback

E-16 Pan-EUR link failure protection with minimized crankback setting 173

E-16 Pan-EUR link failure protection with minimized crankback


Figure E-24: Link failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized crankback


1 67885 9601 0.141 0.823 [ 0.411 1.597] 34686 0.511 0.868 [ 0.424 1.787]
2 32327 2969 0.092 0.769 [ 0.405 1.42 ] 18133 0.561 0.779 [ 0.41 1.45]
3 10473 549 0.052 0.755 [ 0.392 1.372] 6350 0.606 0.756 [ 0.415 1.327]
4 2217 67 0.03 0.758 [ 0.343 1.308] 1382 0.623 0.759 [ 0.404 1.285]
5 313 9 0.029 0.882 [ 0.452 1.606] 174 0.556 0.791 [ 0.433 1.256]
23598 0.348 0.865 [ 0.413 1.824] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
11225 0.347 0.797 [ 0.403 1.519] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
3574 0.341 0.773 [ 0.397 1.383] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
768 0.346 0.797 [ 0.392 1.395] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]
130 0.415 0.845 [ 0.401 1.385] 0 0 0 [’-’, ’-’]

Table E-25: Link failure protection - Pan-EUR-network - minimized crankback

174 Detailed simulation results link-based protection algorithm

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182 Bibliography

List of Symbols

ARP Address Recovery Protocol
AS Autonomous System
BA Barabási-Albert random network

BFD Bidirectional Forwarding Detection

BGP Border Gateway Protocol
ECMP equal-cost multipath routing

ER Erdös-Rényi random network

IP Internet Protocol
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LoS Loss of Signal
MAC Media Acces Control
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
OVS Open vSwitch
Pan-EUR Pan-European COST239 network
RF Remove Find
RPR Resilient Packet Ring
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol

RTO Re-transmission Time-Out

RTT Rount-Trip-Time
SAMCRA Self Adapting Multi Constraint Routing Algorithm
184 Glossary

SDN Software Defined Networking

SNMP Small Network Management Protocol
SSH Secure Shell
SSL Secure Socket Layer
STP Spanning Tree Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
USNET Sample US Network

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