Household Size and Composition Around The World 2017: Data Booklet
Household Size and Composition Around The World 2017: Data Booklet
Household Size and Composition Around The World 2017: Data Booklet
Data Booklet
Household size and composition around the world 2017
Globally, average household size ranges from fewer than three persons per
household to more than six
Data source: United Nations Database of Household Size and Composition 2017.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet
been agreed upon by the parties. Final boundary between the Republic of Sudan the Republic of South Sudan has not yet been determined. A dispute exists between the
Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).
2 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
4 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
Data source: United Nations Database of Household Size and Composition 2017.
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 5
Data source: United Nations Database of Household Size and Composition 2017.
6 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
Across the 124 countries with available data, the median proportion of two-parent households is 73 per cent among households with children
under 15 years of age. The median proportion of one-parent households (among those with children) is much lower, at 21 per cent for lone-
mother households and 3 per cent for lone-father households. One-parent households are more prevalent in Africa and in Latin America and the
Caribbean, and less prevalent in Asia. Lone-father households account for more than 15 per cent of households with children in Sierra Leone,
Côte d’Ivoire and Belgium, while lone-mother households account for more than 45 per cent in Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland.
Percentage of two-parent and one-parent households among households with children under 15 years,
latest available estimates, 1990-2015
75th percentile
25th percentile
Data source: United Nations Database of Household Size and Composition 2017.
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 7
Percentage of household heads who were female, latest available estimate, 1990-2015
75th percentile
25th percentile
Data source: United Nations Database of Household Size and Composition 2017.
8 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
Female heads in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean are more
likely to be lone mothers compared to those in Europe and Northern America
The composition of households headed by women differs markedly across countries and regions. In many countries of Africa and Asia, more than
half the female household heads are parenting children under 15 years of age without a co-resident spouse or partner. Although female headship
is fairly common in Europe and Northern America (see previous page), a relatively small percentage (median around 10 per cent) are lone moth-
ers with children under 15 years of age.
Percentage of female household heads who were lone mothers with children under 15 years, latest available estimate, 1990-2015
75th percentile
25th percentile
Data source: United Nations Database of Household Size and Composition 2017.
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 9
Percentage of households that included both a child under 15 years and an older person aged 60 years or over,
latest available estimate 1990-2015
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 11
The proportion of households that includes both a child under 15 years of age and an older person aged 60 years or over, is highest in Senegal,
at 37 per cent and lowest in the Netherlands, at 0.2 per cent.
12 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Eastern Africa
Col 2-16: DHS
Burundi 4.8 6 27 32 35 27 17 72 81 18 10 2.8 70 23 5 2010
Col 2-16: DHS
Comoros 5.4 5 23 28 44 39 21 75 76 35 23 2.9 69 23 3 2012
Col 2-16: DHS
Ethiopia 4.6 8 27 32 34 26 21 65 79 25 17 2.7 71 18 5 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Kenya 3.9 19 28 30 23 32 17 67 66 19 11 2.6 59 32 4 2014
Col 2-16: DHS
Madagascar 4.7 7 27 33 33 22 15 65 80 18 12 2.8 70 21 7 2008
Col 2-16: DHS
Malawi 4.5 6 28 36 30 31 18 69 82 21 15 2.6 59 30 4 2015
Mauritius 10 41 40 9 21 27 Col 3-8: DYB 2011
Mayotte 4.1 2012
Col 2-16: DHS
Mozambique 4.4 10 31 30 29 36 16 65 77 19 12 2.7 58 33 7 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Rwanda 4.3 8 31 35 26 31 18 72 77 19 11 2.4 64 27 3 2014
Col 2 & Col 7: DYB
Seychelles 3.8 16 39 32 13 49 Col 3-6: DYB 2010
Col 2: Population
Estimation Survey
Somalia 5.9 of Somalia 2014
Col 2-16: IPUMS
South Sudan 5.9 4 16 27 53 43 13 62 85 19 15 3.3 54 33 5 2008
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 13
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 3-16: DHS
Uganda 4.7 11 22 27 40 30 17 65 79 20 14 3.3 61 28 10 2006
United Republic of Col 2-16: DHS
Tanzania 4.9 10 26 30 35 25 20 62 77 24 17 2.9 68 26 8 2015
Col 2-16: DHS
Zambia 5.1 7 21 30 41 27 17 67 82 20 13 3.1 68 27 7 2013
Col 2-16: DHS
Zimbabwe 4.1 12 31 34 23 41 20 65 73 23 15 2.4 52 32 5 2015
Middle Africa
Col 2-16: IPUMS
Cameroon 5.2 12 23 24 41 23 16 53 71 21 14 3.2 69 21 4 2005
Central African Re- Col 2-16: DHS
public 4.9 13 28 24 34 21 15 51 70 19 11 3.3 62 27 14 1994
Col 2-16: DHS
Chad 5.8 8 18 26 48 22 17 70 84 21 16 3.7 74 20 9 2014
Col 2-16: DHS
Congo 4.3 13 30 29 28 23 14 65 71 17 9 2.6 66 32 12 2011
Dem. Republic of the Col 2-16: DHS
Congo 5.3 7 21 28 44 25 16 71 82 20 13 3.3 66 28 10 2013
Equatorial Guinea 4.7 2015
Col 3-16: DHS
Gabon 4.1 22 28 23 27 30 16 65 59 19 10 2.8 51 45 13 2012
Col 3-16: DHS
Sao Tome and Principe 4.0 20 28 30 22 39 23 67 67 25 10 2.5 53 40 4 2008
14 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Northern Africa
Col 2: Survey of
Household Con-
sumption Expen-
diture and Living
Algeria 5.9 Standard 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Egypt 4.1 6 30 43 20 13 22 61 63 25 7 2.2 94 6 1 2014
Col 2: Population
and Living Condi-
Libya 5.6 tions of Libya 2006
Col 2-6: CENSUS
Col 7-16: IPUMS
Morocco 4.6 7 26 38 29 16 24 42 69 33 18 2.4 83 13 5 2004
Col 2-16: IPUMS
Sudan 5.6 5 21 27 48 27 19 61 77 25 16 3.1 67 26 3 2008
Tunisia 4.0 2014
Western Sahara
Southern Africa
Col 2: Census 2011
Col 3-16: IPUMS
Botswana 3.7 28 32 20 19 48 17 42 49 20 12 2.4 35 47 5 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Lesotho 3.3 22 37 28 14 40 35 48 60 37 22 2.1 42 29 6 2014
Col 3-16: DHS
Namibia 4.4 14 29 27 30 44 22 65 66 25 18 2.7 37 47 9 2006
Col 2-16: IPUMS
South Africa 3.2 27 35 23 15 41 20 40 46 22 10 2.0 41 41 3 2011
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 15
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2007
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Swaziland 4.7 18 25 22 36 48 18 66 66 25 19 3.0 30 53 10 DHS 2006
Western Africa
Col 2-16: DHS
Benin 5.0 10 23 30 36 23 20 66 78 24 15 3.1 70 20 11 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Burkina Faso 5.7 6 22 28 44 10 20 73 83 26 20 3.4 83 13 9 2010
Cabo Verde 4.2 2010
Col 3-16: DHS
Côte d’Ivoire 5.4 12 24 26 37 18 19 61 73 23 17 3.0 66 27 16 2011
Col 3-16: DHS
Gambia 8.2 8 13 17 62 22 25 80 82 38 34 4.5 75 36 11 2013
Ghana Col 2-16: DHS
3.5 26 30 25 18 34 19 57 60 22 12 2.4 55 32 7 2014
Col 3-16: DHS
Guinea 7.2 4 17 28 51 17 27 72 87 36 31 3.4 72 22 14 2012
Col 2-16: DHS
Liberia 5.0 10 24 29 37 35 14 75 78 22 17 2.9 58 35 14 2013
Col 2-16: DHS
Mali 5.7 3 20 31 46 9 23 76 87 27 21 3.4 85 10 6 2012
Col 2-3 & Col 7-8:
Mauritania 6.1 5 36 21 CENSUS 2013
16 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 3-16: DHS
Niger 7.1 3 20 29 48 16 23 72 89 26 22 3.7 77 17 8 2012
Col 2-16: DHS
Nigeria 4.6 16 26 26 32 19 21 56 68 24 14 3.1 76 15 9 2013
Saint Helena 26 55 16 3 Col 3-6: DYB 2008
Col 2-16: DHS
Senegal 8.3 7 11 18 64 30 29 81 84 42 37 4.5 66 45 8 2015
Col 3-16: DHS
Sierra Leone 5.6 4 16 31 49 28 20 77 88 32 28 3.1 65 28 15 2013
Col 2-16: DHS
Togo 4.6 16 26 28 30 27 19 60 72 24 17 2.9 64 26 9 2013
Eastern Asia
Col 3-6: DYB 2010
Col 7-16: IPUMS
China 3.1 15 51 28 7 15 17 24 57 28 12 1.4 84 7 3 2000
China, Hong Kong Col 2: Census 2011
SAR 2.9 17 50 30 3 36 30 Col 3-8: DYB 2011
China, Macao SAR 3.1 15 47 38 Col 2-5: DYB 2011
China, Taiwan Prov- Col 2: CENSUS
ince of China 3.4 2000
Dem. People’s Rep. of
Korea 3.9 2 33 55 10 8 12 Col 2-8: DYB 2008
Japan 2.4 32 45 19 3 24 42 Col 3-8: DYB 2010
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 17
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 3-16: IPUMS
Mongolia 3.6 6 27 40 27 17 14 56 75 20 10 2.1 77 20 4 2000
Col 3-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2010
Republic of Korea 2.5 24 46 29 2 22 25 Col 7: DYB 2005
Central Asia
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2009
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Kazakhstan 3.5 15 38 31 16 33 23 59 56 32 10 1.9 79 19 1 DHS 1999
Col 2-16: DHS
Kyrgyzstan 4.2 8 31 37 24 27 25 65 65 28 16 2.1 76 14 2 2012
Col 2-16: DHS
Tajikistan 6.3 3 12 29 57 21 24 85 82 28 22 2.8 90 12 1 2012
Col 2-16: DHS
Uzbekistan 5.2 5 19 34 42 22 25 76 76 30 18 2.6 93 8 1 1996
Southern Asia
Col 2-16: DHS
Afghanistan 8.0 0 6 17 77 2 18 94 92 27 24 4.1 97 5 1 2015
Col 2-16: DHS
Bangladesh 4.5 2 30 46 23 12 19 78 77 32 22 1.9 2014
Col 2 & Col 7:
Bhutan Living
Standards Survey
Bhutan 4.5 9 26 34 31 29 Col 3-6: DYB 2005
18 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 2-6: CENSUS
Col 7-16: IPUMS
India 4.8 4 24 42 31 12 18 41 63 26 14 2.2 89 8 1 2009
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Iran (Islamic Republic Col 7 & Col 9-16:
of) 3.5 7 45 39 8 12 20 17 52 22 3 1.6 94 4 1 IPUMS 2011
Col 3-16: DHS
Maldives 5.2 3 14 30 54 35 22 87 80 32 23 2.4 80 29 3 2009
Col 2-16: DHS
Nepal 4.4 5 31 37 27 28 19 80 73 29 20 2.2 63 34 3 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Pakistan 6.8 1 12 26 61 11 21 90 81 35 27 3.2 86 16 2 2012
Sri Lanka 3.8 2012
South-Eastern Asia
Brunei Darussalam 7 20 29 44 15 18 Col 3-8: DYB 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Cambodia 4.6 3 26 43 28 27 20 73 76 29 18 2.0 81 11 2 2014
Col 2-16: DHS
Indonesia 4.0 7 35 41 17 15 20 58 67 28 14 1.7 2012
Lao People’s Dem. Col 2-7: CENSUS
Republic 5.3 2 19 39 40 13 2015
Col 2-6: DYB 2000
Col 7-16: IPUMS
Malaysia 4.6 7 26 38 29 14 17 33 63 22 10 2.4 89 8 2 2000
Col 2-16: DHS
Myanmar 4.2 5 33 39 22 23 28 68 64 35 17 1.9 78 14 3 2015
Col 2-16: DHS
Philippines 4.7 5 26 37 32 19 22 70 70 28 15 2.3 2013
Singapore 3.3 12 39 38 11 22 23 Col 2-8: DYB 2010
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 19
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 2 & Col 7 & Col
9-16: IPUMS 2000
Col 3-6 & Col 8:
Thailand 3.7 18 45 28 9 26 25 28 55 26 12 1.6 75 15 4 DYB 2010
Col 2-16: DHS
Timor-Leste 5.8 3 16 28 53 12 23 67 83 34 24 3.2 82 9 3 2009
Col 2 & Col 7-16:
IPUMS 2009
Viet Nam 3.8 7 35 44 14 27 19 27 58 25 11 1.6 85 10 2 Col 3-6: DYB 2009
Western Asia
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Armenia 3.8 12 29 38 21 29 35 26 43 44 16 1.7 86 12 2 IPUMS 2011
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2009
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Azerbaijan 4.5 7 21 45 28 25 26 72 55 34 16 1.9 85 14 1 DHS 2006
Col 2-6: CENSUS
Bahrain 5.9 13 17 23 47 2010
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Cyprus 2.8 21 49 26 4 20 32 11 30 34 1 1.7 89 10 1 LFS 2011
Georgia 3.4 16 35 36 14 Col 2-6: DYB 2002
Col 2-16: IPUMS
Iraq 7.7 1 10 21 68 10 18 55 85 28 21 4.0 91 12 2 1997
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2008
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Israel 3.1 21 40 28 11 30 26 12 45 31 3 2.2 87 8 2 IPUMS 1995
Col 3-16: DHS
Jordan 4.8 4 23 31 41 13 23 71 65 25 6 2.7 94 5 2 2012
20 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Kuwait 5.8 2011
Col 2: National
Survey of House-
hold Living Condi-
Lebanon 4.3 tions 2004
Oman 8.0 11 19 18 52 11 14 Col 2-8: DYB 2003
Qatar 5.3 Col 2: Census 2010
Saudi Arabia 5.6 Col 2: Census 2010
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2007
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
State of Palestine 5.9 4 19 24 53 10 14 27 71 23 7 3.1 95 4 0 IPUMS 2007
Syrian Arab Republic
Col 2-16: DHS
Turkey 4.1 6 36 39 18 12 22 56 56 27 8 2.1 94 5 1 2003
United Arab Emirates
Col 2: National
Health and De-
mographic Survey
Col 3-16: DHS
Yemen 6.7 2 15 24 60 8 23 75 82 32 22 3.4 91 10 3 2013
Eastern Europe
Col 2-6: DYB 2009
Col 7-16: IPUMS
Belarus 2.4 30 50 18 2 52 34 12 27 39 4 1.4 72 25 2 2009
Col 2 & Col 7 & Col
9-16: LFS 2011
Col 3-6 & Col 8:
Bulgaria 2.3 31 49 18 3 32 40 7 18 52 3 1.4 85 12 2 DYB 2011
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 21
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 2-6: DYB 2011
Czechia 2.3 33 47 19 2 27 35 13 25 39 1 1.5 81 19 1 Col 7-16: LFS 2011
Col 2-6: DYB 2011
Hungary 2.4 32 49 17 2 29 38 11 24 44 3 1.6 80 20 2 Col 7-16: LFS 2011
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Poland 2.8 24 46 24 6 38 31 10 30 42 5 1.5 85 15 1 LFS 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Republic of Moldova 2.8 20 49 26 4 34 32 46 37 37 7 1.5 68 20 5 2005
Col 2-6: DYB 2011
Romania 2.7 26 48 21 5 28 41 16 29 44 6 1.5 89 7 2 Col 7-16: LFS 2011
Col 2-6: DYB 2010
Russian Federation 2.6 26 51 20 3 50 33 Col 7-8: DYB 2002
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Slovakia 2.9 25 41 27 6 28 33 12 27 41 4 1.5 84 14 1 LFS 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Ukraine 2.5 28 51 18 3 49 41 47 25 45 5 1.3 68 28 3 2007
Northern Europe
Channel Islands
Col 2-6: Statistics
Denmark 2.1 38 45 15 1 of Denmark 2017
Estonia 2.3 34 47 17 2 56 24 9 26 32 2 1.6 75 20 1 Col 2-16: LFS 2011
Col 2-6: CENSUS
Faeroe Islands 2.8 26 43 26 5 2011
Finland 2.1 41 44 13 2 43 37 Col 2-8: DYB 2010
Col 2-6: CENSUS
Iceland 2.6 31 41 24 4 2011
Col 2-6: DYB 2011
Ireland 2.7 24 47 25 4 56 29 12 35 32 1 1.9 78 22 3 Col 7-16: LFS 2011
22 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Isle of Man
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Latvia 2.4 34 45 17 3 69 34 10 28 44 5 1.5 71 26 3 LFS 2011
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Lithuania 2.4 32 48 19 2 56 36 11 24 39 3 1.5 70 27 3 LFS 2011
Norway 2.2 40 41 18 2 39 33 Col 2-8: DYB 2011
Col 2:Total Popula-
Sweden 2.2 tion Register 2015
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
United Kingdom 2.3 31 50 18 2 29 35 21 27 35 1 1.7 71 28 3 LFS 2011
Southern Europe
Col 2: DYB 2011
Col 3-16: DHS
Albania 3.9 6 38 40 16 16 37 64 48 46 18 1.9 86 12 1 2008
Col 2: Living Stan-
Bosnia and Herze- dards Measurement
govina 3.1 Survey 2004
Croatia 2.8 25 44 25 6 41 40 Col 2-8: DYB 2011
Gibraltar 2.7 2012
Greece 2.4 27 50 21 1 25 42 5 22 45 2 1.6 92 7 1 Col 2-16: LFS 2011
Holy See
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Italy 2.4 31 47 20 1 32 44 6 23 45 1 1.5 90 9 1 LFS 2011
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 23
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Malta 2.7 23 49 26 2 23 39 12 28 45 3 1.6 83 14 1 LFS 2011
Montenegro 3.2 18 40 33 9 24 37 Col 2-8: DYB 2011
Col 2-6: DYB 2011
Portugal 2.6 21 55 21 2 31 40 12 28 43 3 1.4 84 14 1 Col 7-16: LFS 2011
San Marino
Serbia 2.9 22 45 26 7 30 43 Col 2-8: DYB 2011
Slovenia 2.5 29 47 22 2 52 36 4 22 42 2 1.6 88 11 1 Col 2-16: LFS 2011
Col 2-6: DYB 2011
Spain 2.6 23 52 23 2 46 34 6 30 40 2 1.5 86 13 2 Col 7-16: LFS 2011
Col 2-3: CENSUS
TFYR Macedonia 3.6 10 2002
Western Europe
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Austria 2.3 36 45 16 2 38 35 7 21 38 1 1.6 86 13 1 LFS 2011
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Belgium 2.3 34 46 17 2 33 35 15 25 36 1 1.7 58 22 17 LFS 2011
France 2.3 34 47 17 2 49 35 8 25 37 1 1.7 78 21 5 Col 2-16: LFS 2011
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Germany 2.1 37 48 13 1 33 36 9 18 38 0 1.6 79 20 2 LFS 2011
Liechtenstein 2.3 34 45 20 2 36 29 Col 2-8: DYB 2010
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Luxembourg 2.4 33 43 21 3 59 29 6 28 30 1 1.7 86 12 1 LFS 2011
24 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Monaco 1.9 2008
Netherlands 2.3 35 46 18 1 52 33 5 22 34 0 1.8 86 12 2 Col 3-16: LFS 2011
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2000
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Switzerland 2.2 36 45 18 2 37 28 7 22 31 1 1.7 86 11 2 IPUMS 2000
Latin America and the
Anguilla 2.8 2011
Antigua and Barbuda 2.8 2011
Aruba 2.9 21 47 26 6 Col 2-6: DYB 2010
Bahamas 3.4 18 40 29 13 39 20 Col 2-8: DYB 2010
Col 2-7: CENSUS
Barbados 2.9 27 43 22 8 47 2010
British Virgin Islands
Caribbean Netherlands
Cayman Islands 33 46 18 4 40 13 Col 3-8: DYB 2010
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2002
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Cuba 3.2 14 49 30 7 41 29 26 46 34 11 1.4 64 27 3 IPUMS 2002
Curaçao 2.7 2011
Dominica 2.7 2011
Col 2-16: DHS
Dominican Republic 3.5 14 40 34 12 40 22 70 55 26 10 1.9 52 39 6 2013
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 25
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 2-16: DHS
Haiti 4.4 10 30 31 29 41 22 70 68 29 17 2.3 51 39 9 2012
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Jamaica 3.1 28 37 23 11 41 24 42 53 28 11 2.1 48 39 5 IPUMS 2001
Montserrat 2.0 2011
Col 2-16: IPUMS
Puerto Rico 2.7 23 50 23 3 54 37 19 31 41 3 1.7 56 38 2 2010
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Col 3-16: IPUMS
Saint Lucia 2.8 19 29 27 24 40 24 47 61 27 12 2.4 50 37 3 1991
St. Vincent and the Col 2: CENSUS
Grenadines 3.0 2012
Sint Maarten (Dutch
part) 2.6 29 46 20 4 39 Col 2-7: DYB 2011
Col 2: Census 2011
Col 3-7 & Col 9-16:
IPUMS 2011
Trinidad and Tobago 3.3 19 40 29 12 33 30 27 38 34 8 1.7 61 29 5 Col 8: DYB 2011
Turks and Caicos Col 2: CENSUS
Islands 3.0 2012
United States Virgin Col 2-3 & Col 7:
Islands 2.4 34 50 CENSUS 2010
Central America
Belize 4.1 2010
26 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Costa Rica 3.5 11 41 36 12 30 22 35 50 27 6 1.7 71 26 2 IPUMS 2011
Col 2-16: IPUMS
El Salvador 4.1 9 34 37 20 35 23 44 65 30 14 2.1 62 29 3 2007
Col 2-16: DHS
Guatemala 4.8 4 27 38 32 25 21 82 74 27 14 2.4 70 32 2 2014
Col 3-16: DHS
Honduras 3.9 7 29 38 26 28 21 78 72 26 14 2.2 64 34 4 2011
Col 2-16: IPUMS
Mexico 3.7 10 38 38 14 29 24 31 54 28 8 1.9 75 22 3 2015
Col 3-16: IPUMS
Nicaragua 5.2 5 26 36 33 30 18 52 76 23 14 2.4 71 26 3 2005
Col 2-6: CENSUS
Col 7-16: IPUMS
Panama 3.7 15 37 31 17 29 24 38 53 29 10 2.0 68 25 4 2010
South America
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2010
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Argentina 3.3 18 42 29 11 28 29 25 48 34 7 2.1 78 19 2 IPUMS 2001
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2012
Bolivia (Plurinational Col 7 & Col 9-16:
State of) 3.5 20 35 28 17 23 19 63 65 25 9 2.3 70 25 5 DHS 2008
Col 2: DYB 2010
Col 3-16: IPUMS
Brazil 3.3 12 47 32 9 39 22 20 47 27 6 1.7 74 20 3 2010
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 27
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 2-6: DYB 2002
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
IPUMS 2002
Chile 3.6 12 39 37 12 32 24 29 54 30 9 1.7 71 23 3 2002
Col 2-16: DHS
Colombia 3.5 11 42 35 12 36 28 72 52 34 11 1.7 59 41 4 2015
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2010
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Ecuador 3.8 12 36 35 16 29 21 43 60 26 9 2.0 67 25 5 IPUMS 2010
Falkland Islands
French Guiana
Col 2-16: DHS
Guyana 3.8 13 37 32 18 34 21 67 58 25 9 2.2 61 33 4 2009
Col 2-16: IPUMS
Paraguay 4.6 8 27 33 31 26 19 41 69 25 12 2.5 74 20 2 2002
Col 2-16: DHS
Peru 3.8 13 35 36 16 26 26 68 58 31 10 1.9 72 27 3 2012
Suriname 3.9 15 33 32 20 31 22 Col 2-8: DYB 2004
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Uruguay 2.8 23 48 23 6 48 33 14 36 39 5 1.7 73 23 2 IPUMS 2011
Venezuela (Bolivarian Col 3-16: IPUMS
Republic of) 3.3 8 29 37 26 29 18 46 67 24 11 2.1 70 24 4 2001
Northern America
Bermuda 2.3 29 46 18 2 51 28 Col 2-8: DYB 2010
28 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Col 3-6 & Col 8:
DYB 2011
Col 7 & Col 9-16:
Canada 2.3 28 50 20 3 39 32 10 25 35 2 1.7 78 17 3 IPUMS 2011
St. Pierre and Mique-
Col 2-6: DYB 2010
United States of Col 7-16: IPUMS
America 2.6 27 49 20 5 47 30 13 29 34 2 1.8 69 24 4 2010
Australia/New Zealand
Australia 2.5 24 50 22 3 42 31 Col 2-8: DYB 2011
New Zealand 2.7 22 51 22 5 56 27 Col 2-8: DYB 2006
Col 3-16: IPUMS
Fiji 4.8 6 27 35 32 15 17 43 64 27 16 2.2 75 17 6 2007
New Caledonia 17 39 28 16 Col 3-6: DYB 2004
Papua New Guinea 5.3 2011
Col 2-6: CENSUS
Solomon Islands 5.5 4 19 31 46 2009
Col 2-7: CENSUS
Vanuatu 4.8 6 25 34 35 21 2009
Col 2-3 & Col 7:
Guam 3.7 15 33 CENSUS 2010
Kiribati 6.0 2015
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 29
size Distribution of
(number households by number of Female Households with children Households with children
of members Headship headship or older persons under age 15
members) (%)i (%) (%) (%) (%)
With both Average
Female head children number of
who is lone With under age children One One
Older parent with childen With 15 and under age Two parent parent
person children under age members members 15 (number parents present present
Country or area Total 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 6+ Female (60+) under age 15 15 aged 60+ aged 60+ of children) present (mother) (father)ii
ii ii
Data sourcesiii
Col (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Marshall Islands 6.9 2011
Micronesia (Fed. States Col 2: CENSUS
of) 6.0 2010
Col 2-7: CENSUS
Nauru 6.0 6 21 25 48 34 2011
Northern Mariana Col 2-3 & Col 7:
Islands 3.3 22 34 CENSUS 2010
Palau 17 32 29 21 Col 3-6: DYB 2005
Col 2-3 & Col 7:
American Samoa 5.6 7 25 CENSUS 2010
Cook Islands 18 39 27 16 Col 3-6: DYB 2011
French Polynesia 13 39 30 18 Col 3-6: DYB 2007
Col 2-6: CENSUS
Niue 3.1 21 43 24 12 2011
Col 2-6 & Col 8:
Tokelau 5.2 8 25 23 44 29 DYB 2011
Col 2-7: CENSUS
Tonga 5.7 6 20 26 47 23 2011
Tuvalu 6.0 2002
Wallis and Futuna
Table Notes:
(i) Columns (3), (4), (5) and (6) do not add up to 100 for a few countries due to the incomplete reporting in the censuses.
(ii) These categories are not mutually exclusive since the children in a given household may have different situations with respect to the presence of their parents in the home. Therefore, columns
14, 15 and 16 do not add up to 100.
(iii) DHS indicates Demographic and Health Surveys; DYB indicates Demographic Yearbook of the United Nations; IPUMS indicates Integrated Public Use Microdata Sample and LFS indicates
European Union Labour Force Survey.
30 Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017
Col 2: Average household size is the average number of persons per culated by dividing the number of households with at least one member
household. At the aggregate national level, it is calculated by dividing the aged 60 years or over by the total number of households.
total household population by the number of households in a given country
or area. Col 12: Households with children under 15 and members aged 60+ is the
percentage of households with at least one member aged under 15 years
Cols 3-6: Distribution of households by number of members is repre- and at least one member aged 60 years or over. It is calculated by dividing
sented by the percentage of households with a certain number of members the number of households with a least one member under age 15 years and
among all households. For example, the percentage of one-person house- at least one member aged 60 years or over by the total number of house-
holds is calculated by dividing the number of households with only one holds.
member by the total number of households.
Col 13: Average number of children under 15 years is the average number
Col 7: Female headship refers to the percentage of households with a of members aged under 15 years per household among households with at
female head. It is calculated by dividing the number of female household least one child member. It is calculated by dividing the number of members
heads as identified in the household roster of the census or survey by the aged under 15 years by the number of households with at least one child
total number of household heads. member aged under 15 years.
Col 8: Older person headship refers to the percentage of households with a Col 14: Households with children under 15 and two parents present is
head aged 60 years or over. It is calculated by dividing the number of heads the percentage of households with children under 15 years of age with two
aged 60 years or over identified in the household roster of the census or sur- parents present. It is calculated by dividing the number of households with
vey by the total number of household heads. children aged under 15 years and with two parents present by the total num-
ber of households with children aged under 15 years.
Col 9: Female head who is a lone parent with children under 15 years of
age is the percentage of female heads who do not have a co-resident spouse Col 15: Households with children under 15 and one parent present
or partner and who have at least one child aged under 15 years residing in (mother) is the percentage of households with children aged under 15 years
the household. Biological, step, adopted and foster children reported in the in which the mother is present without a co-resident father. It is calculated
household roster of the census or survey are included. It is calculated by di- by dividing the number of households with children under 15 years and with
viding the number of female heads with no co-resident spouse or partner one parent present (mother) by the total number of households with chil-
and with at least one child under 15 years by the number of female heads. dren under 15 years.
Col 10: Households with children under 15 years is the percentage of Col 16: Households with children under 15 and one parent present (fa-
households with at least one member aged under 15 years. It is calculated ther) is the percentage of households with children aged under 15 years in
by dividing the number of households with at least one member under age which the father is present without a co-resident mother. It is calculated by
15 years by the total number of households. dividing the number of households with children under 15 years and with
one parent present (father) by the total number of households with children
Col 11: Households with members aged 60 years or over is the percent- under 15 years.
age of households with at least one member aged 60 years or over. It is cal
Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017 31
Estimates presented in this booklet are extracted from the Household Size and Composition Database 2017 ( maintained
by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. The database comprises estimates of household
size and composition obtained through analysis of microdata from the following data sources: Demographic and Health Surveys (dhsprogram.
com), European Union Labour Force Surveys ( and microdata
samples maintained by Minnesota Population Center, Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, International: Version 6.4 [dataset]. Minneapolis,
MN: University of Minnesota, 2015. Selected estimates of the average household size and headship rates were
obtained through secondary sources, including the Demographic Yearbook of the United Nations (
products/dyb/dyb_Household/dyb_household.htm) and published reports of censuses.
The designations employed in this publication and the material presented in it do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part
of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the
delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The term “country” as used in the text of this report also refers, as appropriate, to territories or areas.
The Population Division is grateful for the collaboration on the processing of microdata for the Household Size and Composition Database 2017
with the Center for Demographic Studies of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, whose team included Albert Esteve, Antonio López-Gay, Marc
Ajenjo, Anna Turu, Joan Garcia, Antonio José Medina, Rocío Treviño and Pinar Koksel.