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Management of hypothyroidism in Pregnancy with Armour

Tolulope Shonibare, John Jolly and Alia Munir

Edna Coates Diabetes and Endocrine Centre, Obstetric Unit

Pinderfields General Hospital, Wakefield, UK


Armour Thyroid is a brand of desiccated porcine extract

which is historical treatment for hypothyroidism. Its use in
present day is considered obsolete and has been
superseded since the 1960’s by Levothyroxine1.Each
grain (60mg) contains 38mcg of levothyroxine and 9mcg
of liothyronine 2. Due to limited clinical effectiveness
studies, it is not licensed for use in the united kingdom3.
We present a case of armour thyroid use in pregnancy at
the patient’s request. Fig 1: Picture of Armour thyroid, source; www.health-


A 33 year old lady was referred to our joint antenatal-

endocrine clinic at 18 weeks gestation. She was initially
diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism in 2010 with
strongly positive thyroid peroxidase antibodies six
weeks following her first pregnancy. She was then Fig 2: Armour thyroid grain, source; www.webmd.com
commenced on 125mcg of levothyroxine. Unfortunately
treatment with levothyroxine failed to abate her
symptoms of lethargy, apathy and weight gain. As Discussion
result, she commenced a self-prescription with three
grains of armour thyroid in 2011. She had a
subsequent pregnancy which ended with a miscarriage Armour thyroid is not recommended for treatment of
at six weeks gestation whilst on armour thyroid. hypothyroidism in the U.K 4. However patients are
still able to obtain prescriptions over the internet.
In her third pregnancy, she presented at booking having Other forms of desiccated thyroid extract also exist
increased her dose of armour thyroid to three and a half and there have been controversies in the literature
grains. Her TSH was suppressed throughout gestation as to whether they should be recommended for
at <0.02mU/L (0.20-4.00mU/L). Her average free T4 treatment of hypothyroidism 5,6. There are safety
was 12.4pmol/L (9.0-19.0pmol/L) and free T3 concerns regarding excessive amounts of T3
6.15pmol/L (2.5-5.7pmol/L). The entire course of relative to T4, which is inconsistent with normal
pregnancy was uneventful with normal foetal anatomy physiology. Dosing can be challenging as this is
and interval scans. She delivered a live male foetus at largely based on patients symptoms rather than on
40 weeks with an unremarkable baby check and heel laboratory values, however the potential side effects
prick screen. could mirror that of untreated hyperthyroidism 4,7. In
pregnancy, the potential risk to both mother and
fetus are unknown. Moreover compared to
Table 1 levothyroxine, it is not regarded as a pure
preparation of thyroid hormone with the possibility
. of dosage variability between batches. Our patient’s
Date TSH Free T4 Free T3 TSH was suppressed throughout pregnancy,
(0.20-4.00) (9.0-19.0) (2.5- despite being fully aware of the potential risks.
mU/L pmol/L 5.7)pmol/L Although the outcome was uneventful, this case
posed an ethico-legal challenge balancing patient
October <0.02* 12.6 4.6
expectation against recommended practice. Our
PubMed search showed no previous publications
December <0.02* 12.1 6.4* on use of Armour thyroid in pregnancy, however
2014 some cases have been described on on-line patient
forums. We do not recommend the use of Armour
January <0.02* 10.7 4.0 thyroid for treatment of hypothyroidism.
2015 .
April 2015 <0.02* 14.2 9.6* 1.
British Thyroid Association, Patient information statement on Hypothyroidism and the press 2007.
Armour thyroid and combined thyroxine/tri-iodothyronine as Thyroid Hormone replacement. A Statement from the British Thyroid Association Executive Committee,
February 2007
3. What clinical evidence is there to support the use of “Armour thyroid” or desiccated thyroid extract, UK Medicines information (UKMI) pharmacists for NHS healthcare
professionals, London Medicines information service, 2014
4 The diagnosis and management of primary hypothyroidism. Royal College of Physicians
5 J.C Lowe, Stability, Effectiveness and safety of Desiccated thyroid vs Levothryoxine: A rebuttal to the British Thyroid Association:Thyroid Science 4(3\0:C1-12,2009

Table 1; Trend of thyroid results of Armour thyroid in pregnancy 6 Hoang TD,Olsen CH,Mai VQ et al. Dessicated thyroid extract compared with levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism: a randomized double-blind, crossover
study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013;98(5) ;1982-1990
7 Baisier WV, Hertoghe J, Eeckhaut W. Thyroid Insufficiency. Is thyroxine the only valuable drug? Nutr Environ Med 1997;11:159-166

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